The Gang of Five
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Digimon RP

Rocky · 44 · 9471


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Patrick's Day started off fairly normal. The seven year old was heading back to his current home after winning a Digimon card tournement. All thanks to his faithful Imperialdramon Paladin mode card. It was then he bumped into a man wearing a trench coat. "Sorry. " Patrick said as the man grunted. Patrick then saw a pouch that the man droped. "Sir you dropped.." Patrick started, but the man vanished without a trace. Patrick Picked it up and opened it. It looked like a smart phone with a touch screen an strap, but also had a card reader.

After getting Home, Patrick decided to try out the card reader. "Glad no one's here to see this. DIgimodifey!: Imperialdramon Paladin mode activate!" He said as a large flash of light consumed him.

Patrick awoke, but he was in some kind of forest. Patrick then caught a glimps of his hand. It looked like it belonged to Imperialdron Paladin mode. Patrick then saw his reflection in a nearby lake. He looked like a much younger version of his favorite Digimon.


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"Easy, buddies." Sparky muttered with a laugh as her three ratties walked ahead of her, each in a harness and leash. It wasn't really like walking a dog, but it was still fun watching the rodent trio eagerly explore their surroundings. It was starting to get too dark though and she picked up her little babies, allowing them to chill either on her shoulders or in the pocket of her custom-made Digimon hoodie.

Turning to head home, she felt a sudden bump from behind and she startled as a trenchcoat man ignored her and kept walking. She felt the need to say something along the lines of 'Careful with my rats, you idiot!!', but all that came from her mouth was a soft "Sorry" even though it wasn't her fault to begin with.

Something shiny catching her eye before she could leave, she looked down to see a strange device on the ground. Picking it up, she looked about for Mr. Trenchcoat only to find that he wasn't there anymore. Oh....Well, finder's keepers.

Arriving at home, she immediately made for her room, avoiding her sister and parents as she didn't want to be held up on finding out what her new treasure was. Removing their walking harnesses and placing her rats into their cage, she sat on her bed and just stared at the thing in her hands. It was beautiful and looked like it could swipe one's credit card. Hmmm...

Standing after a while, she picked up her binder of both Pokemon and Digimon cards, and opened it to find her favorite cards from both categories looking back at her from the front page. In the Pokemon side: Abra, Haunter, Dragonite, and Scyther. In the Digimon: Terriermon, Beelzemon, Guilmon, and...

"Hello, gorgeous." she said to herself as she carefully pulled out her Cherubimon card, holding it like one might hold a valuable piece of treasure. Looking back and forth between the card and her new device, she grinned goofily and swiped the card.

Instantly, the whole room became engulfed in white light and Sparky instinctively covered her eyes. She heard the squeaks of surprise from her pets, but from farther away than it should have been. Soon those squeaks faded seemingly into the distance and all at once, everything turned black...


Everything was coming back slowly, and incredibly blurry as Sparky slowly began regaining consciousness. Green, everything was green.... Wait, those were trees. Okay then... Blackness again as she closed her eyes once more.

Propping herself up on an elbow, she winced at a residual headache and placed her hand atop her head to soothe it. Only...

This doesn't feel right... she thought to herself as she felt what seemed like horns and....over-sized ears. In fact, her whole hand felt over-sized and she froze, all of a sudden not wanting to open her eyes again. "Domino? Knaw? Skeet?" she muttered, hoping to hear the responding shuffle of her pets. There was nothing and she felt her heart stop. Open your eyes, don't keep yourself in suspense.

Obeying that thought, she opened her eyes, things still a bit blurry, but clearing up quickly. Sitting straight up, she looked at her hands, seeing massive purple hands in place of her human ones. She looked straight down the length of her body to find a neck frill/ruff of some kind blocking her view. Lifting her gaze past that, she saw her abdomen and legs, legs that seemed so short in comparison to her arms.

Finally it dawned on her: she's a Cherubimon!!! A Viral Cherubimon!! She didn't know whether to be incredibly excited, or scared out of her mind. On one hand, she was a Cherubimon, her favorite Digimon of all time!! On the other hand, SHE WAS A FREAKIN' CHERUBIMON IN THE MIDDLE OF WHO-KNOWS-WHERE WITH NO SIGN OF HER PRECIOUS RATTIES!!!! This couldn't be real...could it?

Never removing her eyes from her own body, she muttered under her breath the only thing she could possibly think of in conclusion:

"This is a pretty weird, yet somehow epic dream...."


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It was once again, just a normal day as anything for Zoe, just walking around as per usual, heading to well, nowhere in particular.  Well okay, that was a lie, she was actually heading to the graveyard to simply hang out there, somewhere nice and peaceful.

But once in the graveyard, there was well, no one around, no one except for a strange man in a coat who just seemed to be standing there beside a gravestone, whom Zoe took note of.  But she for now, ignored him as she looked away....only to look back once again and find that he had just seemed to had vanished.

However, her eyes took note of something he had left behind and in turn, she wandered over to it and crouched down, finding a strange black device, to which the goth girl examined it for just a moment and looked up  "Why would someone just leave something valuable like this behind I wonder...." she spoke out loud before just shrugging it off and pocketing the device for now.

Though after a few more minutes had passed, she pulled it out again as she sat down on one of the gravestones and examined the device a bit more, taking note of the slot which looked like a card reader of sorts.  In turn, she pulled out something else she had in her pocket for the day, a Gatomon card and looked at it for a moment before just idily swiping it.

A blinding light engulfed the goth girl by that point....


She awoke again, laying in a stream of some sort before gasping and quickly getting up, pulling herself out of the water with a few quick breaths of air "Water, not good....almost drowned...." was all she could mutter as she just stayed there on her hands and knees, gasping for air once again before taking note of her now.  Wait, paws, that wasn't a good sign.

She quickly trouched her face, her cat-like ears and then checked to see a tail as well "No, no, no, no, no.....not good, not good at all...." she muttered and turned around, looking into the stream, seeing that she was now....a Gatomon.

She gasped and quickly scurried back, right up against a tree "Oh no, this is not happening....this is not all....I can't be a Gatommon.....I just can't be...." she muttered to herself as she just sat there, just trying to comprehend what had just happened to her....


  • Banana Egg
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Today was one of the rare days Jake actually left the house, he was on his way home from his friends birthday party when a largeman wearing a trenchcoat bumped into him. Jake didn't say anything and kept walking when his foot kicked something on the ground, he looked at the ground and and saw an odd device. Looking around he noticed no one else was within sight. "Where'd the trenchcoat guy go?" he asked himself, with a shrug he pocketed the device and resumed walking home.

It only took another 6 minutes to reach home, he gave his neighbours dog a pat before proceeding to his own little unit. Unlocking the door he went inside and pulled out the device looking at it. "Hey, this looks sorta like an ipod?" pressing some buttons not much had happened aside from revealing the date and weather. Turning the device around he noticed a slot "What's this for?" he then remembered the digimon game he used to play as a kid "Hmm, I wonder if I still have that fake White WarGreymon card I made?"

Jake went in search of his old childhood memories he kept in a box, after pulling out useless things like old figurines and a game boy color he came across a smaller box. "Gotcha!" he stated as he took the box out and opened it, dumping the contents onto the floor, inside contained few digimon cards, selecting the fake cardback card he made he swiped it through the device only to be surrounded by a light "what the?!" he yelled in surprise, only for everything to go dark.

He wasn't sure how long it was but he eventually started to wake up, upon opening his eyes he noticed he was in a forest. "How did I get here? he asked himself, that's when he noticed his view was slightly obscured by something on his face. When he went to pull it off he noticed a giant arm with three sharped blades. Staring at them momentarily he looked at the rest of his body and yelled with both surprise and fear "I'm... i'm White WarGreymon?! This.... has to... has to be a dream?! there's no plausible explanation unless..." remembering the device he found it on the ground not far from his location, dropping the right armored forearm he had a free hand and picked up the device and looked at the screen. There was some text on there now since the last time he saw it, he read it out loud "Welcome to the Digital world.... wait... this is definitely a dream- no way in hell digimon are real.."

(OOC: You guys should add me on msn or skype--- Msn>   Skype> metadude1234)


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Dan was reading at a park, wanting to get out instead of staying inside all the time.  A thing he liked to do now and then.   He had an android tablet that he was using to read.  He was reading one of the H.G. Wells books, it was free and he had downloaded it from online.  

He saw a trenchcoat man out of the corner of his eye walking by, not paying much attention.  After a while he put his tablet away into his backpack and then saw there was a device on the ground in front of where he was.  

He picked it up, and looked it over, thinking it looked like something he had not seen before.  He saw it had some sort of groove like you could swipe something.  He pressed some buttons but nothing much happened.  He wondered how he could get information on who owned it so he could return it since he could not find any information by pressing buttons.

He thought maybe he could scan a card he had.  That may get it to present some information of the owner.  He had some digimon cards.  He never played the game, just got some cards online that he liked the looks over.  

He pocketed the device and then went home.  Once home he went to his room.  Once there he put his backpack on the floor near his bed and went to get the small box he kept some odds and ends in.  

This he set on the bed, sitting down next to it, and took out the device he had found.  He then decided to try swiping a guilmon card.  He swiped the card, looking to see if any information of the owner ma come up, but instead there was a bright flash of light.  

He lay where he was for a bit before opening his eyes.  He found he was laying on his back.  He started to get up, noticing his arm looked different.  Looking at the rest of his body he noticed he looked different, like a Guilmon, including having a data hazard on his chest.  

"What...?" He said aloud to himself, wondering what happened.


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After walking around, Patrick was surprised when he saw a Viral Cherubimon. The Human turned Digimon saw she looked distressed. "Excuse me, but are you OK Miss, you look upset?" The younger digimon said. From what Patrick gathered, they were in a digital word where level did not define stregth or age as he go t a power reading from her that was similer to his own that the Digivice had shown him alread. " I'm Patrick, and this may soound weird, but I wasn't always a digimon. I use to be human." Patrick confesed.


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Zoe groaned afterwards as she just sat there, still trying to understand everything until a new thought came to her mind "That device...." she leaned forward and patted her sides "Oh no....where is it? Come on....don't tell me I lost it already....." she muttered to herself as she rushed over to the stream again and looked around quickly.

Moments later she saw it on the other side of the stream, just laying there, but luckily, not in said water, to which she rushed over and picked it up and quickly, she decided to examine it, but to no avail and groaned and just threw it across the way in annoyannce.

Although seconds later, she rushed off after it, picking it back up and sighed to herself "This is going to be a long day...." she muttered as she cliped it to her boot and started to walk off.

But again, she didn't get far when she finally found her backpack just laying around, to which she grabbed it, tossed the device inside and put it across her back and again, just simply walked off in a light grumble.


Though after at least another ten minutes of walking, she finally ran into someone....or something.  It was a Guilmon and for a moment, she just stood there, not even sure if she should even approach the other Digimon but after a few seconds, she groaned to herself and stepped up to him "Hey, you!" was all she could think of calling out to him.


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"If this is a dream I might as well have a look around..." Jake thought to himself, picking the large Dramon Killer that he had dropped earlier, equipping it he left the scene. As he was walking he came upon an two digimon, diving into cover he put the Dramon Killer on his right arm down and pulled out his digivice, scanning the digimon he checked the data "An ImperialDramon and a Viral Cherubimon"


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Sparky took a long moment to comprehend that she had a visitor and she slowly turned her wide eyes to the voice's owner. She immediately saw that he was another Digimon, an Imperialdramon from the looks of it. Ears lowering a bit, it took another moment for her to gather her voice enough to respond at a reasonable volume (as oppose to her previous mutters), beginning to overcome her shock a bit.

"I'm not sure...I..." Finally, his last statement fully sank in and her ears shot up again. "That's...Me too! I was human and then..." She froze, remembering the device. It was the cause of all this, she knew! Looking about herself frantically, she found it nestled beside her and she gently grabbed it, looking at it in shock before looking to the apparently-former-human named Patrick.

"This isn't a dream, is it?" she asked him, not sure which answer she would want to hear.


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Jake watched the two converse and put his Dramon Killer back onto his right arm, stepping out of cover he slowly and cautiously approached the two.


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Patrick shook his head. " I dought it, I tried to fly, and I crashed into a tree and scrapped my hand." Patrick said, revealing his injured hand. " Given that we are both Mega level, I doubt Level dictates age or power." Patrick said, refering to his appearance, which looked like a non-suer deformed Child version of Imperialdramon Paladin Mode. "I'm Patrick by the way." Patrick said etending his hand for Sparky to shake. "and who are you miss?" He asked.


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Ahhhh, not a dream after all, if the 'pain-to-wake-up' method didn't work for Patrick. She would love being a Cherubimon in a dream, but in real-life? With an unknown chance of getting back home to her family, her pets? It made her heart sink at the thought. But she quickly hid that for the sake of being polite and she smiled as she took Patrick's hand in her own.

"An honor to meet you, Patrick. You can call me Sparky."

Suddenly her ears perked up again and she looked over at a newcomer approaching them. She wasn't too sure if this one was a really Digimon or not, but just in case, she offered him a friendly smile (or at least as friendly as a demon bunny smile can be) that was a mixture of 'Hello' and 'I-don't-want-any-trouble,-so-please-don't-attack-me-if-that's-your-intention'.


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Jake awkwardly waved at the two "Ugh, I overheard your conversation... I'm in the same situation as you guys" he gestured to the digivice clipped to his armor


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"Pleased to meet you sparky, I never heard of anyone outside a cartoon or comic call sparky though." Patrick grinned as a white wargreymon appeared.

"So it seems, let me guess, fan made digimon?" Parick guessed. " I swiped my Imperialdramon Paladin mode card in this 'digivice' and I woke up here with nothing but my collection of digimon cards." Patrick said.


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"Yeah... I'm starting to guess this isn't a dream- too many factors that negate the dream I thought I was having..." Jake replied, still keeping his distance


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Ooooo, a fan-made Digimon, she thought to herself. Now that she thought about it, she's never seen a White Wargraymon before. It was interesting enough to take her mind off her predicament, if only temporarily...

"Yeah, I thought it was a dream too," she told the Wargraymon before her mind automatically tried to paraphrase this situation in some futile effort to understand it better. "Looks like all three of us have something in common: we were all brought here by this..." -She lightly shook her device by its strap for emphasis- "for some reason or another. And I take it you two know as much about this as I do, i.e. Nothing?"

She could see that the newcomer was keeping his distance, and she didn't really blame him. It felt strange talking to strangers like this, but maybe they could help each other.

"What's your name, by the way?" she asked the white Digimon/former human, hoping to put him more at ease.


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"My name is Jake" he replied, all the while trying to grasp the situation at hand, trying to understand how this could be possible