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A Bold Journey

Adder · 1 · 1056


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I've decided to drop writing my fanfiction Pass of the Torch to work on this Animals of Farthing Wood fanfiction that I've had in my mind for quiet a while called 'A Bold Journey' which I used as a name for a chapter in my second fanfiction, Elder's Lead.

It will mainly focus on Bold, who is revealed to be alive, and leaves White Deer Park to live the life he wanted to in season 2, with only Crow.

I'm not going give to miuch insight to the story as I may give major spoilers out. :bounce: But I'm not going to plan to write x number of chapters, I'm just going to write until the story seems complete, even if it hits thirty-seven plus chapters by the time I'm done, possibly more. It starts at the end of Episode 26: Reconcilation, and ends where Episode 39: Bully, Bully, Bully ends.

It will also feature characters such as Friendly, Charmer, Fox, Vixen, Ranger and Bully recurringly throughout the chapters. Bully doesn't appear until the later chapters of the story, about the last five chapters.

It will feature my fan characters Swift, who is a very distant cousin of Whisper that she never knew and Blaze, the nephew of Scarface, who one of Scarface's sons is named after.

It is not in the same timeline of my other fanfictions Adder's Story, Elder's Lead, Elder's Charge or Pass of the Torch. Its a second version of how I want season 3 of Animals of Farthing Wood to focus on. I hope that it gets lots of comments, I've already completed the first two chapters, but I'm only posting the first now to see if it gets any attention.

It won't be written from any characters point of view, it will be written like this:

Bold sighs, "I know Crow. Come on."

Not like this:

I sigh, "I know Crow. Come on."

Anyway, I'm going to use up all 60,000 characters describing the story :p , so here's the first chapter.


Quote from: Adder,December 13 on  2010
Chapter 1: The Lie and a Journey Begins

Friendly walks through the same opening that his family went through, and he looks over to several overlapping bushes over different shades of green, and he sees his brother Bold laying between several of them dead, he slowly makes his way over the body of his brother, Friendly doesn't say anything at all, his eyes well up with tears, and he thinks, Bold, you suffered more than any of those in the park, even those that Scarface killed, even Dreamer. I hope you find peace where ever you are now. Goodbye little brother. I'll miss you. He turns away, still crying, and, unknown to him, a crow is watching him from the trees as he walks away. When Friendly is out of site, the crow squawks an ear splitting caw, "Kawwwwwwwww! He's gone! You can get up now!"

The dead fox suddenly gets up, groaning with pain, and he stretches his back legs, trying to regain his strength after faking his death, and he groans when the pitch black bird flies to do him rather quickly, " leg still hurts from all that walking...let's get out of here before anyone sees us Crow. Come on!" Bold has regained some of his strength, but still feels pain from walking all those miles, and he begins running when his old friend Crow begins flying at a a pace Bold can keep up with, and the two head towards the sunset, going to start a new life hopefully without worry in the next morning, a life outside of White Deer Park, like Bold always wanted before he met Whisper.

Bold looks up an old, pale brown tree at Crow, and he asks, "Do you think that Whisper's cubs will be alright, I mean without a father to help raise them, and keep them safe from other blue foxes like Lady Blue or Faschia? It was my father than kept me alive, he trained me as a cub to pay attention, and that was why my sister Dreamer was killed, because she neglected to pay attention." Bold looks to the ground, feeling guilty about what happened to Dreamer, and about to leave his family when he is alive, then Crow squawks loudly at him, "Kawwww! They should be alright, I wouldn't worry about Whisper or her cubs, they'll be alright." Crow smiles down at Bold, he looks back up, and sighs, "I guess, but we are going to have to go pretty far away from here, maybe we can spend the night with Shadow, then find our own earth to sleep in after that. But remember this Crow, its pheasant hunting season, and I'd suggest flying low during the day, just to be safe. I found out the hard way once, running during the day."

Crow squawks again, and flies down to head level next to Bold, "Kawww! Well, if we're going to Shadow's earth, then we should leave before it gets dark. How far is it?" Bold looks at him with a puzzled look, and says, "Hmm...we should it by night, if she remembers me, then she'll let both of us into her earth, I'll have to talk her into it though, she can be a stubborn badger sometimes." Crow squawks again, and the two take off slowly across the field, being cautious for hunters, and gunshots, Bold says, while walking fast, "As late as it is, the hunters should be in their cabin now, we shouldn't have to worry about hunters, but let's never let our guard down when we're out in the open like this, alright Crow?"

Crow spots an earth in the side of a hill, and he squawks, "Kawww! Bold! Is that Shadow's earth?" Bold looks up to Crow, then looks to the hill, and he smiles with relief, "Yes, that's her earth, come with me, and we'll see if she's in there." Bold takes off running, causing Crow to squawk with surprise at fast Bold is running, "Shadow! Are you there? Its me, Bold!" Shadow peeks out of her earth, and she smiles when she sees a fox running at her earth, "Bold! Your alive! A pheasant told me you got shot by hunters, how did you manage to live for a year?" Bold stops running, and he smiles at the female badger, "Crow here found food for me until I could walk again, then I met a vixen, Whisper, and we hunted together, but I left her at the park after she thought I died. She's probably had the cubs now, she said they were going to be born soon when we got to the park border."

Shadow gasps, shocked at Bold, who she has know for along time, "You mean you got a vixen pregnant, then you left her to raise your cubs by yourself? Why would you do something like that, Whisper probably loved you dearly, and she would be heart broken if she ever found out your alive." Bold sighs, and droops his ears with guilt, "Shadow...she only loved me because of who my father was: The Farthing Wood Fox. She wanted our cubs to have my father's blood, I doubt that she honestly loved me." Shadow feels guilty, and she apologizes, "Oh Bold-I didn't know! I'm sorr-" Bold cuts her off with a yawn, and he responds, "Don't worry about it Shadow, I'm not angry or offended. I just came her to ask you if Crow and I could spent the night here."

Shadow's ears perk back up with joy, "Of course you can Bold! I'd never let a a friend of mine have to sleep out in the cold, with the chance of getting shot by hunters. Come on in, both of you!" She walks back into the earth, then Bold and Crow follow, walking tiredly. In the earth, which Bold thinks is larger than it was when he was in it a year ago, curls up, putting his tail over his snout, "Thank you Shadow. If there's anything I can do-" Shadow cuts him off, "You don't have to do anything for me, I'm just glad to help anyone that doesn't have a place to live out." Bold doesn't respond, and she notices that both of them have fallen asleep, so she decides to do the same.

The next morning, Bold wakes up, and he hears Shadow say to him, "Bold. There's something I've been wanting to tell you: I'm wanting to find a mate, and I may be leaving soon." Bold quickly gets up, "To where?" He asks nervously, hoping she doesn't say White Deer Park. She responds, "White Deer Park. I heard there is tons of male badgers there, I'm the only badger that lives in this area still, all the others left for White Deer Park years ago." Bold smiles at her, trying not to cringe at the mention of the park, "How many more days are you going to be staying here?"

"Two," she sighs. "Two days. I'm going to leave them, I'm just going to eat alot over those two days to build up my energy, I remember you telling me once that it was a long journey, that drains the energy out of you. I think you should leave now Bold, there's a copse about a days walk away from here, its hunter free, and if the two of you want to get there before night fall, you had better leave now. There's tons of animals that you can eat there, such as rabbits, hares, large rats, and voles." Bold smiles, "Thank you Shadow. I hope that the hunters don't know about it, it sounds like the perfect place for me to go, to leave in peace."

He walks out of the entrance of her earth, with Crow following, who begins flying when they get outside, and Crow says, "I can see the copse Shadow mentioned! It doesn't look too far if we walk all day, we ate alot before we fell asleep last night, we should have the energy to get there. Maybe we'll find a mate for you that will love you not for your father." Bold looks up at him, "A mate? I hope there is a vixen there, but I'm not going to tell her who my father is, I'll just tell her that he is a common red fox if she does ask." Bold and Crow continue across the field, expecting a long trek ahead of them.

This is also posted on DeviantArt ( ) for those who want to comment on it there. My head is full of ideas, so I wouldn't be surprised if I write three or four chapters today.