The Land Before Time > Fan Voice Overs

[VO2] Character Status for voice-over of LBT7

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This topic will be used to keep track of the character progression. Characters in red are not taken yet. Yellow characters have been picked, but the voice-over is not yet completed. Green characters are completed.

The following characters need to be voiced for the 2nd voice over project (Stone of Cold Fire):

Male characters:
Grandpa - Belmont2500
Spokes Dinosaur - Belmont2500, Sapphirre98
Littlefoot - Mouse-a-saur
Petrie - DiddyKF1
Pterano - Littlefoot1616
Rainbow Face 1 - Flathead770
Rinkus - SharptoothSimp69
Sierra - Aabicus
Topps - ???

Female characters:
Cera - Jassy
Ducky - Sapphirre98
Ducky’s mom - Mumbling
Grandma - PteranoStan, Mouse-a-saur
Petrie's mom - Somerandomfangirl
Rainbow Face 2 - Jassy, pteranostan

+ a couple of random single lines.

Will whoever gets cast for the speaking roles for this project automatically be cast for singing roles as well? Or will the songs be an entirely separate project?

We haven't quite decided yet, however it might look odd to use the normal singing projects here since we can actually see the characters talk. Definitely would hope for people to sing for their character too, as it will look better in the end. However I'm sure we can find a solution if someone does not want to sing :)


--- Quote from: Mumbling on March 21, 2021, 12:03:24 AM ---We haven't quite decided yet, however it might look odd to use the normal singing projects here since we can actually see the characters talk. Definitely would hope for people to sing for their character too, as it will look better in the end. However I'm sure we can find a solution if someone does not want to sing :)

--- End quote ---

Alright, good to know. Because I might be able to get a certain Bro of mine into this project, but I already know there's no way he'll want to sing anything! :p

Are There any background characters,that are not taken yet? I could record some,because I am bored,and have nothing to do


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