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Curing Sierra (from his behavior)

Jrd89 · 14 · 4088


  • Petrie
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Guys, I know I sometimes have quite a vivid imagination.

I've figured out what may have lead to Sierra's angry behavior to pretty much every flyer/dino he sees. Maybe he has something to hide from his past that was very humiliating/embarassing, and everyone treated him nasty, which may have led him to his behavior

I'm still very curious about this. I think it could be a psychological problem he had from an event in his childhood, that lead him to behave rough/angry to any and every flyer/dino he sees.

If I were a pteranodon, or even another cearadactylus, here's what i'd do:

I wouldn't be afraid to ask Sierra why he's so mad to everyone everyday, and try to reach in deeper to him socially. I really wouldn't mind having a one-on-one private talk with Sierra, flyer-to-flyer, alone.

I've thought deep on this, and I think Sierra isn't actually this mean, I think he had something from his past/childhood that really hurt him very hard emotionally, and led him to behave angry and nasty. in-yes.gif

I don't think Sierra really is as terribly bad of a flyer as I used to think in the past.

If I were able to talk to him, who knows? maybe, maybe if I reached in deep enough, i'd be able to "hit" a soft spot in Sierra, and maybe help him with that problem that lead to him behaving so nasty and rude to any dino/flyer in sight.

Sorry if this cearadactylus-psychoanalysis theory sounds weird to you guys, I just have one vivid imagination. If I could just reach deep enough into Sierra, find that problem from his past, and help him with it.. maybe it could lead to a flyer friendship between us two over time. First we could form a good acquaintanceship, and maybe as it'd go on.. possibly become good friends with each other.**

(although it may involve me getting a few scratches and bruises at first..)

Do you think this would work if I were a flyer and tried this method with Sierra?

Now remember, this is just a theory I thought of. Sierra's anger/fussing/rudeness could also just be the way he acts normally. It's all a matter of how you personally perceive the character.


  • Spike
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I think if you tried, he'd try to take advantage of your methods for devious personal gain rather than really listening :(

I mean it may sound cruel, but it is a logical fallback. Rather than 'dealing' with one's problems, people either ignore it or take advantage of their own problems themselves I guess


  • Petrie
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Ehh, <_<  you're probably right, Ludichris1.

**Shrugs** What can I say? that's Sierra for you. <_<


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Quote from: Ludichris1,Jul 14 2013 on  04:45 PM
I think if you tried, he'd try to take advantage of your methods for devious personal gain rather than really listening :(

I mean it may sound cruel, but it is a logical fallback. Rather than 'dealing' with one's problems, people either ignore it or take advantage of their own problems themselves I guess
Sierra does seem like he would do that :)

@Jrd: I think the best way to get to him is to give him space. Give him space enough to know that you are there and he can't get away form you, but be subtle enough to say "your privacy is fine, but your actions are not"

Being with children myself, the best way to calm them down and act accordingly, is to leave off them so they're free to do their own thing, but at the same time, being near enough to keep them within the boundaries of etiquette, etc.
Ex. say you have a troubled four year old boy in your classroom. This boy has recently had terrible family issues and because of this, he very often acts out. Now, if not caught and corrected early on, this behavior will become ingrained as the only thing this child knows and will quickly ruin him. So, as the teacher, it is your duty to keep a close eye on this boy, give him a quiet place to cool down when needed, model proper language-usage and social norms. Being there for this child gives him an advocate and he will most likely seek you out as the one to comfort/confide in.

Sorry for my very long and indepth post, but Sierra is strikingly similar to many cases I witnessed during my practicums at preschools.

... Still, you sure you want to get that close to Sierra? :lol
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  • Petrie
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@Jrd: I think the best way to get to him is to give him space. Give him space enough to know that you are there and he can't get away form you, but be subtle enough to say "your privacy is fine, but your actions are not"

I would definitely give Sierra space. That's a very good, smart approach, Ruth. That could work. :yes


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Perhaps if we cooked and ate him slightly...
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  • Spike
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Quote from: vonboy,Aug 1 2013 on  10:31 AM
Perhaps if we cooked and ate him slightly...
Flyers are friends, not food! :lol

Though he does look a little burnt already...


  • Cera
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You know that is an interesting topic. We really know nothing about Sierra, or Rinkus for that matter. What are their backstories? When and how did they meet up with Pterano? I've always wondered what their pasts must have been like for them to behave the way they do. Maybe they both lived lives where they had to fend for themselves and then met up with each other. Maybe Sierra took Rinkus under his wing for a while, considering that Rinkus had some dimwitted moments in VII.

In response to the question at hand, I quote what Sierra said to Pterano in response to his worries for Ducky:

"So what?"

Maybe Sierra wouldn't care about his behavior. He is what he is and he doesn't feel the need to change. In a lot of way, he kind of parallels Cera with how stubborn he can be.


  • Petrie
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A corrupt past is a possibility, but some people may have a snotty nature to begin with as LBTFan13 stated.  So perhaps he feels the need to let his nature make him who he is and be the way he is to others.

 I kind of would like I meet Sierra's father and mother.  Hyp was the way he is because of his dad, so maybe the same thing for Sierra?


  • Cera
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Quote from: Littlefoot1889,Aug 21 2013 on  05:35 PM
Who is Sierra?
He's one of the flyer villains in LBT VII. You can probably find videos of him on YouTube, or some resident Sierra fans can explain more about him.


  • Petrie
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What I think I could do, is just accept Sierra's personality/character.

I should work on accepting his "rough/tough" personality. It's the way his character was written to be in the movie after all.  Petrie and Pterano will always be my 2 favorite flyers, though. That's not going to change. ;)


  • Petrie
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I kind of would like to meet Sierra's father and mother. Hyp was the way he is because of his dad, so maybe the same thing for Sierra?

LBTFan13: Hmm, that's an interesting thought. Yes, it may have been how he was raised when he was younger.

By the way, this is one of the rare/few frames in "The Stone of Cold Fire" where Sierra looks happy and doesn't scowl. It's during the thunderstorm scene during one of the lightning flashes. He looks totally different and more friendly and positive (even though he's actually being startled by a lightning flash)

I like Sierra's body design, appearance, and colors. I just didn't like him for his behavior.


  • Chomper
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Probably not possible.  He like Ozzy, are just naturally psychopaths it seems.