The Gang of Five
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Plug in! Dinosaurs EXE! Transmission!

Keni · 92 · 29220


  • Ducky
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"Oh!  I'm fine." says Tanner, getting up on his feet.


  • Spike
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Kaden looks at the machine, turned off as he did, some battle chips scattered here and there, but no permanent damage...

"Nothing serious, is there?" Kaden asks to no one in particular.

"Not that I can see here on the mainframe." Rex reports. "Heheh! What a netbattle, eh guys?" He turns to Grayscale and Tanner.


  • Ducky
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"For us it kind of sucked." says the real Tanner angrily, "Oooo, I wish I could meet him in real life and beat his ass down."


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It has been three hours or so since Kaden, Kiraa and Tanner stopped the Battle Chip Corruption crime and defeated the NetNavi, Drone, and his Net Op Netra. The Battle Chip Manufacturing Device was swamped by technicans and scientists to repair the damage and make sure the Battle Chips were free of viruses.

Tanner and Kiraa were congratulated for stopping the criminal's plan, but they couldn't have caught or even find Netra and his NetNavi. Kaden wasn't off so easy though, not only was he in trouble for infiltrating to the room with the machine but he was also brought in for questioning, apparently it wasn't enough with Rex holding datas of certificates and authenticities to assure he's in good hands with Kaden.

Kaden was questioned about what happened in the room while they confiscated his PET for analisis and personal questionings with his NetNavi. Although Tanner and Kiraa boutched for him about him having nothing to do with the crime, he was still held in for questioning. It took a good hour and a half for Kaden to be released and given his PET back...But by the time he got out it was already night, and he had to go home...He wondered where and what Kiraa and Tanner were doing...


"Man...Talk about hostile..." Kaden muttered as he wandered around the Garden City streets, still moaning about his experience last night. "First I help in stopping that criminal and next thing I know I'm being questioned and being pointed at..." He stops and takes out his PET, "And look at what they've done to you."

Rex scratches his neck, where he's currently wearing what seems to be a collar. "You're telling me, this thing is so uncomfortable, I can't even nod properly."

Kaden sighs, "Why did they installed that collar program on you again?"

"To keep track of what I'm doing, monitoring me in other words."

Kaden sighs again, "Great...No more privacy for us apparently..."

"It's not that bad."

"But they know about you, Rex! My dad gave you to me! Why didn't they trusted you?"

Rex shrugs, "Security measures?" Suddenly the PET beeps, Rex immediatly knowing what it is. "Email for ya, Kaden."

"Email?" Kaden inquires, "From who?"

Rex opens the PET's inbox and skims the saved emails in there until he finds the new one. "It's from Tanner."

"Tanner?" Kaden blinks, then lightly hits his forehead. "Why is he emailing for?"

Rex opens the email and reads it. "Hmm...He wants to meet us at the Garden City National Park."

"The park? I wonder what for." Kaden nods and puts away his PET into the PET holster. "Alright, let's see what he wants then." With that he makes his way to the Garden City National Park.


  • Ducky
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Tanner is sitting at a picnic table in the park, he has his PET on the table and is talking to his Net Navi counterpart.  "God f***king damn it.  I keep telling them they didn't have to do with the f**king net crime, they put him on surveilance anyway!" he slams his fist down on the table.

"Yeah, I know.  It's so unfair and childish." says the Tanner Navi angrily.


  • Spike
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Kaden managed to make it to the Garden City National Park, with great time might I add. The routes and roads were pretty clean for a Saturday morning. The kid looks around in the park and spots Tanner on a picnic table.

"Hey Tanner!" Kaden calls as he makes his way toward the table.


  • Ducky
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"Hi Kaden!" says Tanner, allowing Kaden to sit across from him, "God, it must really suck to be monitored now."


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"You bet it does..." Kaden sighs as he sits down, taking out his PET from its holster and setting it down on the table.

"The thing doesn't even let me sleep," Rex comments with a depressed tone. "It's straining my neck just to nod or to even get in a comfortable position to sleep." He scratches at the collar and sighs, "It itches too."

"You're not the only one," Kaden adds as he sags on the table, "I didn't get much sleep either. They've kept me in that room questioning for a very long time..." Kaden straightens up and looks at Tanner. "What about you? What did they do to you and Kiraa?"


  • Ducky
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"We were congratulated.  Though I shouldn't have been the one honored, since I got f**ked by that idiot and his deinonychus.  It pisses me off to see you being framed.  You were the one who should have been rewarded for your effort.  You were the one who shut down the machine and kept the viruses from spreading to more chips.  I'm thinking of sueing them." says Tanner with a look of extreme anger in his eyes.


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"Nah, don't worry about it. I'm sure they'll soon see we're on the same side as them and they'll take us down their survaillance system in no time."

"Yeah well I hope it's very soon." Rex complains, "I'm not looking forward in losing another night trying to make friends with this collar."

Kaden couldn't help but chuckle and turn to his PET, "Relax, you'll get used to it. Besides, it kinds of makes you look cute."

"Cute!?" Rex snaps, "I'm a Sharptooth Generation NetNavi with razor sharp claws and teeth! What do you mean cute!?"

Kaden grins at his NetNavi, "You sort of look like a pet."

Rex blinks and glares at Kaden, who's know grinning from ear to ear at him. "...I'd appreciate the pun and irony if it wasn't directed at me...You're lucky I'm here in the cyber world and you in the real world."


  • Ducky
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Tanner snickers a little, and then goes back to his old, angry self again as he has been all day.  "Still, we don't know if you'll be taken off in a couple days or a couple weeks or a couple MONTHS." he says in a nearly rageful tone, "And until then, it's best to just harass the dumb f**ks." he says as he picks up his PET.


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Kiraa muttered as she walked through the park, thinking about the punishment she recieved just today. While she was congratulated for helping to stop Netra and his NetNavi, she was still scolded for allowing a kid into a secure area. As punishment, she was the one who had to monitor Kaden and Rex. She didn't think it was fair for both her and Kaden, but she could not argue against her superior. So she unwillingly obligued.

"Why do I have to be the one to monitor that kid?" She asked to herself as she set down on a bench. "I did vouch for him, I did defend him, but I did not intend to babysit him."

"Babysit him?" Came Grayscale's voice from the PET. "I thought you had to keep an eye on him."

"Keep an eye on him, babysit him," Kiraa replied a bit grumpily, "Is there really a difference?"

Grayscale thought about it. "No...I guess not." She replied. "So do you know how long does Rex have to wear that collar anyway?"

This Kiraa could not answer. She simply gave a shrug with her shoulders, and said, "I honestly can't say. Maybe until Kaden proves to the authorities that he is trustworthy and not some net criminal." She gave a long sigh. "And that might not be an easy task for him to do."

"Can't you remove the collar?" Grayscale inquired curiously, even though she already knew the answer.

Kiraa blinked. "You're joking right? If they find out I removed that collar, I'll lose more than just my job, I'd lose you as well."

"Ah, I see." The Alimon Navi replied. She still had a worried look on her face, and Kiraa knew exactly who she was worrying about. Rex and his NetOp Kaden. "I wonder how those two are doing."

Kiraa smiled slightly. "Well we'll have a good idea of that for a while. After all, I have to monitor Kaden and you have to monitor Rex."

"I what?!" Grayscale shouted anxiously. "I have to babysit him?!"

"Keep an eye on him." Kiraa corrected, smirking. "They didn't let you off the hook either."

"Oh all right." Grayscale said, muttering to herself.

Kiraa looked up and saw Tanner talking with Kaden. "Oh there they are." She said, and she got up off the bench, and walked towards them.

"Why are you walking over to them?" The Alimon Navi asked.

"What? You don't think I should tell Kaden and Rex we're the ones monitoring them?"

"No." Grayscale said. "But if you want to tell them, then fine by me."

Kiraa rolled her eyes. "All right then." She continued walking towards the two NetOps.


  • Ducky
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"I have an idea, we can do a little blackmail to the head bastard who ordered Rex monitored." says Tanner, giving Kaden a sinister look.


  • Spike
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"Blackmail?" Kaden raises an eyebrow at Tanner. The idea sounds tempting, but how exactly will that help other than getting him into more trouble than what he's already in. "Well it...Sounds like a plan for a little revenge..."

"I don't know, Kaden." Rex warns, "If we do anything suspicious they'll get on our cases on the spot. Besides, we're supposed to prove to them we're on their side."

"I guess you're right..." Kaden sighs as he sags on the table. "But it ticks me off how they got us monitored like that. Just who did they put in charge to monitor us anyway!!"


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"Just who did they put in charge to monitor us anyway!!"

Kiraa was close enough to hear that. As soon as she had reached Tanner and Kaden, she answered his question. "Me."


  • Ducky
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"You???" Tanner turns around to see Kiraa behind him, "They put YOU in charge of monitoring Rex?????  Oh boy, now I'm REALLY gonna harass them now!" he yells, slamming his fist on the table, his eyes flaring with anger.


  • Spike
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"You!?" Kaden exclaimed practically at the same time with Tanner. Kaden was shocked, the Official who gave them a helping hand is the one that's going to monitor him!?

Rex was shocked as well. "...Well, this is some surprise for us...But, look at this way. A friend is monitoring us, maybe she could give us a break!"

Kaden soon snapped out of it. "Yeah! That's right! Kiraa! You along with Tanner can prove it to them personally that I'm on their side! You know, talk to them!"


  • Ducky
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"Yeah, Kiraa can talk to them up close and personal.  While I perform the psychological warfare." The red headed teenager says with a sinister smile.


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"Yes, I can talk to them." Kiraa said thoughtfully. "But I can't guarantee it'll work. Perhaps proving that you are not a criminal might be the best solution."

"You can remove the collar!" Grayscale shouted loud enough for them all to hear.

"Grayscale!" Kiraa said to her Alimon navi angrily. "I told you, if I remove the collar, I'll lose my job and have you taken away!"

"But you could take it off securely, couldn't you?"

"I cannot say, and I think him proving himself or me talking my boss into letting him off the hook is a better idea than having the collar removed without approval of my superior, and risk getting Kaden into deeper trouble and me losing my job and navi." Kiraa replied.

"Was only a suggestion." Grayscale said.


  • Ducky
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"Until then, I guess I'm just gonna have to torment them." says Tanner, taking out a small video camera and setting it down on the table.