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Night Night Flower (April 2021 Fan Fict Prompt)

Gentle Sharptooth

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Prompt: April 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: A leaf

Written by Gentle Sharptooth


Fact: Petals are modified leaves that surround the reproductive parts of flowers. They are often brightly colored or unusually shaped to attract pollinators. Together, all of the petals of a flower are called corolla.

I am the Night Flower. In the dark I am one of the many petals that showers the the mint field with light. In me the power to heal titans gleams, when grinded into little pieces beneath their teeth.

In the Mist I stand guard with my fellow sentinel petals, like a lamp we mark the way for the brave that walk the marshlands. What I have seen, the many species, great tall behemoths, and snouts with sharp teeth. They pay us no heed, our golden glow attracting only those who seek healing. Will I be willing? To allow myself to be ground in the mouths of the leaf loving? To give my life to save one of these creatures , with their bizarre features? Is it worth snuffing out my golden light to save their life? Alas I am helpless, attached to my family, no means to fly when a leaf eater wishes to dine. I am at the mercy of the night, and how I feel the fright, that my light will be caste into the caves of their throats, never again to be part of the golden crown.

My brothers and sisters assure me this is the cycle, that our moment to shine is like the bright circle.
Here for a moment, then gone with the night. The night, that is when I sparkle, joining my fellow petals in symphony of light to illuminate these humble fields of epiphany; to combat the mist of tyranny.

Behold ahead of me approaches one like the behemoth, only little in stature. His eyes wet like the dew I drink in the mourn. He sings a sad song of his loved one, I am moved by his pleas to save the one he calls Grandpa. Dare I sparkle to draw his eye? To give hope to this child? Knowing full well the cost will be my leaf life in the mouth of a titanic cattle.

My brethern petals stir, they caste their light and urge me to join in. I protest, knowing that it will end in dino digestion. The wise one at our flower’s center commands we shine brighter. My resistance is broken,  the Stigma has spoken. My leafen body sparkles in harmony, our song of light gradually leading to tragedy. The leaf eater turns to notice our glow, he approaches with his nose. I await the invitable, when to my suprise he sniff our petals. His eyes wet still, and yet in those pools of white and brown I see a spark, a golden light not unlike my own. Could it be the same fire? The light of life and desire? The little behemoth smiles and bows his head as if in honor, before plucking us asunder. Now severed from stem he carries us afar, the heart of our flower beats slower, as we are carried lower through the misty power. The sights we saw I knew not in our field, oceans that fell from walls, trees as tall as the behemoths, and other wonders I can not relate for lack of strength.

The little behemoth brought us to a valley, there all manner of beasts roamed, some with three horns, others adorned with tails of stone. There laid the great behemoth, never had I seen one lie lower than our field of flowers. The little one offer us to him, the groan of the old one moved me, as I saw in his eyes that same kind fire, that light of countenance most proper. It was then that I was finally resigned to exchange my leaf life to save this behemoth. When the time came that we were broken from our mother and father, our petal vessels caste into the mouthy cavern. I leapt foward, landing on the pink rose petal they use to pull us deeper into shadow. As I descended into the dark, I saw my family and I sparkle, our golden hue lit up the night of this new sky.
 Our song would bring forth the miracle,  the little behmoth’s loved one would rejoin the life circle.
Where to I go, few know, somewhere beyond the Mysterious Beyond, perhaps there to dwell in an eternal circle.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2021, 06:46:09 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


  • A Winchesterian Paradox
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Very nice, GentleSharptooth  :MomCompassion

~*And I'm something called a Jared Padalecki*~

Gentle Sharptooth

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Thanks Mouse-a-saur! Journey Through The Mists is my favorite LBT film. :)

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Journey through the Mists is an awesome film! X)

This is a really nice story about the view point of a night flower. If plants could speak they would definitely say the leafeaters are no different than sharpteeth.  :evilsmile Wow. :lol

Gentle Sharptooth

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Journey through the Mists is an awesome film! X)

This is a really nice story about the view point of a night flower. If plants could speak they would definitely say the leafeaters are no different than sharpteeth.  :evilsmile Wow. :lol

Thanks Goldenwind! It was really a joy to write. And yes for leafs, the Leafeaters are sharpteeth!  :taunttroll

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Absolutely gorgeous.  :)littlefoot I love how you took a scene from a film that had the Circle of Life as a fundamental concept and used the Night Flower's own struggle over its fate as a way to illustrate that concept.  In a way this short reading managed to humanize the petal, which is an impressive accomplishment.  Thank you for sharing this with us, and my apologies for the delay in reviewing this.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Thank you Rhombus, it was a delight tp write. :)

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

The Mr E

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The scene immediately opens with an air of melancholy whimsy that I enjoyed, which holds throughout the narrative.  Reminds me of the poem 'A Contemplation Upon Flowers'.

"I am at the mercy of the night, and how I feel the fright, that my light will be caste into the caves of their throats, never again to be part of the golden crown."  Eloquently executed.

Adding a sense of autonomy and sentience to the Night Flower creates a dimension to this scene that I never considered!  The intermittent rhymes help it flow well without feeling forced at any point so far as I can see.  In short, wonderful work!

Gentle Sharptooth

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The scene immediately opens with an air of melancholy whimsy that I enjoyed, which holds throughout the narrative.  Reminds me of the poem 'A Contemplation Upon Flowers'.

"I am at the mercy of the night, and how I feel the fright, that my light will be caste into the caves of their throats, never again to be part of the golden crown."  Eloquently executed.

Adding a sense of autonomy and sentience to the Night Flower creates a dimension to this scene that I never considered!  The intermittent rhymes help it flow well without feeling forced at any point so far as I can see.  In short, wonderful work!

Thank you so much! Your words are an encouragement to me. :)

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith