The Gang of Five
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Rate the 5 in order of favorite


  • Ruby
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Sorry if there's already a thread like this, but what are you opinions on the 5 in order of favorite and why?
These all all just personal opinions
1- Cera. When I was little I was a fan of triceratops and the color orange (It could have been a result of liking Cera but I'm guessing I started liking Cera because of that haha). I know that's a silly reason but now, being older, I still like her best. I like her attitude, she's stubborn but still cares. I also really like her singing voice, haha.
2- Littlefoot. He's the main character so obviously he's a favorite. He's nice and just an overall good character (he has to be, being the main)
3- Spike. I know he doesn't add much but I like the fact that there's a character who can't talk in the gang. I thought it was really sweet in 7 when he drew Ducky in the sand.
4- Ducky. She's cute. Nothing I specifically dislike or like about her though, she's just kinda there to me.
5- Petrie. I dunno, I think, especially in the TV series (which I know is hardly reliable but I personally consider it canon), he's too much of a "scaredy egg". <I'm prepared for arguments on that since he's a fan favorite.

I love all the main characters though. They all have very distinct personalities which is pretty good for a mainly direct-to-video kids series.
What do you think?

Edit- If I were to add Ruby and Chomper in there, I think Ruby would be third and Chomper 6th or 7th.
Also, thinking about it, I know that Petrie HAS to be a nervous wreck sometimes or else he could solve half of their problems by flying to get help xD


  • Spike
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Hmm this is pretty hard for me as I rarely pick favorites in anything... even my music library is filled with mostly 'five stars' xD. That being said, let me think here...

Littlefoot - OK, I've got to say he really is my favorite of them all, but that's usually as far as I go
Aaaaaand now I'm stuck

Although what I remember of Ruby she kind of came off strange to me

yet at the same time I love Guido so go figure  :nyah


  • Chomper
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1- Littlefoot: He has such a good heart and is a great leader, always willing to do the right thing and always caring and determined to do anything for his friends. Plus, he's got a knack not to prejudge others and always tries to see the good in everyone.

2- Cera: I love her complexity and development, and that she's a real sweet character behind her proud and gruff exterior. Also, I love her I-can-do-anything attitude, stubbornness, humorous moments, and genuine learning from her mistakes.

3- Ducky: She's really optimistic and innocent, and has a great enthusiastic attitude.  I love the way she looks at the world, her relationship with Spike, and plus, she's just so cute!

4- Petrie: He's good-hearted and loyal, and despite his fears, accompanies the rest of the gang on their adventures and shows some sudden moments of bravery.

5- Spike: He's my least favorite, but the gang would feel really incomplete without him. I like how he expresses so much personality without speaking, plus, he's just a fun character!

If Chomper and Ruby were included on this list, they'd both be between Ducky and Petrie. Between the two of them, right now I like Ruby slightly better, but sometimes I like Chomper more.

The Anonymous Person

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Thinking about this subject, I've come to realize that all 5 of the characters relate to me and seem to be part of my daily life in some way or another. This is something that I'll discuss as I go over my opinions of these characters.  :)

Now...where was I? Oh yes!

1. Petrie: A no-brainer. I've probably said a million times why I love this little guy, but I'll take the time to say so again. Petrie has always been my favorite ever since I rediscovered LBT three years ago (ironically, he and Spike were the characters I had totally forgotten about before then). Perhaps it's the voice that caught my attention (pick one), or the fact that he's just all-out funny to me. Nevertheless, he's the cutest character I've come across in my book. Sure, he has his fears and flaws, but most of them won't stop me from liking him, especially because I have many of his fears as well, like not always willing to try out new things, often relying on others for help when in need, idolizing others only to find out they are not so worthy of being idolized, etc., etc. Despite this, he is very loyal, good-natured, innocent, and has a heart of gold, all of which are things I am known for in my life. :yes This makes him the most relatable character to me. :exactly

2. Ducky: I love Ducky very much, I do, I do! I'm not sure if I could say she's just as cute as Petrie, but...oh what the heck, she is!  :lol:  I love her own innocence and how she is so optimistic about herself and the world around her. Not to mention, her relationships with Petrie and Spike make her all the more adorable. Her naivety (which was constant throughout my childhood) is also something for me to chuckle at. The only thing I have to nitpick about Ducky is her frequent role as the so-called "damsel in distress", with her finding herself in danger several times and needing to have someone else come and rescue her. I often wish the role could be turned around somewhat and perhaps she could save someone else's life for a change(Cera about to fall off a cliff, Petrie falls into water and starts drowning, etc.). Despite this, she is a wonderful character to have around, yep yep yep! :exactly

3. Littlefoot: Ahh, the main hero of the series. I guess I love the fact that Littlefoot is up to do anything his guts tell him to. When no one else is willing to do something that is problematic, Littlefoot is always the first one to step up to a challenge. Having also put his past troubles and traumas behind him (something that I have done as well), what with the death of his mother and the struggles to find the Great Valley, it is clear that Littlefoot is the strongest character in the franchise, for without him, I'm pretty sure the franchise wouldn't have even existed, or if so, be half as successful. If only he didn't hog up so much screentime...  :lol

4. Spike: Always a fun character to have around, Spike, to me, represents the person who is always willing to listen to anyone and does not judge what others say. Perhaps the fact that he is mostly mute is the cause of the case, though nevertheless, he expresses his personality well through his simple actions. His bond with Ducky is something to adore. Although some people might say that Spike's muteness is a disability of sorts, I would completely disagree. I am autistic, yes, but I am quite thankful that I am not mute, which unfortunately is what a lot of autistic kids and adults are. Perhaps those people who watch LBT can relate to Spike more than any of the other characters.  :yes  Anyways, Spike is simply the character we'd all feel lonely without. In addition, we both have just about the same appetites.  :lol

And lastly...

5. Cera: I've always been iffy about Cera. She has quite a soft side, yes, but behind that is a prideful, gruff exterior that has always irked me to no end. Obviously, this behavior is quite understandable, as her father (someone I certainly wouldn't want for a father of my own  :x ) is the cause of her biased statements and insults she would throw at Littlefoot and the others. While this behavior has softened quite a bit since then, it still shows often to a lesser extent, though it can be humorous and it comes in handy at times.  :DD  That being said, she is also quite tough to figure out; she could often turn back on a friend after an argument, and yet save said friend from sudden perils that he/she may fall into (7 anyone?). I like how Cera slowly but surely learns from her mistakes (also relatable to me), even though she hates to admit it.  :yes  Without her, I suppose the franchise would just simply be a bore, but nevertheless, she is simply a character that I have a hard time figuring out.

And that's all. If I were to include Ruby and Chomper on the list, Ruby would be after Ducky (she's strange, yes, but I like her personality, her big sister attitude, and of course the way she talks, the way she talks of course :DD) and Chomper would be either before or after Littlefoot (only unsure because he seems to be more relatable to me; innocent, naÔve, and judged often only because of his species).

Whew, this was quite a lot of thought for me to put into. Now if you'll excuse me, I shall go and get myself a huge bottle of water. Oh wait, I don't think we have any of those...  :(  Oh well.


  • Spike
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I pretty much agree with both of you on most things.

I just find it hard for me to list what I like about people or things and then choose between them. The way you two described 'em brought out their best qualities but I wouldn't be sure where to 'rank' them. I guess, as with most characters, it's whoever's most personally relatable!  :nyah


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I'll skip the explanations because I'd probably just repeat the points the previous posters made. Besides, I tend to alter my views on characters slightly every now and then so the positions might change which is really hard to explain so... I'll skip that :p

1. DUCKY!!!

2. Petrie

3. Littlefoot

4. Spike

5. Cera
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Dr. Rex

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Quote from: Ducky123,Jul 28 2015 on  11:05 AM
I'll skip the explanations because I'd probably just repeat the points the previous posters made. Besides, I tend to alter my views on characters slightly every now and then so the positions might change which is really hard to explain so... I'll skip that :p

1. DUCKY!!!

2. Petrie

3. Littlefoot

4. Spike

5. Cera
Same here. I won't bother doing explanations because everyone else already has them covered and I don't want to sound repetitive. And the rankings change from time to time too.

For now, it'll have to be:

1) Littlefoot.

2) Petrie.

3) Ducky.

4) Spike.

5) Cera.

I love all of the gang equally, however, and none of my rankings have held any ill will towards a certain character.


  • Spike
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Is it Cera's attitude o-O? I mean she's obviously been the most negative of the bunch but I think that's also her strength. That's why I see Spike more of a fifth (if we're going to rank here) and Cera a fourth because well.... there is just a lot more going on xD. Spike hardly says a word really, despite his adorableness, appetite, and warm relationship with the gang. Sure Cera's bossy but... I just don't see how Spike 'beats Cera' except for the fact that Spike is not bossy or something..? Ø\_(ツ)_/Ø

Then again, maybe some of the others win solely because of their friendliness, quirks, and charm  :lol

I think that's why most people can relate to the characters


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Yeah exactly. I simply can't relate to Cera so well because my own personlity is so unlike hers. It's not exactly like Ducky's either but I just fell in love with that little sweetie :lol You can't not like a character like her being so happy, carefree and good-hearted :p
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Quote from: Ludichris1,Aug 7 2015 on  11:07 AM
Is it Cera's attitude o-O? I mean she's obviously been the most negative of the bunch but I think that's also her strength. That's why I see Spike more of a fifth (if we're going to rank here) and Cera a fourth because well.... there is just a lot more going on xD. Spike hardly says a word really, despite his adorableness, appetite, and warm relationship with the gang. Sure Cera's bossy but... I just don't see how Spike 'beats Cera' except for the fact that Spike is not bossy or something..? Ø\_(ツ)_/Ø

Then again, maybe some of the others win solely because of their friendliness, quirks, and charm  :lol

I think that's why most people can relate to the characters
Were you talking to me?

If so, like I said, my rankings don't indicate any ill will towards the characters, and they tend to change a lot depending on the seasons. I've got absolutely no problem with Cera's personality; without it, she's not Cera.

If I were to be true on this thread, everyone in the gang is tied.


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I love them all, but here's my ranking:

1. Littlefoot (in case that wasn't obvious :p )
2. Ducky
3. Spike
4. Petrie
5. Cera

I'll fill in explanations later.


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above 1) LITTLEFOOT!  :)littlefoot
2) *Chomper ate Ducky and stands here*   :sducky
3) *Ruby left Petrie to his doom behind RockFall and stands here*   :(petrie

formerly 40) now 4) Cera  x(cera

not 5) but 50) Spike  :^^spike
« Last Edit: September 08, 2018, 10:46:09 AM by Sneak »


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I love them all equally, but my ranking is:
1. Ducky (of course)
2. Spike
3. Littlefoot
4. Cera
5. Petrie

If Chomper and Ruby were included, Chomper would be second and Ruby would be between Littlefoot and Cera.
Pinkie Pie is best pony, yep yep yep! :duckyhappy My favorite LBT sequel is LBT V. :chompysmile
My username is Ducky. :Mo


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Here's my ranking:

1. Petrie: I love that cute little Flyer! He can be a scaredy egg, but he has proven that he can rise to the occasion, and he has a great heart. Oh, and he has one of the most adorable voices out of all the characters. The other one would be my second pick ...

2. Ducky: She is such a lovable character, with such a cheerful personality! She is such a sweet, innocent soul, and always willing to put her friends before herself. I especially love her for how close she is with Petrie.

3. Littlefoot: Of course, Ducky and Petrie are my favorites, but Littlefoot easily takes the #3 spot on my list. The courageous leader, always adventurous and willing to try something new. Littlefoot is the rightful leader.

4. Spike: Not really a talker, but he makes his presence known by quiet means. He can bring a warm presence, and he reminds me of one of my brothers (only because of the fact that he doesn't talk).

5. Cera: I was never a big Cera fan to begin with. When I watched the series as a kid, I despised her father, and it led me to look down on Cera for a while, but I eventually came to my senses and gave her some slack. She may seem like a thorn in Littlefoot's side, but deep down, she has extreme loyalty to her friends and will never hesitate to help them when they desperately need it.
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy


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I'm pretty sure if you read my post history you'll know that I have a ton of trouble picking between them, but...

1. Petrie: Petrie's one of those characters who refers to himself in third-person and for some reason I like that little quirk. Also, I relate a lot to his constant fears since I tended to be a nervous wreck when younger.

2. Ducky: It's her catchphrases (and her voice) that struck a chord with me when I first watched LBT. She's still really adorable.

3. Littlefoot: Careful, thoughtful leader who always brings the gang to tread new ground. I enjoy that he always wants to find out more about the world he lives in the sequels. And as the leader, I must concur that he's been through a fair share of nonsense.

4. Cera: I admit, the sequels actually paint Cera in a much better light than the original film. But her stubborn, standoffish personality really shines there, especially since she plays off the remainder of the gang with her skepticism really well.

5. Spike: They did a really good job at fleshing him out for a character who can't talk.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.

Gentle Sharptooth

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For me it is

1. Petrie, the petra or rock of the Gang. While Petrie may gwt petrified with fear from time to time, but he is loyal and brave when it conta; I mean he saved Ducky and was the only known survivor of being caught in the jaws of the Original Sharptooth! I enjoy Petrie’s inqusitive nature and his opining often, “methnks”. I have always preferred Petrie and saw that while he has the most advantage of the Gang, he can fly high above all danger, and yst he chooses to stay near his friends in the most perilous times. 

2. Littlefoot is almost tied for my favorite. I connected with him when his mother dies and is forced to forags on his own and fidn the Great Valley. Littlefoot has always been the leader, but deep down I would say his leadership stems from a deep love and friendship for the Gang. Littlefoot is the gut of the Gang, able to sense what is best for them and the quest.

3. Cera use to be my least favorite of the Gang when the first film came out. But subsequent installments have made her a more intricate protagonist who had perhaps xhsnged the most over the course of the films. Cera is the head or brain of the group, which is ironic because she snashes it upon rock ever so often. Cera is passionate, her tenper often gets the best of her but one csn day unequivocally that it is never a dull moment with Cers.

4. Spike and I shared one thing in common growing up, a big appetite. While most of Spike’s character is seen through his behavior and mannerisms, he scts as great counterbalance to Cera passionate personality. Spike has no worries and complains about nothing, he is content as long as there is greens to eat.

5. Ducky is last on my list, “yep, yep, yep.” When I was younger her perpetual optimism and joyful demeanor was amusing, but as I have aged I find her overwhelomg in long doses. I would hang with Littlefoot, Petrie, Cera and Spike all day, but Ducky, give me only thirty minites and I am done. She is a character that needs the Gang around to balance her bubbly personality:

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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btw, I can't believe it, but it looks like Cera bumps Petrie and Ruby off and takes third position in my list.
*with Littlefoot's voice* Cera, stop it!

And not only her makes such progress. In other shows, sharp-tongue characters also become my favorite, Oo I am getting old...

Gentle Sharptooth

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btw, I can't believe it, but it looks like Cera bumps Petrie and Ruby off and takes third position in my list.
*with Littlefoot's voice* Cera, stop it!

And not only her makes such progress. In other shows, sharp-tongue characters also become my favorite, Oo I am getting old...

Cera is third on my list too! I see her less as cynic, and more of saying what we all want to say or are thinking at the tine.

I am getting old too  :lol :lol :lol

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

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I'm interested to know if there's anyone out there who intentionally puts Littlefoot last on the list...