The Gang of Five
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Petrie's blind defense of Pterano


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I just watched 7, and what really struck me was how Petrie blindly defended his uncle, as if he was an angel, he even refused to believe his uncle did any wrong until the valley as a whole told him that, it just seems kind of strange.


  • Petrie
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Most likely a combo of 'kin defense' and idol worship!!  :lol: Though I do recall that his blind defense annoyed me a bit.


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Pretty sure Petrie has never known his father. So any male family member that seems old enough to be one might be like a fatherfigure to him, no matter what Pterano has done wrong. He's definitely blind to what has happened, though.


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They were not exactly subtle about him being a villain to the movie audience. Keep in mind though there wasn't always a threatening background music for Petrie every time his uncle appeared and that he did not hear any of the talk between Pterano and his henchmen. Add the factors which Iris already brought up and the unawareness of what happened on the journey to the valley (which Cera apparently had known but oddly enough forgotten).
I notice though that among his fans the defending of him and his actions seems to be more vehement at times than Petrie's defense of Pterano in the movie was ;)


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Quote from: Malte279,Jul 26 2012 on  02:52 AM
They were not exactly subtle about him being a villain to the movie audience. Keep in mind though there wasn't always a threatening background music for Petrie every time his uncle appeared and that he did not hear any of the talk between Pterano and his henchmen. Add the factors which Iris already brought up and the unawareness of what happened on the journey to the valley (which Cera apparently had known but oddly enough forgotten).
I notice though that among his fans the defending of him and his actions seems to be more vehement at times than Petrie's defense of Pterano in the movie was ;)
Yeah, that's what bugged me, I mean, it was pretty obvious he was a villain, and anyone who has crazy followers is obviously not someone you should trust lightly, and yet Petrie acts as if he's a god, even denying his friend Ducky was kidnapped when she obviously was, *sigh*, sometimes I really don't understand him. :crazy


  • Spike
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Yeah, I really hated how Universal portrayed Petrie in the seventh film... They just made him so dumb and naive about his uncle, that I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.


  • Spike
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To be fair, Petrie is pretty naive. Not bashing him at all, he's great, but it is the truth! And eventually he did learn that Pterano wasn't quite as good as he thought he was, and besides, Pterano is an extremely manipulative and charismatic character. He was able to convince a small portion of the combined herds to follow his lead after all.

RainbowGirl 39

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He probraly idolizes him because he thinks hes brave


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And eventually he did learn that Pterano wasn't quite as good as he thought he was,

In the cave: Me not understand why Uncle Pterano's so MEAN!
And Ducky proceeds with: Do not feel bad, your uncle is not as bad as those other flyers.
So if there is anyone really to blame, it's Ducky for making the idea stick^^ and Petrie knew it. he wasn't dumb about it - he saw what his uncle was doing, and it most likley struck him to the core, but he tried to make it so it wasn't, trying to point out certain things that would make everyone - and himself - see Pterano as the good guy.

Pterano is an extremely manipulative and charismatic character. He was able to convince a small portion of the combined herds to follow his lead after all.

See above^^
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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I think above all, Petrie's defense of him is from his perspective of him: A noble hero could do no wrong.

It would be kind of like a parent thinking their child was a perfect little angel, and absolutely refuses to believe the teacher when they say that they stole from other kids, acted violently in class, and completely disregards everything he is asked to do. "Nooo, Timmy's a little darling! He would never do thaaaat!"...when in fact he does do all those things.

A big part of it is that Petrie loves him, beyond the fact that he acts like he has been a big hero, but because he's family. A lot of people would be in denial if they found out their relatives had a secret bad side...or just a side that was unexpected. When you love someone, you turn a blind eye to their dark sides or try to believe that they don't exist.

Critical thinking hoooooo!


  • Ruby
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It might be because Pterano was probably the closest thing Petrie had to a father. So it would come to understand that he would refuse to think his father figure as a villain.


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Quote from: Ptyra,Feb 7 2013 on  05:30 PM
I think above all, Petrie's defense of him is from his perspective of him: A noble hero could do no wrong.

It would be kind of like a parent thinking their child was a perfect little angel, and absolutely refuses to believe the teacher when they say that they stole from other kids, acted violently in class, and completely disregards everything he is asked to do. "Nooo, Timmy's a little darling! He would never do thaaaat!"...when in fact he does do all those things.

A big part of it is that Petrie loves him, beyond the fact that he acts like he has been a big hero, but because he's family. A lot of people would be in denial if they found out their relatives had a secret bad side...or just a side that was unexpected. When you love someone, you turn a blind eye to their dark sides or try to believe that they don't exist.

Critical thinking hoooooo!
Petrie's defense of Pterano pales in comparison  to Littlefoot's strange unceasing defense of Chomper in films II and V.  One might think, Chomper is nice.  Well, yeah, but consider this, Chomper is the very same species that killed Litltefoot's mother.  Chomper's parents tried to eat Littlefoot.

Littlefoot had no idea whatsoever what Chomper had been up to for the years in between films II and V.  For all we knew, he could have forgotten the gang and gone off eating leaf eaters.

In fact, the fact that he doesn't call off chasing them in V until they are cornered and the look he gives them seconds before recognizing them is very disturbing.  Strangely, none of the Gang of Five asked why he chased them (why not call out "Hey it's me!" if that chase was more of an innocent nature?)  in that canyon.  (Also, the cowering nature of them when chased by a Sharptooth shadow is quite pathetic.  If you're gonna die, don't make it so easy for your will-be-killer!  Goodness!  :slap  :slap  :slap  :slap  :slap  :slap  :slap  :slap  :slap  :slap  )  

Also, Cera's paranoia isn't totally off base.  Chomper did start to succumb to his nature and bit her in the tail in II.  Even Ducky and Petrie, normally very trusting characters, express doubts over Chomper both in II and V.  

But, even though Littlefoot actually sang about his mother hours before meeting Chomper the second time, he never seems to think "Gee, I'd better be careful around this Sharptooth or else I could go the same way as her."

He doesn't even feel odd that Chomper's very naive belief that his parents won't eat them (which, in fact, turns out to be so false that his parents, if one looks into it enough, would eat any friend of Chomper, even another Shartptooth or Tyrannosuarus, based on what they said.)  nearly got them caught by Chomper's hungry parents.   Also, as Chomper has said that he and his family have had little food, he never seems to think "Hmmmm, maybe he is leading us into a trap.  He and his parents would split us.  I don't know Chomper that well and only knew him for a day.  We've been apart for years.  Can I trust him?".  

Yes, Chomper turned out to be nice (unless he changes in some future film or in some future part of the TV Series), but, so, for that matter did Pterano as he saved Ducky (and, let's face it, she woulda needed saving anyway, as, if Pterano hadn't kidnapped her, Rinkus and Sierra most certainly would have themselves!!!!)  (Also, we don't know if Pterano is good or if he'll go back to being bad in the future either.)  

Also, let's face it from Pterano's perspective.  He's banished for life.  He won't ever be able to see Petrie unless Petrie leaves the Great Valley.  He may believe that this Stone of Cold Fire is his ticket to seeing his nephew again.  With it, he can overrule Grandpa Longneck and Topps and get back in and also use its power to be the herd leader he wasn't able to be before.  

Unlike Pterano, however, Rinkus and Sierra would no doubt use it to enslave the Great Valley and kill anyone who gets in their way.  Sierra's comment of "Once we take over, the first thing I'm gonna do is feed them overgrown eggs (i.e. the Gang of Five) to the Sharpteeth!" is stark proof of that.   Pterano tells off Sierra for this and appears to care for the kids, even Ducky.

Also, Pterano saves Ducky in the end.  After looking at the film and entries on it, I'd say Pterano is more anti-hero than villain and indeed the REAL villains are Rinkus and Sierra, the Evil Duo, whose fate, like Ozzy & Strut and Dil & Ichy, is unknown.  

As for whatever happened to Petrie's father, I think it quite likely he may have followed his brother in law.  It would explain why Mama Flyer is so mistrustful of him and wouldn't tell Petrie what had happened (and still hasn't fully).  On the other hand, Pterano is her brother still, and, I think the idea of her strangling him, as some suggest, if her mate was one of Pterano's lost followers,  is too much.

Littlefoot and Petrie aren't the only ones with strange trusting habits.   Ali believed all of Rhett's lies until shown with solid evidence right in front of her that they were just that, lies.


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Also, let's face it from Pterano's perspective. He's banished for life. He won't ever be able to see Petrie unless Petrie leaves the Great Valley.

LittlefootAndAliTogether was wrong on 2 levels:

1. Pterano is not banished for life, he's banished temporarily, for 5 cold times (5 years).

2. Pterano *will* be able to see Petrie again if Petrie somehow finds him in the mysterious beyond sometime *during* the 5 year banishment, or when Pterano returns to the Great Valley after his 5 year banishment has ended.


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I agree also with Mumbling's point - I'm sure Petrie probably subconsciously saw Pterano as a father figure, even though of course he referred to him as uncle and saw him as such. Petrie's also pretty young, so it makes sense that his admiration for Pterano would blind him to things that older people would see as obvious.
Actually, having re-watched the movie, I forgot about his line that went something like, "It not his fault others not know how to fly away!" Now that struck me as above-average blind! Was watching it with my brother and we almost gasped, lol - totally forgot he said that. XD
Take all these together: he hadn't seen his uncle in a long time, Pterano charmed Petrie and his siblings with stories of (supposed) adventure and bravery, as it's been pointed out Petrie probably saw Pterano as a father figure...All of this combined would easily lead a young flyer to think the best of Pterano, no matter how much evidence was put against him.

Even so, I really can't argue with the fact that Petrie held out in Pterano's defense for a long time.  :blink:
Guess he really didn't accept the reality of his uncle's actions until the end of the movie.


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Hated the song "Good Inside". I can't believe they just forgive him for kidnapping Ducky..
I agree though. That's probably one of the reason why Petrie is my least favorite of the gang of five. I also dislike Pterano, his little savior act at the end didn't make up for his selfishness.

Dr. Rex

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We've never seen Petrie's father before, so I've always thought Pterano was the closest he could get to a father figure. And I don't blame him for being so naive in the movie; like someone else said (too lazy to recheck the discussion), naivety is part of his personality.