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The "Would You Rather" Game!

brekclub85 · 1095 · 73553


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Dark chocolate because it's more salty to me.

WYR:  Sleep with a porcupine or step on a rattlesnake?


  • Ducky
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I'd rather sleep with a procupine, because it's only quills and not a poisonious bite you'll be getting. Besides insects are the only kind of animal I would want to step on.

WYR die fighting for what you believe in, or die peacefully in your sleep?


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Die fighting for what I believe in because although peacefully in my sleep would be nice as well, at least for the other I have a sense of purpose in my life.

WYR work at Disney World as a costumed character or work  at Six Flags as a costumed character?

Not really a good question, but had to ask :lol

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Easy question for me. I'd definately be one at Disney World than Six Flags which is simply because I have been to Disney World a lot and know it well, while I have never been to a Six Flags before.

Here is an interesting question I ask only because I can't decide myself. (My sneaky way of getting someone's opinion.)

If you were a sharptooth Chomper's age, would you rather live on insects or other dinosaurs?

Consider that dinosaurs must taste a lot better, but it would be much more difficult to make friends with leaf eaters if you ate their kind, considering that most flat teeth would reject the importance of the fact that sharpteeth balance the world by doing so.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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In the LBT universe? Bugs, since every sharptooth who tried to eat leafeaters would usually limp away hungry and sore. In the real timeline? Dinosaurs. The Mezozoic Era doesn't have Good Samaritan bonuses.

Would you rather: Never be allowed to view this forum again, or have to post at least once every hour for the rest of your life? (the latter would include nighttime hours)

f-22 "raptor" ace

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I'd rather post every hour i'd get to 5,000 posts faster if i did.

Would you rather live in Belka or Osea?


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Never heard of either, I'll just say belka.

If you were a dino in the LBT universe, WYR have all your friends be sharpteeth or all your friends be flatteeth?


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Flatteeth for me!

Okay kind of a silly one... In the LBT 'verse, would you rather be a midget longneck or a threehorn whose horns never grew in?


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The threehorn.

If you were a sharptooth, WYR eat longneck or threehorn.


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Whichever one tasted best. :p Maybe I'd try both if I wasn't sure.

WYR:  Read a really nasty fanfiction or eat a really nasty food?


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Fanfic, but it depends.

WYR see Redclaw, Screech, and Thud as good guys or Ichy and Dil as good guys?


  • Ducky
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Redclaw, Screech, and Thud because one of the fastbiters has showed a bit of goodness when he let the gang escape in that one episode. Escape from the Mysterious Beyond I think it was.

Would you rather be unable to shorten "would you rather" to "WYR", or unable to type "TPAM" in the person above me thread.


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TMAP because it's more inconvenient to type out.

WYR:  Lick out of a dogs bowl or chew on a rabbit turd?  *Remember that licking out of a dog bowl would probably give you worms, whereas rabbit turds are just grass that probably wouldn't even make you sick.  It'd taste pretty nasty though. :p *


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I would rather be unable to shorten.. would you rather. less buttens to push i guess :p

WYR Eat eggs or plants?


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WYR have there be a sequel or a remake to a movie you like?


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I would rather have a sequel to the Kamen Rider Kiva movie.

WYR be stuck in the middle of the ocean, or the middle of the desert?

Cancerian Tiger

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The ocean.  After all, water is my element :D.

WYR be lost in the woods or lost in the ghetto?


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Lost in the woods since that's more fun

Would you rather have to put up with Sierra and Rinkus for a whole 24 hours, no escaping them, or Dil and Ichy?


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Dil and Ichy. They make me laugh :D

Would you rather spend a day with Cera or Littlefoot?


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WYR have Topsy as your dad or Dil as your mom?  (Me personally, I'd take Dil any day.)