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School systems.

Saft · 10 · 1701


  • Ducky
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Hmm, isn't the spelling ''School'' a bit of a weird spelling?  

Anyway, something that struck me following a MSN conversation with Mum in regards to my sister and her situation with schools.  

Now, apart from boarding schools I have attended all that I've put on the poll (also barring the option ''I did not go to school'').  Due to problems of personal nature, I found public school extremely difficult and made worse by constant bullying and I had to be taken out to a private school, which again I found it extremely difficult due to problems of personal nature that wasn't helped by constant bullying, so my only option was to have Home schooling.  

However, whilst I'm aware that not every child is the same and that there are many stances from people who feel that Home schooling is never a good option to have, it was in a way a good option for me.  Although saying that, I would never opt for my own children (if I have any) to have home schooling but this option of schooling was the only choice for me and without that option I wouldn't be where I am now.  However whilst it could be pointed out that maybe I should have tried to look for different schools, unfortuantely they couldn't take me or we couldn't afford it, especially due to my mother's health and moving around and I couldn't afford to stay out of the school system for too long.

Again, not every child was the same and if I could go back and would have had the support in place that I have now at university then maybe I would have been able to have managed Public or Private school much better but alas that didn't happen and like so many who have problems in school I fell through the cracks and was left to struggle, especially when I think about all that I've missed out on but if I had just been left and my parents hadn't have tried and fought, I wouldn't be at university now.  

Please note that I'm not saying that Home schooling is super great and that I recommend it for everyone, what i'm trying to say is that every child is different and one school system doesn't allows fit for one, especially when lack of support is present.  

Thanks and I hope that I haven't offended anyone....


  • Petrie
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Uh, where's the option for state school?

EDIT: bit of Googling shows that an American public school equates to a British state school, not a British public school. You learn something new everyday.


  • Ducky
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I attend public school, but wanted so bad to vote I don't go to school, which I wish I didn't. :p  If you was in my shoes for one day, you'd know why I hate school.


  • Petrie
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Sorry, confusion arose from that fact that here, a public school is roughly the same as a private school with one or two differences, not a state school. Post amended.


  • Ducky
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I'm not referring to State universities or colleges.  If I did, I would have included it. Especially since universities and colleges are a different form of education, it's not compulsory and often attending the higher branches of education systems it requires money.

Edit: I'm just posting this so that it's clear for people, to avoid confusion...


  • Ducky
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Adder: Alot of people hate school for various reasons, you are definetly not the only one.


  • Petrie
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Quote from: Saft,Nov 26 2010 on  11:49 PM
I'm not referring to State universities or colleges.  If I did, I would have included it. Especially since universities and colleges are a different form of education, it's not compulsory and often attending the higher branches of education systems it requires money.
Ah, neither am I. Just to clear things up, in the UK if you want to go to a "public school" (or private school, many don't bother distinguishing the two, despite their opposite names) you do have to hand over extra cash. "State schools" are separate ones you get into on taxes alone.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Saft,Nov 26 2010 on  05:50 PM
Adder: Alot of people hate school for various reasons, you are definetly not the only one.
I know, but (not offense to anyone), at my high school, you have homework in every class, everday, and a lot, and only 90 minutes or less to get it all done, then there's people that think its cool to bully and act annoying, etc. I hope I didn't offened anyone.


  • Ducky
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ClawandFang: I'm not getting into a debate with you, despite typing out a long post, it is simply not worth it.  I'm just going to revise what I've said and put it simply; Independent Private schools: Means that government and local councils do NOT fund these schools so funds have to be paid privately: Ie: by paying school fees.  Public schools: Means that the government or local council DO fund these schools through money from taxations that the population has to pay.  

(I'm english and have been through both school systems and I've also asked my Dad on this just to check).

I know, but (not offense to anyone), at my high school, you have homework in every class, everday, and a lot, and only 90 minutes or less to get it all done, then there's people that think its cool to bully and act annoying, etc. I hope I didn't offened anyone.

No offense taken.  Although you should know that homework given for ninety minutes everyday isn't all that bad.  You'll be suprised to note that many other schools give out the same.  As to bullying and act annoying, you'll get people like that in all forms, not just in your school. At least you can look on the bright side, that you don't have to go to school on the weekends.:)