The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 164718


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In present day, August 2009, members from a forum called the "Gang of Five" were at their computer desks or looking at land before time related objects, considering how much they loved those dinosaurs that were aparently in their minds, "fictional". Some fans, like one girl with a dark appearance, dark eye brows, long brown hair, and brown eyes was at her computer desk, typing away at a comment on the Gang of Five forum before getting ready for bed. She intensly thought over her comments and wondered if they were appropriate for that time being or not, considering how tired she was.

Let's see after this, I need to take a shower, then brush my teeth, and...

However, something completely made her stop in her thoughts. She felt rumbling through her room, like an earth quake errupted. She knew in where she lived it was common to have Earth quakes, but this one was just too violent for her to take. She fell out of her chair backwards as she made a screeching sound.

Did I just screech? She thought to herself.

Suddenly, a crack was made in her floor and she gapped at amazment at the sight. She tried to get up, but she felt some force, some powerful, yet unseen force make her not move. The floor swriled in circles and she felt herself sucked down.

Her cat, Gypsy saw the commotion and he tried to help her out, but she yelled at him, "NO! GET BACK! STAY WHERE YOU ARE!"

Suddenly, she was gone in a split second. And everything in her room was repaired, even the floor.

Long ago, over millions of years ago, before people, cats, dogs, cars, or buildings appeared. There were some creatures that were in the land, and strange plants that fed the inhabitants in that land. These awesome creatures were called, "dinosuars". However, these dinosaurs, as awesome and great as they were, they would soon find creatures literally in a different time, may act completely different from them, but they would not notice the difference too much, because these foreign creatures would look just like them.


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Grandpa Longneck had woken up and walked quietly to not awaken his mate or his grandson.  He went a short distance so he could see the bright circle rise as he enjoyed doing at times.  He stood there relaxed and sighed as he watched the bright circle rising, enjoying the colors in the sky, the way it colored the clouds and the increasing brightness of the world, the way the dark time was receding, the increasing colors of the day time, and other such wonders.  He had never tired of this wonder that happened twice a day, each opposites of each other.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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One of the male members was  reading a fanfic done by one of the other members. "Hmm this story keeps getting interesting I think I'll get something to drink,' he said. As he started for the kitchen He felt the floor give way. As he kept falling he noticed some thing strange he saw past events only they were zooming by him at a fast rate. "This isn't possible,' he thought to himself.


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(ooc: Can't decide how I get to the great valley, I'll think of something and add it in later."

Petrie awoke later once his mother awoke him and his siblings and Guido.  Petrie sat up still sleepy smacking his beak and then yawning as he clenched his fist and stretched his upper body during his yawn.  "It morning already?  But me must go to sleep." Petrie said.


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Eric sighed and logged off of the Gang of Five forums.  He had been up late, posting in the various RP's he was a part of. He sat back, relaxing in his chair, when suddenly the ground shook violently, throwing him out of his chair onto the ground.  As he sat dazed, the ground opened up, and he was drawn into a mysterious fissure, leading him to gods-know-where...


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(may i please join in?)


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(ooc: If you want to look over the discussion thread to get some info that was discussed there page 1 is over at:   Just for those who may have missed it and would like to read over the info.)

Cancerian Tiger

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Far from where any other GOF members reside, a young female with long blonde hair and green-blue eyes was reading over the day's posts made on the GOF.  The female was short but in pretty good shape.  As she was typing a post, her pups came to her to let her know they had to go outside.

"Alright, babies.  Let's go," she said as she got up.  Just then, the room began to shake violently.

"What the?!  We don't get earthshakes here!" she cried out.  "Max!  Pepper!  Go downstairs!"

She then went to guide her dogs downstairs to the first floor of her house, when instead she ended up crashing through the floor, leaving the world behind.


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(ooc: Sure Noname and metadude, you two can join, and CT, you copy cat! :lol It's okay though. Rawr.)

Little Foot tossed and turned as he tried to sleep on his soft nest. Images in his sleep story flashed through his mind vividly and madly. It was the strangest, most peculiar sleep story he ever had.

In Dream

"Got you Cera!" Little Foot yelled playfully as he jumped behind the bush.

"Aha! Uh?" Little Foot saw a leaf toss in the wind and a sound like a foot stepping on a twig. He looked to his left, then to his right. Nothing.


A sound of a flap made him jump and to his surprise he saw a flyer of brown and peach fly over him, but the flyer clumsily fell into the dirt and grunted as she did so.

Little Foot trotted over to the flyer and he asked in a concerned voice, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

The flyer struggled to get away, but their brown eyes locked for a minute, seemingly in a year.

"Who are you?" He asked. The flyer suddenly disappeared and replacing the flyer was a odd, ugly being with a rotund nose, at least, he thought it looked like a nose. Long dark attachments from its head drooped down. This being looked like a mutated, very ugly flyer.

Little Foot stood there, so awkward, so unsure what to do.

"Be my friend please." The figure said to him. Little Foot nodded.

The Great Valley Guardian

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The GOF member by the name of Rick, was sitting at his computer reading over his emails when he noticed his computer screen was displaying a rainbow effect and suddenly as he reached out to see if the monitor was defective, and suddenly a white flash of light surrounded his vision as he blacked out, not realizing that when he awakened he'd be in a whole new world.


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Grandpa Longneck continued watching the wonder of the sunrise and turned away once it had passed heading back to where he slept.  

Petrie made his way over to the pile of leaves to start eating his breakfast, dodging some of the grabbiness of his siblings who dove after some of the leaves.

Cancerian Tiger

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"Ahh!  Nothing like a fresh dip first thing in the morning.  Right, Tricia?" said Cera as she waded in a shallow area where the Thundering Falls were located.  Tricia only giggled as she swam around her sister countless numbers of times.

"Seriously, sis, nothing can spoil this moment," sighed Cera.  CRASH!  Suddenly, Cera realized she was under water, and what looked like a young adult swimmer was on top of her!  Cera babbled in anger as she fought to squeeze out from under the swimmer, but much to her surprise the swimmer got off of her and stood up.  Cera quickly scrambled to get some air.

"Peh!" she spat before gasping as she stood up.  She then glared up at the greenish-shaded swimmer.  Much to her horror, the swimmer scooped up Tricia!

"Well, hey there little cutie!  Are ya alright?  I'm sorry if I spooked ya," the swimmer, evidently a female with a somewhat strange way of talking, said.  Tricia giggled as she wagged her tail.  Cera knew that meant Tricia liked the swimmer.  However, the swimmer was a stranger, and Cera was not about to take chances.

"Hey, pal!  Put my sister down NOW!" Cera barked, startling the swimmer.

"Aw, jeez I'm sorry.  This is your sister?" the swimmer asked as she gently set Tricia down.

"Yeah, she is!  Oh, and by the way, watch out where you jump!" Cera snorted.

"Oh, and who put you in charge of me?  Yourself?  That's a joke!" the swimmer snorted back.

"Arrrgh!  Now you're in for it!" Cera growled as she prepared to charge at the swimmer.  Just then, the swimmer recognized the two threehorns!  How could she had been so dense?  Cera was her favorite character, was she not?  That made the swimmer have a terrible feeling of dread at the thought of being rammed by a threehorn, even a young one.  Knowing she was not too fast as a swimmer, the swimmer quickly transformed into her human self.

"Aw, crap!" she screamed as she sped off.  Although Cera was beyond spooked at the transformation, there was still some tail that needed kicking.  Cera quickly took off after the strange-looking creature as Tricia followed as best as she could.


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Grandpa Longneck paused on his way back to reach down to get some underwater green food to munch on on his way back to their sleeping place.  

Petrie ate his leaves, wanting to get done so he could hurry out to see what fun things his friends had planned for that day. Hopefully nice safe fun and no going outside to the mysterious beyond.

Cancerian Tiger

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"Sheesh!  That Cera is much faster than I thought!  I can't sprint much longer!" the human female gasped as she ran for some trees.  Luckily, she had kept some distance between herself and Cera.  She then spotted a tree she could climb easily, and did so.  By the time Cera and Tricia caught up, the strange creature was nowhere to be found.  

"Hmm...that's weird.  Then again, I have not seen anything too weird until today," said Cera.  Just then, Tricia giggled.  Cera looked at Tricia, then looked up in the direction Tricia was looking.  Sure enough, the creature sat in the top of the tree and was waving at Tricia.

"Arrgh!  I've gotcha now!" Cera growled as she prepared to charge at the tree.  

"Uh-oh!" gasped the creature as she looked for objects.  The tree turned out to be loaded with treesweets of some kind.  The creature quickly grabbed one of the hard, pear-shaped treesweets and chucked it down at Cera.  POW!  It took a few moments for Cera to realize she had been pegged by a treesweet.  She grunted in anger as she charged at the tree.  CRACK!  The creature swayed with the tree as treesweets rained down on Cera, causing her to evacuate for a few moments.

"This ain't gonna be good," the creature said to herself.


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Petrie finished and set out flying into the air to see what his friends were up to at the moment and what their plans were for today.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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When he came to the GOF member by the name sam shook his head trying to realize what had happened he looked at his hand and saw that it had become more like that of a rainbow face. "Ok think what just happened,' he said not noticing that someone was behind him.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Rick blinked for several moments before realizing he was being watched. He looked up and noticed he felt different, but the figure looking down at him had taken all his attention as he suddenly realized who he was staring at.

Grandma longneck smiled gently as she said, "Hello there...are you alright? To sleep so late in the day may mean you are sick."

Rick was truly startled, so much so that he changed back into his human form, and slowly stood up to face the Longneck still at a loss for words.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Sam looked behind and saw  a dinosaur with a frill with small horns comming from the frill. "Are you ok,' the old dinosaur asked.


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Grandpa Longneck finished eating his snack and headed back towards their sleeping area.  Looking over in 1 direction he thought he saw Petrie, or one of the other young flyers.  He laughed quietly to himself, I suspect all the young ones will be playing again soon.