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(me, too) Lbt/maturity problem. :(

Jrd89 · 36 · 6643

The Anonymous Person

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Which reminds me, Jared, since you are a lover of Petrie and LBT in general, just for fun, why don't you check out my "If Petrie came to your house" topic. Just a suggestion.


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I know this topic is kinda old, but I DEFINITELY feel your pain. I was told the same stuff by my parents, as well as my sister who made fun of me for it and told all her friends about it.  :cry I gave them up for 5 years, but I started watching them again a few months ago for nostalgia. When re-watching them, I started thinking to myself "Hey, I'm an adult now making adult choices. If I like to watch raunchy shows like Glee and True Blood, I can definitely watch LBT if I want to  ;) . It's my life, my decision." But of course, I go to college, meaning I have lots of freedom from my parents.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I'm so sorry, Jared. I understand your pain. My parents (well, my mom, at least) isn't very accepting of it either. If you read my sotry you'll know some of the details, but here are some things I guess I should mention

My mom kept getting really pissed whenever I'd bring it up during April-July of 2011, when I was refraining from watching it and saving it for a better time, and threatened to redecorate my room with LBT pictures and take everything out. Well, almost exactly a year ago, (on the 6th of April), after a disastrous trip to Harrison Hot Springs and me sneaking on computer the night before, I finally pissed her off so badly that she seriously did tear down everything in my room. She made me get out and put up pictures from the LBT storybook in my room. They were actually nice, but it wasn't my room and I had to live locked up in my room, with only the computer. I couldn't even talk to you guys cause I was suspended. It was awful.

I finally convinced her to change my room back after a few days. I haven't talked to her much about the topic since; rather, I've accepted that she'll never accept it. She's always comparing it to Barney, saying it's as crazy as if an adult man liked Barney, and considers every movie to be 13, pretty much. I tried to tell her about the original, how dark it is, but all she did was go and say "Bambi is dark! Finding Nemo is dark!!" She compared it to "The Lion King" once, too, but said how at least that's won awards and been made into a musical. I tried to tell her about the song "If We Hold On Together"...she's never heard of it. She's even said how  she couldn't stand those movies.

Don't get me wrong. She's an amazing woman. Right now, I can see her from right here in the next room, but know I am safe. I don't want to have to go behind her back. But no one should be denied LBT.

I think this is a good topic you brought up, Jared. Thanks.


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^ Oy, Bruton! That's worse than anything my sibs or dear mum say :o my older siblings, not as much because they have fond memories of it as well, but the younger ones are messed up...
"You need therapy! You need to grow up! LBT is for children, not in their-twenties college students! You like kid shows; you need a life!"
"Seriously, you need to get out more. You need a boyfriend, but you might scare him off if you talk about LBT."
:bang :bang :bang
I'm used it that, believe it or not - they just don't hold onto things they love, or think they love. Plus, I shouldn't really hold it against them - the past five years have been hard and stupid and problematic for us :p
But still, it's just so... insensitive because they don't see how much it hurts. It's like they don't realize that a stinging insult really flipping STINGS.
Ah well, I'm still gonna watch and enjoy them, and nose-thumb my dear fam whenever they put their two cents in :p
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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*24 now.* Well today I finally was able to watch my "Journey through the mists" dvd.  *I was home alone for several hours today*

I was alone, so I didn't personally feel like a baby or embarrassed at all. It had been so many years since the last time I saw the movie. I forgot that Ichy had offered Petrie as a snack to Dil! :blink:  

And I like the "early sequel" Petrie better than the "later sequel" Petrie. His voice is lower and he's not as cowardly/afraid of his own shadow like he is in the late sequels.

:D I had a big laugh when he did the "Petrie verrrry scary!" *neckring puffs out*:

 And after Ducky dropped into the water *Before Spike called to her* If you look at Petrie's neckring, you'll see that it's "hairy".   ;) See? I was right. The neck ring is made of soft hair and if you touched it with your finger, it would feel really soft. :D. It isn't skin, it's hair. :yes

I didn't *feel* like a little baby watching it. Still though, I don't watch when my parents/sister are home. And I still haven't been caught watching when i'm home by myself. I'm a good planner when picking the right time to watch my LBT dvds. Today was my first opportunity in 1 1/2 years, and I took the opportunity. I *LOVE* Journey through the mists, and i'm very happy that the movie is fresh in my head once again. *It had been about 14 years since the last time I saw it.. I think on Cartoon Network. I *know* I rented it from a video rental store back in '97 for a Friday/Saturday movie.

Like I said.. it's as if there are 2 different Petries in the movie series. There's the "early sequel" Petrie, with a lower voice, who's doesn't behave as cowardly as "later" Petrie does, which I like.   And there's the "later sequel" Petrie who has a higher pitched voice, and acts much more cowardly/afraid of things.  

I love the earlier, less-scared Petrie, because to me, he's cool, lovable and funny and while he may be the smallest and lightest member of the gang, he isn't all freaked out/scared "all" the time,  while "late Petrie" acts a lot more scared of things, and he worries a lot more. What i'm saying is, the "earlier sequel" Petrie acts less of a scaredy-cat than the "late sequel" Petrie does, which is why I love the "earlier" Petrie better. :yes

I'm not so "embarrased". At least not on here. And I watch my lbt dvds when i'm completely alone anyways. So there's really harm done there. I'm all right. And in preference, the earlier-sequel Petrie is the Petrie that I love. :yes


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Good to see :)

The way I see it, the moment you let go of the good things in life-- and I don't just mean 'entertaining'-- you allow yourself to be exposed to the 'other side of the world'. It's happened to me.. I fell away to too many shooter games and cussing and all sorts of things. Animated movies like LBT may not be super philosophical all the time or extremely 'mature', ...but they're things that are worth liking. The majority of the morals in LBT and other such movies and stuff are far better than a lot of others out there. Worth trading false paths for. Believe me :|

For under half-a-year, I've been 'cleansing' myself; Staying away from things that will certainly rot my mind. I recommend it! xD

I'm not totally there yet, but I know what I did wrong, what went wrong, and where I'm going :)


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*Sorry for the sensitive/rough sounding post. I'm in a rough mood on the inside right now.*

:(  Guys, i'm feeling rotten tonight.  It's just. I can't stand my parents/sister. All the nagging/fighting at times.

:( I do have kind of a "double" life. It's like..almost "big mother" is watching or "big father" is watching.  It's like I have to hide something that I think they will disapprove of.  *Except when they're away from the house doing something, or at night after mom's gone to sleep, and dad'd be working late at night on the nightshift.*  

**Update** 2 hours later.  I'm feeling better now, and i'm gonna shrug this thing off. It's me being "me", and I don't think i'm doing anything wrong. :)  I'm a happy proud LBT/Petrie fan,  *even if I have to watch in private* and nothing is going to change that. ;)  Who cares what my parents think about LBT?  I won't let that stop me from being a fan of Petrie/Mama flyer/Pterano.


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That sounds good.  No reason you have to stop being a fan of any book, movie, series, ect, even of others around you make you feel like you have to hide it.  At least you have some times you can enjoy it.


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And, about some of my Petrie reactions. I'm going to be 25 this July, I don't care. When I see a Petrie picture that's very cute, lovable, or funny. I cover my face smiling, and i blush. and at times if I *really* love a certain Petrie picture, I do form a couple of tears in my eyes.

Pictures like this of Petrie, his mom, and his 8 siblings from "great day of the flyers" make me cover my eyes up, give a full grin, and a possible blush and a light giggle/chuckle:

this one, too makes me smile big, I cover my face and blush, as if i'm a 7-8 year old kid again, but i'm 24, but I don't have to "act my age" down to the bare bone like my mom and dad want me to.  :

and just about any nice Petrie picture will make me smile. (when i'm alone/in private on my laptop in my room, that is.)

I can't help it. I have that "fuzzy Petrie spot" inside of me. and it gets tickled a lot when i'm looking at Petrie pictures online, or watching a land before time movie (which comes only when i'm home alone for at least 2 hours, because I cannot let mom and dad find a thing out that their nearly 25 year old grown son watches and cheesily grins and giggles at LBT movies like he's 5-8 years old and needs to learn to "grow the heck up". ugh.

I still do love Petrie like I did when I was a kid (but I don't broadcast or tell anyone out in public in person, and certainly not to anyone else in the house.) My parents hate it when i'm not acting mature. I do love Petrie like a kid though, guys. :( This can't be a disability. I don't ever tell this to anyone in person in public, or to my parents. I cannot do anything that would anger them or make them very mad or upset at me as long as i'm still living with them. I need to "act my age" whenever i'm around them, guys. Sorry, that's how it has to be for me right now.

:( but really, this *is* how I actually react to Petrie. I love him that much, and i'm such a big fan of him. I don't let my age of 24 get in the way of that. I just need to "act my age/act mature, don't act like a little baby or a little kid.." whenever i'm with my mom and dad, so that they don't get upset or fuss at me.

I don't care that i'm almost 25. I'm still as big of a fan and have as much of a heart for Petrie in the LBT world today just as much as I had when I was younger. :( and i'm not going to let anything stop me or get in the way of it. I will not let go and erase Petrie out of my mind entirely. I just have to act my age/act like a fully mature and grown-up adult when i'm around my parents at least.

Even nearly 25 year old guys can still love Petrie. Like i've said before, my parents have been making me think that LBT is a little kids/little baby movie, and is not a movie series intended for others that are my age in their 20's. I know that they're wrong with that statement.

Like I said in a previous post:  "Who cares what my parents think about LBT? I won't let that stop me from being a fan." ;)


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Disney started animating cartoons when he was around 19; he created Laugh-O-Gram Studios when he was only like 21. He created Mickey Mouse when he was, oh, 27. Silly Symphonies when he was like 28, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs when he was like 36, etc.

He went on to make a bunch of animated and live action/animated films till his dying days. In fact, he passed away at the age of 66 only 10 months before The Jungle Book was completed and released.

Why do you think age matters :DD? Just think of Disney. Think of animators around the world. They're obviously not kids, yet they love animated movies. Animated movies of which are a biiiiig part of the video industry.


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Thanks, Ludichris1. I appreciated the info on some of the many things Walt Disney had accomplished in his 20's in his early years in animation.

Therefore, I shouldn't feel the least bit immature for still loving LBT at my age. :)


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Quote from: Jrd89,Mar 30 2014 on  12:29 PM
Thanks, Ludichris1. I appreciated the info on some of the many things Walt Disney had accomplished in his 20's in his early years in animation.

Therefore, I shouldn't feel the least bit immature for still loving LBT at my age. :)
Just wanna note, I'm 29 and still love cartoons in general. My dad still watches animated stuff and he's 66. Age is just a number, at least in my opinion.


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I don't see any reason to stop enjoying things I like just because society thinks it's wrong. This has nothing to do with maturity - if you ask me, maturity is to accept it that everyone can like whatever he thinks is cool.

I stopped caring about age recommendations a few years ago. One of the better decisions I've made so far. :)


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Just like what you like, ignore what society says about you can only like this if you are a little boy under 6, or a little girl, ect.  Ignore that and like what you like.


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So true, RockingScorpion :yes

Well, I enjoy my liking of animated movies no matter what others think about it... Though I try not to let anybody know because about 90% of the people will probably call me weird, laugh at me etc... :p

Maturity is a rare trait... And you're not lacking of it, Jared :)
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The Problem probably know a few. In the 90's i hide my Movies because it was embarrassing for me to watch Kid¥s Movies . Now I'm 32 and my Apartment looks like a 3 year¥s old Child would live in here. :DD
My friends know very well the way i am, just my Family (especially my mom) thinks I'm sick and I need help. But I also like to discuss Topics like that with her. Mutual comprehension is simply important in a Family.