The Gang of Five
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Redclaw's Gang


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"Me will!" Petrie called.

Redclaw waited for when he could tell the flyer was about to charge with all his might.

"Here me go!" Petrie exclaimed.

Just as he charged, Redclaw opened his teeth slightly, allowing Petrie to go....into Terri's jaws. "What the?!"

"Flatteeth, way too easy to trick," the mighty sharptooth grinned

The Great Valley Guardian

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Terri grinned as she felt Petrie fly into her mouth. She closed her teeth and chuckled lightly. "This really is too much fun!" she commented to Dein and Red Claw.

Dein laughed as he looked over at Rita. "Have you found Chomper and Ruby yet?" he asked softly.


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"Oh no!" Petrie exclaimed, having flown straight into the mouth of Terri. He tried to fly back out, but the mother sharptooth's teeth were shut. "Let me out!" he cried.

"I found Chomper," Rita smiled, pushing a log aside, revealing the little biter, "And I'm on the trail of Ruby."

"This is horrible," Cera sighed, walking around Redclaw's belly.

"This is a good day for us sharpteeth," Ichy smirked.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Terri chuckled at Petries useless attempts to try and get out of her mouth.

Dein nods his head in approval. "Very good. Ruby should not be too hard to find then." he said with a grin.

Littlefoot looked around for a moment before saying, "Just relax Cera. Petrie will come through for us. He won't let us down."

"Oh yes, we can trust Petrie we can." Comments Ducky with a smile.


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"And I'll help!" Chomper smiled, using his sniffer to aid Rita. The young sharpteeth soon picked up Ruby's trail.

"I hope that new guy returns with our food soon," Ichy commented, "I'm hungry."

Greg still slept peacefully while Petrie still tried getting free.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Terri turned to her mate and nodded indicating she wanted to switch. She opened her jaws just enough to let Petrie fly through.

Dein stepped closer and opened his maw as well ready to trap the young flyer again.

Dil gently licked Ichy. Relax, I'm sure he'll be back soon. The kid is good. He's proven that."

Just then a shrill cry echoed across the land. It was the sharptooth cry for assistance.

Dil glanced up and looked to Hunter. "I think you're little friend is calling for you." she said with a chuckle.

Hunter just shrugged her shoulders and began walking towards the sound.


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"Not again!" Petrie gasped, now being in the father sharptooth's mouth.

"I could use a good hunt," Redclaw smirked, "And the children inside me will enjoy the ride," he laughed.

"Then let's go," Ichy said.


"What if...what if we don't get out of here?" Cera sighed to Littlefoot as they walked around Redclaw's stomach

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter shook her head and looked up at Red Claw. "No, use your sniffer, whatever Longtail is calling for help with, it's dead. But just in case..." she didn't finish her sentence as she picked up her pace and dashed towards her friend.

Terri nodded as well. "Not much of a hunt if the meal is already dead Red Claw. Sorry."

Dein used his tougne to throw Petrie around his mouth laughing as he did so.

Dil smiled as she softly lifted Greg onto her nose and carried him along.


Littlefoot didn't want to admit it... but it really did look absolutely hopeless. He sat down and let a few tears slide down his face. "Well... if we don't get out... we know what happens."


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"So what do you guys think?" Red Claw asked Dein and Terri, "Should one of us gulp him down for good or should we let the puny little thing go since it's so small?" he chuckled. "Point taken," he nodded about Terri's comment.

And with those kids, Ruby had mentioned she was bringing food from the Great Valley, and considering how scared they were, the large predator would be easy to coax them into helping them.....

Rita soon found Ruby and won the game. "You did it Rita, Rita, it is what you did," Ruby complimented.

"Finally, food," Ichy smiled.


"Maybe Red Claw can speak leaf eater," Cera suggested suddenly and desperately, "Maybe we can try bargaining with him."

The Great Valley Guardian

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"You look like you have an idea Red Claw." said Terri with a smile.

Dein gave it a few moments thought and then spat Petrie out of his mouth. He then looked Petrie in the eyes and grinned without saying a word.

Hunter had caught up to Longtail and hadn't moved for several minutes. Her jaw hung open in shock and awe as she stared at the bodies of THREE adolescent longnecks, easily six times Longtail size. Finally finding her voice she stuttered. "H... how?"

Longtail just gave a sigh of relief as he smiled. "Would you believe me if I said they all tripped and fell on a rock?"


Littlefoot looked at Cera as if she'd grown a second head and sighed. "I wish it was that easy Cera... but you know sharpteeth can't speak like we can."


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" letting me go?" Petrie asked, covered in sharptooth saliva on the ground.

"I'll need to make sure these kids won't run away first....pardon my manners," Redclaw told his brother and sister-in-law.

The big carnivore then proceeded to let out a burp. "That should tire them out," he grinned.


Inside, the lowered oxygen made all the leafeaters tired. "So....sleepy...." Cera groaned, as she, Littlefoot, Spike, and Ducky plopped down on the stomach, asleep.


"I think your son could use some personals servants, right brother?" Redclaw grinned.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Dein nodded his head at Petrie to show he understood. He then grinned at Red Claws suggestion. "Yes, my son could. It would give him something to do at least. And Ruby seems to like them too for reasons I can't understand."


Littlefoot remembered for just the briefest of moments before falling asleep, that this is usually what happens right before the end... and even if he had to perish he was glad that he was with his friends... or so he thought.


Dil was stunned too to see the three dead longnecks. "Wow... remind me not to make you angry kid."

Longtail just chuckled. "No... seriously, they tripped over each other and cracked their necks... I just scared them. That's all."

Hunter winked at the small flyer. "Sure ya did... yeah, I'll believe ya." she said with a playful but sarcastic tone.


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"Terri, make an area we can keep the kids corralled in," Redclaw said to his sister-in-law.

"You belong to us now, little flyer, you and your friends," Redclaw said in leaf eater to Petrie.

"Huh?!" Petrie gasped, confused.

"Looks delish," Ichy grinned at the sight of the longnecks they could eat right now.

Standing still and concentrating and applying pressure, Redclaw used a special trick he learned to spit the unconscious Littlefoot, Cera, Spike, and Ducky out of his stomach and back into the outside world. "And if they won't be servants, we can eat em again," he smirked to Dein and Terri.

The Great Valley Guardian

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"Of course." commented Terri as she laid her body on the ground forming a circle. "That should work. But what about the flyer? Won't he try to get away?" she asked suddenly worried about Petrie trying to escape.

Dein smiled at Petries reaction. "Yeah kid... you thought we couldn't speak did ya?"

Longtail grinned like a maniac as he replied, "Well then... dig in everyone!"

Hunter looked confused and slighly awed at Red Claws trick. "That is impressive. Can anyone else do that?"


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"It takes a lot of skill and practice," Red Claw explained, "Terri here has learned it."

"Yum!" Chomper and Rita grinned, running over to dig in to the delicious food.

"My dear sister in law," Red Claw replied, "We are sharpteeth, this is a moment where we can exert our dominance."

He looked down at Petrie. "You will not run or fly over," Red Claw said in a powerful voice.

"No, I won't," Petrie nodded, scared and obediently.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Terri grinned as she kept an eye on Littlefoot and his friends. "This is going to be so much fun when they wake up."

Dein laughed as he watched Chomper and Rita eating. "Is it tasty enough for you two?" he asked.

Longtail joined Chomper and Rita in eating one of the longnecks.

Hunter just smiles as she too keeps an eye on Littlefoot and the others, licking her lips as she stares at Petrie.


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"Yes dad," Chomper grinned between bites, some blood dripping off his lips.

"You're so cute when you eat," Rita smiled to Chomper.

"Please don't eat me..." Petrie shivered to Hunter.

"What are you gonna have them do when they wake up?" Ichy asked Terri and Dein.

The Great Valley Guardian

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"I'm not sure yet Ichy. But I can tell you they aren't going to like it." replied Terri with a smile.

Dein chuckled at Rita's remark. "You two... so young with so much potential."

Longtail continued to eat his fill knowing he wouldn't need much.

Hunter laughed aloud at Petrie as she sat down and pet him on the head. "Relax kid... I ain't gonna eat you. Yet." she said with a smirk.


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"Say, I was meaning to ask," Ruby said, turning to Terri, "Besides my family, are any other leaf eaters working for this gang?"

"We're gonna be big and strong when we grow up," Chomper grinned.

"Able to take down any leaf eater," Rita smirked.

"Maybe these kids could give some of us massages," Ichy chuckled to Dil, Terri, Dein, and Red Claw.

"What can me do to make you not eat me?" Petrie asked Hunter

The Great Valley Guardian

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Terri smiled. "Of course dear, there is a family of flyers who report to us as well as one rather odd Wingtail."

"That's right you two are. And I'll be high in the sky tracking food for you." comments Longtail with a smile.

"That sounds like a good idea to start with." says Dein with a grin.

Hunter however slides her foot in front of Petrie and asks, "Well... you start by cleaning my toes."