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Your best and worst moments in video games?


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Exactly what the title says!

My best moment was playing a game called Star Wars: Empire at War. I had a small fleet consisting of a small Star Destroyer(I was controlling the Empire) and three blockade runners. Then the entire Rebel fleet attacked. I don't know how, but I not only defeated their fleet, but destroyed it. I ended the war in one fell swoop, and with my main fleet somewhere else. It was awesome!

Worst: Probably the dozens of times I just passed a level and forgot to save, died, and had to play it over.


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Best for me was when I finally beat Secret Of Mana 2 fully. That's not a easy game to beat. Since the bosses have ten times more hit points than Secret Of Mana. But it's still a very fun game that I enjoyed playing and I still play the game to this day.

Worst: Was probably not saving when I got far by accident. It's a horrible feeling to start the game over again where you last saved.


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I need to play Empire at War...

I have a feeling my best and worst are both Pokemon related. Actually hatching a shiny on my own without PowerSaves or shiny value hatching, and worst would be accidentally killing a shiny in Platinum. Even if it was a Zubat...


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Yes I know the feeling I to also felt bad fainting a shiny PokÈmon. It was the worst feeling ever to be honest with you.

Littlefoot fan 1990

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Worst: Playing Sonic the Hedgehog 3 in its original format has its ups and downs; especially if you can't create save states unless
those old games get reformatted for the newer consoles like PS3, Xbox, Wii, GameCube or PS2. Another thing is a puzzle I was stuck on for nearly 11 years. Here's the link below so you know what I'm talking about.

Best: The one thing I love about this game is the soundtrack. I also finally got through that part in 2008. Although, I had to read a description in a YouTube video that stated all I had to do was press the up and down arrow buttons on my controller. ARGH! Why I couldn't figure it out back in 1997 is one thing I'll never get.


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I loved sonic 3 it was a good game with great levels and awesome bosses as well. I loved the different bosses it had


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Quote from: ADFan185,May 6 2017 on  05:57 PM
I loved sonic 3 it was a good game with great levels and awesome bosses as well. I loved the different bosses it had
but I HATED that barrel...
I had to replay 2 times to get pass through it. And the most interesting - I did it by simple jumping. :o


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Without a doubt my best experience in gaming was when I completed the "Insane in the Membrane" Feat of Strength achievement in WoW after months of grinding! It's one of the hardest things to do in the game and arguably requires the most time. Even if it was watered down somewhat before I completed the achievement, it was still awesome! :D It's a tough job to keep your status up in WoW when everyone has some pretty cool stuff but the Insane title is pretty close to the top. :p

Hmm, my worst moment... probably the time when the game removed my save near the end of the game in Arkham City due to a random bug.  <_<


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Snik,May 7 2017 on  04:46 AM
Quote from: ADFan185,May 6 2017 on  05:57 PM
I loved sonic 3 it was a good game with great levels and awesome bosses as well. I loved the different bosses it had
but I HATED that barrel...
I had to replay 2 times to get pass through it. And the most interesting - I did it by simple jumping. :o
Yeah I can agree with you a lot of the levels where annoying and pretty hard to complete with one life. I got to the end and died a lot of times trying to beat the finale boss. And yes the barrel was also annoying and difficult to deal with


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Best: Any time I win a race by a landslide in Asphalt 8 using a car that's below the recommended rank.

Worst: A few days ago when I was playing Asphalt 8 and crashed so many times that I fell so far behind the pack that I got disqualified.

Yeah, I'm not much of a gamer, but I really love Asphalt 8


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Without a doubt my best experience in gaming was when I completed the "Insane in the Membrane" Feat of Strength achievement in WoW after months of grinding!
That had something to do with the Yogg-Saron encounter correct? Doing something with it's insanity debuff? I wasn't raiding at the time of Ulduar so I'm not sure (I first started with Trials of the Crusade). Kinda sucks as I hear it's one of the best raids. I got to down the Lich King at least, with the 30% buff, but it still felt momentous.

For my best and worst moments I think I can tie them together.

Best: So for those who don't know, Metroid: Zero Mission has 8 different endings depending on a combination of difficulty, game time, and item completion and the hardest of them all is to beat it on Hard with 15% or less. Even harder though is to get the absolute minimum required, at only 10%. This means you're only allowed to have a max of 4 missiles and no extra health.

This can make the final boss extremely brutal as you have to spend a good chunk of time waiting for it to fire it's missiles so you can shoot them to get missile pickups, and you have to try and shoot him at least once every cycle with a missile to push him back, as it becomes crazy hard to deal with. His claw swipe and body 1 shot, his missiles do 80/99 health and his lasers do about 40/99. His swipe by itself is easy to dodge, just jump above or duck in the far left corner. His missiles home so the best way to deal with it is to duck in the far left corner and shoot at a 45 degree angle. His lasers get tricky, they shoot from his eyes and can shoot in 3 random directions, but his head can also be in 3 different spots, changing where they go. These 3 attacks can be mixed together, making it hard to get better as it can always be different and even lead to situations where you can't escape.

My total amount of attempts to beat him added up to somewhere around 8 to 10 hours but oh boy did it feel good to beat the game.

Worst: So after you beat the boss the game doesn't end. A self-destruct sequence happens and you have to escape in time, which normally isn't that hard. Well after beating the boss and my heart was racing mistakes can easily be made and getting hit by an enemy while escaping is a 1 shot. This...ended up happening twice. After the 2nd time I actually made a another file and got up to that point with 15% items just so I could practice and get the escape down pat. After beating the boss for the 3rd time did I finally manage to finish the game.


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Best: Every time I play trough "Bloody Trapland". It is a really hard platformer. I remember finishing it for the first time after more than 4 hours of playing. My friend and I were shouting so loud that the neighbor came over wondering what we were doing. I was full of Endorphins!
I was able to improve my record to about 1.5 hours meanwhile.  :)

Worst: I like to play a game called "Empire Earth". It is a real-time strategy game. It has an add-on called "The Art of Conquest", which adds nuclear missiles to the nano-age. I dueled a friend of mine.
The only way to defend oneself against nuclear missiles in this game is to build "Anti-Missile batteries".
After a couple of hours of peace, I wanted to start the action. I wanted to beginn my strike with nuclear missiles, so I built many of these missiles. I spent all my resources, which I mined over all the time. I did everything to avoid any mistake. Including scouting.
Then I launched the missiles. I saw what was going to happen ahead of me. I became like mad inside of me.
But then. There was that green lorry, an Anti-Missile battery. And I swear, it wasn't there a minute before. And this sight, how all my missiles got destroyed one by one... It shocked me that much that I started talking to myself: "no... no. no!"
The best part of this whole thing was that my friend didn't even notice what just happened. He was just laughing about my "sudden" crisis.  :lol


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Worst: I remember, that in GTA III, PS2, It took me at least 2 days to beat mission Bomb da Base: part II. I used my own approach to the mission, because I did not understand the language back then, and I always went on the ship to be killed because of strong weapons of enemies. Finally, I did it, and incidentally, since then with different approach, I almost always beat this mission on first attempt.
Best: I did finish GTA SA mission Supply lines, I doubt, that I would beat this mission again, if I won't try for very long time.


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Worst: Playing Sonic the Hedgehog 3 in its original format has its ups and downs; especially if you can't create save states unless
those old games get reformatted for the newer consoles like PS3, Xbox, Wii, GameCube or PS2. Another thing is a puzzle I was stuck on for nearly 11 years. Here's the link below so you know what I'm talking about.

Best: The one thing I love about this game is the soundtrack. I also finally got through that part in 2008. Although, I had to read a description in a YouTube video that stated all I had to do was press the up and down arrow buttons on my controller. ARGH! Why I couldn't figure it out back in 1997 is one thing I'll never get.

Ohhh, yes. The infamous Barrel of Doom. In your defense, using the up and down buttons is a straightforward albeit pretty non-intuitive solution. There's really nothing in the game to indicate that that's how you're supposed to do it. It certainly stumped me! I can remember I used to play the game as a kid at my aunt and uncle's house on their Sega Genesis. One time I was doing a Tails playthrough and, like so many others before and after me, I got completely stuck and didn't know what to do, and was ultimately unable to progress.

I played the game again years later when I got the Sonic Mega Collection for my GameCube, and again I came to that same barrel part and couldn't get through it at first. But then my brother joined me on one of my playthroughs, I was Sonic and he was Tails, and with our combined efforts we were able to get past it by simply jumping on it enough times. Although it was pretty time-consuming and then I ended up barely finishing the rest of the level on time, but it was pretty satisfying to finally get past it. :yes I think sometime after that was when I read online about how you were supposed to get through that part. It's remarkably easy to pull it off once you actually know what to do.

Awesome game otherwise. I'll nominate it for my "Best" moment, especially when my brother and I played together. :) Agreed about the great soundtrack as well.

As for my Worst moment. In recent months, at least, it was during one of my Minecraft sessions. Me and my buds started up a new server world on Hard difficulty. And within the first two sessions alone, I died to Creepers five times! After the fifth time, I was pretty steamed. :anger Poor @OwlsCantRead had to put up with me raging in the chat. Which I seldom ever full-on rage at games, but Creepers have the capacity to bring it out in me it seems. :p

F-14 Ace

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My worst moment: On my first playthrough of Grand Theft Auto 5, I went with one of the cheap drivers during the final bank heist and lost half the take when they crashed one of the helicopters carrying half the gold.  That was a mistake I made sure never to repeat.

Best gaming moment: "It's John Marston, Micah!  I'm here to finish things!"  American Venom, the last story mission of Red Dead Redemption 2.  It felt so good finishing the final mission of hands-down the best game I've ever played, and finally, finally, finally getting to shoot Micah Bell full of holes and give him what he had coming the whole game.  Micah was a loathsome snake right from the beginning and just got worse as the game went on.  Killing Ross in the first Red Dead Redemption never really felt satisfying.  I mean, you could make the argument that he was just a well-intentioned extremist and all.  But Micah was just an unhinged monster with zero redeeming qualities and sending him to Hell was oh so satisfying.  Shooting my way through his gang as I made my way up the mountain he was camped out on while a glorious rendition of John Marston's theme from the first game played in the background was just the icing on the cake. 

f-22 "raptor" ace

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That was quite a good one F-14. Personally I shot Micah once in each eye and in the testicles. A rat's death for a rat.

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I used Arthur's customized Schofield revolver and gave Micah one in each kneecap, three in the balls, and the last one right between the eyes.  Good riddance to the rat!


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Almost too many awesome and awful gaming moments to count but here are a couple of my most standout ones:

Best: When I completed Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair back in 2019 (just that alone would have been enough) but my stream was raided by Playtonic Games; the actual creators of the game!  :)littlefoot. The lead artists, the heads of the studio, VO actors (despite they all talk in Banjo-Kazooie sound effects), QA staff, Promotional staff, musical composers (not Grant Kirkhope sadly but still honoured to have them there). A lot of them were present. And on my 16th try (yes, it took that many tries), I cleared the game! Was an amazing sense of accomplishment. Can't thank Playtonic enough for joining me for that.

Worst: Every gamer has a bad day and even worse when it comes through to your favourite past times. Playing Resident Evil 3: Nemesis for the PS1 (not the latest one) the courtyard fight with big old Nemi about halfway through the game. For whatever reason, and despite beating him before, I just could not get the better of him and failed an embarrassing number of times.  :lfsadface
Turns out, I made certain choices in the game's "Live Selection" parts which meant certain actions do/do not occur. On this occasion, and little did I know, the selection I made did not make Carlos appear at the start of this fight whereby he destroys Nemesis's rocket launcher and deal some damage to him in a cutscene before the fight starts. I raged so hard that I aggravated the rest of my household and my mum flew into my room demanding I turn it off.  :littlefootangry
Kinda glad she did coz when I went back to it the following day, I aced it without a issue.


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Hmm not sure if I've ever posted on this topic or not  :thinking

I might have to come back to this to make a proper comment on it, but for now I'll just mention a good one that happened earlier today.

After a bit more practice on some bosses this morning, I decided to make another attempt at the Pantheon of Hallownest in Hollow Knight. For those who might not know, it is the final challenge in the game in which you have to do a boss rush of every boss in the game (something around 40 of them). Most of the bosses are pretty easy, but it ends with 3 fairly difficult boss fights, with the last one being a harder version of the final boss that can be particularly brutal with some of its RNG. Even at the best of times in practice it can be hard to deal with let alone with the added pressure of being the last fight in a 40 minute or so stretch. First phase was sub par then most of my attempts since after healing was still missing 2 health (out of 11, each attack deals 2 damage). I got completely blessed in the 2nd phase though with it spawning in the most ideal spot and doing a very long attack animation that's fairly easy to dodge, resulting in a ton of free hits. Smoothly finished the 2nd phase without trouble which allowed for a relatively relaxed transition phase and 3rd phase (normally I'm doing those one hit away from death in practice). With finally finishing this I have now completed every achievement in Hollow Knight and can wait for Silksong without having to worry about completing this anymore haha.

Also thanks to @Littlefoot1616 for sticking with most of my streams and watching all of my attempts. Made things a bit easier with the grind. Also @Mumbling for coming in right at the last minute to see the finale, maybe that gave me good luck or something  :PLoofah Also, @CybertronianBrony while you weren't there for the ending, thanks for watching a lot of my progress throughout the game!


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Yes, that was awesome, amazing job! Happy to be your good luck charm any time  :rhett_smile