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LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie!

Ducky123 · 215 · 55462


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Buko tried his best to keep his face neutral as he listened to the young threehorn.  His suspicion of the fastrunners would have been obvious to a blind yellowbelly, but to a fastrunner with a working sniffer it was overwhelmingly obvious.  Though he had to wonder what the threehorn thought he could do to him.  Peck him to death?  If anything it would have been the swimmer that could make for a potential meal.

His tail twitched for a moment.  How could I be so blind?  He is worried about his swimmer friend.

It was not an obvious conclusion to reach.  Heck, Buko doubted most threehorns were capable of anything approaching friendship with anything but their own kind based upon the aggression he had seen from that kind in the past.  But nonetheless this mixed-species duo was in front of them and cooperating out of mutual benefit.  It reminded him of a certain pair of fastrunners...

He decided to speak to the threehorn before his mind could continue its wandering.

"When we heard the crash we decided to investigate to see what we are up against.  We are fastrunners, threehorn, and we can run from any sharptooth if we know it is coming.  It is the ones that we do not know about - the ones that hide in ambush - that we fear," Buko held out an arm in an expansive gesture for emphasis, "Such as the untold number of sharpteeth that also heard the rock slide."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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The fast runner’s words made a noticeable frown appear on Rinen’s face. He couldn’t see a flicker of malice or dishonesty in the unbelievably bright-colored omnivore’s words but it was still hard for him to believe they thought him and Aquarius to be sharpteeth. Yet, there was nothing to be gained from trying to press the same question and issue over and over again. Aquarius seemed more and more confident about the meeting by the minute and the threehorn had to admit, this was going far better than he had originally expected. The other male’s words about the sharpteeth worried him slightly but he realized any potential predators would have found their way here already.

Suddenly, the realization that he had initially tried to search for these two himself in search for any clues about his and Aquarius’ whereabouts struck his mind. Now that the situation had calmed down somewhat, there was very little reason to pass this opportunity because of his fear. He certainly would take any news or information they’d have to spare carefully but it seemed like this meeting could actually have a satisfactory ending. Rinen did his best to shed the last pieces of antagonism from his face as he answered to the omnivore.

“As should we all around here. We heard a sharptooth’s roar only a while ago but it has most likely headed somewhere else by now. But… we were actually about to ask you before the chase…. do you two have any direction you're heading towards? I’ve wandered these lands for weeks since… well, it doesn’t matter.” Rinen knew his question wouldn’t likely be taken seriously but he wanted at least some, any clues about his location after all those torturous days of aimless wandering. True, he hadn’t asked Aquarius about it yet but the swimmer didn’t seem much wiser than he was.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2018, 05:39:45 PM by Sovereign »


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Slash had soon picked up the scent of prey and immediately hurried toward it, trying to make as little noise as possible for such a giant beast. He soon stopped, realizing he was getting close, and instead of attacking right away, decided to survey the situation. Hidden in sight a small distance away, the killer watched his prey, breathing low. There were four small dinosaurs talking to each other, and all of them were a lot smaller than him. This would be easy, he thought. Without hesitance the predator burst from his hiding spot, charging at full speed in one single direction; the direction of his next meal. As he neared, all four of the young dinosaurs turned to run and and ran as a group, screaming and yelling in immense fear. Slash thought to himself, "This won't be long. Quick and easy, my kills will be."
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)

The Lone Dragon

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The terrifying roar almost completely paralysed Aquarius, it was the same one as he had heard in the cave and when he saw the huge Sharptooth charge out of the bushes unconfutable close by he had to unconsciously stop himself from wetting himself  through fear but he still couldn't keep down his scream of terror. He turned and ran, just as everyone else did and started sprinting away and it was instantly that Aquarius knew that he had no chance to keep up even if he wasn't wounded so he did the only thing he could do. Since the Threehorn was already out of reach he jumped for the tail of the male Fast Runner and just managed to catch it as he ran past. He held on for dear life as he was jolted up and down violently yet he still managed to pull himself onto the back of the Fast Runner and look back to see the huge Sharptooth bearing down on them and The Threehorn was starting to fall behind.

"I can't leave him, he helped me get out the cave" he thought desperately but what could he do. He cringed as the Sharptooth roared again and noticed that he was running in a straight line, he was going for all of them. Aquarius gasped "Split Up! He won't know who to chase!" he shouted as loud as he could as he held tightly to the feathers of the Fast Runner's back, he hoped they would listen to him here.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Any thoughts of conversation or discussion promptly ended as soon as the reverberations of the predator’s roar vibrated through Buko’s body.  No thoughts passed through the omnivore’s mind before his legs appeared to move of their own volition, carried entirely by the primal instincts of his species.  An ancient drive that saved his predecessors whenever their runs carried them further than their brains could process.

It was time to flee.

It was only when he felt a tug on his elongated extremity that he realized something was off.  Had the predator taken a chunk out of it?  It was only when his fear-addled mind realized there was no pain signals coming from his tail that he spared the slightest of glances.

He immediately wished he hadn’t as he saw the predator bearing down behind them.  He was able to see something clay-colored on his tail, however, which confirmed his suspicions that he had a ëguest’.  In the milliseconds it took for him to reach this conclusion there was no time to contemplate that he had moments before considered this swimmer as possible food.  Right now they all were possible food.  And that meant this swimmer was in this crisis with him.

“Hold on!  I’m going to try to lose him!”

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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The threehorn's heart beat mercilessly in his chest as he heard the sharptooth’s steps growing ever louder. Only a few seconds ago, he was afraid of two fast runners as if they’d be the ones to threaten him lethally. Now that he was faced with a very concrete threat, such doubts seemed most of all childish now. However, none of that mattered as the threehorn realized his life could very possibly end on this day in the jaws of that massive predator. After hearing Aquarius’ alarmed cry, Rinen’s hopes increased slightly but soon enough, his distress grew only worse. The sharptooth hadn’t been diverted by the others’ dispersal: it was coming right after him!

That realization and the sight of the fast runners and Aquarius only getting further away from him nearly made Rinen panic completely. They were running for their lives as any sensible dinosaur would have done, leaving the young threehorn face his fate alone, just as he had expected before meeting Aquarius. There was no way a young, chubby threehorn like him could ever answer to the speed of the fast runners. In that sickening knowledge, everything turned into a blurred mess as the steps of the dark-grey predator approached him with an astonishing speed. Any second now, his body would be crushed to pieces by the beast’s jaws, ending his short life of failure and finally fulfilling the punishment cast upon him by the elders of his herd.

Yet, even in the middle of his nightmare, Rinen noticed something that caught his interest. To his side, there seemed to be a small trail leading up the hill inside which the vast network of tunnels was located. Rinen knew his idea was a far-fetched one but maybe, just maybe, the narrow pathway could offer him a window to escape or at least buy him some time to come up with some other plan. The path was surrounded by sharp formations of rocks and steep falls, probably making it difficult for the sharptooth to chase him effectively. Rinen took one, deep breath before he quickly turned around to a position in which he was nearly facing the sharptooth and then charged towards the hill, hoping he was quick enough to avoid the beast’s claws. No matter what, he’d give this one last shot before he’d resign to his early departure into the Great Beyond.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 05:00:53 PM by Sovereign »

The Lone Dragon

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Aquarius gripped the back feathers of the Fast Runner as tightly as he could, it was all he could do to stop himself falling off and inevitable becoming the Sharptooth's next meal but it seemed that the Sharptooth was losing interest in both the Fast Runners since they had the speed to make a quick getaway. Aquarius was about to sigh with relief that they were okay when he noticed that things were not as okay as he had hoped. The Sharptooth was not in fact going for them, it was singling out the most promising prey; The Threehorn. "Oh no!" said Aquarius as he saw the Threehorn struggling to get away from the Sharptooth and Aquarius knew that hope for escape was remote....without help that is. Bowever if the direction of the Fast Runners were anything to go by, they were trying to get as far away as they could. "No, Stop! We have to go back and help him!" He pointed to the Threehorn, he had helped him escape the cave and he owed him for that. "We can't leave him to get eaten!" he bellowed with a tone that seemed to reek of authority but with a slight hint of desperation, he was basically yelling for two Fast Runners to save a Threehorn from a Sharptooth. The situation would have made him laugh a week ago but not now, all he could do was hold onto the Fast Runner and hope that he'd help the Threehorn, though he neglected to think of how they'd do this.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Buko did not register the first exclamation from his unexpected passenger, but the other two yells met their target as the words echoed in the fastrunner's mind.  The sharptooth was going after the threehorn.  Could it be true?  Were they out of danger?

Buko slowed slightly as he turned back towards the massive beast and the hapless threehorn that now appeared to be firmly in the predator's sights.  Every part of the fastrunner's instincts were screaming at him to let the threehorn face his fate alone.  To accept that one dinosaur's demise at the hands of fate was another opportunity for him to live.  However, as he was about to turn to continue his sprint, he noticed something.  The threehorn was heading towards something... perhaps he had a plan?  But what...

That was when he saw the sharp rocks and odd angles of light descending from them.  The threehorn seemed to think that he had found an escape route... but he would need time.

"Hey over here, you overgrown Ankle Biter!  I knew you were too slow to catch me!"

It wasn't until the words left his mouth, however, that Buko realized what he had done.  He gave the swimmer the slightest glance as a look of abject horror appeared on Buko's face.  

He didn't wait to see if the sharptooth followed them before again entering into a headlong sprint.  The rest was up to Rinen now.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Wyoh had acted on absolute terror, her heart nearly pounding out of her chest as she fled the source of the roar with every shred of strength she had left. After the initial shock wore off she thought to look for Buko, and caught sight of him running a ways off to her left with what looked like the swimmer clinging to his back. The two-footer appeared to be interested in something- or someone- else, and so she turned her course toward him and came up beside him as he slowed.

She was about to comment on their situation when he turned his head and... yelled. At the sharptooth. Having heard none of the Swimmer's pleas, she was left staring dumbfounded at the huge predator as Buko increased his speed again. She was on the verge of abandoning him entirely to his madness when the terribly small figure of the threehorn caught her eye, mere paces away from the monster's jaws. Was that what this was about? She took a deep breath and shouted, "It's a good thing sharpteeth are so STUPID!" before running to catch up with Buko, shaking her head in disbelief. She didn't know how much energy he had left, but she was running dangerously close to empty.


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It took Lizzie a few seconds to realize that something wasn't right. Finally halting her monotonous trot, Lizzie spoke up.

"Is something the matter? Why will you not keep flying?" Lizzie took a quick glance at the flyer, noticing that she was looking slightly exhausted and... disturbed? The longneck was exhausted as well yet she was stoically moving on by habit, her dull mind not registering that the flyer was done for and, above that, in a deep emotional crisis. A quick look around her confirmed that they were in an open space with no protection whatsoever, the Bright Circle already sinking lower on the horizon. Soon dusk would descent upon them... Could they even stop here for the night?
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 05:56:36 AM by Ducky123 »
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The threehorn couldn’t believe his ears when he heard the fast runner’s distant cry. Had he actually risked his certain escape just to increase his chances of living through all this? That went against most of what he had learned about their kind but this wasn’t the moment to think about such things. The sharptooth was mere moments from reaching him and his life was still very likely forfeit. However, following the half tooth’s cry, something happened which stunned the threehorn completely.

The massive predator had slowed his run down for a short while, most likely to weigh on whether to respond to the omnivore’s taunt. It was only a brief before until the larger dinosaur resumed his chase but it was enough for Rinen to get a good lead in the race to the looming hill path. Rinen would have wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and wait until this would be all over but he forced them to stay open and face he way to his salvation… if he was lucky. Every second, the sharptooth was catching up to him but at the same time, the path grew ever closer to him… only a few more seconds and he’d at least have a chance to make it…

Once he was two times his own length from the opening of the path between the high hills surrounding it, Rinen took one, mighty leap to save each and every decimal of a second he could. For a moment, he thought it wasn’t enough. During the jump, felt a violent, stinging pain in his tail which briefly made him believe he was done for. However, the following hit to the ground told him he wasn’t caught yet and with a quick glance, saw that there was a long, deep wound stretching all the way from his lower back into the tip of the tail and it was already bleeding nastily.

Even worse, the sharptooth wasted no time jumping to the rocks surrounding the gorge-like path and the threehorn knew his survival was a matter of mere seconds. Even through the pain, he rose to his feet and headed further down the way up the hillside, hoping beyond hope the narrow gorge would soon become deep enough to shield him from the predator’s greedy claws. And even worse, there was always a possibility the path could prove to be only a tiny pass between two slopes around the larger hill, soon opening again to reveal him to the massive sharptooth’s attacks again. Deep inside his mind, Rinen prayed that wouldn’t be the case...


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The massive predator tried to reach the threehorn, but the narrow path proved difficult to navigate in order to finish the young dinosaur. "This is proving to be very difficult," Slash thought to himself, "but it all ends now." The sharptooth tried picking up the pace, but then tripped on a rock jutting out of the ground! The sharptooth fell to its side and rolled downhill.

Maybe this was the threehorn's chance to survive.
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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She did not know who she was, what was her name, what was her past? She thought yet nothing came to mind. Distant voices became sound around her yet she could not understand what they said. She heard one name being called, Samara, who was that? Who were they? Family, enemies, friends? Nothing came to mind. She kept walking through the shadowy plains which she suddenly found herself in. What was happening? She kept walking until her feet got heavy and she fell down. She did not want to give up, she struggled to get back on het feet and continued walking. Maybe at the end she would finally understand who she was, and who this mysterious 'Samara' was. A distant light was shining in the distance, she kept walking. She stepped through the light and she understood, she was Samara, and she was on her way to a location her companion knew of, yet she knew not where.

Samara did not understand why she fell down, nor why she was so afraid of the ground. Why should she? You could stand on ground, it was safe. Right? She opened her eyes and saw the concerned longneck looking at her, why was the longneck so concerned, didn't she just take a nap on the ground, like others did when they were tired? What was happening, nothing happened. Right?
The universe has a beginning, but no end. —Infinite.
The stars too have beginnings, but their power accompanies their decline.  —Finite.
It the wise who are the most foolish. History has taught us as much.
The fish of the sea know not the world of the land. Were they to possess wisdom, they too would experience decline.
It is more absurd that humans should surpass the speed of light than it is that fish should start living on the land.
- Steins;Gate (anime / visual novel)


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Lizzie's forehead grew some grumples as she continued to look at the flyer on the ground before him showing many signs of confusion.

What is going on with her?

For the first time since their initial encounter, Lizzie remembered how disturbed and sad she had been when she found her. Was whatever had bugged her back there causing this? Did she need help? It was enough to snap the longneck out of her very own trance either way.

"Are you feeling alright? Is something bothering you? S-should we... call it a day?"

Lizzie was pretty sure something was off and deep inside she was hoping that the flyer would talk. Right now she reminded her too much of her own pain...
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Quote from: Ducky123 on May 2 2018, 12:52:50 AM

"Are you feeling alright? Is something bothering you? S-should we... call it a day?"

Samara shook her head, they wouldn't have to stop now, it's still day and the sun is  going down but there's still a couple hours left, so why stop? She then thought of the first part of the question, was she alright? She did not know, but she felt like she was alright, they would continue for now, and find a safe place when the sun would be just above the horizon.

"We won't have to call it a day yet, unless you want to. The sun is still in the sky, so why stop now? Let's continue and once the sun is above the horizon, we can find a safe spot to rest, okay?"
The universe has a beginning, but no end. —Infinite.
The stars too have beginnings, but their power accompanies their decline.  —Finite.
It the wise who are the most foolish. History has taught us as much.
The fish of the sea know not the world of the land. Were they to possess wisdom, they too would experience decline.
It is more absurd that humans should surpass the speed of light than it is that fish should start living on the land.
- Steins;Gate (anime / visual novel)


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The sudden change in demeanor surprised the longneck somewhat but she quuckly discarded it as nothing, glad that they could walk a little further. As long as she was walking, she wouldn't have to think and as long as she wouldn't have to think...

No bad thoughts...

Lizzie gave the flyer a short nod and resumed her trot while the flyer quickly rode the currents to the heights of the sky, so high that she was barely to be seen from her ground-bourne perspective. No visible landmarks were visible anywhere aside from the occasional boulder and the omni-present ocean in the far distance to their left. She had long since noticed the flyer keeping a fair distance to the huge body of water and while she wasn't aware of the bad influences of salty water on the value of vegetation and water itself, she instinctively knew it was probably for the best to keep a certain distance. The big flood, although it hadn't affected her, made her respect, even fear the unknown water, traces of which could occasionally be found on the ground. Apparently the whole area they were trespassing got flooded as well but it must have been short-lived as even puddles had already dried.

There is literally nothing in our path...

As Lizzie set her eyes and mind forward again, only the vast desert with the occasional dead vegetation greeting her, she let out an audible sigh.

Like things ever change... will I ever find what the old longneck told me? And it looks like I'll have to sleep without cover again... like I care if sharpteeth find me but the flyer...

However, Lizzie knew that there was nothing she could do. Some areas simply didn't offer any protection. The longneck could only hope that the face of the landscape would change after all.

However, it didn't.

It was almost night, barely even dusk anymore, when she finally had to give up the small hope of finding cover...

"It's no use, let's call it a day!"
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"It's no use, let's call it a day!"

Samara did not like the sound of that, for some reason she felt uncomfortable standing and even laying on the ground. Like there was this... primal fear of whatever the ground could hold for her. Samara looked around her and saw that there was no cover for as far as the eye could see. She wanted to continue but noticed how hard it is to flap her wings, she was getting tired. She could not hold out for much longer so she had no choice but to go down. She decided to float just above the longneck so that she was not on the ground, but could rest her wings for a while while still keeping an eye on their surroundings.
The universe has a beginning, but no end. —Infinite.
The stars too have beginnings, but their power accompanies their decline.  —Finite.
It the wise who are the most foolish. History has taught us as much.
The fish of the sea know not the world of the land. Were they to possess wisdom, they too would experience decline.
It is more absurd that humans should surpass the speed of light than it is that fish should start living on the land.
- Steins;Gate (anime / visual novel)


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Lizzie didn't recieve any answer from the flyer, however she could soon see the small silhuette above her grow bigger and bigger until it hovered mere metres above the ground.

"So... are we going to stop here? It's almost too dark to see and... I'm tired," Lizzie admitted, her feet ever so weary after the long day. Only having taken a short nap in the morning didn't help things either.

Again, no response. As Lizzie looked up to her, she could see clear signs of fatique and sleepyness on the flyer as well.

"Why are you hovering above me and why won't you give me an answer, flyer?" the longneck demanded at last, her voice still kind, albeit sounding tired, but determined. They needed to do things together and talk about decisions at least if they wanted to support each other on their respective journeys...
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Samara heard the questions but was too tired to answer, besides, what should she say? That she was mysteriously afraid of the ground, without having a clear reason as to why she was? She could see that the longneck did not appreciate that she was not answering, so she decided to use a half-truth answer.

"I'm tired but it's not safe here, in the open. How will we be safe out here?"
The universe has a beginning, but no end. —Infinite.
The stars too have beginnings, but their power accompanies their decline.  —Finite.
It the wise who are the most foolish. History has taught us as much.
The fish of the sea know not the world of the land. Were they to possess wisdom, they too would experience decline.
It is more absurd that humans should surpass the speed of light than it is that fish should start living on the land.
- Steins;Gate (anime / visual novel)


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The entire area around the threehorn seemed to begin shaking the moment the massive sharptooth feel to the ground near him. Rinen couldn’t believe his luck as he saw the predator beginning to sway at first and soon lose its balance completely. The moment his chaser hit the ground Rinen realized he had been given a chance to escape from the nearly certain death. He quickly sprinted forward, feverishly searching for some cave or crevice to escape to, knowing it would be only a few seconds before the sharptooth would be once more after him.

However, Rinen’s spirits fell quickly when none of those seemed to come to his sight. He could hear the predator quickly rising to its feet again and he was quickly running out of time. He was slowly approaching a state of panic before he finally saw something that raised his spirits. It was little more than a crack in the hillside but it was deep enough for him to escape from the sharptooth’s reach once and for all. Even more, it faced towards the plain his companions had escaped to and if he was lucky, they could see he was still alive. If the fast runners hadn’t already ran halfway to the Big Water by now, of course.  

The threehorn panted deeply as he jumped into the crevice, glancing at the menacing sharptooth in a mixture of triumph and lingering fear as the monster’s claws gnawed at the walls above him. He was no longer in immediate mortal danger but safety was an elusive thing as long as the massive sharptooth was anywhere near him. Also, Rinen felt slight worry as he looked at the plain below him as neither Aquarius nor the fast runners were anywhere in line of sight. Even if he’d live through this, there was a chance he would be all alone again, back in the same hellish situation as he had only a few hours earlier. Rinen’s head dropped slightly as he sat down to observe the predator’s next moves, trying to drive those gloomy thoughts away at least for a while longer.