The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

A fantasy RP


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I'll start working with some NPC's and set up a list of chars for the story.


  • Cera
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My player chars:

Name: Antonio Di Corleone
Species: Caucasian Human
Gender: Male
Class: Spellsword, duelist
Equipment: Swept-hilt rapier, Indo-Persian 3-blade dagger
Skills: Foresight, Wind
Description: Caucasian, black hair, gray eyes, 5'10", light build, adventuring gear & attire, Italian accent
Personality: Calm, cunning
Brief Summary: Antonio was raised in a fencing school in Venice, and became a swordsman prodigy. Once he graduated, he set off for his desire for adventure.

Name: Senior Muerto
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Class: Spellsword, assassin
Equipment: Pair of Spanish curved fighting daggers, handles preferably crafted from the bones of another Spellsword
Skills: Telekinesis, agility enhancement
Description: White fur, red eyes, 6', light build, black high-class Victorian suit
Personality: Cruel, sadistic, sick sense of humor
Brief Summary: Nothing is known about this assassin's past before his employment with a certain wealthy entrepreneur...

Name:  Jeanine Mertz
Species:  Collie
Gender:  Female
Class:  Alchemist, university archaeology researcher
Equipment:  "Infinite Logbook" (journal of 20 natural pages, but by a command word & touch of the owner, each page of writings can phase in or out a different set of writings, or become blank for use)
Skills:  Alchemy, archaeology
Description:  Gold fur w/ white underside & brown ears, brown eyes, 5'8", agile build, middle-class casual dress or adventuring dress
Personality:  Strong-willed, cunning, focused
Brief Summary:  Jeanine had been a prodigy in her field of archaeology from beginning to end of her time in the London University.  Shortly after graduation, she signed up for an expedition in the Middle East with Dr James Corban, the scientist whose discovered and took back to London a vast collection of rare artifacts of a lost kingdom.

Assigned character:
Stay true to this character, and this should not be used as a primary.

Name: Mayoret III
Species: Ancient Condor
Gender: Male
Class: Ruler
Equipment: Ornate staff & scimitar, but seldom needs to use them
Skills: Multiple, most known to manipulate the element of the earth, creating dangerous sandstorms and send rocks down like meteors (he can only achieve this by sending rocks up as high as the end of the stratosphere, but he loses control if any leave orbit)
Description: Dusty brown feathers, balding head (but it is covered by an Egyptian-style headdress & crown), glowing green eyes, 7', medium-heavy build, ancient ornate Persian outfit with chest armor, his feathers are like hands when manipulating objects, but he can't use such when flying, for which he uses his feet claws
Personality: Stern, ruthless, practically soulless, desires nothing but the power to rule over all he surveys
Brief Summary: Mayoret III once ruled the land of the Hittites and other tribes with an iron fist. But his reign had ended in a mystery, for which his tomb would be found and his treasures and coffin would be taken to be on display in London...

Playable by all, but stay true to their personalities, and they cannot be killed without permission.

Name: Andre Capsicon
Species: Bloodhound
Gender: Male
Class: Crime lord
Equipment: Modifiable steam-powered wheelchair
Skills: Business, archaeology
Description: Brown fur w/ gray patches on muzzle & paws, brown eyes, unknown height (wheelchair bound), high class clothes
Personality: Ruthless, determined
Brief Summary: When he was young, Andre was an accomplished archaeologist and researcher, but when his father passed away, he was forced to take over the family's Sicilian criminal empire. By the time he reached the twilight years, he delved back into archaeology for one purpose, immortality, and he believes the Ancients were the key to that goal.

Name:  Angela Corban
Species:  Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Gender:  Female
Class:  Librarian
Equipment:  Logbook
Skills:  Multi-lingual
Description:  White fur w/ orange on back, blue eyes, 5'6", agile build, middle-class casual dress
Personality:  Inquisitive
Brief Summary:  As much as she desires to follow in her father's footsteps, Angela excelled in research and spent most of her professional life in England's university-funded library.

Other Player's Chars:
Adam L Cipher - Myrkin
Jon - Kor


  • Cera
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OK, we still have at least two more potential players with chars in the works, then we can set a start date.


  • The Circle
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I did a character, not sure how well the character will fit in or the sorts of adjustments that will be needed.


Name:  Jon
Species:  anthro dragon
Gender: Male
Class: Spellsword
Occupation: 3rd, son of wealthy merchants    
Equipment:  sabre, parrying dagger
speed enhancement, lighting,  agility

Skills:  fencing (2 weapons style), magic & arcane knowledge,

Description: deep blue scales and emerald colored eyes.  Wears comfortable clothing and his sword, sabre, with parrying dagger.  Clothes are colorful, but not garish or loud colors.  

Personality: calm, loyal, adventurous, brave, likes to study sometimes

Brief Summary:  Has friends, family friends, extended family & family friends in goverment & other places that may mention to him some incidents that may interest him.  

Doesn't need to work but adventures some and studies what interests him.   Stuff like some history, magic related stuff,


  • Cera
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He'll fit in fine, Kor.  Think we should go ahead and set up a start date?


  • The Circle
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Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • The Circle
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  • Cera
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The only other person who said they're interested is Starfall, but he hasn't posted any chars yet.


  • The Circle
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Has he been pmed to be asked if he's still interested?  Not sure if he's busy and may have missed seeing this thread.


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I'll join, , and I like the thid plot idea, hiring people to go in search for treasure. sounds like something out of indiana Jones
Name: Dixie Summers
Species: Great Dane
Gender: Female
 Class: Librarian
Equipment: retractable dagger,double-bladed scimitar
Occupation: Historian, treasure Hunter
Skills- genius-intellect,speed, and flexibility
 Description: Has piercing green eyes and light tan fur, and several dark spots on her back and side..
 Background: Studied History at Eton, speciality in Indian history, with a minor in archelogy
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Cera
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You know what, we may be able to do plots A and C.  However, we will have to clearly mark our posts with ((PLOT A)) or ((PLOT C)) before continuing our posts.  And for those players in multiple plots (like me), have a barrier between plots on our post, to reduce confusion.

Think this will work?


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Yeah, that could definitely work...
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Cera
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OK then.  I'll post my Plot C chars here:

Player Characters
Name: Melanie Smith
Species: Caucasian Human
Gender: Female
Class: Aeronaut, mercenary
Equipment: Nock volley gun (7-barreled gun), Mauser C/96 semi-automatic pistol, Krag-Jorgensen M1888 bolt-action rifle, aero sail ship (4 sails on 3 masts, 40-man crew, single forward mount for a steam-powered gatling gun)
Skills: Aeronautical navigation, ship mechanics, sharp-shooting
Description: Caucasian, dirty blonde hair, green eyes, 5'9", agile build, adventuring gear & attire, British accent
Personality: Fierce, determined, clever
Brief Summary: Mel took control of an aero-sailing business after her father died under mysterious circumstances. But when the business went under by force from a few more powerful entrepreneurs, she turns to being a mercenary, using new resources from the underground to seek out answers for her father's suspicious death.

Name: Lu Yung
Species: Red Panda
Gender: Male
Class: Monk
Equipment: Quarterstaff
Skills: Water, Chinese martial arts
Description: Red fur w/ black underside & white markings & ringed tail, brown eyes, 6', medium build, adventuring attire
Personality: Peaceful, near pacifist, but fiercely defensive
Brief Summary: Yung grew up in a remote monastery near the Tibetan border, training to be a powerful monk. Soon after his training has ended, he set off on a spiritual journey into the sacred mountain nation.

Name:  Chase Carter
Species:  Human
Gender:  Male
Class:  Gunsmith
Equipment:  Various types of grenades in rubber balls
Skills:  Free running, throwing, mechanics
Description:  Caucasian, brown hair, brown eyes, 5', light build, adventuring clothes
Personality:  Free-willed, cunning, quick-thinking
Brief Summary:  Although young, Chase is an accomplished mechanic and inventor.  He hoped to sell his designs to the United States army, but was immediately turned down.  So he moved to England to attempt the same with their government, but he ends up on the streets, selling less-lethal toys for money just to survive.

Universal Chars
Name:  Arnold Schultz
Species:  Mouse
Gender:  Male
Class:  Alchemist
Equipment:  Multi-lingual Monocle (the ability to interpret & display various text and symbols in the user's language.  This can only be used by Professor Schultz)
Skills:  Multi-lingual, ancient history
Description:  Gray fur w/ silver on muzzle & eyebrows, dark brown eyes, 5'2", stocky build, higher-class casual attire
Personality:  Determined, obsessive with certain goals
Brief Summery:  Arnold has been an accomplished explorer in his younger days, but now he's an aging retired professor.  A former colleague of the late Dr Corban, he finds little concern as he has come across some leads to a secret hidden within the mountains of Tibet.


  • The Circle
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Guess I have to come up with a 2nd character? NOt sure if I can.  the first one took a while.


  • Cera
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You're not required to make one for the other plot if you don't want to.  And if making chars are that tough, I could always help out.  Besides, I haven't yet assigned the Ancient char to someone yet, probably not until his cue, and there might be another Ancient in the other Plot.


  • The Circle
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I can try to come up with a 2nd character.  don't have any ideas at the moment though or ideas for species for the character to be.


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Name: Van (Van the Crimson, Van the Bloody, Van the Shiftless, and many other aliases)
Species: Red Fox
Gender: Male
Class: Wanderer
Equipment: Lever-Action Rifle, Serpent Sword "Crimson", Long sword, Pistol (Repeater)
Skills: Extremely talented swordsman, one of few who can wield a serpent sword without injuring himself.
Description:Van is a tall, extremely lanky red fox with a head of messy black hair.  He usually wears a black trench coat with a red vest and white shirt underneath it.  He also wears a pair of black slacks and black boots.  Around his waist, he wears the "Crimson" serpent sword.  Slung across his back is his long sword and rifle in the shape of an X.  His pistol is worn on his right thigh, and he has a long, cross-shaped scar down the length of his face.
Personality: Laconic and relaxed, he rarely seems to express more than mild emotions.  Uninterested in any sort of romantic entanglement or any sort of emotional connection, he remains distant even to those few he is employed by.  What does he hide behind his lack of expression.
Brief Summary:  Van is a wanderer, occasionally hired by certain employers for a variety of tasks.  A talented mercenary, he is versatile and skilled as a warrior.  Discerning about who he works for, he will only work for people he sees as just.


  • Cera
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The new profiles have been approved.

Also, Kor, you can set up a villain for Plot C, if that helps for ideas.