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Chomper's Parents Showcase - August 2020

rhombus · 12 · 8385


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Oh, there you guys are!  Chomper should be back after awhile, he is working on a commercial for salad dressing right now.

In this topic please feel free to discuss Chomper's parents as character,s to share your own creations (fanfics or fanart), or to mention some of your favorite fanworks of others involving them.  For a full set of rules please see the 2020 Monthly Character Showcase topic but keep in mind that this is meant to be fun as opposed to any sort of contest.

I will go ahead and get the discussion started with the following questions:

1) Based upon what we have seen in the films, what do you think of Chomper's parents in terms of parenting skills?

2) If the gang had been stuck on the island for a longer period of time in LBT V, how do you think Chomper's parents would have reacted?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I really like these guys. They show that not all adult sharpteeth kill everything they see and they can be friendly to herbivores.


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1) There's not much to say about it. They, like all of the parents we've seen, love and care for their child. Yes, they did almost lose Chomper twice, but the first time was out of their control, whereas the second time was more bad luck than anything else. From what we saw in the film, they allowed Chomper pretty much the freedom to do what he wanted while on the island, from this we can conclude that they saw no threat to their existence that could've snuck on the island during their stay there. However, it is very likely that after the events in the film, they must have determined it to be unsuitable place to raise their child. If one hostile sharptooth could get into the island without their notice, it could very well happen again.

2) Probably pretty well. If you recall, they had no trouble admitting the gang to stay with them while it was still clear that there was no safe option to leave the island. While Chomper's father doesn't react beyond from degrading the children based on how something that smells so bad wouldn't taste very good anyway, his mother on the other hand makes her support known to the kids by literally claiming that they would be safe with them. Because of this, I don't see how their situation would've changed at all, except now they'd have two adult sharpeeth on their side. :P

Little Bro

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1) I think that they are good parents. They certainly seem like good parents in LBT II and V. We know that they are caring by the GIF that rhombus has put up.  :SharptoothAmused They also tried to get Chomper back to the Mysterious Beyond in LBT II.

2) I don't see any reason why they wouldn't mind the gang staying on the island longer. Obviously they don't think the gang is a threat or food. :bestsharptooth Considering that Chomper's mom let Cera hug her is what makes me think that they wouldn't mind. You would really have to trust someone to let them hug you.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 02:47:10 PM by Little Bro »
Go Chomper!


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I like Chomper's parents because they are reprieves from the series depicting big carnivores as monsters that are constantly out for blood; in the context of II, they have good motivation for doing what they do because they just want their baby back and are generally highlights of the movie, and in V, they have a lot more screentime and they definitely make the most of it (Papa Sharptooth in particular has some surprisingly effective one-liners, scroll up for an example; subtitles work a lot better for letting the viewers understand Sharptooth than whatever they were going for with Ichy and Dil).

1.) Chomper is definitely covered when it comes to being provided safety - between them storming into the Great Valley and attacking giant sauropods to find their (as far as they know, unhatched) egg in II and their tussle with the enemy sharptooth at the end of V, these two have proven that they're willing to go head over heels to protect their offspring, even if it means throwing themselves into the jaws/horns of death.

Until the bumbling fructophobe and his two dromaeosaur henchmen come along, apparently that is too much for even these two to handle by themselves. Give him to a pink thing and let them hang around in the Great Valley for 26 episodes and a belated movie, he'll be fine.

Outside of their track record of protecting Chomper, not much else of them is shown of them parenting him besides them fawning over him whenever they save him, making sure that he eats well and making sure that he knows proper dining etiquette. Despite that, they definitely come off as some pretty good parents.

2.) I think that depends on whether or not the climactic fight happens; if it happens but something happens that forces the kids to stay on the island longer, I think that Littlefoot and his posse would be alright until they find a way off of the island (provided they don't stay for too long, give them a few months or a food shortage and I could see there being tension). If the fight doesn't happen and the kids have to stick around for longer, I don't think the kids would be very safe if they were to ever leave their little flower grove.


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Oh man Chomper has such cool parents XD This is also my favorite movie in the series! I probably pissed off my mom so much, the amount of times I insisted on watching it. But yeah, they seem like a good mom and dad to Chomper...but I'm guessing if they were stuck on the island for longer Chomper would've had to deal with hiding his friends from them, which could've been awkward.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 02:03:03 AM by Sharpely »


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Chomper's parents...

In second movie, they were first adult Sharpteeth after all-favorite Sharptotoh from original movie.
As first post-original antagonistic predatory force, in second movie, they were good for that time. Yes, they were not so dangerous, scary and insuperable like first Sharptooth, but were far away from being waking joke or being shame upon sharpteeth kind. Besides being Chomper's parents function, I believe they were perfect characters that perfectly maintained their other important functions.

Since times of original movie, we saw appearance of other adult sharpteeth, we saw how they stepped in the plot, we saw how gang run away from them, we saw how gang fought them, we saw how gang's relatives fought them, we saw how all Great Valley residents joined to take them out from Valley. In other word, thanks to them, we were witnesses of many new situations inside LBT universe. How gang managed to survive other sharpteeth and be more brave to make an counter-attack to safe each other and members of their families. How peaceful valley can be attacked by predators. And the main thing - how valley residents, how different types of dinosaurs, where many of them were racist enough, taking LBT1 into consideration, made a try to stand together against general enemy. (plus, we saw how cool old granparents are! ^^)

And - how I told a couple times before, intrioducing Chomeprs AND his parents are one of my favorite things in LBT sequels. We saw that sharpteeth in general are not soulless machines and just like protagonist characters and their families: they can be parents, they can love someone, they can hunt to feed themselves and other members of family, and they can attack someone to protect other members of family. Introducing Chomper and his parents changed everything we knew before in LBT storytelling. It can make you to take some deep thoughts... And I love it.

LBT5 were further and logical progress of their characters. We saw how they cared about Chomper, we saw how they accepted their son as he is, despite his "difference" from other sharpteeth, we again saw how they protected Chomper and themselves. And the most important thing - they are first sharpteeth besides Chomepr who interacted with gang not as predator-prey, but as character-character. They realized that Littlefoot are very important to their son, they saw how he risked his own life to save their son. Very possibly, it was the first time in their life when themselves saw leafeaters not as food but as individuals who can "peacefully interact" with their mortal enemies. And their acceptance the gang and their honest promise about not intentionally harming gang while they stay in the island show all nature of these charcters. I just love them!

So, maybe Chomper's parents are not THE MEANEST AND DANGEROUS sharpteeth, or they have lack of some "charisma" or "feature" that make you adore them as characters like main cast, but for me, they are one of the most important characters in LBT universe, and I respect them very well. Thank you, Sharptooth Mom and Dad.  :chompysmile
I hope you'r safe and sound during events of LBT TV series, and Ruby's and Chompers' promise to them were not some kind of last promise they took, and we will see them in the future.

About questions...
1) Well, two movies and their screentime didn't show us daily life of sharptooth family, how parents treat their child during the day. But from what we have seen, they deeply love their son, and accept him no matter what, even if he collcts green food or makes a friends with meat food. :SharptoothAmused  :ChomperImAwesome  :MommaSmile

2) I believe their honest promise about not intentional harming the gang. So maybe they would tell Chomper to tell him friends when and where they usually hunt, to not risk their lives during hunting period, in case if during the hunt they step inside "berserk mode".


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I've been slacking off on posting in these topics.

1) They seem to be pretty decent parents from what we've seen from them. At least relative to the parents in LBT as no one seems to keep a good eye on their kids  :bestsharptooth

2) I'm sure at first they would be fine with them sticking around...but there's only so much food on an island. Sooner or later something tragic would have happened  :ChomperAmused

And since some people might not have seen my older fanart, here's one that I just happened to have of Chomper's parents.


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At least relative to the parents in LBT as no one seems to keep a good eye on their kids  :bestsharptooth

 :bestsharptooth :lol :lol :lol :lol



Now I wonder, if Chomper was living with his parents, how would they punish him if he dared to escape the island with gang to travel somewhere to Land of Mists or Berry Valley?


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Oh of course you mention berry valley. The Dinosaurs that live there could even drive a T Rex insane.


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Chomper should be back after awhile, he is working on a commercial for salad dressing right now.
Lol. I would sure love to see that commercial.

Now this is a showcase I was looking forward to! Chomper's parents are among my favourite characters in the entire series. My only disappointment is that we didn't get to see more of them.

1) Based upon what we have seen in the films, what do you think of Chomper's parents in terms of parenting skills?
Another thing I would've liked to have seen more of, come to think of it. But they seem like solid parents all in all. They're always shown to be concerned for their son's well-being, and their reunion at the end of LBT II is genuinely touching.

2) If the gang had been stuck on the island for a longer period of time in LBT V, how do you think Chomper's parents would have reacted?
Very intriguing question indeed. In fact, this is a good enough plot hook that I think they could've made another movie centered around this idea alone, or at least a TV episode or two. Great potential fanfic idea as well.

By the end of LBT V, Chomper's parents no longer come of villainous and do seem to have made their peace with the Gang, especially shown with the cute moment where Cera hugs Mama Sharptooth's foot and she smiles. Still, there remains a slightly ominous and foreboding air about the idea of the Gang remaining on the island, particularly with Chomper saying, "You'd be safe with us... I think..."

My feeling is that Chomper's parents would continue to recognize the Gang as Chomper's friends and things would be fine... for a while. Eventually, I think they would succumb to their predatory instincts. This never seemed to be an issue for Chomper himself in the TV series, and I attribute that to him spending enough time with his leaf-eater friends from a very young age, becoming acclimatized to their frequent company and getting used to simply eating things like insects instead. Thus, even as an adult, I don't think Chomper would ever be a danger to anyone.

With Chomper's parents, on the other hand, they (presumably) had a much more typical Sharptooth upbringing, and were shown to be very dangerous predators in the second movie (along with most sharpteeth in the series being predatory in general), and I don't think their hard-wired instincts would ever fully go away. The Gang would have to be on constant alert living with them. Even if Chomper's parents never fully succumbed to the temptation, I think it would always be there to at least some degree, and it's something they would have to wrestle with multiple times.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 12:11:21 PM by StardustSoldier »