The Gang of Five
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Who knows you watch LBT? Do you watch it alone?


  • Ruby
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i usually watch the sequels in my room, but i'll watch the original one in the living room. my mom knows i watch it (since she's the one who gets them for me). my  15 yr old brother knows, he doesn't watch them, we had  conversation about it today while watching Jurassic Park 3, so i guess he likes it alittle, but obviously not as much as much me! :)

my friends like it alittle, i think.  i remember watching #7 with them a few years ago, they weren't as interested as me, but it was nice having company. but nowadays it's just me, myself, and I. One of my friends is borrowing my 4th movie right now, she says it's her favorite because of a scene she likes, and she likes If We Hold On Together, but she doesn't watch the 1st movie cause she doesn't like sad scenes (same goes for Lion King, Bambi, etc.), sucks for her though, she don't know what she's missing

I remember this one time in middle school someone sitting next to me asked if i watched LBT, I nodded, she said she watched it, then we went back to work.

Soooo....i have no one to watch it with, though it be nice if i did. *sigh* i'm in college, so my chances of finding another LBT fan are probably slim (though i could be wrong, i've seen people wearing Dora the Explorer backpacks in high school, so...idk)

Oh well, right now i'll just watch them by myself, i still enjoy them.
wow, i wrote a lot.  o.o;

My friend still has yet to watch the movie i let her borrow...i think i reawakened her interest in it though, because we did a crossover role-play w/ LBT not too long ago. It was fun.  =3


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I just watch it alone.  I live alone so that would explain that.  I prefer watching certain movies alone, and certain movies I can enjoy either way.


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  • Spike
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*My first post in a English Forum*

I decided one week ago to watch all the 13 Land Before Time movies and the cartoon series... and I watched them alone. I'm 16 years old and normally I watch horror and splatter movies, but "Land Before Time" is an exception because I grew up with these movies and I simply wanted to watch them again... and I really like all of the sequels.

My friends don't know anything about it, but I don't think that they would bother me only because I watch cartoon films. My brother and my father also don't know anything, only my mother knows that I'm watching them.


  • Hatchling
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Caught your post on a whim otherwise I would've missed it.  Welcome to the GOF! :wave  You're going to be represented by a committee in the welcome room now so don't run away!


  • Ducky
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uhm... who knows that i'm watching LBT?
nobody, and maybe i should keep that.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I'm not sure how I missed this thread but in any case here it goes.

Most of my family members know I watch LBT so that doesn't really bother me although my brother gives me a hard time when I even mention the franchise, but I just tell to be quiet and let it be.

Now on to the rather touchy subject of my friends. Having a substantial group of friends when one of them learned I watched the movies the others eventually picked up on it, and for about a month and a half they would bring it up when they could, and for a while I hated it but then one day I came to a rather unique realization...the LBT was an embodiment of my childhood and I wasn't going to let that go. So I asked my friends the last time we were all together if they had any cartoons or movies from their childhood that they just couldn't go without and they mentioned several that are classics...however one of my buddies however said he didn't have a favorite movie or cartoon and that prompted the rest of us to laugh as we joked about him not having a childhood and the rest of the night we just traded barbs back and forth about movies, cartoons and what we believed to be the best of the best in both categories.

So I suppose on the fact that they know isn't a problem for me, I simply ignore the jeers they make and usually have a comeback to counter, so it's for me it's okay. :yes


  • Chomper
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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Apr 19 2007 on  09:27 PM
  I don't know why.  I love it.  I must admit though that the last song on LBT 12 was pretty odd.  I didn't like it so much.  I thought that the song had no real purpose.  If you notice, there is always three songs in the sequals.  I think they wanted to uphold that pattern so they put an unessessary song in there to fill the gap.  Other than that LBT 12 was excellent!  What do you think?

What's wrong with Flip Flap and Fly???
Definitely one of the best songs of LBT, and about purpose - I think this song was soo bright, colorful, it was entertaining  and it's morale is being yourself wherever you are, no matter in what situation you are and also it shows Mo once again!
But 3-d song of LBT 13 was really odd, "trust your tummy" who made this up???If the dinosaurs of LBT can't use word Heart then the song writers shouldn't have used the other silly term!


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There are a couple of LBT songs which turn my stomach.  The three bad one's are Flip Flap & Fly, Oops Eeps, and a part of How do you Know.  How do you Know was a really nice song, but Petrie goes and slaughters it with that tummy part.  If you look at the gang as he says it, they look like they're thinking "Gee Petrie....OMG that was lame". :lol

Oh, but I guess that duet between Petrie and Guido in the TV episode The Hermit of Blackrock was pretty bad too.  I dunno.  I've only watched that episode once. :p


  • Ducky
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Yeah, it kinda ruined the song because of Petrie's tummy...  :p


Anyway, I watch movies alone in general. Whether it's LBT or a different movie.
My family always talk while watching and that gets really on my nerves.  <_<


  • Chomper
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Only my familie knows that I watching LBT. I watch LBT always alone.


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  • Petrie
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Nobody knows that I watch LBT, because everyone that I know here in my country (Indonesia) doesn't even know about that movie. But if I tell my friends what LBT is and let them know that I watch it, they'll probably only make fun of me, considering how ret***ed their behaviour is in school, and the fact they always like to call me as "not cool" and a "goodie-goodie"... <_<

My family would be okay with me watching LBT, though they already know that I mostly like watching cartoons, so, what the heck. They don't like to watch cartoons anyway. :p


  • Chomper
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First I watched The Land Before Time when I was about 4 or 5 and it was sooo awesome!!The next time was about 8 years old.Then when I was about 10 I wanted to watch it when it was shown on TV but my mother said" You watched it 3 times already, and it is for little kids" something like that. When I was 12 I got a chance to remember long forgotten(I don't remember why) LBT, but the seconds movie, I waited until mother gone, and took a VHS from my little friend, he is 4 years younger than me, and watched it.Can't say I was impressed, I was expecting something better, but it was good anyway. The next day I re-watched it and gave the VHS back to friend.I thought  LBT isn't as good as it was the first one.
The I didn't see LBT for 5 years, until I finally got a chance to download all the movies of LBT (THANK YOU INTERNET :lol  ) and did it I started watching all movies one by one every night, sometimes even 2 per evening, it made very good dreams. I was watching it on my laptop, that's why I bought it in the first place for not letting others see what I'm watching. Now I watch my favorite sequels of LBT every night before sleep, it makes forgetting about troubles  :angel
And I forgot to say, that when I was about 11 or 12 I sworn that I will never forget Dinosaurs and Dragons, who always were my favorite. and I didn't and really happy about it because this oath made me happier , than I would be without it. I always find a sanctuary in watching Sequels, because, they are so light hearted, so peaceful, they make forget about evil around.
My mother now even shames me for watching cartoons like The Mask and Men in Black, what do you think she would say about LBT? :lol
I only told my cousin about watching it, after several days of begging me to tell what I'm hiding. At first he didn't look so surprised, but more I was showing him of LBT, more he... so to say was turning away from me I wanted him to watch LBT 12 cause I find it the most family-like of all movies, but he refused. The only thing he liked was Song "Me no want new home" in TV series which is my favorite song in the series by the way.
Sooo I just wish I could watch LBT with someone, but can't find such a person, I found one 11 years boy who loves LBT, but I only prefer watching in in English, because translation to Russian is awful, so I told him" Learn English at school, and in the next year I come back(He lives far away from me) We'll watch Land before Time together in English  ;)  " so now he's learning it very well  :goodluck
I don't like translation of LBT from eng to rus mainly because of songs, they sound so childish! about 2 times more than original, I don't know why but Russians care about many cartoons, but not this one, I never saw any sequel shown on our TV, maybe they think LBT is for babies


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I know your feeling on the translated versions Petrie-manynumbers. They don't show tv episodes in our country either and the translations are really quite terrible usually.

As for who I watch with... With anyone I like really. I watch it alone, with my family, friends or online friends, nobody cares, most people actually like my land before time and lion king addiction :D


  • Cera
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I did not fancy LBT XIII. I have three other members here who can testify for that.  :lol

I watch LBT alone, from time to time when I feel for it.
The only company I've had watching them are with other members of this baord.
Those moments are something I value highly!  :yes

Though nobody in my family has "caught" me watching it, I'm pretty sure they know I do. I rarely talk about it, but it's not like I'm keeping it a secret either.
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  • The Circle
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^ If I was one of your parents Gustav I would be rather concerned if I was under the impression that you never did watch the movies which provide the decoration of your room in such a subtle way that nobody to whom you didn't spell it out might have the slightest clue that you like the movies :lol


  • Cera
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Quote from: Malte279,Oct 30 2009 on  11:25 AM
^ If I was one of your parents Gustav I would be rather concerned if I was under the impression that you never did watch the movies which provide the decoration of your room in such a subtle way that nobody to whom you didn't spell it out might have the slightest clue that you like the movies :lol
Haha, exactly! :lol
Even worse now, that my LBT VI poster is up on my wall.
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  • Chomper
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Quote from: Lillefot,Oct 30 2009 on  11:29 AM
Haha, exactly! :lol
Even worse now, that my LBT VI poster is up on my wall.
If I had a chance I would cover all walls in my room with LBT posters,( but not which are from DVD-s :oops , these pictures look too baby-like, awful)   :confused , but I can't because
1 My mother and all people who come in room will say, "you are such a kid!"
and  people won't ever get me seriously
2 My printer is broken and somehow I just have no time\money to fix it or buy the new one...., so silly
But when I get a good job and my own flat I'll cover my walls with all my favorite cartoon characters like Stanley Ipkis from "The Mask" series did  :lol
I'll make a sound isolation and huge sound system watching my favorite shows without always using headphones to hide my secret  :lol
I watched LBT on DVD a few days ago while mom was out  :DD
And it was just wonderful!Why can't I always watch it on big screen?? Only because it's a shame, but Land Before Time is wonderful by itself


  • Ruby
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Well, since I just got an email urging me to post before my account here gets deleted, might as well reply to this one. I make it no secret I watch cartoons. Most people know this. LBT is just one of many animated movies and series I like, own, watch and talk about.

On a side note, I'm currently in the Philippines for an internship (I'm from the Netherlands) and the DVD's you buy here here are all illegal. You will really have to look hard to find a legal DVD. If you buy one, you get about 5 - 10 movies. I saw LBT, and I hadn't seen it in a while, so I bought it. Thing is, you can't see on the front which movies are on there. In this case a total of 4 LBT movies (+ various others). Could have done worse :p.


  • The Circle
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Nice to see you Baree :yes
Wow, you joined as early as 2004! In all the years a lot has happened in the GOF by now we have quite a few other fans from the Netherlands in our community.
Please don't misunderstand the mail you (and everyone else with no or few posts got) as a challenge but as an invitation. It would be a pleasure to have you with us in our discussions or in threads which you might create yourself. The GOF covers a very large spectrum rather than LBT only after all. Welcome back :)