The Gang of Five
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LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?

Ducky123 · 399 · 73853


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Well, as I said: very small episodic role.  :rolleyes
Maybe children will find some adult and want to ask him for help, but our perfect predator jumps out from nowhere and... well, he gets his food, and makes VERY huge impression on protagonists, who quickly runs away, and Sharptooth doesn't chase them because he already got what he wanted.
Just idea.

Though, if we want to keep dark-dark atmosphere of original movie, we must add not only good dangerous environment, but also GOOD antagonist...


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You know, Sharptooth himself would probably be at a totally different part of the Mysterious Beyond but who said there aren't any other super powerful Sharpteeth to live up to his reputation? ;)


Now, let me have a few words about our next steps as requested by Snik :)

First of all, I'll include a list of all players who entered so far in the start post. We need to track down who is playing and which character they are playing after all and what better place is there to note that down but the starting post of the discussion thread? :p

People can start coming up with ideas for both plot and their characters.

plot: The only thing I've already decided to do with the plot is having all our characters meet up somehow together after all went through a disastrous event that separated them from their herds, families etc. I guess maybe two groups could form at first who merge eventually (tensions?). Either way, some character may have some time being alone at first before they meet the others. Obviously, there will be obstactles for the group and some tensions between the characters would be benefitting the RP I think :D Racism and all that

characters: Your character can be any species of leafeater unless you'd like to play the villain. and I have a feeling I know who'd like to play the villain already  :lol

Think about a backstory, what happened to them that separated them from their folks? Could be as simple as a Sharptooth killing their parents or as complex as you wish. I think the big earthshake could also have effects and their region so for anyone who's lazy... you might just use that as an explanation I guess :p (I already have a pretty good backstory for my character in mine ;))
Oh, also, maybe a group of siblings could also work (Kinda like Ducky and Spike just same species)? If you'd like to collaborate with one of the players here... it might be an idea.

Oh, what about character bios? I'm not sure, is there a thread where we can post these or should be just post them here and I'll add them to the starting post?  :confused

PS: Anybody planning to kill off their characters during the journey? Might add some spice to the RP, maybe close to the end? :lol

Anyway, for now we will begin to think about the general plot, come up with characters (all the while waiting for other players to join if they like) etc.

Once we all have our characters ready and some ideas for the first few scenes, the RP can start :yes
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What about Giant Fast Flood instead of just simple Earthquake with big Chasm (bigger than from LBT9)?


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Quote from: Ducky123,Aug 8 2017 on  07:03 AM
PS: Anybody planning to kill off their characters during the journey? Might add some spice to the RP, maybe close to the end? :lol
Ducky... you tempt me  :rolleyes:

A few points from me:

-With regards to the event that brings them together, there are a few options we could address that were not addressed in the films. Firstly, there's the possibility of having a tsunami. The widespread devastation could account for many displaced dinosaurs searching for a new place to live. Next up, disease or any other sort of event that would require herds to part ways with some of their members. Nothing breaks up an organized unit faster than distrust and fear, so anything that breeds these things between herds would easily break them up. Heck, even overpopulation could result in some kids getting kicked out on their own. Then we come to predation. This one's not quite as plausible, but there is a chance that a particularly nasty group of Sharpteeth could cause the breakup of several herds in their territory. Finally, here's another, perhaps more hopeful option. What if the kids are simply chasing a legend? Now, this is similar in concept to the premise of the first film, but bear with me. Something that's always touched upon in the series is the cynicism of adults versus the innocence of childhood. If a group of youngsters was convinced something amazing was out there, it could make sense for them to want to seek it out. It puts a different feel on the whole story, and adds a feeling of hopefulness to contrast the darkness.

-What's the max age for a character? I'd considered doing a Kentrosaurus for a while, but I then realized that they'd basically be a Spike lookalike if said character had to be as young as the Gang. If we're shooting for that age range, then I'll have no problem reconsidering my character choice.

-We can be very creative with Sharpteeth here. I like where you're going, bringing new characters to the table, and that should extend to predators, too. And as Land Before Time is completely anachronistic with its character choices, we have a lot of carnivores to choose from. I'd love to see Carnotaurus (though it's already been featured in the series), Ceratosaurus, Charcharodontosaurus (maybe as a big bad, the jaws on that thing are TERRIFYING), Dromaeosaurus, etc. I mean, even some Flyers have the potential to be lethal to young dinosaurs. Our options should remain open here.

-If no one else is considering it, I'm actually really thinking about doing a Flyer, now that I think about it.

-We should consider setting this somewhere vastly different than the setting of the show, just to spice things up a touch. The show takes place in the Valley, obviously, but its setting outside of it is usually rather drab and "desert-y." Why not set this up north? Or perhaps on the coast somewhere? Thick rainforest is a cool option, too!


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Quote from: Fyn16,Aug 8 2017 on  12:51 PM
Quote from: Ducky123,Aug 8 2017 on  07:03 AM
PS: Anybody planning to kill off their characters during the journey? Might add some spice to the RP, maybe close to the end? :lol
I'd love to see Carnotaurus (though it's already been featured in the series), Ceratosaurus, Charcharodontosaurus (maybe as a big bad, the jaws on that thing are TERRIFYING), Dromaeosaurus, etc. I mean, even some Flyers have the potential to be lethal to young dinosaurs. Our options should remain open here.
I actually mentioned before that I would actually like to see a Ceratosaurus or Carharodontosaurus in the next LBT film.

Can we have multiple antagonists possibly? Kind of like how there was a Dimetrodon and a pack of domeheads that were threats other than Sharptooth.
It could also play out like LBT XIV, such as having a sharptooth or two early on and another sharptooth later (possibly the main antagonist).
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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hmm? Bunch of different unfamiliar children went to find some mystic legend and got lost? if I understood

Hmm, about flyers... Right now I am staying on two of my OCs: Smart male flyer antagonist sharpbeak and female water child flyer.

I don't know anything about LBT scientific species and never connected characters to any of them. (If I make OC for me, I just create my own species. Hm, who knows, maybe this species true existed in land before the time of human...)


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I love Fyn's idea of a Tsunami. That would make a coastal environment work out very well (maybe with inland jungles/rainforests?) Also, are we allowed to play omnivores? I was thinking of a Hagryphus character :smile


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I would second (edit: thirded, as Darkwolf beat me to it  :p ) Fyn's idea of using a mega-tsunami as the great disaster.  It is a type of disaster that is not explored much in fiction, but could certainly cause wide scale devastation and separation of the herds.  For the herds it would seem like the world had ended, and as some of the flyers may have seen the water recede by miles before the wave came and destroyed countless herds, myths may develop that the waters had made war against the land, perhaps causing some distrust of swimmers for quasi-religious reasons - especially considering the canon religiosity of the flyers.

As for which species I would like to be, I have always been interested in deeply introspective characters.  I am unsure if omnivores would be welcomed in this roleplay, but if so I think that a Nemegtomaia, an Oviraptorian dinosaur, might be an interesting addition.  The distrust between the forming gang and a dinosaur who has limited predation of eggs and fish as an option for food could be a healthy source of tension, while still being different from the tension depicted by Chomper in the series.  It could be more based upon the character as being seen as shifty or a schemer as opposed to a viscous predator.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Whoa, not so many ideas at once  :lol:  Okay let's dig into it...

What about Giant Fast Flood instead of just simple Earthquake with big Chasm (bigger than from LBT9)?
A flood, that could be an idea indeed  :yes

Ducky... you tempt me  rolleyes.gif
I'm the most evil swimmer, remember?  :lol

-With regards to the event that brings them together, there are a few options we could address that were not addressed in the films. Firstly, there's the possibility of having a tsunami. The widespread devastation could account for many displaced dinosaurs searching for a new place to live. Next up, disease or any other sort of event that would require herds to part ways with some of their members. Nothing breaks up an organized unit faster than distrust and fear, so anything that breeds these things between herds would easily break them up. Heck, even overpopulation could result in some kids getting kicked out on their own. Then we come to predation. This one's not quite as plausible, but there is a chance that a particularly nasty group of Sharpteeth could cause the breakup of several herds in their territory. 
tsunami: That's a pretty widespread event so it absolutely qualifies! :p

disease: Quite! I could imagine one or two of us losing their families to some serious sickness :yes

predation: Always a possible death cause in the Mysterious Beyond  ^^spike

I'll add another: not a tsunami but a bad flash flood following a heavy storm!

For my character, I was planning to go with bad parenting as the reason why she ends up on her own and only due to the help of a random stranger, she managed to survive. Might seem a bit familiar to some because I'd like to use a character from my fic and use her background because it'd absolutely work with this "new gang" idea :)

Finally, here's another, perhaps more hopeful option. What if the kids are simply chasing a legend? Now, this is similar in concept to the premise of the first film, but bear with me. Something that's always touched upon in the series is the cynicism of adults versus the innocence of childhood. If a group of youngsters was convinced something amazing was out there, it could make sense for them to want to seek it out. It puts a different feel on the whole story, and adds a feeling of hopefulness to contrast the darkness.
I was assuming we were going to have them not just walking ANYwhere but towards a goal, towards something that gives them hope. Can be the Great Valley, can be anything we'd like it to be! Of course not all of us have to lose their parents but there must be a reason why they're not with them :p Cera, Ducky and Petrie didn't lose their families in the movie, they just got separated. If you were to go with the flood for example, maybe a child would be swept away while the adults were able to hold their ground? The area might be really flat so the waves travel a fair distance, far enough for the child not to recognize their current location and where to go... and of course they get extremely lucky not to drown in the whole ordeal :p

Well, I'll have the others have a say on your idea as well though that'd probably require at least a small group of children already knowing each other, deciding to leave their herd in order to seek it out. To be fair, my character could totally go with that group! Would require some more backstory-bending what who cares? :p

Can we have multiple antagonists possibly? Kind of like how there was a Dimetrodon and a pack of domeheads that were threats other than Sharptooth.
It could also play out like LBT XIV, such as having a sharptooth or two early on and another sharptooth later (possibly the main antagonist).
Uhh, sure. I don't think it'll be interesting to bump into the same drooling Sharptooth over and over again  :lol Maybe we could have one stalker and a few random encounters with various predators. Could imagine you and Snik teaming up to play the bad guys  ^^spike

hmm? Bunch of different unfamiliar children went to find some mystic legend and got lost? if I understood
Well, they all are scared and alone, separated from  the herds and families or having lost them completely. They don't know what to do but what if one of them has such a legend in store to follow? I'm sure they'd try to pursue it because... what else should they do? especially if that legend might mean finding those they lost?

Hmm, about flyers... Right now I am staying on two of my OCs: Smart male flyer antagonist sharpbeak and female water child flyer.

I don't know anything about LBT scientific species and never connected characters to any of them. (If I make OC for me, I just create my own species. Hm, who knows, maybe this species true existed in land before the time of human...)
I'm not sure about making up a species... If you don't really have any particular species in mind, you could just say 'oh, this character is a threehorn' but not specify what kind of ceratopsian dinosaur the character represents, just to give an example.

I love Fyn's idea of a Tsunami. That would make a coastal environment work out very well (maybe with inland jungles/rainforests?) Also, are we allowed to play omnivores? I was thinking of a Hagryphus character Dino_grins.gif
Environment, that's a good keyword :yes Yeah, well, the tsunami idea seems to be popular so a coastal environment might work out. Y'know, there might be an island lush and green far far away that they'd wanna reach ;) As for rainforest, it is also an idea but the abundant food and water in a rainforest might take a little from the harshness of life. Starting out in the cold lands might be something though, don't you think? That'd also open up for other... possibilities. A big bad snow storm might be enough to separate a child from its herd  ^^spike

It's true that an omnivore would create a lot of tension. I'm not sure about them, I guess if nobody has any objections, you cuold create an omnivore character, just no Chomper 2.0 if possible :p

myths may develop that the waters had made war against the land, perhaps causing some distrust of swimmers for quasi-religious reasons - especially considering the canon religiosity of the flyers.
Anybody planning on using a swimmer character?  :lol That kind of idea would only work if the majority of the group was affected by it though. I'm not sure if all would like to go with the same disaster but I guess that'll show... eventually :)

As for which species I would like to be, I have always been interested in deeply introspective characters. I am unsure if omnivores would be welcomed in this roleplay, but if so I think that a Nemegtomaia, an Oviraptorian dinosaur, might be an interesting addition. The distrust between the forming gang and a dinosaur who has limited predation of eggs and fish as an option for food could be a healthy source of tension, while still being different from the tension depicted by Chomper in the series. It could be more based upon the character as being seen as shifty or a schemer as opposed to a viscous predator.
I guess you'd have to flip a coin with Darkwolf then or do we want to have two of these? That could cause the formation of two groups within the group, admittedly...
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Well, since their diet is under debate, I could easily play the species as predominantly herbivorous, perhaps with opportunistic omnivorous tendencies (will eat something already dead if they find it, and bugs/small lizards if they're easy to get to). This might make their differences from the other group members more of a cultural distaste. And it might be interesting if Rhombus played another species of Oviraptor and they actually had a greater initial dislike of each other, rather than an affinity. After all, species in direct competition with each other seem like they would be more likely to hate each other. Just a thought :D can easily play a different species if it doesn't work out.


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not a tsunami but a bad flash flood following a heavy storm
Is there a difference? :D
actually I meant huge very-fast deadly tsunami-flood in some big canion caused by huge earthquake in not so far Big Water. Not very-slow flood with different storm.

I'm not sure about making up a species
Don't worry. It's not problem. I just can check wikipedia/internet and pick species so people will understand. :)


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Quote from: DarkWolf91,Aug 8 2017 on  01:34 PM
Well, since their diet is under debate, I could easily play the species as predominantly herbivorous, perhaps with opportunistic omnivorous tendencies (will eat something already dead if they find it, and bugs/small lizards if they're easy to get to). This might make their differences from the other group members more of a cultural distaste. And it might be interesting if Rhombus played another species of Oviraptor and they actually had a greater initial dislike of each other, rather than an affinity. After all, species in direct competition with each other seem like they would be more likely to hate each other. Just a thought :D can easily play a different species if it doesn't work out.
I would certainly be open to that, Darkwolf, if it is alright with Ducky. :yes  It could be the battle of the Oviraptors.   :DD

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I agree with the points concerning the tsunami/disease as well as the search for some legendary place/object but it could be boring if it were a replica of the Great Valley. I'd say some more northern part of the world (taiga or tundra, perhaps) would could be a nice location but I'm also fine with a rainforest. I found Fyn's
Fyn's old idea to provide a decent setting even if we can modify it to a large degree. I'm not yet sure about my species but some kind of longneck or flier could be an option.  :) Also, it could be a good idea if we had a more scheming villain (who has some familiarity with the main characters) in order for the plot to grow thicker.


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Quote from: Ducky123,Aug 8 2017 on  02:59 PM
Could imagine you and Snik teaming up to play the bad guys  ^^spike
Sounds about right. I don't mind lol. What do you think Snik? :)

I would certainly be open to that, Darkwolf, if it is alright with Ducky. :yes It could be the battle of the Oviraptors. :DD
*Oviraptor :p :lol
Those genus names do not add an s for plural I think.
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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After giving this a bit more thought, I'd actually be open to taking a swimmer character as it would certainly have potential in this kind of disaster as rhombus suggested. I'm working on the character's backstory but I'd like to ask if someone is willing to do a sibling collaboration? It would be good to know before we go to details. :)


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Antagonists' teaming up? hmm... It fits with my character very well, since he is used to make hunting pacts with very different and very odd but very dangerous dinosaurs. Or just hanging with them around, observing from the back.   :rolleyes


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I've been mulling over a few character options as of late. It sounds like Flyers will be a very popular character choice, so my Flyer characters are currently on the backburner. This leaves a few other options for me. I am currently developing a few characters, namely a Stygimoloch, Kentrosaurus, and Segnosaurus. That being said, in response to Sovereign's post, I could be convinced to be a swimmer, depending on the species. The "wow" factor plays a pretty big role in what sort of character I choose, and there are certainly a few interesting species of hadrosaurs out there.

To provide two examples of swimmers I'm fond of, I'd probably have to go with Charonosaurus and Ouranosaurus (which admittedly is not a hadrosaur, but is a dinosaur I could see living around large bodies of water).

But don't let that affect your choices. I'm certainly open to the possibility of being a sibling, and if the idea really does grow on me, as it may, then I'm willing to adapt.

And as mentioned before, all my characters, no matter who I go with, are expendable  :D

The Lone Dragon

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I can't believe I've already missed all these developments anyway I think the tsunami is a brilliant idea and I understand that the big mega tsunami's are caused by large rockslides into water holes inland to create waves at least 100m in height. That would be pretty devastating and it has happened before. (Marine scientist talking there).

Anyway I have my character developed.

Name: Aquarius

Gender: Male

Species: Saurolophus (Swimmer)

Age: 6yrs at the time of the RP

Family: Has two younger 3 yr old siblings, two parents, two uncles and one aunt.

Appearance: Strong, active kid. Has a light aqua blue belly, the rest of his body is white and has two parallel gold lines on his back that run from neck to tail. Has two scars, one on his right shoulder and another on his right back from an instant involving, betrayal by Leaf Eaters, Sharpteeth and rapids. All in all a fit and healthy youngling.

Personality: He is smart, fast, strong and tough for his age and very helpful. He is always brave and calm in the face of danger and outs his own life on the front line of danger before his family, his younger siblings especially. After he got his scars he become distrusting of other leaf eaters outside his own kind for fear of betrayal. He knows many great Swimmer stories and often recites them and is a great swimmer and a lightning bolt when it comes to manoeuvring. He does not respond well to jokes.      

Backstory: The incident that caused his distrust was due to a prank by a couple of Threehorn children who tripped him, causing to fall into a mud pit which he got stuck in during a stormy day. Fast Biters found him and would have got him had it not been for the flash flood however He got two cuts on his shoulder and back after being swept down the rapids and for a short distance. The incident caused a mistrust in Threehorns and disdain for jokes. His father was a keep to your own kind Dino while his mother was the opposite.

During The Great Earthshake, It would be a rockslide induced tsunami that separates him from his herd and injures him pretty badly by the time he is deposited on the desert plains near a large crack in the earth.

There's my character bio. Also I have been thinking of how each of our Dino's meet up with each other, it should probably be decided upon before the RP begins.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Rereading this... Maybe I mised it, but I have a question:

For what audience we will make this story, I mean - for what age? aka - what is Entertainment Software Rating Board rate of our roleplay?


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Seems good, Lone Dragon, but that once again complicates my dinosaur selection. Thank you for the offer, Fyn, but I think three swimmers would be a bit too much.  :p Thus far, I think we have a longneck (Ducky), two oviraptors (rhombus, Darkwolf), two sharpteeth (Hypnobrai, Snik) and a swimmer (Lone Dragon). Of the remaining main options, I could be a swimmer, flier or even a threehorn and I'm also open to another sibling collaboration in those or some alternate kinds if anyone's (mainly Fyn at this point) interested. But I wouldn't want to be a spiketail or a clubtail if I only can avoid it.  :DD

Rereading this... Maybe I mised it, but I have a question:

For what audience we will make this story, I mean - for what age? aka - what is Entertainment Software Rating Board rate of our roleplay?

We have to keep things civil for Hypnobrai, he's at a delicate age.  :lol In truth, I don't see a real problem here. I think we can do anything here one would do in a fanfic, as long as we won't get too far into the M territory.  :)