The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Ask Ducky123, if you want :)

Ducky123 · 224 · 29542


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Hm, well, what TV shows are you into?
You can always see them online, or get them from your library - at least that's what happens here.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Petrie
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Would you love LBT if there was no Ducky and Petrie?


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Hm, well, what TV shows are you into?
I'm not a TV-person :D So there aren't any except the LBT TV-series of course ^^
Would you love LBT if there was no Ducky and Petrie?
Just Littlefoot, Cera and Spike? I do not like this, nope, nope, nope ;)
I don't think I'd like it if Ducky and Petrie hadn't been in the movies.

I gotta say 'thanks' for the many good questions I get these days  :wow
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  • Petrie
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Do you believe that the word "democracy" means "a heavenly state where everything is Good"?


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Though I strongly prefer to live in a state that has a democracy (like I do) I can't agree to your statement since every form of reign has its 'pros and contras'. A negative point of a democracy may be that the politicans have only one aim: To win the elections! Many promise things because the people will like them such as lower taxes but what if the state has a lot of liabilities? That's not the right way!
That's something I noticed in the politic of Germany as well as many other states... They always promise to cut their liabilities but they still create even more  :slap This can't end well I'm afraid.
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  • Petrie
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You're right. Democracy is just a limited ability for the slaves to choose their lord.
Yet the goverment wants us to think that "Democracy = Best Thing Ever".

Another question:

You're the LBT director. You are ordered by the moneymen to remove one character from the Gang forever.
If you refuse to choose, then there'll be no more LBT movies.
Your choice?


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I can't throw one character out! Stupid moneymen :DD If I had to (I won't) it has to be Spike since the possible plots with him are considerably less than of the other characters plus he can't (or don't want to) talk. I would have to decide how to throw him out as well... Kill him in the movie, just saying he died or disappeared due to whatever reasons or just don't saying anything at all --> creating plotholes (like the LBT directors used to do in the later sequels  <_<)?
Hence I would decide to kill LBT instead of one of its characters :)
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  • Petrie
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Will you be making pictures of your new dinosaur persona?
And how about putting him into your own stories? :)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I have a plan for a fanfiction where I could include my dinosona :) I might use him as a younger character, maybe an older sibling of a character the age like Ducky... I will draw him someday, I only need the time and some more practise  :) Since I will have summer holidays next week my freetime will increase :)
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  • Petrie
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Very, very good. :)
How about this character's personality? What's it like?


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Well, it's just a rough idea for a plot... I haven't thought about any details yet. I should finish my current fanfiction first (unfortunatily, I didn't make much progress the last month, Writer's Block <_<)
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  • Ducky
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What is the most embarrasing thing that ever happened to you and you are willing to share? :3


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Ah, a classic question :DD

To be honest, I can't think of really embarrassing moments atm  :oops

I do remember one not so embarrasing but quite laughable moment in religious education.
Teacher (I hate him to death as well as the whole stupic subject :x): *asks a question*
A pupil answers, I answer the same.. :smile

If I can remember more (or experience more :P:) I'll let you know ^^
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How long have you been drawing/writing?
Sorry if this has already been asked :p
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I started writing shortly after I joined the Gang and drawing in March I guess
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  • Petrie
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What is the nerdiest series/tvshow/ect. that you love.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I don't watch much TV anymore since there are more important things in my life that need my attention and time such as my writing, drawing and the GoF of course :lol

To answer your question, Loyfe, it's probably either Spongebob Squarepants or the Simpsons  :^.^:
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Please forgive me if someone has already asked you this question, but who are your two least favorite land before time characters?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I don't think that has been asked so far :)

Well, I haven't seen every single Tv- episode yet.. so from what I've seen I'd say Skip (or whatever this mammal in the 'Starday Celebration' episode is called) because he is just pointless and doesn't add anything to the plot. Besides, I couldn't understand him very well  <_<
The second least liked is probably either this creepy crab or Rhett. The crab is just annoying (as they are in general) and Rhett, I probably just hate with a passion :DD Though he's a character with the possibility of further stories :)
The worst characters seemingly appear in the Tv-series...
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Quote from: Ducky123,Sep 10 2013 on  03:22 PM
I don't think that has been asked so far :)

Well, I haven't seen every single Tv- episode yet.. so from what I've seen I'd say Skip (or whatever this mammal in the 'Starday Celebration' episode is called) because he is just pointless and doesn't add anything to the plot. Besides, I couldn't understand him very well  <_<
The second least liked is probably either this creepy crab or Rhett. The crab is just annoying (as they are in general) and Rhett, I probably just hate with a passion :DD Though he's a character with the possibility of further stories :)
The worst characters seemingly appear in the Tv-series...
I agree with your opinion on Rhett.  He is an arrogant braggart who, when confronted with an actual sharptooth, abandons his friend to her fate and runs for help.  Not exactly a likable character, though he is still young and could develop better character traits in the future.

Now I have to ask question that I found somewhat difficult to answer in my Ask Me topic: What are your favorite and least favorite foods?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.