The Gang of Five
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Messages - NeoGenesis005

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 64
Land Before Time Captions / Mr.Threehorn Caption
« on: March 27, 2010, 05:47:06 PM »
Mr. Threehorn: AAAAHHHHHH GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!

Cera: :wow thats a first.

1988 Theatrical Release / How did the LBT dinosaurs choose mates?
« on: March 27, 2010, 05:42:53 PM »
Quote from: Kor,Mar 25 2010 on  09:14 PM
It depends on how different they were genetically if they can produce children together or not.  A biologist, zoologist and such could explain better then I can and have more knowledge then I have.
I believe some mysterious events toke place in prehistoric time I don't know what they were but I'm pretty sure it happened.  Thats why I don't see nothing wrong with LBT going out of line with reality its a cartoon things can happen look at Glido where did you think he came from two different spieces of prehistoric birds must have made him to be.

General Land Before Time / Ever had any LBT dreams at night.
« on: March 27, 2010, 05:34:09 PM »
I only had one dream relating to LBT the only thing I could remember from it was when Cera was in the living in the present roaming around my home island town (harbour island) looking for her sister tricia and I was helping her out.

General Land Before Time / Why Do People Hate the Sequels So Much?
« on: March 27, 2010, 05:30:34 PM »
Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Mar 27 2010 on  09:04 AM
If it weren't for LBT II, I probably would've never known about LBT until later on.  I was introduced to our pals when LBT II came out.
LBT 2 was my first also

General Land Before Time / Why Do People Hate the Sequels So Much?
« on: March 27, 2010, 05:28:43 PM »
Thats life there will be people judging one thing or the other but honest they don't need to over do it, some originals especially LBT had some good sequels  I wasn't a big fan of sequels either but I was always curious to see what they are all about.  In the end I learn from them so in conclusion rather the sequels suck or not their is a moral behind them all.  So people shouldn't complain at least the sequels are there to reduce Boredom

1988 Theatrical Release / How did the LBT dinosaurs choose mates?
« on: March 25, 2010, 05:56:33 PM »
Quote from: pokeplayer984,Aug 15 2008 on  03:41 PM
Not to mention that some of the stories where two completely different species get together, they end up having kids that are of the species of either parent.  This has been common place for MANY years.  I'm sure you can pick up a number of stories and find such a thing happening.

As for it happening in real life, I have heard of the Horse + Donkey = Mule and the Tiger + Lion = Ligar ones. (I've seen the display of what one looks like at my local Zoo.  No stripes like a tiger, but definitely holds the build of one, despite having the looks of a lion.)

What will happen if the writers do it for LBT? Who knows? :)
I was thinking something like this also.  I wouldn't be surprised if the Writers and Animators of LBT decides to do mix families, it can reflected on the World Family Groups Today.

For example suppose Ducky and Petrie grew up and they actually fell in love with each other?  they will be unable to produce due to there differences in spieces but they can Adopt a child.

I don't find nothing wrong with this because this is a reminder that there are couples in the world today who have different back grounds but share the same feelings for each other.  

:rolleyes: We already seen talking dinosaurs and mix herds already why not see mix families also?  Scientist made a huge discovery on finding dinosaurs remains; exsisting in prehistoric time but nobody not even the scientist are acturate enough to say how the dinosaurs lived, two different spieces could have formed a new dinosaur who knows.

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Season 2 Episodes
« on: March 25, 2010, 05:14:28 PM »
Quote from: LBTFan13,Sep 8 2009 on  10:39 PM
I was kind of thinking and found this one. This would be pretty emotional but I thought it would be cool.

So Littlefoot has a sleep story in which he sees his mother. They talk for a little and she reminds her son how much she loves him and how she will always be with him. Littlefoot starts to feel a little depressed for his mother, so the rest of the gang try to cheer him up. Eventually, Littlefoot finds a place where he sees a star that reminds him of his mother, almost like she is looking down upon him from the sky. From that point on, Littlefoot is no longer sad and visits this spot every night, talking to the star as if he were speaking to his mother.
Now this Idea is Perfect I would love to see Littlefoots Mother again

General Land Before Time / What would life be without LBT?
« on: March 25, 2010, 05:07:32 PM »
I can imagine it all right now.  This fanchise was so great back when I was a kid still going good so far,  but it would be a big gap in my life if I would have never meant talking dinosaurs infact I wouldn't have know dinosaurs actually exsisted so I thank LBT for helping me realizing that, not to mention meeting people like you guys who liking the show also.

General Land Before Time / This youtube video I found is a disgrace
« on: March 25, 2010, 05:00:17 PM »
I've seen this by commerical never really watched it but I'm sure its not totally disgraceful its just doesn't suit your taste thats all

The Welcome Center / Hello them!
« on: March 25, 2010, 04:55:49 PM »
hey nintendo whats up?! Welcome to the forums

The Welcome Center / Greetings
« on: March 25, 2010, 04:55:04 PM »
Hi there welcome to the forums

Character Discussion / Characters out of Character in the series?
« on: March 09, 2010, 12:04:52 AM »
Quote from: DarkHououmon,Jan 21 2010 on  06:13 PM
Quote from: Rat_lady7,Jan 21 2010 on  06:51 PM
Well, correct if I am wrong, but I don't remember Little Foot EVER being a snobby, little brat in the movies at all. If you look at the "Sky Color Stone" episode, he has this smirk on his face, like something Shorty or Rhet would have and Chomper looks defeated beside him for some reason.

Also, Little Foot becomes incredibly bossy in that same episode. Petrie and Chomper repeatedly tell him that they probably should follow the girls to find the stone and he goes, " I'm sure it's here." It's until he's proven wrong. It's like he's acting like a Cera, which I thought was out of character.
There is a moment in the first LBT where Littlefoot seems to behave similarly, in my opinion.

When Cera attempts to leave the group to try to go her own way, Littlefoot immediately stops her and is all in her face, flat out telling her she's going the wrong way. This, to me, looks like Littlefoot is attempting to force Cera to go his way.

Now one can say Cera really does go the wrong way, but I'll point something out: Cera never actually says what way she was going to go. All she says is that she'll take the easy way. This 'easy way' could have been a number of things, and there was no way Littlefoot could have known whether or not Cera's way was right or wrong at the time. And there's also the scene earlier with Sharptooth where he tells Cera to go one way and she goes another. Unless Littlefoot had explored that area before, there was no way he could have realized that the tunnel Cera was going through would have been the "wrong way".

Littlefoot just seemed determined that his way was right and Cera's way was wrong and unless proven wrong, he'll stick to it. This seems to be how he behaves in the episode as well. He strongly believes that he was right about the stone's location and it took a lot of convincing for him to realize he was wrong.

So it seems to be that Littlefoot wasn't all that out-of-character in the episode, in my opinion.
You know what you say makes a whole lot of sense, looking back on the First Movie and the Episode which was brought up its a perfect match to Littlefoot real personality.

The Party Room / LBT Cast Favorite TV Show
« on: March 08, 2010, 11:52:20 PM »
Ruby:  "Everytime I watch the Justise League I always admire Wonder Woman shes a great role model for all Girls of all ages"!

Cera: Not to mention...SHE KICKS BUTT!!!

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday NeoGenesis005
« on: March 08, 2010, 11:47:45 PM »
Its a Shocker to me still that I live to see 20 years but hey I got a long way to go

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday NeoGenesis005
« on: March 08, 2010, 11:46:08 PM »
Thank you Guys!!! your the Greatest!!!

The Party Room / LBT Cast Favorite TV Show
« on: March 07, 2010, 09:23:48 PM »
Hi gang whats up came to see how you all doing today.  

Ok lately i've been watching alot of japanese anime and sometimes I would imagine the lbt gang had the oppotunity to watch TV and Online Shows

So I'm like well why not make a game out of it.  Simple Everybody think of a TV animated or Live Action Show that the lbt characters would enjoy most.  Act as the characters at the same time  

Like for instants:

Littlefoot: "I love Indiana Jones Movies, his adventures are so exciting".  " Man I wish was like him".

So what do you think wanna play?

The Party Room / LBT Trivia Game
« on: January 24, 2010, 12:29:06 AM »
Quote from: Pangaea,Sep 2 2009 on  12:54 AM
Quote from: NeoGenesis005,Mar 14 2009 on  05:22 PM
Who say this line:

"And so what Now?"
Isn't that the last line of the song Cera sings in the TV episode "The Great Log Running Game"?
Hey! you got it right dude.

1988 Theatrical Release / The Land Before Time SUCCESSFULLY reached 21
« on: January 22, 2010, 08:49:26 PM »
Thats incredible!!! Happy 21st Birthday LBT!!

1988 Theatrical Release / Embarrassing
« on: January 22, 2010, 08:47:42 PM »
The only thing I see embarrassing about LBT is the laziness of the Music Compossors.  Dang! the Music in the Episodes were dal and there's no creativity in it.

The Fridge / New Website - Pre-Launch
« on: January 19, 2010, 06:50:37 PM »
You've done a great job so far hope this one turned out to be better than before

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