The Gang of Five
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Sin -Anime Fan Fict

Gentle Sharptooth

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Artwork not mine, by Paleo III


Shinza awoke and sat crosses legged, his long black hair unfurlled like a cloth on his white tunic. He raised a alabaster tea cup to his mouth and sipped. Closing his eyes he tried to concentrate, a claw like tatoo on his neck began to glow blood orange. He opened his eyes, both matched the claw of orange light. He rose and a great red door was opened by a golden ring knob. Outside stood many hrey statues in an open courtyard with title roofs making a square. A servant approached Shinza and bowed, offering him a ribbon with golden kanji which read “Shino/ Sin.”

The sky was turning dark and the ground began to quake. The moon was yellow and half, and a great fog of green appeared like a cloud. Shinza looked above and saw a figure standing on the roof, having stepped out of the emerald fog. The petson was clade in jade green robes and wore a conical sedge hat that had three horns forming out of it, one shorter than the other two. The figure leapt down and smashed into courtyard, appearing as jade light was a  Kosmoceratops that raed its colossal horns into the pillars holding the courtyard roofs up. Shinza dodged and waved his hand, a great blood orange mist surrounded his hand and from it came a spectra in the shape of a a Sinraptor that ran and sank its jaws into Kosmoceratops. The two dinos battled as Shinza and his advesary stood, the roofs collapsing over them.


Part I: Vacation

 The bell rang and all the students exited the class room in a rush. Sonya closed her book and followed behind them. Her orange hair seemed to glow in the sunlight, her large eyes squinted to block the blinding light. A red ribbon in her hair blew with the stainds of her bair. Sonya was eighteen, and somewhat of a recluse. All the guys took interest in her, for she had a rare pale beauty, and being a foreigner in China made her a subject of intrigue. As Sonya walked her white ruffled top blew in the wind, and two girls called over to her.   Lifen and Jia were Sonya’s only friends. Lifen was short and wore glasses, her hair was silver and Jia had black ahort hair and always wore purple tops.

Jia: Sonya! Sonya! Come over here.

Sonya walked over.

Jia: What are you doing for vacation?

Sonya: I am not sure, why?

Jia: Cus me and Lifen are heading to Yunnan Provence with some friends.

Sonya sighed.

Lifen: Come on Sonya.. it’ll be fun.

Sonya: Partying isn’t really my thing.

Jia: It won’t be like that:

Sonya: So no guys?

Jia: No guys.

Sonya: Promise?

Jia: Scout’s Honor.

Jia saluted with two fingers pressed together.

Lifen: Come on Sonya, please.

Sonya sighed and then gave a smile.

Sonya: Alright, let me go home and pack a bag.

Jia: Meet us at the Train Station at 3:00pm.

Sonya: Ok, see you then.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2021, 11:49:44 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith