The Gang of Five
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Scorched Earth


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August, 2030 A.D.

The world, attempting to settle from the chaos of global war and disaster, bears vicious scars to make the land unrecognizable from the time only 10 years back.  Now the survivors must endure and carve out their future in the new world...

(New York/Canada Border)

Heading south from the fallen country of Canada, seven tanks cruised across the landscape.  Their mission was a disaster from the very beginning.  They started out as an armored regiment of Royal Army & Marines, and set out across the sea to assist the United States in their war against Mexico.  But what met them first were hurricane storms that destroyed all but one ship carrying a mere handful of tanks...

When they landed on the shores of Massachusetts, they drove immediately to the territory of Quebec for help.  Instead, they were greeted by hostile separatist warlords, and barely escaped in one piece.  They never faced armor, save for one Leopard 2 tank that they had to combine their shots to destroy.  Otherwise, they attempted to save their 120mm shells and resort to their machine guns to fight off the opposition...

With no help in the war-torn land, the Royal Expeditionary Force retreated back into the United States for their original find the President in hiding...


(Central New Mexico)

Across the barren flat lands of the desert, a dark blue Pontiac GTO races west.  A few minutes behind it, a dozen vehicles, cars, motorcycles, & sand rails, speed to catch up with the lead car...


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((Colorado Area))
Inside a large, crudely-armored 18-wheeler truck, a pair of young foxes sat, listening to a J-rock song on a scavenged stereo, bobbing their heads to the music.  The younger, Emile, looked up at his older sister, Lena,
"Hey, Lena.  Where're we going again?  Hard to keep track anymore."
He joked, running a hand through his long red headfur.  Lena looked up at her brother, grinning a little.  
"We're heading up north, Emile.  Rumor's been going around that some pretty heavy stuff's going on up there.  Probably going to be quite a few people needing help, and even more tasty salvage."
She murred, licking her lips seductively and looking at her brother.
"Again, sis?  We've done it four times since we got into the state!  You really need to get your libido under control."
He said, looking at the floor, a blush coloring his already-red fur.  Lena smiled, leaning in closer, flaunting her ample bust at him.
"C'mon, bro.  I have urges, just like you do..."
She said, placing her hand on his lap.  Emile blushed more, looking around to make sure that that none of the other members of the crew were looking before nodding at his sister.  In moments, they were all over each other as the truck rolled on towards it's destination...

((Undisclosed location, northern Canada))
A black-coated wolf paced the empty halls of the underground base.
"Heh...Soon, the world will be eclipsed in the glory of total warfare.  And then, we, the Sword of Damocles will make our final move."
He laughed to himself...


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Heading east towards Colorado, a group of tanks & military vehicles rolled calmly across the landscape.  With most of refugees in Texas heading north away from the fierce fighting between warlords, the Gun Hawks decided to seek out confirmation to rumors of a terrorist army, not cell, hiding in the States.  The only information from a young man that escaped from the murderous group that took his family & friends as slaves...


(New Mexico)

Those riding in the pursuing vehicles hanged themselves out to fire upon the GTO, most were misses, but a few would ricochet off the armored plating.

In the passenger's seat, a wolf curled up in a ball.  "Explain to me again WHY you just instigated them to chase us?!"

The human driver remained calm as he answered.  "I was just making sure if they were the ones..."

"Yeah, but kicking dirt on them while they were taking a leak?!  What ever happened to asking politely!?"


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(Somewhere west of Boston, Massachussets)

A column of military vehicles was traveling through deserted and ruined areas outside of Boston. This group was one of the few units that had managed to get out from Boston, which was taken over by several warlords from arournd the state who decided to introduce their own order in the city. Due to being vastly outnumbered and outgunned, units of National Guard were forced to retreat from Boston and try to regroup their forces... somewhere.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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(New York, just west of Massachusetts)

It did not take the Royal Expeditionary Force long to cross the border into Massachusetts.  Since then, the lead tank, belonging to Colonel Ken Winchester, had mounted two flags on the turret.  One was the only British flag that survived the fateful trip across the sea, the other an American flag, the only one they found intact in New York City.

Ken looked from his cupola and grabbed his radio.  "Sergeant.  Any response from Morris code yet?"

"Negative yet, sir," a reply came from one of the other tanks.

"Keep on it, then.  Any American government or military by now would be using this code.  They can't all be dead!"

"Aye, Colonel!"


(New Mexico)

The lone car weaved around the pursuers across the desert, using bursts from his front-mounted machine guns to blast away his attackers, especially those he caught wielding heavier firepower...


(Southeast Colorado)

A chorus of loud gunfire echoed from the 105mm guns of a small group of M60 Pattons, their targets being an ambush party of raiders manning a pair of older age Patton tanks among their other vehicles.  Without care and added armor that was on the newer versions, the M46 tanks were no match, being ripped apart by the heavier guns, and other vehicles joining their fate in the counter-attack.  This alone sent the survivors running for cover, and then away from their failed ambush.

Cole Winters, team commander, stepped out of his tank when a Humvee pulled up, and a Rattlesnake officer slithered out.

"Sir!" the Snake said.  "We're getting a message in Morris code!"

Cole headed for the radio to listen, then shook his head in disappointment.  "No good for us here," he replied.  "Whoever it is, they're calling all the way from the east coast."

"Is it still any of our people, sir?"

"It's a British group.  They must have come over when we were attacked."

"To help or conquer?"

"They said they're helping.  We won't know for sure with them being thousands of miles away.  Now, let's regroup and head north.  We need to seek out a terrorist army that may be hiding somewhere up there."

"Yes sir!"


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(Somewhere west of Boston, Massachussets)

The military column of vehicles stopped at deserted gas station. Soldiers needed a break, while officers had to discuss about such pressing matters as: where were other units who survived a disaster that was battle for Boston and how to get them all to one place?

Ronald together with his officers and team leaders looked at the map of state of Massachussets and it's neighborhood.

"Assuming that no joker replaced road signs, we should be here," captain pointed at some place on the map "Right between Newton and Framingham."  

"Wasn't Wilson's tank group supposed to come through Framingham and join us?" one of sergeants asked. Emmerson just shook his head.

"It seems, from what we heard from Wilson on the radio, that this town and nearby parts of I-90 are an absolute warzone now. Wilson will try to go round Framingham, but that will take some time. Now, we haven't have any signs from other units that got out of Boston since a few hours ago, so..." he was interrupted by sergeant Miller, who was operating long range radio.

"Sir! We've just got a message from Royal Expeditionary Force!"

"Royal Expeditionary Force? What British military does in USA?" Ronald asked.

"Maybe they decided it's a payback time for that little tea party we threw for them a few hundres year ago?" one of officers joked.

"Let's hope not," Emmerson said, before heading to the radio himself. He listened for a minute, then ordered Miller to respond to that call.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Cera
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(New York/Massachusetts border)

"Sir!" radioed one of the tank commanders.  "We're getting a response!"

"All stop!" Winchester ordered.  "Take defensive positions!"

The tanks made a circle of themselves, their guns pointing every which way.  They don't want surprises while they take their phone call."

"Tell them to have their radio to this frequency so we can talk."

"Aye, sir!"

The Morris code message was sent...


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"Sir, they want to talk with you. I've already changed frequency," sergeant Miller said, giving captain radio microphone. Ronald nodded and spoke to the mike.

"This is captain Ronald Emmerson of Boston Guardians, US military. Who am I speaking to?"
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Cera
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(New York/Massachusetts border)

"This is colonel Kenneth Winchester of the Royal Expeditionary Force, Royal Marines.  We've been sent by request of Good King William to assist the United States in repelling the invasion.  But the majority of our force was lost at sea, and all we have left is a small unit.  We hope to merge with US forces and continue to help bring peace to the States, as in our primary mission."

(OOC:  In the scenario in the UK, Prince Charles was crowned king in 2020, but he was immediately assassinated by a foreign agent, so his son William now takes the throne.)


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A burst of static crackled over the comm channel.
"Hello there.  Can both of your units hear this?"
A male, synthesized voice asked...


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Emmerson was about to talk with colonel Winchester, but at that moment a new voice cut in.

"Yes, I can hear you. Who are you?" he asked.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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The voice chuckled.
"My name is unimportant.  All you need to know is that I am the Captain of the Vulture scavenger corps.  We are a freelance group of salvagers and civilians, and we are offering our assistance to your forces."
It said...


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(New York/Massachusetts)

After a pause, one of the tank commanders looked at his commander.  "What do you think, sir?  Should we trust them?"

"I'd take a chance with the Guards," Winchester replied, "but certainly not this Vulture bloke.  Let's go to Boston and see if we can meet up with the Guards.  Let's keep the line open but keep silent for now."  He changes to the tank radio.  "All hands make ready!  We move east!"

The Challengers got moving together back into a column and soon started to cross the border into Massachusetts...


(New Mexico)

The lone driver made short work of the raiders, bring their numbers down to two vehicles, which shot off away from the battle, leaving their dead behind.

Stopping near the wreckage, Sky stepped out of the car with his shotgun and checked to see if his pursuers were dead, then proceeded to removing gas cans from the other vehicles.

Runt stuck his head out of the window.  "You know we could've made it to Flagstaff if you hadn't have done that!"


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A soft laugh over the radio.
"We heard that.  You gotta forgive the captain.  I think he likes being all *ah* dramatic like that.  I'm Emile.  My *girlish giggle* sister and I will join you, if nobody objects.  We have our own equipment, and our talents could come in very handy.  You'll need all the help you can get, I think."
Emile said, panting a little as he spoke...


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Soon after, Winchester's sergeant called in.  "Sir!  We got chatter on the local police banner!"

"Let's hear it!" Winchester radioed back.

"Sounds like a war party leaving Boston, and they sound like they got tanks!"

"Where to?"

"Worcester by the sound of it, sir!"

"Alrighty then!  We're up for a fight with tanks now!  Let's make our way to Springfield as fast as we can and try to meet up with the Americans before this war party finds them out!"  Winchester flipped the switch to long range radio.  "Boston Guardians, this is the Royal Expeditionary Force!  We just got word someone in Boston just sent out a party with tanks, perhaps to Worcester!  If you're there, stay on your toes!  We're on our way to Springfield in about 1 hour!  Copy?"