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LBT Hogwarts?????


  • Chomper
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Now, I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place or not, but I felt this would be a good place since it is a character discussion. Anyway, whenever I watch a series, I always like to think about what Hogwarts houses each character would be in.  :smile Here are what I think:


Grandpa (also headmaster)
Bron- head of the house


Grandma- head of house
Mr. Thicknose
ALL mothers of the children of course :p


Sue- Head of house
The Rainbow Faces


Mr. Threehorn/Topsy- Head of house
ALL Sharpteeth (besides Chomper of course, who is in Ravenclaw. ;) )

The Yellow-Bellies are muggles and/or squibs!  :lol


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I'll just go with the main gang for now (since I should be preparing for college :p )

Littlefoot: Ravenclaw
He's wise and very interested in learning new things. I wouldn't put him in Gryffindor, simply because we would put anyone like him in Gryffindor since we know the Harry Potter cast went there. If I remember the house descriptions well, I'd put him there.

Cera: Gryffindor
Now she's a difficult one. Very stubborn and very courageous at the same time. For the courage part, I'd put her in Gryffindor.

Ducky: Ravenclaw
Once again, very eager to learn and usually afraid. Though I can't say that the meeting with the sharptooth in the original movie wasn't courageous. Both Littlefoot and Ducky could have been placed in Gryffindor as well, but once again I find the lion a bit overrated for this ;)

Spike: Hufflepuff
Can't say much about this. Hufflepuff has always been the 'meh' house in my eyes. Good personalities but no great wisdom or courage, still willing to stand up for a friend. I think he would be accepted very quickly into this house.

Petrie: Hufflepuff
Very loyal to his friends, and scared sometimes. Not so eager to learn as the others (except to learn how to fly, he might do well on a quidditch team :p ) He'd definitely make the team!


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Pterano would DEFINITELY be a Slytherin alum. XD I myself consider myself a Slytherin, at least according to my personality and Pottermore sorting me into said house. I'm intensely, almost insanely ambitious, and really competitive when it comes to certain things. I think Slytherins get a slightly bad rep though, as not ALL wind up like Voldemort and Draco (many don't, in fact). I'm still very loyal to my friends, care immensely about improving the world, and believe in doing as much good as I can to those around me. :yes

I see Littlefoot more as a Gryffindor, due to his immense courage in almost all situations he's found himself in. He's arguably got the biggest heart of the group, and will ALWAYS stand up for his beliefs and his friends. I can sort of see Petrie going there as well. He's not the bravest of the group, but he shines when he needs to, and that's what counts. Plus Neville Longbottom wasn't one you'd equate with great bravery, but he had it in him all along when needed. XD

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Littlefoot: I'd say he's a Gryffindor, his character profile has a lot of similaries with Harrys. Due to that he'd also fit into Slytherin :smile

Cera: She's a gryffindor, too imo

Ducky: I'm arguing, whether to put her into Hufflepuff or Gryffindor... can't decide

Petrie: same as Ducky, but rather Gryffindor

Spike: Hufflepuff, no doubt
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  • Spike
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For Hyp, Mutt, Nod, Pterano, Rinkus, Sierra and Cera, I will put them in Harry Potter's favorite house, Gryffindor. :p  :DD  :lol  :smile
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  • Spike
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I think that, due to the nature of the five main characters of LBT, they would all be in Gryffindor. They all have those qualities, but Littlefoot has them the most (and Ducky does too).

I just don't like how JK Rowling set up the houses of HP. All the main heroes are in Gryffindor, the villains in Slytherin, the smarty-pantses in Ravenclaw, and 'the other ones' in Hufflepuff. I mean, not one Slytherin stayed to fight in the final book?  :rolleyes


  • Chomper
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You know they did say that Hufflepuffs were "loyal" and "pure" and whatnot, but quite a few of them were rude to Harry in parts of the series. I'm sure Helga Hufflepuff herself would have been very disappointed in them. :p


  • Cera
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What about HufflePuff? what characters would go there? You forgot at house at Hogwarts.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Ruby is Ravenclaw, because her gimmick is she's smart but has no personality.


  • Cera
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Yeah I can see that as well. Ruby has zero personality. I don't I always that cera would be in Slytherin with her cocky attitude.


  • The Circle
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I disagree on the "zero personality" claims on Ruby. Apart from smartness which is claimed to be her only trait she also has an occassional brooding / melancholic streak which we got to see from Littlefoot only on very rare occasions. She is caring (we are not provided by the series with the background story about why she has apparently been put "in charge" of Chomper by his parents, but I could imagine quite a few interesting scenrios). She is presented as creative (e.g. when she is storytelling or thinking of resolutions for problems that are not solved by mere knowledge only). Ruby has been shown as sensitive about others to a degree only sometimes shown by Ducky and ocassionally Littlefoot, but at the same time she is somewhat withdrawn about her own sentiments (rather going to her "thinking place" than talking about personal matters with the others). At the same time she enjoys the good things in life (and has actually been critized for that as well). Seriously, I don't understand the basis for the alleged total lack of personality.


  • Petrie
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You're right as always, Malte.

People often assume that if a character doesn't have any "bad" qualities such as cruelty, greed or something like that, then that character has "no personality". That's why there are so many fans of Cera and so few fans of Ruby. But Cera is my least favorite character especially because of her "bad" qualities, while Ruby is my #1 character, along with Petrie and Ducky.


  • Spike
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Let me have a go!

I'm not too sure about Littlefoot - I think he'd probably do well in most houses. I'll come back to him.

Cera - Gryffindor I think. She's certainly courageous, and also stubborn and arrogant, which are side-effect traits of Gryffindor too.  :p

Ducky - Hufflepuff, I'm almost certain - very loyal and fair.

Petrie - Possibly Hufflepuff too - he has that sort of same personality.

Spike - Another Hufflepuff - loyalty etc...

Chomper - He's quite gutsy, so possibly Gryffindor, or maybe Hufflepuff.

Ruby - Ravenclaw. She's just that sort of person.

And Littlefoot I'd either place in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. Go figure!


  • Cera
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Yeah I guess that is why I didn't find ruby a good character. Bland boring and other stuff. Cera to me is a okay character her cockiness and stubborn attitude I don't mind but it does get annoying after awhile. But I do like her as a character more since she does have a soft side to her witch always makes her a good close third favorite character.


  • Ducky
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Where is Sharptooth?  I don't see him in Slytherin.  Or is he Voldermort?     :lol  :lol  :lol  :lol  :lol  :lol  :lol

If Pterano is in Slytherin, he must be Snape!

Also, I'm not so sure I'd put Bron in Gryffindor.

I'd put Ali in Gryfindor.  Ali was really brave to go to the Land of Mists though knowing the bad stuff that was there.  However, her herd leader I'd put in Ravenclaw, along with Ruby (Ruby has a thinking place after all.).  

As for Topps, he'd make a nice Slytherin as, like many Slytherins, he is prejudiced.  

I'd put Mama Longneck in Gryffindor as nothing says "brave at heart" and "daring nerve and chivalry" like dying to protect your son and also someone from another species despite herd segregation.  

Of course, if you've seen the Potter stories, you know that not every Gryffindor was good (there is Pettigrew and even Dumbledore had his flaws as we see in the final book and James Potter and Sirius Black were bullies in their childhood and McClaggin is a creep.)  and not every Slytherin was bad (i.e. Regulas Black and Snape and Slughorn).  Zachariah Smith (Hufflepuff) was a jerk and the Ravenclaw's own daughter was stuck up and a thief.