The Gang of Five
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Messages - Caustizer

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General Land Before Time / Don Bluth's New Indigogo Campaign
« on: December 02, 2015, 04:34:27 PM »
Hey all.

Looks like Don Bluth is interested in getting back into animation by directing a new Dragon's Lair movie. He needs money to make the pitch video however, and that's where we come in! There are a lot of really cool rewards in this, including a signed picture of Littlefoot and his mother from Don Bluth and Gary Goldman.

Check it out here:

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Far Away Home
« on: August 11, 2015, 11:41:37 AM »
Hello again!

It's been a long time since I wrote this story - almost six years in fact. I've decided with the anniversary of the day I began writing approaching I'm going to do something to commemorate this special story and thank the loyal readers and reviewers who gave me the inspiration to complete it.

Sometime in the next two weeks, I'm going to:

1) Refresh the Images on the main page, since many of the links are since broken
2) Post scans of my Original Notes for Far Away Home that I used in 2009 and 2010 to write the story. You'll note that the end story is quite different then the one I was crafting when I started, including some big surprises!
3) Post the plot synopsis for the never-written sequel to Far Away Home, called Into Blacksun.

Once again, I owe quite a bit to this excellent community and though my time writing for LBT has passed I still enjoy the show and frequent the forums every now and then.


Starday Wishes / Happy birthday Cautizer!
« on: August 12, 2013, 08:31:25 PM »
Thanks everyone for the kind birthday wishes.  I've been absent from this site so long it would be unreasonable to expect anymore presents, but the sentiment is appreciated.  :DD

Ask Me / Ask a Question of Me
« on: March 04, 2013, 02:08:56 PM »
Sorry for taking so long to answer, I don't pass through this site as often anymore as I used to.

I'm currently doing some fan fiction work for another artist in the MLP sector, and that's chugging along fairly nicely.  Journey into Blacksun has a great beginning and a great ending but I'm at a loss for the inbetween, and without any new LBT material coming out ever I'm finding it difficult to discover the inspiration to keep it moving.

Far Away Home took a long time to write, and I'm not so sure I want to do it again with another equally long story about the same characters.

Gamers Zone / Civilization
« on: February 03, 2013, 12:57:03 PM »
Quote from: The Chronicler,Jan 22 2013 on  11:00 PM
Speaking of the achievements, how many have you unlocked so far, Caustizer? As of right now, I've gotten nearly 60 (out of over 200). I plan on getting as many as I possibly can, so I'll still be playing for a while.

Hey, maybe we could even try a multiplayer game, sometime. :idea  What do you think?
Yeah we could try a multiplayer game sometime.

I recently upgraded to the Gods and Kings expansion and the Korea-Ancient Wonders DLC, and it improves the game considerably.  The addition of Religion is an interesting concept that I haven't completely grasped yet, but the changes they made to Social Policies make sense.

Basically, they added the 'Faith' Resource which is now seperate from Culture and linked to the Piety Tree (which before was dedicated to generating more Culture... which was very odd because it meant you were investing in Social Policies for the purpose of investing in more Social Policies).  They also reworked the Commerce Tree so it doesn't suck anymore (Naval Tradition now gives a free Great Admiral) as well as made some Naval units melee so they can capture coastal cities.

Now England (+1 Ship Speed and Ship of the Line) + The Great Lighthouse (+1 Ship Speed) + Naval Tradition (+1 Ship Speed and Great Admiral) is a very potent combination for attacking coastal cities.

The Ancient Wonders are also very handy - Statue of Zeus gives you a bonus attacking cities, Temple of Artemis gives you a growth and archer production bonus and the Maleuseum gives you +gold whenever you expend a great person.

Let me know when your online and we'll link up.


Gamers Zone / Civilization
« on: January 20, 2013, 11:14:46 PM »
I recently bought Civ V and I can say I love that game.  Having never played any other game in the series it was something completely new.  Adjusting to playing in turns isn't easy when I usually play RTS, but once I got used to it I realized its pretty fun and a great time wasting game.

Social Policies are kind of like talent trees, in that each political development changes slightly the way you play.  For instance, at the start of the game you can choose between Tradition, Honor and Liberty.  Tradition is quite defensive and transitions well into gathering Culture, while Honor is aggressive and keeps your people happy as you conquer other cities.  Taking Liberty allows you to expand quickly, but often leaves your empire unhappy as a result.

From an AI point of view I do sometimes find they can be really dumb and overly aggresive for no apparent reason.  For instance, the Romans attacked me at the beginning of the game and I easily defended against it... but then they start putting out peace proposals that involve me giving them all my cities and resources.  What's the point of ending the war if I give him all the stuff I went to war to defend in the first place?  The only way to get an unconditional peace it seems is to attack back.

Other times too an AI empire will refuse an alliance with you against an enemy even as that enemy is attacking their cities, just because they are 'suspicious of you'.  This type of diplomacy often results in warmongering empires taking out player after player with no real united resistance from the other AIs.

LBT Fanfiction / Journey Into Blacksun
« on: January 03, 2013, 04:34:25 PM »
Quote from: Pangaea,Dec 31 2012 on  09:09 PM
If you don’t mind me asking, what made you decide to write the narrative in present tense? I’ll admit that I’m personally not so keen on it, and preferred the past-tense narrative of Far Away Home, but I don’t want to discourage you from writing this story that way just because of that (After all, the script format of Rise of Storm Tide didn’t stop me from enjoying it ;)). Seeing as I’m not as accustomed to spotting errors in a present-tense narrative (reading over the prologue, I find myself perceiving grammatical “errors” that may not be grammatically incorrect at all); this may be another reason why I shouldn’t bother too much with “error sniping” this time around.

I will say that there certain sentences in the prologue that sound somewhat strange, or that I think could be better written, such as Sky “correcting” his wings (wouldn’t “adjusting” work better?) and Cloud “faking like he is about to attack” Landar, but if these fall into the category of details that don’t concern you enough to want to go back and edit them, I’ll just keep my mouth shut. :angel

Good luck on writing this story, Caustizer (though you know I plan on being with you the whole way ;)).
Journey into Blacksun is going to be in the present tense because my writing style is evolving.  I know that in Far Away Home I made some tense errors that made certain lines sound bad.  An example would be switching from "Sky said" to "Sky says" and back again in the same chapter.  This time I've decided its all going to be present.

I appreciate that you have decided to return to review this story.  My writing passion is not the same as it once was, at least in regards to LBT, so I have decided to take on a less demanding project this time around.

Looking forward to seeing your future reviews.


LBT Fanfiction / Journey Into Blacksun
« on: December 22, 2012, 05:00:43 PM »
Hey all.

I've been gone a long time, but I believed that I needed the break to plan my next story and it has paid off.  This is Journey Into Blacksun, which features the children of the gang of five having their own adventure.  I can promise  that this story will be shorter then Far Away Home, given that I no longer have the drive I used to to produce long and epic stories.  I look forward to your reviews and comments, as well as your support in this new story.



Land Before Time: Journey Into Blacksun

Sequel to Rise of Storm Tide and Far Away Home

By: Caustizer


The children are going to be taught in a very unique setting today, or at least that’s what Sky told them at the end of the last class.  Unlike their typical place of learning by the glowing cracks, this location is far out of the way and well beyond the travelled paths that the gang tended to take during playtime each day.  It is so out of the way in fact that each of them had to get permission from their parents to go, and in some cases it wasn’t easy.  Cera wasn’t too keen on letting Wayne go so close to the edge of the valley, and neither was Petrie with his daughter Nincea so it took some convincing from Mr. Sky to make them see it was safe to let their kids go.

Unlike their parents in the past, the old gang kept their children on relatively short leashes, possibly because of all the danger that still remains for them in the valley at such a young age but probably because Petrie, Spike, Ducky, Cera, and Littlefoot all know what happened when they went on such dangerous adventures on a whim, and fear their offspring might be compelled to do the same if not carefully supervised.  A few of the ënew’ gang are privileged enough to go where they choose, and one of them is Cloud the Wingtail.

Cloud is a newcomer to the valley compared to the other children, having travelled all the way from the Feral Forest with his uncle Glide to spend some time with his father Sky.  Since Sky was banished from the Feral Forest a few years ago, and his mother Star is continuously busy teaching young wingtails back home, this arrangement works out the best for him to see both his parents.

It was only a season ago that Cloud had met his father, and the encounter had at first gone very awkwardly, but that’s another story.  What matters now is that the two of them are best friends, and when he is not teaching his dad spends lots of time with him explaining all about the world around them and doing father-son things.  What surprised Cloud the most during the first day that they had spent together was just how different his father is from the common perception of him in the Feral Forest.  He had been teased by other winglings pretty much from the day he hatched about all the bad things his dad had done, and if it wasn’t for his mother’s insistence he never would have came here to the Great Valley at all.  Looking back, he regretted thinking so negatively about a wingtail he had never met before.

“So I wonder why Mr. Sky is making us go so far just to listen to more of his stupid stories,” complains Landar the Fourwing, Guido and Syndra’s son, as he glides from one tree to another to keep up with the gang.

“I don’t think they’re stupid,” comments Kala the Spiketail, Spike and Thylo’s daughter.

“Me too,” adds Aura the Swimmer from Kala’s back, Ducky’s daughter.

Wayne the threehorn tilts his head to join the conversation.

“Well I wouldn’t go that far, but Mr. Sky’s stories are no where near as good as my Grandpa’s.”

The comment wasn’t met with much enthusiasm from the others.

“No offence,” offers Xavier the longneck, Littlefoot and Ali’s son, “but all Grandpa Threehorn talks about are the times he fought with sharpteeth.”

“Or told off somebody else,” adds Cloud from a nearby tree.

 Just as the wingtail speaks up, Landar lands next to him with a mischievous look on his face.

“Hey wingtail,” the Fourwing blurts, “I know what story Mr. Sky is going to tell us tonight… ëThe Legend of the Big Nose’ starring you.”

Wayne laughs, and Kala chuckles slightly before stopping herself.  Cloud looks offended, and looks down on Landar severely.

“I wouldn’t make fun of somebody higher then you on the food chain,” threatens Cloud, before faking like he is about to attack the Fourwing with his beak.

“Hey watch it,” cries Landar as he jumps off the branch and into the air as fast as he can, “I was just kidding… sheesh.”

Cloud had been bullied enough in the Feral Forest, so he isn’t about to take it anymore.  Uncle Glide had taught him how to defend himself, and despite all the trouble it got him in with his teachers it eventually made the other winglings stop.  Unfortunately though, it didn’t make him many friends.

“Hey guys,” calls out Nincea from behind them in the air.  She is flapping her wings vigorously to catch up with her friends.

“Sorry I’m late,” the flyer apologizes, “but daddy almost didn’t let me go… mommy had to talk some sense into him.”

Xavier nods with welcome.

“Glad you could make it Nincea,” states the blue longneck, “I know all our folks were worried a bit too.”

“Speak for yourself,” corrects Landar dismissively, “mine couldn’t care less where I go.”

“I wish it was that way for me,” adds Wayne, “my mom is always dragging me along with her wherever she goes… it’s nice to just get away once in a while.”

This type of conversation is a normal part of the daily routine of the young dinosaurs, and it continues for the next hour as the seven of them make their way up to Threehorn Peak. Surprisingly when they round the bend to reach the summit Mr. Sky is already there, staring out into the endless expanses of the Mysterious Beyond.  As Xavier, Wayne, Nincea, Kala, Aura and Landar try to make themselves comfortable in a semicircle Cloud lands next to his father.

“Hey dad, what are you looking for?” asks the young wingtail with curiously.

Sky turns to face his son with a homely smile, and wraps his arm around Cloud’s back, rustling the line of hair stretching down it.  Cloud returns the gesture.

“Nice to see you made it up safe and sound,” praises Mr. Sky, before turning to face the gathered children, “…all of you.”

At his father’s insistence, Cloud rejoins the semicircle of his friends.

“Today I have a different story then the ones you are used to, children,” begins Mr. Sky, “for it comes from my own childhood and I feel it is time I passed it on to all of you.”

The blue wingtail corrects his wings before continuing.

“There is a tale that has been passed on through wingtail kind for generations, one that describes our beginning and indeed the beginning of all dinosaur kind.  It starts in a place far beyond the horizon, a place that even I would hesitate to go…”

Mr. Sky raises his hands and measures the position of the bright circle against his current position.  In a moment, he determines the direction said place and points there with his finger.

“Beyond the Mysterious Beyond, beyond the crests of the Great Divide, and indeed beyond the Tyrant Spire itself lies the lush place where the earliest of species began… a place called Blacksun Crater.”

The reaction amongst the gathered youngsters is one of wonder and curiosity.  Nobody knows the Mysterious Beyond quite like Mr. Sky does, and with the possible exception of Landar they all enjoy his stories immensely.  Listening to his father weave another tale of distant lands and danger, Cloud hopes that someday he too will have his own great adventures.  

Little did he know that day would be coming a lot sooner then he ever expected.




Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday to Sky
« on: November 29, 2012, 02:04:05 PM »
Happy Starday Sky!  :angel

Ask Me / Ask a Question of Me
« on: September 15, 2012, 12:56:56 PM »
Quote from: Pangaea,Aug 30 2012 on  05:56 AM
Hey, Caustizer. :wave Are you still planning to write "Journey Into Blacksun" and/or continue working on "Ruby in the Jungle"? I'm still up for reviewing them if you are.
Regrettably I will not be finishing the story Ruby in the Jungle.  It's been too long since I last wrote any Far Away Home material and it's off my creative radar due to lack of inspiration.

Blacksun, however, is still up in the air.  I can say that IF I do choose to write it, it will be shorter then FAW (like around 15 to 20 chapters maximum) and it will involve the gang of seven as adults as well as their kids - which is a type of story that not all LBT fans like.

If I decide to write it, the prologue will be up by Sky's birthday (November 22nd I think) at the latest.

Thank you for your maintained interest in my work Pangaea :angel.  If you are so inclined, my latest story is up to 8 chapters and is currently posted on my deviantart page:


Starday Wishes / Happy birthday Cautizer!
« on: August 16, 2012, 09:23:25 AM »

(Birthday present still in progress... DX)

You're working on a birthday present for me?  Awesome!  It's not one of those 'maybe in six months' birthday presents is it?   :p

Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot your birthday, Caustizer! doh1.gif

Sorry about that, and that I don't have a card for you this year. dino_oops.gif I haven't been able to access the Internet for most of the last week and a half, so it's been difficult to keep track of things on the GOF.

Thank you for your birthday wishes.  I know you have been great in giving me birthday cards in the past but now that both of us are not very active on the GOF anymore its okay for no more birthday exchanges to happen.  After all, birthday gifts are supposed to be given through the kindness of your heart, never demanded or in the case of the most humble expected.

Now if you say you are doing one however... then I do expect you to keep your word as I do with all people :angel


Starday Wishes / Happy birthday Cautizer!
« on: August 13, 2012, 02:48:52 PM »
Thanks for the birthday wishes.  Just got an eye operation done so I can barely see, in fact it even hurts to try and type this.

Anyway, its good to see people here still remember me despite my relative inactivity :)

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Far Away Home
« on: May 29, 2012, 07:23:11 PM »
That's an excellent card Pangaea!  Thank you for coming through and making it, though now I'm almost 23 :lol.

I like the burned letters detail you put in, as well as adding Eybron to the picture getting his tail set on fire.

I hope that you will still be around to review 'Into Blacksun' once I decide to start writing it.


LBT Fanfiction / BOSE and BOSE II
« on: May 27, 2012, 06:36:43 PM »
Interesting.  I've just returned from a long trip to the United States so I'm still a little disorganized and exhausted, but I'll read this chapter.

Ask Me / Ask Pangaea
« on: April 09, 2012, 04:18:54 PM »
How was your Easter?

I know I had to cut mine short because of an exam I was studying for today, damn shame too.  Turned out I should have studied more for that exam but hindsight is always 20/20.


LBT Fanfiction / Quest for the Mask of Life
« on: March 28, 2012, 04:13:19 PM »
It unfortuneately seems like Pangaea has left the Gang of Five for a while, so I suppose I'll have to make up the gap.  In my opinion this chapter is somewhat short, but it is apparent that your writing style has been developing quite a bit since I last reviewed this story.

These Zyglak must be quite mighty to be able to break through solid stone in such a short length of time.  If they are that physically powerful, what need do they have for primative weapons such as daggers and spears?  Either way I felt the gang was well integrated into the chapter, and by this point their presence seems quite seemless.

At the very end, was the white and painful light an intervention from an outside source or was it the eel shocking them? That part wasn't quite clear from the text.

Good luck and keep posting these chapters as you finish them,

Caustizer :angel

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Far Away Home
« on: March 16, 2012, 05:45:39 PM »
Here it is the final part of Far Away Home.

I hope you've enjoyed the ride for the past 3 years, because it's now officially done :)

Thank you for supporting me and continuing to review it even when my schedule which often took me away from the story for 2-3 months at a time dragged on and interest waned.

Far Away Home Epilogue

“Is that it?” commented Xavier with enthusiasm, clearly wrapped on Sky’s every word.

“For tonight at least,” returned a much older Sky with a yawn.

“..but there’s so much you haven’t told us yet.  Are you still banished from the Feral Forest? Did you ever see Chomper again?”

The older Littlefoot rises to his feet with some effort, the dim light from the glowing cracks reflecting off his tough hide.

“That was the last time we saw him,” commented Littlefoot, “and for all our sakes I am thankful it was the last.”

“But dad he didn’t seem like he was that bad, was he?” replied Xavier

“You’re forgetting that he’s still a sharptooth, and if what mom says is true that’s means he’s always dangerous,” adds Wayne.

“And who’s to say he hasn’t developed a taste for… longneck flesh!” exclaimed the fourwing Landar, as if trying to scare them all.

It didn’t really work that well.

“What do you think Cloud?” insisted Kala the spiketail, leaning in the wingtail’s direction as if expecting a good answer.

“I…umm… don’t know,” answers Cloud reluctantly.

The young wingtail looked out of his element and uncomfortable in amongst the group, since he didn’t really know any of them at all.

“I think that’s enough questions for one night children,” finishes Littlefoot with authority, “Xavier, come with me.”

The younger longneck looks crestfallen at the news, but follows his father obediently.  Taking the lead, the other children depart in their own orderly fashion.  Kala and Aura hobble away towards the river where their two families are staying, Wayne goes towards the hill where his mother built her nest, and Nincea flies off towards her father Petrie’s roost near the mountains.  In the end only Sky, Cloud, and Landar are left.

“Pff, if my parents want me back bad enough I’m sure they’ll come calling,” declares Landar defiantly before talking at Cloud, “… you don’t say too much do you wingtail?”

“We’re not supposed to talk to other fliers where I come from,” answers Cloud truthfully, earning an uncomfortable look from his father.

“My class is finished for tonight Landar,” insists Sky wisely, “if I see your mother I’ll be sure to let her know you are lingering here way past your bedtime.”

“Eeep… please don’t! I’ll go back, I promise,” replies Landar with a hint of fear.

Clawing his way to the top of a nearby tree, the fourwing hops off and sets about gliding his way back home to his parents Syndra and Guido.

“You seem nervous, is something bothering you Cloud?” asks Sky casually as he stands next to his son.

“It’s just so strange here… it’s nothing like the Feral Forest.”

“Indeed, the Great Valley is a place where numerous races get along as best as they can.  Give it some time, and you might find you’ll make some new friends.”

“Okay,” agrees Cloud, bowing to his father’s wisdom.

Sky reaches out with his hand and rustles Clouds frill, causing the young wingtail to snort and duck away in annoyance.  With a smile and a light nod Sky turns and spreads his wings, beckoning for his son to join him.

“Come on featherball, it’s time I showed you your new home.”


“But where will you go from here Sky?” insists Star with a hint of fear, “I know you can take care of yourself pretty well on your own but… I want to know where to find you when the time comes.”

Sky nods with agreement.  They had worked out a plan together that once Cloud was old enough to fly on his own, he would go to meet his father beyond the forest’s edges.  The biggest complication was where he could be found once the young wingtail was ready.

“You will find me in a place known as the Great Valley… beyond the Farwalker Gorge, and the mountains afterward. I will wait for him.”

Star reaches out around Sky with her free wing and hugs him, pressing the side of her face against his.

“It will be hard for him, growing up without a father,” she comments softly.

“My greatest regret,” answers Sky with absolute truth.

Inside the folds of her other wing, the baby wingtail Cloud sleeps softly.  It is getting late, and being a newborn he spent more of his time asleep then awake.  Not wishing to disturb him, Sky looks down and smiles.

“See ya later, featherball.”

Nuzzling Star one last time before his departure, Sky turns and swoops out of the family tree to begin the long term of his banishment.

Facing the sharp urgency of his requirement to leave before the Great Circle sets, Sky picks up the pace as he soars on the light winds above the Feral Forest. After flying for no more then a minute a dark shape swoops down from above, startling him.

“You should be more aware of your surroundings,” suggests Glide with a bit of impatience, “given what has just transpired, I wouldn’t be surprised if every wingtail and his brother tries to take you down.”

“Yes, that is certainly a possibility,” answers Sky, “but I’m sure they know they’re dealing with you if that happens.”

Glide sneers.

“For your sake you had better not be lying to my sister,” the black wingtail snarls, “when the time comes that the youngling is ready for the journey I don’t want to have to hunt you down.”

“You need not worry Glide, rest assured I’m looking forward to the day as much as I know you are.”

The two wingtails bank, heading towards the southern edge of the forest.  Littlefoot and the other landwalkers were supposed to be there waiting for him so they could begin the trip back home.  Sky was immensely proud of them.  Not only had they survived the long journey, but they had thrived in it.  He was particularly impressed that even after being split for so long the gang remained so firmly bonded that it was like they had never been apart.  When the blue wingtail left to say goodbye to his family, they had been enthusiastically sharing stories of their perils and triumphs along the way.  Sky hoped that all of the wingtails could benefit from the example of their interracial cooperation, though deep down he doubted it.

“One more thing,” adds Glide just before the two of them part ways, “here.”

Withdrawing a small object from his wing, the black wingtail flicks it towards Sky.  Catching it, the blue wingtail’s expression brightens in recognition of an old friend. It is the Occular.

“You seem attached to this trinket, so I suppose it should belong to you.”

“But, why are you giving me this?”

“I don’t like keeping debts,” answers Glide with cold honesty, “consider this payment for that time by the lava flow.”

Slipping the precious heirloom into its usual place within his wing, Sky nods his appreciation for its return.

“And then there was this massive sharptooth, he came bursting out of nowhere and stared us both down… Chomper and me.”

Ruby was busy telling a story to the entire group, and they were all listening intently on her every word.  Suddenly the fastrunner appears confused, and puts a finger to her mouth.

“… or was it Cera, Chomper and me?”

Cera thinks about it for a minute during the brief silence that follows, and then answers.

“Well I certainly remember that sharptooth thing happening to me about…oh… a dozen times or more.”

Littlefoot laughs, though his voice has certainly changed since the last time Ruby and Cera had seen him.

“Yep it certainly did,” the longneck states, “it seems like we have pretty bad luck when it comes to sharpteeth.”

“Well your luck mustn’t be that bad,” interjects Siak positively, “since you had the good fortune to run into nice ones like Chomper and me, bless his hide.”

It was around that moment that Sky made his arrival, landing just outside the circle they had formed.  Visible just metres away were the edges of the Feral Forest, meaning that now the blue wingtail was technically obeying the terms of his banishment.  Being this close however gave the wingtails watching him from the trees some discontent, and were it not for all the friends he had willing to protect him Sky would have been in some amount of danger.

“Welcome back Sky… did everything go alright?” asks Littlefoot warmly.

“It did indeed,” answers the blue wingtail, “are we all ready to go home?”

Almost the entire group pipes up in agreement.

“I would like to see the Great Valley again, I would,” comments Ducky.

“As much as I can’t stand my kin and all, I suppose I’ve grown to miss them a bit,” adds Gentry.

“I wonder if my herd is still there…” muses Ali, but it goes for the most part unheard.

“So, you’re that wingtail everybody’s been talking about,” interrupts Siak, “…Sky is it?”

The spikemouth sizes up the blue wingtail, as if trying to find something remarkable about him besides his colour.

“Yes, I know others of my kind certainly seem to enjoy talking about me.”

“Well you’d better not try anything funny,” answers Siak with a wag of her finger, “normal wingtails are bad enough, let alone a convicted one.”

“Perhaps I’m really the normal one,” suggests Sky in a sly manner, “and the rest of my race has some learning to do.”

“Got that right,” contributes Cera, earning a few laughs from those gathered around.

Things briefly descend into a half dozen different conversations, talking about everything from the right route to travel on the way home to what to eat next.  The group was just getting organized for departure when a single solitary wingtail glided in to join them.  He was navy blue, and wore a pair of volcanic glasses.

“Well it’s about time you showed up,” stated Siak, “I was beginning to think your newfound heroic place in the world was getting to your head.”

“Ever the charmer isn’t she?” replied Aizon, directing the comment towards Sky.

The blue wingtail bowed slightly.


“Former student, you appear to have dodged quite the stone,” Aizon remarks in a homely manner, “you are good at keeping your secrets… I sense that the other wingtails really didn’t know what to make of you today.”

“I tried my best to make them see the truth… our kind is blinded by their bigotry and lack of reason,” replied Sky.

“Well said,” comments Aizon with a grin, “but then again it wasn’t the whole truth… was it?”

The navy wingtail had lowered his glasses knowingly, earning a guilty look from Sky.  The blue wingtail said nothing, knowing that others could be watching and listening.

“But, that is of no important matter.  We must see to it that all your friends go to where they are waited for … I would guess that ëhome’ does not mean the same thing to all of them.”

Speaking up, Aizon begins to sort out the details of where each dinosaur is to go.  Getting all those headed to the Great Valley was simple enough… Littlefoot, Ali, Petrie, Ducky, Spike, and Ruby all were eager to leave.

“Littlefoot is it?” asks the navy wingtail politely.

“Yeah… I didn’t know you were Sky’s teacher,” answers the longneck thoughtfully.

“There are many things about him that even I don’t know, but I do know this… I would highly recommend that you make a slight detour and stop in the Forgotten Forest on your way home.”

“Why?” inquires Littlefoot.

“I encountered someone there in my travels whom it would be highly beneficial for you to meet.”

Aizon winked, before moving on to the next order of business.

“Eggstealer, where do you call home?”

“I’m surprised anyone bothered to ask, I am,” replies Gentry, “I came from a place by the sea called the Dawn Valley.  Bit of a walk I would think.”

Aizon nodded, before turning towards Siak.

“I have a task for you my friend… there is one in need of your guidance.”

Siak looks shocked.

“What? You don’t expect me to… oh fine I’ll take him. It’s not like I have any better places to go.”

The navy wingtail smiles and nods, implying she has done the right thing.

“And that leaves one more.”

Aizon walks towards Thylo, who is standing all alone but otherwise appears happy.

“Where is your home Spiketail?”

“Oh I came all the way from the Verdant Valley.  It’s been really fun and I’ve had a great time but I think I want to go home now to see my mom and my brothers and my sisters.  Maybe when I get there we can go down to the steam and-”

As the dark green spiketail rambled on, the look on Aizon’s face darkened.  He beckons towards Sky for his former student to come over, and whispers something in his ear.  Suddenly Sky’s expression changes to into one of sadness.

“Spiketail…” begins Sky, before Ruby corrects him on the name, “…Thylo.  I… I don’t think you can go home.”

Thylo stops mid rant and looks at the wingtail curiously.

“But…why not?”

Sky sighs.  The Verdant Valley was wiped out completely by the eruption of the Black Mountain so many months ago, and Thylo’s family was likely all gone.

“You can’t… we can’t.”

Littlefoot clued in to what was going on, although he didn’t know all the details.

“Maybe she can come to the Great Valley with us,” suggests the longneck, “I’m sure Spike could use the company.”

Spike gets up onto his feet and looks at Thylo curiously.  Smiling, he gestures with his head for her to come over.

“Okay, maybe I’ll get to see them all later.”

Thylo walks over and joins Spike, who is a bit older and larger then she is.

With all travelling groups arranged, Aizon bids them farewell.

“May your journey be swift and uneventful,” comments the navy wingtail so everyone can hear him.

Slowly the group of dinosaurs begins to depart, beginning the long journey home.  At last, only Aizon and Sky are remaining.

“Thank you for speaking in my favour at the trial,” says Sky in gratitude, “I know I’ve done some things that weren’t for the best, but my mate and especially my son deserve the chance for us to meet again.”

“Hmm, I’m sure that whatever you did or did not do you had a good reason for doing it,” answers Aizon, “it is one of your good qualities.”

Sky turns towards his old mentor.

“What about Eybron’s wingtails, what are you planning to do with them?”

Aizon smiles a little bit, and rubs his small goatee in thought.

“There are rumours that another artefact of my fathers was built in a place called Blacksun Crater, and I or rather we intend to investigate it.”

“Are you sure you can handle them?” asks Sky with concern.

“What else is there for them to do?  The Sonicron will be destroyed of course in time, so they would be without their duty.”

Sky nods with understanding.

“Your mother would be proud of you, you know,” states Aizon suddenly with warmth.

Remembering her, Sky drops his head.  It had been such a long time since her death the memory had almost faded in picture, but he did remember her love.

“I know… and my father too I hope.”

Spreading his wings, Aizon takes off into the air and circles overhead.

“He still is.”

It takes a moment for the impact of the statement to set in, and when it does Sky looks up in surprise.  What did his old mentor mean ëhe still is’?  Could his father still be alive somewhere?  Before the blue wingtail could inquire further, Aizon was gone.








A number of scenes occur both during and after the end ëcredits’.  They are the following:


Snarling ravenously, Chomper makes his first kill.  He snaps the neck of the poor domehead before she even knows what’s got her.  It was the most respectful way.

A number of fastbiters – King Tyrus’ minions – try to partake in his kill but with a roar and snapping of his teeth he wards them away.  All but one that is.

Thudd strides up to the kill with pride, and Chomper lets him pass.  Watching jealously, the other biters can only observe as he takes his fill.

Being friends with a sharptooth does have its advantages after all…


Siak and a much older Gentry are shown wandering through the Dawn Valley.  Suddenly, the eggstealer encounters his siblings whom have all started families of their own.  With joy they welcome him home, though unfortunately none of them offer him anything to eat.


Thylo and Spike are eating from the same bush in the Great Valley, and both are adults.  The former is rambling on and on about anything and everything, while the latter is simply nodding with agreement every time she completes a sentence.  They soon devour the entire plant, touching noses as they finish off the last of the leaves.  Thylo looks at Spike, and he looks back at her with lust. Soon, love blossoms between them.


Littlefoot returns to the Forgotten Forest, just like Aizon told him to, and to his supreme shock and amazement his father is there waiting for him.  The two have a joyous reunion, and over the course of a week share stories with each other about everything that has happened to them up to this point.  Shorty and Littlefoot make amends, although there was little for them to amend for.  His brother has a new girlfriend, and he’s madly in love with her.

Before long Littlefoot gets caught up in the romantic spirit too with Ali and, lying together in the cool grass and away from everyone else, they mate for the first time.


Retiring from telling stories to the children for the night in the Great Valley, Ruby takes a long and thorough bath in the river before returning to tree she likes to sleep under.  It is a night like any other, though hearing all about the past makes her miss it a little bit.  She had never had an overwhelming need to find a companion, but with Swiftwalker there may have been something there.

She curls up to go to sleep, but before she can close her eyes the sound of footsteps reaches her ears.

“Hey, who’s there? Who is it?”

A figure emerges from the shadows and into the light.  Beneath the half-light of the Night Circle the outline of a runner so familiar to her emerges.  Ruby can’t believe it… she must be dreaming.

“… Swifty?”

The fast runner has grown up considerably, and he is almost unrecognizable.  His normally muddy feathers are almost completely clean, revealing his natural light blue underneath. Hearing the sounds of her voice, he looks just as surprised to behold her as well.

“Swifty, how is this… how did you get here?”

“Come long way looking for you, forget to say goodbye.”

It likely wasn’t the real reason he had come this far, but Ruby didn’t care… she was too busy admiring his form. The muscular development he had brought on by such a long and hard journey aroused an unfamiliar emotion in her.  She could feel it boiling up inside her – attraction.

“Threehorn say I find you here.”

Ruby smiles, and puts out her hands.  Gingerly, he does as well.  She didn’t realize just how much she missed him.  In the long moment where their eyes met and stayed locked, Swiftwalker finally gets the courage to say what he had really come all this way to say.

“You… look for mate?”

He didn’t need to ask.




Gamers Zone / Used Games Ban for next XBox
« on: March 14, 2012, 08:06:52 AM »
What would happen if car companies took steps to make used cars illegal?  What if bookstores took steps to make selling used books illegal?

The right to re-sell property that you no longer want is a constitutional right in my mind.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Far Away Home
« on: March 04, 2012, 08:59:23 PM »
I feel obligated to provide an update on the status of the Epilogue and Far Away Home in general, given that I have surpassed my usual time frame of 2 months between each installment.

I am still working on the structure, and deciding what parts I want to include and to omit.  The most challenging prospect for me is going and searching through the entire story again and making notes of all the loose plot ends, so I can ensure I wrap them all up properly.

I must ask all you who are faithfully awaiting the next installment for a bit more of your patience, as this is a process that I have to do on top of an oppressive workload at University. :angel


Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday Littlefoot1616
« on: February 16, 2012, 12:21:24 PM »
Happy Birthday Littlefoot 1616!

:celebrate :celebrate

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