The Gang of Five
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Character List (for the strict role plays)

Petrie. · 95 · 40615


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Aside from who plans to take the characters from the films, make sure you post info for any character you decide to add.


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  • Cera
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I can go for either Spike, Petrie, or Littlefoot, but I'll wait until everyone else has chosen.

As for my own, I already made a herd of spikethumb (iguanodon) characters, which I'm still trying to keep as minors for the stories.  Here's a list and short info on them:

Guan:  first child, only brother, Hyp's age
Goanna:  second child, oldest sister, two-thirds of Guan's size
Donna:  third child, youngest sister, Littlefoot's age and Cera's size
Uncle Odon:  uncle and teacher, Spikefoot's younger brother
Spikefoot:  father, Odon's older brother
Lightningtail:  Guan's friend, same size and age, but lighter in color
Thundertail:  Lightningtail's father, slightly larger than Spikefoot

Again, I'll try to keep them minor.


  • The Gang of Five
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I usually play as eiter Cera or Threehorn,

I do have charcaters of my own they a mix herd that use to live in a small valley but that was destoryed in a serious of quakes after about a few years after the Great Earthshake.

Thunderclaw: A spikethumb that is old and unusally bigger then other spikethumbs but has a wise side that he takes into count into talks and related the the Spikethumbs of Sky Blue Lake yet they don't know about him.
Trihorn: around Cera's age, an Threehorn and lives with his care father a Longneck since his own parents and family lost in the Great Earthshake.
Luckytail: the care father of Trihorn he has a young sister that around Hyp's age he takes care of Trihorn and his little sister seeing both as equals and he has a kind heart to others.
Malde: the young sister of Luckytail and part sister to Trihorn even he a threehorn she sees him as a young brother and protects him from insults of other threehorns that pass by or dinosaurs.
Freefall: A small flyer the like flying high and driving down to try go faster then other flyers a bit of a show off at times.
Daln: A odd swimmer out of the rest in his family he don't mind drinking from water but going in deep water or water he can't see the bottom he gets into a fearful stat and his mother is lost for ideas to help him out.

you got the parents of Freefall and Daln and others in the group but these are the main set of the herd that I use. :)


  • Cera
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Oh yeah, I also play Littlefoot's grandparents to add to the list.

F-14 Ace

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I have a few characters that I will assume the role of in my LBT RPG.  

Strafe  Species: Iguanodon  age: 25 (in dino years)   A younge iguanodon.  Friendly and easy going, she is the only survivor from her herd from the Great Earthshake.  Strafe is gentle and kind but she is brave and can be fearsome if threatened.  Otherwise, she seems shy and skittish.  

Snork:  species: swimmer  age: 29   Friendly, and smart for his species, Snork has survived fires, shaprtooth attacks, the Great Earthshake, and the journey to the Great Valley.  He met Strafe on the way and the two became inseparable friends.  Snork is loyal and often protective of Strafe.  I will use this character as my player.


  • Ducky
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I will play the role of Tell, an Autistic Rainbow Face.  He is the same age as Hyp and doesn't easily make friends.  He lost his parents in a raptor attack on the way to the Great Valley and is fending for himself.  He is an expert at certain things at the expense of his ability to socialy interact.  Tell is usually picked on by Hyp and his lackeys because he's a loner and seems to act stupid to them.  Littlefoot's grand parents have compassion for him and he likes to stay away from everybody else.  Usually he hangs out by the smoking mountain, due to his osession with volcanoes, or he stays hidden in the tall trees,  munching on some treestars.


  • Ducky
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LBT needs a "Villian":

Slashtooth: A powerful Sharptooth (Tyrannosaurus rex in particular) that is usully very hungry. He's smart (despite what the leaf-eaters say) and brave (despite what the leaf-eaters say). He is very nasty when it comes to those who want to  (or he thinks want to :lol ) kill him.

Also, if Ozzy and Strut (I think that's their names) are needed, I will gladly control them :DD .

Edit: I'll play Petrie.


  • The Circle
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Folks, I think we have way too many personal characters already, and with everybody's effort to put the own characters in as much as possible I don't think the result can be an LBT story in which the original characters are of any significant importance.
Maybe we should rather start out with a story (Threehorn made a suggestion for a basic plot which I think ought to be considered) and then see what characters are needed for the story. With the herds of own characters we are having already, there wouldn't remain much for the original characters to do. I admit that (unwilling to make myself more of the imposer of unpopular rules that I am already) I have been close to just back out of the whole strict RPG business not believing that one with the setting of the original movies (where there are never more than two or three really elaborate new characters apart from the originals). Shouldn't we rather let the plot decide what characters can contribute something that the original characters cannot, respectively which characters really make something for the plot? Shouldn't we care to get the original characters distributed before herds of own characters are flocking together?


  • Cera
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Here's a list of the main characters and their players so far:


And other characters that are common in LBT:

Grandpa Longneck
Grandma Longneck
Ducky & Spike's mother
Petrie's mother

Let's just fill these lists first before adding any of our own characters.


  • The Circle
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I'll let others have their first choices for the maincharacters and take who will be left. I have been thinking about the basic plot idea Threehorn suggested and for the introduction of the story I think I have a job for Petrie's mother to do. So unless somebody else wants to do her part I will play her part.


  • The Gang of Five
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I'll take THreehorn I guess... but in LBT stories almost all time time I've played as Cera.

So it controdicting what charcaters I can pick since I got use to the style of Cera personilty.

So'd I am limited to what charcaters I can play as. the others kind of not fitting that type of style part for Mr Threehorn or Topys which ever name fits..


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I can certainly trade off my role as Cera.  

Put me down as Littlefoot then, folks.  Threehorn may play as Cera.


  • The Gang of Five
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Sorry if I was being a pain there just that I'm use to using charcaters been playing as for a whie now.


  • Cera
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By now that makes:


Grandpa Longneck
Grandma Longneck
Ducky and Spike's mother
Petrie's mother-Malte

You guys don't mind if I play Spike, do you?

F-14 Ace

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Are you all going to start a new LBT rpg soon"  If so, I would like to join in.  However, I was wondering if I could still use a couple of personal characters I created.  I'm sure nobody else will want to control them and because the characters are friends, because I am writing a story and created their personalaties, and because I want to use both of them (I am aware of how to use up to five characters.  I've done it in my Star Wars RPG) I was wondering if I could use them.  I just don't see any of the origional characters that I would like to use that aren't already taken.  So, if you all are preparing to begine a new LBT rpg, please let me know when and if I can use a couple of personal characters.

F-14 Ace

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I may start a LBT RPG soon.  Everyone is invited to join in of corse.  As a matter of fact, I would like for several people to join in because so far, I have only played RPGs with only two other members.


  • The Circle
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Not more than that in the strictly LBT RPG either so far. Doesn't anyone want to take Littlefoot whom Petrie (Raptor) is looking for?


  • Cera
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Isn't action9000 playing Littlefoot?  Anyway, I finally made a pic in chars:


Grandpa Longneck
Grandma Longneck
Ducky and Spike's mother
Petrie's mother-Malte