The Gang of Five
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Road Rovers: Power of the Pack

Simba King Of Pride Rock

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Title: Road Rovers: Power of the Pack

Story: In this version, the Road Rover organization is far larger, having many members. The Master began his work in 1970, recruiting adult dogs. By 1993, with the organization already large, he decided to start recruiting and training puppies. The first pups selected were the Rovers we all know, Hunter, Colleen, Exile, Blitz and Shag, as well as two other female dogs (Played by me), Giselle, a beautiful Australian shepherdess, and Anya, a beautiful American eskimo. They are transformed, and, when they emerge, they have the minds and bodies of five-year old children. We have some parts there, and then we all grow up. At 18, Hunter and Colleen notice each other's mutual attractiveness and fall in love. After that, we go on, getting older, and the story really begins, when the characters are around 25.


. Hunter- Simba King of Pride Rock

. Colleen- Nick22

. Exile- Nick22

. Blitz- Rocky

. Shag- Nick22

. The Master- Simba King of Pride Rock

. General Parvo- Simba King of Pride Rock

. The Groomer- Rocky

. Laurel- Vincent

. Muzzle- Rocky

Simba King Of Pride Rock

  • Spike
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Ever since starting the Rover's program in 1970, the Master had created many Cano-Sapiens. Now, it was 1993, and the Master had decided that, from now on, only puppies would be transformed and trained. The first batch of puppies had arrived. "Ah, welcome, future cadets," he said, picking up a young Retriever mix from the group. "We will start with you," he said. He checked the pup's gender. "I will call you...Hunter," he said.


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Also there was a young Rottweiler puppy. He was tring to show how brave and tough he was.

Simba King Of Pride Rock

  • Spike
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The master took Hunter to his machine. "Relax, little one. This won't hurt," he said, placing Hunter inside. When ready, he threw the switch, and an amazing thing happened: Hunter was transformed into a cano-sapien, emerging the size of a five-year old human. "Hello," he said in his first human speech.


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Simba King Of Pride Rock

  • Spike
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The master approached that pup next. "Easy, little one. I think I will name you Blitz," he said as he picked him up.


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the next little pup was a female, she barked at the others and at the Master. she was a bit scared at what was happening to the others.
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Blitz whimpered all the way to the transdognifier. He was gently plopped down into the machine. He failed to escape the machine before the door closed. The doors opened revealing a anthro Rottweiler pup the size of a human five year old as well as a jpuddle of pee he made.

Simba King Of Pride Rock

  • Spike
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Hunter went to the little female. "It's ok..." he said in his child's voice to the little female collie.


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the collie barked at the master and licked his face eagerly as she was picked up and carried to the transdognifier. she was set down while the pee from blitz was cleaned up, then she was put in. the door snapped shut and the machine did its work transforming her.
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Simba King Of Pride Rock

  • Spike
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One by one, each of the dogs that had been brought in were transformed into cano-sapien pups. Once it was complete, The master smiled proudly. "Greetings to you, Hunter, Colleen, Blitz, Exile, Shag, Giselle, and Anya. You have been all brought here for a purpose: you will live here and train to be heroes to human kind," he said. Hunter looked on wide-eyed at the others with a smile. "Hi. I'm Hunter," he said, awaiting their responses.

The master waited to see their responses as well. If they were to one day work together, they would need to forge a tight, bonded pack. So far, everything had gone so well. Another point for this new technology, he thought.


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Blitz saw cute Collie come out and was struck by puppy love.

Simba King Of Pride Rock

  • Spike
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Just then, a pretty female Afghan hound walked in. Upon seeing her, the master nodded. "Pups, this is Persia, one of the Rovers from before you came here. She will be your caretaker. Now, as of today, your training begins. Tomorrow, your will come to our school in the morning. There, you will take your first steps into a larger world. After that, there will be lunch and a rest break," he said.


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i'm colleen ' coleen said with a giggle ' i'm exile' said the young Siberian husky with a thick accent. ' so what do you think of this human? we are now able to talk like he does and understand what he is saying." sheep had not gotten a suit like the others, but was now a much larger bipedal version of a dog.
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Simba King Of Pride Rock

  • Spike
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Persia looked down at her new charges, kneeling to their level. "Greetings, young ones. I will be the one caring for you all until you get big. With your transformations, you will be growing the way that humans do," she said. The master smiled. "She is right. The first order of business is for all to go to your new rooms," he said.


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Simba King Of Pride Rock

  • Spike
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Persia smiled sweetly. "Not biologically, but yes, you can call me that if you want. Now, come on, let's go see your new rooms. This is going to be a big change for all of you. When you're all older, you will, like me, fight to protect humans and animals alike," she said.


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Simba King Of Pride Rock

  • Spike
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Hunter smiled at Colleen. "So, where did you come from?" he asked her. He was hoping that she could be a friend of his, and so he tried to be his nicest so that she wouldn't be put off by him.


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“Welcome.  Laurel.”  These were the first words she heard that she could understand.  

Facing the source of the words, her sight rested on a stern-looking woman, short black hair and skirted suit.  If Laurel knew of style and attitude at the time, she would have deduced that this one was every bit the no-nonsense business woman.  Not even one strand of hair out of place.  

The room she was in was completely utilitarian in design, function taking complete precedence over form, metal and white the only colours to be seen.  A few lab-coated technicians operated the delicate equipment, some human, others…not.  

“As of today, you’re now a Cano-Sapien, if still just a pup.  As of tomorrow, your education and training will begin.  Jason will take you to your assigned quarters.”  The stern woman  pointed to a human man you stood to attention the moment his name was mentioned, motioning for the young pup to follow him once she was finished speaking.