The Gang of Five
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A Sci-Fi Roleplay

MrDrake · 357 · 24875


  • Littlefoot
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(OOC: And yeah, the Nano Rifle is from Red Faction ;) )

Firefly continued to do as Isodor had said, as she herself, had no experience in disarming bombs herself, well, nothing this complicated anyway.

Zoe, on the other hand, stood next to Raiven, continuing to aim the rifle at Kelthusa.  Sure, she was told to wait in the ship, but she didn't want to stand by while others would get hurt, however, she wasn't going to fire, in case she were to hit the hostage.

Zoe continued to just glare at Kelthusa, and yes, she was rather pissed off at him, then again, you would be too if you were a slave most of your life to someone as digsuting as Kelthusa.  She looked to Raiven for a moment, wondering what he was going to do in this situation.


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'Right, now you should be able to see a red wire. Whatever you do, don't cut it,' Isodor said from outside the reactor room. 'The red wire is always a trap. You'll need to fry the trigger socket with a small EMP blast. That's what the outer shell is for. It acts like a Faraday cage of sorts. Okay, anyway... in the toolbox should be a small screwdriver shaped gadget. That delivers concentrated electromagnetic pulses, and if you point it right on the main socket between the trigger and the warhead... well, we'll walk out of here in one piece.'

That was the last step. All that was left to do was for Firefly to actually do it... Isodor crossed his fingers. The countdown on the bomb was ticking down to the ten second mark.

Meanwhile, Zoe and Raiven had Kelthusa at a standstill. 'You're going nowhere, Kelthusa. Let her go and you'll get a fair trial. Heck, you might even get out free.'

'Ha, I know what laws I have broken. It is life for me. I might as well take a life with me. You know what the worst part is? Even if I die... I still have my slave trade. My son will take over, and all will be well. So... you have done all this... for nothing.'

He let out a bulbous, gross laugh... hugging the hostage tight. 'What do you say, pretty one? Do you wish to come with me?'

Raiven began to laugh. 'I should let you know something, Kelthusa... about you son.'

Kelthusa focused his eye on Raiven. 'You know nothing.'

'His name is Zalthusa, is it not?'

The bloat stared silently.

'Did you know he's been plotting to take you down for a long time? Seems your family has a thing for taking over by force...'

'Ha, nothing but lies!'

'Oh really? What if I told you it was your sun who lead us to you? What if I told you it was your sun who told us all we needed to know about your operation?'

'Rrr, nothing but lies!' He shouted angrily.

He didn't need to believe a word, even though it was all true. All Raiven was doing was buying time, hoping that the others would be finished... or at least some sort of backup arrived...


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly followed the remainder of the steps and managed to disarm the bomb with only one second left to spare.  She removed the bomb from its place and handed it to Isodor "Here, take care of this, I've got one last thing I need to take care of" she told him as she stepped off the ship and made her way over to where the others were at a stand still.

From behind Kelthusa, Firefly placed the barrel of her gun to the back of his head "Now, let the slave go" she more or less ordered him.

Zoe seemed to grin as well at what Firefly was doing "You better listen to her, she's good, better than what you can do, she could blow your brains out with ease before you could harm anyone"

Well, Zoe didn't know that for sure, but to her, that's what Firefly could do at least, she was like a hero to Zoe now.


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Isodor still stood inside the ship, staring at the countdown timer upon the bomb. 'One second... one second.' Then he breathed out a huge sigh, his mind getting itself back together. He realized that he had probably been standing there for quite a long time... holding a bomb... disarmed, with one second left on the timer...

Outside, Kelthusa let out a wail. It was a low pitched moaning sound, it was now that he realized it was all over... though he still held the hostage tightly.

'Looks like you've lost, Kelthusa. Let her go and Val there might just spare your life... but I have my doubts.'

'Ha... ha ha ha!' Kelthusa just laughed a pitiful laugh. 'I won't rot in jail...' he said darkly. 'I'll see you all in HELL!'

Suddenly, he tossed the female hostage aside, and turned as fast a bloat could. His mouth gaped wide open at the bounty hunter, his maw wider than Firefly's head... the bloat was like a lion about to tear into its prey, and his roar was just as ferocious as he prepared to unleash one last barrage of acid... however, Firefly had the shot... now she just needed to take it.


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly took the shot, jamming her gun into Kelthusa's mouth and fireing off a good four or five shots before kicking him backwards and throwing her sword at him to impale Kelthusa right in the stomach.

She looked to Raiven "Sorry about that, it was self defence is all, I too would've liked for him to go to jail alive, but I guess we can't all be winners in the end" she ended up shrugging as she looked back to Kelthusa again.


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Kelthusa hit the ground with a wet thud, what remained of his head sprawling all over the pavement. Some of his acid oozed out, creating a small pool of bubbling goo. The body twitched just a little, but otherwise... was lifeless.

Raiven looked down at the bloat, then up at firefly. 'That's what we in the force like to call an execution shot. Right in the head... though I think five shots, and the... uh... sword, well... that was a bit over kill.

Isodor had finally caught up to them, gasping for breath as the three foot tall creature was prone to do. 'Okay, what did I... holy moley!' He stared at the corpse of Kelthusa, acid hissing and smoking all around his already decaying corpse.

'Oh man, I missed the best part... again,' he said with a whimper.

'Oh well, too bad, Iso. I suppose you two dealt with the bomb?'

'Yeah, you have miss Firefly to thank for that. Without her, I would be dead from radiation poisoning. She has all the merits of a real copper, don't you reckon?'

Raiven glanced back down at the corpse. 'Yeah, I would suppose so.'

Then he looked up at Firefly. 'Well, Val... a deal is a deal. I'll need you at the debriefing as a witness, so we can clean this mess up with as little paperwork as possible. However, once that's sorted out... I'll take you to the man who knows something about this pirate you're after.'

He turned to Zoe. 'I don't know what you plan to do, but I would advise you put that gun down. You can accompany us, as a witness... but you are free to do as you wish.'

And finally... he faced Isodor. 'Right, go warm the ship up... and let's get out of here before the news crew arrive... they have a knack for showing up before the police. By the way Iso, where is the bomb?'

'Oh, I put it on our ship, as evidence.'

'Lovely. Nothing like flying home with a bomb in the boot.'


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly walked over to the corpse and pulled out her sword before turning to Raiven "Well, it was no big deal, I was actually, rather glad I could help out in this sort of situation"

Zoe on the other hand, squeezed the trigger by mistake as she shot the corpse by mistake before dropping the rifle onto the ground "Um yeah, and if she still wants to, I would still like to stay with her, I don't really have another place to stay either"

Firefly looked to Zoe and gave her a nod "Sure, I'll be happy to take care of you for the time being" she told her as she got onto the ship followed by Zoe "I do have one quick question for you Raiven, does your police dpartment know of me by any chance? I mean, I have not exactly been a real friend to any police force I've come across, and most times, it's from being at the wrong place at the wrong time you know"


  • Petrie
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'If you've ever been involved in a crime, chances are good you'll have a record on the database. They'll pull up any information they can, since you were a witness to these events. However, you should know one thing about the space police.'

Raiven turned over to Isodor as he started up the ship. It gave a slight shudder, but was quickly hovering in the air, and gaining speed as it flew into the clear skies over the city. 'The name is a bit loose on who we really are. The stations located on Earth are just a small part of a much bigger organization. That organization is a network of different police forces working together in unison in different systems and planets. Of course, it isn't the only police force in the galaxy, it's just one of the biggest. What this means for you depends on what you did in your past. As someone who aided in the capture of a well known criminal... you have some leeway on what laws apply to you, and how your past actions can be taken.'

'To be perfectly honest, unless you actually commited murder or something of that caliber, you won't find any trouble. We're too busy dealing with major crime to worry about the little things at the moment.' He turned to Firefly. 'Things like piracy and what-not.'


  • Littlefoot
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"Crime? Murder? Heh....then it would seem they would know of me then, although, I am still suprise you two haven't heard of me before, granted, I am more.....infamous as the human term would be, known, yet, not known as well" Firefly replied to Raiven "Look, I usually don't ask cops for assistance, but tracking down Blackbeard is another story and I needed whatever help I could get in doing so"

"Are you a bounty hunter?" Zoe decided to ask Firefly.

Firefly gave a nod back after a small pause "Yes, I'm a bounty hunter, however, I do have standards unlike other bounty hunters around who kill without remorse"


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Raiven seemed to cringe a little at this, but he remained normal otherwise. 'I figured as much. Only a bounty hunter would go around equipped as you are... still, it is good to have confirmation. You wont have any trouble from me, but we should be careful with how we play this out in the debreifing. They could easily twist the situation to paint you in a negative light... given what we had to do to bring down Kelthusa and-'

'Rai, we've got an incoming communication,' Isodor said from the pilots seat.

'From the HQ?'

'It's Barbary, Rai.'

'Damnit,' Raiven muttered under his breath. 'Ugh... open the channel.'

There was a click and a slight buzz as the radio came to life. 'Sergeant Barbary, how nice of you to-'

'Don't... even... bother, Raiven. This mess you've made is all over the holovision screens, and I've got calls coming in from all over the place demanding answers. Where the hell are you?'

'Coming in for debriefing, sir.'

'Good. Get your ass in here as quick as possible, Rai. This is your mess, not mine... I want a full report on what the hell happened out there. This is a disaster... god forbid if I have to demote you for negligance on a biblical scale!'

SLAM, click. What sounded like someone slamming a phone on a hook... and then radio silence.

'He sounds pissed,' Isodor said, breaking the sudden silence.

'Great, just what I needed,' Raiven sighed. 'Of all the sergeants to report to, it just had to be that one.'

The ship flew under a cloud, and beyond was a tall white tower with several large landing pads poking out of it. The space police headquaters for this district lay ahead of them.


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Firefly only nodded back to Raiven "We'll just have to see how this plays out is all" as she had an idea herself, however, it would really depend on how the debrieing would go on how her own idea would be carried out.

"Do you want me to go in as well?" Zoe asked Raiven "Because I can be proof of the whole slaving thing, and I can tell him what Kelthusa used to do and all that sort of stuff"


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Raiven faced Zoe. 'If you wish. However, I should warn you that I am not certain with how they will handle you. They might talk to you in one of the "cold rooms", which are where most innocents are handled.'

'It's not as bad as it sounds, they just call it that because it can get so freaking cold in there,' Isodor said. 'Only trouble is, we wont be there... just you and some random police officer.'

Raiven turned back to Firefly. 'As for us, we'll probably get yelled at... a lot. Well, just Isodor and myself probab-'

'I reckon he'll just yell at you,' Isodor interupted. 'I'm too small to even be seen behind that desk.'

'Oh, shut up,' Raiven grumbled. 'Barbary hates me, everyone knows that. I'll just suck it up, though... he can't demote me, he's just trying to make idle threats.'

'He can, if he gets enough signatures from the other seargents, you know.'

'Stop talking, Iso, and just get us down.'

'Yeah yeah... whatever.' Isodor leant over and clicked the comminications radio on, turning a dial as he did. 'Arrow Five to control, Arrow Five to control... do you read?'

'I read, Arrow Five,' a female voice replied.

'Request landing, officer class.'

'Copy that.' There was silence for a few seconds. 'Granted, Arrow Five. Proceed to deck twelve, bay six. Oh, and enjoy your debriefing... Raiven.' There was a brief chuckle from the femal before the radio fell silent.

'Everyone knows already? Bloody hell. This is going to be the worst day of my life.'

The ship turned, and climbed. A flashing signal lead them to the correct landing pad. 'It's getting better already, Rai. Look who's waiting for us.'

Raiven leant over to the monitor, and groaned. 'Barbary... that pompous bastard.'

Soon enough, they were landed, and outside. The air blew quite hard up this high. The ground seemingly miles below. There we specialised guard rails to stop people from falling off, of course... not that it helped anyone with a fear of hights.

'Nice of you to come and meet us, Barbary.'

'Cut the small talk Rai, let's get to my office.'

'Whatever you say,' Raiven grumbled.

'It wont be necessary to bring your little friend,' he said, gesturing to Isodor. Then his eyes fell on Firefly and Zoe. 'Who the hell are they?'

'Why don't you ask them yourself,' Raiven replied coldly.


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly stepped forward "You may call me...." she then paused for a second, not too sure if she should actually say her alias, or her real name before shaking her head slightly "Firefly, my name is Firefly, and this here is Zoe"

Zoe however, didn't seem to say anything back to Barbary as Firefly spoke again "We were with him when it happened, so in all manner of speaking, we'll also be joining in this talk of yours, you need, not just his side of the story, trust me, I've got my side of the story as well" she added in, saying what she could to get in as well "As for her, she comes as well, you'll want to talk to her as well"


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Barbary arched a brow at Firefly, but shortly after nodded. 'Yes, very well. I need all the details I can get... so I can make sense of whole situation.'

In the end, all of them (excepting Isodor) were taken into Barbary's office. There was stacks of paperwork upon his desk, and the whole room had the general feel of chaos. Everything was a mess, and upon closer inspection Barbary himself looked quite stressed.

'Right, so let me get this straight. You got ambushed by Kelthusa's gang, then after a firefight, which resulted in the devestation of a bar... began a pursuit over a heavily populated city centre... and then you proceeded to shoot down the ship in the middle of a busy highway. Then, after that, you shot him in clear sight of several civilians?'

Raiven just nodded, and continued to do so. He looked grim, and disinterested in the whole matter.

Barbary picked up a peice of paper by his desk. 'Alright, so let's go through this. Destruction of government property, unlawful use of contraband weapons, unauthorized use of lethal force, unauthorized handling of a hostage situation, pursuit without proper police communication. Ah, and here's the best one... why the hell were you even after him in the first place when it was clear you had not been authorized to?'

'We knew where he was, Barbary. If we hadn't gone after him now... we would still be searching for the fat bastard for another several years.'

'And now he's dead... very nicely done. I would have thought bringing him in alive would have been a much better thing to do.'

'He had a hostage, and-'

'I don't care what was happening!' Spit flew in little white bits all over his desk as he yelled. 'Frankly, Raiven... I'm sick of your handling of situations like this. You're like some filthy mercenary, taking the law in his own hands. We have standards, Raiven, and it's about time you stuck to them.'

He leaned back in his chair and sighed. 'I have no idea how you got promoted all the way to officer...'

Raiven clenched his fists, but said nothing.

Then Barbary looked over Raiven's shoulder. 'Right, you two. Sit down over here,' he said, pointing to the chairs in front of his desk, and signaling Raiven to move. 'It's your turn to explain what the hell happened.'


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Firefly sat down along with Zoe before she was the first to speak "It's true that we were ambushed by Kelthusa's troops, and it was true that destruction of property damage was also delt out, and yes, it was also true that Raiven had gone after him without your authorization"

Zoe interupted at that point "Not to mention that I was one of his slaves"

Firefly glanced to Zoe, then back to Barbary again "However, Kelthusa isn't the one behind it all, hell, he couldn't get anything done right if someone wasn't there to tell him what to do, you should be thankful that Raiven did get the one behind it all in the end, one way or another.....and you're speaking to her"

Zoe seemed to gasp at that point, seeing that Firefly was making it seem as though Kelthusa was just no one "No..." was all she could say rather quietly.

Firefly was indeed, doing what she could to make it seem like Raiven was a bigger hero than what Barbary was making it seem, by capturing the one behind it all "So here I am, I had came with him rather peacefully, he had played it rather well I must add in, otherwise, you might not be talking to the one responsible had he not had done a damn thing"

Zoe however, just seemed to remain quite, not believing what Firefly was doing now.  She knew it was all a lie, but yet, did not know why Firefly was lying now.

"So, isn't that what you really wanted all along? To finally be able to capture who was responsible for so much slavery over the vast number of years?" Firefly added on, seeming to grin underneath her mask as well.


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Barbary fell into silence. Heck, everyone was silent.

'Wait, wait a second,' Barbary seemed unable to find words. He stood up from his desk, and circled it. First, he looked at Firefly, then at Zoe... and finally at Raiven... who was just as shocked at what she had just said.

'Why the hell didn't you tell me of this, Raiven. Is this some sort of joke?'

'Well... uh,' Raiven said. He stood up from his own seat. 'Well, you see. I wanted to keep the whole thing quiet. She offered to come in peacefully, and I believe under the first section on the code of laws, that gives her some leeway on how we handle her. I decided the best thing to do was bring her directly in, otherwise we would have a media frenzy if her face got on Holovision.'

Barbary nodded. 'Yes, I could only imagine how the public would react if when they discovered that we had caught the wrong alien. Hm, yes... I'm glad you kept it hush hush. This could work in our favour.'

Raiven rolled his eyes... he could see the words "promotion" written all over Barbary's face. The large, brawlish human placed a finger on the intercom upon his desk. 'Could I get an escort in my office, please.'

'Perhaps I should take her to the cold room, I did arrest her, afterall,' Raiven said.

'You've done quite enough today. Besides, you and I need to talk some more. The escort will take these two to be interrogated.' Then he looked at Zoe, and smiled rather pathetically. 'It's not as bad as it sounds... well, at least not for you it wont be.' With that, he looked over to Firefly with a more devilish grin.


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Both Firefly and Zoe stood up when the escorts arrived, Zoe walking out first as Firefly only looked to Raiven before she too walked out as well.

"Why....why did you do it?" Zoe asked Firefly rather quietly.

"Raiven did what he could, but being yelled at like that, doing all that for nothing is not a good thing.....I had to make sure something good would come out of it in the end" Firefly replied rather quietly.

She had left her weapons back on the ship at least, more or less making it seemed that she had been disarmed before getting off the ship and she was ready for any sort of interogation they would have to offer.

Zoe, on the other hand, still didn't like the sound of a cold room, especially since she was wearing practically nothing, save for a torn singlet and a pair of panties as well.


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Thankfully, the police force at least had some common sense. Zoe was taken to what seemed like a dressing room, where she was offered some clean clothing... most of which was just white cotton clothes, mostly given to prisoners to wear and look after.

She was then taken to the cold room. It was a poorly lit cube, the wall consisting of metal, which gave off an eerie tone. The room was indeed rather chilling. There were small ventelation shafts near the bottom of the walls, and a single light hung from the top. An old fasioned wooded desk stood in the middle, with a wooden chair on either side.

A female officer smiled from her chair opposite of the entrance. She pushed a steaming mug across the table. 'Coffee?' She asked.

'Come, sit.' A male said from the side. He was difficult to see, shadows forming across him as he stood to the side. However, he lost his mysteriousness as he walked to beside the desk, and gestured.

'We wish to ask you, if you are willing, some questions about your... time as a slave.'

Meanwhile, in Barbary's office, the wrinkled man sat back down again in his seat, and laughed. 'This is good new, at least. But there's something you're not telling me...'

'No, nothing at all, sir,' Raiven replied.

Barbary arched a brow. 'Very well. Anyway, there is still the matter of the damage you caused and whatnot. The taxpayers aren't going to take this lightly, and the entire force is going to be put on the spotlight because of you.'

'We've handled this sort of thing before.'

Barbary's hands slammed on the desk. 'We don't go about trying to repeat ourselves. Don't forget we're not only trying to make an example for the government... but also to all the species in the galaxy. We strive to prove to the rest of the galaxy that the human race is reliable... and trustworthy.'

'Considering what we've done in our history...' Raiven muttered.

'What was that?'


Barbary stood up. 'There will be talking, paperwork... and such. However, for now, I have called the chief commissioner... and I am awaiting his final say on the matter in regards of what to do with you.'

The phone began to beep. 'Ah, speak of the devil.' Barbary picked up the small handset, and placed it next to his ear. 'Ah, commissioner. I expect that you have reviewed the matter? Yes? Excellent. Yes, I have him right here... what do I tell him?'

Then his face went stiff... and his skin color changed from pink to white. 'Very... well. I'll inform him right away. Thank you.' He placed the phone back on its hook, and stared at Raiven for a long time.

Raiven stared back curiously. 'So?'

Barbary's hands quivered. 'Congratulations, senior officer.'

Raiven's heart jumped. 'Uh, what?'

'Get out of my office,' Barbary said coldly. Raiven quickly got up from his chair... and as he turned and left, he grinned.

'I don't believe it,' Barbary muttered. 'I... don't... bloody... believe... it.'

Down several floors was another cold room. Firefly was escorted into the room via several policemen. The door slammed shut behind her, and it seemed she was alone inside the cold, dark room.

'So, who do we have here?' A man said, emerging from the shadows. He was a big man, with large muscles... and an all round well built body. He cracked his knuckles as he leaned against his chair at the desk. He traced a finger across a data pad that lay upon the desk. 'Say's here you're a slaver, in league with Kelthusa. Sit down, and let us talk about what you were up to.'


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"Well, I was with Kelthusa most of the time, I had never met Firefly before, Kelthusa kept on saying that no one ever talks to her" Zoe told the police officer, still lying for Firefly's sake as well "But being a slaver was terrible, if it weren't for Raiven, I don't think I would be here right now"

Firefly on the other hand, sat down on the chair as she looked at the officer whom had cracked his knuckles "In league with Kelthusa? If you want to put it that way, although I would put it that he was more in league with me, oh, and I have no regrets at all with what I have done, I had to do what I could to keep the ecconomy of this galaxy running, and slaving, oh, that was the best thing to do" she told the officer as she placed her feet up on the table, feeling rather relaxed about the whole interogation "So, what else would you love to know about me? Would it be, how many slaves I've enslaved? How many slaves I've sold? Granted, all that is far too much to keep track of, but I would imagine it had risen in the hundreds, maybe even thousands"

She then took her feet off the table and leaned in, glancing around slightly "Although, I am a little dissapointed, I would've imagined such a place like this would have much more security, I mean, a child could escape from here without even trying, and I wouldn't even need any weapons to do so either" she added in with a light little chuckle as well.

She was of course, just mocking them by that point "So honestly, how do you expect to keep me in check hmm? Please, do enlighten me on the matter"


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The large man leaned in, nodding slightly. 'You seem to be a pretty smart fellow, I'll give you that. Of course, most of your kind are like that. Criminals always have this assumption of superiority and wisdom. You think the police are just some little play toy, something in which to mess with.'

He cracked his knuckled again. 'Of course, to be perfectly fair, we've long passed the days of... forceful interrogation... at least here we have. There are still places that would break every bone in your body, just to get you to speak. Some of those places are even on Earth. Thankfully, here, we have standards.'

He slid the data pad across to Firefly. Upon it were rather blank details about her identification. Unsurprising, given her mysteriousness. However, written in rather clear, bold letter right at the bottom was the words "Sentenced to death".

The man smiled. 'Your execution is tonight. If I were you, I'd make plans for your last meal... oh, and just maybe spare a few details about your slave operations. It might just give you a few more days.'

He leaned in. 'What do you say to that?'