The Gang of Five
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One Generation Earlier

brekclub85 · 177 · 25963


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Tylr, Violet and Trip glanced up.

"I haven't" Tylr said.

"Yeah, I wonder if maybe we should say hi" Violet suggested.


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"Couldn't have said it better!" Pterano jumped into the air and headed toward. "Hey there!" He called, hoping to sound friendly to the stranger. He flew slightly faster. "Hello!"


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Tylr thought about following after Pterano, but found he was a bit shy. Violet and Trip followed the other flyer, though.

Ada started back a bit as these other flyers flew up to her and one of them spoke.

"Um, H-hi" she said.

"Hi" Violet smiled, "I'm Violet and this is my brother Trip and one of our other friends" she indicated Pterano, "the others are down there" she pointed.

Ada just nodded, backing up a bit just in her own nervousness; the last few other flyer hatchlings she'd bumped into away from the Big Water hadn't gone so well, they made fun since she didn't eat green food but fish, so she wasn't so sure yet how this would go.


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Pterano flew closer. "So, where did you come from?" He made a friendly smile. "I've never seen a green flier before...or a flier with eye color." He tried to make it sound amicable. "It's quite nice...and new." Though he was quite proud, he knew that the best way to make a good impression of himself to a nervous stranger was to be as friendly as possible. He really was quite impressed with the different set of colors. Even her frame was slightly different from his-a bit more slender-but he did not know if she would be embarrassed by a complement on that. However, he was most charmed by her green eyes.

OOC: Since Ada is my character, being borrowed by Kit, I'm adding some of her details.

The Great Valley Guardian

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(OOC: I couldn't think of a 'proper' name for Ducky's mother at this age, so I'm going to have her go by a nickname her siblings call her)

Tera stayed with Tylr so he wouldn't be alone.
"Don't worry Tylr, it's okay to be a bit shy, but she is a fellow flyer." she said hoping to relieve some of her brothers fears.

Splasher slid to a stop at the base of the cliff face and called up to where she thought the voices were coming from. "Hello? Is anyone up there?"


Dein turned to Icky and smiled.
"well go hunting of course...if the grown-ups would let us that is."

Terri giggled. "You boys and your hunting...I'll never understand how that and sleeping is all you think about."


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"Mom and dad said it's ok Dein," Redclaw told his brother, "So let's go catch some prey!"

"Could you guys handle the actual catching?" Ichy asked, being rather puny.


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Ada was taken even more by surprise as this other flyer complimented her. "Oh, uh thankyou" she said, "I...uh..." now came the hard part, "Well I'm from around the...sea, or Big Water".

"Wow" Violet said, "I've never heard of flyers living around there".

"Yeah, what's it like?" Trip asked, "Do you get to see what that weird water greens stuff tastes like?".

"Um, no" Ada said, and that was all she said on the subject.


"Y-Yeah, I know" Tylr said, "I just...I don't know why, but I get afraid other won't like me for some reason".

Hearing a voice call out, he peered over the side and saw Splasher. He'd already gotten over his nervousness with her in the big group they traveled her in.

"Oh hey Splasher" he called.


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Pterano cleared his throat and tried to think of a question that wouldn't make her uncomfortable. "So, uh...why did your flock leave and come here?"

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Tera stepped forward at the mention of Splasher. "Hi Splasher. How are you?" she asked genuinely.

Splasher giggled and replied, "Well, I thought I heard voices so I came to see who it was. Where are your brothers?" As she could see it that Pterano and Cree weren't with them.


Dein smiled.
"Cool. So what should we hunt then?" he asked, then turned to Icky and offered an idea. "You could be our scout, and see if there is any coming danger. Is that okay with you?"

Terri sighed.
"You boys are gonna need some help. I guess I'm coming too." she said with a bored tone in her voice.

"Hey, I say the more we have the less chance of someone messing up." said Dil as she stepped into view. She then looked at Icky and grinned. "How ya doing short stuff?" as she was known to call him.


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"Oh great," Icky sighed, smacking his forehead as Dil came into view.

"There's 5 of us, how about we get 1 of each of the five food groups?" Redclaw suggested.

Of course, to a sharptooth, the five food groups were:



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(OOC: I'll work on names for them in the next post!)

A young longneck couple entered the valley. Each one of them had grayish-blue skin, and a pale belly. The male, noticeably larger, had a pale white belly, while the female had a pale yellow belly.

"So dear, I think we have arrived." The male said to his mate.

"Yes, this place is fertile and green... and has more water than I have seen before in my life... a good place to start a family..." she replied.


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(OOC: Oh, did I officially mention Cree in my character list? If not...can I just do that now :D Ptyra, Cree's the only other sibling of the brood I imagined, he would be the oldest or closest to it we could get and a typical bully use to being in charge, which I would imagine doesn't go well with Pterano's leadership ambitions)

(Also if I'm missing stuff I should of if Ada has a history of anything happening to her parents, just let me know and I'll fix :))

"Well, where I was living, the waters started to go down a bit and this made the fish move on, so we lost our main food source so of course...". Ada didn't even realize she spilled what she'd been trying to hide...until Trip inadvertently pointed it out.

"Fish? You guys eat fish?! Woah, that's kinda unheard of?" the curious young flyer just meant it as interesting, not a bad thing, all the same Ada frowned a bit and Violet sent Trip that scolding look parents and sometimes sister just have.

"I mean, interesting, you know, not a bad...".

"Go" Violet tried to help out their new friend, but realized she didn't know her name.

"Oh, sorry, m-my names Ada" Ada said. Somehow, perhaps due to Trip's slip up, she felt the most comfortable talking to Pterano, and turned to him once more.

"So...when that happened we headed towards this Valley we'd heard of and...well it does seem nice" she shrugged.


"Pterano's up there with the others talking to a new flyer we just met...or I will when I get over being nervous, and I couldn't care less where Cree is, maybe he'll stay there!" Tylr crossed his wings over his brother who was always teasing him and the others, yet then felt bad about saying that infront of Tera.

Even if she would understand why he said it, Tylr just wanted to put his best wing forward with her all the time, as it were.

"I...I mean, I shouldn't have said that" he admitted.


Cree meanwhile, was very much so up and had been before any of his other siblings, and so headed off to have fun with some of the others of the Valley. Right now the young yellow flyer was daring a group of infant spiketails to try sliding down a very steep log, just to laugh when they tripped probably.


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(Kit, I'll PM some info)
"That's too bad." Pterano said. "We had to leave for similar reasons. Everything got dried up." He nodded. "Do you have any ideas about why the water went down?"


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"Not really" Ada admitted, "though the green food about was doing a similar thing, and I guess that could have affected the food around the fishes too, I don't know; but my dad just said it was time to move on and since he's leader and knows that kinda stuff we just did".

"Well you found the best place ever, so we think" Trip said, trying to fix his bad impression of before, "The Great Valley, I think it deserves it's name".

Ada smiled, "Yeah it seems nice, and so do you all, thanks; some of the other young flyers I've bumped into on our trip haven't been so nice".


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Pterano cringed. "My brother Cree definitely won't be nice." He said. "I'd keep quiet about the fish thing around him if I were you." He nodded seriously. "Otherwise he'll make life miserable." Pterano cleared his throat. "But if you need someone to come to, I'm available." He clapped his beak shut. Oops He didn't want to let that out.

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Dein looked at Dil and asked, "How do you keep finding us?"

Dil chuckled and replied, "I follow Icky...he's so easy to track with those fuzzy things all over his body."

Terri then groaned as she asked, "Are we hunting or not?!"

Dein grinned nervously as he turned to Terri with a smile. "Sure let's just get going."


As hard as it was to believe Tera actually sided with Tylr on Cree. She placed a wing around her brother and said, "I know Cree can be...pushy...sometimes especially when he's teasing someone, but he is still our brother, and we should try to get along."

Splasher nodded as she spoke up.
"Tera is right. Family is very important, and no matter how bad one sibling may act...they should still be given some kind of respect...I think." she said with a bit of uncertainty in her voice.


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"Yeah, that's true, we kinda noticed it on the way over" Trip agreed with what Pterano said about his oldest brother.

Violet and Trip did glance over at Pterano in a bit of surprise as he said this.

"Well come on, Ada, meet the others and then we can show you around" Violet thought getting some girl talk up would distract from what Pterano had said.

"Um, ok, sure; and thanks" Ada did turn a grateful smile Pterano's way before Violet lead her off.

Trip thought about but then didn't comment on what just happened. Just smiled and followed where Violet and Ada had gone.

"Yeah, she's right" Tylr answered the uncertainty in Splasher's voice, "If we try being nice to Cree then he can only be so mean, I fig're" he shrugged.

"Hey guys, oh hi Splasher" Violet gave the young swimmer a greeting, "this is Ada" she introduced the new flyer.

Ada waved, "Um, hi".

Tylr had to swallow first, but then did just smile and greet the newcomer, "Hi".


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Pterano landed beside Ada. "This is my brother Tyrl and our friend Splasher." He extended his wings toward them. "You like them." He grinned. He was still slightly embarrassed by what he had said earlier.


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"Ok then," Ichy nodded, taking to the skies.

"Let's teach flatteeth who's the bosses around here!"


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"Well it's nice to meet you all" Ada smiled.

Tylr smiled, getting more at ease, "Nice to meet you too" he said, "You guys wanna come up with something to play now?" he asked glancing at his siblings and friends.


Meanwhile one of the little spiketails Cree was teaching bounced down the log, hit the ground and then started crying.

"Aw come on" Cree said, "Ya gotta learn to move past it, come on let's try the slide again" he flapped over nearer the little infant, who immediately began to run away in the other direction.

"Hey, get back here!" Cree flapped after the little spiketail.