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Paranormal encounters

inlerah · 92 · 15669


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has anyone here encounterd ghosts. if so, share if you want

last week i was messin around with my friends Ouija board when the chip started moving on it's own. i did.'t see if it spelled out anything but i convinced him to burn it the next day.


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Went to Gettsyburg twice, screwed around in the dark late at night and alone and didn't have a problem.



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I was going the bathroom once (at my house), and when I was washing my hands, something hit the door very hard, and when I opened the door, nothing was there. I asked my mom if she did it, or saw anything, she said no. I still don't know what it was that hit the door. :confused


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I've once had my room door closing on me when I was here playing with friends in my room. When I opened it to see who closed it no one was there, they were all downstairs. It was very odd, but probably just a prank.. Never certain though.


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Here's another one:

My parents were gone somewhere a few months before I joined gang of five, I went upstairs to look for something I drew, and the whole time I was in my bedroom looking for it, I felt like I was being watched. But I shouldn't have watched A Haunting (tv series on discovery channel about hauntings) right before I went up there, suddenly a chill whent down mine spine, and I had a prickly feeling on my back, sides and chest. Everytime I'd itch one, they would start itching again, and I had the same feeling at school today in Pre-Algebra class. I was like "What the heck?" It feels like some one is jabbing a bunch of really tiny needles or pins into your skin. Also, whenever I was home alone, if I say go upstairs and walk back down, I feel like I'm being watched even when my parents are home, and my dog is asleep in here cage.


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We had a topic before on paranormal experiences (I just can't find the thread, though).  Some of us talked about personal experiences with relatives.  My one experience was in Italy, which in a way I saw a "shadow person" in relations to descriptions from other stories.  I still couldn't solve the mystery of what I saw, so I could say I saw something paranormal.


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Since 2 years my television turn on itself every night. But i more believe in a electric problem than that a ghost who want to watch tv...

Cancerian Tiger

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There is a topic on this in the AM section, and I'll try to help look for it and bump it ;).

EDIT: I found the topic and it has been bumped :yes.


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Okay, now this is getting wierd.

Last night, at about 9:30, I was in the bathroom washing my hands, and I heard a voice all "Hurry up!" It sounded like my mother, but when I asked if she called me, she said no. :confused


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Quote from: Adder on  
Okay, now this is getting wierd.

Last night, at about 9:30, I was in the bathroom washing my hands, and I heard a voice all "Hurry up!" It sounded like my mother, but when I asked if she called me, she said no.  :confused

You know you are slow when even ghosts are tired to wait :lol


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Quote from: Vek,Oct 20 2010 on  02:56 PM
You know you are slow when even ghosts are tired to wait :lol


  • Petra (He/They)
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So I'm not crazy!! I really did encounter a ghost back in 2006! Dang, Zack Bagans was sure right about not being alone and crazy. :lol

So anyway, I was eleven years old and sleeping peacefully in my room when I woke up to footsteps. At first, I thought it was just someone walking up stairs but then I realized that they were getting closer and closer to my room. That was fallowed by breathing as well. I wanted to scream, I really did. But I didn't want to wake up anybody. So I grabbed a brush and waterbottle for defense and (yeah like that'll do anything. :lol ) and walked out of my room to check it out. Just like any other paranormal encounter, nothing was there. I headed upstairs where my cousin Jessica was listening to her music at like 2 in the morning. (:lol crazy gurl) I told her about what I heard and and we woke up my uncle Pterano-I mean Cody (What? Can't a paranormal encounter have some humor? Come on! :lol ) and he said that the breathing I heard was his snoring. :lol  :blink:

I believed him, but sometimes I wonder...why did the footsteps and breathing sound like it was right next to my room? :blink:  :unsure:
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Oh, god.  I've had those.  A lot.  Not at home, mind you.  Mostly on Auraria Campus.  Holy hell that place is haunted.
There's a "cabaret" down in the basement, that used to be a bar.  Well, one day, my friends and I went down there, since we'd heard it was haunted.  We were recording on one of my friend's camera phones, and we start hearing what sounds like piano music.  Seriously.  Like, old swing and jazz tune type stuff.  And glasses clinking.  Now, this would be easy to explain as outside influence, but there are no pianos in the entire building, and no glasses, either.  So, we start getting a little creeped out.  Then we start hearing voices.  Nothing clear, just indistinct chatter as we walk around.  I was the first one to notice that it suddenly felt like it was very, very chilly all of a sudden.  So, we go back a little further, to what look like storage cabinets and stuff, and I reach out to touch one.  As I do, my hand gets jerked down, off the door.  When we went back and looked over the video, you actually see my coat's sleeve move like something had grabbed it.  Also, when we went over the recording, right after I did that, you hear something...male, sounds like, possibly demonic, say to "GET...OUT..."
Anyways, we hadn't heard anything at the time, so we keep exploring, going back out to the main bar.  Well, my other friend goes back there, and he starts kinda screwing with the old taps.  He says something shocked him, and then as he gets out from behind it, he starts falling over and his speech starts slurring.  So we leave, but we see this white...looks like a hand with a wrench in a missing ceiling tile.  
We went back over the footage, and we realized that all along, there were only three of us.  But when we all are stopped, there are distinctly another set of footsteps that keep moving.  Also, at one point after I tried to open the door, my friend's camera suddenly blacks out for a few seconds.  Audio's still working, nothing moved in front of the camera before it went out...then it came back on.  

And that isn't even the scary one.


  • Petra (He/They)
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Quote from: StarfallRaptor,Jun 24 2011 on  12:39 AM
Oh, god.  I've had those.  A lot.  Not at home, mind you.  Mostly on Auraria Campus.  Holy hell that place is haunted.
There's a "cabaret" down in the basement, that used to be a bar.  Well, one day, my friends and I went down there, since we'd heard it was haunted.  We were recording on one of my friend's camera phones, and we start hearing what sounds like piano music.  Seriously.  Like, old swing and jazz tune type stuff.  And glasses clinking.  Now, this would be easy to explain as outside influence, but there are no pianos in the entire building, and no glasses, either.  So, we start getting a little creeped out.  Then we start hearing voices.  Nothing clear, just indistinct chatter as we walk around.  I was the first one to notice that it suddenly felt like it was very, very chilly all of a sudden.  So, we go back a little further, to what look like storage cabinets and stuff, and I reach out to touch one.  As I do, my hand gets jerked down, off the door.  When we went back and looked over the video, you actually see my coat's sleeve move like something had grabbed it.  Also, when we went over the recording, right after I did that, you hear something...male, sounds like, possibly demonic, say to "GET...OUT..."
Anyways, we hadn't heard anything at the time, so we keep exploring, going back out to the main bar.  Well, my other friend goes back there, and he starts kinda screwing with the old taps.  He says something shocked him, and then as he gets out from behind it, he starts falling over and his speech starts slurring.  So we leave, but we see this white...looks like a hand with a wrench in a missing ceiling tile. 
We went back over the footage, and we realized that all along, there were only three of us.  But when we all are stopped, there are distinctly another set of footsteps that keep moving.  Also, at one point after I tried to open the door, my friend's camera suddenly blacks out for a few seconds.  Audio's still working, nothing moved in front of the camera before it went out...then it came back on. 

And that isn't even the scary one.
OMG! That's friggin awesome! I always thought that the paranormal was pretty dang cool for something scary.  :lol

I remember someone calling the name, "Averi" in my house. It was a mer whisper. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that herd it. It came from right behind me too. :yes

It's kinda funny, now that you mention it. I know someone named Averi.  :blink:
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Yeah, the next one wasn't so cool.  It was really, really goddamned scary.
So, a few weeks after we went down there the first time, my two friends and I went back again, this time a little bit more excited.  We poked around a little, caught the normal recordings...then we saw that this maintenance hallway door was open.  Naturally, being college kids and all, we went in there and kept exploring.  That was where it got really, really freaky.  We went back there, and almost immediately, we started hearing voices.  Not just background chatter, either.  Chanting of some sort.  As we went further in, I started feeling like something was wrapping around my wrists and ankles, and it was freezing down there.  So we keep looking around, and I keep seeing what look like glowing orbs...or eyes, not sure which, out of the corners of my vision, and the feeling like something was around my wrists and ankles was getting worse.  So, after exploring for a little bit, we all leave, and go sit down outside the cabaret and tunnel, and we hear something start slamming against the metal door.  So, one of my friends, a guy, and engaged to the other friend, hasn't said anything because he had a headache while we were in there.  Then, just out of the blue, he kinda stands up funny, growls, and lunges at his fiance's throat.  Starts choking her.  Not playing, or anything like that.  Like he was honestly trying to kill her.  I kinda intervene, knocking him off her and onto the ground, and she and I kinda look at each other when he grabs me from behind and tries to snap my neck.  Lucky me, I had to shoulder-throw him off me.  He lays there for a sec, then kinda shakes his head, and asks us what happened.  He thought he had just fainted.  
Pretty sure he was possessed.  By something really bad.


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Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Quote from: StarfallRaptor,Jun 24 2011 on  01:42 AM
Yeah, the next one wasn't so cool.  It was really, really goddamned scary.
So, a few weeks after we went down there the first time, my two friends and I went back again, this time a little bit more excited.  We poked around a little, caught the normal recordings...then we saw that this maintenance hallway door was open.  Naturally, being college kids and all, we went in there and kept exploring.  That was where it got really, really freaky.  We went back there, and almost immediately, we started hearing voices.  Not just background chatter, either.  Chanting of some sort.  As we went further in, I started feeling like something was wrapping around my wrists and ankles, and it was freezing down there.  So we keep looking around, and I keep seeing what look like glowing orbs...or eyes, not sure which, out of the corners of my vision, and the feeling like something was around my wrists and ankles was getting worse.  So, after exploring for a little bit, we all leave, and go sit down outside the cabaret and tunnel, and we hear something start slamming against the metal door.  So, one of my friends, a guy, and engaged to the other friend, hasn't said anything because he had a headache while we were in there.  Then, just out of the blue, he kinda stands up funny, growls, and lunges at his fiance's throat.  Starts choking her.  Not playing, or anything like that.  Like he was honestly trying to kill her.  I kinda intervene, knocking him off her and onto the ground, and she and I kinda look at each other when he grabs me from behind and tries to snap my neck.  Lucky me, I had to shoulder-throw him off me.  He lays there for a sec, then kinda shakes his head, and asks us what happened.  He thought he had just fainted. 
Pretty sure he was possessed.  By something really bad.
I'd very much like to take a look at this place. I've learned a few things about posessed locations and people, and even a bit on demonology and how to get rid of manifestations.

Also, Do NOT tell a paranormal investigation show. They're all full of crap. If things get bad, contact a REAL demonologist or exorcist.


  • Cera
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I have a few Ghost Stories to tell. back in the day when I was like nine or 10 I played the Ouija Board alone like a idiot because I didn't believe in the stuff and so I played it It moved on it's I got freaked out and I took the board game and I burn it set it on fire and I got home from school and there was the board game sitting on my bed like nothing happened to it and I took it out scared out of my mind and the board said " Don't Bleep With Me".


  • Petra (He/They)
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Quote from: Petrie85,Jun 24 2011 on  02:10 AM
I have a few Ghost Stories to tell. back in the day when I was like nine or 10 I played the Ouija Board alone like a idiot because I didn't believe in the stuff and so I played it It moved on it's I got freaked out and I took the board game and I burn it set it on fire and I got home from school and there was the board game sitting on my bed like nothing happened to it and I took it out scared out of my mind and the board said " Don't Bleep With Me".
Whoa! Didn't know games could be haunted, I thought that was a myth.  :blink:
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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My turn, heh heh...

So, one day, when I was about seven, maybe eight years old, my friend was at my house and we were having a good time, doing the kind of stuff people normally do when someone comes over to their house. My mother was sitting on her chair, watching us, and my dad was downstairs working on the computer. My friend and I were just sitting around and my dad suddenly comes up from downstairs. Of course, I thought this was normal, and it was seeing as he usually comes up after working. So, I hear his footsteps go up the stairs and into the kitchen, and I turn my head to look at him, and, like I predicted, he was now in the kitchen doing something I don't quite know. After I saw that, I was turning my head to my friend when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. When I looked at what I thought I saw, there was a full blown shadow of a grown man right at the door! I was like, "holy crap! What the heck is that!" in my mind because I was too shocked to say anything.  It stood there for a few minutes and then just...disappeared. Creepy. To this day, the more I think about it, the more I have no idea what it was, but it's still clear in my mind. Weird. -_-

Yeah, the next one wasn't so cool. It was really, really goddamned scary.
So, a few weeks after we went down there the first time, my two friends and I went back again, this time a little bit more excited. We poked around a little, caught the normal recordings...then we saw that this maintenance hallway door was open. Naturally, being college kids and all, we went in there and kept exploring. That was where it got really, really freaky. We went back there, and almost immediately, we started hearing voices. Not just background chatter, either. Chanting of some sort. As we went further in, I started feeling like something was wrapping around my wrists and ankles, and it was freezing down there. So we keep looking around, and I keep seeing what look like glowing orbs...or eyes, not sure which, out of the corners of my vision, and the feeling like something was around my wrists and ankles was getting worse. So, after exploring for a little bit, we all leave, and go sit down outside the cabaret and tunnel, and we hear something start slamming against the metal door. So, one of my friends, a guy, and engaged to the other friend, hasn't said anything because he had a headache while we were in there. Then, just out of the blue, he kinda stands up funny, growls, and lunges at his fiance's throat. Starts choking her. Not playing, or anything like that. Like he was honestly trying to kill her. I kinda intervene, knocking him off her and onto the ground, and she and I kinda look at each other when he grabs me from behind and tries to snap my neck. Lucky me, I had to shoulder-throw him off me. He lays there for a sec, then kinda shakes his head, and asks us what happened. He thought he had just fainted.
Pretty sure he was possessed. By something really bad.

That's some scary crap, Starfall! Though, I'd actually like to go there myself and see what's there. :p