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X-Men: World of Mutants

MrDrake · 70 · 7242


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There was a gathering outside the mansion.  Mutants alike were gathered while up front was a mutant himself.  He called himself Bigfoot while he addressed said group of mutants "Welcome one and all, most of you are regulars here, while I do know that others are new here.  Now, you may call me Professor Bigfoot, and yes, to answer any inquiries, yes, I am the Bigfoot"

As Bigfoot continued to speak, near the back, one mutant stood in particular.  Her face was shrouded in a hood, not realy wanting to reveal her face to others, even if they were fellow mutants.  She had questions for the professor, but decided not to say a word, remaining quiet all the while.

However, elsewhere, another mutant had a question "Yeah, uh, I have a question, it's about the Danger Room"

Bigfoot smiled lightly as he answered her question "First of all, it's good to see you again Laura, and to answer your question, which I am glad you bought up, in general, we will be using the Danger Room, however, you wont be using it without my authorization and supervision"

Laura just scofed "Figures as much" she muttered to herself as she folded her arms.

"Any other questions?" Bigfoot then asked.

The other mutant still remained silent 'Just speak up, you know you can.....but then, what if they laugh? They probabally will.  Best not to say a word'


  • Cera
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Among the arrivals include Hisako Ichiki, also known as Armor, a regular at the Institute.  She looked around, knowing she had no questions of her own...


There was, however, one mutant who wasn't present at the mansion...

Elsewhere in Manhattan, screaming sirens echoed through the streets as an ambulance converged on a scene of carnage in the center of the street.  Police cars with armed officers blocked off the area, other paramedics were carrying victims, some dead, others alive and crying, to their own vehicles to rush them to the nearest available hospitals.  Windows of the surrounding buildings were shattered, walls were 'painted' with scorch marks, and cars were nothing more than burning crumpled heaps.  The scent in the air was clear as to the cause of this...

The ambulance came to a stop and two men jumped out with bags in tow.  A police officer came up to them, and lead them across the yellow tape.

"We got two more in very serious condition," the officer said.  "We had the other medics take everyone else.  We were told you got talent for this..."

The trio were lead to an overturned car, and two individuals next to it.  One, a young girl with her shirt caked in blood, and the other, a woman, was pinned underneath the wreckage.

One of the medics, Jason Caine, knelt next to the girl to check her, while his partner looked at the mother.  A good quick look at the girl's shoulder had him look back up at the officer.  "Where's her arm?" he said softly.

The officer gave a solemn shake of his head.

"Then we can handle this quickly..." Jason responded and looked back at the girl, and then placed a hand on the stump where her arm once was.  With that, his brown eyes changed to a yellow iris over a blood-red background.  As the child was barely conscious, she could feel no pain as her bleeding stopped, some of the spilled blood retracting back into her body, and her broken vessels were being repaired...


  • Littlefoot
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Thrusters were heard as one, wearing a suit of armour with firefly-like wings that weren't even flapping, arrived upon the scene in Manhattan and scanned said area.  Eyes fell upon a paramedic and his team, eyeing them for just a moment before activating, what seemed to be something upon her arm.

"Mutant anamolies detected" the computer on her arm, unable to pinpoint or detected said mutants.

"Worthless" she scoffed as she scanned the area again "Perhaps flushing out these mutants would work instead"

She tapped the side of her right leg, a small component opening up as she pulled out a small spherical bomb and simply smirked to herself "This ought to be fun"

Down upon the ground, a few of those who were luckily enough to survived the blast before, were all gasping, some even pointing up at the villain in question.

She threw the device into the crowd of people and watched as it simply exploded, killing a few more people in the process "Come out, come out mutants, that is, if you care for the lives of others" she muttered to herself "Firefly wants to play"


  • Cera
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The explosion rocked the street and sent debris across the area.  Jason, his teammate, Arland, the police officer, and the two victims they were working on, were shielded from the explosion by the melted car.  Jason and Arland covered themselves over the ladies to protect them from dirt and smoke.  The officer looked around the car to see what was happening and shot back around.

"We got some nutcase in body armor and chucking grenades all over the place!" the cop shouted.  "We gotta get outta here!"

"We try to leave, then we're out in the open!" Jason shouted back.

"And this woman can't be moved yet!" Arland added, and then leaned over to Jason to whisper.  "Can you take her on?"

"If you said she's got armor, then no!  I can't go through materials to get to the skin!  These two need to get out as fast as possible!"


Just as Arland had said, on the opposite side of the car and behind the attacker, a Chinese man calmly stepped forward.  "Lookin' for someone?"


  • Littlefoot
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That voice, it had to be the mutant she was searching for as she only simply chuckled and turned around in midflight to face the man "Took you long enough to show up, was starting to worry"

Her arms were now folded as she watched him, eyes weary "What took you so long? Decided to take the scenic route through Central Park?" she chuckled again before unfolding her arms "Now, are you going to come with me quietly? Or are you going to make things difficult for yourself?"


  • Cera
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Arland again looked around the car.  "Hey.  The psycho chick's talking to someone.  Maybe a mutant?"

"Stay behind the car!" Jason responded, trying to keep the girl awake.  He released his hand off her shoulder to show the stump had mostly healed.  "This one's good to go!  And the mother?"

"I can't keep her stable for long, and she's still pinned under the car."

"OK then.  Take the girl and get back to the bus.  I'll stay here."  Jason pointed at the officer.  "You go with him.  They'll need cover."

"I can't do tha..." the cop started.

"Don't argue!  If those two start fighting, this place will be rocked harder than before, and no one escapes!  Help me out here!"

The cop hesitated, then turned to Arland.  "Get the kid and get moving!"

Arland gently picked up the child and ran with the officer away from the area.  Jason moved to the woman and started scanning through her blood system with his powers...


The Chinese man, stone faced, seemed to stare right through her.  "I won't let a killer like you go unpunished..." he replied, cracking his knuckles.  Then he took a fighting stance...


  • Littlefoot
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"A killer? Like myself?" Firefly scoffed at the idea of being called a killer "I am not the killer here, after all, it could have all been avoided if you had just shown yourself in the first place, would make searching for yourself so much easier"

However, she did note that the mutant was getting into a fighting stance and tapped both sides of her legs slightly "Very well then, you wish to fight? Then so be it" out of both sides of the legs, she pulled out what seemed to be a small gun each.

Without no warning, she aimed at the mutant and started to open fire upon him straight away, unmoving from her position in the air "You want things to go rough?Very well, I can play rough if need be"


Back at the mansion, Bigfoot noted that there were no mo questions that were pending as he spoke again "Well, as there seem to be no more questions, I welcome you to Professor Xavier's School for the Gifted, any other questions may be directed to myself in my office.  No, classes will be starting in either a few day or the following week, that has yet to be established right now, but it will still give you time to meet each other and the likes.  Now, as for room, you were each given a room upon joining up, the males are on one side of the mansion, females on the other side"

He paused for a moment before turning and opening the doors for the other mutants to enter the mansion as he started for his office, he did after all, need to get things prepared for future classes.

Kora just took the chance to head straight for her room without a single word to anyone.  She did glance at others present, but still said nothing, keeping to herself as she did so.


  • Cera
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This Chinese man showed that he had experience, and he was ready.  As the attacker drew her weapons, he punched into the ground and ripped up a large piece of asphalt with the one hand, which took the brunt of the bullets.  With the other hand, he palms the road to fly straight at the woman.

If it missed, it flies harmlessly over the car where Jason was behind, and land in a heap feet away...


Jason got to work on the woman, finding that she had been bleeding internally, and began to heal her...


Hisako joined the group into the mansion to her assigned room.  At the doorway, she spotted what could be her new roommate...


  • Littlefoot
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Firefly stopped firring as she noticed that she was having no effect on the mutant in question.  She put away her guns, tapping her leg again as she pulled out a small bomb instead and tossed it at the mutant instead.

There was no way she was going down to his level right now.  She could tell that he was going to be a real pain to take care of, especially with him coming right at her "Fine, you want to play it that way...." and without any other warning, she charged forward at him, ready to meet him in a head on collision.


Kora was still walking, but stopped for a moment.  It felt as though someone was watching her as she let off a small gulp and turned around.

She saw her, Hisako.  Perhaps she should say something to her, but as usual, Kora decided against it, thinking it wouldn't be a good idea.  Yet, she did give off a small smile before she continued on her way to her room, unaware that Hisako was her roommate.

She arrived in the room and took a small look around, approaching the mirror in the room, removing the hood to take a better look at her face with a sigh "I just hope they can at least....cure my blue skin and all...." she muttered to herself.


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in another room which was the staff room, an older mutant was sitting at a table. gazing at his wristss. suddenly three sharp claws erupeted out of his skin. the metal was adamantium, the strongest alloy known to man. it was has hard, or harder than diamond, and was unbreakable. The mans name was lLogan, but he prefered to be called by Wolverine. among the staff at the Academy, he was what you could call a "lone wolf"
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  • The Circle
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Alison came out of her room.  She had finished a work out, taking a shower then resting.  She briefly looked around trying to decide what to do first.   She decided to go and get something to eat and headed to the cafeteria.


  • Littlefoot
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Since the Danger Room was off-limits at the moment, Laura, whom also went by the codename of X-23, had nothing else better to do at the time and found herself sitting in the cafeteria as well, munching away on a blueberry muffin, but all the while, she looked rather bored as she did so.

Her eyes watched the few mutants that were present in the cafeteria, but only let off a sigh herself, tapping a finger upon the table, leaving the now half eaten muffin alone.  Her eyes watched said muffin with a second sigh "Well,classes better start up in the next few days....otherwise, this is gonna be one long week..." she grumbled to herself.


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Wolverine had gone out of the staff room to grab a bite to eat in the cafteria.. he grabbed a pait of muffins and sat at the nearest table which Laura happened to be at. he recognized her immediately ' Hello X, its been awhile' wolverine said 'I take it you still haven't forgiven me from our last meeting..what brings you here?
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  • Littlefoot
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Laura had still left the muffin alone as her attention turned to that voice as she shrugged "Eh, you know, having nowhere else to really go and the likes" she paused, a finger to her chin for a moment "Well, that and I was hoping for some time in the Danger Room....till Professor Bigfoot told us it was off-limits"

She sighed, glancing to the half eaten muffin, then to Logan again, leaning back in her chair slightly "But other than that, I guess not much else" she shrugged "Do tell me that you're going to be teaching some classes as well"


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I really nor sure what I;m teaching yet.. professot hasn't told me.. thats just like him you know.. the Danger room can only be unlocked by the professor, thats why its off limits..
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  • Littlefoot
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"Yeah, figures as much" Laura mutted under her breath with a roll of her eyes to boot as well "Guess I've just got to find something else to keep myself occupied with...."

'Question is what though?' Laura added in thought, leaning forward in her chair again and tapped upon the table again with her fingers, clearly rather bored as it was.


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theres a new kid that just came in Wolverine said her mutantname is thornrose.. if you could show her arround laura I'd be obliged.. Shesmeeting with bigfoot right about now..
- there was a knock on bigfoots door and a young redhaired girl stood there cutching a backpack.." Mr Bigfoot.. sir? Hi, I;m Rose..' ahe atammered.
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  • Littlefoot
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Laura just shrugged "Sure, I mean, sure beats just sitting around doing nothing" she told Logan as she got up out of her seat, grabbing the half eaten muffin she had yet to finish and tossed it into the garbage can on her way out towards the office.


Bigfoot looked up from his desk at the girl at the door "Ah yes, please come in, have a seat.  What is it I can do for you today?  A question you have pending that I was unable to answer earlier on? Or would it be something else that is on your mind?"


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Well i just got in.. so I missed you talk earlier.. I'm here  to better control my mutant powers.. and well my feelings.. for instance, I think you're cute.. sir. I need to learn how to control these powers and emotions..
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  • The Circle
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Alison went into the cafeteria and looked over the choices.  She decided on a sandwich and some juice.  Then she went to a table and sat down and started on her meal.