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Interesting! That's cool. :) Are you thinking of focusing on one area of literature, or branching out to many varieties and genres?

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I'm not sure if you saw it, but right as you posted, I edited my previous comment to offer a bit more information.

Anyway, most of my writing focus has been (and would like to be for the future) on fiction. As opposed to non-fiction. But aside from that, I have no specific area of literature. I would welcome many varieties and genres.


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Before I leave for bed, have you wrote any LBT fanfictions?

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None at the moment. Although I have thought about it a few times.


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Any winter seasons that barely had any snow accumulation at all? If so, was that a relief to you or such a disappointment?

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@ Anagnos: Definitely some sort of cat, whether it would be a domestic breed or a species of wildcat. Cats are by far and away my favourite animal. :)littlefoot

@ ImpracticalDino: Not that I can remember. Where I live, we pretty much always get lots of snow in winter. I don't usually mind, however. I have a higher tolerance for the cold than a lot of people.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2019, 11:53:01 PM by StardustSoldier »


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What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?


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Good question. I had to think about that for a little bit. Probably video game development.


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Do you have any other pets besides your cat? If not, would you want another pet? If so, what would it be?
Also, have you ever thought of bonding with a wild animal? (besides a cat if you're going to tell me you did with a stray)

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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What character would it be the most fun to change places with for a week? This isn't just LBT related, anything applies.  :)


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@ ImpracticalDino: Just me and my cat right now. I don't want any other pets at the moment, largely because my cat does not like other animals at all. :P But I might get another cat someday. That's really the only species of pet I'd consider, though. I like some dogs, but I wouldn't want one of my own just because I wouldn't want the responsibility of having to walk it all the time. But it's kind of a moot point anyway since my apartment building doesn't allow dogs.

I have thought about bonding with a wild animal before, but only from a hypothetical standpoint. As in, I wonder what it would be like, but it's not a position I'd want to be in myself. I have seen videos on YouTube of people comfortably interacting with tigers and other wild animals, which is really cool, but I wouldn't be brave enough for something like that.

@ Anagnos: That's tough to say. There probably aren't a lot of characters I'd want to trade places with just because a lot of them live in dangerous worlds and I'd be afraid of dying. But I would love to be able to fly, so if I chose any character it would probably be one with flight.


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What is your favorite genre of music?

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Speaking of music, what was the last song you sung along to?


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@ ImpracticalDino: I like all kinds of music. I'm actually more forgiving with music than with any other art form, to the point that it's rare for me to hear a song I outright dislike. More than anything, however, I am a fan of classic rock. Just about any of those big-name rock or pop groups/artists from the 60s to the 80s I enjoy immensely. I'm also a big Paul McCartney fan in particular.

@ Anagnos: I'm typically not a "sing out loud" kind of guy. In fact, it's a pet peeve of mine when I'm hanging out with someone and listening to a song, and then the other person starts singing along to it, because then it distracts me from the song. :P I was recently singing a snippet from John Lennon's "Watching the Wheels", however, but that's rare for me as I usually don't sing at all.

@ Mumbling: I came up with all of them on my own. When I first discovered the "Ask Me" section of the forum, I brainstormed a bunch of questions to ask the members that I thought would be interesting. I have written them down on a document on my computer, though, so hence I have a bunch of them "in reserve" so to speak. But if you're getting tired of all the questions, I don't mind giving your thread a break.


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How can it be that you're online at any hour of the day, AM or PM? (via your posting activity) :thinking
Just curious, because I would rather get my beauty sleep than stay up all night on here. (shocking, I know!) :p

But anyways, I think it's cool that you seem to be available at anytime.

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*checks posting activity*

Oh, look at that. At this point I have managed to hit up every hour of the day. Which wasn't actually intentional on my part, although it is a pretty solid giveaway that I don't always go to bed at typical hours. People have joked before that I'm a vampire and/or that I don't sleep at all. :P

Contrary to how it may seem, I'm not on here 24/7 (even though I am quite active overall). Rather, it's more that my sleep schedule can be erratic and random. There have indeed been times when I've slept during the day and been awake at night, part of which I attribute to the fact that I am a night owl. Generally, though, I do try to maintain at least something of a normal sleep schedule.

8am - 10am, 5 & 6pm, and past midnight tend to be my most active times on here. Even when I'm on a good sleep pattern, I guess I just like to post either in the morning as I'm still waking up and before my day properly starts, or during the evening/suppertime when I'm just chilling at home. Or else at night once the day is done, before I go to bed and read.

So there's the detailed breakdown of my sleep/forum posting. :DD
« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 08:18:08 PM by StardustSoldier »


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People have joked before that I'm a vampire and/or that I don't sleep at all. :P

Hmph! x(cera And here is me thinking that I'm a vampire! :lol

I hate waking up early (not as early as high school anyway) and I would usually try to sleep in at least an hour or two. can't do that when you have school five out of seven days of the week, can you? :cry

And as for reading, I'm more than halfway done with this Watership Down book I'm reading. I'll probably finish in 1-3 days, that how much I'm into it.

When I'm in my room, the first thing I always do is to check if the blinds are closed, and if they're open, I'll immediately shut them down! No sunlight gets to go into my room! Too bright, I tell you! Admittedly, I do get withdrawal from being in the darkness and maybe once in a blue moon I open my blinds a teeny tiny bit to let some light in. :P

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...