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dinah and dana

kjeldo · 18 · 4131


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dinah and dana... man! they comfused me every time i think about that 3 reasons that make it so comfused

1. who dinah and who is dana?
2. where they come from
and last but not least 3. if they ever ever return, they must be kinda bigger then lbt 6

comfusing COMFUSING!!!! :bang

Manny Cav

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Dana and Dinah are Cera's twin-threehorn nephew and niece, respectively. They only appeared in The Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock. Much mystery and debate has followed their dissapearance regarding their one-time appearance and disappearance afterwards.


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There are other characters who appear in one movie then go poof mysteriously too.

Some you can sort of explain.  Maybe their children from an older clutch then Cera.  Their parents may be part of a herd of far walkers, or maybe their parent who is Cera's older sibling heard from some far walkers that their father was alive and living in the Great Valley and then went for a visit.  They may also be wonders like Doc is.  Maybe they have visited again but we didn't see it, like in The Big Longneck test Littlefoot's father mentions having visited before, but we hadn't see it.  I guess since nothing happened during Bron's earlier visits so you could say maybe  Dana and Dinah parent(s) did visit with them but we haven't seen it.


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comfusing COMFUSING!!!!

Not to be critical or to make fun of you or anything, but it's "confusing".  I have no idea what your native language is or anything.  Perhaps you did this intentionally for some reason that has alluded me?  Anyways, in case you didn't know, it's spelled with an N.  B)

Anyways, I don't think they'll return cuz there's really nothing more they could do with them unless they needed "little ones" for the gang to look after for some reason in the future.

Manny Cav

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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Oct 18 2007 on  04:56 PM
Anyways, I don't think they'll return cuz there's really nothing more they could do with them unless they needed "little ones" for the gang to look after for some reason in the future.
This has always greatly ticked me off, mainly, because I know it's true.


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Likely there may be some who have similar feelings about that like you do.

Anyways, I don't think they'll return cuz there's really nothing more they could do with them unless they needed "little ones" for the gang to look after for some reason in the future.

This also applies to many characters who go poof, perhaps including Ducky and Spike's father, who if he were around may just say most of the stuff their mother says.  Perhaps also why Grandpa longneck gets far more speaking lines then Grandma longneck does.


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If we want to have a "realistic" answer I'm afraid any of the questions about Dinah and Dana can be answered by Mr. Grosvenor's apparent and regrettable aversion against any kind of continuity or explanation of details in his stories. To most land before time fans who try to see the whole matter from an LBT character's point of view this is a very unsatisfactory answer.

In spite of Dinah and Dana referring to Cera as "auntie Ceri" I still have serious doubts that they are blood relatives. LBT 6 offers a direct example for the fact that the dinosaur kids may refer to dinosaurs they are not related to with "titles" usually reserved for members of the own family. Cera, Ducky, and Petrie refer to Littlefoot's grandpa as "Grandpa Longneck" rather than "Mr. Longneck". Even among humans kids may refer to a dear friend of the family as "uncle" or "aunt" even in case these friends are no real relatives. Dinah's and Dana's referring to Cera as "aunti" and to Cera's Dad as whatever "grandpa" was in their language (grampi or something to that effect I think) and Cera's quote "Things I do for family" are however the only clues we have which might indicate a direct relationship between Cera and Dinah and Dana. There are several indications however that in fact they are NOT related.
First of all Dinah and Dana seem to belong to a different species of threehorn than Cera does. How else to explain the fact that they sport three horns while Cera has yet to wait for her second and third? Also their color differs very much from that of Cera, while every single threehorn hatchling (near the end of LBT 2, the scene in which the thundering falls stopped in LBT 3) we saw up to LBT 6 was in a similar orange as Cera was. If we don't want to go for the "realistic" answer given above considering Dinah and Dana members of another species of threehorn seems to be the only possibility.
Also we never learned anything definite about the whereabouts of any member of Cera's family other than her father. While there was a threehorn in LBT 2 which was probably supposed to be her mother and while there was a threehorn in LBT 4 which might have been an older sibling there was never anything definite. LBT 11 left no doubt that Cera's mother is no longer in the Great Valley and without further explanation it seems likely that neither she nor any of Cera's sisters mentioned in the original movie made the journey. This impression is further supported by LBT 12 where the family obviously consists of Cera, her Dad, Tria, and finally Tricia only. As Cera's sisters in the original movie were not distinctly older than her we cannot assume them to be old enough to have left the family on their own. This and the absence of Cera's other family members at the end of the original movie makes me think that Cera's Dad was really the only one to ever reach it.
So if Dinah and Dana are not the kids of any of Cera's not-much-older-than-her sisters it seems the most plausible explanation that they are adopted. They might fit into Cera's family the way Spike fits into Ducky's. While most of what we have seen of Cera's dad so far does not seem to suggest that he is the kind of guy who would adopt children, I don't think that we should project his conduct towards other species on his conduct towards other threehorns. If indeed he and Cera were the only ones of their family to ever reach the Great Valley it might be even more likely that Cera's Dad found comfort in taking care of two threehorn hatchlings who had lost their parents same as he had lost his wife and most of his kids. Finally there may even be an explanation (though one which may not be entirely satisfactory) for the disappearing of Dinah and Dana. Let's assume for a moment that their parents were farwalkers if Dinah and Dana happened to hatch in or nearby the Great Valley it might have been difficult for their parents to take them along on their journey while they were still so young. This is especially true if that herd of farwalkers was about to travel through dangerous regions on their journey to their next temporary nesting ground. Perhaps Dinah's and Dana's parents asked Cera's Dad to take care of them until their return (possibly with the perspective of taking Dinah and Dana along on their next, possibly less dangerous, journey). Spike too was "temporarily adopted" by the Spiketail herd, even though his return to the Great Valley was not as planned as the last theory suggests Dinah's and Dana's return to a herd to be.

Dinah and Dana may have had a guest appearance in the beginning of LBT 8 by the way. The two hatchlings gamboling around Cera's Dad look very much like them except for the fact that their colors are not the same.


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Anyways, I don't think they'll return cuz there's really nothing more they could do with them unless they needed "little ones" for the gang to look after for some reason in the future.
I still think that they could be included to a better effect if it was a proper story which gave them something to do. It would have been interesting to see them participate in LBT 11 and 12 where there was so much focus on Cera's family. Mr. Grosvenor doesn't seem to be keen on dealing with complex matters though and I don't expect to see any trace of Dinah and Dana again now that Tricia has been provided to ursurp their place.


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To my belief I think that Cera has a older Sister from a earily form of hatchlings before Cera was hatched before the first movie and that her elder sister that don't appear at all asked Topys to look after them and he placing the twins in the care of Cera in LBT 6.

My mind really made up on that. it depends on what others believe in. If they think it something else then it is to them. But in the end this is what I finally believe in :) up to you guys  :DD


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They ought to clear up these issues in an episode of the TV series. A good episode for this would be one in which Cera has to talk about Dana and Dinah for... some reason.


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This sounds like one of those things that until an official canon appearance or mention is done in a movie or episode, everyone is free to make up their own explanations, or not do so.  For these 2 and certain other characters  :DD


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Oct 18 2007 on  04:56 PM
comfusing COMFUSING!!!!

Not to be critical or to make fun of you or anything, but it's "confusing".  I have no idea what your native language is or anything.  Perhaps you did this intentionally for some reason that has alluded me?  Anyways, in case you didn't know, it's spelled with an N.  B)
 <_< You misspelled alludes... the word is supposed to be eludes... at least I think it is... ;)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Now to keep the pattern going someone needs to find something spelled wrong in your post (preferably while having somethin spelled wrong in theirs). :)


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Does it really matter if someone has a misspelled word in their post?  It doesn't to me.  

It seems those 2 will not make an appearance in the tv series like a few others will not.  Pat and Sue are likely others who will not appear, unless there is a season 2 or more.  It seems unlikely even then that they would.


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They came and gone.  it would be good to see them in the Season 2 of the LBT Series.  But we don't know if there's ever going to be a Season 2 :unsure:


  • Ducky
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Hey what if Dina and Dana meet Tricia?


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I'm sure she'd think they were very cute, and likely want to meet their parents.


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That would actually make for a pretty intresting episode. Tricia meeting Dinah and Dana. Wonder what it would be like for her having a nephew and a neice that were older than her  :lol