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Worst Ways to Die in Movies


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The topic is a very simple one.  You simply name the worst way someone can die in a movie that you have seen.  There are some pretty horrible deaths that have protrayed in many movies, and I want you to name the worst way you've seen someone die.  Doesn't matter what, just had to have really happened in the movie.

I'll start.

One of the worst ways I've seen someone die right off the top of my head is Ursula from Disney's The Little Mermaid.  It comes down to the final battle and she is creating the most terrible storm ever with the triton she had gained from the king.  While doing this, she doesn't realize that she makes a suken ship start to float again.  Eric baords the ship and controls it to make the splintered front of the ship impale her right in the chest, piercing the heart.  Ugh!  What a terrible way to go.

Well, your turn, everyone. :)


  • Petrie
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The way General Woundwort died in Watership Down.

"COME BACK AND FIGHT!!!!!!! DOGS AREN'T DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,"


  • Spike
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The way Eddie Carr died in The Lost World; Jurassic Park.


  • Petrie
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this one is straing. but is horrid if you think of it.

Gigan from Godzilla Final Wars died. twice! first time he got killed was when Godzilla blew off his head with a blast from him heat Ray. the second (if you ask me is kinda gay) He fights Mothra and shoots two auto targeting circlar saws at her and they comeback and cut his head off. then Mothra does a suicide kill by blowing herself up with Gigan. in both cases Gigan looses his head. its a horrible way to die to me.


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I don't remember the movie's name.  I just saw it on tv once.  An African American dude who was wearing a snow jacket was walking through a rich hotel and some weirdo with a chain saw came out from behind a banister and cut the guys head right off.  Guts went everywhere and stained a nearby expensive painting.


  • Ducky
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That reminds me The Lion King, when Mufasa dies. Scar made think Simba he made the stampede, killing his father, but as most of you know, it was Scar's plan to kill Mufasa and Simba. *flashback* The hyenas were waiting for Scar's signal, to make Simba make a big roar, then the hyenas attacked the wildebeest herd, making a stampede. Scar went to Mufasa & Zazu, telling them that Simba was in the midst of the stampede. Then Mufasa & Zazu went to rescue Simba, who was hanging on an old withered tree. The rescue was succesful, Simba was saved, yet, Mufasa wasn't. Later, out of the stampede, Mufasa leaps out, hanging on the cliff. Scar was waiting on top, Mufasa asken his brother for help, then Scar clawed Mufasa's front paws and threw him down, to the stapede again. :o Then it's the sad scene everyone knows. :cry2 *end flashback*

My point is, this, to me, is an awful way to die. Poor Simba... :(

Manny Cav

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Getting yourself chopped in half by a Jedi knight.

Getting choked with the dark side of the force by Darth Vader.

Getting thrown into a Sarlacc pit. :x

Getting thrown down a really long shaft.

Getting thrown out into the vacuum of space....


  • Ducky
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I can name many awful ways to die that I've seen at least once in a movie:

-shot in the head
-having your head blown to pieces with a shotgun
-being sucked into your bed and then having all your blood shoot out all over the walls (Nightmare on Elm Street)
-impaled in the head
-having your throat cut
-wearing a collar with 8 gauge shotgun shells pointed right at your head and ready to go off at any second (Saw III)
-Pickaxed in the head (The Hills Have Eyes 2006 remake)
-Axe to the forehead(Friday the 13th)
-being shot and pinned against a door by arrows(Friday the 13th)
-Nailgun to the head(Final Destination 3)
-Your best friend standing in the corner being the last thing you see before being attacked from behind(Blair Witch Project)
-Burned alive
-Skinned alive
-Burried alive
-blown to a million pieces
-crushed under a hydrolic press

I can go on and on...


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I just remembered another movie I saw which I feel truely had THE worst way to die.

The movie is "The Passion of the Christ".  To be fully honest, I actually wished I never watched this movie.  All that blood was far too much for me.  I still have occasional nightmares of it to this day.

Anyways, I'm sure a number of us know that Christ was crucified.  Yet, it was HOW the movie did it all that made it stand out from all of the other movies that protray the very same scene.  The creators were truely graphic with it.  You truely couldn't watch this movie and the whole plot without seeing the sight of an extreme amount of blood.

They truely showed someone who was suffering through the whole ordeal.  Every second you saw him, you can't help but feel the pain he's in.  First they break his back.  Then they nearly whip him to death with spike like whips. (They even protray a scene where the whip gets stuck in the skin and they force it out.) Next, he has a crown of throns placed on his head until blood oozes out.  He gets rocks thrown at him.  They have him carry his own heavy cross when his body was already weakened probably to the point of fatiuge. <sp?> (They even protray this nicely with the fact of him falling, unable to hardly move, and an innocent bystander helps him the rest of the way.) They then nail him to the cross, dislocating one of his shoulders in the process.  Then, for a final treatment, he is put up there with two theives who were getting the same punishment, just not as severe as Christ was getting.  He then suffers until his death.  They then add in one last thing.  After his death, one of the soilders pierced his side with a spear to ensure he was dead.

This, in the end, is truely the worst way to die, not only in a movie, but also in the entire human history.

At least, this is my opinion.

Now, if you don't mind, I need some fresh air. -_-


  • Spike
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A creature breaks through your chest, killing you, then goes on to become a monster and kill your friends, too. (Alien)

Hand blown off, arm blown off, 50+ submachinegun wounds, final bullet to the skull. (Robocop)

Just about anything in the Saw series.

Manny Cav

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Quote from: pokeplayer984,Oct 4 2007 on  12:06 AM
I just remembered another movie I saw which I feel truely had THE worst way to die.

The movie is "The Passion of the Christ".  To be fully honest, I actually wished I never watched this movie.  All that blood was far too much for me.  I still have occasional nightmares of it to this day.

Anyways, I'm sure a number of us know that Christ was crucified.  Yet, it was HOW the movie did it all that made it stand out from all of the other movies that protray the very same scene.  The creators were truely graphic with it.  You truely couldn't watch this movie and the whole plot without seeing the sight of an extreme amount of blood.

They truely showed someone who was suffering through the whole ordeal.  Every second you saw him, you can't help but feel the pain he's in.  First they break his back.  Then they nearly whip him to death with spike like whips. (They even protray a scene where the whip gets stuck in the skin and they force it out.) Next, he has a crown of throns placed on his head until blood oozes out.  He gets rocks thrown at him.  They have him carry his own heavy cross when his body was already weakened probably to the point of fatiuge. <sp?> (They even protray this nicely with the fact of him falling, unable to hardly move, and an innocent bystander helps him the rest of the way.) They then nail him to the cross, dislocating one of his shoulders in the process.  Then, for a final treatment, he is put up there with two theives who were getting the same punishment, just not as severe as Christ was getting.  He then suffers until his death.  They then add in one last thing.  After his death, one of the soilders pierced his side with a spear to ensure he was dead.

This, in the end, is truely the worst way to die, not only in a movie, but also in the entire human history.

At least, this is my opinion.

Now, if you don't mind, I need some fresh air. -_-
This contest is pointless because nothing will compare to that. -_-


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Quote from: Manny Cav,Oct 4 2007 on  08:47 AM
This contest is pointless because nothing will compare to that. -_-
This isn't meant to be a contest of any kind.  Just a little something to discuss is all, nothing more. :^.^:


  • Spike
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1. Getting ripped in half by the waist and still alive to see yourself being torn apart (Day of the Dead)

2. Your attacker suddenly pulls a sharp object up in front of you and you fall right on it, impaling you through the chest and heart. (Brother Bear)

3. Chainsaw pulled up through you from between the legs up in a rather slow and agonizing fashion. (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)

4. Being sucked out of a space station through a VERY VERY small hole with sharp wires around it (Jason X)

5. Repeatedly hacked through the back while in bed with a machette and then having the attacker close the bed on you and breaking your legs and spine. (Freddy VS Jason)

6. You brave terrifying heights over burning fire, you survive climbing up an elevator shaft, you brave through a burning inferno and face your fears climbing through an air duct, all for the sake of seeing your sick relative. And what kills you in the end? A smack to the back of your head against a sharp object. (Poseidon [God that death sucked so bad after everything that girl went through.])

7. You get kicked off and plummet to your death onto sharp objects by a man who was suicidal a few minutes ago. And if impalement wasn't enough, a stuck elevator from above snaps and slams down on your impaled body. (Poseidon)

Manny Cav

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Quote from: pokeplayer984,Oct 4 2007 on  11:37 AM
Quote from: Manny Cav,Oct 4 2007 on  08:47 AM
This contest is pointless because nothing will compare to that. -_-
This isn't meant to be a contest of any kind.  Just a little something to discuss is all, nothing more. :^.^:
Ack. Couldn't think of the right way to say it. :D


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Quote from: Cyberlizard,Oct 2 2007 on  09:22 PM
SINNNNNNNNUUUOUSSSSSSSS *sobs* Hate that rat for strangling him!


  • Ducky
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well since we're studying "horror" movies... or, as I heard recently, and makes more sense "torture porn" Cube, Cube 2: Hypercube, and Cube Zero also have Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures (I think) stamps on them, and of course Hostel, just read their wikis for what happens to who, then hate yourself for reading them (I hate torture porn movies, but I'm apparently a masochist for reading)


  • Ducky
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Oh man.  Hostel.  I'm never seeing that movie after hearing about what's in it.  :x  My favorite torture porn movies would probably have to be Saw and The Hills Have Eyes.


  • Petrie
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being crushed then swollowed alive by a big-ass snake. (Anaconda)


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Quote from: Megatoph,Oct 5 2007 on  08:33 PM
being crushed then swollowed alive by a big-ass snake. (Anaconda)
LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS *glares at movie makers*. That movie is ALL LIES! I don't need to see it to say I hate it  :mad !

1. Snakes don't crush their prey, they suffocate
2. Did you know more people are killed by dogs, cats, pigs, horses, and lighting than snakes?
3. They don't travel in groups (a friend of mine saw it and told me that)
4. The largest anaconda was about 30 feet long...I don't believe in snakes growing over 40 feet
5. The prey is already dead when it is eaten
6. Large anacondas usually eat Capybaras, or small caimans; veeeeeeeeery rarely people because they don't often come were they are.

I hate animal horror movies, sometimes I wish they wern't allowed to be made (I'm defending the snakes, BTW  ;) ...I always stand up for snakes)

EDIT: Here are mine:
1. Being run over by a car! (Those poor hedgehogs!)
2. Getting shot by a hunter/farmer (poor pheasants and rabbits)
3. Getting strangled by a rat after telling your mate you love them in a fancy way and then they tell you not to be so embarrassing (If getting run over by a car wasn't so terrible, I would have placed this as first! *shoots Town Rat* I love Adder and Sinuous!
4. Getting bitten to death by a higer predator (One reason why I hate Scarface. Poor Mrs. Vole, Mrs. Rabbit, and Mrs. Hare!)
5. Being worn out after a long time of getting shot in the leg, having your eye scraped across by a trap saving a badger, and a whole mess of other things (I didn't watch Bold's story since it takes so stinking forever)
6. Getting bitten and tossed about by foxes, badgers, and snakes (eh...don't care much for the rats)
7. Old age (The best way to die *sigh*)
* Falling from great hights (serves Gaston right!)
*getting sucked into a plane engine (Gerrk! Poor Stratogale and Syndrome!)
* Stabbed through the stomache (Eh, Inigo got revenge for his father, so I don't care much  :rolleyes: )
* Having your head hacked off by a mouse of all things! (How humiliating! And I liked Asmodeus a bit...wasn't on his side, but I still liked the snaky)

Getting killed by a snake is NEVER EVER on my list. I love them too much to think poorly of them. Plus serves Scarface right  <_<


f-22 "raptor" ace

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Riding a rollarcoaster and having it fly apart when you're at the top or the ride. (Final Destination3)