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"I never even knew I had a dad"

Zimba · 13 · 2075


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When Littlefoot said those words in the 10th movie I was surprised. I would of assumed Littlefoot would of least gotten told stories about him.

What do people think the reason Littlefoot was never told is?

Me? I think they thought he was gone for good and they did not want to upset Littlefoot by telling him his father might not come back ever.

Or they just plain did not want him to get his hopes up.

I mean what other reason could there be?


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That would actually be the most logical explanation out there. I'm not sure if Littlefoot knows how the circle of life works, that you need both a male and a female to create a child. If he had known that, I'm pretty sure he would have asked about the whereabouts of his father. If he didn't know that, and he saw all his friends with mostly single parents, he may not have thought of a father at all.

If he never asked, I assume they just let it rest for his own well-being. What would Littlefoot have done if he lost his family, but knew that there may have been a father out there looking for him? He may have started looking for his father instead of the Great Valley, out of pure curiosity. His father would after all be more exciting to see than his grandparents.

If he never knew that fathers were required to get a child, and they never told him either, then I guess he would have been very surprised! :P:

PS: I know technology these days makes it possible that you don't need two to get a child, but we're talking prehistory here ;)


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Well Littlefoot,when a mummy dinosaur and a daddy dinosaur love each other  very much.... :lol

Ok on a more serious note,
I think you already guessed it Zimmy if Littlefoot knew he had a father out there,there would of been a 99.9% chance he would of risked his life to go and find him. I reckon they did not tell him to keep him safe. I doubt Littlefoot has gotten 'the talk' yet so he would not know as Mumbling said that a male was needed unlike the real world today...

Though poor Littlefoot seemed so shocked and sad when he finally found out. They should of bought Bron in in the 2nd movie,would of made an awesome follow up movie but oh wells.

Littlefoot Fan 93

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Quote from: Nahla,Mar 23 2013 on  03:51 AM
I think you already guessed it Zimmy if Littlefoot knew he had a father out there,there would of been a 99.9% chance he would of risked his life to go and find him.
Knowing Littlefoot, for his grandparent's to deicide that they wouldn't tell Littlefoot about his father is to me a perfectly acceptable choice for them. I just want to ask this question that has always been on my mind ever since I've seen X; why couldn't Littlefoot's father simply take his herd to the Great Valley? I mean I can't see any real reason why he would avoid the valley altogether?


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The main reason I'm afraid is just lack of concern on the part of the producers. Who threw a father for Littlefoot into the 10th movie with the hope that this "big newsflash" would get more people to buy the movie. It is sad that in the process they just left open too many plotholes in my opinion.
As for Littlefoot knowing about the birds and bees, there are several other scenes which suggest that he is clueless about this. One is the scene in the second movie in which he "terrifies" his grandparents when asking him them about babies, the other is his question to Cera whether Tria would be her mother now.
It is quite obvious why they wouldn't thematize this further in a movie made for kids, but it is not exactly realistic for the gang members being able to remain so utterly clueless as they apparently are ;)


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It's possible Littlefoot's mother didn't want Littlefoot to know about her husband because she might've thought he was dead or intentionally left her. Conversely, Littlefoot's grandparents probably said that Littlefoot's husband "perished" rather than "he was never found". Or, "You're mother never really knew him. He was there one moment and gone the next." Besides, I think Littlefoot was quite content with his grandparents :). I know several people who have pretty old just parents.


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Quote from: Littlefoot Fan 93,Mar 23 2013 on  04:29 AM
Knowing Littlefoot, for his grandparent's to deicide that they wouldn't tell Littlefoot about his father is to me a perfectly acceptable choice for them. I just want to ask this question that has always been on my mind ever since I've seen X; why couldn't Littlefoot's father simply take his herd to the Great Valley? I mean I can't see any real reason why he would avoid the valley altogether?
In the 1st movie Littlefoots Mother said: " Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart!"
I'm interpreting this sentence as follows: By saying this she meant that she doesn't know, whether the Great Valley even exists. Since their home was dieing so they hadn't enough food anymore they just tried to wander somewhere in hope to find a better place to live.
So Bron didn't believe that the Great Valley really exists.
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^ One would have thought though that the two talked about this before and that if there was a slim chance for Bron to find his son there he would bother to take a look. To Ducky Littlefoot also said something along the lines of "my mother said all herds are going there" which makes Brons conspicuous absence even more difficult to justify. I have a really hard time making any sense of the story he is telling.


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On the subject Bron says "Maybe I'll drive my WHOLE herd over for a visit".

Yet he always comes alone (well expect Shorty) so what does he do? abandon them while he goes to paradise?

True he might have a second in commend to take over while he is away,but odd he just takes off and leaves them.


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abandon them while he goes to paradise?
Or to the crater in LBT 10 for that matter.
True he might have a second in commend to take over while he is away,but odd he just takes off and leaves them.
If he does however he is not as indispensable as he is made out to be in the 10th movie; in which case again he would be able to got to the Great Valley without much ado about it.
Same as with his son it is a bit uncertain which leadership qualities he shows. Judging from the flashback it is more like others just starting to walk into his tracks for unknown reasons. He doesn't invite anyone to follow him and he even just walks of from Shorty and the kids without bothering to ask if they need any help (not to mention actually offering any).


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The Gang are oblivious about the nature of procreation. With the possible exception of Ducky.

If anybody should know about the birds and bees, it would be Ducky. Her parents had a second clutch of eggs in 2. But either her parents took extra care to hide the true nature of procreation, or Ducky is too embarrased to say anything about it to anyone else, since she never says or hints at anything having to do with the topic.


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The same could be said about Cera though with Tricia hatching in LBT 12. Nonetheless it appears that the ignorance of the characters in these matters is something to just accept as a fact of the LBT setting. Of course it is nothing that was ever going to be thematized in a series made for kids.


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