The Gang of Five

Role Play => Random Role Play => Topic started by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 01:23:56 AM

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 01:23:56 AM
Scooby peered out over the steering wheel as he drove the Mystery Machine down the road. His wife, Dixie sat beside in the passenger seat, looking at a map.. 'Cousin Dee said she was staying at the Toontown apartments on Rabbit Street, which is on the north end of town.. she sounded pretty down when i called her, hopefully our visit will cheer her up' she said. Today Dixie was wearing a lavender dress on her ring paw rode a large ring, the companion of which rode on Scooby's paw. On her left paw she woe a diamond ring which served as her wedding ring. They had been married now for nearly 4 months.. Scooby turned onto Rabbit street.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 01:28:47 AM
On the same street Zim and GIR were walking along "How could you get us lost, yet again GIR? What happened to your guidence chip?" Zim asked GIR.
"Oh, I got rid of it" replied GIR.
"You....why would you do that!?" Zim asked back, his voice raised slightly.
"To make room for the cupcake!" GIR replied as he took out the stored cupcake and begun to eat at it.
"Wait GIR, I hear someone approaching!" Zim told GIR  as he looked to see the Mystery Machine approaching "GIR, stop them!"
"Okay!" GIR more or less yelled back as he jumped at the Mystery Machine, right onto the windsheild to stop Scooby seeing where he was going.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 01:34:36 AM
Rey!' Scooby cried out, Zirs Body blocked most of the windshield and prevented him from seeing in front of him.. " scooby, stop!' Dizxie cried out. "Pull over to the side of the street. Dixie looked at the side window at the nearest curb. " Ok. a little further, ok. stop.. Scooby Stopped the mystery machine a, unbuckled himself and opened the door.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 01:39:24 AM
"Yay!" GIR said with a random laugh as well as he remained on the windscreen.
Zim approached Scooby and Dixie at that point "You, dog!" he called out in regards to Scooby "We have had some trouble here, you see GIR there" Zim begun as he pointed to GIR who was in his dog suit "Lost his guidence chip in place of a cupcake, and now, we're lost"

"Yo G!" another voice called out.  It was Jake Long whom landed atop the Mystery Machine in his dragon form "What seems to be the problem here?" he asked as he helped GIR off the windscreen.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 01:46:12 AM
" you didn't have to jump on our windshield, you nearly caused an accident" dixie said sternly. "And My name is Dixie and this is my husband.. you're in Toon Town.. as for ffinding a guidance chip, I don't have a slightest idea where you'd find. Do you want a ride or not?' Dixie was clearly irked..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 01:48:54 AM
"I say take the ride, otherwise, you'll just be lost still" Jake told Zim.
Zim looked at Jake first, then to Scooby and Dixie "Okay, come along GIR" Zim spoke as he jumped into the Mystery Machine followed by GIR.

"Oh yeah, any of you have the time?" Jake asked the lot of them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 01:51:07 AM
rone rhirty rhree" Scooby said looking at the clock on the display inside the van. "1:33 in the afternoon' dixie said to Jake. " say, you're a dragon! I know a pair of Dragons. 'please, hop in. and buckle yourself in..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 01:54:19 AM
Jake jumped off the roof and changed back into his human form "Alright, shotgun" he said jumping into the back.
"This has nothing to do with guns!" Zim called back.
"Yo, dude, chill" Jake told Zim before looking to Scooby and Dixie "So, where are you two headed off to anyway?" he asked them rather curiously.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 02:00:18 AM
we're visiting a cousin in town.." dixie replied as Scooby started the Van again.. " where are you guys headsed" She askd. "What are your names?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 02:02:46 AM
"If you must know, I am Zim and this here is GIR" Zim told the two canines.
"I'm a Mongoose Dog" was all that GIR had said.
"Name's Jake, Jake Long, the American Dragon" Jake added in "Perhaps you've heard of me"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 02:08:53 AM
No, I haven't " Dixie replied "i'm Dixie , and this is Scooby... We're originally from coolsville,..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 02:10:39 AM
"Oh" was all that Jake had said "Well, that's cool, I'm cool with that"
"I'll never get you and your human speeches" Zim told Jake with a slight glare at him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 02:14:57 AM
" so why are you here?' Dixie asked. " I'm curious nothing more " She added as Scooby  stopped in front of a rather rundown building...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 02:20:01 AM
"Me? I was on my way to go and get Hailey, as Gramps would not stop talking about it and there was no one else to look after her" Jake told the two of them.
"Oh, you would love to know wouldn't you?" Zim said back rather smuggly.
"World domination!" GIR spoke up "I'm going to sing the Doom song now" and of course, GIR begun to sing, all the song comprised of was the word 'Doom' and nothing more.
Zim just looked at GIR, looking rather annoyed and grumbled.

"So, what about you two?" Jake asked both Scooby and Dixie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 10, 2010, 07:14:27 AM
Meanwhile Alvin, Simon, and Theodore (This is cartoon version so they are like 3 feet tall. Like they are in the cartoon) Simon takes out a map.

"Alvin, we're lost Unless I'm wrong we should have turned right about 500 miles ago.

 Lost? We can't be lost. There are no restaurants for miles Theodore said worriedly.

 We are lost in the middle of nowhere Alvin.

We are not lost. I know exactly where I am going.

"Now let's see I know Dr. Calico's lair is around here somewhere. It has to be. " Bolt says walking up trying to find his beloved Penny.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 07:17:44 AM
"Oh Jake, you are in so much trouble when I tell mum" a voice not far from the three chipmunks was heard.  It was young Haley Long in her dragon form, flying along and grumbling to herself.  She looked down at the three of them before landing and reverting to her human form "Um, excuse me, have you see a dragon fly by here?  A red one, calls himself the American Dragon"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 10, 2010, 08:13:32 AM
 Dragon? AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!  Theodore dashed behind Simon and cowered behind him.

"A dragon? No but I did see Big foot walk by here not to long ago" Simon said thinking this girl was off her rocker.

 Nope no dragons around here"Alvin said.

Just then a small puppy walked up.

"A dragon huh? Are you a time traveler from the Medieval times?" Cadpig asked Haley.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Chomper on January 10, 2010, 12:48:20 PM
Out of the building burst Darkwing and Launchpad who landed in front of the mystery machine followed by Negaduck who pulled a giant hammer out of nowhere to smash the pair
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 05:03:54 PM
"Uh no, honestly, do you guys not know anout Jake long? I mean, he wont shut up about himself half the time" replied Haley with a slight groan as she more or less looked at them.

She let off a sigh "Dragon up!" she called out as she changed into her dragon form "There, now do you believe me?"

Not far from the group were two friends walking down the street, SpongeBob and Patrick "What do you wanna do today?" SpongeBob asked Patrick.
"I dunno, what do you wanna do today?" Patrick asked back.
SpongeBob answered with the exact same thing that Patrick had answered with to which Patrck replied yet again, but with something else "SpongeBob, I know what I want to do today!" he said as he rushed ahead to where the Chipmunks, Cadpig and Haley were, laughing in the process as SpongeBob caught up to him.


Meanwhile, back at the house two old people pulled up in what seemed to be an invisible car before launching themselves at the building "Mermaid Man" "And Barnacle Boy!" they called out respectivley as they crashed into the side of the building.
Mermaid Man looked around "Alright, we're the danger? Bring it on....bring it on!" he more or less yelled, completely ignoring the fact that Negaduck was even there.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 10, 2010, 05:11:08 PM
Simon took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes not believing it.

"Are you a friendly dragon"? Theodore whimpered nervously.

"Oh, my god I just don't believe it" Cadpig said as she saw Haley.

"Wow, those are some pretty good powers. You must work for the Green Eyed man. Tell me where Penny is." Bolt said.

Dale scurried over when he saw Spongebob and Patrick.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 05:14:25 PM
"What? No, not him" Haley told Bolt "And yes, I'm one of the friendly dragons, well, all dragons are more or less friendly, except for the Dark Dragon, we had fought him once before"

"Hey Patrick, look, it's a dragon" SpongeBob told Patrick.
"Wow, I can't believe my eyes" Patrick said as he wasn't even paying attention to Haley.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 05:58:14 PM
Scooby looked over at his new passengers. " Re're readed ro ree ry rousin rooby Ree, rhos ran ractress.." He said proudly.. " "although times have tough around her, or so she said in her last phone call with me.,.' dixie added " There is it is.. geez, this place looks like dump.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 06:04:58 PM
"You said it, this place is a dump" Jake told Dixie as he looked at the house.
Zim looked at the house, not really sure on what to say as GIR had finished singing The Doom Song as he fell flat onto his face "Hi ground! Make me a sandwhich!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Chomper on January 10, 2010, 06:13:16 PM
Just as Negaduck was about to smash DW and Launchpad a couple old geezers came flying out of no where and then started to yell wheres the villan!

Negaduck just shook his head and laughed at the rediculous pair, when all of the sudden Darwing's knockout gas cylinder hit him upside the head and knocked him out cold.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 06:15:30 PM
"We did it, we stopped him" Mermaid Man called out.
"Uh, don't you mean it was those two that did it?" Barnacle Boy asked as he pointed to Darkwing Duck and Launchpad.
"Who are they?" Marmaid Man asked back, his memory getting the best of him at the moment.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Chomper on January 10, 2010, 06:19:00 PM
"Who am I?" Darkwing asked,
"I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the nightmare that makes your waterbed tremble, I am Darkwing Duck!"

"And I'm Launchpad"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 06:19:11 PM
" Lets head in ' dixie said, as  She climbed out of Mystery machine and hesaded towards the front door of the apartment complex. "Dee's on the third floor room 342.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 06:21:27 PM
"Evil!" Mermaid Man called out of nowhere to which Barnacle Boy sighed and walked over to Darkwing Duck and Launchpad "So, you two are crime fighters as well?"


Jake, Zim and GIR followed Dixie towards the apartment complex "This place really needs a serious fix up" Jake spoke up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 06:22:52 PM
"rhis risn't rhe ronly crappy ruilding" Scooby said, there were other building nearby that looked just as bad, this was clearly a place tha days.. Dixie opened the door and held it open for the others to enter.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Chomper on January 10, 2010, 06:25:19 PM
"Of course, you've never heard of us?"replied darkwing some what surprised

"yea DW here has stopped just about every criminal there is in the city, doesnt always look pretty but he does" replied lauchpad

"Zip it lauchpad" Snapped DW "so who are you two?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 06:27:13 PM
"We're Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy" Barnacle Boy told the two of them "And yes, we do fight crime as well, including Man-Ray and The Dirty Bubble amongst others"


"Yeah, I can tell" replied jake as he looked to the rest of the buildings.
"Serves the humans right" Zim added in as they all headed inside.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 06:32:29 PM
a clerk stood behind the counter a reading a book. " we're here to see Scooby Dee shes in room 342" dixie said politely. " Right up the stairs " The clerk said without any warmth in his voice..
 Woody sat up from her perth near a telephone poll on the outskirts on town.. He didn't like pecking holes in olf telephoine poles but it was only job he could fine.. He grumbled as he saw Darkwing Launchpad Hailey bv coming towards them. "Hey ! Can any of you follks help me knock down this pole. its the last one before i hit my daily quota..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 06:38:26 PM
"Man, this place is deader than a mourge" Jake spoke once more, mainly in regards to the clerk.


Barnacle Boy walked over to the telephone pole "Allow me, I'll destroy it with my heat vision" he said as he attempted to do so, the heat vidion coming out half way, before retracting back into his eyes, along with Barnacle Boy gasping for air and attempting it again, only to have the same result and was already feeling tired from attempting it.
Mermaid Man on the other hand, he didn't really have anything of use on him that could very well help out Woody.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Chomper on January 10, 2010, 06:41:07 PM
"Launchpad, is manray the one that made me smell like fish for a week? and didnt the dirty bubble trash my cave?" Asked DW
As Jake and the rest of the gan walked inside, Bugs popped out
"this aint singapore" he said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 06:42:51 PM
Scooby headed up the stairs and passes the second floor finally stoping at the third floor. ' ok 342.. that should be to the left.." dixie said
_ The heatr vision had only cut partially through the pole.. " does anyone here have good strength to life the pole" Woody asked " He was tired from a lomnng day of work,...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 06:46:35 PM
"So, this Scooby Dee, is she like, your cousin or something?" Jake asked Scooby and Dixie.
Zim on the other hand, was just glancing around before he saw GIR wandering off "GIR! Get back here! Do not disturb the humans"
"Aww" GIR replied sounding a little sad as well as he followed the group once again.


"You mean super strength? We, we aren't exactly in our prime anymore" Barnacle Boy told Woody.
"Er, perhaps you can ask one of them" Maermaid Man told Woody as he pointed to Darkwing Duck and Launchpad again.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 06:52:36 PM
Yes , she is' dixie replied. " shes a well-known actress at least among canine actors.. although times have been tough for her lately which is surprising..
- Scooby Dee sighed as she sat dow n on a suitcase which contained most of her remsining belonging. the last year had been horrible for her. Her last film had not done well, although Dee thought her performance wasn't that bad, work was getting hard to find, and her agent had suddenly vanished.. things couldn't get much worse..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 07:00:19 PM
"She was on the Evil Monkey show" GIR spoke up, however, whether or not she was, was a different story altogether.
"Oh, not that show..." Zim grumbled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 07:11:23 PM
Like I said Times  are tough for her right now" Dixie replied as they approached Room 342.. She knocked on the door " Cousin dee? Its Dixie!"
 Dee heard the knock on the door, she was dressed in a thin gown and had a tired look on her face. " She went to the door and opened it to find Dixie and Scooby standing there. " Cousins! she exclaimed with unfeigned joy " How good of you to visit me " i'm sorry for the surrounding but the ban k foreclosed on my house..' she said sadly..
 Ro rhings rare really rad ror rou..Scooby said
_ Extremely' Dee said sadly after  greeting Scooby and Dixie with a friendly nuzzle.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 07:15:17 PM
"Yo, name's Jake, in case you haven't heard of me, the American Dragon" Jake told Scooby Dee.
Zim looked at Dee with discontent "Zim, future ruler of this planet!" he more or less called out.
"I'm GIR, I'm a Mongoose Dog" GIR added in with a wave at Dee.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 07:20:47 PM
So you're a dragon, fascinating " Dee said her voice showing her raining as an actres. hers was voice that stayed witnh you..
' Thank you, all of you for paying me a visit. " I'm sorry if my accomodations are spartan. I don't have much left..
_ But you've made millions over your career.' Dixie protested.
_ all gone, along with my agent, " Dee said sadly. " cousin Dixie.. I'm broke.. all I have left is in this room.. the earning of a twenty year career, gone.. the studios want younger prettier dogs for their movies, and I'm to much of a veteran to be much in demand.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 07:28:23 PM
"Yeah, the American Dragon" Jake told her as he changed into his dragon form, mostly just to show off "So, who is this agent of yours anyway?" Jake decided to then ask her.
"Hmm, perhaps it is possible to get another one of these agent people for you, but we will need a government man and then, all shall be complete" Zim told Dee, getting an government agent and a movie star's agent mixed up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2010, 07:35:52 PM
I can't afford to pay an agent's fees right now" Dee said despondently. 'Rou rould rome Rive rith us. Ret rout rof rhis rell-role' scooby said kindly..
_ I couldn't abudse your hospitality like that' Dee protested.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 10, 2010, 07:48:59 PM
Jake thought for a second "I know of someone who could act as your agent, hold up" Jake said as he pulled out his cellphone and dialed a number "Yo Fu Dog, I need you help, we've got another dog here that needs an movie agent"

On the other end, Fu Dog was speaking to Jake of course "Hmm, well, if you can bring this other dog here, I might just be able to help out"

"Alright" Jake looked to Dee "So, what do you say? Fu Dog can help you out if need be" Jake said with a shrug as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 10, 2010, 09:52:12 PM
Droopy was driving home from the office, going down his usual route, seeing no reason to hurry.  

Ian was also driving along, on his motorcycle.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 01:02:29 AM
woody noticed droopy driving  along in his car " hey Droopy.! Could you give us a hand here?"
Fu dog? does he have any experience " dee asked.  "has he been an agent to anyone O know?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 01:09:42 AM
"Well, sort of, he's been my agent before, then again, it was for wrestling...." Jake paused for a second "Well, he could sort something out anyway, I'm sure of it"


"Oh yeah, I've seen that fellow around before" Mermaid Man spoke up in regards to Droopy.
"You have? You can't even remember what you had for breakfast this morning" Barnacle Boy more or less complained back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 01:12:45 AM
Well, thats a start" dee shrugged " How much does he charge? obviously i'm going to have to pay him.. Unfortunately given my current financial situation It won't be that much.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 01:16:18 AM
"Hold on" Jake then spoke into his phone again "How much are you charging, cause she doesn't really have much"

"Well, I'm sure we can sort out something with her" Fu Dog told Jake "Meet me at Gramps'"

"Okay, he doesn't really have a plan at the moment, he just told us to meet him at Gramps' is all" Jake told Dee.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 01:25:25 AM
Ok where is that?' dee asked " Cabnn he come to Toon town? I'd like to meet him face to face..
_ Do you have any food Dee?' Dixie asked lookinbgg in the small fridge in what served as Dees's kitchen. there wre a few cans of dog food and a package of bologna, but that was it..
_ no.. and Dixie.. i might need to ask a big favor of you and Scooby..namely money..
Row ruch ro rou reed" Scooby asked. Dee never asked for moneym, she must really be desperate
a million?" Dee asked. "A MILLION, Cousin Dee, we didn't exactly bring a million dollars with us..'
I'll pay you back, with interest, once I get my next part." Dee begged' Cousin, i don't think playing a heroine in the "Blob returns"  will net you much income. Shaggy has the money, not Scooby or I. " dixie frowned. 'Look, you can come and live with Scooby and Me until you're back on your feet. we'll cover Fu's fees for you, you can pay us back later..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 01:34:00 AM
"Well, it's not far from here from what I know....hold up, I'll be back, I just need a birds eye view of the area" Jake told them as he flew off outside and into the air.

GIR, for no reason at all, started to run around screaming randomly, with Zim grumbling some more "GIR! We are in the presence of humans!" however, GIR just seemed to ignore Zim for the time being and ran right into a wall and laughs for no reason at all.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 01:39:46 AM
Woody meanwhile had climbed down to where Mermaid man's lasers had partially cut through the pole, and started pecking away. "woody! a female voice ried out and Wody saw his girlfriend Winnie flying towards them. "You do know we had a date scheduled for tonight..
_ Sorry Winnie, I've had an increase in my quota of telephone poles  to knock down.. this is the last one' Woody said tiredly.. Winnie owned her own resteraunt.. it was long hours but the pay was decent. Winnie had been his girlfriend for years but it had not gotten serious between them until the past year..which was exactly the time the local economy went to pieces.. Jellystone Park had been closed forcing its residents into toontown to find jobs.. which were in very short supply..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 01:43:26 AM
"Yeah, and we can't even get a Krabby Patty at the Krusty Krab anymore, Mr. Krabs has been closed down because of the economy thing as well" Barnacle Boy spoke up as well.


Jake soon had returned "Yeah, it's not far from here, we could easily walk there from here" he told everyone else.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 01:49:09 AM
Fine... Once we meet him, I'm going to Dectictive Droppy to have him investigate the disappearance of my former agent' Dee said " Lead the way er.. what is your name again?
Why don't we gey something to eat" Dixie suggested " My treat.. I'm sure you're tired of baloney..She said to Dee.
- rhere rhe roonrown rivrin' scooby suggested..  rany rof rou ruys rungry?' he asked the others.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 11, 2010, 01:49:43 AM
Droopy came to a stop beside where Woody was.  "is there some sort of aid that I can render?" He asked in his usual relaxed voice.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 01:51:32 AM
"Jake, Jake Long" Jake told Dee once again as he headed off outside.
"Er....what?" Zim asked Scooby, having no idea on what he had just said.
GIR on the other hand, laughed yet again as he fell onto his back off the wall "I need tacos! I need tacos or I will explode! That happens to me sometimes...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 01:52:03 AM
Yes Droopy, Can you  climb up and push on the top part of this pole/ its cut about halfway through a couple good pushes should knock it over. Help me and I'll buy you dinner at Winnies tonight as  a thank you" Woody offer " She makes a great chicken pot pie.. "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 02:06:10 AM
Another motorcyclist stopped beside Ian at a red light ' here for the Competition too? Names Sandstar" he said friendly " West Circuit Champ last year, hope to repeat this year" He grinned. " Who are you?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 02:09:46 AM
Quote from: Dash The Longneck,Jan 11 2010 on  10:11 AM
Simon took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes not believing it.

"Are you a friendly dragon"? Theodore whimpered nervously.

"Oh, my god I just don't believe it" Cadpig said as she saw Haley.

"Wow, those are some pretty good powers. You must work for the Green Eyed man. Tell me where Penny is." Bolt said.

Dale scurried over when he saw Spongebob and Patrick.
"So, I take it none of you have any idea on where we are?" Haley asked them as she landed on the ground, still remaining in her dragon form.

"Well, I know that the Krusty Krab is down there somewhere" SpongeBob spoke up.
"Yeah, we take this street all the time" added in Patrick.
"The Krusty Krab?" Haley asked the two of them with an arched eyebrow.
"Yeah, we, could get a Krabby Patty there as well, that is, if anyone's hungry" SpongeBob spoke up.
"Yeah, but I don't really have any money" replied Haley.
SpongeBob let off his trademark laugh "Oh, don't you worry about that, I've got money left over for a Krabby Patty each"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 02:14:02 AM
jake, my apologies I'm usually good with names lead on.. and and Toon Town Drivein sounds great. its right by the motorcycle track, by Superhero plaza" Dee explained.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 02:22:19 AM
"Ah, no sweat" replied Jake as he led the group down the street towards his Grandpa's shop.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 02:25:33 AM
you did say you were looing for your sister right?' Dixie asked jake as they walked down a rundown section of town.. ' this place sure has seen better days : she said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 11, 2010, 02:27:02 AM
Ian nodded, "Thought I'd give it a try & good luck." He said smiling to the other motorcyclist.  


Droopy started to climb up the pole.  Once he got up to the place where it had been partly knocked down he reached behind him and pulled out a huge (compared to his small size anyway) axe (from nowhere, a thing many toons can do now and then) that he used to chop through the rest of the pole.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 02:27:48 AM
"My sister?" Jake asked back, having completely forgotten all about Haley "Aww man, I knew I was forgetting something"
"Well, if your sister is anything like you, a dragon creature, then she should be alright" Zim told Jake "Not like it really matters" he added in under his breath.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 02:30:15 AM
nuice work' Woody said " now slid down the pole and I'll push it over' All that was holding up the pole was a rope tyin it to a new pole, it was dangling out in space.. " Woody flapped his wings and made his way to the ground, where winnie greeted him with a hug..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 11, 2010, 02:42:36 AM
Droopy slid down the pole so Woody could do what he needed to do.  "I do hope it turns out all right." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 02:45:45 AM
"Well, it wouldn't be the same without our help" Barnacle Boy spoke up "So, at this food outlit, do they have meatlof by any chance?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 02:55:54 AM
"  i think so.. but you'd have to ask Winnie" woody smiled as he cut the ropes holding the pole up with a jab of his beek and soon it crashed to the ground with a loud crash. " Everyone, you are invited to Winnies for dinner on me.." Woody said relieved to be off of work..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 02:59:40 AM
"Really? Why thank you" Mermaid Man told Woody "Just tell us where to go and we will meet you there"

The two old superheroes had their own car, but it was not seen of course, considering the fact it was invisible.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 11, 2010, 03:05:46 AM
"That is very nice of you, thanks." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 02:57:31 PM
its a couple blocks dowbn the road 'its says Winies on it in big Red letteers' Woody said.. " I;ll see you there
What about our date Woody?' Winnie said accusingly,. " Look, Winnie, i've been cutting down telephone  poles since 7 this morning. i've been at it for almost 10 hours straight, and I need to rest a bit..
_ fine" winnie grumbled " You can use the spare cot upstairs..' she added as they approached her resteraunt.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 11, 2010, 03:30:20 PM
"Thanks." Droopy said and went to his car to drive to the restaurant.

Ian decided to eat a bit in town and knew of a few restaurants, he decided to go over to Winnie's to eat there.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 03:42:20 PM
I'd suggest you go and find your sister Jake, shes your responsibility after all.." Dixie said, as Dee grabbed her things and looked through her purse counting up all the cash she hasd on her, which came to 37 dollars and 41 cents, she had a few thousand in the bank, but it was nothing compared to the millions she had had even a couple years she was reduced to asking her cousins for money.. "I've got 37 dollars and some chanfe' She said " Re'll rover rhe real Ree" Scooby said kindly ' rome ron, rets ret rou rout rof refre.. rhis race ris repressing
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 05:14:35 PM
Both Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy managed to find their Invisible Boatmobile and drove it off to the resutaunt to meet up with everyone else.


"Okay, I'll be back at the very least, Gramps' shop is just down there" Jake told them as he pointed to the shop before flying off to find Haley.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 08:45:44 PM
Scooby, Dixie and Scooby Dee climbed back into the mystery machine. dEe huddled in her gown, even though it was warm out, she still felt cold..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 09:24:15 PM
Zim and GIR jumped into the Mystery Machine as well "So, this Droopy is one of these Earth detectives?" Zim decided to ask.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 09:42:18 PM
Yes he is, and a good one I've heard" Dee replied "his office is on the west side of town, and hes gotten good results, he helped Valiant clear up wartime cases against Goofy Daffy and Speedy Gonzales..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 09:46:26 PM
Soon enough, Jake had returned with Haley, but had also bought SpongeBob and Patrick along with them as well as they waited at Lao Shi's place (Jake's grandpa's name) and of course, Jake was getting yelled at by his grandpa about not picking up Haley in time.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 11, 2010, 09:47:15 PM
Ian soon arrived at the Winnie's resturant and parked his motorcycle while Droopy was just arriving at the parking lot.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 09:51:11 PM
Sand Star pulled in next tonIan. " might as well grab a bite to eat here, all the othe places i went to have closed up" he said getting off his motorcycle.
_ Woody entered the room upstairs wirth a spare cot. he yawned and got into bed, pulling the covers over him
 Winnie stood at the front while the group came in ' welcome to Winnie's ! I'm Winnie Woodpecker and I'll be your hostess this evening
_ Scooby pulled the mystery machine in front of what looked like a curio shop where a old man stoodvout giving Jake a lecture. a small dog stood next to Jake..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 09:57:33 PM
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy pulled up in their Invisible Boatmobile before getting out and joined the others inside the resaraunt.


"Dragon! We have returned!" Zim called out to Jake.
"Ah, these must be the others you were telling me about" Lao Shi spoke to Jake before walking over to Scooby and the others "Welcome"
"So, where's this dame you were telling me about?" Fu Dog asked him.
"Right there G" Jake told Fu Dog as he pointed to Dee.
"A giga giga goo, now that is a dame" was all Fu Dog had said back as he walked over to Dee "So, you're looking for a movie agent? I can help you out with that"
SpongeBob and Patrick on the other hand, just stood there, not saying a word at all.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 10:07:49 PM
I'm Scooby Dee' Dee said kindly.. I've been in the canine film business for several years, almost thirty, so my name is well known.. I've suffered a great deal of setbacks lately though" She said, sitting doen at a table Grandpa had set out for them.. " My last film bombed, the reviews were merciless, and my performance was not up to my usual standards, many of reviews called my performance 'that of an actress who has  lost her talents'
 - dixie winced "Now thats just mean! she exclaimed
Cousin you've been a showboat performer, its not quite the samehere in Toon Town and Hollywood. I've been at the other end too, where I got rave reviews for performances that weren't worth the buzz." Dee lookred at her paws "How much do you want up front Mr Fu?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 10:14:56 PM
SpongeBob gave off a laugh "Maybe we should ask the Magic Conch Shell" he spoke up as he bought out the plastic toy.
"Yeah, I don't think that will help out in this manner" Jake told SpongeBob.
"Oh, don't jump to conclusions kid, that conch shell is a powerful item, but you are right, in this situation, it wouldn't be of any use" Fu Dog told Jake and SpongeBob before looking back to Scooby Dee "We'll talk about payment later on"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 10:21:00 PM
I insist. I need to know so I can work it into my calculations. I also need your advice on these roles I've been offered' Dee said pulling out a ilist with a few roles on it
  The Last Man standing- she would play the hero's mother
 the dog who left me " she would play the heroine's younger suster
 and there were a couple other minor roles including  the pet of a caninibal in "Hunger"
 Which one should I pick..?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 11, 2010, 10:45:08 PM
Droopy went to the entrance and tipped his hat to Winnie, "Thank you.  Nice place you have here." He said in his usual relaxed voice.


Ian nodded, "This is a good place.  One that I often go to." He said.  Thinking that sometimes some unusual things happened but with toons that was not unusual and flesh humans like him had to be a bit more alert then usual.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 10:57:06 PM
You're welcome Droopy" Winnie said "Please take a seat and I'll go get you some water to drink..
 sandstar made his way to an open booth "Is smoking allowed in here? he asked
_ No' Winnie said flatly " too many health concerns.. besides the state is cracking down on it around here..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 11:19:13 PM
Fu Dog looked at the list of movies "I would go with the one with the cannibal, all these young folks loving horror movies and what have you"


Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy sat down at a table "So, is there any meatloaf here?" Barnacle Boy asked Winnie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 11:22:10 PM
the truth is, I hate horror movies " dee  admitted " All it involves is gratitous nudity, screaming, wooden scripts and most characters dying in disgusting ways..  I don't want the reputation of " she'll do anything for a buck'... ok I'm short on money but I still want my self respect when I'm done with making the film..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 11:25:15 PM
"Well, in that case, I would say The Last Man Standing, a mother is always a good role in movies" Fu Dog told her.
"Yeah, I'm sure you'll do a real good job at that kind of movie" Haley added in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 11:36:22 PM
I was hoping for the role of the older mercedes iin the Count of Monte Cristo " dEe admitted " Dixie, I could get you to play the younger Mercedes if you help me.. I hear the versions a musical " Dixie's eyes lit up.. You're joking. " Advance me the million and the role is as good as yours" Dee said.. I know the director I helped him get his start in directing and I do hope theres a couple more favors I canwring out of that.. for now now I'll play the mother roleIn Last Man Standing, probably won't earn me even a half million.." Dee said. "Money is essential right now,  i have none, once i get to a little beter financial shape i'll care a little less.. Cousins I'm going to put in charge of my finances.. you'll be able to ipen and close accounts in my name and all that other stuff..' Dee said. "Now How much do you want a year MR Fu. My last agent earned millions, but that was at the height of my career.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 11, 2010, 11:40:28 PM
"We'll sort something out, however, we'll at least see where this one goes" replied Fu Dog.
"Jake said that you were after a detective as well, something about a missing agent?" SpongeBob asked Dee.
"She said it was something to do with a Droopy" Zim told SpongeBob.
"Wait, you mean Droopy the Detective? I've got his phone number right here" Fu Dog spoke again, handing Dee the phone number.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2010, 11:43:51 PM
thank you I'll give him a call. " see I don't think my last agent was .. honest.. his disappearance was.. well a little fishy.." Dee admitted " Sad thing is  I.. well thats for later.. when I talk with him..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 11, 2010, 11:52:55 PM
"Glad I could be of help Mam." Droopy said to Winnie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 12, 2010, 12:03:33 AM
Help yourself  to some of these fries Winnie said puling them off the open stove, her resteraunt was set up so that meals where prepared right in front off the customer, as she set the large basket of fries down Droppy's call phone rang.. " You have a call I think" She said with a smile..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 12, 2010, 12:07:01 AM
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy both grabbed a few of the fries and started to eat them.


"Hmm, yeah, it does seem fishy that someone's agent just leaves like that" Jake thought out loud.
"Perhaps he was just after money and that was it, once he got what he wanted, he just left" added in Haley.
"Yeah, but the question is, where did he go to?" SpongeBob also added in as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 12, 2010, 12:09:47 AM
Well if he wanted money, he got everything I had.. or well nearly everything' Dee admitted.. "And I;'m sure I'm not his only client, he probably ripped off others.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 12, 2010, 01:18:16 AM
"Thank you mam." Droopy said and helped himself to some fries, before his cellphone went off.  He pulled his cellphone out from somewhere and answered it, "Hello, Droopy here.  How may I help you?" He asked, speaking a bit below his normal volume to not disturb anyone.  The volume was set so only he could hear his cell phone and not other folks.

Ian walked around to the front of Winnie's and went in the front door.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 12, 2010, 12:39:07 PM
mr Droopy? This is Scooby Dee, the actress. I have a case for you concerning my last agent, he's gone missing, and it seems, with almost all of my lifetime earnings.. i would like for you to investigate him and try and find out where he hid all that cash.. where I can I meet you?"
 Winnie waved Ian in, and bid him sit at a table..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 12, 2010, 02:01:07 PM
"He sounds like a very bad man." Droopy said. "You can meet me either here at Winnie's restaurant where I am or I can go to my office if you would rather meet met here or I can go to where you are now if you would rather." Droopy said.


Ian went and sat down at a table that looked like a good one.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 12, 2010, 06:35:09 PM
"greedy certainly, but he did get me some good roles" dee admitted "I'll head over to Winnie's in a few minutes, it one of few resteraunts still in business around here.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 13, 2010, 12:01:31 AM
"I do hope I can help you." Droopy said to her.  


Ian looked over the menu to see what sorts of things were available, while keeping half an eye open in case of any usual toon goings on that he needed to try to dodge or avoid.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 13, 2010, 12:03:53 AM
"So, what now?" SpongeBob asked Scooby Dee.
"Yeah, do you want anyone to go with you to see this Detective Droopy?" Haley asked her as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 13, 2010, 12:29:13 AM
well, if you want to come along you can. My cousins at least, should come.."Dee said. "hopefully Droopy will be able to solve the case.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 13, 2010, 12:34:21 AM
"Well, I think I'll go along anyway, you need someone like me to help you out" Haley told Dee before whispering into her ear "Besides, you don't really want Jake coming along and screwing things up"
"Yay! World domination!" GIR called out as he more or less hugged Scooby Dee.
Zim gave off a groan "Looks like GIR has become rather attached to you, so I suppose you can count on me and GIR as well" Zim told Dee rather reluctantly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 13, 2010, 01:13:08 AM
Ian looked over the menu, "It all looks good." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 13, 2010, 10:40:04 AM
Dixie laughed as GIR hugged Dee.. " Looks like you've got a friend there dee '
_ scooby grinned brosdly "reveryone rop on re're reading ro .. Rinnie's ?
_ Yes Dear, Winnies" dixie conformed
_ Hope in Mr Fu. Dinner's on me" Dee said.. " Its the least I can do fo you agreeing to be my agent.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 13, 2010, 01:32:05 PM
Looking over the menu Ian was able to pick out some of what he'd like to order.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 13, 2010, 05:15:47 PM
"Alright, I'll go along as well" Fu Dog spoke up.
Jake was about to say something, when his grandpa mentioned that he needs to tidy up around the shop, to which Jake could only say "Aww man"
"Patrick and I'll come along as well, we haven't had a thing to eat for a while" SpongeBob added in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 13, 2010, 11:57:44 PM
"I don't think you introduced yourselves" Dixie said to Spongebob. Who are you and where are you from?" Dee settled herself in the middle passenger seat, her suitcase beneath her feet.. " soon she would be meetimg Droopy face to face..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 14, 2010, 12:07:25 AM
"Oh, how silly of me, I'm SpongeBob SquarePants and this is my best friend Patrick Star" SpongeBob introduced himself.
"Hi" Patrick waved back as everyone except for Jake and Lao Shi piled into the van
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 14, 2010, 12:22:59 AM
Droopy looked over at Winnie, "I do believe some more folks may be on their way.  I do hope there is enough room for them." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2010, 12:23:49 AM
' Where are you from.. Spongebob? Scooby and I are from coolsville' dixie said as Scooby prepared to drive them to the resteraunt..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 14, 2010, 12:29:09 AM
"Oh, we're from Bikini Bottom actually, home of the Krusty Krab and the Krabby Patty, and even Squidward" SpongeBob told Scooby Dee.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2010, 12:40:24 AM
Is the Krusty Krab still is business, from what I hear the economy has hit virtually every cartoon place in the region" Dee said " I know it has hit Tioon Town hard, and I personally have been hit hard..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 14, 2010, 12:43:40 AM
"Well, from what Grandpa told me, it's gone out of business, and Mr. Krabs has been taking it rather hard" Haley spoke up.
SpongeBob gasped at that point "No! Tell me it's not true!"
"I'm sorry, but like Dee had said, the ecconomy leaves no survivors pretty much" Haley replied back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2010, 12:53:36 AM
as the Mystery machine drove down the street a pitiful sight caught their eyes. Cartoon characters ,  were coming up to passing cars carrying placards and begging for assistence
- there was a knock on Scooby's window "Excuse me sir? Said a small bear "Roro?"Scooby said amazed  "Sc-Scooby Doo?' The young Bear said "Is that you? I remember you from the Laffalympics.."
- rhats ras ra rong rime rago' Scooby said sadly. "Rop rin . Rhis ris ry rife Rixie" He motioned to Dixie as Bobo climbed over him and took a seat on the partition separating Scooby's seat from Dixie's "Hello Mam" Bobo  said to Dixie managing a small grin. on his lap he held a small sign " will do tricks for food" "Rheres Rogiu?' Scooby asked as Bobo sighed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 14, 2010, 01:21:35 AM
"Wait, you're Boo Boo aren't you? Yogi's friend?" Haley asked Boo rather curiously "I've seen you around, what are you doing on the streets? How come you're not in Jellystone Park?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2010, 01:51:47 AM
they closed it down, the city couldn't afford to keep it open anymore " bobo said sadly. Ranger smith lost his job, and many of the bears and other park creatures have tried to find jobs. Yogi's found work and so has Cindy, but its not very good pay. Yogi;s job is working at sales company that hands out Toontown guides to tourists.. well, we haven't had very many of those, with the bad  economy and everything..Cindy well i'm not exactly sure what her job is, i haven't seen her in a couple weeks or so, it might have to do with testing perfumes.. or I've been doing backflips and cartwheels for spare change.. i've stored about 12 dollars in this purse i found lying in a street.. "BoBo held it up " It was full of dimes and nickels. the purse strap was worn and it smelled funny " anyway Scooby, you're lucky you don't live out here.. you seem to doing quite well, and you've even got a missus now!"
Well Bobo, you can stay with us for awhile" Dee spoke up.. " you're not the only one suffering I have suffered too.. this town needs something to gives its inhabitants something to look forward to.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 14, 2010, 01:55:47 AM
"Yeah, but how are we going to do?" SpongeBob asked.
Patrick pulled out the Magic Conch Shell, to which Haley only looked at it "I uh, I don't think that's going to help out at the moment"
SpongeBob gasped "Haley, you dare question the power of the Magic Conch Shell?"
"Well, yeah, I mean, it's just a plastic toy, that's all" replied Haley.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2010, 02:17:07 AM
Whatever it, it would have to be big" Dixie mused ' because so many are out of work..
Bobo's eyes lit up " scooby! What about the Laffalympics! We could bring them back...
 Scooby looked at him if he had lost his mind " roRo! Ro rou rave rany ridea rhat ra ruge runderraking rhat rould re..
- Actually Scooby, that could work.." dee said. " we could have teams, folks could try out to make the various teams, i could help with promoting it..
 You could bring back the Scooby Doobies, Yogi and I could bring back the Yahooeys.. and" Bobo stopped oh I forgot about the Rottens..
- The rottens? Dixie asked.
- they were the third team of the Laffalympics, they always cheated' Bobo explained.." they almost never won because of that ..' ror rood reason" Scooby muttered
- I'm just curious, who ended up winning the Laffalympics?' Dixie asked. " Scooby, you never told me you participated in those games!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 14, 2010, 09:27:42 PM
"The Laffalympics?" SpongeBob asked Bobo.
"I can't say I had heard of them either" Haley added in.
"Nor does it sound like any Earth sport thing I have ever come across" Zim also added in.
"I need tacos...." was all GIR had said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 14, 2010, 11:34:14 PM
Ian put in his order and sipped some water as he waited for it to arrive.  Droopy looked over the options of what he could order, waiting till Dee arrived before he made his final decision.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2010, 12:44:06 AM
rell rou rever rasked " scooby replied. "Ry ream ron rost rof rhe rime..
_ We weren't far behind though" bobo said. " the competition usually was close between us and you Scooby.. and I'd expect things to be no different this time around either.. we'd need a third team..
_ or more than that' Dee added as they pulled into the parking lot in front of Winnie's resteraunt..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 15, 2010, 03:42:40 PM
"I do hope I can help her." Droopy said quietly to himself hoping he could help Dee with catching that bad man who she had briefly mentioned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2010, 03:57:23 PM
Scooby giot out of the  and headed for the front door of the Resteraunt. Dixie Scooby dee and Bobo soon followed. the inside of the resteraunt was warm an though not stifling. Winnie appeared briefly saying I'll be with you in a moment' Before heading back to Droopy's table with an order of fries and a sandwich. ""theres a new group that just came in, would you mind if I  sat then at your table? winnie asked. " also if you see Woddy come down, just tell him to meet me in the kitchen.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 15, 2010, 05:27:52 PM
SpongeBob gave off a gasp as he saw who was in the restaraunt already "Patrick look, it's Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy!"
"What? Oh no, it's that sponge kid again" Barnacle Boy grumbled as he looked over to SpongeBob again.
"What's so great about them?" Haley asked SpongeBob.
"Oh, nothing, except they're the greatest superheroes which ever lived!" replied SpongeBob excitidy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 15, 2010, 06:39:17 PM
Droopy nodded, "I'll be sure to tell him, and those may be the people I was going to meet here.  I'd be glad to have them at my table in either case." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2010, 12:20:34 AM
dee headed over towards Droopys table " ah you must be Droopy. I'm Scooby Dee' She said 'may I sit here?' She asked, as Scooby , Dixie and Bobo approached.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 16, 2010, 12:22:47 AM
Zim, GIR, Fu Dog and Haley also approached Droopy, whilst SpongeBob and Patrick approached Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.
"So, you're Droopy the Detective?" Haley decided to ask him.
"Ah, hey Droopy, long time no see" Fu Dog told Droopy whilst also shaking his paw too.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 16, 2010, 12:49:03 AM
"Sure, everyone can sit here if they wish." Droopy said waving with one hand as he shook hands with Fu Dog with the other one.  He nodded to Fu Dog, "Indeed, it has been to long.  I hope you are doing well." he said then to Haley, "yes, I am Droopy the detective.  Pleased to meet you."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 16, 2010, 01:28:10 AM
"Oh, it's been going well, although, not the ecconomy is helping out as you can probabally already tell" Fu Dog replied to Droopy as he sat down along with everyone else.
"I'm sorry my brother couldn't be here, as he got into a bit of trouble with Grandpa" Haley told Droopy as well.
"Don't we have more pressing matters to attend to? Like the mysterious dissapearance of the agent!?" Zim asked, his voiced raised a bit as well for no apparant reason.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2010, 01:32:37 AM
well Mr Droopy, I've come to talk to you about my previous agent . His name is Clurry, Clurry Von Paws. he's represented me for virtually my entire career, advised me on movie roles, and in turn I introduced him to other actors and actresses, some of whom took him on as thier agent. Well in the last few years i noticed large amounts of money disappearing from my accounts, we're talking hundreds of thousands, millions even. " Dee sighed. 'Over the course of my career I've earned somewhere between 300-350 million. the fool I am, I trusted my agent with almost all my financial affairs, and look what I have to show for it.. in all my various banks accounts, twelve in all, I have a little more than 85, 000  dollars in them. I set those up with a million in each of them as an initial investment, and poured in my earnings from my  films, the largest amount was 52 million the smallest was 3 the other ten, i had 40 million, 30 million, 25 million 22 million, 11 million 10 million, 8 million, 6 million, 5 million, and 4 million. All told that's 216 million. and those are just my savings. i had a checking account with access to about 60 million..' Dee was pulling out all sorts of paper slips with figures on it from her purse, and the figures on them were large. Dee had been a very very good actress through her career, and had amassed a large fortune in the process. "all these figures, not including my house which was foreclosed on, because I don't have the money anyone to pay the monthly expenses on it.. in short, from about 275 million, i have less than 150, 000 left.
_ During this tally Both Scooby and Dixie had sat silently, in shock at the huge amounts she was listing. "I'm so sorry Dee.. " Dixie said softly. "Mr Droopy" She said turning to him.  " Scooby and I will cover your fees, we want you to catch this agent, chances are Dee's not the only actress or actor he's stolen from..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 16, 2010, 01:43:38 AM
Droopy listened to what Dee said before speaking.  "That is quite a lot.  But do not worry.  I'll catch him and you'll have your money back." Droopy said.  "Do you have a place to stay?" Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2010, 01:54:16 AM
well, not really, I have been staying in an apartment for awhile.. dee said somberly..
_ Cousin what about your dresses, clothes, furniture.." Dixie asked. "take when the bank repossessed my house.." came the reply
_ Re'll ret rour rouse rack, Ri romise" Scooby said to Dee "Row ruch ras rour ronthly rill?
- About 500 grand.." Dee said. i had just bought the house a couple years ago, so the months rates were high.."
You've gone though a huge amount of money" Winnie said coming in with more fries.. "What I could do with even a fraction of that kind of money.."she muttered to herself as she poured water for the group..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 16, 2010, 01:54:32 AM
Haley thought for a second "You know, since Jake isn't here and all that, I believe I shall take this chance to offer my help in looking for this Clurry person" she decided to offer to Droopy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 16, 2010, 02:03:27 AM
Droopy nodded to Haley.  "I would be glad to have all the help I can get."  Then he looked at Dee.  "how about relatives or friends, maybe you can stay with them.  That would help the money to stretch out till he gets caught." Droopy said trying to help Dee to feel better.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 16, 2010, 02:11:06 AM
"Thank you, because I think my dragon powers will come in handy" Haley added in as she switched to her dragon form to more or less show off it this time, now, at the moment, remaining in said form.
"Alright, I'll tell Gramps later on that you're helping out Droopy" Fu Dog told Haley as he took a sip of his water.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2010, 02:16:07 AM
Dee will stay with us as long as she needs to" Dixie said "Whethers thats weeks, months or even years..
I sure hope it won't take him YEARS to solve this!' Dee replied. "weeks, maybe, or months , but not years.. besides I would intrude on you newly weds..
_ Dee we've been married for 4 months now.. we're past the newlywed stage.. Plus being on the squirrell lord's beck and call kinda cuts into romance time..ow..' her ring suddenly glowed white hot. " Dixie, i'm surprised at you, said a voice that was instantly familiar to her. Dixie turned her head and there stood a large squirrell dressed in rose colored robes "Ah  Droopy the detective I presume' Lord stripetail said giving Droopy a knowing glance, before taking a seat.
_ Rer, rello ripetail" scooby said nervously "Ree, rhis ris Rord Riprtail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 16, 2010, 04:11:42 AM
"Nice to meet you.  Do you want to help in the investigation also?" Droopy said as he looked at Stripetail.  

Ian started on his order.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 16, 2010, 04:14:18 AM
"Yeah, tell us all about whatever it is you need to tell us" the young dragon added in as she took a sip of her water, acting more or less, as if she too was an actual detective.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 16, 2010, 05:46:18 AM
(Sorry I left this Role play  for so long)

Alvin Simon and Theodore were still walking around aimlessly with Cadpig Dale, and Bolt.

"This is hopeless Alvin why don't you just hand me the map? You're just getting us more lost" Simon said with a deep sigh.

"And more Hungry" Theodore whined.

"Guys, I know what I'm doing" Alvin said.

"All though I am not one to complain but I have seen this sign before" Bolt said.

"And I am sure this chipmunk's logical expanses are not quite all the way there" Cadpig said.

"Could you please speak english?"Alvin said.

"Well, Alvin in lamens turns we're lost and it's all your fault."Simon said.

"We are not lost Simon . I just don't know where we are. That's not the same as being lost" Alvin said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 16, 2010, 11:51:30 AM
"Yes, is there any more information you think may be important or trivial.  One can not know often what bit of information may be very important." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 12:56:13 AM
as they were walking along Yogi Bear was walking in the oposite direction towards them. " Hello there" He said kindly, normally he was dressed with a hat and a tie today he had left those at home in his cafe " He was headed to winnies for an after-work snack..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 01:19:12 AM
I will be happy to lend any assistance I can" the wizard replied, giving Dee and Haley a looking over. "how much money is involved ?'
_ about 300 million' Dee said. "I've never met a lord before" she said , bowing in Stripetail direction. 'I'm Scooby Dee, Scooby and Dixie are my cousins.. I'm an actress
_ either a good one or at least one who was paid very handsomely" stripetail replied. "Both actually Dee said, she was intimidated by Stripetail's presence, and that was something rare for her..she usually did not feel like this inn the presence of others.
 Dee briefly recapped what she had already told Droopy and the others and Stripetail frowned. " this is almost certainly not isolated to you,Dee, and I won;t fault you for trusting someone who had been with you a long time and who had helped you land many of your best roles.. speaking of roles.. Dixie here is a superb singer' Dixie's face turned as red as her lips. 'Res,rhe's reat" Scooby added, in a supportive voice.
well, if she can help me get some of my money back I'll be indebted to her for life" Dee said. " She wants a role in one of my movie's shes got it.. i'll pull whatever strings i have to to get her a part.. the problem is i only have about 150 thousand on me..
 150 thousand is more than most of your cartoon counterparts have right now..Stripetail replied. " you still are much better off than they are..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 01:43:22 AM
"Maybe we can get some backers to back a movie or something." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2010, 01:44:49 AM
"Hmm" Haley thought for a second "You know, if this agent is rich and what have you, then shouldn't we be looking for the richest people in Toon Town? I mean, there's got to be plenty of rich folk who would know of your agent, i mean, rich people mingling with other rich people, like Scooge McDuck for one, he might have a clue on where your agent could be, well, it is a shot anyway" she ended up shrugging as she drunk some more of her water.

Haley looked over to Winne "By the way, do you have any pizza here?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 02:03:10 AM
i don't think so, at least it wasn't on the menu when I updated.  As winnie turned to ask if there was something else she wanted a huge stuffed crust cheese pizza appeared on the table " where did that come from? Winnie gaped
_ its magic" stripetail said  folding his paws together. 'that was YOU? winnie was amazed "
 Scooby happily piled a plate high with slices of pizza, the smell of the pizza wafted over the room to the other guests.
 Scrooge Mcduck is the richest toon in ToonTown" Dee said and its not even close ..the 300 million i lost wouldn't even make a small dent in his fortune..
 Stripetail.. could you kindly loan Dee some money, we'll pay you back, if you want , you can take it out of the money you pay us.' Dixie asked  in a whisper. " Because i don't think shaggy will agree...
_ You are asking me Dixie to give her 300 million? " stripetail arched his eyebrows " My dear girl, let me make this clear. I can give her the money, however i will not do so unless i have a guarantee that she will not lose this money
 Bobo spoke up.. Instead of giving her the money now, why don't you help sponsor the Laffalympics? its going to cost a lot of money, and we don't have it.
"You don't have to give me 300 million, I couldn't pay you back in any decent time-frame, I'm on the downside of my career.Dee said. "It would likely take me the rest of my life to pay you back..
_ Dee you've been an actress a long time, all it takes is one big hit and voila you're the IT' girl again.."Duixie replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 02:07:57 AM
Droopy nods, "He is since Richard rich lives in Richville I think.  I heard the family including their son are very nice.  Unlike Scrooge McDuck." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 02:13:39 AM
hmm. " stripetail paused "thats a good idea.. Bobo is it?- well I'll have to look into that..
Well the problem that it can't be just limited to ToonTown" Winnie said.
_ Upstairs an alarm rang, waking Woody from his slumber. " Ahh! " He tawned " that was a good nap. Now to go down and gorder some food.. Woody said rubbing his stomach..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2010, 02:15:46 AM
Haley grabbed a few piece of pizza and blew flames onto them to heat them up even more before taking a bit out of one.

"I have to say, that would be true, all you have to do is find one big movie to star in again and badabing badaboom, you'll be a hit once more and will be able to pay off Stripetail here" Fu Dog added in.

"Yeah, but where would she start though?" Haley asked Fu Dog in particular as she was eating her pieces of pizza.

"Well, unless one of the movies she showed me before becomes a big hit, then I'm not so sure myself, the only other thing I can think of is going on some sort of TV show to win money" replied Fu Dog again.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 02:20:27 AM
"or maybe doing something in or with the Laff-a-lympics if it gets off the ground.   Or get a very good director, very good writers and such." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 02:22:12 AM
Rhe's rave ro rar rin ra rig rovie, lie er Rhantom rof rhe Ropera Scoooby said between bites of Pizza. Woody walkeed in from upstairs and sniffed the air , and quickly caught the delicious smell of Pizza ' woodY! there you are! Could you attend to  Mr Ian over on Table 3?" Winnie asked.
  Why don't you move him over to that big group over there?' Woody said pointing to table where Scooby Dixie Stripetail Haley and Fu were all eating pizza.  " alright fine.." Winnie rolled her eyes as she moved back over towards Ian's table.. " Hello Sir, There is an extra seat open on Table 5 would you like to switch?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2010, 02:29:01 AM
"Yeah, perhaps something like that could work, but there is still the matter of where to start" Haley said in between her bites of her pizza.

"Hmm yeah, those Laffylympics you keep on mentioning could be our ticket out of this dull ecconomy" Fu Dog told Scooby in particular.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 02:31:31 AM
Ian looks over at the table.  "Sure, it would be easier on you since this place is quieter then usual.  Less walking around." Ian said smiling friendly.

"Ah, a musical.  That could work.  The songs would have to be good with well written songs.  And perhaps the guy who did those fantastic movie posters, forgot his name but he did the star wars ones to do the poster for the movie."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 02:38:20 AM
' Wioody came up to them " Mind if I join you guys " He asked as Winnie guided Ian to the table, and pulled in a chair " Hello everyone, and Woody.. this is Ian.. You don't mind if he joins you?' She asked
 _ No, not at all' Dee said " Hmm a musical, I haven't done a musical in years, the last one was meet me by the River.. and i had to sing a few songs.. I mean I'm ok, but I'm not going to win any awards for my singing" She said glancing at Dixie briefly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2010, 02:43:18 AM
"Can you sing?" Haley asked Dee rather curiously now "Because if you can, then a musical would be perfect for you"

"I have to agree with you lot on that one, musicals can generate a good amount of money, but question is, will it be enough....." Fu Dog also added in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 02:48:43 AM
Well, I'd love to do a musical"Dixie admitted " i mean I know how to act, but performing on stage in a small showboat is a far cry from acting in in a blockbuster film..and I really enjoy singing..
- well lets hear you sing.. " woody said..grinnng broadly. ' lets see if you are good.."
_ woody!" Winnie scolded him " Please, don't pay any attention to him..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 02:54:44 AM
"Maybe they can be in the movie together, with one doing most of the singing.  Not every char in a musical has to sing or sing a lot." Droopy said.

Ian waved, "hello, how are you folks?" He asked.

Droopy waved to the new comers, "Hello." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2010, 03:00:46 AM
"Yeah, some only sing, say, one line and talk the rest of the time, whilst others would probabally sing every chance they get" Haley also added in before looking to Ian "Hello, pleased to meet you" she said to him with a little curtsy, well, as best as she could in her dragon form.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 03:07:13 AM
hello Ian us it? Lord Stripetail at your sefvice/' Stripetail said greeting the newcomer "
- i'm Dicxie' Dixie waved 'Ri'm Rooby Roo reased ro reet rou' "i'm scooby dee' I'm Bobo th bear"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 03:17:44 AM
"Glad to meet all of you." Ian said.   "Sounds like you're talking about making a movie." He said.

"All important tings to think about." Droopy said, "As well as the director, script writer or writers.  Wither to go original, license something or use something in the pubic domain." Droopy said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2010, 04:19:22 AM
"I'm Haley, and that there is Fu Dog" Haley added in, talking to Ian "You would be meeting my brother as well, but, he's not here at the moment"

Fu Dog thought for a second on what Droopy had said "Yes, but the problem is, where are we going to get all of that stuff? You know, a director, script writters, licenses and what have you, I mean, in the state everything's in, I doubt they'll come by that easily"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 17, 2010, 05:59:31 AM
Quote from: Nick22,Jan 16 2010 on  11:56 PM
as they were walking along Yogi Bear was walking in the oposite direction towards them. " Hello there" He said kindly, normally he was dressed with a hat and a tie today he had left those at home in his cafe " He was headed to winnies for an after-work snack..
"Oh finally someone who could maybe point us in the right direction" Simon said with a relieved sigh as he saw Yogi Bear.

Theodore however could only stare in shock. "You're Yo......... Yog.............................. Yogi Bear" He finally manages to stutter out with a big smile.

"I thought you looked familiar. Me and my brothers watch your show all the time. My name's Simon. And this is my brother Theodore. And this is my dimwit I call a brother Alvin." Simon said.

"Yo" Alvin said casually.

"If you could help us that'd be great. You see Alvin here got us lost. We're trying to find the Pontiac Center. We have got a show there in less then 6 hours and Alvin here got us lost...................................................again. He has a real history in getting people lost"
Simon said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 12:23:31 PM
"I guess he's busy doing homework?" Ian asked Haley, remembering back when he was a kid and had to do homework.  He doubted things had changed much over that time, though kids nowadays had cellphones, computers and such.  

"Some of that can take time." Droopy said.

Ian nodded, "And for licenses you have to go to the license owner.  A newspaper syndicate for newspaper comic characters, Disney for Disney characters and so on." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 02:01:45 PM
"Well the Pontiac Center is downtown, near the Warner Tower" yogi replied with a smile " Say Why Don't I bring you guys with me to Winnies for a bite to eat? you guys must be hungry from all that walking around.." its not far from here, and we'll get you there in plenty of time for the show.."
well, ir depends on who i'm working with, it will take time, and I may be forced to use family here in some key roles..' scooby's eyes brightened at this, " but I think I can call in a few favors from actors and actresses I've worked with  in the past.. '
_ stripetail can handle the special effects.." dixie grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 02:12:52 PM
"That will save money." Droopy said.

"A good script writer will be needed.  Maybe more then one if it'll have romance, action comedy, singing, or a mix of things like that.  For minor parts I have some, friends, I can ask who.  Not sure if their acting ability.  Though you want at least some to have good or great acting ability.  Maybe some from the local theater actor group and or drama school or college." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 02:40:35 PM
minor roles don't need great acting ability as they are on screen for only a few scenes or even seconds.." dee replied " so your friends can come and well see if we can find a role for them.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 17, 2010, 04:43:36 PM
Quote from: Nick22,Jan 17 2010 on  01:01 PM
"Well the Pontiac Center is downtown, near the Warner Tower" yogi replied with a smile " Say Why Don't I bring you guys with me to Winnies for a bite to eat? you guys must be hungry from all that walking around.." its not far from here, and we'll get you there in plenty of time for the show.."
well, ir depends on who i'm working with, it will take time, and I may be forced to use family here in some key roles..' scooby's eyes brightened at this, " but I think I can call in a few favors from actors and actresses I've worked with  in the past.. '
_ stripetail can handle the special effects.." dixie grinned.
"Well I don't............." Simon started.

"Oh, come on we can't rock out on empty Stomachs Simon, we should go get a bite" Alvin said.

"I agree with Alvin" Theodore said.

Bolt: I have got to admit it has been a while since I last ate.

Cadpig: Yeah, me too.

Dale: I agree.

They all follow Yogi to Winnie's.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2010, 06:04:23 PM
"But then, what could I do?" Haley asked as reheated the last of her pizza before eating it "Because, to tell you the truth, I haven't been in a movie before, nor have I worked on one before"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 06:43:23 PM
well, we'll have to see what role we can get for you.. " Dee said kindly to Haley.
If the film requires a lot of extras I'm sure we can get you a role.. like the Count of Monte Cristo.. that films been bandying about.."
-Woody pulled out a paper.. 'Well the film is not likely going to be macde, given lack of financing, apparently..' He said pointing to a headline in the "film sectyion " Cristo" unlikely to be made. "
_ Yogi lead them inside the resteraunt
 Hello Winnie" He said as she came up to great table " you have a spare tab;le "Sure Bobo is here too" Winie as as she guided them to a fre table across from Scooby's table.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 17, 2010, 06:49:42 PM
Alvin, Simon, and Theodore, and Cadpig, and Bolt sit down at the table across from Scooby.

"SO Yogi do you have any recommendations." Simon said looking through the big menu.

"Everything looks so good I think I'll have one of everything" Theodore said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 06:56:57 PM
Yogi stopped as he noticed Scooby " scoob old Boy! How are you?' He asked
 Ri'm riood Rogi Rhis ris ry rife Rixie rand ry crousin rooby Ree"
+ Wife? So you tied the knot eh. and I've heard of you Miss Dee. fine actres by reputation."
: yogi., we'e thinking about restarting the Laffalympics." bobo said Yogi started at what he said "You serious ? Bobo we don't have the money. .."
- OUr special is chicken tenders' Winnie said. to Alvin and cadpig..
 Stripetail here does" dee said and has indicated he'd support putting the games on.." Stripetal frowned, but said nothing.. "so you just need to get your teams back together.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 17, 2010, 07:03:23 PM
"Oh boy I love Chicken Tenders" Theodore said.

"I think I'll have that Thanks" Alvin said.

"Me too" Cadpig said.

"Can I just have a large salad with Ranch dressing on the side?" Simon said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 07:31:13 PM
Sure, your salad will take a few miutes to prepare" winnie said
_ Well Mr stripetail I'd be happy to get my team back together, the problem is, we'd have to make some money this time, what with the economy being what it is.. say 100, 000 per player. Yogi said. " that would help us out a lot.. there were a bunch of us last time i know..
_ Stripetail gave Yogi a furtive glance. ' alright. 100 grand per player, for all teams, not including prize money for winning the games..that will be extra..go get the rest of your teams together..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 08:11:19 PM
Ian looked at Stripetail, "Are you sure you can afford all this?" He asked.  "I'm not rich but I could, perhaps, put some towards the movie and or the laff a lympics thing.  Not a lot but some perhaps."

"Hello Yogi, nice to meet you." Droopy said.  

"Think we'd want to do The Count of Monte Cristo?  What sort of movie would you like to be the star or female lead in?  I'm sure you have some favorites." Ian said to Dee.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 08:29:19 PM
I'd love to do the Count, it has many many characters so they'd be roles for everyone of us.." dee said " My preferred role would be as the older Mercedes.
I can afford this, i've been very prudent with my money for many many years..' stripetail replied. " an help with the costs will be greatly aoppreciated though..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2010, 08:54:45 PM
"The Count of Monte Cristo? Oh, I've heard of that one, yeah, I would like to be part of that, and well, if you want any lights put up, I can also help with that as well, I mean, I'm not called a dragon for nothing" Haley added in.

GIR jumped up onto The Chipmunks table and gave off a laugh "Tacos! I need tacos!" he more or less yelled.
"GIR! Leave them alone" Zim then looked to Winnie "If you have any of these tacos, can you please give them to GIR? Otherwise he just wont shut up about them"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 10:06:36 PM
"It's been a while since I read the book, but I recall there can be quite a few folks, and some action scenes and at least 1 person the audience can root for & other good things." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 10:07:32 PM
I Don't have tacos" winnie admitted ruefully. "I just have the basics, fries chicken strips, and some salads.. the economy's eaten into my budget I'm lucky to still be operating, really..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2010, 10:10:45 PM
Zim just ended up giving off a grumble at what Winnie had said "You heard her GIR, there are no tacos here"

"Oh, then a sandwhich!" GIR replied back.

"GIR, I don't think she has anything like that" Zim told GIR before turning back to Winnie "Just give him something at least"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 10:14:24 PM
What sort of sandwich? I have fish, chicken, and also mini hamburgers. i jujust cut the burgers into quarters.. woody here loves them.. Winnie asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 10:20:56 PM
"I can make some pies with a toon magic wand.  & maybe some liquids." Ian said.   "There are interesting toon things one can get if one orders from the right place." he said.

"Hopefully not any of the Acme stuff. I heard it tends to backfire." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2010, 10:24:54 PM
"Yeah, especially with that Wille E Coyote fellow, I heard he always tends to file complaints about the ACME weapons he buys, but, it's just stuff I've heard about" Fu Dog added in.

Zim thought for a second "Go with chicken, and I think I'll have some as well" he told Winnie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 10:36:05 PM
Yeah, hes been suing Acme for years, never gets a dime though.. but ACME puts a disclaimer on their products now, so the purchaser knows this stuff will not work if improperly assembled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 10:55:21 PM
"Yes, that is why I avoid everything Acme makes. " Ian said.  "I've only  heard how shoddy all of their stuff is."

"So what teams will this laffalympics have?" Droopy asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 10:58:36 PM
well there was the Scooby Doobies the Yogi Yahooeys (led by me) and the Really Rottens.. although We could add another team since Mr Stripetail's paying..' Yogi grinned.
_ Fine we'll add a 4th team what do we call it? and who is the captain of that team..?' Stripetail queried.,
_ well, I'm going to be on the Doobies this time.." dixie said  Right Scooby?
'Rure rear" scooby said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 11:23:40 PM
"Since he's paying maybe the new team should be named after Mr. Stripetail with him as captain." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2010, 11:28:01 PM
"Hey, why don't you see if you can get in before your brother shows up?" Fu Dog asked Haley.

Haley thought for a second before replying "Alright, hey, are there any spots open for someone like me? I suppose I wouldn't mind having a go if I were given the chance" she asked the others.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2010, 11:41:32 PM
"Which team would you want to be on of the teams mentioned, including the new 4th team?" Ian asked Haley.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2010, 11:55:03 PM
My participation in the games would be completely unfair" stripetail replied. ' because any team i was on would have an unfair advantage in the magic department. Besides I think my role as supporter and financial provider is role enough for me. What about you Droopy? interested in particpating?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2010, 11:56:50 PM
"Well, I don't know really, cause the Rottens sound all evil and what not, but are there any openings on any other teams?" Haley asked Ian in particular.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2010, 12:16:29 AM
"Hmm, "There is Yogi's team, and Scooby's team, and Droopy's if he takes the position." Ian said as he thought out the teams that did remember.

"Me?" Droopy asked surprised at the suggestion, "I've not been captain of a team before." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 12:33:16 AM
Haley thought for a second before speaking "Which one of you would want me on your team?"


Meanwhile, elsewhere in Toontown, a figure was standing in the same warehouse that Judge Doom was defeated by the toons.  The figure reached into her pockets and pulled out a note and smirked "At least something good had come from your failure"

She wore a red trenchcoat and a red hat as well.  She had long black hair as well.

She looked around before speaking "Weasels!" she called out as the angels of the weasels floated down "Stop your messing about and get into your bodies again, one knows a toon can't die that easily, well, not without the help of what Judge Doom here had used"

"Wait, you don't mean?" one weasel asked before being cut off.

"Yes, the Dip" replied the female as she showed them the note "And the ingredients on how to recreate it once more to destroy this pitiful town of toons"

"But Gabriel...." another weasel spoke before she spoke again.

"Look, I have already been doing plenty before retrieving you lot, Toontown's ecconomy is going down the drain and soon, these toons wont have anything to fight back with, so come, we have a rich duck to pay a visit to" replied Gabriel as she walked off followed by the four weasels whom were back in their bodies once more.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2010, 12:47:24 AM
you can be on my team Yogi said. Lets say 10 extra players in addition to the players from last time..
_ Rine Ren rore, Rixie is ron ry ream ro rhats reaves re rith rine.." scooby mused
 I'm on Scooby's team woody called out with a cackle.
 Droopy since you are the captain what will you call your team? Stripetail asked winnie brought the meals to the two tables..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 01:02:49 AM
"Well, okay, yeah, I'll take that chance to be on your team" Haley replied with a bit of a smile too.

"So, I am rather curious, where do you suppose you would start investigating this missing agent?" Fu Dog asked Droopy.


Upon the way to Scrooge's place, one weasel spoke up and pointed over to Winnie's restaraunt "Um, Miss Gabriel, I hate to tell you but that place there is still up and running"

Gabriel looked over before speaking to the weasels "Then I guess we shall have to make a detour and stop by there first" she told the four of them as she lead them towards the restaraunt.

That's when the door opened again and in walked the four weasels first, all of them looking at each of the other toons before Gabriel entered.  She stood there for a few seconds before breaking the silence "Well Winnie, it looks like you have managed to keep this dump of a restaraunt still operational, even under such heavy circumstances, which, might I add, is something I did not expect to happen"

Haley seemed to let off a small litle growl before she spoke up "Oh yeah? Who are you to tell her something like that?"

Gabriel seemed to yawn at what Haley had said "Oh, don't worry your pretty little dragon face about that" she glanced over to Winnie "Now, let us talk business" she added in as she motioned for the weasels to go into the kitchen and mess things up, well, at least the weasels believed that's what Gabriel wanted them to do.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2010, 01:06:21 AM
"The pattern seems to be the same as the first word so the second name would have to start with D if the team name begins with Droopy." Droopy said.

"How about the Droopy Dogs, or something like that." Ian said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2010, 01:15:35 AM
Winnie crackee her claws together " well Gabriel I've managed to stay in business thanks to the loyalty of my customers and no thanks to the heavy fees you keep charging. I'm guessing you'll jack up my rate next month for defending myself? in the kitchen the sound of breaking plates and glasses could be heard.. Winnie sighed  she and Woody would be cleaning for awhile after the resteraunt closed that evening
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2010, 01:17:32 AM
"Droopy Dawgs/ How about that Dee said and turned as the weasels headed out of the kitchen their mission of breaking things done.." so what noot boss? should we throw these customers out on the street" one of the weasels said brandishing a knife..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 01:23:14 AM
"No, not yet, we'll let them have their little fun for now" Gabriel told the weasel before turning to Winnie.

"Your customers?" Gabriel asked Winnie looking at the restaraunt partons "My dear Winnie, loyalty is only as good as what you can offer then, I mean, for example, if you didn't have something like this" she begun as she grabbed one of the meals Winnie had bought over earlier on and dropped it onto the ground "Then customers wouldn't come around and therefore, you would not be able to keep on paying me what you owe, and at this rate" she grabbed the other plate and dropped it onto the ground "You'll be out of business in no time"

Haley seemed to growl as she flew over to Gabriel to look her right in the face "You should take that back"

Gabriel grabbed Haley and just tossed her aside, knocking her into the wall before turning back to Winnie "Now, enjoy your last few days in this restaraunt, I'll be back in a day or two to collect what money you have left over"

The weasels came out of the kitchen after having trashed everything and followed Gabriel out of the door.

Haley just sat there on the ground rubbing her head " that's smart...." her head was now rather sore as she flew back to the table again, rubbing her head still.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2010, 01:31:15 AM
a couple weasels remained meanacing the customers "Anyone else want to try and be a her- arghh1' in a twinking he was pinned again the wall and had his own knife hovering a inch from his throat" Stripetail had stood up and his eyes were full of fury. " If you are smart, you or your master will not return here' the weasels eyes filled with fear as the blade  tip moved  to just a heairsbreath away from this throa " Yes1' The weasel I won't come back, there was a clatter as the knife fell to the ground without stooping to pick it up the weasel ran as fast as he could out the door.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 01:38:00 AM
"So, just who was that?" Haley asked as Fu Dog had gone to fetch her some ice.

Fu Dog returned and handed Haley the ice pack before answering her question "I'm not entirely sure, all I know is that her name is Gabriel and that she's been causing other toons to go out of business, from Mr. Krabs at the Krust Krab to Mun Daal and his own restaraunt, even places like the Townsvile Elementary School where the Powerpuff Girls used to go has closed down, heck, even Mojo Jojo had to move out of his labratory because of her"

"Wait, if that's what she's doing, wouldn't Gramps be on her list as well?" Haley asked back as she held the icepack on her head.

"Hmm, yeah, it's possible, only a few I know who are still around, ACME, this restaraunt, Gramp's shop, and even Scrooge McDuck is going strong" replied Fu Dog.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2010, 01:42:59 AM
not for long, if she keeps this up" winnie said sinking into a chair. ' last month i had to hand over 50 thousand dollars, i shudder to think what she'll charge this month.. I can't afford her fees anymore' Winnie began to cry. ' That arrogant cow! Shes ruining what i worked for the last 3 years, and my personal life is a wreck!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2010, 01:46:04 AM
"What happened?" Ian asked, thinking it sounded familiar, like a story one of his old friends told him a while back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 01:47:27 AM
"Don't worry, she'll get what's coming to her eventually, but the thing is, how?" Haley asked Winnie in particular to see if she had any ideas "That, and what of those Laffylympics now? Especially with her around, it seems like we've got to get her permission to have them held at this rate, because I doubt Mr. Mayor back in City Hall can do anything about it"

"I hate to say it, but I think you're right, we're going to have to do something about her at least, well, her and those rodents of hers" Fu Dog added in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2010, 01:52:10 AM
we're going to hold those games and I don't care what that shrew has to say about " stripetail said firmly. " if I have to spend a billion dollars those games will be held..
_ Gabriel came in and trashed my resteraunt" winnie said. Woody stood up t"Thats the last straw "he turned to his girlfriend. " winnie we can't go on like this. its bad enough you only get 4 hours of sleep a night. Look guys  we're going to need help here.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 01:57:11 AM
"Well, you can count me in" Haley spoke up.

Zim seemed to grumble a bit "Okay, fine, me and GIR will help out as well"

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy on the other hand, had fallen asleep throughout the whole visit from Gabriel.  However, SpongeBob spoke up "I know someone who will be able to help us out, no matter what"
"You don't mean?" Patrick asked SpongeBob.
"Oh yeah" replied SpongeBob "We'll be back Winnie" and with that, both he and Patrick took off in order to find who they were looking for.

"I wonder what help those two are going to bring back" Fu Dog spoke up "However, I will say this, you can count me in as well"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2010, 01:57:18 AM
"Either here or have them held on neutral ground where she has no power." Ian said.  "Though we do need to clean up here and perhaps hire some security guards for the place."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2010, 02:06:05 AM
We'll help you cklean up Dixie said, come on everyone lets help clean up..
_ I'm really sorry, about all this Winnie said to Scooby and the others
_ Hey that pain in rear caused the Ranger all sorts of trouble before the park closed " Yogi said angrily "Bobo and I will help you ckean up..
Don't worry Winnie. I'll help you in getting new dishes and glasses" stripetail said kindly as the patrons began moving over the broken plates and dishes. " Just buy whatever you need and send me the bill.. no, go and lie down.. you look like you need it..
_ Scooby count me in for your team as well.." winnie said as she and Stripetail walked toward the kitchen' That would be a conflict of interest, if your resteraunt is a sponsor of the games " stripetail reminded her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2010, 02:16:14 AM
"Yes, we'll all help." Droopy said.

"You should lay down, you've had a trying time." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2010, 02:18:23 AM
Jusrt let me play  I promote the games and compete in them as well Winnie said "Fine.. Stripetail relented , " you can play, but the rest of the spots will be filled by competition understand. Now you and Woddy get some rest, we'll help clean up...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 02:28:04 AM
Haley put the icepack down and flew over to a brown before she begun to sweep up the plates of food Gabriel had dropped onto the ground earlier on.

Fu Dog on the other, headed into the kitchen to help out as well, cleaning up whatever it is he could clean up.


Meanwhile, Gabriel and her weasels had arrived at Scrooge McDuck's place as she walked up to him "Greetings McDuck, I am here strictly on business, and you would do best to comply with what I am after, or you will face dire consequences" she told him as she whilstled for her toons to bring in a whole barrel of none other than Dip.

"Now, you do know what this is?" Gabriel asked him.

"Why, that can't be, Roger Rabbit and Eddie already stopped Judge Doom and his dastardly Dip" replied Scrooge.

"Indeed they had, but let's just say that I have my own ways of getting Dip" Gabriel told him.

Scrooge seemed to grumble "Okay, what is it that you want?"

"Simple, I need you to shut down your mining companies, shut down everything" Gabriel told him.

"Shut down everything? You must be out of your mind" replied Scrooge.

Gabriel whistled to a weasel for him to bring her one of Scrooge's bags of money, putting on some real world gloves and took the money bag before dipping it into the Dip, completely destroying it "Now, if you wish to keep all of your precious money, you shall do as I say, or all of you money will be dipped"

Scrooge was now hessitating "No! Not my precious money!" he was now begging Gabriel as he was in a rather pickle right now.

One weasel handed her something rather different, a bomb "Do you know what this is? It's something I've been experimenting on, a Dip Bomb, once it goes off, boom, any toon object caught within its shower is more or less destroyed, although, it is a work in progress"

Gabriel walked over to his vault of money as the weasels got it open before tossing the bomb inside.  Moments later, there was an explosion and Dip began to rain down upon Scrooge's money.

"Alright, you've got me, I'll shut down my businessess" Scrooge told Gabriel.

Gabriel just seemed to smirk back "So glad we could reach an understanding, weasels.....get rid of the rest of his money....we're going to do the impossible....make Scrooge McDuck bankrupt" she laughed as Dip was poured into Scrooge's vault of money, destroying his life's earnings.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2010, 02:35:55 AM
Ian and Droopy helped with the cleanup.  Ian swept some trash into a portable hole he kept in a pocket.  He found carrying a few toon gadgets handy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 02:38:48 AM
Soon, outside, a paper boy was heard "EXTRA! EXTRA! Scrooge McDuck gone bankrupt! Toontown citizens crippled from it!"

Haley overheard what was being yelled "Scrooge McDuck bankrupt? But that's impossible, it's impossible for him to go bankrupt, he's got too much money, even taking one trillion wouldn't dent his money pile" she spoke as she kept on sweeping still.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2010, 02:46:38 AM
So much for asking his help Dixie muttered as Winnie sank to her knees oh I'm completely ruined..' she cried breaking down and beginning to sob. " why don't you come with us " DEe said " you and Woody.. "
_ Where would we go? This is my home' Winnie cried she was nearly inconsolable.. "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2010, 02:48:05 AM
"I wonder if what'shername is involved." Droopy said.

"I would assume she is.  They can ask the riches for help.  I heard they are rich enough to loan money to queen Elizabeth or bill gates." Ian said as he finished sweeping some stuff into his portable hole and picked it up.   "Handy things.  Better then at trash can." he said.  The trash going somewhere very deep underground.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 02:56:49 AM
Haley could not help but grumble to herself as she looked to Winnie before letting go of the broom and flying off, she wanted to go and talk to Scrooge McDuck herself.

"Haley? Oh great, she's gone" Fu Dog spoke up as he headed over to Winnie.


Haley arrived at Scrooge's and had a look around "What happened here?"

"Oh, it was terrible lass, that Gabriel lady came in here and used all that Dip stuff on my life's earnings" replied Scrooge as he was sitting at his desk.

"Dip? I thought that stuff was destroyed after Judge Doom's defeat" Haley told Scrooge as she landed on his desk.

"Aye, that's what I thought to, until they bought in a whole barrel of the stuff and used it on all my money" Scrooge explained "But I don't know how they would know of it"

Haley thought for a second "I have a feeling that this Gabriel and Judge Doom are somehow connected, I mean, how else would she get her hands on some Dip of her own?"

"Hmm, that's a good point too lass" Scrooge told Haley.

"You should come to Winnie's for the time being, everyone else is there at the moment"  Haley offered him.

"That's very kind of you, let me just grab my things" replied Scrooge as he grabbed a bag and put what he could into it before walking off with Haley, taking one last look at his place as he sighed, heading back to Winnie's with Haley.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2010, 03:05:01 AM
Stripetail reached into his robes and pulled out a bag of gold coins  and dumped them out on the table. each one of these coins is worth ten thousand dollars a piece so take ten, just ten, and go out and spend them" he said to Winnie who picked up and one of them and looked at him with amazement.. Stripetail then turned to everyone and raised his voice
Alright everyone listen up! we are going to have the laffalympics in Toon Town!  There were murmures though the crowd.. " Yes,  and the first contest will be held in three weeks, there will be 4 teams, The scooby Doobies Yogi Yahooeys Really Rottens and the ahem Droopy Dawgs.  If you wish to compete there will be qualifying tournament for each team,  held near the motorcycle track, next week. "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 03:11:04 AM
Haley soon enough, entered the restaraunt again with Scrooge McDuck.

"Kid, don't ever take off like that without telling someone" Fu Dog told Haley.

"Sorry Fu Dog, but I just had to speak with Scrooge here, and I found out something as well, Gabriel was using Dip, used it to completely destroy his fortune" she told everyone else.

"Oh man, that can not be good, if she's got her hand on Dip, then I hate to say it, but the whole of Toontown is in danger once again" Fu Dog replied back.

"Aye, that it is, and Winnie, I am sorry for what Gabriel has done to you, Haley told me everything" Scrooge told Winnie as he walked over to her and Woody "However, I do hear that you are planning the Laffalympics as well, which seems to be all we can really do in this sort of situation, that is, if she doesn't use that dastardly Dip to ruin them"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2010, 03:27:56 AM
"The dip?  That is very bad, very bad indeed." Droopy said.   "Now it seems we have more then one mystery to solve.  Dee's agent and to stop whatever this Gabriel person is up to."  

"I'll be right back." Ian said.   He thought he should tell a certain old friend of his about some of the recent events. He went into the men's room and pulled out a cellphone and called Eddie Valiant's number to tell him about the recent incidents that had happened, leaving the message on his answering machine if he didn't answer.

"This is Ian.  Just thought you may want to know that someone named Gabriel has the dip or rediscovered it's formula or something and has some weasels working for her it seems.  She seems to be trying to drive folks out of business and has used the dip on Scrooge McDuck's money." He said into his cellphone.


Wally Gator had gotten tired of zoo food so decided to go out to a restaurant for some real food.  He saw one not to far off named Winnie's and decided to head in that direction.

"That looks like a pleasant food establishment." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 04:40:25 AM
"I can't help but feel that the agent is no longer....alive you know, he just may have been Dipped" Haley told Droopy as she sat down "Well, that is, if he was a toon you know and not one of these real world agents"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2010, 11:47:53 AM
Droopy nodded, "It is entirely possible.  Though it is best not to jump to conclusions.  He may have started working for her, or he may have been removed.  We won't know the facts till we find some clues and information." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 04:37:49 PM
"Yeah, that's true, but now I'm just a bit confused is all, where are we going to start looking for the agent or for any clues?" Haley then asked Drooy as she thought about it herself "Because I for one, just can't think on where we could start"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2010, 04:46:34 PM
"Perhaps checking to see if he had any email exchanges, check his phone records.  If it's not been to long perhaps checking his trash, his apartment.  Track his online activity.  If he bought any travel tickets of any kind." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 04:50:51 PM
"Er....wait, phone? Email?" Haley asked as she scratched her head "Where would that stuff of his be? Cause if he's gone, then wouldn't getting that sort of stuff be rather difficult?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2010, 05:03:31 PM
"More difficult, though there are online traces, they fade over time." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 05:05:25 PM
"So then, how would we go about doing that?" Haley asked back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2010, 05:19:03 PM
"The police can send official requests to certain companies.  We may have to find a skilled hacker or net wizard.  It would be easier if we had access to his computer and or cellphones. Also we can ask  his neighbors, family friends, and co-workers, if any, about him.  Odd behavior, and other things to get some information."  Droopy said.

Wally Gator walked in, pausing as he walked in the door, "Heavens, this place looks like Mr. Twiddle's office when he ate what he thought was some jelly beans but instead were some hot peppers. Boy, you should have seen the little feller go.  Ran all the way through his office desk, through a wall to jump into the polar bear's pool.  Boy they were not expecting a steam bath that day, but they got one." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2010, 05:23:50 PM
"Well, I can't think of any skilled hackers off the top of my head, but the police, not sure on which police officers would really be willing to help out" replied Haley.

"Yeah, you've got me there as well" added in Fu Dog as he thought for a few moments.

The two of them looked over to Wally Gator as Fu Dog spoke up "Let me guess, you too got shut down?"

"Was it by a woman named Gabriel by any chance?" Haley also added in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2010, 10:12:18 PM
Droopy waved to Wally,"Come on in and sit down.  Tell us your story if you wish.  Or did you just come for the food?" Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2010, 12:43:45 AM
we need to track any sort of large expenses and ask if anyone else had him for an agent " dee said, as the patrons gathered together.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 01:01:23 AM
"Well, I can always ask around the Magical Community" Fu Dog told Dee.

"I suppose I can ask the big headed kid about this agent too" added in Zim in regards to Dib.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 01:06:08 AM
Droopy nodded, "Very good thinking and a good idea.  We need to do that also." Droopy said.

Wally Gator came over to sit down with the group.  "No, the zoo is still open, though Mr.  Twiddle did seem worried about how long it could stay open.  I got tired of the zoo food and decided to sneak out for some good food.   I met someone who had 2 toons.  I think they were toons, I've never seen anything like them before.  He Winnie's would be a good place and gave me a piece of paper with the address and directions on it." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 01:45:18 AM
"If the zoo is still open, then it would be a rather big target for Gabriel as well, I mean, she's already driven many out of business.....I just don't know, it feels like Toontown itself is in danger....." Haley then spoke up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 01:51:30 AM
"I do wonder if these things may be connected.  " Droopy said aloud, half thinking to himself and half as conversation.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 02:13:57 AM
Haley seemed to think again as Fu Dog and Zim, along with GIR, had headed off to find out what information they could.

"Wally, do you mind if I go back to your zoo? I just want to see if that Gabriel lady has been there yet or not, because if she hasn't been there, perhaps I could warn the zoo keeper about what danger he's in" Haley told Wally Gator.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 02:19:34 AM
"Sure.  The main guy's name is mr. Twiddle.  He's about this high." Wally says indicating the person is about 3 feet or so high.  That sounds like a great idea.  I hope he's ok." Wally said.

"It does seem like she wants to shut down all or most business in toontown." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 02:26:33 AM
"Thanks" Haley told Wally Gator as she took off to head for the zoo to speak to a Mr. Twiddle.

The zoo was lucky at the moment, Gabriel had not been by yet as Haley flew into the zoo in search of Mr. Twiddle "Hello? Anyone in here? Mainly a Mr. Twiddle"


Soon enough, SpongeBob and Patrick had returned, and they had someone else with them "These two morons wouldn't leave me alone" he told Winnie.  It was none other than Squidward Tentacles, SpongeBob and Patrick had managed to bring him along.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 02:58:40 AM
"I do hope he's ok." Wally said.  

"We'll know sooner or later.  " Droopy said.  "Till then we can only wait, and do some more planing if we have the need."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 03:23:59 AM
Squidward just folded his tentacles, looking rather annoyed.

SpongeBob however, pulled out the Magic Conch Shell "Magic Conch Shell, what do we do in this time of need?" SpongeBob asked it before pulling the cord of it.

"Nothing" The Magic Conch Shell replied back.

"The Magic Conch Shell has spoken!" Patrick called out as the two of them sat down and did just that, nothing.

Squidward let off a groan at that point "I don't know those two" was all he told Droopy and them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 03:27:54 AM
"Are they ok?" Wally asked, not sure about Spongebob or his friend.

"That reminds me of a twilight zone episode." Droopy said, also looking at Spongebob and his friend.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 03:33:35 AM
"Oh, they're fine, they're just listning to their Magic Conch Shell" Squidward told the two of them.

"Ah, the Magic Conch Shell, I have heard about that object, however, I have not heard of properties it contains" Scrooge told Squidward.

"It's just a piece of plastic!" replied Squidward with a raised voice.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 03:43:07 AM
"One can do many things with plastic.  Many amazing things." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 03:44:36 AM
Squidward just looked at Droopy, not really believing what he had just heard.

"Aye, that's true, but I do wonder if those two lads should really be listning to their Magic Conch Shell or not" Scrooge added in as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 03:50:45 AM
"Are you sure it is safe for them to have that?" Wally asks.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 03:52:32 AM
"I say, just let the two of them have their fun" Scrooge told Wally "But yes, it is true, we do need some sort of plan in regards to this missing agent, not to mention this Gabriel lass and her Dip"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 04:00:32 AM
"That does sound like sound reasoning." Wally said looking at Scrooge while smiling.

"Yes, what shall we discuss first?" Droopy said looking at those present.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 04:04:11 AM
Scrooge thought for a second "Well, as we have a rough idea of what we can do about this agent, we should really focus on this Gabriel lass, because as long as she's got Dip in her hands, we're all in grave danger"

He then remember something "Wait a second, if Haley has gone to the zoo and comes face to face with Gabriel, oh dear, I just can't help but think that she's in danger as we speak, dragon powers still are no match for the power of Dip" Scrooge also added in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 04:10:08 AM
"Does she have a cellphone? Maybe we can call and warn her." Droopy said.

"Or have a handy roadrunner take a message to her.  Have you seen how fast those things can run?" Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 04:13:47 AM
"Even if she does have a cellphone, I don't even know her phone number, but aye, that I have seen how fast a roadrunner can run" replied Scrooge.

"Don't look at me, I don't know this dargon's number" added in Squidward.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 04:17:12 AM
"Maybe we can ask information for her number." Droopy said.  

"Yea, I've seen one go so fast he set the road on fire for brief bit.." wally said.  "WOw."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 04:52:17 AM
Scrooge thought for a second "Hmm, perhaps it would be easier if we can get a road runner to deliver a message to her, or someone fast" he told them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 05:03:27 AM
"I don't personally know any road runners.  Do any of you folks?" Wally asked.

"I don't.  Maybe Ian knows one if none of us does." Droopy said.  "He did mention having some friends who can get him some toon things."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 06:17:01 AM
"Or ever some fast rodent" Squiward replied back back with a laugh.

"Wait, that could also work, if we can get a hold of Speedy Gonzales as well" replied Scrooge, only to have Squidward stop laughing and glare at him more or less.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 19, 2010, 09:30:50 AM
"WHy do you have to eat all this healthy stuff Simon"? Alvin said.

Simon sighs.

"It's best to eat healthy before a concert Alvin it really helps you perform better" Simon said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 01:34:46 PM
Ian finished with his call to Eddie, just having done it in the men's room since he didn't want to show off with knowing Eddie and such.  

"I see someone new has arrived.  I'm Ian, did you come for some food or for some other reason?" Ian asked.  

"Hi, I'm Wally.  I got a bit tired of the zoo food and snuck out to get a bite to eat.  Some flesh human and 2 odd looking friends of his gave me the address and name of this place.  I must say it is much  nicer then some other food establishments.  Some have thrown me out for not being a human." Wally said.  "By the way, we were talking and I wonder if you know any fast folks like a roadrunner."

"I do have a roadrunner friend.   He's not always home, sometimes he gets called to deliver an important package like an organ for an organ transplant.  Time is of the essence in some cases like that.  Why do you ask?"Ian asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2010, 03:11:56 PM
Gabriel is unlikely want to shut down everything" stripetail said. " She already has Winnie under her thumb, and now she bankrupted Scrooge here using a new kind of Dip.. Dip won't work on me, all it will likely do is scald a acid.." stripetauil mused. " still we have to focus on getting the games underway. Had she not gone to you, Scrooge your financial assistence could have been counted on.. as it is I 'm probably going to do the heavy lifting.."
First things first, going safter the agent who bilked Dee out her money" Dixie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 03:54:11 PM
"That sounds like one of the first things we should do, and perhaps seeing if we can contact the Riches also, although I have no idea how to contact them.  Shall we discuss what to do first, if we should all do that or certain ones of us to do certain things and how to keep in contact?" Droopy asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2010, 04:26:59 PM
Simple, you call them. go get a phone book and contact them and ask them to support the games" stripetail said. " Rut ron't Raberial ry rand ruin rhem roo?' scooby asked" why is why we get a commitment from then now before she has a chance to do so.." Stripetail replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 05:15:18 PM
"Aye, if she bankrupts them, then that could cripple Toontown even more" added in Scrooge as he turned to Ian "We need a message to get out to Haley who's over at the zoo"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 05:33:03 PM
"Yes, she went to the zoo where I live at to talk to Mr. Twiddle.   I do hope she is ok." Wally said putting his hands together to wring them a little.

"Ok, I can ask him to come here if you wish, and if he's not busy." Ian said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2010, 05:42:11 PM
eddie picked up the phone from his office "Iam aain.. great.. I winder what he could want   now..' He pressed the outton " What is going on Ian,/ its bad enough that Gabriel woman is making my life hell, but those blasted qweasels are back.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 05:47:20 PM
"Aye, that would be great, Haley needs to be warned, just in case something goes wrong" Scrooge told Ian.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 08:36:15 PM
Ian talked into his cellphone, "I guess she has been to various places.  She just trashed this place and used the dip on Scrooge's Money.  I guess the money he keeps in his money bin.  Just thought you should know, though I guess she visited you before she came here." Ian said.

Then he pulled the cell phone a bit away from being near his mouth and covered it a bit, but kept the top part on his ear.  "What sort of message, why and where?" He whispered to Scrooge.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 08:39:22 PM
"I would imagine that if Gabriel has not been to the zoo, that Haley would need to be careful as she could arrive there at any given moment, not to mention that if she arrives, that Haley should not fight her, her dragon powers will be no use against the Dip" Scrooge replied back to Ian.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 09:23:35 PM
"Ok, can you write down the address and some directions, & how the roadrunner can prove he's really sent from us and not some stranger or a trap?" Ian said in a whisper while waiting for Eddie to continue.  

Droopy took out a pad and a pen handing them to Wally Gator.  "here you go.  Since you live there you are the best one to write it down."

"I'll do better, I'll also put down a few escape areas and routes, just in case you need to use them." Wally Gator said as he started writing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 19, 2010, 11:21:15 PM
Scrooge thought for a second "Why not put that it's from you Droopy? As isn't the young lass a junior detective as well?" he asked Droopy mainly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2010, 11:42:09 PM
"THat can wor.  I'll wrote a note after Wally's done." Droopy said.  Wally finished then handed the paper and pen to Droopy who wrote a note that the messenger was indeed from him, Dixie, Scooby & the rest from Winnie's resturant.

"She may see her as a useful hostage, or someone to experiment on." Ian said.

"yes, evil folks do tend to get evil ideas I have noticed." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 12:09:41 AM
lets bnot panic here, Gabriel probably has bigger fish to fry than one little girl dragon.." Dixie said " For now we should plan out strategies ..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 12:11:56 AM
"Well, it's always best to be safe than sorry" Scrooge told Dee.

Squidward, on the other hand, just seemed to grumble is all as he just sat there still.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2010, 12:16:52 AM
"Ok, I"ll write a short  note after Wally is done." Droopy said.

"She may find her useful as a hostage or someone to experiment on, or something evil like that." Ian said as Wally finished with writing the address and such down.  he then passed the paper to Droopy who started to write a note saying the messenger was sent by Himself, droopy, Dixie, Dee, Scooby, and the rest at Winnie's Resturant.  

"I have noticed evil types tend to get evil ideas. And enjoy them." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 12:18:46 AM
I think Dee you should head to Droopy's office and tell him, in more detail about this agent, the last time you heard from him, at what point you began to distrust his honesty, things like that. The sooner we find him the better chance we have of recovering your money and any other money, he stole"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 12:20:01 AM
"So Ian, have ye managed to get a road runner to take the note to Haley?" Scrooge asked him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 12:46:56 AM
Rok, Rome ron Rixie, Rooby Ree rets red ro Roopy's' Scooby said " rhen , re ran rind ra rotel ror rhe right"
" we're coming too Winnie said. " i'm shutting down for the day, too much clean-up to earn much business at this point anyway.. besides I'm sitting for Woody's nephews tommorow anyway.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 12:59:22 AM
"Aye, and I'm going to have to come along as well" Scrooge added in.

"I don't know about you lot, but I'm going home...." Squidward more or less complained as well "I don't even know why I was bought over here in the first place"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 01:03:15 AM
Since you are here, pal" You might as well help. " If we don't get a hjump on Gabriel, none of us will have anything left. Scrooge has been bankrupted, Winnies is perilously close to it, and everyday more and toons are forced to beg in the street" Woody replied. ' So either you can help, or stand aside..
_  He's right" Yogi said. " I'm lucky enough to have a job, but my job should be pinching picnic baskets and statying one step ahead of Ranger Smith..
_ If we can't get the games going, we're done for"BoBo said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 01:06:15 AM
Squidward just grumbled and folded his arms "Okay fine, I'll help, but I wont like it" he complained back.

"But, what are we to do with those two?" Scrooge asked, pointing his cane at SpongeBob and Patrick.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2010, 01:07:36 AM
"I'll likely have to go outside and get him.  Road runners don't like to stand in one place for long usually.  Especially for something important." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 01:09:02 AM
Take their so-called "magic Conch shell away and they will follow" dee said.
So whats the plan Ian? How are we going to handle this mess?' eddie complained. " I've got toons banging my door down begging me for help, and its getting on my last nerve!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2010, 01:14:59 AM
"There's a small group gathered here at Winnie's resturant, Scooby doo, 2 of his cousins, Woody woodpecker, Stripetail, Droopy, Wally Gator, & some others. Fudog was here also, but left to check out some stuff with the magical comunity." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 01:17:10 AM
"Allow me then" Squidward spoke as he took the shell away from the two of them.

And that's what had happened, SpongeBob and Patrick snapped out of their trance "Welcome back to the real world, if you want to call it that" Scrooge told them.

He then looked to Squidward "So, do tell me, what's it like where you live?"

"If you must know, the whole place is a dump, the ecconomy is just no good, I can barely get buy where I live since Mr. Krabs went out of business" replied Squidward.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 01:24:08 AM
Lets head out everyone" Stripetail called out " we have lots of people to contact.. Wally, lets see weren't you an announcer the last time these games were held."
 Ri'm roing ro rave ro rall Rooby Rum' Scooby said to Dixie " Re ras ron rhe ream rast rime. "Scooby, lets not try and make this team "The Scooby Family and few friends" Dixie replied.
_ thats basically what it is" Wooddy said, with a grin " Besides that formula worked last time right..?"
Alright < have them come to my office and I'll try and see what I can do.. things are much worse now then when Doom tried to wipe Toontown out of existence for his crazy freeway idea.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2010, 01:27:51 AM
"Wasn't that neat superhero Hong Kong Phooey on Scooby's team?" Droopy asked.  

"He was, and a nice guy he was." Wally said.  

"Ok." Ian said then looked to the others.   "Eddie Valiant wants us to go to his office.  Hope you don't mind.  It's pretty nearby." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 01:31:24 AM
"Eddie? Wasn't he the guy that saved Toontown last time?" SpongeBob asked Ian.

"Aye, that he was, him, Roger and Jessica Rabbit" Scrooge replied.

"Well, this Eddie guy better have a good plan" Squidward added on.

"Ian, if you may, on your note there, if Gabriel hasn't been by the zoo, tell Haley to meet us in Eddie's office, and put down the address as well, we don't want her getting lost" Scrooge also added on to Ian.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 01:37:13 AM
" Excellent! I've heard about all the things he did for toons during the wAr" Dee beameb' It would be an honor to meet such a famous person.."
_ You had Hong Kong Phooey on your team" Dixie started " Scooby! honestly, you were the captain of an Laffalympic team, and you had all sorts of famous people on your team, and you never mention it to me? For goodness sakes, you WON the Laffalympics!
Rell.' Scooby started " its been a long time since then  Dixie, and while I'm sure Scooby is proud of his previous experience, you don't need to hound him on it.." Stripetail said mildly rebuking her. 'With all due respect, my Lord, but I would have mentioned being on that team proudly, and constantly.  it would certainly rank high on my list of personal accomplishments.
_ aren't there other evebts that would rank higher..? Sport isn't everything.." Stripetail replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2010, 01:44:40 AM
"Sure." Ian said as Wally handed the paper to Ian. "I'll write down the directions, though maybe a friend of mine can take her to Eddie's office.  I'll lead you there if you want then contact a friend of mien to take the note to the zoo.  Unless you folks know the way." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 01:50:03 AM
"Does this look unsure to you?" Squidward asked Ian, pointing to his face.

SpongeBob let off a laugh at Squidward as Patrick raised his hand, as if to say he knew where to go.

Scrooge looked to Patrick "Alright then lad, where is it?"

"Oh that's easy, it's right over there" replied Patrick as he pointed to Winnie's restaraunt.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 01:50:07 AM
I know where Eddie's place is " winnie said " its not hurt, i just follow the line of toons that gather outside his office everyday, trying to meet with him.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2010, 01:57:37 AM
"No," Ian said to Squidward, not sure exactly what was going on, "You look very sure." He said before turning to the others.

"Ok, if you are sure you know the way." Ian said as he wrote down Eddie's address and how to get there from Winnie's resturant.

"Wow, the Eddie.  I never thought I would meet him.  I wish I had time to get a new hat and stuff." Wally Gator said.

"He did a great many things to help many toons." Droopy said nodding.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 01:59:03 AM
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Scrooge asked "Let's go and see if Eddie can help us out"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 02:10:53 AM
As the group began moving down the block away from Winnies resteraunt, they began to see glimpses of the abject poverty many toons had been reduced to. Tom and Jerry  saton the doorstep of a crumbling house, their eyes bloodshot from not sleeping. Next door, Garfield, Arlene and Odie looked through garbage cans for food.  Arlene noticed the group and headed in their direction " I'm very sorry for bugging you she said to Stripetail who paused to glance at her, as Odie and Garfield came up to them, as did Tom and Jerry. "Do you have any food? See, since the studio that made our  cartoons closed down, we've been living off garbage. same with Tom and Jerry here. "
Why don't you come with us?' Dixie asked " We're on our way to meet Eddie Valiant.."
_ THE Eddie Valiant? Arlene fairly squeaked " Oh, of course! The thing is though, there's a long line of toons who line up each day to ask him for help, he's likely swamped.
_ He'll make time for us.." stripetail said firmly gazing at the newcomers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 02:19:00 AM
"Yeah, he's just gotta" added in SpongeBob in regards to Stripetail's comment.

"He better" Squidward added in as well "Otherwise, he's going to get an earfull"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2010, 02:28:56 AM
Droopy & Wally walked along with the others, wishing they could help everyone they saw.  

Ian, back an Winnie's Restaurant looked around for a place duck into and not be seen.  Looking around he found a handy place as quickly as the power rangers always can, sharing the same ability to do that.  He looked around to make sure he wasn't seen and no one was around.  He then changed to his toon roadrunner form, which was the same size and shape as the wile e coyte roadrunner except his feathers were various shades of red.  Holding the note he took off at top speed and headed towards the zoo.  The road behind him alighting with a line of small flames that died away a bit behind him, and the road pulled up briefly behind him before settling back down as if nothing happened.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 02:32:58 AM
Meanwhile Eddie, fr the what seemed the fiftieth time that day, had to turn a toon away. " Look daisy I'm sorry Donald got laid off but I'm only one guy, and I have literally dozens of toons asking me for help.." Daisy Duck turned away with tears in her eyes " Its that witch Gabriel! Shes ruining things for everyone here in toontown! I don't blame you Eddie, you're doing what you can.. but who else have we to turn to? in this economy, people don't care about struggling toons, just like they didn't care that  we were segregated during the war..
_ why don't you marry Donald? eddie suggested " Cripes you two have been together for 70 years, isn't time you tied the knot?' Daisy looked at him, fresh tears in her eyes " We couldn't afford it, even in the best of times, besides the scripts forbade us from getting married, same deal with Mickey and Minnie, who have been together even longer than us.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 02:39:08 AM
Mr. Krabs was in Eddie's office as well "Ya gotta help me! I was run out business! All my money bringing customers driven out! And all because of that Gabriel woman!" he explained to Eddie.

Haley got the message in the end and read it as she turned to Mr. Twiddle "Sorry, but I have to get going now, however, just remember if Gabriel does come around, try and hold back as best you can" she told the zoo keeper before waving back at him and taking off for Eddie's office.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2010, 02:43:28 AM
Having delivered the message Ian headed off for Eddie's office.  Finding a handy place to switch back to his normal flesh human form before he went in.  

- -

"I do wonder what her ultimate plans are.  Usually villain types do have an ulterior motive." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 02:44:36 AM
Mr Krabs, like I've said to Daisy here and many others over the past days and weeks, there is really nothing I can do. there's only so much I can do , for so many people, and my limit has been exceeded." eddie sighed.  : if there was anything coming to town that would employ some of you, that would be a godsend. But Gabriel has seen to it that there's nothing, absolutely nothing.. I hate being so helpless and being unable to help,but there's absolutely nothing I can do.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 02:48:46 AM
Mr. Kravs let off a sigh "Yeah, people must miss their Krabby patties and thanks to Gabriel, I even lost my star fry cook and Squidward"

Haley managed to arrive at the office before everyone else and looked around "Have I missed them?" she asked Eddie "You know, Scrooge, Scooby, Droopy and the rest of them?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 02:52:47 AM
Great, more people needing help?' Eddie sank back into his chair with a sigh. " No, i haven't seen them, but chances are they are on their way here like so many others.. scrooge, I heard about how Gabriel used a new kind of dip o n his horde of cash.. and I had though all the dip had been washed away.. well she managed to make some more.. and she will use it..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 02:56:45 AM
"Yeah, they're also after some help from you, from what I understand, on the note I was given, that you're some kind of legend" Haley told Eddie as she landed on his desk "Is that actually true? Cause I don't know the whole story myself"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2010, 02:57:07 AM
Ian walked into the office. "They should be here soon." He said.  "I do wonder why she is doing all this."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 03:14:13 AM
Because shes a cold-hearted shrew!" Daisy fairly exploded "Who loves the misery of others.."
_ Stripetail, Scooby dixie and Woody bypassed the long line of toons, who were cordoned off by a rope. Many of them looked haggard and tired. "Don't worry folks.. things will get better! Stripetail said to them.
_ How?' grumbled Grumpy, that darn hag closed down our mine!" Yeah, she forced us out too' Came the chorus of complaints from the toons in line. Stripetail gestured and a large poster flew across the room and nailed itself to a wall. " It read
"Laffalypmics Auditions
 Do you fancy yourself an athlete? Would you like to compete with the very best toons Toon world has to offer? Then sign up for one of 4 teams_ Scooby Doobies. Yogi Yahoeeys, Really Rottens or Droopy Dawgs. Qualifying competitions will be  held next week in the motorcycle track. qualifiers will receive 100, 000 in cash, not including prizes won in competition..."
_ With a loud clatter of noise the toons all rushed to read this poster.
So who's ponying up all that cash? Scrooge McDuck went bankrupt!' grumpy asked " and with Gabriel around none of the other rich toons are going to put forth that kind of money.."
_ I am' stripetail said simply. " i assure you , my good toons, I have more than enough money to cover all expenses, when you live as long as I have, you tend to rack up a lot of money.. those that do not make the teams, will be hired as announcers, judges, concession workers, in short, we will find work for virtually all of you.."
_ there was a huge roar of cheers at this. " who are you? Grumpy asked his voice filling with awe  at this stranger's offer.
_ this is Lord Stripetail Dixie said., coming up behind him. "I'm Dixie Doo, Scooby is my husband.. Go home, and start getting ready for the games everyone, we must get these games underway before Gabriel can sabotage them! Her and her blasted weasels...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 03:20:08 AM
"Yeah, it sure sounds like it" Haley replied to Daisy as she folded her arms looking to Eddie "What do you think we should do about it? How do we stop the Dip?"

"Yeah, but what if you get Dipped?" SpongeBob asked Stripetail with a gulp.
"I hate to say it, but SpongeBob's right, no one's immune to that Dip stuff" Squidward spoke up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 03:32:41 AM
Well you lead a lot of water to dilute it" eddie said..
I am not worried about being Dipped, Mr Squidward, I've dealt with worse.." stripetail replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 03:35:42 AM
"Water?" Haley thought for a second "We could use that somehow, but question is, how?"

"Aye, but the Dip, you have to remember lad, that magic wont be able to save you from it, you'll be disintergrated, much like how my precious money was" Scrooge told Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2010, 03:39:07 AM
"I wonder if dip would harm a flesh human." Ian said, wondering what it would do to someone with his unique nature.  

"Be sure to tell all your friends and family members about the announcement." Wally said to the crowd.

"And your neighbors too." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 03:40:12 AM
Stripetail nodded. "I'll keep that in mind mr Scrooge, but remember i'm not a toon.. so the dip may not affect me as it does toons.. which is to say, eradicates them.." Stripetail involuntarily shuddered. Dip was going to be one of the most toxic substances he had ever faced, regardless of the fact that he was not a toon, if he got splashed with dip, it would likely do a number on him..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 03:45:20 AM
"And your other friends!" Patrick also added in to the crowd.

"Patrick, don't you have tyo be stupid somewhere else?" Squidward asked him.

"Not until four...." was all Patrick replied back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 03:52:20 AM
eddie looked us as the Door opened to reveal Scooby " rerr, rister railiant? ri'm Rooby roo.."
_ Please come in..' eddie said wearily. " i suppose your group is here because you need my help..
_ res. Ri'm rot rom round rere. Ri rive rin Roollsrille rith ry rowner Rhaggy, rand ry rife Rixie.." Scooby began, as Garfield Arlene and Odie entered the room. Woody and Winnie were next followed by Stripetail, Dixie Scooby Dee Yogi, Bobo, Tom, and Jerry. Tom took a seat on the floor. " so you're the group Ian told me about hmm?" eddie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 03:56:38 AM
"About time, look Mr. Eddie Valiant, I lost my job at the Krusty Krab because of that Gabriel woman and I am barely getting by at the moment because of that" Squidward told Eddie.

"And I lost my job at the Krusty Krab as well" SpongeBob added in.

"And I lost my life's earnings because of her" added in Scrooge.

Patrick however, just stood there drooling as it were.

"He said that water could stop the Dip, you know, make it completely useless" Haley told Scooby and the others.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2010, 04:07:07 AM
"So all we need is super soakers?" Wally said.  

"So should we try to get more information on why this Gabriel is doing this, what she has done before and try to profile her, or go after the agent who stole Dee's money and vanished?" Droopy said.  "Or break out into teams."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 01:19:59 PM
"My former agent took everything i have" Dee Began ' Was his name Clurry Von Paws? edie asked
_ yes " "Well he stole from oihers as well. Josie and Pusycats reported losinbg 20 milion,  Dame Turcant, lost $15 million, he stole from whole bunch of people not just you. how much did he steal from you?" "300 million" came the reply.
 300 million" Eddie's mouth fell open  "So this fella's stolen a billion dollars! Well, you are by far his largest victim Miss Dee I'm sorry for you. Have Droopy here take the case for you, right now I need to coordinate the efforts against Gabriel. I stopped one nut who used Dip before, I can do it again. "
 He turned to the others "it took a lot of water to clear  out the dip when I shut down Doom's machine, and we don't know much Dip Gabriel has. No doubt shes made improvements to increase its lethality..." He trailed off.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2010, 02:42:54 PM
"entirely possible using modern chemistry and technology." Ian said.

Droopy nodded, "That does sound best.  Though I do hope the 2 cases are not connected then that could mean that Gabriel may have access to that money as well as whatever more money she has access to already." Droopy said.

"What diabolical thing will she do next." Wally Gator said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 03:07:26 PM
"She apparantly has some kind of Dip bomb" Scrooge told Eddie "It was some sort of experimental thing of hers she decided to use upon my money"

"How much water do you suppose we'd need then? Although, granted, we would need to know how much Dip she actually has" Haley added in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2010, 03:37:39 PM
We would need a lot, thousands of gallons maybe.. judging by her actions, Gabriel wants Toon Town out of the way, why I don't know yet.." Eddie replied
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2010, 05:59:48 PM
"Could be her hatred of toon town or toons." Wally Gator said.

"Or to drive down the property values, buy toon town and demolish it and do something with the property." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2010, 06:01:17 PM
"Somehow, I think it would be her hatred towards Toons, I just don't know, but it just feels like it is all" Haley added in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 22, 2010, 09:53:01 PM
Its likely she wants Toon town of the way, like Doom did, although probably not for the same reason" Eddie said . ' Good luck to all of you, I'll be in touch.."
_ Lets go find somewhere to sleep tonight.. "Dee suggested to Scooby and Dixie..
- mind oif we stay with you guys ' bobo asked.. " Since the parksbeen closed " Yogi added..
 Scooby shrugged "rhy rot.. Re ro racj ra rays Rogi.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 22, 2010, 10:27:13 PM
Alvin and the Chipmunks were walking back from the concert. "We so rocked tonight" Alvin said mimicking a guitar and doing an air guitar.

"Well I must admit that we did do pretty good"

"Thanks for giving us tickets " Cadpig said.

"Yeah, even though I had better things to do right now the one eyed man could be inches away from taking over the world" Bolt said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 22, 2010, 10:29:51 PM
as they headed back they ran into Stripetail , the scooby Family and Yogi and Bobo. " Well hello there again " Dixie said kindly where are you folks headed? She asked " We're just walking around town..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 22, 2010, 10:34:30 PM
"Well we're trying to find our way back to the hotel. Ya, see Alvin here messed up with our limo and now we have really got no place to stay for the night because Alvin is going to mess it up again somehow." Simon said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 22, 2010, 10:35:28 PM
"Everyone else have a place to stay?" Ian asked looking around.  

"I could just sneak back into the zoo and sneak out again tomorrow if you want or need me." Wally said.

"I have my home.  It's not fancy or very large but some of you can stay there if you need to." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 22, 2010, 10:39:53 PM
We could crash at your place for the night ' Yogi said " We'll be picking Cindy the "perfume Galleria" Its ion south street over here.. Huckleberry works  there too as a hat modeller.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 22, 2010, 10:41:39 PM
Scrooge shook his head "I'm afraid I don't have a place to stay myself"

"You could stay with me" SpongeBob suggested "I'm sure Gary wont mind"

Haley looked to those who had no place to stay and sighed "If only we could help them all, but I don't think we can...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 22, 2010, 10:43:36 PM
"You know I would have helped out if I could" Cadpig said .

"Don't worry ya'll when I find the hotel we can all stay there." Alvin said.

Simon just sighs in frustration.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 22, 2010, 10:52:13 PM
"I can rent us a hotel room or 2.  Or call a friend of mine to bring over a toon device called a temporary clubhouse, or a secret temporary headquarters." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 22, 2010, 10:52:45 PM
The "Hotel' was actually an Inn. the Foundations was its name, but it had, like much of Toon Town fallen into disrepair Many of the windows were cracked or missing and grass grew in between the cracks in the parking lot Scooby walked up towards the front door off the inn and opened it there were no bolts in the hinges so as he opened it it fell over and he had to jump back to avoid being hit by it.
_ This place sure looks like a winner" dee muttered, a year ago, she wouldn't have given this place even a look, now it was better than nothing. the night spread its dheet over the sky, and clouds began gathering over head. " Looks like storm is moving in Stripetrail said " Better get inside and check in before it hits us.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 22, 2010, 11:02:49 PM
"Looks like an unsafe place to stay.  I think I"ll be staying in a temporary secret headquarters.  I'll have to call a friend of mine, he has more things like that then I do.  I only have a few handy toon gadgets." Ian said.

"It does look rather unsafe." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 22, 2010, 11:51:49 PM
Its better than nothing" dixie replied ' as thunder boomed in the distance..
 Scooby entered the inn and rang the bell
Coming came the manager.. "Rorry arout rhe roor" Scooby said As dixie, Dee and Bobo entered. " Well the hingkes are bad and we're barely staying in business as it is ;' the manafger replied. just pick a room, and I'll give you the key.. rate is $30 a night..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 23, 2010, 12:26:03 AM
Squidward had decided it was better to stay inn for now "$30 an hour!? That's an outrage!" he yelled at the manager.

Haley had also gone to the inn as well "Um, Droopy, can you at least ring Fu Dog and tell him where I am?" she asked him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 23, 2010, 12:32:40 AM
"If you need to reach me just call Eddie, he has my number." Ian said as he started to leave.

"Think I'll sneak back into the zoo & sneak out again tomorrow.   Where shall we meet, over at Eddies?" Wally said.

"You can stay in my home, Wally." Droopy said.

"That would be easier then sneaking into & out of the zoo." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 23, 2010, 12:39:01 AM
why are you three leaving/ stripetail queried I have rooms for each of you.. to make you feel comfortable I can put a spell on the door that will burn any intruder who tries to break in..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 23, 2010, 12:50:21 AM
"On past cases with Eddie I've always stayed in one of the secret temporary headquarters a friend of mine has. " Ian said.  "They are very hard to find, once in place."

"I've not heard of those." Wally gator said.

"naturally, they are a secret, only a few know of such things." Ian said.  "The portable clubhouse is more public."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 23, 2010, 12:54:50 AM
well that is all well and good but you have friends here" stripetail pointed out. " besides  he pointed outside, wghere it hads begun to rain heavily.. "Better to be safe and dry than soaking wwet..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 23, 2010, 01:05:15 AM
"If you insist I can put a secret temp headquarters here somewhere." Ian said.

"Rain doesn't bother me any." Wally Gator said looking outside.

"Hmm, could I stay in it also.  I would like to see what one looks like." Droopy said looking at Ian.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 23, 2010, 01:08:23 AM
Thats fine.. how about the lobby then..  at least this doesn't have broken windows" Stripetail gestured and lifted a couple of small pillows off a nearby sofa' Here you can use these" He said kindly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 23, 2010, 02:02:59 AM
"Ok, I should call him now." Droopy said.

Droopy pulled out his cellphone to try to call Fu Dog and tell him where Haley was and give the address and directions from Winnie's Restaurant to where they currently were.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 23, 2010, 06:30:57 AM
Fu Dog answered his cellphone "Alright, I'll tell him, thanks Droppy" he spoke as he hung up and turned to Lao Shi "Haley's at an inn for the time being, she's in the care of Droopy and the others"

"Ah yes, thank you Fu Dog, it's good to know the the young one is under watchful eyes, especially in this ecconomy state, and with this Gabriel person running a menace around as well" Lao Shi replied back to Fu Dog.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 23, 2010, 06:36:44 AM
"Wow talk about your "Fixer Upper" I have seen dumpsters look better then this" Alvin said with a whistle as he walked into the hotel.

Simon just shook his head. "Well it's better then nothing." Simon said.

"The Aura in this hotel is very unpromising" Cadpig said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 24, 2010, 01:04:48 AM
Scooby Dixie a Sciooby Dee were given the key to room 103. it was up a creaky flight of stairs that had the feel of not being cleaned in years " this place is almost as bad as the Inglorious Hotel, well at least when we first checked in.." dixie said as they approached thier room.
_ Room 107" the manager said, Handing the key to theodore "pleasant dreamd to you all.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 24, 2010, 01:07:49 AM
Squidward grumbled annoying and handed over some cash to the clerk "You make me sick....$30 a night...."

Haley changed into her human form again and patted her pockets "I'm afraid I don't have any money to cover the expenses"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 24, 2010, 01:15:35 AM
I'll cover for the night" stripetail said, handing over a few gold coins. and recieving room 110 in exchange. 'You can have the bed, my young friend, I'll sleep on the sofa.."
 Yogi anf Bobo got room 116. " Hey Bobo good thing I had some cash on me " Yogi grinned as they climbed the Stairs.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 24, 2010, 01:26:56 AM
"Thank you" Haley told Stripetail.

Squidward snatched his key off the clerk with great annoyance too "Well, I don't know about you lot, but I'm going to my room" he stood there for a few seconds before walking off to his room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 24, 2010, 01:35:30 AM
My pleasure " stripetail replied with a smile " So I wager you have dragons in your family, judging by your ability to transform into one.. perhaps your grandfather .."
 Stripetail's face was filled with merriment " My dear I know a great deal about dragons,  considering one is one of my dearest friends
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 24, 2010, 01:41:18 AM
"Yeah, there's my grandfather, my brother and myself at least" Haley told Stripetail "But I didn't know you knew dragons as well"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 24, 2010, 01:47:02 AM
i've known many, mostly good, athough some were bad" stripetail replied.. " dragons are very very powerful creatures, proud strong, and in herantly unpredictable. they are loyal, but a terrible enemy
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 24, 2010, 02:42:04 AM
"How about Droopy and Wally?" Ian asked.   "I'll sleep not to far away.  I'll call a friend and use a special gadget of theirs." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 24, 2010, 03:00:10 AM
the coins he game me will cover the cosrt of a rooom the manager said to Ian " what room number do they want?
_ Woody and Winnie heade home to the treehouse they shared
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 24, 2010, 03:17:12 AM
"Any will do.  I'm not particular as to numbers." Droopy said.

"yea, I don't mind about any ol numb ers etiher." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 24, 2010, 04:00:31 AM
Room 100 then, it the first room on the floor' the manager said handing them the key" each room has two beds...
Scooby unlocked the door of their room and entered. 'it was smelly in here, the beds were fairly small, and the light switches did not work 'in the corner there was a small tv set, the remote lay on the bedstand between the two beds.  dee sat her belonging down by the second bed, and prepared for bed. 'thank you, scooby, and Dixie, for helping me in my time of need' she said as she climbed into bed. "You're family Dee.." dixie replied..  " we had no idea you were this badly off.. we thought you were still loaded.."
Re rare rad ro relp rou Ree.. Rou'd ro rhe rame ror rus.. Rerm Ri rould riss rou roodright" he suggested, before looking at Dixie, to see if she disapproved. " scooby.. you're married now and i wouldn't want to upset Dixie.." dee objected
_ no its alright.. I'll give you one too" dixie said finally..
 er... alright.' Dee said a bit nervous " I do hope .. well.. that you aren't .. um..
I'm not attracted to other girls" Dixie said firmly "If I was well... it would have been  gossiped  about in the family for awhile now.. you know how Ma is... and well i probably wouldn't have married Scooby..
 Very true" Dee said a bit relieved "I've never done anything like that in my movies, its such a pathetic trick to draw in teenage male dogs, and I will never do any movie that has me be with or kiss another female.. ok you two.. let me kiss you and then I'll head to bed and you can watch the television. scooby First.. I know you've always enjoyed me giving you kisses"
_ Except the one time you were kidnapped and had another dog pose as you.. yes I heard all about that episode" Dixie said. dee pressed her lips tightly, she didn't like discussing the numerous kidnappings and attempted kidnappings she had endured during the 70s and early 80s. : ok, cousin Dixie, do we need to bring that up" she said with a undertone of impatience " i was foolish in those years.. I acted .. really like a damsel in distress whenever trouble came my way.. I've learned from those experiences.. i have.. or rather HAD much better security.. i don't publicize my vacations.. and if necessary i get restraining order against anyone you tried to kidnap me
_ did you get one against the spirit of Daniel Boone?" Dixie chuckled a little.. "DIXIE! Please!" Dee fairly shouted " do you hear me make fun of your singing, or your Showboat performances, or that issue with that paralyzed police dog.. what was his name... Maurice?" Dixies eyes narrowed "Yes, Ma told me all about that one a few years ago.." "He was my boyfriend" Dixie said testily..
Rirls Rease! " scooby cut in.. things were getting a bit out of hand.. "row Ree ret re riss rou.."
_  Dee shot Dixie a look before nodding. Scooby leaned over and brown and  white lips met as they kissed. ' dee wrapped her around his neck briefly, then pulled away. "you're a good kisser scooby" dee said smiling as Scooby moved to the other bed. rhanks" scooby smiled
-  I guess its my turn" dixie said  yes it is" dee her a frosty glance " the girls leaned forward and  red and white lips met as dixie pressed her lips against dees ' the kiss lasted only a couple seconds. dee pulled away almost as as soon as their lips met, and nodded in Dixies direction " thanks. Next time lets just nuzzle.. good night cousin.. " Dee said  climbing under the covers and settling in
_ Good night Cousin Dee" dixie said a little formally sas she joined Scooby on thier bed. Scooby had the remote in his paw and pressed the power button turning the tv on..

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 24, 2010, 04:28:27 AM
the television crackled on two street cats broadcast the daily news "Toontown economy cotinues to fall in wake of McDuck Bankruptcy..panhandling continues to rise.. characters losing shows left and right..
- How depressing" DIxie muttered as She settled into bed with scooby " things are really bad here.' Reah, rhey rare" scooby agreed "Ran rings ret rany rorse?"
_ if that horrible Gabriel person has anything to say about it, yes" dixie said.
- Garfield , odie and Arlene settled in on the bed opposite Haleys. Tom and Jerry settled on top of the covers, glad to not be  out in the stormy weather. they had snuck inside the room, but the squirell and little dragon hadn't seemed to mind
_ thanks for letting us come along" Arlene whispered as she settled inbetween Garfield and Odie
_ Not a problem:' Stripetail replied as he settled in against the left armchair of the couch "I plan on helping as many toons as I can..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 24, 2010, 06:27:46 AM
Simon dug into his pocket and pulled out some money for him and his brother's to get a room for the night.

Cadpig just jumped up on to achair .

"You want me to pay for your room too? Cause I don't mind" Simon said.

"No thanks I have got everything I need right here" Cadpig said.

"I must decline as well for the green eyed man can be lurking anywhere"

Tuck walked in. He was on his way to his grandma's and somehow he got lost. He needed some place to stay for the night.

Tuck put some money on the table.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 24, 2010, 06:35:18 AM
"Maybe some of the toons can also hide out at my Grandpa's shop" Haley suggested "Becuase that's what Jake's job is, to help out pretty much everyone he can"

Zim and GIR had returned, they had gone to Eddie's office first, before being directed to the inn "You! Human! We are in need for a place to stay!" Zim more or less yelled at the clerk.
"I can give you a cupcake for a room" GIR offered.
"GIR, please, let me handle this one" replied Zim "So tell me human, what does it take to get a room at this....inn of yours?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 24, 2010, 01:54:28 PM
"I can pay for a room." Droopy said.  He wasn't rich but he did have some money, his home and car were fully paid off, which helped.  

"I can pay for Wally Gator's room." Ian said still not sure if he'd be staying here or in a temporary secret hq.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 24, 2010, 06:16:32 PM
"Very well then" Zim spoke back as he recieved his key after Droopy had paid for it "Come GIR, let us go to our room and figure out what to do about this Gabriel woman, she will not be allowed to take over Toontown before I do!" of course, for Zim, thoughts of world domination were in still in his mind as he walked to his room with GIR.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 25, 2010, 08:53:41 PM
The Storm raged on the entire night, it was storm that came from the POacific and had lots of moisture in it. the lightning flashedm, thunder rolled, and the rain pummeled the roof of the in ceaselessly. Scooby pulled Dixie as close to him as possible, partly for warmth, and also for reasons of comfort Those unlucky enough to be outside got drenched..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 25, 2010, 10:17:08 PM
"Well, tonight hasn't been all that great" Haley spoke up as she lay on the bed, still rather wide awake at the moment.

Squidward on the other hand, had earmuffs on in order to drown out, both the storm, and the other toons as well, putting a face mask over his eyes. (Not sure on what they're actually called)

Both Zim and Gir were still awake, Zim contemplating on what to do about Gabriel and her Dip, considering the fact that he didn't want her ruining his chances at world domination.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 25, 2010, 10:24:59 PM
I've been though worse ' stripetail replied as the room was lit up from lightning.. "I trust you keep your dragon identity secret.. I don't think you'd like the notoriety of having your dragonhood known.. and many cultures are considerably anti-dragon.."
_ Dixie awoke, to find scooby pressed against her. she pushed him." scooby! she cried out in exasperation.. "You pressing too hard.. I don't mind snuggling, but i do need some space.. alright we each get half of the bed I get the right you get the left..
_ Bobo was fast asleep.. today had been a good day for him, for the first time in several weeks, he felt positive about the future..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 25, 2010, 11:23:43 PM
"Yeah, we usually do, well, either as a human, or as a dragon, never usually changing out in the open, only on the rare occasions is all, like when it's actually needed to be done" Haley replied as she gave off a stretch.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 25, 2010, 11:25:19 PM
Ian went to his room, having paid for a room alone.  He sat on the bed for a bit thinking what to do before he got an idea.  Making sure the door was locked he switched to his faceless detective form, then took out a small jar of vanishing cream.  This he put aside, noticing he was almost out, must have forgotten to refill that from his last case.  He then switched to his toon woodpecker form, his smallest, then put the vanishing cream onto himself turning invisible then crawled under the bed, taking the jar of vanishing cream with him so it would not be stolen.  He then went to sleep hoping that if anyone broke it they'd think the room empty or give him at least a few extra seconds to think what to do.  The effects would wear of during the night sometime, but, he hoped, they may be in effect if someone broke into the room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 25, 2010, 11:27:39 PM
Stripetail nodded sagely..'we are going to have a lot of toons try out for the laffalympics.. conditions are very bad here, it is almost as bad as when the black death swept away half the population of my homeland.. the competition will be very fiercely, you're going to have a tough time making the team. "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 25, 2010, 11:29:25 PM
"Well, just remember...." Haley begun as she changed into her dragon form again "I am a dragon after all, so that might be able to help me out a bit more easily"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 25, 2010, 11:35:47 PM
Dixie and Scooby finally settled in, and fell asleep
- Garfield was dreaming of a huge plate of lasagna. Arlene dreamed of being on a very romantic date with Garfield culminating in a long and lengthy kiss, and Odie dreamed aboiut being in a pile of delicious bones..
_ de dreamt that she was accepting an Academy Award " To thank my cousins, Scooby and Dixie.. my manager my fellow actors..  It was a very pleasant dream but it was just that..
_ Winnie snuggled in against woody That day had been a very draining one, all they had left at this point was each other.. "I love you woody' she whispered, leaning and pressing her beek to his. The kiss was brief and they both enjoyed it.. "if only things were better right now Winnie..' woody said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 26, 2010, 12:20:57 AM
"If what Eddie had said is true, then we need water to stop the Dip....water, one of my many weakness" Zim told Gir, who in turn, was on the floor runing around in a circle on his side.
"So, that is going to prove to be a bit of a problem" Zim continued to talk, ignoring what Gir was doing.
Zim was still up at the moment, having no intention on sleeping just yet, especially not with Gir still active.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2010, 12:58:25 AM
Stripetail settled in against the armrest and soon feel asleep. the storm lingered on throughout the night.. it was still raining hard when Dixie awoke from her sleep. the ground outside was covered in wayet, as the drains began filling with all the water from the storm, the lous rudh of water running into the drains could be heard throughout the hotel..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 26, 2010, 09:16:14 AM
Cadpig yawned and pulled a blanket over herself.

Alvin settled into bed. "Don't worry guys we'll find our way in the morning." Alvin said.

Simon just sighed sadly.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2010, 03:45:07 PM
Scooby awoke a few minutes later, Diixie was in the bathroom, getting changed. " Ro, Rixie rhat rill re rave ror reakrast" He asked., softly as not to wake Scooby Dee who was still asleep. " I haven't the slightest idea..' dixie called out, he was putting a fresh dress, she usually brought 2-3 extra dreses, today she was going to wear a violet one..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 26, 2010, 07:45:19 PM
Haley was already up that morning, back in her dragon form for the time being and down in the lobby, talking to the clerk "So, um, do you guys do room service here by any chance? Because I'm rather hungry...."

Squidward, however, was still fast asleep at the moment, not even realizing that it was morning.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 26, 2010, 11:25:56 PM
Droopy woke up in his room and did some basic morning exercises to help warm himself up and his muscles.  Once he had done this he walked out to the main lobby area.  

Wally Gator stretched in bed and lay there for a while before he decided he should get up so he would not be left behind if some folks left early.  

Ian got out from under the bed.  He was hungry was doubted the hotel would do much for food.  He could do a little for food, though not very healthy food.   He switched to his
faceless detective form, animated human mode, and put what was left of the vanishing cream away then he switched to his normal flesh human form and put on pulled out a toon cap that he had rolled up very small in a pocket.  

"Hello folks.   How are you folks doing?  Do they provide breakfast here? If not I can make some, if you don't mind having desert type stuff for breakfast." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 27, 2010, 12:04:20 AM
We have some mini muffins juice and milk and a couple cereals" The clerk replied ' We have Funny stars and eyepoppers cereal.. Its all we can afford. the 30 bucks goes mostly to rent and upkeep.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 27, 2010, 12:22:01 AM
"I can provide some jelly donuts and pies, with some toon magic." ian said.  "& if not many are here I cut up a Wonka bar so each can have a small bit." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 27, 2010, 12:23:02 AM
"So, um, is it free? Cause I would like some cereal myself" Haley told the clerk.

Squiward soon enough woke up and looked around, it was indeed morning "This place is even worse in the morning" he spoke as he left the room and headed down to the lobby area.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 27, 2010, 12:25:59 AM
yes the food is free the clerk replied, as Tom and jerry appeared in the hallway..  They looked very hungry.. " Help yourselves, but remember to leave some for the others" the clerk said to them.. " I have enough muffins for about 10 per person.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 27, 2010, 12:35:12 AM
"Your food is low?  I think I'll eat only what I can make since that'll mean more food for the others."  Ian said.

"I think I'd like a Jelly Donut, if its ok." Droopy said.  

"What's to eat here?" Wally gator said as he walked in, "I hope not zoo food."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 27, 2010, 12:41:54 AM
Haley was now seen eating the ceral soon enough as Squidward walked over to the clerk "Cereal for me" he told him.

Zim and Gir had also headed into the lobby room, to which Zim spoke up "Listen up! This Eddie has told me how to get rid of the Dip! And I have a plan, we fill up waterbombs...."

Squidward, however, interupted "But, aren't water bombs fragile as well?"

Zim glared at Squidward "Fine! Ruin my whole plan!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 27, 2010, 01:06:41 AM
Stripetail appeared on the Landing, as Tom and Jerry took a table and sat down to eat some muffins " I'll take a couple muffins and some juice he said.. taking stock of the meager rations.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 27, 2010, 01:23:12 AM
Ian went to sit down and reached into a pocket, pulling out a 2.5 inch toon rod.  He held this in one hand and flicking it made it emit a pop sound and expand to it's full size, a normal size toon magic wand.  He waved and pointed this at his left hand and a jelly donut appeared in his left hand after obvious magic stuff.  This he handed to Droopy.

"Thanks." Droopy said and started to eat his donut.  Ian made one for himself and started to eat it.  

Wally went over and picked up a biscuit and bit into it.  "it's better then zoo food at least." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 27, 2010, 01:28:44 AM
Zim glared some more at Squidward as he walked over to the clerk "You human! Give me some food!" he ordered the clerk.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 27, 2010, 01:37:51 AM
the food is already' the clerk stopped as Stripetail was creating food out of midair. pastries, hash browns and sausage biscuits piled up. along with slices of cheese, jars of jam, peanut butter and bread - whole wheal white and multigrain, and other foods besides " Help yourselves  he said cheerily..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 27, 2010, 01:58:00 AM
Ian finished his jelly donut as the rain of food started.   He looked around, "Reminds me of that time at Wonka's, but that was a candy rain instead of a food rain." He said.

Droopy and Wally Gator went to pick out some food.  

"I got soem choose, and sausage." Wally said before he ate it.  "Great."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 27, 2010, 02:08:04 AM
Dee woke up a little later and caught the smell of food " My my that sounds lovely ' she said sniffing the air " Come on cousins lets get some breakfast!
Bobo and Yogi joined got some food for themselves and started working away at it
 Arlene was the first in her group to enter.' mmm' She said appreciating the food " i haven't had fresh food in 4-5 days' she said as she piled a plate high with food.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 27, 2010, 02:47:34 AM
Alvin, Simon, and Theodore and Tuck rushed down the stairs to get some food as well.

Cadpig who was all ready sitting down at a table eating motioned them over to sit at her table to eat with her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 27, 2010, 02:51:05 AM
Zim grabbed his food and sat down at the same table as Cadpig and the others whilst Gir was already at the table eating some tacos.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 27, 2010, 01:47:18 PM
Ian didn't touch the food Stripetail had made appear since he wanted everyone else to get some food and wasn't sure if there was enough to go around.  He took off his cap and reached into it, up to his elbow and pulled out a Wanka bar.  He opened a corner and took off a bit and then wrapped it up to put it away back into the hat before he ate the piece.

"Great." Ian said.  "They make the best chocolate, though not a good thing for every meal, now and then is great."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 27, 2010, 09:43:44 PM
dixie Scooby and scooby dee all made thier way dpown then piled up theirr plates with food
_ don't worry " stripetail said confidently " There will be enough food for all of us..
_ Was hoping for lasanga" garfield complained..
 Rhats romething roui rave ror ribnner" Scooby said, between bites of food.
_ that bed wasn't very warm or comfortable" dixie said
_ It was bertter than what I've slept in the last few weeks " dee replied..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 27, 2010, 11:19:23 PM
"The bed could be much worst." Ian said, leaving out that he had slept under his bed.  

"Yea, like using a car seat as a bed while you are on stake out." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 27, 2010, 11:22:53 PM
Trying sleeping on the ground, in a rainstorm " arlene said, i'bve done it, and it isn't fun..
- Yeah, We've been on our own since the studio went under and Jon lost his house and had to go live with his mother" Garfield said stuffing some food into his mouth..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 28, 2010, 12:01:39 AM
"Hopefully the lympics will change that." Droopy said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2010, 12:12:44 AM
We'll have to see how the turnout for participants is..." Dixie said
- They're desperate for anything " arlene replied so.. anyway how many spots are open?
(36, Dixie Woody and winnie are on Scoobys team, while Haley is om the Yogis, so Yogiss team will get 9 selectiond, Scooby will get 9
_ Meanwhile at the state prison the Reallky Rottens were facing the parole board " Usually, we would not have parole hearing for such henious crimnes, but given budget cutbacks and prisoner releases, we must make exceptions
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 28, 2010, 12:55:35 AM
"I deduce it will be very large." Droopy said.

"I would tend to agree." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2010, 01:12:45 AM
that would be very good then, same theres only 40 spots' dee said
 well were going to ask the originsl members of the team back too" Yogi said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 28, 2010, 01:20:36 AM
"Hopefully one with lots of places to hide if that Gabriel lady or her weezles appear on it." Wally Gator said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2010, 01:24:22 AM
we must get over this fear of Gabriel' Stripetail said "It is this fear that is keeping everyone down. fear only works if yiou are willing to renain scared..:
_ i'm going to take tyou guys to the bank today to try and gtet m y house back" Dee said to her cousins.,..if i get it back, i will rent the rooms out to homeless toons..' she aded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 28, 2010, 01:34:26 AM
"Well, I know I for one am not scared of her" Haley spoke up having just finished her food.

"Scared of this Gabriel? Zim is scared of nothing!" Zim also spoke up.
Gir however, just seemed to give off a laugh for no reason at all.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 28, 2010, 02:26:50 PM
"Why not ask that Yosemite Sam guy to take her out?  I heard he's so ornery  that he took over hell from that other guy." Wally Gator said.

(ooc: At the very very end of an old bugs bunny cartoon, no idea if it really happened here, but I'm sure considering how Yosemite Sam is someone may have started a rumor even if it did not happen.)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2010, 03:16:30 PM
um. that was temporary' arlene rep;lied ' satan kicked him out a short time later. when Sam dies, he'll be stuck, because Heaven won't want him, because hes done so much bad stuff, and satan won't want him back down there... at least those are the rumors..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 28, 2010, 09:54:57 PM
"Really?  Well I just heard rumors, no real details." Wally Gator said.

"Maybe he'll set up his own place, to compete with that Satan guy." Ian said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2010, 10:56:26 PM
Would that really work though?' Dixie replied with a smirk " Behave or you're going to Sam's' doesn't quite have the same ring" she laughed, a clear mirthful laugh.. " i don't doubt though that Sam wikll try to et up his own place.. and that he'll probably been on the Rottens..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 28, 2010, 11:03:41 PM
"& try to take that over too I bet." Ian said.  "Maybe we can try to ask Bugs or Roger rabbit to help counter what Sam may do."

Droopy nodded, "Yes, be good or you'll go to Sam's doesn't quite have the same feel to it."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2010, 11:16:24 PM
Buga and Roger I'm sure would be glad to help, assuming we can find them' Dee said " Bugs, you never know where he might be..'
One by one the Rottens stood up in front of the parole board.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 28, 2010, 11:16:33 PM
As everyone was eating and talking about everything, a figure appeared in the doorway.  At first, the figure could not be seen when it stepped forward into the light.  It was Gabriel, along with her weasels.

Squidward glared towards Gabriel's direction before walking over to her to giver her a piece of his mind "Look Gabriel, because of you, I lost my job at..." he was cut off as Gabriel grabbed Squidward by the throat.

Gabriel glanced at Squidward before speaking "Your problems are not my own, Eugene Krabs should have thought of all of that before I put him out of business" she then let go of Squidward's throat as she glanced over at the other toons.

"No, it's her..." Haley muttered to herself as she remained back.

Gabriel continued to talk still "Such a shame this place is still standing, how on Earth do you get around in such a run down place?" she asked them all, no one in particular that is.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2010, 11:19:57 PM
I Trust you've been continuing your  efforts "to persuade toons to get out of your way, particularly those few remaining toons with deep pockets' stripetail said. giving Gabriel a chilling glare. "Rest assured Gabriel, these toons here are not going to put up with it anymore.. "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 28, 2010, 11:42:29 PM
"come here for a room?" Ian said to Gabriel in a slightly bored voice.  Letting the faceless detective part of himself speak through him.

"is that the naughty lady?" Wally asked.  

"I do believe so." Droopy said in his usual unemotional voice.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 28, 2010, 11:45:12 PM
Haley flew over to Ian, Wally and Droopy "Yeah, she's the one that has the Dip, she's Gabriel"

Gabriel snapped her fingers as the weasels bought in a barrel of Dip, looking over at the toons still before her eyes stopped upon Haley "You, you'll do"

Haley seemed to give off a slight gulp as she flew backwards, away from Gabriel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2010, 11:51:46 PM
So this is the famous Dip' Stripetail arched his eyebrows, as the rest of his friends backed away from the dip as quickly as possible.. Interesting.. I take it you learned from Judge Doom?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 28, 2010, 11:59:36 PM
"Pull up a glass and I'll take a swill." Ia said.  "That soup doesn't look all that dangerous." Ian said speaking mainly as his faceless detective form/persona/personality, though he was in his flesh human form.

"I do believe it is indeed the infamous dip." Droopy said from where he was not having moved since it was hard to scare Droopy, if it was possible at all.

"I thought it would have spooky smoke or something, coming from it." Wally said, as he backed away from it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 12:04:23 AM
"Learned? Improved is more like it" Gabriel told Stripetail as she motioned for her weasels to try and grab Stripetail.

Haley got up the courage again to help out Stripetail, to breathe fire upon the weasels "Looks like your weasels are toast" she told Gabriel rather rather proudly, that is, until Gabriel grabbed her by her dragon wings, looking at her with a rather annoyed look upon her face.

"Cartoon dragons......disgusting creatures....." Gabriel told Haley as she continued to hold onto her still.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 12:16:55 AM
Ian reached into a pocket and pulled out a toon wand in collapsed easy to carry size.  With a flick of his hand and a "pop" it expanded to full size and he aimed it at Gabriel and the wand went into effect.  It was his anvil wand that made an anvil drop on an enemy's head.  His other went into another pocket.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 12:17:20 AM
i'd put her down If I were you' Dixie said to Gabriel. The large golden ring she wore was magical and contained a set of magical armor. " we're not afriad of you" she said bravely...her corage belying the fsct that most of the toons were huddled in fear by the stairs..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 12:22:38 AM
"Gir! Into offensive mode now!" Zim ordered Gir as he was one of the few that were unafraid.

"Finaly!" Gir called out as he became offensive, aiming his weapons concealed within him, at Gabriel.

Gabriel looked at the toons who were on the offensive before stepping backwards, just as the anvil dropped down.  She motioned for the weasels to go and retrieve the wand from Ian, just as she was blasted by Gir, enough to loosen her grip on Haley, giving her time to escape.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 12:26:35 AM
Seeing the weasels coming Ian quickly took his other hand out of his pocket, a toon whistle and blew it.  Out of a small hole in the wall came a black cat on rollerskates while licking a lollypop as he skated in front of the area where the weasels were before going into a small hole on the other side of the wall.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 12:26:54 AM
'Imeelius" Stripetail said in a cold voice blasting the vat of dip the vat cracked and shattered with a load crash, sending steaming dip across the floor and began to spread in all directions , forcing both sides to scurry away from the dip..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 12:32:20 AM
"Oh, nice one" Squidward spoke up to Stripetail rather sarcastically as he stepped backwards away from the Dip.

"Gir! Activate your jetpack!" Zim ordered Gir as Gir did so, to which Zim jumped onto Gir to avoid the Dip himself.

Haley on the other hand, just remained flying still.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 12:40:15 AM
"This does look like it may go rather deep." Droopy said as he looked at the dip as it did what it did on the floor.  

"An unexpected but effective move." Ian said.  "Wish I had thought of it, or could have done it."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 12:41:23 AM
Would you rather have her dump you in it?' Stripetail replied ' Scooby , Dixie activate your armor.. I've been meaning to test the protectiveness of that armor anyway..
_ Rith rall rue resrect , Ry Rord.. Rhat Rip ran rill rus1" Scooby protested. "I'll heal you if it eats through your armor" stripetail said.. Stripetail gestured and Scooby and Dixies rings acticvated leaving them incaesed in beautiful sets of armor. both of them reluctantly made their way towards the dip. the Dips steams abnd fizzled as it made contact with their paws, which were covered by the armor.  the armor began to corrode and lose its luster, but its protection held as they made their way through the Dip  reaching the others side.. inside both dogs were sweating profusely..
_ So it DOES prtect you" Stripetail beamed, as he did there was a loud crack as the floor, weakened by exposure to the Dip collapsed, leaving a huge hole..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 12:48:18 AM
"Well, this is stupid" Squidward complained as he folded his arms as well as he looked to Strieptail and the others.

Gabriel let off a light chuckle "Not bad at all, for a toon anyway, still, it wont help you"

"Um, in case you haven't noticed, you're on one side of the chasm, and they're on the other side" Haley told Gabriel.

Zim and Gir landed back down to where Stripetail and the others were at the moment, whilst Haley remained in mid flight.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 12:50:04 AM
Ian put away his wand and put a finger into the dip out of curiosity.  Then straightened up sniffing it.  "I've smelled cheese that smells worst.  Not eaten it mind you." Ian said, "Saw someone who ate some Limburger cheese then get chased by some skunk speaking partially in french."

"That would have been Pepe Le Pew I believe." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 12:51:55 AM
we;re going to stop you Gabriel, thats a promise :' stripetail said "I don't make promises lightly either. you may have forced 85-90% of Toon town into abject poverty, but you've haven't subjected everyone yet..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 12:55:33 AM
"I asked the waiter what the person had had to make sure I didn't order that since I would rather not be chased by a skunk, no matter what language he may speak." Ian said.

"What will we do about this hole?" Droopy said looking at it.  

"Why not put some water into it.  Then you can advertise this place has an indoor pool." Wally Gator said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 12:57:41 AM
"Har, har, very funny" Squidward told Wally rather sarcastically again.

Gabriel seemed to glare at the toons on the other side of the chasm "You believe that you are able to stop me? I must say, you do have courage, too bad that wont save you"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 12:59:14 AM
Ian looked over at Gabriel, "A silly threat?  That and 2 bits will get you a bit of candy."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 12:59:27 AM
The clerk huddled behind the front desk ' get out! he yelled at Gabriel ' tHanks to you I now have a huge hole in the enterance area! As if things couldn't get any worse..' He said clearly fustrated
 Dixie and Scooby huddled together on the small portion of floor they were on. there was a large gap in front of them and a drop off of about 15-20 feet below them..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 01:07:57 AM
Well, it will save us in the end " stripetail replied " Now be gone! You've done enough damage already.. Don't you have some more beaten-down toons to harass? He snickered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 01:09:42 AM
Gabriel just chuckled back to Stripetail "Very well then, I believe, for now, I shall let you all live, come weasels....we have other business to attend to" Gabriel spoke as she turned around, only to stop "Oh, and if you think those....Lafflympics will be of any help to you....well....think again...." she laughed as she walked out of the inn.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 01:11:43 AM
Ian put his whistle away and took off his toon cap.  He reached in and pulled out a roll of red carpet carpet that rolled out across a bit of the floor and across the gap to where Scooby and Dixie where.  The bit over the gap with nothing under it standing in the air as if the floor were still under it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 01:17:10 AM
it will raise milions for this comminity' Stripetail retorted. bUt Gabriel was too far away to hear him now. not that it would do much good anyway..
_ Arlene came up to him " you certainly are brave sir" She said " standing to that beastly  toon!"
_ she doesn't frighten me  I've faced worse creatures before than her.."
Stripetail replied
_ Dixie tested the carpet and d slowly began walking over it. Scooby Quickly followed, he breathed a huge sigh of relief as his paws touched solid wood. "Thanks Ian" dixie said gratfully to Ian.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 01:23:15 AM
Ian nodded, "Glad I could be of help." He said.  Once Scooby was fully across he rolled the carpet back into his hat.  

"Now what shall we do?" Droopy asked.

"Fill the hole maybe before someone falls in." Wally said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 01:24:36 AM
I'm closing down" the Clerk said despondently " you lot will be my last guests here.. I Can't afford to get this hole fixed. and that evil Dip is too dangerous for us to touch..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 01:33:07 AM
"Try out for the laff-a-lympics if you are sure you don't want to keep the hotel open.  There's lots of things you can do in that.  " Ian said.  "You've experience at running hotels, maybe you can be in charge or making sure all the participants have rooms or something."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 01:35:32 AM
The Laffalympics? Well. well I remembering seeing them as a Kid I was big Yogi Yahoeey fan They lost 12-7 in the overall series" The Clerk said " The Rottens only won twice.. which was surprising.. that they even won at all given how much they chg\eated..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 01:43:50 AM
Droopy nodded, "It was rather a surprise they won at all."

"It was great, getting to travel around the world and be with some great folks.  If only the rottens had not been there it would have been great." Wally said.

"I remember my father talking about it and he said it was great to watch." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 01:57:51 AM
Well we need to get moving if we are to stay ahead of gabriel Yogi said.
_ Odie barked
'Mascots?' Odie we're not mascots" Garfield snapped i'm a star!"
- I'm a bigger star Dee replied
_ You haven't been doing so hot lately " ms Son of the  Blob" Garfield cracked
_ Hey ' dixie cut in.. "thats not nice..
_ stripetail just shook his head as he went back upstairs " Come on Haley, we've got things to do..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 01:59:23 AM
"Well, I'm artistic at least" Squidward added in.

Haley nodded to Stripetail as she flew off after him "Um, just what kind of things might I ask?" she asked him "I mean, is it in regards to the Lafflympics?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 02:03:40 AM
Yes..among other things.. First we need to get out of this hotel.. and with that hole in the floor, we can't go out the front door, unless ian uses his magic carpet.. so we're going to climb out the window.. we're on the first floor so its not a big distance to the ground.. now as for the games, you need to spread the word, we must be ready for Gabriel's meddling at every turn.. she knows these games are the last hope for toontown.. and shes going to make sure no other rich toon helps to defray the costs.. first Scrooge McDuck, now, who knows what toons shes harrassed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 02:48:58 AM
Scooby Dee came up to Scooby and Dixie ' so.. exactly HOW did you get those things?' she asked not quite sure what to make of the armor they were wearing " Rit';s ra rong rory Ree" scoony said " Re ry rand reep rit ra reret..
_ Can see that..  at least  you managed to survive walking through that Dip' Dee shuddered. "How do you get out of those things.. '
_ Well. we need Stripetail to get them off..' dixie explained "This was true enough, but they could also deactivate the armor themselves, they just didn't want to in front of thier cousin..
 Arlene and garfield started heading up the Stairs..
Meanwhile Woody and winnie were flying towards the Inn, as they did they noticed a line of toons headed for the hotel
- Scoby and Dixie headed up the stairs and upon reaching thier room deactivated their armor ' armor Down" Dixie called out. shehad a big sweat stain on her dress from perspiring. Sweat dripped off of Scooby forehead " ran rhat ras roo rose...  He said " Yes it was.. that Gabriel woman is evil personified.." Dixie said gritting her teeth.. ' Rey row rhat re're ralone.. re rould..' Scooby said suggestively, at which Dixie shot him a look " Not the time dear. not the time..' Scooby's face fell..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 02:59:05 AM
Haley nodded back to Stripetail "Yeah, well, I'm ready for her no matter what" she said as she grabbed Stripetails hand and helped to fly him down to street level.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 03:03:51 AM
Thank you my dear " stripetail said patting him on the head " you are going to be the transporter ' helping get the others down from their rooms, once they are all packed.
Dixie went around collecting there things while de came in " oh so he changed you back' she said " What you guys did was very brave, I was shaking at the base evil of thaat woman, and you didn't flich..
_ Ri rid' Scooby admitted before looking for his bag of belongings
- we've done this sort of thing before.. being with a wizard like Stripetail, well it comes with the territory..  Are you all packed dee she asked
Just give me a second
_ Jeerry and Tom slide down a drainpipie that ran odown very close to thier window and slid to the ground
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 03:15:34 AM
Haley nodded back to Stripetail and flew back up to the inn again to see who else needed help getting down.

A noise was heard, what sounded like a twister noise which came down the street before stopping in front of Stripetail.  It was Taz whom blurted out at Stripetail in his own language, as if he was trying to tell him something.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 29, 2010, 08:36:53 AM
Simon could only just stare as Taz came up.

"I think he's trying to communicate with you Simon" Alvin joked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 12:39:15 PM
Ian walked to the area where Stripetail had been let down.  He paused a moment thinking how to preserve his secret then got an idea.  He took off a heel of one of his shoes and put on a ring he had within then put the heel back on.  He put the ring on and jumped out of the  window, pretending to activate his ring and turned into a blue cgi version of Zok.  

(ooc: found an animation cell of Zok when I was looking for a picture of those who may not know of what he looks like. (
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 12:43:23 PM
so you need help then" stripetail said " taz nodded and pulled out a crumpled flyer of the Laffalympics tryouts " me want to compete' he hissed and spat in barely intelligeble English ' they say you guy to ask..' he said waving the flyer in front of Stripetail face...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 04:30:47 PM
Zim and Gir walked over to Stripetail "So, these games of yours will help stop this Gabriel from taking world domination away from me?" Zim asked him rather curiously.

Squidward interupted at that point "Yeah, well, it better, even if I have to go back to the Krusty Krab afterwards" he told Zim as he folded his arms.

Haley on the other hand, was getting rather tired from helping everyone get out of the hotel as she just collapsed onto the ground with a sigh "I don't know how Jake can do this all the time....but it sure is tiring...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 05:55:11 PM
Ian landed nearby and held up the hand he was waring his ring on and said something in space dragon so it looked he deactivated his ring then switched back to his normal flesh human form.  

"Ah, maybe you can ask him for tips next time you see him." Ian said.

"Maybe he just passes out in exhaustion when he knows you won't see him." Wally Gator said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 07:19:43 PM
World domination is not something normal people want" Stripetail replied looking at Zim.. 'Far too much hassle, and everyone wants to knock you from your position. you have no friends at that point.. only foes.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 07:30:14 PM
Zim shot a glare to Striepail "Be that as it may, this world shall soon be mine under Urken rule!"

"Oh please, you could'nt even rule a classroom if you tried" Squidward spoke back to Zim.

Taz continued to wave the flyer in front of Stripetail's face "Me join games?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 07:38:52 PM
certainly" stripetail grinned. "as a Contest or a mascot..? ?
- Odie barked. tom and Jerry  imitated a mascot routine.. they would like to be mascots..
 arlene smiled as Odie, but Garfield shook his head.. " I'm a cartoon star not an actor he repeated
 Dee soon packed her things, and headed towards the window.  " Rok, reveryone rout..
_ Are you nuts?' dee ased
- Well its not like we're ten stories up. dixie said "Here I go she said, jumping out the window the window billowed through her dress and slowed her descent, if briefly. She landed on her paws and tumbled on all fours. Scooby picked up Dee and jumped with her, and they landed on the ground hard " row1' scooby Muttered.. Dee kissed him on the cheek as he let her down.. " Lets go find the others Dixie said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 09:59:00 PM
"So, um, what do we do first then?" Haley asked as she flew over to where the others were.

"Taz think games will be good, Taz want to play games" Taz spoke up as well.

"Yeah, I think you'll be a good team member, cause I'm part of Yogi's team" Haley replied back to Taz.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 10:02:26 PM
We must have the competitions first, otherwise all the slots will be filled if we keep promising them " stripetail pointed out " Come along Taz.. lets check out the motorcycle track that is where the competitions will be held..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 10:08:44 PM
"Dragon girl part of games to?" Taz asked Haley.

Haley nodded back to him "Yeah, I'm going to part of the games myself"

Taz then turned to Stripetail "Okay" was all he said as he spun off ahead of Stripetail.

"Uh, what about me?" Haley decided to ask Stripetail "You want me to come along?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 10:21:29 PM
Yes, everyone is invited I do believe Ian is racing there sometime today" Stripetail turned to Ian " You did say that you race motorcycles?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 11:14:09 PM
Ian nodded, "I race motorcycles and sometimes cars if some I know want to take a few races off to be with their families or just take a break.  I have friends who are toon and animated cars who race also." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 11:19:03 PM
Soon enough, Jake had returned, arriving at where everyone else was "Ah, whew, you're still safe" he spoke to Haley before looking to the inn "What happened here?"

"It was that Gabriel woman" Haley told Jake back.

"Gabriel? Oh yeah, Fu told me about her, bad news by the sounds of it, her and that Dip stuff of hers" Jake replied back as he landed on the ground.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 11:22:22 PM
That stuff nearly killed us " dixie said.. " That stuff is really dangerous.. anyway Jake are you ready to help us explore Toon Town.. We to find as many toons as well help in any way' She added as Woody and Winnie landed in front of them " Hi guys" Woody said " Where are you guys headed?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 29, 2010, 11:25:38 PM
"Yes, nasty lady.  She is a villain indeed, through and through." Droopy said.  "She makes me mad." Droopy said, in his usual calm voice.

"Yea, she'd fit in with the really rottens." Wally Said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 29, 2010, 11:30:21 PM
"She does sound rather dangerous, I mean, sounds worse than the Huntsman or the Dark Dragon, especially if she has that Dip stuff, but sure, I'll help you guys out with the whole Toon Town thing" Jake replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2010, 11:34:44 PM
We'll take the Mystery Machine. Everyone, hop in' Dixie said walking over the mystery Machine, which was parked in Front, opened the passenger side door and climbed in. Scooby climbed into the drivers seat and started the engine.  Dee climbed into the back seat, where she was joined by Woody, Winnie, Garfield and arlene.. ' Don't I lknow you?' Arlene asked ' Scooby Dee at your servicew ' I KNEW It. you're that famous great Dane actress..
_ Formerly famously" dee said sadly.. " the studios don't want anything to do with me right now..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 12:09:58 AM
"Maybe we can start our own movie studio." Ian said.

"Then you can do your own sort of movies." Wally said.

"Is there enough room for everyone?" Droopy asked.

"I can have a friend give me a lift." Ian said.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 12:12:27 AM
Nonsense Dixie said. you can squeeze in  on the seat behind me.. "She said as Bobo sat on the partition between her and Scooby..
We need to pick up Cindy" Yogi said.. "I meant to last night, but the storm came in before I could get to her..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 30, 2010, 12:17:20 AM
Jake, Haley, Zim and Gir got into the car as Squidward stood on the outside "You expect me to go into there?"

"Aww, come on Mr. Tentacles, you'll like it" Haley told him back.

"No thanks" Squidward replied back as he folded his arms.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 12:26:22 AM
Theres plenty of room" Yogi said to him pleasantly.. "besides it looks like it wil l start to rain again.. " the shy had clouded over once more..
Re're reading rodd Ruidrard, ro rif rou rant ro rome, rou rave ro ret rin" scooby said.. Ri'll rive rou arour rone rore rinute.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 30, 2010, 12:34:45 AM
Squidward glanced up at the sky before looking back at everyone "Fine, but I wont like it" he said as he got into the Mystery Machine as well, sitting down next to Haley, whom moved aside for him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 30, 2010, 12:53:52 AM
"Shotgun" Alvin declared happily, as they all piled into the Mystery machine.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 12:55:45 AM
So what do you want to do for the games " Stripetail asked, giving the three a smile.." Even if you don't get to compete we're still going to need toons to fill other roles..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 01:25:36 AM
Wally gator and Droopy got into the back of the mystery machine.  

"I don't take up much room so can sit anywhere." Droopy said.  

"if many get in you may need o sit on someone's lap." Wally said.  

ian got into the back fo the mystery machine as he said, "As long as you are sure there is enough room.  I can ask someone for a lift." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 01:31:25 AM
yes i'm sure" Dixie said as Scooby drove off.. heading towards the center of the city..
 the clerk  leaped over ththe front desk and walked out of the building
i'lkll have to go get some acme dynamite to blow up the building.. its useless anyway.. " as he said this, he noticed a flyer fior the auditions for the Games : HMM.. I think that will be my next job.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 30, 2010, 01:36:13 AM
"So, who do you suppose we'd find in the middle of town?" Haley decided to ask no one in particular.

"I'd imagine other toons that need some help" Jake replied back to Haley.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 01:43:29 AM
well, threres my girlfriend Cindy..." Yog i said, and most of the toonsi worked with during the last laffalympics
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 01:44:00 AM
"Hopefully not that nasty lady and her weezles." Wally said.  

"She is a very bad person.  " Droopy said.

"Prison is to good for her." ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 01:46:42 AM
shes 'll be a prison a logng time after we're through with Her Stripetail said "
_ Say Ian, you did mention starting our own movie studio.. thats a great ideas, Unfortunately I'm still under contract to my current studio, although it expires after my next film. so once I finish shooting, we could definitely start up a new moviwe company.. what would we call it though..?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 30, 2010, 01:56:30 AM
"But, will prison hold her?" Haley asked "Because if the prison is made out of toon stuff, couldn't she just melt it away with her Dip?"

"Yeah, that's true as well" Jaked added on, thinking as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 01:59:29 AM
Ian nodded, "I thought why not.  Maybe some large hurdles, but we could try to get a deal with one of the studios to distribute it maybe or something.  Try to work within the movie industry instead of against it, since they are pretty powerful." Ian said.

"I hope she does wind up in prison." Wally said.

"She will get what's coming to her.  All types like her do." Droopy said.

"Put her in with Hannibal Lecktre,  He'll enjoy having a roommate to play with." Ian's faceless detective persona/form/personality said.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 01:59:41 AM
We're going to destroy the Dip First " Winnie said, huddled close to Woody, who was trying to take a nap.. " as they drove by the gang could see many toons living in what could only be described as squalor..  " Yep.. things have gotten this bad Scooby "BoBo said " We need the Laffalympics, and with that horrible gabriel around we need to start it soon before she bankrupts every toon in the state..
_ we not going to limit the games to one state Bobo. we;re going across the country.." stripetail replied.."More publicity, more revenue, more fans getting to see you folks in action..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 02:14:05 AM
"Maybe you can do like that announcer with the cool voice on superfriends would describe superman doing.  "Then superman threw it into the fiery depths of the sun." " Wally said trying to do his best imitation of the superfriends announcer voice.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 02:19:52 AM
or that guy with a voice " in a world where both of our cars were totally underwater' dee said ' you see him those insurance commercials..
i hate those commercials ' dixie said, they're on every five minutes or so it seems..when i'm trying to watch a movie, there it is, i mean the guy had a great voiceover but the commercial has been overplayed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 30, 2010, 02:32:38 AM
Squidward thought for a second "These games of yours, I suppose I can help out as well....sell some of my prized paintings"

"I've seen them and they're....interesting" Haley replied back.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Squidward glared lightly at her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 02:43:05 AM
there will be all sorts of things to sell at the games. thshirts pennants mugs you name it..' dee said.. we'll be in several plplaces so there will be different oppoertunities to sell things
- meanbwhile, the rottens were released on parole and ordered to compete in the games ..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 02:50:42 AM
"Action figures, nicknacs, posters, ect.  Lots of things to sell." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 02:57:49 AM
yes, and that would be vital to toontowns economy.. its going to take a lot of toons earning a living, to get things back to where they used to be' Yogi said as they pulled alonside a store where a pretty bear stood on the corner, and paused she saw the mystery machine pull up..  "Is that.. Scooby?' She asked as Dixie pulled the window down " 'Dixie actually " Dixie replied pleasantly offering her paw "Dixie doo.Yogi's in back , hop in.."
_ Cindy Bear.. Thank you for the ride.. are you related to Scooby by any chance' Cindy said as she moved to climb in
 I should say so i'm his wife
WiFE? " cindy started, halfway in.. ' rello rindy  Rits reen rawhile" Scooby said 'Hii Cinduy' bobo said, as yogi made room for her.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 03:04:53 AM
"Famous toons could have someone sell autographed pictures also." Ian said.

"Some folks would like those I am sure." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 03:09:50 AM
oh those are all good ideas cindu said as blue hound climbed in ' mind if i hitch a ride he said
huckleberry hound at your service everyone ' he said climbing onto the edge of the seats ' those hat testers are brutal i made a grant total of ten dollars yesterday cindy. i can't live on that!..
- well Huckleberry- is that a fruit?- we'r going to bring back the laffalympics' Stripetail said "lord stripetail at your servicce ' Golly, a real Lord , I'd bow but theres not enough room..Huckleberry replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 03:43:19 AM
"Maybe he would settle for you tipping your hat." Wally said.

"I can make some jelly donuts if anyone is hungry." Ian said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 30, 2010, 03:45:59 AM
Gaz also walked up to the Mystery Machine and looked at everyone inside "Move over" she said in her usualy annoyed tone as she got on.

"Gaz? What are you doing here?" Zim asked her.

"Hotdog and soda....and the video game shop" Gaz replied back as she sat down in an empty spot, unaware at the moment, of what was going on.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 03:53:43 AM
' you can'y just walk up a a car and expect to be given a ride ' stripetail said ' you hacve to ask them first " he said motioningto Scooby and Dixie bioth of whom looked nonplussed
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 03:59:05 AM
Ian shook his head, "As rude as Lightning McQueen." Ian said, having not seen his new personality since if he heard the name he turned the tv off or turned the channel imminently, if the tv was on.

"Perhaps she mistook this for a taxi." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 30, 2010, 04:02:17 AM
Gaz seemed to give off a glre to the other toons, well, that was how she would usually look anyway "This Toon Town is in trouble, is it now? And you would rather leave me out there?"

"She's got a point you know" Jake spoke up "We need all the help we can get"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 04:08:16 AM

"So do you want to try for the lymic games or help fight Gabriel?" Droopy asked.  

"We can't ride everyone a ride.  This isn't the doctor's tardis you know."  Wally gator said said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 04:10:48 AM
' expoandus imeeci' stripetail gestured and the van lengthened ' a new rowv of seats appeared in the back ' hop in ' he said to her ' but you do need to improve that attitude..'
 where do you want to go..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 30, 2010, 04:13:08 AM
Gaz sat down and looked to Droopy "This Gabriel person needs to be taught a thing or two" was all she said.

"So Gaz, where's Dib? The one with the big head" Zim spoke to Gaz.

"My stupid brother is probabally still trying to prove that aliens do exist in his own weird way" Gaz replied back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 04:20:27 AM
Droopy nodded, "She does indeed.  She is a very bad lady."

"That is putting it mildly.  That is like saying Yosemite Sam is a little upset." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 04:21:03 AM
Do you have anything to eat Cindy asked " i haven't eate n much since yesterday.  
Unfortunally " Dee said pulling out  a package of bologna "This is all I've got on me " A couple slices would be great.. see I test perfumes its a smelly nasty business and I'm lucky to get 20 a day..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 04:27:54 AM
"I can make some jelly donuts or pies." Ian said, 'If that will help any."

"Maybe we'll get a chance to kick a wheesle." Wally said.  "You knwo that sould be a new sport.  Wac a weezle." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 30, 2010, 04:30:16 AM
Gaz still had a hotdog and was just simply eating away at it while Haley spoke up "Um, you mind if I get somethign to eat as well? I didn't have much to eat today" she told Stripetail.

"Ah, yeah, me too, gotta keep up my strength" Jake added in "If you don't mind that is"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 04:33:41 AM
hmm lets see.. " He gestured there was a bright light in a twinkling there was a plate of food in everyone laps, chicken mashed potatoes and grany, beans and hot dinner roll, the smell was delicious " dig in.' He smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 04:38:56 AM
"Neat magic.   Could you teach me how to do that?" Wally asked.

"I am sure it is not as simple as that." Droopy said.

"Difficult, I would guess." Ian said looking at the effect of the spell and others he had seen Stripetail cast.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on January 30, 2010, 07:30:30 AM
"Wow, you think you could show me how to do that?" Alvin said seeing the food. "Dave decided to not cook for us as often" Alvin said.

"Wow, that is some pretty good magic. We need something like that when you're living on the same farm as Rolly" Cadpig said.

"Wow, how did you do that"? Tuck asked in amazement.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2010, 12:18:22 PM
i've been doing this sort of thing for years " stripetail said, as the group began to dig into the food. 'Its a kind of talent, I'd say. Scooby stopped the Mystery Machine so they could eat..
_ these mashed potatoes are delicious Winnie said  thank you. "can we have something to drink with this..' Bobo asked "yes of course Stripetail pulled a small bag out of the the air  and pulled out small bottles of water " pass these down' he said, handing the bag to Cindy, who took a water for herself before passing them around.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2010, 03:10:31 PM
"If we get many more in here it'll have to be enchanted to be bigger inside then outside." Ian said.

"I don't think that is possible." Wally said.

"Quite possible really.  If the interior is in another universe and the apatchure, portal, whatever you want to call it is the same place as where the doors are." Ian said pausing before continuing, "I have a grandfather who's a theoretical physicist.  He likes to think of and talk about what is theoretically possible in some theories of certain branches of physics."

"Sounds like gibberish to me." Wally said.

"He said that physics seemed the same to him at first." Ian said.

"I wonder if Betty Boop will try for anything.  She use to be well known.  I think she has some fans.  Maybe she can be in some movies with Dee here." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 30, 2010, 04:56:04 PM
Gaz ignored the fact that there was food in the van as she continued to eat her hotdog, remaining quiet at the moment.

Both Haley and Jake however, started to dig into their food that was served to them as Squidward spoke up "Well, at least it's something to eat" and with that, he too was starting to eat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2010, 01:01:20 AM
Actually i've already made the van bigger " Stripetail pointed out. "this van actually  only has two rows of seats, I extended it to have 3.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 31, 2010, 01:36:48 AM
"Yeah, it'll be good if anyone else wants to help out the cause we've got going on here" Jake spoke up to Stripetail as a voice called out to the van.

It was Fang who ran up to them "Hey, you guys, have you seen my brother around anywhere? He's big, a barbarian, name is Dave, carries a sword"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2010, 02:51:45 AM
" Haven't seen him" Dixie said "i'm not from here actually I'm from Coolsville..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 31, 2010, 02:58:06 AM
Fang looked a little annoyed "Great, he's probabally off another adventure or something like that" she gave off a sigh "Can I for now, come along with you lot?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2010, 02:59:16 AM
er.. hop in.. ' but we're pushing the limits of what this van can hold..'Dixie said to Fang.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 31, 2010, 03:01:09 AM
Fang jumped into the van and took the plate that Gaz didn't eat and begun to eat from it, especially the meat.

"Who's the monkey girl?" Squidward asked looking at Fang.

"Not a monkey!" Fang yelled back, especially since she hated being called a monkey.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2010, 03:22:45 AM
' re're readed ro rhe rotoryclr rack" Scooby said, and they headed off toward s the motorcycle track, but when thry gort there, there was not a single motorcycle racer in sight " a sign had been put up " saying "RACE CANCELED due to Sponsor pullout"
 so much for your racing Ian" dee said sadily as they glanced at the sign...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 31, 2010, 03:30:05 AM
Haley looked at the sign "This has Gabriel written all over it" she muttered a bit.

"Yeah, no kidding" Squidward added in as he pointed to the sign, part of it saying 'Closed by order of Gabriel'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2010, 03:33:28 AM
well, so much for us watching you race" Dixie said to Ian " You can stay with us as long as you like.. Ian..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 31, 2010, 03:47:00 AM
"So, what now?" Jake decided to ask back "Especially since the race course is closed"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2010, 03:49:39 AM
well, we need to think of a place that hold the tryouts, since the track is closed..
- ronrine?' Scooby suggested as they moved down Hero boulevard.. ' scooby, we don't have computer here.. we don't need them..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 31, 2010, 04:03:18 AM
"Well, it's hard to say where we could have the games, I mean, if Gabriel is closing everyone down, then we wont have any place left to hold them" Haley spoke up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2010, 04:04:59 AM
in toontown, yes, but not in other places in the state and country..' Stripetail replied 'as i recall, he last series of games went all over the place..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on January 31, 2010, 04:17:34 AM
"Yeah, that's also true" replied Jake as he thought on where else they could also go.

"Hold on, who is this Gabriel person anyway?" Fang decided to ask.

"From what I've heard, she's kicking everyone out for some stupid reason" Gaz replied back.

"Well, that's pretty much right, shutting businesses down, but why she's doing that, we don't know at the moment" Haley added in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 01, 2010, 12:57:27 AM
"IS this Gabriel girl hot"? Alvin asked with a smile.

"Now is not the time Alvin, I wish there was something we could do. Maybe throw a charity concert and open this motorcycle track again."Simon said.

"Hey that isn't such a bad idea Simon" Theodore said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 01:46:28 AM
"Well, that could work, if most weren't already broke as it were, I mean, look what they did to Scrooge McDuck" Haley spoke up first "Well, unless you do your concert somewhere where Gabriel hasn't struck yet"

"A concert?" Fang asked rather curiously "Yeah, unlike that dragon girl there, I think that it could work"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 01, 2010, 01:53:15 AM
"Don't worry I think we could find somewhere to perform and raise some money for this Laffayypics or whatever you guys call it" Simon said.

"That's a great idea actually" Cadpig said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 01:57:08 AM
"Yeah, but still leaves the question on where" Jake spoke up as he begun to think on it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 01, 2010, 02:03:01 AM
"We could always start like an online petition and raise the money that way" Alvin said thinking about the first thing that came to his head.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 02:07:22 AM
Haley looked to Dee and the others "What do you think about that? I mean, a concert to raise money for the lafflympics seems like a good idea"

Jake then snapped his fingers "Well, how about that Bubbledome?" he asked as he looked to Squidward "Cause weren't you part of a band once before?"

"Yeah, but it was only a one chance thing, no thanks to Squilliam" Squidward replied as he folded his arms.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 01, 2010, 02:10:07 AM
"Bubbledome huh? I think we could pull a few strings and get a concert there" Simon said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 02:15:39 AM
"Well, you'll probabally have to talk to the Mayor about it" Squidward replied.

"Wait, you mean the Mayor of Townsville and Ms. Bellum?" Haley asked Squidward.

"Apparantly" Squidward answered back "Since a Mayor of Bikini Bottom has never been mentioned before"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 03:20:26 AM
perhaos that could be part of the games ' musical acts..' Stripetail mused.' dixie, would you like to perform as part of the games...' he smiled. dixie blushed sure thing 'i could read from plays or books ' dee suggested  as they turned down another street.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 03:27:00 AM
"Musical acts? Yes, yes, yes" Squidward spoke up as he pulled out his clarient "I happen to be musical myself"

"Really? Can you give us a demonstration?" Fang asked him.

"Very well then" Squidward then begun playing, but of course, it was really badly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 03:35:13 AM
scooby winced as he was trying to drive it was like several mails on a chaklkboard, a really long chalkboard..'ok, squidward.. thats enough " dixue said,through gritted teeth..
- how long have you been playing that thing? arlene asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 03:39:12 AM
"Arg! What is that horrible noise!?" Zim called out as well.

Squidward indeed, stopped playing when Dixie asked him "For a while now" he told Arlene
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 04:03:28 AM
well, that was.. interesting' dixie said diplomatically. dee wore a look like she had just drank sour milk, interesting was not the words she would have chosen ' horrible, earsplitting, and terible were words she would have used..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 01, 2010, 11:11:00 AM
Alvin put his hands over his ears. "AUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH stop playing please for the love of god." Alvin said.

Simon gave Alvin a death glare."What my brother means by that is well, why don't you save some of your musical skills for the show?" Simon said trying not to sound rude.

"Roger's old car made that exact noise right before it bursts into flames." Cadpig said with a wince.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 05:20:34 PM
"Not to mention, my brother sounds like that as well" Gaz added in.

Squidward seemed to just glare at them all and just muttered underneath his breath "Uncultured people...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 05:44:20 PM
Scooby winced as he heard Squidward 's playing " rhis ruy risn;t rery rood" he muttered under his breath as they went down a street they were now in a richer area of town where the main studios were. there were a good number of characters sitting on the sidewalks they weren't beggars, the clothes they were wearing were too good for that.. 'this is the main cartoon studio ' winnie said ' woody and I would sometimdes do a show here, mostly it was him, I rarely was asked to appear until they did a remake a few years ago.. when I became kinda the "love interest.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 05:53:04 PM
"So, how about we at least stop by the Mayor's office to see if he has an idea on what we can also do?" Jake suggested.

"Yeah, I'm sure he'll be able to help us out" Haley added in as well.

Fang just seemed to shrug "Yeah, it's worth a shot"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 06:03:47 PM
Stripetail mused as he saw Quickdraw mcgraw, Slyvester and tweety all sitting on the side of curb.. " Yes we need to talk with the mayor' He agreed "um.. why did Toontown accept Townsville mayor? because I heard he was completely ineffective" DEE commented " those little superheros kept saving his bacon
- Batman does the same in Gotham..' Arlene replied. " the maypr there isn't useles..
_ Most polticains are' woody said " they never deliver on promises
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 06:07:05 PM
"Yeah, that's true too, not to mention Mayor Quimby in Springfield, or Mayor Adam West in Quohog" Fang also added in.

"Yeah, half these politians aren't very useful, so I guess at the moment, he is our best best for starters" Jake spoke up again.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 06:09:36 PM
then we'd better g to city Hall then "Bobo said.. " though I guess Gabriel's already bee thee to threaten the Mayor in the games are held here..
- Which is why we won't be holding them here" Stripetail said ' For one, not enough money, two not enough places, and three gsabriel will try to sabatoge the games at every venture..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 06:11:50 PM
"Well, we have to try at least" Haley told Bobo.

"Yeah, even if he has been threatened and all that, he could possibly give us some ideas on his own, and we could use al the ideas we can get" Jake added on again.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 06:17:32 PM
the mystery machine moved on up the street, heading for the large city hall builging on the top of the hill.. there was lots of security hovering around it..' ro, rho rants ro ro rin..' Scooby asked The passengers had finished their lunch and stripetail made the plates vanish with a gesture "Well I'm comin in Dixie said " Dee agreed " i will ask the mayor for help as well, on my agent's theft of my money..
_ Scooby opened the driverside door and climbed out, then went over to Dixie saide and opened the door for her, then he opened the left siide door so the others could climb out
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 06:20:26 PM
Fang, Gaz, Squidward, Haley and Jake all got out of the van "I'll go at least" Jake spoke up "They don't call me the American Dragon for nothing"

"And I'm coming as well" Fang also added in.

"Count me in" Haley said as she flew forward a little bit, only to be stopped by security "We just need to see the Mayor"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 06:36:55 PM
srry kid " no one can see the mayor today " the guard replied not after that Gabriel woman stormed in here and threatened to Dip him
_ why didn't you arrest her ?' Stripetail asked ' she got away unfortunately.. the guard said somberly.."We are here with an idea.,.
_ Is it the Laffalympics " The guard asked stopping Stripetail short..
 Yeah its a great idea but the Mayor won't do it..not after what she did him.. Names Aaron Cash.. Originally from Arkham, but was sent here to guard the mayor' Cash said he was tall man, solidly built his left hand ending in a shining hook.. 'Got this from an incident with one of the inamates... Killer Croc.. took my hand nearly took my life too.. that monster should be skinned.." He muttered to himself " scooby winced , as did Dee Stripetail took a short breath "Mr Cash, it is imperitive we speak with him "he gave Cash a firm glare.. Cash blinked 'Alright.. ten minutes.. follow me.. " Cash said turning and motioning them into the building..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 07:05:51 PM
Jake, Haley and Fang followed the others into the building as Gaz walked up to Cash shaking her soda can "Killer Croc? Sounds like something Dib would be interested in...." and with that, she opened up the soda can bottle, allowing it all to spray into Cash's face as she followed everyone else in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 07:42:45 PM
Cash wiped the soda off his face and ran after her " You think that is funny? he yelled as he saw Gaz now starting to run.. "When I catch you you're going to have some explaining to do.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 07:45:05 PM
Gaz turned to face Cash as she just stood there, the same look upon her face still, yet, she didn't say a word to Cash.

Fang, Haley and Jake headed into the Mayor's office to speak to the Mayor.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 08:05:40 PM
Stripetail Dixie, Scooby,Sciooby Dee, Yogi Bobo, and the Woodpeckers entered the mayors office. "hello Mayor" Stripetail said formallyto the diminutive man sitting the chgair. ' we're here to talk about the Lafalympics..
look kod, you don;t spray soda in an officers face! its disrespectful, and i've ave enough to worry about with protecting the mayor and all.." Cash said sternly
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 08:09:18 PM
"Are you here to solve my pickle jar problem?" the Mayor spoke up.

"Pickle jar problem?" Jake asked with a scratch of his head.

"Yes, my pickle jar has gone missing, I have a feeling that that dreaded Gabriel woman had stolen it" replied the Mayor.

"Mayor, they're actually here because of the Laffylympics" Ms. Bellum reminded him.

"Oh yes, yes, of course" the Mayor replied back as he looked at all of them "I'm afraid I can't help you there, she was very strict to tell me not to allow you to host them in Toontown"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 08:16:42 PM
She has no authority to tell you what to do..look outside mayor.. on our way here we passed dozens of toons going  up to cars and begging for assistence. the economy has hit them hard and they need something that they can look forward to.. these games are it..Now I understand if you cannot afford to finance them,I'm going to bear the lion's share of the cost.. Stripetail said his keen eyes looking over the Mayor 'Any aid you can give us, even a few million, will be money that I don't have to spend. and toon town simply doesn't have the places necessary to hold the games, so we are going crosscountry, stopping from place to place to have events. the firdt will be in Yosemite, after that Seattle, Raditor Springs, kansas, and so on...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 08:41:26 PM
"My, that's a splended idea, now why didn't you tell me that before?" the Mayor asked them.

"Uh, we just did" Fang told the Mayor back.

"Ah yes, of course, now, Ms Bellum, can you give these fine young people some money" the Mayor told her.

Ms Bellum walked off and soon, returned with a few bags of money, handing a bag each to them.

"Now, that should cover the cost of your trip, now, I need to find out what happened to my pickle jar" the Mayor told them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 08:46:00 PM
I'm also here to see if you can help recover money my former agent stole from me.. I have people on the case, but my taxes will be far too much for me to pay' Dee said..
_ Join the club" Yogi said holding up a bag of money. 'this cash should allow us tio rent a bus, to hold all the members of the team
- Rister Rash rill re ror rerurity; scooby said looking over  at the mayor "Ri;'m Rooby Roo, rou right rave reen re raying rin rhe rast raffrarmpics.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 08:52:49 PM
"Ah yes, Scooby, I remember you from those games" the Mayor spoke back.

"Well, at least this will be enough to cover what we need" Haley said as she held a bag of money still.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 08:59:10 PM
Thank you Kindly mayor this will aid our cause tremendously.. We'll need to hire security, in case Gabriel tries to mess with us.. Would you call Mr Cash up here ms B.. Bellum Is it? Lord stripetail at your service madam' Stripetail bowed politely..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 09:37:23 PM
"Very well then, Mr. Cash, you are requested in the Mayor's office" Ms Bellum spoke as she spoke into the PA system.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 09:44:54 PM
Coming" Cash grumble as he headed up the stairs towards the Mayors office which was on the third floor.  Meanwhile in the air a small zepellin flew over head Onboard were two weasekls on a store of dip. " So why are we dumping this on city Hall/ To send a reminder that the Mayor should not talk to those fools trying start up the Laffalympics. If they are successful that would set back Gabriel for years in her plans..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 10:05:06 PM
Squidward walked over to Gaz and looked up at the zepllin "What do you make of that?"

Gaz glanced upwards at the zepllin as well "Probabally to do with that Gabriel woman everyone keeps talking about"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 10:11:01 PM
Dump it!' the first weasel screeched . The second pulled a lever an released three large containers full of dip. they fell through the air with great speed , hitting the roof of city hall with tremendous force, the dip exploded out of the containers and began eating through the roof, the mayors office was 7 floors below.. and it would only bee a few minutes before that concentrated Dip reached that floor..
_ You wanted to see me? cash said sticking his head in, as the impact from the dip striking the roof was heard and shook the building..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 10:13:38 PM
"Look out!' Squidward called out as he pulled Gaz away.

"Yes, these young folks need some secruity" the Mayor begun before the Dip had struck city hall, causing him to take cover underneath his desk.

"You guys wait here, I'll go see what all the ruckas is about" Jake told them as he flew off to investigate, finding the weasels in their zepllin "Yo!" he called out as he flew at high speed towards the zepllin.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 10:23:02 PM
you want me to go with these guys? I was sent here from gotham specifically to protect you..' Cash began as a loud hissing sound could be heard  . City Hall which was toon-made, was dissolving under the dip ' _
_ That sounds like dipo" Dixie said 'Stripetail we need to get everyone out ogf here
_ cash ran over and grabbee the Mayor " Everyone out! He yelled loudly.. Yoiu there.. Lead the way" He motioned to Stripetail.
 Scooby DEe Climbed onto Scooby and he began running out of the door ' Ry ram Ri rarrying roy, rou reter rot re reverting rack ro ra ramsel rin ristress.
_ no.."scooby Dee said Perturned as Woody and Winnie flew past, and Yogi and Bobo caught up to them ' Back to the mystery Machine' he said ' scoob old buy , you need to get us out of herem, pronto..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 10:25:46 PM
"Jake!" Haley called out as her brother took off as she flew off with Fang following her.

Zim on the other hand, had ordered Gir to open fire on the zepllin "Gir, take it down"

Gir started to laugh as he actiavted his weapons system and started to fire at the zepllin.

Jake did what he could to avoid being struck by Gir's attacks as he reached the zepllin "Looks like you need a whipping from the Am Drag" he told the two weasels and flew at them to attack them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 10:31:20 PM
Lets see how you like dip dragon" the first weseals hissed and turned on a hose which extended down  from the top of the zepellin. a jet of steaming hot dip shoot out at drake just as the  rockets from girs reached the zepellin, the dip caused the weapons to explode loudly without damaging the craft.. the other Weasel puled a razor sharp knife and began swinging at Jake..
_  Stripetail guided the fleeing group down the stairs as cash stopped and pulled the emergency alarm everyone out! wE have been hit by Dip! Cash barked into a miscrophone next to the arm. Scooby carried DEe down the stairs towards the first floor. the Diop had reacghed the 4th floor and was being channeled by the elevators that  were currently stuck at level 4. the wires hissed as the dip corroded them.. luckily no one was in the elevators..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 10:34:00 PM
"Whoa!" Jake called out as he just managed to avoid the dip as he flew above a weasel and grabbed him using his tail, tossing him right into the stream of the dip before turning his attention to the other weasel and letting out a stream of fire at him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 10:38:51 PM
the weasel screamed as the dip hit him, and quickly made short work of him.. his sprit soon left his body and floated out of the zeppelin. the dip began to eat away at the controls, as the the remaining weasel ducked  jakes flames..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 10:41:06 PM
"Uh dude" Jake told the weasel, pointing to the now fried controls before giving off a grin and taking off out of the zepllin to where everyone else was waiting at.

Gir continued to fire upon the zepllin, managing to strike on the propellers in the process.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 10:53:30 PM
the weseal, grabbed his parachute and jumped, as he decended he pulled the chut, only to find a spare tire popped out. 'nooo! He screamed as he fell to the ground..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 10:55:35 PM
As the weasel struck the ground, both Haley and Fang, who had made it out, walked over to him, with Fang grabbing him "So, what's this Gabriel up to?" she asked him.

"Yeah, tell us, or I will fry you to a crisp" Haley threatend as well as Jake flew into city hall to help out everyone else get out safely.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 11:30:02 PM
the weasel gasped for breath, his ribs were broken.. 'i won't tell you nuthin' i'm not going to last long anyone, once gabriel finds out i failed..' he sputtered 'to stop yous.. get outta here while ya can. shes not going to stop..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 11:32:30 PM
"Tell us" Fang growled little as she glared at the weasel in the eyes "Where is she going to strike next?"

Haley looked to Fang and sighed "He's not going to tell us, well, it doesn't look like it anyway"

"Can I beat him up then?" Fang asked back, to which Haley seemed to just shrug lightly before Fang attacked the weasel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 11:41:19 PM
No1" Cane a strong voice as fang's paw was stopped inches from the weasels face" he can provide us information
_ I aint telling you nuthing squirrell The weasel gasped "You will tell us..' Stripetail said as Cash grabbed the weasel.. "But First you need to get treatment.. you have some cracked ribs.. two or three judging by your breathing..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 01, 2010, 11:44:49 PM
"Aww, spoil all the fun" Fang said with a slight little pout

"So, um, where's the Mayor at?" Haley asked Stripetail as she looked around.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2010, 11:49:28 PM
sitting on the steps of City Hall, looking at his hat' Cash replied as he carried the weasel away to a waiting ambulance.. "Toon Central' he said to the driver This weasel has got three broke ribs..
 Scooby sat next the mystery machine catching his breath.. dixie and dee huddled next to him, the three great danes were tired from their near escape..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 02, 2010, 12:01:30 AM
"Oh Ms Bellum, what do we do now?" the Mayor asked Ms Bellum, whom in turn, sat down next to the Mayor.

Haley flew over to them "If it's any help, perhaps you could come along with us as well"

"Why thank you, but my place is here, it can still be fixed, city hall hasn't been completely destroyed, now, Ms Bellum, get some money together to fix this place up" the Mayor replied back.

"I'm afraid there's no more money, you gave the last of it away to them" Ms Bellum told the Mayor.

"Oh..." was all the Mayor had said rather sadly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 02, 2010, 12:05:08 AM
I guess you folks will be coming along as well " stripetail said. " is there .. well a what do call it?
- A Bus?' Cash replied " Yeah that could work, We have a lot of toons to get, and not much time.. come on mayor ms Bellum.. we've got work to do..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 02, 2010, 12:16:05 AM
"A bus huh? I know just the place, I'll be back" Haley told everyone else as she flew off.

"Where is she going?" Fang asked Jake.

Jake however, just shrugged "Not sure actually, but if she can get us a bus, then at least it'll be something"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 02, 2010, 12:44:30 AM
hop in jake " Dee called to him..' we've got a bus to catch..
- meanwhile lets count up the money the Mayor gave us' Stripetail reaching into his bag of money ' we need to know how much is there...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 02, 2010, 12:46:55 AM
It wasn't even long till a bus had pulled up and out walked Haley, followed by Bloo and Mac, with the bus driver being Frankie.

Haley looked to everyone else "Everyone, may I introduce you to Frankie, Mac and Bloo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, you know, the building that Madame Foster owns"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 02, 2010, 12:58:52 AM
nice to meet all of you' stripetail said kindly ' now if you could kindly give us a ride to yosemite i'd be much obliged..'
_ Scooby and his cousins quickly climbed ionto the bus..followed by yogi cindy bobbo, and huckleberrt
 woody and winnie took one seat , and were soon joined by odie. Garfield and Arlene shared another seat. Stripetail and Cash took a front seat..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 02, 2010, 01:01:13 AM
"Sure, jump on in" Frankie said as everyone piled into the bus and all buckled up.

Jake looked to Scooby "What about your ride? Aren't you also going to take that too?" he asked the great dane.

Zim, Gir, Squidward, Gaz and Haley also took a seat each as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 02, 2010, 03:25:55 PM
Someone is going to have to drive it" dixie agreed. "We'll follow the bus then. Scooby, Dee were going in the mystery machine.. We'll follow the bus to Yosemite

 Other characters began to climb on the bus.. HongKong Phooey, Captaincaveman, and Dynomutt, all looking like they hadn't had a good nights slep in a while ' rust showed on nearly all Dynomutt's joint
_ So is this the bus to the wharf? Phooey asked
no, this bus is headed to Yosemite national park. "er.. why are we going there? Phooey asked ' Is it about the laffalympics I was in the games awhile back, but my kung fu isn't what it used to be. I lost my civilan job.. so I'm stuck in this costume all day..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 02, 2010, 07:16:05 PM
"Yosemite National Park?" Frankie asked "Yeah, I know where that is, you guys can follow me if you wish" she told mainly Scooby.

Both Mac and Bloo also buckled up "So, what are these games all about?" Mac asked rather curiously.

"Well, whatever they are, they sound so boring..." Bloo added in with a slight groan.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 04, 2010, 04:39:11 PM
well they are a competition , composed of four teams ' stripetail explained. ' if you want to sign up .. mac is it? tryouts will be held in yosemite.. and the first series of games will be held there..
 Scooby Dixie and Scooby dee climbed into the Mystery Machine and waited for the bus to drive, meanwhile other characters began climbing onto the bus...
Cash frowned. ' So these games, you trying to stage them so Toon Town can get back on its feet?' stripetail nodded Cash frowned.. well I suppose i could call in a few favors back in Gotham..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 05, 2010, 01:21:09 AM
Frankie soon started to get going with the bus, driving onwards as Mac spoke to Stripetail "I'm going to have to think about that one, but thanks for the offer anyway"

"Are there any pizes? Like a paddleball!?" Bloo decided to then ask.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 05, 2010, 01:28:38 AM
cash' stripetail replied ' and lots of it. with it you can buy whatever you want' Stripetail replied " Toys, ice cream, you name it.. every member of each team gets some money.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 05, 2010, 01:53:06 AM
Bloo just let off a groan as he looked to Mac "Are you seriously considering doing those games"

"Yeah, it sounds like it might be fun" Mac replied back as Haley spoke up from behind them.

"I know what you mean, I'm going to be in the games, on Yogi's team" she told the two of them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 05, 2010, 02:24:16 AM
winnie curled up beside Woddy, who put his arm around her
_ Stripetail started counting the money in his bag, there was hundreds of thousands inside, each bill was a hundred. "So the mayor gave us several million assuming each bag contains the same..' He thought to himself 'this should be more than enough to cover busses for the teams, security and other expenses..
_dixie settled back against the passenger seat " the sky above them was cloudy with occassionally sun peaking though
 dee tried to make herself comfortable on the back seat.. ' so are we going to stop somewhere for the night/ " she asked
 "Dee its 3:17" dixie pointed to the digital clock.. " i know, but i was just making plans for the night.. '
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 05, 2010, 11:00:54 AM
Alvin, Simon, Theodore, Cadpig, and Tuck walked on to the bus. "Not one of my best places for travel this bus smells like feet" Alvin complained.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 05, 2010, 03:36:52 PM
hey stop complaining, its all many of us can afford" phooey replied.. Garfield nodded off , dreaming a nice steaming hot meal of lasagna. Arlene contentyed herself with looking out the window at the passing scenery
 the bus picked up another set of passengers...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 05, 2010, 06:36:39 PM
Frankie tapped the fuel gauge on the bus "Sorry guys, but we need to stop off and get some gas" she told everyone as she pulled into the next gas station.

Haley decided to step out for some fresh air at least as Frankie spoke to her "Try not to go too far alright?"

"Don't worry, I wont" Haley told her and flew upwards to stretch her wings properly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 05, 2010, 09:49:19 PM
Stripetail climbed out, as did a number of characters who needed to use the rest room "I'll go grab some crossword puzzles to do while we wait.." arlene said as she headed for the station.
A prison bus came into Yosemite and dropped off its cargo; the Really Rottens.." So tell me, why ARE we hear in this blasted park? The dread baron grumbled
 Because apparently there's going to be a new laffalympics' muttley smirked "oh this time.. we're going to get paid.. to cheat" He laughed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 05, 2010, 10:13:29 PM
Squidward was still sleeping in the bus when the bus had came to a halt as Frankie was getting the filled up with gas "Remember everyone, just don't wander too far, we don't want to leave anyone behind"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 06, 2010, 03:06:52 AM
An animated human walked into the gas station to see what they had.

Wally and Droopy were still sleeping.  Droopy was using a part of the end of Wally's tail as a pillow as Wally was using Droopy as a pillow.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2010, 03:16:09 AM
arleme a ccdidently bumped into himas she was walked out with a bagful of snacks and crosswords puzzles and a few pencils and pens..oops" I'm sorry. i'm arlene.. whats your name?' She asked a little embarased.
- scooby stopped the mystery machine ' rack roime' he grimnned as he got
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 06, 2010, 03:25:34 AM
Gary looked at Arlene.  "Hello, I'm Gary.  It's ok." he said and he moved aside so she could more easily see whatever she was looking at.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2010, 03:31:30 AM
so where are you headed? Arlene asjked " i'm headed up to Yosemite to help restart the Laffalympics.. would you be interested in joining us?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 06, 2010, 03:44:12 AM
Gary shrugged, "I've been sort of driving around, no destination in mind as of yet." He said.  "Laffalympics? I remember my father & grandfather talking about that now and then." He said looking over at Arlene, putting that in since he didn't look old enough to have been watching stuff in the 70's himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2010, 07:08:08 PM
oh really, when mt folks watched it as well, iutt was a little before my tuiime, but i;m glad to be a par t of it this time around...Arlene said, paying for her supploies and heading out tio the bus. 'would you like to come along with us? we can drop you off if you dfind the place where you are headed,..

- scooby and dixie grabbed some chips drinks and snacks to munch on the way.. dee brought a newspaper the headline read "Toons down the tubes, can Toontown be saved?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 06, 2010, 10:32:46 PM
Gary shook his head, "Nah, thanks though.  I.. have my own transportation." He said.  Being able to drive, fly, or even run places he could easily and cheaply get nearly anywhere.  

"Headed to one of the national parks?  I've been to a few over my childhood." Gary said.  "Great views they have."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2010, 10:38:21 PM
very well then, will you follow us there at least? arlene asked. we're going to need all the help we can get..
_ Winnie headed in to use the bathroom and grab a few snacks for herself and Woody..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 06, 2010, 10:38:59 PM
Soon, Frankie had indeed, finished filling up the bus with gas and had gone to pay for it "Okay everyone, we're ready to head off again, well, the bus has been filled back up with gas again"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2010, 10:50:22 PM
the toons started heading back on the bus " arlene waved goodbye to Gary "It was nice meeting you. hopefully we'll see you around in yosemite..' she added as she headed back to the bus.. meanwhile the sjky was getting darker another storm was heading in..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 06, 2010, 11:06:23 PM
Frankie looked into the distance "Looks like a storm's approaching" she looked up to Haley "Haley, come on, into the bus, we should get going now"

Haley nodded as she flew back down and into the bus before Frankie spoke again "So, it is still off to Yosemite Park?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2010, 11:16:41 PM
Yes " stripetail replied "its going to be awhile before we get there though. we may have to stop for the night...
Scooby climbed into the drivers seat and started the engine  Dee tossed the newspaper aside and curled up on the seat.. she shivered.. 'remind me tomorow cousin Dixie, tha i need to call the bank .. to get my house back..
- dee remember though we don't have a million on us..' Dixie reminded her " dEe if they already took your house, you're going to need millions to get it back, you'll have to rebuy it.. and we don't have it.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 06, 2010, 11:21:08 PM
Gary got a sandwich and after paying for it he went outside to start to eat it, looking up at the sky while he did so.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2010, 11:34:46 PM
as the group startd down the road the storm broke upon them. hude drops pounded the windshield and made a loud din, which made it very difficult for the passengers to sleep. Stripetail went in back, and pulled out a number of blankets and pillows that Frankie kept in stock., and started passiing them around. "We're going to have to share foks..' he said aloud.
 Scooby kept this foot on the petal as the Mystery machine lutrched through the storm..following the bright headlights of the bus ahead of him..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 06, 2010, 11:42:55 PM
Alvin Simon , and Theodore took their seats. And Cadpig sat not to far away.

"That's fine with us. "Simon said as he heard they had to share blankets.

"Speak for yourself I ain't sharin nothin" Alvin said.

"Excuse my brother he lacks a thing called "Manners"" Simon said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 06, 2010, 11:44:17 PM
Frankie continued to drive on, doing her best to see through the heavy rain as she looked to the side, seeing an alien running beside the speeding bus as she opened up the doors "Are you okay?"

"I guess you could say that, was on my way to Yosemite Park to meet my Grandpa and Gwen" it was Ben Tennyson in his XLR8 alien form as he jumped onto the bus "Mind if I catch a ride with you?"

Frankie shrugged "Sure, take a seat if you want"

"Thanks" replied Ben as he sped over to a seat and sat down.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2010, 11:45:41 PM
Well, my young friend, there aren't enough blankets for everyone to have their own" stripetail said giving Alvin a look " Like it or not. you will have to share.. everyone will.
 Arlene took a blanet and spread it over herelf Garfield and Odie. Tim took one and curled up against the bench with it, while jerry snuggled underneath a free corner of the blanket..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 06, 2010, 11:49:31 PM
"Like I said I don't have to do nothin " Alvin said taking out his own blanket from his bag. Dave had always told him to come prepared. Simon took the blanket away from Alvin and handed it to Stripetail. "Sharing a blanket this one time isn't gonna kill you Alvin" Simon said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 06, 2010, 11:50:51 PM
Gary put the sandwich back into it's container and ran to the back of the store where he'd not be observed.  He then changed into a sedan (cgi cars style) and drove out and behind the mystery machine, at a safe distance for driving while it was raining.  His side and back windows were darkened so no one could tell if someone was inside or not.  He was glad he had taken those various courses before over the decades, stunt driving, anti terrorism, racing, and other driving courses.  He had taken them since they sounded fun and he thought they may be useful in acting gigs he may get.

The rain awoke Wally who got a blanket to share with Droopy who he lay on his lap to share the blanket with.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2010, 11:52:04 PM
Stripetail handed Ben a blanket " Here you look like you were moving at a pretty good clip.. well aboard.. Lord sripetail at your service ' the wizard said kindly..
DEe tried to make herself comfortable, without much luck.. "I call the shower when we stop.. i need a nice long  hot soak.."
p_ rust ron't ruse rup rall rhe rot rater" Scooby replied " Ri red rone roo.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 06, 2010, 11:54:43 PM
Ben's form had worn off as he reverted back to his human form now as he took the blanket and wrapped it around himself, shaking a bit as well "Thanks" was all he had said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 06, 2010, 11:58:44 PM
Just then Tuck came running after the bus as fast as he could. He had missed the bus. "Wait up please" Tuck called as he was being drenched by the pouring rain trying to run as fast as he could to keep up with the bus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 06, 2010, 11:59:41 PM
Gary switched on his headlights, and was glad he had taken all those courses in his car form as well as his animated human form.  They had come in handy at times.  

"If it rains much more we can swim there." Wally Gator said looking out the window.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 07, 2010, 12:17:14 AM
Haley looked out the back window to see Tuck running up to try and catch the bus "Um, Frankie, someone wants a ride as well"

"Hmm? Oh" Frankie said as she stopped the bus and opened up the doors again to allow Tuck to get onto the bus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2010, 12:20:22 AM
Stripetail came up to Tuck who was soaking wet "next time don't wait so long, we nearly left you behind.." he said, handing him  a blanket and motioning to an open seat.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 07, 2010, 12:23:30 AM
Gary continued driving down the road, wondering how long the rain would last.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 07, 2010, 12:25:13 AM
"Sorry it wasn't all my fault.  I really needed to use the bathroom. And it was one of those gas stations that you need a key to use the bathroom.  It took them almost 20 minutes to get the manager to find the key for them."

Tuck said with a shiver He wrapped the blanket around himself and sat next to Cadpig. He was about to share the blanket with her.

"Oh, no I'm fine you need that blanket a lot more then I do. You don't wanna catch a cold" Cadpig said making sure Tuck was comfortable.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2010, 12:27:08 AM
Stripetail gestured and pulled a cup of hot cocoa out of thin air ' Here.. you look like you need this " he said handing the cup to tuck He produced another one and handed it to Ben.Anyone else want some hot cocoa?' He called out to the others on the bus..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 07, 2010, 12:31:41 AM
"Hot Chocolate? Oh boy, I'd love a cup." The small chubby chipmunk Theodore said.

"Me too" Dale said happily.

Tuck smiled a very grateful smile over to Stripetail for the Hot Cocoa. "thhhh.....T.....Tha....... Thank You" He managed to say. As he took the cup of Hot Chocolate.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 07, 2010, 12:35:14 AM
"Yeah, thanks" Ben replied accepting the hot chocolate and sipping it a bit.

Zim passed up on the hot chocolate offer himself, however, Squidward took a cup for himself as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2010, 12:36:55 AM
Stripetail revealed a tray of cups and a pitcher of hot chocolate ' this is magical hot chocolate.. the cups will not empty until you are full" He said with  a smile ' so you can drink as much as you want pass them down.. he said, starting to hand the cocoa out. Cash took a cup with a gruff 'thanks'. other toons began to stir as  the sound of passing cups filled the bus. 'Be careful the cups will be hot.." Stripetail warned as he moved up and down the bus..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 07, 2010, 12:42:44 AM
Gary switched on his radio  & tried some stations, thinking he maybe should have used one of his other car forms since 1 had all sorts of gadgets including a mp3 type of player.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 07, 2010, 12:44:37 AM
The bus continued on still as Gaz spoke up "Do you have any soda instead?" she decided to ask mainly Stripetail.

Both Haley and Jake took a cup each of hot chocolate too and begun to sip at their cups.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 07, 2010, 12:45:33 AM
Dale and Theodore and Simon took a cup of Hot Chocolate as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2010, 12:49:55 AM
No, actually i don't really know what soda is, i know only that its a form of beverage' Stripetail shrugged ' if you don't want the hot chocolate that's fine, unfortunately i don't have soda, but the others might, ask around..' he added moving past Gaz's seat . Hong Kong Phooey took a cup as did Captain Caveman and dynomutt. Aime took a cup  passed it down to Odie who declined..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 07, 2010, 01:00:15 AM
Alvin just sat there as Gaz asked for a soda. Simon elbowed Alvin hard in the ribs.  Alvin was like the king of soda he always managed to bring like a 12-pack of soda where ever he went.

"Here Gaz you can have have one of my soda's " Alvin said reluctantly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 07, 2010, 01:04:40 AM
Wally Gator and Droopy both got a cup of hot chocolate and sipped it while using the cup to keep their hands warm.  

Gary continued to drive, finally finding a station he found to be ok to listen to.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2010, 01:07:56 AM
yogi and bobo both took a cup grateful for the warm beverage. cindy was having trouble keeping the cup steady ' its very hot..' she said
- its supposed to be hot Cindy ol' girl' Yogi said.the storm outside was not letting up..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 07, 2010, 01:13:57 AM
Gaz took the soda from Alvin and spoke "Thanks I suppose" was all she said as she begun to drink from it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 07, 2010, 01:17:23 AM
" "Thanks you suppose"? Is that all you can say I'm gonna....." Simon quickly throws a hand over Alvin's mouth as he continues to mutter angrily to Gaz.

"Alvin says "Your welcome"" Simon said with a smile.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 07, 2010, 01:21:35 AM
"I sure do hope this here bus can float." Wally Gator said looking at the rain.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 07, 2010, 06:37:43 AM
Gaz just seemed to glance over to Alvin and Simon as she just continued to drink the soda still, not even saying a word to them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 07, 2010, 02:44:14 PM
Droopy continued to sip his hot chocolate using it to warm his hands.   "Based on the shape and construction of this bus I would assume it is not designed to float." Droopy said.

Gary was still driving while keeping the mystery machine in sight with his headlights, thinking it may be better to switch to his high techy car form or starship.  Then he could also use radar and other things to keep keep watch on traffic and keep an eye on the mystery machine and the bus, as well as using near and far infa-red as well.  He decided he would wait a short time longer and if the rain continued he'd find a convenient place to switch without being seen.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 07, 2010, 04:57:25 PM
Frankie gave off a small laugh at what Droopy had said "Yeah, this bus isn't really built for floating along a river or whatever"

"Well, at least I'll be able to turn into Ripjaws once the Omnitrix become available for use again, that is, if it floods" Ben piped up next.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2010, 06:04:46 PM
Stripetail continued passing out the hot chocolate. " i don't think this bus will be floating away. it would take a strong current , like that of a river or flood.  Still , it helps to be prepared..
_ Meanwhile Scooby continued driving through the storm. the road was starting to rise at an angle, they were headed into a higher elevation.. ' Ro ronder rif rhere ris ranyrhere re ran rop' He said the windshield wipers flying back and forth struggling to keep the rain off so he could see..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 07, 2010, 06:52:02 PM
Frankie continued to drive the bus onwards still, doing her best to see through the pouring down rain as Haley flew over to her "Um, you know, perhaps we should really stop for the night, the storm doesn't look like it's going to let up anytime soon"

"Yeah, I guess you are right about that" Frankie replied as she glanced over and saw an inn, to which she soon stopped the bus and turned to everyone else "Okay you guys, we're going to stop for the night, I can't really drive anymore in this sort of weather"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2010, 07:01:01 PM
Scooby noticed the bus's headlights pulling into an inn, on the side of the road " Guess we're stopping for the night' Dixie said "just pull in on the left side of the Bus, the right side is where everyone will be getting out.. Scooby looked relieved, he was getting tired  as it was..
Dee stirred as scooby pulled into a parking spot in fromt of the enterance. it was still raining hard ' I guess we'll have to make a run for it.." She said grabbing her things and getting up off the passenger seat. she opened the door and headed out into the storm, closing the  van door behind her she dashed for the inn door.. Scooby and Dixie right behind her..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 07, 2010, 07:16:29 PM
Zim looked out into the rain before he ran across to the inn, yelling at the moment as the rain seemed to burning his face as well.

"Uh....okay?" Jake asked back as he and Haley flew across as well.

Squidward on the other hand, stood there, glancing at Frankie "You expect me to go out there in the rain?"

"Unless you want to stay on this cold bus tonight" Frankie replied back to which Squidward glared at her for a long hard second.

"I hate you..." was all Suidward said as he walked over to join the rest of the group as well, along with Ben.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 07, 2010, 07:19:15 PM
Seeing the rain was not letting up Gary looked for and quickly found a convenient place to drive into where no one was anywhere around being some bushes and trees off the road and switched to his cgi animated high techy, science fictiony car form.  He partially retracted his tires with a bit of ? sliding down to cover them.  He then turned  on his hover fans and hovermode as well as all of his sensors including the full emp spectrum before going back to the road to follow the mystery machine.  

Much easier since in this form he didn't need to use any tires and his sensors included radar, sonar, and the full emp spectrum, of course, included near and far infrared as well so it made keeping a watch on the road and other traffic as well as following the mystery machine very easy.  As well as having several on board computers to identify the mystery machine and have them keep a watch on it as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2010, 07:31:29 PM
The clerk at the front turned as Scooby, Dixie and Scooby Dee entered. " welcome to cliffside Inn' the clerk said "Checking in?"
_ Yes' dee said shaking off "Do you have any rooms with two beds and a bath..?
_ I think so.. lets see here" the clerk said as stripetail headed in, followed by Arlene, garfield and Odie. "how about room 200? Second floor its 25 a night
 Dixie pulled out some cash and laid it on the counter  and Greg the clerk handed her a key. "Raining pretty hard huh.. Greg said commenting on the water dripping from the dresses of Dixie and Scooby Dee.
_ Reah really rrd" Scooby agreed ' Ro rou rave reakrast?
- Um.. breakfast yes we do, starting at 6." Greg said as Woody and Winnie entered " enjoy your stay' he said cheerfully as Dixie took the key and headed up the stairs. the hotel was cleaner than the foundations in, and seemee to better off financially.. Dixie walked up the stairs and stopped off at the second landing..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2010, 08:00:18 PM
Woody and Winnie came up to the Counter " We'd like a room please' Woody said " we; how about 210 it has a nice view of the mountainside..' the clerk said as Winnie plopped down a couple bills 'and Greg said as he handed over the key.. enjoy your stay.. he said as the two woodpeckers headed up the stairs.
- Dee was the first to get in..and headed straight for the bathroom. "Remember Dee to save some hot water for Scooby and me.. ' Dixie called in after her "Sure Dixie.. " came the reply. Scooby went over to check out the room. there were two sma;; beds set close to each other, there was a tv with the remote on top it, all in all it was a pleasant room.. Dixie sat down on the bed and looked at the tv.." Lets see whats on, she said to Scooby who quickly complied. turning on  a weather program. the storm would not pass for several hours...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 07, 2010, 08:09:58 PM
Frankie collected what money Madame Foster had given her before the whole trip and went and paid the clerk along with the help of Haley, using some of the money the the Mayor had given them.

Each getting a room to share with someone else to at least, cut back in some expenses anyway.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2010, 08:17:48 PM
stripetail was given room 106, Arlene, garfield and odie took room 107 tom and Jerry followed them into their room, having no money on themselves they decided to follow the others to 107. dynomutt hongkong phooey and Caveman shared Room 111.
 scooby flipped through the channels finally stopping on a hockey game ' rant ro ratch rockey? ' He asked  Dixie shrugged "sure.. until dee gets out of the shower, then i'm taking a hot bath...dixie added as a defenseman laid abig hirt and forward trying to move the puck up ice. the score was 2-2 in the early 2nd period.
- Dee rubbed some soap into her arms underarms and breasts then aimed the water (the hose was detachable) and watched herself off 'the water felt really good and she lrt out a contented sigh.. she was glad to be out of that dumpy apartment, and traveling with her dear cousins.. maybe once she was done they could watch a few of her old movies..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 07, 2010, 10:05:18 PM
Wally and Droopy got off the bus after putting down their blanket and cups of hot chocolate.  Droopy ran for the door while Wally walked, not minding getting wet since he liked to swim often.  

Once near the front desk Droopy waited for Wally who lifted him onto the front desk so he would not be over looked.  

"We'd like a room for the night."Droopy said.  

- - -

Gary saw the bus and Mystery Machine pull into the inn and looked for a nearby out of the way parking lot where he could park.  He thought it cheaper to stay in car form to save money, and have certain other advantages.  

Once he found a place nearby where he could see both the bus and Mystery Machine he activated the stealth mode, which let folks see what was on the other side of him, making him invisible.  Extra effective since he was not moving.  He then had one of the on board computers keep a watch on the bus and Mystery Machine, turned on surveillance mode to keep watch, then started to watch a Charlie Chan in Paris.  Then he thought he may watch the Marx Brothers on Cocoanuts before trying to sleep in car mode, with the surveillance mode left on.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2010, 10:59:09 PM
Ok, thats 25 dollars' Greg replied. I'll give you Room 220. He said to Droopy and wally, handing them the key.
 Dee finished her bath and rubbed herself down with a towel, meanwhile Scooby and Dixie continued to watch the game, which was filled with more hitting than scoring, it was 3-3 entering the 3rd.  scooby put his arm around Dixie who rested her head against him as she watched the game. "I would never want to play hockey.. much too violent..' "Rell, re right rave ro" Scooby admitted.  " What? Why? Dixie started. "Recause, rits ra rame rin rhe raffarympics' Scooby explained " Did you play it the last time you were in the games? 'Ro, rut re right rhis rime." Dixie looked at her husband and shook her head."Cousin? Dee called out. 'the shower is yours".she said heading out, wearing a fresh gdress it was a light red color.
Dixie got up off the bed, and headed to the bathroom.
_ Cindy curled up on the bed in Yogi's room, a while yogi and bobo watched tv. 'i do hope they were let me play in the games again " She said ' Why not? you were in them before.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 07, 2010, 11:35:33 PM
Droopy paid the amount while Wally took the key.  "Thanks." Wally said before helping Droopy down to the floor so they could both then walk to the hotel room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 07, 2010, 11:41:31 PM
The rest of the toons also got a room for the night, of course, doubling up in the rooms.  Jake and Haley in one, Zim and Gir in another, Mac and Bloo together, Gaz and Fang in another room with Squidward and Frankie being in, yet, another room of their own.

Ben, on the other hand, was luckily enough to get a room all to himself, sitting in his room, already playing video games to pass away the time.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2010, 11:59:34 PM
Dixie got into the bathroom and undressed . She climbed into the tub and turned the water on. flinching as the water was cold at first but then warmed up. Dixie scrubbed her fur, creating foam around her front, and sides. Dixie sighed as she settled into the tub. She needed this, some 'her' time, to reflect on what was going on. she would do anything to help Scooby and the others save toon town, after all he was her husband
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 08, 2010, 12:23:20 AM
Droopy and Wally went to their room.  

"You take a shower or bath first." Wally said.  

"Ok." Droopy said before he headed into the bathroom to take a shower.  Wally went to turn on the tv to see what was on.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2010, 12:40:21 AM
dee set down on the bed 'after this, do you mind if I flip through the channels? There might be a couple films i was in.. The Scarlett affair, for one..
" roes rhat rave ranyrhing ro ro rith Riss rarette rom rue?' Scooby asked
_ no, thats a different movie. scarlett affair was based on a women named scarlett who fell in love with a married man, i played the wife of her lover.' Dee repled ' the director was john bridges, very good director, shame he never gets the recognition he deserves..'
- roh, Ri ronce ras rin ra rovie.." Scooby said ra rong rime rago.. Ri rasn't rery rood..
Not to be mean cousin, but your acting skills are quite weak. in Hollywood, either you have 'it' or you don't, no inbetween. of course, having an attractive face often makes up for it..
- Rou rould rell rories. Ris Rin Rin Rin ra rood ractor
- yes i starred with him in Rin Tin Tin rides again, it was among his latrer films.. hes retured now..'Dee agreed.
 Dixie finished her bath and climbed out of the bath tub, and let the water drain out..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 08, 2010, 12:53:23 AM
Once there was enough water droopy got into the water to take his bath while Wally Gator relaxed on the bed to start to flip through the channels to see if anything was on that looked interesting.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2010, 01:05:30 AM
dixie headed out to join the group. on tv, the team in blue scored to take the lead 4-3. 'that bath was really refreshing " dixie said joining scooby and dee on the bed. 'yes, its great to have clean water.. " Dee agreed, making room so dixie could scoot in between her and Scooby. ' just telling scooby about some of the films i've been.. 'well, cousin dee hopefully you still have a few big movies left in your career..' dixie said.. ' well there's nowhere to go but up..' dee nodded as the three great danes watched the rest of the game
- Winnie flipped on the television and set back on her side of the bed. their room only had one bed, so they had decided to share it, with one condition. woody would not try to get 'too cute' with her. if he did, he was sleeping on the floor.
_ stripetail oput his staff by the side of the bed and got into bed. the televison did not inerest him, he kept it off..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 08, 2010, 01:16:50 AM
Droopy finished with his bath and went into the main room.  

 "Anything good on?" Droopy asked.

"Not that I've found so far.  There is a weird show with groucho marx just staring at the camera not saying or doing anything." Wally gator said.

"Looks like we may just do some channel surfing till bedtime." Droopy said as Wally got up to go into the bathroom to take a bath himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2010, 01:27:30 AM
cindy snuggled up next to yogi.. ' things will get better y.. my dear yogi..' she whispered, before kissing him on the lips, the kiss made bobo look away in revulsion. after nearly thirty seconds yogi pulled away. ' wow. that was a wowser of a good night kiss' yogi said with a grin ' you know.. scooby got married..' cindy grinned broadly..'cindy..we.. well we can't afford that ' yogi said sadly.. 'scooby, he doesn't live here, he hasn't been affected by this downturn like we have.. he could afford to get hitched..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 08, 2010, 02:02:16 AM
Wally gator finished his bath then went out to relax with Droopy and watch some tv before they got ready for bed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2010, 02:05:56 AM
the game ended and the doos got ready for bed. scooby gave dee a warm kiss and dixie nuzzled her good night. dee settled in on the iother side of scooby 'remmed rin ry rwo reautiful rirls ' he said with a smile ' only because i like the company' dee grinned. ' goodnight guys' she said tucking herself in on Scooby's ;eft. Dixie settled in on his right.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 08, 2010, 02:18:08 AM
Ben remained up at the moment, playing video games still, pushing in his Omnitrix and managed to change back into XLR8 as he zoomed out.  Moments later, he was back with some food as he rushed back into his room again to eat a bit as well as continuing on playing his video games.

"Well, this is lame..." Gaz complained as she flicked through the tv channels, finding nothing good on at all as Fang was already fast asleep where she was, sleeping upon a bed.

"Aww Mac, can't I go and play video games with that Ben kid?" Bloo asked his friend.
"Sorry Bloo, Frankie wants us to get some good sleep for tomorrow" Mac replied back as he put his bag down to which Bloo collapsed onto the bed more or less.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 08, 2010, 02:29:35 AM
After a while Wally & Droopy dropped off to sleep with the tv still playing.  Since they were lounging on the bed while watching the tv their sleep was fairly comfortable.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 08, 2010, 03:15:53 AM
Alvin Simon and Theodore checked into their room. "Wow now this is the way to live" Alvin said jumping on to the bed and then picking up the phone for Room Service.

Cadpig, Tuck and Dale checked into their rooms as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 08, 2010, 04:10:13 AM
Moments later, a group of five arrived, it was Mermaid Man, Barnacle Boy, SpongeBob, Partick and Scrooge McDuck, arriving in the invisible boat mobile.

"Ah yes, I would like a room for tonight, actually, make that 70 odd 28" Mermaid Man spoke up to the hotel owner.

"I'll handle this lads, make it two rooms" Scrooge spoke up to the hotel owner as he reached into his money bag and pulled out a small amount of money "I don't have much, but at least this will cover for our rooms tonight"

The hotel owner handed over a key "I'm afraid this is the only room left tonight"

"Ah, don't worry about it, we'll be fine" Scrooge replied back as he took the key and headed off to their room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2010, 01:48:58 PM
Dixie  lay her head on Scooby's chest and went to sleep, she felt safe in his company.. and by now was used to sleeping with him, as they had been sharing a bed since before they were married. Dixie dreamed, not for the first time, of meeting scooby's parents for the holidays and introducing them to their new grandson...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 08, 2010, 02:11:17 PM
Droopy and Wally Gator slept while the tv was on.  Gary slept outside while the surveillance mode was on.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2010, 02:18:07 PM
wibnnie curled up next to woody, who leaned in and gave her a kiss. Winnie returned the kiss, feeling her beak move against Woody's the kiss lasted a few seconds then they broke away, and settled back to sleep. 'if we win these games winnie, and things get better, i. I would.. er..I would want you..'
- are you,, asking me to marry you/" winnie asked her eyes alight ' if things get better.. yes i will marry you, and become MRS. woody Woodpecker..  woody grinned and settled into sleep..winnie in his arms.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 08, 2010, 03:16:35 PM
Wally Gator awoke.   He ticked Droopy into bed then got into the other side of the bed himself and decided why not leave the tv on, then went back to sleep himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2010, 08:59:49 PM
the storm slowly moved away, and the night passed into morning, which broke over the mountains nin a beautiful display..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 08, 2010, 09:40:55 PM
Gary awoke, and seeing that the rain had passed moved to a better place so he could change back to his sedan form, since he assumed that would attract less attention then his high techy science fiction type car form would, then returned near the spot where he was.  

Droopy awoke first & seeing the tv was still on found the remote on the nightstand where Wally had put it and switched the channels till he found a morning news show.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2010, 09:58:34 PM
dixie stirred from her sleep, and strethed. she gave scooby a kiss on the lips, and then got out of bed, and turned on the television. scooby awoke a few mintes later..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 08, 2010, 10:13:02 PM
Squidward thought he had heard laughing and spoke with his eyes closed still "Will you keep it down Frankie? I'm trying to sleep here!"

However, the laughing was still heard as Squidward opened up his eyes and saw none other than SpongeBob and Patrick standing at his bed more or less.

"Happy Birthday Squidward!" they both called out at the same time.

Squidward glared and kicked SpongeBob and Patrick out of the room "It's not my birthday!" he yelled out after them with a grumble.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2010, 10:27:59 PM
rid rou reep rell" Scooby asked as he came up to Dixie. ' yeah a much better sleep then the one i had at that other inn" dixie said smiling, and giving him another kiss, she did Scooby  toppled over back on the bed and Dixie fell on top of him the noise woke Scooby Dee, who laughed as she saw the couple in a predicament " I do hope you two didn't sleep like that..' she chuckled to both Dixie's and Scooby's embarassment. Dee looked at the television which was  currently on a weather segment "looks like a good day for driving, err could you get a blanket for the back seat ' dee asked, as dixie got off of Scooby " alright We'll stop in one of the towns and get you all set up on the back seat" Dixie said "Did you sleep well dee?
_ Yes I did, as i hope you did as well.. Now lets get some breakfast in us.. we've got the laffalympic games to set up and prepare for.." Dee said ' i do believe that the first series will be in yosemite../
_ Right' Dixie said " After that I don't know where we'll be headed next.."
_ Woody stoiirred from his sleep. " time to get up Winnie' He said, doing his usual 'ha ha ha ha;' klaugh, and thisa woke winniwe up
- Arlene stirred next to Garfield, who had reluctantly agreed to share his bed with her, as odie tom and jerry shared the other bed. she pressed her red lips against his orange, and in doing so woke him up ' err that was your wake up' she grinned as garfield looked at her.. 'don't they usually set thiose ' he asked grinning slightly all the same...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 08, 2010, 11:31:19 PM
Gary went through the channels till he found one that had some ok music that he liked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2010, 11:39:32 PM
Droopy's pjhone began to ring?' Droopy> iTs eddie... i've found some information on Clurry Von Paws.. Dees former agent ...seems he bought a ritzy mansion  about a month ago nearly Yosemite, worth a cool 25 million. I want to go check it out..perhaps some of the missing loot is there.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 08, 2010, 11:54:15 PM
"Ok,  We're headed there.  Anything special you wish us to do?" Droopy asked into his cellphone.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2010, 12:01:43 AM
get in, search around and grab as many things as you can  anything that says scooby dee, josie and the pusscats,  anything that looks like it was stolen.. we're talking huge bucks here droopy this is a case that cpuld not only help us help those were robbed it could make both our fortunes. this guy , droopy, has stolen close to 1.25 billion, yes billion with a b. we get that back to them , plus damages you figure this former agent is going to have to pay damages as well, so to keep it simple lets double it 2.5 billion. 600-700 million goes to dee,. 40 million to the pussycats, and once  everyone is paid up we're looking at about 300 million ourselves, of which you'll get 10-20 percent you do the math.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 09, 2010, 12:34:11 AM
"I'll let a mathematician do the math for me.  They love doing math problems last I heard." Droopy said. "Ok, I"ll do that stuff." He said.  Guessing he'd have to do the job alone since he didn't know of any ninja types.

Wally woke up and started to yawn and stretch a bit.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2010, 12:42:38 AM
its 30 to 60 million Droopy.. you'll be one rich dog' came the reply " i'll call you again once you get closer to Yosemite.. eddie out..
soon the dinning started to fill with guests ' stripetail poured himself some apple juice and sat down with a muffin in his paw ' we've got a long ride ahead of us Mr cash' he said to the guard "  who was pouring himself some coffee " at least I don't have to worry about the crazies i normally work with.. he said taking a sip of coffee..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 09, 2010, 09:10:10 PM
Squidward soon joined everyone else in the dining hall as SpongeBob patted an empty seat next to him, to which Squidward reluctantly sat down in the empty seat.

Frankie turned to Stripetail "So, what's the plan? I mean, I know we're going to Ysemite Park, but once we get there, how are the games going to be set up?" she asked him as she ate.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 09, 2010, 10:12:45 PM
Wally headed out to see if there was any breakfast or not while Droopy took notes of what Eddie said and wanted him to do, taking the notes in shorthand.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2010, 10:23:19 PM
we will have competitionf for spots on the teams, a tournament to see who gets one the teams. first priority will go to the players who were on the teams previously.. Stripetail replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 09, 2010, 10:28:41 PM
"And what about equipment? Don't you need someone to transport the equipment to the park? Or, is it already there?" Frankie then decided to ask Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 09, 2010, 10:35:15 PM
"Any breakfast here or do we have to eat you?" Wally asked.   "As for carrying stuff why not ask Grape ape, he's big and strong." Wally said recalling his largest team mate back in the laffalympics days.

(ooc: I'd guess most have never heard of him.  A very bad quality of the intro to the grape ape segment of the tom & jerry & grape ape show: (  I vaguely remember watching the show as a kid)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2010, 10:35:24 PM
The equipment is already there .. in fact many of  the toons will already be there" stripetail replied 'we'll have to see how many toons try out... I expect there will be many...' He added.. "we only have about 40 open spots...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 09, 2010, 10:38:51 PM
(OOC: Grape Ape sounds familiar to me actually)

"Well, that makes things a bit easier then" Frankie replied as she continued to eat still.

Squidward, of course, was looking rather annoyed as SpongeBob and Patrick were just laughing quietly, which in turn, caused Squidward to yell at them "Will you two morons keep it down!? It's bad enough that you two are here that I have to even sit with you"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2010, 10:48:45 PM
Of course there is breakfast here" stripetail said motioning to the assortment of pancakes hash browns, muffins and cereals. to drink, there was juice milk and coffee..
i would assume great ape will be back on your team, unless he doesn't want to participate in these games.."
 so.. exactly how many toons are we dealing with here?' Arlene asked " hundreds, thousands..
_ as many as can afford to make it up here.. my flyer i put up gave the instructions for the tryouts..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 09, 2010, 11:00:41 PM
"Well, I'm going to be trying out, it seems like fun" Haley said "And besides, my dragon powers should be able to help out too"

"Yeah, and I might try out as well" Mac added in as he looked to Bloo.

"Don't look at me, it just seems so boring" Bloo seemed to complain back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2010, 11:02:57 PM
not even when you could become famous,  go tv, be a star, none of those appeal to you?' Stripetail arched his brow " very well there are always toons who would gladly take that opportunity...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 09, 2010, 11:03:18 PM
"Grape Ape is probably wherever Beegle Beagle is.  I wonder if they know of the tryouts or not." Wally said.  Then he went back to his and Droopy's room to tell him about the breakfast.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2010, 11:11:57 PM
and tell drioopy that he will have to make picks to be on his team since hes the captain.." Stripetail replied
_ Dred Baron strumbled out of the makeshift tents and got his balanvce only by running into daffy Duck, who was trying to get in shape " watch where you're going" He snapped , irritance in his voice ' i'm trying to get in shape for these games! I need the cash!
- Dread Baron gave Donald a withering glance ' Get out of sight, your miserable fool!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 09, 2010, 11:13:21 PM
"Maybe Sandy will be there too" SpongeBob soon piped up.

"Yeah, and Larry too" Patrick added in, regarding Larry the Lobster.

Fang shrugged "Well, if there's games there, then maybe Dave will be there too" she also added on.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2010, 11:28:11 PM
I'm sure we will see lots of friends there' Scooby said upon entering the room, and helping herself to some pancakes. Scooby and Dixie folowed in after her, scooby soon piled up some portion of nearly everything  on one plate " dear' Dixie began " Pigging out is not the way to get in shape.
" Ri reat rike ris rall rhe rime, rand Ri ron't rain rany reight."
 'As you get older Scooby your metabolism is going to slow down, and then you will gain weight...Dixie said to him.." a lot of it.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 09, 2010, 11:37:31 PM
Wally poked his head into the room. "You done Droopy?  There's some breakfast ready." Wally said.  

"Ok." Droopy said.  He finished with his notes, putting them into a pocket and then went out of the room.  He walked a bit behind Wally as they headed to the dining room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 09, 2010, 11:43:49 PM
Fang sighed a bit "Yeah, I guess you're right" she replied back as she took a bite out of the leg of chicken she had taken.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2010, 11:48:23 PM
Cash helped himself to a muffin.. "I'll make a few calls to some people I know and she if we cant get some sponsors for these games No reason Mr Stripetail here will have to cover everything.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 10, 2010, 12:44:23 AM
Wally & Droopy walked to the dining room and started to look over the choices to pick out what to serve themselves for breakfast.  They put them one by one onto their plate and moved to the next food item they had chosen.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2010, 01:10:29 AM
'once we are all finished " we'll check out and get back on the bus" Stripetail said " go get packed up everyone we're heading out soon.. we should make it to Yosemite but this afternoon.."
 Winnie grabbed a muffin and began to munch on it.. " i still have some food on the bus too that I can snack on..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 10, 2010, 01:33:26 AM
"I didn't know we were that close." Wally said pausing in his eating.

"I wonder what mischief the Rottens will be up to." Droop said.

"Likely plotting traps and how best to cheat and stuff like that." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2010, 02:08:07 AM
yep' Yogi said " this Rotten will likely gewt sent back to prison if they cheat too much.. i mean they actually wion a few times last time.. this time though they're not going to win anything..' he grinned
- i'm not so sure yogi, they probably have een broodng on those games a long time...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 10, 2010, 02:35:46 AM
"They may use explosives and such this time." Wally said, pausing in his eating.

"I wonder who their new recruits will be." Droopy said between bits of his breakfast.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 10, 2010, 02:53:04 AM
Alvin, Simon, Theodore, Cadpig and Tuck walked into the dining room to get some breakfast.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2010, 03:10:01 AM
any of you folks interested?' Yogi asked Alvin Cadpig and the others...' because if you arere I could use one of my captain's picks on you...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 10, 2010, 03:22:55 AM
"As I recall we got along will with the Scoobies." Wally said, though he frowned a bit before he said, "Though, of course, not the rottens."

"I would guess they did not get along with themselves." Droopy said.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 10, 2010, 03:25:15 AM
"Interested in what" Alvin and the others say at the same time.

"Call it a hunch but I think it may have to do with those games that they keep talking about. I'm in, as long as you can tell me more about these games" Cadpig said.

"Uhhhhh yeah me too. I love playing sports and games" Alvin said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2010, 03:28:25 AM
well, these games you will be paid to plat them. 100000 , win or lose.. not including other prizes' Stripetail explained..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 10, 2010, 03:36:10 AM
"Yeah, from what I understand, it's games to help get Toontown out of the declining ecconomy, I'm just glad Foster's hasn't gone out of business yet, then again, I doubt Madame Foster will allow anything to happen to it" Frankie added in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 10, 2010, 03:59:21 AM
"That will certainly help toontown.  The contestants and all the support positions that will be needed as well." Droopy said.  

"Which is likely why she doesn't want the games to happen." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2010, 01:39:02 PM
Definitely which is why we need the games up as soon as possible. shes already made it impossible to hold them in ToonTown.." stripetail said. 'Which is why we're taking them on tour.. stoping at different locations.. m maybe the north [ppole while we're at it
_ Reah, re rould reet Rudoph rand Ranta rand rhe relves" Scooby grinned. rhistras rhacters" he said to Stripetail "Never heard of them" striptail replied "in my world we celebrate the seasons, and birthdays, mine is sometime in march..march 18th i mate's  was may 4th.. i .. reflect.. on that day.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 10, 2010, 02:06:32 PM
"I read in a book that Santa Claus was an honored guest at Ozma's birthday party." Droopy said, "No idea if the events in the book really happened or if oz is real or not."

"The games will help toon town, though perhaps not instantly." Wally said.  

"Yes, it will help more as time goes on." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2010, 02:13:44 PM
Stripetail shrugged ' who knows.. there are countless worlds in this cosmos.. Oz very well could exist.. we might stumble on it as we journey along.. now everyone we must get back on the bus.. Go turn in your keys and we'll get back on the road...
_ can we have some of that hot chocolate Huckleberry asked "
- Stripetail  smiled.."certainly, anyone who wants some more can have some.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 10, 2010, 05:50:39 PM
"Alright, you heard him folks, everyone get onto the bus" Frankie told everyone.

"About time" Squidward grumbled as she stood up and walked off to the bus.

Mermaid Man spoke up at that point "Barnacle Boy and I will follow you in our invisible boatmobile, come young lord!" he called out "To the front desk.....away!" and with that, he headed off to hand in the key to his room.

Barnacle Boy followed Mermaid Man out into the parking lot and attempted to find the invisible boatmobile.  Barnacle Boy managed to find it, but was burned upon the exahust pipe of it before getting into it, ready to follow the others to Yosemite Park.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2010, 05:55:37 PM
Scooby Dixie and Sciooby dee handed in thier key after getting thier things togather.. they piled into the mystery Maachine and Scooby startee the engine " Roseremite, rere re ro!' he grinned as he started pulling out
_ stripetail Yogi, bobo, Cindy Arlene Garfield ans Cash climbed onto the bus.. Odie Tom and Jerry soon followed
Has anyone seen Nermal lately? Arlene asked " i fed him to some hungry alley dogs last week" Garfield smirked "I'm kidding.. " He added as Arlene gave him a glare "What don't you remember the time he dressed up as Raoul" and tried to kiss you?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 10, 2010, 07:19:13 PM
Alvin, Simon, and Theodore, and Cadpig, and Tuck all got on to the bus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 10, 2010, 07:29:22 PM
Soon enough, everyone was on the bus as Frankie took care of the rest of the keys, handing them all in before she got onto the bus and turned to everyone "Well, is everyone ready?"

Squidward glared to SpongeBob and Patrick who were sitting with him and just gave off a grumble.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2010, 07:52:28 PM
ready when you are" Huckleberry said as Stripetail began passing out more hot chocolate to anyone who wanted some...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 10, 2010, 07:57:31 PM
"Yeah, let's start this thing" Alvin said taking a cup of hot chocolate as well as Simon and Theodore .

Cadpig, Dale, and Tuck took one too.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2010, 08:06:38 PM
Woody and Winnie gratefully took cups of hot chocolate.. " Press the gas!' Woody called out " We're ready to go.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 10, 2010, 09:05:48 PM
"Well, alrighty then" Frankie answered back as she started to drive off again.

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy followed in their invisible boatmobile.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2010, 09:12:24 PM
Scooby  followed close behind in the mystery Machine "Well, if we follow this road we should reach the outskirts of the park in 4-5 hours' Dixie said, but before then we'll stop and get a blanket and pillows for Dee.. shouldn't take us too long to get them, and its not as if tghere are many buses colored like Fosters.. so we'll catch up in no time.."
 Garfield took some hot chocolate and gredily gulped from it..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 10, 2010, 09:21:13 PM
Alvin leaned back in his seat to rest and close his eyes for a little.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2010, 09:26:36 PM
Are any of you chipmunks interesting in performing at the games? Stripetail asked as he made a second trip in case anyone still wanted more hot chocolate..' By that I mean singing.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 10, 2010, 09:28:29 PM
SpongeBob and Patrick were whispering across to each other as Squidward sat in the middle, that is, until he yelled out to them "Do you mind!? I am trying to relax here!"

"But Squidward" SpongeBob begun, only to have Squidward interupt him.

"Look, it's bad enough I got dragged on this little adventure thing of yours, that I also have to sit with you two losers" Squidward replied back rather grouchily.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2010, 10:21:14 PM
Arlene took out a crossword puzzle and began to fill it in.. ' word for lover' she muttered. giving Garfield a half-glance "6 letters.. hmm.
 the toons started passing snacks back and forth..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 10, 2010, 10:35:33 PM
Simon nudged Alvin hard in the ribs as he asked that. "Of course we would love to perform" Simon said.

"Yeah " Theodore said.

"Well I don't know............ ok I'll do it too" Alvin said.

Alvin picked up a second cup of Choclate as did Theodore and got some snacks.

As did Tuck and Dale and Cadpig.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 10, 2010, 10:36:56 PM
When Gary noticed the bus was leaving and then the mystery machine he drove out to follow behind them.  

Wally & Droopy went to their room to make sure they had everything.  Then they turned in the keys, but noticed when they went they noticed they seemed to have been left behind.  

"What will we do?  It's a long walk." Wally said.

"I can give you folks a lift to the next stop they'll be stopping at." Jason said.

"Who may you be?" Droopy said, not sure of who the person is.  

"Hey, you're the one who gave me the direction to Winnie's cafe." Wally said.

"I'm just Jason, Member of the good guy union." Jason said, taking out a toon card and showing them.  

"There's a union for good guys?  Why did no one tell me about this.  Does that mean the bad guys have a union too?" Wally said.  

"I heard they have a good dental plan." Jason said.  

"Yes there is one.  I'm a member too." Droopy said, taking out his card also to show also.  

"Geeze, I wonder why no one told me about this." Wally said.

"Maybe you're in the comedic sidekick union." Jason said.

"Or maybe the union for folks not in a union." Droopy said.  

"Come, on, I"ll give you a lift in my tardis." Jason said as they walked towards his tardis, shaped like the doctor's tardis this time, except it was bright red.  

"I guess there is a union for everything." Wally said as they walked into the tardis.  

"Yep, even a union for folks who don't want to or refuse to join a union." Droopy said.  
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2010, 11:15:18 PM
Alright' Stripetail said You're going to be schedule to perform at the Opening ceremonies which will be three days from now operfprm whatever sions you want.. as long as there are no foul language" Stripetail said giving them a card " write down hich songs you want to perform..on that card.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 11, 2010, 12:21:09 AM
"It's bigger inside then outside." Wally said as the sounds of a video game being played in another room could be heard.

"Another dimension.  A more detailed reason will just bore you.  & at least mine are not like Iris Wildthyme's who's is smaller inside then outside.  If you want you can watch or play a game with Guilmon and Brooklyn.  Sounds like they are playing one of the smash brothers games."  Jason said.  

"Cool, I like to play as Bowser." Wally said as he headed towards where the sound was as Jason set the coordinates in his tardis.  

"I like young link myself." Droopy said who also headed towards where the video game sounds were coming from.

"have fun." Jason said to them.


Gary continued to follow the bus and the mystery machine.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 11, 2010, 12:33:51 AM
winnie curled up next to Woody and nodded off, having little to do after finishing her cocoa. ' woody yawned slightly then  grinned as  he remembered getting the better of Buzz buzzard for all those years.. off camera though they had shared a grudging respect for each other.. then Winnie had been brought it, and they had hit it off. It only redoubled their on-screen rivalry.. like Woody buzz worked at knocking down al telephone poles..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 11, 2010, 02:36:17 AM
"So, how far away do you suppose Yosemite Park actually is?" Frankie asked Stripetail.

"Well, it better be coming up soon" Bloo groaned a bit.

Fang on the other hand, was having another little nap at the back of the bus, to which Gaz only glanced at her as she ate a hotdog she had taken from the hotel earlier on.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 11, 2010, 02:54:35 PM
Gary continued driving along following the 2 vehicles he had been before.  

Jason had the coordinates set and in a few minutes they had arrived where the rest of Wally and Droopy group would be arriving.  Now they just had to wait.  He walked to the video game playing room.

"We've arrived, you want to wait here or go outside.  I don't have anything important so can wait here till your group has arrived if you wish." Jason said.

"Sure, if that is ok with you.  Better then us just standing around bored." Wally said while still looking at the video screen of the game the 4 of them were playing.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 11, 2010, 11:46:16 PM
4 hours roughly if we keep this pace up.. I'm not the one to ask as I've never been there before myself.." Stripetail replied
_ Scooby and Dixie stopped for about ten minutes at a department store to get a number of blankets and pillows for Scooby Dee. Dixie  carried the blankets, a blue one a green one and a red one, with corresponding pillows. they set the pillows down on the back seat with the blankets. Dee snuggled up with a green blanket and a red pillow, and relaxed. Scooby then turned the Mystery Machine back on the highway and began the process of catching up to the others.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 12, 2010, 12:29:39 AM
Jason went to the chair and sat down in it and reclined it.  Reaching into a pocket he pulled out a rolled up hat with one hand as he pressed a button on the chair to have a foot rest come up from the concealed area in the floor.   He put the hat over his face as he put his feet on the foot rest and reclined the chair to rest while the tardis stood at the destination and he waited till those Wally and Droopy were waiting on arrived.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2010, 02:29:57 AM
dee looked up from her resting position, as Scooby slowly caught up the Gary Vehicle, and a little ahead of it, was Frankie's bus " We've caught back up with them.." Dixie said. Outside the weather was far better than the day before.. Dixie turned on the rdailand a cd of dixie's song came on.. being a southern belle, many of them were country songs, although a couple were her own songs thrown in.. 'i grew up listening to many of these songs. "stand By Your Mutt" Coal Miners hound" I remember singing along to them when I was little.." " REll, Ro really ridn't ring ralong ro rany rongs.. Ri'm rot ra roodd ringer' " I beg to differ, Scooby, remember the little contest at the Inglorious Hotel? You sang.. really, amazing.."
_ "Scooby? No offense cousin, but you dfon't have the strongest grasp of the English language" Dee said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 12, 2010, 02:36:59 AM
Behind the Mystery Machine followed the Invisible Boatmobile, and of course, it was invisible, all that would be seen would be Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy floating along in mid air.

"4 hours? Yeah, alright, that sound fair" Frankie spoke as Bloo gave off a groan.

"4 hours? That just sounds too long and too boring" Bloo complained as he slouched down where he was.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2010, 02:45:20 AM
We'll be there soon enough " arlene said, by this time she had filled in half the crossword puzzle and was snacking on some pretzels.. odie was wolfing down some chips, and garfield sat lazily beside her snoozing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 12, 2010, 03:05:44 AM
Wally, Droopy, Guilmon and Brooklyn continued to play various video games as they waited for the others to show up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2010, 03:31:50 AM
the bus passed over the muntains they made their way towards the park..
_ Meanwhile in Yosemite, dozens of toons had arrived for the qualifying tryouts.. the rottens skulked around, giving the other toons sinister glares ' which were returned with frowns and grimaces for nearly of all the toons gathered, this was a golden opportunity. all of them had been affected by the recession and bad economy, most had lost everything they had, including cartoon gigs that for some of them dated back 75 years..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 12, 2010, 04:10:55 AM
Droopy came out into the console room.  "Have they arrived yet?" He asked paused a few steps into the console.  

Jason pushed up the hat he had over his face.  "Let's see what's outside." He said then one wall of the console room changed to show what was outside.  

"Looks like quite a few folks have gathered together not to far from here.   Including some unsavory types." Jason said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 12, 2010, 09:02:34 AM
Quote from: Nick22,Feb 10 2010 on  10:15 PM
Alright' Stripetail said You're going to be schedule to perform at the Opening ceremonies which will be three days from now operfprm whatever sions you want.. as long as there are no foul language" Stripetail said giving them a card " write down hich songs you want to perform..on that card.."
Simon:Great. Okay everyone group huddle. Alvin , Simon, and Theodore all huddle up shooting out ideas on what to sing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 12, 2010, 01:56:54 PM
"I wonder who all is out there.  I think I"ll go and take a look." Droopy said as he walked a bit closer to the view screen.  

"I may also.  Fun playing video games but after a few hours a break is needed." Wally said as he walked out of the video game playing room and heard what Droopy had said.

"Ok.  If you are sure." Jason said.  

"I do hope we do not get left behind again." Wally said.

"maybe I can do something about that if you are. " Jason said then looked at Droopy, "If you'll lend me your cell phone for a few minutes." He said.  

Droopy pulled out his cell phone and handed it to Jason, "Just what are you going to do?" He asked.

"Just a little modification so you can call me if you or your friends get left behind again.  Pretty sloppy not to have a list of who's on the ride with you so no one gets left behind." Jason said as he reached into a pocket.  He took out a few things and quickly opened Droopy's cell phone.  He removed a component and replaced it with one he took from his pocket then put it back together.  Then he programmed in a number. "If you get left behind again just give me a call." Jason said as he handed the cell phone back to Droopy.

"Thanks, I will, and thanks for giving us a lift." Droopy said as he put the cell phone away.  

Wally waved, "Yea, and thanks for the video games." Wally said as he and Droopy walked to the door and outside the tardis.

They looked around and walked towards where some folks were who did not look anything like the rottens.  Behind them Jason's tardis dematerialized.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2010, 02:27:31 PM
you here for the games/ said a dog lifting weights " it was Spike.. ' I've been in toon business for a long time. wasn't allowed on the Laffalympics squad because Warner forbade Warner toons from particpating.. and I wanted to be on the Scooby Doobies" He said, shaking his head. " But now, Warner has released that bar on our contracts, so its not just going to be Hanna toons this time.. He grinned
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 12, 2010, 03:15:52 PM
"That's great." Wally said smiling, "Many more choices and not as limited as before." Wally said as he and Droopy walked over to where Spike was.

"It does seem for the best if anyone can try out for the games." Droopy said in agreement.  Droopy looked around at the folks present he could see.  "It does indeed look like there are many here.  

"Many more then tried out for the first laffalympics." Wally said looking around a bit.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2010, 06:06:27 PM
problem is" spike said,  there's only going to be ten extra spots per team, and no one, save for the villains in cartoons, want to be on the Rottens.. so we're all fighting for a few spots..' he said pointing over to a nearby area where Henry the Chickenhawk and Foghorn Leghorn were training, at least Henry was trying ' I say , I say, you're doning it all wrong, boy! look I ran the Big Game competition for twenty years I know what I doing.. I  had to kick that sailor, I say , I had to kick that sailor out for using a banned substance.. spinach.. had to clean up my sport.. now where was i.. oh yes.. if you want to get on the team. you have to do it like i told you.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: metadude1234 on February 12, 2010, 07:19:35 PM
Meanwhile in Yosemite Edward Elric and his wife Rose and  his son(will add sons name soon) were taking a vacation and at the moment were all having a great time. (soz it's short)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 12, 2010, 07:23:12 PM
At Yosemite Park, Taz was also there, having made it there not that long ago and talking in his own language as usual, splurting nonsense words and incoherant language as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2010, 07:46:40 PM
Rosew came up to the balcony holding her infant son in her arms "Edward, do you think Winry and Al will be here soon" She asked as she came up to him. The balcony had a beautiful view of the park, the hotel had been designed to fit in with the surroundings 'This place is so peaceful and quiet, a perfect place for some family time The plabe was an experience..well everything has been an experience.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: metadude1234 on February 12, 2010, 07:51:59 PM
Edward turned around "they should be here soon" replied Ed as he gently stroked Rose' hair and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek "it's been a long trip for when they get here they'll be tired.". Ed and rose looked out at the view from their balcony when they spotted a trail of black spoke in the distance. Ed looked was a train!

"It's al and winry! let's go and meet them at the station!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2010, 07:57:51 PM
Alright, Ed, be patient lets go get the stroller for the baby.. " Riose said, she was wearing a light ble dress she was wearing red lipstick and a little eyeliner, the baby was wrapped in swaddling clothes, to keep it warm. the boy hadn't woken all flight nor on the train to the park. the train did not go through the park, but stopped outside of it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: metadude1234 on February 12, 2010, 08:11:48 PM
Ed was wearing a black shirt some long blue jeans and some white sneakers. Once ed, rose and the baby were at the station al and winry both got off and they all exchanged greetings.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2010, 08:15:40 PM
Rose gave Winry a hug and kiss and she complimented Winry's hair.
_ Rose you look great" winry said as she got off " Its great to see you ED and the baby.. Al and I didn't do much on the train, just slept much of the time.. my mom sends her greetings and expects you and Ed to show up for the Holidays so she can spoil that baby rotten' Winry was wearing a pale red dress , her hair was kneaded into onytails, and she wore a big smile..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 12, 2010, 09:13:16 PM
Droopy nodded, "It will be hard for choices to be made very likely.  Though there should be substitutes also in case the main folks are sick or something that day, and also support positions as well so many more then 20 or 30 should be able to get money for doing something."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2010, 09:36:25 PM
its going to be via tournament form, or at least so i've heard' Spike said , as popeye came jogging "i's been spinach free for ten years. Popeye said " is want to compete in the turniment.. hopefully I's get put in with Yogi, Always liked that bear.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 12, 2010, 09:56:39 PM
"Good luck." Wally said to both Spike and Popeye.  

"Likely with the rottens using dirty tricks." Droopy said.

"They always did before.  Though they did get docked points most of the time they never did stop cheating.  Though the yogi and scooby teams always did get along with each other." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2010, 10:09:58 PM
the scooby's won most of the time, the yogis won the rest..' Spike said.. "How many teams are going to be involved this time?'
_ Cindy relaxed on the bus seat.. she had nodded off on the bus..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 12, 2010, 10:23:13 PM
"I heard rumours there may be 4 teams." Droopy said, not sure if it had been revealed yet, or if the ones in charge may change their minds.   Also not wanting to reveal who one of the captains would be since he didn't want to be treated any different and they may change their minds.

"I may have heard that rumour also, though I don't' recall where I heard it." Wally said, playing along.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2010, 10:54:50 PM
4 teams, huh, that would be great" Spike said ' more chances for us to make the team.. have you heard what the 4th team will be called?" Spike asked
- scooby caught up the Bus, passing Gary's vehicle, and slipping in behind them..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 12, 2010, 11:25:57 PM
"Not sure, maybe dogs or something." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2010, 11:30:52 PM
' that would be great, then we could get a lot of dogs on the team" Spike grinned ' i might sign up to get on that team if that is true..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 12, 2010, 11:48:55 PM
"Good luck again with the try outs." Droopy said.

"I wonder if it's to late for me to try some exercises." Wally said looking down at his body.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2010, 12:07:46 AM
Nah, try these dumbells " Spike said handing him a pair of fifteen pound dumbells ' everyone's getting into shape.. the guy who organized this, tailswipe, or something like that, is coming and we all need to be ready.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 13, 2010, 12:52:24 AM
"Thanks." Wally said and tried to lift the dumbells.  

"I guess most are working out in some way or another." Droopy said looking around.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2010, 02:03:51 AM
dixie took a pillow and settled back in the passenger seat ' we.. should be there in a couple hours' she murmured. I'll just take a nap for awhile. just keeping follwing this road until you get t the park. its off exir 230.. wake me and dee when we get there..
_ ran Ro riss rou? Scooby said  Dixie nodded, and leaned over and kissed him on the lips. ' Now pay attention on the road' she murmured
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 13, 2010, 02:06:20 AM
The bus continued to drive onwards still as Bloo groaned some more "This is so boring" he more or less complained.

Frankie just shook her head at Bloo's remark as she continued to drive onwards "We should be getting there soon, we must be..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2010, 02:13:55 AM
most of the characters had fallen sleep. arlene cuddled with Garfield. Cindy and Yogi fell asleep next to reach other. while Bobo was on his 5th cup of hot chocolate. Woody and Winnie snored on thier seat.
- Stripetail took a sip of hot chcolate as a sign flew past ' 100 miles to Yosemite Frankie' he said to the driver ' Less than two more hours at your current rate.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 13, 2010, 02:35:13 AM
Wally and Droopy joined the others who were working out.  Trying not to tire themselves out to much.  They started with using low weight dumbells to work out with.

Gary continued to drive along following the bus and  the mystery machine. he remained in his sedan form as before.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2010, 02:55:15 AM
the bus reached stop 230 and pulled onto the ramop. scooby follled it and briefly pulled off to the side to wake his wife and cousin. he kissed Dixie o the lips, until she opened her eyes then climbed over the seat and did the sanme to scooby dee who awoke almost imedaiately
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 13, 2010, 06:26:13 AM
Wally watched some folks doing acrobatics.  

"I wonder if I should try that." Wally said.

"I think I'd tear something if I tried that." He said looking at someone doing an impossible looking stretch.  

"Is that even possible?" Wally said looking where Droopy was looking and looking in amazement.  

"Before I just saw her doing that I'd have believed no." Droopy said.  

"Guess we learned something today then." Wally said to Droopy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2010, 02:16:44 PM
Thanks Scooby " dee smiled as she stitrred from her pillow
I'll drive for a bit, I i see you pulled over before waking us" Dixie said climbing into the DRivers seat  Scooby climbed onto the passenger seat " Ro rou reed rirections"
 No, the park is two miles from here ' we'll be there in a few minutes.. Bus sghould be there by now
- The bus stopped at the nearest parking area in the park. several toons, including speedy Gonxales and Pepe Le Pew were jogging by, even the Coyote who was throwingf defective Acme stuff behind him as he ran " I really need to find a new dealer" he said  to them " But they're the only one still in business thanks to that horrible Gabriel and her blasted weasels! Frankly, I need the cash the contestants get.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 13, 2010, 04:32:14 PM
"I wonder how many events the laffalympics will have this time." Wally said looking over at Droopy.

"I do hope at least as many as the old ones use to have." Droopy said.

"I think I see one of my uncles over there." Wally said pointing to an alligator in the distance.

"Looks like one of the ones from fantasia." Droopy said.

"Yep, that was on one of the movies he was in." Wally said.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2010, 06:25:21 PM
well, last time there were ten or so per stop" Wile  Coyote Replied. " hoipoefully they'll be about as many this time.. I was not invited to participate last time. as I was under contract to Warner.. this time.. I'm taking full advantage of the oppourtunity.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2010, 09:35:11 PM
Stripetail got up as the bus puled into a parking spot " alrihght.. veryone.. we're here. get up stretch .. we're heading out. this is Yosemite Park, where the tryouts will be held"
- Woody and winnie climbed off thier seat and made their way to the Door. Arlene followd as did Hong Kong Phooey Bobo, and Yogi.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 14, 2010, 09:43:49 PM
Haley, Jake and the others also hopped off the bus, giving off a bit of a stretch.  SpongeBob looked around "Um, hey Frankie, isn't Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy suppose to be here as well?"

Frankie glanced around before replying "Oh no, I hope they didn't get lost or anything like that" she spoke as soon, they arrived.

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy got out of their vehicle as Barnacle Boy spoke "I told you we shouldn't have stopped to get some meatloaf"
"But, a growing young lad needs his food" Mermaid Man told Barnacle Boy as they walked over to everyone else.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 14, 2010, 09:44:07 PM
"Yes, many more participants this year it would seem." Droopy said looking around a little.  

"Many more then there were last time." Wally said looking around at all those present.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2010, 09:50:25 PM
Scooby Dixie and Scooby dee climbed out of the Mystery, having just pulled in "We're hee" Dixie called out  " Ri ronder rhere rhe rompetition rill re reld..
_ I think you get to pick " cousin Dee said as they made their way down a path
- We made it" Cash said as he got off the Bus Followe By Cindy "  Stripetail was already walking down the Path.
_ woody and Winnie flew up to Scooby " We're on your team right? Winnie asked
 Reah, ro rhere re 7 ror ro ror ry treeam " if the original guys want to.." Dixie said as they replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 14, 2010, 09:58:03 PM
Everyone else followed them down the path to where the tryouts were going to be held.

Running up to everyone from behind was a small yellow mouse, running all the way over to Stripetail and attempted to comunicate with him "Pika, pika, pika, Pikachu" he told him as he showed him a flyer as well in regards to the tryouts, pointing to it and talking some more "Pika, pika, pikachu, pika!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2010, 10:02:39 PM
so you want to join? Certainly." Stripetail smiled at Pikachu "we're just on our way to the  area where the tryouts will be held. Join us.. by all means..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 14, 2010, 10:11:04 PM
"Pikachu" was all Pikachu had said as he then followed everyone else to the clearing to where the tryouts were to be help.

"So, how far away is the clearing?" Frankie asked Stripetail as they walked on.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2010, 10:13:25 PM
i'm not sure, but I guess we should follow the other toons heading down the trail
_ there were toons ahead of them conversing  as they went along " So I wonder who's in charge oif the games? I hear they're going to be 4 teams this time.. I want to be on the Scooby doobies they;re the defending champs.." I wonder who the new team will be.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 14, 2010, 10:40:44 PM
Seeing they had arrived Gary drove off to find a handy, unobserved place to change to his animated human form before deciding what to do next.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 14, 2010, 10:43:06 PM
Pikachu ran off ahead of everyone else, to which Jake called out "Hey! Little yellow mouse thing! Wait up!" he called off after Pikachu.

Pikachu stopped and looked back "Pika, pika, pika, pikachu!" he spoke as he pointed ahead some more, having found the clearing first.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2010, 10:47:17 PM
the toons ahead of Stripetail led him and the others to a large clearing where there was a stage set up and a microphone stand.. in front it sats large numbers of toons, ranging in size from mice to saint Bernards. Birds gathered above the stages
_ stripetail mnade his way towards the microphone " Scooby, Yogi and Droppy I'll need tyou up on stage with me.." He said
 Er.. why? reah rhy? ' Because you are the captains of the teams Stripetail replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 14, 2010, 11:00:20 PM
"Look out, coming through, move it or loose it" a voice called out as he stepped up upon stage.

SpongeBob looked over and saw who it was, gasping as well "Man Ray!"

Man Ray looked to Stripetail, Scooby, Yogi and Droopy and then to all the toons who had gathered as he spoke, mainly to Stripetail "Since the other leader is not here, I am going to be the leader for the Rottens"

"Pikachu?" Pikachu asked with a tilt of his head as well before speaking up "Pika! Pika, pika, pikachu!" he spoke as he pointed to Man Ray in general.

"Yes, that is the evil Man Ray" Mermaid Man told Pikachu "But I do not know why he's wanting to be on the teams in the first place"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2010, 11:09:10 PM
very well" Stripetail said as he stepped to the microphone
_ Hey weheres Mumbly?' Yogi asked manray
 Or is he still in prison?
- Good afternoon everyone1 Stripetail''s voice carried out to the furthest reaches of the crowd " I see we have an excellent turnout here! Welcome to the tryouts for the Laffalympics. Let me adress a few things first. There will be FOUR teams this year. First the defendinf champions from the previous laffalympiucs , the Scooby Doobies, represented by Scooby Doo!' There was loud applause . Scooby turned red with embarassment. "Next the Yogi Yahooeys, represented by Yogi Bear" again loud applause "Hey.. Good to be back" Yoguii waved " tHird the Really Rottens represented by.. um..Manray" There was no applause, a pin could be heard in the clearing " and the new addition this year, represented by Droppy Dog, the Droppy Dawgs!" the cropwd clapped respectfully.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 14, 2010, 11:27:20 PM
"Prison? Most likely" Man Ray spoke before letting off a small grumble as no one had applauded for him, save for Patrick Star, to which SpongeBob got him to stop clapping.

"Hmm, I do wonder who else is going to be on Man Ray's team" Frankie thought out loud.

"My best bet is that Tak will try out" Zim spoke up "She's always been after the Earth from me and she will do whatever it takes to oppose me!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2010, 11:39:08 PM
Now, there will be tryouts for all 4 teams Preference will be given to returning members from the previous Laffalympics for the Scooby Doobies Yogi Yahooeys and Really Rottens. there will be 10 additional spots plus substitutes  they turnouts will conducted in a bracket format like this " Stripetail gestured and a series of brackets appeared above his head. As you indicate your interest, your name will appear in the bracket for that team. you mat tryout for more than one team.. in all there are to by 23-26 members of each team, 30 including subs. Now a big difference this time, is that everyone who makes the team will be paid.  100, 000 dollars, and will the chance to earn more.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 14, 2010, 11:57:55 PM
"Sounds reasonable." Droopy said.

"maybe." Wally said, not fully understanding what was said.  "I wonder what team I should try out for.  Not the rottens for sure." Wally said.


Gary continued watching, seeing there were only toons there he thought through all his forms to try to decide which one to use, if he wanted to ry out for any teams at all.  not that he fully needed the money.  he could just be a drifter and explore the multiverse as he had done before.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2010, 12:00:18 AM
Droopy here" Stripetail motioned to him, " will get the most selections, since his team in new . I know some of you really want to be on a given team.. well for older team there will only be a certain number of spots open. so please sign up..good luck to all of you once everyone has signed up the competition will begin..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 15, 2010, 12:01:58 AM
"Pika, pika, pika, pikachu!" Pikachu called out.

"Good point, but we don't know that for sure" Frankie told Pikachu back.

"What did he say?" Mac asked Frankie rather curiously.

"Something about that Gabriel woman, well, at least I think that's what he said" Frankie replied back with a small scratch of her head looking at Pikachu still.

Pikachu just looked at Franie a bit annoyed as well with a small grumble too.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2010, 12:05:26 AM
Sign up please' Stripetail motionied to pikachu
 Woody Winniw, Cindy Bobo, garfied Odie and Jerry Sighned up, as did Tom
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 15, 2010, 12:08:35 AM
Pikachu ran over to the signup area along with Haley and Mac at the very least.  Pikachu looked at the different teams and started to point out to them each "Pika, pikachu? Pika, pika, pikachu?"

"I think he wants to know which team is better" Haley spoke up.

Pikachu pointed to Haley to more or less indicate that she was correct on the matter.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2010, 12:13:14 AM
well Scooby's team is the defending Champions. Dixie said as Scooby used a captain's pick on her
" well yogi's team is good too "Cindy replied, as Yogi picked her and Bobo for his team.
 Woody and Winnie signed up for Scooby's team as did Arlene garfield and Spike.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 15, 2010, 12:18:42 AM
"Yea, I'd say Scooby's team is the best, from his past record of his team." Wally said.  "Wonder who I should try out for.  Not the rottens.  "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 15, 2010, 12:18:43 AM
"Pikachu!" Pikachu spoke as he pointed to Scooby, basically having decided to go with Scooby this time.

Haley however, decided to sign up with Yogi's team, while Mac signed up with Scooby's team as well.

"Move it!" a voice called out as soon approached an Irken, one who was known as Tak as she walked up to the signup table "Put me down for Man Ray's team" she spoke up to Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 15, 2010, 12:27:49 AM
"Great, looks like Scooby will have a new team mate." Droopy said looking at Pikachu.  

"I wonder how he'll get along with the Rottens." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2010, 12:34:17 AM
very well" stripetail said Tak's name was added to the bracket for the rottens in fact Tak was the first to sign up for the rottens.. all the others had signed for Scoobys, Yogis or Droopy's team. wile e coyote signed up for droopy team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 15, 2010, 12:38:49 AM
(OOC: It's Tak, not Zak ;) )

Tak turned and noticed Zim as she walked over to him "Well, well, well, if it isn't Zim" she spoke to him.

"Tak, I had a feeling you'll want to be part of these games" Zim replied back with a glare.

"What can I say, I love some competition" Tak replied back with a bit of a smirk upon her face as well.

"Pika, pika, pikachu" Pikachu spoke as he looked to Droopy with a smile as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2010, 12:45:36 AM
ri rick riachu, roody rand rinnie ' scooby said using 3 more of his captains picks..
Yogi picked a couple more. once the cpatains picks were uused up the ryouts would begin
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 15, 2010, 12:51:43 AM
"Good luck." Wally said to Pikachu.  

"Yeah, good luck.  You'll do well I'm sure." Droopy said to Pikachu as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2010, 12:58:11 AM
Donald Duck, and  Wally  were selected to be on the Dawgs, as were Gary and Jake . Scooby picked Spike, Mac and Scooby Dee. Scooby Dum showed up a little buit later " Cousin Scooby hyuk1 i haven't seen since your wedding, now where Dixie.. you know I've been hoping foior some little ones to spoil.."nyuk
- Rousin RUm, Re ron't rave ravy rids ret.. rin ract, re raven't reven riscussed rit ret.. "
 WEll, er.. I'm willing to join the team again..' Rine" scooby replied as so they were now 4 Doo family members on his team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 15, 2010, 01:05:21 AM
Taz spun over to the signup table and looked to Stripetail, then to the team captains, speaking in his usual, intelegable English.

"Wait? Say what?" Jake spoke up as he ran over to them "Are you kidding me?" he looked over to Haley.

"Well, it looks like we'll be competing against each other" Haley told Jake with a smile as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2010, 01:09:05 AM
now point to which team you want to be on  Stripetail said to tax holding out four strips of paper that had the names of the 4 teams on them "pick one and then you'll gbe on that team.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 15, 2010, 01:11:00 AM
Taz seemed to think for a moment before pointing to Yogi's team.

"What!? Will no one else be on my team!?" Man Ray soon bellowed as Tak walked over to him "Well, apart from you anyway" he added on with regards to Tak.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2010, 01:14:15 AM
Muttley walked up to the stage with the Dread Baron " Sorry we're late.. overslept ' he saud to Manray "So you two are the new Rottens eh? Welcome aboard. Now we just need to beat these other two teams
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 15, 2010, 01:38:35 AM
"I wonder if anyone else overslept." Wally said as he looked around for any other late arrivals.  

"We will find out soon enough I would assume." Droopy said.

Gary, in his toon bald eagle form, didn't say anything but looked around to see if he could see any late arrivals.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 15, 2010, 01:48:02 AM
"About time, that makes 4 of us, and a bunch of others on other teams" Tak replied back to Muttley and the Dread Baron.

Pikachu gave off a peace sign as he ran over to Scooby and the others on the team "Pika, pikachu?" he asked, pointing to Muttley and the Dread Baron, wondering who they were.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 15, 2010, 04:35:05 AM
"It seems this choosing & tryouts are over.  I wonder what will is next." Droopy said.

"We have a wild smashing party maybe." Wally said to Droopy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on February 15, 2010, 10:58:58 AM
Alvin and the Chipmunks had just done making a list of songs to sing while Cadpig and Dale just watched.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2010, 11:26:54 AM
these are just the captain's picks. once they are finished the competition for the final spots will begin" Stripetail said,speaking into the microphone
Those are the Really Rottens" Dixie said ' They're not very nice...
 Yogi picked Huckleberry Tom Cat and Secret squirrell for his team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 15, 2010, 02:48:35 PM
"These events should be interesting to watch." Droopy said, looking for a spot to sit down so he can watch them.  

"I wonder if the rottens will start their stuff now or if it'll be later on." Wally said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2010, 09:27:54 PM
once the captain's picks were finished the tryouts began. hundrdeds of toons from every gebre and type: cgi, stopmotion, claymation and animated, trying to secure one of the remaining spots on the team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 15, 2010, 09:36:32 PM
"For that we'll have to wait & see." Droopy said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 15, 2010, 10:56:22 PM
"So, how long do we have to wait now?" Haley asked Yogi and the others.

"Pika, pika, pikachu" Pikachu spoke with a small shake of his head having just watched Man Ray and the others a bit more before running back over to his team "Pika, pika, pika, pikachu?" he asked motioning towards Man Ray mainly.

"What's wrong?" Mac asked Pikachu as he looked over to Man Ray and his team, giving off a small laugh "Yeah, they do have only 4 team members, one could almost feel sorry for them"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu replied back as he stood there smiling back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 16, 2010, 12:32:23 AM
"So what do we do while we wait?" Wally asked.  

"I am not sure.  Maybe wonder around and talk to folks." Droopy said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2010, 12:37:30 AM
well its going to be awhile actually Yogi replied " say why don't we get some lunch? I'm sure this park has places to eat..
_ We'll have team lunches and Photos " stripetail said Also  I've taken the liberty of creating new uniforms for you"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 16, 2010, 12:46:19 AM
"Going to do the uniforms and photos now or wait till the full teams are chosen and in place?" Droopy said.

"A lunch sounds good.  Will it be here or elsewhere?" Wally said.

"And keep the look out for anyone who may wish the games to not happen." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2010, 12:49:41 AM
we'll wait until most of the teams are set before doing the photos. Striperail replied as the knockout stage continued ' The Roadrunner beepbepoped his way to a spot he choose Scoobys team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 16, 2010, 12:49:50 AM
"Pika?" Pikachu had overheard the comment about the uniforms and ran over to Stripetail "Pika, pika, pikachu, pika, pikachu" he told Stripetail, more or less liking the idea of having uniforms.

"Yeah, lunch sounds like a good idea actually, I could go for some grub right about now" Jake spoke up "But I do have to agree with the gator, where will lunch be?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 16, 2010, 04:22:06 AM
"Yea, will it be here or elsewhere.  And where can a place be that can seat all these people?" Wally asked looking around to see the large number of folks.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2010, 02:51:26 PM
" you will be a small, extra small actually" Stripetail gesturing and Pikachu now wore the new Doobies uniform "It was brown in color with an S and D interlocking in the center. the Letters fit nicely with the background color and theye was even a small cap on Pikachu's head
it looks quite nice " Dee commentated " so I'll be wearing something like that..?
Yes Now for the Yogi uniforms" stripetail gestured and Bobo was clad in the new uniform. This one was gray with two larges Ys set together in a red circle "Looks really nice , thank you Mr Stripetail" Bobo beamed , looking down at his uniform
- Next the Rottens" This uniform was light yellow with and interlocking Rs with the rEally Rottens running across the chest. "The letters in the wording were Dark Green. "Finally the Dawgs ' this uniform was white with a pair of violet Ds , droppy dawgs was spelled out. "You will also notic that you have you individual name on the back, and there is also a 'C" on the chest area for the captains" stripetail explained. The captains are Droopy, Mumbley, Scooby and Yogi.
- great job on the uniforms  Striptail. looks a lot like the uniforms we wore in the last games, updated to look modern of course "Yogi said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 16, 2010, 10:14:19 PM
"Yea, nice shirts." Wally said looking at them.  

"They do seem very well made indeed." Droopy said looking at the shirts also.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 17, 2010, 12:55:36 AM
"Pika, pikachu" Pikachu spoke as his eyes widened, seeming to be rather happy with the look of the uniform on him before closing his eyes and smilling.

"Yeah, they do look rather nice actually" Haley added on as she looked at Pikachu's uniform.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2010, 01:03:17 AM
Dixie looked at her new uniform, which was designed for the femine body.. " this is actually really well fitting " Given how well you know me Stripetail I probably a good idea as to my size " Whether you have a thin waist and a large. er bosom.. or a large waist and a small bosom, my uniforms should fit' Stripetail replied.. " which do I have?' Dixie asked " Did you really just ask me that Dixie Doo?' Stripetail shot her a look. You know your body better than I do..
 Meanwhile the field thinned still further. Joining the Yahooeys were Bandit and Daffy Duck " Figures I'd get ssstuck on a second Banana Daffy huffed as he received his jersey. new dawg members included Top cat, Buzz Buzzard, and Astro. Yosemite Sam joined the Rottens.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 17, 2010, 01:07:13 AM
"I guess they are magic or something." Wally said.  "SO I guess if they get dirty they can clean themselves." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2010, 01:11:39 AM
while they are magical in nature, they cannot clean themselves. they will get dirty, like normal clothes, if you do not wash them ' Stripetail replied
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 17, 2010, 01:33:50 AM
"I wonder who'll clean them? Since that will be a very large job." Gary said.  

"A very large job indeed." Droopy said.

"Maybe we'll have to wash our own clothes." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2010, 01:38:35 AM
yes , you will have to clean your own clothes, however, I will include a small amount to help play for cleaning .. $500 per person. once you exceed that, its out of your pocket " Stripetail said. " I'm not made of money, after all.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 17, 2010, 01:40:03 AM
"Don't look at me, I have enough work to do back at Foster's as it is" Frankie spoke up as she walked over, not wanting to join the teams or anything, but just wanting to input some advice at least.

"Uh, excuse me, is it too late to join up for a team?" a voice called out whom approached, it was Sandy Cheeks "Cause I think I'll be a good team player, so, what team spots are open?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2010, 01:43:45 AM
just sign in and pick a spot. we still need players in bracket 8 for Scooby, Yogi and Droopy" stripetail said.. Sand Cheeks , is it? well welcome to the tryouts miss Cheeks. yoiou can sign up for more than 1 although you will have to choose a team, if you win both flights..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 17, 2010, 01:46:00 AM
"Well I'll be, hmm, perhaps Droopy there could use some more team members more than anything, so I believe I'll go with him, and yeah, it's Sandy Cheeks" Sandy replied back as she put her name down underneath Droopy's name.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2010, 01:50:42 AM
i might add that you're not on the team just just yet there's still qualifying" Stripetail pointed to Sandy's first opponent , Shela the Cat. you'll be racing her in a one lap race , consisting a 2 miles in length."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 17, 2010, 01:58:15 AM
"2 miles? Oh, that's going to be easy, just like lassoing bulls back in Texas" Sandy replied back "So, when does the race start?"

"Pika? Pikachu?" Pikachu spoke up, tilting his head to the side a little bit as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2010, 02:06:58 AM
5 minutes' Stripetail said ' Did  i mention the race course on an active railroad track? There will be a train using that stretch of track at 11:50,, which means if you don't complete the course in 15 minutes.. well it won't be pleasant good luck.. he gestured and Sandy vanished.. reappearing on a barren stretch of rainroad trsck   Sehila the cat came up behind her " so your my first round opponent " since we have a few minutes before the races starts I think inroductions are in order " Sheila the cat, of Sheila and shelettes, at your srvice
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 17, 2010, 02:12:20 AM
"I wonder if any of those will be competitions in the laff-a-lympics." Wally said.

"They may be." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 17, 2010, 02:23:35 AM
"A railroad track? With an active train? Now that sounds like my kind of race" Sandy spoke as she was teleported away.  After Shelia had introduced herself to her, she spoke up "I'm Sandy Cheeks of Bikini Bottom, it's nice to meet you Shelia"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2010, 02:28:05 AM
likewise" Sheila  and a floating screen above then read two minutes' to start. 'i don't really expect to make any of the teams, i already tried for the Yogis. bounced in the second round. after this, its the Scoobys which I hear is cutthroat. Everyone wants to be on a winner..' Sheila said as the timer ticked down under a minute..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 17, 2010, 02:44:45 AM
"Cut throat? That sounds more like the rottens then the scobbies." Wally said.

"I think it is an expression." Gary said looking over at Wally.  

"I certainly hope so." Wally said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 17, 2010, 05:04:25 AM
"Yeah, everyone wants to be a winner and there can really be only one winner and that winner is gonna be me" Sandy pointed to herself as she glanced to the screen which ticked down to 30 seconds.

"Pika...." Pikachu spoke up as he looked over to Stripetail "Pika....chu?" he asked with a tilted head slightly.

"So, do we do races like that by any chance?" Jake then decided to ask Stripetail "Because if so, then I'll have it all in the bag"

Zim walked over to Wally and Droopy with Gir following him "I do not know of the Earth expression of this "cut throat" you speak of, but I am still sure that Tak will try something like that regardless" Zim told the two of them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2010, 02:34:05 PM
cut-throat, means very fierce, it doesn't involve cutting throats' Dixie explained, as the image of sandy and sheila's race appeared on a screen.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 17, 2010, 02:36:16 PM
"Still, I Would not put it past the Rottens to try to do that." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2010, 03:01:52 PM
the clock ticked to zero and the race began on another screen  pinocchio was racing against gumby. another screen Doc was facing off against Auga the bird.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 17, 2010, 04:40:32 PM
Gary went over where he could watch the screens to see how the various tryouts would transpire.  

 -  - ---

"I guess we'll find out eventually." Wally said looking at those near him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 17, 2010, 10:45:19 PM
And they were off, both neck in neck running along the train tracks with Pikachu watching on from where he was "Pikachu?" he asked, tilting his head to the side as he tugged Scooby "Pika, pika, pikachu?"

"Do you really expect me to do something like that?" Tak asked with her arms folded as she looked at the screen.

Man Ray let off a laugh at Tak's small complaint "What? Are you scared?"

"Do you have anymore spots open for these teams?" A voice asked from behind Stripetail "For I, Mojo Jojo wish to join in a team, preferably those Rottens"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2010, 10:49:46 PM
Yes, as a matter of fact we have plenty of spots open for the rottens" Stripetail said. Grab a uniform.."
_ Rhat ris rit? Scooby asked as he looked down at Pikachu..' Rill rou rave ro ro rhat? Ro, rou rer ra raptain rick.. rou rake rhe ream" Scooby replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 17, 2010, 10:59:03 PM
"Pika, pikachu" Pikachu spoke with a sigh as he looked back to the screen once more.

Mojo took a uniform and walked over to Man Ray and the others "Now, with my intelect, we shall win this competition!"

"Oh please, you couldn't even get rid of the Powerpuff Girls" Tak spoke back to Mojo.

"Oh, like you're any different, couldn't even conqure the Earth" Man Ray added in to Tak.

"People, this is now not the time to argue about who did what" Mojo tried to speak rather diplomatically.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 17, 2010, 11:05:58 PM
"It does look like the Rottens will have a few more joining their team." Droopy said.

"Indeed it certainly does." Gary said from where he was.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2010, 11:09:20 PM
our reputation is not good, the dread bvaron said tio them. ' shut yer mouth' Yosemite sam yelled ' i intend to win this thing, and win LOADS of cash..last time you guys were in this, you stunk! Not just at the games, but at cheating! you won TWICE! you show up, you win twice!  Now I don't know about you fellers, but I'm going to try and win this time..can't afford to lose, my hometown going  to be sold otherwise. what other place makes good sassafrras shakes? Nowhere, but  my Samsburg.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 17, 2010, 11:14:02 PM
"I hate to admit it, but he is right, although I really have no use for the money myself, well, except for maybe buying parts for weapons to take over the Earth with" Tak replied with a small shrug as she glanced at Man Ray.

"Don't look at me, I rob banks and all that, and if those are all shut down, then I don't know what I would do" Man Ray replied back.

"And of course, if I don't get anymore money, my observatory will be shut down, and I can not allow that to happen" Mojo added in as well.

"All I'm wondering now is, who else will join our team?" Tak asked as she then glanced around at all the other toons.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2010, 11:46:47 PM
none of those goodies goodies will want any part of us..Muttley said.
Hey seascum where do I sign up for the Rottens" Came a booming voice it was Bluto. ' And unlike that shrimpy sailor, I don't need " stuff" to help me win?' Bluto made a muscle and showed off his large biceps. " so whaddya say? Frankly, i need the dough.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 18, 2010, 12:39:57 AM
"Looks like the Rottens will have a few." Droopy said.

"My, will you look at how huge that guy's muscles are." Wally said looking at Bluto.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 18, 2010, 12:45:21 AM
"Are there any more spot open for me?" it was Gantu, the tall alien walked over to Mumbly and the others "I would like to join up because of what Experiment 626 and that human girl had done to me, cost me my place in the intergalatic force and all this money, I could pay Jumba to make me an experiment catching experiment, since 625 is no good, other than making sandwiches"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 18, 2010, 01:18:13 AM
alright' Mumbley said to Gantu and Bluto" you're in . pick up your uniforms."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 18, 2010, 01:21:26 AM
Gantu walked over to Stripetail as he looked at the uniforms "Uh, do you have anything in my size?" he asked Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 18, 2010, 01:30:49 AM
"Looks like the rottens may be filed up soon at this rate." Wally said looking at how many new members they had.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 18, 2010, 05:05:20 PM
Lets see ..' Stripetail paused as he loked at Gantu "duodecill- extra large" he gestured and clad Gantu in the Rottens uniform. "in case you're wondering, thats 12 times what is normal extra large.
 at least they're getting members.." dixie said.
 Good Luck to you' Stripetail saiid to Gantu.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 18, 2010, 05:34:08 PM
Gantu just seemed to glare down at Stripetail as he turned and walked back over to Tak and the others on his team before looking to Mojo "You should get your uniform too"

"Alright, alright, I'll do and get mine" Mojo replied back as he then walked over to Stripetail "One uniform please"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 18, 2010, 08:59:14 PM
"All the teams may have near equal numbers by the time this is over." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 18, 2010, 11:20:32 PM
I think that's the point "yogi replied. as Stripetail gave Mojo his uniform. " we're trying to compete as fairly as we can.."
_ Bluto put on his uniform.. " not half bad.." he said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 18, 2010, 11:41:38 PM
"It may make things more interesting." Gary said looking at the new applicants for the Rottens.  

"Not to interesting I hope." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 18, 2010, 11:48:42 PM
Mojo took his shirt and put it on, still allowing his cape to remain out as well as he walked back over to the rest of his team.

"We better get some more applicants soon, otherwise we'll be the laughing stock of these games" Gantu soon spoke up.

"Oh, quit your complaining, more will show up, if they know what's good for them" Tak spoke up with a little mutter as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 18, 2010, 11:57:28 PM
"I'm sure more will make their way here. They may be late waking up, or not knowing how to get here and got lost." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2010, 12:00:43 AM
Meanwhile Sheila slowly fell behind Sandy as they raced down the railroad track they had just passed the halfway point, and Sheila was 7 seconds behind..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 19, 2010, 12:57:08 AM
Gary continued watching the screen to see the outcome.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on February 19, 2010, 01:00:40 AM
"Come on, you're going to have to do better than that if you want to beat me!" Sandy called out to Sheila as she continued to run on ahead still.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2010, 01:11:03 AM
the track split into two parts further on. there was no indication as to which way was the right way. Sheila tried picking up the pace, and slowly inched closer to Sandy, but it was clear she was running out of time to catch up..
_pinnochio managed to win his first round match, as  Honest John and Gideon came up to interview him " well, Congratulations old friend! Gideon and I were sure you'd win.. ' Why are you here honest john' the little puppet asked ' you guys didn't exactly have the best intent for me..
- well.. er we're here to broadcast the games' Honest John replied ' We.. didn;t have much if a choice " it was either this or ten years of dentors prison.. thanks that scammer Stromboli..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 19, 2010, 01:17:25 AM
"I do wonder how many more will come to compete or join one of the teams." Wally said.

"I assume there is a time limit of some sort." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2010, 01:21:57 AM
dealine is at noon Thursday, 2 days from now" Stripetail replied." those who have already made the teams, can get some lunch.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 19, 2010, 01:23:53 AM
"Where though, at McDonald's or Wendy's?" Wally asked.  "Or some other fast food place?"

"I do not recall any mention of catering." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2010, 01:27:03 AM
where you weat is up to you" Stripetail replied.. "Catering is not going to happen for a bit, but your team busses should be arriving shorty.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 19, 2010, 01:28:52 AM
"Quite a variety of places to eat." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 21, 2010, 01:16:30 AM
I could go for anything right about now " cindy said to Yogi and Bobo. " scooby, do you mind if we eat with you and your team?'
 Scooby shrugged " rine, Ri ruess.. rhere ro rou rant ro reat? Ri've rever reen rere refore.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 21, 2010, 01:45:30 AM
Auga beat Doc and advanced in her bracket she was a pink bird who looked a lot like tweety. up next for her was Goofy..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 21, 2010, 02:38:56 AM
"if we all go it'll have to be some very large place. And with such a large group we should call ahead." Droopy said looking at the number present.

"Perhaps each bus going to a different place, so as not to tax any one restaurant to much." Gary said looking around at how many there were in the area.

"And places with a variety of foods." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 21, 2010, 02:41:25 AM
sheila sloewly closed the gap with a third of a mile to go, she was less than 2 seconds behind.. and the track started curving up at and ange the final stretch was a near vertical climb..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 21, 2010, 02:56:33 AM
"I can't think of any place right off that can seat a lot on short notice and be use to feeding a lot." Wally said.

"apart from a military base cafe." Droopy said to Wally.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 21, 2010, 03:18:44 AM
There are some small towns located in the park' Cash said  pulling out a map. ' greenwood is 3 miles west of here.. it was some eating places.. right now , just about anything sounds good..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 21, 2010, 03:24:09 AM
"It may be hard to agree on just one place." Droopy said.

"As hard as it is to get some to agree on pizza toppings." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 21, 2010, 03:46:07 AM
we're not all going to the same place though dEe replied.. " no place around here big enough.. ' we'll each pick out a different place to eat.. we'll see what the Town has " stripetail said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 21, 2010, 04:47:08 AM
"Perhaps there will be the possibility later of some folks being the permenant cooks and chiefs of the various people connected to the lympics." Gary said.

"That may work, but that will take organizing." Droopy said.

"A lot indeed." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 22, 2010, 12:51:03 PM
Shiela managed to draw even with Sandy as they approached the home stretch. Sheila was running fullout..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 24, 2010, 03:50:42 PM
Augua managed to reach the finals of her bracket, due to injuries suffered the other 3 quaterfinalists in her bracket. "If I win I'm pairing up with tweety..' she said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 24, 2010, 06:07:56 PM
"Looks like we may have some new team additions soon." Gary said looking at the events and the results.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 25, 2010, 05:10:05 PM
Sheila began her final dash as she fell behind again... the finish line was now visible and the sounds of the train were coming closer
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 25, 2010, 10:05:04 PM
"Hmm." Gary said watching what he could see of the race.  

"It is an exciting race." Wally said also watching what he could see of the race.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 02, 2010, 02:01:50 AM
Sheila pulled even in the final last few yards but this was her last stores of energy.. Sheila wheezed as Sandy edged ahead and crossed the finish line just in front of year " good race.." Sheila said with a cough.. now.. lets get off these tracks.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 02, 2010, 02:09:44 AM
"Looks like that one's over." Wally said.

"It does indeed.  It was close there for a while though." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 04, 2010, 02:14:39 AM
a portal opened and sheila and Sandy reappeared in the clearing oin front of the stage.. many of the contestants who had lost were milling around..
Rose settled on the bed next to Edward.. "How are you feeling?' she asked looking at her husband.. "I'm fine.. looking forward to this vacation.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 04, 2010, 03:27:04 AM
"I wonder what comes next." Droopy said in his usual tone of voice.

"Maybe a wild party." Wally said looking at Droopy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 07, 2010, 02:47:36 AM
it was then that Droopy's phone rang " Hey Droopy.. you've had any luck finding Clurry's house" Eddie voivce came through on the phone
Near the side of the road four large busses apppeared as if by magic. each of them bore the logo of one of the four teams  The scooby Doobies bus came first..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 07, 2010, 03:10:56 AM
Droopy answered the phone.  "I'll head out now to the address you gave me.  I got a bit side tracked with the laff-a-lympics." He said, and wondered how he'd get a car to drive around from where he was.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 07, 2010, 03:14:09 AM
"well the house is just outside the park.. you can take a bus there..'Eddie replied..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 07, 2010, 03:38:34 PM
"Maybe someone here has a car I can use." Droopy said.

"I have a friend who's a car that lives not to far from here." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 08, 2010, 03:06:44 PM
Scooby and Dixie headed over to the Scooby bus  followed by winnie and woody.. ' this bus looks really cool " woddy said with a grin ' Scooby Dee and Scooby Dum were next on the bus.. The insides were plush with  soft leather seats and tables in front of the chairs..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 08, 2010, 03:19:03 PM
"We can look over the buses first then decide if your friend should be called." Droopy said before he walked over towards one of the buses with Wally and Gary to look them over from the outside and the inside.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 08, 2010, 03:20:13 PM
the droopy Dawgs bus opened ' Hop on in" said the driver " You must be the Dawgs,... this will be your bus for the duration of the games.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 08, 2010, 03:46:34 PM
Droopy moved to get on the bus, climbing up the the steps to get on the bus.  

"I do hope the bus isn't to messy or stinky." Wally said as he went up the steps behind Droopy.  Gary came along behind Wally.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 08, 2010, 03:52:35 PM
Dirty.. It was just cleaned out yesterday. As you ride along it may get mess . but there are garbage containers in the back, and these is a minifridge in the back..' the driver, whose name was Sam, replied..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 08, 2010, 04:07:57 PM
"Very handy indeed." Droopy said as he want to pick out a seat.  

"and how." Wally said and then said, "Wow, nice interior." He said as he got up to where he could see the seats and interior of the bus.  

"It does sound like a nice & useful thing indeed." Gary said as he went to a seat thinking to himself it was better then driving along in one of his car forms, though the science fiction car did have certain advantages.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 08, 2010, 08:48:12 PM
ll getr all your teammates on.. we've got a schedule to keep' Sam said..
_ winnie slid into a seat behind the driver "this is really comfortable" She said to Woody who sat across from her..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 08, 2010, 10:01:12 PM
Droopy got up to call and signal for his team mates to get on the bus.

"So where are we off to?" Wally asked looking around.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 09, 2010, 12:20:21 AM
well the competition staarts in seattle with events in toon city ' sam replied. ' if you want to go off and do your own thing best do it today.. also above you are drop down beds so you can sleep on the bus..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 09, 2010, 02:13:39 AM
""Then sounds like it may be best to get off then since I do have a thing or to 2 do." Droopy said as he got up to go.

"and I'd need to go and get my friend to take you those places." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 10, 2010, 12:20:49 PM
I'll be around to pick you up at 3  its nearly 1 now so you've got a couple hours" Sam said as he opened the door and Honest John and Gideon climbee on " this bus looks as good as any" john said his fiox tail moving about " You fellows a don't mind if ewe cover your team during the games.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 10, 2010, 01:20:36 PM
"So it's 2 hours till you pick anyone else up?" Droopy asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 10, 2010, 01:38:20 PM
yes. Sam said.. Enjoy yourself..
_ Yogi climbed onto his bus and whistled at the accomodations ' This is a nice place'  he said excitedly " we didn't have this kind of ride during the first games .." the bus was built to accomodate about 100 passengers..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 10, 2010, 01:55:38 PM
"I'll go and get my friend.  He can give you a lift around." Gary said as he flew off.  At a reasonable distance he changed to his toon car self, since it would not be recognized unlike some of his other car forms, and drove himself back to where Droopy was.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 10, 2010, 02:31:30 PM
the rottens climbed on thier bus and started picking out seat "I get the window seat!" Sam yelled, firing off his gun " Hey.. who put blanks in my gun?' he said with a sneered "Cartoon regulations the Dread Baron replied " No actual bullets are permitted..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 10, 2010, 07:07:44 PM
"Where are we off to next?" Droopy asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 11, 2010, 05:01:45 PM
you are going to search Clurry Von Paws House..' Valiants voice came in on his phone.. " Go there and search " The sooner we find him the sooner we can return the money hes stolen.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 11, 2010, 08:34:13 PM
"ok, I have someone who has a friend who can give me a ride there." Droopy said into his cellphone.

"I'll just go and get my friend to come here." Gary said before he flew off in a direction.  Once he was far enough he looked for a place he could change without being seen and changed into his toon car form.  He then waited a minute or a few before heading back where Droopy was.  

"I guess I'll just wonder around and try not to get lost." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 12, 2010, 01:13:48 AM
Scooby Dee curled up on a seat and relazed against the soft leather ' This feels good " she said, as more of the gteam climbed on. Auga and tweety grabbed seats and the bus began to rumble as Stripetail and Cash climbed aboard..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 12, 2010, 01:24:19 AM
"Hop in, you've places to go and the sooner we get there the sooner you can get about your next business." Gary said in his toon car form.  

Droopy got in the car and away they went to Clurry Von Paws House.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 13, 2010, 10:44:43 PM
the house was in a ritzy part of the city and had a high wall with barbed wire on top, and thick meta;s gates which were locked together by a get in droopy would his trusty lockpick...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 13, 2010, 11:27:02 PM
Droopy went to the padlock and pulling out his lockpicks started trying to pick the padlock to get in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 14, 2010, 01:09:38 AM
after twenty minutes the lock was picked and the gate swung inwards. in front was a long stoned path leading up to the front door which was very ornate..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 14, 2010, 10:56:19 AM
Droopy closed the gate behind him, not thinking it would be a good idea to leave it obviously open.  he then walked up the path to the door and looked at the front door and the lock.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 15, 2010, 12:45:55 AM
the lock was in the form of a piano keyboard. only by playing the right notes could you enter.. a doorknocker shaped to look like bach loomed over droopy's head.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 15, 2010, 01:14:21 AM
Droopy tried pressing a few keys to see what sorts of sounds it would make.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 15, 2010, 08:27:56 PM
A blue streak ended up rushing the other way of the buses as it stopped and looked around in the park.....the teams were gone.  It was Sonic "Late as usual..." he muttered to himself as he folded his arms to think for a moment, taking another look around again as someone came running up, panting rather heavily.

"" she spoke as she looked to Sonic.

"I never did ask you to come along in the first place Amy" Sonic replied back.

"Well, where is everyone else?" Amy asked as she too had a look around, to which Sonic shook his head.

"Gone, although, I did pass four busses on the way here, they were driving the other way, so I guess they're everyone else" Sonic spoke with a small shrug as well.

"So, do you actually want to go after them?" Amy asked back, to which Sonic just took off "Hey! Wait for me!" she yelled out after him as she ran as fast as she could.

Sonic took off down the road in order to catch up to the buses once more with Amy trailing behind as usual.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 16, 2010, 07:54:54 PM
onboard the Scooby bus. Scooby settled in against the leather seat "Row ro re ret rhe reds rown?
We can wait until bedtime for that Scooby" Dixie replied as she looked out the window.. the rest of their teamates were chatting with each other Auga anbnd Tweetuy flew up to them and landed on the table before them. " nice to meet" Auga said kindly " I'm Auga' I'm tweety' "I'm dixie and this is my husband Scooby.." Dixie replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 16, 2010, 11:04:33 PM
Sonic rushed up to the side of one of the buses and knocked on the door to it, keeping up speed with the bus "Are you guys part of the games by any chance?" he asked them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 16, 2010, 11:15:31 PM
Bobo stuck his head out " yes we are.. we'll stop and allow you to board..climb aboard.. we've got a schedule to keep..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 16, 2010, 11:18:28 PM
"Yes, and would you mind stopping for a few more minutes....Amy's not going to stop following me...." Sonic grumbled a little bit as well.

Amy was indeed, running to try and catch up, but was rather tired as she slowed down to a walk, trying to catch her breath once again.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 16, 2010, 11:41:56 PM
the Yogi bus soon stopped and was passed by the Rottens and then the Dawgs.
Sam opened the door so that Sonic and Amy could climb on.. "Hey Sonic wheres you friend Dulcy? Sam asked " you know the Dragon?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 16, 2010, 11:45:06 PM
"She's not here, it's just me, and Amy who decided to tag along for the ride, seriously, I can't go anywhere without her now a days" Sonic said climbing on.

Moments later, Amy had finally caught up to the bus and climbed onto it, collpasing onto the floor out of breath more or less.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 16, 2010, 11:57:39 PM
i think she going out with another dragoness last time i saw her Samia, i think her name was..
Indeed it is said a rather large golden  dragoness who flew out of the air and landed in front of the bus. She was soon joined by another green Dragoness who quickly hugged Sonic, and kissed him on the forehead leaving a big red lipstick stain on him ' SONIC! Oh! Its great to see you! How have you been? This is my friend Samia.. Samia this is Sonic" Dulcy saad while squeezing Sonic tighlt while Amy looked at her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 17, 2010, 12:19:55 AM
Sonic gave off a nervous little laugh "Uh yeah, it's good to see you again too Dulcy" he spoke as Amy stood up, seeming to be fuming at the moment.

"Keep your dirty mits off Sonic!" Amy more or less yelled back as she grabbed him with a bit of a smile as well, to which Sonic just groaned back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 17, 2010, 12:30:39 AM
Excuse me?" Dulcy shot Amy a look " i happen to be an old friend of Sonic haven't seen him in awhile that's all..and who might you be? She asked Amy, then turned and whispered something in Samia's ear ..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 17, 2010, 08:20:54 PM
"I'm Amy, his girlfriend, I'm sure Sonic's told you all about me" Amy replied back to her, still holding onto Sonic's arm, to which Sonic only gave off a nervous sounding laugh.


Down the road some more stood a female, she stood on the side of the road, however, she had a look upon her face as if she was waiting for something, looking out into the distance.  She wore, what seemed to a witch's atire, a witch's hat and all, well, save for a broomstick.  She had long, white-like hair that came down past her shoulders.

She looked to be in her late teens at the very least.  She glanced to the side and saw at least, four or so vehicles in the distance, slowly approaching, yet, looked back in front of her, looking up to the darkening sky "Hmm...."

(OOC: a picture of what she would look like here (
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 17, 2010, 09:21:17 PM
Wally being bored and with nothing to do tried walking around, though that only slightly helped.  He thought over his options of what he could do till Droopy got back from wherever he was doing whatever he was doing.

A shortish woman followed by a large woman came up to him.  "you've not seen Vash have you?" She asked Wally.

"No." He said.  

The short woman ran off, "Come on Milly we have to find him before another disaster happens and ...'" she said as she ran off.

"I wonder what that was about." wally said to himself as he watched them run off.  

Then a teenage boy wearing a cape with a dog also wearing a cape ran by, "Come on Wonder dog, we'll be late to the super friend's meeting if we don't hurry." Marvin said.  

Wally decided to try walking elsewhere since this area seemed a bit to odd to him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 17, 2010, 11:09:17 PM
Girlfriend?' Samia interjected " Is that really the case?
When I was helping Sonic, he didn't have a girlfriend" Dulcy said as she settled into a seat. 'you must have just met him recently..I see no reason to doubt her sincerity Samia..He said rebuking her friend slighly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 17, 2010, 11:13:03 PM
"Well, it is true" Amy replied back, being rather stubborn as she pulled Sonic over into an empty seat.


The female witch saw the buses get close, but thought nothing of them as she looked back to the sky once again, as if she was searching the sky for something "This world is in much danger.....she must be stopped...." she spoke up to herself as the buses begun to pass her, one by one.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 17, 2010, 11:19:28 PM
is that true Sonic Samia asked him moving in next to Dulcy.."Is she really your girlfriend
_ If she says she is then I believe her" Cindy spoke up from the front " Cindy Bear, at your service " She nodded to the Dragoness
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 17, 2010, 11:24:52 PM
Sonic looked at the two of them and gave off a sigh "I guess so....even though it doesn't look like I have much of a choice...." he mutered in the end.


As the buses passed her, she looked at the occupants who were on each of the buses, looking to the final bus "Dragons?" she asked herself as she noticed Dulcy and Samia "Interesting...." however, she made no attempt to even stop the bus as she looked ahead to the other buses again "They must be heading off towards the first place where these games are to take place...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 18, 2010, 12:04:27 AM
Gary being bored drove into an alley where no one was, changed into a tiny alien similar to Kazoo, made himself an ice cream cone then keeping it levitated changed into his anthro toon black cat form and taking the ice cream cone walked around the area where the house was where Droopy was. while he licked his ice cream cone.

-- -  - - - - - -

Droopy took out a fingerprint kit to dust the keys of the luck, then took out a magnifying glass to see if any keys had fingerprints on them.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 18, 2010, 12:31:13 AM
the fingerprints kit revealed fingerprint on 5 of the 7 keys..once those keys were pressed the door would open..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 18, 2010, 12:34:07 AM
She did not worry about where the buses were actually heading off to as she stood there still before stepping out onto the road once the first three had actually passed her, more or less stepping out in front of the fourth bus, however, she walk forward some more as to move out of the bus's way, wind was now starting to pick up as it started to spit with rain.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 18, 2010, 12:37:14 AM
so how is everything with you Sonic?' Dulcy continued "still trying to stop Dr Eggman? I tell you that guy never stops no matter how you try and stop him..
_ scooby Dee settled in next to her cousins "This bus reminds me of my trailer back in the day..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 18, 2010, 12:42:08 AM
"Yeah, tell me about it, he never seems to give up like you said, no matter what I do to him" Sonic replied back with a bit of a shrug.

Back out on the road, she stopped once more as rain continued to spit down, not hard or anything, but not light either as she looked to one side, then, down to the other side "This is not right either...." she spoke to herself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 18, 2010, 12:46:35 AM
the dawg bus stopped as it saw Myra in the road  the door to the bus opened.
- One of these days you'll get him..Dulcy said appreciating his efforts ' do you want to know how samia ad i met?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 18, 2010, 12:46:37 AM
Droopy put away his magnifying glass and tried pressing all the keys with fingerprints first.  Then he thought if this did not work he would try pressing random order of keys perhaps.  

 -- - -

Wally watched as a red bird wearing a wizard type peaked hat who was flying not by using his wings but instead spinning his tail feathers like a plane or helicopter.  He paused since he had never seen anything like that before then continued once the bird was out of sight.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 18, 2010, 12:50:43 AM
th door opened sand showed a very lavish inrterior, clearly, Clurry had spent quite a bit of money recently.. stairs ran up towards an upper floor..the floor was marble and quite ornate..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 18, 2010, 12:51:16 AM
Her name was indeed Myra, as she looked to the bus that had stopped for her, yet, she looked back to the sky once more as she seemed to speak to the driver "I understand that you are trying to get these games of yours underway? The ones that this....Gabriel person wishes to stop?" she looked back to the driver once more "I do not know if that will stop her and save this world from its peril....however....they seem to be a plan of some sort"

She then finally stepped onto the bus "They will indeed bring Gabriel....I'm impressed that you were able to get such a plan together" Myra then took a seat upon the bus as well "I shall come seem to require some help anyway" a book then appeared in front of her, floating in midair as she moved her hand once and it flipped a page, seeming to read through it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 18, 2010, 12:59:45 AM
Well these games are the last hope for us toons Sam said ' we don'rt have any other options, gabriels rendered us nearly completely bankrupt..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 18, 2010, 01:02:43 AM
Myra gave a nod back lightly "Indeed, she has, however, that wont matter, she will be taken care of, one way or another, yet, there is still the problem of her own weapon, the Dip she has.....even I am not immune to it" she turned another page in her book magically.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 18, 2010, 01:04:48 AM
no toon is.. no matter is they're drawn animated claymation.. the driver replied as the storm became worse.. the portal they would enter was over 100 miles away , near sacremento..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 18, 2010, 01:08:30 AM
Myra just nodded again, yet, said nothing else as she continued to study the book in front of her still, only glancing outside before looking back to her book again before speaking yet again "These storms do not seem to be common in this world....they seem to get worse with what Gabriel does....she tends to affect the very fabric of the weather patterns around here with what she has been doing....however, it does not seem to have anything to do with the Dip"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 18, 2010, 01:19:25 AM
Droopy put on some gloves and walked inside, closing the door behind him as he looked around to think were to look first for money or clues.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 18, 2010, 01:20:13 AM
samia looked at the strange newcomer ' so where are you from? and why are you speaking in riddles?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 18, 2010, 01:23:45 AM
Myra looked over to Samia "My name is Myra for starters, and as for where I come from, it is a place called not bother to figure out where it is, it is of no concern at the moment, and for the riddles, there is no riddles which I am speaking in, I just tend to think out loud at times is all, it may sound like a riddle to another, but I do know what I am talking about" she told her, flipping another page yet again of her book.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 18, 2010, 02:34:30 AM
Droopy first took out his magnifying glass and started to examine the floor for any clue or sign, including that there may be a secret compartment underneath it.  Then he moved on to any paintings, furniture ect in the first room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 19, 2010, 12:24:49 AM
this room was the guest room of the house, it was filled with expensive painting, a van Gogh here, a Picasso there.. Clurry had clearly spent a lot of money...whether it was the stolen loot was another question droopy would have to answer..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 19, 2010, 12:57:40 AM
Droopy looked around the room to see if he could find any hidden caches no any info or cash.  He thought he'd have to find some thieves or true ninja who were pure mercanry to break in and steal everything here, then find an black market or maffia fence to get some money, things he'd not ever done or needed to before.  Or try calling Mr. Moto or Charlie Chan, they may have ideas or connections with the Chinese or Japanese version of the mafia.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 20, 2010, 07:55:20 PM
"How long until we reach our destination?" Myra decided to then ask the bus driver as she glanced outside, then back over to the bus driver, then to everyone else "Because I have a feeling that Gabriel will not be far behind...."

And that's when it flew past, a dragon, it was as long as one of the buses as it flew off ahead, landing in the middle of the road, causing the buses to swerve aside, only to have the dragon slam it's tail down in front of the front bus to cause it stop where it was as it gave off a roar.

A chuckle could be heard as down in front of the dragon, she appeared, another strange female, she wore a similar atire to what Myra would wear, but of a more darker tone, save for her hair which was blue.

Myra looked outside to see the female "Not good" she spoke lowly as she rushed off the bus to face the other female "What are you doing here?"

The female looked over to Myra, grinning a little bit as well "Come now, is that anyway to treat your own sister?" she gave off a chuckle as well "But, if you must know, I'm here on a little venture....something Gabriel will be able to help me out with"

"You're in line with Gabriel?" Myra asked with a glare.

The female looked up to the dragon that was in turn, watching the buses "Yes, and all I have to do is something simple.....kill each and everyone of your little friends here" she snapped her fingers as the dragon lunged at one of the buses to which Myra retaliated by jumping up onto the targeted bus and bought up a shield of energy before firing a fireball through the shield for added power, striking the dragon in the face.

(OOC: Basically, this is what Myra's sister looks like: right here ( )
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 20, 2010, 09:59:57 PM
Droopy continued looking around for any signs of hidden caches, clues or the like and taking some pictures with his cellphone of the rooms also.


Wally was getting a bit bored and was considering seeing what else he could do.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 20, 2010, 11:55:20 PM
it was in fiddling with a desk that he accidently opened a secret panel in the desk, which was filled with hundred, five hundred and thousand dollar bills.. This was his first break..
Sam stepped on the gas, the bus rumbled slowly to lidfe, drawing on the magic Myra was releasing to move on down the road..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 21, 2010, 12:03:53 AM
(OOC: Myra isn't giving the bus any magic, only protecting it, that's all she can do)

The dragon's tail slammed down in front of the bus to stop it from going anywhere as it eyed Myra some more, roaring rather loudly once more as its claws were placed around the bus, lifting it up into the air before tossing it into another bus.

Myra's sister watched on as Myra spoke up, having landed on the ground "Stop this at once Roze!" she yelled out.

Roze turned to Myra with a chuckle and instead of getting her dragon to stop, she instead, bought both hands up into the air before shooting them forward, channeling a powerful electricty blast, aimed right at Myra, who in turn, bought up a sheild to absorb it, firing a fireball at Roze.

Roze bought her hands up again and used ice to freeze the fireball up as it fell to the ground, skiding to a halt, having broken up in the process, glaring to Myra "What did Gabriel promise you?" Myra asked her, only to have Roze smirk some more, the two of them, now at a stand off.

(OOC: And it is Roze, not Rose)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 21, 2010, 12:35:31 AM

 The Bus , deflected off the Rotten Bus ,crashed against the ground and finally crumpled against the trees on the left side of the road..Inside the riders were tossled together, as the bus came to rest.. duLcy slowly extracted herself   from being wedged in-between two seats and a table.. "Is everyone OK? " she called out..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 21, 2010, 12:39:48 AM
Roze looked over to Dulcy, then back to Myra once more as the dragon roared, started to move over to the bus, slamming its tail down, actually severing the bus in half.

"Stop this right now Roze!" Myra yelled out.

"I'm I wont" Roze chuckled back as she just stood there.

Over at the bus, Sonic got up, looking at everyone else as well, before looking to the dragon "Whoa...." he stepped back slightly, only to see the dragon get struck by another flying fireball, but seemed to have no effect on it at all as it turned to look at Myra once more, roaring as it moved over to where she was.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 21, 2010, 01:08:30 AM
Yogi slowly stumbled out of the wreckage, blood dripped from a cut on his head.. " Well so much for us competing in the games! That dragon completely trashed our bus! he said sadly.. Cindy and Bobo limped out after him, both of them had been cut by the glass. Bobo's left arm was hanging limp, it was likely broken. Samia clambered out her half of the bus..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 21, 2010, 01:25:11 AM
On Myra's shoes appeared two small wings on each of them before she rushed forward and lept right at the dragon's head, summong, what seemed to be a glowing sword as she stabbed the dragon, right in the eye, causing, what seemed to be the skin of it to crumble off, revealing that it was a stone dragon on the outside, and on the inside, being mechanical, to which she was knocked off said dragon.

Myra looked over to Roze "What kind of dragon is this?" she asked with a glare.

Roze only gave off a chuckle as she summoned a broomstick, jumping onto it and blowing a kiss towards her sister "Ta ta for now sis, have fun" she gave off a laugh as she flew off, leaving Myra and the other toons to take care of the dragon.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 21, 2010, 01:34:14 AM
Thats not a real dragon! ' Samia said looking at the  mechanical beast which was roughly between fifteen and eighteen feet in height, which was between 2 and 3 times Samia's own height..  " Need a hand?' She asked Myra as Dulcy came up next to her, folloed by Yogi Cindy and Bobo..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 21, 2010, 01:37:27 AM
Myra gave them a slight nod "Yes, help would be of some use right about now" she spoke as she begun to fire fireball after fireball at the dragon, causing more the outer stone covering to fall off around its face and its stomach.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 21, 2010, 01:40:17 AM
Dulcy and Samia flew into the air and started shooting fire balls at the stone dragon. little by little the stone cracked off revealing the mechanical workings inside " sonic! Can you climb inside this thing and find some way to stop it? Dulcy asked as the dragon swung at her with its tail.. it was all Dulcy could do to get out of the way..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 21, 2010, 02:01:32 AM
Sonic nodded back "Way ahead of you" he spoke as she spun at the mechanical-stone dragon, striking it right through the chest and bursting out through its back as Myra continued to fire fireballs at it.

The dragon in question let off another roar as it staggered forwards, being rather badly damaged, its claws coming down upon Dulcy, only to have Myra bring up a barrier to stop it, yet, the dragon instead, swung its tail at Samia instead.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 21, 2010, 02:08:24 AM
Samia grabbed the tail and stopped it inches from her face. Her face was a study in concentration, as she struggled to keep the large dragon at bay. " a little help guys? I can't hold this thing off for long.." she panted ' Dulcy flew over to assist her and helped push the dragon's tail away from Samia " Finish him off Sonic! Then we can get those folks back on the road again.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 21, 2010, 02:11:06 AM
"With pleasure" Sonic spun at the dragon once more, bouncing off a claw that attempted to grab him, and off the other before going straight through its mouth and out of its tail.

The dragon stood there for a moment or two before just falling forwards, sparking as its glowing red eyes switched off, having being destroyed more or less.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 21, 2010, 02:14:05 AM
Huckleberry hound clapped apprecatively as the machine fell apart with a loud crash. " Fine bit of hero-ingyou folks did there..
_ That was really cool Cindy chimed in "problem is.. now, we don't have a ride, as The Droopy Dawg Bus came into view, and the driver stopped on the brakes " ' you folks..' He stopped as he saw the carnage of the bus..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 21, 2010, 02:18:31 AM
Myra approached the dragon "Roze....what have you done? What has Gabriel offered you?" she asked herself as she looked at the mechanical dragon still.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 21, 2010, 03:42:44 AM
Droopy went over to the compartment and looked at the money to be sure ti was not counterfeit and if it was real he pulled out a bag and started to stuff the money into it, thinking it best to count it later in a better location.  

 I wonder if more is here. He thought to himself as he quickly stuffed the money into the bag.   This should be a start for her to get back on her feet.  After I tell Eddie about this.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 21, 2010, 12:42:28 PM
inside the secret compartment was a list of other secret caches, the closest was  in the fireplace in the guest room, behind the 6th brick above the mantle.. anotheer was in a safe behind the Van gogh..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 21, 2010, 06:31:57 PM
Droopy makes not of the list and goes to the other places to look and if there is money there to add it to what is in his bag.  

"There is some money here, though not all of it I think." Droopy said, "Some at least is better then none at all."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 21, 2010, 07:27:37 PM
in each of the places, droppy found more thousand dollar bills, along with jewelry, and gold coins.. Clurry had socked away a good portion of the money.. how much would become clear later..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 21, 2010, 11:10:29 PM
Droopy continued to add this to the bag, then put the bag away where he had gotten it (the same spot some toons can take stuff from when they don't have pockets) to take out a 2nd bag to start on using that one to put stuff into.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 21, 2010, 11:14:04 PM
after nearly two hours of searching, droopy had filled five full bags full of cash, jewelry and other valuables.. it was then his telephone rang.. hows the search coming along Droopy" Valiants voice said on the phone..
 The Yogi Yahoeeys slowly filed on to the Droopy Dawg bus..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 22, 2010, 12:30:19 AM
Droopy answered his cellphone.  "I found about 5 bags of stuff he had hidden here, assorted jewels and money.  Not to mention some expensive looking furniture and paintings and such that is also here." Droopy said as he looked at the bags and some of what he could see in the room.  "More then I expected to find."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 22, 2010, 08:51:55 PM
thats probab;y only a portion of the loot hes hiden she if you can find where he may have done.. nice work Droopy.. keep this up and you'll earn a tidy bit of that cash for yourself" Valiant sounded very pleased..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 22, 2010, 08:54:07 PM
Myra was still examining the dragon, lookign at the mechanical workings of it "A strange creature, not like any dragon I have ever seen before....but how did Roze summon such a thing to aid her?" she asked herself, unaware that everyone else was already on the bus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 22, 2010, 09:01:20 PM
better get on " yogi called out to here.. bring part of that thing with you.. you can have Mr Stripetail take a look at that hes the one paying for the games..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 22, 2010, 09:02:46 PM
Myra crouched down and pulled out the mechanical eye of the dragon, holding it in her hand by the wires before getting on the bus as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 22, 2010, 09:11:23 PM
the others waited on the bus for Mya before setting off again, the fiasco had left them several miles behind the other two busses who were unaware of the mishap that had just befallen the Yogis..
Woody pulled out a old stack of platying cards and began playing Opoker with Winnie, soon Scooby Dee and scooby Dum joined them followed by Scooby and dixie. It was decided that boys would play against girlsd, with the loser paying for dinner that evening..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 22, 2010, 10:43:26 PM
"Indeed, I'll see if he has any notes or anything around where he has others." Droopy said.  He made sure he had gotten everything from the caches and into bags.  Then he went to the desk to look inside to see if he could there was any notes about any other areas he may have some more caches, or bank account numbers or the like.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 24, 2010, 12:18:30 AM
the desk contained little of interest save for this note
_cashed deposit of 50 million.. will put in Big Sur... clients are... it appeared to have been unfinished .. but still it was a clue..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 24, 2010, 12:47:49 AM
Droopy Hmmed to himself and told Eddie what the note said.  "most interesting, to bad it is not finished." He said aloud.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 24, 2010, 01:25:39 AM
Big Sur is town north of your location.. but first things first. Get back to the others, and count up your cash..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 24, 2010, 03:08:29 AM
"That does sound best.  No idea when someone else may turn up here." Droopy said, gathering his stuff then heading outside.

Gary had went into some bushes to switch to his gecko form and then gone up a tree to keep watch to warn Droopy when someone may be coming since it's hard to see a gecko in a tree and though cgi animated he still had the abilities of a gecko who's feet and hands can easily stick to things.   When he saw Droopy coming out he switched to his eagle form and landed behind some bushes then switched to his car from that he had Driven Droopy there in and drove out.  

"All done?  I thought it best to hide so I could honk a warning if I saw anyone coming." Gary said.

"I'm done, just need to put some stuff in your trunk if you dont' mind." Droopy said.

"nah, Plenty of room likely.  Just put it in and we can go to where you left your other pal, or pick him up on the way if you want to be taken somewhere." Gary said as he opened his trunk.

Droopy worked at putting all the sacks into Gary's trunk.  Once done he hopped in while pulling out his cellphone to call Wally.  "I'll just call Wally while you drive to the area he was in last so I can check where he is." Droopy said.

"Sounds good." Gary said as he drove off.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 25, 2010, 04:22:36 PM
the yogi team settled in aboard the dawgs bus,  as the miles sped behind them, they began to relax..   samia leaned againist the window and tried to sleep. Dulcy sayt across from her.. ' i wonder where we are going. Sonic do you have any idea? She asked..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 25, 2010, 10:10:11 PM
Droopy got the directions where Wally was and they went to go pick him up then went to where the busses were heading for.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 25, 2010, 10:28:49 PM
Winnie was the first to go in the game drawing a hand from the deck each person would take a 5 cards then discard some in trying to make the best hand.. the best hand wpould win a point for their respective team..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 25, 2010, 10:49:02 PM
Myra was stil looking at the mechanical eyeball as Sonic spoke up "Kinda reminds me of what Robotnik would use to try and fight me with, perhaps that Roze is working with him as well as Gabriel?" he suggested.

"Hey, it could be possible, that scumbag always does what he can to win, even if it is by cheating" Amy added in.

Myra gave a nod back "Yeah, it's possible, but I guess I'll need to find someone who knows what this thing actually is" she spoke up, having no idea on what technology actually was.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 25, 2010, 10:54:09 PM
That guys sounds like bad news' Bobo said from his seat.. "does anyone have anything to eat? Tweety asked flying around the bus...I'm starving..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 25, 2010, 10:54:47 PM
Droopy and Wally rode along in the car.  Gary tuned his radio to a station so they would all have something to listen to as they drove along.

"Lotta stuff you got in that guy's house." Wally said.

"Yes, much more then I expected." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 27, 2010, 12:29:22 AM
dee was next. her hand contained two 3s one 7 a ten and a 8queen. 3 cards place she said discarding the ten 7 and Q. Dixie looked at her cards, she had two tens,, a 9, a 6 and a 4.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 27, 2010, 01:29:28 AM
Droopy wally and gary continued along their way, listening ot the radio.  

"hope the rest of the money is found" Wally said.

"and the place the agent got himself to." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 27, 2010, 02:17:07 AM
Scooby was next he drew a jack, a King, an Ace, a 5 and a 8..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 27, 2010, 02:39:27 AM
"Is there just money in there?" Wally asked.

"Feels like more then just paper money I can tell you." Gary said.

"There were also jewels and some other things.  Though if the jewels are hot we'll have to find an underworld fence to get some money for those." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 28, 2010, 11:34:29 PM
"How much longer until we arrive at our destination?" Myra asked the bus driver next as Sonic spoke up.

"I'd imagine, less that 50 miles worth, so perhaps half an hour at the most" Sonic told her "Maybe less if we hurry"

Myra looked a little concerned "We'll need to hurry, I do not know if Roze would be there or not....speed up this object" she then told the bus driver.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 28, 2010, 11:46:00 PM
in the distance a portal appeared with a glowing sigh pointing to it that said 'this way to Toon City'
 well everyone our first stop approaches Stripetail said to the Doobies, who were eihther playing cards or sleeping ;' Arlene walked past him. 'Will this place we're staying at have breakfast ' Probably..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 28, 2010, 11:49:51 PM
"So, let me get this straight, this Roze person is your sister?" Sonic asked Myra.

Myra gave a nod back "Yes, that is correct"

"And she's evil and what have you?" Sonic asked some more.

Myra nodded again "Yes, that too is correct....and she is powerful as well"

Sonic sighed "Great, as if Gabriel was enough to worry about, with her and her Dip stuff that can kill a toon whenever needed"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 28, 2010, 11:51:34 PM
"At least she'll get some of her money back.  That is good at least." Wally said.

"Indeed.  Though hopefully we can get more soon." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 28, 2010, 11:54:32 PM
Dulcy Stirred as the portal slowly came into view the Scooby bus was just about to enter while the Rotten bus was slighly ahead of them.. She overheard part of the conversation and turned towards Myra "anyone  you 'd LIKE to see pay you a visit? she yawned showing her teeth..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 28, 2010, 11:56:27 PM
Myra looked back to her "Well, there is someone....but I wont go into detail about it" and that's when the bus had entered the portal.

Sonic sat back in his seat as Amy wrapped her arms around him to hug him more or less.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 29, 2010, 12:07:52 AM
Scooby paused from selecting a new hand to look at the scenery. Dancing trees, and wisecracking sun, and an ornery apple tree that threw apples at the bus for splashing him with water. the apples flew through an open winfdow and hit Scooby in the head "Rey!' He yelped rubbing his head and dropping his cards.  Winnie caught an apple out of mudair anbd took a big bite out of it.. hmmm.. not bad.. needed a snack anyway' She grinned as the occupants of the bus started gathering up the apples which were fresh
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 29, 2010, 12:11:24 AM
Sonic grabbed an apple for himself and an apple for Amy as well, deciding to toss one over to Myra as well.

Myra grabbed the apple and looked at it "Thank you" she then took a small bite out of he apple, so far, more or less just savouring the taste of the fresh apple.

In the distance, the colliseum could be seen as Myra looked over at it "Hmm, perhaps....." she spoke to herself as she got up and walked to the front of the bus to take a better look at it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 29, 2010, 12:34:41 AM
"I think we are getting close." Gary said.

"Good, I'll be glad once we're there." Wally said.  "I wonder what it'll be like." He said looking around at the scenery they could see.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 29, 2010, 12:42:24 AM
as the huge coliseum approached a large sign hung over it 'laffalympics start tomorrow!" It blared See the four Teams battle for Toon Glory at the Toon City Coliseum! Below the Sign were four pictures One of Scooby, Yogi Muttley and Droopy
Well everyone, we're here' Stripetail said "Arrangements have been made for each team 'the Scoobys will stay at the Sunshine Street Inn, The Yogis will stay tat the lIghthouse Lounge the Rottens at the crytal car Motel and the Dawgs will stay at the flashlight Fountain.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 29, 2010, 12:45:05 AM
Myra got off the bus once it stopped, looking to Stripetail, giving him a nod "I shall be there when I can, I do wish to have a look around this place, in case my sister is here...." she told him as on her shoes appeared two small wings each on the heel of them as on her back, fairy-like wings appeared, to which she took off into the sky to get a better look around Toon City.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 29, 2010, 12:58:16 AM
"I guess we'll have to pay for our own rooms since the money for the games is pretty tight I can imagine." Wally said.

"It may well be and I can pay for a hotel for the 3 of us, since I assume Gary is here already." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 29, 2010, 01:05:28 AM
As the scooby bus stopped, at an intersection behimnd them the droopyy-yogi bus stopped at the red light, just in time for wally, Droopy and Gary to get back on.
_ Good Sam smiled as he closed the door after them' almost left you three Your rooms have been booked at the Flashlight Fountain for the Droopy dAwg team, that you Droopy..' he said to Droopy..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 29, 2010, 01:07:55 AM
As Myra flew overhead, she stopped to see someone familiar, landing not that far from said person, but rather quietly as to not reveal herself just yet to the figure.  She could tell that it was Jusa and approached her from behind, standing only a few feet from her "I take it that you missed me to much?" she asked rather jokingly, walking around to in front of her and gave her a kiss upon the lips as no one was around at the moment.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 29, 2010, 01:13:12 AM
Jusa returned the kiss with a grin "Well well if its isn't my left arm/ She smirked. " it was term of endearment she had made for her girlfriend, who was also her closest confidant. She had been studying under myra for 6 months, and while she still wasn't as good as myra at magic she was a lot better.." So why are you here. I was taking a vacation, and what do you know I run into you.."She grinned Hugging Myra tightly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 29, 2010, 01:15:20 AM
Myra hugged her girlfriend back "Well, as you know, Roze had escaped from prison back home and they got me to go after her and I tracked her down to this world, but I still think that it's amazing to actually run into you again my love" she took Jusa by the hand, kissing her hand as well "Speaking of which too....where have you actually been staying here anyway? Because there are some hotels around that Stripetail said I could stay in, and I just know you'll want to stay with me now" she grinned slightly too.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 29, 2010, 01:27:18 AM
"Glad we made it." Droopy said as he and Wally got onto the bus.  

"Indeed it is nice indeed.   Thanks."wally said to the driver.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 29, 2010, 10:22:07 PM
Naturally.."Jusa replied I'm staying at the Sunshine Street inn..which is several blocks down that way;' she pointed..
 Samia woke from her sleep as they headed down towards the Lighthouse Loungue so whaere are we staying Dulcy? she asked her friend I' think we'll stay with the Yogis..' came the reply..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 29, 2010, 10:25:16 PM
Myra smiled to Jusa "You mind if I stay with you? I mean, it's not like I have a hotel appointed for myself...."

Sonic had grabbed the mechanical eyeball that Myra had left behind and handed it to Stripetail "That girl, Myra....yeah, she wants someone to take a look at it, and you seem like the best bet, I know that it's not Robotnik's, since he's not smart enough to create something that powerful and dangerous"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 29, 2010, 10:33:41 PM
Stripetail looked at the eye carefully " this eye has magical; residue on it so whoever created it is pretty good at alchemy., if I had to guess, it was likey her sister Roze.. we've met previously, while shes not in my league in terms of magical power and ability, shes bad news all the same..Keep an eye out for her..he said to Sonic..
_ Why of course' jusa replied  my room is number 272 its on the left side of the floor theyt number backwards which is pretty odd..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 29, 2010, 10:36:04 PM
"Roze? I thought so, we met her earlier on when the dragon had attacked, although, she escaped afterwards" Sonic told Stripetail back "I have a feeling that she's helping out Gabriel...."

Myra smiled to Jusa, giving her another kiss "Don't worry about it if it is old" she told her before taking her hand "Just lead the way, I could do with a good rest now..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 29, 2010, 10:47:08 PM
That would not be a good think as the buses unloaded thier passengers and the threee good teams headed for him " so whee is your bus? Stripetail said looking at Yogi and his team "its a long story, but there was this dRagon thing that attacked us and tore the bus to shrdeds1 WE would have been stranded if the Droopy Dawg team bus hadn't stopped
_ Mr Stripetail I think that gabriel person was behind it.. shes the one who's made things so miserable for us
- I agree Honest John said indignantly "shes forced usa into broadcasting, sir BROADCASTING!' Gideon rolled his eyes, he was happy for the pay..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 29, 2010, 10:50:32 PM
"But that still doesn't make any sense on why Roze is around as well" Sonic soon spoke up, his arms folded.

"Maybe she's with Gabriel? But then, if she has her Dip, wouldn't she also use it on Roze? It just doesn't add up" Amy added on as she too was trying to think on why.

Meanwhile, Myra and Jusa had indeed, made it back to the hotel that Jusa was staying at, still hand in hand with her as she gave her hand a kiss as well before heading up to the room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 29, 2010, 11:11:42 PM
jusa waved her key at the clerk ' Shes with me.. ' still has to check in, rate is .25  per night.. sign your name iun' the clerk said to myra, meanwhile jusa was looking at her with an air of expectation
- Revenge could be a reason " stripetail replied " She tried helping Chong take over the region, back reetreated after we stopped it. Briggins has restored the hotel to respectability.. having loads of treasure at your disposal helps..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 29, 2010, 11:14:36 PM
Myra did so, signing her name into the book as she handed over some money before looking back to Jusa with a smile.

"Revenge eh? Well, I guess it is a good thing we have that Myra girl with us to stop her....speaking of which, where is she now?" Sonic asked, now starting to wonder before he let off a light shrug "Guess she has other business to take care of"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 29, 2010, 11:18:11 PM
"Most unfortunate.  Perhaps we can get you a new bus somehow." Droopy said.

"So where are we staying at?" Wally asked looking around.

Droopy started to unload what he had found so he could carry it into the hotel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 29, 2010, 11:23:58 PM
you're staying at the fhlaslight Fountain. the Rottens are staying the Crystal Caverns the Yogis are at the lIghthouse Lounger, and the Doobies are at sunshint Street Inn..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 29, 2010, 11:25:53 PM
Soon, Myra had walked with Jusa to the room which Jusa was staying in, having a little look around before she sat down upon the bed "Nice little room, not the best, but it is something.....and I do like it regardless....and it makes it even better since you're here as well" she told Jusa.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 29, 2010, 11:49:52 PM
well i'm going to clean up jusa said.. heading towards the bathroom " If you want to join me.. thats up to you..' she added with a smirk..
_ Dulcy and sAmia flew above the group as the assembly made their way through the town. They passed an Old West set, a seaport dock, and an urban trail, all within 43 blocks.. logic did not really apply to toon city..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 29, 2010, 11:52:06 PM
"Oh, you bet your pretty face I will" Myra chuckled back a little as she entered the bathroom, slipping out of her clothes completely as she activated the shower before stepping into it and begun to wash herself, also waiting for Jusa to join her.

Sonic and Amy followed suit as Amy walked up to Stripetail "Um, excuse me, but I was just wondering what hotel Sonic and I will be staying in"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 30, 2010, 12:01:23 AM
Droopy started to carry his bags over to the hotel where his team would be staying.  Wally helped and once Gary found a place to switch he helped to carry the bags as well, in his eagle form.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 30, 2010, 10:09:54 PM
Jusa soon joined her in the showe, first washing herself before wrappuing her arms around Myras chest and holding her. "I love you Myra" She whispered in her ear befre kissing her on the cheek.
_ You can stay with the Doobies" Stripetail replied " there will be 4 to a room.
_ excellent Dulcy chimed in Samia and I will stay with Sonic and Amy..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 30, 2010, 10:14:08 PM
Myra smiled back to Jusa "And I do love you too Jusa" she returned the kiss back to her, but this time, upon the lips rather passionatly this time as she too wrapped her arms around Jusa.

"Sounds like a plan then" Sonic replied back.

"Hehe yeah, 4 to a room, not bad at all" Amy also added in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 30, 2010, 10:21:53 PM
Jusa struck her tongue into her partners mouth, as the girls made out in the bathtub, and began to caress and fondle each other.. this was not the first time for them, but the first time in some time...Jusa  was enjoying this, as she was making out with her lover...
 Its .25 per person, per night, so its a dollar per room.' Stripetail said " a million bucks goes a long way in this town.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 30, 2010, 10:25:15 PM
Myra smiled as she returned the kiss back to Jusa in the same passion as well, her tounge inside her partner's mouth as she caressed and fondled her as well before breaking the kiss to speak "How about you and I know..." she spoke, glancing over to the bed as well.

"25 cents? That is cheap" Sonic spoke up as he grabbed what money he had and handed it over.

Amy did the same, handing over what money she had "Sorry it's not that much, didn't think to bring much money"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 30, 2010, 10:33:35 PM
way ahead of you" Jusa Replied getting out of the tub and training the drain on the tub aand letting the water drain out.. she opened the door and headed into the bedroom. she went over to the bed climbed onto it, and waited for Myra to join her..
 Stripetail took the change, which was enough for 4 days worth for the four of them, and headed into the hotel
 Woody and Winnie followed him, after them came the Doos, then Arlene and garfield.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 30, 2010, 10:37:43 PM
Myra smirked some as she too got out of the tub and headed over to join her partner on the bed, wrapping her arms around her straight away, starting to kiss her once again.

Sonic looked rather content right now as he gave a nod to Stripetail "So, which room are we going to be staying in?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 30, 2010, 10:49:37 PM
Jusa pulled the covers over them, and began to kiss and rub themselves against each other. JUsa tiouched myras breasts with both hands, and the girls tongues moved in and out of each others mouths. they girls made love for an hour, before Jusa began drifting off to sleep.
- that is uop to the clerk, although it will likely be ioon the first floor" stripetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 30, 2010, 10:52:39 PM
Myra smiled to Jusa and kissed her on the lips softly "Tired I take it?" she asked her, stroking her hair as well.

"Ah, alrighty then" Sonic spoke as he dashed into the hotel and over to the clerk "So, what room are to be in? Already gave my money to Mr. Stripetail over there"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 30, 2010, 11:05:47 PM
well you have to give us the money actually' the clerk said as Stripetail handed over a few dollars " You're in room 110, which is to your left.. enjoy your stay
The Doos signed in, Scooby and Dixie first than Scooby Dee and Scooby Dum..they were given room 120. Woody Winnie garfield and Arlene were given room 125. Stripetail was given 130 and ans Cash took 133. Tom and Jerry shared room 134.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 30, 2010, 11:19:12 PM
SpongeBob and Patrick handed over some money to the clerk as well to pay for a room for themselves.

Ben on the other hand, checked his pockets, but found out that he had no money available at all "Oh, that is not a good thing"

Hailey handed over some money to pay for a room for herself and Jake, since Jake had no money on himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 30, 2010, 11:24:10 PM
Droopy, Wally and Gary went into the hotel that was designated for his team to get a room and drop the bags off they were carrying.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 30, 2010, 11:32:20 PM
ok, room 140' the clerk said to them ' enjoy the games sir" the clerk said buoyantly
-Just pay us when you can' the clerk said to ben..
- woody and winnie  went to their room, and settled into bed, both being very tired friom thier long journey. Night innie..' Woody said, Night Woody' Winnie replied turning off the lights and settling into Woody's arm. The two Woodpeckers shared a brief kiss, then they nodded off to bed.
_ Yogi Cindy and Bobo handed over 75 cents for thier room which was room 106 in their hotel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 30, 2010, 11:49:10 PM
Droopy paid for the rooms then the 3 of them hauled the bags to their room.  

"Now I just need to count the money." Droopy said.

"I'll help you." Wally said.  

"I can also." Gary said.

"Good, that'll make things go much faster." Droopy said.  He handed each of them a pencil and a bit of paper, then they sat down and stared to count the money in each bag and also how many there were of each color of gem and type jewelry.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 30, 2010, 11:56:42 PM
after about a half hour of counting, not including the gems, they had recovered 60 million dollars the gemdss themselves would probablt fetch close to that
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 31, 2010, 12:57:33 AM
Droopy counted out a million and put it into an extra bag.  "Where will we hide the rest of this?" Droopy asked the other 2.

"there's to much for our pockets." Wally said.  

"maybe we can keep it in the trunk of my car friend, or call an odd friend of mine.  He can store it in a 5th dimensional space were it can be easily retrieved." Gary said.

"Good, we maybe should do that, and take some to Dee.  I think a million should give her enough pocket money for a day or 2." Droopy said.  

"I"ll go and ask him to pop in." Gary said as Droopy got a smaller cloth type bag and counted out a million dollars to put into it.  

Gary went into another room and switched to his very small alien form of the great Kazoo type.  He then poped in.

"oho, you needed some help?" He asked.

"just need a place to hide this money so we can easily retrieve it later." Droopy said.  

"I thought it was something hard, that is easy." Gary said in his other form.  He snapped his fingers and the bag of money and jewels vanished.  "its' still there, in what you may call a 5th dimensional storage room.  I'll give that Gary person a whistle to use to call it back when you want it.  Tata, I have to go and have lunch with a martian friend if mine who is visiting venus. " He said and poped out of the room and into the next room.  

Gary walked in from the other room after a bit.  "he said he put it into storage.  Did you notice the nice view in the other room there?" Gary asked.

"Not yet.  I guess we can take this over to Dee then." Droopy said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 31, 2010, 11:04:51 AM
Jusa Smiled, as she looked at myra. Yeah i'm tired." she reached out wrapped her arms around myra and settled into another deep kiss with Myra, enjoying the feeling of kissing her.
 dulcy and Samia headed in aafter Sonic and Amy " so what should we do once we get to our room?' Samia asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 31, 2010, 12:40:10 PM
Droopy, Wally, & Gary walked over to where the scooby team were staying.   Assuming they knew where they were staying, Droopy would go to the front desk to see where Scooby Dee was staying, or if she's not listed where Scooby was staying.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 31, 2010, 12:52:04 PM
Miss Dee is staying in Room 120.. just knock on the door' The Clerk replied.
- dee  settled into front of the radio- there was no television- which was playing old fashioned music, ' this place looks a lot better than the apartment i was staying at..' she remarked.
- so hows the movie business cousin Dee' Dum guffawed.. ' terrible actually.. the economy has done a number on my films.. and opportunities to make films..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 31, 2010, 01:04:36 PM
"Thanks you." Droopy said to the clerk.  Then he went room 120 with Wally and Gary and knocked on the door.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 31, 2010, 01:43:11 PM
Dee Heard the knock on the door and opened it to find droopy holding a bag in front of him " ahh Mr Droopy How are you today? any lucky with regards to my agent? Please come in..' She said noticing the bag he was holding with have you got in that bag?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 31, 2010, 04:12:04 PM
"Sorta, I didn't find him, but I did go to his house and looked inside.  I did find some things including some money.  Here is some.  Hope it's enough to give you some pocket money." Droopy said and offered the sack with 1 million in it.  "though you may need to get a new purse if your present one isn't large enough for it." He said.

"Congrads." Wally said.  "Nice room and hotel." Wally said looking around.

"At least he found something." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 31, 2010, 05:50:39 PM
Dee 's eyes grew wide as she look inside the bag , she then turned it over and dumped it out onto the table, a thousand one thousand dollar bills "Thank you Mr Droopy She said picking Droopy up and giving him a kiss on the lips. "You've done wonderfully! Was this all the money you were able to recover?" She said  going over to her purse and started stuffing the money into it. "1 down, 299 to go" she sang in a cheerful voice. This should be enough to buy back my possessions that were foreclosed on my the bank, well at least most of them.. Dee gave a thousand dollar bill to both Dixie and Scooby, 'here's just the first small payment , for all you two have done for me.' she said tears starting to come into her eyes.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 31, 2010, 10:04:39 PM
"Thanks Mam, glad I could help you." Droopy said, a bit bashful at the sudden kiss.  

"You can get most of your stuff, that is great." Wally said.  "Hopefully you'll have some left over for yourself." He said.  

"You sure it'll all fit in your purse?" Gary asked looking as she put the money into her purse.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 31, 2010, 10:23:54 PM
if not all I should get most of them' Dee replied she had put in 900 or so far- droopy had wrapped them into 50 bill piles with rubber bands. Dee put in the last few thousand. ' did you find out anything else, like jewelry, i could help with that. since i kept receipts on  them and what have you so i could tell you how much they were valued.." Dee was excited , droopys find had been a sudden surprise..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 31, 2010, 10:34:49 PM
Myra looked at her tired partner, her arms wrapped around her as well as she spoke "Tomorrow, those games are going to be happening, however, I'll be on the lookout for Roze" she paused for a second or so "I do not know if you will be powerful enough to take her on as well.....which is why I would like you to be safe instead"

Ben looked to the clerk "Alright, I guess so, I'll try and get some money to you when I can" he spoke as he looked around "Hey, do you know where the closest video store is? Or even an arcade?"

Zim and Gir also walked in, placing some money on the desk "One room for Gir and I"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 31, 2010, 10:48:17 PM
video game? Sorry ir I don't know what that is, its the 30s here.. 1930s that is..' the clerk replied
worry about that tomorrow.. i'll help you whatever i can.. but for now.. all i want is love.. your love.." Jusa said leaning in and kissing myra with her tongue and fondling her
Samia and Dulcy enbtered the room they Shared with Sonic and Amy " looks nice" Dulcy said looking around , there were two medium beds..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 31, 2010, 10:54:01 PM
"The 30s?" Ben gave off a groan by that point as he walked off towards the room he was given, laying down upon the bed.

Sonic and Amy also had a look around as Sonic looked to Dulcy "Yeah, I am rather impressed with the look of it as well"

Myra smiled to Jusa "Alright, but as long as you promise not to get hurt or anything like that" she told her in regards to tomorrow before returning the kiss back to her, kissing her deeply once again.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 31, 2010, 10:59:36 PM
Jusa felt sleep took her and she responded passionately to myras kiss, covering her lips with her own, before breaking the kiss and turning away to sleep on the other side of the bed.
Well we have to have two a bed" samia said "I call Sonic" Dulcy grinned Hugging Sonic " Sorry Samia.. wouldn't want too many questions asked right..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 31, 2010, 11:04:25 PM
Myra kissed her back one last time before wrapping her arms back around Jusa, pulling her close once again as she too, soon had fallen asleep as well.

Amy pouted a bit, looking a rather annoyed as well at what Dulcy had done "Hey! He's mine!" she more or less yelled at her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 31, 2010, 11:18:36 PM
So I can't do THIS?' Dulcy smirked and pressed her red lips againsts Sonics mouth, taking Sonic Samia and Amy by surprise. Dulcy held sonic tight to her s the kissed progressed, she could sense the overt hostility coming from Amy as she broke away leaving a big lipstick stain on sonic's mouth
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on March 31, 2010, 11:21:29 PM
Amy's eye begun to twitch at what Dulcy had done to Sonic.

Sonic was almost looking rather lovestruck at what Dulcy had done, after recieving the kiss from her as he looked over to Amy who was just fumming by that point.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 01, 2010, 03:11:54 PM
why have you never done that to me/ Samia asked "One we're both girls, and that would be repulsive and/or awkward, Two, I just wanted to get a rise out of Amy here" Dulcy smirked broadly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 01, 2010, 03:43:48 PM
Droopy nodded.  "Yes, I brought the rest of the stuff I found here.  It's put in something I don't quite understand." Droopy said.  

"a sort of 5th dimensional pocket.  That little friend of mine can do that.  He gave me a whistle to bring it back when I want." Gary said.  Taking out a on working whistle, making sure it wasn't the working whistle to call a black cat.  He blew on the whistle while closing his eyes to relax and concentrate.   He only had limited access to his abilities when he wasn't in the right form but he could pull stuff out.  

Around him appeared the bags of stuff Droopy had found.

"Wow, I wish I knew how he did that.  It looks neat.  I could easily slip away from the zoo keeper." Wally said his eyes wide open.

Droopy looked the bags over, "it is everything." He said nodding.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 01, 2010, 06:18:07 PM
Dee opoened the first bag which was filled with precious jewels ; you  you did an outstanding job Droopy! She said as she dumped it out, and began holding up rings jewelry ans gems.." this one i paid more than 2 million for! Its the crown jewel of my collection.." This was a gift from one of my human co-stars for giving me a role in one of my films, he later became a big star.. it was vakued at a million or so.. Tears ran down Dees face a, as she realized the good furtune that had smiled upon her..he had back a good portion of what she had lost..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 01, 2010, 08:17:19 PM
"I'm just glad you got it back." Droopy said smiling to Dee.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 01, 2010, 10:51:07 PM
this isn't all of it though..' Dee said as she went through it.. This is I would say about forty percent of what was stolen from me,  forty percent of 300 million is 120 million dollars..'
- Dixie was stunned at the piles of cash and diamonds 'wow.. dee this is amazing...droopy do you have any other clues on where he may have hidden more of the stolen money..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 01, 2010, 11:10:34 PM
Droopy mentioned the note that he had found.  

"There is also quite a few paintings and artwork in his house." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 01, 2010, 11:13:49 PM
big sur..' Dixie mused as that might be a place is California
- its in the mountains, a couple hours north of where Yosemite is' dee said " i've gone through there a couple times..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 02, 2010, 09:26:32 AM
"Big Sur, sounds like a good name for a large bear." Wally said.

"Or a large wrestler like Andre the Giant was." Gary said.  "or the guy who use to play Lurch and appeared in an episode of classic star trek."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 02, 2010, 11:23:59 PM
for all we know he could have hidden it in a cave' dee frowned still once we are on the road again i'm going to be making several calls. first to ger my house and belongings back.. among other things..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 02, 2010, 11:30:02 PM
"Or he could have hidden it underwater in a chest or something." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 02, 2010, 11:48:02 PM
clurry was never much of a swimmer, in fact he hated water..' dee replied ' so its unlikely he would bury it underwater..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 02, 2010, 11:51:53 PM
"No need to swim to drop a chest over the side of a boat." Droopy said.

"If it's in a cave I hope it's not guarded by a monster like a dragon." Wally said.

"No problem.  I know of a dragon so if it is I can ask him to tangle with it." Gary said.  "Been friends since elementary school." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 03, 2010, 03:27:22 PM
its likely buried and hidden under rocks are something like that" dee replied, taking a few thousands out of the pile..lets see.. The bank hasn't sold my belongings yet because they are looking for a buyer.. hmm.. Buying the house back will require. 500 thousand a month, 3 months.. so 1.5 million.. not including penalties and fees so figure more like 2 miollion
- so you won't need to stay with us..' Dixie began from the other bed..
- well until i get all of the money back.." dee admitted.."I need to find Clurry and get some answers out of him.. like why he did this to well as to Jose and his other clients..." She climbed onto her bed and started counting up the money.. and looking at various receipts she had in her purse.. 'alright...' dee was positively buoyant about recovering the money.. 'i'll have to call Fu and tell him the good news.. I'll pay whatever fee he wants.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 03, 2010, 09:59:29 PM
"I hope the others can get their money also." Wally said.

"I wonder if that guy was working for whatshername." Gary said.

Droopy nodded and looked at Gary, "it is possible, or willingly or unwillingly." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 03, 2010, 10:34:09 PM
its possible, though that will have to among the questions i ask him.. oh and once this is all settled, you and eddie willk be paid for all your efforts ' dee promised..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 03, 2010, 11:09:07 PM
"You're needs and such need to be seen first.  And there is still finding the rest of the money and possessions of yours and the others and find him and find out the reason behind it all." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on April 04, 2010, 10:21:46 PM
Amy was indeed, still fumming with what had happened as she soon, yelled out "Leave Sonic alone!" was all she had yelled.

Sonic in turn, just stood there afterwards, laughing a bit nevously after what had just happened, with what Dulcy had indeed, done to him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 04, 2010, 10:30:59 PM
really? And exactly, Amy are you going to do about it? Hes my friend too after all..' Dulcy said her eyes narrowing in the direction of the hedgehog.. "its not as if you can MAKE me leave after all, you're just a small hedgehog obsessed with our blue hero here..' these words carried a note of impatience and disdain, Dulcy had made her feelinga about amy clear..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on April 04, 2010, 10:33:52 PM
Amy just glared back at Dulcy before instead, just turning around and storming out of the room in anger instead of getting into any sort of argument at the moment.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 04, 2010, 10:47:04 PM
you could have handled that much better' Samia said to Dulcy.. 'You didn't need to act like a jerk..' 'she needs to stop obsessing about him. ' dulcy replied, a bit irked. " You made out with her boyfriend, right in front of her! I;d be ticked too if I was her.. " Samia settled on to the bed which she was to share with Amy, Dulcy having Claimed Sonic for her own for the evening..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on April 04, 2010, 10:49:09 PM
Amy, by that point, was just storming down the hallway, still fumming about what Dulcy had done to her beloved Sonic, and right in front of her as well.

"Eh, I'm sure she'll come back later on" Sonic told both Dulcy and Samia as he then sat down on the side of the bed before laying back, his arms behind his head as well, relaxing for the time being.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 04, 2010, 11:02:41 PM
"That can take a while, but we do have a starting place." Gary said.

"That is something at least." Wally said nodding.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 04, 2010, 11:12:03 PM
so have you talked to the other members of your team? the Games open tomoorrow, so tomorrow, we'll be competing against each other" dee smirked to Droopy and Wally.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 05, 2010, 10:14:50 AM
Droopy shook his head.  "No, I've not really seen them.  We had to ride in a friend of Gary's who is a car.  Before that some guy gave us a ride in what he called a tardis." Droopy said.

"Yea, you should have seen it.  It's bigger inside then outside. " Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 05, 2010, 05:58:37 PM
well they are staying at the Fklashlight Fountain, I think so you'd better go there" Dixie suggested, from where she was lying on the bed, next to Scooby. Both of them had changed into their nightgowns..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 05, 2010, 07:09:55 PM
"THanks, if we can't find the place we can always call that guy." Wally said.  The 3 of them turned and headed to the door to walk out of the room figuring from Dixie's speech it was time to leave.

Once outside they tried to find where the hotel that the Droopy team was staying at.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 07, 2010, 10:09:56 PM
The Flashlight Fountain was a small hotel a few blocks west of the sunshine street hotel It was named because of the large fountain in front, which was shaped like a flashlight.. it was a two story hotel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 07, 2010, 10:13:42 PM
Droopy, Wally and Gary went into the hotel and to their rooms to rest and see what else they could do with the rest of the day.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 10, 2010, 09:12:15 PM
Arlene and Garfield settled into bed, while Odie and Jerry Curled up on the Floor. Tom had the bed to himself..
- Yogi settled into his bed. while Cindy and Bobo would share the other bed.. " I miss the Ranger Yogi" Bobo said while staring at the ceiling " wel if we win these Games Bob we'll try to get jellystone open again.. " Yogi replied..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 11, 2010, 09:18:02 AM
Droopy and his friends got ready for bed and then went to bed.  

(ooc: forgot to mention, there is an rpg con nearby, it's why I've not been to active here since friday.  Today's the last day.    Maybe Yogi and booboo will make enough to buy the park and have the ranger work for them.  That would be a big change in things. :lol  )
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 14, 2010, 12:06:55 AM
(yes thats a great idea. Yogis could be paid in picnic baskets :lol: )
Dulcy soon settled into bed suppressing a yawn as she looked over at Sonic..' you think Amy will still be mad at me tomorrow...' dulcy asked as she looked up at the ceiling..
 Dixie settled in next to Ascooby' i wonder what games we'll be playing tomorrow. " rits rhe ropening reremonies.. rhen rhe rames Ro rhink" scooby said, looking over at his mate, before leaning on and kissing her on the lips. 'good night Scooby..' " Rood Right, Ry rear
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 14, 2010, 12:36:24 AM
Velma parked a cycle she found she could use in her ranger form and powered down and headed into the hotel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 14, 2010, 12:37:33 AM
The 3 of them went to sleep fairly quickly with only a little small talk done before they went to sleep.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 17, 2010, 12:45:05 AM
Dee settled into bed, relieved that Droopy had been at least partly successful in recovering her money.. " there was still a fortune left to recover.. and she would need to talk with Fu.. and pay him his fee..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 17, 2010, 12:49:09 AM
The 3 of them slept.  1 on each bad and one slept on the floor using an extra blanket and pillow.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 17, 2010, 11:23:40 PM
the morning came, and sunlight seeped into the room, where scooby and dixie were sleeping.
- dulcy stirred from her sleep, and noticed sonic was still asleep for the moment.. she got out of bed and stertched.
- Honest John and Gideon headed downstairs for a quick breakfast.. they would be doing commentary..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on April 17, 2010, 11:28:45 PM
Amy had indeed, returned back to the room, but it was rather late at night.  She was sleeping in what place as available for her to be able to sleep in.


Myra was already awake at the moment, however, she hadn't gotten into her clothes just yet, just a bit too tired to do so at the moment as she kissed Jusa on the forehead softly before stretching and sitting up some.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 17, 2010, 11:35:18 PM
stripetail stretched and climbed out of bed ' the games begin today.. hopefully it will go off without a hitch..
- winnie got out of bed and headed out towards the stairs
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 17, 2010, 11:39:08 PM
Gary was first to awaken and went into the bathroom to lock the door.  He switched to a few forms to do some stretching in several forms.  Then he switched to his small alien form to make some food his eagle form could eat, a nice healthy quick breakfast.   He had gotten use to making food this way over the decades since...

Then he cleaned up then exited the bathroom to find the other 2 were just waking up.  He had gotten use to being whatever he was, it had some advantages, even if he didn't have any idea what he was.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on April 17, 2010, 11:40:37 PM
So far, the only ones who were awake were SpongeBob, Patrick and, not because of what he wanted to, Squidward was as well.

Hailey was awake already, having woken up pretty early as it is, as she was already in the dinning area eating something along with Pikachu.

However, Jake was still fast asleep as it were, as was Ben.  Zim and Gir were awake, but they had not decided to join the others just yet as Zim was looking outside "Strange world this is....but it shall be mine!"

Gir gave off a small laugh "I want a sandwhich, with....tuna on it" was all he had replied back.

"Yes Gir, you shall get your tuna sandwhich soon enough" Zim told Gir back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 17, 2010, 11:46:46 PM
yogi got out of bed and headed towards the lobby of the flashlight fountain... outside of the hotel, the bus which had carried borth the yogis and dawgs was waiting outside.. it would take sometime for a new bus to arrive for the yogis..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 18, 2010, 12:19:29 AM
drooopy went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and such.  Once he was finished Wallyw ent in to take his turn.

"About time for breakfast." Droopy said.  

"A friend of mine stopped by while you both were asleep.  He left me some, but since you both were asleep he had no idea what you wanted and didn't want it to get cold.  I can ask him to bring you both some." Gary said.  

"That is a good thing.  We need to reduce expenses as much as possible." Droopy said.  "I think I'll have cerial with some juice.  We'll have to wait to see what Wally wants." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 18, 2010, 12:29:47 AM
dixie and scooby dee were the first their room to wake up.. ' dee yawned and got out of bed ' morning, cousin Dixie. Today the ganes beguin.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 18, 2010, 12:44:55 AM
Wally exited from his shower.  

"What would you want for breakfast?" Droopy asked.  

"A steak, or ice cream." Wally said, "If I can have anything. " he said.

"I'll go out where I can get better reception and ask him for that.  Be right back." Gary said.  he stepped out into the hallway and went to a janitor's closet.  he quickly went inside, switched to his alien form and snapped his fingers over and over till he had the breakfast Droopy and Wally wanted.  He switched to his eagle form and carried it back to the room on on a serving trey and handed each their breakfast and utensils.  

"Thanks." Droopy said before starting on his breakfast.  

"Yea, thanks.  But what'll we do what the serving tray and this stuff once we're done?" Wally said before starting on his breakfast.  

"I guess toss it in the trash dumpster." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 21, 2010, 01:45:09 PM
Scooby and Dum soon woke up, and headed on downstairs where the girls were already waiting.. in the lobby was an old-fashioned grandfather clock, and there was no microwave. food would have to be heated oion a fire which was burning in the fireplace..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 21, 2010, 10:02:59 PM
Droopy and his 2 friends continued eating till their breakfast was finished.   Once finished they put the plates and such into the trash and started to talk about what to do next.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 22, 2010, 12:52:11 AM
Well, we'd best get ging you guys  Donald Duck said to them, as he came over carrying a tray of food " thanks for letting me join the team Droopy.. Daisy was thrilled that I made it.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 22, 2010, 12:57:17 AM
"We are glad to have you." Droopy said to Donald.  

"Indeed." Gary said nodding.  

"You'll do well.  To bad we didn't have as much diversity last time." Wally said to Donald.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 22, 2010, 01:01:29 AM
blame Warner for that. Mickey and I wanted to compete, but we were told if we tried out, we'd get fired and never work in toon town again.." Donald said.. If we win enough games.. I'm um.." he lowered his voice 'going to ask Daisy to marry me.. if she'll have me.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on April 23, 2010, 06:37:54 PM
Alvin. Simon and Theodore were chillen at the Flashlight Fountain hotel. Alvin was doing the "Soulja Boy" dance.

Theodore: Let's order room service.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 23, 2010, 10:17:11 PM
Gary smiled at Donald, "good luck with that.   I'm sure things will look up and improve." he said.

"As long as the Rottens do not win.  I think I remember them winning once." Wally said shaking his head a bit as he tried his best to remember.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 24, 2010, 12:08:15 AM
Thats because they cheated, naturally" Replied Donald " they won twice out of about twenty , but i'm surprised they won even once.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on April 24, 2010, 12:37:05 AM
Zim spoke up upon hearing Donald as he and Gir walked in "Well, these Rotten's of your have Tak on their side, so they might just have a chance at winning these games of yours"

Hailey looked over to Zim and shook her head a little bit "I doubt they'll be able to win, even with your friend helping them out"

"I can assure you, Tak is no friend of mine!" Zim more or less yelled back a bit.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 24, 2010, 12:39:03 AM
"I do wonder if they paid someone off so they could get those 1 or 2 wins." Droopy said.

"It is possible.  I would not put that past them." Wally said.

The remind of the opening ceremonies gave Droopy an idea.  He took out his cellphone and called a number he had been given, Jason's number.


"Hi?" Guilmon answered.  

"Is Jason there?" Droopy asked.  

"Just a bit.." Guilmon said, then after  short time,
"Something up?" Jason asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 24, 2010, 01:23:47 AM
especially in this economy' donald replied
- the operator soon came on the line in alvin's room ' Lan soup kitchen, what do you want, we're got tomato soup potato soup and bean soup.. its the depression folks, our stiocks are limited,.. which do you want?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 24, 2010, 01:50:09 AM
"Indeed, but at least these games will help many folks, even those who do not compete.  There'll be need for many other non atheletes to do stuff.  And the places everyone stays at for the competing events will get money also." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 24, 2010, 02:39:21 AM
by this time woody had joined his group at the breakfast table. the chairs were old, but smooth.. ' i'm ready to win some major bucks1' He cackled..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on April 24, 2010, 05:31:16 AM
Myra had indeed, woken up by that point, sitting on the side of the bed for a few moments, looking over to Jusa who was still sleep before she stood up with a bit of a stretch, feeling a bit tired still as she bought over her book, allowing it to float in front of her as the pages flicked though it as well.  She had not bothered to get dressed as of yet as she was now more concerned with her book and the details it had contained at the moment.


Meanwhile, not far from the hotels, a girl was storming down the streets, grumbling to herself.  It was none other than Pandora, she had been sent to help out Myra and Jusa, but she was rather annoyed that she could not find them at the moment "Sure, find them he says, go and help them he says, oh, I would so love to do that if I could find them!" she spoke to herself, but with a little bit of a raised voice as well.

She stopped and took a quick look around at her surroundings, groaning a little bit as well as she had no idea on where she was either.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 24, 2010, 10:17:32 AM
"Things are looking up." Wally said.  

"and any trouble we can handle it." Gary said with emphasis.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 29, 2010, 11:09:57 PM
soon, the Doobies headed off to their bus which would take them to the stadium for the opening ceremonies
 outside toons headed in droves towards the stadium, which would hist the opening ceremonies and the first few events.
 The Yogis and Dawgs soon followed on their bus and the Rotten headed on to theirs'; muttleys cacklee as he pointed at that he jad spreads tacked over the road in front of the scoobies bus..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 29, 2010, 11:16:56 PM
Jusa stirred a few minutes later " Ahh.. what time is it?' She asked sleepily, she had slept in the buff as had Myra. JUsa had enjoyed being with Myra immensely the night before, but not was on to business..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on April 29, 2010, 11:20:08 PM
Myra looked over to Jusa "It's now morning" she replied back to her partner "Best you get up too, wouldn't want to be late for these games that are happening"


Soon, not far from where Pandora was walking around, Taz had spun on by, stopping to see Pandora, splurting nonsense as usual to her.

"Uh huh...." was all Pandora had said, having no idea on what Taz wanted, yet, decided to speak to him anyway "You know where I can find Myra and Jusa by any chance?"

Taz splurted some more and spun off, leaving Pandora there with a confused look on her face, to which she shrugged and decided to follow Taz anyway.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 29, 2010, 11:36:49 PM
Droopy pulled out a little pocket radio and went through the stations till he found something interesting.  He had the volume turned up and held it in his lap so others nearby could have something to listen to, but quiet enough so if they had headphones on it would not interfere with their listening.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 29, 2010, 11:52:14 PM
laffalympics last hope for town town" the radio bulletien reported. "the first 4 sites for the games are as followed ; toon city which will host the first ten eventsm followed by seattle, than radiators springs then Denver."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 29, 2010, 11:55:47 PM
Alright, but only if we makout for fifteen minutes first" Jusa grinned On the lips, on the breasts,, you get the idea..
- Woody settled in the a seat acriss from Winniw who was fiting with her uniform.. " so what is going to be the first evet> Winniew asked?
_ Tennis" stripetail replied " singles and doubles"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on April 29, 2010, 11:58:03 PM
Myra gave off a small laugh and walked over to Jusa "Oh, you bet I do" she then leaned in and started to kiss Jusa upon the lips first.


Soon, Taz had arrived at the stadium with Pandora having followed her there "So, where are they?"

Taz splurted some more and scratched his head as well, having a lost look on his face.

"Great, I follow someone who doesn't know where they're going..." Pandora grumbled to herself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 30, 2010, 12:08:59 AM
the bus driver noticed the tacks and quicjky drove to the side to avoid them. after that it was a short drive to the stadium, where the bus debarked abd let it occupants off, turned and waited. Stripetail looKed to the others ok the opening ceremonies will be starting in an hour. best get ready. the teams will be introduced by alphabet, so the Droopy Dawgs will be first followed by the rottens, the Scoobies and the Yahooeys. then once the march of the altehes is over, the Games will begin..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on April 30, 2010, 12:11:42 AM
Pandora just groaned some more as she walked into the stadium in order to try and find Myra and Jusa herself, getting no help from Taz at all, unaware that they weren't at the stadium just yet either, but she was going to look regardless.

Taz walked into the stadium after Pandora, splurting nonsense as usual.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 30, 2010, 01:28:53 AM
"Radiator springs?" Gary said.  He had been there way back in the 50's and 60's.  Once was during his first arrival in this world, the other was for a promotional tour for a movie, or when he was driving for fun.  All his visits were in his first car form.  He wondered what the place looked like after all the decades since he had been there last.

"been there before?" Wally asked.

"Heard the name somewhere." Gary said.

- - -  - --  -

Droopy got off and looked around before leading the others to where some of the ones who had arrived earlier were.  

"That sounds ok." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 30, 2010, 11:29:37 PM
Droopy dawgs you will enter from the south enterance  Rotten rom the north, Scoobies from the West and Yahoeeys from the East.." stripetail. " Best head there noew.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 30, 2010, 11:47:28 PM
Droopy nodded and started off to where his team would come out, along with Gary and Wally.  

"I hope something nasty won't happen, like watzhername appearing." Wally said.

"Or some of the teams getting into a fight." Gary said as they walked along.  

- - -- - - - -

In the audience stands Jason sat in one area.  To his left was Guilmon and Odyssues, and his right was Brooklyn with his mate, their children and their gargoyle dog (ooc: not Bronx, a different one).  Though this Brooklyn looked older then the one at the hotel.  He looked like a full adult.  Along with any others of the Manhattan clan that may have wanted to come when Jason mentioned he had tickets to attend.

"I'm glad we can be here.  It is neat." Nashville "Gnash" (Brooklyn's oldest son) said.  

"Having friends in high places is handy now & then." Jason said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 01, 2010, 12:51:55 AM
Jusa made out with myra for almost ten minutes, then pulled away ' ok, lets go' she said climbing out of bed to get dressed.
Samia and Dulcy flew over towards the staduim , be;ow they could see Sonic racing towards the stadium, with Amy trying to keep up..
- Scooby and dixie huddle together with thier team ' alright guys.. lets line up.. and , well some one will have to hold the banner' Dixie said, as Scooby started leading his team towards the western enterance..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 05, 2010, 08:40:25 PM
Yogi smiled as his team  lined up and started heading towards the south enterance :' Ok, Cindy, Bobo and Huckleberry you folks will hold the banner.. and remember yahoeeys, we're going to win this time1'
 Yeah! Cindy , Bobo cheered,
 tom and jerry followed after stripetail, he mascots, which include arlene and garfield, would head in first..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 05, 2010, 09:54:13 PM
Droopy got his team into order and then they got ready to march out.  

"I"ll hold the banner." Wally said.  

"Good, now we are all ready and in the proper order." Droopy said looking them over one last time.  They went to their entrance and got ready to march in when it was the proper time.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 05, 2010, 11:11:16 PM
Dulcy and Samia landed in the northern section of the staduim., an usher direvted them to a middle row and had them sit there. the stadium was rapidly filling up. most of the characers were black and white, others were colorized.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 05, 2010, 11:32:24 PM
Droopy made sure again his team were properly lined up and waited the sign for them to start marching.  

"Just like old times." Wally said as he held the banner.

"That does seem ok." Droopy said.  

"Better then having folks go totally at random I Guess." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 07, 2010, 02:45:33 PM
Honest John andd Gideon were directed to a booth in the upper part of the stadium overlooking the area below " ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Second Laffalympics! I'm Honest John, I will be covering these games from today until they conclude in Timbuktu, and Gideon here will provide color. Hansel and Gretel are standing by the north enterance as the mascots of these games take the field, and the teams prepare for their march around the staduim
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 07, 2010, 03:45:36 PM
Droopy and the others stood around in a relaxed manner, waiting the signal to march in.

"You'd think they'd at least provide some seats or sitting places if we had to wait." Wally said looking around.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 08, 2010, 02:41:37 PM
Garfield Odie, Arlene Tom And Jerry joined the other mascots as they began walking around the stadium to loud applause. " and the first team to enter is the newest addition to the Laffalaympics: the Droopy Dawhs, led by Droopy Dog himself@' Honest John exclaimed. " We'll have to see how they fare in the competition Gideon..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 08, 2010, 10:59:08 PM
Droopy waved to everyone smiling.  Wally carried the team banner.  Gary waved also.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 17, 2010, 07:37:36 PM
The rottens were next and were greeted with a chorus of boos " Muttleys grumbled as he held the Rottens banner " We're going to show those weaklings!" He said under his breath.. as she lead the team around the track..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 17, 2010, 09:38:27 PM
Jason and his friends watched the goings on and the march of the various teams.  

"Very interesting." Nash said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 18, 2010, 08:49:22 PM
" The Rottens are greeted with boos. their history of low deeds is wellknown.. and here come the defending champoions- The Scooby Doobies" The Staduim rocked to loud cheers as the Doobies walked around the track. Scooby Dee and Scooby Dum held the banner while Scooby and Dixie walkwed behind them followed by Woody and winnie. " Joining the Doobies this time around are Dixie Doo, and Scooby Dee who are both cousins of Captain Scooby- no scratch that.. Dixie is his wife apparently and Dee is his cousin- Gideon better check on that- following thenm is Woody Woodpecker and his girlfreind Winnie whose Winnies resteraunt is one of these games sponsors.." honest John said.
 this crowd is amazing" Dixie whispered to Scooby as they marched.. "REah rit ris, rut rot ras razing ras rou ry rear" Dixie smiled broadly " You're a shameless flatterer." she scolded him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 18, 2010, 11:24:19 PM
Jason took out a type of camcorder to record some of the goings on.  Droopy and his team had gone to wherever the teams finished marching were to go to.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 23, 2010, 08:59:43 PM
; And Last, But not least ' The Yogi Yahoeeys! Captained again by Yogi bear, the banner carriers are Cindy Bear and Huckleberry Hound..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 28, 2010, 10:50:44 PM
the Crowd cheered loudly for the Yogis, and Bobo and Huckleberry waved to the crowd. Vendors were selling popcorn and sodas for afew cents ' popcorn! 30 cents! Get your popcorn here!
"Popcorn? Dulcy asked as she looked around the stadium " whats that?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on May 28, 2010, 10:54:58 PM
Meanwhile... in a galaxy far, far, far... far, far, far, far... faaaaaaaar, far away...

It had been one of those days. You know the one... everything just kept going wrong. Firstly, her brother had gone missing... again. This was a bad sign, Glacia knew. She had the eyes of a raven, and thus when Incendia managed to elude her (usually through spotting a butterfly or something) it was the first sign that things were going downhill.

Secondly, it was raining meteors again. When your house was built precariously upon a tall spire just outside the Middlezone border... that tended to happen. Of course, having the weather-man tell you that there was to be "sunshine and a slight chance of meteorites" wasn't the most reasuring thing after breakfast.

Especially after she went to collect the mail, realised her brother was missing... and then a giant rock fell on the house, crushing it under sheer... rockiness.

it was going to be one of THOSE days...

So, Glacia decided to find her brother, before he did something stupid... like steal a truck in order to "re-act that one scene from Mad Max 2", or attempt to invent a time traveling toaster that gave you the toast before you even put the bread in.

It was a hot day on the border, the sun staring through the blue sky, just to make everything that much better. Glacia placed a hand over her head, and scanned the horizon with wide eyes.

Nothing but a few cactii, rocks, and Incedia standing next to a giant portal...


Wait a second.

'Incedia!' She cried out from where she stood.

He turned, and looked up to her with a playful wave. 'Oh hi, sis. Look what I found!' he pointed his other hand at the swirling blue portal.

That could not be good, and thus she sped down the dusty hill, towards her brother. 'Step away from the portal, Incedia!'

'The swirly blue thing?'

'Yes! Oh great... was this the Toaster?'

'Um... no?'

'IT WAS!' She pressed a finger upon her brothers nose, fuming. 'I told you to throw that damn thing away. Hit it with a hammer, blow it up. Anything but actually use it!'

'I did,' he replied innocently.

'Did what?'

'Break it, with a hammer.' He now held a hammer in his right hand.

'Where did you-'

'Dont ask.'

'Wait, so you broke the toaster, and as a result... a giant portal formed?'

He shrugged his shoulders. 'Happens to the best of us.'

'Well... get rid of it. It's dangerous, someone could walk right into it.'

Incedia grumbled. 'Okay fine.' Thus, he whirled around, pulled his hand back, and tossed the hammer into the portal.

Glacia's mouth hit the desert floor. 'Why did you do that!?'

'Hammer fixes everything?'

'No it doesn't, and... OH GREAT NOW IT'S BIGGER!'

Indeed, the giant portal of portaliness was getting bigger. It grew wider and wider, sounding much like an angry vacuum, sucking in dust and plants.

And then it seemed to reach out for the two of them.

Glacia grabbed her brothers hand, and pulled him away. 'Oh fiddlesticks! Now look what you've done!'

'Opened a gate to hell again?'

'Possibly, and now it's going to eat us! Run faster!'

Too late, the whirling blue washed over them like a tidal wave, and pulled them into the deep blackness within.

A flash of light, and then they were spat out like spent gum. The two smashed into the ground, Glacia first... then her broth right on top, making her yelp.

'Ouch. Thanks for the landing sis,' Incedia said with a sigh of relief.

'Oh shut up,' she grumbled, throwing her brother off of her. 'okay, where are we?'

They looked out around them. This certainly wasn't home... not anymore.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 28, 2010, 10:59:17 PM
the Two Dragons had landed in the Middle of the arena, the four teams looked at them with Surprise.. "Where did you come from ?' stripetail said as he looked at the newcomers.. the crowd was slighlty quieter now as they looked at the two dragons
 Ot appears that there are two dragons pon the track? Gideon, make sure- are they really dragons?' Honest John Turned to Gideon, who shrugged.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on May 28, 2010, 11:06:31 PM
Incedia looked around the stadium, eyes fixed upon the quieted crowd. 'Is this... hell?'

'I think we're in some sort of Olympic Stadium,' Glacia replied.

'It is hell!'

Glacia faced Stripetail, knocking her brother over with a hand in the process. 'Hello there, sorry to pop in like this. Toasters and interdimentional travel and all that... go figure. Uh, could you tell us where we are, please?'

Incedia rose to his feet. 'Dragons! Where!'

'They meant us, Incedia,' Glacia said with a lowly sigh.

'We're dragons?'

'Yes, Incedia.'

He paused for a moment, deep in thought. 'Cooooool,' he finally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 28, 2010, 11:08:42 PM
this is Toon City and we're just about to begin the Laffalympics" Stripetail replied. " Since you are here.. you might as well participate.. I'm Lord stripetail, and I was just about to open these games.. Now which team did you want to be on..? There are the Scooby Doobies Yogi Yahooeys Really Rottens or Droopy Dawgs.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on May 28, 2010, 11:16:07 PM
'A pleasure to meet you, Lord Stripetail,' Glacia replied, taking his hand and shaking it. 'Laffalympics, you say? Swell, couldn't be worse than what's been happening to us so far.'

'Interdimentional travel and toasters!' Incedia said.

'They know that,' Glacia groaned.

'Oh right...'

Glacia and Lord Stripetail held a bried conversation over the teams. There was much anticipation and all that tension stuff at this point, but to save you the trouble of biting your nails off... we'll cut right to the chase.

'I vote for the Droopy Dawgs,' Incedia said, hand raised.

'Did you put any thought into that decision, or did you just pick one at random?'


Glacia sighed once more. 'Droopy Dawgs it is...'

Incedia jumped into the air with excitement. 'Woohoo! Let's show them what us dragons can do!'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 28, 2010, 11:27:16 PM
Stripetail gestured and large uniforms appears on both Glacia and  Incedia " Go yjoin your teammates and introduces yourselves. oh, and you will be paid for participating in these games.." Stripetail added
 He then stepped up to the podium and rubbed his paws over his throat When he spoke next his voice was managnified ' welcome everyone to the Opening Ceremonies of the Second Laffalympics! I am Lord Stripetail, and I am sponsoring these games in an effort to aid Toon Town in its hour of need. These Games will be going on, for many weeks, and take place in various locations across the town worlds.. These Four teams 0- the scooby Doobies, Yogi Yahooeys Droopy Dawgs and Really Rottens, will be Competing for this trophy" Stripetail gestured and a gigantic trophy appeared next to him. "In addition the winning team will receive 100 million dollars, not including prizes earned over the course of the games. The runner ups will receive 50 million, 3rd place 30 million, and last place will receive 10 million. The team with the most points at the end will win the trophy and will hold the title of Laffalympic Champion!' The Crowd cheered loudly. "Now, Lets the Games Begin!' Stripetail gestured and the Sky was lit up with Fireworks, which began spelling out "LAFFALYMPICS"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on May 28, 2010, 11:40:51 PM
It was a glorious sight to watch. Glacia watched on with keen interest, whilst her brother fiddled with his uniform.

'Cotton? My arch-nemesis!' He cried out.

'Oh shush, Incedia. The one time we get the chance to make something of ourselves, and all you can do is whine.'


'Shhh, he's still talking.' At the mention of prize money, you could almost see the duo's eyes light up.

'Ten... million... dollars?' Glacia mouthed to herself in shock.

'I bet it's in Canadian dollars,' Incedia sighed.

'Don't you see, brother? Money! We'd never have to go hungry again!'

'We've gone hungry?'

'No, but you see my point, don't you?'

Incedia paused, deep in thought. 'Wait... so we... eat the money, right?'

'This is why I never let you near our bank account.'

'We have a bank account?'

'Exactly.' Glacia looked up into the sky as the fireworks spelled out LAFFALYMPICS. She thought, as she usually did, of the bright side of things. There was always a bright side... more or less true when your homeworld was more a wasteland than paradise. it made her glad to be here more than ever, just for a change of pace. Not to mention, the chance to win some money, that was always a bit of silver lining on the cloud.

'L... A... F... D... no, wait,' Incedia said to himself, attemption to spell out the words above them. 'What could it mean?'

'You amaze me sometimes, brother.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 28, 2010, 11:44:21 PM
Well, you blokes are not getting anywhere near that 100 million" The Dread Baron sneered " that money is ours!" The Rottens chuckled evilly. " Enjoy last place! we'll beat in in any event you can think of, racing, tennis..
- I aint playing no tennis" Muttley complained..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on May 28, 2010, 11:54:14 PM
Glacia laughed. 'I like that attitude you have. Assuming victory against a foe you have only known for a few minutes. Racing, tennis... heck, you'd be surprised how dangerous I can be with a raquet-'

'What's a raquet?' Incedia asked.

'Shh, I'm talking to the ugly moustache face.'

'The dog?'

'Groan,' Glacia said to herself. She composed herself, and faced the Baron. 'We shall see who'm truimphs on the battlefield, no less... my good man.' She added that last bit more as an insult than compliment.

'Can I taunt people too?' Incedia asked his sister.

'Good heavens, no.'

'Aww, fiddlesticks.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 28, 2010, 11:56:11 PM
Relcome ro rhe rames : Scooby said, going over to shake the two dragons claws. ' Ri'm Rooby, ' I'm Dixue" Dixie said shaking  claws with them as well " Good luck in the games.
_ I'm yogi" Yogi Waved :' Good luck.. well not too much..' he he"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on May 29, 2010, 12:06:32 AM
Glacia was more than happy to exchance aquantences with her fellow players. 'A pleasure to meet you, Scooby,' she said, taking his hand.

'He speaks like you did when you were younger,' she whispered to her brother.

Incedia was insulted. 'I never!'

Glacia then took Dixie's hand. 'A pleasure,' she said, before bowing to Yogi. 'A fair game is a fun game.'

Incedia looked confused. 'It is?'

'Well, in this case, yes. Do you think you can manage that, brother?'

'Being fair?'



'Right. We're off to a great start.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 29, 2010, 12:10:46 AM
Be careful with those rottens, they cheat horribly' Bobo said coming up to them " Droopy there is your team captain so hes the guys you have to listen to.. The games are about having fun..' Bobo, the money is important too, remember we're trying to reopen Jellystone Yogi reminded him.."oh.. right.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 29, 2010, 12:23:12 AM
"Welcome." Droopy said waving.  

"I'm sure you'll do well." Wally said also waving.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on May 29, 2010, 12:25:01 AM
'Cheating?' Glacia said. 'You mean, they flat-out cheat, and everyone knows about it? Wow. This could be interesting indeed.'

'Ooh ooh, can we cheat, too?' Incedia said, jumping up and down.

Glacia shook her head. 'Remember what I told you about cheating, brother.'

'Only in Connect Four?'

'Close enough. Right, let's go meet our team captain, and devise our strategy.'


'I'm joking, Incedia. Let's just go say hi.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 29, 2010, 12:29:04 AM
"good luck " bobo said as they returned to their groups.
The first event" stripetail announced, will be tennis Each team will pick 2 singles and 2 doubles teams, and will compete against each other in a round robin tournament. The first matches will be singles with the Scoobies against the Yogis and the Rottens against the Dawgs.  teams pick your tennis players!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on May 29, 2010, 12:44:07 AM
(OOC: just to verify, Incedia and Glacia are on the Droopy Dawgs, since they don't have as many players)

Glacia pondered with her brother. 'Doubles, hm? I guess that means the two of us-'

'What's a tennis, Glacia,' Incedia asked. 'Does this have to do with that raquet thingy?'

Glacia simply groaned. 'Better you were my burden then someone elses. Mind you, I have a pretty nasty swing. An interesting conundrum, since I would do quite well in singles. But there's you I need to worry about.'

'Me? Since when?'

'Since... hm, I've lost count of the years.'

'Six and a half,' Incedia replied, hand raised.

'You continue to amaze me, brother.' She turned to Droopy. 'Right, I'm more than happy to go doubles with my brother... best to keep him in eyesight at all times.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 29, 2010, 12:46:52 AM
Scooby, Dixie, Woody and Winnie opted to go for the scoobies, Yigi Cindy Bobo and Huckleberry went for the Yahoeeys.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 29, 2010, 09:59:19 AM
"Perhaps there is a place where we can practice some tennis since some may be unfamiliar with it." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 29, 2010, 04:00:10 PM
The Tennis courts ar located bnear the north end of town " Stripetail announced. the first matches will begin in an hour. h' He gestured and totals appeared on the huge screen behind him, showing all four teams, with large 0s below each one. "Each mastch is wotrth 100 points. Winners get 100, losers gets 50 points. They will male and female flights. For males it will be Scooby vs Yogi and Muttley against Droopy. For Females " Dixie vs Cindy and Gklacia agauinst muttley.. we;; that will be a mixed match since thevRottens have no females.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 29, 2010, 05:16:35 PM
"Hmm, I wonder how many negative points the rottens will get for this match." Wally said, recalling that when caught back during the original laffalympics the rottens would often get negative points at times.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 29, 2010, 05:18:50 PM
Cheating will not be tolerated.  Any player caught cheating will forfeit his or her match and the team will be penalized 50 points per match. " Stripetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on May 30, 2010, 07:57:20 AM
'Excellent,' Glacia said to herself, rubbing her hands together with anticipation. In her mind, this one was already in the bag. The mutt hardly looked like he even knew the right side of a raquet, let alone the responsibility to play fairly. All she needed was a cool head, and that was easily achievable considering she was an ice dragon and all that.

Still, she decided to at least wish her opponent good luck. It was the sporting thing to do.

'I look forward to an exciting match,' she said, approaching Muttley. 'Good luck, but I hope getting beaten by a girl doesn't hurt your ego too much,' she added with a giggle.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 30, 2010, 10:13:38 AM
I know how to play tennis" muttley replied disdainfully. " We had a tennis court in the villian's prison, and I played a lot of tennis to ease my boredom..
_ Do you play tennis much? Dixie asked Cindy as they walked together towards the exit " i havent played very much, my house does have a tennis court but its usually covered with lawn chairs and pool supplies and things like that.."
_ I'm more of a golf player actually" cindy said ' But it should be fun.. it was reallly cool hearing the crowd as we walked around the stadiumn, the crowd was enormous.. even bigger than the first games... So How do you know Scooby?'
_ I'm his wife" Dixie replied showing her the diamond ring she wore. Cindy's face took a look of jealousy "Wow.. I'm jealous.. that ring looks like it cost a million dollars.. " " Possibly, I didn't ask Scooby how much he paid for it. 'Aren't you cousins though? Isn't marrying your cousin illegal?' Cindy asked "No, it isn't. If it was illegal, obviously, we wouldn't be married. and yes, he is also my cousin. Hes the oldest of the family, i'm about a year younger than him.. " Dixie replied. "So, will you be having kids at some point?" " Yes at some point in the near future, I want to enjoy married life first..
- oh well, Yogi's been my boy friend for years, and i was hoping he'd ask me to marry him.. but the economy ruined that.. then the park closed.. forcing all the residents to find jobs/ i was one of the lucky ones who found one, i tested perfumes, and huckleberry was a hat modeller. If we win the games, I'm going to ask, no DEMAND that Yogi marry me" Cindy said as they exited the stadium and headed up the street
- well if you do win.. and we'll have something to say about that-" Dixie smirked- "then yes by all means ask him.. Scooby and I will 'persuade him to accept..' She grinned. " thank you Dixie, I can tell that we'll be good friends..' cindy said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 01, 2010, 10:22:18 PM
Scooby and Yogi followed behind them " Been awhile since i played tennis' Yogi said, " With the job and everything.. " Reah, Re rusually rave ruff rying ron rhe rennis rourt, ro re ron't ray ruch. ' Is Dixie any good? " raright Ri ruess.. Re ron't ray ruch. ras Ri raid.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 01, 2010, 10:44:56 PM
"Maybe some of use will have to practice for a  while first." Droopy said.  

"That sounds like a good idea." Wally said, "if we can."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 01, 2010, 11:41:38 PM
'Practice, yes,' Glacia said. 'I honestly haven't touched a raquet since Incendia and I got stuck in a sports shop overnight.'

'That was heaps fun!' Incendia said sidling up to his sister, and look just a little too overjoyed. 'Hey, do ya remember that one time when we got shut in that candy store all night?'

'Yes, yes I do. Only because you were the one who wanted to lock yourself in there, and I tried to stop you. By the gods, that ended in disaster.' Glacia kept down vivid memories of her brother devouring candy like a glutton, as if out of a scene in a horror film.

'Look, brother, I need to get my head into gear for this. Concentration is the key to this kind of sport. So I wish to ask a favor of you.'

'Anything for you, sis.'

'Don't do anything stupid for the next hour, whilst I'm playing, please.'

'...except that.'

Glacia placed a finger on her brothers nose, looking deep into his eyes. 'I'm serious, Incendia. As much as I like to tolerate babysitting you, sometimes I have to go my own way briefly... and every time I do that-'

'Something really bad happens?'

'Yes, like right now, and how we ended up here. After this is over, you're banned from using toasters.'

'Can I still use frying pans?'

'Good heavens, no!'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 01, 2010, 11:56:54 PM
" so are you guys siblings?' Winnie asked as she and Woddy followed after Scooby and Dixie : I'm Winnie, by the way, and this is woody" Woody smiled at the two dragons..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 02, 2010, 12:03:50 AM
"Using frying pans to play tennis?" Wally said scratching his head, "That sounds unusual, not to mention you'd need a very strong arm or arms to do that. "  

Gary nodded, "I could see Popeye or Bluto being strong enough to do that."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 02, 2010, 12:06:14 AM
'That would best describe us,' Glacia replied, twirling a tennis raquet in one hand. 'I'm the older of us two.'

'By one year,' Incendia pointed out.

'Yes, but the way you act sometimes, one would think you're much, much younger.'

Incendia shrugged innocently. 'Hey, I strive to be different.'

'Very, very different,' Glacia mumbled to herself. She glanced back over to Winnie and Woody. 'A pleasure to meet you by the way. Glacia at your service, and my little brother is-'

'Incendia the wise and all powerful! God of the upper and lower worlds and also that little town in Utah we once visited.'

'Please be quiet,' Glacia said with a sigh.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 02, 2010, 12:08:52 AM
' My nephews can sometimes be like that..' Woody replied. " So where ar you guys from.. Winnie and I have been working very hard over the past few years, but things have not been going our way..
_ Its thats blasted Gabriel's fault! Shes the one responsible for forcing us into this situation.." Winnie fumed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 02, 2010, 12:17:52 AM
'Most folk call our world the Middlezone,' Glacia began. 'Incendia and I live... well, lived, on the Border. It's a little hard to explain without going all technical and geographical. However, the basic understanding amongst most is that the further you go from the equator of our planet, the more dangerous things become. the border is right on the edge of the safe zone, the equator essentially. It's an obvious risk, but much more peaceful and quiet.'

Meanwhile, not far away (perhaps a meter or so), Incendia had wizened up to the idea of using a frying pan as a tennis racquet. 'Wow, that's genius,' the orange dragon said. 'You're a genius! I could kiss you, but I probably shouldn't... last time I did that, there was a lawsuit, whatever that is.'

His eyes fell upon his sister, and whilst she was being technical with Woody, he slipped off to begin his reign of mischief (if looking for a frying pan could be called that).
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 02, 2010, 12:20:22 AM
"Sounds like it's not far from where Courage lives.  Where he lives has dangerous things and creatures pop up." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 02, 2010, 12:22:14 AM
A lawsuit is where you get sued for doing something. its usually for breaking stiff, or taking stuff that doesn't belong to you, that kind of thing. kissing someone, I've never heard anyone being sued for kissing someone..' Winnie replied. " Now where did that kid scamp off too/"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 02, 2010, 12:30:03 AM
'Interesting,' Glacia said. 'You'd be amazed what pops up when you're least expecting it. We've been around, the two of us... for better or worse, and the kinds of danger we've been through together... well, sometimes I think our lives are some sort of adventure. A mix between comedy and the bizarre, given how we get around (usually by accidental interdimentional travel, wormholes, or through rabbit holes).'

She sighed momentarily. 'Actually, this whole venture looks like it's to be one of our calmer adventures. I mean seriously, tennis, what could possibly go wrong?'

Meanwhile, Incendia had returned...with a frying pan in his right hand. 'Hey sis, look what I've found!'

'A frying pan, well done. Pass go and collect two hundred dollars.'

'Can I keep it? I totally didn't steal it or anything!'

'No. Now please take it back before the game begins.'

'Aww, okay.' Luckily, Incendia had cleverly crossed his fingers behind his back, which meant he could keep it... according to him. So instead, he decided to just hide it. Where? You don't want to know.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 02, 2010, 12:33:31 AM
"I guess he may want to use the frying pan for the tennis match." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 02, 2010, 12:51:29 AM
We Do have racquets " Scooby Dee said as she follwed them' Besides i don't think a frying Pan will allow as much flexibility  as a racquet does.. but whatever, if he loses his match, he'll learn to use a racquet
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 02, 2010, 12:59:59 AM
Glacia sighed. 'That's the way it goes... mostly. Much like the time he learned to stop poking bees nests after one fell on his head.' She shrugged her shoulders, 'I guess it's best for him to learn a lesson or two about the usefulness of kitchenware outside of a kitchen.'

'What frying pan?' Incendia asked innocently.

'The one you didn't take back.'

'I don't know what you're taking about. I don't have a frying pan, honest.'

'It's still in your hand,' Glacia helpfully pointed out.

Incendia looked to his right hand, and surely enough, there it was. 'Curses! Foiled again!'

Glacia simply rolled her eyes. 'Whatever, Incendia. Keep it. if you lose, it's your own fault.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 02, 2010, 01:10:07 AM
I think for this round is Dawgs vs Rottens if I heard correctly, nyuk' Dum said " I'm a detective normally.. but when Dixie called me and asked me to join her and Scoob out here I couldn't say no.."
_ Is he always like this Incendia asked? " sure seems like it Bobo said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 02, 2010, 01:17:22 AM
'Righto,' Glacia said. 'That must mean me.' She twirled her racket once more, and struck a pose. Just then, the camera zoomed in, and some awesome posing music started laying. 'Let's do this!'

'Don't make too much of a racquet,' Incendia said, killing the mood entirely.

Glacia just stared, whilst her brother giggled. 'Racquet? Racket? Get it?'

'Can I borrow that frying pan for a sec, brother?'

'Um... sure. Here ya go. But, why would you need the-'


'Point taken...' Incendia said, with pan over his head.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 02, 2010, 01:22:12 AM
' My dear fellow, that was quite possibly the worst pun I've ever heard, and I've heard drunk Badgers  make some terrible puns" stripetail said he headed over with a few other s who would serve as line ludges  Daisy Duck and Arlene passed by each wearing "Judges sashes , both looked quite pleased with themselves..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 02, 2010, 01:34:00 AM
"I  guess that means our team is one of the ones up first." Wally said looking around.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 02, 2010, 01:34:51 AM
Glacia looked over to Stripetail. 'He should be thankful that he doesn't have to put up with Incendia constantly,' she said.

'My head hurts,' Incendia groaned. 'I feel like I've just been hit with a frying pan.'

'I can keep adding to that,' Glacia replied. 'Now, go find a seat and stay there, please.'

Incendia gave a salute. 'Aye aye, captain!'

She turned, and proceeded to head out to the court.

'Hey sis...'

Glacia turned back. 'What?'

Incendia smiled that giddy little grin of his. 'Good luck!'

'Thanks,' she replied with a smile, before turning back once more.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 02, 2010, 01:40:34 AM
There were four court on each side of a fence. Stripetail would jude the firrst court, Daisy the second, and Arlene the third
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 02, 2010, 01:56:11 AM
Glacia made her way into the first court, racquet still in hand, practicing a few swings. She did a few warm up jumps, a bit odd considering she was an ice dragon, but who needs physics...

All she needed to do now was wait for her opponent, Muttley.

meanwhile, Incendia had found a nice comfortable seat. He had also found a hot dog stand, and consumed his newly acquired food with great gusto. 'Oh great and mystical hot dog, wonder of the universe... where would I be without you? Possibly more slim, but whatever... hot dog! Nom nom nom!'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 02, 2010, 02:07:12 AM
Droopy, Wally and Gary went over to where their team members would go to that were not participating.  

"I do hope things go well." Waly said watching.

"We'll soon find out." Gary said.

"I'm sure they will." Droopy said.  "Just wait and see."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 02, 2010, 10:56:25 PM
Muttley headed onto the otherside of the First Cort. While Dixie and Cindy went on to court two. " Alright Muttley, Glacia, shake hands, this match will be best two out of three sets, 6 games to win a set, unless it is tied at 5, in which case its win by two. " Stripetail  turned to Glacia ' Glacia you will serve first..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 03, 2010, 07:52:46 AM
Glacia happily wandered over to the net and exchanged handshakes with Muttley. It wasn't exactly a formal exchange between the two, although the spectators probably couldn't really see the aggressiveness of the two. Glacia hadn't played tennis in perhaps years, and the mutt looked determined to get a victory at all costs.

The blue dragon took her spot on the line, bouncing a ball in her hand and twirling a racquet. 'Right, here goes.'

'Use the force, luke... er I mean Glacia,' yelled her brother from his seat.

'Quiet, please,' Stripetail announced over loudspeaker.

'Sorry!' Incendia shouted.

Glacia merely rolled her eyes and tossed the ball into the air, and brought her racquet into it with the fury of an angry raccoon with a stick attacking a beehive... or something like that.

Muttley returned the ball across the net, proving that he indeed had some skill... much to the chagrin of Glacia. So, it wasn't going to be an easy match after all.

Back and forth the ball bounced and flew, turning heads like a burning clown running around in circles.

Finally the green ball of fury bounced between Muttleys legs, and flew straight into a wall. The wall in question was mildly annoyed by this.

'Game, Glacia,' Stripetail announced, much to the little blue dragons glee. Still, this was only the beginning of one of the greatest battles since... yesterday.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 03, 2010, 08:39:26 AM
Jason and those he brought with him watched the game in the stands.  He reached into one of his pockets and brought out a chilled, with frost on it, can of a fruit juice, and brought out some others for some of this friends who wanted some also.


"That's certainly better then I could have done." Wally said watching the match.

"Yes, she does appear to be skilled." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 03, 2010, 10:09:57 PM
9that would only be one point in a game. a tennis game requires four points to win..)
 the score is fifteen -love in favor of Glacia' stripetail said.  move to the other side of the serving area. ' ou need for points in each game to win..
- On the Other court, Cindy served to Dixie
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 03, 2010, 10:18:01 PM
The tennis match proved to be exciting and furious... well, as far as tennis went. Both sides played not only a battle of physical skill, but one of wits and some other fancy stuff.

Glacia became more and more annoyed by the way the mutt snickered whenever he won a game, or she made a fault. It made her angry, more than Incendia could ever muster... though that was fair, he was her brother. Muttley was a stranger to Glacia, a very annoying and deceitful one, mind you.

He also made line calls that were obviously in her favor. Striptail would announce this, but Muttley would still argue with both. She guessed that he was playing mind games with her, but could the little rascal really be that clever? She had to doubt it.

The first set fell into Glacia's hands, mostly through a cool head near the end. 'Just hit the ball,' she said to herself. 'No fancy tricks, no skillful maneuvers, just let Muttley make the mistakes.'

At the announcement of Glacia winning the first set, Muttley was more than a little annoyed. He grumbled something along the lines of 'Sassafrassarassum Gracia,' before tossing his racquet aside.

Glacia was a little more sporting. 'I won the set? I won the set?! Woohoo! In your face Muttley!'

Or not...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 03, 2010, 10:22:42 PM
muttley started playing harder in the second set and turned up the heat. he broke glacias serve, and stood at 5-4 in the second, if he won this game, we worce force a ecisiize third set
 on court two, dixie and cindy were tied at 5 apiece, with both struggling to get thier serves in. dixie was now serving up 30-15
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 03, 2010, 11:39:08 PM
Droopy watched the 2 tennis matches as best as he could.  "Interesting matches." Droopy said.

"And best of all no commercials, like those on tv have to watch." Wally said.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 10, 2010, 01:28:37 AM
Muttley took the second game. it was a good fight, Glacia thought, all things considered. What was a victory without the challenge? Still, she had to get the victory first.

When he had taken the game, Muttley just pointed and laughed in that strange snickering manner of his, a far cry from how he had acted the previous game...

'Oh, shoosh you big ninny,' Glacia said, trying not to look too frustrated with herself. What would everyone else think if the stranger from beyond lost against a big hairy dog... thing? Not a lot, possibly.

Incendia wasn't paying much attention. Not that it was a big surprise or anything, but it was certainly better than him running off and doing something stupidly dangerous and awesome. Sports events bored him, that also wasn't a big surprise. Considering the little orange dragon was more content to watch some guy on the opposite side of the stadium pick his nose rather than the actual match was a testament to how his mind worked. In other words, very strangely.

Glacia was more interested in the match, for sure... since she was playing in it. The score was tied, last match, sweat pouring down her face, exausted. She wouldn't have it any other way. 'Bring it on,' she said, waving her racquet, a devilish smile upon her face.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 11, 2010, 07:45:28 PM
as you wish' muttley said and serrved the ball hard, as the set progress both held serve, until it was incedia turn to serve down 5-4. if she lost the game, the match would be over.
- OPn the second court. dixie had won the first set in a tiebreaker, but was now trailing 4-2 on serve..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 12, 2010, 12:07:15 AM
Glacia had that look of determination in her eyes now. She raised her striking hand, and brought the racquet down upon the ball with all her might and fury and stuff.

In order to prevent myself from turning this into some sort of horrific prose/overly narrated action sequence (featuring a montage, bullet time, and a musical dance number halfway through), we'll cut to the chase.

Both sides had everything to fight for, but finally it was Muttley who made the mistake of putting the ball into the net, which is bad. This made him grumble, a lot.

Glacia just stood there. 'Um, did I win?' She wasn't sure. This whole time she wasn't too sure of what was going on. it was if her mind had really been on the ball, so to speak.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 12, 2010, 12:17:46 AM
we're in a tiebreaker now..' muttley grumbled. ' first one to seven points wins the match..
- Scooby and Dixie prepared to take the court. they would play on court 3..  droopy would play the dread baron on court four.
 meanwhile dixie rallied to force a tiebreaker..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 12, 2010, 02:50:00 AM
Droopy, Gary, and Wally continued to watch from where the team would be to watch the matches.  They took turns cheering on Glacia.  


Jason was looking at the match with his friend when he got a call.  He put his cell phone to his ear and answered the call.  

"ah, Dinosorceress, how are things?" he said into the cellphone.  No, I'm way from my tardis, watching a olympics match."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 15, 2010, 12:18:56 AM
just a moment muttley  glacia.. we've met before haven't we.. as i recall you and you're brother assisted me with that dragonstorm business a few months ago.. is incedia still a hopeless troublemaker? " he chuckled slightly.. ' forgive me for not recognizing you sooner i I'm just getting old I supposere..
- Are you finished wi.. yah' muttley founding himself floating upside down..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 15, 2010, 12:29:24 AM
Glacia looked up at Muttley, poking him in the chest as he floated in the air. 'Hmm, that doesn't happen very often, must be your attitude,' she said. 'And yes, we were involved in that ugly business... though I try not to think about it. It wasn't pleasant for any of us, ESPECIALLY my brother. Now, mister Muttley, I'm here to play a nice game of tennis... so shall we?'

She walked back to her side of the court, passing a quick glance over to Stripetail... with a wry grin.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 15, 2010, 12:33:33 AM
Stripetail gestured and Muttley fell  hard on his face. He slowly got to his feet muttering undr his breath " You may Continue..
_ On Court 2 Dixie had managed to beat Cindy in a tiebreaker and the two shook hands " Nice match" Cindy said wiping some sweat on her brow.. ' well it was really close but i'll take the win ' Scooby and Yogi are about to start play..
- The Dread Baron strode to the side of the net opposite Droopy " REady ytto lose?' He sneered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 15, 2010, 12:36:27 AM
Droopy looked at the Dread Baron with his usual calm face, "The future of who will win is not yet decided." Droopy said to the Dread Baron.  

Wally scratched his head, not sure what Droopy had said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 15, 2010, 12:41:47 AM
We'll nknow in a few hours and it will be me!
 Donald who was judging the court interrupted " Mister Droopy will serve first.."
Very Well.. lets begin.." the baron replied grimly
- Nice game Cindy.. real close.. still we got 50 points out of it' Yogi said Now I'll just have to beat old scoob here to even the score " Yogi grinned
_ Rot rif Ri rave ro ray ranyring arout rt Rogi' Scooby responded, his wifes victory in the match giving him confidence..
 Dixie gave him a quick nuzzle as he headed on to the court she would play Muttley the next day and Glacia the day after that
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 15, 2010, 12:49:33 AM
Thus the final game between Muttley and Glacia began. Once again it was pretty close... okay, not really.

Glacia was more than happy to put an end to Muttleys smugness with a few good plays. Enough to carry her to the end with a 7-5 victory over her opponent. This was in turn, enough to get her mood up, and make her dance about in her... uh... weird manner.

When everyone had stopped staring at her, she sighed and said, 'hey, if I wanna dance, I'll dance.'

'Can I dance too?' Came a voice from the crowd, clearly Incendia.

'Good heavens, no!'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 15, 2010, 12:52:05 AM
Droopy held the ball and threw it up before serving it to the Dread Baron's part of the court.

Wally and Gary cheered Droopy on.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 15, 2010, 12:56:20 AM
the droopy dawgs win the match thats 100 points for the droopy dawhgs the scores right now are, the scooby doobies and droopy dawggs with 100 points each, the yogi tahooeys and really rottens with 50 points each..' Stripetail said as a floating orb updated the scores. dixie will play muttley tomorrow, and glacia will play cindy..
 the dread baron muttered as he hit the return long.. '  get it together baron' he hissed , his thin mustache twitching..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 15, 2010, 01:09:20 AM
Incendia was quick to hear his voice being announce. much like a dog being called, he hopped up from his seat and glanced around wide eyed. 'What, me?'

He wondered down to where Glacia was, wiping sweat off her face with a towel and sitting upon a small bench.

She looked up to her brother. 'You know, Incendia, this makes for a nice change as opposed to the life threatening situations we typically find ourselves in.'

'Did you win?.'

'Yes, that's right. Next, I am to play against Cindy.'

'You are?'

She nodded. 'Yes. You need to pay more attention to the world around you.'

'I do try.'

'I know, I know. You're going to need some practice, brother, since I don't recall you having ever playing tennis. When it comes around to your turn, you're gonna be in trouble.'

'I've got plenty of practice, sis. I've played scrabble.'

Glacia sighed. 'It's not the same.'

'What about connect four?'




Incendia scratched his head. 'Call of Duty?'

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 15, 2010, 01:12:02 AM
doubles play will start tomorrow' stripetail announced ' teams pick the pairing you want to send out..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 15, 2010, 01:21:42 AM
Droopy ran and jumped, managing to return the ball.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 15, 2010, 01:26:02 AM
the ball sailed out and dread baron grinned. he started reeling off games andafter a half hour had taken a 2-1 lead in the set.. ' one more game and i take the set. lets use a special ball' he smirked digging into his pocket an pulling out a ball. it looked normal if slightly faded in color ' in fact it contained a snmall amount of poweder which would kick up in the openents eyes and make it harder to see
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 20, 2010, 01:28:12 AM
Droopy took a moment to relax holding the ball in one hand and the racket in the other.  Then he served the ball to the Baron's side of the court.


"There is just one vegetarian vampire I heard of.  Never meet him.  In the time lord files they do mention a Count Duckula who's a vegetarian since the resurrection ritual spell one of his servants used ketchup in stead of blood." Jason said to Brooklyn's daughter, answering a question she had asked.  "I just know since I looked that up since I had wondered that also at one point."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 23, 2010, 10:30:52 PM
the match was being shpown on a large screen at the stadium. Droopy was now leading 4-3, and the crowd was buzzing with a mixture of sound. Samia and Dulcy were both munching from a large box of popcorn, periodically looking at the screebn, and other times looking around them at the crowd.
_ Yogi took the lead in his match with scooby taking a 4-1 lead.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 23, 2010, 10:42:29 PM
The draconic duo had returned to the stadium. Incendia looked up at the screen with awe. 'It's so biiiiig,' he said, mouth wide open. 'I want a big TV too.'

Glacia shook her head. 'No, you can't-' then an idea came to her. 'Hmm, actually... if we were to win the jackpot, we'd be able to buy anything!'

'Oooh yes. Like, five biiiig TV's?'


'Can we get a car?'

'I... er... guess so.'

'With Machine guns on the roof?'

'No, now have some popcorn.' Glacia shoved a cup of popcorn into her brothers hands. 'I need to go lie down before my next match, so behave.'

Incendia saluted. 'Yes captain!'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 23, 2010, 10:53:21 PM
Dixie sat over at the tennis court, as the match progressed, the sky overhead grew cloudy, and the clouds turned dark and ominous..
- looks like its going to rain' he commented to Dee who was sitting next to her. " if thats the case and it starts pouring we'll have to go back to the hotel.."Dee replied.
- Stripetail kept a close eye on the lines  Scooby was now on serve  and the upper part of his jersey was sodden with sweat ' Ri read ro rose rome reight" he said as Yogi hit a return short down the line for a winner..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on June 24, 2010, 07:52:34 AM
Glacia lay on a couch turned makeshift bed in a small empty lounge room. The echo of distant thunder lightly shook the room. The small blue dragon opened her eyes, staring at the plain, slightly cracked roof. 'Mmm, I love bad weather,' she said to herself, stretching on the couch. Back on the Borderland, the weather was quite unpredictable, and Glacia had grown used to this, to the point where she found clear sunny days to be uncomfortable.

Incendia meanwhile was staring at the dark clouds. 'Oooh, ominous,' he said, rubbing his hands together. 'When the clouds begin to gather, something awesome is going to happen.' At least, that's what he thought in his own, very strange, mind.

He then noticed that he had eaten all his popcorn. 'Egad! My delicious savory things are all gone! Dragon needs food badly, I must find the hot dog vendor at once!' Incendia leapt from his seat in the stadium, searching for something to eat. 'As the great Shakespeare once said: Forsooth! where's my hotdog?'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 24, 2010, 09:49:44 AM
Droopy continued to do his best in the tennis match with Gary and Wally cheering him on.  

Jason and the others that came with him continued to watch the matches while eating a little till their food and drink were finished.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2010, 08:29:28 PM
the dread Baron cursed as the ball was retured tro him and he mishit it/ Droopy gained the first set. on the other Court, Yogi took the first set6-54, and was leading 2-0 in the second set. Scooby took a deep breath as he began to srve the ball " Ti reallt reed ro riin rhis..' he thought to himself
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on July 04, 2010, 11:08:45 PM
The hotdog attendant daydreamed. He dreamed of a life where he didn't sell hotdogs. It was most depressing and such, but luckily he was snapped out of his trance by the onset of the orange menacing dragon that was Incendia.

'Hot dog!' The orange dragon cried.

'Oh no, not again,' the attendant sighed.

A few minutes later, and with many a hot dog savory thing in hand, the playful Incendia made his way back up the stadium seating. Unfortunately, he had forgotten where he was supposed to sit. 'Forsooth!' He said to himself, still quoting shakespeare (Who was now rolling in a grave in Mexico or somewhere like that). 'My sister will be very unhappy if I was not in my correct seating, perhaps I shall find myself some supervision.'

He found himself alongside Jason and the others in their seats. 'Howdy, I'm a dragon. Would you like a hot dog? It's hot, but I'm not sure about the dog part... yummy though.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2010, 11:12:39 PM
could you pass me a hot dog? asked a golden retriever sitting behind Jason
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on July 04, 2010, 11:20:38 PM
'Here you go,' Incendia said, passing the retreiver a delicious hot dog snack. 'Wow, I just realised... you can talk!' he paused for a second, scratching his chin. 'Hey, I can talk too... cooool.'

He turned back to the golden retriever. 'Do you have a name, mister dog? I have a name, I am Incendia... at least, I think I am. No, wait... yes I am. Sorry, get a bit confused someti- ooh a hotdog!'

He began to stuff a delicious hot dog of yumminess +3 into his mouth.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2010, 11:28:36 PM
call me frank' the retriever said, taking the hot dog and taking a bite out of it ' now is it true the games are headed to radiator Springs next?' He asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 04, 2010, 11:36:31 PM
"hello,"  Jason said to oth of the new arrivals in a friendly voice.  

He nodded at the mention of radiator springs, "Yes, they are headed there." He said.  "One of the hosts will be a famous car, not sure of his name." Jason said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on July 04, 2010, 11:37:21 PM
Incendia scratched his chin again, a sign of (somewhat) deep thought. 'Um, I'm not really sure. In fact, I'm not sure what a "Radiator Springs" is. Does it have to do with those things inside cars?'

Then a little light bulb lit up in the orange dragons head. 'Hey wait, that's from that movie, the one where the cars talk. That was scary.' Then he paused to let things sink in for a moment, whilst taking another bite out of his hot dog. 'Oooh, I see. I'm in some sort of dimension where things that don't exist... do. Awesome!'

He jumped up and down in his seat with joy. 'Ooh, ooh! let's go to Radiator Springs! I want to be a truck!'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 12, 2010, 10:47:05 PM
Dragons aren't trucks' Frank replied, as the storms burst upon the  crowds Lightning lit the sky, followed by the boom of thunder..
_ Lighning struck near the tennis courts,m and Stripetail called a halt. " Alright everyonre, lets break until the storm blows over. its 2-1, Ypogi leads 30-40, Yogi on serve, when we resume.."
 Yogi paused then went to the net to shake paws with Scooby. " Lets break for a bit Scoob old boy, perhaps tomorrow we can resume?
- Rure Rogi, rommorow." Scooby said shaking Yogi's paw then turning and heading towards the exit. Around him, the other matches had been halted, Droopy lead in his match 4-1 in the second set.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 12, 2010, 11:57:02 PM
Droopy looked up as he heard and then saw the lightning.  He then headed for the nearest cover from the rain.

"IT does look like a bad rain." He said as he neared where the rest of his team was.

"It'll eventually pass." Gary said.


"Looks like it's been canceled." Jason said to the others who came with him.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 14, 2010, 12:49:59 AM
Not cancelled ' Stripetail said, but delaayed until tomorrow." I suggest competitors return to their hotelsm, as this storm looks like it will hang around awhile.
- The Dread Baron swore under his breath as he headed towards the Rotten bus " I'm losing to a fraking dog!" he exploded as he entered throwing his racket in disgust..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 15, 2010, 11:09:05 PM
"WHat do we do now?" Wally asked.  

"Go back to our hotels & rest for one." Gary said.

"That does sound like a good idea."Droopy said, thinking he may have time to do some other things also, perhaps.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 15, 2010, 11:50:59 PM
" Nice match " Dixiue called out toDroopy as he passed ' Have a good evening She added as she climbed into the Doobies bus, and took a seat, besides Scoobym who was soaking wet.. " RI'm rosing ro Rogi.."
 _ its not the end of the world, there are lots of other events.." Dixie said as the Scooby Bus pulled away...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2010, 09:59:16 PM
Just then, a puff of smoke appeared before the Rottens' bus.

"I cannot believe this.." a pink dog groaned, looking embarrassed.

"Too bad cousin," a purple dog laughed, "You lost the bet, and now you have to work for me for a few months." It was Annabelle and Belladonna.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2010, 10:02:10 PM
the Rotten bus jerked toi a stop as the driver avoided hitting the two new arrivals " Who in blazes are you? yelled the dread baron as the rain now began to poour down in earnest.. " Well?' the baron demanded ' we need to get to our team hotel..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2010, 10:03:51 PM
"Oh, just two dogs who want to join your team," Belladonna explained. "I'm Belladonna, a hellhound, and this is Annabelle, my lame cousin from up above."

"Hey!" Annabelle said, annoyed, but Belladonna had made it that if she didn't go along with her plans, she could be turned permanently into a hellhound.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2010, 10:10:46 PM
we';re the really rottens; dre the Dread Baron said " We;re trying to beat three goodie-goodie teams led by a large mutt, a bear and a small mutt.. Hop on.. Oh and your goodie goodie friend here won;t be going back home , if that blasted Gabriel has her way, they'll be nothing left for any of us to go home to, so we'd better win.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2010, 10:12:36 PM
"What does that mean?" Annabelle asked, finding that remark cryptic.

"With me, I'm sure victory will be easy," Belladonna smiled smugly as she looked around to see who her other teammates were.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2010, 10:15:12 PM
it won't be.. we didn't win hardly at all the last time these games were held ' Muttley said ' and now that theres 4 teams, thats another team we have to beat,,, as for what the baron meant, if gabriel has her way, we'll all be dead from the dip..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2010, 10:17:52 PM
Both the hellhound and heavenhound shivered in fear.

"I'd rather have hell take over than have that happen," Annabelle gulped.

"I can have that arranged..." Belladonna noted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2010, 10:28:03 PM
that can wait, for now we need to get back to the hotel, and dry off. Do either of you know how to play tennis? because thats what we're playing right now..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2010, 10:29:20 PM
"Sure, I've had some lessons," Annabelle nodded, feeling uncomfortable being on a team of villains.

"As have I," Belladonna said, "Tohugh down in Heck we use fireballs, but I'm sure it's the same.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2010, 10:31:08 PM
You'll have to sign in with the wizard to get uniforms.. also we're not allowed to cheat..not as if that stopped us before.. but the wizard has said he'll penalize us harshly for cheating" Muttley said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2010, 10:34:48 PM
"You don't have to worry about that from me," Annabelle said proudly.

"Yeah whatever goody goody," Belladonna taunted. "Where is this wizard?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 18, 2010, 10:46:08 PM
Droopy went to the dawgs bus and back to their hotel so they could get dry and rest up from the matches they had been in, and decide what to do next with the time they had left.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2010, 10:49:06 PM
we don't know to be honest' Muttley replied " He was judging the tennis matches.. you'll probably have to wait until tomorrow, on the pLus side We now have a couple girls to compete in the girl's competition
_ Yogi smiled as the Yahooys- Dawgs bus drove towards there ghotel ' I'm ahead BobO old Buddy, but since this is round-robin, a loss won;t knock the Scoobies out.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2010, 10:51:43 PM
"Which I can win," Belladonna said confident, resting in one of the bus's chairs.

Annabelle was a bit tired herself, so she sprouted angel wings on her back to rest on.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2010, 10:58:41 PM
" we do need the points. We playing for cash, in case you are wondering" The dread baron said " 100 thousand, each, not including money we win in competition.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2010, 11:02:04 PM
"sweet," Belladonna cheered. "Easy money is the best kind."

Annabele was keeping her eyes on muttley, hoping he wasn't the shallow kind of dog who would try to make a pass at her or anything.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2010, 11:07:13 PM
Muttley however, ignored her, and kept his eyes on the road ahead which was  getting hard to see because of the rain which was coming down harder and hardere
- Scooby sighed as the scooby bus pulled up to thier hotel..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2010, 11:08:33 PM
"Got any windshield wipers on this thing?" Belladonna asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2010, 11:17:19 PM
: Yeah, but they're old and not working too well/. Can't really afford better ones, not with the economy so bad. I can barely afford to keeo this bus running. Which is why I'm so glad these games came up. That wizard must be loaded to be paying for all this..' the driver said as he turned a corner.. " Once things get better I'll buy a better bus.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2010, 11:20:31 PM
Belladonna pondered something for a second, then an idea sprang to her mind.

She walked over to her cousin, who was trying to rest on the seats, though the bus couldn't block out the sound of the falling rain.

"Make with the barrier,' the hellhound said to Annabelle.

"Really?" Annabelle asked annoyed. "That'll exhaust me if I have to make it that big."
"Remember out deal..." Belladonna said teasingly.

Annabelle groaned in defeat and did what she was requested. Concentrating hard, a golden orb or protection appeared over the bus, letting out a glow making the road ahead easier to see.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 18, 2010, 11:39:31 PM
Once back at the hotel Droopy and the others went to their rooms to try to dry off and change clothes (those that wore clothes).  Then they thought what to do next.

Once the rain started Jason and his friends quickly made their way to his tardis and left the area.   The water that had fallen on the tardis falling to the ground since the tardis's bioplasmic shell did not take the water that fell on it when ti went dematerialized.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2010, 12:01:01 AM
the Rotten bus stopped in front of the Motel and got out. baron and Miuttley had been given Room 22, Now it was the two otherworldly hounds turn to sign in..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2010, 12:04:04 AM
Annabelle had gotten extremely tired creating the bus-sized barrier. Belladonna had to sign in for them.

"Yes, what rooms are available?" the hellhound asked the desk clerk. "Money's not an issue for me, so say what cha got."

"Whatever..." Annabelle thought annoyed, disliking the fact she was basically her evil cousin's assistant for the next few months.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2010, 12:11:55 AM
oom 30 is available, its a single bed though.. so your girls will have to share" Said the clerk.. "Breakfast will be served at 6 am..heres the key' he added handing over a small key to Belladonna..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2010, 12:14:15 AM
"Thanks," Belladonna said, faking a smile. "I have to share a bed with her?" she grumbled silently to herself as she walked off.

"Come on cuz, let's go," she said, turning to Annabelle, but she was asleep by this point. "Could someone carry her to our room?" she asked her teammates.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2010, 12:19:32 AM
"we'll all on the same floor' Muttley said, giving belladnna a look. " Room 30 is down rthe hall on your right, 4 rooms down from the baron's... now .. rotten dreams' he saids with a grin..
_ scooby and Dixie entered thier room, water dripping off of them onto the floor. ' Need to go Wring out my dress' Dixie muttered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2010, 12:22:47 AM
"Fine," Belladonna sighed, walking over to Annabelle and picking her and placing her on her back.

"Just for this, I'm getting the bed to myself," Belladonna said to her cousin. "You're getting that futon you packed."

Annabelle snored in response.

"Rotten, hellish dreams," Belladonna called to her teammates.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2010, 12:28:12 AM
Woody and Winnie climbed into bed, while Winnie turned on the Radio " Laffalympins underway.. early events delayed by rain.  storm expected to clear overnight..  this just in .. Ritchie Rich family lost more than 2 billion  in heist in Richville, weasels believed  responsible.. "Its a lot of money, even for me' said a young boys voice  first MR mcDuck goes babkrupt , and now we get robbed.. i tell you, thiings are not looking good at all.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 21, 2010, 12:30:05 AM
Droopy went to another part of their room so he could be sure to hear well and he then pulled out his cell phone to call Valiant.  

There was a knock on the door.  Gary went to answer it.  Once he opened the door he saw it was Speedy Cerviche with a pizza.  

"Here's the pizza you ordered.  At least it's not in the sewers.  Never like delivering a pizza to them since I have to hold my nose the whole time.  never could understand how they could stand the smell.  Then I have to shower for at least an hour to get the smell out." He said.

"Thanks, here's the money and a tip for your trouble." Gary said, giving him a sizable tip and taking the pizza.  

"Thanks, see you next time." Speedy Cerviche said them zipped off at high speed.

Gary took the large pizza box over to where he and Wally could eat some of it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2010, 12:31:14 AM
"Ooh, there's a TV in here," Belladonna grinned when she got Annabelle and herself to their room.

She set Annabelle down on the aforementioned futon and jumped on the bed. It was fairly soft and comfortable, and Belladonna could hog it all to herself.

"Ahh...this is what a hellhound should be treated like," she smiled, grabbing the remote. "I wonder what's on Comedy Central..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2010, 12:33:15 AM
After a few rings Valiant answered " Ok Droopy, its late. what have you found out? Have you given Dee her money back?  I need to hear good news, because things aren't going so hot right now.. most of the toons have nothing to do right now, but stay inside.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2010, 12:35:11 AM
"Hmm....I wonder if they have room service here," Belladonna wondered, looking at a pamphlet about the hotel. She was getting hungry.

She picked up the phone and dialed the front desk. "Yes, I'd like to order the hottest food you got here."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2010, 12:38:17 AM
we have pizza for 75 cents, hot bread rolls for 15 cents, and lets see.. haven't updated the pamphlets in a while..chickem pot pie for .50 per what do you want?'Pizza is cheese, in case you are wondering.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2010, 12:39:40 AM
"I can afford all 3," Belladonna said. "Just have your chef make them as hot as he can."

Living in Hell, hot was the only way food was eaten.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2010, 12:41:55 AM
so 6 bread rolls, a pizza and a pot pie, thats lets see, 2.15, 2.20 id you include tax. it should be ready in ten minutes, dioes your roommate want anything? the clerk asked...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2010, 12:45:15 AM
Belladonna decided to ask Annabelle anyway, though she was snoozing.

"No, she doesn't want anything," she said to the clerk.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 21, 2010, 12:51:17 AM
"Yes, I found 120 million and gave it to Dee.  She was happy about the find." Droopy said in his matter of fact choice.  "I do hope things will improve for everyone soon.  She has to be stopped."

"Great, the pizza's still hot." Wally said as he opened the pizza box.  

"They make great delivery time." Gary said.

"As fast as Speedy Gonzales or that Flash person?" Wally said as he took out a slice and started to eat it.

"I'm not sure.  I've not seen them racing against each other." Gary said as he started to eat a slice of pizza.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2010, 12:55:14 AM
120 million? Nice work Droopy, thats 40 percent of whats was stolen.. now I've got a tip that clurry may be near Radiator springs, seems like a newcomer just hopped into town with a lot of cash on hand.. and sallys getting suspicious.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2010, 01:00:45 AM
Belladonna just turned on their radio and listened to it while she waited for her food.

"Come on..there has to be some news about death and chaos," she said to herself, changing stations.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 21, 2010, 01:18:41 AM
"I think that is our next stop, Radiator Springs.  Maybe I can ask someone there." Droopy said pausing for a moment before he continued.  "Maybe I can get the rest of the money or another half or so."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2010, 01:20:17 AM
none of the channels were about death and destruction, one touted ' Happy Sun cereal, another touted something called the "New Deal", another showed "Merry Melodies, and yet another showcased the weather. where belladona was from there was no shortage of misery, here, not so much..
_ Dixie had cleaned herself off and Climbed in next to Scooby 'Not bad for our first day. we got a few points, and you're not that far behind Yogi in your matchh.. Still, we have to find out what Gabriel is planning.. I really should send smething to Tigress , shes due to have her baby in a couple weeks apparently..'
Really, rell, rood ror roth rof rhem.. Riger's roing ro re ra rad.." scooby said.. he had forgotten about the two wolves...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2010, 09:14:22 PM
"Eh, I should always do it the classic method," Belladonna smiled, opening a small hole to Hell in her room's floor.

A few minutes later, she came back, a small splash of blood of a tortured soul's victim on her cheek. "So fun.." she sighed happily.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 22, 2010, 05:20:03 PM
'Yes we really should send them something.. just to let them know that we haven't forgotten about them..' Dixie added " she then tapped her ring and Spoke into it " tigeress? are you there, its me Dixie" after a few minutes her ring glowed purple " Dixie!' Tigeress voice came through clearly " So nice to hear from you.. Tiger and I have been visiting my parents.. and er.. well  theres not much to do other than wait for the baby..  I'm not feeling up to much these days, so I'm glad you contacted us.. "
 Has tiger given you anything to mark the occassion..'
 no, although I was hoping he would so what have you guys been up to?
 We're actually competition in something called the Laffalympics" dixie replied..
_ Sounds like fun.. " tigeress paused. " i wish I could visit but..
_ i'm sure stripetail could teleport you guys in here for a quick visit" Dixie said confidently I'll ask him.. besidfes this could be a good break for you. You can bring your folks along, and Genki of course.."
 great! Tigeress began before Tigers voice could be heard in the background ' Who are you talking to Togress " Dixie came the reply " Want to talk to her.. she and Scooby are competing in a competition, and well, she hjust wanted to see how I was doing..
_ fibne fine.." Tiger Grumbled before her voice came in on the ring " Hello Dixie, its been awhile
_ Hello Tiger, I hear you're going to be a father soon. " Yeah, I'm only been reminded of that about a hundred times since we stopped by to visit her folks. they're nice and all, but i've been itching to move on.. but Holly says we shouldn't do much travelling with Tigeress in this condition.. its going to be a girl, by the way..
_ Rou ront round roo rappy. Ri ream, Ri'd re rilled ro rave ra rid..Scooby jumped in
_I wasn't intenduing on marrying Tigress but once she told me that she was expecting, I had to take her as my mate, darn wizard insisted You don;t have that problem..
- why don't you come by and visit? it'll be a nice change of pace..
_ Sure, as long as you don't let Hare comre along"
- We'll have to arrange Stripetail to teleport you here.."
_ Great.. I'll put Tigeress..
- Why didn't you get Tigeress anything to mark her pregnancy?
 " Couldn't afford anything, and really didn't think of it. But if you want to get her something, thats fine.. I'm sure she'll love it, being as it is coming from you.. Shes really fond of you you know.."
- Now Now Tiger don' t imply anything! We're friends" tigeress chimed in "Thanks for the call Dixie , I hope to see you soom. Hugs for both you and Scooby.. bye now' Tigress said breaking off the call, as Dixies ring faded to clear.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 22, 2010, 05:46:36 PM
As Annabelle snoozed, Belladonna listened to the radio while waiting for her food.

Soon, there was a knock on her room's door.

"Ah, there it is," she grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 22, 2010, 05:52:29 PM
the clerk stood there holding a tray of food " Here you go, thatwill be 2.30" He smiled handing Belladonna the food " Be careful its quite hot..
Dulcy snuggled into bed, opposite her Samia tossed and turned " So why are we sgaring a bed this time?' Dulcy asked, half asleep.. " Because Amy wants it that way" samia saisd..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 22, 2010, 06:03:23 PM
"Don't worry," Belladonna smirked somewhat sinisterly, "That's my specialty." She handed the clerk the money.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 22, 2010, 09:15:33 PM
yogi and Bobo entered thier room and settled in for a long sleep " Hope the storm clears up BoBo.."Yogi said " We're off to a good start" Yogi we're tied for third.. with the Rottens " It could be worse Bobo.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 22, 2010, 09:58:56 PM
"Just to be sure," Belladonna shrugged to herself after the clerk left, she blew some fire onto her food and heated it up even further.

"Just like home," she said as she took a bite.


Meanwhile, at the hotel Scooby's team was staying at, a massive owl flew into the front door. It was the Grand Duke of Owls.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 22, 2010, 10:10:43 PM
Whhat can I do for you, my good owl? the clerk asked... " care to check out a room? we have great rates..
_ Dixie smiled as she turned to Scooby " Tomorrow, we're going to bring Tiger and tigeress here too visit.. "ro rhe rour rirlfriemnd, rike Rynder.. '
 yes she is, but you needn't worry that Scooby.' Ro rou rove rer. roes rhe rove roy?" yes she does" Dixie replied and Scooby nodded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 22, 2010, 10:14:42 PM
"A room yes," The Duke nodded, "But only the finest and highest quality room for me, the Duke of Owls," the creature of the night said to the clerk.


Elsewhere Annabelle had woken up. "Hey, you ordered food without me?" she asked Belladonna. Her cousin nodded yes. "Can I have some?

"Fine..." Belladonna sighed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 22, 2010, 10:18:56 PM
Gary and Wally continued eating the pizza, leaving a third for Droopy once he got off the phone.  

"Great stuff.  I didn't know there was a pizza cat's pizza here." Wally said.

"There isn't.  They are in Little Tokyo.  But I did a minor favor for them so they don't mind having Speedy deliver to where ever I am, now and then." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 22, 2010, 10:19:44 PM
well, your highness, we ereally have anything befitting royally, if you want that you'll have to go to Britian.. I'll give you Room 1 its got the best radio reception in the hotel.. and the softest beds..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 22, 2010, 10:21:50 PM
"That will have to do," the Duke said, a little disaappointed.

"I would also like meat to be delivered to my room for dinner, and if all possible, could you have still alive when it's delivered?" the owl chuckled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 22, 2010, 10:45:13 PM
we've gor lamb, steak and pork. wghich would you prefer? sadly, none of them are alive, we do have health rules we have to follow, your highness..
- stripetail entered his room, and set his robes on the side of the bed.. ' outside the rain was coming down even harder, the room was llit by periodic bright flashes of lightning..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 22, 2010, 10:49:49 PM
"I'll take the pork," The Duke decided on. "To make up for that pig I didn't get to eat because of that blasted rooster and kitten..."

Spekaing of cats, two house cats, Tiger and Miss Kitty had entered the hotel. They were also planning on joining the games. "Nice little place," Miss Kitty smiled, "I'm not one for the fanciest stuff, I like things simple."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 22, 2010, 10:57:19 PM
it will be ready shortly. how do you want it cooked?
- the clerk then turned to the newcomers, two cats both soaking wet " where do you come from?' he asked.. " just sign in and tell me your nasmes..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 22, 2010, 10:58:47 PM
"Roasted in an oven," the Duke said, "As a matter of fact, I can offer my services, I am a talented cook back at my lair," the mighty owl explained.

"We're form the town of Green River," Tiger panted, out of breath from the run. "I"m Tiger."

"And I'm Miss Kitty," the female feline introduced.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 08:51:53 PM
"So, any rooms?" Tiger asked, breathing at a fast pace.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 08:55:29 PM
" Yes we have rooms, would you like a room with two beds/ " the clerk asked looking at the newcomers. One was a male cat, orange with blacks, the other was slightly smaller and a female.. " its  a dollar per night, for late comers' the clerk said.. "If you don't have it, you can share a room with other guests.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 09:02:13 PM
"No, I think we have enough dough," Miss Kitty smiled,

"And by the way, does your chef serve mice? Tiger likes broccoli, but I like mice personally."

The Grand duke made his offer about helping in the kitchen again.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 09:07:45 PM
Sure, we could use the extra help" The Clerk reply " Kitchen is down the stairs.." he then turned to the others " We don't have micve unfortunately, although we do have pork, and other meats..  lets see i'll over you two room 19.. ' enjoy' the clerk said handing them the key..
 Dulcy felt Samia snuggle against her " Not so close' she murmured..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 09:12:11 PM
"Thank you sir," Miss Kitty smiled putting her paw on Tiger's stomach, laughing on the inside seeing her boyfriend worn out like that.

The Grand duke applied a pair of sunglasses to shield his eyes from the light of the kitchen. He flew down the stairs.

"The Duke has arrived," the big owl announced to the other cooks as he entered the kitchen, "To assist with the preparation of food."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 09:15:31 PM
not too many orders today said a chef , sitting at a table playing cards.. the clerk there obrought up a pizza and rolls but that was it.. besides we're closing for the night in twebty minutes..
_ Scooby stirred, as he felt his stomach rumble. " Ri reed rome rood.." he said getting out of the bed " Scooby, The kitchen is probably closed for the night.." Dixie said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 09:22:18 PM
"Then I'll prepare my own food," The Duke said, looking at the pork and the oven, and checking what seasonings the hotel had.

"Hmm...this is rare," he said, grabbing a shaker of some kind.

Tiger and Miss Kitty arrived at their room. "LEt's get you to bed before you pass out,' Miss Kitty smiled, helping tiger move.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 09:26:48 PM
It was then the door to the room next to them opened asnd Scooby Stepped out " Roh, rorry. He said stopping as he saw Tiger and Miss Kitty trying to get into their room " Ro rou reed relp? Ri'm Rooby roo, ry rhe ray.. Ri'm rhe raptain rof rhe Rooby Roobies" He said prpoudly " rand rou rare rou ruys? he asked glamcing miss Kitty, then tiger who looked exhausted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 09:30:49 PM
"I'm Miss Kitty, and this is my boyfriend Tiger," the female feline introduced. "He's a little too tired to talk right now. Anyways, we're interested in competing ion the games."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 09:34:58 PM
' Rell ractually re ralready rarted roday, , rut, rell Re'll rave ro rask Ripetail rif rou ran  roin.. Rhat ream rould rou rike/ Rhere rhe Rooby Roobies - ry ream, Rogi Rahooeys, Really Rottens, and Roopy Rogs.. " Scooby said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 09:36:13 PM
"Your team would be fine," Miss Kitty replied.

"Personally, I don't care if my team wins or loses, I just want to see Tiger get into shape. He's very chubby despite being a vegetarian..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 09:59:50 PM
Rell, rok.. rhen rid rou ruys ret rere? Scooby asked pausing to look at the two cats " rhere rare rou ruys rom?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 10:06:39 PM
"A town in the wild west," Miss Kitty explained, "called Green River. My boyfriend Tiger is the sheriff there, and I'm a professional singer/dancer. Tiger helped chase out this bad cat named Cat r. Waul out of time after he tried to turn the mice into mouseburgers. Yes, I'll admit that I eat mice myself, but I say if you're going to catch mice, you do it the old fashioned way, and don't use underpawed tactics. Anyways, we saw a flier advertising the games and we thought it'd be fun."

Currently, Tiger was wearing his signature light purple shirt, with a big letter "M" on the front referring to the gang he used to belong to, the Mott Street Maulers.

Miss Kitty was wearing a dark purple dress, a little big on her but it fit fine. It was somewhat "revealing" but nowhere near the extent of something like Jessica Rabbit's clothes.

"How bout you?" Miss Kitty asked Scooby.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 10:13:36 PM
" RRactually Ry Rife Rixie ris ra ringer/rancer roo" Scooby said "  " Re ron rover rand rintroruce rourrelves" he motioned to the cats to come over as he opened the door " Rixie! Re rave ruests" he said calling into the room. Dixie came out , looking tired "Scooby.. oh hello there" I'm Dixie' she said lookimng at Tiger and Miss Ki. " Its raining terribly out there' and I see you got soaked " She added noticing the wet areas in Tigers shirt.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 10:17:53 PM
" sure to take a shower Tiger before you hit the hay," Miss Kitty called to her boyfriend.

"I'm Miss Kitty, and that's Tiger," the feline introduced, "Pleased to meet you."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 10:21:27 PM
Dixie shook paws with Kitty. ' Pleasure to meet you.. i'm Dixie, and Scooby over here is my husband.. please come in, and tell me about yourselves.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 10:26:10 PM
"While, like you, I'm a singer/dancer too," Miss Kitty began, "And while my boyfriend's a vegetarian, I like to catch and eat mice myself. I get along well with most other cats, and dogs as well, and I like those who are realistic. That's one of the reasons I like Tiger, he's no phony."

"Since he's probably too tired right now, I'll tell you about Tiger. He's got a good heart, but he's very goofy. He tries to be serious sometimes, but he never fails to put a smile on my face."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 10:34:56 PM
I see scooby has already told you a little about me.. " Dixie smiled. ' yes I was a showboat performer for many years, before i grew tired of the act. I went to a place called the insane cafe, and met Scooby here. We've had a number of adventures since then, he asked me to marry him  about a year ago, and I said yes. It has been about 4 months now since we were married.. but here I an rambling.. so how long have you two been together? Dixie asked Miss Kitty. " I really like your dress where did you buy it?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 10:38:54 PM
"We've known each other for about 3 years," Miss Kitty explained, "And I got this dress from another cat I know who's a seamstress in New York."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 10:44:37 PM
New York City, hmm. I've actually never been there, Always wanted to go, although I didn't the time, or the money to go there.. I'm a Southern Girl myself" Dixie grinned. " Now, thanks to my job working with his Lordship, and Shaggy owning several hundred million, money not a problem.. So why are you here?" From her first impression, Dixie thought that Miss Kitty was a potentialk friend, they had a similar background, singing, and both had partners who were nuts about them..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 10:46:58 PM
"To compete in the games, and to help Tiger get into shape," Miss Kitty explained, "I mean, one time some mice mistook his stomach for a bean-bag chair," she chuckled playfully.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 10:53:03 PM
' Dixie laughed ' Waking Scooby Dee from her slumber "Could you guys keep it down?' She muttered ' Cousin dee, we have guestr' Dixie said.
Hello I'm Scooby Dee, pleasure to make your acquintance..' Dee said stifling a yawn.. " sorry I'm very tired
_ Ray rirls, rince rou rirls rith ring, rets rear rou ring! scooby suggested.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 10:58:27 PM
"But it would have to be a song we both know," Miss Kitty said. "You got any ideas?" she asked Dixie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 11:02:58 PM
Good point.. hmm. lets just start singing a few bars.. " Dixie said " she was a bit taller than Miss Kitty.. " Just pick out a couple songs and start singing..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 11:04:28 PM
" know "Camptown Ladies?" Miss Kitty suggested.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 11:08:34 PM
no, thats a western song.. I did mostly Southern work.. did you ever do "Proud Mary" or Black water? Oh water.. keep on rolling" Dixie hummed, her strong soprano voice coming through.. " Now are you a soprano or alto? She asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 11:13:27 PM
"I'm more of a soprano, somewhat baritone," Miss Kitty explained, "And I'm in the same boat as you, I'm not familiar with southern stuff."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 11:17:26 PM
' Baritone is a male voice, female is spoano or alto.. so you'd be a low soprano then.. " Dixie said  " Lets hear you, Miss Kitty..' She said taking a seat on the bed, next to Scooby. Tiger and Miss Kitty and sat down on a pair of stools..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 11:22:01 PM
"Whoops, sometimes I get the terminology mixed up," Miss Kitty apologized. (OOC: In reality, i just did there.)

Tiger was now wide awake, always enjoying listening to his girlfriend sing.

Miss Kitty sang a few beautiful notes.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 11:25:52 PM
( Its ok, I've sang in choir for years.. so I know the terms)
" You're good" Dixie smiled, shaking Miss Kitty;'s paws warmly " Real Good. I can tell you've been singing for years, you've got a clear voice, and you must have been a hit at shows..well done.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 11:27:01 PM
"Yeah, you should see how the cats in the crowds back on my home stage can get. I think at least a few of them fainted,' she chuckled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 11:34:36 PM
I don't think it was your singing, that caused then to faint, more likely, its the fights they get into.." Dixie grinned.. "I can just imagine the fights they get into.. never had guys fighting over me, although there ewas the one time I drunk fan dressed up like a girl and danced a waltz with me, his breath was horrible, and he was wearing way too much makeup..
_ ro rhere rare rou rom Tiger. Rare rou rom Rew Rork roo? scooby asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 11:43:12 PM
"Yeah," Tiger nodded, "I have over 12 siblings, and I've been meaning to see them again...."

"And they aren't vegetarians like you dear," Miss Kitty recalled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 11:51:06 PM
(27000th post)
 Rell, Ri rave rwo rothers rand ra rister, rall rounger" Scooby said ' Ri'm rhe oldest rin rhe ramily.."
_ I don't have any siblings, but I do have a big family" Dixie said. " now what about you Kitty, any sibling or family, bresides, potentially, Romeo here?'
 valiant called Droopy back.. "So how are those games going? i hear they started today.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 23, 2010, 11:52:28 PM
"One older sister, her name's Kat," Miss Kitty explained, "And my folks are still in NYC. Also I'm planning to make Tiger here family pretty soon and probably have kittens as well..."

(Congrats Nick!)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2010, 11:58:07 PM
" So you aren't wasting any time.. well, us.. we're waiting for a couple years.. so how many live in Green River?' Dixie paused As Scooby Dee  spoke up " Sorry everyone, but I'm turning in.. see you all in the morning " Night dee" Dixie said, as Dee hopped into bed ' right Ree" Scooby said, then turned to listen to Kitty
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 23, 2010, 11:59:16 PM
Droopy continued to listen to Valiant and take notes.  

Wally wondered out to see if he could smell where something to drink could be found.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 24, 2010, 12:02:23 AM
"Cat wise, about 30-50, somwhere around that number," Miss Kitty replied, "But add the dogs and mice you probably have around 100 animals total."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 24, 2010, 12:05:05 AM
" what state is it in? or do you not know that? " Dixie asked, as the lights suddenly went out. " the room was lit up by a huge ligthtning strike followed by a large boom in the distance.. " lights are out.. great.." Dixie did not know that Tiger and Kitty were from a different time period, where they were from the US had only about 40 states.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 24, 2010, 12:07:50 AM
"Utah," Miss Kitty replied. The lighting strike made Tiger jump in shock and then he clung to his girlfriend, him being scared of lightning.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 24, 2010, 12:12:18 AM
thats a long way from new york, certainly " so why did you go all the way out to Green River? Was it too crowded in new York?' Dixie asked...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 24, 2010, 01:10:22 AM
Wally stopped where he was when the lights went out.  

Gary reached into a pocket and pulled out what looked like a needle size stick.  This he held in between his index finger and thumb and tapped  it against the palm of his left hand.  With a pop it expanded to an appropriate size wand that he could hold.  

"Now how did that fair spell go?" Gary said to himself as he thought for a bit then started to wave the wand in a certain pattern as it started to give off some glowing glitter and music started to play from somewhere and very skilled voices started to sing a song.   At the end of this there was a ding and a marble size and shape of light appeared at the end of the wand that gave off  a candle amount of light.  

"Sorry, best I can do since I'm not a fairy." Gary said.

"How'd you get that? I thought only fairies, fairy godmothers and such were allowed or supposed to have a fairy wand." Droopy said.

"I am authorized." Gary said.  With a practiced wave and movement he finished with a flick of the wand and a tiny bolt of magic came out and landed in his hand, forming a business card size card.  This he handed to Droopy who looked at it.  "See, I'm an official honorary fairy, fully legal and all." He said.  

"how'd you manage that?" Droopy asked.

"Oh, new a few things I did."  Gary said, leaving out it was in another of his forms and a few decades ago and in another animated land.  "Not being a fairy I'm not very good at fairy magic so don't ask me if I can turn you into a footman or give babies the gift of song or beauty since that is beyond what I can do.  I think I can clean a dress but not turn it into a princess quality of dress with glass slippers."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 24, 2010, 11:29:31 PM
"That's the case for me," Miss Kitty nodded, "I wanted to get away from all the craziness, the hustle and bustle of New York."

"And I followed her," Tiger remembered, "Though along the way I got mistaken for a God by some indian mice and nearly ate my best friend, but everything turned out ok."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 24, 2010, 11:38:51 PM
"I'll go and look for Wally." Gary said as he walked outside the room.  He used the light from his wand, not a lot since it could only make a candle level of light, till he found Wally.  

"Thanks, I can't  see in the dark to well.  By the way how did you get that wand, it looks handy." Wally said.

"I was given it from a certain fairy." Gary said.

"Neat, I came out here looking for something to drink.  Since you have a magic wand could you make me something to drink." Wally asked hopefully.

"Only if all you want to drink is a thimble size drink.  I'm not to good at Fairy magic.  Let's see if there is a kitchen or a bar or something around. " Gary said & went with Wally looking for a kitchen or a bar.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 24, 2010, 11:49:21 PM
You went from one extreme to another, from hustle and bustle, to not much going on.. I understand trying to make a better life, but in the west, theres not much water, in many areas' Dixie said.. "Say, woukld you folks like something to eat? Scooby was just heading out to grab a late night snack, and both of you look like you could use a bite to eat..
 a door opened by Gary and a cook headed  stopped as he saw them " We're closing for the night, if you want food or something to drink, nows the time to ask.." he said to them..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 24, 2010, 11:54:56 PM
"I would like a salad," Tiger smiled, "perhaps with some fish on the side."

"If possibly, I'd like some mice," Miss Kitty said, licking her lips. "Tiger doesn't mind as long as it's no mouse he knows."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 25, 2010, 12:00:17 AM
We'll see what they have, but I don't think they have mice on the menu.. probably because there's a number of mice staying here as guests.. " Dixie said, fumbling for the doorknob. " Lets go see what they have on the menu.. " She said opening the door, and letting Scooby Tiger and Miss Kitty out " Also, you're not the first creature named Tiger we;ve met. Scooby and I are friends with a wolf named Tiger.. Hes a gruff sort, but I thuiink you'll like him..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 25, 2010, 12:02:47 AM
"A wolf?" Tiger asked, "I've never met one before. This'll be interesting."

"No problem, I'll just catch them and eat that," Miss Kitty laughed sarcastically.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 25, 2010, 12:07:09 AM
The hallway was lit up only by the flashes of lightning as the storm raged on. One by one the various team members went to sleep in thier rooms,  a grandfather clock rang the hour, it was now eleven oclock.. and there was very little sound. Scooby and Dixie both used a lighting spell so they could see where they are going.. "These rings are magic" Doixie said.. " stripetail gave them to us.. its a long story..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 25, 2010, 12:10:38 AM
"Cool!" Miss Kitty smiled, impressed by the magic. "I've always liked watching magic since I was a kitten. Do you think you could magically create some mice for me to eat?" she asked half-sarcastically.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 25, 2010, 12:11:36 AM
"What do you have to drink?" Wally asked the cook.  

Gary thought for a moment.  "I'd like some fruit juice if you have any handy.   Don't want it to be a bother." Gary said holding up his wand to give out what light it can.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 25, 2010, 10:53:21 PM
"I'll get myself a salad," Tiger purred.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 25, 2010, 11:06:42 PM
we've never really tried creating food,,, Stripetail's done it before, granted hes an expert at magic..' Dixie said, a little nervously.. "i'll see what i can do.. would be satified with mouse tails Kitty?"
 we have juice, water, and coke and pepsi..  come on.. ' he motioned to them..." follow me, there are tables in the dining room..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 25, 2010, 11:13:09 PM
"Sure," Miss Kitty smiled reassuringly, "I'll be fine. Though could you try for the full mouse, if possible?"

"Mmm....I like Pepsi," Tiger smiled.


"Oh! Hot!" Annabelle said, caught off guard by the temperature of the food.

"Come on, you know that's the only way I eat stuff," Belladonna smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 25, 2010, 11:31:55 PM
"Alright" Dixie crackled her paws togwether and pointed her raing at Miss Kitty "  mouseBurgers!' She said, her riong glowed briefly, and in a flash Miss Kitty was holding a  pair of piping hot burgers with grilled mice inside.. ' um.. wow.. i can't believe that worked..'  Dixie said, giving Scooby a look..
- it was them two wolves and two young humans dropped on the ground from as portal in the ceiling.. ' Genki! did you really.. ow.. ' the girl said as three other creatures a rock golem, a small pink monster and a Hare dropped in. on the iothers. " Dixie! Scooby! cried the Female Wolf squeezing out  fRom the pile. She Ran over to tHem And Gave Both of them a Big Hug "  Oh its so good to see you again.. "
 Tigress! How did you.. " Dixie stammered.. " Our rings, We created a portal after we called you, and well Genki wants to compete..
Why.. WHY did we have to bring everyone? Tiger grumbled as he got out of the pile.. " Not everyone silly.. my parents didn't want to.. ' two more wolves dropped out of the portal which closed behind them.." um.. never mind..
" Tigress dear, this is most peculiar.. where are we? are we in a cave?" the male wolf who was older than Tiger said " Dad, its hard to explain.. " Dixie Scooby.. this is my mom and Dad, you know Tiger of Course, this is Moochi, Golem, and Hare, and the girl is Holly.." Evetuone, this is my good friend Dixie doo and her Husband Scooby.,.
_ Ri , Reveryrone, rease ro rign rin rat rhe resk" scooby said " Rhis is Riger rand Riss ritty..
 Hey guys Genki grinned " Long time no see.. We were hanging out with Tigress' folks.. waiting for Tigress' 'birthday gift which is coming up soon.."
 You're in a hotel.. and you'll have to check in..
 Thats the problem" holly said shyly " we uh,.. don't have any money.. I mean Genki has a few dollars.. ' but the rest of us don't
" I've got 4.52 on me.. " Genki shook his head..
We'll pay for it..." Dixie shrugged..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 25, 2010, 11:36:28 PM
"Thanks Dixie!" Miss Kitty smiled, taking a bite out of the mouseburger. The rodent meat was very tasty. "Mmm....just like the mice back home. I'm thinking of becoming a chef specializing in mice in my spare time..."

"Why hello there," Tiger smiled to his teammates, "I'm Tiger, and this is my girlfriend Miss Kitty. How are you?" he asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 25, 2010, 11:43:40 PM
" I'm Tigeress" said the purple wolf, who looked at the newcomers with Interest.. " you don't mind if a couple of us share rooms with you.. since we don't have much money..
"Ridn't Riperail ray rou ruys rast ronth..Scooby said, stratching his head
 Yeah, but my mom, put it in the bank.. I explained that we were helping him  keep his house clean, and thats hes a rich eccentric..' Mom Bought it apparently.. she put it in a trust fund until I'm 18.. " Genki stuck his tongue out.. " thats about 8 years from now.."
 _ well we're going to have to talk to him apparently.." Dixie said, with a sigh..

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 25, 2010, 11:46:34 PM
"That's fine with us," Miss Kitty smiled, "Always happy to help a new friend/teammate."

"And we can help pay," Tiger pointed out, "We got a fair amount of money."

Miss Kitty took another bite of the mouseburger. "This is so good.....I know he may be an evil jerk, but I'm sure Cat R. Waul would like to meet you if he knows how good you can create mouseburgers."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 25, 2010, 11:48:05 PM
"Hmm," Wally said as he thought, "I think I'd like a Pepsi." He said.  He looked at Gary, "Sure you can't make a drink?"  

"Just thimble size, same for food." Gary said.  

"That sounds the right size for barbie dolls." Wally said.

Gary shrugged, "Not having any fairy blood limits what I can do."

"How did you get that wand anyway?" Wally asked looking at Gary's fairy wand.

"For that you'd have to ask the king and queen of faries." Gary said.

"You know, I've always wondered, if there is fairy godmothers and fairies like Tinkerbell, are there Fairy godfathers?" Wally asked.

Gary nodded, "There are."

"I guess Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty didn't have one." Wally said.

"Actually they do." Gary said.

"Why did they not help them?" Wally said.

"If Cinderella wanted her stepmother or sisters to be killed or to vanish suddenly then her godfather would have appeared instead.  Or if she wanted a really good deal in certain things like airplane rates, travel plans ect." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 25, 2010, 11:53:12 PM
" don't help evil guys, thats a rule..' Dixie said flatly..  so lets see, we have have Tiger and his family, thats 4, Genki and Holly thats six, Moochi hare and Golem, thats nine.  so thats 2-3 rooms..
 - pepsi/ Alright all we have are cans, the soda machine aint working..thecook repled ' we have grape, orange and apple juice.. or at ,least we did..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 25, 2010, 11:55:13 PM
"Gotcha," Miss Kitty nodded, "Though magically created mice would stop his gang from trying to trap the real mice in Green River."

"How will we divide up the rooms?" Tiger asked, sipping his Pepsi.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 12:04:36 AM
we'll have Genki and Holly share your room. Tiger, tigeress and her her folks in another room a Golem, Hare and Moochi in another room.. Now follow me we need to sign you guys in, then get something to eat its night herre, in fact its alnmost midnight..
 I';m Almaron and this is my mate Sunscar" the male said  " Tigeress is our daughter, and we 're thrilled about our son -in law.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 12:08:46 AM
"Pleased to meet you, I'm Tiger," the cat introduced, shaking paws with Almaron.

"Again, this is so phenomenal Dixie," Miss Kitty said, taking more chunks out of the mouseburgers. "If possible, I'd like the same for breakfast."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 12:16:13 AM
so lets see that will be 9 dollars I think, since the late rate is 1 dollar per person..' Dixie said.  "Not sure what the charge is for sharing rooms, lets say fifty cents so thats another dollar which is ten dollars.. She dug inside her  purse and pulled out a ten.. '  here you go' She said handing it to Genki " go to the front desk and sign in.
 the manasger looked at the newciomers. you'll be the last ones we sign in for tonight. we're closed  Just sign in your names and what rooms would you like?
 Genki handed over the ten. ' We'd like rooms close to our friends Scooby and Dixue here, also is it possible to stay with someone who has already signed in. " Theres a .25 fee for that, per person. 'the manager said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 12:19:34 AM
" so I'll give you Rooms 121 and 122, since you're friends are staying in 120. Tuiger and Miss Kitty are staying in 119.. the manager said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 26, 2010, 12:21:56 AM
"Grape will do." Gary said.  "Unless one of the other juices is more handy or less of a bother then I will have one of those." He said.  "Thanks, it is pretty late." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 12:22:05 AM
Miss Kitty had got her pillow prepared.

"Seriously dear, you have to try this..." Miss Kitty encouraged. "You know I don't eat mice..." Tiger replied.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 12:28:10 AM
the cook poured Gary a cup of grape juice then handed Wally a can of Pepsi..
  _ The Manager handed keys to  Tiger and Hare once they had all signed in " good night, pleasant dreams.. heres your change he said handing Genki a pair of 30s era quarters.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 12:31:05 AM
"Night dear," Miss Kitty smiled, kissing Tiger on the cheek then beginning to doze off.


Meanwhile, the Grand Duke of Owls returned to his room and indeed, it was probably the best room in the hotel. He didn't turn on any sort of life, of course.


"Night cuz," Belladonna called at Annabelle almost mockingly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 26, 2010, 12:33:45 AM
"Thanks." Wally said, then Gary did also.  They took their drinks and started to drink them.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 12:39:06 AM
Tiger and Tigeress headed towards their roooms and Almaron and Sunscar follwed. Moochi Hare and Golem headed to the next room, and  headed inside. Scooby and Dixie headed into thier room, too tired to worry about getting some food. Dixie Snuggled in next to scooby, and nuzzled him warmly before drifting off to Sleep
 Tiger's room had two beds. as did the room  that the three monsters shared. Golem took the cloest one while Moochuii adf Hare shared the other.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 12:41:09 AM
Tiger smiled as he dozed off for the night, tomorrow would be very intersting, he was hoping he could compete.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 12:45:06 AM
Tiger and Tigeress took the first bed, almaron and Sunscar the other " Night, dears" Sunscar said as she curled up next to her mate.
- Another fine mess you dragged us into Tigeress.. ' What? you get to get away from my folks den.." And you get to see your lover.. don't deny it!"
" I don't Love Dixie, and I'm not like that..' Your sneaking off with Agumina tells me differently.. " must you go on about that? Agumina is a friend.." tigeress sputtered " Nothing more " You're the only creature I love Tiger, why must you be suspicious all the time?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 12:53:31 AM
Elsewhere, Annabelle, Belladonna, and the Duke of Owls all dozed off.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 12:56:57 AM
" its my nature, and often times my suspicions are right.. " If you thought all this about me, why didn't you refuse to be my mate.. " Because Stripetail gave me no choice, he said it was my responsibility to take care of you, and the baby..and I'm doing that.. now go to sleep" tiger replied..  resting his head next to Tigress " why don't you join the games? ' I can't... you're going to have a baby soon.. and you need someone to look after you.."
 Tigress nuzzled his snout  then kissed him on the lips. " You're sweet Tiger, under that hard exterior. " " Just GO TO SLEEP" Tiger grumbled, and after a few more minutes of banter, the pair fell asleep..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 12:58:40 AM
(OOC: Should we skip to the morning now?)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 26, 2010, 11:04:54 AM
Gary and Wally finished their drinks.

"Thanks." Wally said.

"Yea, hope we weren't to much of a bother." Gary said.  Then they both went back to their room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 12:27:22 PM
(yes we're going to morning now)
 the storm finally gave out, and morning came. puddles of water reflected the early suun as the inhasbitants of Toon City rose, one after the other
_ Dixie was the first in her room to stir " He spoke into her ring " stripetail? Its Dixie we had a few late arrivals last night who want to join in..
- Stripetail replied a few minutes later " We already went through rounds and rounds of qualifying Dixie!  These latecomers are out of luck!' "Well ,there are not just for our team but for the other teams as well" dixie said.. " well if Yogi Droopy and the Baron are fine with adding these newcomers, thats fine.. oh and Tiger and Tigeress dropped in.. literally..
Really?' Stripetail's voice carried a note of amusement.. " I hope they are doing well. I'll be over shortly to check up on you.. Stripetail out.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 01:21:54 PM
Annabelle and Belladonna woke up, got prepared for the day, and waited in the hotel's lobby.

"This is it," Bellaodnna smirked, waiting for her team.


"So where do we go to join the team officially?" Miss Kitty asked Dixie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 01:34:19 PM
well the team is staying in this hotel.. Dixie replied as Tiger and Tigeress  appeared from thier room the power was still out, but the sunlight allowed them enough light to see.. 'Morning Diixie" Tigress said in greeting  " who are these guys?
_ The Dread Baron appeared  in a lobby followed by muttley " the place is a dump.. fortunateky we'll be heading to the next place in a few events.. Now we just have to have the wizatrd give you uniforms.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 01:46:35 PM
"Got it," Annabelle nodded, "Where is this wizard?" she asked the Baron.


"Oh, I'm Tiger," the cat introduced, holding out his paw friendly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 01:49:32 PM
" He should be coming shortly.. The Baron replied, as the Rottens bus pulled in front of the Motel..
" You're named Tiger too, huh" Tiger replied looking at the cat.. " where are you from?"
_ Dulcy And Samia awoke a little after seven.  " Time for more games? Samia grinned.. " I could use a nice bath ..' Dulcy replied as she got up and stretched.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 02:20:43 PM
"Green River, Utah," Tiger explained.


"Will we meet him on the bus?" Belladonna asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 04:06:27 PM
Probably, once we get back to the Tennis courts" The Baron replied " Hes currently judging our matches.."
_Never heard of it" tiger said.. '" anyway lets head downstairs and get something to eat.. a small fire burned in a fireplace, it was the only light in the room...a number of tables stood in front of the fire..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 06:02:08 PM
"Those mouseburgers I had last night were delicous, I'll try to have some again later," Miss Kitty complimented Dixie.


"We'll play in the women's division of tennis," Annabelle said, though she and Belladonna had already volunteered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 06:08:57 PM
good that will give us two females.." Muttley said as the breakfast tray was brought out..
- Sure thing" dixie smiled, patting Kitty on the shoulder as they took a number of seats at a table Tigress grabbed the last seat At Dixies table. she was sitting acriss from miss Kitty with Dixie to her left. Scooby was sitting to her right.. "I hope you guys slept well..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 06:13:51 PM
For breakfast, Belladonna ordered pancakes as hot as possible, for both her and her cousin, mainly to annoy Annabelle since the heavenhound wasn't the biggest hot food eater.


"We did," Tiger nodded happily. Also in the dining room, the Grand duke of Owls came out, wearing sunglasses to block out the light.

"I request sausage for breakfast," he ordered the chef.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 06:24:42 PM
theres food set up by the fire' the chef said pointing to a tray of food sitting next to the fire. as the he said this the lights  flickered back on.. " Well everuyone, the powers back.. for now at least the chef said.
 Dixie could now look at Tigeress without squinting, a swell in her belly was clearly visible.. ' i was hoping we could go shopping later" Tigress said to her " miss Kitty can come too, if she wants,  it'll be an all girls thing.."
_ What do you say, Miss Kitty, care to go shopping with us?' Dixie offered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 06:26:02 PM
"Yeah, sure, why not?" Miss Kitty smiled. "I've had my eye on a necklace for a while now...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 06:30:55 PM
" so thats settled then, the boys can go hang out and talk about guy things like food and machismo, and other things" Dixie said.
- reah, Riger, rhe cat, re ran ret romething roir rour rates.. Ri'll ray ror rit, ron't rorry..
So you definitely are showing Dixie said, looking at Tigress " Yeah,  I've been staying at my parents place for awhile, but this will be a nice break..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 06:41:18 PM
"Thanks Scooby," Tiger smiled, "I'd like a soda. Caffine keeps me awake."


Miss Kitty put her paw on Dixie's shoulder. "I've got my own place back in Green River. It's small, but nice. So, what do you lke to do in your spare time Dixie?" the cat inquired.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 06:44:43 PM
' leyts see, I like going to movies, watching tv marathons, and going on adventures with Scooby.. " although Stripetail also has us do jobs for him, I mean they pay well, VERY well, but they often involve lots and lots of danger, stop as stopping a mad scientist or beating back an invasion..  as for hobbies i like to sing, and do crossword puzzles.. and what do you do in your spare time Kitty' Dixie asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 06:48:29 PM
"Like you, I practice singing and dancing a lot," Miss Kitty began, "I like to chase mice for fun sometimes, and sometimes I help Tiger enforce the law in Green River."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 06:52:27 PM
Oh, so hes the sheriff? how long as he been in the job? " Dixie asked as Scooby and Tigress piled thier plates with food. It was then Stripetail strode in, his rose robes reflecting the firelight " So these are the newcomers you mentioned Dixie? He said , gazing as Miss Kitty.
_ Hello Stripetail' genki said with a grin " see my mom took the money you gave me and put it in a trust fund..
_ well a boy your age doesn't need tons of money lying around..'Lord Stripetail at your service" stripetail said giving Miss Kitty a keen glare. " I can see that your are astage performer.. and a pretty one.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 06:58:20 PM
"About a little over a year now," Miss Kitty said, "He's rather goofy, but he takes his job seriously. How about Scooby? What does he do?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 07:02:46 PM
hes a detective, who solves mysteries for a living, or well he did until I showed up in his life.. then he  wooee me" Dixie grinned
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 07:05:56 PM
"Tiger's made some attempts at being a stand-up comic in his spare time, he's very funny," Miss Kitty remembered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 07:08:39 PM
" Stripetail took a seat n at the table next to Miss Kitty " So Miss Kitty are you going to join the games?' he asked pointedly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 07:09:39 PM
"I will," Miss Kitty said, "I think I'll be great in events that put a focus on running, I've gotten a lot of training chasing mice."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 07:56:39 PM
Fair enogugh' Stripetail said gesturing and clothing Miss JkItty in the her new uniform, which fit her perfectly.. "Anyone else care to join the team?' Stripetail paused looking at the gathered guests..
_ Thats looks very nice.." Dixie smiled as Woody and winnie passed by.. 'So we have a new teammate huh" Winnie said looking at Kitty..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 07:58:05 PM
"More like two," Miss Kitty smiled.

"I'd like a uniform too!" Tiger called.


Annabelle and Bellaodnna were one the Rottens' bus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 08:24:14 PM
Stripetail gestured again and  Tiger was fitted with the Scoobys Brown uniform.  "It looks like you could use some thinning Tiger.." Stri[petail chuckled " Ok, Scooby Doobies, to your bus..!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 26, 2010, 10:43:08 PM
Droopy and the others he was sharing his room with made their way to the Droopy bus, filing on at a casual pace and finding seats.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 11:02:22 PM
"Hey, my gut's not THAT big..." Tiger replied, slightly offended.

Miss Kitty could only chuckle.


The two dogs from the other realms waited for the bus to get going.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 11:09:12 PM
Bluto lumbered on board glancing only breifly at the two dogs ' What miserable weather..' he muttered as he took his seat.
 Yogi and his team climbed on to trhe bus that they shared with the Dawgs. " good luck in finishing your match  Yogi " bobO said..
- my dear fellow, when you can't see your toes when you look down at your feet, you have a gut problem.. Noew partcipating in these games will help you.." stripetail said as he got on the bus. Almaron Sunscar, and Holly were next.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 11:12:10 PM
"And remember darling, there was the time you accidently squished some mice when you rolled over in your sleep," Miss Kitty chuckled.

Tiger blushed in embarrassment.


"Miserable is my kind of weather," Belladonna smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 11:14:33 PM
at least Tigress here has an excuse for being a little "big" ' Tiger said scathingly..
_  Scooby Dee and Scooby Dum were next on, folowed by Pikachu...
 the bus headed out towards the tennis courts..
_ samia and Dulcy flew to the staduim..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 11:18:06 PM
Tiger frowned a little, "Just because I'm big doesn't mean that can't helpful."

"If we lived in Japan, and you took up sumo wrestling, that would help," Miss Kitty chuckled teasingly, not wanting to hurt Tiger's feelings.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 11:23:52 PM
Alright thats enough " Stripetail said " Scooby Doobies you have two new teammates " Please welcome Miss Kitty, and Tiger, from Green River'
_ Welcome to the team " woody waves' Nice to meet both of you " winnie said with a smilke..
 I'm Scooby Dum nyuk' Scooby Dum said " i'm Scooby Dee I;m an actress" Dee said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 11:26:04 PM
"Thanks, same to you," the housecats smiled.

Tiger than whispered to Scooby, "But seriously, is there a sumo event? I think I could actulaly win that...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 11:36:04 PM
ro, rot ro ry rnowredge' Scooby replied as the bus stopped in front of the tennis court puddles of water sat on the courts meaning playing tennis would be a matter of playing with a wet balll..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 11:38:13 PM
"ooh..I hate wet fur," Miss Kitty said, "But I'll try my best."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 11:42:31 PM
Do you have tennis rackets on you? Dixie said looking at both of the cats " If not you'll have to borrow some..
 For now thematches are singles.." Stripetail they got out...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 11:44:10 PM
"I got one," Miss Kitty said.


"Since I'm calling the shots between us," Belladonna said to Annabelle, "You have to use my type of racket," she laughed, creating two rackets with a visible Hell theme on the design.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 11:49:46 PM
" we're doing singles right now" The Dread Baron said.. You'll be play that dragon incedia or whatever her name ias. so who wants to play her?'
Did you bring it with you?' Dixie asked sitting down on a bench, while Scooby headed out to the court. Tigeress snuggled up next to her, while Dixie saved a spot for miss Kitty..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 11:54:27 PM
"I'll go first!" Belladonna volunteered, "But I need my uniform."

"Yeah, I did," Miss Kitty nodded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2010, 11:56:39 PM
So the Scoobys are not the only ones getting new  members " Stripetail said gesturing and covering Belladonna with the Rottens uniform.." Now what is your name?' he said giving the demonhound a piercing glance..
- could you show it to me so I could look at it? Dixie asked..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2010, 11:59:14 PM
"Belladonna, one of the most powerful hellhounds," she introduced proudly. "And this is my boring cousin Annabelle from up above."

"Hey!" Annabelle called.

Miss Kitty showed it to Dixie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 12:04:50 AM
' Oh yes the two sides of the coin, good and evil locked together inescapably.." Stripetail glanced at the two of them " creating a Rotten uniform for Annabelle as well , it fit her very well
 Miss Kitty racket was a thick woden racket common to one made in in the late 1800s  " you play with a wooden racquet?' she asked " We don't use wooden racquets Miss Kitty, at least not where I'm from..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 12:08:35 AM
"And I'm hoping to make her a full-fledged hellhound before her time as my servant is up," Belladonna said to the wizard with a chuckle.

"Then I'll have to borrow one," Miss Kitty shrugged.

Annabelle put on the really rotten uniform.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 12:11:58 AM
well, whatever wager you have between the two of you, is your business.. just.. compete fairly.. i'm paying a good sum to every participant in these games, and I do not want them marred by flagrant cheating' Stripetail said.. "you cheat and I catch you, you forfeit the match, and our team earns no points..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 12:13:05 AM
"Beleive me, I don't need to cheat to win," Belladonna said.

"And I'm from Heaven, I never cheat!" Annabelle said proudly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 12:16:31 AM
Yogi was next to enter the court, he nodded at Scooby then sloshed over to his side of the court " I think i was serving , MR Wizard sir?
 _ yes its 30-40, break point for Scooby' Stripetail said " yogi , you may begin...'
I'll buy you a racket while we're in town.. come on the boys will be playing for awhile" dixie said  turning to Tigress ' Woody , Winnie could you keep our spots? Tigress, Miss Kitty and I are going shopping.. for a few things..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 12:18:05 AM
"Coming right behind you,"Miss Kitty said.

Tiger waited on the bus to avoid the rain.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 12:25:26 AM
Tiger looked as his mate " Going shopping huh? that didn't take long..
 We'll get something for you too Tiger, if you want.." Dixie suggested
 Bring me back a nice and toasty leg of lamb, if you can find it.. then you and Tigress can spend all the time you want to together..." Tiger chuckled
Dixie  climbed back on the bus " We'd like to go shopping" dixie said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 12:26:31 AM
"And I'd like to catch some mice," Mis sKitty purred.

"So who's our first opponent?" Belladonna asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 12:31:54 AM
There are only singles" stripetail said Doubles won't be played until our third stop.. which is going to be Las Vegas... as for your opponent it will be Cindy Bear from the Yahooeys..
_ Is he coming along too? The Driver asked Pointing at Tiger
- Girls only Tiger, sorry. But We'll get you something, like a nice hat.."Dixie promised..
 The Baron strode to the second court and waited for Droopy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 12:33:28 AM
"Vegas, the city of lights," Belladonna said.

"That's PAris," Annabelle corrected. "Shut up," the hellhound retorted.

"Gotcha," Tiger nodded, getting off the bus with an umbrella.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 12:42:27 AM
Stripetail motioned them to a clear bench on the side of an unused court...
 Tigress relaxed against the soft seat " i could use a sleep on these seats ' Just be careful we don't want you giving birth on the bus.. ' My mom Sunscar says i'm not due for two weeks.. " The games are going to go much longer than 2 weeks Tigress" Dixie pointed out..' True, but at least I got to see you?
 Have you seen Agu,mina lately?
 Lets see, its been a couple months " She and Agumon are doing well.. Agumon was made a Digimon Peer by Leomon, so hes Lord Agumon now.. which is rather funny..
 Agumon, a lord? Geez/ what was he honored for ? " Past services to the digital world...Tigress said " anyway they're busy exploring the continent of Servor" Tigress said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 12:47:53 AM
Tiger sat down on another seat, using the umbrella to stay dry. "Nothing like a good match," he smiled to himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 12:54:07 AM
" Sorry Miss Kitty, we were just catching up on things.." Dixie explained as the bus moved forward " Now, lets make a list of the things we all want, and then we should get something for our significant others, in both Tigeress and my cases, our husbands, in your case, your boyfriend.. now lets put our heads tigether and think of something..'Dixie added
Scooby broke Yiguis serve and held on his serve and took a 3-2 lead in the set..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 12:55:15 AM
"LEt's see...for Tiger, I'm sure he wants some vegetables, a new shirt, and I'm sure he'd like to give me a ring..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 01:01:58 AM
Well the last part he'll have to buy on his own.' tgress pointed out " Otherwise its not a surprise.. Lets see, Tiger wants toasted lamb, he could use a warm bath, and and horn sharpener, for his horns..
_ Now scooby.. he'll wannt some lunch after his match, a Sherlock Holmes get-up, for laughs and I have to Get Tigress something to celebrate her pregnancy..
- oh, I would love a strawberry pie" Tigress fairly squealed with delight  : i hopw you like pie fight Miss Kitty because I'm going to start a whooper!
You get anything on this dress Tigress and I will own your first born' Dixie said..Tigress burst our laughing..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 01:04:57 AM
"Certainly, if you can make some mouse pies," Miss Kitty chuckled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 01:10:02 AM
I'll handle the mouse pies" Dixe grinned " since you so loved my mouse burgers Miss Kitty...She grinned at her friend Even though she had only met Miss Kitty the day before she was already starting to like her...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 01:10:50 AM
"Thanks!" Miss Kitty grinned. "Since they're magically created, I'm sure Tiger won't mind me eating those kind of mice.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 01:15:34 AM
' I'm Sure..' Dixie said as the bus stopped at the side of the street ' time to get out ladies.." Thanks Dixie said, Helping tigress get to her feet, and make her way off the bus.. Before them stood a ritzy looking store " walworth" Irt read 'cartoon pies for sale' read a sign '  5 cent pies! read another
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 01:17:07 AM
"You think you could create the mouse pies now?" Miss Kitty asked. "I doubt they're selling any here."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 01:20:17 AM
" lets just get inside and look around first" dixie replied " Lets see what clothes they have' she added with a grin
_ Scooby broke Yogi again and  took the second set 6-2.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 01:21:11 AM
Miss Kitty nodded, and looked through the store. There were fruit pies, and meat pies, but no mouse pies....
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 01:27:14 AM
Tigress gazed at the pies, her mouth watering noticibablky " Oh, a large strawberry pie1 and its only 15 cents! She cooed pointing to a pie in a vending machine.. " Dixie dug into her purse and gave tigress a quarter. She placed the cpoin in, a door opened and three custard pies were thrown in their faces " Its the pie-Ing special said a taped voice " 3 custard pies on the house!'
_ Dixie steamed as custard dripped down her face..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 01:29:03 AM
"Hungry, aren;t cha?" Miss Kitty smiled, turning to Dixie. "Can you make with the mice please?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 09:59:32 AM
: I didn't ask to getpied in the face' dixieretorted ' and , in case you didn't notice, you got a faceful too" she said looking at MissbKitty. " That was delicious!' tigress said, licking her lips..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 04:53:30 PM
Miss Kitty licked her fur, "Nice, but I prefer it was mice," she smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 05:04:28 PM
Mice pies aren't usually on the Menu" Dixie replied..  trning as Tigress grabbed a strawberry pie.. " theres blueberry, apple, strawberry and  coconut' tigress said looking at the options " Which do you want Dixie, old chum?'Tigress asked..
Coconut is fine, but we do have a lot of shopping to do, and I can't shop as well, with a full stomach.." dixie replied, as Tigress bought the coconut pie.. " i'll make you a pie Miss Kitty, but please save it for after shopping.." Dixie said looking around at the various stores inside..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 05:10:14 PM
"I will, don't worry," Miss Kitty nodded.

She began looking over the store to see what other pies they had. "Hmm....banana cream smells very fresh," she commented, sniffing the scents they left off.

"Personally, i'm not a big fan of cherry."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 05:22:07 PM
' Cherry is good" Dixie repled " although there's nothing like apple pie.. to use the old cliche " as American as baseball and apple pie.. Anyway heres your pie" She focused her ring whgich glowed and created a large  pie Mouse tails broke through the crust and pointed in four different directions.. " Be careful, its hot..
 Scooby ended up winning the tiebreaker 8-6 when Yogi double-faulted on his serve " Good job old boy, nice Comeback" yogi said.. Rhanks Rogi, Rood Rame, Row Roi reed ro rest" scooby said, his uniform sosaked in sweat
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 05:43:17 PM
"I can wait for it to cool, "Miss Kitty assured, sniffing the pie.

"It smells as just as good as the burger," she complimented, licking her lips.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 05:53:58 PM
" Self Control Kitty self control" dixie said " Now what should we get first? Should we get spomething for Tigress , Scooby or Tiger, the cat?"
 Dixie asked as the three girls carried thier pies with them into the hall.. there was a staircase in front of them, with toon stores on either side ogf them..' summy Disposition was one store...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 07:07:23 PM
Miss Kitty looked at various signs that read "Fresh Meat! 10 cents a pound!" "NEW! Strawberry Munchies!"

"Hmm....I'm sure Tiger would like that cereal," Miss Kitty figured.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 07:12:39 PM
So how long have you played tennis?' Dixie asked Miss Kitty, as Tigress walked on slowly ahead of them, her eyes looking around in amazement at the various stores " I remember the last time I was in a mall. Genki hang out near the videogame stores for like 3 hours straight, playing all the videogames.. " She chuckled ' Nice kid ,m but not a lick of sense..
_ Hare and Moiochi shaered a popcorn with Tiger as the matches progressed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 07:33:01 PM
"About 7 months know," Miss Kitty replied, "We made a makeshift tennis court back home out of a fishing net."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 07:41:18 PM
hmm, and so you you just used whatever space you had huh..'
 Well Consider yourself lucky.. I've never played tennis. I'm a quadriped" Tigress said ' And in my condition, doing any stressful activity is not good for me.." she said as the girls approached the stairs and began to climb.. in front was a cigar store, and clearing there were creatures inside smoking because the smell was pungent..
 Yuck! DDixie said.. ' Lets get away from thst store
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 07:46:51 PM
"Yuck!" Miss Kitty coughed, covering her nose and mouth until they passed.

"Yeah, that's what we did, there was usually enough room for an arena."

"The dust would fill my sinuses, though, and I hated that."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 08:47:36 PM
why do people smoke that stuff? Its horrible..
 Its a bad habit they can't break appparently Lets try this "old Fashioned Flappers" which held dresses with very tiny waists..  i could never fit into one of those dresses " dixie said.. 'Not in a millions years. those female dogs and cats had to have  an extremely difficult time wearing those things..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 27, 2010, 10:30:54 PM
Droopy made his way to the tennis court ready to compete in the tennis match.  

Gary and Wally were watching from their team place.  

Jason and some of his companions were in the stands watching.  Tom Oliver and a newish companion Sam, was among Brooklyn, and Nash (His son), Guilmon and a few others.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 10:34:16 PM
scooby smiled as he returned to his team, he had gained 100 points for his team.  " Re're rin rhe read!' he said as woody gave him a high five.
- ready to lose ?' The Dread Baron grinned..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 27, 2010, 10:38:46 PM
Droopy shrugged, "The match is not over as of yet." Droopy said, "Though your confidence in your own abilities is a good thing, unlike being depressed all about stuff."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2010, 11:01:58 PM
"We're not," Belladonna grinned, producing a fiery glow around her. "I'll take all of them down!"

"Man, a kitten would have a hard time fitting into that," Miss Kitty commented, staring at the dress.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 11:12:32 PM
" Yeah , I would have have been able to fit into that, even before my pregnancy" tigress said " Can't you pick out a dress that isn't a size -3?
 Size 0 is the thinnest' Dixie replied with a smirk.. But i agree, lets go over by the  candy store over there.. hmm. theres candy bars and all sorts of goodies..."
 whats the next even"/ Bluto asked. " The next event is a treasure hunt... Daisy replied..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 11:31:23 PM
Droopy leads 4-1, Baron your service' Daisy said to him. " Fine' The Baron said Serving the ball  to Droopy..
_ So are we doing doubles next? bl;uto asked
 Yes we are.. so we'll pick out a couple players.." Muttley said..
 Holly SunScar and Almaron shared some popcorn..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 27, 2010, 11:37:17 PM
Droopy ran to hit the ball back to the Baron, attempting to aim it so it would hit inside the line thing, but on a part of the court far from where the Baron was.  

"You can do it droopy." Wally shouted.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2010, 11:42:06 PM
the shot was well placed, hitting just enough of the line to be in, and the baron hit the ball well out, in fact it landed o n the court next to thiers. Droppy was now up 5-1 and would serve for the match..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 28, 2010, 02:07:23 AM
"You will do it." Gary said as Droopy held the tennis ball up and got ready to serve.   He aimed again for a good spot to hit the ball to that was within the lines.

"Interesting match." Nash said watching the tennis match.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 28, 2010, 06:10:30 PM
The baron returned the serve, hittuing it overthe net down the sideline. he grumbled, knowing he was one game away from losing the match, 50 points where going to help his team much..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 28, 2010, 07:42:05 PM
"Come on! You can do it!" Annabelle called to the baron, trying to have her team win.

"I know you'd get used to this," Bellaodnna smirked, giving her cousin a little nudge.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 28, 2010, 07:47:00 PM
The Baron managed to take a 40-0 lead in the game, although he still faced a huge defecit..
 Dixie headed into the candy store, and invited Tigress and Miss Kitty to loo around.  the price of candy was extremely cheap with nothing going for more than 10 cents, and the cheapest being a penny..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 28, 2010, 09:45:18 PM
Droopy continued to try to do his best in the tennis match, trying to anticipate where the Baron would hit the ball to based on his body language and other things he could tell as well as attempting to hit the ball to a part of the court where the Baron was not, or other tricky spots to aim for, all within the lines.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 28, 2010, 09:49:50 PM
Droopy rallied to force deuce.. and the pressure on the baron increased..
 Bluto clenched his fist "For cripes sake! We're losing, AGAIN, to a bunch of pansies!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 28, 2010, 10:45:50 PM
"They are? I don't see any pansies on any competing team?" A toon pansy said who was in the audience and looked at the various team members he could see to see if there were any pansies among the team members.  


"You're doing great.  Keep it up." Gary shouted.

"Yea, like he said." Wally also shouted.

Droopy continued trying to do his best at the tennis match like he had before.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 29, 2010, 07:09:41 PM
"My my, there are so many choices," Miss Kitty smiled.

"Cotton candy, chocolate, licorice, Tiger likes them all."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 29, 2010, 07:14:17 PM
Tigeress grinned  as she looked at some gumballs ' remember the candy parties we had back at the hotel Dixie, my my i nearly ate myself into a stupor.. ha ha.. LIcorice sounds good I'll gran a pawful' Tigress said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 29, 2010, 07:34:56 PM
"You should see Tiger," Miss Kitty chuckled,

"Sometimes he'd have sugar rushes so crazily, he'd run for miles on end!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 29, 2010, 07:46:07 PM
You should see Scooby when hes scared he'd break the world record in the 200 meters." dixie laughed " Yes, hes my husband, and I love him dearly, but something hes an out and out chucken!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 29, 2010, 07:48:37 PM
"Tiger can be the same," Miss Kitty admitted, "But if I'm in trouble, he gets tougher than a hammer!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 29, 2010, 07:54:28 PM
It depends on the enticement" Dixie admitted ' scooby wikll do anything for a Scooby snack, Shaggy too. hed also do sometjing If I kissed him, but I have enough self respect not to do that. kiss him, kust for opening a door or going into a cemetry? No thanks...' Dixie added '
_ tiger  well hes not the type will  really puts much thought into appearances. Yes hes my mate, but I feel like he harbors a bit of resentment towards me for my pregnancy" tigress said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 29, 2010, 11:47:54 PM
Droopy continued to do his best in the tennis match, while his team mates, and some in the audience cheered him on.  

"Still wish I could be in my dinosaur form." Sam said as he ate a hotdog.

"There's no room here for a utahraptor." jason said.

"To bad." Sam said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 29, 2010, 11:58:18 PM
the dread baron hit the ball out iof bounds. and  Jason won his match. 100 points for the Droopy Dawgs" daisy said calling the match for droopy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 30, 2010, 12:51:52 AM
Droopy's team cheered as they heard the announcement.  

Droopy stood ready to see what would come next.   Not fully believing the match could be over so quickly since to him time had passed pretty quickly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 30, 2010, 06:43:30 PM
The Baron stormed off the court without evening acknowledhing Droopy.. He had gained 50 points, but for him it was still a failure..
- bext up is Cindy vs incedia!" Daisy called out.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 30, 2010, 07:11:05 PM
"Crap," Belladonna frowned as they lost.


"Really?" Miss Kitty asked, surprised by Tigress' remark, "Why is that?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 30, 2010, 07:18:50 PM
hes never really had a girlfriend before i showed up. our relationship has been a bit.. er rocky at times, but  we've stuck through. my announcement that iwas pregnant.. well he didn't take it well.. at all' Tigress saoid picking up a pawful of licrice in one paw and grabbing some sweets in the other..
Scooby and I are holding off for a couple years on having kids.. we want some time to ourselves first.. Dixie said, as they approached the Counter
- Ready to complete your purchase? the clerk said to them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 30, 2010, 07:21:06 PM
"I might end up doing the same," Miss Kitty admitted.

She put her purchases on the counter and waited for the clerk to ring up the price.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 30, 2010, 07:25:33 PM
the Clerk took a few minutes to ring up the purchases (Tigress had grabbed a large quantity of candy in various shapes and sizes. all told the candy the girls bought came to $4.10.
- Thats a LOT of candy girls.. just try not to eat it all at once" the clerk said as he bagged the candy..
_ so where should we go next? Tigress asked "
Well My match isn't for another 3 hours" Dixie said, looking at her ring, which could tell time as well, it was  noe 11;30. " make that 3.5 hours, my match isn't until 3...
 So Miss Kitty, where do you want to go...?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 30, 2010, 09:41:16 PM
Droopy shrugged, not surprised with the way the Baron acted, having seen the show before in the 70's.   He walked back to where his other team mates were, who were congratulating him.

"Great match." Gary said patting Droopy on the back.  

"It was great to watch.  Not sure who would win till the end." Wally said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 30, 2010, 09:44:52 PM
it was then Droopys pjhone rang, it was Valiant.. " Go to the local police station and local banks and ask if a person came through town with a large amount of money..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2010, 08:16:52 PM
"I've got some ideas," Miss Kitty replied.

"We could try to sing on the local radio station, or go to the beach."

Elsewhere, the Grand Duke of Owls left the hotel, wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2010, 08:20:38 PM
I don't think there's a beach near here' tigress said :' although I'd love to go jumping in the water.. although I like the radio idea.. perhaps we could go there after your match Dixie? Tigress  added
_ Hmm, those are good ideas.. what songs should we sing, Kitty? Dixie asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 03, 2010, 09:57:56 PM
Droopy answered his cellphone, "Ok, do you know where the local police station and bank are or should I ask some locals?" Droopy asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2010, 10:03:01 PM
Ask the locals, keep up the good work, and you'll get paid very nicely for your efforts..valaint said ' I'm up to hmy neck in cases, what with the Riches being robbed.. although Richie has said He'll give $100 million towards the games.. which was real generous of him, considering his parents lost about 3 billion..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 03, 2010, 10:32:23 PM
"I hope you do well.  I'll ask around.  I may have to ask Jason for a lift since I don't have a car." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2010, 10:43:35 PM
well, you can ask Stripetail to help you.. he is after all a wizard, or so I heard..' Valiant replied..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2010, 11:03:34 PM
"well, I'm not the most decisive feline," Miss Kitty admitted, nodding her head embarassed. "I'd have to leave the major decision up to you."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 03, 2010, 11:56:54 PM
"I Don't know where he is.  Maybe he stays where ever wizards stay at.  maybe a special wizard only hotel or with Merlin or that Shazam chap I heard about."  droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 07, 2010, 08:15:06 PM
"Where can the radio station be found, anyways?" Miss Kitty asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2010, 08:20:31 PM
I';'m not sure' Dixie said.. We could ask someone..' Excuse me mam" she said coming up to a nearby store, where a female cat  was watching them.  " could you tell me where the radio station is. We heard about a singing promotion in town, and decided to to audition..
 Oh its on Singing Mice trail its on the south side of town.. "came the reply ' its about thirty minutes from here, if you walk..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 07, 2010, 10:08:45 PM
Droopy walked outside to see if he could find where the police station was.  He first saw an old looking bald man (Mr. Magoo) and walked up to him.  "Excuse me, do you know where the nearest police station is?" he asked.  

"Why yes I do my good lady.  Just this way." Mr. Magoo said and walked off in a random direction.  

"Lady?" Droopy said to himself quietly, wondering if this strange human was right thinking.

They walked on and came to a street, with Mr. Magoo walking straight into traffic, not knowing he was doing so and thinking he was still on the sidewalk.    Some cars swerve to avoid hitting him and end up causing a pile up.    Droopy waits then runs across the street to try to save Mr. Magoo but before he gets to him he sees there was a pileup and goes on across the street trying to pretend he was not with Mr. Magoo.  

Mr. Magoo shook his fist in the direction of where the pile up was.  "You young punks playing your music to loud."  He says then in a more normal tone of voice to Droopy, "This rock these kids of today listen to sounds like a lot of noise.  Why can't they listen to real music." Mr. Magoo says.   Then they come to a Laundrymat.  "here we are, the branch police station.  Glad I can help." Mr Magoo said, tipping his hat to Droopy then walking off.   He pauses near a streetlight and looks up.  "My, you are tall.   Are you a basketball player?" Mr. Magoo asked the lamp post.  

Droopy walked on for a bit and saw two small woodpeckers who happened to be Splinter and Knothead.  

"Excuse me, would you happen to know where the nearest police station is?" he asked.  

"Sure, we saw one just a few blocks back." Knothead said indicating behind them.  

"Thanks." Droopy said.

"Do you know that guy?" Splinter asked pointing to Mr. Magoo who was still talking to a street light, and including a nearby mail box into the conversation and both were a regular street light and a mail box and of course were not talking.  Though some toons and animated folks were giving Mr. Magoo odd looks and those on the same side of the street were making sure to walk a wide distance around him.  

"No." Droopy said.

"he looks like some kind of nut." Knothead said.  

"I think he is.  I would advise avoiding him." Droopy said.  

"Yea, we have been told to stay way from strangers, and boy is he strange." Knothead said.

"Well I should be off and I'm sure you both are busy, bye." He said waving before going on his way.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2010, 10:17:54 PM
The three girl;ls headed down the street, dixie in front " Lets hope the station is open" She said, turning to Tigress, who h\was panting, her pregnancy slowing her down
 the :PPolice officer started as Droopy y enteed followed by the small woodpeckers " can I help you? he asked as Droopy approacvhed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 07, 2010, 10:55:47 PM
"Yes, I was wondering if you know of anyone who came into town with a lot of money since I am on case of an agent who stole a lot of money from his clients.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2010, 11:04:30 PM
there was a furry fellow that spent a few thousands dollars on a su-ride  a couple weeks ago. clurry.. i think his name was.. he paid in gold coins which was very odd" the Police man said/
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 07, 2010, 11:48:49 PM
"Sounds like it could be him." Droopy said.  "Any idea where he may be?" He asked.  

"Sounds like a real looser." Splinter said.

"Yea, someone even Buzz Buzzard would refuse to have anything to do with." Knothead said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 09, 2010, 09:09:57 PM
well, he went out of town a few days afterward.. said he was headed east of her towards the "land of the Arches.."  wherever that is..." The officer said " he bught some goods at the " hydra Stop" which is four blocks north of here..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 09, 2010, 09:57:59 PM
Droopy write down in shorthand all the info had had gained.  "Thanks, this is much more information then I had before." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 09, 2010, 10:03:11 PM
Check it out, the store owner may have more info. I
'll ask around in other cities, see if they say him.." the officer said
_ Dixie noticed the radio swtation  in the distance " Not much further girls..." She said
_ tigeress was bringing up the rear.. " sorry ladies,if I'm bringing up tthe rear.. but I'll try and blend in on the singing.. although I'm probably not very good, I'll do my best."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 10, 2010, 12:37:01 AM
"Thank you." Droopy said as he tipped his hat.  "I think I'll head over there right now." He said before turning around and heading outside to head to the store.  


"What shall we do?" Gary asked.  

"I'm not sure.  To bad Jason isn't nearby.  He has this neat, whatever it is and cool video games like Final Fantasy 23, and I saw a bit of a movie called Rocky 14." Wally said.

"I had no idea those franchises were up to that number." Gary said.

"Me neither.  I'm not sure what Rocky 14 is about, something about him coming back from the grave to box either Jason from that slasher movie, forgot the name, or Michael Myers.  I only saw a bit of the movie.  And the beginning of Super Mario Brothers 7 where Bowser arrives at Peach's castle to kidnap her but finds out he arrived to early and it was Donkey Kong's turn to kidnap her.  His turn wasn't till next time and since he is bored he decides to rescue her himself so he can kidnap her a bit early." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 12, 2010, 05:04:03 PM
they made more Rocky movies replied a duck sitting next to them. that last one I saw _ I think it was 6, had him fighting something in his head while he had a coma.. terrible drivel, spent 2 days pay on it...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 13, 2010, 10:29:46 PM
"Good, I'm getting tired," Miss Kitty panted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 13, 2010, 10:33:37 PM
the girls entered the radio station, which was small one room had the control station and microphones and a few cartoon birds sat around. some were smoking cigars others were reading the papers.
- Hello?' Dixie asked " We're here to try out for the singing audition...
 the birds looked at the 3 girls " My my what a pretty trio of ladies ..' one of the birds, named Bucky said. " please have a seat" what songs would you like to sing..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 13, 2010, 10:34:29 PM
" girls can pick the first few," Miss Kitty decided. "I have too many I know tp pick a favorite."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 13, 2010, 10:37:07 PM
We'll sing " reach" first, then Because you loved me.."
Dixie decided ' I don't know those songs..." Tigress whispered in her ear. " We'll take a few minutes to warm up then we'll sing.."Dixie said turning to Miss kitty' Are those ok with you Kitty/'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 13, 2010, 10:45:33 PM
"I rather like that one," Miss Kitty replied.

"Which one of us should take the lead?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 13, 2010, 10:52:16 PM
i'll start I guess" dixie suggested "Miss Kitty you can join in and Tigress , you jump in on the second measure " dixie said creating song lyrics from her ring and giving a coyupy to both Miss Kitty and Tigress " the Girls practiced for a few minutes before the birds brought the microphones before them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 13, 2010, 10:53:54 PM
Miss Kitty warmed up her vocal cords, testing several notes.

"High c......check. Low it," she smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 13, 2010, 11:09:35 PM
Tigress tried oput a few notes before getting comfortable. Dixie hit a very high note, then repeated it. Tigress looked at her " I'd tear something if I tried thatr note..
_ Youre probably an alto.." Dixie replied. Just try a few more notes and you'll be ready.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 14, 2010, 10:02:45 AM
Droopy walked over to where the store was and looked at the outside of the store before he walked inside to try to get some information about if the former agent person he was tracking had been there.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 14, 2010, 12:39:17 PM
hmm' the clerk muttered upon taking the photo of clurry from droopy abnd staring at it, ah,,.. i did see this fellow ' he came in here about a week ago, he waas passing through and wanted to spend some money.. i sold him a pair of largwe maps and a map of the various worlds.. why are you searching for him?" the manager asked Droopy as the two young woodpweckers cane in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 14, 2010, 04:25:56 PM
"He stole money that belonged to his clients.  He was their agent and I'm trying to recover as much of the money for one of his former clients, and if I can some other as well and find out where he is and why he did all of this." Droopy said, "I do thank you for your information." He said as he wrote down the information in shorthand.  

Knothead and Splinter looked around at what they could see as they entered the store.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 14, 2010, 04:42:48 PM
Miss Kitty did some lower notes, and got her voice set.

"Perfect," she grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 15, 2010, 12:01:52 AM
The Girls began singing , and belended togetrher very well...the bords looked at each other with big grins...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 15, 2010, 12:13:20 AM
The guy running the station encouraged listeners to call in with comments on the girls performance.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 15, 2010, 12:16:13 AM
the lines were soon buzzing, and to be frank, the calls were extremely positive ' these girls have talent, sign them up, i'd like to hear more, said one caller... " Haave these girls been in movies, because they could do great things on movie soundtrack..' said another..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 15, 2010, 11:40:15 AM
"I do wonder why he would want those maps, unless it was to hide stashes of money perhaps, or to find a good place to hide." Droopy said once he finished writing down the information.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2010, 06:59:05 PM
possibly, since he was trying to get out of town quickly. if you hurry you should be ablre to catch him, he was headed towards nevada.." the store owner said to them..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 16, 2010, 07:08:17 PM
"We're a hit!" Miss Kitty cheered to her friends. "Tiger'd be so proud."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2010, 07:22:17 PM
" Nice work girls" the birds smiled " , after they had sung a few more songs.. " Lets hope you wouls like to come back for some recording.. what should we call you?'
 As a group? dixie stopped blankly.. Just give us a minute..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 16, 2010, 07:30:13 PM
Miss Kitty sighed happily as she thought about the previous day.

She had made several friends, and was now potentially a national success as well! She then thought about Dixie's question.

"How about...the Felines?" Miss Kitty suggested, though she doubted they would go with that.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2010, 07:34:09 PM
you're the only feline" tigress pointed out ' andd I'm not in any condition to do tons of singing" she said motioning to her belly "you girls are going to have to think of a nane for you, how about D and K?' The first letter in both your names..
) D and K? ehj, doesn't reallty have a hook to it" dixie replied as her ring glowed " Dixie your match starts to 20 minutes" stripetail's voice came through the ring. " get back here.. "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 16, 2010, 07:58:53 PM
"Droppy nods, "But which Nevada.  There may be quite a few versions, and that is just the animated, toon, and other versions." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2010, 08:53:25 PM
good question i'd go with toon vegas myself, at least that one has been doing well, the human vegas has not...' the store owner replied...
good luck to you...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 16, 2010, 09:39:29 PM
"Thanks.  I guess the next thing is to find some maps from here to there." Droopy said, taking a few notes then starting to walk out of the store.  He was thinking to himself if he knew of any stores that sold maps in the area.  Or he'd have to go to a place with internet and look up maps there perhaps.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2010, 11:05:08 PM
i'll see if i have some. go into the section that says ' travel
-  tiger-the-wol;f was sniffing at a hot dog holly had bought ' those are only 10 cents, e must be in a different time' she said.
- so many different creatures though some lklook familiar..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 16, 2010, 11:44:10 PM
"Thanks, I am not sure there is much call for those.  I may need to ask someone if they have any knowledge of such things.  " Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 17, 2010, 07:25:37 PM
"ooh, hot dogs," Tiger the feline smiled, he did make occasional exceptions to his vegetarianism.

"Could I get one with sauerkraut?" he asked the vendor.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 19, 2010, 11:09:30 PM
sure thing' the vendor replied as he piled on the relish. anything else you want on it? he asked Tiger. " Mustard, perhaps?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 19, 2010, 11:15:31 PM
"Nah, but ketchup would be fine," Tiger replied to the vendor, looking hungry.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 20, 2010, 01:20:28 AM
Gary went into the hallway.  After making sure no one was around he switched to his Coyote form, which was in the stop motion style and type of animation.  He was thinking if whatshername had any spies around they't not recognize his current form.  

He had on bracelets with lots of buttons and a vest with a few handy pockets.

He exited the hotel and decided to do some walking around to see what the city was like.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 23, 2010, 02:21:42 PM
Scooby looked at his ring, it was nearly three, Dixies match was going to start in less than ten minutes.
 Tigress hurried after Kitty and Dixie, they had hurried out of the radio station after Stripetail had contacted her. " lets hope we can get to the courts in time.."Dixie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 23, 2010, 09:21:50 PM
Droopy went where he could get a bit of a snack while looking over his notes to see if he could find find any patterns in the person he was after and where he'd get a map or if he knew of anyone who knew a lot of the many toon worlds of various types that existed.  


After walking around for a bit Gary wound up in the same place where Droopy was, looking for a drink after walking around.  He wasn't sure which place to pick but seeing Droopy he thought why not pick that one, though in his current form Droopy would not recognize him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 26, 2010, 08:34:26 PM
Stripetail looked up as Dixie staggered ion to the Court. ' Just in the nick of time too. You'll play her" he motioned to Belladonna who was filing in for the Rottens.
- Hello Dixie said putting her paw out to Belladonna. " i'm Dixie, Hope to have a nice game.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 26, 2010, 11:12:21 PM
"same to you," Belladonna smirked, "Though I know I'll win."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 26, 2010, 11:14:38 PM
Droopy finishes his drink as he takes notes on the notes he had taken before.  Once done he pays and gets up to head to where the Olympics will be held to see if he had any matches today.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 01, 2010, 01:12:04 AM
We'll have to see about that" dixie replied as she retreated to her side of the court. A win for Dixie would leave her one win from going unbeaten in her group, and guaranteeing her a spot in the final.  To do that though she had to beat this whippet, who had an air of menace about her..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 04, 2010, 10:56:13 PM
"You're going down!" Belladonna taunted, stepping onto the court.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 04, 2010, 10:58:42 PM
Belladonna would serve first, and Dixie got into position to recieve her serve, Dixie noticed the ball began to glow as the whippet held it in her paws. " Lets hope I can get off to a fast start...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 05, 2010, 10:42:30 PM
"Tiger!" Miss kitty smiled, "Did you hear me on the radio?!"

"I did dear," Tiger nodded, "Your signing was purrfect. I just wish there was something I could do for you."

"Don't worry about it," Kitty replied. "Just knowing you enjoyed it is enough."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 05, 2010, 11:03:49 PM
Dixie returned the serve, Belladonna had put spin on it and had ignited she hit down the line, but it curved out, giving belladonna the point.
 Tigeress grinned as she took a seat next to her mate ' We went shopping today " she said producing a bag of candy " hope you like it.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 05, 2010, 11:07:33 PM
"It's Love 15, my favor,' Belladonna chuckled confidently.

She prepped her racket for the next serve.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 05, 2010, 11:18:43 PM
Honest John and Gideon had moved courtside to call the Action " miss Bellad-bella- belladonna, am I saying that right? Goideon go check on that.. and see what Bekllladonna means I think its a plant..."john shrugged as he watched the play...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 05, 2010, 11:21:57 PM
Belladonna served again.

"HEAD'S UP!!" she called, suing all her might to swing her racket.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 05, 2010, 11:39:02 PM
the serve blew past Dixie who coudn't even get a racket on it it was now 30-0. the game quickly fell to Belladonna, and it was now Dixies turn to serve
_ where you singing on the radio " Holly asked Tigress ' Yeah I was doing a duet with Dixie and Miss kitty, the girls are a lot better than me; Tigress admitted " ou guys sounded really good" Hare said..
 You actualy sounded good" Tiger said a rare compliment " Did your "girlfriend" get you anything?
- besides candy..?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 06, 2010, 03:26:20 PM
"This won't change anything," Belladonna said, preparing to return the ball.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 06, 2010, 05:29:09 PM
Dixie served and pounded the ball just inside the srvice box for an ace.  Nice way to start ou she smiled moving over to serve again..
 A ripping serve from Miss.. Mrs .. Mrs Dixie to begin her service" Honest said said " She serves bellasonna hits it deep, she ghits it across court.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 06, 2010, 09:39:11 PM
Droopy continued on his way to where the matches were to be held to see if there was a lost of contestants and if he or any of his team members were on the list and other information they would have.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 07, 2010, 11:02:28 AM
Well Well Yogi bear said coming up to him. You're playing me Droopy old boy.. I've got to get back on the winning track.. Yogi said with a grin
Dixie won her game to level the set at 1-1 Now it was Belladonnas turn.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 07, 2010, 11:12:55 PM
Droopy looked over at Yogi, "Better to be playing you then that baron person again." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 08, 2010, 10:42:44 AM
hes a dastardly jerk, no wquestion..' yogi agreed ' i have to beat you though if i want any chance of making the finals.i already lost to scooby...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 08, 2010, 03:16:36 PM
"Good luck.  I'm sure we'll all do well." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 08, 2010, 03:19:06 PM
daisy came over to them. Mr Yogi will serve first on the far side of the court" Good luck to you gentlemen..
 Yogi went over to his side of the court, and Served his first point..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 08, 2010, 08:58:23 PM
"Here it comes!" Belladonna yelled. The hellhound beamed with pride, even though the game was tied.

Compared ot her cousin, she was far more of a bragger, and it showed. She hit the ball with all her might with her racket.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 08, 2010, 09:23:33 PM
Dixie coudn't return the serve and belladonna took the point. " shes got a strong serve, i'm having a hard time keeping up with it..' Dixie thought as they moved into position for the next point " Go Dixie! Winnie cheered loudly from the team bench.. and there were varoius cries of encouragement, incl,luding cScooby's usua raspy voice..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 08, 2010, 09:37:01 PM
Annabelel couldn't believe what she was doing, but she decided to cheer on her cousin. "Kick her butt!" she yelled to Belladonna.

Belladonna was surprised by this yelling, and that stepped her game up even further. "I'd say wacth you back, but it's more like watch your front!" she laughed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 08, 2010, 10:42:57 PM
Try and get this one back Droopy old boy" Yogi said as he served.. right into the net. Yogi got his second serve pbounced up high and would be an easy return for droopy.
Dixie tried her best but belladonna won her serve game again..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 08, 2010, 11:26:41 PM
Droopy did his best to run forward and hit the ball back to Yogi's side of the tennis court to an area where he wasn't.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 09, 2010, 12:19:46 PM
yogi whiffed on the ball giving Yogi the point. He then double-fauilted twice giving Droopy three break points "  Come on Yogi! BobO called out " You can do better than this Cindy said as  Yogi faulted again. Yogi managed to get his second serve in, barely..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 09, 2010, 10:03:41 PM
Droopy did his best to return the serve and to an area where Yogi wasn't or where he'd have a hard time to return it while remaining within the lines, (or whatever the tennis term is).  


Gary continued to walk around and explore around a bit.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 09, 2010, 10:06:15 PM
(you have it right) the ball hit the line and bounced over Yogis head Droopy took the game and had the chance to go uo 2-0.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 10, 2010, 11:36:34 AM
Droopy waited to see if he would serve next or if it was still Yogi's turn and attempt to do like before, sending the ball to an area in the lines to where Yogi would have a hard time getting to quickly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2010, 02:40:33 PM
Yogi returned the ball, but he hit it out. the set went to Droopy by a 6-0 score. Yogi slumped in a chair at the changeover..
Dixie and Belladonna battled back and firth with neither being able to break the others serve. Dixie would serve the first point of the tiebreak..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 11, 2010, 03:02:56 PM
"Don't lose your cool Belladonna..." the hellhound kept repeating to herself, getting ready for her last match.

She stretched her head and paws, to make sure she was in shape. She went to order a bite to eat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2010, 03:35:43 PM
Dixie served a ba;ll that just touched the line and bounced under Belladonna racquet, She smiled as she took the point, the next two points would be on Belladonna's serve.
yogi headed out dffor his second set, he was feeling very low about himself at the moment.. he had been outclassed in the first set.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 11, 2010, 04:00:20 PM
Droopy used the time between the switchover to rest in a handy seat till the switchover was done and they were ready to start the next set.  He used the time to rest as much as he could and to remain calm.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2010, 04:52:18 PM
yogi waited for the first serve from droopy. if he lost this game it would be very hard for him to put up much of a fight.. his l;ast match would be for little more than pride..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 11, 2010, 09:54:19 PM
Droopy took a deep breath as he held the tennis ball and exhailed slowly before he served the tennis ball.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 11, 2010, 10:01:20 PM
Miss Kitty decided to relax, waiting for her turn in the game. She pulled out a foldable chair from the bus.

"What a day..." she sighed happily, liking her newfound success.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2010, 10:06:02 PM
Dixie manage to win a point from Belladonna and now held a 4-1 lead as she aced belladonna on her serve..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 12, 2010, 04:49:58 PM
"No way!" Belladonna frowned, rage beginning to be visible in her eyes.

On Belladonna's next serve, she summoned all her might.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2010, 07:26:11 PM
Belladonna held on her two serves blasting serves of over 100 mph.. Dixie held on her serves to0 leaving the score 6-3 as Belladonna was serving. Dixie smiled brioiefly, all she needed to to do was get 1 point on her serve
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 14, 2010, 12:01:39 AM
Glacia sat in the stadium on a chair far in the back row, away from all the noise and racket happening on the field below. It was here that she could read the local newspaper in peace, less out of interest and more out of learning on what this world had to offer. The front page read "Local pianist leaves, say he'll be Bach though."

Subtle, she thought to herself.

'Pickles!' Shouted Incendia from behind her. The paper flew from her hands and high into the air. Every hair on Glacia's back stood on end.

She turned around to face her brother, just as the newspaper floated neatly onto her head, making for a lovely hat. 'I though I told you to never do that...'

'Oh,' Incendia said, picking at his teeth. 'Sorry?'

Glacia could only roll her eyes. 'Now that you have disturbed my peace... again, you might as well tell me how your match is going.'

Incendia stared. 'What match?'

'You know, the one you're supposed to be in. Against Cindy Bear, I heard.'

Her brother continued to stare. 'Connect four?'


'I'm playing tennis? Ooh, neato!' He paused for a quick moment of though, gears in his head churning. 'Um... when?'

Glacia checked. 'In ten minutes or so.'

'Oh my gosh!' Incendia leapt from behind and over Glacia, running down the stadium with hands flailing in the air. 'I'm late... I'm late! My bat! Where's my cricket bat!?'

Glacia chuckled to herself. 'He is so totally not going to win.' She picked the newspaper off her head and continued to read.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 14, 2010, 12:05:45 AM
(Glacia's playing Sorry got them confused)
  "This is a girl's match' Cindy said as Incedia came out carring a baseball bat. " and that is a baseball bat.  We Use these" she said pointing to the raquet she was holding.. "Well No matter I'll go grab one from Yogi and let you borrow it..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 14, 2010, 12:14:15 AM
Glacia for her part had to scream just a little when she found out it was she who was playing... not her brother. 'They got me confused again!? How on earth can they do that? I'm blue, he's orange... how hard can it be?'

Incendia approached his sister with a proper tennis raquet in his hand, baseball bat having been removed from him (for good reason, one could say). 'Well, you are a bit tomboyish,' he said. 'Maybe they confused you for a male?'

Glacia looked at her brother with mouth open.

He continued. 'Say, which way are you supposed to hold these things?' He twirled the raquet back and forth, blissfully unaware that both sides of a tennis raquet were the same.

'Give me that!' Glacia shouted, snatching the raquet from her brother and stomping off in a cloud of bitterness.

Incendia let out an offended cry. 'You stole my cricket bat! Give it back!' And thus, he chased after her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 14, 2010, 12:19:02 AM
sorry about the confusion the judge said to her as cindy waited for Glacia " Hello I'm Cindy" the bear as as she went to the net to shake hands "good luck to you . I need to win this match to stay alive. Yogis getting creamed in his match right now.. 4-1 in the second set ouch.. unless he pulls a miracle he'll be done..
 Dixie returned one of belladonnas serves, " Hey a got a racquet on it" She grinned. She moved to the middle of the court to get in better position
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 14, 2010, 01:37:17 AM
An anthro turtle who resembled Bowser, but was not him, stepped out from a wall.  He turned to look at what he had come through.  "A one way only thing." he said before looking around.  "I'll have a little look around." He said before walking off.  


Gary was walking and paused as he saw the figure in the distance.  He held up a hand to shield his eyes.  "No, it's not him.  Maybe a relative or some other member of the race, or from some other world." Gary said.  "Clearly not a version of one of the various animated versions of the ninja turtles." he said to himself.  


Wally used the time to take a quick nap in the hotel room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 14, 2010, 09:31:39 AM
Glacia took Cindy's hand and shook it firmly. 'Good luck to you to. You'll doubt be more sensible than the last... er... animal I played against (that being Muttley), so this should prove to be an interesting and hopefully more competitive game.'

With pleasantries exchanged, Glacia turned to her side of the court. Her brother, Incendia waited patiently (which was a little shocking for someone like him), leaning against the wall... and trying to look mildly important by brushing his fingernails against his chest.

Glacia went to open her mouth, but her brother answered instantly. 'I'm a ball boy!' He cried out, instantly ruining any coolness he might have had at that moment.

'Oh joy,' Glacia replied, desperately trying to force her enthusiasm. 'Just one question, though. Do you know what they even do?'

Incendia paused for thought, then shook his head. 'Nope! Do you?'

Glacia raised a finger. 'Yes... er... no. No I don't, actually.'

'I think it has to do with those silly green bouncy things.'

'You mean the tennis balls?'

Incendia clicked his fingers. 'That's what they are, yes! But yeah... I think I gotta pick em up and throw them at you or something. I think that's what I gotta do. I don't really know, though.' He scratched his head. 'Maybe it has something to do with my-'

'Good heavens, no!' Glacia quickly interrupted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 14, 2010, 11:00:00 AM
you pick the balls off the court after they hit them into the net, said another ball boy " This is your first time doing this obviously?  he shook his head " just scome over and sit by me and I'll show you the ropes.
_ Cindy was first to serve, and it wsas a very good one irt made it in, but barely and would be easily returrned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 16, 2010, 01:34:07 AM
Glacia returned the serve with ease, playing a more relaxed game than previous. It helped that her opponent wasn't mouthing off to her and grumbling over every other dropped ball.

In fact, it seemed to improve her playing style. This was not to say that she became some sort of tennis god, far from it. A pattern emerged in which every serve from Cindy Bear was won in Glacia's favour... but every serve Glacia made was taken by Cindy. This pattern rattled the little blue dragon's calm, something of which Glacia could be said to have little of.

It didn't help that her brother, Incendia, the ever present orange dragon that he was, stood just by the side of the court... trying in vain to prove even remotely useful at picking up stray balls... even when they hit him in the face. It was about halfway through the first set that he got bored and wandered off. This proved hardly distracting to the game though, for another... more experienced... ball boy quickly replaced Incendia.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 16, 2010, 02:02:38 AM
thde two were locked at 6 games each. and glacia would serve the first point, then cindy would serve the next two, and it would do back and firth until one of them won by 2..
Dixie and Belladonna were locked in the longest point yet, if Dixie won this point, she could serve for the set without much pressure..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 17, 2010, 09:04:25 AM
It looked like Glacia would win the match, cleaning up her serve with a surprising amount of skill (or was it luck? She would wonder later), as opposed to her previous serves which had all gone poorly for the plucky blue dragon.

Then Cindy bear destroyed her in the next set. Whether it was some sort of reversal of fate, or more likely... Glacia was letting victory get to her head, it did not matter. Such was her cockiness that she lost two games in a row to Cindy bear.

'I uh... let you have that,' Glacia said to her opponent. 'You needed the victory more than I did. Not that I was going to let you win too easily,' she added.

In all honesty, she was more worried about what her brother would have to say. She wouldn't hear the end of it, that was for certain.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 17, 2010, 05:26:55 PM
(its sets not games0
 well i did need it Cindy agreed as she shook hands. I have to play Belladonna next, and beat her to have any shot at the finals. Only the two players with the top records play for the championship. You have to play Dixie next. You will have to beat her to have a shot, if she beats you, shes in the finals.
_ Dixie won the tiebreaker 7-5 and held on her first serve. The set unfolded much as the first did with both holding thier serves.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 18, 2010, 09:13:42 PM
"You're not going to get me to give in!" Belladonna called to Dixie, the hellhound's rage increasing.

She jumped into the air to give extra power to her swings.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 18, 2010, 09:16:57 PM
Dixie winced as the bounced bounced and hit her leg. Belladonna won her serve, squaring the set at 6 each. Dixie waited on Belladonna, who would serve first. A win in the tiebreak would give her the maatch..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 18, 2010, 09:52:33 PM
"Time to turn the tables," Belladonna alliterated. She didn't want to lose her first game.

She served the ball, and kept her eyes on it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 18, 2010, 10:05:02 PM
dixie managed to return it, and hirt it up the line
_ Come on Dixie " winnie cheered ' You can do it girl! " the Woodpecker cheered. her friend was doing a good job..
 yogi smirked as Cinsdy came back to their seats " Great job Cindy old girl!' he smiled " You did a lot better than I did I lost 0-6 2-6 to Droopy."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 18, 2010, 10:48:50 PM
As Glacia exited the stadium, she was struck by a flying blue towel. As it lay upon her head, covering the whole thing, she let out a muffled groan. 'Hello to you to, brother.'

'Here's a towel!' Incendia replied, a little too late. 'I can't believe you lost. You never lose anything!'

Glacia removed the towel, and brushed her forehead slightly with it. 'I guess I can't be good at everything.'

'Says my sister, who defeated the Great Devourer of the Black Canyons.'

'That was a snail, Incendia.'

'Was it? 'Twas a very big one, I remember.'

'You were hiding in a fridge, I seem to recall. Strange how that was possible in the middle of a desert.'

'I was hot, and I wanted a lemon.'


'No, just a lemon.'

Glacia groaned once again. 'No, I mean... do you want some lemonade? There's a stand just over there.' She pointed across the stadium, where the hotdog guy had quickly painted over his "hotdogs!" sign to read "Lemonade!"

'Ooh, yes please. Can I also have some ice cream?'

'There is no ice cream.'

'There is no spoon?! Oh no!' Incendia ran about, arms in the air. 'There is no spoon! There is NO SPOO- oh hey look, a penny!' Incendia reached down, and picked up a bottlecap.

Glacia wondered if the lemonade stand also sold large, blunt objects. For hitting annoying brothers, of course.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 18, 2010, 10:54:45 PM
What I can I get for you miss? A nearby vendor asked Glacia ' i got bread, pie and assorted wooden objects.. we've got flags , pans and scorekeeping sheets..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 18, 2010, 10:59:59 PM
Glacia knew her brother loved pie. If it looked anything like a pie, he would eat it... no matter the flavour or animal that was processed. 'One pie, and some drinks. Shaken, not stirred. On the rocks, and one of those curly straws too, please. Also, a wooden board with some nails in it. Ah, and while we're at it, a score card.'

Might as well keep score, she thought to herself with an evil chuckle.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 18, 2010, 11:07:41 PM
the vendor handed those items over " whats the wooden stake for.. don't tel me I don't want to know..
The Scorehead held the totals and points from each team..

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 18, 2010, 11:31:46 PM
'Yeah, you really don't want to know,' Glacia replied to the vendor.

She found her brother easily. How hard could it really be to spot an orange feathery dragon running around pretending he's an airplane? 'Kneeeeeoooow,' he shouted with arms spread out. 'Hey sis, guess what I am!'

'A Focke-Wulf Fw 190?'

Incendia stopped, and just stared with eyes wide open. 'How did you-'

'Just a hunch,' she replied, shoving a drink and pie into his hands. 'Eat, it keeps your mouth from talking.'

'Thanks,' Incendia said, before stuffing the pie into his mouth with one bite. 'Shrw, whrn drr r grt trr hrve r grr?'

'You're not supposed to talk with your mouth full,' Glacia groaned in reply.

'Rr, srrry?'

Glacia rolled her eyes, and then pointed into the distance. 'hey, what's that?'

Incendia swallowed his pie, and looked out into the beyond. 'Oooh, what, where?' He said curiously.


Glacia had put her newly aquired wooden object to good use.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 18, 2010, 11:42:48 PM
did he ask when do I get to have a girL/ Dulcy asked coming up to Glacia with Samia close brehind they were examining the various vendors
 Hes a bit young for you Dulcy" samia cracked. " Dulcy shot her a glare "  I was just asking if I heard correctly, thats all.. she clariffied ' I'm Dulcy by the way, and this is samia... what your name? She asked Glacia
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 18, 2010, 11:51:07 PM
The large anthro turtle looked around at some buildings and a few people he saw, "I wonder if this is the place those plumber guys are from.  " He said to himself walking along.  "I wonder if all plumber types are like them or if they are unique."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 18, 2010, 11:54:05 PM
'I'm Glacia,' she replied, extending her hand. 'And this... this is my younger brother, Incendia.'

'Howdy, I'm a dragon too!'

Glacia rolled her eyes. 'What did you say earlier anyway?'

'I... don't know?'

'Typical,' Glacia grumbled. 'Five second memory. Uh... what's wrong?' She looked to her brother, who had gone a little red on the cheeks.

'A girl dragon,' Incendia coughed. 'Girl dragon.'

'Oh, right.' Glacia eyed Dulcy. 'He's not good around female dragons, except me... but I'm his sister go figure.'

Incendia straightened himself out, and cleared his throat. 'Hello... I'm... Incendia, how do you do? I'm also a dragon... I have wings! Um... nice rack, by the way.'

Glacia's mouth fell open, and she slapped her forehead. 'What a charmer.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 19, 2010, 12:07:05 AM
Dulcy blinked in amazement Did you just say, nice rack?' she looked at the young dragon incredulously  then looked at her chest " I'm sure.. it was just nerves.. right?' she gave Glacia a look before shaking her claw. " I mean, besides you how often does he see girl dragons? Dulcy could tell incedia was very nervous.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 19, 2010, 12:17:01 AM
'That would be almost never,' Glacia replied. 'We live... well, used to live... out in a desert on our home planet. We would get the occasional visitor, but us dragons are very rare out on the Borderland (our homeland). Last time we saw a female dragon, Incendia fainted.'

'What do I do, what do I do?' Incendia said nervously, tugging at his sisters shoudler.

'How about what you usually can't stop doing?' She replied, to which Incendia just stared with confusion written on his face. 'Talk,' Glacia continued.

'Oh right. Hello, I'm talking now.'

Glacia rolled her eyes. 'Preferable to Dulcy and not me.' She pushed her brother so that he spun around to face Dulcy.

Incendia cleared his thoat... again. 'Uh... nice weather?'

'A decent start,' Glacia said, somewhat honestly.

Incendia lifted up his lemonade. 'Would you like a drink?' He said to the femal dragon.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 19, 2010, 12:23:35 AM
Sure' Dulcy smiled " You know when you're not making improper comments, you're kind of curte.."
_ I could go for some lemonade too. " We might as well hang around you guys since we're not from here either and there aren't that many dragons around, so we dragons should stick together..
_ Good idea Samia" Dulcy nodded " So what do you like to do Incedia? She asked smiling at him. Looking at her red lips and full form, made Incedia do some weird facial movements..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 19, 2010, 12:35:36 AM
The little orange dragon blushed a shade of red. He rarely got called "cute", and jsut being called as such tingled his tummy. 'I... um, I like to invent things,' Incendia said, struggling to get the word out of his mouth.

'That's a good idea,' Glacia said, reffering to the idea of dragons sticking together. 'Us dragons are quite scary when in group, even if we are of slightly different species... I would never turn down the chance to stick close to other dragons. Wait... what did you just say, brother?'

'I like to invent things!'

'Oh no,' Glacia shook her head. 'Not this again.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 19, 2010, 12:40:25 AM
WWhat sort of things" Dulcy asked as she walked alongside Incedia
 So what donyou like to Do Glacia?' Samia asked looking at her young friend " or do you mostly babysit your broother here? She smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 19, 2010, 12:53:41 AM
meanwhile Dixie pulled ahead in the Tiebreak the score was now 5-3 , with Belladonna serving. Dixie knew that she could serve for the match, regardless if she lost this point.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 19, 2010, 07:14:17 PM
"Come on Dixie!" Tiger cheered, jumping up and down, though he slipped and landed on his belly.

"This can't be!" Belladonna yelled, ehr pupils seeming to get replaced by images of fire.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 19, 2010, 07:27:55 PM
Belladonna blasted a serve down the line the radar clocked it at 125 mph, a blistering serve for a female. It Was now Dixies serve.. She served a ball to Belladonnas backhand
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 19, 2010, 09:16:01 PM
Dixie won the point, and prepared to serve, using of her strength she hot a ball down the line a ball belladonna barely got a racquet on, and Dixie exaled in relief
Dixie wins" Stripetail said  " Nice match' Dixie said pantuing to Belladonna..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 19, 2010, 09:52:19 PM
"" Belladonna replied, with her teeth clenched. Her attempts to hide her rage were realtively poor.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 19, 2010, 10:06:58 PM
Dixie nodded and headed off to join her friends
Rice ron Rixie" Scooby said as he prepared for his next match..
- what now Kitty?' Sdixie asked she came up
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 22, 2010, 01:21:13 AM
Scooby's second oppoenent was Muttley ' hey  there' muttley smirked ready to lose? '
Ro, Ri'm roing ro rin rhis ratch..
- Scoooby's last match would come against Droopy a win in that match, along wiyth a win here would put him in the final match.
 Muttley served first and forced Scooby on the defensive..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 22, 2010, 02:25:58 AM
Walking down the street the large anthro turtle saw a hotdog vendor and stopped to get a hotdog, paying with a pure silver coin.

"Hey thanks Mac. I can quit for the day." The hotdog vendor said after he verified that the funny looking coin was pure silver.  He then started to push his cart since if he sold the funny looking silver coin for it's value in silver he'd not have to work for the day.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 22, 2010, 07:56:15 AM
Incendia bounced at the question he was asked. 'Oh, I've invented so many things...'

'He has,' Glacia added with a sigh.

'...I have a whole room filled with things I have made.'

'He does,' Glacia added. 'It was also my bedroom once. I sleep on a couch now.'

'I wish I could show you, missus Dulcy,' Incendia continued, 'but all my stuff is stuck at our house and we can't get there at the moment because we... uh...'

'Go on,' Glacia said, tapping her foot.

'Well... um... I made this time traveling through space thingy.'

'Which is a toaster,' Glacia added, again. 'Which is how we got here. Of course, now it's broken and we can't get back. Great invention, huh?'

'I thought it was pretty good,' Incendia said, looking mildly insulted. 'It could make reaaal good toasties. I like toast!'

Glacia nodded in agreement. 'Yeah, true... but it helps when your attempt to have breakfast doesn't result in being thrown back into the Jurassic period.'

'I like Spielberg!'

Glacia groaned.

Incendia continued, ignoring his sister. 'Hey, I also made a bunch of other stuff, too! I made a jetpack...'

'Which exploded,' Glacia said.

'...and a refridg... refri... frid... the thing you put food in, I made one of those! It shooted ice.'

'Which exploded. The ice, I mean.'

'I made a giant lawn mower, too!'

'Even though we don't have a lawn.'

'I also built a robot...'

'Which then escaped, and tried to kill that poor lady, Sarah Connor or whatever her name was...'

'Oh yeah. Well, I did try to stop him.'

'Yelling "bad robot! bad!" and spraying it with a water bottle isn't very effective.'

'Ooh, I made a soda machine, too! It had a force field!'

Glacia groaned once more. 'We could be going for a while.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 22, 2010, 01:50:43 PM
oh, so you're an inventor, whose inventions tend to..' um.." Dulcy was looking for a polite word,.. but Samia cut " Not work, and when they do work, they go on rampages? I feel for you" she muttered to Glacia..
_ As for me, well I'm a good friend of Sonic, who should be zooming around herr somwhere looking at the various foods and what not.." Dulcy said.. "Are you an inventor too glacia?'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 22, 2010, 05:30:10 PM
"I'm not sure," Miss Kitty replied. "Do I have any games coming up? If so, I should do some warmups."

Belladonna returned to the Rottens in disgrace.

"Come on, don't be so hard on yourself..." Annabelle tried to assure her cousin.

Belladonna had chewed up her tennis racket in anger.

"I'll shut up..." Annabelle said quickly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 22, 2010, 05:50:12 PM
you lost to a girl dog, how pathetic is that Bluto snapped
 Hey Girls Tigress said Coming up to them Do you want to go do some more shopping? Yes I could get you a nice dress for when your little bundkle of joy comes Dixie said I could see if theres a nice purple dress for you.." Oh that would be great Tigress grinned " We could all dress in purple..
 Now she won't shut up' Tiger Grianed ' Thanks for the candy though, genkis been chowuing down on it..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 23, 2010, 01:29:13 AM
yeah, this stuff is really tasty Holly chimed in as she , Hare and mocchi came by all munching on some candy " thanks Dixie..
- well Holly its not a problem at all dixie replied with a smile
 my last match is against glacia, I win that I'm in the finals.. dixie smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 23, 2010, 10:03:51 AM
Glacia laughed at the very idea of her being an inventor. 'Heh, no way. After what I've seen my brother here do with his "bright" ideas... I'd hate to even risk it. I suppose in a way, you have to be a bit-' She looked over to her brother, who was picking his nostril, '-different for that kind of mad scientist thing.'

'Hey, remember you did invent that peanut butter and cucumber sandwich,' Incendia said, wiping his nose gatherings on a passing man in a white suit, whom was mildly annoyed, but merely scoffed and walked on. 'Those were yummy. They tasted like peanuts, and... cucumbers!'

Glacia sighed. 'Putting fridge leftovers into bread is hardy Nobel Prize worthy, Incendia. I'm sure they would rather have a word to you about that washing machine that creates black holes. We lost a lot of good socks to that damn thing.'

Though Glacia had to admit she enjoyed bashing it with a sledge hammer as it tried to suck her into the void of nothingness. Incendia had even joined in... with a nail file.

'Enough of that though, the last time someone asked we went for days. I'd rather talk about something else. Say... what about this hedgehog you mentioned? Zooming around? Sound rather, er... strange, if I might say.'

'I like groundhogs!' Incendia said.

Glacia groaned. 'Hedgehog...'

'What's a hedgehog?'

'Please stop talking, dear brother.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 23, 2010, 10:56:23 AM
Alright, we'll go looking for him, the problem is, hes really fast and never stays in one place for long.. samia said. I man, hes a nice guy, but i think hes running to get away fro that obessive girl hedgehog .."
_ Amy! oh the stories I coiuld tell abbout her' Dulcy smirked as they walked along..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 23, 2010, 04:33:00 PM
"Nice one Dixie!" Miss Kitty said, hi-5ing her teammate.

Belladonna sat in silent pouting, giving enough visual clues that she didnt want to be disturbed.

The Grand Duke had watched from the stands, and liked the fact it was raining.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 23, 2010, 08:00:24 PM
Scooby took the lead on Muttley and soon was crysing. his bigger size and stretngth gave him an edge, abd Scoby won the first set 6-2 and quickly broke to start the second.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 24, 2010, 02:29:08 AM
'Hm, this Sonic fellow sounds awfully like my brother,' Glacia said. 'Fast paced, unable to sit still. Afraid of girls.'

'Does he like rings?' Incendia asked Dulcy. 'I like rings, they're shiny!'

'I'm sure this Sonic fellow has more important things to worry about than collecting rings, Incendia,' Glacia said. She faced Dulcy, 'mind if we tag along for a while? I could do with some draconic company that isn't mildly insane.'

'Spooons!' Incendia cried out.

'See what I mean?' Glacia said to the others with a mild sigh.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 24, 2010, 08:14:10 PM
Cetainly' dulcy said.. as for you incedia, if yo can do something for me i will reward you for it?Could you go into wown and find a bottle on gold perfume? Samia here likes the smell of irt, and she is running low on supplies of it. If you could bring me some for her, I'd be much obliged

Well, its nice for you to get something for me.." samia nodded at her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 24, 2010, 10:36:45 PM
"Dixie is gonna pay..." Belladonna kept repeating hellbent, her teeth clenched the entire time.

"Do you by chance have a chill pill for my cousiin?" Annabelle asked the Baron.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 24, 2010, 10:43:22 PM
Even even with her later, like damage her bus while they are on the way to the next town.." the Baron replied
- Scooby crushed muttley 6-1 to win the match in under an hour Murttley threw his racquet away in disgust, he had been routed
 Scooby smirked as he headed back to the bus..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 24, 2010, 11:01:01 PM
His match over Droopy went to the break area to relax a bit.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 25, 2010, 12:33:02 AM
'Oh sure!' Incendia said, jumping. 'I like to collect stuff!'

'She means to go and buy it,' Glacia said to her brother.

'Oh, but I have no moneys!'

'Shouldn't have bought all that food,' Glacia replied, shaking her head.

'But hotdogs are so yummy!'

'Whatever. Here's some cash, go spend youself silly.' Glacia shoved a bit of money into her brothers unexpecting hands, but he immediently bounced.

'Yay!' He shouted, and gave his sister a hug. It made her smile, just a little.

'Just don't forget the gold perfume, okay?' Glacia reminded her brother.

'Aye aye, captain pants.'

'I'm not even weraing any... oh nevermind.' Before she could have said any more, her brother had dashed off into the distance, with spening money in hand. 'He'll be back with god knows what,' Glacia said with a sigh.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 25, 2010, 12:38:34 AM
well, hes a kid, they have the attention span of water droplets.. come to think of it, so does Sonic" Dulcy laughed. " now is there anything you would like Glacia?
Dulcy said as they passed a scorebead with the results of the matches
Well it appears you play.. Dixie Doo next, tomorrow morning Glacia.. its your last match ...'
 A store of perfumes caught Dixie eye as they walked past " Hey Girls she said to Kitty and tigress ' want to try out some of this stuff?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 25, 2010, 12:47:30 AM
'Water droplet? Hah, that's a nice way of putting it,' Glacia laughed.

'Anywho... the last match,' she continued, 'that's good to hear. One win and one loss, so it could go either way for me. Though, to be honest, if I lose I will never hear the end of it from my brother... even though he couldn't play tennis to save his life.'

Incendia's head popped out of a trashcan, close to where Dixie was standing. 'Hello there, I'm looking for a perfume store,' he said, the sign for the perfume store just above and behind his head.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 25, 2010, 12:51:04 AM
you're looking for a perfume store? tigeress giggled ' welll, you're not going to find it in that trash can.. She laughed as she went over and heklped incedia out of the garbage can, as best she could given her advanced pregnancy. Now your olooking for a perfume stoe well look at that sign above you...
_ Dixies 2-0, a win and shes in the finals..Samia noted.. of course shes likely in the finals anyway. you can only get there with a win..and if cindy bear klosses to belladonna..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 25, 2010, 01:04:11 AM
'Oh hey, look at that!' Incendia said, looking up at the sign. 'Wow, you're really good at spotting stuff, I would never had seen that.'

Though that might have been because he had been searching in the trashcan, but at least he had found a perfectly good watch (and it worked!). 'Thank you maddam,' Incendia said to Tigress with a bow. 'I am in your debt and such.' With that, he headed into the shop to find the mysterious gold perfume of mystery.

Gold Perfume Here -->, said a sign that pointed to a stacked pile of the stuff just inside the store. 'Aww,' Incendia moaned. 'Nothing's an adventure anymore. Ooh, I wonder if they sell shark repellant here...'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 25, 2010, 01:09:26 AM
they did indeed sell sharp repellant, in aisle 4. " Shark repellant, for when guns aren't enough' read the sign..
_ why would you need 'shark repellant Tigress asked as they passed the aisle.. " Although if they have something for grumpy mates , i'll get that for tiger" She grinned..
_ Hmm I could get Scooby something that will make him eat healthy foods" Dixie smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 25, 2010, 01:25:08 AM
Incendia had also decided to grab some shark repellent, one never knew when it might come in handy. Of course, he had certainly not missed the gold perfume, for it was shiny and made of gold... two things which would easily grab the little orange dragons attention.

He took both up to the counter, which was (as always) taller than he was by at least a foot... and payed for them, leaving him with enough money for something else.

Glacia meanwhile continued to chat with Dulcy and Samia. 'So, while my brother is out doing his... stupid invention related stuff, I like to kick back and-' she looked around to see if anyone was looking, '-play video games. Oh my god, I am such a big nerd... and here I am always making fun of my brother and his inventive instinct, whilst I try to beat Gears of War 7. I also read books, Sci-Fi mostly. There was also a time when I played board games and such with passers by, that was before the Borderlands became a desert though... those were better times.'

She sighed. 'Anywho, what makes a dragon like yourself travel around with a hedgehog that you can't even find?'

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 25, 2010, 01:30:28 AM
friendship, mostly.. Dulcy admitted ' He helpe lead a revolution against Dr Egman who had taken over our world, and Somnic helped overthrow him.."
Samia spoke up, I meet Dulcy a couple months ago, and we've been hanging out, trying to find mates -without any luck) and once we found out by these games we decided to come over and follow along..Dulcys a good friend she said ' hugging her friend warmly..
 Dulcy giggled as Samia hugged her...then broke away from her ' I do hope incedia brings back the perfume...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 25, 2010, 01:49:27 AM
'Oh he will,' Glacia said. 'For all his faults, he does honour his word... on occasion. Not sure what he could do with a bottle of perfume anyway.' She shuddered. 'Actually, I hate to think what he might try.'

'Pickles!' Incendia shouted from behind Glacia, which made the blue dragon jump. He had appeared behind her almost with the skill of a ninja... almost.

Glacia turned. 'Please stop doing that.'

'I have perfume!' Incendia held up a bottle.

Glacia leant in and read the label. 'Shark repelle-'

'Oops! Wrong one!' Incendia quickly switched bottles to the gold laced perfume.

'Very good, brother. And you actually didn't go and waste all of my money-'

'I also bought a bubble blower!' Incendia showed off the bottle of bubble blowing liquid. 'Bubbles!'

'Groan,' Glacia said loudly.

Incendia ignored his sister, and walked up to Dulcy. Almost immediently he went red in the cheeks again. 'here's your bottle of perfume stuff... miss Dulcy.' He held up the bottle to her, looking away, shy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 25, 2010, 01:55:10 AM
thank you Incedia now about your reward .. Dulcy was stopped as Samia whispered softly in her ear .. "Dulcys eyes widened and  She pushed her away Samia! But Now that I think about it.. Come here incedia and recieve your reward.. " She lifted nincedia's face, close to hers and red andorange lips met as she kissed him on the lips. dulcy tongue briefly touched his by accident as she pulled away..
-Samia smirked slightly as she watched her friend kiss Incedia.. "Do you have a boyfriend now. She cracked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 25, 2010, 02:02:14 AM
Incendia's brain pretty much exploded. 'Woah,' he said. 'tha... wa... sooo, wow... huh.' He stumbled, trying to turn to face his sister, whom stared at him with eyes wide open and mouth just the same. 'What jus... happended?'

Glacia closed her eyes. 'Nice work, now you broke him,' she said with a slight chuckle. 'Congratulations, that's your first kiss, brother. Welcome to the club.'

'Oh my gosh! I'm married?!'

'No...' Glacia raised a brow, 'wait, what?'

'Not again!'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 25, 2010, 02:07:52 AM
married?Dulcy laughed " no, Incedia you're a bit young for that...
 My Turn" Samia said and she moved over Took the still reeling incedias face in her cklaws and gave him a firm, strong,lengty kiss. her kiss lasted longer than dulcys, and when she finished she gently brushed her tongue against incedias before pulling away. " Thats for getting me the perfume she whispered in his ear..
_ Um.. getting the perfume was my idea.. Dulcy said.. "I'll thank you for that later.. its not like i;m going to kiss you , right in front of them..samia pointed out..' Yeah good point Dulcy said. then Samia whisper something in her ear, dulcy turned to her smiled briefly and nodded.. she then turned to Glacia .. " So why don't we get you and your brother some more to eat.. our treat' she said...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 25, 2010, 02:14:23 AM
'Sounds good,' Glacia said. 'I could do with something to eat after something like tennis. As for my brother,' she looked down at the poor orange dragon, who'm had passed out shortly after a bried moment of stumbling that resembled a drunken dance routine, 'I'd suggest something very strong, like chilli.'

'My god,' Incendia said from the ground. 'It's full of stars...'

'That's the sky, you idiot,' Glacia said. 'And it's still daytime.'

'It's so... pretty.'

'You should get off the ground before someone steps on you.'

'I'm in... heaven. Pretty angels and unicorns... and cereal, I like cereal.'

'Fetch me a bucket of water,' Glacia said to Dulcy. 'I know how to wake him.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 25, 2010, 02:19:23 AM
dulcy smirked as she went over a stand a got a bucket of water and gave it to Glacia..."Now tell me glacia , are there any boy dragons were you are from, besides this young Romeo here" she giggled slightly.. Chili it is assuming theres a vendor that makes it if not, we'll have some soup..
 Dixie found Tigress and Kitty a pair of beaitiful purple dresses and she bought one of them for herself..
Tigress came out wearing the new dress and showed it around to the other girls how does it look? She cried happily...
 Dixie! Thank you sofor all this i feel like I could k-" Do it later" dixuie cut in, as she looked at a new rack of clothes...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 25, 2010, 02:34:24 AM
'Oh yeah,' Glacia said, 'there's plenty. Given that most of them are much older than me, and the fact that I'm hardly of age for that sort of thing.' Not that it really mattered, for she was usually busy indulging in her hobbies to even think about that horrible romantic yucky stuff. There was one thing that she did think about, however.

'There is one problem,' she continued, a little embarassed. 'Where I live, our species of dragons... well, uh... they kinda supposed to mate in the air. That's one of the biggies, or so I've been told, of how dragons get judged for... suitability. The ability to fly is therefore crucial, something which I... er... lack. Unlike Romeo here.' She pured a bucket of cold water on her brothers head, which had the effect of shooting him up into the air.

'Ow! Ow! Cold, cold!' He cried, shaking his head like a dog trying to rid of the water. Glacia regretted her actions, copping a shower of water in the process of her brother trying to dry himself off.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 25, 2010, 05:16:11 PM
well, then we'll have to see if there is any sort of contraptions around here that could make up for your lack of natural wings.. we wouldn't want you to be left out, because of a quirk of nature" Samia said, looking at Glacia.. "Now, both Dulcy and I are older than you two, so we've had some experience in those matters.. Now, lets look around and see if any of these vendors have artifical wings.. You can pay us back later" she grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 26, 2010, 09:29:40 AM
The moment Samia mentioned artificial wings, Glacia went pale. 'Oh, no... that's... n.. not necessary,' she stuttered, her brain trying to think up excuses. 'Uh... I think I left the iron on at... uh...'

Incendia on the other hand... 'Yay!' He shouted joyfully, 'let's make my sister fly!'

'No, please, let's not,' she replied.

'Aww, come on sis... flying is so much fun.'

'I recall the last time you said that, you had tried to strap that exploding jet pack to my back.'

'But it worked fine,' Incendia complained. 'I put in on my back, and it worked!'

'It exploded in mid-air... you only survived because you're immune to fire, and extremely lucky.'

'Exactly! No... wait.'

Glacia turned to Samia. 'Not to sound rude, but no thanks. I know it's a weird thing for a dragon to say, but I prefer the comfort of the ground.'

'Glacia's afraid of heights,' Incendia said.

Glacia closed her eyes, and sighed. 'Thanks brother, tell the entire world while you're at it.'

'Okay!' He said, immediately turning and running off into the distance, much to the digress of his sister.

A minute or so later, there was a jingle on the local speaker system. 'Ahem, excuse me. Hi,' Incendia's voice sounded over the speakers. 'Hello, hey... just wanted to tell everyone that my sister, Glacia, is afraid of heights. Yeah, funny story... she was climing this tree because I dared her and then she slipped and... ooh. Hey, what's this button do-'

A pop tune started to play over the system. Another voice shouted in the background, 'hey, what do you think you're doing? Get out of there!'

'Oh oh, I've been caught orange handed! Prepare to eject!'

'Get out! Shoo! Let go of the microphone!'

'No, this is my microph... ph... microphu... the thing I'm speaking into, it's mine!'

'Let go!' The sounds of a struggle. 'Hey, that's my leg! Ow, my foot!'


'Someone grab him!'

'Ha ha, stole your wallet!'

Another voice. 'He's got my pants!' Then, the system went silent.

Glacia sighed, shaking her head at the nearby speaker. 'He won't be coming back for a while.' She turned to the two dragons, with a dark and determined look on her face. 'Let's find me some wings.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 26, 2010, 12:57:42 PM
You can kill him later Dulcy smirked as the thee girls walked onward
 Woody and winniw tooka break and decided to see what they could buy at the vendors Scooby had given them a couple hundred dollars, which , at the prices of this town, would buy a lot of food and clothes..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 26, 2010, 08:41:22 PM
"Purple, just my color," Miss Kitty smiled, looking at the recently-purchased dress.

"Thanks," she smiled to Dixie, "How can I repay you?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 26, 2010, 09:01:01 PM
i'm not sure, you'll just have to think of something..Dixie smiled at her " you gals look get wearing them by the way, its almost as if you were in a music group!" she laughed.
 Well you two are at least.. Tigress said. I'm in no condition to tour or anything..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 26, 2010, 11:06:52 PM
Bowson watched the vendor leave as he ate what he had in his hand.  "Things here must be very cheap." He said to himself before he finished eating what he had and went on his way.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 26, 2010, 11:12:13 PM
Excuse me sir' said a man dressed in a Ranger couniform " Have you seen a bear named Yogi around here/ i used to run the park hes from and i justgot rehired to run the park.. tentatively of course.. Ranger smith ast your service.." the ranger nodded at Bowson..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 27, 2010, 02:32:42 AM
Bowson stopped to listen to the ranger.  He shook his head after listening to the ranger.  "I've not heard of a Yogi, sorry." He said, leaving out he was new to the world.  

Hearing what had been said, or most of it, Gary walked up closer from where he was.  

"Excuse me, did you say Yogi?" Gary asked.  

Bowson turned to Gary, "Yes, Ranger Smith is looking for a bear named Yogi." Bowson said to Gary, "Do you know him?" He asked.

Gary nodded, "Yes, he is competing in the laff-a-lympics with Booboo and his other friends.  The original teams were put back together with a new team named the Droopy Dawgs.  It's being backed by a rich person." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 27, 2010, 10:11:02 AM
thats all very well and good, but those games would have to make bilions for things to improve, the only reason i've been tentatively hired is due to government intervention.. ranger smith said.. hmm.. sas i recall yogis team was the yahooeys back in the day.. i'llgo look for them.. thanks gary..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on September 28, 2010, 12:47:26 AM
'So, it might sound like a bit of a dumb question,' Glacia began to say, as she walked with the other two, 'but... where exactly does one go to buy a pair of wings? Or at least, some sort of device that allows one sustained flight?'

It is innevitable that there's a shop called "Wings R us" or something around here, she thought. This place is just weird enough already for my tastes, I hope I'm proven wrong.

Incendia had disapeared from the streets. He may have not been the sharpest tool in the proverbial toolbox, nor the most sane... but even he had the smarts to stay low after stealing someones... er... pants.

He decided to leave both the wallet and pants behind. To him, the satisfaction had been stealing them in the first place, not spoiling himself with his new found riches. It possibly helped that the wallet only contain about five bucks. Glacia had given him much more than that.

So he did the right (well, someone nice) thing and left the wallet and pants on the sidewalk, with a sign that said "for man who is missing pants, sorry", complete with a little smiley face... and then he wandered into the market district, looking for adventure.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 28, 2010, 12:58:46 AM
That is a very good question, and to be honest I have no idea' Samia said " Lets see if there is anything for winged creatures like birds bats and the like,..." Excuse me sir?' She asked a nearby vendor ' we're looking for someplace to clean our wings..
_ Dragons in flight ints near the harbor , on the other side of town..they might have prosthtics in too come to thing of it.. came the reply.. " its on BaIg Bad Wolf Drive..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 28, 2010, 02:23:37 AM
"The different teams are staying at different hotels.  He may be at the one the Yogi team are staying at, or at the stadium if he's in any of the events today." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 29, 2010, 04:28:08 PM
Thank you Gentlemen" Smith replied tipping his cap...and began heading off..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 29, 2010, 10:48:29 PM
"Do you need the addresses to any of those locations?" Gary asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 29, 2010, 11:17:17 PM
Yeah, if you have theM. smith replied turning back..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 30, 2010, 02:56:43 AM
Gary took out a pen and a pocket pad of paper.  on the top he wrote down the name and address of where the events were being held and underneath that the name and address of the hotel yogi's team was staying at.  

"Here." he said and tore the piece of paper off to off it to Ranger Smith.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 30, 2010, 05:06:52 PM
Thank you very much, I'll be happy to tell Ygi of my good fortune.. sure I've had my problems with Yogi over the years, but hes ultimately a decent fellow.. when I lost my job he was devastated.. Smith said.. "while the park won't be open again for awhile.. theres no t enough money in the budget for it, just enough to hire me and a few other rangers to oversee it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 02, 2010, 06:43:34 PM
"That sounds bad.   I can give some gold if that would help any." Bowson said, not sure if it would but it sounded like things were bad here and if things were cheap as they were here maybe some gold could help.

"Maybe some of the money from these games could help the park." Gary said.  "Having one more park open would be good and would help some folks to feel better and be able to visit it again."

"Yea, parks can be great." Bowson said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 02, 2010, 11:17:14 PM
"Good idea Dixie," Miss Kitty smiled.

"Groups typically have similar outfits, so it'll work out just perfectly!" She went quickly into a changing room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 02, 2010, 11:18:10 PM
well its going to take a lot of money, unfortunately.. heck yogis team would have to win the whole thing probably.. ranger smith suddenly brightened.. how are they doing right now?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 02, 2010, 11:49:20 PM
"The games just started.  Last I heard they are still playing the tennis matches." Gary said as he rubbed his head and tried to remember.

"I can give you a few gold coins if it would help your salarie." Bowson said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 03, 2010, 12:24:57 AM
lets see now, gold coins aere worth a lot of money now, so i'll take what you can spare.. ah i see they're in second at the moment.. not bad, but theres getting a be qite a gap between them and the scoobies.. like old times.. they couldn't catch scooby and his team not msatter how hard they tried' ranger smith shrugged.. ' who do i go see about becoming a mascot for the team? He asked..
I'll be in after you' Dixie called, looking at Tigress with friendly affection. " you  look great Tigress. Thanks.. yioou don't mind I bring the baby over to visit after shes born?
- Tihgress! you don't even need to ask! of course you can bring the baby..Dixie smiled, hugging her friend.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 03, 2010, 12:39:14 AM
Bowson reached to where he kept them and offered Ranger Smith a few gold coins.  "Hope these help you a bit." He said to him.  

"You can ask Yogi or the wizard Stripetail about becoming a mascot or joining the team." Gary asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 03, 2010, 12:40:35 AM
Stripetail, huh? well could you show me where he might be/ Ranger Smith asked, putting the coins in his pocket... Thank you for the coins, this should help a bit..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 03, 2010, 01:56:28 AM
"You're welcome to them.  Where I"m from if you know where to go you can find some may laying around and quite a few in certain rooms you have to use pipes to get to." Bowson said.

Gary did his best to remember if he knew of a way to reach Striptetail that he could tell Ranger Smith.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 03, 2010, 06:58:33 AM
Alvin and his brothers and Cadpig finally got to Toon town for the games.

"You see I told you having Theodore stop at that All you can Eat buffet was a bad idea" Alvin said.

"At least we got here before the games were over" Simon said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 03, 2010, 04:39:19 PM
welcome boys" Dave said coming up to them wearing a laffalympics shirt. its a good thing you got here, because I wa starting to worry. The Chipettes should be somewhere in this crowd..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 03, 2010, 05:39:00 PM
"Great now we know where not to sit" Alvin said being his overly cocky sometimes a bit of a jerk self.

"ALVIN!!! You promised you'd be nice" Simon said.

Alvin laughs.

Alvin slung an arm around Simon

"Simon, Simon, Simon, don't you know by now that my promises mean nothing"?

Alvin said with a smirk.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 03, 2010, 09:19:58 PM
just follow me boys, and bring your friend along" dave said ' you're scheduled to foerform tomorrow at six, so best get ready,. we're staying at the Flashlight fountain.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 05, 2010, 10:51:19 PM
"We going to be back at our hotel soon?" Kitty asked her teammates.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 05, 2010, 11:56:10 PM
Yes, once we finish shopping we'll head in.. Dixie agtreed . " But first we need to get something for Tigress to remember this part of her life.. in a couple weeks, things will change for her forever.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 06, 2010, 12:58:12 AM
"You can ask Yogi about that.  Can't hurt.  If he's busy, then one of the other team members, or you can ask them where Stripetail is if he's not there." Gary said to Ranger Smith.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 06, 2010, 11:46:36 AM
Miss Kitty nodded in agreement to her friend.

"You're right. Whatever we get, it doesn't have to be expensive, but it has to be something special. Something not simple. Something she'll treasure forever. But where could we find something like that?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2010, 02:23:06 PM
how about a necklace, or perhaps covers for my horns? tigress grinned as they walked onwards.. I wonder what the next events will be.. maybe a treasure hunt?  
 Well we could ask around these shiops ahead osf us
_ Dulcy and smaia walked n togetjer, laughimng as they saw incedia try to impress Dulc..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 12, 2010, 07:45:06 PM
"A necklace would be my recomendation," Kitty commented, "I have a thing for things that shine."

She marveled when she saw a jewelry shop. Emeralds, diamonds, rubies, and pearls gleamed in front of her eyes.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 12, 2010, 08:07:30 PM
If you guys could find some purple or blue stones for the necklace that would be awesome" tigress said looking at her friends with a large grin.. I'd treasure it forever she said. "Tigers too much off \ a stiff to get me anything.."
- Thats what you have girlfriends for, to cheer you up and talk about girl things, relationships with your mate, and all that other good stuff Dixie smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 16, 2010, 07:20:25 PM
"I say purple, but that's just a personal recommendation," Kitty said, eying the jewels.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 16, 2010, 07:47:16 PM
Purple sounds great' Tigress said. " if we find horn covers too. thats a bonus.. Though I'm not sure if they have them.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 17, 2010, 09:22:42 PM
"Those are probably uncommon,' Miss Kitty replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 17, 2010, 09:45:16 PM
"Maybe we can try by going to the area where the Tennis matches are being held.  If he's not there then someone there may know where Stripetail is.  And or Yogi may be there also." Gary said.

"I'd like to see what this place looks like. And this laffalympics thing you have been talking about." Bowson said, interested in this world that he had just come to.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 19, 2010, 09:30:16 PM
"She is going to pay.." Belladonna grumbled to herself. "If I ever face that dog again...I will vanquish her!"

"Calm down cousin..." Annabelle said softly, drinking a cappuccino.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 19, 2010, 09:36:39 PM
no doubt you will' Bluto replied with a grin.. "perhaps I could.. lend you a hand.."
 Bluto1 The dread Baron said " we cannot afford to cheat and get caught.. We're trying to win here.. for once!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 19, 2010, 10:34:26 PM
"Sounds like we should rush to this location right now." Bowson said, "Why wait."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 24, 2010, 12:19:46 AM
Kitty is right these are probably not very common " dixie agreed as they continued looked
- tiger Genki, and holly continued walking around town. " Gee I wonder if they have any video games here" Genki, I don't think they have TV in this place" holly said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 24, 2010, 12:26:10 AM
"After we leave here, we should head back to the hotel," Kitty said. "I actually like the room service food."


The Duke was pleased that the sun was going down.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 24, 2010, 12:29:58 AM
thats a good idea. we're look at a few more stores, then head back to the hotel..
 Scooby was trying out some of the various food that was for sale. He had a hot dog, slice of cheese pizza and steak all on a hamburger bun.. Rummy" He grinned..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 03, 2010, 09:33:41 PM
"I do not think we need to rush there.  Just going there at the usual pace should suffice." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 06, 2010, 12:04:09 AM
Soon each of the Scooby Doobies was heading back to thier hortel
- Tigeress carried with her a beautiful basket full of goodies including a set of horn covers.. I hope your girls enjoying shopping as much as I did.. Unfortunatelly in the next couple days i will have to be heading back home. I'm exhausted, and well, I'm getting close to "that Time" Se said with a thin smile..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 06, 2010, 12:38:56 AM
Wally woke up and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower.


"So how do we get there?" Bowson asked, not familiar to the place.


Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 06, 2010, 12:55:34 AM
theres a map vendor over there" said a vendor pointing bowson to a pair of smurfs hawking maps...
 Well i'm glade you could come pay a us a Visit Dixie said smiling at her friend, who looked quite tired from the expression her face..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 11, 2010, 10:09:05 PM
Yeah I'll need Struipetail to teleport me, Genki Holly and the others back..  hopefully the next time we me I can introduce you my little bundle of joy..
- Dulcy and Samia wrere looking throufgh the display of various "waings" most were little more than passing or armor for wings.. so far there was little sign of artifical wings..
Any luck Glacia?  Samia asked looking over at the young dragon who was searching anoytther part of the store..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 11, 2010, 11:06:35 PM
"maps sound like a good idea, if we'll be here long." Bowson said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 13, 2010, 12:15:55 AM
"We understand," Miss Kitty replied to Tigress. "If you need us to lend a paw, just say something."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 13, 2010, 12:27:43 AM
Well, Kitty, I'll keep that in mind.. Thanks for coming along with me and helping me find some stuff to buy" tigress smiled as they headed towards Dixie and Kitty's rooms
 outside the weather was getting bad. as wind started blowing against the windows.
 Tiger was sitting at the dinner buffet, agonizing between choices
" would you HURRY UP!' Tiger-The wolf_ said behind him " oh.. er.. sorry.. they all look so good..
- Just pick something so the rest of us can eat' Almaron said, giving the alley cat a glance
 tiger grinned and dashed down the line grabbed some food and piling it on his plate.
 He dashed towards a table and took a seat
Rum ris ris ry rable' Scooby said shooting a look at him
 " sorry, Scoob old boy, but i need a place to sit" tiger said..
_ just set your stuff in my room' Dixie said to Tigress then we can get something to eat downstairs ' I'm sure the guys have already started..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 13, 2010, 12:57:30 AM
The Yogis were seated at the dining room in thier hotel' passing out food between each of them..' Hey bobo, try this chicken its delish...Yogi smiled
 Ok, team as we;'re not doing so hot at the moment, we're got um 250 points.. and thats er lets see
We're in third" Cindy said "the doobies are in first, and the dAwgs are second..
 Geez, the Scoobies are of to a good start again.. Yogi frowned..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 13, 2010, 01:03:16 AM
"We can try the hotel the Yogis are staying at, at worst you can leave a message for YOgi there I'm sure." Gary said to the park ranger.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 13, 2010, 01:11:10 AM
"I wonder if I can get mouseburgers again," Kitty chuckled, looking at the buffet.

"But I doubt that..."


Elsewhere, Belladonna was chewing her food angrily. The sound of her teeth clenching was hard to miss.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 13, 2010, 02:31:12 AM
just remember to leave some stuff for all of us , unlike a certain Great Dane or alley cat" Dixie smiled briefly ' honestly, those two would eat the whole buffet if we left them..
- which is why I put a spell on the food' stripetail said coming up behind her. 'nice wory Doobies, you lea the games after the first full day..but we have a long way to go.. in case you are wondereing the opening ceremonies were seen by 260 million toon and human viewers..which is a lot of viewers.. so far so good.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 19, 2010, 01:09:53 AM
Could you chew a bit quieter" asked Bluto, which was a bit hypocritical since he was munching away his his chicken leg almost as loudly as Belladonna was.
 Woody and winnie  were munching away at thier food. " they were just glad to be on the leading team, while they had not seen action yet in the games that would change..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 19, 2010, 01:24:47 AM
Gary went to the hotel where his team was staying, bringing along Bowson so he could try to find a room, if possible. Or if there were any rooms in nearby hotels.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 22, 2010, 11:54:48 PM
ranger smith followed him towards the hotel where the Yogis were staying..
 Yogi stopped eatuing and looked up as Ranger smith entered the dining room ' Hello Yogi, Ciondy Bobo, i have some good news1 The government has rehired me to run Jellystone Park! but the problem is that theyt don't have the money right now to keep it open year-round, they told me that with the tax revenue being so low that it'll only be open a month or so out of the year. That is of course, unless your team wins. so Yogi, what do you say, will you help keep jellystone iopen1
- absolutely sir, mr Ranger sir' Yogi replied " Please, have a seat.. we'll have to get you a uniform and all that..
_ wh What, you mean you'll bringing me on the team1 No yogi, i;m never been particularly good at sports
 But you get 100, 000 dollars for being a member  Ranger sith " Condy pointed out
 100, 000? thats 2 years salary! who's got that kind of cash lying around?
 mr stripetail, the wizard who organized these games..Yogi pointed out..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 23, 2010, 12:43:17 AM
Gary waved, "i guess you can take care of him from here Yogi." He said.  "and as for the prize money with that much you can maybe tell the park to put part or all of your salary towards running the park, upkeep and such and live on the prize money, or whatever you decide." he said then waved again and headed over to the hotel where the dogs were staying.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 23, 2010, 11:50:16 AM
sure ' ranger smith replied " thanks for your help Gary.. so Yogi, what sports will i be playing?
 we're not sure yet.. we're finishing up tennis tomorrow then moving onto other events" Cindy said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 29, 2010, 12:12:04 AM
Gary went into the hotel and went to see if they had any food, or if he'd have to order out for pizza again.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 29, 2010, 12:16:32 AM
What would you like to eat? asked the waiter who was tending a single table, most of tthe others were unoccupied "Can i get you something to drink?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 29, 2010, 12:36:09 AM
Gary nodded, "I would like something.  What sort of stuff do you have to eat and drink?" He asks.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 29, 2010, 12:39:07 AM
lets see wwe have several kinds of cola, we have apple , orange, grape , raspberry, blueberry, and kiwi juice, and we have 'milks' made from various for eating, we have calamari, steak, perogies, stuffed bread rolls, slices of pizza, chicken and a various assortment of pies for dessert..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 29, 2010, 09:10:50 PM
sdo what \do you say Kitty to a little game after we get done eating Tiger grinned " how about a game of tag.. I'll be it first and you'll have to try and get away from me..
- we could play Hide and seek Dee suggested " Get a number of players on each team and play it that way..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 29, 2010, 09:48:08 PM
"Hmm," Gary thought thinking, "I think I'd like to drink some blueberry and have some stuffed bread rolls." He said after thinking of the options for a while.  "I'll think of the desserts if I want any later on." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 29, 2010, 09:52:18 PM
Right away' the waiter said hurrying off to prepare his order. another waiter seated Gary with some warm bead rolls and a glass of water
These games hgave been great for the local economy" the waiter said pouring him some water. " I've had more people stop in in the last few days then I've had in the last 2 months put together, and this is getting towards winter too..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 29, 2010, 11:06:31 PM
Gary nodded, "I'm glad it can help.  Maybe it's the start of things improving." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 01, 2010, 02:35:06 AM
Just then, the door to the hotel's restaurant burst open as a small tornado came rushing in, sending objects flying.  The tornado stopped and a Tazmanian devil was in it's place, grunting and growling...

Following behind, a white in a messed up sailor's suit marched in, glaring at Taz and mumbling...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 01, 2010, 01:12:36 PM
what can I do for you? said a waiter coming up to them.. ' there are plenty of tables available..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 02, 2010, 01:44:17 AM
Taz turned to the waiter and began to speak, but not one word could be understood, simply sounding like screeches and growls.

Donald moved to the side to get the waiter's attention.  "I'd like a seat at the bar," he said.

(OOC:  No, he's NOT drinking booze...)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 02, 2010, 09:50:30 AM
Ah. MR Duck. How are you amd Miss Daisy getting on? He said with a smile Please follow me.. and sir" He motioned to taz. " Did you want cheese on your noodles? Have a seat at this table here Whjile I escort Donald here to the bar.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 02, 2010, 12:01:34 PM
Gary waited at his table till his order arrived, engaging in idle conversation if either waiter seemed to want to.

Bowson had used his magic item to go back to his castle to eat and go to sleep for the night.  

Wally had gone out to watch a movie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 02, 2010, 11:15:52 PM
the waiters brought Gary second helpings of food, which the movie was an old 30s era cartoon complete with newsreels.. an early Donal Duck and woody woodpeckler cartton was shown inbetween the newsreels..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 03, 2010, 01:39:07 AM
Taz responded with an excited nod and said, "Oooooh!"  He politely sat at a table, while Donald was led to a seat at the bar.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 03, 2010, 02:55:46 AM
Wally watched the newsreel and other things, enjoying them all.  He had heard of the way they had shown movies and stuff before the 60's, but had not really been to such a theater before.  


Gary started his dinner once it arrived, eating at a leasurly pace, seeing no need to hurry.  "Thanks." He said as his dinner arrived.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 04, 2010, 12:12:18 AM
the bartender asked Donald " what will you have?'
_ the waiter place a plate full of mac and cheese in front of TAz.. " enjoy' the waiter smiled as he went back to the kitchen
_ Dulcy and Samia headed up towards thier room.. "I wonder Where Glacia and Incedia wil be staying tonight' Dulcy said to her friend Samia
 Droopys phone rang suddenly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 04, 2010, 12:13:26 AM
The Grand Duke was at a restaurant, ordering some roast beef.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 04, 2010, 12:32:18 AM
Enjoying your roast beef sir?' asked the waiter as he came forward with a glass of water, and set it down at the dukes table.. " enjoying the games so far?' he asked pleasantlky..
_ Try and keep away fro m me Kitty" Tiger smirked as he chased his girlfriend up the stairs with a laugh.. " Come on! I'm catching up.. Tiger had decided to just play with kItty for the time being " the others would join in after he caught her..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 04, 2010, 12:47:32 AM
Droopy was eating in the hotel dining room.  He paused his eating to pick up his cell phone.  "Hello?" He asked.  

Gary continued to eat his dinner.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 04, 2010, 02:53:41 AM
Donald placed some money on the counter.  "I'd like a vanilla milkshake."

Taz marveled at the meal in front of them, and then started to scarf it down.

Meanwhile, four more individuals entered the dining room:  two humans, a tall wolf, and a short Corgi.

"I'll go check into our rooms while you find a seat," Eric Knight said, before turning away to the check counter.

"I still don't think they'll be having the games 'round here," Ticker, the Corgi, protested.  "How do you know where they'll be playing?"

"You haven't heard of Twitter?" Alyssa replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 04, 2010, 04:54:35 PM
Status report on the Dee case Droopy. Have you found any more of her missing possessions.. I got a toip that Clurry may have gone to Green River.."\better go check it out.."
 Valiant said
_ One Vanilla milkshake, thats 20 cents..' the waiter said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 04, 2010, 10:54:18 PM
Droopy informed Valiant of what he had found out so far and what he had found.

(ooc: I am not sure what he found out or found.)

"Green River? I'll head there then.  I'll have to find how far it is from here." Droopy said.


Wally ate some snacks he had bought and sipped his drink now and then, pacing himself so his food and drink would last as long through the short, cartoon, serial, and movie.  Once done he headed back to the hotel.

"Those Little Rascals are even better seen on the big screen, and the other stuff was neat to see also." Wally said to himself on his way out of the theater.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 05, 2010, 10:47:42 PM
So you haven't found any more of the stuff huh. not surprising.. as clurry stored most of his stuff at his house' valaint said check on green river.. and keep a low profile, use the time between the games to look around..and hopefully durring the games you guys can get into the top 2..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 05, 2010, 11:14:44 PM
"Sounds like a good idea." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 06, 2010, 12:32:40 AM
Donald payed the waiter.

The four newcomers sat at a booth while they waited...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 06, 2010, 01:39:29 PM
so what brings you here/ asked a waiter coming up to them.. "Come to see the games perhaps? they will be moving to another sire in a couple weeks..
-b Dulcy got into bed ansds let herself relax.. Samia soon joined her.. " that bed isn't very comfortable' she said to Dulcy..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 06, 2010, 06:11:29 PM
"I'll be sure and do that." Droopy said to Valiant.

Wally soon returned to the hotel from the movie theater where he had been.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 06, 2010, 06:16:03 PM
once you are done finding dees stuff there are the other cleints to Clurry bilked.. which they will likely be grateful.. now the fee is 1% of property recovered so you're looking droopy at a 7 figure pay day, which would  make you quite rich, assuming you aren't already a millionare several times over byu the time these games end..' Valaint said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 06, 2010, 07:16:13 PM
"I just hope I can find him and recover all or as much of their stuff as possible." Droopy said.  "And find out the reason behind all of this."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 06, 2010, 07:18:47 PM
that is the ideal.. perhaps Gabnriel got to him, we can place much of the blame for Toontowns decline at her feet. her name keeps coming up in the queries I've been making.. and shes keeping a close on the games.. shes laying low, waiting for her chance to strike..'Valiant said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 06, 2010, 10:19:30 PM
As Eric rejoined the rest with the room keys, it was Alyssa who answered.  "Actually, we wanted to sign some friends of ours up as participants in the games."

"And since the games are being held here," Wolfie added, "we can try to talk to the folks in charge of the games."

Donald turned and watched the cartoons being played...

Taz finished off even the plate before he wiped his mouth gingerly with the napkin...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 06, 2010, 10:24:14 PM
Hmm, well theres a wizard running the games i hear. a squirell in pink robes.." the waiter said " if you want to join, you'll have to ask...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 06, 2010, 10:44:55 PM
"Indeed possible.  I wonder if he was working for her, and went on the run, or if he went on the run for some other reason and she caught him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 06, 2010, 10:50:37 PM
The only way you'll find out is by asking him yourself valiant said " So how do you like your team?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 07, 2010, 12:01:25 AM
"They seem nice, and quite a variety also.  I don't really mind who wins, as long as it's not the rottens.  Everyone seems to be having fun."  Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 07, 2010, 12:30:27 AM
The Rottens almost never win, so thats not the issue/ are the tooms starting to regain thier confidence? that is, d you notice improvement? many of these toons were begging me for help including donald and Daisy, but the line begging for help as greatly shrunk since the games started..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 07, 2010, 12:53:13 AM
"The folks working in the hotel seem happy, and Donald and Taz are here currently." Droopy said to Valiant.  "The morale of folks does seem to have improved from what I've seen." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 07, 2010, 02:28:02 AM
"Wizard?  In pink robes?  OK..." Alyssa replied.  "So, where do we find this wizard?"

(OOC:  So where are the Really Rottens hanging out by now?")
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 07, 2010, 11:48:30 AM
they are hanging out at thier hotel.. which is the Crystal Car motel)
 hmm try the Sunshine Street inn. in 5 blocakds down.. thata where the Scoobys are staying too Taz.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 07, 2010, 10:09:30 PM
Gary finished his dinner and started to slowly drink his drink.  

Wally wondered into the Lobby and looked around to see what was up, if anything.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 09, 2010, 12:39:49 AM
Alyssa wrote down the name.  "Sunshine Street Inn...  Got it."

"Well, let's go," Wolfie started, about to get up.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Ticker protested, grabbing Wolfie by the shirt.  "Games later!  I'm famished here!"

"Good point," Eric replied.  "Since we're here, we should at least get something to eat.  We'll have four sodas..."

"Make mine a chocolate milkshake, please," Wolfie interrupted.

"Mine too, with extra cherries!" Ticker chimed in.

"...two sodas and two milkshakes," Eric responded, giving a momentary glare at the two, "and we'll start off with an appetizer."


After finishing the meal, Taz turned to the waiters.  "Check please..." he said in a raspy growl.


At the Crystal Car motel, two figures barged in the front door to the lobby:  one a tall wolf w/ a cutlass at his side, the other a stout canine...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 09, 2010, 12:49:23 AM
"I am good sir," the Grand Duke nodded.


"She's going to pay...." Belladonna vowed repeatedly.

"Anybody have sort of chill pill she could take?" Annabelle asked the other Rottens.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 09, 2010, 12:49:55 AM
can I help you? said the Motel manager who was stationed at the front desk, as he looked at the two arrivals " would you like to check in?
  ok, so thats 1 dollar plus the appetizer is 30 cents' said the waiter "Remember, its the 30s here and the prices are cheap.. if you have the cash.. so what appettizer would you guys want?
_ The mac and cheese is 60 cents the waiter replied but with a drink we'll make it a buck..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 09, 2010, 10:28:06 PM
Droopy continued talking to Valiant.  

Gary sipped his drink, not ready to head up to his bed quiet yet.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 10, 2010, 03:00:38 AM
"I am Don Karnage!" the visitor replied, giving a bow.  "The greatest pirate to ever rule the seven skies!  Remember to roll the R's...  And this is my trusted associate, Mumbles."

His first mate then whispered into Karnage's ear.

"You dare to embarass me?!" Karnage responded.  "You should've considered changing your name to Mumbles!  Anyway, I shall have one room for the night, and the name of the leader of the Really Rottens!"


"With that price, even I can afford it!" Ticker exclaimed.

"Good," Eric replied.  "Then you're buying."

He, Alyssa, and Wolfie laughed.


Taz pulled out a dollar's worth and placed it on the table...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 11, 2010, 12:26:51 AM
that would be the Dread Baron, although Muttley is the mascot the the manager said lkooking at them , please sign in, both of you, and uits a 1 dollar a night..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 11, 2010, 12:28:14 AM
the waiter took taz's dollar " would you be interested in dessert? its 25 cents and the apple pie here is very good..
- yu still have decided on your appetizer' their waiter said " do you need a minute?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 11, 2010, 02:54:09 AM
Taz nodded excitedly and pulled out a quarter.

"What do you have for appetizers?" Wolfie asked.


Karnage walked to the sign-in book and signed himself in.  "Pay the man," he ordered his cohort, who grumbled under his breath before producing money for the manager...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 11, 2010, 02:58:57 AM
Annabelle ordered a lot of cold drinks in an effort to "cool" he cousin down.

"You're not being helpful Annabelle," the hellhound said, "Remember I still beat you in poker."


"Though could I get some ham?" the Duke of Owls asked.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 11, 2010, 11:15:55 AM
certainly " the waiter said It will be up shortly..anything else you want?
_ the drinks came in all varieties,  coke, sprite, Dr pepper and Pepsi.. and nearly covered the table. they were all in  glass bottles. ok so thats 5 cents each with lets see 35 drinks in all so that's 1.65 the waiter said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 11, 2010, 01:15:46 PM
When Belladonna took a drink, steam seemed to emit from her face, her sheer rage taking a physical form.


"Man, I'm exhausted," Tiger panted after running, sitting down in a chair.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 11, 2010, 01:19:38 PM
Don't worry' bluto said " we'll get even with those do-gooder doobies.. i mean , all we have to do is suggest a sport where our size would give us an advantage'
 What, like football? The Baron muttered.,
 the door opened and Woody entered " Whats with all the running Tiger? he smirked.. " you get your girlfriend ticked at you or something?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 15, 2010, 10:01:54 PM
Taz payed the waiter for the pie..

Donald continued watching the movies while enjoying his milkshake..

While the four visitors were thinking of what to have for food, a loud thud is heard just outside the door.  Alyssa, Eric, and Wolfie were able to look over to see a gray-furred Great Dane stumble into the lobby.

"That sounds like a hard hit," Eric commented.


When he was done, Karnage looked to his cohort.  "Now, let's find this Dread Baron and join the Really Rottens.  Hmm...the name sounds like my kind of peoples..."

(OOC:  I found out the cohort air pirate's real name was Gibber.  The one who can only whisper in Karnage's ear.)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 15, 2010, 10:51:56 PM
(thats scooby Dum right? the Great dame that just dropped in?)

_ there are aren't that many on the rottens you'll fir right in" the waiter said to them. " if thats what you're planning.. sorry to overhear.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 15, 2010, 10:53:20 PM
"No, just trying to stay in shape," Tiger explained.


"we're not that big you know..." annabelle said in response to her teammate.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 15, 2010, 10:55:51 PM
but you're fast.. football is not just about being bi and strong, but being fast too. theres big guys and shriimps too' Bluto said " Yeah, football is a game we could pound them at.."
 Football it is then/ the Dread Baron said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 15, 2010, 11:58:26 PM
Gary sipped his drink, wondering and hoping the ranger person he had met was doing ok with the Yogis.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 16, 2010, 12:34:36 AM
so whats the next place we'll be going too' Ranger smith said as he settled into wearing his jersey " Well we're not sure Ranger smith' Cindy said " it could be anywhere really.. tennis finishes tmorrow I think..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 16, 2010, 02:14:53 AM
"Hey buddy!" Eric said.  "Are you OK?"

Scooby Dum looked to the folks at the booth.  "It's nothing," he replied.  "I only hit my head."

The four exchanged looks, then Alyssa's expression lit up.

"Wait, are you Scooby Dum, of the Scooby Doobies team?"

"I am?"  There was a pause.  "Oh yeah, I guess I am..."  He gave a funny-sounding chuckle.

"I'll tell you one, thing," Ticker muttered.  "The Secretary of the Navy he's not..."

The others hushed him quiet before turning back to the Great Dane.

"We've been hoping to find someone of the Scooby Doobies to talk with," Eric continued.  After eating, you don't mind walking with us to Sunshine Street Inn?"

Dum gave a dumb look, which was normal for him, before he answered.  "Sure thing!"

The newcomers were ecstatic...


Don Karnage barged in.  "Good evening and salutations!  I am Don Karnage!  The scourge of the seven skies!  And I have come to join your silly games..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 16, 2010, 08:17:11 PM
Never heard of you" Bluto replied flatly  And why do you..
_ quiet Bluto! Its not as if we have many players on our team the Dread Baron said " You are welcome to join us. and these games aren't silly not with the kind of loot the wizard is paying us to participate: 100 grand per player, millions for winning the events.. grabnnted we haven't been doingso hoyt in the events to date, but we didn't do so hot at the first games eiother..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 18, 2010, 02:38:44 AM
"Not to worry," Karnage replied.  "Now that I am here with my clever brains and ruthless disposition, we shall be bound to win more treasure than we ever dreamed!"

Gibber sighed...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 19, 2010, 06:19:45 PM
well Karnage' Bluto replied " have you ever played footbasll? because thats the next event where we have a legit chance of winning.."
 Are you the only ones joining? muttley asked..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 22, 2010, 02:02:15 AM
"A new member huh?" annabelle commented. "Glad we won't have that title of newbie anymore."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 22, 2010, 11:36:57 PM
tiger led Kitty to thier Room " Ok so that tag game wasn't a very good idea.. i'm got a terrible kink in my back" he moaned..
 Well We'll need to get you a uniform from the wizard tomorrow" Muttley Shrugged..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 23, 2010, 12:51:08 AM
Gary finished his drink and having nothing else to do headed up to his room.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 24, 2010, 03:12:58 AM
"Football?  I know EVERYthing about football!" Karnage replied, then turned to Gibber and whispered.  "What is this football they're talking about?"

Gibber mumbled the reply in Karnage's ear...


The group was finished with their meal, payed the waitress and left the hotel with Scooby Dum, heading for the inn where the wizard is staying...

Donald and Taz were also finished, paying their share, and left their separate ways to rest...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 25, 2010, 03:35:31 AM
Scooby stopped as Dum entered the Doos room with the newcomers ' Roo rare rese ruys?' He asked looking at Dum. " looks like new team members dixie said, from playing a card game with winnie - Winnie was winning but that didn't matter
 Arlene and Garfield were watching too . " Welcome to the Doobies i'm Arlene and this is Garfield." arlene said.
_ So you know how to catch a football, block tackle, all that good stuff? well thats good.. Bluto nodded satisfied.
Tiger And tigeress settled into Scooby's room, and watch tv.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 26, 2010, 01:04:40 AM
"Actually, we're not the participants," Eric replied.  "We represent the potential participants, Knightwolf..."

Ticker cleared his throat loudly.

"And Watchdog..."

"So we were told that we need to talk to a wizard to join your team," Alyssa added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 26, 2010, 01:47:18 AM
lord stripetail" dixie nodded " hes running the games, so all team additions have to be approved by him.. Hes in his room at the moment.. but hopefully he'll be in shortly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 26, 2010, 01:52:33 AM
Droopy finished then headed up to the shared room.  

"Ah, good to see you in." Gary said.  He took out a small battery powered pocket radio and tuned to the stations to see if there were any old radio shows playing live.  If not he could use a pocket pc with some collections that he had.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 26, 2010, 01:59:46 AM
"Then no more exercise for you tonight," Kitty told Tiger.


The Grand Duke was watching some of the team members discuss topic. He was not a sports owl.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 26, 2010, 02:04:16 AM
good, because i'm beartt Tiger said, then turned towards the newcomers " Hi I'm Tiger, this is miss Kitty, my girlfriend.. What are your names?"he asked politely
- it was then Stripetail headed into the room " evening Doobies " he said pleasantly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 26, 2010, 09:53:40 PM
Jason and Guilmon came out of a small cafe.  To one side the was a car parked with the hood up and there was a guy looking at the engine.  Jason walked over.  

"Having a problem?" Jason asked.  

"Yes, I can't see what the problem is." the guy said.  

"I have something that will help at least to get you home or to a mechanic." Jason said as he reached into a pocket.  He then pulled out a picture of Garfield looking fierce with one paw with claws extended toward the camera that took the picture and his face looking fierce and his fur standing up.  Jason held the picture over the engine with the picture facing the engine.  The engine started right up.  Jason stuck the picture, face down so it was facing the engine, on the underside of the hood.  

"There, that will get you to your mechanic or home.  Just peel the picture off, it's easy to take off." Jason said showing as he started to peal a corner of the picture back to show it was easy to take off then put it back.  

"Thanks." The guy said then he closed the hood and got into his car & drove off.  

"Funny that worked." Guilmon said.  

"Just have to remember where you are.  That sort of thing works here, but not in other parts of this multiverse." Jason said as they walked down a bit and got to his tardis, in the shape of a police call box, but with diplomatic plates and flags on it.  The 2 of them walked in and it soon dimeterialized.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 27, 2010, 02:20:40 AM
"I'm Alyssa Knight, and this is my brother Eric."

Eric nodded.

"And these two are Wolfie and Ticker.  They came with us to meet the Scooby Doobies."

Wolfie gave a cheerful nod.  Ticker not as much.

The quartet turned to the squirrel who entered.

"Hiya, Mr Wizard!" Scooby Dum replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 27, 2010, 10:10:04 AM
These are the newcomers Dixie began, " I see..the Rottens have added new players as well. please have a seat and tell me a little about yourselves.."Stripetail said "where you are from, why you wish to join the games, things like that. And Dum, my name is Stripetail LORD Stripetail, not Mr Wizard.. But then I can se why your folks named you the way they did..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 28, 2010, 01:46:45 AM
"Nice to meet you," Miss Kitty said to the newcomers as well.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 28, 2010, 01:56:58 AM
Ticker rushed to a pair of chairs and sat down, but was brushed off easily by Wolfie, who allowed Alyssa and Eric.

"Actually, we're not the ones who are competing," Alyssa started.  "We're representing a pair of heroes from our hometown of Sky City, called Knightwolf and Watchdog.  Since crime there has gone down for a long time, Knightwolf wishes to continue his skills in things that aren't so...dire, if you catch my drift."

"Knightwolf is also representing local charities for any money to be raised in the games," Eric added.

(OOC:  They're still keeping the charade up to protect Knightwolf's and Watchdog's identities.)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 28, 2010, 02:07:12 AM
Well gentlemen, you can tell your friends that I will expect them here by tomorrow. and these games are not so.. easy as you mat think. Things are actually very dire here, the toons whom these games are going to benefit were virtually bankrupt before i financed these games. payouts are as follow 100, 000 per player with bonuses based on individual and team performances. so far the Scoobys have earned 600 points and 1.2 million. which leads all teams..Top prize is 100 million for the overall winner.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 28, 2010, 04:22:55 AM
Droopy walked in with Wally not far behind him.  When they walked in they saw Gary had taken out his pda and was playing an episode of the superman old radio show.

"I've heard that was a good radio show." Wally said walking over to sit down not far from where the pda was.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 29, 2010, 01:02:52 AM
Ticker's eyes displayed dollar signs, to which Wolfie noticed and pushed the Corgi's head down and out of sight.

"That's a lot of money..." Eric said, pondering.  "Still, Knightwolf will certainly be passing any winnings to our home charities."

"You'll be sure to meet them tomorrow," Alyssa added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 29, 2010, 12:32:53 PM
one more thing though.. Don't lie to me, because I know when I'm being mislead " stripetail added " I know many secrets,as benefits someone who has seen the years roll on for centuries..Whatever secrets you  have, you may confide in me because they will not be revealed by me..under any conditions.." He said giving the newcomers a knowing glance.."Welcome to the Laffalympics...'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 30, 2010, 01:03:46 AM
The quartet looked amongst themselves before Nick spoke.  "Is it OK if we talk in private?" he asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 31, 2010, 05:50:17 PM
Certainly Stripetail said  motioning them outside the room. carry on everyone I will be back shortly..' He added  before exiting theroom
 Follow me" he said the foursome of Eric Alyssa Tinker and Wolfie leading them down the hallway bfore he stopped and opened a door " this is my room' Stripetail added' Have a seat. inside the room was filled with old books, parchment with writing on it, and was filled with a feeling of powerful magic. anumber of chairs sat unused ' sit down at your leisure and when you are ready yioou may begin."
 Arlene entered the room " Hi Guys " she said to the others You don't mind if I grab some snacks?
_ Not at all Arlene help yourselves.." dixie smiled warmly at her " could I talk to you in private Dixie' its about Garfield, and well I need someone I can condfide in..'
 Certainly.. would you like to use my room or yours? Dixie asked. " your would be fine.." Arlene replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 31, 2010, 07:01:34 PM
samia had climbed into bed and was listening to the radio while dulcy was cleaning up.. ' you almost done in there Dulcy? Samia asked. ' because we only have so much hot water.."
 I'm almost out.. came the reply..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 01, 2011, 03:34:53 AM
"The last thing we want is to have our secret publicized," Eric began.  "But since you made a rather strong point, I think we can trust you.  Wolfie and Tinker...are in fact Knightwolf and Watchdog."

"And my brother and I would say something like, supervisors," Alyssa added.  "We provide the technology for them back in Sky City."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 01, 2011, 01:53:27 PM
Tiger and Kitty had not been aware that the new players weren't exactly who they claimed to be.

"Interesting..." Belladonna said to herself, overseeing the whole conversation with Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 01, 2011, 02:19:21 PM
Belladonna's in a different hotel...)
  Dixie and Arlebne entered Dixies room and sat down on the bed. arlene began to talk with Dixie about Garfield, or to be more precise, complain:" he's more interested in his stomach than he is in me! I've been his girlfriend for it seems like 20 years now, and do you know how often hes kissed me in that time? 12 times, Dixie! Thats it. now  i'm sorry for blubbering on like this but i had to get it off my chest. Arlene said "Well Arlene, I'm not really sure what I can do to help you with that. are you enjoying being a mascot?" Arlene shook her head.
 I want to compete actually.. being a mascot is nice and all but  the pay for being a mascot isn't that great. I mean it'll help jon with getting his house back, but to open the studio again I'd need to really make some money.. " there were tryouts.. Dixie replied "there has to be a limit on members of the team.. Stripetail's funds aren't infinite.."
 Are you kidding dixie? hes not going to the poorhouse! Not when hes paying 100 thousand per player and 100 million for the top prize!" Arlene  grabbed dixie by the scruff of her dress to moved her face close to Dixies"Do you have any idea how much 100 million dollars would mean to me and the studio? I could BUY it and reopen it!" "100 million is a lot of money but theres taxes and other stuff so you'd not actually be getting 100 million, yous be getting more like 60 or 70 million, it would still be a lot.. and Arlene you're kinda making me uncomfortable' Dixie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 01, 2011, 02:25:55 PM
(My bad.)

Belladonna once got the bed to herself, leaving Annabelle to use a futon.

"Why should I expect anymore?" the angel whippet groaned to herself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 01, 2011, 03:38:16 PM
(its alright, no harm done)
Dixie glanced at Arlene, the pink cats eyes brimming with tears.. ' Could you let go of my dress, Arlene,  please?"
 Arlene did so then hugged Dixie tightly and began to sob. ' I'm so sorry!" she cried " I'ts just.. just he's so darn selfish! I want to be with him, but he doesn't love me! " Come On Arlene" Dixie said trying to sooth her by patting her head." Its going to be ok.." Can you make him love me?" Arlene asked. " I'm not a magician Arlene, I can't wave a wand and suddenly he'll turn into a romeo, wooing you and kissing your feet and paws amorously.Why don't I take you shopping at the next town we visit? It'll get your mind off of Garfield.."
 Arlene stopped crying as Dixie finished " Oh, I.. I. I-I couldn't take advantage of you like that! I can't afford to go shopping anyway, everything I've made this past week goes to Jon."
_ "Don't worry, I'll pay for everything!" Dixie smiled at her. "Now come on dry those eyes.. she said wiping away Arlene's tears with a paw. "You're very pretty Arlene, Garfield's an idiot to take you for granted. and he does, doesn't he?"
 Yes he does. For an example, lets take the Fun Fest that we held at the studio every year before it was shut down. Every year Garfield would do the very same routine with me, I couldn't do anything different , because he wouldn't go along with it, even though I really wanted to dance with him.."
 What kind of Dance?' Dixie asked. " A close cheek to cheek dance, with him holding a rose in his mouth and gazing at me lovingly. It was something i wanted to do every year, but.." " he never danced with you like that? " Just once at the second to last Fun Fest, it was fun, a lot of fun, but it was a one-off, the next year it was back to the same routine..'
_ so If i could get him to dance with you like that.." "if you could do that Dixie, i'd be your friend for life!" arlene said. I.. I I don't know..I'd kiss you smack on the lips."
_ Really? Dixie asked " Yeah.. I mean it." Arlene said. I really would do it."
 "Speaking of kissing Arlene,  your lips are the deepest red I've ever seen.'
 Oh, well my lip shade is Deep Deep Rose.. It really makes my lips stand out on my face, which is pink." Arlene said flattered by the compliment" They're lovely.  my lip shade is Blood Red" Dixie said "Its a brighter color than yours is " "Ah its very pretty." Arlene said. " Red lipstick really attracts the boys attention, well except for mister lasanga lover' she said sourly. "Its not as if Garfield is my only option, you know.. there are other cats in our town.. but.."
 "You love him too much to leave him." Dixie finished "Absolutely."Arlene sighed. "When he's gone for even a couple weeks, I realize that I really miss him..' "You're very loyal Arlene, that why he takes you for granted, you're always there. Tell you what.. I'll help you Arlene" Dixie offered her paw. Arlene Took it and shook it energetically." I'll have him dancing with you within a couple weeks, well. assuming of course we're not on the road by then."
 Yeah it be kinda hard to dance on the bus ."Arlene smiled. 'and it wouldn't be romantic either. "
Dixie started to laugh, "Yeah especially if the road is bumpy, you'd go flying!"
 Arlene laughed " That would really spoil the moment. One moment you're dancing, the next you're splatted against the window..Oh here' Arlene said opened her purse and pulling out a tube of lipstick " Try some of mine. ' Thank you Arlene..Dixie said taking the lipstick " So are you really serious about kissing me?
_ yes, i'd kiss you. Arlene said. "Oh I see Dixie said.'How many times did you say Garfield has kissed you? ' 12 times.. Arlene said "in 20 years? that's not even a makeout session." Dixie shook her head. "I've kissed Scooby more often in the last couple days then Garfield has kissed you in two decades? That really is pathetic."
_ well If I do kiss you, It's not going to be front of anyone. It's not like I'm going to tell him, " I've been kissed by a girl more times than you have kissed me .."
_ 'Well that would be a sharp retort though " Dixie smirked."But it would raise too many questions..' Arlene said as Dixie applied the lipstick while gazing into a hand mirror. "Nonsense, you need to put him in his place every now and then. 'If you wont kiss me, I'll find someone who will'.How do I look?" Dixie asked" You look great," Arlene said friendly."I suppose you are right about that..maybe I do need to put Garfield in place every now and then."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 02:51:08 AM
I see. Well to be honest I know very little about your world " Stripetail replied " So i won't presume anything, you have your reasons for keeping their identities secret and I will respect them.. You came here in the spirit of the games, to compete and test your skills against others , with money being only a secondary consideration. I will not tell anyone what you have told me, your secret will stay here between us. Now to the games themselves. there are four teams competing in them, you will have to choose amongst yourselves which team you wish to join. The teams are the Scooby doobies, Yogi Yahooeys , Droopy dawgs and Really Rottens. The Dawgs are a new team, the others completed in an earlier version of the Laffalympics. the Doobies Yahooeys and Dawgs are good creatures, the Rottens are not. here are samples of thier uniforms " Stripetail said gesturing and in an instant ' a team uniform for the four teams was lying on a nearby chair.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 02, 2011, 03:24:23 AM
Tinker examined the jerseys.  "Hmm...  Looks too simple for me," he said.  "Not even personalized names on the backs."

Wolfie, Eric, & Alyssa rolled their eyes.

"The jerseys are fine," Alyssa assured, then looked to Wolfie.  "You thought of a team to join?"

Wolfie scratched the back of his neck in nervousness.  "I'm not really the kind to choose, other than the Really Rottens, of course.  I think...  I can find myself best with the Scooby Doobies."

"And you, Tinker?" Eric asked.

"Yeah, yeah, Scooby Doobies..." Tinker muttered.

"I hope you can understand, Lord Stripetail," Eric said.  "Tinker's a good sort, if you're willing to get used to his foibles."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 03:32:20 AM
Its alright.. seems the Scooby Doobies are a very popular choice' Stripetail chuckled "The Doobies won the earlier Laffalympics.. and are leading in the very early going this year as well. Scooby Doo is their captain, he and his wife Dixie have a room a few doors down the hall. they are very good creatures, i can attest to them having known them now for a couple years" he gestured and both Wolfie and Tinker were clothed in the Scooby Doobies uniform " Your names on on the back " stripetail pointed out. You can participate starting in the next event, currently we are just wrapping up tennis. have any of you played tennis before/ He asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 06:36:05 PM
So what events do you think you'd be good at?" Dixie asked looking at Arlene. "Hmm. I don't know, I'd need to think about it."Arlene replied.
'Well,  there are scavenger hunts, stuff like that' Dixie replied, thinking of a few events. '"That might be a good one,I'm good at following clues.' Arlene shrugged ' Well, there's a start.Next time we meet, hopefully you'll have a few more." Dixie said.
Thanks Dixie ' Arlene smiled. 'I feel a lot better now, thanks to you." She looked over to Dixie and smiled. "Well that's good to hear. ' Dixie said with a broad smile. "So..for the last time.. you're serious about kissing me?" 'She asked.
- Yeah I meant it. I'd kiss you right now. Smack on the lips."Arlene replied. " then do it' Dixie said. Arlene blushed " well..she started ' Oh, come on Arlene! you've said 3 times now you're serious about kissing me, now do it. I don't have cooties' Dixie said, slightly put out. Okay Okay. here we go ' Arlene said, and leaned in and kissed Dixie on the lips. The kiss lasted about ten seconds, before Arlene pulled away.' Wow.. that was really nice..' she said blushing.  'Yes,it was. You have very soft lips Arlene.' Dixie smiled. ' Thanks. umm.. so..what now?" Arlene fumbled for words..
 Well, lets kiss again, We'll do that until we reach 12 kisses, the same number of kisses you've shared with Garfield."Dixie suggested.

 "Sounds like a plan.' Arlene nodded. 'So, its your turn now?.' She asked. . "Correct. Alright Arlene, I'm going to teach you a special kiss called a french kiss..' Dixie smiled. "Sure. What is it?" Arlene asked, intrigued. "Well, a french kiss is where I put my tongue in your mouth while kissing you. It's called a French kiss, because that's where that kind of kiss first originated from-France. Let me show you first, then when its your turn you can return the favor." Dixie said. Arlene nodded, the girls leaned in close and they kissed, Arlene's  dark red lips meeting Dixie's  dark red lips.. After a few seconds, Arlene felt Dixie open her mouth and move  her tongue  into her mouth, the pink cat was stunned by the move, she had never been kissed like this before. Arlene slowly regained her composure as Dixie pushed her tongue against hers. Arlene let Dixie explore her mouth for a bit,then slowly worked her tongue into Dixie's mouth. Dixie arched her tongue against hers in response and began to massage it. Dixie's tongue slid into the gap between Arlene's front  teeth and touched both teeth on both sides of it.

After a minute, Arlene pulled away, Dixie's tongue sliding out of her mouth. 'That was..really something Dixie' Arlene said after a few seconds, blushing as she looked at Dixie.. 'Thanks' Dixie said. 'Your turn, when you are ready.. ' Arlene waited a minute, letting the fact she was now kissing Dixie sink in, then kissed her on the lips in reply, and put her tongue into Dixie's mouth. the girls took turns kissing, each kiss being longer, and deeper than the last. by the fifth kiss the girls had started holding each other, by the 7th kiss the girls started touching each other and this lasted until they reached  the 12th and final kiss. Dixie pushed Arlene down onto the bed and climbed onto her. within seconds the dark  red lips were locked together and Arlene and Dixie were sharing a very long and passionate kiss. Arlene let Dixie do as she wanted, she was  really enjoying this. the kiss  lasted for ten minutes. " ok thats 12 ."Dixie smiled as she broke away and let Arlene get back up off the bed " Did you.. like it Arlene? I For one, enjoyed it quite a bit.' "yeah, it was something new for me, especially the french kissing. You're a real good kisser Dixie, I enjoyed this.'Arlene agreed. "You are too Arlene, you have big kissable lips, a soft tongue and a large mouth, although I tasted cat food..' 'yeah its Pretty Kitty brand, I especially love the salmon variety' Arlene replied.'sorry about that."
 I see, so now that we've kissed  would you like to  makeout" Dixie asked. " Makeout? Well... alright, you've piqued my interest. Where should we do it?" Arlene asked ' I was thinking in the bathtub" Dixie smirked.. " In the bathtub?With our clothes on?" Arlene started " No, we take them off silly. follow me ' Dixie said, getting up from the bed, heading to the bathroom  door and opening it, "Cats before dogs" she smiled at her friend and motioned in to the bathroom. "Once you are in the tub call out to me.." Arlene nodded, headed in and Dixie closed the door behind her, she took off her uniform and tossed it aside , it landed near the sink. She climbed into the tub pulled the curtain,and turned on the water, setting it at a warm temperature and waited for the water to warm up, it was pretty cold initially.
 "I'm ready" she called out, hearing the door open and then close. Dixie undressed, set her clothes on top on Arlene's, went over to the tub, opened the curtain   and climbed in behind Arlene and settled into the water, giving Arlene some space. "So when you are ready Arlene, face me and we'll start kissing again." Dixie said. 'Could it wait a few minutes? I haven't had a good bath in weeks.." Arlene replied, feeling the warm water run over her fur before turning the water off.
' Unless you count getting rained on " Dixie replied " No that doesn't count. Getting rained on just makes me feel miserable, not clean." Arlene said." its been hard on me , as you know. I.. don't have a place to stay. Can't afford it. until now that is. Could you pass the soap please?' she asked, and Dixie handed her the small bar from the rack and began to give her a back rub as Arlene began cleaning her fur in the front... " Oh, ah that.. feels real good.. yeah right there, a little to the left."Arlene smiled, tensing and relaxing as Dixie worked on her back.. ' Thanks for the backrub, cant remember the last time I had one.So Dixie, what is it like to have a stable guy in your life?" Arlene asked " You know, one who's affectionate with you, reliable and willing to listen?"

"Well Scooby is sometimes rather high maintenance, and you have been with Garfield for 20 years, so you guys are doing something right. Scooby and I haven't been together that long." " Well, you guys are more into each other than Garfield is with me. I mean, we've been together a long time, but it feels like my relationship with him is, well I don't know how to describe it.. in a rut maybe?.." Dixie paused as she moved her paws up Arlene's back.' Well that's what you have girlfriends for, to blow off steam. Dixie said " See, that's the thing. I don't have any girlfriends,I never have. I mean I sang with you and Kitty for a bit, but I wouldn't say that makes us girlfriends' Dixie nodded and replied. "well there's two meanings of 'girlfriends' Arlene. One is simply ' girls who are friends', and the other means a more serious relationship, which can be between a boy and a girl, or even two girls.there's nothing wrong with two girls liking each other or even kissing each other."
"Really? well that sounds like fun, the girlfriend thing." Arlene said. "Are you really willing to let me be a girlfriend to you?" " yes I am" Dixie said. "WOW! Great, thank you. Just a little more and I'll be ready to continue. 'she said as Dixie finished working on her back.  "You need anything else?" Dixie asked.. " No that's good enough." Arlene said, and spent the next few minutes cleaning herself off in the warm water. Once she was finished, she moved a bit forward and turned around to face Dixie. for the next few minutes the girls compared their  forms, bodies and  chests -Dixie's was larger- and Arlene got used to being naked with another girl. ' You know, when I kissed you, I didn't expect to end up kissing you in the shower.' Arlene said.  "Well you didn't know that you'd end up liking it. Now for a personal question- have you ever had sex Arlene?' Dixie asked ' "No, I haven't.. wait are you asking me to have sex with you Dixie?..' Arlene's eyes widened. "no,  I'm not asking that, yet. I was just asking if this is something you've done before.. 'No I never have.. um. Have you?' Yes I have, with Scooby. " Have you.. done it with other girls?' Arlene asked.' Yes ; Dixie nodded.
"so.. so you're a lesbian Dixie?' Arlene said surprised at this revelation. " Yes. Bisexual, with a preference for girls, to be technical. Scooby knows of my sexuality. Having a one night stand does not mean you are a lesbian, only doing it with other girls repeatedly establishes you as such. for instance, if you and I have sex after this, then we can presume you are, at least, bisexual. " Dixie replied.
"well.. IF we have sex, I'm not sure about it.I've never really shown any interest in other girls.. and I've never had another girl show any interest in me before you Dixie.' Arlene said looking for the right words to say. 'I'm.. flattered that you have shown this much interest in me, I didn't think that you'd show THIS much... I came in hoping you'd help me with Garfield, and well you've agreed to help, like a friend should. I've kissed you as I said I would, granted with some insistence from you, and you've kissed me in return and now.. well things have gone well past what I was expecting. Don't you think this is well, technically, cheating on Scooby? Garfield, well I've never had sex with anyone, let alone him, so he doesn't matter in this. ' Arlene asked. "Like I said, he knows of my sexuality and the girlfriends I've had 'relations' with, one more girlfriend wont be a big deal to him. He's long since accepted that  I really like girls.' Dixie replied." Well alright, if you're sure about it. lets resume then. here's kiss #13' Arlene said moving forward, leaning in and the  dark red lips met.  Arlene's large mouth covered Dixie's entire snout, and Arlene soon felt Dixie's tongue enter her mouth. Arlene by this point was getting used to that-indeed she found she enjoyed being frenched by Dixie- and held Dixie tighter against her. Dixie began to move her claws up and down Arlenes back as the kiss continued, finally Arlene broke the kiss after five minutes, stared at Dixie and noticed she had her paws on Dixies breasts. 'oh sorry' Arlene blushed. Dixie reached forward and put her paws on Arlenes shoulders' its alright. Touch them as you please, I'm fine with you touching them. Consider this as you experimenting with me and finding out about yourself. I wont force you to do anything, its all up to you.'
 Arlene blushed and began to caress Dixie's breasts, feeling them under her claws.They're soft' she whispered ' and warm.' Good.  keep touching them.' Dixie said, letting Arlene caress both breasts for a few minutes. ' After 5 minutes Dixie Spoke up " "Arlene, I'm going to kiss you now.' Dixie said leaning in and kissing Arlene on the lips. the dark red lips locked together and Arlene began to massage Dixie's tongue with her own.Dixie put her claws to Arlene's face and nibbled tenderly on Arlene's large lips as Arlene fondled her breasts.. Tell me if I'm going too fast for you, Dixie said after  pulling away briefly, glancing down and feeling Arlene's claws move over her breasts."
 I will, don't worry' Arlene said " Dixie resumed kissing Arlene, then began moving her lips away from Arlene's, kissing her cheek and began  moving across her cheek and down Arlene's front, leaving a trial of lipstick marks in her wake as she kissed Arlene.. Arlene tensed and moved her claws away from Dixie's breasts as Dixie moved down towards her breasts, finally kissing them, first her right then her left. " what- what are you doing Dixie?' Arlene blushed."Well, this is called foreplay. Touching or kissing the breasts. To use a more juvenile term, this is called 'second base'. 'first base', is french kissing, third base is showing each other our privates, and home ' is actually having sex. ' Dixie said as she continued kissing and licking Arlene's breasts which were considerably smaller than her own. After 5 minutes she pulled away. "Your turn Arlene" she smiled

"Oh...' Arlene said nervously "ah.. um.. Could.. could you give me a minute please?' Sure "Dixie  moved a bit back from Arlene and moved towards the faucet. Arlene took a deep breath and examined her breasts and looked at her reflection in the water, seeing where Dixie had kissed her.. Dixie went over the faucet, and turned the water back on. ' Don't  want to get too cold in here am I right? Dixie smiled. " I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable Arlene,. I apologize if I am.. " No, don;t apologize.  I just wasnt expecting you to kiss me there. I just need a minute to compose myself that's all.' Arlene said , feeling the water around her get warmer again.'Could you work on my neck please? I'm getting a bit stiff there. 'she said after a brief silence.
 Sure ' Dixie Said, moving around Arlene and putting her claws to Arlene's neck and began to massage them.." Thanks' Arlene  relaxing as Dixie worked on her neck.'So how are you holding up?' Dixie said. "I'm doing good. all of  this is new to me.I like the kissing, don't get me wrong, I mean I'm REALLY enjoying the kissing. Garfield has never kissed  me like this,full of passion and desire. his have always been  one-offs really. I've never really considered my sexuality.. its always been Garfield I've been interested in."
This is how you learn, by doing it with a friend who is open-minded and willing to practice with you." Dixie said as she moved her claws up and down Arlene's neck. ' How about this? we'll finish second base, then return to the room.'

So.. I'd kiss your breasts then? Arlene said. You got it ' Dixie said and Arlene blushed. "It's pretty obvious that you are interested in me Dixie" Arlene blushed .' I think its attention that you are craving Arlene, Attention from Garfield obviously, but I get the sense you'll take it from wherever you can get it, just so you have it." " Well, you've kissed me more than anyone else  has ever kissed me, granted only a few  have ever kissed me period" Arlene said."I'm enjoying the attention, and the experimenting. You're passionate, a great kisser, and someone who is open about who they are.You've got confidence, and know what you want. I .. well. don't have that, and would like to." ' Do you want to have sex Arlene?' Dixie asked as she moved in close to Arlene's ear.'Well..alright. if you promise never to tell Garfield..' Arlene began. " of course' Dixie said, as she moved around Arlene and looked at her." now, we'll finish up here, and then head to bed. Don;t forget your uniform.' Arlene nodded. Dixie cupped her right breast and moved it close to Arlene who leaned down and began to kiss it. Arlene kissed both of Dixie's breasts for a minute each, then pulled away.' Dixie pulled the drain to let the water empty out of the tub, then Arlene climbed out.
 The girls took a couple minutes to dry off from the tub and clean themselves off, and Arlene paused to look at herself in the bathroom mirror. the bath had refreshed her and knocked off a lot of looser fur." Feel better now?' Dixie asked, as she paused to look in the mirror herself. " yeah, I had a lot of loose fur on me, and it had been awhile since I was able to clean it all off," just set your uniform by the bed, and get on it.' Dixie said.

 Arlene entered the room, carrying her uniform and set down by the front of the bed. Dixie soon joined her and set her stuff down next to Arlenes. For a few minutes the ppair sat on the bed next to each other.  Arlene had grown used to seeing Dixie's bare form by this point
I won't tell anyone about this' Arlene promised after they finished and got dressed.. 'Sure your secret is safe with me.. now let's go join the others.. Dixie said before Arlene interrupted' Oh I thought of something I'd want! A new red dress!  The one I had at home is getting very ratty.' Arlene said.
 Sure, I'll take you out and you can pick out whatever you want.' Dixie smiled. Arlene hugged her and the girls headed out.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 09:27:43 PM
About an hour earlier, the Grand Duke was standing outside his hotel room, wearing sun glasses to protect his eyes from the light.

"Where's that squirrel?" the big owl asked himself, looking at a clock
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 09:31:40 PM
Stripetail came up to him " Hello Duke, what brings you out? probably the light I'd imagine. " so what can I do for you?" he asked looking at the large own with interest. 'enjoying the games so far?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 09:32:47 PM
"To an extent," the owl replied, "But you know I only came to them in the first place was that you had a request for me, from one magic animal to another.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 09:37:15 PM
Thats right. I asked a favor of you, to prevent a recurrance of what happened with the Rottens during the first Laffalympics. in other words them blantantly cheating.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 09:37:50 PM
"What can I do if I catch a cheater?" The Duke asked..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 09:40:07 PM
well  collect proof of it and turn it over to me. that player will be kicked off the games if thier cheating is blatant enough.. and i will pay you for doing so.  I didn't fund these games so the rottens could cheat thier way to the top with impunity..although as I understand it Duke, you are financially well off anyway, is that correct?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 09:41:17 PM
"Indeed, though my only request would be culinary in nature," the Grand Duke of Owls replied
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 09:44:42 PM
Understood. any particular preference?" Stripetail said crossing his paws across his chest. "I can find just about any food you could like..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 09:46:01 PM
"In this case, I would have a taste for cheater..." the owl smirked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 09:48:20 PM
Ah, so you wish to eat the cheater huh? hmm.. well have you eaten human before? Stripetail frowned ' Because several of the rottens are humans.. Well we'll see what I can do..once they are expelled from the games, you are free to treat them as prey.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 09:49:21 PM
"I can eat human, though with my magic breath I can transform them into something more digestible," the Duke explained, "Thank you for allowing me to do that."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 09:52:41 PM
i want to keep the games on the up and up..i have enough problems keeping one step ahead of Gabriel and her weasel , who are constantly trying to undermine these games.. the reason why there won't be more than a couple events here is that we need to be on the move to prevent gaphiel from dumping her blasted dip on everyone..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 09:53:36 PM
"I can always assist in this fashion," the Duke replied, opening his beak wide and pointing his wing towards it
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 10:00:50 PM
the dip works on even magical creatures unfortunately.. the magic shoes were malted during the first attempt to dip Toon World. Stripetail said..  Gabriel used the diop on Scooby and dixie the only reason they are still hre is because the magic armor I gave them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 10:01:46 PM
"If I can grab this gabriel without the dip on him, I can eat em rather swiftly," the Duke replied
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 10:05:48 PM
Gabriel is a woman" stripetail said .. "fir now just keep an eye on the rottens.. leave Gabriel to me..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 10:06:28 PM
"Certainly," the big owl replied, "And, If I catch any cheaters, do you have any recipes you'd recommend?" the Duke asked with a smirk
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 10:11:31 PM
try them with your choice of wine" Stripetail smirked. 'Oh, and don't do anthing Duke that might make the others suspicious. we can't have that obviously..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 10:12:41 PM
"Understood," the Duke replied, "I'm good at keeping to the shadows," he said.

"And besides wine, any other thing's you recommend?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 10:15:52 PM
anything else is up to you. how you'd eat them is up to you. though with toons, no matter what happens to them, they keep coming back..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 10:17:04 PM
"Hey, all the more food for me," the Duke grinned, "Though it was annoying to see that insufferable kitten keep coming back..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 10:24:52 PM
bklame that on the kitten not learning how to be less insufferable." stripetail shrugged. 'some creatures are what are when they are young, most grow out of it.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 10:27:53 PM
"I've eaten that kitten a good dozen of some times, and the lesson still hasn't gone through his head..." the duke replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 10:36:01 PM
he is what is going to be " Stripetail shrugged.. Carry one Duke I'll see you around" stripetail said heading back in..
(The present)
Dixie and Arlene soon rejoined the others " Hi guys ' arlee is hjoining our team " dixie said " Aren't there limits to who can be on a team? Scooby Dee asked " apparently not" arlebe asked, as Tigeress came up to her "its getting close to my time" she whispered. "you need to find Stripetail' to send me tiger and my parents back. Holly and Genki and the others are going to stay and travel along to watch you guys compete.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 10:37:32 PM
"Yes, we must temporarily part our ways," the Duke replied, "See you around too."

The present...

Kitty had just dozed off
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 10:42:48 PM
well guys genki said entering the room with a grin " i know where the next place we're going to be is! Green River!
_ at this a number of the team started " Green River? Winnie asked " i've never even heard of it..Look if these games are going to a be a sucess we need to have thenm be in places I've heard of like Las Vegas, St Louis..places like that.. no offense to those who may be from there..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2011, 11:15:36 PM
Tiger was excited to learn the next portion of the games would occur in his and Miss Kitty's home town.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2011, 11:45:06 PM
so when are we leaving? holly asked " don't know' Genki replied " only know where we are going..
 dixie  patted tigress on the head ' when are you leaving ' in a couple days  probably after you are done with the events in this city' tigress said.. 'I'm glad i got to see you again, if only briefly. i don't know when i'll see you again after this..' save that talk for when you are leaving.' dixie smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 03, 2011, 02:48:06 AM
Now that things have settled, Wolfie took both jerseys and folded them up neatly.  "I feel excited already," he said.

"Let's just hope you remember all your sports," Eric replied.

"He'll be fine," Alyssa responded.  "He's done a lot of them."

"Well, it's just a hobby," Wolfie replied, modestly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 03, 2011, 04:25:44 PM
4 100, 000 bills were sitting on the chair " those are for the 4 of you" Stripetail " Good luck ,i'll see you later he said opening the door for them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 04, 2011, 01:36:55 AM
Alyssa, Eric, and Wolfie looked at the money, stunned, when Tinker eagerly snatched it up, only for Wolfie to regain his composure and secured the money.

"This is going straight to the orphanage," Wolfie said sternly.

"With plenty left over for the retirement community and at least two animal shelters," Eric remarked.

"If we do well in the games, we should set our goals to state-side charities," Alyssa said, and then turned to Stripetail.  "Thank you again Lord Stripetail.

The four filed out the door, with Tinker the last, saying, "Come on!  Leave some meat on the bone for us!  At least for health insurance!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 04, 2011, 02:31:53 AM
"Those are some exciting episodes." Wally gator said about the superman old radio episodes.

"Yes, I prefer the earlier ones far more then the later ones." Gary said.  

"There are many good old radio shows, and some bad ones also." Droopy said, sitting to listen to them.  

"Do you have a lot?" Wally asked.  

"I have a nice variety on my mp3 player here.  Some others I have stored that I can get to, but it will take a bit of time." Gary said, meaning his high tech sci-fi style car form.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 06, 2011, 02:36:16 PM
' You're welcome. If you do well in the games, you'll make lots of money, potentially millions, depends on how many events you are in, and how your team does.' stripetail said.
I wanted to thank you Dixie for all the stuff you've gotten me" tigress said, smiling broadly at her friend.. "I appreciated the singing, the shopping..just being with you and scooby again..sorry I couldn't be as active as I normally do. :
Dixie hugged her, patted her head and felt the purple horn covers she had bought for" these are satin, very soft. she said. "Thats good because my horns are very rough-edged right now. I've developed a habit of rubbing them against bark, rocks, and the sides of houses when I've been in spasms of nausea and vomiting. Which,as you remember, were pretty bad back at the hotel. Well.. they got WORSE. It would take me hours to recover, and there would be days where I wouldn't eat anything. on the other claw there would be periods where I'd eat just about anything that was edible to satisfy my cravings. Who knew having a kid would be so much work?" Tigress shrugged. "geez, Tigress, after hearing your horror story, i might hold off on having kids for a couple extra years."
_ No Dixie! You said you;d have them in Year 2, and well I'd love to help you out with it, well  at least being there through it all. and your kids could become friends with my kids."
As long as I don't have a son and he ends up falling for your daughter or anything. 'Dixie said and  Tigeress beamed. " that would be great! We'd be in-laws or something." "Yeah, and what would that do to us? hmm?" 'Yeah Tigeress the absolutely last thing I need right now is thoughts of having MORE kids. " tiger said "Sorry Dixie, couldn't help overhearing. Didn't we have enough of an ordeal at the hotel Tigeress, with your odd behavior? granted you weren't the only one, didn't the wizard have to do something to Agumina to return her to normal?
_ Well shes fine now" tigeress said. "I haven;'t seen her since the hotel..' " which is actually a good thing" tiger growled. 'shes a groupie and a bad influence.."
- Tigeress smirked  " you still haven't forgotten the ring trick.. " No, I haven't.  i still haven't figured out how you girls pulled that off.. without shall we say prior experience..which brings up rather disturbing mental images."
Stripetail fixed all our rings so that wouldn't happen again." dixie said flatly.. It was a 'quirk" as he put it.. You're just a bit paranoid Tiger. ' "I'm cynical, dixie for a good reason." "Life experience no doubt, but don;t you feel better now with Tigress?"
I'm stuck with her at any rate. I'd offer her to you as a pet,Dixie, but the wizard would have my hide.." TIGER! Tigeress complained "you'd think having a girlfriend would make you less grumpy Tiger" Hare said with a smirk, then ran out of the room and Tiger rushed after him. "When I get you HAre.." his voice could be heard from the hallway.
i'll thank you tomoorrow after  tennis is over" tigeress said , ' Sure I'll take you to get something for your folks as a keepsake.."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 09, 2011, 08:52:13 PM
Rime ror reds reveryrone " scooby said about a half-hour later.. Scooby and Dixie headed to her room, and everyone else headed for thiers
 _ Big day toomorrow Yogi" bobo said " Er Bobo, i can't make the finals, I've lost two games, but Cindy still has a shot" Yogi pointed out. She beats Belladonna and  She'll play Dixie again for the title.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 09, 2011, 09:10:17 PM
Miss Kitty and Tiger had earlier given some of their game money to the kitten orphanage and cat schools back in Green River.

"We'll be home soon," Kitty smiled to Tiger, waving goodnight to Dixie.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 09, 2011, 09:19:59 PM
yeah well I'm, loooking forward to it.. Tiger said as they headed into thier room and  soon were asleep.
 Dulcy finished up and joined Samia in bed. Night Dulcy" samia said as she turned off the liught ' Night Samia Dulcy said.  "I'm sorry it took so long to clean up.. '
- well just be more considerate next time.. are you trying tioo impress incedia that young cutie' samia grinned ' samia! No! hes too young for me, although it was nice meeting his sister.. she seems like she was a lot of things on her plate, little brothers must be a handful..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 09, 2011, 09:26:21 PM
Annabelle was once again stuck with just a futon while Belladonna got the bed to herself.

"Night cuz," she smirked mockingly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 09, 2011, 09:39:02 PM
the morning came with a loud annoying horn as a wakeup call.. Dixie groaned as she woke up and stretched, while Scooby rtried to ignore the loud hiorn " rive rore rinutses ' Dixies ring read 7:37. " time to get up.. your match against Droopys at 10, and my match against glacia is at noon, I win I'm play for the championship and a cool million" She smirked " You beat Droopy you're in the finals too.."
 Reah, re ron't reed rhe roney really" Scooby said.. Rhat arour rhose ragons Roi raw running around. y rou rhink rhey'd rake ra rood raddrittion?"
 oh, I didn't know there were dragons n outr team Dixie shrugged..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 09, 2011, 09:51:42 PM
"How'd you sleep Annabelle?" Belladonna grinned as she woke up, stretching with a relaxed tone.

"Fine.." the angel whippet replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 09, 2011, 09:56:52 PM
You're playing Cindy today  Muttley said looking at belladonna ' last tennis match for our side I think.. unless you win..and get help.. you're 1-1 right.. if you're 0-2 we're playing for pride..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 09, 2011, 11:45:54 PM
Droopy and his 2 room mates woke up.  Droopy went in to take a quick shower while the rest did their best to fully wake up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2011, 02:31:25 AM
samia stirred first of of the group in her room, she poked dulcy awake ' wake up sleepy' she grinned ' we gotta cheer on the others..
 - fine but why did you poke me' dulcy said ' well i could have thought of other ways to awake you.. stuff you wouldn't like // samia we'll go shower and then head down to the breakfast bar..'
 we? you're showering with me?" dulcy was surprised yeah because you took about an hour last time.. and don't get any ideas' samia said. 'seems like you're the one with the ideas. dulcy pointed out. come on..' samia said impatiently as the two dragonesses went into the bathroom. dulcy was first in the tub then she was joined by Samia. ' ok, i get to clean first samia said.. 'my wings itch' dulcy said as she turned on the shower, since she was in front dulcy got more of the water- right in her face. 'gah1 she fumed.. 'could you scratch my back samia. i can't reach under the wings..'
 samia began to rub her friends back.. that better? ' yeah just a bit lower.. so anyway what stuff would have you done to tick me off if poking hadn't worked. ' breathe smoke in your face lick you on the snout...,  stuff like that.. Samia  smirked and looked at dulcy closely 'heck, if none of that worked i would have kissed you.. ' Kissed me? Samia! " what!? i don't have cooties " samia smirked. Come on dulcy a few kisses never hurt anyone.. she said leaning closer. fine.. but keep your claws off my butt dulcy said.samia pressed her lips to dulcys and quickly put her tongue into dulcys mouth
 for a couple minutes the girls explored each others mouths and touched each others chests, then dulcy pulled away and got out of the tub, lets go cheer on the guys..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 10, 2011, 03:12:05 AM
The quartet had spent the night at their own hotel.  They were quickly up and ready, and Wolfie and Ticker had changed into their superhero personas, with the new Scooby Doobies jerseys over their suits.

"You look stunning as ever," Alyssa admired.

"Let's head back to the hotel of the Scooby Doobies," Eric said.  "They might be waiting for us."

"What about breakfast?" Tinker questioned.

"We'll grab something on the way over."

The quartet soon left their rooms for the lobby...


Players like Donald Duck and Taz have already woken up, eaten breakfast, and headed out to meet with their own teams...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 10, 2011, 04:10:36 AM
Droopy dried off and came out.  

"Whoever wants to can go next.  I think I"ll go down and get some food." Droopy said, making sure he was ready he headed out to the dining room.  

"You can go next." Gary said to Wally said waving towards the bathroom with one hand.  

"Thanks." Wally said as he got up and headed to the bathroom to take his shower.  

Gary took out his pda to watch a few cartoons as he waited.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2011, 10:15:01 AM
Tiger and Tiger soon appeared in the lobby " Tigeress grimaced with every step she took, she had not slept well last night.. she figured it was because it was  getting close to 'that time'. "those bed are pretty hard tiger said ' i'll go ask if we can find a room with more comfortable beds. " Arlene entered the lobby and wiped the sleep frrom her eyes " Morning" She yawned to Tiger and Tigeress. Tigeress waved Arlene had on a green dress but it was clear that she needed a new one.
 Dixie kissed Scooby on the lips then smiled as that woke him up.. ri'm ready" he smirked. " I'll go get breakfast for us" dixie said as Dee stretched " morning cousind she said in a soft fluttering voice.
 Woody and Winnie were soon up at the buffet table picking out food.. " Toad hammer cereal? screwy Squirrell clusters? Winnie said looking at the choices " Eh just pick something winnie, we need a bite to eat, and those cereals are going to be eaten quickly.." woody said. Winnie opened the Screwy Squirrell cereal and out popped Screwy Aquirrell himself! " Alright I got out of that deathtrap that nasty human put up.. " the squirrell said whose face was thinner and more wrinkled than the maniac smile that was plastered on the box. " Sorry " he apologized to Winnie.. " I bet you were expecting cereal instead of silly old me.. where am I anyway.
 You're in Toon City, site of the Laffalympics Woody said. " Oh I remember those, pity I wasn't allowed to play... and you're Woody Woodpecker! I'm a big fan, you understand the mayhem I like to cause.."
 Well I've got a girlriend now, Winnie, so the mayhem is kept to a minimum these days. would you ike to be a masdscot Screwy? winnie asked as Arlene came over tpo thier table.
Is it a paid position? Screwy asked " It is but the pay isn't the greatest" arlene said " I was a mascot too for about a  week, and I'd recommend trying to get into the games.. the Scooby team already has a lot of members so you could try the yogis or dawgs since you seems like a decent fellow."
I'll try the Dawgs I suppose Screwy said. "you get 100 thousand for joining thew games " Arlene said " Who has that kind of money? Screwy said  after putting his eyes back into their sockets after having them bulge out at the amount.
  LOrd Stripetail" Tigeress said overhearing ' Speaking from experience, I wouldn't want to tick him off..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 12, 2011, 01:55:41 AM
Soon, Eric, Alyssa, Knightwolf, and Watchdog arrived at the Sunshine Inn.  Watchdog was munching on some croissants he picked up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 12, 2011, 02:03:01 AM
the rest of the doobies were soon the breakfast buffet grabbing some food. ' Who might you be? Dixie asked as she noticed the quasarter enter, with the two heroes wearing the Doobies uniform. " I haven't seen you before?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 12, 2011, 02:10:55 AM
Wally finished his shower.  He toweled off then put on his hat and fake white shirt collar thing he wore around his neck then headed out.  "Your turn." He said before going to the dining room.  

"Thanks." Gary said turning off his pda and putting it away before he went in.  Once inside he switched to his cgi gecko form to take a shower, since it would be far easier to dry off then if he had feathers.  Once he was done with the shower and toweling off he then switched to his former eagle form and headed down to the dining room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 12, 2011, 03:41:09 AM
"Oh," Alyssa said.  "I'd like you all to meet Knightwolf and Watchdog."

Knightwolf knelt down to kiss Dixie's paw like a gentleman - er, wolf.

"These are the two that are joining your team," Eric added.  "Lord Stripetail gave his approval."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 12, 2011, 08:58:57 AM
"I'm not going to lose twice," Belladonna vowed. "Bring. her. on."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 12, 2011, 02:44:07 PM
we vcertainly are a very popular choice for newcomers who want the join the games.. Dixie said flattered by Knightwolf's attention. " welcome to the team.  you aren't the only newcomer. arlene here has join our team too..
 Screwy Squirrell headed out towards the Dawgs hotel with hopes of joining the team..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 14, 2011, 02:34:56 AM
"It's a pleasure to meet you and your team, miss," Knightwolf replied.

"I remember you're in the finals for the tennis match, but I forgot your current placings," Eric said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 14, 2011, 03:38:46 AM
Droopy, Wally and Gary made their way to the dining room, Droopy arriving first.  They looked over and sat at tables and booths and started to look over what options they had to order for breakfast.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2011, 10:16:52 PM
we;'re in first place, Scooby and 1 have earned 400 points for our team so far. you get 100 for a win 50 for a loss. I'm 2-0, as is scooby. I'll reach the finals with a win tomorrow as will he.Dixie said. the Dawgs have 350 points, the rottens have250 points and the yogis have 250 points. Money earned doesn't matter, its points..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 14, 2011, 10:43:33 PM
The Duke had flown around the town, looking at the hotels where the players (and potential cheaters) were staying.

"I so am desiring someone to screw up," the big hungry owl smirked to himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2011, 11:01:47 PM
Cindy Bear smiled as she left the Yogis hotel to head to the tennis coutrt " Gotta win today Cindy" she told herseldf " win and you are not going to finish last." she said to herself. All she had to do was beat Belladonna..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 15, 2011, 01:57:37 AM
"Well, we'll certainly be rooting for you both," Alyssa said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2011, 09:29:49 PM
Belladonna got ready for her match
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2011, 09:36:49 PM
cindy came up to the net " good lucj to you Belladinna' She said cheerily " you can serve first..' she offered..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2011, 09:57:12 PM
"Thanks," Belladonna said, with a slight tone of malice in her voice
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 16, 2011, 12:27:41 AM
Droopy, Wally, & Gary finished their breakfast then went to the place where the tennis matches would be held.  

Jason, Guilmon and Moran were among the audience watching, as well as Bowson who was in another section from them.

Guilmon had somebread covered food, meat, sweets, ect, in a bucket and a large drink in the other hand.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2011, 11:24:24 AM
reah roopy' scpooby said ' rou rare raying re roday' scooby said as he practiced hitting some balls..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 16, 2011, 01:50:46 PM
"Better then playing the Rottens." Droopy said.  

"Yea, I'd rather play against  Mr. Twiddle then a rotten." Wally said.  "I guess that cute car isn't here for the games like he was last time?" Wally said.

"Speed buggy? I think he's racing somewhere." Droopy said, "Though I've not looked up what he's doing." Droopy said.

"I have a friend who met him once, or maybe a few times, said he was much nicer then certain other race cars he could name." Gary said, meaning his toon car he had done some racing in but had not used that form for a few years or longer and did use that form mainly once in a while currently to race once in a while.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 16, 2011, 04:01:13 PM
"So, is there any individuals you could isolate as prime suspects as cheaters?" The Grand Duke asked Stripetail
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2011, 04:08:01 PM
(congrats on 9000 brek)
Keep an eye on the Dread Baron" Stripetail replied..'hes one of thier lead troublemakers.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 16, 2011, 04:09:26 PM
"I will," The Duke said, "Though, is there anybody you know of that I can eat right now?" the owl questioned
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2011, 04:14:28 PM
no, duke guilt must be proiven first.." stripetail saud firmly " Keep an eye on them and reportt what you find too me.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 16, 2011, 04:17:56 PM
"Ok," the Duke replied, "I was referring to anybody you know who was already proven guilty of something."

(OOC: Thanks Nick!)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2011, 05:31:35 PM
cindy frowned as Belladonna jumped out to an early lead she could not handle Belladonnas serves..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 16, 2011, 05:53:42 PM
"Just winning for the hell of it," Belladonna chuckled at her own pun.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2011, 07:42:31 PM
I need to win to have any shot I'm 1-1' cindy said i beat Muttley who was playing for your team because before you joined they had no girls. so the rottens are 0-2..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2011, 08:02:06 PM
screwy came up to droopy ' hey are you a members of the droopy dawgs ' somneone said you needed a team member' well thats me' screwy said sudden;ly looking very tired..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 17, 2011, 10:53:30 PM
Droopy nodded, "I am Droopy.  I'd be glad to have you on my team but Stripetail will have to ok it." Droopy said.  "But it looks like you need a nap, are you tired?" He asked Screwy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2011, 10:57:12 PM
look pal I need the money. you let me on the team and I'll do the best I can.. i've been out of work for decades it seems i'm getting older pal, and I need the work and the dough..Screwy said "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2011, 12:39:45 AM
"He may be here somewhere.  Let's go and see if we can find him." Droopy said looking around and trying to think where Stripetail may be.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2011, 12:50:43 AM
re'res rover rhere; Scooby said pointing over to the side of the tennis court ' re rave rime roopy. rif rhat ruirrell rants ro roin, ri ron't rind' scooby said continuing to warn up..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2011, 03:19:23 AM
"THanks." Droopy said.  "Comeone, lets go over and talk to him." Droopy said to Screwy motioning at him to come along before he headed over to where Stripetail was.

Gary was wondering if he should try sneaking around in another form to look for agents of the woman who may attack the laffalympics.  Thinking it over he thought it best to perhaps remain in his current form, for now at least, rather then one of his other forms.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 18, 2011, 03:59:07 AM
While Knightwolf and Alyssa sat alongside the other Scooby Doobies on the sidelines, Eric and Watchdog were watching Scooby (and Dixie?) warming up.

"Am I the only one who doesn't understand what that guy is saying?" Watchdog said, gesturing towards Scooby.

"Pal, you never understand what I'M saying," Eric snapped back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 18, 2011, 08:14:34 AM
Belladonna served the ball back towards Cindy hard, scoring again.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2011, 10:31:38 AM
cindy fumed. she was now down 4-0 in the first set, and the last thing she needed was to lose to a rotten.
scooby let droopy begin the match on serve. it was very likely that both scooby and droopy would play each other again in the finals, since both were 2-0 entering this match. dixie, meanwhile  would have to wait to see who her opponent would be if she won.. it was either going to be cindy -if she beat belladonna, or glacia if dixie lost to her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2011, 10:33:56 AM
scooby's needed speech therapy for a long time ' dee said to Watchdog.. But I can understand him, as can dixie.and i suppose if those close to you can understand you, then i guess all that matters.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 18, 2011, 05:23:24 PM
Droopy took a deep breath and let it out before he served the ball to Scooby.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2011, 11:27:27 PM
scooby returned the serve and the game was on
Muttley was playing Yogi in the other match and Yogi for once was winning, he \was playing better today and a win woould settle hus team nicely. He hoped Cindy would give thier team something to cheer about, but as they changed sides he noticed that belladonna was in fact crushing Cindy 5-0.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 18, 2011, 11:31:01 PM
"This is just amusing," Belladonna laughed, getting point after point
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2011, 11:37:03 PM
the First set fell to Belladoonna 6-0, and she began the second set a win, would leave her waiting to see if Dixie won or lost her last match to see if she qualified. Cindy waited for belladoonna's serve.
Scooby took the first game of the match and served to droopy.
 honest John and Gideon were doing the commentary " And that first set was one Miss cindy Bear would like to forget 6-0, and she only won 3 points - ewhats that Gideon/ oh 4 points.. doesn't really mattered she still got whipped..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 18, 2011, 11:46:42 PM
Belladonna served it hard, the hellhound's gameface was on
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2011, 11:49:14 PM
this time cindy managed to return the ball, and played out the point. she was determined not to get embarassed likr she had in the first set again..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2011, 12:13:06 AM
Droopy did his best to return the ball to Scooby.  

Guilmon continued to eat his snacks and sip his drink as he watched the matches with Moran and Jason.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2011, 12:18:54 AM
Screwy went over to Stripetail " Say pal are you the wizard gy who decides who makes the teams./' Stripetail glanced at him " i am in the middle of watching a match he said sternly " What team do you want ti join?' The Droopy Dawgs.. look Sir I need the money times have been tiight for me for a long time the residuals from old cartoons don't pay the rent any more.."
stripetail gestured and screwy was clothed in the dropy Dawgs uniform go join your team..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 19, 2011, 03:37:42 AM
"It's not hard to understand him," Eric replied to Dee.  "I meant that Watchdog here has the tendency not to listen..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2011, 10:07:20 PM
Droopy ran over to return the ball back to scooby.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2011, 10:30:31 PM
Scooby hits the ball crosscourt" Honest John daid while sipping on a soda
 and Droopy Returns it..
 he seems to have an attention problem , well he wouldn't be alon in that. Most people let thier minds wander from time to DEe Said
 Screwy headed over to join the other dAwghs " So when do the rest of us get to play? He asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 19, 2011, 11:08:33 PM
"You're not winning Cindy," Belladonna chuckled, her skill increasing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2011, 11:22:00 PM
Well even if I lose you can;t make it either" Cindy pointed out.  : we'll boith be 1-2 if you beat we're just playing for pride..' She Added as he let porth with a hard serve..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2011, 11:38:40 PM
"It depends on which of us are up for which events.  I don't know how folks are picked for what event." Wally Gator said.

"Maybe it's random choice." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 21, 2011, 12:02:55 AM
dulcy and samia finished up and soon made thier way to the tennis courts along with sonic and amy, who gave dulcy a look.
 go Scooby! Arlene cheered. meanwhile tom and jerry were doing a cheerleader skit.. which ultimately resyuulrted in tom chasing jerry with the crowd laughing at their antics..,
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 21, 2011, 12:39:33 AM
"Yea, get that dirty mouse." Autocat called out.  


In another part of the audience Snooper shook his head.  "Watching those 2 you'd think a cat and a mouse can never get along." Snooper said.

"You said it Shnooper." Blabber, a mouse, said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 22, 2011, 12:05:57 AM
"And you're still not stealing my pride!" Belladonna yelled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 22, 2011, 11:10:36 AM
Cindy managed to claw her way back into the set. itwas 4-2 whjen she served again, knowing that her chances were slim..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 22, 2011, 04:11:25 PM
Belladonna summoned all her stregnth in her returns.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 22, 2011, 04:37:34 PM
cindy was making better shopts now and it showeds. she was now winning points, and on belladonna next serve managed to break her serve evening the set at 4. Cindy wped some sweat out of her eyes. a win here would bring her to 2-1. Cindy served her next game with surprisingly hard serves.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 25, 2011, 02:35:52 PM
Jerry managed to elude Tom, who ran smack into the fence while Jerry squeezed through the spaces in the fence..
Dixie meanwhile was warming up for her match and was waiting for Glacia to show up..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 25, 2011, 10:43:18 PM
Belladonna increased her serving power in return, she was not losing twice in a row.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 25, 2011, 11:49:29 PM
(29000th post)
the set went to a tiebreaker, where belladonna would serve first.
 scooby meanwhile won the first set over droopy 6-4. scooby then took the opening game of the second set , now it was droopys turn to serve..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 26, 2011, 12:23:30 AM
"Take THIS!!" Belladonna roared, hitting the ball impossibly hard.

(Congrats nick!)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 26, 2011, 12:24:39 AM
Droopy took a deep breath before serving the ball to Scooby.  

Wally and Gary watched from where they were.  

"At least we are not playing those rottens, so no one will cheat." Wally said.

"Yes, it'll be a fair match that way." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2011, 12:30:12 AM
Cindy conceded the point . then served the ball to belladonna..
 scooby returned the ball and point whent back and forth
 Screwy cheered on Droopy from the bench watching the ball go back and forth. anyone want to mess with the lines? he said to the others they did that on tom and Jerry and no one called them on it.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 26, 2011, 12:43:02 AM
Belladonna fought harder than ever, hitting the balls in way it was hard for Cindy to return
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2011, 12:50:17 AM
cindy tried as best see could to return the balls getting herself into a lather she moved around after belladomnnas shots. she was on the defensive and that was not good. with the score 4-3 cindy finally managed to tie the tiebreak with a looping shot that clipping the far line. she gathered herself and waited for belladonnas next serve
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 26, 2011, 01:12:38 AM
The Knightwolf, Watchdog, and the Knight siblings watched Scooby and Droopy's match.  Knightwolf and Eric were ecstatic, Alyssa was anxious, and Watchdog seemed to have something on his mind.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2011, 01:15:01 AM
Sxcooby slowly took command of the match, whem they switched sides  third team he was leading 4-2. scooby now served to droopy, ' re're roing ro rap reach rother ragain, rin ra rittle rit, rince re raven't rost ro ranyrone.. re'll rif roii rin ri'll re 3-0, rou're be 2-1.' he said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2011, 01:39:39 AM
arlene cheered on scooby from the team suiidelines
 yogi cupped his paws to his mouth" Go Cindy! you can do it!" he cheered.' go on Cindy " ranger smith said " you can do it.." has she won a match yet? He muttered to Yigu " Er yeah she won the second match against that dragon from the Droopy dawgs.."
_shes not doing so hot Mr ranger" bobo said in a sad voice hey chiun up bobo, she could turn it around..Yogi said.He was still pumpoed after beating muttley, so far betwewn the two of them they had gotten 2 wins for 200 points and 3 losses for 150, for total of 350. which was likely good enough for third yogi figured
 the standings read thus
scooby doobies 400 poinrts
 droopy dawgs350 points
yogi yahooeys 350 points
Really Rottens 300 points
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 26, 2011, 02:12:58 AM
"A pretty exciting match." Wally said a bit excited looking over at the scoreboard from where the tennis match was that he was watching.  

"As far as tennis matches go." Gary said in a more relaxed manner.


"Interesting." Moran said.

"Looks like that is a good exercise." Guilmon said.

"Yes, for your basic cardio fitness." Jason said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2011, 02:17:16 AM
Winnie brought the team a bunch of hotdogs (at 5 cents each, she could afford it) Thanks arlene said munching on the hot dog Winnie passed to her..
 Gearfield and sonic tried to perform a short race with Sonic wearing cement showes to makes it fair..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 26, 2011, 09:06:17 AM
Belladonna seemed,  pun somewhat intended, hellbent on winning the match serving harder than ever.

"Hot dogs for us too?" Miss Kitty asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2011, 12:35:48 PM
winnie poassed sme hot dogs to Miss Kitty and tiger. Tigeress tookn a couple and began to munchon them " No condiments? she asked " Nope condiments cost extra Winnie replied..
scooby wion the next game and was now serving for the match. he served down the line..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 26, 2011, 01:26:56 PM
Droopy did his best to hit the ball back to Scooby's side.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2011, 01:34:14 PM
Scooby hit the ball crosscourt the winner. the next couple points went his way too, he now had 3 match points. Scooby unleashed a blistering serve and nailed the far edge of the court
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 26, 2011, 06:01:42 PM
Droopy did his best to hit the ball in return.  

"gosh, looks like Scooby may win this one." Wally said.

"He did win usually in the original games so it's not to surprising based on past patterns." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2011, 06:05:26 PM
scooby hit a winner down the line and came to the net "rice rame Roopy" he said offering him his paw to shake
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 26, 2011, 07:08:23 PM
Belladonna spiked the ball as hard as she could that would give her the win.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2011, 07:09:52 PM
cindy sank to her knees as the ball bounmced away. i lost to a rotten! she muttered before coming to the next..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 26, 2011, 10:34:27 PM
"Great game indeed, thanks." Droopy said shaking Scooby's hand.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 26, 2011, 10:42:12 PM
"Good game," Belladonna smirked, her tone clearly sarcastic.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2011, 10:46:51 PM
stuff it your horrid creature cindy said letting her have it, as she walked off the court
 yogi shook his head so much for cindy winning..and keeping her cool he said.
 dixie took the court and waited for her opponent to show..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 28, 2011, 12:19:01 AM
"I won!" Belladonna cheered to the other Rottens.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2011, 12:22:50 AM
excellent the Dread Baron smirked. unfortunately muttley played our first match n the female side and lost.. so we're done in tennis. if dixie wins, and I expect she will, we'll just have the wizard award her first since the rest of us are all 1-2, the Baron frowned. ' On to the next event.. I hear it'll be a treasure hunt and I'll need 5 of our members to represent us.. so who wants the position?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 29, 2011, 04:29:27 PM
Meanwhile, the Grand Duke of Owls met up with Stripetail.

"Nothing to report yet," the big owl informed, "surprisingly, not even from the Rottens."

The Duke licked his beak at the thought of potential cheaters, his appetite whetting.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2011, 04:33:59 PM
Woody wentt up to the rest of them alright < by rule a team member cannot compete in more than 2 events in a row. the next event is treasue hunting and we need to select 5 members to do the Searching.."
- Yogi paused at tthe yogis copy.. ' so who wants to be in this event. cindy and i have to rest..'
- Muttley glared at the Rottens copy " So lets chose 5 members already..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 29, 2011, 04:36:16 PM
"I'm in," Annabelle offered.

"this sounds fun," Kitty said to tiger on Scooby's team.

"It's been a pleasure to be your acquaintance all these years," the duke told Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2011, 04:44:20 PM
remember a few hundred years is a brief time to me' stripetail reminded him..' and that favor you performed on Endis still registers with me..A number of your servants paid the ultimatre price for their efforts. I am a strong supporter of magic where it it exists, and it exists todaty in far less places than when I was young, granted that was several ages ago..keep looking.. given the Rottens history, they've cjeated befoire.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 29, 2011, 04:45:35 PM
"I will," the Duke assured his friend. "I know my lifespan is only a mere fraction of yours, but you I regard as a true friend, as well as Panda..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2011, 04:53:09 PM
\panda is busy training his pupils, he is not concerned with this dillenma. it does not affect him..Stripetail said " the task is keeping these games clean and keeping Gabriel at bay long enough to hold them..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 29, 2011, 04:55:55 PM
"And then I'll eat those weasels," The Duke said with a chuckle.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2011, 05:05:03 PM
if you so desire.. i care not for them ' stripetail said ' not after all the trouble they've caused
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 29, 2011, 05:09:07 PM
"I'll be glad to get rid of them as well," the owl nodded.

"We did get some real kicks when Panda squashed one of them," he chuckled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2011, 05:17:56 PM
i have to get back.. keep searching' stripetail said.
 the dread baron paused ' ok so annabelle is one bluto is another.. who else?
Bobo voluntered for the Yahoeeies.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2011, 12:07:47 AM
"Oooh, a treasure hunt?  That sounds like it could be fun." Wally said.

"It does, but only 5 per team can compete looks like." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2011, 12:39:26 AM
i'll do it screwy said  then there um him' he pointed to Gary and him yhe pointed to we'll need 2 more..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2011, 01:53:04 AM
Droopy nods, "True.  We can go over the members of our team and ask them." Droopy said pulling out a list of team members to look them over.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Cyberlizard on January 30, 2011, 02:07:47 AM
It was then that a huge, green pipe sprouted from the lawn and out popped Mario and Luigi, "Waiiit a minute...  This isn't the Bronx!" exclaimed Luigi.

"No kiddin', Luigi.  Does this look like Yankee stadium to you?" Mario replied with an exasperated look on his face.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 30, 2011, 03:09:03 AM
"Hunting for treasure is my kind of game!" Don Karnage replied proudly.  "It'll be my pleasure!"


"Knightwolf," Eric said.  "You think you can take treasure hunting?"

"You bet!" Knightwolf replied eagerly.  "If the team will allow it of course."


Taz was jumping in the air and waving his paw excitedly to be picked...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2011, 06:44:20 PM
tax and Huckleberry will join Bobo Yogi said Thatr leaves 2 more..
Alright Knightwolf will be one as will Woody and Winnie and Tiger and Kitty' Dixie said
Thats 5..can't we have more? I mean we need to get Arlene and the others involved too..
 I can wait Arlene smiled.. " I mean we're only allowed 5..

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2011, 08:22:46 PM
At a Chinese restaurant near where the games were being held, a giant panda simply named, well...Panda had ordered a giant feast...for himself. But that was how his appetite worked. He had  received some recommendations about the food at this particular Chinese restaurant.

"Scrumptious," he grinned, slurping up noodles.

He was also one of Stripetail's none-too many friends.


"I'm so ready!" Tiger smirked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2011, 08:26:33 PM
So we've got 3 so far The Dread Baron said.. We'll need 2 more.."
 You're forgeting me Sam stomped " Right the Baron said Sam makes 4..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2011, 08:29:37 PM
Because of his his feeding frenzy, Panda had ordered an unbeivlable amount of food.  He was known to eat up all the food restuarants had
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Cyberlizard on January 30, 2011, 09:49:36 PM
Mario turned his head to notice Yogi's team behind him, "Hey!  Big, hairy fella!  Where the heck are we?  Because it's sure not New York." said the portly plumber, not surprised at all that there was a talking bear in a green hat and tie right in front of him.  Luigi just stayed quiet, letting his older brother do the talking.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2011, 09:52:23 PM
Well You are in Toon City and these are the laffalympics.. "Yogi replied.. "are you here to join the games, or just to watch? We'll be travekling to differebnt sites acroiss the toon worlds ' he added..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Cyberlizard on January 31, 2011, 07:56:34 PM
"Well, I dunno.  We were gonna head to the Bronx after we stopped in Brooklyn." said Mario.

"The Laffalympics kinda sounds like fun, brotha.  Why don't we give it a shot?" said Luigi in response, "Would finally give me a chance ta use my new football!"  Mario sighed before looking back at Yogi, "Sure, why not?  What's the catch if we win?"

"If it's money, then thank god!  We still gotta pay off that bill from the Speak to Santa Hotline!" stated Luigi.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2011, 08:03:42 PM
you get 100000 dollars each for signing up' yogi said ' go talk to lord stripetail's hes over at the tennis courts. the next event will be a treasure hunt.. yogi added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 31, 2011, 10:47:41 PM
"We should have enough for the treasure hunt so most folks should have a chance to participate in it." Droopy said.  "Though those who wish to may number above 5, we'll see." He said taking out a bit of paper and a pencil to start to write down a list of those who wanted to participate from his team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2011, 02:07:45 AM
dnald volunteered wi so with wally and gary that meant 3. once the dragons were included that would be 5.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 01, 2011, 02:52:11 PM
"Looks like we may have enough then for the treasure hunt." Droopy said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2011, 11:40:28 PM
Sunscar and Almaron watched Dixie get ready for her last match.. You win this match Dixie , you win the the whole thing" Woody called out ffrom the team bench..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 02, 2011, 02:33:00 PM
Bowson was in the audience.  He was still surprised at how much a gold coin could buy in this world.  He guessed here there wasn't any gold coins laying around inside large pipes free for the taking.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 02, 2011, 02:43:22 PM
Samia and Dulcy were watching Sonic and Amy do a routine on a tarp.. " Samia grinned as Amy fell flat on her face.. " Oops" that has to her she grinned..
 Daffy Duck wernt though the crowd selling peanuts and hot dogs ' Peanuts  sixteen cents 1\! he called out :"' lose in the third round of qualifying and you get stuck selling peanuts and frankfurters" he muttered under his breath..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Cyberlizard on February 02, 2011, 02:49:14 PM
"Ten thousand bucks eh?" Mario stroked his chin, "Hey, why not?  That's more than enough to pay for the $1295.31 we still need to pay off!  We'll do it!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 02, 2011, 03:55:26 PM
its one hundred thousand, not ten thousand.." Yogi corrected him depending on how well you do at the games, you'll get even more money, the grand prize is $100 million dollars.. any friends you might have come over later?" he asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 02, 2011, 07:38:14 PM
"How much distance does the game cover?" Kitty asked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 02, 2011, 07:49:17 PM
the entire town I think. the clues are color coded to match our team colors, there are 8 clues in all to find. first team to find them all wins..
 which will be us ' arlene grinned..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 02, 2011, 10:15:18 PM
"I hope the treasure hunt isn't to hard." Wally said.

"Time well tell." Droopy said to the others.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 02, 2011, 10:58:19 PM
the clues will be spread around the town, each one colored to the team.. Yogi read from his paper.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 03, 2011, 10:02:33 PM
"Yeah, let's do this!"  Miss Kitty grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on February 04, 2011, 01:16:16 AM
"That sounds easy," Alyssa said.  "You up for this, Knightwolf?"

"You know I am!" Knightwolf replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 04, 2011, 01:29:13 AM
well theres a scooby bobblehood a woody doll, a magnifying glass,
 a songbook signed by me
 a winnie menu  a jigsaw puzzle game from the original laffalympics a copy of bugs bunnys oscar and a copy of one of stripetails staff.. Dixie said.. this is not going to be easy..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 04, 2011, 02:10:45 AM
Droopy read the info that he had about the treasure hunt.  

"I wonder how the Rottens will cheat if they do." Wally said.

"Maybe by trying to steal what others have found, and or get some by forgery or other methods." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 04, 2011, 10:09:51 AM
the Dawgs items were a droopy dog comic, two dragon coins, a wally gator shaped notepad. a car figurine of gary, a tweety watch,  a donald license plate, a jake long t-shirt a toadette trophy and a poster of Super Mario..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 04, 2011, 01:41:17 PM
"I wonder if those dragon coins are like the dragon coin thing the green power ranger had.  Cause if they are that would be awesome." Wally said.

"I didn't know zoos had tv's." Droopy said.

"They don't, but when the zoo keeper mr. Twiddle wasn't looking I snuck out of the zoo and went to buy one and snuck it and myself back in.  Just so I could watch some tv when I got really bored." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Cyberlizard on February 05, 2011, 12:47:26 AM
"Oh, uh...  Sorry.  One hundred thousand?  You got yourself a deal!" Mario said to Yogi enthusiastically.  "Well, what're we waiting for???" said Luigi, "Let's get goin'!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 05, 2011, 01:07:52 AM
So what team do you want to join? Yogi asked.. " Or are you not sure yet?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Cyberlizard on February 05, 2011, 01:32:18 AM
Mario paused, stroking his chin, "Well, now that I think of it...  We dunno."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 05, 2011, 01:35:43 AM
Stripetail paused as Yogi came up to him " hey Stripetrail sir these guys wanty to join..
- Alright I'm putting a maximum of 25 players on each team.. sdo that 100 players in all. What teanm do they want to join?
_ they aren't sure yet..' Yogi said.. as a green pipe opened up in the court and birdo and Toadette poped out " Hey this isn't the beach " toadette complained.. 'Birdo looked around then went over towards Mario and Luigi..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 05, 2011, 09:20:15 PM
Welcpme ChoaticMistress to the Rp!)
 Stripetail paused as more characters camne up to him. " I'm guessing you folks wa nt to join the games as well huh?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 05, 2011, 10:35:43 PM
"Well, yes we have..." Shade answered formally, while trying to act casual.
"What got a problem with that?!" Knuckles said threatening tone, whilst he recieved a kick from a familiar ivory bat.
"What he's trying to say is that, we like to join your event!" she turned to look at the red echidna. "Right Knuckles?" she asked, well more like threatened.
"I guess so..."
"So what do you say Strips?" Rouge looked at Stripetail, waiting for his response.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 05, 2011, 10:43:59 PM
Its Lord Stripetail, madam, i'm a noble after all" stripetail replied. " what team do you want to join? ttheres 100 thousands dollars in it for each of you..and what are your names?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 05, 2011, 11:04:52 PM
"Hmm... whatever floats your boat Lord Stripetail. I'm Rouge. Rouge the bat for your information Mr. Stripes." Rouge said whilst giving StripeTail a flirtatious wink.  Surprisingly Shadow looked disdainfully and maybe a bit envious, at StripeTail but quickly masked it.
"Hmph. I'm Shadow the 'Ultimate Life form'... " the 'Ultimate Life form ' answered. While giving StripeTail one last steely stare, before looking away.
"I'm Knuckles, gaurdian of the Master Emereld."
"I go by the name Shade I am a former follower of XI."  
"Amy Rose! The future wife and mother of Sonic's children!" Amy said gleefully and almost looked adorable if she didn't sound so stalkerish.
"Ok. Enough of the chit-chat where's my money-" the White bat had realized her slight and quickly tried to fix it before anyone noticed. "Erm.. I mean  what are these teams about?"
Edit:Saw mistake there xD
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 05, 2011, 11:22:40 PM
my girl, i'm  far far too old for you. so your flirting is wasted.Stripetail said coolly to her
 these games are an attempt to save toon town and really all toons from a terrible fate.. being dipped by gabriel and her henchmen..' Stripetail said..
- Hello Amy Dulcy s,irked at her How are you today? the dragoness grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 05, 2011, 11:34:36 PM
"Hmph." Rouge answered scournfully knowing that her feminine appearance wouldn't work on him and decided to not mess with him.... yet. However while Rouge wasn't taking this as a good thing. Shadow somehow felt a twinge of relief even though he did not quite understand why...
"You..."the pink rose hedgehog said as the simple word dripped with acid. Amy stared at the dragoness as her eyes iced over, if looks could kill... Dulcy would have been killed 24 times over.
"So you're the one who thinks that you could steal my Sonic, huh?...." she said as her hatred for her grew, and as if in cue. A mysterious dark aura surrounded her while her pupils shrunk.

Edit: Umm... Amy isn't getting any super powers or anything.. xD
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 05, 2011, 11:50:53 PM
i think you are just full of hot air" Dulcy said as Samia got up to intervene.. " Nots not the time to start fights Samia hissed at her. " Come on Samia. wat is this groupie going to do to me.. last timeall she culd do was WATCH" Dulcy said
_ samia and I would like to join she said to Stripetail..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 12:11:53 AM
"Amy, you must control your anger..." Shade quietly said as her eyes were closed, as if she were deep in thought.
"Shade is right, there's a time to fight, and right now isn't the time to fight." Knuckles said emotionless, while crossing his arms across his chest.
"Listen to Shade and the red guillible knucklehead, plus..." The she-bat paused to emphasize her speech."You can do your little cat fight after all of this is over."
Amy sighed heavily,
"I guess you're right... but doesn't mean that I have to follow Miss. Fat-and-Desperate-DragonHead-who-steals-girls-who-prettier-than-her-boyfriends!" Amy huffed and sharply looked away, whilst turning away haughtly.

As everyone debated, Shadow was left alone with his thoughts. 'Why am I here...' as he silently looked up at the sky, as if it'll give him his answers. But after awhile he sighed. He did know the answer because of her....
'But why her?..' Still looking up.
But after awhile he sighed. 'Who am I to think that the sky will give me the answer.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 12:17:04 AM
Just Shut up all of you and tell me what team you want to join! Stripetail said his eyes alight with impatience.
 Dulcy looked at the wizard and took a step back.. ' The Droopy Dawgs.. I guess she said quietly
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 12:30:08 AM
"Fine. I guess we'll go with team Yogi Yahooeys..." Rouge ansered back, while also being slightly annoyed.
"Fine by me as long as those bears don't touch my armour."
"As long as the Master Emerald stays is safe then I'll stay in the games..."
"I don't care I just want to be with my dear Soniku!"
"Do what you want." the ebony hedehog scoffed.
"Than it's settled then... watch out Yogi Yahooeys! Rouge is coming!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 12:33:47 AM
So all of you are joining the yahhoeys? Stripetail said looking at them.. Very well..he gestured abnd clothed them in the Yogi Yahooeys uniforms, next he hgave Dulcy and Sa,ia Droopy Dawg uniforms.. Welcome to the games." He said.. " The Newcomers will have to wait until the reasure hunt is over to hjoin the games.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 12:38:06 AM
All different genders, went to different change rooms to change. Once they finished they all thought of one question....
"What are we wearing....."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 12:40:27 AM
they're your uniforms Yogi said " welcome to the team.. he smiled ' lets hope you guys can help us improve our standing..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 12:51:58 AM
"Well hello, I'm Rouge."
"Knuckles the name."
"Amy Rose! What's yours?"
"..."Hmph.... call me Shadow..."
Everyone introduced themselves formally. Except the only males mobians, who rather tear up their colths than wear it. Since both of them weren't comfortable wearing any types of clothes.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 01:00:49 AM
(Cm, they have to wear the uniforms)
 Hi I'm Cindy Bear" Cindy said Nice to have you on the team
 "I'm Bobo " Bear said to them with a smile
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 01:46:28 AM
(I know that's their outfits but most of the male characters don't really wear oufits.)
"Aww... you look so adorable!" Amy said refering to Bobo, "Now only me and Sonic's kids would as cute as you!" As Amy yet again fell into her own 'little world'.
"Forgive us she is maddly in love with her azure hedgehog..." Shade replied while looking at the two bears.
"Heh. Just a warning don't question her so-called 'relationship'." Shadow calmly said, as his arms were placed across his chest.
"Yeah... I'm going to have to agree with Shadow, Amy may seem sweet..." Knuckles had a look of fear plastered on his face, as his face turned slightly pale. "But if you question her and Sonic...." He tried to hold back is fear at his horrible memory...

"KNUCKLES COME BACK HERE!" Amy shouted whilst swinging her 'Piko Piko Hammer' smashing everything that covered her path. Turning it to broken pieces of debris or destroying it into complete oblivion. "I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T TAKE BACK WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT ME AND SONIKU! I'M GONNA DESTROY THE THING THAT MAKES YOU A MAN!" Amy screamed in complete anger.

She was gaining on him. But luckily the echidna was almost home free until he found out he took the wrong turn and found himself in a dead end....
Dang it.
"Ha! GOT YOU NOW!" she yelled with an insane look plastered on her face....
(Flashback ends)

Funny how the same echidna guarded the Master Emerald who never backed down from a fight. Was rolling on the pavement as one big mess, whimpering as tears streamed down his face. He sucked his thumb, like a baby would after his first day in the world, all while being comforted by Shade.

Now the main question was... what did the innocent 12 year old like Amy do, to make the guardian a be one bedraggled mess?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 01:51:37 AM
(they have to, its a rule. they can take them off after the events are over for the day, but while they are on they have to wear them.. )
 I Can tell. there is such a thing as Personal space Amy.. sonic needs his.."Cindy said , inviting them to sit on the bench..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 02:19:26 AM
"What are you trying to imply..?" Amy's eyes turned into narrow slits, as she looked  at Cindy. But quickly dissmissed it, and decided to save her anger for Dulcy ,and went to sit with her.
While Knuckles said one phrase clear enough for the female beige echidna to hear...
"Mommy, where do babies come from?" Knuckles mumbled due to his state he was in. He was now mumbling phrases from his childhood. That's when Shade knew what happen.... All she thought was
'What kind of sick torture did she do to you..?'

"Shadow...?" Rouge gently said to him.
"What do you need batgirl?" Batgirl.
"Funny how you used that nickname right now."
"Hmph." was the ebony hedgehog's answer. And turned back to the horizon, the sun was staring to dissapper, but not without leaving one last glimpse of it... It was quite a sight, the sky had started to lose it's  vivid oranges and pinks. And the clouds losing it's beautiful colour, but was glamourious in it's own way.
"You miss her don't you?" The white bat asked with a hint of concern.
"....Me and Maria always wondered what sun would look on earth.... if only she was still alive." Shadow replied quietly as he remembered the young caring human girl, whom he was so fond of.
"Forget about it..." He said obviously knowing what she was going to say next. And walked in long strides silently.

Ummm... the scene sorta looks a bit romantic almost... ._.
Uh... yeah. I might consider doing a fanfic now. xD Though I wonder do you think I have the skills yet?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 02:25:20 AM
(give it a shot, Andits midmorning, not sunset..)
 Relax.. Yogi said.. Us guys need time to ourselves you know' Yogi said, and ranger Smith got up to shakehands..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 02:33:46 AM
Scooby waved at the newcomers "rice ro reat rou he said to Shadow Rouge and Knuckles..
 garfield came up Arlene eating a slice of pizza " say Arlene you've been missing mascot training sssions" he said " I joined the Scoobies Garfield.. and I'd like to have a dance with you Arlene said to him
_ sorry Arlene one I'm nin no shape to compete, and second I don't like dancing..' Arlene friwned.. " i'm going to make you dance with me..' sorry Arlene Garfield said wolfing down his pizza.."Not gionna happen..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 06, 2011, 02:35:12 AM
Kitty was helping Dixie get her gear ready for her last match
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 02:59:04 AM
Thanks for the help kitty' Dixie smiled at her, as she waited for glacia to Show up..' what is taking that dragon? i don't want to win by forfeit" she said looking up at the cock.. it was 5 minutes to 11, her match was going to start in 5 minutes..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 03:32:36 AM
Knuckles was now starting to slowly regain his normal self. And noticed that Shade was comforting him, like his mother would have.....
That's when Knuckles remembered.
Mom, Amy and something about children, that entire event came rushing back. And everyone saw it. Including Shade....
Oh snap...
"Oh god.. if this gets out I'll never be taken seriously ever again..." And he started to visualize the future if the event leaked out.

(Vision with Dr. Eggman)
"Can it Dr.Eggman! If you're here for the emerald than forget about!"I snarled at him getting ready for the next fleet of robots.
"What so you can cry about your 'manhood' in which a certain hedgehog destroyed." He said slyly while giving a slight smirk.
"What how did you know-?!"I said turning redder than my fur.
"Let's just say I had a certain scout flim it.." The fat human scoffed and gave out a loud laugh. Even his robotic hencemen did.
"Wait WHAT!11(one)!!!" The echidna shouted well it was more of a scream actually.

 " NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!11111!!!"

(Vision: Dating)
*Warning contains some OOC characters)
Knuckles had been getting ready to tell a certain female biege echidna on something he had never felt for anyone before...
He had been preparing for this day all his life.
He had always been tempted to tell her how he felt , but he could never tell her till now. He had gathered all his courage and walked out of the the door. Yes! Now was his time to shine and sweep her of her feet and make her swoon!

He had bought the most expensive clothing and cologne on the market. Why? Because every guy knows that women fell for the rich jerks! Take Rouge for example!( Rouge:  Next time I see Knuckles, remind him to kill him..) He ran towards the park ,but not without picking up a couple of roses at his local floral shop.

He had called Shade to meet him at the park for an important occasion.(Heh. Knuxade xD) He ran faster after knowing that she couldn't resist him. And would instantly fall in love with him! But quickly hid behind a tree and checked if everything was perfect.
Breath, check.
Hair, check.
Tie, check.
Ah. Screw this let's just stop beating around the bush already!

"Shade!" I shouted running up to her.
"Knuckles!" She said surpised that I wore such fancy clothing. Oh did I mention they were exspensive?
"Shade will you go on a date with me!"I said desperatl- wait? Knuckles the echidna does not becaome desperate!
"Knuckles...I don't know what to say...!"She stammered, 'Heh probably because I look so handsome.' "I'm sorry but I can't..."

I felt like my whole heart was crushed and broken into a million pieces.
"Because of the 'Amy manhood incident'.." She stilled remembered it.
My whole love life shattered, burnt and destroyed into oblivion.
(Vision ends)

And on that instant the Echidna screamed so loudly that people from the Digimon universe even heard....
"Woah! Did you guys hear that?"Tain said looking around wildly while looking for the source of the sound. However everyone looked at him as if he had grown two heads. But only one voice dared break the silence. In which Agumono had asked, but had recently digivolved into Wargreymon. Due since he had been battling for over the years
"What is it Tain?"

"Umm.. nevermind let's go back to what we were doing."As Tain looked at the poor PokÈmon trainer named Ash. With a insane and crazed face spread across his face.
"So you've been the one who thumbed down all of my videos, huh?"


(A/N Umm if you're wondering no I do not hate PokÈmon in fact I love the show!  But you gotta admit who keeps thumbing down all of Tain's Digimon tributes!?)
Edit:So yeah this is an alternative universe 25 years in the future.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 03:40:21 AM
(agumon is actually exploring the continent of servor with Tai and his girlfriend Agumina.. and its lord Agumon now, hes a Digimon peer :) )
Hes looks pretty down Yogi' bobo said him glancing over at knuckles..
_ The Yahooey team is getting pretty big Hare aid Mchi looked at him then waved the drink vendor over..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 03:47:06 AM
(Call them Tain and Agumono. and try to interact with other rpers characters) :)
Dulcy and  Samia headed ovr to the droopy dawgs bench " Hi, we.. um just joined your team.. the girls said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 04:05:48 AM
then you can delete your previous posts since they are ficxed..)
Stripetail Strode to the side of the court as Dixie entered. ' good luck dixie he said to her as she went to the far side of the court..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 12:13:39 PM
(Rouge's POV)

"Ugh... that hedgehog... what is up with him!?" Once someone tries to help him he just has builts a brick wall around himself.
'It's either that he won't can't accept that Maria, will never be back. No. He may miss Maria, but he said that he had to let go of her. But aslo said he will always have a place for her in his heart...'
I sighed, at times even I feel a tad bit envious....
I was envious for Shadow and Maria's relationship..?

'No that can't be-?! Is it that I have feelings...for...him?' Well it wasn't like Shadow was bad looking, in fact he had millions of fangirls! All of them will kill just to get near him. Heck even I thought Shadow was a bit attractive...
'But then again, didn't I love that guillible echidna too...?' I shook my head,

'No. That was a long time ago.' Plus even if I still did, he wouldn't return my feelings. Numerous of times I gave hints to him, but he never noticed them.
'Heh. He'll just think I'm after that Master Emerald.'
Then she came.
Shade. After the battle of the XI she decided to stay with us for the games.

But not only had she stayed, but she even started to win over his heart. Though the beige echidna covered by 'hi-tech gizmos' never noticed, no she was to busy taking care of her mechanical armour.
'No, I don't hate Shade... but she took my chance to win Knuckle's heart too.'
I sighed. My head was in complete turmoil, as battles of mixed emotions raged within my skull. I sighed again I shouldn't be so worried, but I couldn't help but frown a bit...

(Rouge's POV ends)
Is it me or did I just turn into a gushy romantic..... ?
Ugh. -_-
Anyone who watched Twilight warn me when I start turning this into some clichÈ chick flick. I've been reading a bit too many fanfics on my free time...

Poor Rouge.... why did I pick on her to be the prime victim of this post....
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 03:29:38 PM
The Rottens scowled at the newcomers on the Yahooeys " Drat Muttley said " more goody-goodies to beat in the future events..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 04:30:46 PM
While Rouge was thinking to herself a familiar rose coloured hedehog approached her, ruining the white bat's train of thoughts. And turned around to see her young 'friend' in which Amy referred to the 18 year old GUN agent.
"Rouge..." Amy walked towards, "it looks like we may have some company..." the young hedghog glanced at the opposing team, in which were called the 'Rottens'.

"Hmph, they better be admiring my looks..." She said looking disdainfully at the group.
"Rouge I don't think we should trust them... But I don't think they'll be to hard to fight..."The young girl said, and looked at Rouge.

"I agree that we could easily beat them. Considering we have a red knucklehead. A 4000 year old(1), orange/beige echidna who has the physical properties of a 15 year old. An emo, egoistic ebony hedgehog who can't accept the fact that his best friend died 50 years ago, who's immortal. And a loved crazed 12 year old fangirl who would, do just about anything to molest our azure hedgehog. Yup we can so beat them."

Rouge said playfully but with a slight hint of sarcasm.
"And don't forget we have a GUN agent who is overly obessed with jewels..."
A certain black and red hedgehog said, without a hint of emotion placed across his face. As he walked past them and made a short abrupt pause before continuing his 'speech'.

"In which I doubt could last without a day without stealing at least one...."and with that the male walked without glancing at either at them.
"Oh! How rude! Barging in our conversation!" as Amy fumed.
"Rouge?! Aren't you angry!?"
But the ivory bat remained silent.
"FINE! IGNORE ME! I'LL GO SOMEWHERE I'M NEEDED!" as if on cue the young fangirl, stormed off somewhere else, leaving the white bat.
"Wow.... after 35 seconds of silence she storms right off..." As a single bead of sweat appeared on the side of her head, as it gently rolled down.

A single thought popped in her mind.

'That girl has some serious mood swings....'

(1)For you guys don't watch or play Sonic get confused. Shade was travelling through different dimensions/worlds, in "Sonic Chronicles:The Dark Brotherhood". There was a slight time warp when she met the Sonic team.

So let's just say while she was travelling through different worlds, it took her 4000 years. To get to them(in the game), while it would only be a couple of months or so for her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 04:36:04 PM
Those are the Rottens  they're a nasty sort" Bobo said to them > ' But there are others teams to worry about, such as the Droopy Dawgs and of course Scooby's team. They're nice guys though. Scooby Gave Yogi and I a ride and helped us get the games back together. so our competing with them is nothing personal, we just want to win..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 06, 2011, 04:39:48 PM
Bugs Bunny looked up the rabbit hole and scartched his head.

"Must've taken wrong tuwn at ablaqouerque," he sighed, stepping out of the hole, reaching down and picking up kis carrot and munched it lazily.

Suddenly he noticed some noise.

"Meh, so what's all the commotion? Guess I'll take a look." He sighed, swallowing the rest of his carrot and walked in the direction of the noise.

As he got closer, he saw it was a tennis court. He looked around for someone to talk to. Finally, his eye was pulled over in a direction. He walked over and sighed, " what's up, Doc?"

(Anyone can answer him)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 04:42:43 PM
As Amy Rose strode off, Rouge turned to Bobo.
"So who exactly are these Droopy Dawgs and Scooby's team?" the jewel thief paused before continuing. "I've heard of them, but never actually got to talk to them yet, nor had time either."

Knuckles had been practicing tennis while everyone else..did stuff...
He was just about to hit the ball with his tennis racket until he heard a rather unfamiliar voice.
"What the-?" He looked towards to find a anthro like rabbit, speaking to him. Looking up at him, he was at least a head taller than him.
"What do you want?" He said rather defensively, even though he didn't have too.
Edit: Um... I mean Bugs is the one taller.... ^^'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 04:46:03 PM
Rello Rugs " Scooby said to him. "Ri'm ra rig ran.. he added ' Rhat rare rou roing rere? Rhis ris rhe raffrarmpics..'
 'So you're Bugs Bunny? Garfield gazed lazily at him.. " your old skits are on in the morning when I wake up..
They are the other teams " Bobo replied " you'll get to know them as the games go on.. there'll be lots of time to go over and say hi.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 06, 2011, 04:55:44 PM
"Yes, I'm Bugs, the one and only," Bugs said proudly. "What am I doing here...must've taken a wrong tuwn at albaqourque. Ya see, I was on my way to the international carrot festival in Oklahoma. THAT's what I'm doing 'ere."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 04:58:07 PM
this is Toon city" Woody said coming over to look at Bugs.. We're having the games here then traveling around the toon worlds. You going to follow along?"
_ I'm Dixie " dixie smiled at bugs.. "Nice to meet you. I'm scooby's wife"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 05:02:02 PM
At that instant, Knuckles lessened up a little bit.
"So, you're the guy who's been giving villians quite a hard time in LA I heard."
(A/N) Yeah I got nothing.... btw anyone know which movie I'm referring too :D !?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 06, 2011, 05:04:48 PM
"Well, you have a wife, eh Scooby? Good fo you!" Bugs smiled. "Toon city,eh? Nevo heawd of it."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 05:06:52 PM
Any girlfriends on your part Bugs? Dixie asked with a smile " because a star like you probably gets flocked by female fans.."
_ This is your first time here huh Bugs? Woody said " Same with us.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 05:07:26 PM
(Knuckles POV)
Apparently no was listening him, so he decided to keep playing tennis.
(Knuckles POV ends)

Who's controlling Sonic right now?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 06, 2011, 05:08:49 PM
"Nope, no girl's yet...although I did get flocked once by a crazed lady." Bugs sighed, rubbing his head at the...rather painful memory.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 05:18:38 PM
(You are )
 Dulcy Smiled over at Sonic " hello Sonic how are you doing today " She smiled friendly at him..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 05:40:48 PM
"Life is good!" the azure hero sighed in content, as he walked a slow pace.  He placed his arms behind his back. He felt like he could stay like this for years! Yup life was good without Amy......"
The blue hedgehog had just realized something....
He had made one BIG mistake.....
3....... He just had to say it... he just had to say that word!


'Dang it spoke too soon.'

But saddly he didn't have any time to react. And soon he found himself planted with million of....

"Oh Sonic! I missed you so much!" and with that our young stalker drowned Sonic in kisses, as she was strangling Sonic.
"Amy....." Sonic rasped.
"What is it my cuddly boo bear!"Amy said as she looked up at her 'lover' if our azure hedgehog wasn't gasping for air, he would have ran as fast as he could and puked.
"...P-put mm-meh dohwn...!" He managed to say loud enough for his so called 'girlfriend' could hear. Amy realizing what she was doing, sheepishly let go of Sonic. As he fell on his bottom with a loud "Thud!".

"Oh my gosh Sonic- I'm so sorry! I didn't- I mean it's been-!"
"It's alright Amy.." Sonic stood up dusting himself while doing so. And gave her a his trademark grin.
"Well, still sorry..." The rose hedgehog replied looking down at her feet ashamed."

Sonic lifted Amy's chin with his thumb, so that she could look at him directly. Making our young girl give off a faint blush, whilst Sonic removed his hand away.
"It's fine, really!" Sonic answered giving her a toothy grin. The love crazed female slowly smiled and nodded.

Woot slight Sonamy-ness!  :DD
Hehe. I wonder how Dulcy will react!
You know I actually wanted to  make Sonic :bolt  but than where would the  :wub go? :D
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 06, 2011, 05:47:10 PM
" What's wid dose two." Bugs said, pointing at Amy and sonic.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 05:51:36 PM
"Oh those two love birds?.." Rouge joined in the conversation, since she of course had nothing else to do.
"The pink one is a love crazed fangirl, who would do anything to get Sonic to notice her." She said pointing to Amy, "The blue one is the poor victim of Amy.." whilst the white bat said in a formal and casually tone.

Edit: I'm not gonna reply for awhile since I'll stop so that the characters can join since the? aren't here yet.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2011, 06:00:30 PM
(Try and slow down CM on the posting  so other posters can catch up thanks)
Have sonic spend some time with me and Yogi' Cindy said we'll show him around the town..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 06, 2011, 06:09:27 PM
(Sure, I was thinking the same thing too.)
"Well I have to go Amy, caio!" And with that he ran off towards Yogi and Cindy. Leaving a rather confused Amy behind.
I'm not going to post for awhile since I'm starting to lose some ideas. Plus I need lay down from Rping so other people can catch up with us. :)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 06, 2011, 06:11:42 PM
"Well, even dough I am a BIG star, I don't get swamped like dat. " Bugs said, emphasizing the word big.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 07, 2011, 01:40:10 AM
Droopy, Gary and Wally walked over to a list to see what sorts of events were next and who would be competing in them.  

Wally looked around, "Looks like there are some new folks here." He said looking and pointing in the direction where some new folks were.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 07, 2011, 01:44:58 AM
"Hey? Who are dose guy's? Bugs said, pointing in the direction of where some people were.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 08, 2011, 12:06:58 AM
"Eh?" Sonic said looking towards the direction Bugs was pointing. "Well, I don't know, though I don't think they're not so bad..." the blue hero scratched his head with closed eyes, as bead of sweat formed.
"Though, I do know that if I don't start running now. A certain 12 year old, will most likely ambush me." And if on cue a high pitch squeal was heard in the distance. "OH NO IT'S HER!!!" Sonic screamed in a equally high voice and was getting ready to run.

"SONIC! COME BACK HERE AND MARRY ME!!!11(one)1!!" the young female hedgehog yelled , with blazing eyes of anger and determination. It almost looked like she were on fire....

"Auuu-Ggg-HHH!!!!!" the azure hedgehog was turning paler by the second, and was about to bolt for it. However he stole a quick glance at the famous 'Loony Tune' star. "See ya later Bugs!" and gave the bunny his trademark grin.

"SONIC!!!!!!" whined an annoyed Amy Rose. Her face flushed with anger, and was burning as flames surrounded her. Literally. While every part of her body were alit with flames, her eyes remained icy. Giving Sonic the death glare to make any other fangirl, who were also in love with Sonic. A run for their money.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!11!!(one)!!!111(more ones)!!!!1111!!!!(more exclamation marks)!!!!!!!111!!!(and more exclamation marks and ones)!!!!!!!" And with that Sonic ran for his life! In fear for what horrible things Amy would do again.

(A/N) Yay! :lol
Btw I fixed all the mistakes I could find.  :lol:
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 08, 2011, 12:35:51 AM
"Ah, young love..." Bugs sighed, pulling a carrot out of no where and munching on it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 08, 2011, 12:58:09 AM
"If what you meant by 'young love' involves either 'lovers' to get physically and mentally harrassed. Then I'll have to agree with you there Bunny-Boy" Said a sugar coloured bat. One of her hands was tucked under her chin, as the other was underneath it. While flashing a flirtatous smile at Bugs Bunny, getting a rather unhappy face from Shadow.

However, she paid no heed to him. And looked at Knuckles who was still playing tennis. As another echidna except this one was female and was orange instead of red watched him play. 'Heh. I guess we found a another pair of lovebirds.' Rouge smirked.

Then looked at Shadow, who quickly turned away as a tinge of pink colored his cheeks. 'Was that just a blush there....?' she thought since this was the first time he had ever blushed, but put aside the thought. Anway since when did he have any feelings, towards others besides Maria. Than again he never did show any feelings to anyone ever since. Than why now?

And why her?


I think I just added slight Shadouge there!  :D
*starts going through a fangirl rampage*
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 08, 2011, 01:24:59 AM
"...uh...sure. Led's go wid dat." Bugs said, munching on his carrot and pretending to listen to the other's conversation..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 08, 2011, 01:40:45 AM
"HA! SCORE!!!!!!! BEAT THAT SHADE!!!!" Knuckles said rather too loudly. The score right now was on matchpoint and whoever scored next would win.
"As you wish." Shade replied in an monotone voice. And served the ball, though she had hit the ball too hard. And it never stood a chance when it hit the ground, and was completely crashed from the impact.
Knuckles had been too busy looking at the crater itself. And not enough time to see where it landed. He didn't know....

"NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!! I LOST 48 TIMES!?"



I really have to limit my posts now.  :blink:
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2011, 10:09:22 AM
these marches don't count yogi pointed out. " We've already had  the singles play. the next event will be a treasure hunt.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 08, 2011, 08:08:37 PM
Kitty and Tiger got into the bleachers, waiting for Dixie's match to start.

"You can take her down Dixie!" Kitty screamed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on February 09, 2011, 12:20:46 AM
When Glacia finally woke up... having fallen asleep in the locker room... she found her brother Incendia staring with a little grin on his face.

'Were you poking me all this time?' Glacia asked her brother.

'No. Maybe... possibly?'

'Is my match on yet?' Glacia asked, ignoring her brothers answer.

'It's on... right now.'

She arched a brow. 'Like... right now?'

'Yep, right now, as in the well known saying: my house is on fire right now.'

'Your poetic ability to form words never ceases to amaze me... wait, oh no... I'm late?'

'More late than a pinball to an all-night pinball party.' Incendia hadn't much time to say this, for he was shortly after being dragged by his hand with his sister out the locker room and down the hall.

Glacia grumbled and groaned. 'Argh, I'm going to be late... again! What a terrbile impression I'll make! Why did you let me sleep in?'

'Hey, not fair! I was poking you for ten minutes!'

'Alright, I'm ready to rock... I think. Where's my racquet?'

Incendia handed her the racquet. 'Here you go!'

'Where did you-'

'Don't ask...'

And then her brother pushed her out the door into the stadium, where she immediately tripped on her own feet and hit the ground face first.

'Ow. I hope no-one saw that,' she said, rubbing her nose.

Incendia, meanwhile, dusted his hands. 'Well, that's dealt with. Now to find Dulcy and Samia,' he said with a smile on his face that would make Charlie Brown cry, when he wasn't already crying... that is.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 09, 2011, 12:22:53 AM
"Eh? A treasure hunt? Sounds like my type of game!" Rouge said cheerfully while looking at Yogi.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 09, 2011, 12:26:49 AM
"Treausre hunt, eh?" Bugs sighed. "I think I'll sit dis one out, never was good at findin stuff anyway."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 09, 2011, 12:32:55 AM
( Umm.. JD(JitteryDragon) the tennis match was just some random filler, where my characters. Knuckles and Shade were just playing tennis, so it wasn't really part of the story. Just some filler I made for since I made them play earlier.)

"Bugs you're looking at the finest treasure huntress in all of Mobius!(Sonic's home planet.) I have sucessfully stole more than 300 million dollors worth of jewels, in less than one month! With the help of Shadow of course!" the snow white bat boasted, about her adventure as an infamous mobian.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 09, 2011, 12:35:19 AM
"Nah, I'm nod interested in money, seeing as I gots a LOT of dough, being da huge supastar I am." Bigs told her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 09, 2011, 12:50:14 AM
"Well, it's not just for the money.." She said as she imagined a certain somebody, but quickly put the thought away. "I'm also in it for the jewels! Heck, I'm in it so I can rob the nearest jewelery store. And win a thousand of dollors while I'm at it." she beamed at the though of stealing another gem to add to her collection.

With the other million of jewels in her apartment in which was built, within 'Club Rouge' in which she made a couple of bucks there. And what she meant by a    'couple of bucks' she meant 3 grand every month. Which raised the question why she had the need to steal jewels remains a mystery.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2011, 09:33:57 AM
Dixie smiled as Glacia came up to her " I was wondering where you were Glacia " She said shaking Glacias claw " This is the last match Glacia I win this, I win the whole shebang. You win, well we'll play a championship match later tonight.. Good luck.. you can serve first.
_ Dulcy waved at Incedia " hey Incedia! Over here' she waved from the dawgs bench ' Where hsave you guys been? Samia and I joined the team, we're teammates now..She grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 09, 2011, 10:56:27 PM
Droopy, Gary and Wally walked over to the Dawgz bench from looking at the list of the current and upcoming events.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2011, 10:59:12 PM
Hi I'm Dulcy " Daulcy said Coming up to them "This is Samia " We just joined your team" The girls smiled " Hope you guys don't mind us joining, we canb Incedia and Glacia do well anbd figured hety we might as well sign uop to.." Dulcy said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 10, 2011, 12:01:46 AM
"Glad to have you on the team." Droopy said .  

"Yea, always nice to have more on the team. "  Wally said smiling.  "You folks been here long?" He asked.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2011, 12:11:25 AM
We've been here for the last couple days at least Samia replied ' We'll have to wait until the third event to get involved, I think thats how the rules go for new members you have to wait out an event.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 10, 2011, 12:36:06 AM
"I guess to give you time to get to know everyone and how some things work." Wally said.  "Unless there are other reasons." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2011, 01:23:00 AM
That could be part of it, but mostly we just want to watch for now, before we get into an event.. being able to fly would be a big advantage I'd think " Samia said. "Of course I'd imagine they'd put things in place so its not TOO much of an advantage..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on February 10, 2011, 01:42:34 AM
'Oh, I think you'll be fine,' Incendia said to Samia. 'I can fly, too... and they haven't said a thing about that yet. I hope they don't, because I have awesome plans for my wingies... er... I mean, wings.'

He gave a little salute. 'Glad ta have you both aboard,' he continued. 'Um... I'm very looking forward to... uh... let me rephrase that.' Incendia took a long deep breath and tried again. 'Looking forward to working together... and stuff.'

He blushed, and went quiet. Drat, he thought, my charming charms have failed me again. maybe I should have worn perfume... or glasses... chicks dig glasses.

Meanwhile, somewhere slightly sane.

Glacia exchanged a good strong handshake with Dixie. 'Let's do this.'

She took her fist ball and played the serve. It probably didn't help she was still half asleep. She really needed a shower, or a bucket of water over the head... why hadn't her brother done something like that? The only time he DOESN'T do something along those lines, and she would have actually appreciated it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2011, 01:45:59 AM
iDixie returned the serve easily, and quickly began taking control of the set. She broke Glacia twice before the dragoness started shaking the cobwebs out, and Dixie was playing with confidence.Its nit good to fall into a hole against a confident playr\er and that is what Dixie was at the moment. She Now served trying to take a commanding 4-0 lead in the first set. Dixie whipped a shot in the middle of the box.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 10, 2011, 01:47:44 AM
Bugs watched the game of tennis go down as he sat on a nearby bench to relax.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2011, 02:03:12 AM
So which of the two of us do you like more incedia? Samia smirked "which reminds me i got a package for your sister but its not supposed to arrive until noon, or thereabouts.. so  about 45 minutes or so.."
you are quite the charmer my young friend Dulcy smirked.. "Well, you're giving it a shot at least..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 10, 2011, 02:10:18 AM
"Hey Yogi! You said you would show me around the is that right? Or did you want me to bring my friends too?" Sonic asked looking at the brown bear.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on February 10, 2011, 02:12:39 AM
It was about time Glacia put some effort into her play, now that her mind was sharpening out. It wasn't particularly helpful that her opponent was playing at peak, and Glacia herself was become moody, as she was prone to in such situations as this.

She decided if there was any chance of winning, it was probably best to start NOW. With a flourish of her back hand, she sent the ball flying across the net with a vengeance... and it's also making me wonder how many ridiculous metaphors I could possibly have thrown into that sentence.

Meanwhile, back with Incendia.

Oh no, the dreaded "which one do you like better question"... just as bad as when sister asks me if she should play DnD 8th or 9th edition.

Incendia pulled all of his intelligence together to form some sort of escape plan in poetic English form. However, since this was the same Incendia who had trouble differentiating between a spoon and a shovel...

He coughed. 'I like you both more!'

Hurray! I think...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2011, 02:13:12 AM
I think you need some time away from your pink friend" Cindy said to him ' constantly being gushed over is not healthy..
 That pick hedgehog is obsessed " Tigeress said to Tiger " really puts things in perspectice..
_ Yes most unladylike Almaronnodded ' A female musrt have self-respect and I think that young lady has litte to non
 Yeah "Tiger agreed " she makes Agumina look like a downer by Comparison.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2011, 02:16:21 AM
That makes no sense.. Either you like one of us more.. ior you like us equally.. Which is fine I guess but not the answer I was aiming for when I asked you the question "Samia said.
 _ Dixie won the first set 6-2, and while Glacia was starting to play better, time was not her ally in this. Dixie held on serve and smiled as they switched sides.. at this rate the match would over in about 40 minutes.. or less..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 10, 2011, 02:20:30 AM
"Well Amy can be quite a handful. However you got to admire her persistent personility. Plus it's not like she knows any better." Sonic said while looking at them. " and, I sorta like the fact, that there will always be someone there for me!" the blue teenage hedgehog said with a toothy grin.

"Anyway, enough with Amy. What are you guys gonna show me first?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2011, 02:28:18 AM
well, theres all sorts of fod veendors, and money we got from Stripetail goes a long way in this period " Yogi said showing a vendor selling 'Picnic baskets _ $2 for a full meal!"
A couple bucks and get you tons of stuff.." Yogui added as they walked along..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on February 10, 2011, 02:55:20 AM
"So, what do you think?" Eric asked Knightwolf.

"I think I'll have a look around the city to warm up for the next event," Knightwolf replied.

"Sounds like a plan," Alyssa responded.

"Good, cause I'm starving," Watchdog added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 10, 2011, 02:58:19 AM
"Do they have chilidogs...?" the azure hedgehog thought out loud.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2011, 12:05:17 PM
They might have chili and hot dogs " cindy replied " i haven't looked very hard though..
 Dixie continued to playng at a high level.. a few more games and the match and the championship was hers..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 10, 2011, 12:18:51 PM
"Come on Dixie!" Kitty cheered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 10, 2011, 07:57:27 PM
"Indeed.  I think some other team members have the ability to fly perhaps.  I have not looked at the full list of team members." Droopy said, having been to busy to do that very much.  

"Time enough to find out." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2011, 10:27:53 PM
We can Fly and so can Incedia..' Samia said looking at the list.. " if there are others I have not met them..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 10, 2011, 11:42:25 PM
"I can also." Gary said, a double meaning since he could fly in his current form and also some of his other forms.  "I'm not sure if anyone can on the other teams.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2011, 11:48:00 PM
that 4 of us that should be plenty
( I'll list what iteams each team needs to find once the tennis is over..)
 Dixie waited for Glacia to Serve, up 4-1, she could taste victory in the air..but she kept herself from looking too far ahead. "BNot Yet, she told herself""
 Come on Glacia! Samia cheered. " You can make a comeback here! Don't give up./.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 11, 2011, 01:29:20 AM
"It should be, I hope." Wally said.

"We'll know in time." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on February 11, 2011, 02:49:40 AM
I guess you could say it really wasn't Glacia's day. Though, considering most of it so far had been spent asleep, that could be debatable.. what couldn't be though, was the fact that she wasn't playing to good. Her confidence had faltered like a tower of jelly bricks.

She didn't want to give up, though. She pictured that sweet prize, the money, in her head. The things she could buy, and then take home. Her brother and herself would be able live the happy life... like before the Borderland had become a desert.

So thus, she served... with grace and skill as much she could muster against her own confidences.

Meanwhile, Incendia watched with a hot-dog (or chilli-dog... or something, all that he knew was that it tasted pretty good). Normally he would probably talk with his mouth full... but in the presence of these lovely ladies, he managed some manners. 'Wow, my sister really sucks at tennis. BURP! Yummy!'

Perhaps not...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 11, 2011, 09:21:37 AM
Dixie returned Glacia serves, forcing the dragoness to move all over the court. Dixie made her move back and forth close to the net and deep along the baseline. Dixie finally Broke Glacias serve with a ripping cross court shot. It was now 5-1, and dixie smiled. All she needed to do was win one more game.
_ Manners Incedia.. Manners "Samia said rebuking hi gently..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 11, 2011, 08:21:48 PM
And with that Sonic ran towards all the vendors. He was on a new quest...
The quest of finding the chilidogs!


"Well I could fly, so can some of the guys back home." Rouge said refering to Silver the hedgehog who held the powers to levitate objects. Thus giving the hedgehog the ability to fly. Though Shadow and Sonic could also fly when obtaining all seven chaos emeralds, who than turn super versions of themselves.

"Shade! How the heck do you always win!? I mean you got the skill of a   professional tennis player!" Knuckles looked at the orange and beige echidna, with a look of disbelief at her skill. But ony got a mere shrug from the female who was raised with high-tech weaponry, and had the ability to drain her foes life as well as healing her own.

"I do not know, but your flattering words do raise my spirits. At such a strange and unusal sport... my people from Nocturne had never played such sports. Instead we would train non-stop for days, and had no time for enjoyment." the 16 year-old replied as she looked at Knuckles with a look of gratitude before resuming.

"And thank you for that match Knuckles..." Shade said as she turned away, but didn't leave quite yet. And quickly whipped back to look at Knuckles with a small grin. Moving closer closing the small gap between them. The female echidna gave a quick peck on the cheek, before quickly walking away.
The male echidna had barely enough time to react, and was blushing maddly.
' Did she just kiss me...?' Knuckles touched the place where  female Nocturnus echidna had just placed her lips before she parted away. While a smile sprouted on his face.

However a flirtatious bat had just seen the entire event before her.
"Oh this is to good to be true! Can't wait to tell everyone about this!" And with that, the she-bat flew off with a sly smile.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 11, 2011, 08:26:09 PM
Bus sighed, the match was getting boring, so he walked off in search of a carrot crop.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 11, 2011, 09:39:37 PM
"Hey Bugs, wanna know something? Nah I'll tell you anyway." Rouge said with a sly smile. "Did you know that Shade has the hots for Knucklehead?"
Gah, I  can't type as much now! DX
Please forgive my one-liners! :(
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 11, 2011, 10:24:32 PM
"Not everyone is good at tennis, and some people have an off day also." Droopy said.

"Or an off week." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 12, 2011, 12:06:27 AM
"Knuclehead? Who'd knuckle head? Hod's? Ya mean like love?" Bugs asked Rouge.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 12, 2011, 12:19:25 AM
"Just one more point..." Kitty said, anxiously.

The Duke monitored the newcomers from above.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2011, 12:45:17 AM
Dixie Blasted a 110 mph serve down the line for the winning point. She Threw up her paws in truimph and headed to the net to shake paw with Glacia " Nice match. now onto the next  event' Dixie smiled as she joined her teammates
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 12, 2011, 01:04:28 AM
"Yes Bunny-boy Shade apparently likes Knuckles who I like to call Knucklehead. In fact I saw her kiss him on the cheek..." Rouge paused to empahasis the sentence. "I also think she made that gullible echidna to blush. Not only that, she blushed while doing it!" The ivory bat finished whilst smiling.

"You know I wonder if Shadow will ever find love..." She paused, "I mean after his small inciddent with Maria..." the female bat said outloud, loud enough just enough for anyone to hear. If they were close enough that is.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 12, 2011, 01:14:29 AM
"Ah, I ged it. Ya think so? Hm, learn soimething new everyday, I guess." Bugs finished.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2011, 01:16:39 AM
If I wre you, dearie, I keep that kind of talk private " Sunscar said " Of coiurse I'm kinda old-fashioned that way " the elder wolf said as he walked off the tennis court towards the exits..
 Stripetail tallied up the scored. Alright with a 100 point bonus for winning the tennis titles the Scooby Doobies finish the event with 800 points. Next are the Droopy Dawgs with 450 points. then comes the Yogi Yahooeys with 400 points, and in last place the Really Rottens with 350 points. the Next event is a treasure hunt will will start in a couple hours. Meet me at Smiling Sun street at 3 for your  treasure list. Only the five team members in the hunt need show the rest can return to your hotel rooms for a rest and a bit to eat."
 At least we're not in last Huckleberry hound said to the other Yahooeys.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 12, 2011, 01:39:58 AM
"Will do, sir!" Bugs called after the wolf. "Hey," he turned back to Rogue. "What team were you on again?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 12, 2011, 01:48:52 AM
"I guess the ones going to participate in the treasure hunt had best hurry over to that Smiling Sun street place." Wally said.

"It's not for a while.  Plenty of time to eat and casually make your way over there I'd think." Gary said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2011, 01:49:54 AM
ThebYogis list looks like this;
 A Cindy Bear umberella, A Huckleberry Hound Sheriff Badge, A Golden energy Ring, an old Jellystone park costume, a picnic basket, a wanted Sonic and knuckles poster, a red Bobo bow tie, and a red homing shell
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2011, 02:01:33 AM
The Rottens list was as a follows: a figurine of the dRead baron, a Bluto as Superman cartoon strip.  a Muttley family photo album..a gunbelt from Yosemite Sam, 3 petried souls an empty DIp container, a Poster from Siam, an videos of the only two Rotten wins in the firs Laffalympics (which were held in New York and Turkey an Washington DC and Morooco , respectively)
 These are going to be fun.. Muttley said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 12, 2011, 02:19:56 AM
"I'm on team Yogi Yahooeys, however I wish they could've picked a different colour for their t-shirts..."

"Where is that stubborn blue hedgehog!?" Amy puffed out her cheeks out of annoyance. She saw a shadow of a male hedgehog in the distance, without thinking she wrapped her arms around her captured victim. Planting million of wet kisses on Shadow's face. Getting a grunt of dismay, as he pulled the young hedgehog away from him.

"What the!? Shadow! Oh my god!!! I thought you were Sonic!" Amy apologized to the ebony hedgehog. Her face flustered with raw embarassement. "Sorry but those kisses weren't for you!"

"Er..yeah..." Shadow replied wiping the drool off his face. "Anyway did you seen Rouge?"
" Why?" she asked as curiosity painting her features.
"Well I sorta need to tell her something...."The black hedgehog said, rubbing his head embarrassed as faint pink blush crept across his face. Looking upwards the opposite direction, as a single bead of sweat formed.

"Well..? Are you gonna tell me or not?" Amy asked suspicously, narrowing her emerald eyes. At Shadow's strange behaviour, towards the bat.
"Well I sorta wanted to tell her.." Shadow said choking on the last words. He couldn't tell her that he had been in love with a certain bat for several years now.
"Well...?" The young girl asked with obvious signs of annoyance. "Come on tell me!" she demanded.

"OK FINE! I LOVE HER! ARE YOU HAPPY!?" the rival of Sonic shouted out of sheer frustation, as he waited for the pink hedgehog to lash out at him. For being rude however instead he got a high pitched squeal.
"OMG!?!11(one)! SHADOW YOU'RE IN LOVE!1!!" the young girl shouted in happiness as her eyes shone with joy.

"I can't wait to tell her!" Amy was about to bolt for it, but was stopped by the anti-hero.
"AMY! DON'T YOU DARE TELL ROUGE WHAT I JUST SAID!" The GUN agent looked at Amy with a terrified look as well giving her a death glare. "I-mean I'll tell her myself..." Shadow said trying to cover up his look of sheer desperation.

"Anyway I want you to help me impress her, since you are a girl." The egoastic hedgehog asked with a serious face, looking Amy in the eye to make sure she understood what he meant.

WOOOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111(one)!!! SHADOUGE! <3
*gets bricked*
Anyway Shadow and Rouge knew eachother way before the RPG happened. Just to clear up some confusion.
 :bang Gah, I'm a noob.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2011, 09:21:48 PM
Dixie was greeted and Hugged by Arlene Winnie and Scooby " Alright guys thats enough Dixijie said as Stripetail brought her the thropy and a million dollars
 Nice work Dixie and Scooby you each earned a million dollars " Stripetail said handing them the money " Now onto the next event. you fols will now have a short break.. between the net event, there will be four events in all in toon City..

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 12, 2011, 09:48:21 PM
Bugs continued to sit down, but started to drift off. Before anyone knew it, he was asleep.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2011, 11:03:46 PM
Stripetal then called Belladonna Cindy and Glacia " Since there was a 3 way tie for second. each of you will get runnerup money, 500 thousand each, which will get split among your teammates.
  Yogi will get 300 thousand and Mutley 250 thousand for last place
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 12, 2011, 11:04:13 PM
"i'm in the money, I'm in the money," Belladonna sang smugly

"The game starts soon," Kitty realized.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2011, 11:11:05 PM
Then may I suggest we get going Winnie said to her.. Would you let me to whip ypu up a lunch?" Winnie said I've gotten some of my food supplies sent to the hotel and I can cook you and Tiger a nice meal before we have the treasure hunt.."
 I could go for some chicken strips Tigeress said  coming up to them..
_ Well alright Winnie said.. I'll Put you down Tigeress.. Kitty, Tiger what would you like?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 12, 2011, 11:30:38 PM
"Fish," Tiger replied, licking his lips.

"I'll take a mouseburger," Kitty told Winnie
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2011, 11:42:10 PM
Mind if we join in? Bobo asked coming up to her? ' Sure, The Yogis and Dawgs are invited too' Winnie smiled
iN that Case I'll have the Chicken Strips Genki said ,Better make that 15 orders ' Tigeress chuckled,
  I'll have the pot pie Bobo said 'I'll have the mozzerella sticks Huckleberry said..
_ I'll have the chicken strips and Samia will have the mozz sticks Dulcy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2011, 11:43:37 PM
I'll Have the Fish, and Scooby will have the mozzerella sticks.. Dixie said.. as Cindy came by with her share the of the winnings.. "I'll have a pot pie" she said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 12, 2011, 11:44:07 PM
"That sounds tasty." Wally said.  "Except for the mouse burger that is."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2011, 11:45:51 PM
So what do you guys want Winnie said writing down the  various orders.
 I'll provide the piza I suppose Stripetail said coming up to them " a very good start, we've had some very nice ratings,, and donations are coming in slowly but steadily..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 13, 2011, 12:00:50 AM
"I think I'd like some chicken wings, that sounds good." Wally Said.  

"I think I'd like some fish." Gary said.

"A pot pie.  I've not had one of those in a while." Droopy said.  "Are you sure you can handle all these orders though?" He asked Winnie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2011, 12:02:44 AM
I'm glad for the business actually " winnie smiled at them, writing down thier orders.. " the More the better..
dee ordered a salad and dum some Mozzrella sticks..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 13, 2011, 12:35:44 AM
"As long as you're sure it's not to much." Droopy said.

"I bet the food'll be great." Wally said rubbing his stomach a bit with on hand.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 13, 2011, 02:01:29 AM
While all this was happening, Bugs continued to snooze.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 13, 2011, 04:38:07 PM
Everyone had went to order their food at seperate times. Due to the fact they had went around and explored. While our famous and well known cobolt hero, was still on his quest to find the chilidogs.

Sonic had wasted 10 minutes just to find a decent hotdog stand. But his efforts were in vain, after searching halfway around the continent. And ran all the way back to where he started.
"Geez, just how hard is it to find a couple of chilidogs?" The young hero was getting quite frusterated at the moment. But decided that getting angry won't help, and went to look for his companions.

He made a quick turn, and dashed off to who knows where. Ran all the back to where he started, destroyed a fleet of robots to find himeself falling into a pit of spikes losing all his rings. As huge words appeared out of nowhere saying "GAME OVER".
(Somewhere in the real world)

"Dang it! Why is it, that the spikes are placed on the worst times!? Screw Sega!" A generic tween threw his wii remotes, and started a riot causing his parents to wake up in the middle of the night.
"JOHN WHAT HAVE WE TOLD YOU ABOUT SHOUTING!? AND PLAYING VIDEOGAMES IN 3:00am IN THE MORNING!?" John's mother screamed at her 12 year old son.

"Umm... 300,4000 times...?"
"WELL NOW IT'S 300,4001!!!"

After being rushed to the hospital which would have took 4 months to heal from. Took the hero only mere seconds to heal , since 'he' was the fastest thing on earth. Was now up on his feet, and had finally found his friends ordering food.



(I'm not going to post for the entire day, since I got work to do. And since I have been posting non-stop from the last couple of days.)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 13, 2011, 11:04:38 PM
On the outside of town, 3 siblings arrived. But they weren't human siblings.

Sagwa, Dongwa, and Sheegwa, 3 Siamese cats can into the town. Their parents had encouraged them to see the world, so the 3 royal kittens were given royal passports.

"This place looks cool!" Sheegwa, the youngest girl and the youngest overall beamed.

"Yeah," Dongwa, the oldest cat and only boy agreed.

"Is that a squirrel?" Sagwa, the middle cat asked, looking towards the town center

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2011, 11:15:33 PM
The Dread Baron called the Rottens togher " Alright everyone we're having a Bad Guy Buffet" back at the motel. Since all the goodie-goods will be socializing amongst themselves, this will be the perfect time to plan our strategy for the next three events.."
 Stripetail was preparing for the next event when he noticed three young kittens heading his way " Hello little ones. " He smiled " How can I help you?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 13, 2011, 11:16:59 PM
Sagwa spoke up, the girl usually being the voice for her siblings.

"Where's a good place to stay around here, and what would you recommend for tourists?" she asked with a grin.

Sheegwa looked at a dragonfly flying around the sky
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2011, 11:22:02 PM
Well there are a number of hotels and motels to stay at - the Flashlight Fountain is good, I personally Am Staying there.. as for things to do,  well the Laffalympics are currently in town and you can watch the contestants compete in the events, or you can simply walk around the various stores and shops... I'm Lord stripetail, by the by, Its a pleasure to meet you.. Stripetail said " I am currently setting up for the next event..its a treasure hunt, were the teams have to find certain things hidden all over town..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 13, 2011, 11:24:20 PM
"i'm Dongwa," the boy introduced.

"I'm Sagwa," the middle feline introduced.

"i'm Sheegwa," the youngest kitten smiled, "we're the Magistrate's royal pets back in China."

"Pleased to meet you Stripetail," Sagwa smiled
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2011, 11:30:17 PM
Ah i see" Stripetail nodded. ' So you are of the nobility as well?' He gave each of them a short but firm bow " well, Dongwa, Sagwa and Sheega, I will escort you around town, hen I am not judging the games. I trust the magistrate gave you some money, because to see the world costs money. and if not, well I can put you up at a hotel for a few days if need be.." the old squirrel smiled at them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 13, 2011, 11:32:00 PM
"Thank you sir," Dongwa nodded, "And yes, our parents gave us some money and showed us how to convert it so we can use it here."

"And we'd be honored to have you escort us," Sagwa told Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2011, 11:35:28 PM
well that is good, this place fortunately is one where things don't cost as much as they do in other places.. so your money should go pretty far. I'll introduce you to some of the players later, for now you can watch me finish getting the challenge ready ' near stripetail a tabke covered with items, they were 32 in all, colored in the teams colors' he gestured and the items floated high into the air and dispersed over the town..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 13, 2011, 11:37:22 PM
"Wow...." the cat siblings awed, watching the spells magically sent flying.

"Are you magic Mr. Stripetail?" Sheegwa asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2011, 11:45:41 PM
Yes I am a wizard, one who knows a very great deal about magic. i've spent my life practicing my craft dear children.. if you want to be good at something, you must practice it, constantly..the more you do it, the better you'll become" Stripetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 13, 2011, 11:46:48 PM
"I've had to learn that lesson a lot," Dongwa said with a chuckle.

"This is so cool..." Sagwa complimented.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2011, 11:51:31 PM
But magic has its limits and pratfalls, of course. it can be used for great evil in the  wrong hands and if used for the wrong reasons. I've dealt with dark wizards and witches for many many years." stripetail replied. "But you are good souls, I can tell.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 13, 2011, 11:54:30 PM
Bus had woken up from his nap. And he couldn't be any sooner. "Hmm...I'm hungry, now...where's that carrot I had..." he wondered  as he started to search for it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 14, 2011, 12:03:03 AM
"I guess we should head over to where Winnie will be cooking." Wally said.

"yes, if we do not want to be late.  Being late is not very nice." Droopy said.

"Let's get going then.  How should we get there best.  I can fly but how about you 2?" Gary said.

"I'm not very good at flying." Wally said.  "How about you Droopy?"

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2011, 12:06:50 AM
As if to fulfill what stripetail had said, The Great Fondoo appeared near the tennis court alomng with his pet, the Magic rabbit " Aha! I found it at last, now, where are my fellow Rottens? Being in magical prison is no fun.." Foondoo said as he began walking..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 14, 2011, 12:07:55 AM
"Thank you sir," Sagwa smiled at that comment.

"So where are we going next?" Dongwa asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2011, 12:07:57 AM
No Need to Hurry " Woody said Flying alongside them. It'll take some time to cook everyones orders" He chuckled. " then after lunch its onto the hunt" he grinned..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2011, 12:12:41 AM
Well, I suppose we could take a break for lunch.. Have you kittens eaten anything?' Stripetail asked.
 _ Winnie flew ahead to the Hotel to start preparing the orders for lunch..
 Well droopy ol boy, Earning 300 grand will help Mr Ranger here get his job back very quickly..
_ We;ll Yogi I actually did get hired to run the park again, but the parks not open to the Public, not yet at least. Not enough money to run the park.. Ranger smith said. ' Well you can have my 500 thousand " Cindy offerred " that 800 in all. ' No Cindy its your money.. "
 Well we're going to earn a lot more when these games are done " Bobo said..
_ I'm just glad I'm getting to play in the next event.. Arlene smiled at Dixie. "Well scooby abnd I need a break after tennis.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 14, 2011, 12:19:59 AM
"No, we're kinda hungry," Dongwa admitted.

"Is there a good fish place around here?" Sheegwa asked hopefully, licking her lips.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2011, 12:23:36 AM
Well I'm sure there iis, Although i haven't really checked, what with getting everything ready for the events.." struipetail admitted.
_ Dulcy and Samia joined the large group headed for the Flashlight Fountain. " Well these uniforms are pretty nice " she said to Samia " Yeah they are, but a bit tight on me.. " Maybe you should stop having those nate night snacks?' Dullcy teased.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 14, 2011, 12:25:20 AM
"well, we can just follow you," Sagwa nodded to the squirrel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 14, 2011, 12:32:14 AM
"Maybe the park can be fully fixed up, or at least a good part of it.  " Wally said.

"And with the money earned here the Ranger may not need a salary.  If he makes enough through these games, and invests wisely he could live on the interest." Gary said.  

"I guess we can all walk over to the hotel then if there is no hurry." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2011, 12:40:54 AM
That sounds like a plan " stripetail said startiuing to walk down the street' The Great Fondoo cast a spell from his wand ..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 14, 2011, 12:43:27 AM
The cats followed Stripetail, admiring the sites along the way.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 14, 2011, 12:54:41 AM
Bugs gave up on that carrot as he snapped his gloved finger's in frustration. "Darn!" he grumbled. "Ah well,  I can survive," he sighed. Then he saw some newcomers walk in front of him. "Cute," he chuckled as he walked away.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 14, 2011, 01:05:25 AM
(Gah, I can't keep my word when it comes to RPing. >.<)

"Hey Yogi, do you have anything to recommand on the menu? Usally I would pick chilidogs. But the whole continent doesn't seem to have any." Sonic looked at the brown bear. Since he barely knew anybody else, besides his team mates. Otherwise than that he knew nobody here.
 While Sonic was talking to the well known bear, everbody took their time to socialize with eachother.

"Hey Shadow!" The infamous bat called out to her alley, who was Shadow. Who was talking to Amy...
However once Amy departed, Shadow went to turn an looked at Rouge. Who smiled at her, which was weirder... considering that the hedgehog was a bit anti-social amongest his peers.
"Hello Rouge. May I help you?" the black hedgehog asked, in an almost charming voice. Okay now she was getting crept out by her teamate's behaviour.

"Uhh.... who are and what have you done to Shadow..?" the white bat asked, while rising a non-existent eyebrow.
"What's wrong my dear...?" he replied in the same tone, and almost pulled off the act.
"I'm just gonna go now...." her long-time friend had never acted like a gentleman, and it had a great effect on her. Causing Rouge to feel uncomfortable and had decided to leave before things got even more strange.

"UGH! SHADOW! You were supposed to charm her not scare her!" Amy whined towards her ebony companion.
"Well it failed."
"Because you did it wrong!"
"Yeah, I don't get payed much as a actor do I."
"What does that supposed to mean?"
"Screw this, even Sonic knows more about women." Shadow said sarcasticly, Amy completely ignored this though.

"TIME FOR PLAN B!" Amy striked a heroic pose, causing the male hedgehog to writhe in pain in the inside of his mind. As a hint of embarrassment flared across his cheeks.
"Yeah...let's go before my image get's destroyed even more..."
 'Now I know how faker feels.. All this because I fell for Rouge three years ago... '

(Yeah I'll stop now. o3o Btw I won't be adding romantic stuff till the end of the RP, so no gushy stuff untill the games are over! Plus I need to do more character devolopment in order for this to work in the RP anyway. So now I'm just devolping Shadow's character. Also I made him like Rouge before the games yeah... I'll be quiet now.... )
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2011, 01:16:28 AM
(You're doing a very good job CM! Keep it up!)
Well Sonic theres a large variety of foods" Chicken wings, pot pies, Mozzerella sticks, pizza, Chicken strips, all sort of goodies" Yogi said his mouth watering.. as he spoke..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Cyberlizard on February 14, 2011, 01:40:13 AM
((Crap...  I deeply apologize to everyone.  I've been so caught up in my college reading and my story that I haven't had much time for anything else...))

"Hey, sorry guys." Mario said to Yogi as he stepped into the restaurant with a half-eaten portabello mushroom in his hand.  "Luigi wanted to go to the pizzaria, and there was no stopping him."

"I'm surprised, big brotha." said Luigi as he walked in with a personal-sized pizza in his hands, "They actually made a pizza with anchovies, beans and cheese whiz!"

"That's nasty, Luigi..." Mario replied as he took a bite out of the mushroom.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 14, 2011, 01:47:55 AM
(Why thank you Nick!^-^)

"Hmm... I'll go with a cheeseburger some curly fries. And for the drinks I guess I'll go with pepsi or coke." the blue hero ordered, whilst the colbolt hero took a sideways glance looking at Yogi.
"So what will it be Yogs?" the teenager asked giving the older bear a friendly smile. He didn't have much to do anyway. So he thought talking to his teamate would be a excellent way to socalize and get to know his companion as well.

"Hmm... All these foods all look strange and foreign." Shade spoke to nobody as she looked at the varieties of foods, none of which look edible towards the female echidna. Giving out  a heavy sigh, she walked away. Even when she spent her days learning about this planet. She never bothered researching about the planet's food and what would give her the neccessery nutrition.

Shade activated a strange alien device on her high-tech armour. Looking within it's contents, checking her data banks. In which held no useful information, giving up about using technology to slove her problem. She went to look for Cindy. Even though both of them never interacted much during the events.

The female orange echidna couldn't think of anyone else. Since Rouge went to rob the nearest bank, museum, jewerly store. Shadow and Amy decided to talk about some plan involving Rouge, Sonic was talking to Yogi bear.
Knuckles was no where to be seen.  Either everyone was off somewhere or were talking about personal manners within the area. Shade knew no one else besides them, so Cindy was her only option.

"Cindy, may I ask for your help?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 14, 2011, 08:59:15 AM
"Wow...these all look pretty good," Dongwa commented, the cat seeing multiple places that served fish.

His sisters nodded in agreement.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2011, 10:50:13 AM
Sure Shade what is it? Cindy gave her a warm  smile " thats what teamnmmates are there for after all..
_ Theres grilled fish fish, breaded fish, fish and dumplings.. Fish on a bun.. " sTripetail said. The Dread Barion turned and saw the gret Fondue walking towards him " Excellent  One of the old Riottens has returned..
Well Baron it took some trickery to get free from that prison where was serving a 40 year sentence.. then I heard about the games beinfg restarted, and Well I had a devil of a time finding the place.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2011, 12:22:32 PM
(its alright Cyber. post when you have time)
 Where'd you get that pizza ? Yogi asked As Birdo and Toaddetter headed inside..
 Tigeress took a seat next to Arlene  and dixie.. " Of Only I wasn't sick " she muttered I would have loved to participate " she moaned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Cyberlizard on February 14, 2011, 02:01:10 PM
"Got it at a pizzeria just a few blocks down the street!" said Luigi as he took a bite out of a piece before spitting it out, "Yyyugh!  I didn't think it would taste THAT bad!"  Mario facepalmed, "I told you it was a bad idea!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2011, 04:29:36 PM
You should try Winnies pizzas they're really good " woody said '
 Some thing you just can't control " Arlene replied to her. ' you're leaving sooon right "
 After the events in Toon City are over" Tiger nodded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 14, 2011, 07:27:13 PM
"Hmm...on a bun, that sounds yummy," Sheegwa smiled hungrily.

"We should get lunch ourselves, Tiger," Kitty commented
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 14, 2011, 07:59:36 PM
Bugs looked around one more time for a nearby carrot shack to curb his hunger, and just his luck, a nearby patch was full of them. Crouching down, he plucked one from it's root's, brushed it off, and took a bite. "Mmmm..." he sighed, savoring the sweet taste. "Don't know why I's like carrot's so much, but I wouldn't be suprised if tomorrow, I tuwned orange," he said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2011, 08:43:47 PM
well The more the better .. Toadette said taking a seat alongside birdo " We're hee to watch the games if you don't mind " toadette said with a smile..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 14, 2011, 09:54:36 PM
"Well I need help with picking what I shall eat. So may you help me choose which is best for me?" Shade looked at the brown bear, slighty embarassed by her own question. But put it aside, since she knew very little of the planet.

"Hey is that Mario...?" Sonic looked at the red plumber, who was with his brother Luigi.
"Man when was the last time I saw that guy? If I remember right, it was at the Winter Olympic Games or something..." the young hero still staring at his rival in the last games. Pondering why those two joined, instead of saving a certain pink princess.

(Rouge's P.O.V)
"Ok...steady....don't want to set the alarm.." Rouge instructed herself quietly, as she went in for the kill. Or in this case a precious jewel, within the measuem. Surprisingly the place was heavily armed. But she didn't care about those things now, she had something more important.
"Almost..." The white coloured bat snatched her successfully stolen jewel, out of it's exspensive stand.
But she hadn't left quite yet. She wanted to admire her reflection, within the ruby's smooth surface.

"AHHH-uhhH! " A loud scream was heard within the halls, the sound had reached the very room she was in.
"Wha-?!" She spoke out absent-mindly as she quickled glanced behind her back. But her gloved hand slipped, causing the precious gem to fall. And had triggered an alarm as it touched the ground, she panicked.
The she-bat wasn't given enough time to formulate a escape plan, and had soon found herself locked in the room.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2011, 10:04:58 PM
(cindy isn't brown shes a lighter color)
Then Follow me, I'll pick out a vendor for you " stripetail said.
Ultim,aterly It'll up to you Cindy.. But I'll ask for a menu so you can loook at the choices " cindy replied " So Why are you here at the games?' Cuindy asked her.
 _ Never met them so it could be " Yogi said. ' so how long have you known these dragons?' He mentioned to Dulcy and Samuia who were walking behind them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 14, 2011, 10:05:44 PM
"This place looks good" Sagwa said to Stripetail.

"No cheaters...for now..." The Duke whispered as he flew past the squirrel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2011, 10:09:48 PM
Keep a lookout.. any funny business let me know, this doesn't just apply to the Rottens, any member of any team that gets caught cheating or commiting a crime is fair game " Stripetail said Quickly, before creating two small tables in front of the vebndor ' 4 fish sandwiches please" He said to the small cat  sitting near the cash register " They'be a be a few minutes, condiments and tartar sauce on the side..' The cat yawned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 14, 2011, 10:19:44 PM
The big owl nodded and flew off.

"Oh, we understand," Dongwa nodded, his sisters sitting down at a table.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 14, 2011, 10:36:28 PM
"Thank you Cindy." Shade thanked the light brown bear, as she went to look with her, and decided answering the question wouldn't do any harm.
"Well I came because Knuckles had convinced me to come along...."

"Ok Shadow, now that we got her locked up in there. You can be her herioc knight in armour, as you save your damsel in distress!" Amy said while in fanasty land...
"Er...yeah. So tell me why we're doing this again?" The black hedgehog asked with half-lidded eyes.
"OH! Just get in there! And don't forget your lines!"The young hedgehog pushed Shadow into the room, and caused enough noise to get the bat to look at Shadow.

"Uh..why are you here..?"
"Don't worry my fair maiden, for your knight is here!" the ebony hedgehog said in a corny herioc voice, looking at the sheet of paper.
This caused the theif to rise her eyebrow in confusion. She would definitely not steal anymore jewels, while Shadow was around.

'Screw this, even faker could do better than this!'"

"Uh... let's just go then..."the male hedgehog said rubbing his head, having signs of embarrassment painting his face.
"Yeah, after this remind me to not steal anymore..." The bat had learned her lesson from stealing. And made a mental note to never go near Shadow again. Plus she would get money from the games anyway, so jewels could be dealt later.
(Nick do think that I should devolope Rouge's character more?)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2011, 11:29:23 PM
(yes Character development is good" also have her talk with Dulcy since shjes met Sonic and knows him too)
_ So you came along because your Friends suggested it.. thats  cute.. well Yogi and I were in the original Laffalympics. We did those games fior fun because well times were good, this time though we needed to get paifd to dop the games, we had to support ouselves and our friendsa, luckily Stripetail has loads of cash, I mean 100 thousand for joining, and possibly mult-millions for doing well in the games I'd be really set for life.. if I do well.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 15, 2011, 12:06:31 AM
(Ok, btw what should they talk about?)
"So thats why." She looked at Cindy giving a rare smile to her.
"Well I also joined since I had wanted, to live a life... outside of using advance technology. And I wanted to begin a new one after helping Sonic. Since I was being used by my former leader....Lord Ix...."
Shade writhed in pain at her memories of the evil echidna that had used her people. For his own selfish evil deeds, instead of helping them. But knew that Sonic had defeated him and no longer had to deal with it anymore.
 "And so thats how I decided to stay and join the games."the orange and peach coloured echidna, had a look of saddness plastered on her face. As a small frown had managed to find it's way out, and was now revealed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2011, 12:07:31 AM
A few minutes later, a smell entered Sheegwa's nose.

"Are our fish sandwiches ready?" she smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2011, 12:14:43 AM
(Anthing really, how they came to know Sonic, what Dulcy thinks of him stuff like that)
 Well, whatever bad things happened they are in the past, you can't change the past,no matter how much you'd like to. all you can do is make the best of the present I say " Cindy
 The 4 fish sandwiches were brought out on paper plats " thats 60 cents please' the cat saifd " they're 5 cents each..."
 Stripetail handed him a dollar coin.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 15, 2011, 12:39:20 AM
(Ok! Btw I posted an image of what Shade looks like in the TWR)
"Yes, I know that saying. However I never knew why he did it..."the female echidna replied, still her voice showed saddness and dissappointment. "All that time, I looked up to him as a great hero. But he had fed lies to everyone, when I learned that.... I had betrayed him..." She looked down at the ground before continuing.
"But when I did I was free from his biding, and for doing so. I was free to listen to my decisions not his. Though I had paid a price for being considered a traitor towards my people. However this changed when I helped save the world."
She sighed not from dissapointment but because her people had accepted her again. A sigh of contentment and happiness.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2011, 12:47:12 AM
Try being exiled from the other dragons, losing everyone who you were close too" Dulcy said sadly " even after sonic helped me and the  freedom fighters stop Eggman, I still haven't been fully accepted by the others. my only closefriend has been Samia here..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 15, 2011, 12:49:41 AM
Bugs was walking along main street eating his carrot hapily.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 15, 2011, 12:55:43 AM
"Dulcy I have never knew you had such a troubled past. I thought Shadow had a horrible one, you have been through alot too." The young 16 year old, looked at Dulcy showing that she had understood her.
"But I have always wondered why Amy dislikes you, I for one do not." Shade looked at Dulcy with a look of understanding. And gave her a small smile at the dragoness's ability to go through so much.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2011, 01:05:23 AM
I Suspect " samia spoke up it is because Dulcy is good friends with Sonic. She even kissed him earlier to get a rise out of amy.. I think Sonic LIKEd getting kissed by you Dulcy" She grinned at her " Ha Ha very funny Samia..Shes a jokester.. but a dear dear friend.." Dulcy gave Samia a playfully pinch on the tail..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 15, 2011, 01:17:48 AM
"You are lucky to have such a good friend. The closet people who I considered friends when I was in Twilight Cage, had sacrificed themselves for Ix..." Shade stopped herself from thinking of her former leader. And continued talking to the two girls. "So is that why Amy is angered by you. When I first met her she thought, I was going to steal him from her. But I think you and her could be good friends if you put aside your differences, however she may still hold a grudge against you. For kissing Sonic, but she will most likely forgive you later on." the orange echidna looked at both of the dragons.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2011, 01:23:17 AM
Amy is too much of a groupie, she HAS to have Sonic, no one else will do, and she won't take no for an answer.. I'm sorry about your friend, I lost a good number of friends due to Eggmans plots , he turned my boyfriend against me, I never saw him again..I.. I was heartbroken, and it wasn't until I met samia here that I started trusting people I know somewhat what you'v been though.. Now whats the deal with that bat Rouge/ Shes kinda cute kept for her rather prickly personality..
_ the Monster Rancher group were among the first to receive thier food, the hall was filled with the combined group of the three "good" teams.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 15, 2011, 02:49:53 AM
"Rouge is well known towards man for her looks, even though she is mostly envied for it. It may be her greatest streangh for battle, however it makes it harder for her to find true love. Since none of them really care for her, the only man I know who treats her like a real person would have to be Shadow. Though I think he may be interested in Rouge more than a friend." she paused for a short breather.

"Though we are getting off topic now. She has been a infamous treasure hunter, and has been working for GUN for several years now. And from what Knuckles told me, I believe she also owns a nightclub back in Mobious. Overall I think Rouge is worth over three-hundred million dollors considering she gets 3 grand from from her missions alone, 4 grand from the extra money from her night club every week.
Which rises the question why she steals." Shade decided to slow down since she was running low on her breath. Before deciding she was almost finished done talking.

"Though once you get to know her, Rouge is not as bad as she looks. Since she was able to cope up with her egoastic male hedgehog. But than again she had a strange choice of friends. Her other friend was a robot named Omega." She finished talking to the two dragonesses, so that they would have a chance to speak as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 15, 2011, 02:59:24 AM
"maybe it's the same reason most versions of Catwoman steals, for the thrill of it." Gary said.  

"It could be indeed the reason." Droopy said nodding in agreement.  

"As for not seeing dragons much there are plenty around here if that helps." Wally said gesturing with his hands to mean more then the room they were in.  

"Dragons... reminds me of a friend of mine, a space dragon." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2011, 08:52:41 AM
"Thank you for paying for our food Mr. Stripetail," Dongwa said as he bit into his fish sandwich.

Belladonna had sprouted her bat wings and the devil whippet went up for a nice flight. "Ah the feeling of victory," she grinned to herself.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2011, 10:49:58 AM
Not a problem, young ones. I have more than enough money to cover my personal needs, a noble who has lived as long as I have, by nature will be very wealthy. Leave your money untouched in a bank for a few decades and see how quickly the interest adds up, it adds up very quickly" stripetail chuckled.
 If shes worth 300 million, why doesn't she talk to Stripetail about dinating some money towards running the games? Its not as if money is a pressing need for her at the moment.' Cindy said.
 Well, stealing is wrong Shade, even if out of desperation and necessity, which given how much Shade has earned from her heists, is not an excuse in her case. If shes off stealing something now, well i don't think she'll be allowed to play in the games.'Dulcy said. '
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2011, 09:09:44 PM
"As you can see, we haven't been around for decades," Sagwa chuckled politely to Stripetail as she ate her fish.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 15, 2011, 09:12:08 PM
As Bugs was walking down the street he noticed a very suspicious looking sign.

Carrot's, this way it read.

"Looks mighty supicious...oh well," Bugs sighed, walking where the sign was telling him to go, as he nearded the end, he saw a large carrot patch just waiting to be eaten. No traps in sight.

"Wahoo!" he shouted, then dove into the pile.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2011, 09:33:31 PM
"Well well well, commiting a crime eh?" The Grand Duke of Owls smirked as he saw Rouge leaving the bank.

"Stripetail has given me the authority to deal with the likes of you."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 15, 2011, 09:38:52 PM
While Bugs was in his carrot patch, he noticed someone talking to Rogue. He soon realized she must've robbed the bank.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2011, 09:51:58 PM
Yes you haven't been around as long as I hae.. Which is a good thing" stripetail llaughed ' you don't want to be an old codger like me!" he said with a smile.. "Would you like some more fish.. its really good actually..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2011, 09:53:37 PM
"We would, thank you sir," Sheegwa said politely.

"This is even a bit better than the fish we have back home," Dongwa admitted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 15, 2011, 10:53:44 PM
"So, you think you got what it takes to beat me huh?"Rouge said tauntingly to the owl dueling him for a match.
"By the way Shady(Shadow) don't you dare interfere my match!" The she-bat looked at her alley and friend. He hestiated but than slowy nodded, indicating he understood her.
"Ok owl bring it on!" And with those last words she flew up, creating a battle stance in mid-air.

(Hey brekclub could we make Rouge lose, so she could run to Stripetail. So she could confess and recieve the collar and bracelet?)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2011, 10:55:50 PM
(Sure, but maybe the Duke would eat rouge, and then Stripetail would see the commotion and get her out?)

As Rouge went into the air, the Duke smirked.

"Actually young lady, I believe I have what it takes to eat you!"

As Rouge flew down towards the Duke, he opened his beak wide, hungrily...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 15, 2011, 10:58:22 PM
Bugs saw the fight and faced-palmed himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 15, 2011, 10:58:37 PM
"Wait what!? You're going to eat me...?!" Rouge said in pure shock towards the owl's technique for fighting. Hearing this Shadow would have jumped in mid-battle, but couldn't since he had to keep his word.
(Lol Awesmoeswauce(LBTDiclonius) I lol'd at Bugs)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2011, 10:59:26 PM
"Indeed," the Duke of Owls smirked, flying up and catching Rouge entirely in his mouth.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 15, 2011, 11:04:31 PM
After face-palming himself, he saw the owl EAT Rouge!

He ran over to the spot quickly and put his face right into the owls'. "Hey! If you're in da right mind dere, I suggest you spit er out," he demanded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2011, 11:06:41 PM
"Just a second..." the Duke grinned, taking a big GULP.

The Duke's stomach was fairly big, and his stomach acids took a very long time to take effect, so Rouge wouldn;t' feel pain.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 15, 2011, 11:07:04 PM
Shadow nearly puked in that very spot. But decided against the feeling to vomit, relvolted he covered his mouth.
"He just ate Rouge..." The ebony hedgehog wanted to help, but couldn't. He was too busy turning different shades of green. He couldn't believe that thing ate the ivory bat, like a five star meal.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2011, 11:09:12 PM
"And now gentlemen, I'll be off," the Duke smiled, flying off to find Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 15, 2011, 11:15:40 PM
"..." And right there, Shadow had a relvolted face covering his face. If he could he would have helped....

"Wow...theres a flat screen HD T.V in here.... a Wii, and Sega's Sonic Unleashed video game.(I own the game, it's fun if you ask me! :) ) "
Rouge looked around the owl's stomach, wondering how that bird could have so much stuff within his belly...
"Well since I'm gonna be here, might as well play while waiting..." With that she turned the T.V on and inserted the game. Creating a new account, and played as Sonic who met a character named Chip.

(Hey brekclub is it ok I put that stuff in there, since she'll be in there for quite some time.)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 15, 2011, 11:17:11 PM
"You get back 'ere now, you coward of a boid you!" Bugs cried, shaking his fist in the air like a grandfather would do if some noisy kids were on his lawn.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2011, 11:19:31 PM
(Sure, I'm sure the Duke likes haivng food in his belly for long periods of time.)

"Hope you like my innards, you'll be spending quite some time in there!" The Grand Duke of Owls chuckled as he flew off.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2011, 11:20:31 PM
Stripetail was walking down the sreet with the young cats when he noticed the Duky Flying towards him with a smile on his face " Ah Duke You looked pleased with yourself. What news do you have for me..
Meanwhile Winnie was running back and forth delivering orders of salad fish, chicken trips and others orders " it was hard work, but it was exhilarating none the less.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2011, 11:21:56 PM
"I have devoured an attempted robber," The Duke said proudly, patting his belly triumphantly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2011, 11:27:27 PM
Re;lease him or her, so I may question the culprit " stripetail said.."What was he or she trying to steal?"
 Scooby 's mouth watered as his chicken strip wre brought before him..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 15, 2011, 11:27:42 PM
"NO!!! SONIC! DARN YOU CHIP, STOP DISTRACTING ME!!"Rouge shouted getting frusterated at Chip(I actually like the guy, so no I don't hate him.). He had interrupted her game play from boring facts, in which she had already knew. And Sonic in werehog was now falling down in the water....
"@!!1# " She cursed, but had been censored due to 4Kids.
"@!!1#!% you Chip! You @!!* annyoing kid!!!"

(Like I said I don't hate Chip, he was my fave character in the game. But I could imagine Rouge hating Chip for disturbing her game play.)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2011, 11:29:28 PM
"She was attempting to rob a bank," The Duke explained.

He then handed the squirrel a walkie talkie. "You can communicate with her from my innards using this."

"This is rather weird," Sagwa commented.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2011, 11:33:19 PM
I'd rather you free her so I can talk face to face with her" stripetail replied firmly. "Besides you know that walkietalkies don't get good reception inside people..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2011, 11:35:24 PM
"Understood," The big owl nodded, "Though, if found guilty, I'd like to devour her again."

The Duke then used his inner muscles to send Rouge back up to his beak and opened up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 16, 2011, 12:16:47 AM
The white-bat felt a catastrophic movement, as she was 'vomited' out of the owl's stomach, as well the Wii and videogame were 'vomited' out too.
"That was... the most disgusting thing...ever"Rouge said in disgust as she was covered in vomit. Reaching down to collect the Wii and videogame, she went to look back at the huge owl. With a relvolted face filled with disgust from the event, she looked at him.
" it ok I have this..?"the white bat asked pointing at the Wii and Sega game.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 12:17:59 AM
"Knock yourself out," The Duke replied, "But he would like to speak to you," he added, pointing to Stripetail
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 12:22:16 AM
He caught you trying to steal something " Stripetail said his eyes natrrowed, then widened as he recognized her " Ah, Rouge, you live up to your name. So how much have you stolen? I do not allow thieves into the games, folks who have earned thier wealth dishonestly have no place here. Make a full accounting of yourself..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 16, 2011, 12:30:25 AM
"Well, I tried to steal. But failed since I was interrupted..."Rouge said looking at Shadow who took this as an insult and looked at Rouge with his eyes narrowed.
"Anyway... I was unable to steal anything there, but I'll admit I was caught red-handed. Thank Mr.PeopleEater for doing so.."She said casually looking at the wizard. Since she already knew that she would be thrown out of the games anyway, she decided to accept her fate.... with Dignity.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 12:35:57 AM
this is not the first time you have stolen though. Come clean on all that, and give me a reason, ANY reasoion to keep you in the games, and I'll consider it ."Stripetail said. "How much in all have you stolen?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 16, 2011, 12:38:09 AM
"I wonder if Rouge is outta dat owl. Hmm," he shrugged, then went back to the carrot patch.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 12:40:24 AM
"What just happened?" Dongwa asked Stripetail puzzled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 16, 2011, 12:42:30 AM
"In my entire life? I would say about 300 million. Though if you keep me in the games, I'll pay 150 million dollors in cash. And donate it for the games.."
Rouge said with distaste as she felt her dignity taken away, but she wanted to stay. It was no fun being left out, she rather have adventure than run her nightclub 24/7 everyday all day.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 12:51:40 AM
Done, you'll pay back half the money you've stolen the other half will go towards the games. Now, as you know you get 100 grand for joining the games, winning an event earns you a million. so lets say you win 5 events finish second 5 more and finish last in 5. thats 8.75 million right there. not chump change Rouge.. and all earned legitimately.. Stripetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 16, 2011, 12:56:05 AM
(Does Rouge recieve the nagging bracelet and collar now?)

"Fine will do Stripetail, however I won't like it..." She said a bit haughtily disliking the fact. That she was lossing a small part of her fortune, and her dignity as a treasure huntress...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 01:00:26 AM
But first to ensure you don't steal again " Stripetail gestured and a large ring a magic wrapped itself around yor neck while two smaller rings wrapped themselves around her wrists " These shackles and collar will prevent you froom stealing while in the games
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 16, 2011, 04:11:39 AM
"Wow, she looks very busy.  To bad she can't go faster, then she'd have some time to rest between taking and delivering orders." Wally said as he watched her.  

"I recall hearing a friend of Danger Mouse named Penfold had some sort of super speed pill." Gary said.  

"yes, but when the short term super speed effect wears off you go to sleep for several hours, so it would not help her to long." Droopy said.  

"Wow, that is some side effect.  A short bit of super speed then you go to sleep for a few hours." Gary said.

"I didn't know you knew Danger Mouse." Gary said.  

"We worked on a few cases together.  Do you know him?" Droopy asked.

"I have a friend who met him a few times, also on cases." Gary said, to keep it vague.

(ooc: Penfold having & Using a super speed pill I recall from an episode of Danger Mouse that I saw, with the side effects said above. )
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 09:18:34 AM
Sheegwa and Sagwa giggled at what just happened to Rouge.

"I wouldn't want a collar like that..." Sagwa commented.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 06:38:17 PM
Let her punishment be a cautionary tale. Don't steal and be honest in your endevours. You may select the cplor of the collar and shackles Rouge " He added.
 Woody brought in a tray of fresh lymade orders ' scooby and Dixie passed around food at thier table..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 08:20:43 PM
"What should we do next Mr. Stripetail?" Sagwa asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 08:24:17 PM
i'll go check you in at the hotel, and introduce you to some of the gamers ' striptail replied ' Magically dragging Rouge along as well..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 08:28:21 PM
"That'll be fun," Sheegwa smiled
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 08:45:51 PM
Yogi started eating his food with relish.. Boy this stuff is good.." He bumped happily.. ' My complments to the chedf ' he said to Winnie who was quickly refilling plates with food..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 09:17:15 PM
The cats followed Stripetail back to the hotel
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 09:43:49 PM
So, tell me about your lives back Home.. I've never been to your country, so you will have to tell me as much as you can about it.. and I win turn will tbore you.. I mean tell you a little about myself? So Who wants to be the first up?Sangwa? What do you say, dear one?" He asked as they reached the Flashlight fountain. : It'll be 75 cents for the three of yhyou to have a room, which considering that we should be leaving here in a week, comes to abut 5 dollars..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 09:46:20 PM
"Well, we've been palace cats our whole lives," Sagwa began, "Our parents are the magistrates official Calligraphers. But we like to explore alot, my best friend back home is a bat named Fu-Fu."

"And we don't like to eat mice," Dongwa said, "Though if need be, we'll chase a rat...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 09:53:33 PM
Yur different from most cats i've met then" stripetail replied. now calligraphy, that is writing I believe. How long have your parents been Calligraphers? that sure seems to be an interesting job.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 09:56:31 PM
"Since they were fairly young," Sagwa explained.

"I like to hang out in the village a lot," Dongwa added,"Though the palace is a nice place to be in during storms."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 16, 2011, 10:03:44 PM
"Well since I'm gonna be wearing this for awhile... I guess I'll make the collar purple but make the jewel blue. Also make the braceletes gold, but make the orbs aquamarine!" Rouge said haughtily glaring at the wizard.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 16, 2011, 10:04:54 PM
Bugs decided to leave the patch to check if Rouge was out of that owl. But as he left, he took a hand-full of carrots for himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 10:07:38 PM
certainly stripetail said gesturing and changing the collar and bracelet to light shades of Rouge's prefered collars.. "Now Rouge I'm going to limit the teams to a minimum of 12 but a maximum of 15. so the Yogis are already at thier limit so either you join the Scoobies droopies or Rottens.. Your choice.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 10:14:24 PM
"We can aford that," Sheegwa said about the price.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 16, 2011, 10:15:44 PM
"Scoobies.... I may be a thief but I ain't evil." Rouge said in a emotionless tone, as she looked around. Avoiding looking at Stripetail.

(May I make her accessories the ability to talk? I wanna make it nag Rouge to death. xD)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 10:22:53 PM
SureSounds like a plan)
 Alright so be it" stripetail said to Roux gesturing and making the bracelets and collar glow again.
 "Thats good" Stripetail said turning back to the kittens " But did your parents give you enough money to travel along with us the whole way? I could certainly use the company" He smiled..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 10:28:23 PM
Sheegwa showed Stripetail the amount their parents lent them.

"Is this enough?" she asked, not really knowing the value of the dollar yet.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 10:30:28 PM
lets see now they gave you 175 dollars1 that won't be enough, likely.. but don't worry, i cover your expenses for the entire trip and give you some money so you can go get souvenirs to take back home with you.." stripetail said kindly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 16, 2011, 10:33:34 PM
The bracelet and collar had started to glow a eriee blue. This made the GUN agent blink at confusion, and out of nowhere a rather sing song toned voice was heard.
"Well, well nice to meet you miss Rouge. Looks like someone's been very naughty!" The so called acessories spoke in a feminine voice in a merrily tone.
"Uhhh..this thing talks..?"The white bat asked to no one particular.
"Now, now call me Ann its very rude for someone to be called a 'thing'."
The bracelet and collar named Ann replied in an almost motherly tone.
"Sure.." Things were getting strange for Rouge, since this 'thing' could talk. Which it was doing now...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 10:33:48 PM
"Thank you sir," Sheegwa said, the youngest kitten looking around the hotel.

"It's not our parents fault, none of us really knew how much this would cost..." Dongwa admitted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 10:37:53 PM
Its quite alright" stripetail said to him " they wanted to give you enough to go exploring, however, you're going to be exploring more places than your folks ha d planned for.. But thats not your fault orr theirs, it just turned out that way.. " Now what room would you ike"?' Stripetail asked heading up to the clerk " these three kittens are checking in..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 10:39:07 PM
"Something that can fit the 3 of us," Sagwa said.

"I get a bed to myself!" Dongwa quickly called with a smirk
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 10:45:07 PM
i'll give you room 200. it has 2 beds and a futon the clerk said giving dongwa the key..  The Clerk said Stripetail handed the clerk a few dollars. 'thank you sir. Enjoy your stay in Toon City Kids.." The clerk nodded at them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 10:46:55 PM
"Thank you sir," Sagwa nodded, and the cats raced to their room, which included...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 16, 2011, 11:04:38 PM
"Well dear it's not like I'm gonna bite you. I am much too civil for those things, and it's unlady like to wear such things. Real woman wear dresses not those abominations." Ann anwsered unaware that she might have offeneded people. Who wore catsuits/jumpsuits like outfits.
"What are you! My mother!?"The bat snapped at the item, giving the bracelet a glare. Since it was impossible to see the collar on her neck.

"If I was I would have raised you to act like a real lady. You are  exposing yourself in those crude outfits!"Ann replied as the orbs glowed faster as her voice raised. But was still able to keep her voice formal however it no longer sounded cheery.
"WHY YOU--!?"
"Honestly how did your parents cope with that horrible attitude of yours?"
"Ha! Like you would know!"
"Well it looks like someone needs a time out." The jewelry spoke in a nagging tone as she scolded the ivory bat, as if she was in pre-school or kindergarten.

"I'm 18 for crying out loud! I am already an legal adult!"Rouge yelled as she glared at the bracelet.
"Why so you could nagg me more!?"
"Why you!?"

The two females(Ann's an bickered, like typical mother to daughter arguement seen on T.V shows. Though it was very odd and unusual, since most mothers weren't inanimate objects/jewels. And were actually related to thier 'daughter', also the child wouldn't be over 15 at most. But since this is in a fictional world just about anything could happen.

(We meet Ann the nagging mother like figure! XD)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 11:17:26 PM
The cats looked around their room in amazement, which included...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2011, 11:24:09 PM
two large beds an large radio and a baggy futon sitting in the corner. There was no TV (it beings the 30s) but the rioom overall looked very inviting..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 16, 2011, 11:33:18 PM
Soon, Bugs saw Rouge standing there with some collars on her wrists and neck. "Eh, Rouge! So you didn't get caught dare, eh?" he asked her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 16, 2011, 11:57:24 PM
"Oh hey Bugs! Me? Get caught...?" The bat said quickly trying to cover the fact that she had been arguing with Ann, and hoped the bunny wouldn't notice the jewelry like collar and bracelet. However her friend knew about this.
"Oh so you're the famous Loony Toon hero!"The female magical robotic/like collar and bracelets said in a sing song voice once again. "Oh silly me! I almost forgot to introduced myself! Call me Ann if you please!"The accessories introduced herself in a charming lady like tone.

This had caused the wearer to mentally slap herself at Ann's behaviour.
"Well Bugs I did get caught. So Stripetail gave me these." pointing at the so called restraints that were to stop her from stealing, in the games though.
"Well if you weren't raised by your parents that way. If they could even call themselves that." She replied in an almost taunting voice, if Ann was a real person she would have smirked.

"You don't even know them!"The snow-white bat snapped back, nearly forgetting that Bugs Bunny was there too.
"Oh my, see what I mean! You're acting uncivil again! Do't make me use-"
"Okay, okay! Just shut up!"
"If you want, however I won't like it miss rude!" With those words the orbs/jewels of the bracelet and collar stopped glowing and restored to it's natural colour. Aquamarine blue, just like Rouge's eyes.

"Um..sorry about that Bugs.. Shes a bit.. you know..."Rouge said looking at the rabbit. Twirling circles on the side of her head, saying the unspoken word. The common and well known gesture people use now, when calling one crazy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2011, 11:57:44 PM
"Nice," Dongwa grinned, running up and jumping on one of the beds.

"This is much bigger than our sleeping area at home," Sagwa awed.

Sheegwa looked out the window, admiring the sights.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 17, 2011, 12:05:33 AM
"Oh yes I am dat famous Looney toon's hero," Bugs said proudly. "Please ta meet ya...Ann, is it? If your wondaring why I's acting so calmly, I get swamped with dis stuff all da time where I come from."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 17, 2011, 12:17:15 AM
Hearing this the bracelet/collar immediately flashed back in its early eerie blue glow.
"My, my how do you stay calm at such times? Neverless I must say thats certainly an admirible characteristic." the robotic/like restraint said in awe, while retaining a charming gentlewoman tone.
'God, please make this horrible torture stop!' the sugar coloured bat said as she faceplamed herself. Out of sheer embarassment as her new 'supervisor', ruined her image in public. Good thing Shadow or none of the guys were here.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 17, 2011, 12:20:18 AM
"Well, tank you, ms. It's a nice thing to have if your famous like moi," Bugs said, pushing his hand on his chest and standing a little bit taller.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 17, 2011, 12:36:36 AM
Giving off a girlish giggle before continuing, "You certainly know how to make a girl entertained Mr. Bugs Bunny!" she said in gentlewoman tone and voice, if she had a face. She would have gave the rabbit a radiant smile.
'God! NO! GET ME OUT OF THIS TORTURE!!!' The poor white ivory bat screamed mentally within her mind. Was Ann trying to flirt!? Because it certainly looked like it!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2011, 12:38:55 AM
Stripetail returned to his room and took a few minutes to rest before headinf out of the hotel..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 17, 2011, 12:39:28 AM
"Oh, I's inSIST you call me Bugs," the rabbit announced, getting friendly with the collar.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 17, 2011, 12:44:22 AM
"Well okay, Bugs!" the collar replied, yet again giving out another giggle. Okay, now it was pretty obivous that the magical/robotic jewelery fancied the rabbit. Since Rouge was caught in between this, was now embarrassed by both of them.
'God, please tell me this is just a horrible dream! PLEASE!!!'The bat begged to the celestial beings above, too release her from this nightmare filled dream.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 17, 2011, 12:47:14 AM
Bugs was laughing along with the collar, when he let out his famous quote. "Nyah, so what's up, doc?" he asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2011, 01:06:32 AM
the great fondoo took as seat next to Yosemite Sam. " Say Dred whatever happenee to the dalton brothers?
_ serving life terms for burglary' the Dread Baron replied ' We got freed due to overcrowding..and well the mutt thought of bringing back the laffalympics.. you know the Doos..
Fondoo waved his wand.. " just say the word baron and I'll shrink the other teams!
"And get booted frioom the games ? Sam sniffed " Well whos going to stoo me Fondoo asked I'm a great magicain after all1"
 Well the wizard who's playing us to play in these games Fundoo is much stronger than you are,' The Baron replied " I wouldn't go ticking him off if I were you.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 17, 2011, 01:34:16 AM
Hearing the rabbit's famous quote made the collar to laugh in a loud unlady like manner. Causing the bat to go mentally crazy, thinking fast. Rouge thought of a escape plan for herself. Maybe all of them could go to Flashlight Fountain, than maybe she could get those two to be quiet for at least 10 minutes.

"Hey I have an idea, let's socialize at Flashlight Fountain!?" The white-bat said tad a bit too desperately. But she didn't care she wanted her sensitive bat-ears to stop bleeding, from their annoying laughter. And she wanted it now!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 17, 2011, 01:37:15 AM
"Um...sure, why's nod?" Bugs shrugged his soldier's and walked in the direction he thought the foutain. "Uh...which way's is it anywad's?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 17, 2011, 01:40:45 AM
"It's over there."Rouge said pointing towards her right. She knew the way since, she had flown through this way before, on her free time.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 17, 2011, 01:42:10 AM
"Ah, dere we go," he laughed, walking  the way Rouge pointed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 17, 2011, 01:49:40 AM
Instead of walking, Rouge decided to fly towards the fountian. She leaped in the air, stretching her wings. She hadn't felt the wind through her purple and black wings(differs in colour in several games) , and was enjoying the fresh air. She was remembering the days where Shadow and Rouge first became a team.
It was when Shadow had amnesia and had been Rouge who had been the glue, and helped form the team. It was also the time when Omega was still with them, she wondered if her mechanical friend was doing alright back home. But right now she would have to focus on the games. And the white-bat continued to fly high in the sky savouring the feeling.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 17, 2011, 02:18:55 AM
As Bugs walked to the fountain, he saw Rouge go up in the air. "Must be fun flyin'" he thought.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 17, 2011, 03:45:19 AM
Droopy, Wally and Gary were resting at their table and casually looking around as they watched and waited for their food, not in any hurry.  

"I do hope she gets help soon.  She needs some folks to help her so she doesn't do all the work herself." Wally said.  "It looks like she never gets a chance to rest."

"Hmm." Droopy said, not having much else to say.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 17, 2011, 09:31:00 AM
The cat siblings fell asleep soon after, Sagwa opting to take the futon letting her little sister get the other bed to herself.

Belladonna was still giddy over her victory. "I won, I won..." she grinned
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2011, 01:38:28 PM
(the rp is on hold while Kenji and the others catch up)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on February 18, 2011, 02:34:05 AM
Meanwhile, the quartet sat at a cafe, enjoying some drinks and a few snacks, most of which were ordered by Watchdog.


Also, Don Karnage has been working with his airplane in a hangar on the outskirts of town.  Apparently, the guns have been removed...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 18, 2011, 11:02:58 PM
Dulcy and Samia had finished eating thier lunch and had ordered second helpings.
 Winnie Took a break from serving food and had Woody do the Serving for a bit.. "Its good to have the business, but I need a break.. " She smiled as she sat down.
garfiels had finished eating hois food and came up to them.. "Hi arlene.. Still thinking about getting me to dance?' he said mockingly. " you better believe it garfield" arlene said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 19, 2011, 12:45:46 AM
The kittens rested in their hotel room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 19, 2011, 12:58:29 AM
Bugs finally made it to the fountain, then he waited for Rouge and that collar of hers, to catch up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 19, 2011, 02:23:48 AM
"It smells great in here with all the great things cooking." Wally said as he sniffed around at the foods he could smell.

"That is one good thing about going to a restaurant, or even walking past one." Gary said.

"Or a bakery." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 11:15:34 AM
The two fought yet again, as Rouge landed still managing gracefully land next to Bugs. However they still fought after they landed....
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 03:45:06 PM
the bickering soon reached the ears of the guests sitting at the dining room.. ' So what couple is outsidse arguing?Woody asked " I don't think its a couple possibly a mother-daughter Spat " yogi said as the voice grew louder.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 03:52:16 PM
"I don't talk to you, you don't talk to me. K?"The white bat finally decided to stop yelling and start dealing.
"Fine. But I may I ask why?"Ann asked, but if she could she would have looked at Rouge.
"Because people are watching us.."Rouge replied, giving a small glance at the bystanders. Who were watching them bicker earlier.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 19, 2011, 04:12:03 PM
"Finally..." Bugs sighed inwardly as he saw them land. " are you guysh? Gettin' along any betta?" he asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 04:20:25 PM
"No." Both females stated in sync as both voices showed no type of emotion.
"In fact, we decided not to talk to eachother anymore."The white bat still lacking emotion within her voice.Rather disliking the collar wrapped around her neck.
"Yes, indeed. Excuse us woman while we would like to have time for ourselves."
"I would have to agree with Ann, we would want a better way to seal our deal.(Hey that rhymes!)"
"Good day Bugs, and may you have a good day."Both girls walked away(Well..Rouge did at least..) leaving a famous Loony Toon character.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 04:20:54 PM
Rouge? Dulcy started as she noticed the whitebat ' Its me! Dulcy? Remember you helped us out with the resistence against Eggman! How have you been? I knows its been a while.."
 You know her? Samia said " Yeah she was one of the resistence the "freedon Fighters" as we called ourselves. After Eggman was defeated, we went our seperate ways..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 04:28:16 PM
But on their way, they both heard voices. One that was rather familar.
"Who is that?"The accessory and restrainent spoke out, as the jewel like orbs flashed. In the same eerie glow that indicated that she was talking. The whit bat strained her large ears, trying to remember the voice.
"..Dulcy..?"The bat spoke out as a surprised and shocked face appeared. But was soon replaced with a look of joy.
"DULCY!"The bat shouted in a rather out of character voice. But she really didn't care, after all it was her old acquaintance.
(Btw is Blaze,Silver and Omega allowed in the RP now?)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 19, 2011, 04:29:07 PM
"See ya I guess..." Bugs said, and then leaned back against the fountain.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 19, 2011, 04:31:47 PM
((OOC: I think they are). Whoopsies double post. :oops )

IC: Bugs heard the scream with his massive ears and sighed blissfully. "Gurls."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 04:34:36 PM
Yes they are you just need to post descriptions of them in the discussion section. that would include stuff like age. Type of character, color abilities backstory etc)
 Rouge" dulcy Said Getting up Going over and hugging Rouge in greeting. "Its so good to see you.. Please come and join me for lunch.. oh and this is my friend Samia. Samia this is rogue..
- hello Rogue' Samia said pleasatly. 'Its nice to meet you. Please have a seat at our table. we're just finishing our lunch, but you are welcome to eat a lunch, we don't have to be anywhere until 3.. and itts only 1..."
 So what have you been up to?' Dulcy said as she made her way back to her seat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 04:41:01 PM
"Well hello! Nice to meet ya girls. So how life going Dulcy?"
She flashed a smile to both girls. It had been awhile since her last girl talk. She had almost forgotten the restrainents that she wore.
"My, my I never knew that you knew more people Rouge!" The jewelry spoke out, but this caused the bat to irk a bit.
"Well guys I would want you to meet Ann.."The she-bat said as a sigh escaped her mouth. She really didn't want some to nag about her manners now.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 04:46:16 PM
A talking collar! Thats cool Samia smiled "How;'d you get it?
 Samia! thats not nice It was probably a gift or heirloom " Dulcy said "Nice to meet you Ann. So what bring you here Rouge?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 19, 2011, 05:31:21 PM
Annabelle was surprisingly able to have a good night's sleep, Belladonna's victory kept her peaceful.

"What a change..." the angel whippet commented.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 06:02:47 PM
"Nice to meet you too Dulcy!"The talking robotic collar and bracelet spoke back in a merrily tone.
"Well I came here because I was bored and needed a sense of adventure. So I joined the games!"The young adult answered back. Giving the dragon a friendly smile.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 06:09:23 PM
Which team are you on? Samia asked ' We joined the Dawgs since the Yogis and doobies were getting pretty full.. We haven't played an event yet we just joined earlier today and newcomers have to sit out an event..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 06:30:05 PM
"I used to be in Yogis but then I had to go to team Scoobies, or however you say their names..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 06:31:49 PM
The scooby Doobies huh? Frontrunner' Samia smirked.. " I'm kidding i'm sure they're decent creatures.. But If you joined the scoobies why arent you wearing your uniform? she asked as Ann suddenly blurted out..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 06:38:13 PM
"Miss Rouge had just joined and therefore had not recieved hers yet."Ann blurted out since she had wanted to be within the conversation.
"Yeah...ok Ann, I was about to tell them..."The white-bat said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 06:43:07 PM
That explains it. So do you know any of your teammates at all? Dulcy asked.. 'We came originally to just watch the games, as Sonic was going to compete and we were going to cheer him on.. but after watching for a bit we decided to join.."
Tigeress finished eating her meal and headed up to her room for a rest.. "Hey dixie, I'm heading up to take a nap" She said " Well scooby and i are staying at the hotel. We're letting winnie Woody and Arlene take the next event..'
Well in that case" i'm got some candy in my room.."
 Do you have white chocolate Arlene asked thats my favorite kind of chcolate.. - Well I'm not sure if I have white chocolate but you're welcome to join us Tigress grinned..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 07:08:37 PM
"No. I don't, I did in my last team. Which was Shadow, Amy and Sonic." The bat said in a monotone voice. She really didn't feel like talking about these things, but then again what esle was she supposed to say? Heck she had nothing to talk about, and was visibly bored.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 07:20:59 PM
Would you like me to show you my room Dulcy said.. "We can get sioome snacks have a girl chat. We've only just stratched the surface..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 07:22:35 PM
"Sure, anyway I was aching to have some girl talk for ages." Rouge replied back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 07:26:31 PM
I'll let you guys go get caught up. Samia said ' it was nice meeting you Rouge.. She said..
 Stripetail finished his rest then went to check on the kittens
 the Dread Baron called the Roeens (now numbering 8) together.. ' so have we figured out what our plan is fot the hunt? Do we go and find all the other teams stuff first and toss them in the sewer? The Baron asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 07:29:46 PM
"Bye!"Rouge waved at Dulcy's friend. "So what do you wanna talk about? I wanted to get into some juicy gossip girl!"The GUN agent said giving out a sly smirk, she really missed having girl talks. The one she been too always had chaotic incidents, never a dull moment there.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 07:32:25 PM
Well lets get to the room first.. Do you want some snacks to much on while we're chatting." dulcy asked as she headed up to her room.." sonic and Amy share this room with Samia and I.." She explained as she oopened the room. " I mean theres not much her.. this place doesn't have much technology.. no tv, for instance, only something called a radio"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 07:58:44 PM
"That's ok, any I have a wii and flat HD t.v back in my room."The white bat considered going to her room, but decided not.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 08:05:00 PM
How did you get that stuff? Dulcy asked inviting her to sit down on the bed " i mean its not native to her? And what exactly is a WIi? We never had that stuff back when we were fighting Eggman . it was only the necessities, anything more was not needed.. so you can start rouge.. by the way I like your collar, though having it talk must be kinda grating..Dulcy added. " You need some alone time am I right/"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 08:08:30 PM
"I got eaten by a huge owl, and once I got out I asked him if I could keep it." Answering Dulcy's first question. She continued to answer her other one. "A wii is a gaming console, used for enterainment. And yes Ann is quite annoying, though she like asleep.. I think.."The bat looked at the bracelet. Gently tapping it, but got no answer. "Yup she's out.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 08:10:17 PM
thats good, because having her learn all your personal stuff is probably not something you want.. so do you have anything to play on that thing? Games right? You play games on that thing..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 08:16:06 PM
"Yes I do, while I was in the guy's stomach theres was a game too. I think it was called Sonic:Unleased. Strangly.. I guess it's because he's famous and all..."Rouge shrugged her shoulders, not knowing why Sonic had games of himself. "Some even had him dating Amy! Weird huh? Guess the creators were into shipping."She said remembering that poor Shadow fangirl.... who was creating pictures of fancharacters being paired with him. Strangly the person was a good artist from, or however you say the name.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 19, 2011, 08:55:38 PM
The kittens came out of their room that morining.

"Last game before we head to our hometown," Kitty commented.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 19, 2011, 09:02:27 PM
The Duke flew over to Stripetail.

"You requested my assistance for today's challenge?" he asked the squirrel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 09:03:41 PM
actually  arlene said theres two more events,  a barrell roll race, and a strength contest.. she said handing Kitty the program.. Those two events shouldn't take long. the Barrell roll will require four members inside the bareell whiole another person on top steers it. and the strength test is only those " Hit the bell' Games..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 09:04:44 PM
yes You accidently swallowed one of the items I sent out earlier. you will also serve as a prison for anyone caught cheating during the games.." stripetail explained..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 19, 2011, 09:07:34 PM
"Oh, pardon my appetite," the Duke apologized.

"And believe me, I'm looking forward to serving that role."


"i'm on the barrel, not in it," Kitty said, "I don't want to get sick..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 09:15:57 PM
As long as you have good balance we'll be fine.. Arlene said "Just try and keep yourself upright because you fall off we lose
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 19, 2011, 09:24:27 PM
"I'm as nimble as a cat," Kitty smirked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 09:33:44 PM
You're going to have to be Arlene said As Stripetail's image appeared in front of them " All members participating in the treasure please make their way over by me now' the figure said ' the hunt is about to start..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 19, 2011, 09:34:19 PM
"Are we going to be getting any clues?" Tiger asked Stripetail
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 09:37:32 PM
each team has 8 items to find, you should have been given your list already.. Stripetail replied
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 19, 2011, 09:38:45 PM
"They can be anywhere in the city," the Duke added.

"Be sure to look far....and wide" he smirked, opening his beak on those last words as a clue
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 09:49:58 PM
no hints Stripetail said as the crowds soon gathered..
 Bluto Annabelle  Karnage  the Great Fondue and Belladonna would go for the Rottens.
 Arlene Tiger Kitty KnightWolf and would go for the scooby
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 19, 2011, 09:59:04 PM
"Wait a minute..." Belladonna said.

"I can recognize the sound of souls," she said, pointing towards the Duke
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 10:01:17 PM
Look lets just play this game by the book..bluto said " we don't  want to fall even further behind than we already are " he added.." so whatever you're sebnnsing doggie it can wait.. " He said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 19, 2011, 10:10:51 PM
"So, how are we going to play this?" Annabelle asked her teammates
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 11:15:24 PM
Zim and G.I.R had decided that staying inside would have been a good chance, to learn more about this strange planet. However since the place contained mostly cartoon characters, he had decided that putting a disguise was...stupid. Having no words to describe the situation any better. He continued to walk, oblivous to the stares, as he walked down the streets.
"Mastah! Can we buy some tacos now?"His malfuntioning S.I.R unit asked breaking the silence.
"No G.I.R."The alien replied to his "pal". Thinking that his statement was final, the robot decided to persuade his master into giving him to what he wanted. By crying..
"G.I.R AS YOUR MASTER YOU SHALL OBEY ME!!!" Zim replied doing his trademark gesture. Pointing at the robot with a demanding look. However the S.I.R unit just wouldn't stop, and Zim finally gave in.
"Ok here is 25 monies, now go..leave me alone.."He said looking at the robot, who ran as fast as he could, to the nearest taco stand or something. Getting a rather annoyed face from his master watching the robot until he was completely gone.

"Once I go back to earth, I will have to check his's going all funny..."
The naive alien spoke out to no one but himself...

Tak had decided to get out of this horrible room. Even if the rottens were evil, they were stupid. They were all cowards, stupid ones for that matter. She wanted to leave them, away from their stupidness. After getting away from the group, she thought of what it would have been as an invader. Then her mind came across him...
The stupid idotic imbecile, who had ruined her life. And her chance to be known across the galaxy and universe.
"THAT STUPID MORON!" She screamed to the heavens, she hated everything about him. His shortness, his huge ego, his low intelligence. Worst of all.. he was chosen as an invader instead of her! The irken's very being made her furious.

"I swear Zim, I WILL GET MY REVENGE!" the female janitor drone shouted. "YOU HEAR ME ZIM!!!" She screamed on top of her lungs. All because of Zim her S.I.R unit had been infected with a horrible virus! It had been months out of space. Floating in the depths of eternal darkness, that threatened her that she wasn't going to escape. But she managed, however over that time her lust for revenge grew. And would do anything to kill the short alien.

"I swear I'll make you pay.." Tak spoke out loud. But her thoughts were interuppted, as something bumped her. Causing her to collapse, giving out a surprised muffled scream. She fell with a loud.. THUD!
"Why you- wait ZIM!"
"ZIM! So..uhh.. how have been doing..?"
"Good-! Wait I know what you're trying to do! You're trying be all..nice... SO YOU CAN STEAL MY ROBOT BEE!!" Zim looking terrified pointed a acussing finger towards the female irken.
"NO! From the last time it wasn't about the bee! But now I've waited TOO long! As I said earlier to myself I will have my REVENGE!"
"So it WAS about revenge!"

"Then why are we talking about revenge!?"
"Because I-!? You know what nevermind...." the purple eyed irken replied obviously annoyed. "Like I said I waited to long-!" the taller female alien replied but was abruptly cut off, as a blue eyed robot crashed into her, causing Tak to collaspe closing the gap between her and Zim...with a kiss....

(Nick is that good or too long? Should I take a short breather before continuing?)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 11:30:27 PM
(No thats fine..)
 dulcy paused and waited for something to talk about..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 11:32:53 PM
"Hey Dulcy wanna do 'Truth or Dare'?"The white bat asked looking at her old friend, since she was also bored as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 11:36:57 PM
Alright. now how do you play?I've never played it actually" dulcy admitted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 11:44:09 PM
"Okay, I'll explain it to you." She took a deep breath before starting, she just wanted to do something and explaining things was not on her list.
"Okay, first off. Someone decides to start, the person then chooses someone. The chosen person will be asked if they want to do truth or do a dare. If the persone chooses truth they have to tell the absolute truth, no lies. If they pick dare, they have to do whatever the person asks em' to do. Is that clear?"The white bat still showing a face filled with boredom, she jst wanted to start the game.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 11:47:44 PM
Alright, you can start..' Dulcy shrugged.. What happens if the person lies when picking truth?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 19, 2011, 11:51:05 PM
"Well if the other person figures out, they're well have to do two dares!"The white bat replied thinking of a logical punishment. "Ok I'll start, so Dulcy Truth or Dare? Pick now since I don't have the entire day anywa?."The bat smiled visibly happy that the game finally started.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 19, 2011, 11:54:26 PM
Bugs walked by the girls playing truth or dare,no way he'd get into it. But, he stopped out of view of them and watched the gamg. Getting ready for any emmbarasing dares they'd have to do. He liked to laugh at other peoples misfortune.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 19, 2011, 11:55:25 PM
Truth I guess' dulcy shrugged ' and thats a fair punishment i suppose.makes it not worth it to lie..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 12:00:35 AM
"Ok what do think of Bugs Bunny?" She asked looking at the dragon, with a sly smile she knew someone was watching them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 12:04:54 AM
i think hes a nice guy and hes also watching us isn't he? Close the door Rouge! This is Girls only..Dulcy sputtered.
 Dixie Tiogeress and Arlene were busy muching away at snacks when dixies ring Glowed " arlene You have to go.. The next event is about to start.."
 ah.. Arlene said getting up ' dixie patted her head " we'll save you some' she sm,iled " arlene hugged Dixie and tigress then headed out..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 12:07:39 AM
"This is gonna take some time..."

Tiger realized
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 12:09:55 AM
Rouge quickly flew and slammed the door at Bugs Bunny's face. Even though he was a nice guy and all, he shouldn't be hearing our secrets. Locking the door, making sure no one would go into the room she looked back at Dulcy. "I know what you're gonna say so I'll do  truth."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 12:12:15 AM
alright. do you like Amy? cause honestly she annoys me considerably. Just because i kissed Sonic in front of her..' dulcy added..'she goes pyscho..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 20, 2011, 12:24:58 AM
"Crud!" he groaned inwardly as he was spotted.

"Sorry, sorry, guess I got a little carried away dre, well, I'd love to join in but...I's gots to go. See ya later gurls!" he cried dashing off and leaving a trail of dust behind him as he ran away to avoid being caught in the girls game.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 12:40:06 AM
tiger genki Hare and the others headed out to join the sthrong.."Tigress is late" Almaron said ' Shes hanging out Dixie most likely" tiger shrugged " She needs alone time I guess..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 12:44:37 AM
"I don't hate her, but I don't like her."The white bat said looking at the green she-dragon.

"AWW!!!MASTAH AND PURPLE LADY ARE IN LURVE!!" The malfuctioning blue eye robot shouted, getting the so called couple annoyed. Tak pushing Zim away as she gave him a death glare. If looks could kill Zim would have been buried ten feet blow her. However her male counterpart was too busy washing his mouth with 'cleansing chalk' known to many as soap.
"Wha-?" The male irken replied with his mouth full of soap, looking at Tak with confusion.
"That we kissed!" the female purple eyed irken yelled. As the last word dripped with deadly acid, while she blushed a deep dark green.
"My fault!" the defective irken replied spitting out spit filled with soapy bubbles.
"HOW IS IT MY Fault!?"

"BECAUSE YOU OWN THAT PIECE OF TRASH, IN WHICH YOU CALL A S.I.R UNIT!!!" She shouted as her eyes were filled with icy cold ice.
"DID SOMEMONE CALL ME!" The crazy mechanical robot yelled, leaping up.
"Not now G.I.R me and Tak are dicussing VERY...smartastic conversation!"
"Aww....!" the blue eyed S.I.R unit replied, looking down on the ground walking away.
"Ok Tak! Let us continue our important discussion!" The short irken replied as he turned back to look at the janitor drone, to discover she wasn't there anymore.

"I guess she couldn't handle THE AMAZING ZIM!" the 15 year old naive irken said outloud emphasizing his sentence by yelling. However while Zim was busy talking to himself, Tak actually went to a garbage can. Barfing her squeedly spooch out(um it's their organ)....
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 12:47:56 AM
Alright i'll take a dare I guess Dulcy said with a smile 'Just go easy on me alright? this is all relatively new...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 12:53:35 AM
"I dare you to say "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where`s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?"
ten times without stopping!" The bat yelled out, Dulcy would have a very hard time doing it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 12:56:24 AM
a tonguwtwister? Ok pter piker packed a peck, no picked a peck no pecked pick of pebbles.. guh.. dulcy collaspsed on the bed as she gave up trying to do the tonguetwister ' ok, so i stink at tonguetwisters..' she admitted as rouge laughed loudly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 01:03:41 AM
"Ok my turn! I pick dare!" The white bat laughed out loud, the ten cans of soda were making her sugar high right now. And didn't care what the dare was, sinceshe was too confused to what was really happening...

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 01:04:06 AM
"What's going on Mr. Stripetail?" Sheegwa asked, the cats catching up to the head of the games.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 01:05:18 AM
we are just about to start the second event of the games stripetail said arlene came rushing up to him ' did i miss the start? She panted..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 01:06:23 AM
alright i dare you to er do a tap dance.. and why you are drinking so much soda. give me some..Dulcy complained..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 01:09:59 AM
"Is there a place we can watch from?" Dongwa asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 01:11:53 AM
well the event is happening all ovr town Stripetail explained so if you want to run around and follow the teams you can, or you can stay here and wait for the teams to return ' this event will take awhile, unless there's is cheating going on..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 01:14:02 AM
Rouge handed Dulcy the cans of soda. And was now tap dancing sluggishly, yup being sugar high was awesome for her. But looked strange to others...
(Btw gotta go, brb in an hour)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 01:18:48 AM
Dulcy took a sip of soda and winced 'These sodas are flat! She sputtered ' where did you get these Rouge? they taste terrible...' she said looking for something to wash her mouth out..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 01:32:09 AM
"I don't know....but they were on your table." Rouge replied pointing to the table behind her, she obviously didn't know what the sodas really were...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 01:40:09 AM
" there any place in town where we could get a very high view?" Sagwa asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 01:43:00 AM
that i don't know " stripetail admitted.. you'd have to get a ride on a bird for that...
_ Well i Didn't buy those sosdas Are those actually sodas?' dulcy said Alright um truth or dare Rouge?" she said starting to lose her balance
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 01:46:55 AM
"Ok..uhh... truth or dare..?" Rouge said as her words were slurred. And was having a hard time mangaing to maintain her balance.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 01:49:18 AM
just pick one.. dulcy said ' i. think we'd better lie down.. she said getting onto the bed and lying down.. 'better throw that stuff away...' she murmured..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 01:52:27 AM
"Ok.. I pick dare..?" the young adult replied as she sat down on the bed. Her mind was completly scrambled.
(Sorry if my typing isn't that good, but I'm on my netbook. DX)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 01:54:23 AM
ok.. i dare you to.. makeout with me dulcy giggled..that is if you know what it is..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 01:57:57 AM
"Sure.." the white bat was completly drunk, and was giggling as well. She really didn't know what she was doing at all. And gave Dulcy a sloppy kiss on the lips... If she wasn't confused than she would have refused.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 02:00:47 AM
Dulcy wrapped her arms arund Rouge and the kiss was shared in earnest. as it progressed dulcy moved her tongue into rouge's mouth. Dulcy had only the foggist idea of what she was doing, but in that regard she wasn't alone..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 02:02:43 AM
As their make out season continued, she didn't noticed that they were both being watched. She was too drunk to notice anyway...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 02:09:39 AM
du;cy french kissed rouge for about ten minutes then broke away it was hen Samia entered.Yogi and the rest of his team soon reached wherecStriuipetail abd the kittens were.. sorry we're late.. had to finish eating he said sheepily..
Bluto smirked as looked at the other teams prepare to lose wimps ! He laughed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 02:13:24 AM
Good luck guys Scooby dee called from the sidelines cheering on the doobies..
 you guys ready? arlene asked looking at Tiger and Kitty.. ' we have to wait for the other two guys on our team..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 02:16:29 AM
"i'm ready," Kitty nodded.

"As am I," Tiger added.


"Could you go slower please?!" Dongwa yelled, holding on the back of the Duke's cape, the cats balancing on the owl to get a good view of the games.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 02:18:46 AM

 Tak had decided to take a very long walk, clearing her thoughts as she created new ones. Her mind kept going back to that..moment.. it was a strange for her first kiss. Who knew it would`ve been Zim... she blushed maddly shaking her head, she was not a defective! Yet she wanted to be...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 20, 2011, 02:20:02 AM
Bugs turned around from wherte he was and saw a large carrot patch, it looked very familiar..."Did I just go in a big curcle?" Bugs asked to no one in particular.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 02:23:19 AM
Teams arre you ready? Stripetail boomed " On your mark1 get set, GO! ge gestured as Arlene yogi and bluto started running down seperate streets. ' you guys check the stores down there.. she said to the two cats.. I'll try this store. You know what we're looking for right?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 02:26:59 AM
ALright! What the Heck is going on in here! Samia yelled storming into the room.. " She turned towards the bottles and her eyes grew wider..' you guys have been drinking my cologne! She sputtered " thats not soda! there's a lot of stuff in there for treating scale-rot and wing holes! and you guys were drinking it?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 02:27:42 AM
"We do," Kitty nodded.

"This is a great view!" Sheegwa said, sitting on the Duke's soldier.

"Easy for you to say!" Dongwa called
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 20, 2011, 02:29:32 AM
Bugs looked at the oh-so-familiar carrot patch. "Ah well, mure carrots for me!" he exclaimed, cocking his eyebrow and picking one orange vegtable up and putting it into his mouth.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 02:32:06 AM
i think you two have had enough Samia said looking at both of them " this stuff is not to be drunk! you guys are going to be drowsy and wobbly for several hours now..I go up here to have a nap and i find you guys.. drunk!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 02:32:07 AM
"Dongwa, grab my tail," Sagwa called, "If you need a help getting up."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 02:37:37 AM
Arlene glanced around the store looking for anything that was colored blue.. and found nothing.. this is going to be like fimnding needles in a haystack..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 02:40:35 AM
Rouge looked confused she didn't understand why Samia was shouting or mad at both of them either. "Why are you so angry..?" The bat asked looking at Smaia with a confused face. "Anyway I didn't get dared yet.. what I did...could I get dared again?" The infamous bat looked horrible right now, but refuse to leave until she got one final dare...
(Lol, Rouge is one ver drunk drunkie! XD)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 02:41:27 AM
The Duke doubled back toward Stripetail and Dongwa was able to touch ground again.

"Seems he had trouble with balance," the owl explained to the squirrel
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 02:46:40 AM
you were playing truth or dare after drinking my cologne.. " samia said, shaking her head. "who knows what you were doing..Rouge you're drunk, flat out drunk..just g to your room, and lie down " samia sighed " Dulcy the next event just started,  and you're in no shape at all to go hunting
-But we were having fun playing ' dulcy murmured. "Well what fun is a game if you can't remembr it..? Not fun.. andthe last you need to embarass Droopy, the team, me or yourself by going out like this. samia grabbed rouge by the wing.. ' make no mistake guys you're going to get it from  mme once this stuff wears off the both of you, but for now, i guess all i can do is put both of you to bed and you sleep this stuff off..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 02:51:39 AM
Best have him stay by me then. Follow me Dongwa, we've got a lot of ground to cover...'Strripetail to him  Nhe nodded to the Duke  and the other cats ' you two having fun..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 02:53:11 AM
"We will Mr. Stripetail," Sagwa called.

"This is much better, you can't practice kung fu in the sky anyways," Dongwa commented.

Kitty had entered a souvenir shop and noticed something.

"A scooby bobble head!" she exclaimed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 02:56:02 AM
Not without falling off whatever you are in, unless it is a big big thing Stripetail agreed. best to stick by me in any event..
 Bluto looked around the store he was in, scaring away the customers in the process..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 03:01:48 AM
"I will," Dongwa nodded. "So, I wonder if they've invented fish ice cream over here..."

Belladonna took delight at her teammate igniting fear.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 03:03:19 AM
Once Kitty touched it the bobble head vanished and a magical checkmark appeared next to the first item. "Fifty points for the Scooby Doobies" a voice rang out over the loudspeaker They have found their first item..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 03:05:18 AM
Theres nothing in here" Bluto complained " Have you checked the stores by here?he asked Belladonna as the news that Kitty had drawn first blood reached their ears " Great ! those doogy dwebs already found thier first item. five minutes in we're already losing..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 20, 2011, 05:20:42 AM
Bugs sighed as the carrot patch grew empty. It wasn't all that large to begin with. Taking the last carrot, he headed in the direction of the main street.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 02:05:02 PM
Zim went back too more important things, competely forgetting the rather embarassing moment. Thinking that his crazy mechanical 'friend' did too, well...
"ARE YOU AND PURPLE LADY GONNA BE A MOMMY AND DADDY!?!" the crazy robot asked popping up the random question. This caused the alien to cringe, not from shouting but from the idiotic question itself. Making Zim's left eye to twitch.
 "No. Me and Tak will never be "parental units"." The male irken replied, in fact irkens weren't born the same way! Instead they were born in 'birthing facilities' also known as "Hatcheries"in Irk. He still remebered the cold, unfeeling robot arm. When he was still a smeet(baby irken), it was strange way to be born. But on Irk it was the right way, however he pushed those thoughts aside.
"Aww..." the crazy S.I.R unit whined, but just as fast as his frown showed... A new but more insane smile crept up. Standing up the robot ran around in several circles, before leaving. Screaming nonchalant phrases.
"Maybe I should check his brain now.." However looking where the robot once stood, was now gone. "Oh well maybe later.." Zim shrugged his shoulders, and went back to working.

Tak was back with the rottens, thinking of new ways to kill Zim. But what seemed to be long agonizing hours, were mere minutes. Giving out a frusterated scream...
"ZIM ONCE I GET MY HANDS ON YOU I'LL-....? Well actually I haven't thought of a plan for that.." giving out a defeated sigh, gritting her teeth. She gave up....
But she remembered her last plan... that plan.. Her somewhat insane but intelligent mind formed a crazy idea. She used this plan before, but there was no harm in trying again. But last time she used it held too many flaws, but than again she could always modify it...
"Zim you won't even know what hit you... but first I must go..!" Tak then ran to the nearest bathroom barfing out her squeedlyspooch. The plan was just a bit too crazy for even her to handle...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 02:33:22 PM
samia guided rouge over to her room, noticing the stumbling and slow manner in which she walked.. ' come on rouge we need to get you intio bed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 02:37:45 PM
"Ok.. thanks Samia."The white bat said words still slurred. She wasn't feeling good at all. In fact she was still confused, her mind was a cluttered mess. And she didn't know which direction was up anymore. Yup it was THAT bad... if she wasn't confused, she would have made a mental note to not drink werid looking cans of soda...EVER!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 02:46:36 PM
what made you think they were soda? samia said " They had a label on them after all, andthey were definitely not soda, I used them to repair a small tear in my left wing, but now thanks to you i'm down 4 cans of the stuff.. You guys will be filling it tonight..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 02:50:25 PM
"Then..why did they have soda on it..?" The bat asked nearly tripping, if the folks back home saw her.. well lets say, the media would get crazy...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 02:57:02 PM
that was NOT soda. soda is sweet and tasty, that stuff is NOT soda.. and you drank a ton of it.. Samia Sighed as she stopped in front of rouges room. she grabbed the key from the drunk bat opened the door and let both of them inside ' let me go tuck you in rouge because you're in no shape to do anything yourself..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 03:00:59 PM
"Okay.." the white bat was almost half asleep already. She really wasn't in any shape to do anything for awhile...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 04:01:16 PM
samia picked Rouge up laid her in bed and covered her up with the blanket. "if you wanted to play true or dare you should have inviited me.. shelaughed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 05:02:04 PM
(Time to introduce Silver, Blaze and OMEGA!!)
"Silver, are you sure this is the right way..?"  the purple feline asked, looking at her silver coloured companion.
"Yup....I think.....NO WAIT..nope..uh.." the yellow eyed hedgehog replied, looking confused at the map.It was obvious he didn't know where they were.
"You don't know do you."It was a statement not a question. She shoke her head, Silver was so naive.. it wasn't considered even funny anymore.
"Uhh... can't we just ask Omega..?" the young teenager asked looking at his best friend. However Blaze was looking blankly at Silver, knowing he wouldn't get a answer from her. Went to look for E123-Omega himself, most people wouldn't know why the robot was travelling with tem. Since Omega wasn't known to talk to the couple of fourteen year olds anyway.

"Hey.. um..Omega do you know-?" the young male hedgehog asked, looking at the huge robot but got cut off.
"Sensors indicate that we are lost. Why?"
"Well..umm.. you see.."
"You do not have to continue. The next town is 100 yards west of here."
"Oh umm... Thanks Omega!" Silver thanked the red robot, rubbing his odd quills. Silver knew that his mechanical companion only came to see the rest of team "Dark". The team only contained three members, which were Rouge , Shadow and the robot himself.
There wasn't another reason why the robot decided to come..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 05:43:56 PM
go to sleep Rouge " Samia said turning out the light and closing the door behind her. she then moved to her own room where she found Dulcy out of bed stumbling around. ' alright dulcy thats enough.. you go to sleep and work off that cologne.. ' cologne. ha ha.. samia.. you wanna play truth or dare.. ' i no way samia replied..not with you like this..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 06:21:33 PM
Dongwa practiced some moves as he followed Stripetail
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 06:34:14 PM
Meanwhile bobo managed to find the Yogis first item. the score now stood at Scoobys 2 teams Yogis 1 and Dawgs and rottens still \yet to find one
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 06:35:53 PM
Belladonna sprouted her bat wingss to get a better view of the city.

"I'm not letting us lose again!" she vowed.


"Hey Mr. Stripetail, can I ask you somehting?" Dongwa asked. "Could you teach me and my sisters...magic?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 06:39:01 PM
well, my young fellow, to know magic you really need to have some magical affinity to start with.Stripetail said. "I have had a fw apprentices in my times but none in a long time. So I guess you three could study under me i suppose.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 06:40:25 PM
As the strange trio walked into the town. However Silver decided to use his telekinesis to levitate himself in the air, since he wasn't much of a walker anyway. Everyone was close to town except a high pitched scream was heard. As a small robot was seen running towards the group, holding a huge taco. However the alien robot looked it  wasn't running away from something....
"What the-?" Silver said to himself, as he slowly floated down. He too heard the scream just like everyone else. And wondered who or what created such a loud scream. However the small robot pounced on top of him, causing Silver to fall. Making the hedgehog to shout...

"COME BACK!!!" a strange short alien had been chasing G.I.R for what seemed to be hours. After the S.I.R unit left, had came back and caused havoc. At least after Zim told him, he would have to fix his brain. After several unsucessful faild attempts, G.I.R bolted out and escaped. Zim had been tracking him down for almost half the day. Quickly activating his 'spider legs' within his PAK, he went after the azure and silver robot.
He finally saw the tiny robot stop, but he wasn't alone. He was three strange..creatures...  two resembled earth animals. However one was a rather large red and black robot.
"G.I.R YOU WILL OBEY YOUR MASTER!" recieving a rather sad "Aww" from the idiotic robot. Who then got off of Silver, and ran to his master. Who was wasn't wearing a disguise at all.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 06:42:09 PM
"Thank you," Dongwa smiled, "Do we fit the type of animal who could learn magic?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 06:51:20 PM
any creature can learn magic when trained..Stripetail exoplaimned "I've worked with owlks mice rats badgers and even dragons and goblins. so magic can be learned by any creature.."
- samia helped dulcy get back into bed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 06:58:26 PM
"I think you've worked with that owl, right?" Dongwa asked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 07:01:19 PM
no, this was long before i vcame here Struipetail clarified, buack in my homeworld.."
 cindybear went down a saidewalk  scanning the teams list
 the baron radioed the other rottens ; begin operation CLEAr1" he said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 07:05:11 PM
"What is that?" Annabelle asked, not informed about the baron's plan
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 07:36:01 PM
we grab all the other teams items and dump them into the sewer
 the baron said via a communicator
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 09:05:05 PM
Unlike the other Rottens, Tak wasn't with them. No, she was outside watching Zim's every move. Narrowing her purple eyes, the female irken was collecting data. It was for her latest plan, in which she would pretend to like Zim. Gaining his entire trust, when he least knew it she'll kick him out of the games... Or better yet... elimate him.. completely. Nobody with the right mind or any mind for that matter, liked Zim. In fact he was famous among Irk, only because he nearly killed half of his on species. And ruined 'Impending Doom 1" as well killing the 'Tallests' the leaders of her planet.

The new 'Tallest' were complete idiots, what were they doing to help? Nothing! In fact they're just sitting down eatting donuts! The only good leader died from Zim's own creation. Almighty Tallest Miyuki... the only female irken that Tak knew, who ever became Tallest. Yes there were others, but they couldn't even compare to Tallest Miyuki...
When she almost forgot about her mission, the small group with Zim left. Taking this in, she took this to launch her plan. Gettin down off the roof of the building, with the use of her 'spider legs' of course. Once she touched the ground, she devaticated her gadget.

"Hi Zim!" the young female irken said, bringing up a huge fake grin......
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 20, 2011, 09:08:00 PM
Bugs sighed as he walked up to the main street, and then he saw some very weird looking newcomers. "Nyah..." he sighed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 09:40:26 PM
"That's gross..." Annabelle frowned.

"That's perfect!" Belladonna smirked.

"You're from another world?" Dongwa said in surprise.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 20, 2011, 09:41:24 PM
"Yes it is me.."
"Yes it.."
"WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!" the female alien shouted out of sheer annoyance. Almost about to hit and harass the idiot that was a poor excuse for an irken. However remembering her plan, she stopped herself before her fist could reach him. "Zim, I would want to make an alliance."
"Eh?"the red eyed irken rubbed his chin, obviously interested in the offer.
"As you can see I don't like you."
"So I would want to propose an offer."

"Hmmm..." her male counterpart replied, looking at her. Taking this that he was listening she continued.
"So now for the-"
"I SEE!"The irken blurted out,"You're in LOVE with ME!" Zim shouted shocked, he obviously didn't know the real answer.
"NOO!!!- I mean yes...? YES! Thats it I'm in love with you!" Tak lied right eye twitching insanely while saying it.
"I KNEW IT! NO WONDER YOU KISSED THE AMAZING ZIM!" The alien spoke out in triumph, as he was filled with pride...

'Not what I had in plan but I'll have to improvise..'........
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 09:43:01 PM
well most of the people playing and watching these games are Stripetail said.  Garfield and Arlene are from the newspaper world Spike tom and jerry are from the toon world, in fact most of the players are from toon world..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 09:46:08 PM
"Oh, well me and my siblings are from China, if I haven't said that already," Dongwa replied.

Sagwa and Sheegwa were let off to get fish for lunch
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 09:46:47 PM
Good Night Dulcy Samia said. "Night Samia Dulcy said with a murmur.. See you later Samia said nuzzling her and walking away from the bed and headed out the door Dulcy soon fell asleep.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 09:49:14 PM
"So how will we do this?" Belladonna asked the baron
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2011, 09:50:33 PM
you fly around and ue your magicakl abilities tioo sensde any items that are nearby grab them and toss them down a swere gate that is open nearby make sure that the items are not our items.." the baron said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 20, 2011, 10:04:18 PM
"Gotcha," Belladonna nodded, flying around, looking for items.

"this town is pretty cool," Dongwa said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 21, 2011, 12:32:49 AM
"I wonda where Rouge is...heh, hope shels not playin' truth or dare anymore," Bugs sighed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 21, 2011, 12:54:27 AM
The white bat was in fact no longer playing the game anymore. In fact when she woke up she couldn't remember a single thing. The only traces that were left was that her head was in great pain. Placing her hand at the side of her head, cradling it hoping that the pain would stop. She went to her bathroom to get something to heal the temporary pain. Standing up she tried to walk, but couldn't find her footing and crashed into the floor.
Yet again she attempted to stand up again, using the wall for support. She heard the door knock. Rushing to open it while trying not to fall proved that she was still no shape to walk or move for this case. Opening the door, she fell but got caught by a ebony coloured hedgehog.

"Rouge!? Are you fine! What happened?!" Shadow asked shocked that his best friend was in such horrible shape.
"Shadow..?"Rouge managed to say. "I don't know what happened...all I know is that I found myself..with this horrible headache..." With a laboured breath she tried to walk, as her old teammate helped support her. Who placed her on her bed, he then spoke.
"If you need anything just ask." the black male hedgehog said, turning away. However Rouge spoke out before he left the room.
"Thanks..." the sugar coloured bat muttered out before falling into a peaceful sleep...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 21, 2011, 01:33:55 AM
"Woa man, where am I?" A greenish cgi animated vw said as he stopped.  

"Lost?" Jason asked, who was walking along with 2 of his friends, Mikey and Guilmon.  

"Yea man.  I was out for a drive and would up here.  Where am I anyway?" The green vw asked.  

Jason used his wrist computer to scan the newcommer, "Currently you're in another part of the toon multiverse from what these readings say.  You must have gone through a gate without knowing it." Jason said.

"Cool man.  For a moment though I thought I had some bad organic fuel."

"it's ok, I can show you the way back home.  We were heading from a cafe and heading to get into a car to go to a drive in theater.  The first one opening for this area.  My Name's Jason, this is Guilmon and Mike." Jason said.

"Just call me Mikey.  My friends and enemies all do." He said.

"You'll be home soon." Guilmon said.  

"I'm Filmore.  That's ok man.  As long as I get home eventually.  Today, tomorrow, next month.  It's all the same." Filmore said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 21, 2011, 10:44:09 PM
"I didn't know they made fish ice cream!" Sheegwa said, impressed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 21, 2011, 11:03:13 PM
"Well that was..." The silver furred, yellow eyed hedgehog couldn't find the right words, however his purple feline friend did.
"Yeah, it was..odd. So was that green guy." Silver remembering the strange kid. However he didn't know that, that strange 'kid', was actually a horribly disguised alien.
"Yes I must have to agree with you. That child did not look quite..right.."Blaze stated ember eyes looking back at his.
"Then that makes both of us." He flashed a small smile filled with warmth, recieveing an equally warm smile back.

"So since you're my henchmen, we shall..."the irken paused for added effect. "MAKE A PLAN!" with a shout he made a an idiotic pose.
"Yeah....I'm not your henchmen. Nor will I ever be." The taller female irken replied, narrowing her purple eyes into thin slits. Tak was NO ONE'S minion! Nor will she EVER be.
"Eh?" her male counterpart looked confused at his so called 'henchmen'.
"I said I'm not your HENCHMEN!" she replied exasperated.
"I know I'm cool." the alien smiled with pride. Making Tak more irritated she was about to lash out with him yet again, but held back. Man did Zim have the worst hearing known to Irk.

'REMEMBER YOUR MISSION! Don't jeopardize the mission!' her mind screamed. Giving out a frusterated sigh, Tak couldn't ruin her last and final chance she would have.
"You know..what forget what I just said, alright?" Head down she placed a hand on her forehead, she really didn't want to talk. At least not to him.
"Eh? Okay anyway you aren't AS smart the ALMIGHTY ZIM anyway!" that one comment Zim made, got Tak's lower eye to twitch.

At least no one was there to witness her poor tormented dream, that was her life...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 21, 2011, 11:17:01 PM
meawhile winnie had found 2 more itams bringing their total up to 4..
Bluto managed to find 1 bringing the Rottens on the board..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 21, 2011, 11:21:24 PM
Belladonna began to seek out oppsing team;s items.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 21, 2011, 11:23:50 PM
Fish ice ream /' stripetail shook his head " What will they think of next?'
 Dixie and tigress spent a nice hour together wolfing down  the candy.. 'they told each other funny jokles and compared mates.. and obviously, talked about the baby..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 21, 2011, 11:24:46 PM
Droopy was driving around looking for their team's items on a moped while Gary flew looking for some as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 22, 2011, 12:07:41 AM
arlene woody and winnie scattered around town looking for the 4 remaining uitems.
 cindy found one of yogis items giving them, two. found so far.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on February 22, 2011, 01:48:40 AM
Knightwolf, one of those selected to hunt down the items, shot off to the roof to get a better view of the city...

Meanwhile, overhead above the city, Don Karnage was also seeking out his team's items through his binoculars...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 22, 2011, 01:54:14 AM
See anything up there Knightwolf? Woody asked ashe flew beneath him " We need to find a songbook signed by Dixie, a copy of Bugs Bunnys Oscar, one of Stripetail staffs, and a menu from Winnies Resteraunt"
- The ogis remaimning items were a red homing shell, a sonic and knuckles wanted poster, a magical ring of eergy a old uniform of Ranger smiths cindy Bears umberella,and a picnic basket
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 22, 2011, 01:59:52 AM
the Rottens still needed to find : 3 petrified souls, Muutleeys Family Album, an empty Dip container, a poster from Siam, a figure of the baron and 2 tapes of thier victories in the first games.
 The Dawgs had to find the following: 2 dragon coins, a toadette trophy,a Super Mario movie poster,a tweety watch, a wally gator notepad, and car figurine of gary.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 22, 2011, 03:13:08 AM
While flying around, Gary sees something in store, flies down closer and what he sees surprises him.  He sees some various items, including some figures from tv and movies, including a a few of one of his car forms.  He landed and went inside to buy one of them, feeling sorta strange buying a small figure of one of his forms.   He was glad it didn't need to be autographed, though that would be easy to do.  He paid for it, then put it and the receipt into a pocket (the type seen in some old cartoons where some cartoon characters can put something into a pocket that seems to not be there).  Then he left the store to continue his search.

Droopy slowed and stopped his moped (like a toon he could operate it though he should be far to short to do so) when he
saw a store selling various types of posters.  He parked his moped and went inside to look through their posters.  He looked through them till he found when he was looking for.  Near the back was a
super mario movie poster.  He went to pay for the poster then taking it he went on in search for more.  Looking at his watch to see when it was time for his team to meet back at the hotel to see what they had all found as well as rest.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 22, 2011, 06:37:04 PM
"We're big into fish," Dongwa explained to Stripetail.

"I think the souls were eaten by the owl guys," Belladonna told her team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 22, 2011, 10:21:46 PM
so go check it ourt then the Baron repluied " the good teams are srtating to find thier iems1 Hurry!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 22, 2011, 11:01:00 PM
While Rouge was asleep Shadow was left alone to his thoughts. One in which involved the white bat herself. He couldn't comprehend why his alley was in such state, her groomed fur was now a bedraggled mess. She couldn't even walk without stumbling! He paced around her room, giving one glance towards her. He remembered those eyes, her aquamarine eyes. Those eyes that held him captive, and sparkled like the star filled night... Had lost it's radiant shine when he saw her in this condition.
But then he realized that her eyes were the first thing he admired about Rouge..

He had been such a fool to fall for her. And had been dumb enough to tell Amy his long time crush. Her attempts to help him failed..miserably. But then again just why did he tell her? I mean she was too busy with her own stupid and idiotic dreams to moleste her own love of her life...
What was he gonna do with himself? Be a coward and hide his feelings forever? Or be a man and tell her what he felt..?

"I'm such an idiot..." Shaking his head, he looked around the room. It smelled too much like lavander. Breathing in the scent, he had almost allowed himself to fall into sweet bliss. However quickly stopped himself, he shouldn't allow himself to fall for such weak things. It was pointless afterall, love was for weaklings...right?
'Or maybe I am just a weakling...'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 22, 2011, 11:32:22 PM
Dulcy fell into a uneasy dream. pieces of her mmemory came slowly back to her, finding Rouge drinking some weird liquid  and then helping herself to it, thier game of truth of dare which culiminated in a sloppy awkward french kiss..Samia entering the room breaking up the game, good for her Dulcy thought, who knows what would have happened if she had not come in, both she and rouge hjad been drunk, Rouge perhaps moreso..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 23, 2011, 02:27:02 AM
Gary flew around and seeing another sort of store went inside.  He was looking around and saw all sorts of watches, including some imported from other toon universes.  He found it was pricy, the watch band having been signed by Tweety.  He was glad he had plenty of money from when he use to race and act in his various other forms, the racing only done in a few of his car forms.    

He bought the watch & went outside, thinking if he could get sylvester to sign the other band once this event was over if he got to keep it he'd secretly give it to some orphanage or something.  Or do it anyway even if he couldn't get the other band signed.  Though he could sign it as one of his more well known forms and sent it in anyway, it would still be untraceable.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 23, 2011, 02:30:17 AM
arlene  winnie and woody continued scouriing the area for the remaining items
 arlene finally found one of Stripetail's staffs in a pawn shop.. Woody found the menu on the list, leaving them only two items away..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 23, 2011, 03:18:06 AM
Dulccy stirred as the radioo turned on " Second evemnt of games underway treasure where each team has to find 8 items currently the doobies have found 6 the yogis have found 4, the dawgs have found 3 and the rottens have found 2. once a team has found all 8 then it must return to the starting point to claim thier prize and stage victory..
 you feelings a bit better Samia asked as she sat down next to Dulcy. " Next time, don't drink my stuff okay..She said "We need you for the next event and future events..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on February 23, 2011, 03:40:29 AM
Knightwolf scanned the area before he replied.  "Nothing yet, wait..."  He spotted something on another rooftop.  He took a running start and leaped off the skyscraper across a long distance to the other building, landing a near 10-point landing.  He got a better look at what he found.  A small gold statue of Bugs Bunny sits in the center.  "I think I found what we're looking for!"


Overhead, Don Karnage saw what happened from his plane.  "This is embarrassing!" he scowled, then flipped on his radio.  "Those Doobies found another item!  What in blazes is going on down there!  We're finding nothing!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 23, 2011, 09:00:14 AM
Belladonna quickly went to find the Duke.

"I'm gonna need s suit for this..." she groaned.

"We're winning!" Tiger smiled to Miss Kitty.

The cats now preferred to say on the ground level, Dongwa explaining Stripetail's answer to his sisters.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 23, 2011, 01:21:50 PM
We got one more to find Arlene said to Kitty and Tiger "then we get back to Stripertail.."
_ At this rate the Doos will have a big lead Cindysaid as Huckleberry found a picnic basket , giving them 5 items found.
 Bluto foinally found an old comic featuring him as Superman. " man this brings back memories..He said tossing the clerk a small coin.. "thats 3 dollars sir, they didn't make many of those.. " Fine Bluto said digging into his pocket
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 23, 2011, 03:50:17 PM
The Doobies are dowwn to their last item on the list a songbook singed by Dixie Doo.. they are well on their way to grabbing a big lead in thegames although it is still very early " Honest Hohn  said ' How many points will they have Goideon. Gideon wrote down the numbers and showed them to John " Ah 1200 . the Yogis will be in second followed by the Dawgs and the rottens will fall even further behind..
_ The Baron swore into his radio "We are getting our tushes kicked he shouted "What good is 250 thousand dollars to us? We need to do MUCH better
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 23, 2011, 07:45:52 PM
Tiger ran into a music supplies store, searching for his team's final object.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 23, 2011, 07:53:57 PM
Tigress and Dixie listed to the radio " The Yogis have now found thier 6th item a magic ring of energy.. the scoobies are 1 item away from winning..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on February 23, 2011, 07:57:19 PM
Bugs was walking down the Main street of toonsville when he saw many cartoons bustling in and out of stores rather hurriedly, at first he was confused on the subject, but then the explanation can rapidly to his mind as he snapped his fingers. "Dat treasure hunt is goin' on!  I ged why da streets are so busy now...ah well," he sighed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 23, 2011, 08:06:36 PM

 So we should cheer for the Dawgs right? Dulcy murmured " Yeah they are our team.. Samia nodded " How many items have they found? Dulkcy said ' Um 4 I think at last check " Oh so we're probably not going to win..Dulcy lay back against the pillows "Well if you hadn't gotten so plastered, you'd be out there right now Samia said " you probably cost yourself at least 250 thousand" samia said looking at her..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 23, 2011, 10:55:11 PM
"You're really going to teach us magic?" Sheegwa asked Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 23, 2011, 11:09:45 PM
Looking things over it looked like the scoobies would win again.  Gary started thinking about what he could do to help up the spirits of the team.   He thought there was someone who owned a restaurant in a nearby portal that could help with that, but he'd have to think things over while still searching.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 23, 2011, 11:25:27 PM
Well you'll have to prove first that you can some ability with magic first, but yes I will teach you magic. Not everything I know, I don't believe in teaching someone else everything I know, too many bad things can happen and have happened with wizards who taught their pupils everything they knew. That, and the time it would take me to teach you even a small fraction of what I know would take centuries, and that is simply not an option with you three.."
 Striupetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on February 26, 2011, 05:14:48 PM
Rouge gave out a yawn as she woke up. Stretching her limbs she opened her eyes. She still couldn't remember what had happened to her, but she didn't care. In fact after having a goodnights rest really helped. Her eyes lost it's strange hazy film and were now sparking aquamarine jewels. Getting off of her bed, where there were no traces from that day.
She wanted to start the day with a radiant smile, completely forgetting those strange moments from the other day. Though not everything was forgotten, she did remember Shadow earlier.
'Hmm.. where is that hedgehog..?'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 26, 2011, 07:19:23 PM
Arlene saw Tiger come out of the shop holding a songbook " You got it? She smirked ' Come oon! Lets get back to Stripetail!' she said with a big grin.. "great job Tiger! Try too keep up she said as she turned and headed back to wards where stripetail was . They had found all 8 items, once they got there, the event would end.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 26, 2011, 07:29:34 PM
"This'll win us the game!" Tiger grinned cheekily, holding his prize proudly.

The fat orange cat picked up his pace to get back to Stripetail.

"We can understand that," Dongwa replied to the squirrel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 01, 2011, 12:09:02 AM
Arlene raced back to the street and turned to let Tiger reach Srtripetail
 "Ah We have our winners! Stripetail said as he saw the songbook. " You found all 8 items Doobies!  He gestured and a million dollars were split in between the 5 Doobies. ' The Yigis and dawgs found 6 while the Rottens found 3. so thats 300 points each for the,m and 150 for the Rottens..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on March 01, 2011, 02:32:29 AM
Eric, Watchdog, & Alyssa cheered excitedly, and ran to greet Knightwolf when he touched down with the other Scoobies.  Alyssa wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You did great on your first game!" Eric said.

Knightwolf held Alyssa up by one arm.  "Well, it's mostly because of these excellent teammates I've got," he replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 01, 2011, 09:06:41 AM
"Darn it," Belladonna frowned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 01, 2011, 11:38:52 AM
so we got second again  Bobo said " Lets hope we can get on the board in the next game" bobo said as the yogis headed back
_ at least we got second Screwy said to the other Dawgs " Better than finishing last.. like those rottens.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 01, 2011, 11:57:59 AM
After 2 events the Scoobies have 1200 points, The Droopy Dawgs have 750, the Yago Yahooeys have 700 and the Really Rottens have 500" Honest john said. the Next event will be a barrell -roling contest which will be played at toon citys highest hill. the hill is 1200 feet high, which is really tall for a hill. Gideon how tall does a hill have to be before its called a mountasin? Look that up.."
 Tigeress and Dixie hugged each other after the report that the team had won. ' alright thats two in a row' Tigeress said. ' you wanna some more candy? No, lets leave some for arlene.." dixie replied. 'you like her, don't you. tigeress smirked.. " Yes I do, and she likes me.@ Dixie said ."have you  kissed her? Tigeress grinned broadly " Tigeress don't pry. I don't kiss all the girls that I like."well theres only one way to tell for sure Tigeress said.

 she leaned in and kissed Dixie on the lips. after a few seconds their tongues touched and Dixie massaged Tigresses tongue with her own. After a half minute Dixie broke the kiss. " you satisfied? Dixie said a little put out. " Yes. I can tell that you have kissed her, your breath smells of cat food. Sorry just had to be sure..Tigeress said as Dixie got up and turned the radio dial to some old music.. " If you are so curious why don't you kiss her yourself at our next candy outing.?" Is that a challenge girlfriend? Tigeress cracked.Dixie shot her a glance, and tigeress changed the subject. 'how long will these games be going on?
 Awhile I think , theres going to be several stops at different locations' Dixie replied.. "so how long will you be bedridden after the baby comes.. ' A couple weeks, my mom said.. ' then its caring for the baby nonstop for a few months until shes big enough to eat solid food. " Tiger will help right? " well he'll bring me food since i won't be able to get any for myself..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 01, 2011, 07:38:34 PM
The Duke flew over to Stripetail.

"I think I overheard a radio transmission," he explained, "Coming from the Rottens, but I'm not quite sure of it's meaning. And by the way, what should I do about the petrified souls I ate."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 01, 2011, 07:58:31 PM
I'll return them from whence they came " stripetail said gesturing and pulling the three souls out of the Duke, then magicking them away with another gesture.. "Keep an eye on the Rottens to see if they do any more broadcasts.. perhaos you should compete in the next event..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 01, 2011, 07:59:24 PM
"Yes, that would help work up an appetite," the Grand duke of owls smirked.

"Beg my pardon, but what is the next event?" he asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 01, 2011, 08:15:31 PM
The next event is a barrell rolling contest down Toon Hill. each team will have 5 players " Four insiode the barrel and a fifth person on top of the barrell rolling t and steering the barrel. if you fall off, you'll have to try and get back on, which is not easy when the barrell's rolling down hill..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 01, 2011, 08:57:22 PM
"hmm... a nice workout before a potential meal," the Duke said, "I believe I could participate in that. And if you have anyone you want me to eat, just inform me."

"Oh I think I might get sick," Tiger groaned hearing what the next event was.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 01, 2011, 09:05:31 PM
We'll just have to pick 4 of us to be in the barrel " Winnie said.."Hey watchdog you want to be in the barrel?' she asked him.." Ri'm rot roing rit, Ri'll get rick' scooby said..
we're too big to fit in a barrell samia said. dulcy nodded. ' so they got second right..? " Dulcy said getting out of bed but Samia pushed her back in.. " you rest.." i;'m fine Samia!" I inisist dulcy.. you need to completely get over the drinking bit.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 01, 2011, 09:44:26 PM
"Will you need me?" Tiger aksed Winnie.

Dongwa was showing his sisters some of his kung fu moves.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 01, 2011, 09:51:18 PM
Sure we only need 4 in the barrell and someone to ride on top.."Winnie said.
_ The Dread Baro was in a foul mood as bluto and the others returned ' 3 items! thats it! 3 ouut of 8! thanks to our stellar performance we are now seven HUNDRED points out of first. We are going to have to do MUCh better in the barrel roll contest. Now, who wants to be in the barrell?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on March 01, 2011, 10:12:10 PM
Blaze and Silver looked around the place, looking at all the strange beings here. Some looked like they came out of a child's television T.V series.
"I don't feel like we really belong here..."The young silver male hedgehog spoke as he looked at Blaze.
"I know...doesn't all of these people look familiar..?"The purple feline replied looking at the rather strange 'creatures'.
"Yeah some look like cartoon characters.. " Silver stated, trying not to stare at everyone.
"So I'm not the only one who noticed then..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 01, 2011, 10:18:41 PM
Excuse me said a racoon coming up to them " Do ytou know when Neckdrop hill is? Its where the third event is going to take place..We'd really like to get a good view of it
Tiger entered the room where Dixie and tigeress were ' Hey girls.. they won" He said as Genki poked his head in.. " we know it just came in over the radio.." Tigeress grinned ' Did you guys bring us anything?' Nope Genki said.. as Almaron and Sunscar entered .. " we're trying to keep our expenses to a minimum..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 01, 2011, 10:53:38 PM
"I'll do it," Annabelle volunteered to the Baron.

The kitten trio followed Stripetail again.

"Need a runner?" The duke asked the baron
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 01, 2011, 11:10:01 PM
sure Duke you'll be the one on top.. Belladonna Bluto the Great Fondoo and myself will be inside.. just try and keep your balance Belladonna.. The baron said..
_ Alright We'll need to pick out 5 players Screwy said to Droopy "I'll be in the barrel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 01, 2011, 11:37:09 PM
"You can count on me," the Duke said, showing off his talons.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 01, 2011, 11:57:50 PM
"So what's next." Wally asked.

"Let's go and see." Droopy said as he went to go and see what info there was on the next event, who would participate, and any other information they could find out.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 02, 2011, 12:14:26 AM
Scooby and the rest of the gang reached the hotel.."Ro ro re rave rall rive remembers of rour ream ricked out? scooby asked them.
samia kept dulcy company for a little longer, before snuggling in next to her.. ' go to sleep dulcy ' she said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 02, 2011, 12:15:07 AM
The next event is a barrell roll contest Screwy said to him ' You get 4 people in a barrell and another rolling on top of it.. So we do have our five picked out?
 Yogi frowned as Bobo and the others returned " Nice job guys we got 6 out of 8, and are basically in the same spot we were after tennis. we win the next event we'll be second by ourselves..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 02, 2011, 01:48:15 AM
Winnie and Woody were both sporting huge grins as they landed in room " Thats 500 thousand Woody! Winnie was glowing with the excitement " I feel like I just won the lottery.." Well Winnie this is just the first couple events, theres a lot more events to play' Woody said. Winnie gave him a kiss , much to Woodys enjoyment.. ' better rest up for tomorrow._
Samia snuggled up next to Dulcy, who then, much to Samias surprise, leaned in and kissed her on the lips. for a brief couple of seconds Dulcy touched her tongue against Samias, but then Samia broke the kiss.'Don't do that again alright.. I'm going to put that down to the cologne.. just go to sleep " Samia snorted, turning her face away from her friend and staring at the open bed that would soon be occupied by Sonic.. "Lets hope tomrrow is a better day for you..
_ Arlene stuck her head inside Dixies room " Hi I'm back ' she said with a smile
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 02, 2011, 03:43:20 PM
I'm  heading to our room for the night" tiger said as arlene entered " Have a good night Dixie. "Good Night Tiger.  Tomorrow will be the last events.. I Think.." Tigeress turned to Tiger" I think that I will stay up with Dixie and Arlene for a bit. " Fine, just don't stay up until 3 or 4 am. You have a room key so just let yourself in when you are coming to bed " Tiger said " I'll probably be asleep, don't wake me up just climb in. If you do have candy left over, bring me some back." Alright dear." Tigeress said." Nice to meet you Tiger." Arlene waved." Night " Tiger nodded at Arlene before leaving and closing the door behind him.

_ Stripetail headed towards his room. " the next two events will be tomorrow" he said to the Kittens. Once those events are done its off towards the next location-Green River"

Arlene settled on the bed and waited for Dixie and Tigeress to join her. Dixie sat on the bed and smiled at her " you have fun? " yeah I found a couple items and earned a million bucks! arlene was grinning broadly then it faded..". "Garfield still not intersted in dancing with me.."Arlene sighed  Scooby entered the room. "Revening rirls' scooby smiled "Ri'm reading ro red Rixie. Ron't re rup roorate..' He said getting into bed and climbing in. " right rarlrne. Right Rigress ree  rou rin rhe rorning..
_Good Nght Scooby."Arlene said with a smile.." Night Scooby " Tigeress said, nuzzling him. Scooby blushed slightly " Rhanks Rigress. Roy retting those to raving tour raby?" Yes, a couple weeks from now at the latest " Tigeress said." If I wasn't so far along, I would definitely drag- er I mean bring Tiger along for more events and locations. " Scooby and Dixie laughed " Maybe next time we have the games you and Tiger can be on our team, maybe your kid can be a mascot for the games." Dixie said." That would be great." Tigeress said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on March 02, 2011, 07:28:37 PM
Bugs walked down the main street and was beginning to realize that it was getting more and more crowded. "Must be newcomer seasen 'ere," he figured.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 02, 2011, 07:49:13 PM
So Dixie what are you going to do to Garfield to get him to dance with me?" Arlene asked. "Well First I'm going to nag him about it and ask why he doesn't want to dance with you, since you obviously care about him.." well its like I said he cares more about filling his gut than he does hanging out with me, its always about him. " Well I'll also point out that you're making more money that he is.. you got a share of a million dollars, and he.. didn't.. oh and Tigress and I left some candy for you by the way" Dixie smiled and pointed to the bags of candy sitting on the bedside drawer ' Did you guys leave any chocolate filled stuff? " arlene asked as she looked though the treats that were left.."I'm not sure, anything we have left is yours..'. ' arlene nodded  and began going through the candy. ' theres some chocolate filed stuff. nougat.. i Think' Tigeress said ' I'm Tigeress. Dixie's told me quite a bit about you Arlene.. good things i promise' she chuckled. "  Hi Tigeress. I'm Arlene.. just to  get the formalities out of the way." and you ae a friend of Dixies.' teammate, friend, girlfriend, all of those descriptions fit. " Tigeress is president of the Dixie Fan club ' Dixie cracked,. ; If you had one, i'd be co-president. don;t forget your gal cynder the dragon. '  Tigeress said. ' I was joking Togeess. Now over the next hour you and Arlene will get to know each other, we'll munch on candy .. and talk girl shop.' Dixie said. and the girls finished off the candy. the girls chated for another hour before heading off to bed..The next morning came clear and bright
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 03, 2011, 08:08:29 PM
At 10 am, Stripetail was standing on the top of breakneck hill waiting for the teams to arrive. next to him stood 4 barrels each with the the team logos at the top. " where are those guys? Stripetail shook his head " i told them 10 am sharp.. ah well I'll just wait until they all get here..
 Garfield was dragging behind Odie as they climbed up the hill this is why I prefer watching this kind of thing on tv" He huffed Odie barked happily  h\was enjoying the games so far. we got to goof off and he got paid for it.. "Well Garfield , Arlenes competing this event and I want to cheer her on ' Jon said
- Ranger Smith followed close behind. " So let me get this straight I'll going to be rolled down a hill with bobo cindy andtwo others inside ' smith said to Yogi " Yep, 4 people in the barrell one on top thats mr Stripetail's rules..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 03, 2011, 08:38:33 PM
"I'm on top," The Duke said for the rottens.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 03, 2011, 08:45:47 PM
muttley the great fondoo and the bAron all climbed inside " wheres Don Karnage? The Baron Grumbled as he tried to get Comfortable in the barrell
 arlene and Wiunnie Soon arrived they were waiting for knightwolfm, Watchdofg and kItty to Show Up..
_ The rest of the Scoobies Yogis and Dawhs arrived at the top of the hill.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 03, 2011, 11:02:14 PM
"So when will our training start Mr. Stripetail?" Sheegwa asked.

The youngest of the Miao siblings was always fascinated by stories with magic in them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 03, 2011, 11:08:46 PM
I'll start while the bus takes us to Green River " stripetail said ' So we'll start tomorrow kids' He smiled.
- Rood ruck ruys' Scooby said as Winniw got into the barrel, followed by Arlene..'Thanks Scooby" the girlls replied..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on March 05, 2011, 04:56:36 PM
Hearing muffled noises from Rouge's bedroom the ebony hedgehog looked at the entrance of her room and thought of knocking. But turned away he already knew she was awake, so knocking would've been pointless and opening the door was no option either. After she wasn't awake Rouge would've thought that he was envading her privacy during her slumber.
Engrossed by his thoughts on whether or not to knock, or just opening the door. He didn't notice that the door of the bat's room opened slighty...
"My my, didn't know you were still here!" the ivory bat smiled, she wasn't in her usally cat suit like colthing. Instead she wore a white t-shirt and navy blue jeans with a pair of sneakers. But the one thing that stood out was those strange jewelry, however Shadow wasn't paying attention towards that. What really got him interested that she wore 'regular' and 'simple' colthes.
"Okay Shads lets go!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 05, 2011, 05:01:19 PM
Hurry up guys dulcy said as she ran into them in the hallway :"' the next event is going to start any minute
 Now Samia and i can Give you guys a ride to  the next event if you guys want..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 06, 2011, 12:28:16 AM
"I wonder how folks are doing in the current event." Wally said as he looked around.

"I'm sure everyone is doing their best and we'll find out soon." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 06, 2011, 08:37:37 PM
"Oh boy, I can't wait to learn magic," Sagwa smiled.

"Feet, don't fail me now..." Kitty said, standing stop the barrel and adjusting her balance. This wasn't going to be easy..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on March 06, 2011, 09:09:16 PM
Soon, Bugs saw no one was answering him and shrugged it off. Everyone was probably at the event's right now, so he kept on walking.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on March 06, 2011, 11:43:20 PM
Zim and Tak were creating a strange creature, in which Tak would "modify" whenever her partner wasn't paying attention. Everytime she was left alone for a moment she would turn the not-so harmful destructive experiment, into the exact opposite creating an organism that could swallow anything twice it's own size. And the best part about it is that it was designed to eat Zim first! Her mouth curved into a huge smirk as her lower right eye twitched, many would have defined her current facial expression as creepy, mad, evil and insane but mostly insane. The female irken was looking at the unfinished product.
Smiling she was about to add the final touches to complete it, then her plan would really be put into motion!

"Tak! That is enough! We must use that.. cowpie before the event starts! NOW!" Tak's male counterpart stopped her before she could finish her latest plan. Quickly thinking of an resonable excuse in order for her to finish what she started. She formulated a flawess  and simple way that even Zim would understand.

"But Zim the creature's....snack..levels..are..ARE UNSTABLE!!!" Adding a little of dramatic effect, Tak had performed a believable act. Making her voice slighty shaky as well as widening her eyes into 'sheer horror' while twitching her antenna 'uncontrollably'all at once.
" EXPLODE!!!!" It would have convinced anyone with half a brain!

"Yes we wouldn't want that, however I'm willing to take that risk!"
I guess this one didn't have any brains...
''Wait..did he just ignore that!?!''
"You're kidding right..?"
Saddly Tak's 'flawess'plan failed. But than again Zim didn't really didn't care if that thing did explode, afterall we are looking at Zim.. Giving off an exasperated sigh she shook her head in dismay.. just imagine if her lie WAS true..? That Tak really didn't to happen in the future creations if that WAS going to happen...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 07, 2011, 12:11:55 AM
Just whatever you do, kitty Don't steer us into anything..' Arlene called from inside the barrell
- bobo Ranger Smith TAz and huckleberry were inside the Yigis Barrell Cindy would rideon top of it
 The Rottens "inside team was Bluto The Great foondoo and the two supernatural whippets.. with the Grand Duke riding on top. The Dawgs Had droopy on top, with Screwy , dionald Wally and Gary inside the barrell..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on March 07, 2011, 01:05:11 AM
Shadow had been pulled into Rouge's dumb shopping sprees... It was embarrasing for the poor anti-hero..
"Why do you have to bring me with you..?" The black and red streaked hedgehog was carrying over dozen of plastic bags and gift wraped boxes. He was on the brink of collasping on that one spot. He had forgotten that he hated Rouge for her lust of shopping.... If he knew that she would've forced Shadow to carry so much weight everytime they went to the mall, he would have regretted answering yes at her question. But even if he could say no what kind of impression would he be if he did that to his crush..?
Bad obivously...
"Because you're so good at carrying shopping bags!"

Just then several high pitched screams were heard in the distance. As a huge monster chased a green short alien with reddish pink eyes.

"PUCII!!! OBEY YOUR MASTER ZIM!!!!!!!!" Chasing the alien was a huge purple blob with 5 multi coloured eyeballs and had several long green tentacles coming beneath it. The horrible purple monster gave off a horrible screech, and shot out it's strechable limbs. Grabbing the poor irken and squeezing his vital organs. And somewhere in the background a girl disguised as an ordinary human in purple clothes laughed at the image before her.
'Pucii' threw Zim down to the tiled floor several times. Before stopping for a moment, but then started twirling the young alien in the air. Untill stopping completely sniffing the air, who had forgotten the poor creature within it's hand. And tossed it's master into the air and went after an abondoned ice cream shop. And started gorging itself in the sugary frozen treat, before running out of the mall...

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 07, 2011, 01:16:47 AM
Well it could be worse ' Dulcy smirked as she and Samia followed the others ' You could be carrying oUR shopping.. and the stuff we buy weighs a lortt more than what Rouge has.. now come on you guys 'Samia and I will carry all this.. stuff so y we can watch the barrell race its going to start in a few minutes now come on..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 07, 2011, 01:25:11 AM
"This seems an odd sort of sport." Wally said from inside the barrel.  

"There are many unusual sorts of sports." Gary said also from inside.

Droopy did his best from on top of the barrel to do his best to go as fast and remain in control of the barrel and steer it along.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 08, 2011, 02:54:59 PM
Teams are you ready? Stripetail saiod
" We're ready Arlene said from the scooby's Barrell. We're ready " ranger smith called out from the Yogis barrel. " we're good "Just start already! The Baron shouted from the Rottens barrell. We're ready' screwy said from the Droopys barrel.
" alright first team to cross to finish line with teir rider on top of the barrel wins. if the rider is knocked off he or she must get back on before the barrel reaches the bottom of the hill. if a barrel breaks that team is eliminated.good luck to all 4 of you.. on your mark.. get set go!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 10, 2011, 11:23:54 PM
Kitty started off, beginning to role their barrel across the race path.

"Ugh...I underestimated this!" she groaned as she barely was able to keep her paws moving at just the right speed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 14, 2011, 11:19:05 PM
Cindy started off slowly as the Yogis barrell rolled gradually forward. the hill graduall dipped down then picked up in pace as the descent continued..
 Ranger smith bobo and the others were thrown together
 arlene and winnie wwere knocked together then against the sides of the barrell..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 15, 2011, 08:39:51 PM
The Duke, using his talons, kept himself balanced on the rottens' barrel.

"This isn't proving to be a difficult endeavor," the owl smirked to himself.

"Sorry!" Kitty called to her teammates, struggling to keep up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 15, 2011, 09:00:04 PM
Just worry aboiut steering this thing! Winnie frowned. ' and get it down to the finish. the sooner you do that, the sooner, we can get everything backtogether.. ow Woody! that was my stomach!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 15, 2011, 09:42:48 PM
"I"m ready." Droopy said.  When the signal to start happened he did his best to try to get off to a good start and to then pace himself so he would not get to tired, as well as focusing on steering the barrel he was on top of also so he could go at a nice even speed while maintaining control.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 15, 2011, 09:44:23 PM
just remember not to crash into anything Screwey said friom inside.
 As the slope began to to drop off, the duke lead followed by droopy kitty and cindy.. ' i'm not finishing in last Cindy thought to herself as shge tried to pick up the pace..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on March 15, 2011, 11:04:10 PM
Bugs was getting bored. He had been walking around for quite a while now and nobody was apttempting to make any sort of contact with him, but he shrugged it off.

"Dere, probably at dat laff a whatever thing anywaysh," Bugs assured himself and the statement gave him an idea. "Dat's da ticket! I'll go to dat laff a hooey and watch some of de events," Bugs decided, snapping his gloved fingers together and took off towards the place where the events were held.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 20, 2011, 12:58:38 AM
meanwhile Cindy was trying to keep her balance, as the Race reached the halfway point, the four teams were bunched very close to each other. being inside the barrels was not a fun place to be, as Arlene winnie, Ranger Smith Bobo, and the baron were finding out the hard way.. " I feel like I';m going to throw up from being dizzy " arlene complained. " Just don't do that please" Winnie said to her " the last thing we need is for this barrel to smell terrible..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 20, 2011, 01:10:58 AM
Droopy did his best to maintain a balance between control and speed, putting the focus when he had to to control, thinking he'd rather avoid accidents and such then to go super fast & crash into something or someone.  

Wally and Gary were doing their best to to remain ok.

"I think I"m getting dizzy." Wally said.

"That's ok.  It could be worst.  When this race is over we should not try to get out to fast I would suggest." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on March 21, 2011, 01:26:19 AM
As Bugs neared the place where the games were held, he stopped and looked at the people coming in and listened to the cheering of the crowds.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 21, 2011, 11:24:02 PM
The Duke kept rolling along the path, his talon's proving to be useful to the Rottens.

"This is going splendidly," the owl grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on March 22, 2011, 11:40:19 PM
(Dang it sorry for being in-active for so long!)
Somewhere the girl named Tak had been watching the group leave. Getting annoyed that the creature named Pucii didn't finish the mission. Glaring off the distance where the team once were. The strange bat like female looked at the ebony coloured hedgehog, whom was refered to as Shadow. Using her sensitive antenna she could make out some of the conversation between them.

"Shadow!" The ivory bat called out looking at her companion. Who had forgotten about the shopping bags. But she didn't really mind about the bags, right now a strange.....bug like..thing... Was unconcious and did not show signs of waking up anytime soon. Just as Rouge was about to ask Shadow, he had already figured out what she wanted.

"If you're going to ask me to carry him, then that would be yes." Rouge gave him a radiant smile and slowly nodded.

"Thanks sugar knew you would." And did her trademark flirtatious wink that was widely known by her 'fans' back home. And quickly went to help the short irken.

The female irken looked displeased by this. Of course it wasn't good! Her arch foe was going to live another day. Drat! Do they KNOW what they have to pay for saving HIM!?  Knitting her eyeborws(in her disguse) eyes twitching she let out a loud. And I mean LOUD scream of anger that was heard miles away from the other competers. And kicked the nearest garbage can denting the metal as well getting decomposing trash to spill on the polished checkered floor.

(Oh yeah I'm going to start the characters thoughts in italics with out adding ((')) every time I type.)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 22, 2011, 11:54:08 PM
(Thats fine)
 Scooby And dixie cheered on the rest of thier team.." Come On Kitty! You're almost in the lead! Dee called out..
 Screwy was upside down on the barrell. as the rolling continued " i'm getting sick..
 POickk up the fpaceDuke! we're falling behind" The Baron complained inside the Rottens barrell " Keep it up Cindy! we're right in the thick of things! Ranger smith called from inside the Ypogis Barrel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 22, 2011, 11:55:43 PM
"Very well," the Duke shrugged, the owl picking up his pace.

"Yeah! I can't believe I'm actually doing this!" Kitty cheered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 23, 2011, 12:30:20 AM
the next stretch of the race was full of bumps which knbockes the barrels asgainst each others and messed up their trajectories.. Kitty now had a slim lead over the duke, but both cindy and droopy were less than a second behind..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 23, 2011, 12:38:44 AM
"c-c-c-r-r-r-aa--a-p-p!"" Kitty groaned as she felt the bumps, trying not to lose both her balance and her lunch.

"I'm gonna need a doctor!" Tiger groaned.

The duke could claw slightly into the barrel, he had no problems with the bumps, but he did what he could to stay on course.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 23, 2011, 12:55:16 AM
Cindy tried to keep her balance but it wasn't easy. She bumped into the Dukes barrell and sent both of them sideways towards the sides of the street ' ah dang it! she yelled as she it she reached the edge of the road she was thrown back by a magical barrier.. ' which turned her back in the other direction. but it was noe essentially a twio team race, between the Scoobies and Droopy Dawgs.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 23, 2011, 12:57:29 AM
"Curses!" The Duke frowned as he was thrown off his path, but the magic barrier kept him going. He struggled to catch up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 23, 2011, 03:59:36 AM
Droopy did his best to remain at keeping the barrel in control, focusing still on a balance between control and speed so he could more easily react to the road conditions and other things as best as he could.


"I"ll be very glad and happy when this race is over." Wally said not feeling to well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 25, 2011, 10:41:52 PM
as the race entered the final stretch Cindy and Droopy were neck and neck as the finish line drew closer.. " Arlene and Woody bumped heads as the rolling continued and were knocked down. " Winnie began to feel sick.. ' You better  pick it up up there Kitty!" She called out..
_ Screwy was getting dizzy from being spun arounf\d.
the baron and the Great Fondoo banged into each out " watch it! Fondoo snapped at him..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 25, 2011, 10:45:58 PM
The Duke subtly grinned to himself as he was the only Rotten not to be going through heck at that moment.

Kitty did her best to speed up. "It's not over yet!" she vowed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 26, 2011, 12:16:32 AM
Droopy continued to do his best as he had done before, remaining in control and with good speed also.  "Not long now." He said to those inside the barrel, not sure if they could hear him or not.  


"I'll be happy once this is all over.  I certainly shall." Wally said.

"You're not the only one." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 26, 2011, 07:35:41 AM
"Glad we're not in this game," Dongwa told Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 27, 2011, 04:25:19 PM
the road smotthed out as they reached the finish line. kitty was a few inches ahead of droopy as the barrells crossed the line. Cindy scowked as the Duke finished ahead of her.. as she rolled across the line her head was down. she got off the barrell and waited for stripetail to open the barrell
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 27, 2011, 05:44:00 PM
"Sorry Cindy," the Duke of owls smirked as he finished ahead of their team.

"Never...again..." Kitty vowed dizzily.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 27, 2011, 06:17:37 PM
As Stripetail opened the barrels one by one, the inhabitants fell out. Arlene looked pale from being inside.. Winnie and woody looked bad as well. " Did we win?' woody Gasped " barely Stripetail said. The scooby Doobies win, thier third event in a row.. the Doobies get second, the Really Rottens get third and Yogi Yahooeys  finish last..
We got second! Alright! Screwy said weakly as he staggered along the barrell.. " so do we win anything? he asked ' Half a million dollars' stripetail replied with a smile..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 27, 2011, 06:26:03 PM
The Scooby Doobies get 400 points, The Droopy dawgs get 300, The really toeens get 200 points and the Yogi Yahooeys get 100 points.  Through 3 events, The Scooby Doobies have 1600 points. The Droopy dawhs have 1050 pints, The Yogi Yahooeys have 800 points and the Really Rottens have 700 points' Stripetail said.
' Um aren't there awards for each stop? Yogi Pointed out ' Thats what we did last time..
_ reah re rot redals rast rime" scooby agreed. " well... alright I'll create some medals and award them after this last event" stripetail agreed. '
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 27, 2011, 06:31:18 PM
The Duke walked passed Stripetail and quickly but silently passed the message "They didn't try anything in this game..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 27, 2011, 06:46:04 PM
I bet the only thing they were trying was trying to keep from throwing up" stripetail said quietly.."
 Bobo was trying to get his balance back " I'm not going in a barrell again..' he murmured
 Arlene slowly made her way to a benxh.. " I feel like i'm going to puke' she said slowly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 27, 2011, 07:16:45 PM
"Indeed," the Duke smirked...chuckling lightly.

"This..wasn't fun..." Tiger said, standing next to a garbage can just in case.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 27, 2011, 07:41:52 PM
Whats next? The Baron complained.. " Besides theres no way for us to  catch the scoobies in one event .. "
_ the points carry over to the next location" stripetail pointed out.. and the top point total for the last event will be 1000 points second will be 750, 3rd 500 and second 250.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 27, 2011, 08:43:45 PM
"Yeah, what's next?" Dongwa asked Stripetail, "Where should we go to watch?"

"Hopefully it isn't something that requires a lot of moving..." Tiger groaned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 27, 2011, 10:10:39 PM
Once the barrel was open Droopy helped those in his team's barrel out.  Wally choose to just lay on the ground right there till he started to feel better.  Gary choose to sit down then also choose to lay down for a few minutes as well before moving.

"At least that is over.  I hope never to do that again." Wally said.

""Maybe we'll be as lucky as that." Gary said.

"At least it is over.  That is positive." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 27, 2011, 10:52:52 PM
We got 500 thousand dollars ' screwy said Sas Stripetail handed out the money to each of the participants.. ' next up is the last event in these games the strength contest ' stripetail said. ' Teams pick one player to compete in the contest. it will start at 2 pm.. we will be leaving at around 7 this evening..' Stripetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 27, 2011, 11:15:47 PM
"Well that's not me..." Tiger sighed.

Sheegwa had bought some fish for lunch.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 27, 2011, 11:45:47 PM
Ri Rould ry rit" Scooby said. " I'll go for us' Yogi said. Bluto came up for the Rottens. Dulcy volunteered for the Dawgs.
Lets have a Girls competition too' Cindy said..You up for it Dixie?
 Er.. Dulcy is competing for the Droops..Dixie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 28, 2011, 04:23:52 AM
"Sounds like every participant is already picked out.  That does make things much easier." Droopy said.  "Indeed it does."

"Yes, it certainly simplify things." Gary said nodding slowly, starting to feel better.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 28, 2011, 07:33:33 PM
I guess we could have a boys abnd girls competition" The Baron shrugged, he then turned to Belladonna and Annabelle " who wants to represent our side? he asked ' bluto will repesent us for the guys.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 28, 2011, 10:14:13 PM
"That could be different or interesting." Gary said thinking a bit before he replied.  He started to get up slowly till he stood up, getting over his dizziness.

"Yea, but if she does then who'll be on the boys part of the competition for the various teams?" Wally asked curious.  He sat up, feeling better.  "Think I'll remain siting for a bit longer." He said, not feeling fully ok yet.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 28, 2011, 10:15:58 PM
We'll have the teams select each particpant" Stripetail said
 Yogi looked at Amy " You wanbna play? he asked with a smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 28, 2011, 10:23:18 PM
"Let me handle the muscle," Belladonna smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 28, 2011, 10:34:10 PM
Alright so Cindy Dixie Dulcy and belladionna for the girls
 Scooby, Yogi  bluto and droopy for the boys. " stripetrail said
 winners gets 500 points, 375 for second, 250 for third and 125 for last.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on March 28, 2011, 11:29:29 PM
The young female alien loathed at the small dilemma that occured at the mall. After she finished kicking the trashcan she walked out the mall. Secretly following the strange group who helped carry the strange abomination that was widely known as Zim. The female Irken gritted her light pink teeth that was still visible through her disguse if you looked VERY closely. No matter how many freak experiments that idiot created he always somehow came out alive every time. Tak still remembered her obviously fake relationship with Zim.
Good thing that moron has short term memory.
However when she started remembering that she remember THAT. That one time where she lost her footing because of his darn robot. And somehow got HER lips on HIS! That very thought of her kissing him irked her and was disturbed by just thinking of it. She convinced herself that..
Zim+Tak=The entire universe to explode in the most catastrophic way possible.
Though as much as she wanted to think that was completely true. That she and him would never be. But just couldn't help but think that the short kiss felt..almost right. Blushing maddly she shook her had several times as if doing that she would completely forget that one moment.

Tak's flawess human hologram had one flaw. It couldn't hide her embarrassment that showed on her face as it flared across her cheeks like wild fire. Unlike her dark green color to indicate she was angry or embarrassed her disguse converted the blush to light pink. She waited for the redness to fade away from her face.
She sighed angered by the fact that she let those thoughts come across her mind. First kill Zim. Finish your mission became and Invader.
Because no matter what Tak wouldn't fail this time.
Anyway she had to do the games as well.
(Gah so sorry for the lack of posts. Been caught up in reading!)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 29, 2011, 04:41:23 AM
Gary nodded, "Sounds like the teams are all picked out.  That simplifies matters considerably." He said.

"Glad I'm not one of them.  I can rest and recover from that barrel.  Ug." Wally said.  

"I'll do my very best." Droopy said.  "But as long as we all have fun it does not really matter who wins." He said in his usual way.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 29, 2011, 10:27:19 AM
well  the contest won't start for another hour, so the rest of the team, can go to thier rooms and begin checking out" stripetail said.
We'd better go check out then " holly said to Hare and the others.. " we're heading back to our world.." Aw man" Genki complained..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 29, 2011, 12:38:46 PM
"That does sound best.  Since it may take some folks a while to pack." Gary said.

"Yea, with all the souvenirs I may need a 2nd suitcase before this is over.  Luckily I remember when I was in the 1st laff-a-lympics so know how many suitcases I"ll need." Wally said.  "You should see the room I have the souvenirs from first laff-a-lympics.  It looks like a batcave or something."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 29, 2011, 07:44:08 PM
Good luck guys " arlene said" as she slowly headed down the streeet towards her hotel.." i'm heading over to the hotel to check out..
_ So are we" tiger said as he followed Genki and the others..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 29, 2011, 07:49:31 PM
"I'll pack everything for us," Tiger told Kitty.

"thank you dear," Miss Kitty purred, kissing Tiger, causing him to blush.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 29, 2011, 08:11:36 PM
Scooby Dee and Scooby Dum went to go get thier belonging as did Samia Woody and winnie..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 29, 2011, 09:59:42 PM
"We'll pack your stuff and load it up.  That way you can rest here or wherever the contest will be." Gary said.

"Thanks.  Resting is a good idea." Droopy said as he went over to see if the next event would be held there or elsewhere.  He hoped there then he could just sit down and rest.

Wally & Gary went to the hotel to start packing first Droopy's stuff then their own stuff and start the checking out if it was time for that.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 01, 2011, 09:00:40 PM
Dixie went pover to the hotel, when an Idea Struck here ' Oh geez I forgot to get Tigeress some things for the baby.. and  some stuff for Tiger too.. aqh drat! I was so fized on watching the games.. well I'd better go get those things on the bus then run over to get some things shes like.. like a crib.. perhaps some toys.. Dixie you are a piece of work..."
' MiNd if I help? Arlene asked overhearing her" Well arlene I'd be happy for the help.. See my friend is well.. shes going to have a kid soon, and i wanted to get a few things for her and her her family.. Shes  heading back home after this last event..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 02, 2011, 08:34:53 PM
Tiger gathered up his and miss kitty's things.

"I'll get our bags guys," Dongwa volunteered to his siblings.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 02, 2011, 08:49:27 PM
Arlene nodded to Dixie " thats really cool..  I'll be glad to help you out.. Are we looking for something specific? " Well , toys, blankets things like that.. and something for tiger, hes the father' dixie said " Sure.. thing, I shpould get something for Garfiekd Jon and Odie too' arlene saisd..
_ Bobo went to Yogis hotel to help pack for the trip. " Well at least I got a couple mementos for the cave nbaxck home' He said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 02, 2011, 11:36:25 PM
"Where should we go now Mr. Stripetail?" Dongwa asked, holding some of the cat sibling's luggage by his teeth.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 02, 2011, 11:43:05 PM
we;'re going on the scooby's bus' stripetail said. ' so you can go put your things on the bus under the seat. " stripetail replied' The bus should be parked right outside the hotel by now..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 02, 2011, 11:57:02 PM
"Thanks...these are getting heavy..." Dongwa said between his teeth.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 04, 2011, 09:17:49 PM
Yogi and Cindy waited for the last event to begiun.. " good lucky cindy' yogi said to her ' save that for when i'm comnpeting..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 04, 2011, 10:30:35 PM
Droopy, Wally and Gary were done at what they needed to get done at the hotel and headed back to see when the next events would start and wait to either watch or participate, depending on which they were doing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 06, 2011, 09:27:22 PM
dixie and Arlene found a nice store in town and began rabbing things  for the spree, including a baby crib baby blankets and other necessities. Arlene found  a nice set of  grooming tools and ' I'm a dad" glasses for tiger
_ Dulcy went to her room and began grabbing all her things for the ride to the next event..
_ The Rest of the Yogis including Ranger smith had loadedup thier bus (which was a replacement for the one which had been destroyed on the way here)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 09, 2011, 12:24:49 AM
Dongwa was relieved to deposit the bags in the storage area.

"This'll be fun," sheegwa smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 09, 2011, 12:39:27 AM
Screwy gathered up the few possessions he had and tossed them onto the Droopys team bus.. ' he  took a seat and let himself rest for a few minutes..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 09, 2011, 02:04:22 AM
"Let's hope we can keep winning," Scrappy told his teammates.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 09, 2011, 05:58:58 PM
Dulcy Grabbed Samia's things as well and packed them up.. ' "Best get all our stuff packed.." she said..
_ Dixie found some nice jewelry that she thought tigeress would like.. 'Is there anything you'd like ? "
 No not at the moment" arlene replied.. " thanks though" she smiled at her friend..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 09, 2011, 10:08:01 PM
"Seems soon we'll be going to the next place.  I wonder what it's like." Wally said.

"I do hope it will be as nice as this place has been." Droopy said looking around at what they could see of the area.  

"We'll find out once we get there, but I do hope it's a nice place also." Gary said also.

"And all of our stuff is already packed and when we're ready to go we can.  Where are we going to next anyway?"  Wally asked.

"Some place called Green River." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 12, 2011, 07:43:44 PM
Dixie and arlene finished up thier shopping and headed to the checkout.. 'so whats the next place going to be? The cat asked " a place called Green River. Its Tiger and kittys hometown, so they should be able to help us find a good place to spend the night' dixie replied.. " i just hope we don't have any more runins with gabriel before we get there..' That the women who shut down out studio' arlene 's face grew hard 'well you've got some good money from being in the winning team in the last event.. ' yeah a million bucks.. but its not what it used to be.. still its one step closer to cuying the studio and reopening it..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 12, 2011, 08:32:42 PM
"If you like mouseburgers, you'll be in for a treat," Kitty grinned.

"we just like travelling," Sheegwa smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 12, 2011, 10:30:18 PM
"I guess we'll find out what it's like soon." Wally said.  "So either way we'll be spending some time there." He said.

"And the presence of the laff-a-lympics there should help the economy as well." Gary said, "and those who live there and nearby areas also."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on April 12, 2011, 11:08:31 PM
"Hm, looksh like I missed it, dawn, well, probably wasn't dat much fun anyways," Bugs concluded, walking away.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 12, 2011, 11:24:12 PM
the event hasn't started yet varmint Sam said giving bugs a glare
 it was them a hooded man headed up to the baron ' Excuse me have you seen a young girl named Penelope Pitstop around here? I .. er have some .. issues with her..."
 names the hooded claw, in case you are wondering..
never heard of her.. but we're always looking foior new talent' baron said ' welcome to the Really rottens mr.. claw was it? We'll need you for the games in Green river...
 What sort of games? The Hooded claw asked intrigued ' and is there any pay involved? " 100 grand to start, and up a million per event..' the baron replied ' a million bucks?!? whos got a million bucks lying around in this economy?
 well the wizard does.. do you want the spot or not.. we're looking to get to 12 members like the rest of the teams. " fine1 i'll join..i was hoping to blast pemnolope and her anthill friends as part of the games, but ah well, lifes not fair sometimes..the claw said.. " for now you'll just watch the baron saidf ' the Dread baron this is muttley, the big fellow in bluto, the dogs are Annabelle and Belladonna, and this is the Great Fondue and his rabbit..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on April 12, 2011, 11:51:38 PM
"It isn't ova? Hm, I didn't know dat anyways, thank for telling me," Bugs thanked him, then did something out of the blue, he started walking off. "But, I think I'll get goin', didn't feel to much for games anyways," he said pulling a random carrot out of his...back...pocket...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 13, 2011, 10:18:12 PM
Annabelle eyed the newcomer with a lack of trust, but she didn't make that visible.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 13, 2011, 11:37:44 PM
"I wonder how long till the next event starts and how long till we go to the next location." Wally said.

"They may have that written down somewhere." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 20, 2011, 11:54:40 PM
Well at least I'm not  sitting on the couch and waiting for the bully brothers to get back with the pizza.. those dyums dums could get lost walking down the street.." The Hooded claw remarked.. " so how many events are there going to be in all?
_ Not sure" The Baron replied " Could be as many as 40, theres going to be 4 in each location..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 22, 2011, 06:13:05 PM
"I'm Belladonna," the hellhound introduced to Hooded Claw
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 22, 2011, 06:59:13 PM
Nice to meet you" The Claw replied. ' Isn't belladonna a kind of poison? Read that some where.. anyway it's good to be out and about..
We should get our stuff on the bus for the trip to the next place Bluto said.. " you're a bit scrawny" He added looking at the Claw.. " I prefer brains over brawn, good sir, and from the looks of you you take the opposite approach" He smirked.. I'll be in the first event in the new place then..
 Dixie and Arelene finished thier shopping and slowly made thier way back towards the hotel.. "i do hope Tiger and tigeress like the gifts we got thm' arlene said with a smile ' Arlene had paid for everything, feeling "wealthy" after getting her share of the winnings for the treasure hunt " i'm sure they will' Dixie grinned ' now lets pick up the pace, we're leaving at 7 or there abouts..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 22, 2011, 10:16:46 PM
Having gotten a quick snack Droopy, Gary, and Wally went over to the Droopy buss to see how things were going for getting ready to go and see if any help was needed to help things along, or if everything was already packed up and ready to go.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 24, 2011, 11:05:00 PM
"Why thank you," Belladonna smiled at the compliment Hooded Claw gave her.


"I'll be sure to give some money to the orphanages back in Green River," Kitty said. Tiger was happy that he and his girlfriend were being so charitable.


"Are the games ever gonna go to China Mr. Stripetail?" Dongwa asked, "We'd like you to meet our Mama and Baba, especially since you'll be teaching us magic."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 24, 2011, 11:15:11 PM
screwy had thrown  his few possessions onto the bus and was sitting in the seat waiting for the last event to finish..
 Bobo and Ranger smith were waiting oin the Yogi Bus..
- The rotten bus pulled up next to the claw..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 24, 2011, 11:27:06 PM
The cat trio waited for the squirrel's answer.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 25, 2011, 12:11:35 AM
the problem with china is that is a very long trip from here. however, if your family is willing toi sponsor a stop, we'll be gla to make a stop there' Stripetail replied. " i would be honored to meet your parents, they seem like good folk..and very patient, seeing that they to deal with three young children. do you cause your parents worry often, kittens?" Stripetail gave them a quick, knowing smile..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 25, 2011, 12:17:06 AM
"Not really," Sagwa smiled, "Even Dongwa, the most troublesome of us, rarely gets them mad."

"Hey!" Dongwa replied, but Sagwa gave him a smile.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 25, 2011, 12:23:44 AM
well i think we';ll try to fit china on our travel plans.. each location has 4 many people live in China?" Stripetail was curious.. ' i know very little about your country..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 25, 2011, 12:49:15 AM
"Well, we live in a village, so we don't know the exact number..." Sagwa admitted.

"But it must be real big!" Sheegwa smiled.

:I heard it's in the 100s of thousands," Dongwa added.


"Meanwhile, the Duke reported to Stripetail. "Caught an attempted jewel thief," the big owl said, patting his gut.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 25, 2011, 01:05:52 AM
excellent work ' stripetail nodded ' any other troublemakers get the same treatment..
Tiger Started as  Dixie and Arlene came up to him ' Got a few things for you and Tigress as you guys head back " dixie smiled at him.. " Thanks.. Most of its for her right?' Well we did get you a number of thing.." arlene said..   ' should i run and get something fort her folks as well.. "
 sure.. I guess' tiger said as Arlene handed him soiome of the gifts.. " I'm four legs so I can't .. really carry this studff " Tiger said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 25, 2011, 02:02:22 PM
"Still on the traverse for those people," the Duke replied, "And I'm certain they will help to satisfy my appetite."


"I go back and forth between using two and four," Kitty offered the other tiger, "I could lend a paw."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 25, 2011, 02:25:24 PM
thank you Kitty" tiger said giving her a smile " just try and keep it as quiet as possible..I don;'t want Tigress to go all gushy on me.. "
 Almaron and Sunscar headed up to them " well We've checked out of the hotel"  Almaron said ' tigeress is just grabbing the final few things and then we'll head out.." Sunscar's face opened into a smile as she saw somne of things Arlene and Dixie had brought " Oh these are ADORABLE! Girls, you shouldn't have gone to all this trouble..."
 Do you and your mate want anything? arlene asked " i can run back and get you something if you want.." ' wel perhaps a few of the 'Laffalympic shirts that vendor was selling? for Hare , Mochi and the others' Almaron said.. lets say one for each of us.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on April 25, 2011, 03:03:28 PM
Shade and Knuckles were with the rest of their teamates. It had been awhile since either of the two had seen their friends. Both of the echidnas wondered just what was happening to their companions earlier ever since they left their current team..
The red male echidna sighed. It was going to be a rather dull again ever since Rouge had to leave everything was more.. how can you say? Dull.
(Short post I know. D: )
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 25, 2011, 03:14:08 PM
So howare you guys doing? Bobo asked as the bus moved down the street ' Did you get your things have the hotel?"
Samia and Dulcy were sitting on a bench watching the suunset.. " i'll be glad when  we're off to the next location dulcy said.. " i hope Incedia and Glacia are faring okay, I haven't seen them in awhile..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 25, 2011, 03:20:38 PM
The Duke returned to his "team", eying the new member behind his back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on April 25, 2011, 03:29:09 PM
((OOC: Here's the characters!!!))

Winnie and Tigger were walking down an unfamiliar street they had been following for a while and it didn't look familiar to them.

"Hmm...wonder where we are, eh, Pooh Boy?" Tigger wondered, hopping along on his tail.

"Oh, yes, Tigger, I do wonder where we could be...?" Pooh responded, rubbing his head.

"Well...I suppose we should look around to see if we can find anything," Tigger said and hopped in one direction with Pooh waddling to keep up with him.

So, with no knowledge of any surroundings that were close, they headed in a direction.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 25, 2011, 04:07:40 PM
With the Droopy buss as packed as they could get it packed at that point in time, some others likely not having packed yet Droopy decided to head over to see if there was any new event scheduled he'd be in.  

Wally & Gary decided to walk around a bit since they would be leaving the town soon.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on April 25, 2011, 04:26:13 PM

Up somewhere up in the sky two rather small owls flew across ToonWorld. They had just got out of a horrible hurricane and were seperated from their teammates.
Gylfie and Digger had no idea where they were but they were... Except that they were in uncharted land.

"Gylfie do you have any clue where we are?" The young burrowing owl looked at his friend. Juding by the confused face of his it was obvious he had no idea what this place was.

"I don't know. Except that this place has strange pillars of rock.." Gylfie replied looking around her surroundings she just didn't know that these 'pillars of rock' were actually buildings.
"In fact I'm not even sure where we are! I can't find anything familiar here!" She said frusterated.

((Um.. its short I know but I'll still try to make the next one longer! I just need to find my inner RP in me!  :) ))
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 25, 2011, 04:38:57 PM
Flying above the city, the Grand Duke of Owls noticed two of his same species not too far away.

"Why this is intriguing," he said to himself, and flew over to the newcomers.

"Salutations, I am the Grand Duke of Owls," he introduced to Gylfie and Digger.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on April 25, 2011, 04:44:10 PM
Winnie and Tigger were still looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings when they noticed a shape wandering around on their own with his back turn to the Tiger and Bear.

"Who do you suppose that could be, Tigger?" Pooh asked.

"Not sure, Buddy Boy, but I'm gunna find out," Tigger muttered and got down on all fours and then started bounding to where the figure was and knocked him over.

"Hey, Pooh! It's a Rabbit!" Tigger exclaimed.

"Actually, mister," the figure said, getting up, "I'm THE Rabbit."

"Well, Mr. THE Rabbit," Pooh began, waddling over to where the Rabbit and Tigger were, "can you tell us where we are? We seem to be a bit lost."

"You're in a Town where Toons of all kinds live together, and THIS toon just happens to be Mr. Bugs Bunny himself," Bugs grumbled and started to dust himself off.

"Bugs Bunny?" both Tigger and Pooh asked in unison.

Bugs stopped cleaning himself abuptly and stared at the two. "You've never heard of me?"

The two nodded.

Bugs suddenly facepalmed himself. "You learn somthing new everyday, I shuppose. Look, nevermind who I am, I just wanna who YOU two are."

"I'm Pooh," Pooh introduced himself.

"And I'm Tigger! T-I-double G-"ER", that spells Tigger!" Tigger exclaimed.

"Well, nice to meet ya, boys," Bugs said and shooke each of their hands.

"Nice to meet you too, Bugs," Tigger and Pooh both replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 25, 2011, 04:53:56 PM
the hoodded claw climbed ointo the rottens bus and made his way towards the back ' not bad.. the seats are pretty comfy.. so if i may ask how is our team doing so far/ I'm not much of a tv warttcxher..
 we're in last muttley said..'by a couple hundred points..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on April 25, 2011, 05:09:47 PM
Both of the small owls were bewildered by the size of the bird in front of them. Gylfie was the first to recover and opened her beak to speak.
"Why hello Grand Duke of Owls allow me to introduce myself I'm Gylfie. Micrathene whitneyi or commonly known in many places I am an Elf owl. Here is my friend Digger whom is a Burrowing owl. Speotyto cunicularius."

'You know for such a little owl of her size she sure does know some big words..'
The young male owl thought. Before introducing himself to the huge owl in front of him.'Great glaux this owl is even bigger than Twilight!'

"Is it alright that we may ask what species you are of owl? Me and my friend have never seen such owl of your size." The small elf owl asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on April 25, 2011, 05:18:42 PM
((OOC: Here comes a  new character!))

Soren was flying overhead as he swiveled his head in different directions looking for his two friends.

"They went missing quite a while ago, I wonder where they could be. Oh good Glaux..." Soren thought as he saw his friends and one huge owl with them.

He swerved his wings downward and landed a little waysaways from his friends and then got a closer look at the owl that was with them.

"He looks bigger than Twilight and his brothers combined! Not to mention any Great Grey I've ever seen," Soren thought.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 25, 2011, 05:19:11 PM
"An eagle owl," the Duke explained to the newcomers, "And as for my height, I attest my diet to that."

"I'm surprised you haven't seen someone of my height before."


Sagwa and Sheegwa were reading some books/pamphlets they picked up in the hotel gift shop.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 25, 2011, 05:24:29 PM
Stripetail called up the boys. ' alright gentlemen here are the rules., each contest will get 3 swings with the mallet, the top score is godling strength which is just below the bell on the top. the other scores are ant, weakling, normal heman thor and super-man in that order.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on April 25, 2011, 05:32:48 PM
"Well we're not from around here in fact we were seperated from one of our friends due to a hurricane. And for seeing someone at your height, we never encountered an eagle owl before." Glyfie replied saddly at the thought of her friend whom was out there somewhere around this strange place.

"If you see a barn owl named Soren is it alright that you can tell us? I mean if you do see him." Digger added seeing the expression at his companion's face. For he already knew what she was thinking and felt bad for her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 25, 2011, 07:19:52 PM
so who goes first? Bluto asked his arms crossed ' We'll go based on team standings' stripetail replied " if there is a tie, we will have a tiebreaker round.. Scooby will go first, followed by yogi, bluto and droopy.  The Girls will play  at 3.. once this is over we'll award the first second and third medals..and once that done we'll head out on the road..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 25, 2011, 08:01:40 PM
"I'll be sure to inform you," the Duke nodded sincerely, "Always glad to assist a fellow owl."


"I can't wait to deliver the pain," Belladonna said about the challenge, though no physical confrontation was involved.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 26, 2011, 12:17:02 AM
Auga and Tweety were resting on the team bus. they would be appearing the first events of the next location. ' its good that our team is going so well ' auga said munching on a bag of popcorn..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 27, 2011, 08:34:47 PM
"Go Scooby!" Tiger cheered for his teammate.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 27, 2011, 10:35:51 PM
Arlene came up towards Dixie as they watched the boys prepare to play.. 'lets hope we can keep our run going' she whispered to her friend.. ' well we'll win as long as we dioon't finish last..' dixie said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on April 28, 2011, 12:47:24 AM
After introductions, Pooh, Bugs, and Tigger then started making their way in a random direction.

"So, have ya been here long?" Bugs asked.

"Not very actually. Heh heh, you see, we just got here ourselves," Pooh replied.

Tigger, still hopping on his tail, then joined the conversation. "Yup, we just got here." He snapped his fingers. "Just like that," he added.

"Just like dat, eh? Well, I don't know much of the place, but I guess I might just be able ta show ya around," Bugs offered.

"Really? Well, if it's not too much trouble, I would like to find the nearest honey tree," Pooh suggested, rubbing his fat tummy, making Bugs wrinle his face in confusion.

When Tigger saw this, he went up to one of Bug's large ears and whispered, "He does that a lot. Don't worry though, it's his way of bein' grateful. Also, don't let him eat too much," he warned and slowly slunk back beside his friend and kept hopping gleefully on his striped tail.

"What a weird pair," Bugs thought and then said, "Alrighty then. A honey tree, a honey tree..." he muttered tapping his foot and putting his hand to his chin in thought. "Ah! Now that I think about it, I rememba seeing one a few minutes from dis very spot, come on boys," he invited and started to walk in the direction he was talking about.

Soren was still spying on Glyfie, Digger, and that very large owl with them, when he noticed that Gylfie and Digger's moods turned from a tone of shock and suprise to sadness.

"Are they worried about me?" he wondered inwardly as he kept looking at them and saw his owl friends looking rather down. "They must be," he concluded. Soon, he thought it was best if he worried them no longer and hesitantly stepped out into the open where his friends and the owl could see him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 29, 2011, 12:05:40 AM
Cash was on the bus as well, watching over those on the bus.. ' everyone enjoying themselves> he said firmly.. ' the back of the bus was packed with the belomging of the team, and a few fans who had wanted to ride along..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on April 29, 2011, 11:24:13 PM
As Bugs, Pooh, and Tigger were walking to find the honey tree Bugs claimed he saw, Pooh stopped abuptly.

"What is it, Pooh Bear?" Tigger asked when he saw his friend stop.

"Well, who are all those people-er, toons?" Pooh asked.

"Dere here for the "Laff-a-lympics" er something like dat. Don't mind 'em; let's keep looking for that honey tree," Bugs suggested and walked on.

Tigger and Pooh loonked at each other before following the rabbit.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on April 29, 2011, 11:52:31 PM
Gylfie was the first to noticed her dear friend whom was the leader of the band they formed years ago, and had escaped several horrid places. One in which was named St. Aggies it truely was an evil and dreadful place. Because if an owl no matter if they were fully grown or just a small owlet. All had to face the severe punishment for asking a question. Luckily both had escaped and later formed a band with Twilight, Digger and Soren himself as leader.

"Soren!" The young owls both yelled out in delight. Both were happy that they had found their leader and friend for they wouldn't be a band without of course him!

"So Soren would you like to meet the Grand Duke of Owls?" the small burrowing owl asked pointing the tips of his wings towards the eagle owl. The owl was of huge size that had rivaled even Twilight's own height or maybe even bigger!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on April 29, 2011, 11:58:08 PM
Soren smiled when he saw his friends rush up to him. "Good to see you guy's too," he said.

He then looked at the end of Digger's wing tip and saw "the Grand Duke of Owls" standing before them. Of course, he didn't know exactly who he was or why he was called the "Grand Duke" of their species, but he put that aside for now and walked up to the huge owl to introduce himself.

"Hello, sir," he greeted politely. "I see you've met my friends, anyways, my name is Soren," Soren introduced himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 30, 2011, 12:50:05 AM
Stripetail pointed to the strength machine and handed scooby the hammer . took a deep breath then swung thehammer dowen hard, it rose up to heman and dropped to the bottom ' heman.. alright' Stripetail said writing it down.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 30, 2011, 12:53:45 AM
"Pleased to meet you, I am the Grand Duke of Owls," the big owl introduced politely.

"What, pray tell, are you and your friends doing in this city?" he asked.


"All right!" Tiger applauded his teammate
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 30, 2011, 12:56:58 AM
Yogi got the bell up to "superman" on his turn. Bluto grinned and rang the bell at the top. ' Bluto leads " stripetail said.b ' Droopy it is your turn...' he said handing it to him
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 30, 2011, 02:02:24 AM
"Thanks." Droopy said to Stripetail.  He gripped the hammer and focused on doing his best blow he could, focusing everything else out of his mind as he raised the hammer as he inhaled.  He paused a moment then brought the hammer down as far as he could as he exhaled while Gary and Wally cheered him on, hitting the spot he was to hit as hard as he could.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 30, 2011, 04:08:02 PM
Droopy 's attempt reached Superman, before falkling. Scooby rang the bell on next attempt, Yogi hit godling, as did Bl;uto, who scowled at missing the bell.' Bluto still Leads stripetail said."hitting the bell gets 10 points, reaching godling gets 8 superman gets 6, heman 4, normal 2 and weakling one. ant gets nothing. so Bluto currently has 18 points,Scooby has 14 points as does Yogi, and Droopy currently has 6, pending his second turn.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 30, 2011, 09:51:13 PM
Gary and Wally cheered Droopy on as he took the hammer.  He did as he did before, pausing and focusing as he held the hammer on the ground.  Then he paused a moment to inhale before he brought down the hammer as hard as he could.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 30, 2011, 10:02:03 PM
Droopy rang the bell vaulting him into second with 16 points. Scooby rang the bell again, Yogi hit superman. Bluto tripped as he swung and only managed heman. ' scooby leads with 24 points Bluto has 22, and Yogi has 20. if you ring the bell Droopy You'll win. iff you get godlingm you;ll tie with Scooby.
 Bluto punched the ground..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 30, 2011, 11:04:41 PM
"I'll do my best." Droopy said.  He took the hammer and did much as he did before.  He held the hammer, focusing and taking a deep breath before he brought the hammer down as hard as he could.  

Meanwhile Gary and Wally cheered him on.  "You'll do great."   They cheered.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 30, 2011, 11:13:31 PM
droopy ending up got a godling.. " Well we have a tie for the first bwetween Scooby and Droopy.. al;right you two.. we will have a tiebreaking round. Bluto finishes in third, Yogi gets 4th.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 30, 2011, 11:16:40 PM
"Is it time for the girls' round?" Belladonna asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 30, 2011, 11:29:34 PM
that will be coming up after the boys finish with the tiebreaker round" stripetail replied
 bluto went over to the rottens, and began to curse " i would have won if I hadn't triipped ' he complained.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 30, 2011, 11:43:34 PM
"That went well." Droopy said.  As he breathed a bit easier and did his best to rest till it was his turn to go.  

"Great." Gary said.

"Wow, that was great." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 01, 2011, 12:18:23 AM
Alright gentlemen ' stripetail said to Scooby and droopy , this is the tiebreaker round.  each of you will get one swing, better score wins. if you tie, then you will share first place, because i need to get the girls done, and the awards for first second and third handed out before we leave.. Droopy since you were the last to hit, you have the option of going first or second, which do you want?
 Yogi returned the yogis ' not quite good enough again ' he admitted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 01, 2011, 12:50:30 AM
"I can go first, unless Scooby would rather go first." Droopy said, not minding either way.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 01, 2011, 12:53:34 AM
rou ran ro rirst ' scooby said demurring.
- go ahead Droopy ' stripetail said handling the hammer. " Good Luck" he said stepping away.
_ You're on soon ' Samia said to dulcy.. : good luck ' she said hugging her, and getting up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 01, 2011, 10:03:11 AM
Tiger and Miss Kitty watched, hoping Droopy wouldn't get up that high.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 01, 2011, 04:43:11 PM
"ok." Droopy said.  He spent a moment focusing.  Then he lifted the hammer and brought it down as hard as he could as he exhaled, attempting to use all is strength and mass as well as momentum to hit the target as hard as he could.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 01, 2011, 07:05:57 PM
droopy hit the bell, and Scooby frowned. the best hecould do was tie. Stripetail handed him the hammer, and scooby smacvked it hanrd on the button. it rose and clanged the bell hard. : well, it seemed as if we have a tie1. Droopy , Scooby, you share first! Well done! stripetail handing them each a million dollars. " now go join your teammats " He then Turned to the girls. Dixie Belladonna cindy and dulcy. alright giorl;s. we will go based on team points like the boys did.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 01, 2011, 07:17:33 PM
the players will go in this order
 Dixie Cindy Belladonna and Dulcy, three swings for each of you top score wins. if there is a tie we'll have a tiebreaker round, if still tied and the players will share first..
 Stripetail Said handing the hammer to Dixie. the bell had changed to feminine names for the levels ' Softie, normal hewoman, wonder woman, superwoman and goddess were the levels. Dixie hit the button and got goddess on her first try. Cindy got godess as well. now it was Bellasonna turn.
 Scooby was happy to return with a share of first.. in doing so, he had clinched winning the gold medal for the team in toon city.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 01, 2011, 07:33:23 PM
Belladonna grinned, taking the mallet, and hitting downwards, going to goddess...and knocking the bell off, to boot!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 01, 2011, 08:15:35 PM
stripetail quickly repaired the bell. Dulcy, its your turn. he said Dulcy, took a deep breath which caused her body to expand, and in a big exhalation, and she knocked the bell off and sent it flying odff into the distance.  Oops' Dulcy apologized as the bell landed with a thid . Stripetaio gestured and created a new bell. After the first roud Dulcy and Belladonna have 10 pointsd, and dixie and cindy have8. Dixie rang the bell on her next attempt. Cindy only managed goddess again. ' Your turn Belladonna. Dixie currently has 18, cindy had 14, and you and dulcy have yet to have your second turns..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 01, 2011, 09:40:10 PM
"Thanks." Droopy said as he accepted the money.  "Good game." He said to Scooby then went to where his team was to pass the money out equally, keeping the shares of those not present so he could give it to them later when there was time.

"That was a great game." Wally said.  "reminds me of the original laff-a-olympics."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 01, 2011, 09:43:25 PM
come on Dulcy Samia cheered you go girl!
 Come on Dixie! Arlene Winnie and scooby dee cheered.
_ so how many points did we get out of that" Woody asked " rive rundrd,.. Re've ron the games here.. rhey rant's ratch rus' scooby said. " He was right. they had won or shared first in every event..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 01, 2011, 10:28:48 PM
Belladonna hit again...the bell getting knocked off again, this time flying up a good few feet before falling.

"Nothing to it," the hellhound grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 01, 2011, 10:37:19 PM
Dulcy hut the bell as well. after two riunds it was Dulcy and Bellasdonna with 20. Diuxie with 18, and cindy with 14. Dixie hit the bell, as did Cindy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 01, 2011, 10:39:56 PM
"This is my game dragon girl," Belladonna grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 01, 2011, 11:03:08 PM
Don't miss ' Dulcy smirked.. ' otherwise this game is mine.. " and if you both miss, I win.. not like i need to though ' Dixie replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 04, 2011, 09:23:03 PM
"I won't," Belladonna smirked, swinging again, but this time it didn't reach the very tip.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 04, 2011, 09:29:35 PM
Goddess Dulcy smirked taking her turn, and also missing the bell.
 Well we have a three-way te ' stripetail said. Belladonna Dixie and Dulcy all got 28 points. Alright gorls we will have a tiebreaker round, where each of you get another swing of the hammer. Highest score wins. if rtthe threee of you are still tied, all 3 of you will get first prize money.' Stripetail said. "Now who wants to go first?
 " Beklladonna can go first if she wants' Dixie offered. ' I don't care what order I go' dulcy saiud ' Inside she was shaking. ' if she got another good hity,she could win a million dollars!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on May 05, 2011, 06:11:50 PM
"Well, sir, I'm not really sure if I can answer this question with total confidence, but I do know that Gylfie, Digger, and I were flying through a Hurricane and we suddenly landed here, I'm not sure how or why, but we're here," Soren said to the Grand Duke of Owls.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 05, 2011, 07:05:26 PM
"Don't let the pressure get to you," Belladonna taunted.


"Well, I just hope you're able to enjoy this environment," the Duke told Soren.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 05, 2011, 07:15:04 PM
Belladonna you can go first" stripetail said " we still have the awards to give out, so don't go anywhere after this is over.."
Cindy headed over to the Yogis bus ' I finished last" she sighed taking a seat. There goes out shot at getting second..'
What did we get in terms of points? Bobo asked. " it was 500 for first, 375 for secong 250 for third and 125 for last. Yogi said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 06, 2011, 08:37:58 AM
Belladonna swung with all her might, the weight was hit high up
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 06, 2011, 10:32:09 PM
10 points for belladonna" stripetail said. Dulcy went next and knocked off the bell " Oops' she said sheepishly. Stripetail replaced it " dulcy gets 10 points. Dixie if you hit the bell, we'll have a three-way tie, if not ,, you'll finish in third and Dulcy and Belladonna will share first."
 Dixie came up to the button, took a deep creath as she took the hammer, amnd swiung it as hard as she could
 A resounding clang, brought a grin to her face. " Excellent work ' stripetail said. ' we have a three-way tie for first. Dixie Dulxcy and Belladonna you all get 500 points and a million dollars.' he said handing each of them a wad of cash.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 06, 2011, 10:37:30 PM
So after the evebt, the Doobies and daws earn 1000 points, the Rottens get 750 points and the Yahoeeys gets 250 points " stripetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 06, 2011, 10:38:07 PM
"Ah, cash," the hellhound smirked, not caring she ended in a tie.


Meanwhile, Dongwa was practicing his kung-fu.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 06, 2011, 10:44:56 PM
So after 4 events, the Scoobies win first, the Dawgs finish second and the Rottens get third. these points will carry over to the next location.." Stripetail said. Scoovby Droopy and Muttley, if you will please accompany me to the stadium.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 06, 2011, 10:48:30 PM
"Ok." Droopy said  as he left the area where he was and headed towards where he was supposed to go.  "I've never done this sort of thing before.  But it is great to be here." He said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 06, 2011, 10:51:39 PM
"Finally, we can see more of the world," Sagwa smiled to her sister.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 06, 2011, 11:22:16 PM
Dulcy rushed towards the Droopy dawgs bus. " I won! She fgrinned holding her winnings..
 the Rottens waited for Belladonna to climb on the bus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 06, 2011, 11:31:10 PM
Belladonna flew aboard using her bat wings.

Annabelle was already on board. "You look pleased cousin," she commented.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 06, 2011, 11:31:27 PM
"That is great, congratulations." Droopy said smiling to Dulcy.   "You did great."

"Maybe we can have a party to celebrate that." Wally said.  

"Yes, you did great indeed." Gary said also smiling to Dulcy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 06, 2011, 11:48:58 PM
dixie climbed aboard the bus and handed Scooby the milion ' well DEe, thats 2 million wI've won now, and 4 million overall as a team. you can take the first million, and Arlene can take as much as she wants out of the second millon..
 You're just being generous Arlene said although she was touched by her friends generuosity..
 tigeress tiger Alamraon and SunScar came on to the bus :' well Dixie We're leaving Tigeress said coming up to her and giving her a warm nuzzle and a kiss on the lips. 'thank you for everything i really appreciate the gifts.. it was so nice to see you and Scooby again." Well Tigeress the next time I see you you'll have to introduce me to your little one.." dixie smiled as Tigeress went over and hugged Scooby. " Thanks for all the stuff' tiger said bearing a smile " although i'm not sure what i'm going to do with a coffee mug.. Dixie hugged him.. " alright alright, don't go softy on me Dixie..' Tiger said breaking away, as Almaron and Sunscar came up to her " It was very nice meeting you' almaron said with a smile ' Our daughter spoke highly of you, and you have been every bit the friend she said you would be " Dixie shook paws with him and sunscaras Tiger shook paws with Scooby and haded outside. ' thank you for letting us visit " she smiled  "the games were fun to watch and seeing all the different sights and foods made for quite an experiences, its a pity we can't stay longer, but nature has its own plans..' she smiled as she looked at her daughter then smiled as At scooby as the left the bus.. Mochi Hare and others were waiting outside. Stripetail came up to them as Tiger and the others joined them " Are you ready to go back to your world? Stripetail asked. Tigress looked at Tiger and her parents then nodded " Very well I'm sure I'll see you soon .. TELEPORTIUs!' stripetail gestured and the group vanished.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 07, 2011, 01:41:13 PM
Scxooby paused for a dfw moments hen headed off the team bus " Cash turned to the driver ' have it be ready to leave after the ceremony.
- Since the Yogis were in last they did not needed to attend the ceremony , and wuld be headed to the next location first.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 08, 2011, 07:29:37 PM
"How are we going to get to the next location Mr. Stripetail?" Sagwa asked.


"It'll be great to be back in our hometown," Kitty grinned to Tiger.

"Yeah," the guy cat nodded, "We'll be more successful than Waul is with those mouseburgers."

"Hey, I kind of like those..." she replied with a little laugh.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 08, 2011, 07:34:12 PM
we're going to drive there.. the Yogis will go ahead of us since the 4th place team doesn't get anything.." stripetail replied. " only the captains are involved with the ceremony..Lets just hope Gabriel and her weasels don't interfere..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 08, 2011, 11:08:40 PM
"Let's hope not, but we should be ready just in case she and those weasels do appear." Droopy said.  "So what can and should we do if that does happen?" He asked looking around at those present.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 09, 2011, 12:12:59 AM
you get away as fast as you can " Stripetail said/. " that Dip she has is extremely dangerous..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 09, 2011, 03:44:39 AM
"I have heard that it is.  Though I've only heard rumors of it." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 10, 2011, 11:47:43 PM
i've seen it in action. that Dip ate a huge hole in the hotel we were staying at in Toon Town. " stripetail said :it would have killed Scooby and Dixie if not for the magic armor I gave them. the sooner we can get gabreil out the picture the better..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 11, 2011, 12:51:02 AM
"I've heard it is pretty nasty stuff." Droopy said, not liking what he had heard about it and less so with what Stripetail had said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 11, 2011, 12:56:36 PM
Stripetail entered the stasdium, which was filling up for the awards ceremony. on a table in the middle of the arena were three boxes filled with gold silver and bronze medals along with a larger medal in each color(gold silver and bronze)
- honest john and Gideon were covering the ceremmony before heading on to the next location
 Welcome every to the awards ceremony! the events in toon City have been competed, and we thank all of you for coming out to help these games get off to a terrific start. these first few events were very tight (we had a number of split events) and exciting.  We don't have a medal for 4th place, but in fourth place after 4 events are the Yogi Yahooeys with 1050 points! there was a n apprecative clap from the crowd.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 11, 2011, 02:58:31 PM
Among the crowd, and clapping, in the large section for large folks were the grape ape with  Beegle Beagle, the jolly green giant with sprout.  

Jason was sitting elsewhere with Guilmon, Nash, and Jabber jaw, that he had brought from the future to see the award ceremony.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 11, 2011, 10:37:55 PM
The kitten trio applauded the winning teams.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 11, 2011, 10:58:24 PM
' In third place with 1450 poimntsd, the Really Rottens represebnted by Muttley!'  Honest john called out amidst a choruses of booes. the box containing the bronze medls vanished as Stripetail put the bronze medal around Muttleys neck and Muttle stepped on the lowest step.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on May 12, 2011, 07:27:48 PM
"Thank you, sir," Soren replied to the larger owl.


Pooh Bear, Tigger, and Bugs walked around for a bit more time until finally Bugs spotted the tree.

"Hey, dere it is! See, I wasn't lyin'," Bugs said smugly.

Pooh didn't say anything, just ran to the tree and stuck his head in a low opening and ate most of the honey in it.

Bugs was looking at him strangely, but was reassured by Tigger.

"Ah, don't worry, he does that all the time," Tigger said, hopping on his tail.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2011, 08:04:36 PM
In second place, with 2050 points, the Droopy dawgs, led by Droopy!' Honest John said as Stripetail handed the medal to Droopy. the silver medals appeared on the Droopy bus where the team members picked them up
_ The Baron glanced at the bronze medal on his seat, well at least we got a medal out of it' he said looking at the the others " But we have to do mUCh better in the next location! We don't want to be down 5000 points after only a handful of events..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 12, 2011, 10:32:36 PM
"Thanks." Droopy said as he accepted his award.  

Gary and Wally picked up their medals and put them into their pockets.

"neat, silver.  That is pretty good." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2011, 10:57:38 PM
Dulcy Grinned as She and Samia looked at their silver medals " Not bad, after your romp with Rouge, you've recovered nicely.. Dulcy shot her a look and passed Silver medal to the young dragons Incedia and Glacia.
 _ And the winners- with 2600 points, are the Scooby Doobies, led by Scooby Doo!' Scooby stepped on the podium as Stripetail hung the medal on his neck and the gold medals were sent to the Scooby bus..
- duixie grinned as she passed medals to Woody Winnie Arlene and auga.
 Cindy sighed as the Yogi bus turned a curve " We are not off to a good start.. hopefully the nextlocation will be better in terms of winning the events..
Scooby grinned as the crowd applauded ' Next time mutt, we're going to beat you Muttley said from below him..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 12, 2011, 11:09:19 PM
"You can count on that..." Belladonna vowed to Scooby.

"I can see she hasn't taken traits from the underworld with her," Annabelle muttered sarcastically.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2011, 11:23:19 PM
re'll ree rarout rhat rin reen river" Scooby said as he got off the podium and headed for the exit
 Thank you everyone for attending these games and patronizing the vendors1 Stripetail announced " we are now heading to Green River.. good night.. and thank you again Toon City! The crowds cherred as the lights began todim
- Scooby soon reached the mystery machine where Dixie and  Scooby Dee were waiting for him..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 13, 2011, 12:21:30 AM
"Did everyone get their medals?" Gary asked to be sure everyone got one and no one was without one.

The awards over Droopy waved and then headed to where his bus was to board it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 15, 2011, 01:29:39 AM
(OOC - Just joined in.)

On a road leading to Green River, Utah, Gabriel and several of her goons were busy lacing the road with with a lethal chemical substance known as "dip".

"Work quickly, but carefully; they'll be here any moment," she said. Granted, it was hard to hear her through the full gas mask and haz mat suit that she wore. But one can never be too careful with this substance. A single drop can cause disfiguring burns.

Several of her haz mat suit clad goons were using long handled brushes to paint the road with the silver substance. Under the desert sun, the substance will turn into a clear oil.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 15, 2011, 01:38:12 AM
welcom Serris ( we'll say this road is on the Nevada?utah border, some distance from the town)
 The weasels were careful not toi touch the dangerous liquid, they had seen what it did to Scrooge McDuck's money..
meanwhile the other groups had began making their way towards the portal which would lead to Utah and the next location
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 15, 2011, 02:07:27 AM
Droopy boarded his bus and went to a seat.  

"I do hope the trip won't take to long." Wally said.  "I wonder if the place will be as nice and interesting as this place was."

"At least it'll be different." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 15, 2011, 10:37:43 PM
"We're going to take a bus ride," Sheegwa grinned, never having done so before.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 17, 2011, 12:16:05 AM
As soon as Gabriel was satisfied that the road had been sufficiently coated she grinned.

The road glistened with the lethal substance under the desert sun.

She tossed a rock onto the road and grinned as it was reduced to a puddle of slime.

"All right head out," she said into her radio.

The Weasels carefully decontaminated their tools and protective gear and packed it up.

Not being ones to care for the environment, they simply left the open drums of the hazardous material behind - albeit out of view behind some large rocks.

She and her goons then got into their vehicles and drove onward to Green River.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 17, 2011, 12:42:20 AM
(Nice work Serris. Keep it up1
 the buses were now fully loaded as t, as the began making thier way out of tooncity towards a large portal in the Distance
- The HoodedClaw, Fondoo and Bluto were playing cards, and each was cheating terribnbly, adding cards in thier hand at every available opportunity.. ' Got any diamonds bluto grinned. " Nope Ther Clae replied I've got 13 clubs, 7 spades  and16 hearts, but no diamonds ' he was lying, naturally he actually had 5 diamonds
So whats the plan for when we get to green River/ arlene asked from the back seat of the mystery machine. , which was following the bus at a close oace ' Check in at the nearest motel we can find.. its Tiger and Kitty's hometown, so they could probably tell us the best locations.." Dixie replied.. around them night had fallen
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 17, 2011, 01:15:33 PM
Gabriel had made her way to the mayor's office at Green River, Utah.

She gained access by using the dip to destroy the locks and other security systems in his office. Her Weasel goons were busy dealing with the mayor's guards,

"Mayor," she said calmly as she sat on a chair. "I urge you to call off the games."

The mayor scowled. "The games have never been canceled; it is a tradition and we intend to uphold it!"

Gabriel smirked and leaned in closely to the mayor's face. "Listen, the road leading to your fair town is coated in dip. Do you know what it can do to someone? I don't think that's a good reputation for your town."

She took out a sealed glass vial from her pocket and flung it at the wall. The vial burst, corroding a large hole in the wall and burning some small holes in the ground.

The mayor gulped. "Fine. You win. I'll call off the games."

Gabriel smiled. "I knew you'd see things my way. Good bye."

She then opened the door and walked out.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 17, 2011, 02:28:45 PM
(Green River is an Old West town.. thery don't really have any modern security.. but i'll go with it..)
the weasels went through the town smashing windows and threating mice, cats and dogs.. ' end the games now, or we'll dip your town ' they said sinisterly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 17, 2011, 10:46:04 PM
Kitty and Tiger had no idea what was happening to their hometown as the bus proceeded down the path.

"I can't wait to see everyone again," Tiger smiled, "I'm sure Fievel and his family will be impressed...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 19, 2011, 11:20:45 PM
woody and Winnie had nodded off to get some rest..
- yogi and his group were approaching the portal to nevada ' we'll be the first team to green River " yogi said ' lets just hope we can do better in the next event Cindy said..
- Samia and Dulcy were settled in thier seats looking at thier new medals.. ' well we did alright for the first few games... but we've still got a long way to go..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 20, 2011, 10:23:45 PM
"We're have home court advantage," Kitty grinned to Tiger
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 21, 2011, 05:40:33 PM
The Yogis busentered the portal and were soon making its way towards the town, as they drove over a stretch of road the bus drove over the dip gabriel and her goons had slathered on the road. the substance reacted to the tires and began to eat it it. the bus began to swerve as it passed through, and tossed its passengers around  like pinballs in a machine set at multiball.. what's going on?yogi said as he was flung through the air and smashed into theseat acrodsss from him
 " the tires are losing their grip we must have run over glass or oil or something the driver said as he foght to regain control as they swerved a guardrail on the side of a cliff loomed in the distance.. 'hang on! the driver said, as they managed to get through the field of dip. " i'm pulling over to the side of the road..' he said, and did so, pulling out onto the shoulder. " the driver got out and looked art the tires " Good Heavens, the tires have been liquified! he yelled. a trail of goopy liquid was visible stretching down the road. 'What the heck did we drive through? Cindy said clearly shaken.. " I think it was dip! Bobo said " it affects anything that is toon-made!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on May 21, 2011, 09:28:49 PM
"Well, if ya say so, dere, Tigger," Bugs said, folding his arms over his chest as they continued to watch the Bear eat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 21, 2011, 09:36:23 PM
hey there.. " said a female rabbit who caught sight of them " We need to get on the bus if you want to follow the games " she said pointing to a bus that bnearby " Hi I'm Lolla.. you must be Bugs.. big fan " she said ' Lola had a bubbly personality..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on May 21, 2011, 09:41:20 PM
"Hi dere, Lola, yep. I'm Bugs. Well, den, okay, let's go. Come on guys," he said, smiling at the female rabbit.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 21, 2011, 09:47:41 PM
the Rottens bus was the next to drive through the dip.. and had the same result, the tires began to turn to liquify ' Belladsonna, can you repair the tires/ the Baron said as rthey examined the damaged tired " if i didn't know any better I'd say someone was trying to keep us from reaching the next site for the games..the Hooded claw said
 as he said this some residue dip dripped on his cloak and rapidly arte a hole in it.. ' cookies and crackers1 what is this stuff ?' he recoiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 21, 2011, 09:58:18 PM
Captain Fairchild, Major Lockie and Lt. Martin along with several other living planes were assigned to fly over the town to provide security for the games.


A scout plane flew over his patrol area and noticed the disabled bus. He radioed Lt. Martin. A scan from his onboard sensors recognized the oil as dip.


"We're on it!" Lt. Martin said.

"Let's do this," Captain Fairchild said, his 30 mm gatling autocannon revving up.

"We're not blowing anything up. This is a simple recon and rescue mission," Major Lockie said.

Lt. Martin lit her afterburners and sped towards the designated site. The other two planes tried their best to keep up but she was too fast.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 21, 2011, 10:04:16 PM
"Freakin kiddin me?" Belladonna frowned, hating being assigned work..unless the jobs came from her boss.

"I'll do it," Annabelle volunteered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 21, 2011, 10:05:17 PM
radio the wizard ' tell him that there is dip on the roads " the scout plane radioed we have two buses down.. and   their tires are shot.. how much do you want to bet that nutball Gabriel is behind this?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 21, 2011, 10:09:02 PM
bith of you will have to do it. look the Yogis bus is over thee.. and their tires are probably damaged too.." Bluto said "I'm not touching that stuff.. I could lift the bus  front up so you can replace the tires i guess..' he said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 21, 2011, 10:13:43 PM
Lt. Martin was the first to arrive. At her speed, a sonic boom ripped through the air as she slowed down and began circling the two disabled buses.

"Please stay in your vehicles and remain calm! Help is on the way!" she said, as the scout plane radioed the wizard.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 21, 2011, 10:21:09 PM
We're trying to repair the tires on our busses' the Dread Baron said ' It sghouldn't take us very long to get it repaired and get back on the road.. Cindy came up to belladonna ' could you please fix our tires? we'll pay your for it.. we'll buty you dinner tonught..' she offered " all you can eat..
_ SAtripetail here' Stripetail said receiving the transmission " what? theres dip on the road? great this must be gabreil and the weasels doing.. make sure the busses are all clear then light the dip on fire..'
_ theres dip on the road ahead? great just freaking great" Woody said ' Gabreils not stopping is she?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 21, 2011, 10:27:22 PM
A few minutes later, Captain Fairchild began circling the area, looking for any other threats to the travelers.

Major Lockie was the last to arrive thanks to his great size and weight. He lowered a large rescue cage from his rear hold. It was connected to something inside him by a large cable. "Everyone get inside! I'll fly you to safety!" he yelled over the noise of his massive turboprop engines.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 21, 2011, 10:29:15 PM
We're fine!  the driver said waving him off.. as bluto lifted up the bus truck so  annabelle could magically repair the tires.. " Just fly ahead and report back to see if there is any more stretches covered in dip..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 21, 2011, 10:42:15 PM
Major Lockie reeled the cage back into his hold as he and Captain Fairchild flew off to search for more areas covered in dip.

A stretch of road, several miles ahead glistened. Major Lockie scanned the road with his suite of electronics and confirmed that it was dip. Unfortunately, they could to speak loud enough for the people in the cars below them to hear. And they had no way to communicate the danger to them.

Captain Fairchild opened fire on the dip covered road with his gatling gun. The dip burst into flames as his incendiary 30 mm rounds struck the pavement, giving off a disgusting oily black smoke.

Unbeknownst to him, the dip that covered the road was a new formulation that contained an metal based compound that burned before the dip did, giving the illusion that the dip was being safely burned off. Granted it could be burned off but was much more fire resistant than normal dip.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 21, 2011, 10:51:19 PM
the droopy bus was next to pass through the dip field, but tracks to the chance, the bus drove through areas that had already been driven through by the earlier busses, and avoided getting its tires blown
- be careful up ahead " Stripetail said to the driver as they headed up a bend in the road ' there's dip the road.. ' b the then radioed the planes ahead ' burn in the dip that the others have passed through..
' he then communicated to scooby through his ring ' be very careful scooby ' tyeres dip on the road ahead ' that stuff will eat away at your tires until they are nothing..
 - rap, really/ scooby shiuddered ' re rould rarmor rup, rhen?
 If you want.. just to be safe' scooby replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 21, 2011, 10:55:45 PM
Lt. Martin dropped an incendiary bomb on the first dip puddle. This was a normal dip that easily combusted with no traces. She sped off to avoid inhaling the acrid smoke produced by its combustion.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 21, 2011, 11:15:02 PM
the scooby bus soon passed through the area formed by dip then stopped to check on the others' the mystery machine stopped briefly then went on ahead. after an hour or so, they came to the second area that had been saturated by dip, but this was much more potent. as the bus entered it. it sloshed up onto the van and began eating a hole in it. the tires ruptured and the van careened towards the guardrail, hitting it, and flipping over before breaking through, the passenger windows shattered and arlene was now handing out over the side of the cliff/ Guys? Help me.. please" she cried' just hold on.. guys you ok? dixie asked Scooby Dee and scooby who both nodded.. ' i've just got a lump on my head.. thats all dee said.. ' ok, get out, both of you.. i've got to reach arlene ' dixie said, as scooby and scooby dee crawled out of the van. dixie climbed up to arlene but as she did so her weight caused the van to shift and knock past arlene. dixie grabbed the belt strap and hung on
 the strap was the only thing keep them from was them the residual dip dripped onto the strap and began eating away at it. ' ahh.. arlene screamed. as she felt the strap give way. '  both girls tumbled out through the passenger window and plunged down off the cliff  DIXIe! RIXIe, Rarrene1" Scooby and Scooby Dee cried in shock and horror as they saw them fall out..
' armor up! Dixie cried out in fear.. the armor activated, alklthough she wasn't sure if this would do gher any good, if the armor was powerful enough to save her from the fall, she woulkd be writing stripetail a huge thank you card.. among several other things.. Arlene grabbed onto her and hung on as best she could ' get on my back, so at least you won't get the full force of the blow.. Dixie said through her helmet
 they were approaching the tree line, dixie tried to hang on, to a branch but the force on her fall was such that the branch snapped. causing them to fall yet again. arlene arlene managed to grab onto a branch by herself anbut dixie wasn't so fortunate. she plowed into the ground.. hard the only reason she wasn';t killed instantly was due to the strong magic the armor contained. she was alive.. but unconscious..
 Dixie1 Dixie Arlene cried out.. as she climbed down and ran over to her.. ' can you hear me! Dixie!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 21, 2011, 11:21:54 PM
"Oh dear, I hope no one was hurt." Droopy said. "I wonder if the others need a lift on our bus, or if theirs can be easily fixed."

"Nasty Stuff." Wally said.  

"Maybe they can tear up the parts of the road that are not covered by the dip and stretch them together thus bypassing it.  That works in some toon areas.  Not any of the serious animated ones." Gary said, knowing quite a bit about toon physics due to his traveling around in his various forms off and on since the 50's.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 21, 2011, 11:24:06 PM
well we can offer them a ride ' Screwy said.. we've got enough rpoom..
 Dulcy ad samia Hurried out to help see if they could be off assistance
 Samia went over tp the rottens Dulcy went to the Yogis ' Need any help/ Dulcy asked Belladonna " I can lift up the bus so you can half a better look..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 21, 2011, 11:35:24 PM
meanwhile Arlene was trying to get Dixie to wake up ' ok.. how do i get this armor off.. she wondered to herself..  before noticing the straps on the side. she finally managed and unlatch them and pull them off. dixie chin had been cut from the fall, and the helmet had blood on it. Arlene set it aside then decide how toget her awake, toss water on her. do the heimlich or mouth to mouth.. she decided to try dousing her with water first..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 21, 2011, 11:41:07 PM
"Do they have enough spare tires and equipment to jack the busses up?" Gary asked, wondering if he'd need to change to his space dragon form.  His larges form that had hands that he could turn into, though doing so would reveal that, at least, this, his eagle form, could change into a space dragon.  Though not what he really was.   Maybe if it came up he could use one of his fake magic potions to pass it off as a magic potion he had instead of his ability to assume other forms.  Or at least that this eagle could change to 1 other form.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 21, 2011, 11:52:01 PM
well any help will be appreciated Yogi said coming aboard. " you guys can help out by lifting the back half of the bus.. the dragon can handle the front parts.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 22, 2011, 12:02:57 AM
Lt. Martin spotted the van lying off the road. She radioed Major Lockie along with some other living planes to help out.

She circled around the group. "Stay calm! Help is on the way!"


Meanwhile, Captain Fairchild was relegated to finding and destroying dip puddles with his 30 mm cannon and incendiary rockets. This didn't bother him too much; he loved using his built-in weaponry.

Another dip pool in an intersection was burnt away - courtesy of an incendiary rocket.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 22, 2011, 12:33:11 AM
Arlene  gabbed the helmet and ran over towards a small stream that was flowing some distance away she filled it as much as she could then went over and dumped it in  Dixies face. the water was cold, but did not cause her to wake.. ' next she tried to go the heimlich by pressing in under  Dixie's chest. she tried that for a few minutes, then realized it wasn't working. she  felt around for a pulse, and finally found one in Dixies neck. ' ok, that means you're alive, lets try mouth to mouth now. she put her lips to Dixie's and breathed iinto her mouth for a minute or two.. then decide to go get some more water. She picked up the helmet and returned, and poured some into dixies mouth, before dumping the rest on her face. This finally worked as Dixie opened her eyes and coughed up blood.. ' gwad.. where.. where are we? And Why is my face so cold? she murmured. " we're in a valley.. where exactly.. i have no idea.. arlene said.. 'you were knocked out from the fall. i tried dumping water on you, then doing the heimlich and finally umm.. did mouth to mouth..'
- its perfectly alright Arlene.. just thanks for saving me.. ' ' no, you saved me' arlene said ' i'd be dead if it wasn't for you  helping me. '  Arlene  gave her a small grin.  .."well we need to find someway back to the road.. do you have my helmet?' yeah i do' arlene said giving it to her.. ' dixie put it back on..' ..well scooby and Dee will be panicking.. I'd better call them with my ring Dixie said,  and then began to speak to her ring " stripetail/ scooby? its Dixie/ we're ok... we're just a longways down.. i was knocked unconscious for a bit, but Arlene woke me by dumping water on me.. Just tell us where the nearest road is and we'll make our way towards there..
Rixie? Scoobys reply came in faintly ' rank rawd rou're rarive.. rhe ran.. ris rot.. re;ll rave ro ride rhe rus.. ry rand ret ro reen river.. re rave rhe ropening rerents.. rut rit ris rip.. rit ray rake ra rahile.. ri'll rell riperail.. rust ret roving rowards rhe road..ry rand rind rome rood roo , ro rou rirls raren't rungry..'
 i will honey. Dixie out" dixie said ending the conversation.. ' we need to get moving, arlene.. lead the way.. she said as the two began making thier way along the stream.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 22, 2011, 12:54:49 AM
"You alright?" Tiger asked Scooby, having missed what had happened, being in the van.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 22, 2011, 02:02:29 AM
reah Roi'm rine Riger.. Rhanks.. ' Rou rand Ritty rok?' Rhe Rans ra ress.. rut re ran ret rit rixed..
 We'll just have to wait until the bus gets here Scooby Dee Sighed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 22, 2011, 03:57:44 AM
Droopy, Gary and Wally got off of their bus to head over to the bus that needed their help to lift it.  

"Guess I can use this potion a dragon gave me." Gary said, taking out what looked like a small potion, but was a fake, mainly water that looked like a potion.  He drank this and changed to his space dragon form, not used since he had been in some video games or other work with the dragon.  

Gary then went over to the bus and did his best to try to lift the end of the bus so the tires could be changed.

"Wow, that is some potion.  I wonder if I could get some." Wally said looking up at what Gary had turned into.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 22, 2011, 01:38:20 PM
Stripetail got contacted by Scooby ' rixie rand arene rell roff rhe riff.. rut they rare rok.. Rut rour ran ris rot.. re'll rave ro ride rhe rus rom row on " scooby said ' What do you mean , they fell off the Cliff/' Stripetail said " Re rove rover rime Rip. it rew rout trhe rres rand re rashed rinto rhe rail. Ree rand Ri rot rout, but rarlene ras rin rhe rack, and Rixie rent ro relp her and rhey rell rout.."
Stripetail's face darkened with anger. ' did dixie activate her armor? ' reah, re rust rave recause rhe roke roth re ra rittle rot rago. Rlene rumped water on rer ro rake rer rup.."
Just Stay there for now.. until the bus gets there.. we're still working on fixing the other buses. Gabriel is going to pay for this attempt Scooby, I will see to that..  Stripetail out' Stripetail broke off the conversation.
Would you hurry up with the tires" bluto yelled to annabelle " I can hold this bus up forever you know..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 22, 2011, 02:39:33 PM
The scooby Bus soon reached the others and pulled off to the side ' while the Doobies went out to give assistance to the other teams.. " does anyone need anything? First Aid/ w cash said as went over to the other drivers ' So what caused this? he demanded " we're trying to stay on schedule here..
It was dip" replied the driver of the Rottens bus.. ' blew out our tires and turned them to tar..  luckily no one aboard was hurt..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 22, 2011, 02:43:23 PM
"Really should've taken this chance to go back to heaven..." Annabelle said to herself.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 22, 2011, 02:48:00 PM
After some effort by the whippets both buses had new tires on all 4 wheels
" alright everyone back on your busees, we need to keep going.. its getting late at this rate we won't reach Green River until after midnight tonight.." stripetail said.. ' Gabriel has done her work well.." he glowered..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on May 22, 2011, 09:57:50 PM
Some where at one of the backseats of the bus a small Minccino slept peacefully, that was until she had to evacuate out of the bus. Still groggy from waking up so early from her peaceful sleep, the small chinchilla like PokÈmon looked around her surroundings while trying fully get out of her sleepy state. The young creature searched around her surroundings, taking note that she was in some sort of valley. Czacza couldn’t exactly tell since she was after all not fully awake, but she did however noticed that most of the cartoon characters were running around doing... stuff.

“What’s going on,” she asked to nobody in particular, standing there in pure confusion she decided to sit down on the ground whilst picking a nearby stick and started sketching different species of PokÈmon. Becoming rather engrossed at what she was doing she didn't notice how many drawings she had scrribled and doodled on the dirt, but she did know that half of them were simply created out of pure boredom...

((OOC: Wow this looked longer in MSWord.... ._. yet my two pharagraphs looks like five sentences...))
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 22, 2011, 10:21:56 PM
"At least we'll all be arriving.  That is something." Droopy said.  

"Yea, it could have been worst." Wally said.

Droopy looked around the area, "Reminds me of the old west." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 23, 2011, 12:45:29 AM
come on, everyone " Stripetail repeated..  as he got back on the Doobies bus.. ' Lets get going. We have to pick up Scooby and Scooby Dee.. and I need to contact Dixie and Arlebe,,' he said upon sitting down " he tapped his wrist. " Dixie? come in>. its stripetail..
_ Dixie and Arlene had followed the streams a few miles from where they had fallen. ' neither of them really had any idea where they were..but they had decided that following the stream was better than statying where they were.. ' Dixie noticed her ring glowing " stripetail/  well we're walking along the creek, trying to find a place where it reaches the road " Well dixies that stream doesn't intersect with the road we're traveling on for another 250 miles.. ' TWo HUNDRED FIFTY miles?!?' dixie started. ' yes unfortunately.. we have planes clearing the roads ahead of dip.. which is slowing us down.. we won't reach Green River until very late tonight..'
Well at the rate Arlene and I are walking, we should get the road in oh a few days, if we don';t stop to rest.." ' thats not an option dixie. when you two get to the next clearing try and contact one of the planes to come pick you up. I'm not going to have Scooby and Garfield sick with worry that the girls they care about are stuck wandering about in the wilderness..
' Garfield's worried about me/ arlene said allowing herself a smile. ' Yes he is worried.  he told me that he'd  do just about anything for you if you get back safely.. well except for dancing.. on that score its a matter of pride, he told me..take that as you will..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 23, 2011, 01:22:49 AM
"Can you do some sort of spell so the planes can more easily find them?" Wally asked.  

"Gary can get pretty big with that potion thing.  Maybe he can pick them up, or someone else who can fly, if the planes are to busy, and they can land where planes can't." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 24, 2011, 07:28:48 PM
spells like that usually don't do much to improve accuracy, especially on modern planes' Stripetail replied as the bus continued moving.. " From this distance theres not much we can do, it is up to them to contact the planes. We're already behind schedule as it is.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 24, 2011, 08:10:13 PM
"this is more comfortable than that van," Tiger said, stretching his limbs a bit. The van was far more cramped.

"And maybe I can catch up on my beauty sleep," Kitty agreed, taking a pillow out of her suitcase.


"Come on...come one..." Annabelle huffed, the Rottens' tires inflating rather slowly. Her magic occasionally didn't make work easier.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 24, 2011, 09:25:09 PM
"Maybe they won't have far to travel." Wally said, "Or someone will see them and give them a lift."

"That could happen." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 25, 2011, 11:30:01 AM
scooby and scooby Dee were sitting down by the van ' i hope Dixie and Arlene are going to be ok.. that was a long fall' Dee said shuddering. scooby coughed loudly, and spat loudly. ' they will be fine ' he said in hoarse voice as the scooby bus  came around the corner.  perfect' he said as the bus doors opened and stripetail stepped out' on the bus both of you' he said in a tense voice ' we're well behind schedule..he gestured and righted the van. all of the windows were either gone or cracked, the tires were gone, and there was a hole in the roof and middle seat. ' well the repair bill is going to be a hefty one Scooby.  "i just want it fixed, i'm willing to pay anything ' what happened to your voice Scooby? stripetail said, looking at him cloesly ' i hit myy throat on the steering wheel Scooby said ' ' its actually an improvem,ent my friend,. you aren't overusing the 'r' anymore.  get something to drink, and get some rest.'
 what about dixie and arlene. Dee asked as she climbed aboard ' they'll be pickeed up as soon as they are seen by theplanes that are scouting ahead of us.' stripetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 25, 2011, 08:44:30 PM
Meanwhile, a heavy aerial rescue squad from a nearby city was summoned. Interestingly enough, all the planes and helicopters were alive.

Major Lockie was one of the first to arrive. He lowered his built in rescue box near Dixie's van. "Everyone, get into the basket! I can take you in my hold and fly to Green River! And besides, the heavy lift helicopters will  "

Four heavy cables dropped from a heavy lift helicopter hovering overhead latched onto Dixie's van while another other heavy lift helicopter was lowering its cables to deal with the Rottens' van. Powerful spotlights from the other circling helicopters helped provide additional illumination.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 25, 2011, 08:55:17 PM
the van is empty Stripetail said to the planes ' the girls are down below in the valley , go send one of the planes to find them and fly them to green River
 We'll take the road.. is all the dip taken care of?"
  Scooby watched as the mystery machine was raised into the hold of major lockie. 'the vans going tio need a lot of repairs.
- arlene and Dixie by this time had made thier way to a clearing ' i just hope they send someone to find us soon.. I don't want to spend the night out in the open without food or shelter.. " they will Arlene.. we just need to be patient..' dixie replied..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 25, 2011, 10:33:37 PM
"I wonder if she'll try something like that again." Wally said.

"She may try something at the next location.  We should all be careful and extra alert." Gary said.

"We may have to fight sooner or later.  We will win in the end." Droopy said, believing they would and also wanting to keep everyone's spirits up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 25, 2011, 10:58:15 PM
Yogi was resting in his seat as the road sped on by ' is it is just me or has Gabrierl really stepped it up in trying to end the games? first you have all the mess she made in toon town, now she pours dip on streets.. whats next?'
- don't talk like that Yogi, next she;ll send her wease;ls after us.. Cindy replied " we'll just have to keep an eye out for trouble Ranger smith said.
- the weasels had gone around breaking as many windows as they could before being called off..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 26, 2011, 07:14:37 PM
"Wow, Scooby...your words are more clear," Tiger complimented, surprised.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 26, 2011, 07:19:29 PM
Yeah, Tiger I'm just going to take it easy until we gwet to green River.. Whats it like, anyway? you did say you were front there right?' Scooby asked as he laid back against the seat
 dee was sitting next to him.. was trying to get some sleep..
- screwy was asleep on the Droopy bus, as was Dulcy and Samia.. both girls were resting thier heads against the back of the seat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on May 26, 2011, 09:24:58 PM
"Well, we going or what?" Bugs said and walked on the bus with the others following him.

Pooh grabbed his jar and dunked it into the tree, filling it to the brim, and hurried to catch up with the others.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 26, 2011, 09:40:07 PM
come on you guys hurry up.. or we'll be late.. we're not going to get there until early tomorrow morning " Lola said as she saved a spot for bugs Tigger and pooh.. " So where are you two from she said, looking at Pooh and tigger.
- Arlene followed Dixie dow into the clearing. it was getting colder. ' can it snow this time of year/ She asked. ' well in high elevations yeah, but I don';t think we're high enough that we'll see snow" dixie replied. " If you do get snow, you can say "I told you so" arlene" " well i don't want to, Dixie ' arlene reply " i just want to get reunited with the others. crash at whatever place we're staying tonight and resume the games tomorrow. ' we also have that shopping I promised you.. you did say that dress was getting ratty. ' right.. and I can get you something for being so nice to me.. Arlene said. The girls kept moving and talking, better to do that and keep up the body heat (in Arlenes case) and to carry a conversation..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on May 26, 2011, 09:47:52 PM
Tigger and Pooh hurried to sit down in their seats and once they got to the spot Lola saved for them, they sat down. Pooh's hand dived into his bowl of honey and he started to eat it.

"Why, thank you, Lola," Tigger expressed. "Me and Pooh bear over here came from the Hundred Acre woods," he explained.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 26, 2011, 09:55:17 PM
Never heard of it" lola said '  So what brought you to the games.. like the rest of the toons in toon world, i needed money badly, after that horrible gabriel started putting the screws to everyone.. First she bankrupts Scrooge McDuck, then she steals 30 billion from the riches, and thats only the two most famous. Unfortunately I only got to the games after they started so I'm just looking for any kind of job, vendor, mascot anything really..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 26, 2011, 09:58:52 PM
"Yeah, that's where we live," Tiger smiled, "Though I used to live in New York. When my mouse friend Fievel headed out west, I went to say goodbye, but I ended up getting a ride out west and now I'm staying there. I'm glad I left, cause I got reunited with Miss Kitty that way."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 26, 2011, 10:05:04 PM
Ah, so you found your girlfriend out there huh.. new York is a buy place, I've ben there once or twice- before Dixie entered my life that is- and its busy busy busy.. people going all over the place..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on May 26, 2011, 10:13:19 PM
"Wow," Tigger exclaimed. "Dat's absolutely terribible! As for me and Pooh," he started, motioning to the bear who was still filling himself with the sticky, sweet liquid, "we don't exactly know why we were brought here, we were just walking along, when we came across this place," Tigger explained.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 26, 2011, 10:15:48 PM
well, you guys are in the group nowm like it or not' Lola said " so Bugs what brought you to the games? I'm surprised you didn't join the team when you had the chance..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 26, 2011, 10:18:18 PM
Droopy, Wally, and Gary were looking out the window of their bus.  

"I do hope we don't see here again for a while." Wally said.  

"We'll have to be ready if we do, just in case." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 26, 2011, 10:29:31 PM
Auga and Tweety rested on top of the seat in front of Woody and winnie, who were trying to get some sleep as well. It was now getting very dark outside. Scooby sighed as he looked at the wondow out to the wilderness below :' Be safe girls " he muttered..
 The Hooded Claw, was playing cards as the Rottens bus moved along..  "  better cards than tiddlywinks..' he mutterd to himself, he was slowly putting down each card.. ' anyone who's still up willing too play a game.. a legit game naturally..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 26, 2011, 10:54:56 PM
"i'm in, I always play fair," Annabelle grinned rather optimistically.

"And that's why you lost our poker game..." Belladonna snickered to herself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 26, 2011, 11:05:23 PM
Poker it is " the Claw replied passing her two cards.. You in or not Belldonna? its more fun with 3 players.." I'm in The baron said tossing down some cash. ' since we're probably not going to get in until late in the morning anyway, we might as well pass the time..
_ as it became dark by the steam, Dixie activated her armors night abilities.  " just stick close to me Arlene, its very dark, and we don't want to have you tripping over  something and twisting an ankle in the dark..' How do i get one of those armor things.. Arlene asked" stripetail has to like and trust you. he doesn't give them out willy-nilly.. 'Dixie replied.. "You'd need a partner...."oh.. I see.. and.. does the job pay well.. " Arlene looked at her "yeah, it does. there's tons of danger involved..but we do get to travel to lots of interesting places.. " Like bermuda or the Carribean? " No, try Translyvania, Mayan ruins and the Himalayas.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 26, 2011, 11:26:38 PM
"I hope those 2 are found quickly." Wally said.

"I'm sure they will be." Droopy said.  Both looking out the window.  

Gary was half looking out the window and half thinking if he'd have to use more of his forms and if so how to cover he was not normal, but something else.  Some sort of freak or something.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 27, 2011, 09:01:42 PM
A search and rescue rescue helicopter spotted Dixie and shone its searchlight on her.

"Stay calm, help is on the way!"

Sure enough, Major Lockie lowered his rescue box near the two stranded travelers. "Get in! I'll take you to Green River!"

Meanwhile, the two heavy lift helicopters  dropped off the ruined vans at a mechanic's shop for repairs before they returned to base.


Several parts of the road were on fire as Captain Fairchild continued setting the dip on fire.

He had expended all of his incendiary rockets so he now had to rely on his 30 mm cannon.

"How much dip did those goons use?" he asked aloud.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 27, 2011, 09:21:00 PM
Thank you Arlene shivered as she annd Dixie climbed into the rescue box.. and waited as it was lifted into the air and they were brought into the hold " do have anything to eat? arlene asked.. ' we haven't had much to eat since the accident..
 just settle in Arlene, we should be in Green River shortly.. Dixie said.. " So tell me about your plans for after these games.. " oh well I plan to reopen the studio and get all the animals their jobs make my rekationship with garfield much more steady and serious.. though thats partly up to him, but i think i can manae it if I get him all the lasanga he can eat.. which is a lot, by the way.. What about you dixie?
_ Well once we get these games finished hopefully dee will have gotten all her money back.. Shes promised me a role in one of her future films (i've always wanted to be on the big screen) and well i'm going to be having a big christmas party for all my friends this holiday..lots of gifts food and stories..
_ Where I'm from we don't get much snow.. although we do go caroling for snacks.. garfield can't sing a lick though..' Arlene chuckled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on May 29, 2011, 07:18:32 PM
"Well, I guess I just didn't wanna," Bugs shrugged. "Shee, I was on my way to a carrot festival when I must've taken a wrong tuwn in Albaquerque, but, you gotta go with da flow, I shuppose," Bugs said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 29, 2011, 07:25:44 PM
yeah , well i'm glad you made the wrong turn bugs' Lola grinned and smiled as she saw a red tinge come to bugs face.." otherwise I wouldn't have met you..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 29, 2011, 08:18:35 PM
"I'm in," Belladonna said, "Just promise me to cry when you lose," she added with a smirk.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 29, 2011, 08:53:11 PM
The Claw passed out the cards, and tossed a few coins on the table. " 5 dollars beginning bid..  who's in? he said as he looked at his cards, he had an 8 and a 6."Not a good hand he thought.. as he looked at the Baron, annabelle and Belladonna.  if you don't think you have a decent hand you toss the cards " an ace is the best card.. 2 is the wirst..
-i've poplayed poker before Mr Claw thank you' the Baon aid  as he looked his caqrds a jack and a 7, both hearts
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 31, 2011, 06:28:44 PM
Arlene and Dixie were bought to a small airbase on the outskirts of Green River.

"Okay, everyone out," Major Lockie said, opening his rear cargo door.

Captain Fairchild landed next to Major Lockie. "Ah, so the survivors are here?"

Major Lockie bobbed his "head" up and down.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 31, 2011, 06:32:24 PM
arlene and dixie slowly stumbled out of the plabne. it was dark, but at least they were safe now  Thanks Arlene said to Major Lockie. " wait a minute.. Didn't you help with that battle with Chong? Dixie said.. " i seem to remember you helpin out with that. " wait, you know this plane.. " yeah I do.. how did you guys get involved? let me guess Stripetail called up  and hired you to provide Security..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on May 31, 2011, 06:34:01 PM
"Well, I'm glad too," Bugs said, grinning sheepishly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 31, 2011, 07:07:16 PM
"I guess we'll be there soon.  I wonder what it'll be like." Wally said.  

"I heard it's like the old west." Droopy said.  

"Could be interesting." Gary said.  "I've never been to the old west."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 31, 2011, 07:12:07 PM
"Yes," Major Lockie said. "I believe you are Dixie Doo."

"You're welcome to temporarily stay in our hangars," a living F-22 fighter said. Judging from its voice and the baby blue livery it wore, it was female.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 31, 2011, 07:12:21 PM
it was then Droopys phone rang ' Hey Droopys its Viaiant.. got any thing new to report on your end?  the Wizard is donating the proceeds from the games to toontown, so far so good, although theres a long way to go on that score, especially with gabriel still out there.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 31, 2011, 10:02:22 PM
Droopy answered his phone.  He listened to Valiant giving him a basic rundown of some of the events that had happened in the last town.  "And she had a part of the road coated in the dip.  No one was hurt, just some tires of some vehicles, but the tires were replaced or are going to be." Droopy said, giving him the information on the recent goings on of Gabriel.  "She may strike again in the town we are going to be in next."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 31, 2011, 10:05:01 PM
so shges been busy, well we knew things were too quiet regarding her in the last location, so shes mking sure you don't get a trouublefree games in this location.. Valiant said " Keep a xclose eye out for anything
_ the five cards came up queen 6, 7 jack, and king. " Show us your cards, the Baron said tosing a  ten dollar bill into the pot.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 31, 2011, 11:23:00 PM
"Indeed.  I would guess she may be planning something at the next location.  Who knows when or where she'll strike next.  My guess would be during one of the games or something like that to cause quite a bit of terror." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 02, 2011, 08:20:57 PM
While Lola wasn't answering, Bugs looked out the window he was closest to and saw all the landmarks rolling by as the bus made its way to its next stop. Of course, he hadn't really expected the games to move from town to town, but he didn't really question it either. He just went with it, like he always did.

"So, Lola? Do you know where we're going?" he asked the female rabbit.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 02, 2011, 08:35:22 PM
no, I don't really. all I heard was that there would be several different locations, i didn't anything about specific locations.."lola admitted. "but I'm sure it will be lots of fun, as long as that crazy woman Gabriel doesn't mess around..
The Game priogressed with Belladnna and the baron doing the best. The Hooded claw was in third with annabelle being the short stack (having the lowest number of chips left). Looks like you'll soon be out of the game Annabelle. The Hooded Claw grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 02, 2011, 08:51:41 PM
"You'll see the power of playing fair!" Annabelle asserted.

Belladonna could only smirk at that.


Meanwhile, the Duke of Owls was flying solo to the next stop of the games. "Feels good to exercise the wings," he said to himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 03, 2011, 05:25:39 PM
A small plane rolled into the hangar that Dixie and her friends were staying in. The hangar was well lit but far from homey with bare concrete floors and sheet metal walls. Although there were some borderline raunchy pinups of assorted female (though it was hard to tell) planes pasted on the walls.

"Do you have anyone we can contact regarding these dip attacks?" it asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 03, 2011, 08:48:18 PM
Contact Lord Stripetail ' dixie said "hes the one running the games. Arlene and i were the victims of the one of the dip attacks.. we were separated from our group, which is on its way here for the next stage of the games, along with the Dawgd rottens and Yahooeys."
' Garfield is one of the mascots of the games' Arlene said a note of pride in her voice. ' so how far are we from Greenb River and what is it like?
 We're 20 miles away, and its a old West Town.. literally. it looks like sometimg out of Tombstone or the quick and the dead, said a small plane passing by. ' it looks like they haven't come out of the 19th century..
_ Great so this place is even further removed from the present than the last place was dixie said as she and Arlene looked for a place to spend the night. " Are there any cots or rooms we could use tonight? arlene asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 03, 2011, 09:22:35 PM
"We best be ready for anything." Wally said.  "No telling what she may be up to.  If she'll dip a road who knows what she may do next." He said to Gary.

"I can imagine some rather, nasty ideas.  But we can only be on the alert and do your best to defeat her." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 04, 2011, 12:01:19 AM
"We are from the late 1800s," Miss Kitty pointed out matter of factly.

"What happened along the way Mr. Stripetail?" Sagwa asked the squirrel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 04, 2011, 12:14:12 AM
you never said anything about being from the past Woody said.. " But on the other hand, we're not really big with the continuity thing, just look at my cartoon shorts..' Aof which i was in, precisely one, until they brought in that kid-friendly show/.. which klasted a year..' Winnie added.. " i mean it paid the bills for a bit then I started the resteraunt.. and well the economy crattered.. and here we are.. but so far we've done pretty well in the games.. a million bucks.. is a million more than we had beforehand Winnie grinned.. as the bus continued down the highway. the smke from the areas where Dip had been burnbed where visible
 it was now approaching 1 am.. and they still had not yet reached Greebn River.. but they were getting close,.. they were less than 40 nmiles away now
 Dixie contacted Scooby through her ring ' hey Scooby. Good new.. a plane found us and dropped us off at an airstrip outside of Green River. We'll meet up with the rest of you guys in the morning, as you're probably wanting to get to bed right away..
 Thank gawd you two are ok.. we'll be in Green River probably within the hour..
What happened to your voice? Dixue asked?' I hit my throat on the steering wheel when we crashed.. " I see, its actually an improvenement.. well Arlene and I are heading off to bunk for the night.. we'll see you and garfield and the others tomorrow..
We're going to pick you girls up actiually Stripetail cut in. that Airstrip is less than 20 miles from our current location. Well stop in, pick the two of you up..and continue on to Green River..
_ Ok..if we're sleeping.. just let us sleep alright?' Dixie asked..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 04, 2011, 12:23:03 AM
"Who's Gabriel?" Bugs asked her.

Tigger looked at them from his seat as well. "Yeah, I'd like ta know," he put in. Pooh, in the meantime, was still stuffing his face full of honey.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 04, 2011, 12:27:13 AM
shes an evil human who's been trying to ruin toon wortld, said a nearbydog, who turned out to be Doggy Daddy. Shes the one making trouble for all of us.. she kicked me out of my apartment, and threatened to blow up the studio I worked out unless they shut down.. which they did, after I had worked for them for 40 years..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 04, 2011, 11:59:40 PM
Captain Fairchild and Lt. Martin landed at the airbase. Both of them were quickly hosed down and refueled by other living vehicles. Granted, there were a fair amount of Humans around as well but they did tasks that the living vehicles were too large to handle.


A wiry man followed by a living pickup truck entered the hangar where Dixie and Arlene were located.

The pickup truck opened its tailgate and the man grabbed two sleeping bags.

"Here you go," the pickup truck said. Judging from its gravelly voice, it was a male. "We'll see ya in the morn,"

"Good night," the man said as he placed the two sleeping bags on the floor.

The man and pickup truck exited the hangar.

"Feeling better?" Lt. Martin asked as she rolled into the hangar and took her "bunk" by the rear.


"Stripetail, this is Major Lockie. I have two people rescued from the crash in the airbase outside Green River, " Major Lockie said via his built in radio. He was located inside another hangar and his weapons and interior were being cleaned up and reloaded.

Luckily, the plane that had spoken to Dixie and Arlene managed to obtain Stripetail's frequency.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 05, 2011, 12:27:27 AM
Excellent, you've got them.. good, We'll be passing up to pick them up we'll be there by 2 am at the latest..' Stripetail said.. We'll need to check into our hotels ' The Green Hotel, Red Hotel, Blue Hotel and White Hotel. Hopefully they won't mind the late arrivals.
 We're ok thank You" dixie said as she squeezed into her cot. It was lumpy and smelled a bit like someone had been using it while draining oil. ' How did you get invlved with security for these games? Did Stripetail contact you..?"
Arlene  was trying to get into her sleepin bag, without much sucess. finally she gave up and settled on it from the outside..
- fair my dear is not usually a part of this game when you are dealing with characters like me.. The hooded Claw grinned as he tossed i another bet he had two sevens and the first three cards showed a pair of 8s and a 6..the Baron grinned.. he had three 8s...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 05, 2011, 12:35:50 AM
"We were hired by the town after reports of dip attacks," Lt. Martin said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sleep."

The lights in the hangar slowly dimmed as Lt. Martin fell asleep
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 05, 2011, 12:42:52 AM
good night then " dixie said, as the lights in the hangar quickly dimmed. dixie soon realized that she was still wearing her armor, which she quickly deactivated, pitching the room into darkness.
 the scooby bus was the first reach Green River, it rolled into town at 1;30 in the morning.. as it did the carnage wrought by gabrierl and the weasels was made clear even at thisd late hour. houses stood empty, glass and debris scattered the street. ' we can get a better idea of the damage in the morning Stripetail said as they got out in front of the Green Hotel. he climbed back on to wake the young kittens, who had fallen asleep " come on you thre. its time to sign in. we;lll be here for a few days.. and you'll be my gueasts.. he said with a warm smile..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 05, 2011, 06:40:21 PM
"I guess we should be there soon." Wally said while he was looking out the window at the scenery passing by.

"Yes.  Despite what she tried to do, we'll still arrive and continue the games." Droopy said.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 05, 2011, 07:04:42 PM
"Wow, really? That's terrible," Bugs said, looking down at the ground.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 05, 2011, 10:20:15 PM
Yeah It Is ' Lola said Yawning. ' It was real late, and she was very tired " well I'm going to bed. Wake me when we reach the next location " Lola yawned as she cuddled up next to the Window
- Dulcy and Samia were fast asleep
- the Yogius team had fallen asleep on the way,dreaming off winning some of the games at Green River ' Yogu dreamed on his old cave and swiping picnic baskets.. Bobo dreaming of fishing by the lake. and Ranger Smith dreamed of getting a promotion..
_ Arlene tried to get to sleep but couldn't and adfterawhile gave up.. ' Hey Dixie/' She asked in the darkness ' Could you open my sleeping bag for me? The zippers stuck.. " I'm trying to sleep Arlene. If I open it, will you promise to go to sleep?" sure..I promise..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 05, 2011, 10:26:16 PM
"Really?" The Miao trio smiled. "Thank you Mr. Stripetail!"

Dongwa then looked at the time. "Time for my morning kung fu practice...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 05, 2011, 10:34:22 PM
No, my young froend, it is far too early for you to be up, its almost 2 in the morning.. no we're checking in. Follow me" stripetail said they entered the green Hotel. The Owner looked at them warily " sorry fellas The games have been cancelled
_ CAncelled " Stripetail frowmed " Yeah the mayor gave the order yesterday.. " this is Gabriels doing isn't it.. ' Yep, she and the weasel tore through towen like a tornader, tossing dip around and breaking windows. Most folks are still in hid.. said the owner who a thin cat.. "We nereed a place to spend the night, and in the norning I'll talk to the mayor" stripetail aid " Dollar a night, per person' the cat replied..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 07, 2011, 03:06:45 AM
dixie stirred from her sleep and fumbled around the darkness before finally finding arlenes bag..'light' she called out, and hr ring gave off a flash of light that temporarily gave her discomfort, ut after a few seconds she was able to point out where the zipper was. '  dixie began unzipping it but it soon stopped. dixie felt inside and found the problem ' some of the fabric was caught in the zipper,. she managed to work it free and  and after a few minutes she was able to completely unzip the bag. ' there you go' she said tiredly to ar;ene who climbed in and waited while Dixie zipped the bag back up again. ' thank you dixie. you're a real friend. I.. i really like you. 'arlene said in a low voicve. thanks. i like you too've got some real spunk.i promised to help you with getting garfield to dance with you, and i'll do my best on that score. but right now. we really need to get some sleep.. the games are resuming tomorrow, and we will need to cheer on the team..' ' are they coming to pick us up' arlene asked ' when stripetail did say that they were.. but unless youcan  think of something to while away the time until then.. '
- well theres the shopping we had planned.' arlene said. ' that for later dixie said 'we could swap stories about family
i don't have a family arlene admitted ' garfield.. is my only family.. although he does have a problem with making fun of the gap inbetween my teeth.. ' she smiled showing Dixie that she did in fact have a gap inbetween her front teeth.. ' i've seen much worse. it could be fixed with braces, if you really wanted to.. ' couldn't afford it for one, and two garfield would make fun of me for having it.. ' arlene you won a million dollars, you could afford it. ' dixie said firmly..' heck after a few more events  you'll have all the money you'll need.. ' i do need the grand prize for reopening the studio..arlene said. fiddling in her dress which happened to have a pocket ' whats this..' she said pulling out a book ' point your ring so i can read ' she asked ' dixie moved the ring over the book which read ' strips of arlene' oh.. these are all the old strips with me in it' arlene said smirking opening it and flipping to a page.. ' ah. heres kiss #4 from garfield.. lets just say i wasn;'t in the mood for puckering ' she said pointing to a strip in it garfield had grabbed arlene and planted a kiss on her, only to get scratched up for it. ' dixie laughed ' well he had it coming i say..' thanks i'll show you more tomorrow.arlene said setting the book side and laying back down on the sleeping bag.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 07, 2011, 07:26:13 PM
While the cats were entering the hotel, Heckle and Jeckle entered the town, riding a single mule, their packs hanging over each side of it.
"I don't think I could stay awake a moment longer!" Jeckle groaned, clutching his companion's back.
"Neither can I, chum." Heckle replied groggily. From the slowness of the mule's movements, it was exhausted too.
"I say, old featherhead, there's a place we can stay!" Jeckle exclaimed softly, pointing to the Green Hotel.

They tied their mule to a post, removed their packs, and went inside the hotel, where they saw the slim feline manager.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 07, 2011, 07:44:59 PM
More customers huh
 the manager said to the new arrivals ' Stripetail had booked the entire second floor for the Scoobies ' We gott rooms on the first or third floors ' Dollar a night per person gents. what room will it be..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 07, 2011, 08:14:19 PM
"Ah man, that stinks," Dongwa said about hearing the games had been cancelled.

"I'm going back to bed," Sheegwa yawned, seeing Stripetail was right about the time.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 07, 2011, 09:40:32 PM
well to do that Stripetail said to  them we need to get to our room first ours is room 201' he added going up a stairscase and stopping at a room on the left of a hallway.  he opened the door using the key the cat had given him and revealed a pitch dark room. Stripetail lit his staff giving off a whilte light and revealing that this room had two rather small beds a couple candles on a table next to them and a window overlooking some railroad tracks. ' well kids pick out which bed you want " he said I won't be going to bed for awhile yert, I have to check in the other teams.. and then in the morning the mayor to permit the games to be held.."
 the hooded claw had started to nod off as the card game conituned when the baron spoke up' alright everyone thats enough for tonight. Nothings really been settled apart from Annabelle here losing about 30 dollars.. ' why don't we put the cards away for the night?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 07, 2011, 10:02:47 PM
"But it was 30 dollars lost honestly...right?" Annabelle asked.

"You keep telling yourself that," Belladonna grinned, having gained 20 of that 30, giving the money a little lick out of victory.


The Miao siblings all jumped on one bed. "I call the pillow," Sagwa smirked.

"No, I do!" Dongwa laughed, pouncing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 07, 2011, 10:18:27 PM
Relatively speaking yes ' The Claw said gathering up the cardsm shuffling them and putting them away.
 Stripetail left the room and headed downstairs, on his way down he ran into Scooby and scooby Dee, you have room 2002,  Woody and winnie have room 203 and so in. ' Ok Scooby yawned.. " just droop the Girls off when you get there.." Alright " Stripetail nodded as Woody Winnie Auga And Tweety flew up the stairs lufgging a key behind them..' Now I'm off to check in the other teams..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 07, 2011, 10:21:45 PM
Droopy, Wally and Gary carried in their luggage to check into the hotel they were supposed to stay at.  

"Looks farther back in time then the previous place were at." Wally said.  "With a few more stops we may be going to Bedrock or that place where Mightor hangs out."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 07, 2011, 10:31:40 PM
Tiger and Kitty got room 204. "They're gonna pay," Kitty commented rather matter of factly. "This is our town, and they have to go mess it up!" she sharpened her claws, and angrily swiped the wall, leaving scratch marks, but she was still ticked.


"Greetings," the Duke of Owls said to Stripetail as the squirrel exited the hotel. "I missed most of the commotion that occurred on the ride, from what I've heard...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 07, 2011, 10:41:06 PM
you're lucky..' stripetail said as he headed for the White Hotel which would house the yogi yahooeys.. " Gabriel has been busy around here threatening the town until the mayor cried uncle and agreed not to hosty the games. i'm going to have to change his mind, but for now, all i can do is soiign in everyone, and let everyone get some sleep..
it was then that the yogis bus pulled up in front of the hotel, and several yawning  Yahooeys straggled out of the bus..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 07, 2011, 10:49:02 PM
Dulcy and Samia hurried in after Droopy and were accompanied by Screwy squirrell. they were staying at the red Hotel. The rottens would stay at the Blue Hotel. The Rittens bus was the last to pull in, in front of the blue Hotel.. " Alright Everyone lets go check in the baron said " not bad, for something out of a John Wayne film " the Baron grumbled
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 07, 2011, 10:53:57 PM
The magpies, noticing the arrival of the next line of guests, looked at the guestbook. Too exhausted to scale up three floor, they both had their eyes first room open on the first floor.
"We'll have room 107." Jeckle said to the manager.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 07, 2011, 11:01:39 PM
Sheegwa lit a small chinese candle their parents had gave them as a travel present for a little night light.

"It's cute," she smiled.


"If we can disarm Gabriel," The Duke smirked. "I'll gladly devour her..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 07, 2011, 11:01:55 PM
two dollars please' the manager , whose named was marsten, smiled ' enjoy your stay in Green River
 stripetail paid for the other rooms then headed back across town and get to the bus. he had originally planned to stop at the base to get Dixie and Arlene first, but  the team had been so tired that stripetasil had decided to check them in and fetch the girls later. Now that that was done, he would go get them and yes have them stay with scooby for the night until arrangements could be made for the rest of the stay..
- Dixie had started to talk about her family, but stopped after a few minutes when it was clear Arlene was asleep
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 07, 2011, 11:10:53 PM
"Ok everyone, let's all sign in then head up to your rooms to rest.  I'm sure you're all eager to get to bed soon." Droopy said looking at his team that was present.  

"I know I am.  I found it hard to nap much on the bus." Wally said yawning a bit as he also did some stretching.  "I wonder what the beds here look like."

"I'd guess not to different then usual."  Gary said, looking around at what he could see of the lobby.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 07, 2011, 11:19:51 PM
Both magpies dug through their bags, and pulled out enough money for a week's stay for both of them.
"There you go, sir." Jeckle said, placing their combined cash on the desk.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 07, 2011, 11:28:40 PM
Shes all yours if we can get the best of her.. now You'd better go in the Blue Rittens and rejonm rthe team.
 yogi cindy and bobo settled in their room and quickly fell asleep again
 Stripetail  headed back across town and climbed on the bus,' head out the air strip' he said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 07, 2011, 11:57:28 PM
thank you.. enjoy your stay'marsten said taking the money abd handing him the key
 the rottens went up to thier rooms and soon feel asleep
- in a half hour stripetail had reached the airstrip.. he got out and headed out towards the side area.." dixie? Arlene1 I'm here to take you to the hotel.."dixie stirred from her sleep ' thanks for finding us' sher murmured.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 07, 2011, 11:59:10 PM
After receiving their room key, the exhausted magpies retired to their room.
Finding that there were two seperate beds, and preferring to sleep together, they set down their packs against the wall, and crawled into the nearest one.
"See you at dawn, old Clawfoot." Jeckle yawned, nestling into the pillow. He waited for a reply, but noticed that Heckle had fallen asleep as soon as he had gotten into bed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 08, 2011, 12:20:33 AM
"We'll be ready in case anything else happens, you can count on it," a "Mustang" fighter said. Judging from the scantily clad woman on its "snout" and deep voice it was probably male.

The airfield still had some activity as the living planes circled over the town to ensure that Gabriel had not engaged in further shenanigans.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 08, 2011, 12:40:32 AM
Dixie got out of the sleeping and poked arlene awake ' hey.. wehats going / stripetail lit his staff so the girls could see. ' come on you tweo, the rest of the teams have signed in.. its 4 in the morning come in SArlene " dixie unzipped the sleeping back and Arlene got out of it. the girls tossed the bads asaide and followed Stripetail out to the waiting bus " scoobvy is waiting for you' stripetail said as the bus took off, and the girls settled into the bus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 08, 2011, 12:49:11 AM
Thank you, kep up the good work " stripetail said to planes as he climbed back on the bus..  the bus took off with its paassengers and made good time to Green river
 stripetail arlene and Dixie got off at the hotel. " Night girls " You're in room 202, I'll see you later ' He adde.  dixie knocked the door a which was soon opened by a very tired Scooby ' Dixie! he cried, Taking her in his arms and kissing her firmly on the lips. "I'm so glad you're ok' he smiled after pulling away " Come on in.. we 've got two beds.. and arlene you'll have to sleep at the foot of the bed.. ' Ok Arlene said Scooby led them to the bed where he and Dixie soon settled into bed. Arlene curled up at the front of bed and got back to sleep.
 Stripetail returned to his room, and went to sleep
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 08, 2011, 12:51:57 AM
Seeing that his friend was already sound asleep, Jeckle pulled his end of the sheets closer around himself. Though slightly disturbed by the movement upstairs, it was no where near as bad as the time that they had slept beneath a bowling alley.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 08, 2011, 01:02:31 AM
"Night," Sagwa told Stripetail before she drifted off to sleep.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 08, 2011, 01:10:25 AM
Droopy made sure that the rest of his team was signed in and had their room keys and knew where their rooms were before he signed in and got a room key for himself and Wally.  While folks were busy Gary had slipped out so he could not be noticed.  

Once outside he looked around, thinking it may be best if someone was outside in case she tried any mischief.  He ducked into an alley and changed to his cgi anthro gecko form and climbed the hotel.  Once on the roof he switched to his toon black cat form since it had excellent night vision and was use to sleeping in short cat naps instead a lot at once.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 08, 2011, 11:48:31 PM
Tiger figured he would offer his teammates tours around Green River, he and Miss Kitty, since this was their home after all.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 12:08:01 AM
After a few hours of much needed sleep
 Scooby and Dixie were awoken by a loud clanging noise.. 'What in Blazes is that? dixie murmured as she tried to get back to see. there was a clock acrss the room from them which read :8:43.. Must be the wakeup bell or something" Scooby yawned as he got out of bed " I'll go get us a table for breakfast" He said to Dixie as Dee and arlene woke up
 Come on girls" He said to them lets go go grab a rtable
 In the lobby there was a set-up of food.. mostly eggs grits and biscuits
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 09, 2011, 01:25:36 AM
"Ah, the old home spread," Kitty smiled half-jokingly.

"Hey guys," Tiger said to his teammates, "Me and Miss Kitty can show you around, this is our home turf after all...."


"Wake up Sheegwa!" Dongwa said, giving her a shove and blowing out their candle, since it was daylight.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 01:35:07 AM
Sure Scooby said, as he invited the two cats to join him at the table for breakfast
 ';v Dixie and Arlene got in very very late last night.. Dixies still sleeping in my room for a bit..
_ yeah I kept her up with asking questions and things like that.. so blame me" arlene said as she grabbed some biscuits and eggs..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 09, 2011, 01:37:14 AM
Having gotten a sleep during the night, or what was left of it Droopy awoke first and he went to see what there was, if anything, for breakfast.  

Gary and Wally awoke after he did and came a few minutes or so behind Droopy.  

"Maybe we can get a better look at things now that it's daytime." Wally said as he looked around a bit.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 09, 2011, 02:12:30 AM
"Just let me finish breakfats," Tiger smiled, piling a lot on his tray.

Miss Kitty turned to Scooby. "Two things," she smiled gently, "1: I actually prefer being called "Miss" Kitty, and 2: you may be a dog, but you just have to try the mouseburgers," she recommended.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 02:21:44 AM
Mouseburgers. You actually Cook Mice? he paused ' being a dog, eating mice didn't appeal to him. I might try some though, I'll eat just about Anything, as dixie might tell you..' He Grinned
So You prefer being called "Miss" Kitty" Alright. it works for you, but for me "Miss arlene' Doesn't work' Arlene grinned ' so how long have you lived in Green River? she asked
Stripetail woke up shortly after 9, and readied himself for the da. He had to go see the mayor..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 02:02:27 PM
Heckle and Jeckle awoke after their highly desired sleep, hopping out of their bed with new zest and rushed down to the lobby, now totally famished and eager for breakfast.
After piling their plates, they rushed to the table where Tiger, Miss Kitty, Droopy, and the Scoobys sat.
"Pardon me, may we sit here?" Jeckle asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 02:14:15 PM
sure" Scooby shrugged. as Stripetail came down the stairs " morning everyone, I'm heading out to talk to the mayor to get the games put back on.
_ Dixie stirred a little after 9:30 and headed down stairs where she foundf the others.. sitting at a table ' Morning guys" She said..
_ dulcy was the first in her room to wake up. She and Samia had shared a bed, due to the fact their room only had one..' come on Samia' Dulcy said shaking her friend awake " time to go grab some breakfast.
_ Lola stirred as the "fans" bus pulled into towen. ' Ah, are we there yet?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 02:27:14 PM
As they took their seats beside one another, they heard Stripetail mention the games--an opportunity for them to find another short job.
"Games?" Heckle asked inqiringly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 02:36:17 PM
yes, we are participating in a series of games called the Laffalympics' Arlene said..' you interested in joining/ '
 we're pretty close to our limit arlene dixie reminded her
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 03:00:30 PM
"Why, certainly." Jeckle replied.
"Though, what's this about putting them back on? Has something happened?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 03:03:51 PM
Arlene sighed well they have been canceled for this town, thanks to Gabries interference. There was a look of dread on the birds face as she said Gabriels name.m' No doubt you've heard of she the one who has been making life miserable for everyone in toon town.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 03:10:45 PM
"We've heard that she's trouble, but it's been a while since we've been in Toontown." Heckle said.
"We've been traveling, and have only heard parts and peices of her shenanigans." Jeckle added. "Especially the recreation of the Dip!" Heckle exclaimed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 03:12:41 PM
yeah she covered the roads leading to here in dip and it completely melted the tires on the busses' Dixie said. In fact Arlene and I were tossed off the side of the road and had to be resacued..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 03:16:57 PM
"Holy smokes!" Heckle exclaimed. "We definately didn't hear about that!" He looked at Jeckle, who was coughing on a peice of biscuit that he had swallowed the wrong way. After giving his friend a thump on the back, he said to him, "We must have been on the other side of town in the desert!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 03:24:03 PM
the yogis wre eating breakfast at thier hotel ' you guys get eniugh sleep? Cindy asked, as bobo and yogi shook thier heads ' that place had only one bed' bobo said ' yeah and i had to get another room due to modesty laws or something like trhat"Cindy said. ' we'll have to find mr stripetail, and see when the next evenbts will be held.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 03:30:02 PM
"Is old Eddie Valiant on the case?" Jeckle asked, clearing his throat between words.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 03:37:03 PM
Yeah, hes helping in anyway he can. but with almost every toon in Toon town broke theres very little he can do" Scooby said As woody and winnie flew down to join them, followed by Garfield and Odie. " the games are toon towns last hope, if she shuts thenm down Toon town might as well close up shop..Dixie said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 03:40:30 PM
The magpies grimaced.
"Is she on her way here now?" Jeckle asked softly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 03:44:31 PM
she was already here" came the clerk as he came around passing out warms muffins. Go outside and sees the damage those weasels caused, broke nearly every store windows in town.. and it'll take a long tine to get them replaced.. he sighed "Mayor mcfly is not going to let the games back on wllingly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 03:50:08 PM
Heckle and Jeckle looked at the nearest window simultaniously, noticing the damage outside.
"I say, old bean, we must have been very tired last night! We didn't see any of that." Jeckle said to his friend.
"Yeah, Chum..." Heckle agreed.
They looked at the clerk, once again simultaniously. "Is there, perhaps, something we could do to help?" Jeckle asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 04:00:57 PM
fly around and pick up the glass and debris would be a start.. the clerk replied..
- The baron stepped out the Blue Hotel and stared at the destruction around. there was broken glass and denris all over the place " I've got to habd it to Gabriel.. shes quite the villaness' He said a note of respect in his voice..' Unfoirtunately I camn't allow her to dstroy toon world.. because i'll be dewtroyed along with it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 04:05:08 PM
"You know..." Jeckle mused out loud.
"The last town we were in had a fine glass store. We could flap on over there and tell them what happened." He said.
"That's a lot of glass to carry over, Chum." Heckle said. "And I don't think our mule would care much for it, either."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 04:08:10 PM
But do they hane enough glass to fixe 136 store windows? And not to mention the price, we really can;t afford it. we're a small town here.. The clerk sighed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 04:16:23 PM
Heckle and Jeckle, nodded, now aware of their fallacy.
"That is a good point." Heckle said. Jeckle crossed one of legs over the other and rubbed his beak thoughtfully.
"Perhaps we could try to repair the broken glass." He said. "If there is enough to salvage, that is."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 04:41:32 PM
the glass will have to be melted down and reformed, which is not easy. molten glass can get up to 2000 degrees, my brother works in glass back eas, its a very dangerous occupation if not done right.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 04:56:27 PM
The magpies looked at one another, silently questioning another motive of helping the town repair itself.
"We could still get stray glass picked up from the ground." Heckle said.
"It might have to be put away if we want to repair it sometime later. Better than throwing it away." Jeckle said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 05:05:02 PM
garfield strode into the dinning room and plopped down at a aeat. " Hello Garfield arlene said going over towards him.. "Hi arlene good to see you made it out ok.. " Is that it.. Arlene said a bit hurt.. "Garfield I fell off a cliff and nearly died! yet all you have to say is "I'm glad you're ok? What type of boyfriend are you?  Arlene, I'm kind of busy with breakfast, so could you hold the complaining for a few minutes.." " Garfield I've been loyal to you for a long time, at least twenty years..' arlene please.. enough with the histronics.. Loo I enjoy being with you.. you're fun to be with, and evennmore fun to make fun off.. I see you still have a giant gap in your teeth.." "GARFIELD! I'm going to dance with you, If irt kills me.. sorry, you'll have to dance with someone else. I'm not dancing with you..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 05:11:01 PM
Heckle and Jeckle, a bit caught off gaurd by the quarrel near them, tucked into their breakfast, trying not to be bothered by it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 05:17:44 PM
Arlene finally gave up and went back to Sit by dixie.." We'll go shopping and help you forget about him being difficult. Perhaps find another dress or outfit" dixie said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 05:50:36 PM
At the mention of a dance, however, Heckle and Jeckle's curiosities were peaked once again.
"So, games and a dance...if the mayor holds out?" Jeckle asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 05:52:33 PM
Stripetail will probably turn him into sm,ething " Dixie mused " that should change his mind.. ' she grinned
 the Yogis finished eating abnd hung around . all they could really do untik the games started ' Ranger Smith was cleaning off his hat
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 09, 2011, 06:15:45 PM
The Miao siblings walked through the town, looking at what had happened.

"This is small even compared to our village..." Sagwa noticed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 06:38:41 PM
So where should we go first in tiown Kitty?' Dixie asked her teammate " You know this place better than us..' She added' Oh, and I remembered.. Mouseburgers" She said, her ring glowed and three pipping hot mouseburgers appeared in front of Kitty.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 07:01:10 PM
"So, old thing, it seems that we may have to make some changes in our marketing plans." Jeckle said to Heckle. "We'll have to delay for quite some time."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 09, 2011, 07:09:53 PM
Captain Fairchild, Lt. Martin and Major Lockie were eating breakfast at the airfield with the other planes. Despite being living machines, they were perfectly capable of eating normal food.

"So what's on the agenda?" Captain Fairchild asked. He used his manipulator claws to tear a giant biscuit in half and smear what amounted to an entire stick of butter on one half.

Lt. Martin sipped her "mug" (more like a converted 55 gallon drum) of tea. Two fuel hoses were attached to the ports on her wings. "Probably the same old 'patrol the town and try to blow up Gabriel' bit."

Major Lockie capped his "flask" (more like an amphora) of his favorite cocktail - whiskey mixed with JP-5 jet fuel. ""

The female F-22 fighter took a sip of her  hot coffee as she listened to the chatter between the three planes.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 07:13:28 PM
go ask Stripetail if you want to Join' winnie said to the birds.. " if he thinks you'll be goos enough he'll put you on a team..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 07:22:25 PM
"Well, we'll take that into consideration." Jeckle said.
"Who is this Stripetail chum?" Heckle asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 09:53:02 PM
Lord Stripetail_ Hes a lord- is the financial backer of these games. Hes a wizard, an extremely powerful one Dixie said. " hes gone to talk with the mayor, you'll have to wait around with us, until he gets here..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 10:15:25 PM
"Well, that's just fine." Heckle said. "We'd be more than happy than to stay with you." Jeckle added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 09, 2011, 10:17:23 PM
"So, any of you guys want a tour?" Tiger asked his teammates.

"Oh, thank you so much Dixie!" Kitty grinned, devouring the mouseburgers, each of the mice letting out a final eep as she chewed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 10:21:03 PM
"It would be an excellent time filler while we wait for Lord Stripetail." Jeckle said. "Right after we put our mule away." Heckle noted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 09, 2011, 10:24:11 PM
Sure we'd love a tour Arlene said ' Do you know any good places to shop..
 I could get Cindy Bear a nice gift" Dixie mused.. ' and i promised arlene I'd take her shopping
 Didn't you tell me that you and Kitty were in a groupp together? Arlene asked " A singing group.. " Could i join? Arlene asked ' Well what would we call it? Dixie paused ' two cats and a dog? Arlene asked as Garfield laughed out loud.. " Yeah that will really get peoples attention..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 10:29:27 PM
Their plates cleared, Heckle and Jeckle pardoned themselves.
"We're going to find a stable for our mule, but we'll be right back." Heckle said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 09, 2011, 11:18:23 PM
"She is a very bad person." Droopy said while eating his breakfast.

"Hey, maybe we can hire that Paladin guy from that old tv show, what was it called.  Since this is the old west."

"Have gun will travel.  It was on both tv and old time radio.  I remember my grandfather talking about it." Gary said, having seen and heard the original programs when they were originally aired back then, but not going to let onto his real age or his real nature.  "I'm not sure if he really exists or existed or not." He said shrugging.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 09, 2011, 11:23:41 PM
Outside, the magpies found their mule where they left it, snoozing where it stood.
"Come on, mule, let's find a real place for you to stay." Heckle said to it, untying the rope from its post and leading it down the path. "Perhaps we could even see what really happened here." Jeckle said, looking around the town.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 10, 2011, 12:03:04 AM
" you can see...." Tiger pointed out, frowning at the damage that had occured to his town. Glass shards littered the ground, so everyone was taking careful to avoid cutting their feet.

"There's a clothing store...there's one for jewewly...up there is the water tower, lucky that didn't break..."

"We have to go to Waul's," Kitty said, looking down towards the saloon, which underneath was the saloon for felines.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 10, 2011, 12:06:08 AM
"Could you, perhaps, tell us where the nearest stables are?" Jeckle asked.
Behind him, Heckle tried vainly to get the mule to follow him, only for it to bray stubbornly in retaliation, then fling him through the broken window of a building on the other side of the street.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 10, 2011, 12:23:05 AM
Lead the way " Dixie said to her friend, as they carefully walked down the street, avoiding the jagged fragments of glass that covered the ground. " The weasels did a good job in smashing this place up",  she muttered as they walked down the street.
- meanwhile Waul was sitting near the front door as group headed in. " ah, if it isn't my former diva. Miss Kitty..' he gave her a smile.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 10, 2011, 01:12:17 AM
"Hey Waul," Miss Kitty said, though he had no feelings for the cat, she had grown to now be on good terms with her old boss...mainly beaus she was such a great customer.

"Is your saloon still intact?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 10, 2011, 01:32:56 AM
for the most part , yes ot is. the frpont wondow is cracked, but that ca be repaired in time.. the important thing is keeping my business going.. those weasels sure didn't do me any favors by trashing my town. So who are you new friends?' He asked Looking At Dixie, Scooby, Arlene, Woody and winnie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 10, 2011, 12:20:33 PM
Free of being held down, the mule dashed off away from the magpies and into an alley. Jeckle rushed to help Heckle out of the building he'd been thrown into.
"My, she is the stubborn one." He said, climbing over the open window, and taking care not to be hurt by the glass.
Heckle was standing back up mere inches away from the worst of the mess, and Jeckle pulled him up by the arm.
"The others have gone to the saloon." Jeckle said to him. "Shall we join them, old boy?" He asked.
"What do you think?" Heckle replied. The two left and entered the saloon, not realizing that they were walking with their arms linked.
"Hello again!" Jeckle called, joining the rest of the group.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 11, 2011, 01:12:34 AM
"Well, I'm going to fly around town," Captain Fairchild said as he rolled out of the hangar.



When he reached the runway, he lit his engines and soared into the sky.

"Holy s---!" he exclaimed as he flew over Green River. The streets were littered with broken glass and some of the buildings appeared to have been corroded with dip or set on fire.

He sighed as he realized that he would have to burn down the dip contaminated ruins.

He revved up his 30 mm gatling gun and sent some incendiary rounds towards a the half melted remains of a general store.


Inside the hotel where Stripetail and the others were staying, the sound of Captain Fairchild flying over the hotel was heard.

A tremendous explosion was heard as Captain Fairchild's incendiary rounds struck their mark.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 11, 2011, 07:51:04 PM
At the sound of the explosions, the two magpies gave startled yelps. Jeckle jumped into Heckle's arms and they clutched each other tightly.
"Oh, now what?!" Jeckle exclaimed.
Outside, their mule came running down the street, braying loudly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 11:58:13 AM
Stripetail headed outside at the Sound of the explosions As he did he got a good look at the damage in the clear morning light "This town is completely trashed!" he muttered under his breath. "we'll have to hold the events outside of town, hopefully Miss Kitty will be able to point out some good locations.." He saw Fairchild Fly overhead' "Destroy only the areas that are beyond saving. " He said into his communicator. " remember that most of these places are occupied, either by humans or animals.
The rottens headed out of the hotel and looked around ' What in blazes made that loud boom? the Hooded Claw demanded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 01:21:26 PM
"What on earth are they doing to this place?!" Kitty frowned, frustrated. She inspected all the damage.

"Skin off my bones," Belladonna shrugged, enjoying demolition.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 01:29:39 PM
They are destroying all the building that have been damaged by Dip" stripetail said As Waul and the others joined them. ' What ARe they using? Dynamite? Waul shouted . ' "Explosives, yes. dynamite.. no.. Its rather hard to explain "Stripetail replied " The events are going to be held outside of town. We are going to need to hold four events . kitty, are there places around here suitable for that? " he asked her
Those games of yours are going to be the death of Green river! Waul said " not that i don't mind athletic competition, mind you.. but this town is no no shape to the games. besides I heard the mayor shut them down.. "Under duress" stripetail replied.
We need something to cheer everyone up" dixie said, the an idea struck her " kitty1 I just thought up a name for our singing group. How about.. the Cats and the Crows?' Your gentlemen like to sing don't you? she said looking at the magpies " well, we'll need some male parts..
" can i join? arlene asked.. " I can sing.."
Well since tigress went home you can have her spot " dixie shrugged..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 01:37:00 PM
"Perhaps that could work," Kitty replied, turning to Stripetail.

"After this is over, you're gonna fix this place, right?"

"There's a canyon we can use," Tiger suddenly spoke up "some Indian mice think I'm a god, and they'd probably be more than glad to let us use their land to play."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 01:46:15 PM
That would work " stripetail mused " take me to them Tiger " so i may converse with them.. Since they think you are a god" he chuckled, "they'll have no trouble believing I'm a fellow god once i show off a few bits of magic.' He said as he began walking after tiger
"The Cats and the Crows hmm " interesting name " waul mused " i'll take it you'll want to use your old haunts eh Kitty. I've kept them as you last saw them, of course how can you call yourself the cats, when one of your members is a dog?
- its called wearing a costume" dixie replied.. " well it will have to be a good one if you are going to fool my guests" waul Replied "Well, might as well go get breakfast ready.. do you want your usual Kitty.. mouse on the roll?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 01:49:51 PM
"And make it grilled," Kitty nodded to Waul, entering the saloon.

"I better speak to them before you Stripetail," Tiger said later in the desert, "So they believe me."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 13, 2011, 03:06:46 PM
"In spite of the false advertisement of our species, that sounds like an excellent idea!" Jeckle said, after climbing out of Heckle's arms.
"Are we ever songbirds!" Heckle grinned enthusiastically.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 06:05:13 PM
"Well, Cats ad Magpies doesn't have the same ring" Arlene Explained."What type of songs do you know?
Very well" swtripetail said stopping behind a rock. " go ahead Tiger. what name will you call me, or will you just call me a fellow god?
 Dixie took a seat across from kitty. "i'll just have a burger and fries, if you make them"She smiled at Waul. "and we'll have more in our group coming...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 06:07:42 PM
"I'll call you Stripetail," Tiger explained, "But, you'll have to make up your "backstory"."

Tiger stepped into view of the Indian Mice.

"Believers of the Tiger god!" Tiger announced powerfully, catching all of their attention. "I have returned! And there is someone I'd like you all to meet...." he gestured for Stripetail to appear.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 06:16:47 PM
Stripetail appeared in a flash, he was holding balls of light in both paaws " brother-God! It has been ages! How have things been in your realms I am Stripetail the god of the Underearth.. I take in all those who leave this realm' Stripetail's voice boomed.
The Yahooeys entered Waul's upon seeing some of the scoobies eter.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 06:22:19 PM
"It's been too long indeed," Tiger nodded, "Millenniums has it been?" He shook Stripetail's paw.

"You know the almighty god of felines and mice? one of the native mice asked Stripetail.


"I think they have the right idea," Annabelle said, "Even as an angel, I get hungry..." she went into the saloon.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 06:29:05 PM
Of course i do, although it has been almost 3000 years since i met him last. " stripetail replied " it is not often I venture outside my underground realm, because i usually leave the affairs of the other gods alone..
Ranger smith took a seat at a table " so whats on the menu he asked as a cat came to take his order
_ we might as well grab a bite to eat.. The Baron said as he followed the other teams into the saloon.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 06:37:38 PM
"I'm taking the menu is more intended for cats?" Annabelle asked the cat waiter who was serving her and Belladonna.

Some of the items included:
Spaghetti with Mouse meatballs
Mouse pizza
and many more....


"My loyal subjects," Tiger announced, "My fellow god has a request of you. And as for myself..." he lied down in his trademark "god" position. "I request to be fed."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 06:44:07 PM
i request that you permit my subjects use yor lands for their games. an evil goddess has been making things difficult for us, and any assistance will be rewarded handsomely.." stripetail said
Well i'll try the spaghetti with meatballs" Cindy decided. " I'll try the burgers " yogi said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 06:49:06 PM
"Can I get a mouse pizza with the mice still alive?" Belladonna questioned. she liked to see other shivering in fear.


Tiger grinned as he saw several of the native mice gather food for him, his "buffet line" he mentally nicknamed.

"We'll have to talk with our chief," the mouse speaking to Stripetail replied.


The Duke was flying over Green River. When he heard a familiar voice.

"Uncle Dukie!" a young owl calle.d

"Oh merciful heaven no..." the Duke frowned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 06:53:58 PM
We'll see what we can do.. the waiter replied " your oreders will be up shortly...
the hooded claw oredered a burger.. ' lets hope these burgers are worth the cost " he said
 i understand" stripetail said in reply
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 06:58:16 PM
"Trust me...they are.." Kitty said to the baron, her mouth watering at the mere thought of mouse burgers.


The mice soon returned. "God of the underearth, our chief wishes to fullfill your request, you may use our land."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 07:09:46 PM
What about Chicken stuffed with mice? Dixie suggested. ' I could make some for youKitty. You're my friend and we're going to be spending time together with performing with the magpies" she smiled. "We could try vaqrious dishes, and you can let me know what you think.
- Thank you Stripetail nodded " you will be greatly rewarded for your kindness
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 07:11:20 PM
"In what regard, mighty god of the underworld?" the mouse asked.


"I'll try anything if there's mice in it," Miss Kitty grinned, "Go for it Dixie!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 07:18:33 PM
ell i'm going to ned to buy supplies in town' Dixie admitted ruefully ' or you can just use your magic" arlene said " well i don't want to show up waul.. you didn't tell him that I made you some mouseburgers.. he'd likely be offended by the competition..
_ you will be blessed with peace and long life' Stripetail replied..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 07:24:15 PM
"He is kind of the one in control of the town, animal wise," Kitty said, "Though you could offer to be a part time chef for him."


The native mice all smiled at that.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 13, 2011, 08:15:36 PM
"Roger that," Captain Fairchild said.

He scanned the buildings for the characteristic chemical signature of dip and once it was detected, he quickly burned the building down with a short volley of incendiary rockets.


Gabriel and her Weasels were in the deserts outside of Green River with their ill-gotten booty.

"Another job well done!" Gabriel said, raising a glass of wine (stolen from a hotel just before they hit it with a dip grenade)


"Well, time for patrol," Major Lockie said as he rolled onto the runway and took off.

Lt. Martin and the baby blue F-22 "Raptor" followed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 10:38:22 PM
So whats the next town on our hit list? They could go really anywhere.. a weasel said drinking some of the wine
Well, i might be interested in a part-time position" dixie said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 10:44:43 PM
"Um, Waul?" Miss Kitty called, "My canine friend here has a request."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 10:52:55 PM
Waul came back t the table "What sort of request Kitty? is this some kind of challenge? He chuckled. ' are you trying to prove your food is better than mine?
_ Well I had an idea for mouse-stuffed chicken" dixie admitted "I was going to have Kitty try it..
Waul's mouth drooled' Mouse-stuffed chicken. my golly i never considered that! I'll have the chicken and mice brought out for you to work on..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 11:00:14 PM
(OOC: Hey nick, could you play some of the indian mice?)

"As you can see," Tiger whispered to Stripetail, "Being a "god" has it's perks." The big fat cat laid on the ground as the mice brought him various fruits and vegetables.


"You're gonna do great!" Kitty assured Dixie, "And it's miss kitty, for clarification."


"Leave. Depart. Begone..." The duke kept saying to Hunch, his nephew being particularly annoying.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 11:08:59 PM
(sure. and it is Lay or Laid, not lied. its a past tense use of the word. To lie down is something you are going to do..)Yes i keep forgetting " dixie said " but it suits you well" " so what willthe stakes of this little contest be? waul asked her as a table was brought out covered with a row of spieces a pair of large plates and and number of knives and forks
The mice approached Stripetail " will you need some sacrifices great Underworld god?
_ no, my dear subjects, I am not like the others gods, who require sacrifices from time to time t please them. all things eventually come before me, and it is only then that i deal with them..Stripetail replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 11:13:03 PM
(My bad  :oops )

"How about, if she wins, she gets a job here?" Miss Kitty suggested.


"Yeah..." Tiger whispered to Stripetail, "Miss Kitty's joined in on this whole "god" thing, she's started a weekly one-mouse sacrifice tradition."

The cat then opened wide, going on a feeding frenzy on what his subjects were giving him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 11:18:14 PM
Very well" waul shrugged " and what if she loses? "
"You can brag about how your food is the best in the Country " dixie offered
_ Really? that doesn't surprise me" Stripetail smiled "So what events can we stage on this land? Obvious nothing involving modern things, and in the towns condition, we can't do anything in town..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2011, 11:20:26 PM
"some simple athletics," Tiger suggested, "And maybe, since they believe in the supernatural, magic involving stuff. Though we'll pretty much have to say every player is some kind of god," he shrugged.


""Sound fair?" Miss Kitty asked Waul, "With a few words sent out to the right people, all the cats in the country will wanna eat here."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2011, 11:34:04 PM
Thats stretching things Tiger. You could get the m to buy that you Miss Kitty or Myself are gods, but you can't expect them to buy that there are around 50'gods' that just happen to come around here. Even the most -trusting soul has a point where they start to ask questions " stripetail pointed out " We will have to have it be where they cant see it.. like in a mine, for example..
 My dear, diva, i'd love you to be right' waul replied as a number of mice were brought out and laid in front of Dixie.. " lets see you beat Mr Waul' said the cat " you're not thr first to test him, the others got run out of town, or worse.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 12:13:09 AM
"Good luck Dixie," Miss Kitty encouraged.


"I'm sure we can find plenty of those around here, I've been in a few myself," Tiger nodded.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 12:20:34 AM
Thanks Kitty. you are going to be my taste-tester, sindce you love my earlier dishes" she smirked. With that Dixieheaded over towards the table and and began arranging the spices until the attendant brought out the chicken.
Dixies a real good cook " scooby smiled " He would know, as her husband, he was used to her cooking, in fact he usually asked her to cook chicken dishes for him when she had the chance..
 well, we could have, say a mine cart race" stripetail said " if theres enough to have one for each team..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 12:22:46 AM
"Yeah, it could be just one player per team for that," Tiger suggested.


Kitty licked her lips at the thought of the mice.

"This place is officially a dump," Belladonna commented on Green River.

"Could we have a table sir?" Sheegwa asked a waiter cat, the Miao siblings entering the saloon, the building that was in the best shape of all the town.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 12:30:46 AM
Eh i've seen worse Bluto said " try sailing on an old warship, like i did during the war now THAT was a dump, the pay stunk too, and i had to deal with Oneeye and his yam what i yam" talk the whole way. almost drove me to mutiny..  ALMOST..
_ The waiter nodded and brought the three kittens to a free table ' have a look at the menu..
Waul had gone into the kitchen and had the cooks prepaqring his specialuty dish.
 Alright, and it can't have been a player that has played in a previous event' stripetail ageed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 12:43:18 AM
"Do you have any Chinese style recipes?" Dongwa asked curiously.

"I'm from Hell," Belladonna pointed out, "Believe me, nothing any of you can describe can disturb me."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 12:52:34 AM
Nope, we don't serve Chinese here, except maybe the mice.." the cat replied.. "theres lots of Chinese mices round here..
You're literally from the netherworld? The hooded claw said "How are my evil deeds holding up? will the Big Guy have a special place put aside for me?
Screwy wait for his order to arrive, he was starving, he didn't really care if the frood had mice in it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 12:56:47 AM
"Maybe there's someone we know," Dongwa joked.

"i'll try some mouse ravioli," Sheegwa said.


"He just might," Belladonna assured the hooded claw. "you're doing bad-by which by our standards is good."


"Here's a mine!" Tiger called to Stripetail. "And I found 5 carts."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 14, 2011, 01:09:07 AM
Bugs watched as Lola fell cuddled up to her chair.

"Night," he said and looked out the window into the night but Tigger interrupted his train of though.

" mean as dis Gabriel sounds, I think the games could be fun. Don't you, Pooh Boy?" he said, elbowing the yellow bear in his tubby stomach, making him spit out his honey he was chewing on hastily.

"Oh, yes, of-of course," Pooh agreed, and then went back to eating. As he was eating, he thought of his friends they left behind in the Hundred Acre Wood. He thought about how he would tell them about the games when they returned.

"Hmm...I wonder if dere's any jobs we could do when we get" Tigger pondered, looking down at his feet thoughtfully.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 01:13:53 AM
" excellent the fifth one can serve as as the judges. They will ride alongside and keepo an eye out for low blows.." stripetaqil mused.
_ the chef brought out a big chicken for Dixie  and small fire pit complete with wood. "sorry we are out of matches.." he said and returned to the kitchenand laid it on the plate. Dixie quickly went to work. she lit the fire with her ring and tossed the chicken and mice into it. once the mice began to cook she rolled them and stuffed them into the turkey and began covering it with spices, and herbs as it slowly baked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 14, 2011, 01:16:15 AM
"What shall we do?" Wally asked.

"Why not go for a stroll around town." Droopy said.  

"Sounds like a good idea." Gary said.

"It'll be better to staying in the hotel room all the time.  Even if she may appear." Wally said.  "I still wonder if we may not need some help or something."

"Let's go out & walk around.  We'll get to see a new town and some exercise and an idea may come to us." Droopy said.

They left the hotel and started to walk around town.  At seeing the condition of the town Gary got an idea.  He stayed walking with the others but quietly ran off the first chance he got down a side alley.

He looked around, making sure no one was anywhere around.  He ducked down behind some large debris to be sure he would not be seen and closed his eyes and switched to his original human form.  A thing he'd not done for decades.  But he wasn't sure if the device would let him change to him in any other form since he'd not used it in so long.  

He pulled aside his left sleeve to reveal a bracelet type of thing that went from his wrist to elbow & was covered in buttons.  Something he had built during the early years he had been in this toon multiverse thing before he learned to mentally control whatever it was that allowed him to change to those different forms or whatever they were.

He looked at one particular button, one he'd not used in many decades, but with things a bad as they were in this town it seemed he may be needed here, though he didn't like him much and the feeling was mutual.

He pressed the button after a brief hesitation and a sigh.  The change was nearly instant.  And he was  changed into what looked like someone wearing a typical 30's style hat, trench coat, pants and shoes, except the figure had no face.

He looked up towards the top of one of the buildings he was beside.  "Let's see what sort of mess he is in this time." He said with a deep voice, speaking even with no face nor mouth.  He clipped his heals together briefly once and a spring shot out from his shoes to send him into the air, landing on the top of the building he had been looking at before.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 01:22:33 AM
"You'll be in here soon mousies....." Kitty taunted, pointing to her open mouth.


"I'll take a slice of mouse cake," Sagwa said.

"Mouse steaks sound appetizing to me," Dongwa figured.


The Duke landed outside of the mine Stripetail and Tiger were in. "I think I've finally lost track of my accursed nephew," the owl sighed, relieved.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 01:23:24 AM
Stripetail was now examining the mine with tiger. it had clearly been used for a long time, given the many tunnels that branched out from it..
_ dee watched dixie work and marveled " Cousin dixie always had a reputation for being a top=notch cook. her fried chicken was always populr at family gatherings..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 01:24:29 AM
"And it'll be popular here," Kitty grinned
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 01:28:22 AM
the rest of the gathered group wa eting the food, which ws considered pretty good by the majority of those gathered.
 So what songs sounds we sing? arlene asked " i mean i'm not trained or anything, i just really like to sing, and think I have a petty good voice..
Garfield laughed as he ate some mouse lasanga " Arlene i've heard you sing, and wihile its not as bad as Sheila, you aren't wining any prizes for it either..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 01:32:52 AM
"Maybe some kind of promotional song for this place," Miss Kitty suggested to Arlene.


"Greetings again," the Duke of Owls waved to Stripetail and Tiger
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 01:37:25 AM
Ah duke we are just scouting out locations for the games" stripetail nodded to him. " tiger here is a local, so hes showing me around.
- Um.. ok.. so a kind of jingle.. ilets say ' come to wauls?' arlene said. I'll have to think up some lyrics.."
_ Dixie finished coving the chiken with spices and began marinating it until it was golden brown
 the smell of the chicken, with its tangy and succulent spices wafted over the entire resteraunt.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 01:38:34 AM
"Now mix in the mice," Miss Kitty encouraged her friend.

"Trying to avoid my most annoying nephew Hunch," The Duke explained to the squirrel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 01:41:57 AM
Already stuffed them in, once they were fully cooked. they should provide a nice crunch once you bite into them..Dixie replied as the chicken was now finished as she stuck it on a plate, and brought it over to Kitty. Waul had his dish brought out at that time as well. " i must warn you my dear ' that i have never lost a wager with this dish " He smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 01:43:08 AM
"I'll try yours first," Kitty said to Waul, picking it up, and opening wide.

"Say goodnight mousie," she giggled, taking a big bite out of it.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 01:47:31 AM
Waul smiled as kitty began devouring his dish. ' You always had a affinity for my cooking.."
You never mentioned a nephew.. but then again you probably had good reason not to..You have my pity" stripetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 01:52:05 AM
"Believe me, if he wasn't related to me and was not a fellow owl, I would have eaten hiim by now," the big owl said to Stripetail.


"and it hasn't let me down," Miss Kitty complimented.


"I think I see our food coming," Sagwa grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 02:01:17 AM
Dixie presented her dish to Kitty after Kitty had finished eating Waul's Dish.
 That was a record time"Waul grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 02:02:08 AM
"Bottoms up," Kitty grinned, digging into Dixie's dish
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 02:06:05 AM
dixie waited for Kitty to finish her chicken, a bit nervous. She knew her chiken was normally good, but she had eaten that burger really fast..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 02:15:39 AM
"Hmm...." Kitty said, as she took the last bite of Dixie's chicken.

"This is close...real close," Miss Kitty admitted

"You ever have to deal with any major pests?" the duke asked stripetail
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 02:17:44 AM
From annoying family/ No i haven't. From pests trying to get me to teach them magic? absolutely.." stripetail sighed " i've had to turn several of them into toads for bothering me
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 02:19:20 AM
"Speaking of which, how are those kittens doing? Do they seem like decent apprentices?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 02:22:17 AM
I haven't taught them anything yet, but thry do show some promise and are eager listeners..Stripetail mused.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 02:22:42 AM
"Who was your worst apprentince in your opinion?" The Duke asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 02:24:44 AM
Dixie was really getting nervous now as Kitty weighed her decision..
_ Well the truth is I have never had an official apprentice.. i've heard all the stories about wizards who taughts pupils everything, or nearly so, and had it backfire on them One word " Nimue"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 02:30:23 AM
"What does that mean?" The owl asked, raising an eyebrow.


"I have to say......Dixie's" Kitty was finally able to determine.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 02:33:55 AM
Its a very long story, but she was a fanous sorces who was trained by a great wizard and learned all of his secrets then turned on him" stripetail said.
_ dixie smiled in truimph, and a look of shock appeared on Waul's face.." thats impossible..he sputtered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 02:39:39 AM
"Not to say yours was bad, Waul," Miss Kitty assured.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 02:42:03 AM
But i NEVER lose!Waul complaied " it must be some ilegal spice she put into it.." i daresay you cheated Dixie" waul proclaimed. ' Thats ridicoulous. I only used the spices and ingredients you gave me..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 02:55:50 AM
"She played fair," Kitty pointed out
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 03:02:01 AM
alright alright you can be a chef' waul scowled ' As dixie whooped and gave Kitty a Crushing hug " thank you! thank you! She grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 03:11:13 AM
"" Kitty gasped, searching for air.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 03:13:05 AM
let her breathe Dixie" arlene laughed as Dixie let go, redfaced with embarassment.. " sorry kitty.. Went a little overboard there. What do you say we sytart getting things ready for our pgroup performance tonight..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 14, 2011, 01:20:03 PM
Heckle and Jeckle, meanwhile, had decided that mouse was unappetizing to them, and instead ordered brandys to drink.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 03:54:27 PM
the yogis finished thier food and headed out after leavng a few dollars as tips. "alright we should head over to the mayor offices to get the games restarted BobO said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 06:00:53 PM
"these are really good," Sheegwa smiled, eating her mice ravioli.

"Our compliments to the chef," Sagwa and Dongwa nodded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 06:13:00 PM
Screwy finished his food abd left a couple dollars on the table " Now lets join the others
Droopys cellphone rang from his pocket, it was Valiant
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 06:16:49 PM
"Should we get back to town?" Tiger asked Stripetail and the Duke.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 06:21:32 PM
Yes, we need to talk with the mayor, to get the ok to hold the games in the area.."Stripetail said. Dixie smiled as she took her seat with thye rest of the Scoobies ' great job dixie" scooby smiled, giving her a warm nuzzle. ' now,  where will the games be held if not in town/
_ that up to Stripetail" dixie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 06:23:05 PM
"I'll take to the skies," the Duke said, "And if you see my him, I'm fine with that...."


"You'll like being a chef here," Miss Kitty assured Dixie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 06:39:58 PM
it will only be a temporary job, until we head out to the next location " Dixie replied " are there any places left in town that I could go shopping? What can I say, I like to shop.. I have to get cousin dee something.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 06:44:58 PM
"you could look around, with all this debris, it's hard to classify what's still open," Miss Kitty said.


Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 06:53:33 PM
You're a local, you should know what places are the best" scooby said. I need to find some souvenirs anyway.. like a cowboy hat" he grinned..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 07:56:21 PM
"Hmm...there's the general store...there's a candy shop that's still working," Miss Kitty pointed out.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 08:48:35 PM
Well, thats a good place to start" cindy grinne ' yogi loves candy, especially Gummi bears.."
Stripetail headed out to the mayors office which was in the midde of town.. "Is the mayor iN? He asked a female cat who was typing away at a typewriter in the front of the office. "Hes not to be disturbed sir..' she said cooly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 14, 2011, 09:37:34 PM
"This place was hit pretty hard." Droopy said looking around as he and Wally walked around.  

"That's putting it mildly." Wally said looking around as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 11:35:43 PM
"Ah, my friend would really like the opportunity to speak to him," Tiger spoke up, he knew the receptionist cat, maybe she;d make an exception for a friend.


The kittens payed for their lunch, then went out to find Stripetail.


Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 11:43:12 PM
Look Sheriff, the mayor is not really in a mood to see anyone. those darn weasels have trashed the town, you can hardly step anywhere without getting cut by glass or debris, and then thee that stuff they threw on the buildings. one cat touched it and literrally burned his paw off" the cat shuddered. " so unless your friend is offring to help pay for the cleanup, I'm afaid he won't have a good reception.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 11:45:15 PM
"Think you can work your magic?" Tiger whispered to Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2011, 11:54:59 PM
I'll give it a shot " stripetailreplied " All i need is a few minutes madam" He said to the recptionist, as Mayor McFly entered " Excuse me mayor  stripetail said " I would like a few moments of your time.. I'm lord stripetail and ..
_ Yes you're the wizard that Gabriel person warned against me talking to, before she had the weasels completely trash the town' McFly said bitterly "Tell me, my LORD' he said it with unconcealed sarcasm " can you repair the broken windows of the town, and pay the residents the many thousands of dollars they will need to rebuild their lives? Green river is a small town, we do not have the money to clean up the glass, or to order new panes...let alone compensate those residents who have lost everything. Your games cannot be held in town, in its current state..
 we are going to hold them outside of town " stripetail pointed out ' in the mines and areas surrounding the town.
I want proof that you have any magical ability, wizard" Mcfly replied "that this is not simply a chrade where you put on these games while sticking your paws into city coffers to pay for it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2011, 11:59:09 PM
"He'll give his magic a shot," Tiger assured Mayor McFly.

"And not a moment too soon," Sagwa nodded, walking in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 15, 2011, 12:12:05 AM
Doe he really have any magic sheriff " Mcfly replied. Because I think he is just another snake oil salesman..
 Are you quite finished?' stripetail said coldly. "in answer to your pointed and needling question, mayor, yes I can do all those things you have asked of me. These games are not cheap to put on, and i am doing it out of my own pocket, to the tune of many millions of dollars.Gabriel is trying to destroy all the toons she can get her hands on, she has bankrupted or damaged several of toondoms richest toons..scrooge Mcduck, to name only a very prominent example. As or the glass, i can restore the towns windows to what they were before, and provide money for those affected to live on until things improve, but what i will not do is listen to a mayor scared out of his wits badger someone who is trying to help. I am far more powerful mayor, than you can begin to imagine, and you have the gall and cheek to question if I have any magicsal ability?' Stripetail said. He gestured and Mayor Mcfly was flipped upside down and hovered in the air so his underwear was showing. Tell me mayor, if I have no magic, then what is holding you up in the air at the moment? Stripetail said sharply Mcfly 's face was filled with abject fear "Please! Don't hurt me!" " i won't" stripetail said" and I;ll let you down, if you let us hold the games outside the town " Yes.. yes just let me down" mcfly shouted" stripetail lowered his paw and Mcfly crashed into the ground. "Now if you will follow me mayor I will taake care of the glass in the streets." Stripetail said turning on his heel and eading out of the room
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 15, 2011, 12:45:54 AM
"Yeah, sorry about that," Sagwa apologized for Stripetail. "But wait till you see him do his stuff!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 15, 2011, 12:57:21 AM
Do not apologize Sagwa " stripetail replied " a wizard does not apologize for who he is, and I expect a certain level of respect and regard, if not for my rank as a lord, then at least based on what I do. I do not suffer fools..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 15, 2011, 01:15:38 AM
The faceless detective decided to do a quick tour of the town by going from building to to another one seeing the damage so far and see if he could get any information.  

Droopy pointed to a candy store.  "Let's go and see if they are open." He said .  

"Sounds great." Wally said walking along beside him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 15, 2011, 07:08:58 PM
OOC: Wow, I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up!
Heckle and Jeckle heard their mule yet again, and went outside to get her, hoping to find a proper accomodation for her at last.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 15, 2011, 08:07:59 PM
(we could slow down for a couple days.. )
 Sripetail headed out of the office and stopped "Priori restoratum! He said And there was a loud clatter as the various glass pieces rattled off the ground and flew over towards thestore frnts and began repairing themselves. Mcfly looks on, stunned as the windows repaired themselves
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 12:36:59 AM
"Alright!" Sheegwa and Dongwa clapped, applauding their magic instructor.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 17, 2011, 12:45:46 AM
The mule stopped in the middle of her track, watching the glass rise and fuse together. She then turned around the path, braying with terror, and running over Heckle and Jeckle as they tried to catch her.
"I SAY, old thing! This just isn't her day!" Jeckle exclaimed to Heckle.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 12:55:13 AM
How.. are you doing this? Ranger smith asked coming up towards Stripetail. " magic, sir, magic. and this spell is nothing compared to what I can do> But this is enough for now" stripetail said as he continued to walk down the street towards the other end of Green river, and leaving the glass repairing and estoringitself in his wake. in about fifteen minutes most of the towns front windows had been restored, the ones that weren't had been destroyed by the dip or by bombing.
Say, could you do something like that for me, woody asked " This is not a parlor trick Woody, it is actual magic, real, difficult, dangerous, magic" stripetail retorted. ' besides we have to get ready for the first event. its in a mine called looker's loot' Tiger will show you where it is.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 01:00:04 AM
"Wow..." Kitty gasped happily, seeing her town be restored.

"This is amazing," Tiger added. He looked as the broken glass shards became whole again, window after window, and wall after wall fixing up.

"I think our place is livable again," Kitty beemed, running over.

Annabelle could only clap at the sight of this squirrel doing a very good, selfless deed. "Way to go," she smirked silently.

"Darn it, I missed the demolition," Belladonna fumed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 01:10:28 AM
so you can magically restore a town huh" the hooded claw said looking on as GreeN river was repaired. " What can I say? I'm impressed. remind me not to tick this guy off" He said jerking his thumb in Stripetail direction
"Come On everyone, don;t dawdle, we're already behind schedule' Stripetail said " One member of each team will compete in this next event, it is going to be.. a minecart race..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 17, 2011, 01:20:10 AM
Back in the desert where Gabriel and her minions were camped out and celebrating with their ill-gotten gains.

"Hey, how about we hit that town again just to show them that we're not kidding around?" a Weasel suggested, downing his glass of wine.

Gabriel grinned as she held a dip grenade in her hand. "Sure, why not? It'll give us something to do while we plan our next attack."

She stepped into the driver's seat of the main camper truck as her minions got into the back. Most of the dip (including an entire tanker truck full) had been abandoned in the desert outside of Green River. While this posed an obvious environmental and safety hazard; Gabriel was not one to care about such trivial matters.

The nondescript truck rolled onto the highway and headed to Green River.


Several assorted beings (including assorted living vehicles) were busy cleaning up the mess that Gabriel (along with Captain Fairchild) had left behind.

A man walked out of a burnt out store carrying some silverware that could be salvaged. He happened to be the owner of said store.

"Great, the town gets hit by dip attacks and then assorted buildings get set on fire by a military plane," he muttered.


Major Lockie, Lt. Martin and the baby blue F-22 flew over Stripetail as they patrolled the town.


Captain Fairchild tried to contact Stripetail. "Stripetail, this is Captain Fairchild. All dip contaminated areas have been cleaned up. Other airbase personnel are standing by to assist in clean-up efforts."

He then wheeled around and returned to the airbase.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 01:27:20 AM
(have Gabriel go on to another town . hitting green River again is overkill)
So what player will be particpating? stripetil went on. It has to be someone who hasn't played yet..
Waqlly should go for our tea, Samia to the the Dawgs
 I'll go' The hooded Claw said for the Rottens
 Bobo volunteered to yogis and Scooby dee volunteered for the Scoobys.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 17, 2011, 06:05:13 PM
"I say, cats, when will we start rehearsing?" Jeckle asked the cats, tenderly grabbing hold of the mule's reigns and stroking her muzzle consolingly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 06:08:15 PM
Well we can head over to where Kitty performs to warm up.. Do you have a cat disguise I could wear?' Dixie asked Kitty. " since we are the cats, after all.. she grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 06:09:36 PM
"Sure, let me check," Kitty grinned. "You want housecat, tiger, panther, lion, or cheetah?" she added with a smirk.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 06:17:31 PM
er.. housecat, since the rest of your are. unless you think i'd look better in a lioness or patheress costume.. ah heck i'll try wearing each of them, and then we can decide which one works best within the group.."
_ I'll need time to warm up' Arlene said. " since I'm pronbably not nearly as good as you or Dixe" She said to Kitty.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 06:29:56 PM
"Sure, take your time," Kitty told to Arlene.  At her and Tiger's home, Miss Kitty brought out her collection of feline costumes.

"Housecat....lioness...tigress....pantheress.....cheetah..." she listed, tossing the costumes to Dixie until the force knocked her over.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 06:49:36 PM
Geez Kitty, you've got a ton of these" Dixie said as she got up off the ground. She looked around at the furnishings. " This is a Nice place Kitty. How long have you had it?" she asked as she set the dresses aside on a chair. She picked out the chettah constume and decided to try it first. this one had pale yellow skin, a black mouth and green eyes. it was very lifelike, it was only upon very close inspection that you could tell it was not real. " this one looks interesting" She said
_ arlene flipped through the pages of the songbook kitty had given her to practice. arlene tried a few notes, then paused, her voice was stratchy and thin, her voice warbled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 06:51:23 PM
"About 2 years now, I could afford this cause Waul played well," Miss Kitty explained.

"Although there's something you should know about those costumes, the reason they look so lifelike is....they have a spell on them, if you wear one for more than 12 hours nonstop, it will BECOME your body."

"But they all look nice, besides, everyone looks better as a feline," Kitty chuckled playfully.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 06:58:57 PM
Wait a minute, so if i wear them for more than 12 hours, they wil replace my body? Who in blazes put a spell on them?' Dixie said, turning a bit pale. she liked her body as it was.  She went into the dressing room and put on the constume and came out after ten minutes in the constume. " so how do I look?' She asked Kitty, as she showed off the cheetah form.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 07:00:28 PM
"You like just fine," Miss Kitty applauded. "And I don't know who put a spell on these, but hey, I've heard stories of those who became felines, they liked it...."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 07:05:53 PM
Well, I'm not one of them. " Dixie shrugged. "So what should be our goals for this group? We'll be traveling along to various locations with the games, various times and eras, and trying to earn a living.." She said. I'll try the pantheress next after this.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 07:06:56 PM
"Good thinking," Kitty said, "Though I recall hearing that these costumes are based off real felines," she recalled...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 07:15:14 PM
Arlene tried singing a few more songs, then gave up. My voice isn't very strong' she muttered.
_ The four competitors arrives at the first event. four old decrepit carts satood on the track leading deep into the mine. the track was lit only by laterns.
_ Dixie Wet back inyo the changing room and switched into the patnheress. this one had large red lips and a huge chest. it had gray fur and deep dark brown eyes. "I wonder who this costume was based off of" dixie said as she appeared in front of Kitty and showed it off.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 07:25:32 PM
"Heard something about an ark, but that's all I can recall," Kitty shrugged. "Looks good, but let's still try the others out."


"So who's playing this round?" Sagwa asked Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 07:28:57 PM
Scooby dee for the Doobies, Bobo for the Yogis, The Hooded Claw for the Rottens and Wally Gator for the Dawgs. Stripetail said.
Alright I'll try the Tigeress constume next Dixie said after a few minutes as Arlene entered the room " sorry girls, my voice isn't cooperating very well.." she said despondently.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 07:29:46 PM
"Hmm...what can we do about that?" Miss Kitty pondered. "Well...we could use a manager."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 07:39:51 PM
Perhaps your throat is just sore from all that singing. you are possible not used to all that singing.."
 Well, those notes are much higher than i'm used to hitting.. Arlene said. " Well you much be an alto.. its the lower voice" dixie said " those songs were probably set at soprano" dixie said. "Now as for a manager.. it would need to be someone we could all trust.. do you have a manager Kitty? she asked " Or do you do your own bookings?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 07:41:44 PM
"Mostly my own, Tiger helps sometimes", Miss Kitty explained. "LEt's you have to try the tigress and lioness suits...."


"This'll be fun to watch," Dongwa grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 07:46:17 PM
Dixie switched into the tigeress costume. it had red and black fur and had a tight costume and marking on its forehead.. this costume.. has a personality. makes me what to kick something and break something " dixie said.
the race will consist of three laps. if you go off the tracks you will be magically returned but you will have to wait five seconds before returning to the fray " stripetail said to the contestants.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 07:50:27 PM
"Well...I did by the tigress, pantheress, and lioness costumes as part of a set..." Kitty remembered. "Maybe there's a connection, I dunno...."

"Just don't break me," Tiger giggled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 07:59:41 PM
If I did anything to you, Kitty would have my scalp" dixie replied " and I care too much about her as a friend to do anything to her boyfriend."
  so i just sing the lower notes on the songs huh? That would work better foe me.. We'll all need to sing with the boys" arlene agreed
Scooby meanwhile was checking out a store that should cowboy outfits. ' ok, a costume for me and my wife Dixie' scooby said to the clerk " any suggestions?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 08:07:19 PM
"Now try the lioness suit, then housecat, then decide your favorite," Kitty suggested.


Annabelle bought a cowgirl hat for herself. "Just when I thought you couldn't look any more ridiculous..." Belladonna snickered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 08:12:36 PM
the lioness suit had blue eyes , tan fur and black lips. ' this one makes me want to bathe myself' Dixie said " I prefer bubble baths thank you very much.." so far I like the patheress suit.. but we'll have to see how the housecat feels..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 08:16:37 PM
"You might grow to like the taste," Miss Kitty joked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 08:43:28 PM
Very funny Kitty. very funny. would you find it funny if you got stuck as a dog after being a cat your whole life? Dixie shrugged " ah, but your heart is in the right place, I know.. Now lets try the last suit the house cat..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 08:44:45 PM
"Here you go," Kitty said, handing Dixie the house cat suit
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 09:34:13 PM
the housecat suit had  brown and white red lips and almond eyes. along with this the suit had a necklace to go wth it
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 09:36:42 PM
"So what's your favorite?" Miss Kitty asked Dixie
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 09:52:59 PM
i'm torn between this oe and the patheress one " dixie admitted " so I'll have the two ofr you help me decide..She said,  going back and changing out of it
 she put the two suits next to each other on the coach..
well i only sw you wear a few of them arlene said. i mean they look nice.. but i'd pick the housecat, by a slight margin
 cyou could switch between constumes as we tour.." she added
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 09:57:35 PM
"I agree with your top 2," Kitty nodded to Dixie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 10:09:57 PM
Stripetail raised his paw and cave was lit up ' The winner of this race earns 400 points for thier team, third gets 300 points, 3rd gets 200 and 4th gets 100."
i just need to pick which one i will wear for our first performance' dixie clarified.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 10:11:49 PM
"Well, since this is Green River, how about house cat?" Kitty figured
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 10:27:22 PM
Fair enough..Dixie shrugged setting the pantheress suit aside and picking up the housecat costume
 should we go warm up girls? She suggested to her frienfds...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 17, 2011, 10:41:46 PM
Heckle and Jeckle, meanwhile, with their question answered, took the time to finally find a stall for their mule. They enclosed her in, and gave her some carrots and water, with some brushing.
"There you are, old girl; You must be traumatized!" Jeckle said to the mule, giving her some carrots.
"That's not saying it all, chum!" Heckle stated as he scraped the bottom of the mule's hooves.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 17, 2011, 10:45:21 PM
Wally went to get ready for the mine cart race so he'd be properly rested and prepared for when it would start.  

"You'll do great.  Just do your best." Droopy said.  "And watch out for the Rottens."

"They use to cheat all the time in the last Laff-a-lympics." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 11:02:23 PM
Are the contestants ready? stripetail said looking at the three contestants
 "Ready to lose? the Hooded Claw laughed.
We're going to take this one"Bobo retorted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 11:18:32 PM
Sagwa, Sheegwa, and Dongwa stood at the finish line, to make sure no one would try to cheat the course.

"We're here," Dongwa said over a walkie-talkie to the squirrel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 11:25:55 PM
Just keep an eye on the track "note any cheating, and tell me imediately" stripetail said.
The girls headed into the practice room to begin warming up together.. ' ok, arlene you'll be alto. kitty you'll be the middle soprano, and i'll be high, although we can switch from song to song..Dixie said as she created copies of each song by using her ring. there were 5 copies, one each for the girld and two more for the magpies..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 17, 2011, 11:29:02 PM
"Gotcha, let's take it from the top," Kitty grinned.


"You can count on us," Dongwa replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2011, 11:41:16 PM
theres water for each of us, if either of you need a break, just ask. this will be a work in progress, since arlene doesn't have our experience in singing..Dixie said
"Hey tiger, could you go into toown, and get us some hair-holders? assuming they have them here?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 18, 2011, 12:00:52 AM
"I'll see what we have," Tiger assured.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 18, 2011, 12:16:26 AM
the rest of the scoobies, yahooes, rottens and dawgs wee seated in front of the starting line. Are you ready? stripetail asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 18, 2011, 12:35:34 AM
"I am.  Not sure of the others." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 18, 2011, 12:37:44 AM
We're ready" Dee said, and Bobonodded. " Come on start the race!
 The hooded Claw said
 Stripetail gestured and the four carts wee sent off..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 18, 2011, 12:51:24 AM
Wally did his best to to be first and remain in first during the race while Droopy cheered him on.  


The Faceless Detective was on a rooftop and saw someone holding a rock and about to toss it at a store.  He pulled out a gun as he called out, "hey." The person turned to look opened his mouth to say something.  He pulled the trigger.  A stream of booze shot out of the gun and into the person's mouth and down his throat making him instantly drunk.  

The faceless detective jumped off the building, springs on his shoes popping out enough to make his landing as easy as a step.  He used the gun to put more booze on the very drunk and almost unconscious person.  "you're lucky I choose to use this booze gun." He said.  He put the gun away and brought out a rope to hog tie the person.  "This should keep you out causing trouble for a while." He said.  He then picked up the rock and put it into one of his pockets.  "Never know when a good rock may come in handy." He said then he used the springs to go to the top of another building.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 18, 2011, 01:01:56 AM
The hooded cklaw was in second, while Bobo and Dee brought up the rear. the track went back and forth and up and down.. 'i''ll gotta catch up dee thought as she leaned forward, in an attempt to speed.
_ Valiant alled Droopy " Droopy, its valiant, I believe the faceless detective may be in town. Hard to predict where he'll show up, but with this whole mess, it wouldn't surprise me if he is in the area..
The girls began to sing " Going West", which was a song kitty knew very well..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 18, 2011, 01:21:07 AM
"You think he is?  I wonder why he would be in a small town like this.  " Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 18, 2011, 01:59:53 AM
"Here's the best I could find ladies," Tiger said, returning with some hair holders.


"I'm starting to hear something," Sheegwa said.

"It's the echo of the racers," Sagwa explained.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 18, 2011, 02:05:15 AM
"Eh, guess we'll have to see when we get dere," Tigger shrugged.

Bugs sighed absentmindedly in response.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 18, 2011, 02:10:38 AM
Scooby returned to the hotel and dropped off the stuff he had bought for himself and Dixie, which included , apart from the cowboy and girl outfits, some chocolates,  a mirror, mittens and earmuffs- scooby had a slight snoring problem
Nice work girls " Dixie said upon finishing the song.. "Thoughts so far? as for as harmny, pitch and other things..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 18, 2011, 02:33:26 AM
"I have a deeper voice, should I be in the harmony?" Miss Kitty questioned.

"Whatever you sing becomes magical," Tiger purred in a  cheesy tone to his girlfriend.

"Knock it off," Miss Kitty purred politely.


"We probably should stand off the tracks," Dongwa commented. "We don't want to get flattened."


Belladonna had sprout her bat wings to go fly and see the race.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 18, 2011, 02:50:25 AM
Yes, Blending it with arlene should be the way to go, i'll cover the melody, and arlene, you can follow kitty and try and match what she is singing.singing in a group requires blending voices together, the more people in the group the more you have to blend in.Dixie said. " and tiger, you're a shameless flatterer. scoobys the same way after i sing, he becomes like goo..' she laughed.
The hooded claw caught up to wally as they reached the halfway point of the first lap, dee had passed bobo to get to third and was trying to close the gap between herself and the leaders
 Probably working on some case of his own, or possibly working on the clurry case from a different angle. Hes helped me in cases before, but its not widely known. he likes the shadows and quiet, or so hes told me" Valiant told droopy. " go look for him, and keep an eye out..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 18, 2011, 11:36:14 AM
"I'll keep the lookout for him then.  Anything you'd want me to say to him?" Droopy asked.  


Wally did his best to steer the mine cart with his weight and placing it in the best part of the mine cart to keep it's stability and control, but also with some added speed as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 19, 2011, 01:23:01 AM
Over where the performances were being held, Major Lockie, Captain Fairchild, Lt. Martin and the baby blue F-22 were flying overhead and patrolling for threats. Several smaller planes were taking photos of the event.


Gabriel noticed that several military planes were patrolling over Green River.

"Abort! Head to Springfield!" she shouted.

The camper made an illegal u-turn on the highway and sped off in the opposite direction.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 19, 2011, 05:59:10 PM
"Although Tiger here would probably become a much larger puddle," Kitty chuckle,d pinching her boyfriend's big gut.


"This is gonna be close!" Dongwa figured.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 19, 2011, 06:05:09 PM
Dixie laughed. " L bet he does. Tiger you're going to competre in the next event, so that you can see how well you fare, and well, i work on that gut of yours..ok Kitty, pick the next song.. Arlene try and sing the low notes as best you can..after a few more songs we'll go get the "pies" and work on our 5 part s.. say I've got a better name for us, the "pies ' and the Paws. Since the Birds aren;t crows.." dixie explains " And we all have paws"  " or shoukld we just keep our name, inaccirate as it is?
 The Hoodedclaw passed Wally as they completed the first lap. Dee was third followed closely by Bobo.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 19, 2011, 06:09:36 PM
Kitty flipped through the sheet music, and picked out the one she thought sounded the best and showed it to her bandmates.

"Off to the mine!" Tiger grinned
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 19, 2011, 06:30:36 PM
Sure this sounds vfine " dixie said The song was called " Sounds of the Western wind" and it was a ballads about a prospector who had lkost everything searchiing for old, including the love of his life.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 19, 2011, 06:34:01 PM
Tiger raced though the canyon till he came to the mine.


"From the top girls," Miss Kitty began, briefly conducting.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 19, 2011, 06:45:09 PM
Dixie took the high notes and arlene took the low notes it was clear Arlene wasn't familiar with the song, and she stumbled over words and went in and out of pitch.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 19, 2011, 07:00:34 PM
Around the same time, two hippos walked to the center of Green River, named Gloria and Moto Moto.

"Delightful little town," Gloria smiled.

"Let's find you a place you can eat girl," Moto Moto grinned smoothly.

The hippos were on a vacation from Madagascar, and they just loved to relax.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 19, 2011, 07:49:36 PM
meanwhile dee and bobo and managed to catch up to hthe hooded claw and wally by jumping from track to track. They were rounding the last curve to complete the second lap
' Well Gideon its neck and neck' Honest John called from a stalactite.
 Excellent I see you're volunteering for the next event?' Stripetail said as Tiger came up to him
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 19, 2011, 07:59:44 PM
"Yeah, I could use a thrill ride," Tiger grinned,
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 19, 2011, 08:10:33 PM
its going to be a shootout in the streets of Green river. We'll see how good  your aim is" stripetail replied. " That should help since you are the sheriff. Have you ever had a shootourt Tiger? He smirked.
 Arlenbes singing troubles continued and she finally stopped " Sorry" she apologized " Just Don't know that song very well"
- Dulcy and Samia where flying in the air looking at the track as the third lap began " Come on wally! The girls cherered!
-Come on BoBo, Old buddy! Yogi yelled.
_ come in Dee! Scooby said " Come on  dEe! Winnie cherered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 19, 2011, 09:16:23 PM
"I helped out in one," Tiger said proudly, "Slingshots are my game."


"It's ok Arlene," Kitty assured her friend, "We don't need all of us to sing in every song, some of us can sit out pat particular ones."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 19, 2011, 09:50:40 PM
well you;re going to be the representative for your team " stripetail said " and theres really no pressure, considering how well your team has been doing of late..
 Thanks Kitty, I might just sit out that song, and have it be a duet with you and Dixie..Arrlene said. " whats the next song?
Dee managed to jump ahead into the lead on a long lump from a high point on the track..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 19, 2011, 09:57:18 PM
Wally continued to do his best.  He was to focused on doing his best and maintaining control with good speed and the various parts of the trace to acknowledge those who cheered for him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 19, 2011, 10:02:32 PM
"Dixie can pick the next," Miss Kitty offered. "I don't want to make every decision for our group, I want you girls to give your input."


"Here they come!" Sheegwa yelled, seeing the rials shake violently.

"Take cover!" Sagwa screamed, the 3 jumping away
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 19, 2011, 10:16:22 PM
you are the most familiar with the songs, but iI can see where you are going with that. You don't want this to becomes " Miss Kitty and the cats" or something like that' Dixie flipped through the pages, while Arlene went out to grab some water and to rest her voice " Alright, lets try the rolling river' next, has an almost southern twang to it" dixie said " and we ca throw in a few songs of mine too.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 19, 2011, 10:40:17 PM
"Ya know, that has a nice ring to it..." Miss Kitty smirked, "Just kidding," she quickly added.


"I can't tell who's closest!" Dongwa yelled over the roar of the mine carts.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 19, 2011, 10:50:19 PM
with you as the lead singer? Kitty, that only works if the person getting top billing is clearly more talented than her support group.. and Kitty, dear thats not the case here' Dixie smirked. "lets take it from the top.. " she said, starting at the first line..
- Wally was in a neck and neck battle with Scooby Dee and the Hoded claw. Bobo had been knocked off and was waitingg for the five seconds to elapse..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 19, 2011, 11:25:22 PM
Wally continued to do his best and tried to pull ahead of Scooby, while also maintaining his balance and control of the mine cart.


"This reminds me of the time Dad, Mom, & Fu-dog were taken to the old west by that Phoenix gate. " Nash (one of Brooklyn and Katan's sons) said.  "I like not being yanked around at random like we were back then."

"Reminds me of that New Texas place we visited." a  Equestroid said, resembling 30-30 but was a different individual, though he carried the same gun he did, or one that looked a lot like it.

"Yes.  Nice place to visit, at times, though things are more active now. And I'm glad that Phoenix gate business is over." Jason said.

"what ever happened to it anyway?" Nash asked.

"After Odysseus used Galatin to chop it into 4 separate pieces I and 3 of my future regenerations took them to.. let's say separate multiverses, or destroyed them.  It was the first time I met myself." Jason said.

"What did you say to each other?" Nash asked.

"Nothing, the rest knew why they were there so Odysseus handed each of us a piece and they went to their tardises and we all left"  Sooner or late I'll get the call 3 more times to go those coordinates." Jason said.  "They only went there on orders of the high council and the lord president.  Other wise it would be breaking a very high rule."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 19, 2011, 11:29:48 PM
The Hooded Claw  jumped to inside track ads a long gap loomed. ' come on, Come on, we can't afford to lose any more races" he muttered as he drew even with SCooby Dee and Wally who were on a slighlt higher track,  Bobo was well behind.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 02:37:55 AM
Not too far away from Green river, in a large mountain, there was a cave. This cave was actually the entrance to a restaurant: The Wild Cat Cafe. It was a world famous restaurant.

The owner of the place came out of his private cave. He was a big, kind of portly feline creature, as the title of the place says, Wildcat.

"Another good day," he grinned, looking at the desert overview. Several people came to his restaurant every day, because the food was simply superb. However, there was a catch: The restaurant's motto was "Feed the strong, cook the weak." Any customer who came out of the restaurant was extremely satisfied with the food they ate. The other customers, well.......

"I heard the games are nearby, I wonder if they'll stop here for refreshments," Wildcat said. "I'm always glad to see new customers...and menu items," he laughed hysterically.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 12:18:04 PM
Dee foughtto take the lead from Wally, as they made the jump the Hoodedclaw managed tomake the jump but now was slightly behind "Come on, come on.." he continued to mutter..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 12:23:37 PM
"it's gonna be close!" Sagwa yelled, getting a camera in case a photo finish was needed.


Wildcat opened the doors in the side of the cave, for all customers to come in. However, among those customers, one was involved in the game, either a spectator, a player, or a staff member.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 12:39:36 PM
Scooby dum had wandered off to get something to eatr "nyuk. Better get something to eat before the next event" He said wth a simple-minded lok on his face..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 12:43:07 PM
However, Scooby Dum-living up to his name-had wandered all the way out of Green River, until he came to the entrance of the Wild Cat Cafe.

"Are you here to eat?" the doorman asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 12:45:10 PM
Yes I am" Dum smiled " i do hope cousin Scooby and Dixie won't get mad at me for taking a hike." Dum was not aware that he had hiked almost 60 miles.." whats on the menu for today? I've got a couple hundred dollars on me..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 12:51:24 PM
"Well, we first have to decide your path," the doorman said.

Suddenly, out of a hallway in the side of the caverns, emerged Wildcat himself. "Ah...a new potential customer!" he said delighted.

He examined Scooby Dum to determine if he was strong or weak.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 12:54:21 PM
So,m whats on the menu for today sir? Dum asked Wildcat.
_ Dixie sang the duet with kitty and arlene marveled at the girls talent.. Biy you girls know how to sing" she complimented both of them..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 12:55:27 PM
"Thanks," Miss Kitty grinned proudly.


"Hmmm...." Wildcat determined, "Weak," he said. "Now, please proceed down that hallway and do what the signs tell you..." he grinned mischievously.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 01:11:02 PM
Don't sell yourself short Arlene" Dixie replied giving her a smile. " kitty and i have been singing for years, as a living. You'll get better as we go on, as you get used to the songs, and working within our harmonies."
 Thanks Dixie, you're a real friend.. I'm glad you girls are letting me sing with you Arlene said.
_ Dum being oblivious, like he normally was, went down the hallway..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 01:39:49 PM
"And if you feel singing just isn't intended for you, we'll understand," Miss Kitty nodded.


The first 3 signs read "Remove your shoes (if any)", "Cover yourself in tomato sauce", and "Mix in taco seasoning."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 01:44:25 PM
I wouldn't want to leave you guys short-handed. Arlene said. "At the same time I don't want to be a third wheel..
 Lets just go get the magpies and sing a few songs with them Dixie offered " Then we'll have an idea of what we need to work on
 Dum did as the signs told him, although even he found it strange
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 01:55:23 PM
"Good thinking," Kitty nodded.


"And the winner is...." Sheegwa said, seeing the mine carts near the finish line.


Finally, Dum reached a sign asking "How do you want your meat cooked: Rare, medium, or well done?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 20, 2011, 03:13:13 PM
Droopy did his best to keep in front with an equal amount of attention put to maintaining control and not just focusing on speed.

(what game is the restaurant from?)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 03:20:03 PM
Ok you pick the last song Kitty, then we'll head off to find the magpies.." dixie said. " arlene join in, and we'll finish up as a group then go find the boys'
- dee and Wally continued to vie for first, as the hooded claw fell behind. Bobo jumped over the claw and climbed into third "going past' bobo smirked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 03:22:36 PM
Quote from: Kor,Jun 20 2011 on  02:13 PM
Droopy did his best to keep in front with an equal amount of attention put to maintaining control and not just focusing on speed.

(what game is the restaurant from?)
(The game is called Breath of Fire II)

"'s gonna be..." Dongwa said, preparing for the racers to zip past. He couldn't make any guesses, it was so close.


Kitty made the song selection, and the girls went off to find the magpies.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 03:31:57 PM
Dee stumbled as the track turned and wally took the lead." Come on Wally" Screwy yelled. bobo caught up to Dee as they reached the final stretch..
_ dixie and arlene followed Kitty as they left the house and headed out to find the Magpies. " Nice job girls, next to blending all 5 voices together"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 03:36:14 PM
Sheegwa held the checkered flag by he teeth, ready to wave it.

"And the winner is...." Dongwa began to say.


The next door would not open until Dum made his choice.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 20, 2011, 03:36:55 PM
Wally did is best to maintain what lead he had, leaning forward a little, with his hands on both sides ready to move or shift if he saw the need to.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 03:43:54 PM
"Come on, make your selection already," Wildcat's voice called over a PA system, getting rather annoyed.

The fat feline chef was eagerly awaiting adding the dog to his menu.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 03:50:46 PM
I'll take raw" Dum replied " I like it thatway..
Bobo had pulled even with Dee as Wally pulled into the lead, it was clear that short of cheating wally was going to win
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 03:52:54 PM
"We'll do rare, will that be a compromise?" Wildcat asked Dum. "What a dimwit..." he thought to himself.


The racers were just feet away from the finish line.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 04:14:00 PM
Bobo edged ahead of dee as they reached the finish line'; Wally Gator wins, followed by Bobo Bear and Scooby dee and following in last is the Hooded Claw. The Dawgs win thier first event!
_ I lost1 ah the humanity" the hooded Claw moaned as he headed out of his cart. " the Yogis lead in Green River after one event, they have 400 points, the Yogis have 300, and scooby Doobies have 200 and the Really rottens have 100.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 04:20:58 PM
After 5 events Stripetail called out " The Scooby Doobies have 2800 points, The Droopy Dawgs are second with 2450 points,the Really Rottens are in third with 1550, and the Yogi Yahooeys are in last with 1350 points.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 04:21:05 PM
The Miao siblings applauded all the teams for the job they did, even the Rottens though they took last.


The next door opened for Scooby Dum. "Please proceed...." Wildcat huffed. the next chamber looked more metallic and less like a cave."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 20, 2011, 04:22:28 PM
"Ya." Wally said, happy that he had won.  

"Yes, you did well." Droopy said.

"It was a fun race, though not an easy just lay back sort." Wally said.

"Few races actually are." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 04:24:14 PM
this is an odd place Dum said" as the door closed behind him..
Alright Bobo! Yogi said giving his pal a smile " We're making progress. all we need to do is win the next event and we'll be in third. Ok so the Scoobies have twice our points but hey they won all the event in toon City and thats a lot of ground we'll have to make up..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 04:26:14 PM
"Finally," Wildcat chuckled, as Dum was sealed in, revealing the room he was in to be a giant oven!

"Time for you to be taco meat!" the chef chuckled, the heat turning on. The one who ordered the Scooby Dum taco was.....


Tiger was back in the main part of Green River, where the 2nd event, the shoot out, would be taking place. "Better hone my skills" he told himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 04:26:41 PM
Stripetail handed out the medals and winnings for the contestants. Wally got a million, Bobo 500 thousands, Scooby Dee 250 thousand and te Hooded Claw received 125 thousand.. " a good race, and now on to the next event.. which will be held in the streets of Green River.. Stripetail said as he motioned to the exit.
_ We won! Samia and Dulcy Smirked as they flew off towards the opening of the mine.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 04:32:26 PM
"Shooting, this'll be my game," Belladonna grinned, having lots of target practice at her home.


"Your tacos should be ready within 15 minutes," Wildcat told the customer who ordered them, who was...

(OOC: Nick, could you make up the customer?)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 04:37:37 PM
It was Huckleberry Hound who was stopping for a bite to eat between the games. " I'll sit here by the table until they are ready
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 04:43:02 PM
"good thinking," Wildcat nodded, returning to his "Viewing Box" where he watched Dum become food.

"this is always so much fun..." he grinned, eating some popcorn while he watched.


Most of the other players were waiting as Stripetail and the others returned to Green River's main (and only) street.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 20, 2011, 04:44:59 PM
"Thanks." Wally said happily.  He then went to where the rest of the team was to show his medal and give the money to Droopy to pass out to the team after he had figured out much each equal share was.

"You did very well indeed." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 04:50:08 PM
Alright, this is the second event, an old fashioned shootout in the sTreets..Stripetail said gesturing " in this event you will be wearing a target on your back and front. you get hit the color of the target changes. from green to yellow to red. you get hit while it is red it goes dark and the other target talkes its place. onces both targets go dark you are out and you lose. Each team will put up one challenger from both genders.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 04:51:38 PM
"I'm for the Rotten girls," Belladonna volunteered quickly.

"You can count me in," Tiger nodded.


Soon, the oven DINGED! "Ahh, smells so good," Wildcta grinned, opening the oven up, holding a giant taco shell with him, scooping the Scooby Dum meat into it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 04:54:09 PM
I'll volunteer for the Rotten guys The Baron said
 Dulcy volunteered to go for the dawgs and screwy went for the dawgs for the guys
 Cindy would go for the Yahoeys as she was the only female on the team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 04:58:36 PM
"Here you go sir," Wildcat told Huckleberry, having added cheese, lettuce, and tomato slices to his Scooby Dum taco, "Enjoy," the fat feline smiled.


"Let's find a place to sleep guys," Sagwa yawned, "I'm getting tired."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 05:18:46 PM
Dum lay in the shell, tired from  the heat, he heard someone munching and smelled something strangely familar..
 This taco is great! Where did you get the meat?Huckleberry said in his normal drawl
 Winnie would play as the Scoobys female competitor.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 05:20:35 PM
"Some rather dumb dog who entered here," Wildcat said proudly. He knew this wouldn't disturb Huckleberry, as most customers who came here and were able to eat were fully aware of the Cafe's main food supply.


"Partners," Tiger said to Winnie, hi-5ing her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 05:26:54 PM
Lets go impress Kitty and Woody with our shooting. Winnie said " Besides I've been wanting to get in the games and win some money since the teams were announced" she added.
Yogi looked around' where Huckleberry. hes the best shot on our team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 05:32:42 PM
"Kitty's alreayd impressed with me," Tiger grinned widely, "Now I feel like I'm just showing off.."

"Prepare to have those grinns melted off your faces," Belladonna taunted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 05:44:18 PM
Each team will face off against the other teams. the total number of points in this event is 800, 400 for the winners of both flights. we will start off by pitting opponents based on scores, so for example team 1 will face team 4, then 3 then 2 in that order. Boys will face against boys girls against girls. To start the Scoobies will play the Yoogis and the Dawgs will play the rottens. so Tiger and Winnie you will play  Huckleberry and Cindy" stripetail said. Screwy and Dulcy will face the Baron and Belladonna.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 05:46:52 PM
"Interesting factoid," The Duke of Owls said, flapping down next to Stripetail. "Apparently Green River is not too far away from Wildcat's Restaurant," the owl noted, "We haven't seen him in years."


"Sorry about this Cindy," Tiger joked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 05:55:18 PM
Ah yes, so that might be where Huckleberry has whisked himself off to ah well Go up there Duke and see if hes there. Remind him hes up in the event,and if need be drag him along with you" stripetail said. " For now we'll start off with the match between the Dawgs and Rottens
 Dulcy strode up to him
 her large size would make her a tempting target
 Screwy was smaller " Lets go beat these guys Screwey said " If we win this we could get first place..
You ready Belladonna the baron said as Stripetail bade them stand at the far end of the street. dulcy and screwy would be ion the other side of town.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 05:57:11 PM
"Ready!" Belladonna called, eager to open fire. Weapons were her speciality  :DD


"I'll be on my way," the Duke nodded to the squirrel, taking flight and heading in the direction of the cafe within the mountains.


"This is my kind of entertainment," Dongwa chuckled, pulling up a chair.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 06:03:17 PM
Scooby took a seat next the general store
 on either side of the street locals and fans were gathered together to watch the action
 Each of you will take ten paces forward from your current positions and then you will open fire. if none of you hit each other, you will move ten paces closer, and this will continue until each of you has scored a hit once that happens you will stay at that distance until the shootout is over. Points are as follows 100 points for a win, 50 for a loss. There is currenbtly a 350 point difference betwen first and second and a 200 point gap between third and fourth, so the standings could change dramatically" stripetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 06:09:32 PM
The Duke arrived at the Wild Cat Cafe just in time for Huckleberry to finish his taco.

"I'm sorry good man, but you have to be back in town, your game is coming up next!" the owl said, scooping the dog up in his claws and flying back.


"Yeah yeah," Belladonna nodded. "blah blah blah.." she added under her breath, wanting the game to begin already.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 06:19:07 PM
huckleberry sighed as  he was carried out by the Duke " the foiod they have there is really good..
 Dulcy took a seat next to Samia. I'm a bit nervous" she admitted to her " I'm more useful for srength contests, this thing is lkike a top squirt gun in my claws she sighed. ' Chin up" samia said said patting her on the cheek
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 06:27:03 PM
"Believe me, I'm aware," the Duke nodded. The owl soon reached Green River once more and set the dog down, the game had begun.

"Wildcat wants to have a meeting with you," the Duke told Stripetail, "After all, he's the only other immortal being we know."

"Wait.." Dongwa said surprised, "There's another immortal animal besides Stripetail?!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 06:37:07 PM
There are very few of us" Stripetail began " Our meeting will have to wait until after the shootout is over..He Said to the Duke
 Wildcat.. is a rather.. complex character, who has been running that restarant of his for centuries.He only has one resteraunt by the food is excellent. How he procures food is a closely guarded secret, but the food always draws rave reviews. He has gained a form of immortality from coming with magic for so long.. He derives great joy from what he does and enjoys life immensely, even after nearly 10000 years.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 06:41:02 PM
"It must be getting good reviews if it's been around for that long," Sheegwa smiled.  "And he must be doing a good job at keeping his secret recipe a secret," she added.

"Do you two know each other?" Sagwa asked Stripetail.

Indeed, including Stripetail and Wildcat, the amount of immortals in the world could be counted on a single hand.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 06:46:33 PM
Winnie started counting off the steps in her head "3..4.5.6 each of the contestant had a magical sixshooter which shot green fireballs.
 The Baron moved forward his eyes on the orange cat in the distance..
 We know each other, but i would not consider us to be close.. some of his methods I don't approve of..Anyway you are welcome to go visit his resteraunt.. just be xareful while you are in there..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 06:50:39 PM
"We will," the kittens nodded happily. The Duke's belly rumbled, the owl felt he could use a bite as well.

"Anyone want to accompany us to the Wild Cat Cafe?" the Duke asked, flying around, asking non-competing contestants and observeres.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 06:54:22 PM
A number of the fans incliuding  Jabberjaw Captain Caveman and Hong Kong Phooey agred to come along.. a number of the mice agreed to come as well
- Dixie and Arlene took a seat on a bench to watch the shootout.. " Want to join us kitty? Arlene asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 06:55:46 PM
"Sure," Kitty nodded to Dixie and Arlene. But then she heard the Duke's offer. "Actually girls, want to go to the Wild Cat Cafe? The food there is even better than at Waul's, to be honest."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 07:01:23 PM
Sure why not? dixie said ' does he allow acts to sing at his resteraunt by any chance? Also are there any customs I should be aware of?'
_ I could use a break fronm singing.. besides we haven't been able to find those magpies arlene agreed. " Do you know the owner kitty?
 Winnie reached the step limit and began firing at Blladonna The baron began firing to Tiger.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 07:07:27 PM
"Don't know him personally, but I've heard a lot about him," Kitty replied, "His food is considered the best you'll ever eat, and he believes strength is very important. I don't know about allowing acts though, you'll have to ask." The 3 followed the Duke all the way back to the mountain.


"Eep!" Tiger panicked, ducking at the last second. "You're not catching me off guard like that again!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 07:16:02 PM
Winnie moved in closer and fired again at Belladonna and missed again.
 The baron moved closer again and took another shot at Tiger.
- The three girls reached the resteraunt which was a very pleasing smell. soft music played in the air as a dioorman came up to them
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 07:21:08 PM
"Hey!" Tiger yelled, as the shot hit him dead on in the target, knocking him back and changing the color.

"Now it's my turn!" Belladonna grinned shooting the albeit non-lethal ammo like crazy, she was trained in these arts. "Rapid fire hell fire!" she laughed.


Wildcat made his way towards his restaurant's entrance.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 07:36:59 PM
Winnie had to duck to avaoid the barrage but some found there mark. her front target was now wyellow. ' She squeezes off some return shots..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 07:39:42 PM
"Do we wait to be seated here?" Miss Kitty asked the doorman, wanting to know.


"Too slow!" Belladonna taunted, avoiding Winnie's counterattack. "Don't try to stop me. Cause you can't!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 07:44:59 PM
Do you have a reservation? The Doorman asked
_ we're part of the :Laffalympics Arlene said. ' and we'd like a table, for what do you say girls.. 6..  us and our boys?
 Baron got hit by one of Tigers shots..
Winnie ducked another barrage " you're going down Belladonna" She called out..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 07:47:38 PM
"Actually..." Wildcat said, suddenly appearing, "There's something I must do before you are seated." He began to examine each of the newcomers thoroughly as though he was peaking into their souls.

"Hmm...some strong, some weak..." the fat feline commented.


"i'm from Hell, I can only go up from their sister," Belladonna joked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 07:51:16 PM
what do you mean by that Dixie said " We just want to be seated. Oh, do you allow singing acts as entertainment here? because kitty Arlene and I have formed a group she smiled.
- Whos strong who's weak might I ask Arlene said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 07:55:16 PM
"Well," Wildcat replied with a sly grin, "I can talk to you two about a singing act," he said to Dixie and Miss Kitty. "Grand Duke, you, the kittens, and these 2 proceed to a table. The rest of you, please proceed down that cavern."

The Duke grinned, Hunch, who had followed them here, was among the one dubbed "Weak."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 08:01:19 PM
Wait What about me? arlene asked ? I'm part of the group.."
 Just head down the hall" The doorman said and follow the directions " Hong kOng Phooey anbd Captain Caveman were among those sent into the side passage..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 08:02:11 PM
Hunch read the first sign, "Please remove any shoes or armor," the little owl said.

A bigger sign read "YOU MUST OBEY THE SIGNS" the first door behind the group closed suddenly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 08:06:17 PM
Dixie and Kitty were shown to a beatuful table " a sserver soon brought her and Kitty drinks ' So Kitty i'm really Excited about the group' She said to her friend ' i think we sound really good. Remember when we sang at the radio station in Toon City?"
_ Arlene did have any shoes to take off so she followed the signs.. " I wonder where this place goes' she wondered , having no inkling of the danger ahead.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 08:11:32 PM
The next two signs read this:

2. "Please put any of the following on, or over your current clothes." All the patrons were seeing outfits that seemed to be either a napkin, a wrap of some kind, dough, or a soft shell taco.

and 3. "Please srpinkle salt and pepper all around you."

"This is just bizarre," Hunch said, but nevertheless did so.


"We did great...." Kitty grinned, "But I bet these are the regular seats, while Arlene and the others are getting the REAL good tables..." she figured.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 08:17:16 PM
Thats possible, they may be getting seats closer to the stage.." Dixie said nearby there was a screen showing the events in Green River ' Look Kitty! they actually have tvs here.. Winnie and Tiger aren;'t doing so hot she muttered " Well you figured we had to lose sometimes'
 Arlene poput on what looked like a taco shell " What is this some kind of constumed stage show? She figured.. hongKong Phooey had chosen a napkin and Captain Caveman had chosen a wrap.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 08:31:28 PM
"Oh yeah!" Belladonna laughed triumphantly, having defeated the other team practically single handedly.


Hunch put on a taco shell as well.

There were only 2 more signs.

One which read :Please cover yourselves in mustard and ketchup" and...

"It's almost meal time! How do you want your meat cooked-rare, medium, or well-done?" next to the message was a picture of a grinning Wildcat.

""We all have to agree on a setting," Hunch said, "We can't pick seperately," as mustard dripped off his head.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 08:38:21 PM
The baron smirked as thety headed out the street " 200 more points for us rottens" He smiled  the Scoobies had only gained 100 fromthe contest and now would need to beat the two remaining teams to have any shot of winning..
b meanwhile Dulcy and Screwy were making a strong stand against cinbsy and Huckleberry. Dulcy hit Cindy again, knocking her out and gaining 100 points for the dawgs.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 08:41:15 PM
"Well-done" seemed to be the consensus the group reached.

"Um..well-done," Hunch spoke into a microphone, and then suddenly a door opened up in front of them, leading to a room that appeared more metallic as opposed to being a cavern.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 08:44:44 PM
trhis isn't a cave.. its some sort of cage of some sort" arlene said looking around as the door closed behind them.. " Something not right here' phooey said
- Winnie headed back towards the hotel in defeat.. they would face the yogis in the second shootout tomorrow.they would need to win. " That Belladonna is good she admitted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 08:50:41 PM
"In the evil kind of good way, yes, she is," Tiger nodded, embarrassed at his defeat.


"To be more precise," Wildcat's voice said, booming over a PA system, "You are in an oven. I peered into your souls...and realized you're weak. So, you're about to become some yummy, juicy steaks for your friends, the strong ones. Enjoy!"

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 08:55:45 PM
well theres always tomorrow guys Woody sauid coioming up to them ' We've got 2900 so far, but at the rate things are diing the Dawgs will be in the lead.
- An OVEN? Arlene panicked " you're going to cook us?'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 09:00:12 PM
"Why yes," Wildcat replied, "I've been doing it to people for over 10,000 years, why stop now?" he chuckled heartily, as the heat began to raise in the oven.

"Ow ow ow.." Hunch frowned, flapping to the top to avoid burning his claws.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 09:02:15 PM
Because I'm part of the Laffalympics and are on Stripetail's payroll. do you know who he is? Arlene said as she tried to avoid getting too badly burnt..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 09:06:24 PM
"Oh, a good friend in fact," Wildcat replied gleefully, "And he's aware that anyone who comes to my place could end up cooked. It's happened at previous you're kind of outta luck sister," the fat cat chuckled heartily.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 09:14:00 PM
surely he told you not to eat members of his teams though? arlene said. "Besides I have friends out there.. who I care about.. and I don;t relish getting to know their innards..
 Phooey tried tio o red fromnhis kung fu book, but the pages were starting to brown from the heat.
 So once Arlene come back, we should set up a list of song we should perform and in what order..Dixie said. ' once we find those magpiues of course..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 09:21:32 PM
"Relax," Wildcat called, "If you can stay awake throughout the cooking, you can warm them to not eat you and someone might turn you back to normal."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 09:24:21 PM
Phooey yelped as his book turned tio ash " my handbook of kungfu? How are I syupposed to bash the bad guys now..?
- when I get out of here Stripetail is going to get an earful from mne about you.. We will be taking our business elsewhere..Arlene said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 09:31:24 PM
"The ones who will doing the eating won't be saying the same," Wildcat chuckled.

"You're all coming along so nicely..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 09:37:50 PM
Who am I being served to? Arlene said as her taco shell began to harden.
- What is taking Arlene so long? Dixie said as the waiter come by with appetizers.
Stripetail bid the teams head back to the hotel or go to the resteraunt for dinner..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 09:41:30 PM
"Oh, your friends," Wildcat replied quickly with a light shrug.


"Yeah, she's taking so long, I feel like I could eat her," she said jokingly, but Miss Kitty was sitll annoyed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 20, 2011, 09:48:18 PM
Droopy & Wally cheered on their team mates.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 09:54:52 PM
you wouldn't' Dixie said, mildly rebuking her friend. would you like to go talk to the owner about doing a duet/ She asked
 Screwy finished off Yogi, giving the dawhgs 200 points. Alright' Thats its for tonight Screwy said she and dulcy headed back to join their team " Dulcy was greeted with a hug by Samia ' youu did great! She smiled
 Huckleberry and Cindy returned to the Yogis. they were now forced into a must win matchup against Scoobies tomorrow.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 10:03:51 PM
"All meetings with Mr. Wildcat must be scheduled by his secretary," a waiter told Dixie and Kitty, pointing to a beautiful female cat creature (the same species as Wildcat), working on a laptop as they spoke.


"Yummy," Sheegwa grinned, as they were served a pie, which used to be a coyote.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 10:07:24 PM
Fine" Dixie shrugged as Stripetail appeared in the front enterance along with Scooby nd Scooby dee' my table ready I take it he said to the doormnan. and these fellows are with me.. Wildcat is not puling his Strong weak trick on them" He added. " If you could show them to a table, and give them menu while I talk to your boss I'd be much obliged."
 Arlene felt herself begin to faint from exhaustion..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 10:09:08 PM
The doorman nodded and showed the Scoobies the way to a table, next to ehwere the Miao siblings and the Duke were eating.

Wildcat was informed of Stripetail's arrival. "It's been centuries, Stripetail!" the feline immortal smiled friendly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 10:18:04 PM
yes it has wildcat, i do hope you haven't been cooking any of the players in these games, as you have done in prior competitions. I have enough problems on my plate without some toon coming to me covered in toppings and claiming you made them into a pie. obviously i can't do anything about those you have alreasdy cooked, but i can do something about the future customer. only cook those that you feel are irredeemable,yes thats a limiting factor but it cuts back on hard feelings."
_ Dixie approached the Secretary " Excuse me madam, but could you get a audeience with your boss for a few minutes to discuss an idea for a show?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 10:33:28 PM
"I understand," Wildcat nodded, though, unlike Stripetail, he had a "living forever rocks" mentality, he was able to honor a request.

"Though some of them in a few minutes may be coming to you about being in steaks and a roast," he admitted.


"Our compliments to the chef," Sagwa told the doorman.


In the oven, a mechanical claw reached down and grabbed the fully cooked Hunch, as he was finished before the rest of the group. He was put on a platter and delivered to the Duke.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 10:37:16 PM
Stripetail shook his head , you haven't changed ina bit in centuries. Normally I'd just shrug it off, but right now I'm in a high stakes game with a evil human named gabriel for the future of toons in this region and've heard no doubt about the deplorable condition toon world is in?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 10:43:13 PM
"Don't worry," Wildcat assured, "I set the oven magic to "tranquilize", so they won't get killed by the cooking."

"And yes," the feline chef nodded "I've heard about that blasted Gabriel and his dip. I've had to cut advertising for this place so they can't find it, myself and some of my employes even chased away a weasel working for him some time ago. Yes, I may cook a lot of people, but I protect my employees and my customers..."

"Splendid," the Duke grinned, picking up Hunch and opening his beak wide.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 10:47:48 PM
Gabriel is a woman " stripetail clarified. " thank you for the understanding. Now one more request could you permit my Friends Dixie Doo and miss Kitty to perform on stage? They both love to sing, and are really good, noth have had extensive background in performing for an audience. While your gusts munch whatever unfortunate creatures you've packed into steaks and wraps and other things, the girls can strut thier stuff.  I'll throw in a big tip, to. i do recall you would have  liked to have a key that could unlock heads from bodies and allow you to replace them with other heads? Permit this and i'll find one for you and send it to you..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 10:52:20 PM
"We have a deal," Wildcat nodded, shaking paws with Stripetail. "And yes, I'd like that key, old friend."

Belladonna and Annabelle approached the restaurant entrance, where Wildcat caught a glimpse of them.

"The purple one's clearly evil," he told the squirrel.

The dishes Arlene and the others were in were finished and brought out.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 11:01:32 PM
Alright do what you must " Stripetail said nodding aat Wildcat and heading back to the table
Dixie felt her ring began to glow " you and Kitty are going to perform for patrons Tonight" came Stripetails voice ' Wildcat has oked it, so all you have to worry about it what songs to perform..' Dixies face broke out into a grin "We'll start the show at say 7..' Very well that gives you 45 minutes to warm up.."
Stripetail's voice faded as he broke contact. ' dixie grinned at Kitty " Alright girl lets show the guests our stuff1"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 11:04:37 PM
"Here's your order," the waiter told Dixie and Kitty, handing them the Arlene roast. The pink cat wasn't immediately ideentifiable, so Kitty simply took the platter. "Thank you sir," Miss Kitty smiled.


"Well, that takes care of my accursed nephew," The Duke told Stripetail, the owl patting his gut with his wing looking very satisfied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 11:08:44 PM
you had been telling me you had been having issues with him" struipetail said bemused " this is one way of settling that score
Arlene was jarred back into conscious as she felt sharp folks begin to poke at her ' OPlease.. don't.. coook.. me' she mutrmured, shifting on the platter she was resting on, and her face was now visible to both Dixie and Arlene. ARLENE? Dixie started, her mouth open in shock...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 11:13:34 PM
"Come on cousin, let's go down the tunnel, I dare you," Belladonna smirked.

"," Annabelle tried to reply. "I still have control over you, so follow me!" the hellhound smirked evilly.


"Indeed, it is," The Duke grinned, then letting out a big BBBBBUUURRRRRPPPP!!! "Excuse me," the big owl apologized, "I know that doesn't go well with my gentlemanly image...."


"What are you doing in there?!" Kitty yelled to Arlene.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 11:18:35 PM
he.. cooks those.. he.. consiiders .. weakl.. and he considered me weak.. i wasn't the only one. he. cooked that karate guy, an owl and a couple others' arlene gasped.he.. turned me into a roast.."
 Who turned you into a roast.. " Wildcat.. the owner of the resteraunt' Arlene said she was starting to lose conscoiusness again and dixie leaned over bpicked her off the platter and sat her down next to her. She looked at arlene cosely, the constume she had wormn was gone, and her fur smelled of gravy and fixings. 'shes not performing for a while Dixie said flatly to Kitty.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 11:22:22 PM
"At least she's going to be ok," Miss Kitty said, relieved. "Though how will we get the smell off of her...."


The two whippets made it all the way to the oven, following the signs, Annabelle reluctantly however.

"Give me your worst!" Belladonna called loudly with a smirk in the oven. Being from Hell, high temps didn't bother her at all.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 11:30:30 PM
a long bath and soak, to get the smell out and allow her skin to shed the burned parts' Dixie said. " this is not something she'll bounce back from in a day or two though, and i don';t think she'll be going out to resteraunts for awhile not after her experience. after we're done performing, we'll take her back to the hotel, clean her up and put her to bed..' Dixie said. ' she needs time to recover, both physically and mentally.. so it'll just be you and me for awhile kitty.' she said somberly ' and i'm not that hungry anymore after finding out we were going to have friend la flambe for dinner. How about you?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 11:34:59 PM
"Would it be bad if I told you I'm still hungry?" Miss Kitty admitted.


Annabelle created a protective barrier around her, but Belladonna was glefully treating the oven like a sauna, poofing a beach umbrella and chair into existence and resting like she was on the beach.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 11:39:09 PM
well i can create some mouseburgers for you,.' dixie said " since you're still hungry, and I know you like my cooking..' she smiled. ' how many do you want? she said as she gave her drink to aarlene ' just take small sips alright" she said to her softly ' Kitty and i are going to sing a couple songs and then we are going to take you back to the hotel and get you cleaned up. you're not going to be competing for awhile.' Arlene niodded. " Thanks guys, you're the best" she said in a voice that was filled with sincere emotion..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 11:40:55 PM
"Don't mention it girl," Miss Kitty smiled gently, giving Arlene a gentle pat.


"How long has she been in there now?" Wildcat asked on of his employees absolutely befuddled, hearing about "the dog who wasn't bothered by heat."


"I think I'll spend the night here," Belladonna chuckled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 11:48:38 PM
we will need to get you a new uniform Dixie said to arlene but for now' she made some mouseburgers with her ring for kitty " You just lie there and recover..' She said ' she turned to kItty " wolf those down and lets head backstage to practice'
- shes been in there close to an hour boss" one of Wildcats worjkers said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 11:50:54 PM
"With her resistance to heat, I'm almost considering asking her to become a mascot for this place.." Wildcat laughed, "But then again she's not a feline...."


"Can you turn it up, it's only like 500 degrees Fahrenheit!" Belladonna complained.


Kitty wolfed down the mouse burgers rather quickly. "I picked up some of Tiger's habits," she admitted guiltily.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 20, 2011, 11:55:57 PM
Well you do alright for yourself. i'm suprised i haven't picked up more of scoobys face-stuffing tricks than i have.goodness knows he eats a lot' dixie said to her 'we have a lot in common as you know, the siumilarities between our boys can be eerie at times.." she said getting up. ' So How many songs should we sing? 3? because Arlene really needs to be taken home in a decent time frame. enough to leave them wanting more, but not enough that we overstay our welcome..' she grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 20, 2011, 11:59:13 PM
"Stripetail," Wildcat asked, going over to his immortal friend, "that devil whippet who's part of your games is requesting she spend the whole night in the oven. Should I allow her?"


"Yeah 3, then we should go help Arlene," Kitty agreed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 12:05:05 AM
Sure, it reminds her of home..' Stripetail said "though you should let anyone else who is in there out."
 dixie got up gave arlene a careful hug, and then went back towards the stage..the resteraunt by this time was getting pretty full, there was going to be a good audience for the girls.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 12:11:22 AM
Annabelle got out of the oven as soon as she possibly could.

"Hey Stripetail," Belladonna called, "How hot can this get? I want this at the maximum, if not beyond!"


"Here we go," Kitty said to Dixie.

Wildcat came on stage to intorduce the duo, "Please but your paws, wings, and perhaps tentacles together for...." he wasn't told of the group's name, if they had settled on one. "the talents of the lovely Miss Kitty and dixie!"

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 12:16:35 AM
Dixie came out on stage  with a beautiful green dress. ' come on Miss Kitty, lets rock this place" She said to her friend with a knowing grin.
 This is going to be GOOD' Scooby said proudly " He was very proud of his wifes singing prowess.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 12:23:12 AM
"Oh yheah," Tiger nodded, having arrived and been deemed "strong."


"turn the heat up if you can with your magic Stripetail," Belladonna called.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 12:27:14 AM
stripetail did gradually raising the oven to 1000 degrees. ' hot enough for you..
- The girls bega to sing ' rolling west' and you could hear a pin droup in the room. kitty and dixie were well-matched vocally, kitty having a slightly deeper voice, and dixie being able to belt out very high notes completely in pitch and tune. all in all it was a powerhouse performance on the song and when they finished the resteraunt erupted in loud applause  and whistles.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 12:31:44 AM
"it's nice, but if you could make it hotter that would be appreciated," Belladonna grinned as the flames surrounded her. She was almost being nice for once.


"Thank you!" Miss Kitty bowed as some flowers were thrown on stage.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 12:37:05 AM
very well 1500.' stripetail said raising the temperature more.
 dixie put her arm around kitty and bowed as more flowers were thrown at thier feet. ' thank you ' she said clearly touched by the warm wishes ' we're going to have two more songs for you tonight' she said ' one is 'riding that ol mississippi', and the other is  a new song kitty has just written called " green River"
_ Arlene had a smile on her face, from listening to the song " i can't believe these are the girls I'm singing with?' She thought to herself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 12:41:42 AM
Belladonna sighed relaxed as the flames engulfed her, but they didn't bother her at all. "Get it hotter if you can, but I'm really likin this..."


"Nearly cooked Arlene?" Tiger asked the cat, going over to her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 12:47:44 AM
yeah Arlene said sadly " i would have been eaten if the girls hadn't figuered out it was me' arlene said , and turned to listen as dixie and kitty began thier second song, which was a song dixie had performed back in her showboat days. the girls were all over the map in terms of notes and chords, but that was what the song required, it was not an easy song to sing..but the girls nailed it.a fresh chorus of cheers and whistles seranded them. ' they're incredible Tiger, don't you agree? She said with a note of pride in her voice. I love both of them, as dear friends. they've been kind enough to bring me along and help start this group- although I don't think we've fully settled on a name yet..and given tonight experiece with the oven i won;t be singing much anyway..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 12:49:26 AM
well no oven can match the heat and temperature you're used to Stripetail said as he raised the oven to its maximum heat 2250. "enjoy belladonna, and you rottens look like you have strong pair in this event" He added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 12:50:21 AM
Since because of Wildcat's magic, there was no truly dangerous temperature for the oven to be at, Belladonna yelled "Oh yeah! Make it the hottest you can think of!"


"you could be "The Entrees" Tiger said half jokingly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 12:56:37 AM
if I wasn't in my current condition Tiger, I would make you pay for the bad joke.." arlene said , a bit hurt at the joke. "i know you were trying to a funny remark but nows not the time' especially after you got pounded in the shootout today..or should hang that over you for a couple days..
- dixie let kitty begin the last song, after all it was er ong, then joined in after a few measures..
 Stripetail raised the temperature to 3000 degrees.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 12:57:34 AM
"Perfect.." Belladonna grinned, practically invisible by all the fire, going to sleep.


"Yeah, sorry about that..." Tiger apologized to Arlene.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 01:07:04 AM
Its alright" Arlene shugged as best she could. " you didn't mean anything by it Tiger'
 Stripetail nodded and left Belladonna to sleep in the blazing hot oven.
Dixie and Kitty Finished the song, which was, as was the prior two, sung with excellent pitch and voice control, and had all the hallmarks of being sung by pros, which, of course Kitty and Dixie were.
 I love you Dixie1 Scooby called out among the cheers and whistles."Thats my girl!' He beamed proudly to those around him..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 21, 2011, 02:12:20 AM
Splinter & Knothead walked towards the entrance of the cafe they heard their uncle was in or going to be in soon.

"It'll be good to see uncle Woody again." Knothead said.

"Yea, and have a chance to sit for a bit and maybe get some food." Splinter said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 10:11:10 AM
Winnie stopped at the front door when she saw the two yung woodpecjkers " splinter Knothead! Please follow me1 youer uncle is right this way, she said, guiding to the two towards her table.. " Woody waved as he saw his niece and nephews " Where have you guys been? I'm responsible for you two, and I hate to think what Sis would say if she found out that I hadn't been keeping an eye on you.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 21, 2011, 12:37:41 PM
Knothead and Splinter waved to Winnie.  

"Hello Miss Winnie.  We are glad to see you." Knothead said as they both walked along with her.

They both waved and smiled to Woody once they saw him.

"Hello Uncle Woody." They said together.

"We were just exploring the town." Splinter said.  "It's just like in the westerns."


Woody And Wally decided to head back to the hotel to rest and see if they had some food there.

"Things have gone great, all things considered." Wally said to Droopy as they walked along.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 12:48:06 PM
"You're strong," Wildcat commented to Knothead and Splinter as he walked passed, they wouldn't end up on the menu.


Tiger whistled, "And that's my girl!" he applauded to Miss Kitty.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 21, 2011, 04:34:26 PM
"What did he mean by that?" Splinter asked.  

"Can't be smell, we took a bath this morning." Knothole said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 05:21:32 PM
"It means you won't get cooked," Annabelle told the two young woodpeckers, walking past.


"One more song to go..." Kitty told Dixie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 05:28:21 PM
Alright' Dixie nodded. " you can start, after all its your song, you wrote it.." she added pausing and waiting for Kitty to start the song..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 05:31:12 PM
Kitty did a silent "1..2..3." to indicate the music starting, then began the song.

"Well, lett me tell ya about a town out west...

And I have to say it's really the best...."


Belladonna dozed rather peacefully amongst the blazing fire.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 05:39:55 PM
A quiet place, really quite small. Green River' dixie chimed in..
 Stripetail smiled as he listened to the girls sing.. " Those two complement each other very nicely.." He smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 05:43:01 PM
The girls continued their song until the very last note, which Kitty managed to hold for several seconds.


"Agreed," Wildcat nodded to his fellow immortal. "They're as great as some other acts I've had here in the past."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 05:48:05 PM
Winne cheered as she listened to the girls finish. " Man those girls can belt it out"
 hey I can sing too Woody said ' Woody, I've heard your-what you call -singing, it sounds like someone scratching thier nails on a chalkboard really loudly.." i happen to have a foine voice. I'll prove it just have a karoke contest and you'll see..' Woody replied.
They haven't really settled on a name to my knowledge" stripetail said "If they could come oup with one, they could go on tour once these games are over.. I'm sure they would become a huge hit..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 06:19:26 PM
"I have some suggestions," Wildcat smirked a devious smile, "How About "The Lunch Ladies" or "The Diners" or "3-Square MEals a day," the fat feline suggested half-jokingly to Stripetail and the girls.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 21, 2011, 07:26:34 PM
After tending to their mule and making sure she had calmed down, Heckle and Jeckle arrived at the restaurant, just in time to see Kitty and Dixie performing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 07:54:20 PM
Dixie soon caught sight of Heckle and Jeckle " Hey guys! we've been looking for you around town " where have you been? She asked friendly. If you want you can join us up here" She added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 08:07:58 PM
Wildcat looked at the two new arrivals.

"Hmm....unsure about these two," he admitted.


"Farewell Hunch," the Duke said half-mockingly, looking at his gut.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 21, 2011, 08:08:38 PM
"We finally got our mule in a stable." Heckle said. "We'd be more than happy to join you." Jeckle added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 08:19:51 PM
Please come on up here Dixie invoited them. " Only one song though as Arlene here.. had an accident and will need to go home to rest" she said. Have you picked out a siong?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 08:52:06 PM
"We already sung the songs we decided on," Miss Kitty pointed out to the two.

"You do smell rather nice after being cooked," Tiger told Arlene.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 21, 2011, 09:32:44 PM
"Cook us, like that witch wanted to do?" Knothole said.

"Remember what happened to her after we were done with her?" Splinter said, which got them both laughing at the memory of the incident that happened.  "And when we ran into Buzz Buzzard.  When we were done he didn't know which way was up."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2011, 09:37:39 PM
yeah this place has weird custom Winnie said
looking at the two younger woodpeckers ' How is you mom doing/ She still live in Puddleburg? Actually I don't think i've ever met her.."
- Tiger.. please stop with the jokes please.. I won't be able to ate anything for awhile, not after nearly being eaten myself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 21, 2011, 09:56:16 PM
"ok...ok," Tiger apologized.


"Since I'm a bit busy at the moment," Wildcat told Stripetail, "Could you tell the newcomers the rules of my joint?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 21, 2011, 10:35:51 PM
Droopy & Wally walked to the hotel to see what they had to eat, if anything there.  Once they were close and in an area with no one around the Faceless Detective jumped down and landed in front of Droopy.  He handed a package to Droopy.  

"Found a note and heard you were on the Clurry case.  I went to Big Sur and found this." He said handing the Package he had put together to Droopy. Then he reached into a pocket to hand him the note.  "here's the note."

"You must be..." Droopy started.  Wally was startled and not sure what to say.

"Likely I am.  Though since I've delivered this I'll be going.  NO need to be here and it may attract attention." The Faceless detective said, leaving as quickly as he had come.  

"Thanks." Droopy said putting the things handed away.

"Big Sur, isn't that far from here? and who was that & how did he travel so far so fast?" Wally asked.

"I think it was the Faceless Detective person Valiant told me about.  As for how he traveled so fast, who knows.  Maybe he road on a cheetah or Road runner.  They are pretty fast." Droopy said.  "Let's go in and get something to eat.  I'll make a call.  Droopy said as he and Wally walked into the hotel to see if they had any food in their cafe while Droopy took out his cell phone to give Valiant the details on what just happened once he had read over the note.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 21, 2011, 11:53:32 PM
"Hey, Tigger?" Pooh said, interuppting himself from his eating of his honey.

"Yeah, Pooh?" Tigger replied.

"Do you know, um, where I could get more honey? I seem to be...running out," Pooh said, squinting down into the dark pot.

Tigger sighed and slapped his palm to his face.

"Don't worry, Pooh. I'm sure dere'll be some when we get to da location. Wherever dat is," Bugs reassured from his seat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 12:01:48 AM
Well we're almost there' Lola said as the bus pulled into green River
 The Town was pretty quiet with some toons going back and forth.
- come on guys, this is our stop "lola said spring ing out the seat. she grabbed bUgs by the hand and dragged her after him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 22, 2011, 12:38:28 AM
Bugs, being dragged by Lola, went along with her since he basically had no choice and looked around at the scenery.

"Finally. I was beginin' to wunder when we were gunna get here," Tigger voiced out, hopping behind Bugs and Lola with Pooh beside him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 12:46:00 AM
so lets go check in at a hotel for the night' Lola said  '  Shere dug into her purse ak, i've got lets see 20, 30, 35, 36, 37, 38.. 38 dollars.." Do you have any money on you guys? She asked Bugs, Tigger and pooh.."I'll pay you bacxk..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 12:48:42 AM
Valiant heard his phone ring in his office and picked it up. Hey Droopy. Anything new to report? Toon Town sure has quieted down., because Gabriels finished plundering it.. a number of the toons from the games are sending money to thier friends and family, i know that because they stop in and tell me..anyway so what you you found out..?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 12:54:39 AM
"We're ready to head back to the hotel Mr. Stripetail," Sagwa yawned to her new magic teacher.

"I'm ready to sleep too," Dongwa agreed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 22, 2011, 12:57:27 AM
Tigger and Pooh both shrugged their shoulders, signaling that they didn't have any. Bugs, however, reached down into his...pocket...and shoved his hand in and felt around for any money. To his luck, he had around 60 bucks in...there.

"Ah! Will this do?" he asked, pulling out his money and folding it out for the female rabbit to see.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 12:58:23 AM
alright Stripetail said " ill take you back. Did you have a good dinner?
- come on you guys" Woddy said Stretching and getting up from his seat and looking at Winnie Knothead and Splinter. " We need to head back to the hotel.. Winnie has another shootout tomorrow." Yeah its against the Yogis spo its a must win for me.
 Cindy was enjoying Kitty and Dixies singing. " Man those two can sing, I'm a singer too, just not quite as good..
You guys ready? Dixie asked Heckle and jeckle.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 01:00:18 AM
"Oh, yes we did," Sheegwa smiled, "Be sure to thank the chef for us."


"I'll head back as soon as Miss Kitty's done," Tiger told himself.


Belladonna awoke for her 3-hour nap in the blazing oven, and Wildcta adjusted the temperatures to go back to normal. "Refreshing," the hellhound grinned proudly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 22, 2011, 01:02:43 AM
" I met that Faceless detective person.  He handed me a package of money and a note, saying he found a lead and a note that he went to Big Sur to investigate.  How he traveled so fast I do not know." Droopy said, not knowing of the other forms he could change into nor his trench coat of many pockets.  he quickly counted the money and said the amount to Valiant and read the note also.  "Interesting and I would think this saves us some time since I don't' need to make that trip."    

"Couldn't be from riding on a cheetah, nor a road runner.  You seen how skinny those things are.  I'm surprised as skinny as their legs look that a road runner can even stand up." Wally said.  "Sorta like how horses have skinny legs."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 01:03:49 AM
So we have close to 100 eh that should be enough for thwe four of us.. you guys want to stay with us? She asked Tigger and Pooh. We'll need the company..' she said taking the 60 from bugs. " we'll need to get jobs so we can follow the games..
_ Dulcy and Samia had gone bnack to thier room to rest ' Ok, who do I play next?Dulcy said as she lay in bed ' you play the rottens next. today it was 1-4 2-3, tomorrow it will be 1-3 and 2-4, and the last round will be 1-2 and 3-4. hopefully we'll be 2-0 by then. 'samia said. ' this event is worth 800 right?' Yeah and entering the event we were 350 behind the doobies, so if we finish in second and they finish in third that should give us the lead.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 22, 2011, 01:05:21 AM
"Really, I guess she and you are tired then.  We're not." Knothole said to which Splinter nodded.

"not tired at all." Splinter said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 01:07:19 AM
I owe the detective a round of beers valiant said he found almost all the rest of DEes missing loot. Clurry buried most of it in Big Sur well what do you know.. 180 million dollars.. thats a lot of money..' take the package to Scooby dee, and this doesn't end the case, we still have to find clurry and the missing loot from his other clients..but you are earning yourself a big paycheck..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 01:09:03 AM
we';re checking you into the hotel " winnie said you're staying with Woody and me from now on.. if we win the games.. you'll be able to start calling me aunt' she said with a smile.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 01:09:10 AM
"Sheegwa's nodding off pretty fast," Sagwa noticed.

"Do I look hot or what?" Belladonna smirked, deliberately making a bad pun.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 01:16:24 AM
just go find dee and tell her the good news..valiant out' valiant said hanging up.
- donwa , you and sagwa will have to hekp you sister stay awake for a few more minutes, stripetail said ' just stay close to me. See you Around Wildcat, we're heading back to the hotel for the evening..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 01:20:17 AM
The older Miao kittens nodded. "Come on Sheegwa, stay awake, I'll tell you a story about our ancestors," Sagwa said warmly.


"It was nice seein ya again," Wildcta nodded to Stripetail, "Come again soon!"


"I'm not going to dignify that with a reply," Annabelle told her cousin.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 01:24:34 AM
Teleportius! Stripetail said and in a twinkling he and the three cats were gone. a few seconds later they reappeared in the lobby of the hotel. " alright you three off to bed with you..' He said.
 Yogi and his team began to head out..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 01:25:08 AM
"Thanks Mr. Stripetail," Dongwa nodded as the trio ran to their room.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 01:38:12 AM
The Rottens headed back to thier hotel, with the exception of the two supernatural whippets. " we win this event we'll be in thick of the race The Baron grinned. ' Well we'll still probably be in third. "Te Hooded Claw said  How can we be in third of we win the event?'the BNaron said The hooded slapped his forehead " Because the other teams get points too, for losing. you only gain 100 point over them in each round, if you win both fights in the round. theres a championship round to determine the last hundred points, unless one tean is 3-0 and all the others are 1-2, than the unbeaten team gets it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 01:44:46 AM
The whippets soon caught up with their teammates.

"So what's the score plan?" Belladonna asked the Baron.


"Nice room, it's better than the room in the last town," Dongwa noted, as the Green River hotel had more features.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 01:55:48 AM
well we are currently tied with the Dawgs with 200 each, and yogis and Scoobies have 100 each. Entering this event the Scooby doobies were in first by 350 points over the Dawgs and 1250 over us. the yahooeys are behind us by 200 points. we cannot get first from this event even if we get the full 800. the most we could chop off is 500 assuming we go 3-0 and they go winless that would give us 2350 points, and they would have 3100. the best the dawgs could do if we win is 600 points would would give them 3050. the yogis would get 400 points so they would be at 1750. so in short, it would be really close between first and second, we'd be more comfortable in third and the Yahoeeys would still be bringing up the rear..
_ Thats a lot of math Bluto said ' i hated math in school..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 22, 2011, 02:08:28 AM
"I wonder where Scooby Dee is." Droopy said.

"Maybe you can call someone to ask."  Wally said.

"Who could find out the information quickly though? " Droopy said thinking.  "Maybe that person we met before who knew where we needed to be and took us there."Droopy said calling Jason on his phone that Jason had altered.  

"Yea, the same guy who gave me directions to where the first meeting of the new laff-a-lympics were going to meet.  I wonder how he knew of the meeting before it even started." Wally said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 02:20:51 AM
It was then, as luck would have it,  his phone rang and Dees name appeared on it ' Hello Mr Droopy. Just checking in see if you have made any Progress I"m att the Wild Cat resteraunt for the next hour or so, or you can just go to the hotel and wait for me there.. DEe said. "You have done a good job with finding my money to now.. lets hope that you found some more..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 22, 2011, 02:49:49 AM
"One of my ... Associates has, he gave me the package just a few minutes ago." Droopy said, then saying how much was in the package.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 03:32:36 AM
Sheegwa lit another one of their homeland candles before she dozed off completely.

"I wonder how mama and baba are doing?" Dongwa yawned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 22, 2011, 12:10:18 PM
"Ready when you are!" Heckle said, tossing on a hat that he'd gotten out of thin air, in synchronization with Jeckle.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 12:39:07 PM
You guys can start and we'll join in on the seconmd measure " Dixie said Start us off boys"
 180 million? You two found all my missing money" Dee began to cry.. " I .. I can't thank you enough..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 22, 2011, 01:11:12 PM
"Fine with me," Tigger said to Lola, nodding his head while hopping in place on his tail.

"Me too," Pooh agreed, sticking his hand in his honey pot and scooping the substance into his mouth hungrily.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 01:19:55 PM
Follow us "Lola smiled as she went into the Green Hotel " hello she said to the clerk " A room for 4 please.." $ dollars please" the clerk said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 22, 2011, 01:25:48 PM
Bugs, Tigger, and Pooh all followed Lola into the hotel and stood on either side of her as she handed the money to the clerk behind the desk.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 01:30:19 PM
Belladonna and Annabelle flew back to the Green Hotel as well.

"You get the futon again cousin," the hellhound smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 22, 2011, 01:31:05 PM
"I can head on over to where you are if you want the money immediately.  It's in a non obvious package.  From the package it could hold anything, books, dvd's, or anything else so it doesn't obviously say it has money inside it." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 03:02:11 PM
"Of course...." Annabelle huffed.


The Duke flew to a large tree not far outside of Green River and perched on it for the night. "This is my branch of resting conditions."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 03:15:35 PM
yes if you could.. t as well as the rest of the money so i can store it all in a safe place..I don;t want gabrieel getting her mitts on uiit " dee said slowly regaining her cool. " Actually, on second thought just take it up to my room at the hotel, and put in some where safe..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 04:41:16 PM
"Are you girls ready to head back to the hotel?" Miss Kitty asked Dixie and the others. But then she remembered others were about to sing. "My bad..." she apologized.


Tiger got a soda well he waited for his girlfriend.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 22, 2011, 06:45:13 PM
Heckle and Jeckle were putting the finishing touches on their costumes. "Alright, chum, let's knock 'em dead!" Heckle exclaimed as Jeckle adjusted a monocle onto his jacket lapel.
"We'll be ready for Putting on the Ritz, old thing!" Jeckle called to the one man band.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 06:48:00 PM
This is an old song' Dixie grinned  " It was originally a song sung in the 30s..from what I've read.. then it was revived a few decades later.' she said to Kitty as the familar beat began to fill the stage. "Just keep up with me..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 07:14:47 PM
"i'll do my best," Kitty nodded to Dixie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 07:21:23 PM
If you don't know where to go to, why don't you go where fashions sits" Dixie began.. 'putting on the Ritz.." the magpies began to tap dance as they sang..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 07:34:51 PM
Miss Kitty followed up with the next lines.


"Tell me more of the story," Sheegwa asked, still awake. "I will," Dongwa replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 07:46:09 PM
The Gang finished with a flourish and the crowd rose to their feet. " Great job everyone Dixie said to Kitty Heckle and Jeckle " Now lets get back to the hotel. Arlene needs to be taken care off.." Dixie said going off to get changed back into her regular dress.
- Arlene Clapped along with the other patrons and waited for kitty and Dixie to change to so they can help her get home.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 08:02:04 PM
Kitty nodded and got into her normal clothes as well.

"We'll get you back safely," she assured Arlene.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 08:10:05 PM
Dixie helped steadsy arlene as she got up
 her legs were brown and slightly bent from bent turned into a roast..the smells of fixings and gravy was potent as you leaned close to her " Yeah its going take a lot of scrubbing to get that smell off of you.. Dixie said.. We'll probably go through 1-2 bars of soap.." " Do they even have soap bars here? arlene asked as they began to make thier way down the road.It was then Dixies phone rang. " Dixie It's Dee i've gottten some excellent news come to the hotel room, and I'll tell you all about it.." thats great Dee, but it'll have to wait Arlene was nearlky turned into a pot roast at the resteraunt.. As Soon as shes better, i'll come and see you..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 09:18:10 PM
"And some of the other people following the games were cooked and eaten successfully," Kitty said, "Darn shame..." she added rather nonchalantly.

"You girls did great," Tiger complimented, catching up with them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 09:29:30 PM
Yeah, you girls were awesome" scooby said joining the group. ' i'll help carry Arlene" He said ' What happened to her?" " she was almost eaten at the rresteraunt.. "Eaten? Well I won't be eating there again.." scooby shuddered.
The remains of the taco Dum had been in was tossed in back, the magic of the resteraunt allowed those victims who were not completely devoured to regenerate.. very slowly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 09:39:00 PM
"I might," Miss Kitty said honestly.


The Duke put some shades over his eyes to keep any light in the morning out from them. He began dozing off rather peacefully.


"I can't wait to start learning magic," Sagwa sighed happily.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 09:53:52 PM
well lets hope no more friends of yours end up on the menu" Dixie said "Or you end up there yourself.. I don't want to order crab cakes and find out they've been made with Miss Kitty as their main ingredient.." Arlene turned slightly green in the face ' Guys could you please stop talking about food for now?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 22, 2011, 10:11:58 PM
Heckle and Jeckle wore their suits they had performed in back to the hotel, and listened to what had just happened.
"My, how unfortunate!" Jeckle exclaimed. "Who tried to eat her?" Heckle asked, his curiosity peaked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 10:25:13 PM
She was served to our table. WE would have eaten her and not known it was her  until it was too late" Dixie said.. " she wasn't the only one served at the resteraunt, there were others as well....
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 10:37:44 PM
"The Grand Duke of Owls nephew was cooked," Miss Kitty recalled, "But not even he's complaining about that one..."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 10:44:23 PM
he had issues with his nephew, clearly "dixie replied " But I would never want my family or friends cooked..ok, so Dooby is a huge showoff, Yabba loves talking in his twang that gets annoying at family reunions, and Dum, is well dumber than a box of hammers, I still wouldn't want to see them served to me on a plate..theres something to be said for family.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 22, 2011, 10:47:16 PM
Droopy put on a disguise to look like someone else, then went to hotel where Dee was staying.  His disguise was one that made him look like a delivery person.  He went to the front desk with the package with her money in it that he had resealed.  

"This is some clothes Dee had ordered and the store had delivered here.  Could you be sure she gets the package?" He asked, also altering his voice.  Thinking that a woman ordering some clothes and asking them to be delivered to her hotel so she'd not have to carry them around would be not to strange and safer then admitting what was really in the package.


Near where Scooby-dumb was a tardis appeared.  Then out came some of the same species as 30-30 from bravestar, with a similar weapon to Sara Jane, ready to blast anyone.  Then Guilmon came out also combat ready.   An anthro type roadrunner rushed out, grabbed dum's body and went back into the  tardis in a blur of motion with the other 2 following him in in a ready to blast walking backwards sort of movement.  

"What'll you do with him?" The equistroid said.  

"Put him into a mixture of bacta & a special animated toon healing potion mixture.  Then take him to Scooby's Brother Yabba-Doo & Deputy Dusty's place to recover."

"LookedLikeAHorridPlace.ANiceThingToDoIndeedForHim." The anthro roadrunner said in his usual way of speaking.  

"It was a favor." Guilmon said as Jason took Dumb to the recovery medial room to start the 1st stage of his healing before droping him off at  Yabba & Deputy Dusty's place.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 11:16:23 PM
Thank you.. dum he was carred away..he noticed in here he wasn't the only toonmm being carried for, hong kong phooey lay on a bed covered in wrappings."so much foe me getting enough money to earn my job back.. Phooey muttered.

Alright, i'll have it sent up to her room right away" the Clerk said..
 dixie Arlene Scooby Kitty and Tiger reached the hotel in a half hour..  Scooby helped carry Arlene to their room, where dee helped prepare the tub. Arlene cried as she was laid in the hot water.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 22, 2011, 11:26:31 PM
Tiger and Miss Kitty returned to their room.


Dongwa finished telling the tale of their ancestor who could bring whatever he drew on paper to live.

"I think I can here Mr. Stripetail," he yawned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 22, 2011, 11:48:20 PM
Jason patted those well enough to be patted.  "you all just rest and focus on recovering.  If you want to try the laff-a-laympics again you can once you've recovered." Jason said.  

The anthro roadrunner, the same species from the loonatics unleased series came in in a blur.

"Here'sTheBookTheCatToldYouAbout." He said handing a book to Jason.  Who went to put it near where Hong Kong Phooey was.

"Ah, yes, thanks." He said looking to the anthro roadrunner then to Hong Kong Phooey.  "I called Spot who was able to tell me where to get an authentic book to replace your damaged one." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 22, 2011, 11:51:43 PM
Night Tiger, Night Miss Kitty" Dixie called to them as they went to bed.  Dixie scooby and Dee worked on scrubbing Arlene free on the skin and working the smell out of her fur. it was a long slow process ' so what was the good news dee? Dixie asked as she rubbed Arlenes neck. " Droopy , well one os his friend, found the rest of my money' Dee said grinning broadsly. " my 300 million has been recovered. I'm going to call the bank and get my house back..We still have to find Clurry and he's going to be paying me damages.. big time."
Dixie cheered as she heard the news ' thats great did you in the race? ' Third, I got 250 thousand dollars and a bronze medal.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on June 23, 2011, 12:37:35 AM
Alvin , Simon and Theodore, were still in their room after all of this. Theodore, had just learned the art of Room Service. And Alvin had just learned the art of getting PPV. Alvin was watching a wrestling PPV.

"Really, Alvin do we have to watch this gar........" Simon started but was stopped mid sentence when Alvin threw a pillow at Simon's head.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 23, 2011, 01:00:51 AM
tom and jerry were sharing the room with the chipmunks. ' just remember to ry and keep the volume down " tom said.. ' we are trying to sleep over here..
_ dEe continued working for a bit then headed out to bed.
You feeling any better Scooby asked Arlene " a little, thanks to you and I smell a bt better too..thanks' she said smiling at both scooby and Dixie. I'm ready to get out now' she said finally. Dixie helped her get out and Scooby wrapped a towel around her. " alright everyone lets get to bed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 23, 2011, 01:22:43 AM
"Night Mr. Stripetail," Dongwa waved, seeing the squirrel return to their room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 23, 2011, 09:55:38 AM
Gary came into their shared room as Droopy and Wally were getting ready for bed.  

"Was just out seeing the town.   Didn't realize it was late till I looked at my watch." Gary said.

"It is late." Wally said yawning a bit as he got into bed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 23, 2011, 11:54:31 AM
Night everyone' stripetail said " Tomorrow your training will begin.. Be ready.."

 Arlene climbed onto the bed abd settled oin the front of it. dixiue changed into her nightgown and climbed in, and was soon followed by scooby. night arlene, hope you feel better" scooby said. Arlene nodded. thanks guys I'm going to need time to fully recover from this. ' you can just stay in here toiomorrow if you want: Scooby said. Dixie leaned forward to pet arlene on her head.  We'll get you a new uniform tomorrow.. and I promised toi get you a dress too. a red one wasn't it.. " i think so.."" Arlene said purring slightly as Dixie rubbed her fur. night guys she said finally, leaning in and kissing Dixie  on the lips. the kiss lasted for five seconds, and afterward Arlene settled into sleep. this was the fifth kiss they had shared.dixie shook her head with a smile then Turned to Scooby, who gave her a much longer kiss on the lips. "Night Honey" scooby said after breaking the kiss. Night Scooby Dixie said settling in against him. the three friends soon fell asleep
dulcy snuggled into bed next to Samia. Night Samia.. she sais smiling at her Froiend. Night Dulcy.. you'd think us being dragons they'd give us a bigger bed, but no.. ' Hopefully the next location has better sleeping arrangemebnts"Dulcy shrugged as she settled into sleep.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 23, 2011, 12:12:10 PM
The morning came and slowly but surely the guests started to Stir. Stripetail was among the first. he didn't need much sleep to recharge and in any event he had a lot to do that day. notable among them teaching the young kittens the building blocks of magic. STripetail knew that he could not hope to teach them more than a small fraction of what he knew during thier lifetimes, but such were the constraints you had to deal with while teaching mortals.
 Scooby and dixie woke up shortly after 6 am. " Time to get soome breakfast Scooby said with a smile. as he went to open the door he found a package ' to Dee said the note on it. " This must be that Package he said taking iot in and setting it on dees bed, which inadvertantly woke her up. " Your package cousin: Scooby smirked as Dee quickly opened it. in it was a bevy of jewelry,m gold coins and cash, its all here' she grinned with a huge smile. I'll be counting it up then joining you downstairs for breakfast, If Arlene wakes up I'll send her down to join you. ' Let her sleep in as much as possible Dixie said as she and Scooby headed out.  Arlene continued to sleep, she really needed it.
- The baron was the first of the rottens to stiir " alright everyone! Get up. he ye;;led. " time to continue beating these twerps in shootout! Come oon! Time awasting!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 23, 2011, 12:21:57 PM
"I'm up," Belladonna called, having slept rather comfortably. Annabelle, having used only a futon, wasn't as comfortable during the night.

"Morning already?" the angel whippet groaned.


"Morning Mr. Stripetail!" Sheegwa smiled cheekily as the Miao siblings woke up around the same time.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 23, 2011, 12:28:04 PM
Hurry up you three. today you start your training. Stripetail said.
 Bluto stirred by punching an alarm clock and smashing it against the wall, it fell to the ground in pieces.  " i'm up I'm up. The Hooded claw headed in, his masked eyes looked a little bloodshot. " Ok whats the ruckus I'm trying to sleep.." he complained.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 23, 2011, 12:32:07 PM
"We will," Sagwa nodded, blowing out the candle swiftly, then the went out of the room. Dongwa was excited, he wanted to learn magic a lot.


Tiger and Miss Kitty soon awoke as well, having had a good night's sleep.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 23, 2011, 06:57:24 PM
dee continued counting the money and going through her records.. and checking things off as she counted them.
Scooby and Dixie headed down to the dining room and took a table, they were the first ones down.. So who's competing in this event? Dixie asked ' Tiger and Winnie, they lost to the Rittens yesterday, and they are playing the Yogis today.. they have to win that one then .."
Yogi Cindy and Bobo headed down to eat at thier hotel.. it was nearly 7. "Its a bit too early Yogi.. ' welll we need a good breakfast if we're going to beat the Doobies..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 23, 2011, 09:42:47 PM
Belladonna was still in glee over her recent victory.

"No sweat off my fur," she smirked repeatedly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 23, 2011, 10:06:29 PM
well you'll have to beat the Dawgs today' the baron said to her ' we win that, we're pretty much assured of getting into the championship round.
Dee soon joined Scooby and Dixie at the breakfast table ' Ok, everything in order.. I'm ready for the next events..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 23, 2011, 10:18:14 PM
"Don't you worry your evil little head," Belladonna smirked widely.


"Can you whoop up some more mouseburgers?" Miss Kitty asked Dixie at breakfast.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 23, 2011, 10:25:40 PM
Sure thing" Dixie said, creating a tray of them for her" Did you get a good nights sleep kitty? she asked as Scooby came up to the table with a large plate of food which he passed out to dee and Tiger.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 23, 2011, 10:38:06 PM
"Yeah," Kitty nodded to her friend. "Let's just hope Arlene did...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 23, 2011, 10:57:09 PM
Shes still sleeping Dee said, grabbing some pancakes ' I just let her sleep, poor thing.. From what you told me, she was nearly on the menu at that restaraunt we were at last night? Rather ghastly fact.. gives me a whole new perspective on that place.." dee shuddered.
 She'll be fine.. she'll need some time to get over her ordeal..Dixie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 23, 2011, 11:29:13 PM
Droopy awoke, followed by Wally and then Gary.   They got ready then each one headed down to see what was for breakfast and to get started on it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 23, 2011, 11:32:53 PM
"Meanwhile, Belladonna seemed to rather enjoy that..." Miss Kittty chuckled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 23, 2011, 11:41:21 PM
Well i don;t think shes from here, and shes absolutely nuts' Dixie shrugged.. "has you thought of events you think you'd be good at? for future locations? She asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 24, 2011, 12:56:11 AM
Heckle and Jeckle also awoke from their "beds" (that they had pushed together) and also came down the stairs for breakfast, joining Miss Kitty and Dixie when they found them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 24, 2011, 06:46:49 PM
"There are some things," Miss Kitty nodded in reply, "I could do good with dancing, mouse catching/eating, perhaps some cooking."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2011, 07:44:20 PM
Ok, those are all good ideas" Dixie said. ' and you do need to get into a event and hopefully one that fits your strengths. ' she smiled at Jkitty then turned to Heckle and Jeckle " you have a good sleep guys? You did a good job with " Putting on the Ritz" yesterday.. The crowd reallty liked it. so apart from singing and dancing, what else do you like to do?'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 24, 2011, 08:05:59 PM
"I really hope for some mouse eating," Miss Kitty smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2011, 08:13:08 PM
thats the next event actually " Stripetail said "a mpuseburger eating contest.."
 You're kidding? Dixie 's face  stretched in a wide smile.." no. 1 eater for eater team, male and female, perferably ones who have not seen action yet..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 24, 2011, 08:26:29 PM
Miss Kitty's mouth began to water. Water beyond all belief. It was like a faucet.

"Mouseburger eating contest?" she grinned widely like a Cheshire cat.


The Duke awoke, putting sunglasses on to avoid the light.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2011, 08:35:57 PM
yes, since Tiger is cioompeteing in the Shootout, he can't compete in the eating contest. he doesn't like eating mice anyway right?
 I'll go for the guys? scooby said I'll eat just about anything.. within reason..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 24, 2011, 08:41:51 PM
"You're like a canine version of Tiger, Scooby," Miss Kitty joked politely.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2011, 08:59:37 PM
I'm not afraiud to eat mice' scooby replied' but you are touchy about going into cemeteries' Dixie smirked "low blow Dixie scooby said as Dixie laughed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 24, 2011, 09:05:00 PM
"I was talking about the fedding frenzy," Kitty chuckled.


"Shoot, happy people," Belladonna frowned in the morning.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2011, 09:18:09 PM
Well that much is true.. How many burger do you think you'll be able to eat KItty/ You sure seem to like my recipe.." dixie said with a smile..
 I'll eat as many as I can' Scooby sauid.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 24, 2011, 11:39:57 PM
Droopy, Wally & Gary made their way to the dining room and looked over the menu or choices for breakfast before choosing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 25, 2011, 01:07:01 AM
Heckle and Jeckle, though being enthusiastic eaters themselves, kept silent about not having the stomach for mouseburgers, listened intently as they ate their breakfast.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 25, 2011, 01:11:54 AM
So what dio you think you could do for us? Dixie asked the magpies " do you plays sports , like baseball, soccer, thgings like that?"
 Woody and winnie joined the others at the breakfast table
 Dulcy Stirred from the bed.. the bed had not been very comfortable, and the bed was too small for her and samia to share without severely limiting their personal space. " i'm heading down to breakfast' she said with a yawned. ' see you later.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 25, 2011, 01:23:59 AM
Tigger stood waiting there with his brow furrowed in thought.

Pooh looked over at his friend and tapped his shoulder. "What are you thinking about, Tigger?" the bear asked.

"Just what are we gunna do for the games?" he responded to the bear.

"Guess we'll have to find out when the time comes," Bugs chimed into their conversation.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 25, 2011, 01:48:19 AM
We could ask around" Lola said, with a shrug. What do you guys want for nreakfast..?
- The Shooutout with resume at noon, and then at 3.." stripetail said to Tiger and winnie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 25, 2011, 03:04:07 AM
"I suppose," Tigger shrugged.

"What do they have?" Bugs asked Lola, ignoring Tigger's response.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 25, 2011, 05:00:36 PM
pancakes, cereal, and muffins.. we could ask those guys over there if they are in the games " lola said pointing at Scooby's table..Couldn't hurt to ask really..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 25, 2011, 05:08:04 PM
"Sure," Bugs agreed.

Tigger and Pooh both nodded thier heads.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 25, 2011, 05:47:09 PM
Excuse me? Lola said coming up to the table ' do you know who we contact to help in these games we keep hearing out? I'm Lola Bunny, in case you are wondering.. " Yes I think we met you in Toon City. I'm dixie and these aere my teammates, I'll let them introduce themselves. Anyway. Lord stripetail is the one to ask.. he's in line getting some muffins.. ' she said pointing to the breakfast line..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 25, 2011, 08:57:36 PM
"I wonder if they have any breakfast fish food," Dongwa grinned.

"Not very likely," Sagwa replied, looking ahead.


The Duke had taken to the skies.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 25, 2011, 09:48:17 PM
no they don't stripetail said but I can fix that' He gestured and a tray of fish was soon cooking at the end of the table. Flounder Salmon talapia cod, all were cooking togethger and thier smells wafted over the room..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 25, 2011, 10:13:58 PM
"Thank you MR. Stripetail!" The kittens all grinned, going over to collect the fish to eat for breakfast.


"I'm glad peace is retuning to this town," Annabelle smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 25, 2011, 11:56:54 PM
It won't be peaceful for long " the Hooded Claw said. " we have some underghanded dealings we need to take care of..'
 Well the last two events are a mouseburger eating contest and a wrestking match that takes place inside large tumbleweeds' the Baron said. " the wizard just sent us the breakdown of events..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 26, 2011, 12:55:54 AM
Yabba-Doo made a call to Scooby-doo, a bit puzzles over what had occurred a short time ago, but figuring Scooby would want to know since it concerned one of their cousins.  


"The food here is pretty good." Wally said as he paused in his eating.

"I am pleased with the food as well." Droopy said.

"Yes , the cook is skilled, considering what they have to work with here." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 26, 2011, 12:58:16 AM
"Those must be some gargantuan tumbleweeds," Annabelle commented.

"The mouseburger contest is in the bag for me," Kitty grinned.

"Will we get to learn any magic today Mr. Stripetail?" Sheegwa asked, chewing on a salmon.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 26, 2011, 01:08:08 AM
yes you will, after breakfast. Daisy Duck and minnie mouse will handle the shootouts today. I'm going to train you in the beginnings of magic.' stripetail said.
Scoobys phone rang " Hello? Scooby speaking/ Hey, Yabba.. hit my throat on the steering wheel, really cleaned up my voice.. anyway, what up?"
_ Yes they will likely be huge The Dread Baron agreed..
_ Just don't eat TOO quickly ' Dixie smirked.. ' eating contests are about pacing yourself..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 26, 2011, 01:23:18 AM
The Miao siblings looked at each other excitedly. They returned to their breakfasts, drinking glasses of milk with the fish.


"What do you have planned?" Belladonna asked Hooded Claw
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 26, 2011, 01:40:09 AM
why don't we try and sabotage the others weapons? the Hooded Claw said.. " Be sure to win, and eliminate the possibility of losing..'
_ arlene stirred a little after 8. she hugged the towel around her, and headed out of the room. she yawned as she stepped down the stairs " hey uys' She said with a smile, as she saw Kitty and Dixie. " Is there any food left?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 26, 2011, 11:21:16 AM
Heckle and Jeckle returned to their seats with their third plate of food as Arlene spoke. "There's plenty!" Jeckle said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 26, 2011, 02:14:52 PM
Good to see you up' scooby said as he pulled out a seat for Arlene to use.. " we'll have to get you a new uniform as the old one was burned up at the resterant.."
Thanks, I'm sure Stripetail can magic one up' Arlene said ' Have you guys been up long?' She asked. As Stripetail came up to the table " good to see you appear in be in better spirits today Arlene' he said. "I'll give you a new uniform once you finish breakfast.. they have dereal muffins, pancakes, milk, juice and I added some fish..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 26, 2011, 11:19:13 PM
Dongwa ate his fish rather peacefully, while Sheegwa got a little messy with her chewing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 28, 2011, 12:32:33 PM
Arlene put a few things on her plate, mostly fish. " Fish is about the only thing I can eat that doesn't give me flashbacks to last night..' she said. " so It'll be strictly fish for me for awhile..'
 Fish is good for you anyway. ' scooby said " Yes Scooby once ate what was it? 300 pieces of fish in an eating contest? dixie smirked. ' it was 277, thank you very much..' Scooby replied."
_ are we talking little fish, big fish? arlene asked her eyes growing wide.. ' Both actually', Stripetail voice came in.. It was part of a little wager scooby and Dixie made with each other and  their friends awhile back.. its a long story, and much of it i can't say in the presence of minors.."
So it was.. personal?Stick to sports stuff" Arlene shrugged..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 28, 2011, 09:34:12 PM
"Even I eat fish," Tiger commented, "Even if that breaks my vegetarian image."

"You love fish," Kitty pointed out.

"That's a good diet," Sheegwa said to Arlene.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 28, 2011, 09:50:13 PM
Winnie came up to Tiger ' Alright tiger we need to go warm up for our match.. remember.. we need to win to have any shot..
_ Good luck guys" woody said from his table
 Dulcy went up to Screwty " lets go get warmed up, we're playing the rottens today..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 28, 2011, 09:59:12 PM
Droopy, Wally, & Gary continued to eat their breakfast.  

"So who'll be involved in the next event?" Gary asked.

"And what'll be the next event anyway?" Wally asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 28, 2011, 10:02:40 PM
Stripetail should have sent it to you" Samia said ' he sends the list to the team captains.. " Good lucjk guys.. we can take over first in the next event with a win in this one..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 28, 2011, 10:08:34 PM
"So.." Belladonna said to the Hooded Claw, "Care to sign this?" she said, handing him a contract, "I mean, if you feel you're gonna do big things with the Man Downstairs, you may as well promise your soul right now..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 28, 2011, 10:19:28 PM
Sorry dearie I don't sign stuff like that.. at least, not without a lawyer know self-preservation and all that.. The Hooded Claw said.. ' What are the benefits to giving up said soul?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 28, 2011, 10:20:56 PM
"Well, considering it's me who's giving you the contract," Belladonna grinned, "I can talk to Mr. Satan himself, and put in a "bad" word for you, and I can give yyou a higher up position."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 28, 2011, 10:26:45 PM
well, thats quite a perk, but it will have to wait until these games are over.. The Hooded Claw said. "You'll understand right? I mean you deal with this kinda stuff all the time.,..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 28, 2011, 10:27:51 PM
"Yup," Belladonna nodded, matter of factly, "I've been trying to get a few signatures from people here already...."


"Right behind you!" Tiger said, following Winnie to practice.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 28, 2011, 10:34:07 PM
"Maybe he did while I was asleep or taking a shower." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 28, 2011, 11:12:24 PM
so what have I missed? SAcooby asked Yabba on the phone. ' Hows the deputy faring in town?'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 28, 2011, 11:29:27 PM
"I don't want to lose again, I'm a sheriff after all," Tiger pointed out.


"Anyone want to sell their soul?" Belladonna called out
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 12:14:53 AM
Huckleberry and Cindy were already outside getting warmed up ' now c be readty cindy, we're going to have to go better this round, or all we'll be playing for is pride..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 29, 2011, 01:48:46 AM
Yabba continued to talk in his cell phone to Scooby.  "He's doing fine.  Thing have been quiet here lately.  Till this odd looking flesh human and some of his friends showed up.   He was carrying Scooby Dumb.  Said he had been injured and was under his care and now he's well enough to be at home.  He thought he would prefer recovering at a relative's house." Yabba said in his typical accent.   "Scooby Dumb said he want to some cafe and got hurt there.  Sounds like a down right ornery place.  He didn't go into details."

(ooc: By his descriptions Scooby may recognize Jason and Guilmon.  Not sure if he'd have heard of a equistroid or the anthro road runner type of species.)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 11:25:44 AM
Well I know exactly what resteraunt hes talking about. It was called the Wild Cat Resteraunt, where the owner judges you ' strong or weak' and turns the weak into food, which he then serves to the strong. My teammate arlene was nearly eaten by Dixie and Miss Kitty. So Dum isn't the only to suffer at the resteraunt. whatever you spend in cqaring for him, send the bill to me. i'll send a portion of my winnings the restof the way to Dum, ityts only fair, since he was denied a chance to compete.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 11:40:10 AM
Tiger and Winnie soon arrived at the practice area.

"Let me activate it," Tiger said, putting a coin into a slot to activate the automated target advice.


Business opened as usual at the Wild Cat Cafe, and Wildcat turned to see all the employees entering, and customers coming to the door.

"We have two people seeking applications," Wildcat's secretary said.

a rabbit and a fox, simply named Rabbit and Fox, were looking for jobs.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 11:55:05 AM
We're looking for a job, our home has become a very hard place to scrape out a living.. and we need money " fox said. n' do you have any openings..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 11:58:49 AM
"Certainly there is," Wildcat smiled to the two future workers. "I have positions open in the chef, doorman, and waiter categories."

"Do we pick, or do you assign?" Rabbit asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 12:03:08 PM
if theres a choice, i'll take either the chef or waiter. Fox said " i'm a pretty good cook, failing that I can take their customers food orders.. what sort of pay does this job come with..?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 12:05:57 PM
Wildcat told the duo their pay. Needless to say, the weekly pay's number had a lot of zeroes in it.

"That much...really?!?" Rabbit grinned widely, his jaw having dropped.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 12:44:04 PM
We'll take it' Fox said a huge grin on her face' So we get paid weekly huh? when do we start?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 29, 2011, 12:51:35 PM
"Will do.  Sounds like a right nasty place to me." Yabba said.  


Jason and his friends also dropped Hong Kong Phooey off.  This time so Spot (his cat) could take care of him.  After they made sure he was dressed as Penry, so his identity as Hong Kong Phooey would be undiscovered Jason told some of Penry's friends and such so they could visit him if they wanted.  Then went off to another location.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 01:07:34 PM
"Whenever you can," Wildcat replied to Rabbit and Fox. "Here are your uniforms."

The two animals were given uniforms with an image of a grinning, cartoonish, sharp-teeth exposed Wildcat on them.

"Cute," Rabbit smirked.


Tiger aimed his slingshot for practice.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 01:18:02 PM
Winnie started firing at Tiger, and her aim was pretty good.. Tiger was gtting pelted pretty hard
Lets hope they do better Today" dixie said to KItty ' would you like some more mouseburgers?
_ Come you you thee' Stripetail said to Miao siblings. ' your training is about to begin..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 01:21:29 PM
The Miao siblings smiled excitedly at each other, then headed over to their magic instructor.


"i'm really sucking, aren't I?" Tiger asked as he did his best to fire on Winnie.


"Yeah, two more will be fine," Miss Kitty nodded to Dixie.


"What day would you want to start Fox?" Rabbit asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 01:36:15 PM
Tomorrow, i think i would like to go watch those games in Green River folks are talking about.." Fox replied
_ It could be worse. your size makes you a rather easy target." Winnie said dodging the fire. " Butwe both need to be on our games today.
_ Dixie created two more burgers and handed them to Kitty. " So what are you plans for today? Tiger and Winnie 's shootout begins at noon.."
The baron called Belladonna to him " Lets go get warmed up. we're playing the Dawgs today, and they won pretty convincingly last time..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 01:44:17 PM
"Oh, I'll get warmed up," Belladonna said, getting ready for practice and making fire appear around her. "They're gonna get burned...heh heh."


"Relax, after everything that's happened..." Miss Kitty replied.

"Though if I do get REALLY hungry...I heard that once you're deemed strong, you don't have to worry about that changing..."


"What will we learn first Mr. Stripetail?" Sheegwa asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 02:06:04 PM
good call' Dixie nodded. I need to go shopping for Arlene, I promised to buy her some new clothes back in Toon City.. And if does somehow change it he'll find himself either on the menu or mounted and stuffed on my wall' Dixie said coldly " I've already had one friend nearly end up as an entree, a second friend I would not stand for.."
_ Relax cousin Dixie' scooby dee said. " no need to blow your stack..
_ I see you took "getting warmed up" literally " the baron said.
_ there are three levels of magics: word magic, hand magic, and mind magic. Word magic, means casting spells with spoken word: they are usually illusionary and temporary" stripetail said.  bringing a box with three wands in it " these are yours young ones ' When I was learning magic we used staffs and magical necklaces, but stuffs are too heavy for you young ones to carry around, so we're go with something much easier to carry, a small wand. As you get older we can progress to staffs if you wish, or just stick to the wands..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 02:25:25 PM
"Cool!" the kittens all exclaimed, picking up the wands, Dongwa and Sagwa using their paws, while Sheegwa used her teeth to hold it.


"Besides, no offense, but I think he could whoop you Dixie," Kitty said, setting up chairs to watch the games.


"i'll train too," Belladonna assured the baron.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 02:39:32 PM
Miss Kittys right, no need to go looking forTrouble " Dee said as shee took a seat. Woody sat next to her. on the other side The Yogis were seated, With Ranger smith, Bobo and Yogi were cheering on their teammates.
Fine, I won't actually do anything.." Dixie said, as Arlene came up to them.
_ Thats the issue" the Baron said.. ' Getting warmed up insn't the issue with you.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 29, 2011, 04:34:48 PM
OOC: Darn, I seriously lost track XD !
(Answering Dixie)
Jeckle smiled. "We've been chased so many times, we could be track racers!" He said.
Heckle chuckled. "Oh, yeah! We usually get caught in the end, but we still manage to keep ourselves ahead."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 04:54:44 PM
Well then thats good' Dixie said " if we need a pair of racers we;ll use you.."
 For  your first attempt I will have you attempt to create a new uniform for Arlene" stripetail said ' The incantation is induvae videor! it means clothes appear! You must say it clearly or you will not get the desired result..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 08:06:16 PM
"Induvae Videor!" the kittens all chanted.

The two older cats were able to produce uniforms, however, eahc one imagined a different uniform appearence, with Dongwa's looking more like a combat uniform while Sagwa's looking more feminine-fitting.

Sheegwa, holding her wand with her teeth, mis said the spell and ended up creating just a hat. "Darn it, she frowned"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 08:16:17 PM
Striipetail frowned and produced a uniform from mid air " it was supposed to be more like this" he said " but this is your first go at using magic.. so I'll cut you some slack. lets try it again, and try and get it to me more like this..' he said gesturing and moving the cats first attempts to the side..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 08:28:37 PM
The kittens repeated the spell, this time producing much more higher quality uniforms.


"What do you think of these uniforms?" Rabbit asked Fox as they tried them on. The Wild Cat Cafe suit was seen on all the employees.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 08:37:23 PM
these are very interesting.. and form fitting fox said as she squeezed into hers.
 so what job did he give you Rabbit?
_ better' stripetail said. ' next i want you to create these three things, a glass of water a glass of milk and glass of juice..don't mix them together or spill them.. he said. watching his young students with a keen eye ' these were pretty easy tasks, by the end off the games. stripetail hoped they would be able to create armor for themselves or create some changes in weather..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 09:02:12 PM
"Doorman," Rabbit replied. "This is a nice place for being in the side of a mountain."

"You're strong, which is why you're qualified," Wildcat smiled to the couple.


Each of the kittens picked one of the liquids and created them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 09:18:32 PM
well i double as a cook? wairtress fox said
- nice work' ' now try and change each other into something.." i'll watch. your spells will be too weak to do anything to me, but it shpould be enough to affect the others..
_ Daisy duck andf minnie mouse came up to Tiger and Wionnie ' are you both ready' Minnie asked " we've decided to move the gammes up a bit today.. Ill handle your shootout, Daisy will handle the other..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 09:30:49 PM
"You will," Wildcat nodded.


The kittens got a little devious with this one....

Sagwa got turned into a robin, Dongwa a rabbit, and Sheegwa a living watermelon. "This feels cool," she joked.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 09:37:22 PM
until they desire a slice of watermelon Stripetail said gesturing and returning the three of them to normal.. " Now tell me, what do you want to use this magic I am teaching you for? I very rarely teach magic to anyone..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 09:48:52 PM
"To help out our family, friends, and all the other good cats and other animals we know," Sagwa explained to Stripetail.


Wildcat gave both Rabbit and Fox a task they could do during their jobs if they wanted:

"Using this microphone, you can communicate with the tunnels to the oven. You can mess with the meals this way, you can scare them through, instruct them through, or tell any ironic story about cats eating people, my personal favorite," the chef grinned widely.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 09:53:36 PM
we're ready Winnie said to minnie ' Then follow me the mouse said to her and Tiger
 Cindy and Hucklberry met them in the middle of the town as the magical targets reappeared on them. ' Good Luck to you Cindy said to Winnie and Tiger.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 29, 2011, 10:16:42 PM
Bugs and the others shrugged.

"Guess he's gone. What do we do now?" Pooh asked.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 10:23:37 PM
If you're looking for mascot positions  Auga said, flying up to them " The mascots in the middle of town.. just go up to them get a uniforms and follow thier lead.. What are your names?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 10:25:52 PM
"You wanna try this now Fox?" Rabbit grinned, looking at the mic.


"We want to thank you for everything you're doing for us," Dongwa told Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 10:33:17 PM
Not right now, we should walk around , and get to know where everything is" Fox said to him..
_ You're welcome..Stripetail nodded " Now we're going to break for a bit tobwatch the games and have some lunch.. do any of you have any particular favorite dish?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 29, 2011, 10:34:15 PM
"I'm Bugs Bunny," Bugs introduced himself.

"I'm Tigger. T-I-double G- ER, that spells Tigger!" Tigger said in his normal, bouncy voice.

"I'm Pooh," Pooh said.

"So, we just go to da middle of town right?" Bugs made sure.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 10:37:18 PM
"Fish fried rice," Sagwa replied, all 3 of them licking their lips.


"The current doorman will give you two a tour," Wildcat replied, "Oh, Crazypaws, could you give these two a tour of their workplace?" Wildcat asked the girl feline at the door.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 10:43:43 PM
I'm Lola bunny, no relation to bugs.. yet" Lola smirked. "Yes you go see garfield and Odie near the Green River Salooon " auga said ' they are practicing for the ' Mascot parade' which they'll be holding after the second event.. and if you do see a yellow canary named tweety, please send him  back here. " Auga sauid.
_ Crazypaws came up to them and smiled. " Well well a bunch of newbies.. just follow me' She said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 10:48:28 PM
"Gotcha," Rabbit nodded, hopping along after Crazypaws.


The cats smiled as Wildcat prepared the aforementioned dish.


"Seems the games are starting up today," the Duke smiled, "Maybe I'll finally catch a cheater that I can devour."


"Go Tiger!" Miss Kitty cheered on, seeing him get ready for the match
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 11:10:41 PM
Come on Winnie!  Scooby said as the teams were instructed to head to the ends of town..
 Hucklrenerry and cindy Turned and waited for the signals. once it was given they started heading towards the Scoobies. after twn steps both fired, then took another ten steps.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 11:18:07 PM
Tiger and Winnie fired as swiftly as they could.

"i'm not losing twice in my hometown!" Tiger vowed.


"So where are you gonna show us first?" Rabbit asked Crazypaws
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 11:24:50 PM
Yosemite sam went up to the baron " this shoout is my racket! yeah you won.. but I'm a pro at this short of things, I've been in shootouts for years! usually with that darn rabbit.."
Alright fine. Belladonna , Sam Will be taking my place the rest of the way ' the baron said.
_ well theres the basement, storage kitchen, and the employee hotel' Crazypaws said ' You can live thee, but you'll need a key..
_ Huckleberry and cindy returned fire..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 11:29:39 PM
"That sounds sweet," Rabbit grinned, "With someone as rich as Wildcat, I'm sure the accommodations will be great..."


Belladonna's wicked grin  widened, readying her weapon.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 11:37:46 PM
And before you even ask, Miss Belladonna, I'm not exactly wanted where you are from, I tried booting  the Big Red Guy out when i was sent there a few years ago. it was part of a show gig, but he took it personal. very serious, Mr Satan is ' yosemite said " And obviously i'm not passing those pearly gates upstairs, not with the hombres i've shot, so when I do bite the bullet, I'm in a real jam..'
 Winnie managed to get a hit on Cindy ' Drat! I'm not letting you win Winnie! Cindy called out from behind a barrell..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 11:46:05 PM
Tiger felt like he was in slow motion as he jumped horizontally and fired like crazy.


"You're screwed," Belladonna grinned with glee.


Rabbit and Fox continued their tour, the place was quite advanced, you wouldn't guess that by just the entrance cave.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2011, 11:54:24 PM
Huckleberry fired and hit Tiger twice in the front ' Remember this is a split contest. once i knock you out, we're done and the girls finish up. so we could have a split, I could win, and Cindy could lose.." Huckleberry said.
_ Yep.. Is there any truth to that reimcarnation stuff..? You know, like a do-over?' Sam asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 29, 2011, 11:57:47 PM
"There is," Belladonna told Sam "Though there's a process invovled and you start over as a small creature, then gradually you work your way up the life chain."


"Exactly," Tiger nodded, getting two hits twice to Huckleberyr's gut.


"I wonder if we can have the games stop in China," Sagwa said to Dongwa. Stripetail heard this, although they weren't addressing him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on June 30, 2011, 12:03:12 AM
"Okie-dokie. Well, come on! We should get going! Tigger said to them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 30, 2011, 12:06:43 AM
Thats a possibility, Stripetail mused, more to himself than  the others..
 he paused for a moment gestured and looked at a fiscal report of the games  so far ' the number of viewers across the various world had been very good, His friend Tarrax was holding the money sent in front other dimensions and worlds for him back home.  Once this was all done, they would figure out expenses "  lets see theres 40 players on 4 teams so thats 4 million, then theres 50 mascots at 50 thousand each so that 2.5  million more, and then prizes lets see 10 locations 4 events thats 40, with 1 million fr first, 500k for second 250 for third and 100k for last, thats 74 million not including ties. then theres the grand prize of 100 million, 50 million for 2nd 25 million for 3rd and 10 million for last.  so all things told my expenses are going to be well north of 300 million.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 30, 2011, 12:22:54 AM
"That's a lot," Sheegwa said in awe, "Are you sure you can pay for that Mr. Stripetail?"


Tiger's skills suddenly improved in the heat of the moment. "This is your end!" he laughed competitively.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 30, 2011, 12:35:50 AM
Jason used a few holographic belts so he, and certain of his friends, could look and sound like Hong Kong Phooey while he was recovering so his city would still be protected while he recovered.  He and his friends used their various abilities and knowledge of various martial arts, if any, that they knew, while they did this.  Posing the abilities as Kung Fu techniques.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 30, 2011, 10:34:18 AM
Thank you guys ' phooey muttered from his bed.. " he was wrapped in bandages from his waist down. his legs were still not fully reformed yet. A screen nearby showed Jason ans his friends posing as him.
_ absolutely. "Stripetail said " the good news is that we have been getting donations from various worlds and locations.  Richie Rich gave 100 million,  Wayne Industries in Gotham donated 50 million, and that's just the two biggest. Plus the money that the mayor gave us came out to be 123 million These games are going to be profitable, I'll get my investment back and then some. All those that donated money will get it back, plus interest.after all the bills are paid, whatever is left is profit.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 30, 2011, 01:51:01 PM
Tiger went in for a kamikaze attack, running straight towards the other team's fire, but nevertheless managing to dodge it and shot like crazy.


"What's our next stop?" Rabbit asked Crazypaws.


"wow..." the kittens said in awe, hearing how much money was involved.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on June 30, 2011, 05:45:31 PM
OOC: Ah...what are we doing now?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 30, 2011, 07:55:39 PM
(the magpies are watching the shootout with the girls..)
The next stop is the caverns where we um.. cook our meals Wildcat no doubt has told you how you can fool around with our meals before they are served."
_ yes these games are not easy to undertake, there's a lot of money involved. But if these are as successful as they are projected to be. having them every 4 years will be a snap.. " Stripetail said " Perhaps wghen you are a bit older you could try out for one of the teams.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 01, 2011, 01:43:26 AM
"Cmon Fox, let's try the mic out," Rabbit grinned, eagerly to mess with someone's mind.


"Maybe we can work in the staff like you Mr. Stripetail," Dongwa said, with you teaching us magic.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 01, 2011, 01:52:14 AM
hucklennery ducked tigers charged and knocked out his front target.. ' you'll have to do better he grinned
 - winnie was pelting Cindy, and it was making her very frustrated.. " just a couple more hits! Woody grinned..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 01, 2011, 01:57:50 AM
Fox and Rabbit were led to a mic.

"You go first," Rabbit encouraged Fox.


"Spirit of the tiger, grant me your power!" Tiger yelled, rather cheesily, but that gave him a confidence and tactics boost.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 01, 2011, 01:57:57 AM
"Where shall we go once we're done with breakfast?" Wally asked.

"How about going to watch the current match and some others after." Droopy said to Wally.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 01, 2011, 05:52:28 PM
(OOC - Uh what is going on? My living planes are flying over a stadium in Green River.)

"So we're sure that Gabriel's not going to hit this town again?" Lt. Martin asked.

"Sure of it. Besides, we can deliver some high explosive love to her if she does," Captain Fairchild replied with a smirk.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on July 02, 2011, 01:46:44 PM
Heckle and Jeckle watched Tiger as he had his boost in confidence.
"I say, the chap might need a little bit more help from the audience." Jeckle said.
"Yeah. He needs more than some cheering. Maybe we could sing to keep him goin'." Heckle agreed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 03, 2011, 02:39:32 PM
(theres a shootout in the streets, which is the second. and Green river is an Old west town. It doesn't have a stadium.. its a one street town really..the era is around the late 1880s)
You Can Sing Idf you want" woody said ' as long as the singing good." woody said
_ Invoking ancient powers won't help you if you don't start hitting him ' winnie said, firing more shots at Cindy. Right now things looked like they would be a split: winnie would win while Tiger would lose..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 03, 2011, 03:00:09 PM
Tiger suddenly was able to dodge the shots that were aimed at him, he was really pumped for this event.

"The tides have turned!" Tiger cheered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 03, 2011, 03:12:00 PM
Huckleberry suddenly faced a flurry and shots which he was unable to duck. Both Targets went dark.. Tiger had won his side of the shooutout, earning the scoobies another 100 points.. Winnie soon finished off Cindy as well.." we did it!' Winnie smiled.. We're still in this" she grinned at Tiger
- Stripetail created lunch for the Miao siblings
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 03, 2011, 03:16:09 PM
"Woo hoo!" Tiger cheered, truly feeling the spirit of the tiger in him.

"Good game," he smiled to his opponents.


"I was hoping for a blood bath," Belladonna sighed, dissappointed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 03, 2011, 03:21:28 PM
Well We're Up belladona " sam said. I'm taking on that Screwy squirrell , you're taking on that Dragon"
- Dulcy and screwy went up to the Rottens ' good luck today" dulcy said to Belladonna '
 You're both going down ' Sam said to Screwy " you, and that fat green dragon..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 03, 2011, 03:39:22 PM
"You're in my sight..." Belladonna smirked competitively, readying her weapon.

"I don't think I can watch this...." Annabelle said, knowing how her cousin could get in games like these.

When the match begun, Belladonna began firing like a psychopath. Her shots came at such a swift pace Dulcy didn't know what hit her.

"Take this!" Belladonna laughed, though it was going so easy for her so was bored. She was able to easily evade Dulcy's shots.

The dragon, despite being big and fat, was knocked back by the sheer velocity of the hellhound's blasts.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 03, 2011, 03:47:07 PM
Dulcy, try as she might could not withstand it. she slumped to the ground in defeat.  Sam had a smiliar sucess rate, as screwy was running back and forth, he hepty getting pelted by Yosemites merciless fire. the entire match was over in less than 10 minutes, it was a complete rout.
_ nice shooting! Sam grinned, the rottens needed just one more win to claim a spot in the finals. The Dawgs were now tied for second with the Scoobies, and Yahooeys were in last.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 03, 2011, 03:53:22 PM
"Nothing to it," Belladonna grinned in reply, taking a deep breath then exhaling at the tip of her gun.

"Wow...overkill," Dongwa said, having saw the whole match.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 03, 2011, 04:09:44 PM
Yogi shook his head as Huckleberry and Cindy took thier sears ' Well its on to the next event guys, we're not going to win. all we can do is beat the Riottens and possibly spoil things for them..
- Dulcy fumed as she took a seat next to Samia " well, I got my tail kicked " She muttered. ' you ran into a buzzsaw, nothing you could really do
_ odie barked as Lola and the others made thier way over to the mascot area
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 03, 2011, 05:15:19 PM
Belladonna jumped for victory as she returned to the other Rottens.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 03, 2011, 06:02:00 PM
Stripetail came up to arlene and gave her a new uniform. " here you go' he said " the kittens here made it for you, they started their training under me today' Arlene looked at the uniform and smnmiled " it looks great! thanks guys" she smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 03, 2011, 06:05:40 PM
"Any other way we can use our new magic?" Sheegwa asked Stripetail hopefully, the 3 kittens approaching their teacher.

"No cheaters to report as of yet," The Duke of Owls said, flying down towards his friend.


Rabbit and Fox shared a big laugh over how they were messing with the people who were sent down the "weak" tunnel.

"We're priceless..." Rabbit chuckled.

"You'll be just fine here," Wildcat said to his new employees.


"I'm not gonna lie," tiger told his teammates. "Watching that was painful. They failed real epically..."

"Not calling your wrong," Miss Kitty replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 03, 2011, 06:15:37 PM
Well we lost to them to' Scooby pointed out' Now we get to play the dawgs for second place.. winner gets the Riottens, and gets to have their heads handed to them again.
Or we could split' Winnie said. " which means one of us wins while the other loses..
That still won't get us the win" dixie said " we're playing for second"
 Well now that we have to to kill' Lets go get that shopping done" arlene said "I need to get my legs moving anyway..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 03, 2011, 07:37:14 PM
Gunshots echoed below Captain Fairchild. He frowned. "Gabriel's just trying to commit suicide isn't she?" he muttered, narrowing his eyes.

He then revved up his 30 mm cannon and prepared to attack.

"Captain! Wait! That's just the second event of the games!" Lt. Martin shouted. She thought about chasing him but decided not to.

But it was no use. The A-10 had not heard her.

The baby blue F-22 simply continued flying around.


Several of the spectators to the second event were treated to the sight of Captain Fairchild swooping down on an attack run.

His 30 mm gatling autocannon roared as he shot a stream of armor piercing incendiary ammunition towards one of the competitors, mistaking him for one of Gabriel's Weasels.

"Hey, what's going on!?" a spectator demanded as he saw the plumes of dust and smoke that Captain Fairchild's attack had kicked up.


"We've got to stop him before he levels the whole town!" the baby blue F-22 shouted as she stared at the A-10.

Lt. Martin sighed and lit her afterburners as she chased down Captain Fairchild.

"Captain! Listen to me! Those shots were from a shooting competition, not Gabriel!" she said via radio.

She then sped up even more stood in Captain Fairchild's way.

Captain Fairchild immediately stopped firing but not before he had completely turned the main street into a mess of smoldering craters.

"What the f--- has gotten into you!?"

Captain Fairchild said nothing as he flew back with the F-16 in tow.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 03, 2011, 07:48:04 PM
What In blazes is going on up there?' stripetail fumed through his communicator. ' we are holding an old-fashioned shootout as our next event! or we were until you tore the streets to shreds! Arghh..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 03, 2011, 07:58:33 PM
"This crap again?!" Tiger yelled, having taken cover.

"You better make whoever did this pay..." Miss Kitty told Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 03, 2011, 08:35:58 PM
someone on security over-reacting unfortunately" stripetail said. ' well at least, the matches were done for the day anyway, buut now we will have to patch up all those holes.. most annoying..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 03, 2011, 09:20:19 PM
Major Lockie reached Stripetail. "We had a bit of a misidentification. Captain Fairchild mistook some of the competitors for Gabriel's Weasels. We're taking him back to the airbase and giving him a rundown on the events."

"Old west style shootout, eh? Sounds like fun. Mind if a living fighter plane joins in on the events?" the baby blue F-22 cut in.

"You're supposed to be guarding the town," Major Lockie replied.


Lt. Martin had escorted a very embarrassed Captain Fairchild back to the airbase.

When he arrived an extremely angry base commander was waiting for him.

Captain Fairchild sighed as he received the well deserved dressing down.

Lt. Martin took off and headed back to her patrol area.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 03, 2011, 09:28:55 PM
There were no planes in the Old West..but I'm dealing with creatures that can blow themselves up and be fine in  five minutes.heres the deal. in a future location you will be  the transport for one of the say.. China.. sound like a deal.' stripetail said " i will having a word with the major in a few hours on this matter.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 03, 2011, 09:31:28 PM
"You're taking the games to our home country?" Sagwa smiled, proudly surprised.

"Let's hope this doesn't happen there," Dongwa said.


"Ahh destruction," Belladonna grinned, taking a happy breath in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 03, 2011, 09:44:33 PM
The baby blue F-22 overheard Belladonna. "That's nothing. If Major Lockie or Captain Fairchild wanted to, they can level half this town."


"Okay, we'll discuss this deal back at the airbase," Major Lockie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 03, 2011, 10:04:03 PM
we don't want any more of the town blown up " cash cut in.. " go around the country, look for a crazy wacko accompanied with a bunch of weasels and a toxic substance.. how hard can that be..?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 03, 2011, 10:10:49 PM
"i'm really getting sick of watching my home get shot to heck," Tiger frowned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 03, 2011, 11:04:07 PM
A blue police box materialized.  Once one of the doors opened Jason stepped out with some of his current traveling companions, Guilmon, Brooklyn, an equistroid and a human size robot with an autobot symbol on one shoulder.  

"Looks like decepticon work." The human size autobot said.

"none in this sector at this time." Jason said.  

"Quite a disaster." Brooklyn said looking around.

Jason and the others walked till they got to a pile of debris.  "Here is where her call came from." Jason said and started to lift some of the debris, tossing it aside.  The others came to help and soon they uncovered some folks including Velma, without her glasses.

Jason looked them over. "Just minor injuries.  Maybe best if you folks go home & rest.  I I have some aspirin if any of you need them. "

"Didn't know you were here." Guilmon said to Velma.  

"I came to watch some games but got more then I expected.  Including loosing my glasses.  I can't see without them." Velma said.  

Jason reached into a pocket.  "here's a spare pare. " Jason said.

"Thanks." Velma said.  "I think I'll rest in your tardis.  i have a bit of a headache and a sprained ankle that needs some ice."

The equistroid changed to his quadraped form.  "Just hop on, I"ll carry you to the tardis." He said.  Velma climbed on them and they headed into Jason's tardis.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2011, 07:45:06 PM
"I was thinking..." Wildcat said, gathering all of his employees on their lunch break, "That with the games going on, I could make some serious moolah by taking this business on the road before we come back to this location." the fat feline chef announced.

"now, I'll only need a few of you to come with me..." he offered with a smile, "And I hope you'll come along...." he grinned to Crazypaws.


Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2011, 07:49:08 PM
I'll come alongFox said. Crazypaws smiled'' Sure I'll come.. I'm actually his girlfriend" she explained to Fox. " We've been going out a couple of years..
- Arlene and Dixie walked down the street trying to avoid the potholes caused by major lockies shootings..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2011, 08:25:12 PM
"Really?" Rabbit asked, surprised. "What do you and Wildcat do for dates?"


"I am REALLY getting sick of this chaos," Miss Kitty frowned. She didn't even seem sad anymore. Just pissed.

"Can you use your magic again mr. stripetail?" Sheegwa asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2011, 08:55:27 PM
You mean to fix these holes? magic cannot solve all problems, or fix all imperfections." stripetail replied " these holes must be patched the old-fashioned way, by filling them in by for magic.  he gestured and brought out a mirror from midair " this mirror will show each of you something different, something personal.. " do not stare at it too long.." he added giving the mirror first to Dongwa.
 well, hopefully once the games are over the town can rwebuild" dee said as she accompanied the others " i fear these games will continue to attract trouble as long as they are held..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2011, 09:01:51 PM
Dongwa held the mirror carefully in his paws.

In the mirage, he saw the image of an older cat. This cat was clearly skilled in the martial arts, as he was fighting off several ninjas.

Dongwa then noticed something about the cat. "Hey...that's me!" he smiled, recognizing his features. But he remembered Stripetail's warning and set the mirror down soon.


"So you two are coming along huh?" Wildcat asked Rabbit and Fox.

"Yes," Rabbit nodded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2011, 09:13:40 PM
there is a reason why i warn you not to look at it for very long, if you look at it for more than an hour you will be pulled into it
 and them you will have to find another mirror than looks into the outside world to free yourself again. there are very few of these mirrors, only three, by my latest research, although there may be others i have not found yet. it is not a place yu want to be, for there have been many who have gone into the mirror never to come out again..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2011, 09:25:52 PM
"We don't want to look at it then," Sheegwa and Sagwa told Stripetail after hearing that.


"Why are people so trigger happy?" Miss Kitty grumbled.


"So dear, tell them hour our dates work," Wildcat smiled to Crazypaws.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 04, 2011, 09:29:53 PM
"I was going to suggest maybe we can go out and watch the matches or ...." but with the loud boom I think it's safer if we stay here." Wally said.

"Unless the hotel gets targeted." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2011, 09:51:54 PM
We don't have a Choice Samia said coming up to them.. " we need to stick it out until we leave for the next destination..'
 there are only a couple more events left to go.. dixier said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2011, 09:55:23 PM
"Come on dear, tell them," Wildcat winked to Crazypaws.

"Let's hear it," Rabbit smiled, eager to know.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2011, 10:05:12 PM
"Well, we like to eat a couple that I deem as weak," Wildcat smiled, "To set up the romantic atmosphere. Then we explore my mountain..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 04, 2011, 10:37:14 PM
"Maybe we can stay in a nice safe cave, or fallout shelter." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2011, 10:59:43 PM
no, we can't participate in the games that way " samia said " come on i'll csrry you guys back. wa;ly i think you should be our representative in the next contest.. Do you like eating food?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2011, 11:00:36 PM
"Well,at least my favorite game is coming up..." Miss Kitty said, starting to smile.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 04, 2011, 11:24:22 PM
"Thanks."  Droopy said.  

"I can fly myself.  But the other 2 can't." Gary said.   His arms looked like normal arms but like some toon types like Woody he could still fly.

"That is true. I'm very bad at flying." Droopy said in a serious voice, but he was joking since it was pretty obvious he would be unable to fly.  

Wally nodded at the question.  "I do like to eat food.  I use to sneak out of the Zoo to have some fast food or eat in a cafe." Wally said.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 05, 2011, 12:52:55 AM
"Is it time for mouseburgers?" Miss Kitty asked Stripetail hopefully. Now THAT would lighten her up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 05, 2011, 12:59:02 AM
well, not yet. there still bare two more rounds to go.. the last round of regular play and the championship. the two who didn't reach the finals will be awarded third and fpourth based on head to head." stripetail replied..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on July 05, 2011, 01:10:46 AM
After walking for a few minutes, Bugs and the other found themselves at what looked like a large gathering of people.

"Are we here, Lola?" Bugs asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 05, 2011, 01:31:53 AM
Captain Fairchild was relegated to patrolling the outskirts of Green River after his friendly fire incident.

He cruised overhead until he spotted a camper heading out of the city. He zoomed in and noticed that it was Gabriel.

He immediately radioed Major Lockie. "Hey! I've found Gabriel!"

"What are you waiting for? Shoot her!"

"With pleasure," he muttered as he spooled up his 30 mm cannon.

He then aimed at the camper and unleashed a deadly hail of armor piercing incendiary rounds.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on July 05, 2011, 03:48:19 PM
"I say, team, Heckle and I have been thinking, and we'd like to see if we could, perhaps, be representatives." Jeckle said to his teammates.
"Yeah, like mascots!" Heckle added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 05, 2011, 10:25:33 PM
Sure why not? scooby shrugged " you can entertain the croewd, tell jokes, all that good stuff"
_ the weasel fired dip back at Captain fairchild. theincendiaries blew up harmless upon contact with the dip. the stream of dip hit the tip of Fairchilds left wing and quickly began to corrode it. " Killing the bodss isn't going to be that easy!" the Weasel smirked..
 Welcome to the mascot parade" Garfield said coming up to them. " watched your shows for years Bugs, it got me up in the morning before breakfast. I learned a lot about tormenting Odie from watching you mess with that hunter.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: LBTDiclonius on July 05, 2011, 10:30:20 PM
Bugs smiled as the cat came up to them.

"Well, I'm honored that I could be of service," Bugs said, laughing a bit afterwards. "So, is dis da mascot parade?" he asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 05, 2011, 10:43:24 PM
Yep. theres a contract you have to sin, and you get paid after the parade is over. 50 thousand for signbing up..
50 thousandss a lort of money " Lola smirked ' hi I'm lola bunny, no rekation to bugs..
_ so you've got a girlfriend too huh/ I've got one , of a sort, named Arlene.. Shes on the Scooby Doobies, and shes been doing ok.."Garfield shrugged.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 05, 2011, 11:01:31 PM
"So, who's playing next mr. Stripetail?" Sheegwa asked, jumping off of a barrel.

"Let's hope for no more fire from the sky..." Dongwa added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 05, 2011, 11:05:12 PM
the last rounds won't be until tomorrow. irt will be the doobies against the Awgs and the rottens angainst the Yogis" stripetail said. ' now, is there something you would like to learn like mafggical calligraphy, for instance?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 05, 2011, 11:33:41 PM
"Calligraphy, like we do at home?" Sagwa smiled, "That sounds interesting..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on July 06, 2011, 11:28:58 PM
"Sounds perfect!" Heckle exclaimed. "We better put something together." He said to Jeckle.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 07, 2011, 11:39:37 PM
Stripetail created a sheets of paper for the siblings and pruces three pens as well " not only are these pens magiocal, their ink changes color as well.." stripetail smiled..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 07, 2011, 11:46:02 PM
"Um, we're used to using our tails for this Mr. Stripetail," Sagwa explained.

"we haven't really used pens," Dongwa nodded in agreement.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 08, 2011, 12:01:21 AM
" alright stripetail said gesturing and the pens vanished " and replaced with a few bottles of ink
 Just dip your tails in the ink, then" He said.
 fox helped  the small group of exployees pack for the "wildcAt world Tour" as the trip was now being called.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 08, 2011, 12:11:27 AM
"Who knew he had portable people cookers?" Rabbit chuckled, as he assisted Fox in preparing for the trip.

"Always be prepared," Wildcat grinned to employees.


"Ah, misery," Belladonna said, looking at the town in ruins once again.

"Why do I even bother with you..." Annabelle huffed.


"What do you want us to write, Mr. Stripetail?" Sheegwa asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 08, 2011, 12:25:55 AM
you can write whatever you want..Stripetail replied " its up to can write something funny, silly orsimple.. its your choice..
 Dulxccy and Samia decided to followed Dixie and Arlene. the sragons peered in shop windows at the various items , eac\h store held. they paused briefly to looking at a spinning wheel..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 08, 2011, 12:30:07 AM
The kittens tried something simple at first, writing just their names.


"Be sure to see if your uniforms fit," Wildcat told Rabbit and Fox. "Do you like them?" They were light reddish orange, with a cartoony pic of a smiling head of Wildcat, showing off his sharp teeth in the process.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 08, 2011, 07:33:13 PM
they are a bit tight" Fox admitted as  she looked at the mirror wildcat held in front of her..
 Arlene settled on a store that sold " frontier clothing" ' lets check this place out and see if it has a dress in a shade of red that looks nice..and fits me too..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 08, 2011, 07:48:53 PM
"You'll be a regular cat cowgirl," Miss Kitty chuckled to Arlene.


"I'll take care of that," Wildcat smiled, using his magic to make the uniforms slightly bigger. "What do you think of the logo?" the fat cat asked, referring to the smiling Wildcat face.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 08, 2011, 08:05:38 PM
Does this place have good clothing?' Dixie asked Kitty " I'm hoping to get Arlene the best clothes I can get, its the least I could do for a friend.."
perhaps we could get Garfield an orange suit and tie as well ' Arlene smirked..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 08, 2011, 08:12:46 PM
"Oh it does," Miss Kitty assured her little posse, "But it mainly sells clothes that would go with this environment, you see..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 09, 2011, 08:15:06 PM
Captain Fairchild made a rude gesture with his hidden manipulator claw. Luckily, he was sheathed in heavy armor that protected his vitals. While

He then let loose with his 30 mm cannon.


Gabriel swore as one of the shells struck the side of the road.

"Get him away from us!" she shouted as she crazily swerved on the road, dodging the hail of gunfire.

Several other Weasels grabbed dip launchers, which fired glass spheres filled with dip, and aimed them out the window at Captain Fairchild.


Captain Fairchild fired a high explosive rocket at the hail of dip spheres. The explosion burned most of the spheres away but several got through, eating holes in his belly armor.

He quickly retreated from the hail of spheres. The Weasels atop the camper cheered as he retreated.


But Captain Fairchild was not retreating at all.

He made some calculations in his built-in targeting computer and launched two high explosive rockets in a staggered formation.


"Gabriel! Incoming projectile!" a Weasel shouted. He was in the rear of the camper where the armory containing assorted dip based munitions along with the command center were located. Thanks to Gabriel's toon magic, the rather luxurious living quarters were accessible through a door.

"Well, shoot it down!" Gabriel snapped. "I'm doing the driving!"

The Weasel pressed a button on a console.

This caused a cannon to rise from the roof of the vehicle and discharge a cloud of dip into the air.


The first rocket detonated on contact with the spray of dip but the second rocket passed through as the dip cloud dispersed and blew a sizable crater in the road in front of Gabriel's camper.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 10, 2011, 10:24:29 PM
we need to get out of here..' the weasels shrieked..   theres a portalk 215miles south of here that will take us to a different location' said another' we need to lay low for awhile..
- so this is dresses suied for hot desert weather" arlene shrugged ' thats fine.. all that matters is whether it looks good.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 10, 2011, 11:02:28 PM
"You know, for once, just try whatever you feel like," Miss Kitty told Arlene, "I don't want to influence every choice you make," she smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 10, 2011, 11:46:02 PM
Fair Ebough " arlene said as she disappeared inside the shop ' Scooby came up to them, holding a couple greasy bags ' got some lunch for you ladies " he said with a smile. " not many places that allow pets" He added with a frown...
_ Not bad" stripetail said as he walked around and looked at the kittens work..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 11, 2011, 12:09:34 AM
"Does this calligraphy have any special bonus powers?" Dongwa asked curiously after he finished writing.


"Yeah, it is a small town," Miss Kitty nodded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 11, 2011, 10:35:38 PM
well, not really, apart from the changing colors and moving around..' stripetail admitted.
 Dixie and Scooby Dee gladly took the bags of food ' truth be told I'll be glad to move on from this location.. Its a bit hot and dusty..the dusty into my dress and uniform, and makes me terribly itchy' Dee admitted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 11, 2011, 10:58:27 PM
The camper saw the crater in front of them.

Gabriel quickly hit a button and two giant springs shot out from underneath the vehicle propelling it over the gap.

Captain Fairchild, assuming that the camper had either been struck by the rocket or destroyed by running into the crater his rocket produced turned around and headed back.

He then radioed Stripetail. "Stripetail, this is Captain Fairchild. Gabriel has been chased from Green River and presumed dead. I am returning to base. Captain Fairchild out."


Several construction workers, living vehicles, Humans and Anthros alike, were busy patching up the damage that Captain Fairchild had inflicted by accident.


Major Lockie, Lt. Martin and the baby blue F-22 were flying overhead on their assigned patrol routes.

Several news planes were ready to take photos of the mascot parade.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 11, 2011, 11:18:02 PM
"Chased from Green River, that is good news. Dead? I doubt it. Toons can take a heavy beating, so can humans with access to dangerous chemicalsd. at least the rest of events here will go smoothly.. the next locations I cannot say, not until Gabriel is either in prison, or in pieces" stripetail replied
 Garfield and Odie werebin the libneup od masvcots, Lola had found her way into the middle of the line, it had been short work to sign the contract..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 12, 2011, 12:44:50 AM
"We'd best head back." Droopy said.  "Before it gets to late.  No telling what may be out here."

"Or may happen next." Wally said.  

"Hopefully it'll be dull for a while." Gary said.  

They all started to head back to the hotel they were staying at.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 12, 2011, 06:54:35 PM
"Pack everything you need," Wildcat told his employees who would be taking the trip with him.


"This is so cool..." Sheegwa awed, looking at her name as it changed in color from blue to cyan to magenta to purple.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 14, 2011, 08:48:42 PM
Stripetail gestured and the letters lifted off the page and moved around in the air, while continuimng to change color..
_ Fox threw together as much f her meafer possessions as she could. She and rabbit hadn't brought much with them..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 14, 2011, 08:54:13 PM
"Wow..." Sagwa, Dongwa, and Sheegwa all awed as their names took to the skies...literally.

"This is so beautiful..." Sagwa smiled.


"Wildcat said in our spare time on the job we can do karate demonstrations to entertain customers and get extra cash," Rabbit noted to Fox, packing his things.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 14, 2011, 10:28:56 PM
Stripetail waited a few more minutes then made the images vanished ' thats enough for tioday kids. Time to head back to the hotel..'
 Arlene came uout of the store carrying three bags worth of attire. " alright I'm done.. lets head back to the hotel so I can show you guys what I picked out" she said cheerfully
- The Yogis and dawgs headed back to thier respective hotels.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 14, 2011, 11:14:07 PM
"I"m glad to be back, with all that has happened today." Wally said as they neared and went into the hotel.  

"I'm sure you're not the only one." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 14, 2011, 11:34:42 PM
"Ok Mr. Stripetail!" All 3 nodded with cute expressions.


"They look nice," Miss Kitty complimented Arlene, "But we should get heading back..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on July 15, 2011, 12:48:09 AM
Heckle and Jeckle, meanwhile, headed to the nearest clothing department to search for costumes to wear in their acts.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 15, 2011, 06:37:08 PM
Arlene nodded and followed dixie Scooby and Scooby Dee as they made thier way back twards the hotel..  the sun was setting as they arrived Dinner, such as it was, would be served shortly..
 Stripetail smiled at the three of them " Now, come along you three " You've done pretty well for your first time, using magic in any capacity..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 15, 2011, 06:39:03 PM
"Thank you," the cat students smiled and nodded.


"More mouse burgers please?" Miss Kitty asked Dixie hopefully.


"So, does karate demonstrations by you and me sound like good entertainment?" Rabbit asked Fox.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 15, 2011, 06:51:29 PM
certainly" Dixie smiled ' How many do you want? She added as they picxked out a table to sit at.
 But you will be learnibng much more, this magic is beginners level' Stripetail added.
- Sure thing.. ' we should bring some equipment to hit and break..
 I'll have some more fish" arlene said. " i'm still not completely over what happened to me at the resteraunt.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 15, 2011, 09:40:52 PM
"2 please," Miss Kitty said to Dixie.

"I just don't get how you like that so much," Tiger told his wife.


"Get me the hottest food you got," Belladonna told the waiter.


"I know we have a long way to go Mr. Stripetail," Sheegwa nodded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 15, 2011, 10:46:18 PM
Samia And Dulcy were piling up thier plates with food.. " Come on Dulcy you need to get some food oiin your sromach if you want tio win tomoreeow" Samia said to ger as Screwy walked by with his food.
_ dixie created the two mouseburgers and  gave them to kitty. " there you go.." she smiled..
- What do you kids want for dinner?Stripetail asked..
- Very well extra spicy it is' the waiter said, misinterpreting what she meant by "hot"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 15, 2011, 10:49:02 PM
"Anything with fish," the kittens smiled hungrily, licking their lips.


"I'll take food that's on fire, do you have flambe?" Belladonna asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 15, 2011, 10:54:04 PM
no we don't, I don't know what flambe is" the waiter admitted.. What would you like? he asked belladonna
- the HoodedClaw ordered the fiah. bluto ordered three hamburgers, and Muttley ordered a steak..
Yogi Bobo and Cindy shared an order of fries.
_ Alright, fish it is rhhen. Any perference for a certain fish? " stripetrail asked as they reached a rable which was not being used.
_ winnie and Woody were sharing some fish..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 15, 2011, 11:28:07 PM
"Maybe just give us a variety, we're willing to try a lot," Sagwa said.

"I like carp," Sheegwa smiled.


"there any good salads?" Tiger asked the waiter.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 15, 2011, 11:49:09 PM
Droopy, Gary and Wally went to see what sorts of food they had, if any, in the dining room, before they put in their separate orders.  

"I hope things will be quieter from now on." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 16, 2011, 06:29:56 PM
"Thanks Dixie," Kitty smiled, eating the mouseburgers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 16, 2011, 06:37:35 PM
We don't really have salads out here.. we have to import them from the east  the waiter said shaking his head " is there anything else you'd like..?
_   No problem. Since the next contest is an earing one, you'll be perfect fior it" she grinned.. " How many do you think you'll be able to eat in a few minures?"
- Sxcooby was chowed down on the fidh and fries, which tasted delicious to him..
 Arlene headed up to the room, she shared with the Doos and changed into one of her new dresses, a light blue one..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 16, 2011, 06:56:28 PM
"Well, anything vegetarian you have would work," Tiger shurgged.

"Lots," was all Miss Kitty replied with a smirk.


"Eh, I'll take a steak, I'll flame broil it myself...." Belladonna said.


The Miao siblings looked as fish appeared.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 16, 2011, 07:08:49 PM
Steak it is. Anything for you, madam? he asked annabelle..
just just eat yourself into a stupor. Tiger won't like that..' Dixie smirked as her food was brought to her.
_ Stripetail moved the tray of fish onto the table.
_ Vegatarian? Never hgeard of it? The Waiter said simply..
Cashwas seated at a table eating a sandwich..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 16, 2011, 07:23:13 PM
"Do you have any cupcakes or regular cakes?" Annabelle asked.

"Ah, so goody goody has a sweet tooth," Belladonna teased.


"Yeah, that's Tiger's job," Miss Kitty laughed.


"Oh yeah, this is a mainly meat place..." Tiger remembered, " you have any shrimp?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 16, 2011, 07:30:13 PM
That's dessert" the Waiter said " We do have shrimp thoiugh if you are interested in that
(Remember, these are in different hotels)
- Yes we do have shrimp" the Waiter said. " breaded or fried?
We should have an eatting contest between Scooby and Tiger' Dee smiled. " They botrh sure love to eat..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 16, 2011, 09:30:11 PM
"Maybe they'll explode," Miss Kitty joked, "From all that food..."


"ooh, fried," Tiger grinned.


"Just give me the sweetest menu item that's not dessert," Annabelle requested.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 16, 2011, 09:43:10 PM
Fried it is, sir" The Waiter said '
 Then I'll recommend that fish dipped in sweet sauce" the waiter said.
 If scooby didn't bust a gut from eating 277 pieces of fish, a simple eating contest with tiger won't be a problem..Dixie grinned. "lets say the loser buys the winner dinner..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 16, 2011, 09:51:37 PM
"The losing guy and girl, or just the girl?" Kitty smirked.


"I'll take that please," Annabelle smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 16, 2011, 10:01:43 PM
lets go both' Dixie smiled.. 'you don't need to call it right away either, you cam save it for when you are low on cash, or see some dish you really want.. how about that.?
 Arlene showed up at the table. ' Hey guys.. enjoying your meal so far? She beamed as she showed off her new dress..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 16, 2011, 10:09:26 PM
"Sure," Miss Kitty nodded, "Nice dress Arlene," she complimented.


"Thanks Mr. Stripetail," Sagwa said as she ate the fish.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 16, 2011, 10:29:39 PM
you look great Arlene' Dixie smiled at her. " we were justing going to have a little food-eating contest between our husndands ..
_ Can I enter Garfield in to that? Arlene asked ' he LOVES to eat.. ' Frankly Hes loves food, much more than me.,. so he'd be perfect competition for Scooby and Tiger. When are we having it?
We haven't decided yet Dixie admitted.
 Anytime is good for me' Scooby said ' so me, Tiger anbd Garfield right?
 _ Its my pleasure, young one.. after dinner you three can go play for a bit before bedtime..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 16, 2011, 10:55:37 PM
"Our 3 fat boyfriends, you're on!" Kitty smirked.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 16, 2011, 11:05:13 PM
its a deal.. if i win Arlene grinned " i'm throwing pies in both your faces..she laughed.. "you do, I'll mount you on my wall' Dixie fake-threatened.. I've been meaning to hang something up there..
_ Yeah right.. I know you Dixie.. you'd never do it" Arlene said ' would she? she asked .looking at Scooby, who nodded " she nearly skinned me for eating a batch of cupcakes on our honeymoon..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 16, 2011, 11:07:59 PM
"My idea..." Kitty smirked deviously. "The losing girls have to eat as much as their boyfriends and gain a similiar figure..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 16, 2011, 11:16:17 PM
then you're going to have to pig out' Dixie smrked. " because scoobys going to wipe the table with both tiger and Garfield.. " another little wager of yours Dixie? Stripetail said going up to them . " lets just hope it doesn't get as.. complicated as your last wager ' Its not going to be a series of things like last time.. and we've already picked out what each of us will do if we wiun. If Scooby wins Athe others have to pay for dinner for scooby and me. If Arlene wins shes pieing Kitty and me in the face.. if Kitty wins Arlene and I have to eat until we look like Scooby and Garfield.
_ That actually like fun.. Stripetail 's eyes rwinkled with mirth. " I trust if course this is not going to happen here?
 We haven't decided when.. yet..' Arlene said " you can be the judge..
_Very well, if there is tie, like say scooby and Riger finish evenb, arlene will have to pay for Dixies dinner AND eat until she looks like garfield..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 16, 2011, 11:26:16 PM
"How about you warp us and the guys to some magical buffet table?" Miss Kitty suggested to Stripetail

"I'm hungry..." Tiger said to Scooby.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 16, 2011, 11:41:53 PM
very well' Stripetail said gesturing and sending the group out toi a magicakl dinber
 Scooby And garfield were seated at a diner  Alright everyone, sit doiwn. guys, you will have twenty minuted to eat as much food as possible. ' He motioned looking at the huge buffet now in front of them " Ladies theres will be no cheating on your bets.. i will strictly enforce all agreements made ..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 16, 2011, 11:44:05 PM
"Good luck guys," Tiger said to Scooby and Garfield as he begun to pig out when the tiger started counting down.

"Go Tiger!" Kitty cheered on.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 16, 2011, 11:46:46 PM
Scooby Nodded, as he began wolfing down the food, which included sandwiches, lasanga, metballs, pizza , fish, and mozzzerella sticks. ' the winner will the one who has gained the most weight in 20 minutes.. ' stripetail said
- Garfield meanwhile was sryuffing himself full of lasanga,.. " why didn't you guys think of something like this earlier..? he grinned
- after 5 minutes Scooby had added 10 pounds, Tiger hasd added 8 and Garfield had added 6.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 16, 2011, 11:50:39 PM
After 18 minutes, Scooby had gained 34 pounds, as had Tiger, while Garfield gained 31.

"SO close..." Kitty gulped, teeth clenched
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 16, 2011, 11:55:42 PM
keep eating Scooby! I don't want to lose my figure1 Dixie cracked
 come on Garfield picjkk up the pace" Arlene cried.. "eat something other than lasanga! ' Garfield grabbed some of the fish and began stuffing his face..
 Scooby shoved mozzerella stiucks into his mouth two at a time.. "30 seconds Stripetail said. Scioooby had moved slightly ahead of Tiger, by about a pound. he had 36 pounds, Tiger had 35, garfield had out on 32. ' 30 seconds..Stripetail called out, as the three began the home stretch..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 16, 2011, 11:57:29 PM
The eating battle went on to the very last second.

"Who's the winner, I can't tell!? Kitty yeleld to Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 12:06:19 AM
eh, scooby had gained 40. .13 pounds' Striprail said reading from the magical scale, Riger had gained 40.06, garfield has added 35.45 . "i'll round down. Both Scooby and Tiger had 40 pounds, and Garfield had 35. " So Arlene, looks like you will not onbly have to pay for Dixie and Scooby's Dinner. you will have to ea until you weigh as much as garfield does.. which is currently.. 137 pounds..
- ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN pounds?  " But I only weight 55 " arlene protested ' Sorry Arlene.. you must gain 82 pounds" stripetail said firmly
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 12:08:43 AM
"Hey Stripetail," Kitty asked, "Could you magically create a picture of what Arlene should look like when she's done with this?" she smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 12:15:33 AM
Kitty.. Dixie.. please don't make me go through with this.. I'll do anything you girls ask of me' arlene begged. " sorry Arlene, rules are rules. ' You would have pied us in the face had you won.' dixie said ' you don';t need to gain the 82 pounds right away, but you should starrt eating reguklarly..Dixie said ' gain a couple pounds a day, within a couple weeks you should hit that mark..
 Stripetail pulled out a magic mirror which glowed and showed Arlene at 137 pounds.. ' Once she reaches that amount, hshe will have to keep that weught for a week before she can drop it..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 12:18:29 AM
"A bet's a bet," Kitty nodded, getting the magical picture she requested from Stripetail and handing it to Arlene
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 12:22:05 AM
Garfield staggered from the table " Is that what you will look like? He burped " it will put some meat on you Arlene, you've akways been skinny..
 Arlene shot him a glance.,.. ' would you dance with me? " Come on Garfield, humor her.. shes jusr been humilated Dixue said.. "A;lright.. I guess..garfield shrugged.."once shes hit the century mark.. so 45 more pounds..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 12:32:36 AM
"I didn't know a girl cat could get that big..." Tiger awed.

"Not since Felicia back in London..." Miss Kitty added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 12:39:52 AM
i'll be bigger than her once i'm finished..' arlene said ' the knowledge that she would finally getto dance with Garfield was small comfoirt, when she would have to nearly triple in size in the process..
 - i'm ready to head back' scooby said.. youu girls ready/ he asked them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 12:44:20 AM
"Yeah, let's head back," Tiger and Miss Kitty nodded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 12:49:17 AM
Stripetail gestured and the seven of them returned to thier table.. Well, I'm headed back to my table..  enjoy the rest of your evening. " you've got about 40 pounds to work off tomorrow Tiger' Stripetail added " you'd best start running around Green River for a bit..after all you do have your last shootout tomorrow with the dawgs. ' Of course, if you lose you're done, if you win, you get to face the Rottens again..
Arlene took a seat.. "I still can't believe you're going to make me go through with this?'
 come on Arlene. you're going to dance with Garfield, isn'ty that what you begged me to help you achieve?' Dixie pointed out..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 12:59:26 AM
"Can you make sure she can't cheat this?" Kitty asked Stripetail, "Like cast a spell that prevents weight loss.?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 01:02:30 AM
Of Course I can "in this case I'll give her a potion that perventsw her from not eating until she has gaiuined the necessary weight.." Stripetail pulled out a potion from out of midair abd set it before Arlene " drink this. " He said firmly..
_ well I'm going to do lie down for a bit Scooby said to them " You girls can stay up, its only 9 ..' He said ' See you guys in a bit..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 01:11:30 AM
Kitty smirked as Arlene drank the potion. "Tell her what it does...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 01:16:24 AM
it prevents you from losing weight, under any circumstance until the weight gain you need to have is met.. i also have one for rapid weight loss,, but i didn't bring it with me..
Stripetail could you make me some pies arlene asked from gulping down the porion.. any flavor.. '
 Very well i see you're starting on glut-athion' Stripetail saiud creating a tray full of pies ' No, Stripetail its called, getting even ' Arlene said as she grabbed a pie and gave Kitty a glance '
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 01:45:37 AM
"Don't you dare...." Kitty said, bracing herself. "Won't you want to save those pies for your feeeding frenzy?"

"This'll be amusing," Tiger smirked.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 01:50:34 AM
Too late.. I'll eat some pies after I've finished pieing both of you' Arlene said, smacking Kitty in the Face with a bannan cream pie. Dixie was hit with a cherry pie.. and much to his surprise.. Stripetail was hit with a blueberry pie.. ' That was for making me Drink that potion" arlene said..
_ Arlene, you're going to pay for thar" Dixie growled..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 02:15:50 AM
"Pay in calories!" Kitty laughed as she thre a pie.

"Can we have the room key Mr. Stripetail?" Dongwa asked quickly, not wanting to get messy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 02:24:13 AM
Stripetail gave them to the key and sar down and wiped the pie off his face..
 Scooby ducked out of the way as the girls pelred each other with pies ' stripetail magic ensured that there would be a coinstant supply of them.
 Dixie got hit in the head with a chocolate pie Arlene got smashed in the face with a french silk pie 'Courtesy' of Kitty.  Dixie next hit her with a apple pie which spilled on her dress..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 01:56:14 PM
"Let's go!" Dongwa called to his younger sisters as they dashed off.

Meanwhile, the boyfriends of the 3 fighting girls saw this as a a perfect chance for free pie!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 05:33:04 PM
scooby grabbed a coconut pie out of the air as the battle continued. Arlene was hitting Kitty as hard as she could with pies..
_ Garfiekd meanwhile was eating a strawberry pie..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 05:42:25 PM
Tiger was happily chowing down on a blueberry pie.

"Keep it up!" he encouraged the girls.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 05:44:12 PM
yeah, we'd like to try every flavor..Scooby cracked as Dixie got hit by another pie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 09:57:48 PM
Kitty had an arsenal pf pies tossed at Arlene.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 10:00:05 PM
Arlene got hit by several of them, all three girls were covered in pieces of pie by this point. all of them would require bathes and change of clothes.. and timne to cool off..
_ Arlene, ok, you've kinda made yoiur point.. lets stop this" Dixie said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 10:17:34 PM
"you can keep the'll need them," Kitty smiled, going back to her and Tiger's room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 10:40:57 PM
Arlene  set the pie down, and settled back into the seat. " Come on, lets go get cleaned up' Dixie saidm boith of them were covered with  fillings and pieces of pie.. 'Don't worry, once you gain the necessary weight, you'll start to lose it again " But I have to gain, then lose 82 pounds.. " it tooons you have toons gain and lose incredible ammounts of weight" Dixie pointed out . " 82 pounds is a lot, but its not like gainning 500 pounds.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 11:23:24 PM
The 3 kittens were telling each other stories from their homeland back in their room.

"And then the rain dragon took to the skies and ended the drought!" Sagwa said epically.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2011, 11:52:14 PM
Arlene was  guided back to Dixies room and Pushed into the shower' Ok lets het you cleaned off" she said Firmly turning on the shower, sending hot water down on Arlene and began to wash off all the pie pieces and filiiings " Arlenes dress was stained from the fillings ' so why exactly did you decide to throe pies at us? Ok, i get you're tocked about loosing, but wrecking our dresses with pies isn't the answer.. having your boyfriend eat faster would have been better" Dixie said. " arlene shook her head and watched as the tub slowly filled with water. filling and pie topping floated top of the water.. " Clean up fast Arlene because I need to clean off too" Dixue said. ' Tomorrow, I'm going to be soending time with scooby.  
- good idea. i should go and get garfield or odie Arlene agreed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2011, 11:55:18 PM
Belladonna surrounded herself with a dome of fire to block out Annabelle's voice.

"Nighty night cuz!" she laughed.

Annabelle sighed.


"Hi!" Sheegwa waved as Stripetail came back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2011, 12:05:30 AM
well kids I;'m turning in for the night" Stripetail yawned " it it is nearly 10 at night ' you kids should be in bed..
- Arlene took another ten minutes to clean off.. then got out of the tub. Dixie took off her dress and climbed into the tub, and turned the water on.. ' Arlene dried off with a towel the took a seat on a chair next to a mirror.
- woody and winnie headed to bed, as did Yogi Bobo and Cindy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2011, 12:08:53 AM
"Ok," The Miao siblings nodded to their magic teacher.


"Good night," the Green River cat couple smiled to each other and fell asleep.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2011, 12:30:27 AM
Scooby and scooby dee, were already in bed. " Dee had called the bank back in Toon Rown, and was in the middle of megotiating a repurchase of her old house.. There were costs and penalties , but she could absorb the losses now, after Dropppys sucess in recovering her money..
- Valiant gave Deoopy a call " Any new leads on Clurry's whereabouts? he asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2011, 12:37:08 AM
Sheegwa lit the traditional candle again before dozing off.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2011, 12:47:15 AM
Dixie and arlene soon joined Scooby on the bed.. "you know Arlene, you never told me where you live.. Dixie said " Well I don't really live with anyone" arlene admitted ' Well we do live in a huge Mansion ' Scooby said " theres plenty of room for company there..
-Well I wouldn't want to take advantage of you.. " Arlene right now rheres only a about a dozen occupants in that mansion we own. we could easily handle a few more.. at least until you buy your own place near garfield.. " I'd need a owner for that' arlene said as she curled up on the front of the bed.. ' But its a good thought.. ' night scooby, night dixie " Dixie leaned in and gave her a nuzzle, before both of them settled into sleep.
 the geoup awoke the next morning shortly after 6:30. and Scooby was the first to Stir. " Better go get some breakfast..  most of it will go to Arlene' He chuckled ' She needs to start gainning that weight.,.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 18, 2011, 12:55:37 AM
Droopy, Wally & Gary finished their Dinner and headed up to bed to get ready for bed and then to go to sleep.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2011, 01:02:27 AM
woody and winnie storred from thier sleep a little after Scooby " alright Winnie.. time to beat those Dawgs today" the woodpecker said grinning, and pushing his girlfriend out of bed.
- samia pushed dulcy away from her.." come on, girl, time to go beat the Scoobies.. then its payback against the Rottens' she smirked..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2011, 01:21:56 AM
Tiger and Miss Kitty woke up soon thereafter.

"Wake up Sagwa," Sheegwa said, shaking her sister a bit while Dongwa blew out the candle.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2011, 11:00:07 PM
Stripetail stirred shortly after 8. today he would begin planning the events for the next location, which would be in China
- Kids, I have a special suprise for you" Stripetail said, upon getting up and sitting down at a table..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2011, 11:20:48 PM
"What is it Mr. Stripetail?" All 3 of the Miao siblings asked curiously.


"Let's hope for less demolition next stop," Tiger yawned to his teammates.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2011, 11:37:36 PM
Our next location is going to be China" Stripetail said. ' which means you'll be able to spend time at home with your friends.. the events will take place across the country, which will require quite a bit of travel,, but its a far cryu from a small rown like Green River.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 19, 2011, 12:08:09 AM
The cats all smiled at each other.

"Thank you!" the all smiled and cheered.

"But how will we get there?" Dongwa asked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 19, 2011, 12:13:10 AM
magical portals, the same way we got to Toon City' Stripetail replied.. "once we finish our events here, and give the town the money to repair the damages that have been caused, we;ll be on our way...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 19, 2011, 12:15:15 AM
"How much of China will we cover Mr. Stripetail?" Sheegwa asked curiously.


Belladonna woke up peacefully, even for a hellhound.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 19, 2011, 12:22:55 AM
a good deal, I should think.. theres  Kung Fu Remple.. your hometown.. the emperors palace, and the Great wall.. and a few other sight seeing locations thrown-in..
 The Hooded claw woke up at *:30,. he had dreamed off finally offing that  Penelope Pitstop, and had that Anthill mob bound gagged and helpless to anything to stop him, only to wake up and find out, alas, it was only a dream " drat! i knew it was too good to be true.. ah well.. time to go make some mayhem.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 19, 2011, 12:29:47 AM
Droopy, Wally, & Gary got ready then came down to see what was for breakfast.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 19, 2011, 12:35:45 AM
"This'll be great, I can't wait to tell mama and baba about everything!" Sagwa smiled.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 19, 2011, 01:20:06 AM
Dixie stirred and got out of bed. ' Time to get some breakfast in me, and get Arlene a large portion of food' She said to herself..
 the Yahoeeys were already up and eating by 7:30.. there horel didn't offer much food, but it was better than nothing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 20, 2011, 01:11:16 AM
Belladonna undid her fire dome when she awoke in the morning.

"Sleep well cuz?" she grinned devilishly.

"No..." Annabelle groaned, wanting to sleep some more.

"And that's how I like it," Belladonna laughed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 20, 2011, 01:15:27 AM
Bluto woke up a bit later and went out and banged on the whippets door ' You guys know where I could find a comb for my hair?' Bluto black hair was messy in fact his whole appearance was slovenly.. belying his physical prowless " I need to look my best for when I win in the next competition I;'m in..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 20, 2011, 01:33:17 AM
"I could give you blazing hair," Belladonna smirked.

"Um here you go Bluto," Annabelle said, handing one to her teammate.


"Do you know any magic that we can use to contact home?" Dongwa asked Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 20, 2011, 01:49:02 AM
" Let me see' striperail said, reaching into his robes.. "  Healking Porion
 some Aestorican coins.. bit of parchment doesn't look like I have any magical objects on me that could help.. wait...I know.. I could use a campfire to connect you to them, problem is that only works if they have a fire going in thier fireplace as well.." stripetail said to them.." that would have to be tried at night, I would think..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 20, 2011, 11:03:17 PM
Captain Fairchild returned to the airbase... only to find two F/A - 18 Hornets, a F-117 Nighthawk, an AC-130 Spectre and a B-2 Spirit engaged in a competition to see who could down the most avgas.

Of course, the B-2 Spirit won. Only to regurgitate it back onto the tarmac seconds later. Hoots and cheers emanated from the airstrip.

"Eww," a pink F-15 Eagle said as he watched the whole scene.
Captain Fairchild rolled back into his hangar and shut the door. Two workers got removed his spent rocket pods to be refurbished.


Lt, Martin smirked and decided to have a little fun. She lit her afterburners and flew over the hotel that the contestants were staying at. A sonic boom ripped through the night air as she did so.

Major Lockie was busy patrolling the skies for threats.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2011, 12:25:41 AM
unfprtunately the glass in this era was not designed to withstand the pressure created by a sonic boom, so most of the glass in the town shattered.
_ thanks Annabelle.. that is your name right? so er what exactly goes on .. upstairs.. given my behavior I'm probably not high on the lisrt of those who might get in, but I say, live for today.. its why I always try to beat that shrimpy sailor..
 Dixie reached downstairs and Found Scooby, Winnie and Woofy eating large portions.. ' Hi Dixie' winnie said.. ' You sleep well? ' Truth be told.. not really. I'm actually anxious to get on to the next location" Dixie admitted.. ' You were involved in quite the pie fight last night" woody grinned ' I helped myself to a couple that missed thier target..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 21, 2011, 12:29:23 AM
"What's that?" Wally asked as he sat up in bed.  

"Some low flying plane sounds like." Droopy said looking up then going to the window to see if he could see anything.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2011, 01:53:04 AM
"You ain't exactly up there..." annabelle nodded.

"You think Arlene's saved some pies, she'll need them?" Miss Kitty asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2011, 02:11:47 AM
Well, I'm sure Scooby saved some for later, course we did waste a lot of pies in the piefight" dixie laughed. ' tiger, you ready for the last shootout today? We're hoping you and winnie can finish second..' AShe said to him..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2011, 02:15:05 AM
"I am," Tiger nodded, "I just know I have to summon the spirit of the tiger, that's all..." he grinned.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2011, 02:23:12 AM
Well you'll just need to be quick, and not worry about some mythical "Tiger Spirit' Winnie replied
 You guys should try the muffins, thy are really good.."
Arlene stirred a bit after 9, and stretched.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2011, 02:31:52 AM
"Hey, it works..." Tiger smiled.

Annabelle ordered a cake at breakfast.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 21, 2011, 10:37:24 AM
"Maybe some pilot wondering how many windows they can shatter as they fly over doing a sonic boom." Gary said in a half awake voice from where he was sleeping.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2011, 04:23:39 PM
stripetail continued searching through his robes to find something to help the trio, but finally admitted defeat after fifteen minutes..
Arlene joined the group downstairs after chanbging into a fresh dress.. this one was a light purple one " Hi guys I'm here to begin stuffing my face.. also I'm sorry about the piefight yesterday, i just.. snapped.. and grabbed the first food I could get my paws on..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2011, 05:56:48 PM
"Hope you're hungry then," Miss Kitty smirked, handing Arlene a large breakfast plate.


"Nothing huh?" Sagwa asked Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2011, 06:05:24 PM
no, apparently... Stripetail sighed ' I'll have to go through everything..
 Hey" Dixie smiled at Arlene " No harmn, all that happened is.. you pied one of my best dresses and forced me to clean up for an hour.. so in reraliation. KIItty and i are going to stuff you to bursting today..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2011, 06:16:00 PM
"You'll be a nice round catball," Miss Kitty smiled.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2011, 06:22:08 PM
just like your boyfriend ' Dixie grinned" was that too harsh..
_ Si how much weight does she need to gain? winnie asked.
- 82 pounds Arlene said as Scooby poured gravy on the plate " so once i get to that weight i'll have to work it off..
_ we'll have Dee here accompany you on you eating binge' Dixie said.. " Tigers got the shootout in an hour so we'll go to warch him beat the Dawghs"
Scooby meanwhile had finished his meal and was picking his teeth.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2011, 07:44:54 PM
Bluto stuffed his face full of pancakes, and drowned them in syrup " these pancakes are actually really good " He said ' well save some for the rest of us The great Fondoo said.. as he the dRead baron ad The HoodedClaw waited in line to grab thier food..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2011, 09:09:09 PM
"Nah, it wasn't harsh," Kitty told Dixie.

"I know I can do good at this game..." Tiger told himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2011, 09:24:00 PM
thats good, we're friends, we may kid about our boyfriends, but we would never say anything mean about each other..' Dixie smiled.
_ Come on Tiger winnie said we need to get going..'she said getting up and heading out of the dinning room.. "Wish us luck guys..
_ Dulcy and Screwy headed out of thier hotel towards the town.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2011, 10:03:10 PM
"Good luck!" Miss Kitty called to Tiger.

"I can't wait to introduce you to everyone at home," Sagwa said, "There's mama, baba, fu-fu, and some of the alley cats are pretty nice."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2011, 10:12:26 PM
good luck guys' Dixie said ' we'll join you once we finish eating our breakfast.. so whats the plan for the rest of the games here..' she asked kitti
 Arlene was plowing though her food, while scooby brought her some more food ' i'm going to be so full' she murmured..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 21, 2011, 11:35:59 PM
"Well, I know I'm going to plow through the mouse eating contest," Kitty chuckled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2011, 11:41:45 PM
well everyone, I have news for you.. Our next location.. is going to be  the country of China..' stripetail said ' we will be flying there, once the games here are finished.. Any questions..
just remember to pace yourself.. dixie smirked at her " We don't want you eating too fast that you have no room for those last few burgers.. every burger is going to count.. in all probability..
winnie faced dulcy from opposite sings of the street.. good luck to you ' dulcy said. " dame to you' Winnie replied " that is, after I beat you" She added.
- You're going down cat" Screwy said to Tiger.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 22, 2011, 12:27:21 AM
"What kind of planes will we use?" Miss Kitty asked, interested.

"And don't worry, I'll pace myself."

Fox and Rabbit had arrived in town to prepare for the Wildcat World Tour.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 22, 2011, 12:37:16 AM
we will be flying on the secutiry planes stripetail said " yes the same ones who have been causing some of the messes. Irs quicker to use them then buy another plane..
You know I don't think I've ever been in a plane ' arlene said " will there be food served on board?
_ probably not initially as these are military planes.. I may create a small supply of food for dinner as the flight will take most of a day.. each team will have its own plane...

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 22, 2011, 02:34:43 AM
The 3 of them went back to sleep.  The next morning they got up and after a bit they went to eat some breakfast.  Once that was done they went to watch the latest events , cheering on their team member.

"You can do it!" Wally called out.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 22, 2011, 09:17:20 PM
Tiger did some stretches to prepare. "Do my best, do my best..." he repeated.


"So who are we facing today?" Belladonna asked the baron.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 22, 2011, 09:36:50 PM
you will be taking on the yogis' the baron replied ' we win this we're in the finals ' he smirked. " Yosemite Sam smirked as he came up to them " well they're cutting down the time between shootouts. Its now an hour, the varmints with the least damage  win the shootout, if they aren't knocked out by then.. but i don't think that will be problem, given we beat those dawgs hides in last night' he laughed.
- just remember to aim at the other guys, last time you almost hit me " winnie said to Tigere.
_ arlene finished eating and weighed herself. she was now at 62 pounds, she had already put on seven pounds in one large meal..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 22, 2011, 11:03:44 PM
dulcy an screwy nodded to the doobies ' w  contestants are you ready? minnies high-pitched voice echoed acreoss the street. walk to the ends of town, and begin taking your paces...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 22, 2011, 11:45:49 PM
"Good luck." Wally called out to his team mate in the contest.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 24, 2011, 12:09:02 AM
and we are in the last round of the shootout " honest  John said fro behind a barrell " surprisingly, it is the Riottens, who ae in the driivers, seat " one win, and they are in the finals. They will play either the Doobies or Dawgs since the Yahooeys have lost both shootouts Gideon, go check and see how ioften the Rottens win last time..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 24, 2011, 01:51:45 AM
"We are," Tiger nodded, ready to battle.

Belladonna, though not in the game yet, was eager for some more mayhem.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 24, 2011, 01:54:32 AM
So whats the plan belladonna? Sam asked as they warched the other teams get ready
- Dulcy and screwy went to the far left side of town, Winnie went to the far right." Begin your paces and open fire" Minnie said..
- Come on guys! Scooby said from where he was sitting front of a candy store window..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 24, 2011, 02:11:00 AM
Several people were busy cleaning up the mess that Lt. Martin's supersonic flyover caused.

Major Lockie radioed Stripetail. "Stripetail, I think allowing Captain Fairchild and Lt. Martin to participate in some the activities, especially the shootout may make them feel more welcome and less likely to engage in destructive acts."


Meanwhile, inside the airbase's hangar, Captain Fairchild was asleep.

The airbase was still abuzz with ground crew and other living planes.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 24, 2011, 02:19:46 AM
Well, I suppose. but it won't be to happen here. too many messes made I'm afraid.. but  china will be perfect, our last event thee will be a race along the length of the great wall, so teams can pick planes to fly in, and youi will be allowed to shoot at your opponents, that should cheer Fairchild up, he loved shooting at stuff during the war against Chong " stripetail replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 24, 2011, 02:44:32 AM
"Oblierate them," Belladonna grinned, eternally trigger-happy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 24, 2011, 08:29:44 PM
we can't, not when we're actually doing good;' sam said.. ' we almost never won last time, because we tried being cute with the lead..and got cauhght cheating.. ' still hmm. why not replace their gun ammo with blanks?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 24, 2011, 09:27:31 PM
"That's a good, evil thought," Belladonna smirked.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 24, 2011, 10:31:56 PM
I wonder where we are to next." Wally said.

"No telling." Droopy said.  "We'll find out when we do."

"If not maybe a week after that." Wally said.  

"You could always ask a psychic." Gary said.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 24, 2011, 10:40:49 PM
guys samia said as a magical sheet of paper appeared and landed in droops hands '  it read " Next Location: CHINA
 We will be flying in military planes across the ocean which will taken rughly a day or so.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 24, 2011, 11:06:34 PM
"A day or so, on a military plane? " Wally said, "Neat."

"Sounds like it may be a bit crowded, and uncomfortable.  I may ask a friend to take me." Gary said, meaning one of his other forms he would fly there.   Maybe one of the ones he used to make some movies long ago, or his space dragon one that was in a video game or 2.  

"Hmm." Droopy said.  Some leads had lead to him thinking China may be the next lead, and if he could call Jason to give him a lift there.  If he got there early enough he'd have a day or 2 where he'd be able to just focus on being a detective and following the lead.  

He took out his cell phone that Jason had  altered and saw a new button he'd not used.  One with a J on it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 24, 2011, 11:37:38 PM
well there wil be food provided i would think" Samia said " if theres not enough run dulcy and I will fly alongside the planes so that more  people can fly on it..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 24, 2011, 11:56:38 PM
"Still, I think I"ll call one of my friends.  Not sure which one to call." Gary said, thinking over if he'd like to fly in his 50's Flash Gordon style rocket ship form, or one of the other ones.  His space dragon form would not fit since he'd have to somehow fake his riding on the dragon.  The rocketship or high tech car he could pretend to be inside of just in case.  Both had been in movies or tv series, but he doubted anyone would recall either of them since it had been a while.  Even if he used one of his car zero forms.  

"I know someone who may give me a lift." Droopy said, pressing the J button and putting the cellphone to his ear to talk to Jason.


Where Jason was someone who looked like Hong Kong Phooey walked into where Jason was.  

"Glad that is over.  John has taken over." The person said, sounding like Honk Kong Phooey, till he appeared to open his mouth then did so to wide till it and his head parted down around his head to show his human looking head inside a symbiote.

"Got a Call." Jason said as he took out his Cellphone.  

"Just wondering if you would mind giving me a lift to China.  The others will be taking some military planes that will take a day or 2 and I thought if I could get here faster I could have extra time to go on a case." Droopy said.  

"Sure.  I can get away for a bit to give you a lift.  I'll be there in a short time.  Just call back when you're ready for the pick up." Jason said.  & They both hung up an put away their cell phones.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2011, 08:29:20 PM
"We're going to China?" Miss Kitty smiled, "I can try some Mushu Mouse!"

"Do they even make that?" Tiger asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2011, 08:34:59 PM
i'll be looking forward to the dragon parades ' dixie said. as winnie pushed towards dulcy. Winnie pushed her headfur back out of her eyes.. and she fired a shot..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2011, 09:28:04 PM
"China sounds wonderful," Annabelle smiled.

"We'll show you guys to all of our friends," Sheegwa said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 26, 2011, 10:18:36 PM
"Guess I"l head back to start packing." Droopy said as he got up to head back to his room to get started with his packing.  "Both of you just stay here.  There's something I need to do."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 02, 2011, 05:58:20 PM
winnie and dulcy traded shots, neither of them having the greatest of accuracy. screwy managed to get a couple hits on Tiger though.. and was cracking wise as he used to do..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 02, 2011, 06:41:07 PM
Tiger managed to dodge the next shots, he wasn't out of the game yet.

"We'll be touring with you," Wildcat said to Stripetail as he appeared in town.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 02, 2011, 08:08:53 PM
Excellent, the more interest drawn to the games the better.. lets hope in China we don't have as many.. problems as we did here... small towns don't bring in the crowds due to logistics..' stripetail sighed.. " i'm sure you gain a lot of new fans in China..' He added with an ironic smmile
- Screwy was using cartoon logic to annoy Tiger.. " i haven'tt had this much fun sinvce I sent that hunter to the funny farm ' Screwy laughed
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 02, 2011, 08:15:36 PM
"And I'll be able to add Chinese food to my menu," wildcat winked, he had no intention of stopping his "Cooking the weak" belief anytime.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 02, 2011, 08:26:03 PM
just don't tell me thier names or use any more of my players' stripetail replied. '  he gave a signal to the duke.
- Dulcy managed to knock Winnie back weith a nice-placed shot . ' oOps sorry about that..' Sulcy said, clearly sorry. ' i'll live.. beating you will make the pain go away...
- Dixie and Scooby were cheering on Tiger and Winnie and arlene continued pigging out in the dinning room.. she had put on 15 pounfds by now..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 02, 2011, 08:28:40 PM
"How does it feel Arlene?" Kitty asked her friend when she went to get a drink of water between cheering on Tiger.


Tiger, meanwhile, got in several accurate hits. "Oh yeah!" the fat cat grinned.


"Yes Stripetail?" the Duke asked, flying towards the squirrel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 02, 2011, 08:32:43 PM
Anything new to report on your end..besides the hunting ' Stripetail said..
 i can't stop eatting kItty.. its the food.. ' arlene said with a moan ' I want to stop eatting.. but i cann't.. so how is Tiger doing out there..  Every time i try to leave its like this strange magnet, pulls me back to eating mOre
_ fox helped roll a large sign that said ' Wildcats  eatery.. amazing food.. at a magical price..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 02, 2011, 08:53:54 PM
"Surprisingly, nothing so far," The Duke admitted, "Though I've heard rumors that the Rotttens may be planning something..."


"Sort of like our boyfriends," Kitty chuckled playfully.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 02, 2011, 08:58:35 PM
Very funny Kitty. You and Dixie made me put on these pounds, well after i'm done adding all this weight, you're gong to help me lose it.." arlene said ' the difference is, the boys don't seen to gain weight, even after eating all the food they do.. I... am not so lucky..
- Tell me as son as ypu spot something.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 02, 2011, 09:00:21 PM
"I guess guys are immune to obesity," Kitty shrugged.


"I will," the Duke of Owls nodded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 03:03:40 PM
I guess ' arlene sighed.. "I won't be able to compete in the games until I finish paying up the bet. Next time, I'm not going to put so much on a bet.. so where are we going after this? i thought i heard China..' arlene said to her...
_ Screwy frowned as Tiger got in a few more hits.. " Geez.. I need to stop scrwing around..' he Said.. his front was dark and his back target was yellow..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 04:09:41 PM
"Yup, China is the place," Miss Kitty nodded, "And it sounds like we'll be going all across the country, not just one village."

"You'll love our homeland," Sagwa smiled to the older cats.


Tiger was REALLY getting his game on. "This is it!" he laughed crazily.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 04:32:05 PM
Really? that sounds great! Arlene said.. ' i imagine we'll be heading all over the place, since China is a big country..and theres lots to see.."
_ screwy was forced to suck weave and sprawl to avoid Tigers shots.. Meanwhile Winnie and Dulcy were trading hits and near-hits.. Winnie currently had the lead, but it was a close battle..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 06:36:15 PM
"And you can pound on a lot of Chinese food," Kitty smirked.


Tiger was gaining an advantage over Screwy. "This is my town, my game," the cat grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 06:51:05 PM
Screwy got hit hard by the shot sending him into a barrel of water.
 dulcy frowned as her front target went dark..
- come on Dulcy!  fly around! samia called out..
_ Sorry  but the rules say no flying1 the Dread Baron pointed out.. everyone has to stay on the ground.. much as we'd like to fly around hitting people, the wizard put a kabosh on that.. darn do-gooder.. ahem..' he coughed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 08:05:54 PM
"You're done!" Tiger called, delivering the final few shots on Screwy.


"Go! Go!" Dongwa cheered on his fellow feline.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 08:11:24 PM
Any more jokes Kitty and I'm sitting on you.. and given how big i will be I probanly will outweigh you by quite a bit.' Arlene said " and I won't get off..she added. " being.. big.. has its advantages, wouldn
t you say?'
 Winnie finished off Dulcy about 10 minutes later. " the scoobies win minnie called. they will be in the finals!'
 great job! Winnie said to Tiger..
 Both Screwy and Dulcy headed off the street in defeat..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 08:43:11 PM
"Yeah, I'd actually have to agree," Kitty nodded, "Tiger can often intimidate criminals just by his sheer size. Who knows, you might prefer being Garfield-sized."


"Yeah!" Tiger hi-5ed Winnie. "We did it!"

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 09:00:05 PM
No, i prefer being lean and skinny.. Arlene said Flattly.. ' Having so much weight on me isn't normal..
- Woody gave a winning cackle as the game ended ' Nice work " Winnie smiled but we srill have one more shootout to go..
- Scooby and Dixie welcome their teammates, great job guys.." scooby smiled.. ' Now you just have to try to beat the Rottens..
_ Yosemite grinned, so we get to ppound those do-gooder dogs .. nice.. you ready Belladonna. klets take care of the Yogis then the Scoobiies..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 09:10:27 PM
"People always tell others to try new things, you may be surprised, who knows?" Kitty shrugged.


"That Belladonna still has me concenrned though...." Tiger admitted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 09:15:58 PM
thats true in clothes and food, not drastically adding ot losing weight' Arlene said finally getting up from the table.. "I'm not sure if me adding weight will makee me more attractive to garfield, but I like being comfortable in my own skin. hes the beachball, I'm the beanpole.. Does Tiger like you to gain weight Kitty, or does he prefer you the way you are?
_ Well winnie will have to handle hger' dixie said ' You just have to deal with Sam. Scooby said to him.. " Now lets go relax for a bit..take a nap if you need it..
- daisy waved over the Rottens and Yogis " are you ready? She asked the contestants.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 09:22:35 PM
"Ready," Belladonna grinned devishlly, showing some fangs.


"He loves me no matter how I look," Kitty said, "Skinny as a monkey or as fat as a hippo, he loves me. Speak of the devil, there's garfield...."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 09:27:53 PM
You're a good size' Arlene said as Garfieldheaded up to them " Hi Kitty, hey gappy.. you've finally put on some weight..' Garfield said ' you should have done this years ago..' He smiled. " makes you look bettter..
_ Yosemite grinned. " Ready to paste these varmints into the ground. ' Huckleberry and cindy stood ready ' we're ready yur honor' Huckleberry said ' That whippet is gooing down kitty said.
 _ Dixie and Scooby entered the dining room a few minutes later ' Hi Kitty' scooby said ' Hows Arlene doing on holding up her side of the bet..?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 09:31:18 PM
"ooh..." Kitty grinned, "I sense a connection here! And she's honoring the bet, she's getting more huge."


"Time to suffer," Belladonna chuckled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 09:36:13 PM
Its only temporary.. and I didn't know you had a fat fetish Garfield.. if i had known that perhaps I wouldn't have spent 20 years trying to figure out how to get you to find me attractive. I'd just go to Vitos everyday like you and pig out..
The banter of true love ' Dixie smirked at her.. " Do you guys want to get pied again Arlene said..
- daist raised her hand and the match began.. I would not be the utterdomination they enjoyed over the Dawghs, but the confidence of the Rottens was sky high at the moment..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 09:44:08 PM
Kitty hummed some "Romantic" music. "You see Arlene?" Kitty smiled, "It's not that he didn't like or anything like that, he just wanted MORE of you for him to love!"


Belladonna began her signature firing like crazy. "You'll be buried!" she laughed.


"Wow...this is intense," Dongwa said, watching the fight.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 09:50:37 PM
She still comees oin second to lasanga and pizza, just not quite so distant now. Garfield said
 Once she hits 100 pounds I'll dance with her.. " more thasn once..? arlene said..
 ER.. Garfield said  then got a look from Dixie.. " er.. sure lets say three..' He saisd
 - cindy tried to fight as best she could but she was no match for belladonnas rapid fire..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 09:55:29 PM
"You can't stop me!" Belladonna grinned insanely. Sad thing is, she was pretty much right.


"Hey Dixie," Miss Kitty said, "How about we make Arlene feel more comfortable?" she winked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 10:09:31 PM
" secret plan huh/ i'm all ears" She smirked ' So whats the plan she whispered in Kittys ear after they had moved aways away so Arlene couldn't overhear..
 you really should go out with her' Scooby said to garfield.. shes been there for you all this time..' He added.
 - Sam was pelting Huckleberry mercilessly.. Cindy was getting overpowered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 10:12:18 PM
"Though not as much as she will be getting, how about we plump up so she doesn't feel alone?" Miss Kitty whispered.


"Yeah garfield, go for it!" Tiger encouraged
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 10:16:49 PM
Thats a great idea, of course, theres only a few ways odf  doing that-- one is getting in the family way- another is gorging out like Arlene is doing.. I just hope neither of boys develops a fat fetish.. because to thats unhealthy Dixie said. " so how much weight are we talk here? 10 pounds, 15? 30?"
 I don't know she needs to get that tooth fixed, and accept that she'll never be #1 iun my life..
- Yes i k too have a deep love of food, but food can't console you when you have a fever, or bust a toe' Scooby pointed out..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 10:18:42 PM
" it will be noticeable," Kitty told her dog friend.


"And I love food too, but sometimes you need real company," Tiger nodded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 10:25:17 PM
but I don't want to be stuck with her, you know? i need to be free to do things like order pizza on Jons credit card.. oh wait he doesn't have one--   anyway I need to do things that I like to do.." Garfierld said ' are you guys sruck with your girls?
   dixie and i are married..Scooby said
-So how do you propose we gain it? Dixie pondered.. ' are you thinking all at once..or gradual?
Sam finished beating Huckleberry so it was left to Belladonna..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 10:30:35 PM
"Whatever works for you," Kitty said, calling Stripetail over to them. The female feline explained her idea.


"And Miss Kitty and myself are getting married pretty soon," Tiger adde.d
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 10:35:13 PM
Are you sure you two want to do this? Stripetail said. " i mean this is a very honorable and caring thing you are doing for your friend, but losing weight is not easy once you put it on, its funny how it works that way..
_ So you guys are tied to a stake in the yard. Garfield said defiantly.. "That will never be me..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 10:37:49 PM
"We're certain," Miss Kitty nodded, "It can't be that bad, after all, our boys are already on the big side...."


"You sure about that?" Tiger smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 10:40:38 PM
Scoobyactually pretty thin despite all his food' Dixie said I just hope the boys don;t make fun of us adding weight.. because I will not put up with it..
 Yes i'm suregarfield said ' Why are you guys pushing me on this anyway?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 10:41:43 PM
"If they do we'll use them as matresses," Kitty smirked. "Cast away, Stripetail."


"We know your type," Tiger replied, "You have hidden feelings."


Belladonna was firing like heck until she scored their victory!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 10:50:20 PM
The rottens win! daisy said as Sam let off a round of gunfore in celebration.. 'alright one more win..
_ Very well once you hit 30 pounds you will stay there for a month' Stripetail said.. " imagus Magnificum! he commanded and hit both girls with a bright beam of light.. " there " Now you will start to pile on the pounds.. Good evening to you..he said walking away..
_ Hidden feelings? Garfield laughed? For Arlene/ Guys I've kissed her a grand ttal of 12 times in like 20 years. no, if I really cared for her I would have made out with her at some point..
_ Guys don't kiss and tell Garfield.. so we're going to lock you in a room with her until you guys er settle your differences..' Scoobys grinned wichedly " Right Tiger?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 10:51:18 PM
"Right Scoob," Tiger grinned widely.

Just then, the girls came over. "We have something we want to say," Kitty called.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 10:56:03 PM
so what were you two chatting about ' Recipes on how to make Arlene bulge? arlene said, she was currently not in a good mood."
_ Arlene, we are going to show you a sign of solidarity' Dixie began..  we are going to gain some weight ourselves so you won't feel so alone.. with your weight gain.
_ how much weight? scooby said.. ' And does this mean er.. Tiger and I will be doing a lot of shopping for little clothes?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 11:00:06 PM
"About 30 ish, maybe a little more pounds," Kitty explained, "And our dress sizes will be changing very soon...."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 11:04:16 PM
Kitty they weren't talking about us.. dixie said.. 'No scooby, if either of us are "in the family way" we will tell you right away.. and pick you off the floor after you collaspse in shock..' She laughed.." but since you have volunteered to go shopping for us, and Kitty and I are all shopped out, you might as well go pick out a few dresses. well give you a list of what we want, then, like good mates ands boyfriends, you'll get it for us..
_ 30 pounds huh.. thats not too bad.' scooby said " Its roughly what I eat in one go at the mega meal resteraunt..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 03, 2011, 11:04:48 PM
"I'm done packing." Droopy said to Jason who was in his room.  

"I'll take this to my tardis.  I'm sure you'll be needed for the ceremony here." Jason said.

"Yes, it would be unusual if I were not present.  But this way if I go to China with you I should have a day or 2 to work on my case." Droopy said.  "I am just concerned she may try to attack during the ceremony."

"I'll be in the audience, in disguise." Jason said.

"I didn't know you could do disguises." Droopy said.

"In this case I'll be using a hat of disguise." Jason said as he took out a tiny toon hat from a pocket and that he put on the top of his head.  With a pop the hat expended to fit his head as well as changing it's and his appearance to look like a normal typical inhabitant of the area. "I'll be in the area.  You know where the tardis is.  Just knock 2 times.  I"ll take your luggage there in the meantime." Jason said as he picked up Droopy's luggage and set out to put it in his tardis.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 11:10:28 PM
"Likewise for me," Tiger nodded, "And sure, we can go shopping for you two. What size do you think you'll need?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 11:29:43 PM
Well i've brought out a list" Dixie said using her ring to create a roll of paper as it rolled out it contained a liost of anything kitty or dixie might want or need. The List was.. very lengthy and erolled out acrioss the room and into the next room.. 'If we think of anything else we'll let you know' Dixie smirked as the boys gaped at the list the girls had made for them..
- Fox meanbwhile was hekping to organize the long list of supplied Wildcat would need for the flight to china
- Dulcy was being consoled by Samia after losing her last match " we'll get them back in the eating contest.. " She pointed out, patting her friend on the head.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 03, 2011, 11:55:04 PM
"I'll be able to create another person cooking oven easily," Wildcat told his employees.

"As long as we're not on the menu, I'm fine with that," Rabbit replied.


"I didn't even know they could think of this much stuff...." Tiger gasped.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 03, 2011, 11:58:55 PM
Best get moving guys' Dee smiled .. "While you guys are out. can you get me a pizza? Garfield asked hopefully..
This is for the girlsd garfield.. but I'll make you a deal, you go out with arlene on a date, complete with a long steamy kiss at the end.. we'll get you a pizza..
 Arlene perked up as Scooby said that.. 'come out, you're torturing me here' Garfield complained.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 04, 2011, 01:12:49 AM
"Come on, just do it Garfield," Tiger said, looking over the seemingly-endless list.

The mouse burger eating contest, coming next.....had a clear winner, to use an understatement.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 04, 2011, 01:20:07 AM
Fine, but you netter make it a  triple extra large with all the toppings " Garfield said..  
_ alright' scooby waved his paw dismissively.. " come on Tiger, we need to start checking off this list.. man the girls are very particular about the color dresses they wanr.. Scooby muttered as he headed towards the door.
Thanks guys" arlene said giving both Dixie and Kitty a hug.. ' you guys didn't have to do this for me.. but youdid it anyway. I take back what I said earlier.. i was upset..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 04, 2011, 01:22:54 AM
"We hope you'll feel better now," Miss Kitty smiled.

Tiger knew that his girlfriend wanted all her clothes in purple.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 04, 2011, 01:28:30 AM
Thanks, I do, now i'm going to grab us a bite to eat , just not too much..Arlenbe smirked as she headed towards the kitchen to grab some food. '
so what gave you the idea to put on the extra pounds for Arlene? Dixie asked as she sat down at the table " Because I think I  saw Tiger giuive you some glances as he was looking at that i list I whipped up, or perhaps it was just surprise at the stuff we thought up for them to get for us. ' she lsughed.. " Course, with the amount of food you'll be eating tomorrow you'll hit the 30 pounds pretty darn quickly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on August 04, 2011, 04:28:10 PM
"Off to China, then, Old thing?" Heckle asked. "Of course, chum!" Jeckle replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 04, 2011, 07:49:07 PM
I got the mouseburger eating contest in the bag," Miss Kitty said confidently. "No one can match me there...."


"I underestimated her mind's ability to think of things she wants..." Tiger groaned, carrying a lot of boxes.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 04, 2011, 07:56:28 PM
no doubt you and Scooby will clean up tomorrow.. Dixie nodded ' what is your goal? 30 burgers? 40 burgers/ 50? More than that? Me, I'm not a food eating feind , as you might have noticed, so this adding 30 pounds is quite an ordeal..
_ And we still have only crossed off about a 5th of the list Scooby panted.. " we should dump this stuff off and then go out for another run.. I'd wager miost of this stuff will just be stuffed in a closet in the mansion at some point...But we have tons of space for it..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 04, 2011, 10:14:26 PM
Annabelle? The Baron Called you and the Hooded Claw will be our eaters in the next contest" The Baron said " why force me to eat mouse burgers" The Hooded Claw demanded.. " because youi haven't been in any events nor has she. now take one for the team, and force that junk down your throat.."
_ I have the Bully Brothers for that kind of stuff..oh.. right, they got pincheed for trying to rob a bank.. fine, i'll swallow my dignity, and eat that sruff..
The Duke hasn't  paricipated either' the Grweat Fobndue said  have The Claw be in the final contest and have the Duke eat the mouseburgers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 04, 2011, 10:19:16 PM
"Hmm....a mouse burger eating competition?" The Duke said, a smirk on his beak. "I have a rather voracious appetite for smaller creatures."

"I could give it a try..." Annabelle nodded, "Luckily my powers should keep my gut slim..."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 04, 2011, 10:24:06 PM
good thats settled .. now this will likely be a race between the Duke and that mutt Scooby on the guys side.. you think you can outweat any of the girls Annabelle? Because we'd like to get a winning streak going here, and leave theYahooeys far behind..
- Alright guys" Cindy said " we need to think of a new strategy because we aren't going so hot.."
 i'll eat in the next contest yogi said ' Yogi these burgers will be made of mice.. ' mice-burgers? Well I'm willing to eat almost anything Bobo buddy as long as there are plenty of condiments at hand..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 04, 2011, 10:54:45 PM
"I think I may stand a shot," Annaballe replied, "Though can we bring our own toppings? I rather like sweet stuff."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 04, 2011, 10:55:27 PM
Jason carried Droopy's suitcase over to where his tardis was disguised.   Making sure no one was around he slipped inside and put the suitcase inside the console room.  

Droopy went to see how things were going.  

"I wonder how things will turn out here." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 04, 2011, 11:08:30 PM
Ypu'll have to ask the wizard I'd imasgine ' Murrley said to her
  ' so when will the final match be.." Sam asked him.
So how msny burgers do you think you'll need to eat..' Dixie asked ' 30, maybe?
_ Winnie and woody decided to fly around Green River and enjoy a flight together.. below them they could see Scooby and Tiger staggering along carrying huge stacks of boxes..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 04, 2011, 11:27:59 PM
"A few more minutes," Belladonna said, eager to claim a victory. "Those dogs are going down....."

"Probably a decent number," Miss Kitty explained, "But I'm sure I'll win."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 04, 2011, 11:33:00 PM
Well i'm going to go lie down for a bit, wake me when the guys get back with all the stuff we sent them to get.." dixie Said see you in a bit Kitty' she said Giving her friend a hug and brief kiss on the lips.  "I'll be upstairs if anything important comes up..' she added on she went up the stairs towards her room.
_ Hold your horses belladonna. lets not use up all that energy' Sam said but couldn't hide his excirement either..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 04, 2011, 11:35:48 PM
"i'm sure it'll be calm," Miss Kitty replied, heading outside. The weather wasn't so hot this time of the day.


"I can have a tad dash of a competitive streak," The Duke told the other Rottens, "And I'm rather hungry, too...."


"Mouseburgers....kinda gross," Dongwa frowned, sticking out his tongue in disgust.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 04, 2011, 11:51:58 PM
Scooby and Tiger staggered over to kitty and dropped the boxes at her feet ' ok, thats 126 boxes of clothes' scooby said panting hard, ' and we knocked off almost half of the things on your darned list" He said to her. " i'm going to find Dixie and give her a piece of my mind.. " he said heading inside..
_ It was then stripetail came up to tiger " The championship is going to be played at 7 tonight. so its starts in 15 minutes."
_ Dixie reached her room changed into her pajames and climbed under the sheets. " She was looking forward to the next location.. although not the flight.. It didn;'t take her long to settle into sleep.
No doubt you'll enjoy feasting on the burgers.." The Dread Baron laughed " Now ro business. you two.. lets finish this victory off!

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 04, 2011, 11:58:31 PM
"Gotcha," Belladonna nodded to the baron, becoming more trigger happy by the second.

"I'll be getting ready," Tiger replied to Stripetail, gearing up.


"The feeding frenzy will be my victory," the Duke of Owls assurred.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 05, 2011, 12:32:30 AM
i will be calling the championship'Stripetail said so meet me in the middle of town.." The Eating Contest will be tomorrow and we'll wrap up with the the wrestling tomorrow night
 and then its off to china.."He said gesturing and making the boxes vanish" They're in both of your rooms now.' he smiled.. " Good luck to you Tiger..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 05, 2011, 01:08:59 AM
"Thanks Stripetail," Tiger bowed respectfully.

"We'll be on the road again soon...." Kitty sighed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 05, 2011, 01:23:16 AM
Lt. Martin had gotten a well deserved dressing down after her supersonic flyby.

She rolled into her hangar and shut the door.

Granted, there have been a spate of locals harassing the military planes and the planes in turn retaliating.

Captain Fairchild was preparing for take off.

Major Lockie was resting in his hangar.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 05, 2011, 01:25:23 AM
actually, its  by plane, nor road' arlene said coming up with a plate of food, mainly hashbrowns and egga, for her.. ' her a snack i was able to pinch from the cooks.. hope you are hungry she smiled..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 05, 2011, 01:41:30 AM
"i've always wanted to fly," Miss Ktity grinned.

"You'll all love our traditions back home," Sheegwa assured.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 05, 2011, 01:14:52 PM
"I wonder how long till we leave."  Wally said.

"I'd guess tomorrow or so." Droopy said.  "Where is Gary?"

"He just said he would be out and about, said he'd be back later." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 05, 2011, 09:40:47 PM
"You two hand out flyers," Wildcat advised Rabbit and Fox, "To advertise my cafe. Now move out!" he grinned

"Right on it sir," Rabbit nodded,
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 06, 2011, 12:52:29 AM
We;re on it;  Fox said grabbing a stack and bounding away..
 Stripetail was waiting in the middle of town " Alright Rottens doobies come here.. The final shootout will be slightly different from the first 3 shooutouts you particpated in. once a player was knocked out,  either on the boys or girls side, that part of the match was over. this match, once you knock out your gender oponent you can attack the other as well, and gang up on the remaining opponent.. theres cannot be a tie, so if say Winnie knocks out belladonna and Yosemite sam knocks out Tiger, then Winnie and Sam will face each other to decide everything. in that event, each contestant will get a fresh pair of targets in addition to the current state of thier original targets... We go until one team wins, so if need be we'll be here late into the night. Any questions?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 06, 2011, 02:13:33 AM
"i'm fine with those rule,s" Belladonna nodded, despite her usual unlawful self.


"This job is the best thing we could've done since we finished our kung fu training," Rabbit smiled to Fox.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 06, 2011, 02:19:48 AM
I can live with the rules" winnie said "  So we'd get 2 targets on our front and back..?'
_ Correct " stripetail nodded, also you can use the entire town in the final shootout, you can fire from thre stairs from on rooftops, its much more open, but with so much on the line.. its fitting.
So once we take ten paces, we can start blasting.. "Sam said. Right" stripetail agreed. But after the first ten,. you can go pretty much wherever you want..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2011, 04:00:17 PM
Scooby entered his room to find Dixie asleep, the closer was open revealing the boxes neatly stacked in rows, above them dixies dresses were arranged according to color. " Dixie? he said as he came up to the bed.Dixie stirred as he shook her. ' hi dear' she murmured ' Do you realize how many things  you and Kitty forced us to buy on your dratted list? we counted 126 boxes and that was barely half the list.. " Scooby said irritated. "Scooby, what we did was nothing compared to what we could have done " dixie said. " we could have easily thought of more things..
Arlene entered the room, over the day she had put on about 25 pounds and her movement was slow and languished. ' hi guys' she said clearly tired. " i'm just ging to lie down for a bit. keep talking don't mind me..' She said climbing on the bed in front of dixie and lying down.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 07, 2011, 04:50:49 PM
Tiger soon returned to Kitty's room, nearly out of breath. "We're nearly left the clothes shops empty!" he panted.

"You're doing a good thing," Kitty smile,d kissing Tiger, "And I've decided to help Arlene not feel alone by putting on a few extra lbs myself."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2011, 07:08:51 PM
There was a knock on thier door " Winnies voice came through ' Tiger? sorry to disturb you but our match is going to start in 10 minutes ' we bneed to get in the middle of town, now!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 07, 2011, 07:19:35 PM
"Coming!" Tiger eeped, forgetting the time and dashing out of the hotel.

"I hope he never changes," Miss Kitty smiled to herself.


"Please come to the Wildcat cafe or follow us on the Wildcat World Tour," Rabbit calle,d handing out fliers to both locals and tourists.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2011, 07:58:20 PM
Winnie flew on ahead of him they would be pushing it tp make the deadline.
 stripetail looked at them hurry up ro it ' butting it pretty fine aren't we? did you forget?' he asked.
 _ you varmints should have just staed at the hotel..
- Andwe are live at the Shooutout finals between the Really rottens and Scooby Doobies " Honest john reported from his seat on a barrel on the opposite side of the sreet. For the Rottens we have Yosemite Sam and Bellodonna. for the Doobies where have Tiger and winnie Woodpecker, who also aslso Winnies resteraunt.. anyway it should be a fine match.. his Lordship is giving final instruxtions...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 07, 2011, 08:06:08 PM
"This is it," Tiger told himself, "Spirit of the Tiger, don't fail me now."

"He's still doing that?" Belladonna laughed, "Well, wait till you meet a real demon fatso!"

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2011, 08:12:40 PM
shut your yap you fat feline, or I'll shoot your skin off Sam snapped.
_ Prepare to get your tail kicked in, you horrid wench' Winnie said
_ Just get to youir positions all all of you, and knock it off with the comments' Stripetail interrupted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 07, 2011, 08:16:18 PM
"We're better off missing the fireworks this time" Dongwa said. "I can't wait to introduce everyone here back to our family and friends in China."

"You'll pay for that...." Tiger vowed to his opponents. "Let's take them down, Winnie!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2011, 08:22:09 PM
I'm ready Tiger" winnie said as they  headed rowards the side of the street.
_ Begin! Stripetail said and the four contestants spread out over town to get a good spot at fiiring
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 07, 2011, 08:27:37 PM
All 4 of the competitors began firing.

Belladonna used her normal gattling gun tactics. "THIS is gonna be fun," she laughed sinisterly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2011, 08:42:37 PM
winnie was able to fly around and avoid getting hot by the raod fire of Belladonna weapon.
 Sam fired rapidly at Tigers Gut " take this you slobbery varminr " he grinned..
_Come on! Winnne! Woody cheered.
 scooby had calmed down a bit and had brought out some of the thing he had bought.. " Do you keep the receipt? Dixie askred ' this came out to about um lets see 100 grand..' Scooby said. ' so 200 grand based on what Tiger bought.. and no, we're not going any more shoopping..
- You spent 200 thousand dollars on colthes" Arlene gaped.. " then she reconsidered ' well you'll made a couple million, so i guess thats not complete extremne.. but what you guys going to do with all that stuff..
 I might give you a lot of it" dixie said.. " You probably need a new wardrobe anyway..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 07, 2011, 08:58:33 PM
"A newer, plus sized wardrobe," Kitty added , having overheard the conversation from outside and stepping in, "In fact, all of us will probably need that."

Tiger hopped out of the way and fired on Sam. "This isn't done yet man!" the cat growled.

"Intense," Sagwa noted.

"Here you go sir," Rabbit said, handing a Wildcat advertisement to Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2011, 09:08:38 PM
Rabbit, I am in the middle of presiding over this shooutout, just set the flier down on that barrel' Stripetail said.
_ Not nearly to the degree I will, But I really appreciate what you girls have done for me. Dixie hear kept her word that she would have me dancing with Garfield in two weeks. Course its not the way we planned it, with me having to gain almost 3 times my weight to do so, byut hey I'm not complaining..
_ my word, you lasdies sure went on a shopping spree' Dee said coming in and stopping at the number of boxed in the closet..' So whats the occassion? Is someone here getting married? having a baby ? what? Dee asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 07, 2011, 09:20:43 PM
"Just went a little crazy," Miss Kitty joked, "Luckily Tiger and Scooby got this stuff for us."

"We hope you'll enjoy the dance Arlene."


Rabbit nodded and posted the sign where requested
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2011, 09:34:59 PM
Hw much did they spend? Dee asked
 About 200thousand' Scooby said ' Guys you are buying clothes like its a fashion show or Oscar night' Dee shook her head. ' How much of this stuff do you NEED? I could understand getting a new wardrobe, but that should be what 20 dresses, give or thats 60 in all.. and theres at least 100 here..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 07, 2011, 09:54:31 PM
"Want to go and watch the shootout?" Droopy asked.

"It could be fun.  We had best find a place where we won't be accidently shot." Wally said.

"I don't think any of the contestants are that bad of shots." Droopy said as they started heading in the way to the place where the shootouts were being held.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 07, 2011, 10:42:08 PM
"Take this!!" Belladonna laughed, firing like mad.

"Whoa, hey!" Tiger gasped, being as nimble as he could to avoid the blasts, firing some counter shots.


"This could go either way," Dongwa said, looking back and forth. Indeed, it was anyone's game.

"So, get a lot of fliers out?" Rabbit asked Fox

"Amusing," the duke of owls smirked from a rooftop.

"Come on cousin, rip them apart!" Annabelle cheered in a  psycho tone.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2011, 11:25:35 PM
Yeah I'm not sure how many are interested, theyseem most interested in the battle.
_ Yogi, Ranger smith and the other Yahooeys were watching the fight, they had gained just 300 points from the event which was last, the dawgs had beaten them and lost the others sio they would get third in the event with 400 points. " we're dtuck in last place Yogi' Snith said ' #00 points isn't going to hep much when the Rottens have ar least 600 and could get 800 if they beat the doobies again..
- We're going to nbeed to go better in China thats for Sure " cindy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 08, 2011, 12:37:14 AM
"Well, we can just hand more out later," Rabbit shrugged, "Or look for customers who aren't watching the games."

"This is your best idea ever Wildcat," the chef chuckled to himself.


Tiger leaped behind a barrel. "This'll only buy me a few seconds...." he told himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 01:02:26 AM
dee meanwhile had picked out a few dressed and looked st hem' so again exactly how are you going to squeeze your wastes into somthing this tight' she asked pointing to a dress she was holding with a very thin wist. ' if you girls are packing in the pounds, having a size .1 dress isn't going to work.
Sam nailed tigercwith a flurry of shots ' come on chunky.. you're an easy target.. sam laughed moving ariund as he bnailed tiger with shots.
- and tiger is gtting pummeled right now. fortunately he has twov targets otherswise this part of the- wait whats that gideon.. theres are new rules for this one.. must have been in the buffet line when that happened.. anyway.. winnie keeps flying away from belladonnas shooting.. gideon remind me never to tick that whioppet off.. she seems to be enjoying this' Honest john reported..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on August 08, 2011, 03:59:44 AM
This place was a rather odd place in a sense, but she had been to these sorts of places before.  Her invisibility had worn off as she looked around.  She was a girl, in her teens at the very least.  She had violet-like hair and wore the usual clothes.  Jeans, a shirt and a jacket of sorts, after all, it was the best she had to throw on at the last moment.

Her name was Violet and she had arrived here, well, because there was a distress call of sorts around.  Granted, she couldn't do anything by herself as her powers weren't great, but hey, she could at least find out what was going around here.

All she needed to was find someone to at least talk to, but the question was, whom?

Thing was though, it was night as it is, so others would most likely be sleeping right now, causing herself to shrug somewhat as she walked towards the closest building there was, a hotel and entered "Hello? Anyone here?" she called out as she noticed that there was no one at the reception desk.

She approached said desk and rang the bell, waiting for someone to answer "Hello?" she asked again, ringing the bell a second time.

'Perhaps this place really is deserted.  Sure seems like it....' she thought to herself as she continued to wait, just to make sure.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 08, 2011, 12:29:34 PM
Tiger fired some successful retaliation shots towards Sam.

"Don't be quick to taunt grumpy," Tiger taunted, gaining some flair.

"Go cat!" The Miao siblings cheered on.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 02:14:45 PM
How can I help you? said the clerk, who came in from another room and gazed at Violet " are you checking in? if you are here to join the games I can drop your rate by 5 dollars...' He said.. "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 08, 2011, 03:59:14 PM
"You're doing great Tiger." Wally shouted.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on August 08, 2011, 07:07:18 PM
"Checking in? Not exactly" Violet answered back as she looked to the Clerk "Just after some information at the moment.  I heard there was some sort of distress call or something that was coming from this strange...deserted town, you know anything about that?"

'Mirage better not have sent me on a wild goose chase either about this distress call' Violet thought to herself as she gave off a sigh, waiting for the answer back 'But hey, at least this place isn't allthat deserted in the end'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 07:20:42 PM
Haven't heard any distress calls. all thats going on is the laffalympics that started a couple weeks ago.. some Lord put a lot of money into it , and pickedGreen River to host  some of the games.. The are currently having a event in the middle of town..and this town isn't deserted..therws about 300 humans a couple thousand mice anbd various cats and dogs..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on August 08, 2011, 07:35:06 PM
(why's he telling her that it's deserted? She didn't ask him about it :p)

"Laffalympics?" Violet asked, sounding a tad confused as she thought to herself 'Maybe that's the whole distress call thing Mirage was telling me about...' she glanced to the clerk again "I might go and look at that event now actually...."

Violet again, paused, thinking to herself.  Not too sure if she should.  As an event for some olympics, not exactly a distress call "Although....are there going to be anymore events the following day?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 07:50:17 PM
theres going to be one more event then they'll head to China.. apparently..the clerk said. 'its a lot of dun apparently..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on August 08, 2011, 07:53:20 PM
"One more event tomorrow? I guess I could wait till then...." Violet answered back as she turned around "I've got to go and get my backpack I left a secret place, it's got some money in it for the night here" she told the clerk as she walked off to go and retrieve her backpack.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 08, 2011, 08:15:08 PM
"China is a lot of fun," Sagwa nodded to the clerk, she and Dongwa stepping into the hotel.

"Do you know anyway we can communicate with our parents before we arrive Mr. Stripetail?" Sheegwa asked as the shooting match got less frantic.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on August 08, 2011, 08:19:22 PM
It didn't even take Violet all that long to return with her backpack as she looked to Sagwa, deciding to ask about China "So....what is the point of these games in the end? Do you win some money or something like that? Or...?"

As she reached into her backpack, she pulled out some money and placed it on the counter "One room for the night too"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 08:21:14 PM
" and the team continue to trade blows as the battle continues " John said ducking as shots just missed him ' hopefully the contestabts aim will in\m prove as they do along..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 09:25:00 PM
100 million bucks, or something like that ' The clerk said ' and they win money for each event, they win a million bucks if they win.. you get room 250. just up the stairs..
 " Magical crystals" stripetail said " You wish on them on your wish will be granted. if you wish to speak with your parents and image of them will appear. be very clear when you make your wish, orhrwise theres no telling what could happen..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on August 08, 2011, 09:28:58 PM
"Yeah, thanks" Violet answered back, accepting the key as she started for the stairs.  But listened to Stripetail, which caused her to gasp and frantically searched her backpack for her cellphone.

'I was suppose to call mum and dad the moment I had arrived here' she thought as she looked into the backpack and sighed.  She had forgotten her cellphone.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 09:44:17 PM
_ Winnie got hit by belladonnas flurry and her back target went dark..
 Sam continued to fire to Tiger, missing his target and hitting him the shoulder..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 08, 2011, 09:51:31 PM
"I will be careful," Sheegwa promised Stripetail, carefully grabbing the magic stone.

Tiger managed to get more shots in at Sam. It was going to end up being a 1 on 1 finale. "I'm not done yet Belladonna," Tiger smirked.

Belladonna's firing flurry kept going strong.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 09:54:03 PM
And we have our first elimination.. as Winnie goes down..' honest john said ' So its 2 on 1 at the moment, but Tiger is ahead of Sam.. so we could be down to 1-1 very soon..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on August 08, 2011, 10:06:51 PM
Violet, again, sighed but shrugged it off in the end as she made her way up the stairs and towards her room, paying attention only to the numbers on the doors that she was passing, not to who or what was really in front of her either.....
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 08, 2011, 10:12:34 PM
"This is an interesting event to watch.  Glad I am not in it." Wally said.

"I am also glad I am not in it." Droopy said as they both watched the event.

"I wonder what China will be like."  Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 10:20:46 PM
scooby headed out of his room into head downstairs and didn't see violet coming by
 CRASH! scooby knocked her down and went flying.. ' hey.. be careful' he said.. ' i'm oin the next event..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 08, 2011, 10:23:46 PM
Tiger did indeed finish off Sam shortly. "You and me hellhound," he smirked.

"My pleasure," Belladonna grinned back.


"Where to begin...." Sagwa said to the others, "There's the zodiac, all the special celebrations, all the nice food, all sorts of history behind it...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 10:42:03 PM
Sam tossed his hat in anger ' Blasted away that blasted cat away..' he said to Belladonna
- Kick her tail in Tiger as stripetail summoned belkladonna and tiger to the middle if the street. Belladonna had both targets read yellow, Tigers were red and yellow respectively ' Each of you will get two fresh targets : stripetail said them gesturing and creating them, and creating an X on both fighters front and back..  we will take a short break to catch you breathes and grab a drink of water' he gestured and created a picher of water and pair of glasses ' we will resume in 5 minutes..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on August 08, 2011, 11:01:44 PM
Violet fell to the ground as she was knocked down.  Her backpack fell across the hall somewhat as her supersuit fell out of it.  She groaned a little as she rubbed her forehead and got back up, looking over to Scooby in the process "Sorry...." was all she had to say as she walked over to her backpack.

She knelt down and stuffed her supersuit back into it as she looked to Scooby once more "I was just heading to my room is all....which I believe should be at the end of this hallway...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 11:04:44 PM
Oh, well Its ok, I'm Scooby,. I'm the captain of the Scooby Doobies.. " he added proudly '  I should introudiuce you to the rest of my team..whats your name?' Scooby asked , a touch curious, and what brings you out here?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on August 08, 2011, 11:09:28 PM
"Hmm? Oh, it's Violet Parr, I was suppose to be out here investigating some form of a distress call I believe, but I'm already starting to have doubts that it was even real to begin with" Violet answered back as she picked up her backpack, holding it by the top of it at her side.

"But I guess I wont know until tomorrow, as the clerk downstairs did say that another event was happening tomorrow, but that's just it too, all it sounds like is an event, but hey, I guess it wont hurt to go check it out anyway" she added in with a little shrug as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 08, 2011, 11:12:27 PM
Tiger and Belladonna took their break, and soon the final bout began.

"Go cat!" Dongwa cheered on.

"Go Belladonna!" Annabelle cheered, supporting her cousin for once.

"Yes, yes, go," The Duke "cheered" rather calmly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 11:12:50 PM
Well i didn't send any distress calls.. might have been a false alarm. Please, let me introduce you to my cousin Scooby dee and my wife Dixie.. They'll like meeting  someone new.." scooby insisted..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on August 08, 2011, 11:15:03 PM
"Yeah, either a false alarm or a simple mistake" Violet spoke with a slight smile as well before adding to what she was saying "And, I guess I could meet them if you want me to, I don't really have much I need to do right now"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 11:20:44 PM
And we are off with the final shooutout between Tiger and Belladonna. belladonna has the advantage with  entering the contest. and she opens with a flurry.. lets hope Tiger is more flexible than he looks..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 08, 2011, 11:34:11 PM
Tiger did his best to dodge the firing rain. "I need a new day job...." he told himself silently.

"Come on, win win!" Dongwa yelled, really getting into the game.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2011, 11:36:01 PM
Follow me please;' scooby said heading to the door of his room and knocking on it ' Dixie! Open the door, e have a guest! He called out and it was soon opened ro reveal Dixie looking at him, then at Violet ' so who's your friend?she asked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 11, 2011, 09:06:16 PM
and belladonna has knocked out two of Tigers targets- granted those were the original ones but still, Tigers getting pounded right now..' honest John said.. while sipping on a soda and looking at a magazine..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on August 11, 2011, 09:15:42 PM
"Violet Parr" Violet decided to answer for Scooby "I take it, that you're Scooby's....wife?" she asked, unsure on it herself, but just curious in general as she did give off a quick little smile, brushing part of her hair out of her face.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 11, 2011, 09:22:28 PM
Yes we've been married now for er 5 months, or it will be 5 months , next week.. so what brings you out here Violet.. oh where are my manners? come in come in.. make yourself comfortable..' Dixie said moving away so Scooby and Violet could enter.. " this is my cousin Dee.. and I'll letr my friends introduce themselves..
I'm Arlene' arlene wabed from the front of the bed.. "Nice to meet you.
_ scooby Dee at your service" dee nodded at Violet with a warm smile.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 11, 2011, 10:30:00 PM
"My name is Sagwa," Sagwa smiled to Violet, "This is my little sister Sheegwa and my older brother Dongwa. We're here to travel the world."


"You're done fat cat!!!" Belladonna roared at Tiger.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 11, 2011, 10:42:04 PM
As Belladonnsa continues to toy with Tiger.. and she sure seems to be enjoying herself. Gideon check hpow often they won last time- legitimately won.. I know they lost a couple times for cheating, and could you get me anbother soda while you're out rthanks' honest John saiod, his mind  not entirely on the match, though that was largely due to the fact that Belladonna was in complete command of it..
 _ come on Tiger! Woody yelled.. " you got to try something, you're getting smashed out there..
 "is there a mercy rule/ He asked Stripetail " in shooutouts Woody? No, there is no mercy rule. Tigers lucky this isn't an actual, to-the-death shootout..well thats true of everyone belladonnasa and Sam have faced come to think of it..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 11, 2011, 11:13:02 PM
"You'll do great." Wally called out to Tiger.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 11, 2011, 11:33:20 PM
"Thanks!!!!" Tiger called, ducking behind some barrels, getting a few successful hits into Belladonna.

"You'll pay for that!" the hellhound growled.


"Hello, I'm Miss Kitty," the female feline smiled to Violet, "I leave in this town."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on August 12, 2011, 12:51:19 AM
After everyone present had finished introducing themselves, Violet decided to answer the question about why she was here in the first "Well, I've mentioned it before, but I'm here about what Mirage told me about, was a distress call, problem is I'm starting to think that it was just a simple misunderstanding"

She sighed slightly as she groaned a little, yet just gave off a smile in the end.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 12, 2011, 07:38:04 PM
so ytou're a hero, or at least someone who answers distress calls. We are heading to China after the last even here which will be a tumbleweed wrestling contest Dixie said, which is supposed to be two days from now. we will them be headed to china for the next stage of the games. have you ever been to China Violet? If not, well don't worry, I haven't either..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 13, 2011, 12:45:13 AM
The cat and hellhound locked shots for several minutes.

"You're going to have a photo finish required for this," the Duke advised Stripetail.

"I can't even make out the shots," Sheegwa noted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 13, 2011, 12:48:52 AM
i've collored belladonnas red and tigers blue' Stripetail replied. and Belladonna hasn't lost control of this match.. Tiger is down to his last target.."
 Which was true, Tiger last target was down to yellow it was the right back target, Belladsonna had 2 left , one in the front and back..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 13, 2011, 11:44:38 PM
"Don't let her beat you!" Dongwa cheered on his fellow feline.

Kitty was rooting for Tiger as well, blowing amiss from the sidelines. "I know you can do it...." she encouraged.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 14, 2011, 12:48:25 AM
The barrle continued for a few more minutes for belladonna delivered the final blow ' Belladonna is the Winner' stripetail said, as the Doobies faxces fell, and the rottens began to cheer. " Well done belladonna ' He said your team earns 800 points for the win.the scoobies get 600 for second..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 14, 2011, 12:51:08 AM
"Good job cousin!" Annabelle complimented, sincerely.

"It's what I do," Belladonna smirked confidently.

"I can;t believe it..." Tiger grumbled to himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 14, 2011, 01:01:43 AM
You gone and done ir1 Sam smirked! well done Belladonna.. we;ve proven when it comes to shooting were the est..
_ Excellent work you guys' The hooded claw nodded his approval.. " Now lets go back to the hotel to celebrate.."
 Woody went over to console Tiger ' You did a good job.. can't win them alll..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 14, 2011, 02:06:07 AM
"You'll do better next time.  Look how well you and your team have done until now." Droopy said.  

"Yea." wally said, not sure what else to say.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 15, 2011, 03:11:58 PM
The Rottens earn 800 points, the Scooby Doobies earn 600, the Droopy Dawgs earn 400 points and the Yogi Yahooeys earn 300.' t Honest John said. " the next event is the eating contest which will be held at noon tomorrow.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 15, 2011, 05:47:44 PM
After 6 events, the Scooby Doobies lead with 3400 points. in second are the Droppy Dawgs with 2850, the really Rottens are in third with 2350 points and the Yogi yahoeeys have 1650 points.
in Green River, through two events, the Reallky Rottens lead with 900 points, the Droppy dawhs and Scooby Doobies are tied for second with 800 poinmts, and the Yogi Yahoeeys have 600 poinrs." stripetail said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 15, 2011, 06:02:58 PM
"i'm ready for the mouse burger eating," Kitty grinned, a little too eager for the game.

"You can scare me sometimes," Tiger said to his mate.

"We're not mouse eaters personally," Sagwa told Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 15, 2011, 06:14:21 PM
to each thier own ' stripetail replied " i don't eat meat much myself.. '
 so we are actually winning in this location' the Dread Baron saiud, but we only have a 100 point lead on the Doobies. the Duke and annabelle you will need to pih out tomorrow, we need to win. should we do that we could be in second, or close to it, since this event also had 800 points.
Winnie got her medal and headed up to her room to rewst for the night. Woody had been packing everything they had fopr the trip to Chinba..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 15, 2011, 08:58:41 PM
"I would rather eat something like a hamburger or a milkshake myself." Droopy said.

"Or ice cream." Wally said.

"I heard of these turtles who prefer eating pizzas." Droopy said, meaning the 80's animated TMNT.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 15, 2011, 11:40:27 PM
Captain Fairchild swore profusely after he had watched the shootout. He was flying overhead and watching.

Granted, he was equipped with a 30 mm gatling cannon - leagues ahead of the small arms that the competitors used.


Lt. Martin was still asleep and Major Lockie was currently being washed down after he flew into a dust storm.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2011, 01:06:33 AM
The Yahoeeys headed to thier hotel.. ' Yogi looked to the others ' You need to do well in this next event, we're losing in in the town, and are falling further behind overall..
Dulcy headedbup to her room to rest for the next event ' You ready to eat those m,ouseburgers? She said to her friend? " Yeah, they are so small I won;t even taste them ' samiua smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 16, 2011, 01:35:24 AM
"I am so ready for this event," Kitty grinned toothily.

"I believe in you," Tiger smiled in reply.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 19, 2011, 08:15:55 PM
Well the event isn't until tomrrow " woody said to her, but its best to leave yourself a big appetite, since you'll neee all the stomach toom you can handle..
Yogi frowned as he thgought about what they would need to do to win the eating contest..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 19, 2011, 10:17:40 PM
Droopy & wally headed to their hotel to rest, along the way they came across Gary heading in the same direction.  

"So where have you been?" Wally asked.

"Just exploring a bit." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on August 19, 2011, 11:05:05 PM
(Okay, so pretend my last post didn't happen)
Heckle and Jeckle raced back to the arena in their new costumes, in full Cowboy getup from large hats to spurred boots.
"I do say old thing, that is quite becoming of you!" Jeckle exclaimed.
"Same for you, Chum!" Heckle replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 19, 2011, 11:25:49 PM
nice get up' Winnie smiled to them " the event is over, but we do have the earting contest tomorrow" She smiled..
 Stripetail headed back towards his room. " Best get in an early sleep' he said to hinself..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on August 20, 2011, 02:36:07 AM
"Well, in a way, I mean, I do have powers and all...." Violet just shook her head slightly "But no, I haven't exactly been to China just yet, but I suppose I could tag along with you lot....after all, something interesting could always happened"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 20, 2011, 05:28:37 PM
Do you have any family? Arlene asked ' Brothers, sisters, parents?a\or are you just living by yourself right now.." she said looking at thin girl sirring in front of her..
You're welcome to come along with us.. Dixie smiled..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 20, 2011, 11:49:03 PM
"Night," Kitty called, hopping into bed.

"Better be ready for tomorrow, cream puff," Belladonna teased her cousin.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 21, 2011, 12:36:34 PM
Droopy, Gary, & Wally went up to their rooms and got ready for bed then went to sleep after saying goodnight to each other.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 23, 2011, 12:25:08 AM
So you have a room picked out here ruight?' dee asked Violert as dixie and cooby headed yp to bed.. " we'll be here a couple moore days at the most..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 25, 2011, 01:04:15 AM
"I actually want to see other places now," Miss Kitty admitted, "A change in sceneray would be nice."

"Agreed," Tiger nodded.

"We just want to see home again," the Miaos said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on August 26, 2011, 01:05:52 AM
((OOC: Everybody is at the desert during the night, right...? Cause if it isn't, I'll edit the post and change to the current scenery. Also, since this is P.O.V is from a living sentient computer, who also works as a doctor... Don't be surprised if she starts describing everyone with the word “organic” or something like that. Oh, by the way, GoldenStriker is basically talking to anybody right now so feel free to reply. ))

GoldenStriker drove down the nearly non-existent roads of the desert; driving at unbelievable speeds that no other human designed automobile could ever hope to accomplish. Rubber burned when she suddenly swerved to the right, creating a huge dust cloud of dry earth in her midst; just before the Autobot femme abruptly hit the brakes. She honked her horn loudly, ahead of time of course, showing others that she had begun to show signs of slowing down.

The loud honk and screeching noise of squealing tires alone signified, that despite herself decelerating, she was still currently driving at a life threatening pace. Stopping just in front of a semi-large crowd of the planet's local inhabitants. She scanned the organics before her, taking readings and samples of their health levels, before she decided to speak.

“Excuse me, but is Lord Stripetail here?”
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 26, 2011, 01:45:46 AM
the inhaniants of Green river looked at this strange creature warily ' if you mean that strange squirrell, hes at the Green hotel' Said a local mouse to the strange looking vehicle..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 26, 2011, 02:41:26 AM
Captain Fairchild flew as fast as he could once he heard the squeal of tires.

"Hey, what's going on?" He demanded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 26, 2011, 11:27:34 AM
Gary woke up at the sound of the honking.  Seeing Droopy and Wally were firmly asleep he switched to his cgi gecko form and opened the window and slipped out, sticking to the sides of the building as he made his way over to a side where he could peer around the corner to see what was up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on August 26, 2011, 03:25:04 PM
(( OOC: Um, is anyone willing to inform what has happened during my absence on GoF? I dont know any of these new characters at all... DX ))

'Great,' she thought in mild irritation, 'I have accidentally disturbed the peace that was once here!' Old battle programming had  begun to resurface. As her heat sensitive sensors picked up the presence of an approaching creature; most likely another of this world's natives, she mused. Slight relief washed over her, at least it wasn't one that could possibly maim her. Although then again, none of them could possibly hurt her besides scratch her paint job. And there was the fact that nobody was actually brave enough to take on a transforming 16 foot tall female alien robot.

After hearing the air plane's question; she turned around towards Captain Fairchild's direction. Her Alt. Mode's silver and golden paint job shining brightly against the moon's light. While she usually transformed before speaking, she had decided against changing to her bipedal form. Mostly for the sake of the organics around her ( after all she did cherish all living life. And she did NOT want to scare any of them to their deaths because of her taller structure).  

“Hello, I'm truly sorry for intruding your daily recharge cycle,” she replied to Captian Fairchild in her feminine robotized tinged voice.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 26, 2011, 04:04:54 PM
(OOC - My three characters are living planes but are not transformers-type robots)

Captain Fairchild's wing lights blinked red then white. "Yeah, I'm just here to guard the town," he said. "I'll need to contact my commanding officer before I do anything."

"Hey Stripetail, I've got a another living vehicle outside. What should I do?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on August 26, 2011, 04:34:01 PM
(( OOC: Oh, thanks for explaining. I was sorta confused with whom my character was actually speaking too. And is it alright that GoldenStriker just assumes that Captain Fairchild is cybertronian for now? ))

"By commanding officer, you don't mean Stripetail do you?" She asked curiously, her heads lights blinking on and off. "Because I've been looking for him for several solar cycles now," she paused momentarily before adding on, "he, um, sorta hired me to help with the security." If an Autobot could blush, she would've been beet red from embarrassment by now. 'Great, first impression GoldenStriker... you start squeaking out your vocal processors whenever you meet a new 'Bot.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 26, 2011, 06:05:45 PM
(OOC - Sure.)

Captain Fairchild's wing lights blinked green. "Yes. "

Major Lockie was visible in the horizon. "Hey, Captain, you find anything?" he radioed.

"Just another living vehicle," Captain Fairchild replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 26, 2011, 06:19:07 PM
Gary continued watching from where he was, stuck to the side of the hotel peering around the corner, pondering if he should change to another of his forms, but thought he would just keep watching for now.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on August 26, 2011, 09:16:08 PM
"Living vehicle?" she asked confused for a moment or so, but quickly understood what he had meant. And replied; correcting the air plane’s mistake, "No, no, no I'm sorry! But I'm more than just a living automotive vehicle. In fact, I am part of an advanced robotic race from the planet Cybertron. Though, I don't posses much memory of my past life. I still contain the basic data files of my entire race, function, battle programming, and cybertonian medic training."

And with that being said, her body began to morph. Metallic plates began to shift into place, as the entire sequence of her transformation made a strange symphony. One that consisted heavily of whirls and clicks, before finally revealing her true form. So rather than a silver and gold Saleen S281 Mustang, there was the feminine form of GoldenStriker's robotic figure standing there in place. The femme's wide azure glowing optics stared at the large mass of Captain Fairchild and Major Lockie before finishing, "This is what I truly am, Cybertonian, or in other words an Autobot."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 26, 2011, 10:11:52 PM
"So another mechanical lifeform?" Captain Fairchild asked. He flew in a slow lazy loop that let him keep aloft.

Major Lockie arrived on scene and examined GoldenStriker. the guns along his fuselage swiveled around as he slowly looped around her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 26, 2011, 10:48:53 PM
Miss Kitty and Tiger rested, their last night in their home town for a bit.

"I'd be up to try some Chinese foos in the future," the Duke of Owls chuckled, what he said had a double meaning.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on August 26, 2011, 11:22:30 PM
"Well, yes I am. But if you want, you may call me by my designation, GoldenStriker," a small gracious smile appeared on her defined features, "Though, is it alright that I know yours?" She asked in a casual manner, trying not to sound too nosey or rude by asking such questions. Although she wasn't afraid of the planet's individuals, she was however, fairly wary of these two...  After all they were humongous compared to her petite physique, but she had decided to overlook those details. Size comparison mattered little to her when it came to talking to organics,  so, why should it change anytime soon?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 26, 2011, 11:49:15 PM
Captain Fairchild's wing lights blinked green. "I am Captain Fairchild."

Major Lockie's wing lights also flashed green. "I am Major Lockie. Would you like to meet some of our friends back at the airbase?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on August 27, 2011, 01:08:32 AM
(( OOC: Does anybody still recognize Rouge and Anna? ))

Her cerulean blue optics lit up brightly, "Oh, I would love to accompany with the two of you!" GoldenStriker grinned gleefully, overjoyed with Major Lockie's offer.


"No! I simply refuse to agree to your unintelligent recommendation, Miss Rouge!"

"Oh, why not?" The female bat questioned, annoyed with the 'necklace and bracelet's' refusal, "Come on Anna, it's not like we're going to get into any serious trouble!" Rouge exclaimed in exasperation.

"Sure, you say that now! What happens if you do somehow get caught by the local authorities!?" The the talking fashion accessory accused, "Or are you just incapable of understanding the danger of thievery? You do realize that because of your unhealthy obsession of jewels. Stripetail was forced to give me the unfortunate job of babysitting you! In other words I'm forced to be stuck with a moronic idiot A.K.A, YOU!" She screeched, her anger being expressed by both her shouts and erratic flashing crystal orbs.

"Pfft, what are you gonna do? ZAP ME!?"

"Thanks for the wonderful suggestion," Anna spoke in mock gratitude, "In fact, I'll go do that right now..." And with that she sent a painful shock of electricity; effectively changing the ivory bat's mind. While she witnessed her companion collapse in pure agony.

"I. Flipping. Hate. You." Rouge managed to gasp out, before she promptly entered the dark world of unconsciousness.

"Hm, I can truthfully say. That I am completely and utterly unsurprised by your generous words, Rouge."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 27, 2011, 01:28:31 AM
Captain Fairchild and Major Lockie radioed ahead to the airbase.

Captain Fairchild indicated for GoldenStriker to follow him with a flash of white lights on his wing tips.

Soon they arrived at the airbase. Nearly everyone of the planes rolled out of their hangars to look at GoldenStriker.

"I'd like you to meet GoldenStriker," Captain Fairchild said as he landed.

Major Lockie said nothing as he continued flying in a circle.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 27, 2011, 02:01:46 AM
Once Gary saw them leave he went back and climbed in the window.  He then switched back to his cartoon eagle form then he went to bed and back to sleep.

Droopy & Wally continued to sleep, not haven been woken up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on August 27, 2011, 12:58:28 PM
(( OOC: Vorn = 84 years, Steller Cycle = 1 year, Deca-Cycle = 3 weeks, Orn = 13 days, Solar Cycle = 1 day, Joor = 1 hour, and a Breem = 8.3 minutes. Just wanted to post that to avoid confusion about GS' way of telling time. ))

Before saying a nervous “hello”, GoldenStriker merely sent an awkward timid wave and smile. Absolutely unsure of herself on how she should introduce her arrival to everybody at airbase... 'Okay, scratch off last time's encounter. THIS is the worst first impression I shall ever commit in a single vorn...'



The one thing that this Pokemon hated more than anything was...boredom. It was the sole reason  on why she was acting so emotionless today; only regarding everyone in a irritated monotonous tone. Though, don't interpret this wrong, Czacza the Minccino, was defiantly no passionless cold person. In fact she was the exact opposite. However, having nothing entertaining to do had caused her to act rather impassively. Only describing the world with the singular sound of “meh”, never bothering to give a full answer. But instead only supplied an aura of agitation; and today, was prime example on one of the many reasons why she hated the word “boredom”. As it only succeed on making her act moody and just plain bothersome for others to witness. And sadly right now Czacza felt complied to just wallow in her own tedious torment within the very confines of her hotel room...

It was official, being bored sucked BIG time.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on August 27, 2011, 11:33:31 PM
Heckle and Jeckle turned in for the night, though they silently chattered excitedly in their combined twin beds about going to China in the next few days
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 28, 2011, 08:47:53 PM
Bring her in, so I can talk to her" stripetail out.. Stripetail replied over his walkie-talkie..
( Have Eouygue and Anna be in a hotel Room)

Dixie and Scooby Settled in to sleep unaware of the new arrival..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 30, 2011, 09:01:17 PM
the duke set up his hotel room to be as dark as physically possible, he was an owl, after all.

"Darkness, sweet darkness...." he chuckled.


Kitty and Tiger snoozed peacefully after that,
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 30, 2011, 09:04:16 PM
Arlene snuggled into bed next to Dixie and Scooby, while scooby Dee settled into bed on the other side in the room.
_ woody and winnie were fast sleep in thier room..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 03, 2011, 07:28:58 PM
Kitty had awoken later for a midnight glass of water.

"You'll be filled soon enough," she giggled, patting her gut.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 04, 2011, 08:40:46 PM
Togi Cindy and Bobo were fast asleep in thiervbed.. what ranger smith and hucklenerry hound sleptt on coys on the floor..
 samia and dulcy smnnuggled into bed. thier sized covering the entire bed and gicing them very little toom to move.. 'damia snuggled against dulcy as best she could. ' night samia' dulcy said to her. ' night dulcy.. see you in the morning.. ' samia smiled as she went to sleep.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 04, 2011, 11:15:57 PM
Jason, Guilmon, & Longstride (the same human size autobot from earlier) were walking around the streets at night.

"I wonder if after the latest occurances here they can't wait till the group here will be gone soon." Longstride said.

"I think they'll be happy." Guilmon said.

"Things should get back to being very quiet here." Jason said.  "a pretty quiet place, similar to dinotopia and some other places, though they have some nocturnal dinos wondering around doing stuff."  

"Where are they going to next?" Guilmon asked.

"A toon version of China.  I think. from what I've seen of the information." Jason said.

"That is a long ways from here." Longstride said.  

"Yes, considering that it is not the same china from here, but one through another portal or gate." Jason said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 05, 2011, 12:51:31 AM
Dixie stirrwed from her sleep, and got out of bed
 catreful not to wake scoopby or arlene.. she headed over to the closet and revealed the 5 costumes Miss Kitty had given, The housecat, tigeress , pastheress Cheetah and lioness costume, in the darkness they had a very lifelike appearance.. hmm, so when we going poerforming i'll be the patheress' she decided.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 05, 2011, 01:46:39 AM
At the same time, both of the whippets drifted off to sleep, Belladonna once again claiming the bed for herself.

"I shouldn't expect more...." Annabelle laughed
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 05, 2011, 10:04:38 PM
The night passed without incident.. and the morning came.. the sun was shing into the windiws of Scoobys room when he stirred.. " Time to get up' he said to himself , and get ready for the eating contest.. ' he looked over at Arlebe and Dixie who were still asleep.  Dee woke up a dew minutes later.. morning cousin" she smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 05, 2011, 10:28:39 PM
"Bring on the mouseburgers," Kitty grinned when she awoke, a look of hunger in her eye.

"We have this game," Tiger smiled confidently.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on September 05, 2011, 10:43:52 PM
Heckle and Jeckle rushed down from their bedroom and joined the others in the breakfast line.
"Good morning, chaps!" Jeckle said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 05, 2011, 10:44:31 PM
"GoldenStriker, Stripetail wishes to speak to you," Captain Fairchild said.

He then flashed his wing lights to illuminate a baby blue F-22 with a rainbow lightning bolt painted on her tail.

"Please follow Rainbow," Captain Fairchild said as he rolled into his hangar and shut the door.

"See you in the morning," Major Lockie said as he was being refueled by the ground crew. He then rolled into a hangar and shut the door.

Rainbow flashed her wingtip lights. "Well, nice to meet you!" she chirped. "You wanna race after this?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 05, 2011, 10:50:09 PM
Arlene stirred a little bit after dee. ' Morning guys She said to scooby and Scooby dee " i guess i'll have to watch the contest while eating myself " she smiled..
- Samia stirred from her sleep and got ready for the contest..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 06, 2011, 12:17:53 AM
Droopy & Wally got up first.  They got ready then went down to see what, if anything, was for breakfast.  Gary got up a bit after they had left and after he got ready he went down as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on September 06, 2011, 03:08:29 AM
Violet had returned to her room for the night.  At first, she had not headed to bed straight away, staying up just a little later than usual as she looked out the window for a few moments and sighed.  She shrugged her thoughts off as she turned and headed to her backpack, tipping the contents of it out onto her bed.

She had not even packed much, not even any proper sleepwear.  All she had was the clothes she wore on her right now, and her supersuit in her bag "I knew I should've grabbed more than this....but I guess there's no point in complaining about it so much"

She again, shrugged it off as she moved her stuff aside and got underneath the covers, laying on her side, her eyes still wide open "I guess I'll check this place out properly tomorrow...."


Morning had come by, the sun blazing into her room and right into her eyes.  She had to just groan at that as she opened up her eyes and dragged herself out of bed with a stretch.

No brush for her hair, no other clothes to wear.  This was just not her morning as she grabbed her things, shoving them back into her backpack as she started to make her way downstairs, deciding that it was just best to get a headstart in searching around this town.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 07, 2011, 01:02:55 AM
Stripetail slept in a kittle bit that morning, even wizardfs needed the sleep..
- dixie was last in her room to wakeup, ' morning everyone' she said with a yawn that showed her canines.  ' Guess Its time to go get some breakfast.. we'll be out of here in a couple dayus oand on our way to chona.." She grinned..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 09, 2011, 09:11:58 PM
(( OOC: Quick question, is Rainbow a F-22 Raptor fighter jet? ))

The fembot watched silently as the pair of air planes left into their hangers. But after hearing the fighter jet's introduction and her question to race. GoldenStriker had switched her gaze away from the closed doors, and towards the direction of Rainbow's voice.  

“Racing?” She asked momentarily befuddled, “You want me to race..?” GoldenStriker questioned in mild confusion. But she had quickly recovered her composure, and shook her head 'yes' before she replied to the blue coloured jet. “Sure, I would love to race with you Rainbow, but after we have accomplished the task of talking to Stripetail. But before we do so, let me introduce myself first. But as you already heard from Major Lockie,” she grinned, “I'm GoldenStriker.”
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 10, 2011, 12:38:45 AM
(OOC - Yes, Rainbow is an F-22 Raptor.)

"Glad to meet you!" Rainbow said brightly. "As Captain Fairchild so kindly introduced, I'm Rainbow. Well actually, that's my callsign, not my real name but everyone calls me 'Rainbow'."

She then radioed Stripetail. "Yo, Stripetail, we've got someone in the airfield who wants to meet you!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 10, 2011, 12:45:40 AM
Bring her over to me' Came the Reply " its about 915 by me, roughly.  it shouldn't take you more than a few minutes to get to Green River from there.who precosely, is looking to meet with me?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 10, 2011, 10:41:25 PM
Gary went down to look over to see what was available for breakfast and start on his breakfast as Droopy and wally started eating theirs.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 01:24:39 AM
Yogi and cinsy wre eating some eggs at the breakfast table " Cindy as the only giirl on the Yahooeys, would compete in any events rthere was a qgirl competing, which was most of them.. Why do we even need an eating contest/ Cindy said ' well it could be worse they could be making us eat cactus, needles and all.." Huckleberry said..
Arlene went diown stairs wirth her frienfds and began eatruing rapidly the spekll Stripetail had put on her was becoming harder and harder for her to resist.. Arlene was eating just about everyones breakfast which earned her a lot of cold stars..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 11, 2011, 03:15:19 AM
"I see you're enjoying the effects more and more," Miss Kitty chuckled lightly to Arlene, managing to keep a few pieces of her breakfast.

"Too bad she's not in today's game..." Tiger commented.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 04:33:08 AM
Well, we do need to eat too' Scooby said as Arlene swiped a grilled cheese gtom his plate. arlene was now approaching 80 poiunds in weight, she was hadded 20 in jusst a couple days..
_ Yeah shed probably win " Woody said, but that have to mean she eats everyone elses breakfast? we have to eat too..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 11, 2011, 11:09:06 PM
"She can't really help it," Kitty chuckled, managing to finish off her own breakfast.

"Ok Annabelle..." the angel whippet told herself, "Turn your sweet tooth into a meat tooth...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 01:08:19 AM
scooby frowned at the few scraps arlene had left him.. ' he set the playe down and went to grab some more food and fresh plate. once he got it he went over to another table..far away from arlene..
- you'd better chow down annabelle.. ' you and the Duke had better win this contest..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 12, 2011, 02:38:17 AM
"You can count on me to emerge victorious," the Duke assured his teammates, "Especially if the mice are still alive at the time..."

"I'll try my best," the angel whippet assured.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 12, 2011, 11:21:22 AM
Rainbow landed carefully landed outside the hotel where Stripetail was staying. She then radioed him.

"Stripetail, GoldenStriker is with me and we are outside the hotel."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 11:36:40 AM
On my wau out..' Stripetail replied. in a few minutes Stripetail strofe out of the horel and paused as he lookied at the newcomer.. ' So this is Goldenstriker, eh/ Rather interesting name.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 12, 2011, 07:23:37 PM
Having finished eating Droopy, Wally, & Gary looked over the events for the day to see what sorts of events would be being done and what time, location, ect.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 08:36:42 PM
The Eating Contest is at noon" Sulcy said ' Samia here' will fo for the girlss and wally will go for the guys.. after that we have the tumblwerd wrestling tonight..After that we're off to China..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 12, 2011, 10:20:27 PM
"Says here I"ll be in the eating contest.  I've not tried mice before.  Hope it wouldn't be any that I know." Wally said.  

"Then we'll be off for china." Droopy said.  "Thought I'll be getting there a bit earlyer then the others, to work on a case for a brief bit."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 12, 2011, 10:21:20 PM
The transformer's silver and golden paint job glinted brightly underneath the sun's brilliant radiance. Making her metallic body become even more lustrous and shiny then earlier. Causing the mechanical life form to enjoy and appreciate the planet's natural light each steller cycle. But, despite her love for earth's sunshine, she had found it strange how Cybertron (from what her basic programming told her) had no sun of its own. Making the atmosphere excruciatingly cold if it hadn't been for her species’ natural robotic bodies. As it was fully capable of automatically regulating the cybertronian's body temperature and prevent unwanted circumstances; like overheating, fried circuits and immobile frozen joints.

But, nevertheless, she would continue to enjoy how the sun gave warmth and life to everything on this planet. Equally as much as it saddened her when she had learned how short an organic life was. At least compared to her twenty thousand four hundred and six years of living her 'relatively short' life as a young cybertronian teenager… But as much as she would’ve liked to dwell on such subjects, her train of thought had been interrupted when Stripetail had spoken. Causing her to instantaneously transform into her bipedal form, before the Autobot decided to start a casual conversation with the wizard.

 “Well, my name is from a different galaxy is it not?” she asked, despite already knowing the answer to her question, “ Plus, if there is anything more interesting than hearing my designation. It would be hearing my name in my species’ native language.” She said, grinning warmly despite being a robot.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 10:25:08 PM
indeed' Stripetail agreed " So why are you here Goldensriker? here to watch the games? or are you interested in  beinh sexcutiry? Because our teams are full.. ' He added..
_Scooby finished his breakfast, while Dixie hept having her food taken by keep this up Arlene you'll be 100 by tonight.. She laughed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 12, 2011, 11:20:10 PM
"Yeah, keep up the pace girl," Kitty cheered.


"I'm ready," Annabelle assured the other Rottens. "My gut can hold some big amounts of treats...."


Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 11:36:15 PM
eatr as much as you like, just don;t take my food ' Dee said with a smirk. ' You don't smell  as much as you did at the resteraunt. at that Arlene stopped eating ' The memoty of being cooked was stilill potent enough to put her off food. " I'm still getting over that scooby dee.. but i'm getting better.. she added.. " I need to go wash up' she aid rather absentmindedly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 13, 2011, 12:44:08 AM
Kitty put on a bib, it had a picture of a mouse lying on a plate with a cat looking over it, knife and fork in paw, and the cat was licking it's lips.

"My good luck charm," she grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 13, 2011, 12:50:29 AM
"Guess I should be glad I had a light breakfast." Wally said.

"Better then eating to much and going to the competition with a full stomach." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 13, 2011, 03:59:18 PM
"Well, I have been interested of being part of security for several solar cycles. Considering that I cannot participate the games, since according to my analysis, many of your people would find it unfair to have a robot on either team." She said, before adding on, "Plus having access to the Internet, your satellites, and other electronic devices while having an internal GPS, some plasma canons, and several disguises excluding my ability to create realistic holographic images. I wouldn’t blame them for thinking so."



"What do you mean why?" Anna asked in irritation, "Honestly Rouge be more specific and a little more detailed-"

"Yeah whatever like I really care. So why do we have to see Stripetail?" The ivory bat hissed, clearly upset about being electrocuted by the magical restraint earlier.

"Because, unlike you miss, I actually work for a living. Instead of stealing shiny precious gems or wasting my entire lifetime as a voluptuous heroic spy who’s also a shameless thief." The so-called 'inanimate' fashion accessories answered, "Plus, if you haven’t noticed, I cannot conjure magical messages to notify Stripetail of your daily horrendously, dull progress. After all I am most certainly not a mobile cell phone for your information," she deadpanned.

"TouchÈ much," Rouge replied, uninterested in continuing their dreary conversation.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 13, 2011, 04:55:29 PM
the competitoors have to be living creatures, not robots' Stripetail asgreed. which is why the most you could be is security..' He replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 13, 2011, 04:56:45 PM
"Stripetail, I will be flying patrols for today," Captain Fairchild said.

He then rolled out onto the road and checked around to make sure that no one was behind him and then lit his engines. He then soared into the mid morning sky.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 14, 2011, 02:34:16 PM
"Maybe a light snack and a bit to drink for lunch, depending when it is due to start." Gary said.

"Sounds sensible to me." Wally said. "I wonder if I'll like the taste of mice."

"They may have some seasoning available." Droopy said.

They looked over schedules to be sure they would be there a bit before the competition was due to start.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 14, 2011, 07:33:50 PM
"To think," Tiger laughed to Scooby, "Me, the cat who doesn't eat mice fell in love with the best mouse eater in the world...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 14, 2011, 07:45:46 PM
You sure got lucky, and know you have friends who are perfectly willing to satisfy her cravings Scooby smirked.. ' sopaking of which.. a  tabe is being set up in the middle of the street..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 14, 2011, 11:28:46 PM
"That's for me!" Kitty smirked, running outside.

"Good luck darling!!" Tiger called.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 14, 2011, 11:59:42 PM
wish me luck' scooby waved to his teammates as he headed out after Kitty
Samia motioned to wally to follow her' they are sertting up for the eating contest
 Yogi and canidy soon reached the tablem to find steaming trays of borgers sitting out with 8 seats and 8 magical counters
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 15, 2011, 12:23:13 AM
"Time already?" Wally asked as he stood up to follow Samia.  

"YOu'll do well." Gary and Droopy called out to him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 01:04:31 AM
"I'm sure Waul provided the catering for this," Miss Kitty smirked.

"That restaurant owner in town?" Sagwa said, walking by.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 01:07:33 AM
Probably' scooby said as Stripetail appeared as the contestants gathered " alright everyone welcome to the third event in Green river and eating contest. Where are the Rottens? he frowned.." they are late..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 01:10:23 AM
The Duke and Annabelle came flying in, the whippet using her angel wings.

"Sorry, overslept," Annabelle apologized.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 01:17:04 AM
As I was saying, welcome to the third event. these mouseburhers are cuortesy of waul, magically enchanted to ensure a neverending suiupply. contestats will have an hour to eat as many burgers as they can. like the last event a total of 800 points is at stake, with 400 points going to the winner of the boys and girls. drinks are provided, they are magically enchanted like the food, to never run out during the contest. the drink can be anything you want, after you drink the first for throwing up after eating so much, well, a player throws up more than once during the contest they will be docked points, 25 points for each  er, upheavel.
 contestants are you ready?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 01:19:46 AM
Kitty stared at some of the mice whose heads were sticking out of the burger buns.

"Don't know where you came from," Miss Kitty smiled, "But here is where you're going...." she grinned, pointing into her mouth.

"Mice....a delectable treat," the Duke complimented.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 01:28:10 AM
We;'re ready  yogi cindy and Samia said all ready to ig in..
 _ I;m ready Scooby said, his legendary hunger about to be slacked.
 BEGIN " Stripetail festured an timer started ticking down..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 01:29:38 AM
And boy, was Miss Kitty a regular jungle predator when it came to those mice. She scared those burgers don't quickly.

"Whoa..." Dongwa said from the crowd, the siblings near Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 01:33:27 AM
within in the first few minutes it became quire clear that scooby and midd Kitty were superb eaters, after 5 minutes, scoony had eaten 60 burgers, the duke had eaten 45,  yogi has eaten 27 and wally had eaten 25. on the girls side kitty had eaten 55, samia 50, annabelle 34 and cindy 21.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 01:36:28 AM
Kitty kept lifting her paws and biting, the eeps and squeaks of the devoured mice added to he mood for her.

"That Waul guy must have a huge stash of mice," Sagwa said to Stripetail.

The Duke used his wings to scoop up multiple burgers at once.

Annabelle put some sugar on her burgers to enhance the flavor for her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 01:39:56 AM
samia grabbed clawfuls of burgers and stuffed them down her throat she was grabbing 5-6 at a time and eating them.. cindy abandoned her normal manners when she saw how far behind she was..
 scooby was picking up hids pace of eating he ate his 100th burger tless than 8 minutes in. the duke reached 100 at the 10:26 mark. yogi wolfed down his 50th burger, he was just ahead of wally.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 01:43:41 AM
"Burgers so sweet...." Annabelle giggled, having added some sweeteners swiftly.

"You'll see the great eating powers of the Duke!" the great owl bragged, "I could eat everyone on the planet without feeling stuffed if i wanted to..."

Miss Kitty kept the lead in the girls' division.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 01:49:32 AM
i have no doubt that you could do as you have said Duke, assuming you the one responsible for that string of  missing explorers in the mountains a few years back, over 1000 in all as i recall. as eating burgers shouldn't be a problem for you, and looking at your counter you're at 168 bugers right now..' Stripetail said
 at the 15 minute point scooby had eaten 204, the Duke had 179, wally had eaten 103 and togi was finishing off #90. On the Girls side Kitty was at194, samia at 170, annabelle at 100 and cindy at 66.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 01:52:08 AM
"Why yes, indeed," the Duke chuckled between bites, "I felt rather...munch munch....hungry, and I gave each of those explorers one last place to explore: my stomach."

Annabelle struggled to catch up, picking up the pace and using less sugar.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 01:57:56 AM
Stripetail shot him a look but said nothing..
 meanwhile Scooby picked up the pace yet again , he polished off #300 in 18:04 and reached 400 less than 6 minutes later. half way through the contest, scooby was at 580. The Duke was at 470,Wally was at 299 and yogi was at 178. on the Girls side kitty had eaten 465, Samia was at 400, Annabelle at 207 and cindy was at 154.
 Stripetail shook his head at Scoobys seemingly bottomless stomach..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 01:59:46 AM
The Duke telepathically told Stripetail that he still has yet to find a cheater.

He kept on devouring the burgers, as did Miss Kitty and Annabelle.

"Their stomachs must be bottomless...." Sheegwa awed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 02:05:49 AM
scooby continued wolfing the burgers down, his drink had turned to dr pepper awhile back, and he drank the soda greedily, as he continued his eating rampage. he cleared 800 with over 20 minutes left and wit 15 to go, this is what scored looked like
 scooby had eaten a whopping 916 burgers, a number that caused mabny of the watchers to do a doubke take. the duke was firmly in secong, he had just eaten his 700th. wally was at 402, and yogi was closing in on 300. on the girls side kitty was at 610samia was at 550, annabelle was at 397 and cindy was at 281. both of the yogis looked stuffed to bursting..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 02:09:02 AM
Kitty and the Duke both were chowing at a consistent pace.

"I'm the queen of the mouse eaters!!!" she thought with a cheer.

Annabelle imagined her drink to be sugarly cola.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 02:18:11 AM
scooby ate his 1000th burher with 10;14 left in the contest. kitty passed 700 with 9;56 to go. the duke reached 900 with 7 minutes to play, but he was almost 270 behind by then. samia ate here 700th with 3 minutes left. now the time defintely became a factorm, but the gaps scooby and Miss Kitty had put up were far too large for Samia and the duke to close in the few minutes remaing. Stripetail was reflecting on other famous disappearances and released that the duke was almost certaibnly behind those as well.
 with 2 minutes to go here is what the scores looked like
 Scooby had eaten 1345, the suke had just eaten his 1000th, wally was eating 600 Yogi was at 450, and with 2;30 left he had thrown up, violently behinf his seaton thge ladsies side kitty was at 875, samia was at 810.annabele was at 604 and cindy was at 546.
 lets try for 2500 combined kitty' scooby said to her..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 02:20:13 AM
Kitty nodded and picked up her eating pace.

" just insane...." Sagwa awed.

Some of those dissappearences  Stripetail realized the Duke was behind included.............
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 02:32:27 AM
the disappearances stretched back over 1000 years from the Templars in Europe, to Roanoke colony in the americas, and the duke had probably eaten fred noonan and amelia earhart as well "you've been bust over the centuries duke' stripetail said mentally.
 with 43 seconds left scooby ate his 1500th burger. kitty ate her 1000th with 10 secinds left. samia reached 900 with a minute left the suke ate his 1300th with 3 seconds to go
 the timer rang and stripetail cleared the food away eith a gesture. alright everyone lets look at the tooks. for the guys, lets se here scooby has eaten 1510, the duke 1300, wally has eaten 796 abd the yogi has eaten 531. for the girls miss kitty are 1002, samia ate 923, annabelle ate 758 and cinsy ate700. so for the boys the Scoobies get 400 points, the Rottens get 300 the Dawfs 200 and the Yahoeeys 100. for the Girls the Scoobies get 400, the daws 300, the Rottens 200 and the Tahoeeys 100. so in 4th place with 200 points and1231 burgers are the Yogi Yahoeeys. In third place with 500 points and 1719 burgrs   are the Droopy Dawgs. in second  place with 500 points and 2058 burgers the Really Rttens. and in first place with 800 points and 2512 burgers, the Scooby Doobies!
 Scooby cheered as best he could, given how stuffed he was.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 02:35:22 AM
"Not a sweat broken," the Duke said confiedntly, patting his feathery belly like he hadn't just gorged himself at all.

"We did it..." Kitty cheered as best she could.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 02:40:50 AM
remind me not to weat for about a month samia moaned. cindy rushed over toam open hole in the ground and began throwing up violebntly..' scooby wassled over to kitty and gave her a hug and a kiss ' you did great.. he said s\he said to her.. ' now lets go to the hotel and sleep all this food off..shall we?
_ you guys ate over TWO THOUSAND burgers/ The Hooded claw gaped at the score the rottens put up ' and it STILL wasn't enough?
_ Not much we could do claw tHe Baron replied Scoobys always had a reputation for having a bottomless stomach, it was true in the last games, and its still true now..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 15, 2011, 11:36:01 AM
"I can't believe I ate that much." Wally said, rubbing his swelled belly.  Surprised that he had eaten so much , and in such short a time.

"I can't either." Gary said.

"I believe I'll make it unanimous." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 04:04:39 PM
"But I belive it," Miss Kitty chuckled, having scored the highest among the girls.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 04:33:14 PM
you guys ate 25 HUNDRED burgers/ Dixie shook her head in disbelief " i could believe Scooby coulld eat a ton,easily, but I never thought that you, Miss Kitty, could eat so much. thats got to be something like three months worth of calories in one sitting..and you had to have gained about 40 pounds as a result..
Samia slowly stumbled over to Samia, her steps slow and leaden frioom eating so much.. " well I think you should be good for eating until we get to the next event " Dulcy said as Samia collapsed against her.. " Come on lets get you to bed.." she said carrying her friend towardsw thier hotel..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 06:45:00 PM
"I'm an angel," Annabelle laughed, "I can't actually get full...."

"And i'm mortal," Kitty laughed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 10:06:57 PM
But all those burgers did have one impact on the made him sleepy, so he went to a tree and latched on to the branch to take a nap.

THE DUKE'S DREAM..............

The Duke of Owls was flying around a city, his stomach rumbling. "I'm so hungry...." he said. "!" He saw Stripetail nearby
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 10:11:00 PM
(dream Occurance)
 What can I do for you Duke - Dream-Stripetyail asked, noticing him land in frony of him..
_ Green River
- the rest of the contestants slowly made thier way back to thier respective hotels..
- Scooby ate HOW mANY/ Arlene asked as dixie entred their room ' 1510 burgers..' Dixie said ' in an hour.." that like 50 poinds worth of burgers or somethung like that.. Arlene shok her head.. she had been skeeping during the contest..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 10:12:50 PM
(The Dream)

"I must devour every last person on this planet..." the Duke said to Dream Stripetail, "That I feel is the only thing that can satisfy this hunger...."



"If you had antered that game Arlene," Kitty smirked, "You would have surpassed your target no problem."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 10:16:11 PM
How many burgers did you eat Kitty? Arlene asked..' Scooby ate a ton.. I canb't believe anyone could eat that many burgers and not just throw up..from overeasting..
- one sideffect of those burgers ' scooby said ' is that they make you tired and sleepy..
_ Dream Sequence
 That hungry huh.. well just start with this town, and see if it helps at all..Dream-Stripetail replied
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 10:18:26 PM
"Over a thousand, I forgot the specific number," Miss Kitty yanwed.

"Nice one!" Dongwa said, "I can't wait to get back to China."


The Dream.....

The Duke devoured the dream town, then flew back up to Dream Stripetail. "They equalled barely a crouton.... I must eat more!" he laughed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 10:23:22 PM
you ate 1000 burgers/ arlene gaped at her.. ' how did you not burst something from eating so much?
- Well shes used to eating mice..' Dixie said as scooby crawed into bed..' Not that many at one time, but still .. she did a great job.. she ate 1002 to be exact.. which has to be a ecord of some kind, for a girl.."
- dream Sequence
- There are more towns over that kill " Drea Atripetail sad ' just keep eating, Duke.. until you are full.." He knew that the Duke was only doing what he did best, which was eating victims!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 10:27:03 PM
"Wake me when we fly to China," Miss Kitty yawned.

"You can count on me for that," Tiger assured.


The Dream....

The Duke flew from city to city, devouring every last victim. "Did everyone on earth lose a lot of weight?" he asked Dream-Stripetail "They are barely filling up my belly!" the screams of the digesting victims could be heard.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 15, 2011, 10:35:21 PM
Gary, Droopy, & Wally went back to their hotel.  

"I feel like I wanna go to sleep for a long time." Wally said.

"Depending when we set out you may get a long sleep on the plane going to china." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 10:36:59 PM
Then go over every city and eat as many as you can ' Dream Stripetail said watching as the Duke continued his feeding frenzy..
- When I wake up I'll probably be in china;' Scooby said, turning in the bed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 10:41:59 PM
The Duke kept eating. The mighty owl, in the dream, swooped across the world. Entire continent's populations wer reduced to zero.

"Still hungry....I just don't understand" the Duke huffed.


"You did good cream puff," Belladonna teased her cousin.

"Like you could've done the same..." Annabelle retorted.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 10:46:53 PM
' Then you must keep eating" dream Stripetail replied ' You've eaten almost half the world and you are still not full? well eat until you can't eat anymore..
So when is the last event/ Dixie asked Kitty and Arlene.. ' I woulkd think it should be soon right...?
well we did get 500 points out of that yosemite Sam said.. so what does that put us at?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 10:49:16 PM
The Duke of Owls nodded and kept flying around, and eventually, the world's population could be counted on a human's fingers and toes.

"They do have a good taste....and their cries of pain are melodic, but I'm still not satisfied....." he told Dream Stripetail..


"I don't keep track of those things," Belladonna shrugged.

The last event would not take real long
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 15, 2011, 11:06:13 PM
After 3 events in Green River the Scooby Doobies have 1600 points, theReally Rottens have 1400 points, the Droopy Dawgs have 1300 points and the Yogi Yahoeeys with 800 points. the last event is worth 1000 ppints, 500 per flight" stripetail announced. ' Throuygh 7 events overall The Scoobys Doobies have 4200 points, The Droopy Dawgs have 3350 points, The Really Rottens have 2850 points and the Yohi Yahoeeys have 1850 points' stripetail said after reading the magical scores which hung in the air above the town..
- Dream Sequence

 Well you are down to maybe 100 creatures left on the planet ' Dream Stripetail said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 15, 2011, 11:15:56 PM
"Just tell me the last event goes by fast," Tiger asked Stripetail.

THE DREAM.........

The Duke kept eating, but alas, no avail. "What an unfilling planet," he grumbled to Dream Stripetail. "There better be other worlds to devour...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 16, 2011, 08:35:39 AM
The wrestling event will be short compared to the shoutouts.. 'a group of 6 members from each team will be placed inside a giany tumbleweed and crask into each other, until they break apart and only one tumbleweed is left. once a tumbleweed breaks that is it, that team is eliminated." stripetail replied..
_ Dream Sequence.
" Not for very vey long distances" Dream-Stripetail replied ' Have you eaten everything on this planet?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 16, 2011, 03:02:30 PM
(( OCC: Um, what exactly did I miss? :unsure: ))

"Then it is agreed, I shall help with security." GoldenStriker said, nodding her head 'yes'.


"So, what exactly do you think we'll encounter today?" Rouge asked, attempting to strike a brief conversation with the fashion accessory.

"We're in a world filled with possibilities, are we not?" Anna replied, before continuing, "I don't know if you noticed, but we're in a world where anything can happen." She answered, grinning happily despite physically lacking a mouth.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 16, 2011, 08:30:11 PM
(that was the third event.. we're speeding through the final couple of events)
We ahould join Auga said to tweety..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 16, 2011, 09:59:10 PM
(Then the long trip to china I guess?  

Except for Droopy who'll have a quick trip in Jason's tardis, so he can arrive very quickly and have some time to investigate before the others arrive.)

"I wonder who will be on from each team." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 16, 2011, 10:07:20 PM
Ok so I'm getting into this game the HoodedClaw said " its swtrestling inside a tumnbleweed how bas can it be..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 17, 2011, 12:25:45 AM
"Perhaps someone with experience vaguely similar to this." Gary said.

"I wonder who that could be, if anyone." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 17, 2011, 02:33:01 AM
"So, who's representing who in the last game?" Tiger asked Stripetail.

The Dream...

"Everything," the Duke replied to Dream Stripetail
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 17, 2011, 12:47:01 PM
Major Lockie, the baby blue F-22 and Lt. Martin landed on the road outside the tumbleweed arena.

"So what shall we do?"  Major Lockie asked.

Several living planes were flying overhead and filming the tumbleweed wrestling match.


Gabriel was parked somewhere in the desert far from Green River.

She and her crew were busy repairing the damage that Captain Fairchild's attack had caused.

She wiped some sweat off her forehead as she riveted a piece of metal to cover a gaping hole from shrapnel that his rockets kicked up.

"Where to now?" a Weasel asked.

"I don't know!" Gabriel snapped, waving the rivet gun around in frustration.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 17, 2011, 04:21:00 PM
each team will pick 6 members..players who have not particvpated so far, must play..' Stripetail said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 17, 2011, 06:15:22 PM
"I guess 3 of each gender." Wally said.

"Who on this team as not participated in any events yet?" Gary asked looking for a list.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 17, 2011, 08:21:18 PM
No, because not every team has 3 girls.." Stripetail said in reply
_ The great Fondoo, and muttley signed up for the Torrns. Huckleberry BooBoo and Tanger Smith signed up for the Yogis.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 17, 2011, 09:07:09 PM
"What can I eat now?" the Duke asked Dream Stripetail.


"Kitty and Scooby will probably be sitting this one out," Tiger shrugged
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 17, 2011, 09:16:22 PM
I;m the lasat bering left, so you might as well eat me..' Dream Stripetail said..
Yeah, Woody said. ' wiinie auga and Scooby Dee will be the girls for our team' He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 17, 2011, 09:55:30 PM
"Why thank you friend," the Duke smiled, opening wide and engulfing the dream squirrel.


"I just can't wait to get home," Sagwa said, practicing magic
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 17, 2011, 10:22:06 PM
"I wonder who the best ones to choose on our team could be." Wally said thinking as he rubbed the back of his head with one hand.

"Tactically that is a good question." Gary said looking over at Wally.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 20, 2011, 05:39:25 PM
Screwy and Dulcy signed up for the final event for the dawgs. the HoodedClaw and bluto signed up for the Rottens. ' you whippets going to join? The Claw asked..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 21, 2011, 10:49:31 PM
Droopy, Wally, & Gary signed up.


"This place looks really old fashioned dude." Jet (an anthro pterosaur said).

"At least it's warmer then back home." Kane (an anthro t-rex) said.  "I felt like I was freezing my tial off.

"This section of the toon multiverse is the old west." Jason said.

"You mean they don't have ebay or the internet here?" Bullseye (an anthro pterosaur)  asked.

"They don't even have phones yet, from the looks of things." T-bone (an anthro t-rex) said.

"It does seem to be a normal 19th century type of technology." Longstride (a human size autobot) said.

"No phone, that is horrible." Bullseye said, his hands on his face.  "Why are we here anyway?"

"We're supposed to be on a vacation." T-bone said.  

"Don't worry.  After here I'll take you folks to Reptilon.  I think you'll like that.  A planet full of dinosaurs like yourself." Jason said, then quieter to himself.  "I must remember to drop in on the Dino Sorceress, she did invite me for tea next time I was in the era."

"You can meet the dinosaucers." Guilmon said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 22, 2011, 01:32:46 AM
Tiger, Belladonna, and Annabelle signed up for their repsective teams for the final event.

"Time for some wrasslin," Tiger said in a western accent.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 22, 2011, 09:45:10 PM
"What event is this?" Captain Fairchild asked. His 30 mm gatling autocannon began to spool up.

"Whatever it is, I am pretty damn sure it does not involve high explosive shells and rockets," Major Lockie replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 22, 2011, 10:24:04 PM
Chow (a red anthro stegosaurus with a lot of food in a large box on his lap, one of the kung fu dino posse).  "This food is great, and its' so cheap here." Chow said between stuffing food into his mouth.

"Dude, you're a bigger pig here then back home." Jet (his anthro pterosaur teamate) said.  

"The food is so much cheaper here then back home." Chow said, still in-between eating.

"He's not the only one who can eat a lot.   There are others like Shaggy & Scooby." Jason said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 22, 2011, 11:56:10 PM
this is a wrestling event, it is worth 100 point. also from here on in, there will be no seperation of events by gender' Stripetail announced. Since the Yahoeeys only have 1 female, Cindy, it not fair to force her to compete in every there will be no more female only competitions..' Stripetail announced.. ' Has every team picked out its 6 competitors..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 23, 2011, 12:17:43 AM
"Yeah, we're planes; we can't wrestle," Captain Fairchild replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 24, 2011, 04:19:53 PM
(( OCC: Yet again, I'm sorry for not posting... >.< ))
Knocking lightly, Rouge and Anna waited patiently for Stripetail to answer the door.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 24, 2011, 10:00:56 PM
"Is he always like that?" T-bone asked looking at Kane.

"Always." Kane said rolling his eyes.

"They do have interesting fashions here, but hardly effective for combat." Cindy (the triceratops) said.

"For women here they focus on looks instead of effectiveness, and being a male focused society they treat women different then places where both genders are equal." Jason said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 27, 2011, 12:15:22 PM
Fox by this time had finished handing out fliers for the World Tour. and was seated on a chair facing the street.. " Glad I finally managed to get all those fliers handed out.." she thought to herself..
_ arlene had been eating some more during this time. she was now up to 90 pounds and counting ' 10 more pounds to go before i get to dance with Garfield" She smiled..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 27, 2011, 01:08:33 PM
"Same here," Rabbit nodded to Fox, resting on a bench. "I'm sure Mr. Wildcat will like receiving foreign cuisine....."

"We'll be heading home soon," Sheegwa smiled.

"May we stop in our village Mr. Stripetail?" Sagwa asked.

Tiger readied himself for the final event.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 27, 2011, 04:33:51 PM
Yes, we will stop in your village and you can show us around. in fact one of the events will be held there' stripetail replied.. once the event is over we will be boarding the planes and flying to China.. to begin the third group of events..
 Well lets hope they tip well in China" Fox replied.. "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 28, 2011, 09:12:47 PM
"How long will the trip to china take?"  Wally asked.


"So where are the games going to next?" Guilmon asked.

"China." Jason said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 28, 2011, 09:42:44 PM
it will take almost a full day' stripetail said in reply
 you can sleep on the plane if you wish..
 We are getting ready for the last event of these games" Honest John said through the microphone.. " For The scooby doobies Tiger Scooby DEe Woody and Winnie Woodpecker Auga and Tweety
 For the Droopy Dawgs: Droopy, Wally Gator Gary, Screwy Dulcy and Samia
For the Yogi Yahooeys: Yogi Cindy Ranger Smith Huckleberry Bobo, and Taz
 and For the Really Rottens: The Hooded Claw, tHe Dread baron the Great Fondoo, bluto Muttley and Belladonna"  honest finished reading off the names
 Alright everyone this is worth 1000 points for the winning team secind gets 750, 3rd 500 and 4th gets 250.. Good luk to all of you" stripetail gestured and teleported the teams out into the desert.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 29, 2011, 12:40:22 AM
"I wonder how long this will take." Wally said.  He looked around the area to see what he could see.

"I expect not to long." Gary said.  

"At least we'll be able to sleep during the trip.  I wonder if it's hard to sleep on board a plane." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 29, 2011, 05:03:34 PM
Dixie meanwhile had decided to keep watch from the hotel room. " How are you faring Kitty after eating all thise burgers? She said with a smile " If you are still hungry i can go grab you some more food.. assuming Arlene over there doesn't eat it all first" Dixie laughed." Ha Ha very funny' Arlene retorted, from the bed where she was eating a plateful of finish. ' Only 5 more pounds to go before i reach 100..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 29, 2011, 05:37:24 PM
"More mouseburgers...." Kitty burped, "And make all the mice live and terrified...." she giggled.

Tiger and Belladonna got ready for their respective teams.

"You don't stand a hell of a chance," the whippet giggled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 29, 2011, 05:48:36 PM
I'll work on it " dixie said " Any particular number you want? i mean you did just eat 1000 burgers" She laughed. " Arlene you want any? No.. thanks I'm just going to go grab some more fish.."Arlene said as she finished eating and , got up and took her plate downstairs.
 _ Before the teams were four giant tumbleweeds in the middle of a giant boxing ring ' this ring will send you  bouncing back and forth into each other. as the tumbleweeds crash into each other parts of them will start to break off. Once about half the weed is destroyed, the next hit will instantly destroy the rest and eliminate that team from the contest. Last team standing wins' stripetail said " Now get into your tumbleweeds..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 29, 2011, 06:51:23 PM
The Scoobies Yogis rottens and Dawgs all raced to climb into thier tumbleweeds..
 _ Tiger You take the top branch" Scooby Dee said to him.. I'll be in the middle. Auga Teety and Winnie flew from branch to branch..
_ Yogi took a spot in the upper part of the Yahooeys tumbleweed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 29, 2011, 07:55:27 PM
Czacza walked silently through the streets going nowhere in particular. Her fur covered face retained a look of thoughtfulness, as she continued on her way with her tail trailing behind her. The small Pokemon paid no mind to those around her, as her mind kept wandering off in several topics. It was a good thing that she had managed to escape the captivity of boredom. However, the young Minccino was now imprisoned in her own thoughts; becoming oblivious towards the sounds of an approaching car. One belonging to a familiar gold and silver 2010 Saleen-S281 mustang...


"I can't believe that was a COMPLETE waste of time!" Rouge complained, becoming frustrated over the fact that they had to wait for nearly an hour. Before they finally came to realize that Stripetail wasn't in his room that entire time.

"... I'm not a GPS..." Anna muttered in an irritated fashion, somewhat embarrassed over the fact that Rouge was indeed correct.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 29, 2011, 09:16:41 PM
"i'll do my best," Tiger said, climbing up to the top.

"They don't stand a chance," Belladonna snickered.

In his dream, the Duke finally enjoyed eating everything.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 29, 2011, 09:29:20 PM
Weneed to win this one guys' Yogi said to the other yahooeys
 Samia and Dulcy stood on the bottom of the Dawgs tumbleweed. wat for sripetail to start the contest.
_ the Hooded claw and muttley were near the top.. "lets get this show on the road;' the Claw grinned
- Dixie created a tray fulled of terrified mice along wth all the fixings needed to make mousebburgers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 29, 2011, 10:43:21 PM
"Let's all get into our tumbleweed.  Does anyone want to be in a particular part?" Droopy said as he , Gary and Wally walked over towards their tumbleweed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 29, 2011, 10:53:34 PM
we're on the bottoms, the girl dragons said as screwy scurried towards the top.. " Ready up here..
Bluto was near the bottom, Fondoo, Muttley and the baron were spread out, " Lets win this location rottens Muttley smiled..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 01, 2011, 01:37:02 PM
"Let's send them to heck," Belladonna smirked, ready for action.

"I hope I don't get motion sickness....." Tiger gulped.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 01, 2011, 01:41:03 PM
Stripetail gestured and the tumbleweeds began to move against each other.. i have started it.. now it will be up to you to finish..
the spinning tumbleweeds would create a lot of shifting and moving characters as they crashed and banged into each other. The Rottens tumbleweed bang into the Dawgs and sent it flying into the magical neeting and caused it to bounce back, knocking it into the scoobies..
Looking forward to China Kitty..? Dixie said as he friend looked at the tray of live mice with a gleam in her eye...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 01, 2011, 02:13:05 PM
"i'm looking forward to getting my paws on some mushu mouse munchies," Kitty giggled.

"Oh...ow...ow," groaned Tiger as he bounced about.

"I've felt worse," Belladonna yawned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 01, 2011, 02:18:21 PM
i'm sure i can get you some dixie said with a smile..
Dee was banged against Winne and Auga as the huge tumbleweed abanged and smashed against the other tumbleweeds..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 01, 2011, 06:16:00 PM
Gary & Droopy did their best to move their tumbleweed around so it would bang with the others, Wally did as well.  "is there a way to steer this thing?" Wally asked.  

"I do not believe so." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 01, 2011, 08:57:16 PM
_So Kitty, could I ask you a favor/ you don't have to if you dont want to Dixie asked.."
Yogi bumped into bobo as a piece of thier tumbleweed broke off.. " hang on guys this going to be a bumpy ride. Ranger smith banged against Cindy with a thud..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 01, 2011, 09:47:40 PM

A Favor? Sure, Dixie, what is it Kitty asked

"Wasn't prediciting this lack of control," Tiger groaned....
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 01, 2011, 09:57:14 PM
_Do you mind if I made out with  you? i'll onl;y do it once I Promise Dixie said as she waited for Kittys reaction.-
The rottens crashed into the dawgs again, sending both teams flying around inside thier tumbleweeds ' drat and confound it muttley swore as he runbbbed his head from banging heads with the great fondoo
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 01, 2011, 09:59:38 PM
Kitty paused and looked at Dixie. ' You want to kiss me?' She took a deep breath. " look Dixie, I've never kissed another girl before, with good reason. I'm too devoted to Tiger to fool around with that kind of thing. But I'll tell you what, since you've been a such a good friend and singing partner. This one time.. and let me stress this is the ONLY time I will do this- I'll let you do it. But let me be clear, this stays between the two of us. Understood?.....................

"My guess about what to do is as good as yours," Belladonna said to Muttley and the others.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 01, 2011, 10:03:46 PM
Thank you Kitty' Dixie Smiled at her. " Here we go " Dixie leaned in and kissed Kitty on the lips.
 The scoobies banged into the Dawgs again and broke off a big piece of the Dawgs weed.. " This event was probably going to take awhile..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 01, 2011, 10:09:16 PM
Kitty held Dixie against her and felt Dixie put her tongue in her mouth. Kitty gently responded, but mostlylet Dixie do as she liked. She wasn't drawn to Dixie not in that way. She was trusting Dixie not to go overboard .....................

"Sometimes I really prefer being other places than home, this is one of those...." Tiger groaned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 01, 2011, 10:15:23 PM
After a few more minutes in which dixie touched Kittys chest, and kitty responded in kind, Dixie broke away. She smiled at Kitty' i'll make you a large mouse-potpie now ' she said gesturing with her ring and creating a large pot pie with 20 mouse tails in the crust.. 'hope you like' she said putting the potpie on the bed and going over to the table and sitting down. hope the guys are doing ok.." she said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 01, 2011, 10:17:24 PM
"Thank you," Kitty smiled, grabbing the mouse pot pie and digging in face first.


"Are....we...almost.....done?!" Tiger yelled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 01, 2011, 10:30:15 PM
Probably not" Auga said letting forth a loud call which broke off a piece of Yogis tumblweed
 after 20 minutes of banging
 The Yogis were in the lead, followed by the Scoobies, Dawgs and Rottens, but it was real close between the 4 of them
 I';ll go get Arlene.. Dixie said.. enjoy your potpie Kitty..she smiled at her friend.. and thanks..
- arlene meanwhile had been eating at the dinner buffet
 she had reached 100 pounds, and was hoping she could finally get that promised dance with garfield..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 01, 2011, 11:10:33 PM
The Yahooeys banged against the Dawhs breaking off a large piece of the dawgs tumbleweed, and increasing thier lead. scoobys banged against the rotten, an knocked off pieces from both..Tumbleweeds continued banging against each other leaving those stuck inside feeling nausuous..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 03, 2011, 03:45:19 PM
The Dawgs tumblweed was the first to reach the half-broken point, while the Yahoeeys were now clearly in front " just keep it up Guys Yogis said dizzily " we're doing good' He smiled.. I feel sick " cindy moaned  " I shouldn't have eaten all those mouseburgers!"
 hang on guys Samia said as they banged against the other tumbleweeds " we can't afford to lose any more of the weed!
 Scooby Dee had moved down to  a liddle branch while the three birds had movee uyup towards the top of the weed..
_ The rottens finally managed to knock out the Dawhgs, and they cheered as the Dawgs tumbleweesds shattered sending the team flying in several different directions
 The Dawgs are out! Stripetail gestured and teleported  Droopy and his team out of the area.. " We are down to 3 teams!.
- Honest HJohn was reporting from the side of the ring " And we just saw the Droopy Dawgs get knocked out, which guarabtees The Scooby Doobies will lead the games after this event, no matter how they finish..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 03, 2011, 06:35:21 PM
"I'm glad that's over.  I can rest and recover from that." Wally said as he remained laying down.  


"I wonder who'll win." Chow said, between his eating handfuls of food, yet keeping his very muscular appearance, despite how much he always ate.

"Maybe the scoobies, or the rottens.  They do cheat a lot.  And that has won them the old laff-a-lympics once or twice." Jason said.   "I can show you some video files if you wish."

"Cheating is wrong, they should be stopped if they do." Kane said, shaking his fist emphatically.

"They just get docked points, or did in the old games.  In the current one who knows." Jason said.  

"The street sharks will be sorry they missed this.  It's better then tv."  T-bone said.

"I don't know about that." Bullseye said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 04, 2011, 01:05:27 PM
"Can this just end?!" Tiger groaned, feeling sick a bit.

"Man are these mouse treats GOOD........." Kitty thought to herself.

"This is so fun to watch," Dongwa giggled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 04, 2011, 01:16:27 PM
Not until we break the other tumbleweeds Auga said as she let forth anbother loud call which broke off another piece of the tumbleweed " don;t do that auga or we'll bbe knocked out" tweety said as the  battle continued..

_ Dixie found Arlene sitting at the buffet table " still eating i see.. " Arlene had almost doubled in size- in the gut area- since she had started eating to pay back the bet.. ' well i just passed 100 pounds.. She replied.' say arlene you do know we need to wrap up our kissing before you dance with garfield.. ' yeah good idea So where is the dance going to be?. ' We'll probably have to have the two of you dance in China.. " Ok" Arlene nodded"so how many more kisses do we have to go before we;'re done.. ' 5 kisses..unless you've kissed garfield since we started.. dixie grinned
 no, 12 is enough arlene smirked.. " thought so.. What are you eating? ' Hash Browns came the reply.. " I'm so looking forward to China though. I've never been there, they must have sorts of food..
_ The Rottens tumbleweed was rapidly being broken down. iat this rate it was going to be a war of arrition between them and the Scoobies for second.the yogis looked like they were finally going to win an event..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 04, 2011, 05:08:41 PM
the rottens smashed headon into the scoobies cracking off large chunks of the tumbleweed, only to  be banged into the yahooeys who had gotten into a groove and were working together as a team. the rottens and doobues tumblweeds were both half gone, and it was the rottens who were the next team out,m thabnks to a hard hot by the yahooeys..' alright.. its down to the scoobies and yahooeys and the yahooeys look like they've been barely touched.. while the doobies are being held together by chewing gun and string.. one more hit and that should do it..
 the rottens were gteleported out of the ruins of thier tumbeleweed.. ' most of them were stumbling around or looked sick.. ' ok we're finally done the hooded claw said now lets get back to the hotel so we can get something to eat.. '  we're having the closing ceremony and flying to China at 9 Stripetail said to them.. ' Ok so how did we do/ Muttley asked ' you got 500 points.. so do the math..
_ geez that means we didn't win Green River " The Dread Baron frowned..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 04, 2011, 06:12:22 PM
The Yaghooeys cheered as the Rottens were teheported away, leaving only the Scooby doobies in thier way.. ' one more bang guys and we're on the board Yogi smirked. as they rolled towards the Doobies tumbleweed. they hit it head on sending doobies members inside banging into each other. the tumbleweed split into two and the siz doobies - scooby dee auga woody winnie tweety and tiger all fell towards the ground, but were teleported away before hitting it. Alright thats It! Stripetail said gesturing and causing the Yogis tumbeweed to vanuish. The Yahooeys cheeered and hugged each other relived that they had finally won an event..
_ Nice job everyone.. Noiw for the results: In foiurth place, the Dropy Dawgs with 250 points, in third places the Really Rottens with 500 points, in second Place the Scooby Doobies woth 750 points and in first place the yogi Yahhooeys with 1000 points. I will announce the results for green River at the closing ceremony, as well as the totals through 8 events.." stripetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 05, 2011, 11:04:30 AM
So finish eating your food Arlene" Dixie said as scooby entered the room. " Well hello ladies." he smiled " Well we took second in the last event, I'm not sure how that settles the final scores in the town, but i think we did ok.. the Closing ceremony is in an hour and 15 minutes we've got to pack for our flight to China and thats not going to be easy or quick, with all the stuff you made Tiger and I get for you and Kitty " scooby said..  Arlene finished her plate and got up
 she had added  10 pounds that day she was now at 110. she slwly got up and headed for the door ' i'm just going to go for a walk..To get some exercise.. dixie i may need help waking since i've gained so much weight..
Samia and Dulcy were in thier rooms, packing for the trip " So we probably finished last or third in the games here' Dulcy sighed " Its alright. We did well in Toon City, so we're still in good shape overall. bet you the Scoobys have close to 5000 points though Its going to be hard to catch them if we don;t start reeling off wins and they don't do well.
- The rEally Rottens rushed to pack thier things, such as they had. They were in  a sour mood after finishing third in the last event.. So how did we do overall? The GHooded claw asked the baron as they lugged suitcases down the stairs. We;; we won one event, finished second in another and finished 3rd and 4th in one. the one we won was worth 800, and we got 500 in the last i figure we probably got something like 1700 points..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 05, 2011, 11:20:52 AM
"Let's just get packed," the Duke commented, using his magic breath to pack up his things rather simply.

"Pack my things cousin," Belladonna smirked, Annabelle was still technically her servant.

The Chinese kittens themselves only needed a few minutes to get all their things.

"This'll be so fun," Sheegwa smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 05, 2011, 11:46:09 AM
Stripetail finished pacjiking his things with a geature and turned to his three young apprenctices.. " You three all finished " well lets go down and get something to eat He smiled. " We will be soending almost an entire day in a plane, and these planes don;t have food supplies, apart from what we bring with us..
_ Scooby was packing um the things in his room. Scooby dEe Was helping him pack his things she had everything all packed.  i'm not going to be able to eat anything for awhile after that last event, it gave me a really bad headcache..
Arlene and Dixie walked out of town together out towards a low hill that overlooked the town. on the top of this hill was a large boulder and the girls stopped behind the boulder. the sky was filled with stars and it was very quiet out here with only the howl of a coyote to break the silence.. " After about 10 minutes of star-gazing the girls got up from thier positions and began the trek back to the hotel" dixies ring read 8:26. So we have roughly a half hour to get back.." Dixie said as they walked together down the hill " Scooby's probably finished packing for us" Dixie said. I shouldn't take long to pack just a couple minutes Arlene smiled as they reached the Hotel. It was 8:40 when they entered ' the ceremony starts in 20 minutes Arlene said " You'd better just go out there Dixie " arlene said heading up the stairs.. I'll be out in a few minutes..
_ stripetail by this time had headed out into the middle of the street and set up a podium with three steps. one for first second and third " alright everyone! in a few minutes we will announce the finakl results for Green river" He said magically projecting his voice.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 05, 2011, 12:06:00 PM
The Yoguis were the first to arrive  for the ceremony, they had celebrated winning thelast event with a big meal before packing for the long flight to China. The Rottens were the next to appear muttley leading them towards the podium.. "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 05, 2011, 02:42:39 PM
"I'm just glad to be out of here...." Belladonna yawned.

"How big are the planes we'll be taking Mr. Striptail?" Dongwa asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 05, 2011, 02:49:51 PM
Big they are the security planes you've seen flying about the town at times " stripetail said " each team will get thier own plane, so four planes woill carry the teams.
 Arlene quickly packed her things and headed out after checking out at the counter.. She caught up to Dixie who was  standing off to the side of the street..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 05, 2011, 03:08:40 PM
"Just please tell me those living ones won't destroy the place....." Sagwa said, concerned.

"I'd hate to see that happen,...." Dongwa nodded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 05, 2011, 03:41:44 PM
they won't they are under strict orders not to intervene' stripetail replied. " so rest easy on that my friends..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 05, 2011, 06:05:15 PM
Droopy had already packed & put his stuff in Jason's tardis, so he helped Wally & Gary to pack.   Once Gary had packed he pressed a button on his luggage which kept folding itself till each was the size of a small wallet.  Then he put them into a pocket that seemed to not have been there before, but which some toons seemed to have, only to have the pocket vanish again.  

"Neat, where did you get those from.  They look right handy." Wally said.  

"I got them, imported." Gary said, having gotten the luggage from a high tech toon universe a while back during one of his times when he explored the tooniverse.  

They then went to the ceremonies.  


Jason was among the audience, with the various folks he had brought before, including some new ones he had slipped off to pick up, including the street sharks and a small mouse in a white trench coat and hat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on October 05, 2011, 06:07:23 PM
So, what's happening now? I'm afraid I'm having an exceeding amount of trouble keeping up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 05, 2011, 06:12:09 PM
"This music makes me hungry." Chow said.

"Dude, eating makes you hungry." Jet said.

"At least we found a place that has some Quesadillas here." Spike said, eating one.  

"Yea, proves this place is somewhat cilivilized after all." Bullseye said.

"As long as there's no pizza." One of the street Sharks said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 05, 2011, 06:18:43 PM
(the teams are heading to China Next. your characters will be flying with the Scooby Doobies..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Ptyra on October 05, 2011, 06:46:11 PM
Could you let me know when we actually get started going to China?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 05, 2011, 07:12:58 PM
They are leaving that very night actually
 the magpies should fly over to the plabes and get ready..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 06, 2011, 01:14:21 PM
The Miao siblings all awaited getting on the planes.

"It'll be nice to go home again..." Sagwa smiled.

"We're out of this place," Miss Kitty said, "See you later, home."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2011, 05:16:40 PM
Scooby and the Other doobies soon appeared folowed by the Dawgs, Alright everyone the totals have been calculated and its time to announce the final standings for Green river Striopetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 06, 2011, 10:36:22 PM
"Yea, I wonder how everyone did." Wally said.

"I'm sure everyone did well since everyone did their best." Droopy said.


"I hope the  chimmy chongas hold out." Bullseye said as he ate one.

"We can get some soon.  I know of a place in the 30th century of legion earth.  A large restaurant in mexico city.  And since aliens are a common sight they won't think seeing anthro dinosaurs as an unusual sight." Jason said.  

"They have tastey food." Guilmon said.

"They better have a mountain of food if Chow goes there." Jet said.

"I'm in the mood for just a salad maybe.  With a burrito or taco maybe." Cindi said.

"Do they have any hot peppers?" Spike asked.

"They have some, I know of a place in Korodos that sells a lot of different types including one that that literally is so hot it really does make you breath fire for a few seconds after every bite."  Jason said.  

"That is scientificially impossible for a non fire breather." Stegs said.  

"Not for these peppers." Guilmon said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 07, 2011, 02:07:11 PM
All the teammembers who would be accepting rewards stepped up, they really just wanted to get on with it as much as anyone else....

"I'm ready to leave," the Duke of Owls yawned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 11, 2011, 10:09:45 AM
Alright everyone Stripetail announced " in fourth place with 1350 points are the Droopy Dawgs.." Dulcy and Samia bowed to the crowd as the they cheered. "In third place, the Yogi Yahoieeys, with 1800 points " Yogii climbed onto the lowest step and received a bronze medal. " in second place with 1900 points, the Really Rottens " Muttley received his silver medal and stepped onto the second step. " and in First place with 2350 points, the Scooby Doobies" Scooby receivee the gold medal and climbed to the highest step. " Though two locations and eight events her are the Combined Standings: The scooby doobies lead with 4950 points, In second place, but by a mere 50 points are the Droopy Dawgs with 3400 points. The Really Rittens are in third with 3350 points, and the Yaogi Yahoeeys are in fourth with 2850. In closing, I wish to to thank the residents of Green River for allowing us to hold these games here, this has not come without sacrifice or cost to you, and we will be sending you a check to cover any and all damages caused by these games.. We are now off to our third stop..CHINA.. Good Night Green River, and thank you once again " Stripetail finished and the mascots got off the podium and returned to their teams. "Everyone packed? He said to them " the planes are waiting just outside of town.. lets get in the air everyone!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 11, 2011, 02:52:11 PM
Droopy took out his cell phone and made a call to Jason.  

"ready to go?" Jason asked into his cellphone.

"Yes, this way I can have some time before the others arrive to do my investigations." Droopy said.  

"Have anyone you may want to go with you standing near you.  I'll transmat you in less then a minute."  Jason said into his cellphone.  

"Want me to get up?" Jet asked who was sitting next to Jason.

"Nah, I"ll just send a telepathic message to my tardis.  want to come Guilmon?  We'll be back in a second, from your point of view." Jason said.

"Yea." Guilmon said.

Jason sent a telepathic message and a second or so later he and Guilmon vanished from view.  

"I'm going on ahead to China to do some investigations.  You folks continue with the others and I'll meet you there." Droopy said before he too vanished from view.  


Jason did a brief side trip, a small mouse in a hat and trenchcoat walking into the tardis once it had materialized, then he set the coordinates for the location Droopy had given him.  

"I thought you may like to have an assistant for your investigations in china, meet Blabber Mouse, partner of Snooper.  They've had a successful detective agency since the late 50's I think.  And Blabber meet Droopy." Jason said.

"Nice to meet you," Blabber said with a lisp, "Snooper is visiting some relatives who dislike mice and I'm glad to be of help."

They soon arrived with Droopy & Blabber getting off.  

"If you need any help feel free to call." Jason said, waving to them.

Jason did 2 detours on his way back, 1 was to get some food.  Then he rematerialized back where he had been before and transmatted him and Guilmon back to their seats.  


Droopy, with Blabber mouse, started off on the first part of his investigation in China.  
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 13, 2011, 04:48:10 PM
Stripetail turned and headed out of the town at a rather good pace
 the sky above was clear, flying would not be an issue.. "  We'll get all the sleep we need on the plane Stripetail said to the others..  food will be provided by me at lunch and dinner, since it will be a very long flight
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 13, 2011, 09:45:44 PM
"Great, " Wally said, "I guess each team will ride in separate planes."

"I guess its' to far for a flyer fly and they'd have to get use to not flying for a long time, during the whole trip." Gary said.


Droopy went to the first place where his last clue or 2 seemed to point to a good spot to start.  

"I do not think I have ever been in China before.  Though Snooper and I have travel far sometimes as part of our cases." Blabber mouse said, walking beside Droopy and talking with his lisp.

"I have not traveled to this country either." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 17, 2011, 12:47:39 PM
The planes were soon filled with the teamns and mascots anbd took off, leaving Green river Behind. it was going to be a long flight..
 A Couple hours into the flight Stripetail came up to Dixie carrying a small potion " dixie I want you to drink this" He said. Its something I should have given you and the other girls back at the Inglorious hotel, but I didn't have it with me at the time. It suppresses " unnatural" feelings, and a lot of the hijinks there would have been avoided, had I had it with me..How often you have to drink it, depends on your ' history" and  given your history I'd say once every few months until the potion is completely gone." Dixie took the potion from Stripetail opened he top and drank it. ' she tensed it tasted a bit like cough syrup.. and she sputtered.. "That should hold you over for the rest of the games..' stripetail said taking it back.. ' now go rest we have a long flight still ahead of us.. d
- the sun shone brightly overhead as the coastline became visible. it had taken then nearly a full day to fly there. below them stood the vast expanses of china.. ' we will be landing in an hour or so' stripetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 17, 2011, 05:29:00 PM
Major Lockie, Lt. Martin and Captain Fairchild landed at the airport.

Major Lockie was carrying some passengers inside his cargo hold. The group stepped out, visibly shaken.

"That was the most uncomfortable ride I've ever had," a man said as he stumbled over to a trash can to vomit.

The ground crew was busy removing what looked like a giant howdah from Lt. Martin. She had worn that to allow some passengers to ride atop her as she could not carry passengers.

The other living planes who carried the passengers decided to head back to Green River.

"Call us when you need us!" the flight leader said as she prepared to take off.

"Well, let's get started," Captain Fairchild said.

"Now remember, no blowing s--- up unless we need to," Major Lockie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 17, 2011, 05:53:52 PM
Droopy & Blabber went around to first get an idea of where everything was, and the basic layout of the area before they started to follow some clues Droopy had to see where to go next.


"That wasn't to bad of a trip." Gary said as he got off the plane he had been on.

"Yea, I slept through almost half of it." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 18, 2011, 05:18:11 PM
"It feels just like home," Sheegwa smiled.

"That's because it IS our home," Dongwa laughed.

"Though I don't think this is our village," Sagwa concluded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 18, 2011, 05:22:23 PM
There will be no one location for the games here" stripetail said as they exited the plane.. " the First location will be in the hometown of the magistrate.. the first event will be magical caligraphy" He smiled, noting the reaction on the trio of kittens..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 18, 2011, 05:32:31 PM
"Stripetail, are there any activities for myself and the other planes to participate in?" Captain Fairchild asked.

He was being hooked up to a fuel truck as were Major Lockie and Lt. Martin.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 18, 2011, 05:40:58 PM
yes, you will be carrying the teams in the final race which will go the length of the great Wall' Stripetail said. " In the meantime feel free to fly around the country.. report back if you find anything suspicious..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 18, 2011, 06:30:48 PM
"That sounds like a very long race." Wally said.  "I heard the great wall is very long."

"It's longer then most folks think it is." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 18, 2011, 06:45:46 PM
Just then a Blue Pegasus flew into the crowd. It was Rainbow Dash and she wanted to see the games herself. "Where in Equetria is Twilight? I told her to meet me here." Rainbow Dash said.

Just then there was a flash of light and Twilight Sparkle appears in the seats thanks to her Magic Horn. "This better be good Rainbow Dash. I needed to take time off studying to come here. And I was just about to read about Mythological creatures too." Twilight said.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, You need to stop and take a moment to have a little fun sometimes you can't always be buried up to your hooves in books" Rainbow Dash said taking a seat. "Besides the Wonderbolts are supposed to show up" Rainbow Dash said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 18, 2011, 07:33:40 PM
Captain Fairchild, Major Lockie and Lt. Martin dipped in their version of a nod/salute and took off as soon as they were finished refueling.

Lt. Martin lit her afterburners as she screamed past Rainbow Dash and the crowd at speeds approaching Mach one. She then climbed into the sky.

Major Lockie and Lt. Martin were busy patrolling the area around the stadium. Around them were several planes from People's Liberation Army Air Force also providing security.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 18, 2011, 08:17:39 PM
"WOW!!!! Ya see Twilight, I'd love for you to find a book that can do that" Rainbow Dash said. "Twilight"?

Twilight was seated next to Rainbow Dash her mane all messed up from the speed of the flyers.

Rainbow Dash bites her lip in an attempt not to laugh out loud.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 18, 2011, 08:29:28 PM
(ooc: Bah, I did it again, vanished and lost out on where everyone is now >.> )

Violet Parr was once again, seen taking a walk around, unsure on what she should even do with herself at the moment.  Everyone just seemed so busy with everything else, but that only cause the girl to shrug her shoulders rather lightly....until a pony came bouncing past her, a pink pony for that matter, which caused Violet to rub her eyes slightly "A pink pony? Now I've seen everything..."

The pink pony in question ended up bouncing all the way over to where Twilight and Rainbow Dash were.  Her eyes were however, watching the show that was going on before she looked over to Twilight and instead of holding it back, Pinkie just ended up bursting into laughter.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 18, 2011, 08:36:01 PM
Rainbow Dash had tears in her eyes trying desperately still not to crack up at Twilight's mane. But, when Pinkie Pie turned up she could no longer hold in her laughter any more. She bursts out laughing hysterically.

Twilight just sat there with a grumpy face as the 2 laughed . "Very Funny ya guys" Twilight said  as she tried to smooth out her mane.

"I'm sorry Twilight I tried not too I really did but, you should just look at your mane it looks so ridiculous. " Rainbow Dash said laughing  and then she smiles over at Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie Pie, great you got here. You are just in time for the games" Rainbow Dash said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 18, 2011, 08:40:52 PM
"Games?" Pinkie Pie questioned as she looked over at the games "Oh yeah" she added in as she finally took a seat "Fluttershy was suppose to be following me....but I think she got lost" she spoke, realizing that the shy pegasus was no longer following her.


Fluttershy in turn, was indeed lost as she tried to ask others on where she was and if they had seen Pinke Pie anywhere, but her voice only came off as soft and barely heard amongst anyone as they just continued about their business.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 18, 2011, 08:46:36 PM
"Isn't that just like Fluttershy" Rainbow Dash said . "Don't worry I will find her" Rainbow Dash flying into the air to see if she could spot her Pegasus friend and flag her down. "Shutterfly? Shutterfly? Where are you?" She asked flying a good 20 feet off the ground looking around for her friend.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 18, 2011, 08:52:57 PM
"Um excuse me...." Fluttershy started in order to speak to someone, but when they turned around, she just seemed to shrink away, as it just so happened to be Hades that she had interupted "Nevermind...." was all she added on very quietly as she started to back away....and right into someone else.

"What do you want now!?" the voice almost boomed as Fluttershy looked up at Cruella de Vil and gulped.  She had to get out of there, and fast, but everwhere the pegasus would look, more things would be there that would just end up frightening her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 18, 2011, 09:06:07 PM
"So, are we heading back to our village first?" Sagwa asked Stripetail.

"I wonder if I can find a burger stand....." Miss Kitty told herself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 18, 2011, 09:41:25 PM
And yet, Fluttershy continued to run into many other faces, including one older person in particular as she looked up at him "Oh um, excuse me"

"Smithers, what is this creature that's touching my leg?" Mr. Burns asked his assistant.

"Why I believe that's a Pegasus sir, a mythological creature" Smithers answered back.

"Mythological? Is it valuable?"

Smithers nodded to his boss, who in turn, gave off a grin.

"Excelent, Smithers, put this Pegasus in charge of Sector 7-G, and fire whoever's already working there" Mr. Burns ordered as he looked down at Fluttershy.

Smithers hessitated for a moment before nodding to his boss as he watched Mr. Burns walk off.  He in turn, whispered to Fluttershy "He'll expect to see you at the Nuclear Power Plant tomorrow, what is your name by the way?" he asked her.

"Fluttershy, but....I already...." was all Fluttershy could say quietly, having no real idea what had just happened as Smithers headed off to catch up with his boss already.

(ooc: Sorry, I could not ressit that little run-in/cameo by Smithers and Mr. Burns :p)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 18, 2011, 09:45:40 PM
Rainbow Dash continued to fly all around the arena trying to find Fluttershy. "Fluttershy where are you" ? Rainbow yells out still flying all around trying to catch sight of the yellow Pegasus,
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 18, 2011, 09:48:19 PM
Fluttershy soon enough heard her friend and looked around, trying to find her before looking up in the sky and spotted her.  She took flight in order to catch up to Rainbow Dash "Rainbow...." she attempted to call out, but was unsure if her friend could even hear her at all, especailly over the talking people down bellow.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 18, 2011, 09:52:43 PM
Rainbow didn't hear her friend but luckily for Rainbow she did see her. Rainbow Dash flew over to Shutterfly as fast as possible to give her friend a hug. "There you are, Shutter Fly I am so happy to see you" Rainbow said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 18, 2011, 09:55:39 PM
(ooc: How come Rainbow's calling her Shuttershy?)

"Sorry, I just got lost, Pinkie bounced off ahead and before I knew it, there were other people around....and I think I also got a new job, something called Sector 7-G, in a....Nuclear....Power Plant" Fluttershy was still very confused on the experience she had just been through but in turn, just hugged Rainbow Dash back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 18, 2011, 10:49:53 PM
Jason stepped out from nowhere and looked around.  "Now where am I?" He said looking at his wrist.  "Ah China.  Excellent," He said clapping his hands together once, "I think I've been here before, or maybe I've not been here yet." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 18, 2011, 11:34:42 PM
Lt. Martin flew over the crowd again but this time at a lower speed. "Hey, anyone up for a race?" she called out.

Captain Fairchild was keeping an eye out for threats. Even though Gabriel was over a thousand miles away, one can't be too careful.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 18, 2011, 11:39:17 PM
yes we will be going there first Stripetail said " the magistrate was very kind to put us up in a nice area of town, especially after i pad him in advance' Stripetail said.. the amount was enough to cover the expenses for the town for the next 5 years..ah well, the price for getting the games going..
_ better stick with us' dixie called to Violet, this place is huge..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 19, 2011, 02:21:52 AM
"Yeah, I noticed that" Violet spoke as she glanced around at the all the visitos before approaching Dixie and the others "Although, there are a lot of visitors for these games today, I guess word is spreading about what these games are all about"


As Pinkie Pie watched the jets speading around, she gasped as she got an idea, placing her hooves to Twilight's face "We need popcorn!" was all she called out as she started to bounce up and down before bounding off without another word in order to get some popcorn.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 19, 2011, 03:48:17 AM
Quote from: MrDrake,Oct 18 2011 on  08:55 PM
(ooc: How come Rainbow's calling her Shuttershy?)

"Sorry, I just got lost, Pinkie bounced off ahead and before I knew it, there were other people around....and I think I also got a new job, something called Sector 7-G, in a....Nuclear....Power Plant" Fluttershy was still very confused on the experience she had just been through but in turn, just hugged Rainbow Dash back.
(Sorry, big Typo)

"Yeah, Pinkie Pie can be real fast. I'll take you back to the others. Just try to keep up" Rainbow Dash said flying off as slow as possible so Fluttershy could keep up till they got back to their seats.

"Where's Pinkie Pie"? Dash asked.

"She said something about getting popcorn" Sparkle said rubbing her face where Pinkie Pie had placed her hooves.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 19, 2011, 04:07:20 AM
Fluttershy just smiled back at Rainbow Dash as she followed her to the seats and also looked around for Pinkie Pie before she looked to Twilight "Sorry for worrying you guys, I didn't mean to....I tried to keep up with Pinkie, but she just took off and left me alone...." her mind was still thinking on her run-in with Mr. Burns and Smithers and what she got out of it.


Pinkie in turn, had found the popcorn vendor and popped her head out of the pile of popcorn in order to speak to the vendor, through the glass for that matter "Hiya!"

The vendor looked over to her and groaned "What are you doing in there? And for that matter how did you get in there?" he asked, a bit confused.

"Uh, popcorn, duh" Pinkie Pie replied back, taking a bite of the popcorn she was in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 19, 2011, 06:19:04 AM
"It's okay Fluttershy I am just glad that Rainbow Dash found you and that you aren't hurt." Twilight said with a smile to one of her best friends.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 19, 2011, 06:24:31 AM
Fluttershy just seemed to look to the side for a moment before she just smiled back at Twilight and Rainbow Dash rather sweetly as usual.  Yet, she was still wondering two things, one was on why Pinkie was taking her time with the popcorn, the other, about that job still.

She seemed to then look around rather hessitantly, as if she was trying to seach the crowd for someone "I can't take that Sector 7-G job....I have to tell him that...." she spoke a bit quietly to herself.  To her, right now, that was probabally still going to nag away at her until she would indeed, sort it out.


The vendor sighed, a bit annoyingly at Pinkie eating the popcorn "Will you get out of there already!?" he ended up yelling at her.

Pinkie just pouted by that point "Okay, fine...." she replied, giving him, what seemed to be a death glare as she slowly sank into the popcorn.  Her way of exiting the container.

"That has got to be the second most scariest thing I've ever seen" the vendor spoke as he shuddered.


Pinkie Pie instead, decided to go and find some other form of food to bring back to Twilight instead, but the question that was on her mind was what.

(ooc: Yes, Pinkie will be going around and annoying the different vendors most likely)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 19, 2011, 09:50:07 AM
yes, that is apparently the case" Dixie replied.. just stick with us violet and you'll be fdine.. how was the flight for you? i slept through most of it..
_ Woody and winnie were flying above them loking around at the surrounding area. the city there were in had a lot of residents, especially compared to the first two places they had been in..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 19, 2011, 04:50:48 PM
Violet just shrugged lightly "It was indifferent really, kinda....boring if you ask me, I mean, I tried to keep myself entertained with what movie was playing, but it wasn't all that interesting" she ended up with a quick little nervous sounding laugh as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 19, 2011, 06:07:56 PM
The Team buses stood waiting for the teams to get on... " Alright Everyone onto the Busses' Stripetail said " We're going to Ghong- Zuo Wao, its a village in the mountains north of here, the magisrate is expecting us..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 19, 2011, 06:32:22 PM
"I can't wait to show mama and baba our magic," Sheegwa smiled.

"Magic's nothing new to me," the Duke laughed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 19, 2011, 06:40:13 PM
Samia And Dulcy Climbed on the Dawqgs bus, and took seats near the window. the trip to Ghong Zuo Wao would take two hours, and for the most part most of team would just sleep on the way there..
 Yes I am looking forward to meeting them. Don't worry I'll tell them good things about how the three of you behaved..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 19, 2011, 07:14:14 PM
It didn't even take long till most of the vendor around had gotten rather ticked off with Pinkie Pie while she in turn, just simply bounded off, leaving each of the vendors infuriated with her antics as it were, while she headed back to where Twilight was last seen.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 19, 2011, 07:22:40 PM
Arlene was nuggled on a seat across from Scooby and Dixie who were both trying to get some more sleep..
 Scooby dee and Auga were playing cards as the bus continued its climb..
 Well, I wonder what crazy event that wizard has planned for us now? The Hooded Claw said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 19, 2011, 08:09:04 PM
Lt. Martin flew over the crowd again at a lower speed. She then spotted Rainbow Dash. "Hey, you! Up for a race?" she shouted as she flew by.

"This is going to get interesting," Captain Fairchild said as he flew in slow circles around the stadium. He was interested in watching Lt. Martin race.

"Well, who's gonna get the popcorn?" Major Lockie asked.

Captain Fairchild gave him a strange look. "We don't even eat food like organics. Why the hell would we get popcorn?"

"It's an expression."

Captain Fairchild sighed and continued his slow flying loops.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 19, 2011, 09:17:53 PM
"Two of you racing each other? How about we make it a bit more interesting" a voice spoke a griffin landed near Lt. Martin "And what I mean by that is that I join in the race as well, after all, I need a good practice race before the big thing starts" Gilda explained as she looked at her claw for a moment "But if you guys don't want to, I'll understand that you'll be too afraid in loosing"

She gave off a grin of sorts towards Rainbow Dash in particular before glancing towards Lt. Martin, awaiting for an answer.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 19, 2011, 09:41:36 PM
Lt. Martin looped around. "Let's fly!" she said with a smirk.


Major Lockie landed in an airfield nearby so he could watch the race between Gilda, Rainbow Dash and Lt. Martin.

Captain Fairchild did the same.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 19, 2011, 09:52:54 PM
Wally & Gary looked out the window of their bus.  "I remember we use to travel all over the world during the original laff-a-lympics." Wally said, "it was pretty fun, seeing new places."

"Sounds great." Gary said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 20, 2011, 04:21:27 AM
"Ready whenever you two loosers are" Gilda answered back as she headed for a starting position.  It already looked like, to the Griffin anyway, that there was no designated racing line, so she decided to do just that, tell both Lt. Martin and Rainbow Dash where they would be racing "It'll be simple, a race to that temple, right around it and back again" she spoke, pointing at the temple with one claw, that was barely seen in the distance "Of course if it's too far...." she added in with a smirk as she readied herself regardless.


Pinkie had soon enough returned, appearing right behind Fluttershy "Hi! I'm back again!"

Fluttershy gasped and gave off a weak sounding scream, jumping behind Rainbow Dash as she did so before perking her head out, realizing it was just Pinkie Pie, as she blushed at her little mistake.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 20, 2011, 08:09:13 AM
Rainbow Dash smiles at Fluttershy before smiling at Gilda. "Nothing is to far for me. You should just be worried about me leaving you two in the dust. But, hey second place isn't so bad especially since you'd be racing the best most fastest flier this side of Cloudesdale. " Rainbow Dash said flying next to Gilda ready to start the race. Gloating and racing were 2 of Rainbow's best things she was good at.

Twilight Sparkle smiles as Pinkie Pie shows up. "Hey, Pinkie I thought you said you were gonna get some popcorn. This should be good" Sparkle said seeing there was about to be a race.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 20, 2011, 11:12:16 AM
"You're on!" Lt. Martin cried.

She then sped off, the howl of her powerful engine echoed across the stands.


Captain Fairchild was sipping some jet fuel. "So who do you think is gonna win?"

Major Lockie chuckled. "Lt. Martin, she can hit Mach two or maybe even beyond. But she's no match for Blackie."

Blackie was a living SR-71 "Blackbird" - and the fastest plane in the airbase. In fact, he once traversed the United States coast to coast in under an hour.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 20, 2011, 11:26:00 AM
The busses soon pulled into Ghong Zuo Wao, banners had been hung overhead which read " Enjoy the games! in Chinese a space had been cleared for the busses in the village center..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 20, 2011, 11:59:05 AM
"Your name is Spike too, that is awesome." The Extreme Dinosaurs Spike said.  

"It does make your name easy to remember." The mlp:fim Spike said.

"This authentic Chinese food is great." Chow said, eating some stuff he had gotten from some nearby food vendors.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 20, 2011, 04:18:46 PM
Just before Lt. Martin did take off, she turned her attention to Rainbow Dash "Oh, and one more thing, no Sonic Rainboom either" she spoke with a little death glare of her own "See you at the finish line" she added in with a sneer before taking off after Lt. Martin as fast as her wings could take her.


"Yeah, I was, but the one with the popcorn was a little too weird, he didn't like me appearing where all the popcorn was and eating it" Pinkie answered back with a little giggle of her own.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 20, 2011, 04:36:08 PM
"OKAY then GAME ON" Rainbow said flying as fast as her body could fly.  Dash absolutely hated losing and she wasn't gonna lose today not as long as she had anything to say about it.

Twilight protected her mane from getting all messed up from the speed again. "You know I don't understand that most people probably would enjoy creatures popping in and out of the food that they are selling and eating" Twilight said with just a hint of playful sarcasm she laughs a little.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 20, 2011, 04:50:04 PM
Sure, Twilight was indeed keeping her mane from going all poofy, but that didn't stop Fluttershy's many from doing just that instead as it just poofed up, leaving Fluttershy a tad frightened again, her facial expression giving off just that as she dropped to the ground after her wings had locked up.

Pinkie in turn, tried to supress some laughter at what had just happened to Fluttershy's mane.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 20, 2011, 05:26:11 PM
Twilight in turn tried to suppress some laughing and tried to help Fluttershy's mane not look so poofy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 20, 2011, 05:48:25 PM
As Gilda continued to race onwards, with Rainbow Dash neck-in-neck with her, she had to think of something, and fast for that matter, as she did not want to loose this race already.  A grin appeared across her face as she moved outwards and then right back in as hard as she could, in order to try and knock Rainbow off track and into one of the buildings bellow.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 20, 2011, 06:21:04 PM
Lt. Martin realized that Gilda and Dash were almost catching up to her. And she could feel the air pushing against her airframe as she approached the sound barrier.

She smiled as she lit her afterburner, propelling herself past Mach 1. A sonicboom tore through the air as she did so and the shockwave caused a ring-shaped cloud to appear around her as water vapor suddenly condensed.

 "Yeeehaw!" she whooped as she continued to speed up even more.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Dash The Longneck on October 20, 2011, 06:38:26 PM
When Gilda hit her Rainbow Dash tried to right herself but couldn't she smacked hard into  one of the buildings below. Rainbow basically slid down the building that she had hit and was on the ground to hurt to move. "She.....She..... She did that on purpose." Twilight Sparkle said knowing full well that that was no accident.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 20, 2011, 06:44:01 PM
Gilda just gave off a laugh as Rainbow Dash was knocked to the ground "See ya at the finish line Dashie!" she called out to her as she headed off after Lt. Martin next, slowly, but surely, starting to catch up to the jet, claws at the ready, already getting an idea on how to get the jet out of the race next.  After all, Gilda was going to come first, no matter what.

And that's when the Griffin did it, she latched her front claws onto Lt. Martin and started to actually climb onto the jet.  She looked at Lt. Martin with a sligh smirk "Sorry, this race is mine" and with that, she kicked off from Lt. Martin, hoping to also off balance her as well, while trying to also get ahead in the race.

Pinkie watched on and gasped, grabbing Twilight by the face with her hooves "She's a cheater! I knew it!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 20, 2011, 07:21:55 PM
Lt. Martin lost some speed from that attack and nearly veered off course and into a building.

She frowned as she righted herself, banked and engaged afterburners. Soon she was back in the race.

"I'm tougher than you think," she muttered. Even though she was equipped with a 20mm cannon and some missiles, she refused to use them on the grounds that she wanted a fair race.

The living F-16 pushed her engine even harder. Soon, she was slightly above Mach 2 and could see the building that was the finish line.  


"You cheating f---er!" Captain Fairchild shouted.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 20, 2011, 07:38:33 PM
Meanwhile the teams were exiting thier busses and were guided inside the ornate building at the end of the street. Inside the magisrate was waiting. " Ah! welcome home you three! he smiled as he saw dongwa Sagwa and Sheeegwa. ' i hope your journey was an exciting one.. he smiled..ruffling each of the kids fur..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 20, 2011, 07:39:02 PM
(ooc: Remember, Gilda did say that the building was the halfway point, she did say go around it and return to the starting line ;) )

Gilda's eyes narrowed as she glanced behind herself, seeing that Lt. Martin had not crashed yet "I'm not going to loose this race" she muttered to herself as she continued to fly as she too saw the building ahead, the halfway point.  Her ques quickly scanned the area, as if she was trying to find some way to keep herself ahead in the game, and in turn, to slow down Lt. Martin.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 20, 2011, 08:07:52 PM
Lt. Martin disengaged afterburners, deployed airbrakes to slow down slightly. She then banked around the building at Mach 1.5, relit her afterburners and speed around back to the start line. Thanks to her specially designed airframe, she could take g forces that would kill organic pilots.

"See ya the finish line!" Lt. Martin called as she approached Mach 2.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 20, 2011, 08:17:31 PM
Gilda's eyes narrowed at Lt. Martin whom had gotten ahead "Alright, new tactic...." and with that, she took off into the clouds, rushing along them as she did her best to get as close as she could to the jet before she would then actually start kicking clouds out from the sky and right towards Lt. Martin's general direction.

She was going to get ahead in this race still, and it would still be, no matter what to her.  This would be one thing she would hope would finally cause the jet to crash by at least distracting her enough to do so.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 20, 2011, 10:29:17 PM
"She is cheating." Kane said, the leader of the Kung Fu Dino Posse.  "Why do they let it continue?" He asked he said as he watched through some binoculars & his cap on backwards like usual, when he wore a cap.

"Maybe here folks are required to cheat, or maybe it is permitted. " Lucy the female triceraptops said.  

"Where did Edgar go?" kane asked.

"I think to get something to drink." Lucy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 21, 2011, 03:41:13 AM
The kittens mewed to their owner, they could understand what he said, but for some reason he couldn't make out their cat talk.

"Mama and baba should be around here...." Dongwa noted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 24, 2011, 12:59:51 PM
Baba Miao entered the room and purred as he saw his children " Welcome back my dears! How was your trip across the sea?' He smiled
 your mother and I will be anxious to hear about it..
The Magistrate smiled as Stripetail came in " ah you must be Stripetail. Thank you for bringing the games to our little village.. Everything is ready.. What events will you be holding in here ?" He asked Just one, magical calligraphy.." Stripetail said. " we're holding 4 events in the country. one at each location..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 24, 2011, 07:23:12 PM
Lt. Martin barreled through one cloud only to fly into another. Each cloud she struck sapped her speed thanks to the magic that Gilda possessed.

Thinking quickly, she increased her altitude and flew over Gilda but the clouds formed a veritable minefield.

"All right, time to deploy some firepower," she said with a smirk. She opened up with her 20 mm cannon. Streaks of red tracer fire stitched the air as they tore through the clouds.

Through a gap in the clouds that she had opened in front of her, she could see Gilda. She then lit her afterburners and sped through the gap in the cloudbank just before it closed shut.

"All right, since you decided to race dirty, I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine!" Lt. Martin shouted. She then fired off a quick burst of 20 mm rounds in Gilda's general direction.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 25, 2011, 01:11:03 PM
"It was very fun, baba," Sagwa smiled.

"We're happy to hear that," Mama Miao purred, nuzzling her mate.

"And we learned some magic too," Sheegwa added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 25, 2011, 10:07:43 PM
"Nothing here, may as well head over to where the others are." Droopy said, "They must have arrived by now.  Sorry this lead to nothing." Droopy said to Blabber Mouse.

"It's ok, I was getting bored waiting for Snooper to get back.  Maybe I"ll do some sightseeing before I call Jason for a lift back home." Blabber mouse said.


"At least that no good Skor is not here." Kane said.

"At least as far as we know.  No telling what evil he is planning." Lucy the triceraptos said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 26, 2011, 12:57:26 AM
Gilda noticed some with Lt. Martin when she attempted to slow her down with the clouds, that it did have an effect on her.  Her suspitions were pretty much confirmed when Lt. Martin fired through the clouds before showing herself to the Griffin.

Although, Gilda had to move as Lt. Martin opened fire on her, moving into the clouds herself, which was still risky enough as it was, as Gilda could not see a thing in front of her as she continued to fly forwards "Still going to win this little race, one way or another, not be out flown by a stupid jet"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 29, 2011, 07:33:06 PM
Magic? who is teaching you magic? Baba asked..
_ Fox was passing out fliers for the Wildcat World Tour..
the magistrate pointed out the hotel in which all 4 teams would be staying.. What floor the teas would be staying depended on the standing. So The Scooby Doobies got the first floor. the Droppy Dawgs got the second floor, the Really Rottens, the third floor and the Yogi Yahooeys got the Fourth floor.
Everyone please sign in" said the clerk at the front desk.. "Team Scooby doobies you will be getting first floor rooms'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 29, 2011, 07:38:15 PM
"this squirrel, Mr. Stripetail," Sheegwa explained.

"He could tell you more about it," Dongwa said.


"Think anyone in these parts would go good in a snack?" Rabbit smirked to Fox, handing out fliers.

"It's peaceful in this village," Annabelle noted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 29, 2011, 09:11:50 PM
"The second floor, and all of the teams in one hotel.  And we don't have to walk to far up the stairs either. " Wally said, waiting his turn to sign in.

"That second floor, that sounds good.  It should give us some views of the village from there." Gary said as he also waited his turn to sign in.  


Droopy headed towards the hotel were the teams were supposed to be staying.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 30, 2011, 08:47:31 PM
Dulcy and Samia signed in and got the key to thier room.. it only had one bed so the girls would have to share. " I'm getting the right side Dulcy said. ' fine I get the tv remote.. Samia replied
 but soon found there was no remote , or TV for that matter.. ' great no tv' samia moaned ' well i could tell you the stories about the freedom fighters..  or make up stories about great heros.. dulcy shrugged.
_ He knows magic? Baba's eyebrows raised.. can he show us some please?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 30, 2011, 10:21:31 PM
Lt. Martin smirked as she realized that Gilda was nowhere to be seen.

"This race is mine!" she crowed as she sped towards the finish line.


"You go Eltee!" Captain Fairchild shouted.

"You're congratulating her after she shot at her fellow competitor?" Major Lockie asked with a look of disgust on his face

"Hey, Gilda tried to force her into a building, which could have had serious consequences!" Captain Fairchild countered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 30, 2011, 10:39:27 PM
I'm sure Wildcat could make anyone look good" Fox replied.. "I wonder what we'll use as our temporary resteraunt?
Scooby  and Dixie signed in at the Front desk then went to room 7 on the first floor..  " Glad to be in China" dixie said as they entered and unpacked.. this room had a nivcce view of the river..
_ I think i can manage some magic for you" stripetail smiled..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 30, 2011, 11:43:14 PM
"I do wonder if they sell Mushu mouse to cats," Kitty commented.

"And it's not so dusty here," Tiger grinned happily.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 31, 2011, 12:07:04 AM
"So what do you want to do?" Wally asked.

"Why not go on a tour of the areas around here.  Not everyday you can get to go to China." Gary said.

"True.  let's go." wally said as they started to walk out of their room to go on a tour of the area near the hotel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 31, 2011, 12:32:04 AM
And that was when Gilda shot out of the clouds a few inches in front of Lt. Martin, almost hitting her in the process as she just grinned as "Think again" was all she had said as she halted briefly, landing on top of Lt. Martin before launching herself off, heading straight for the finish line herself, managing to be the first to cross it by a nose.

She grinned again at her victory "And as usual, I win.  Just goes to show you that I'm better than you" she spoke, pointing a claw at Lt. Martin, ignoring the fact that Rainbow Dash had still be knocked out of the race, thanks to herself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 31, 2011, 12:44:59 AM
Lt. Martin nearly crashed thanks to the drop in altitude and shock of Gilda jumping off her airframe. She recovered and landed next to Gilda.

Lt. Martin rolled her eyes. "But I can carry 17,000 pounds of weapons and I know how to use them. And besides, you f---ing cheated!"
Captain Fairchild and Major Lockie expressed their disapproval for Gilda's tactics by loudly booing.

The living A-10 made his displeasure further known by firing a flare from a wing mounted launcher over Gilda's head.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: MrDrake on October 31, 2011, 06:19:14 AM
"Cheated?" Gilda shook her head "There was nothing in the rules about no cheating, it was just a simple race, and with the lack of mentioning that rule, I took advantage" she added in with a bit of a smirk to boot as well "So as far as I'm concerned, I still won this race" she added in more sternly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 03, 2011, 06:23:46 PM
W Stripetail gestured and Baba and Mamas Miao were lifted off the ground and hung in the air, much to thier amazement " How ARE you doing This/ Baba asked " magic , good sir " stripetail replied " Your kittens have begun to learn some magic from me, I usually don;t take apprentices..but in thier case I made an exception..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 02:52:42 PM
The Hooded Claw checked into his room on the third floor " eh not bad.. not four star, but better than the last motel we were in.." he said as he set down his belongings..
_ Yogi Bobo Cindy and ranger snmith checked into thier room on the fourth floor. they had a good view of the nearby mountains and the room had a slight hint odff incense..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 05, 2011, 05:47:55 PM
The village was a small but pretty plesent place. There were walls all around, where the alley cats liked to stand on.

A river flew gently next to the village, and vendors would come out with various stands to sell goods. A special pagoda was in the center of the village where the reader gave off the Magistrate's new rules.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 05, 2011, 11:56:18 PM
Droopy called Jason.  

"I'm done with my investigations here & found nothing out.  This is the first time this has happened in my experience." Droopy said into his cell phone.

"That's to bad.  Maybe some of the folks there are prejudiced.  I'll call someone I know who's of animated Chinese american decent who's a police detective who's kids do some investigation of their own.  That should get any prejudiced animated Chinese to open up to them.  I'll call you right back." Jason said before breaking the connection.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 07, 2011, 01:32:10 PM
dulcy began telling stories about her time with sonic, while samia rolled her eyes ' come on dulcy! i've heard all about the stories with Sonoic.. " Geez someone is in a grouchy mood.. I'm just trying to pass the time without any television' dulcy shrugged. the first event was going to take place at 7 that evening, after that the teams would head to the next location, where they would meet someone called skunk..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 08, 2011, 12:12:36 PM
Jason called Droopy back and had him meet him in front of a hotel.  Once there Droopy waited and heard an unusual sound & an extra tree appeared.   Jason stepped out from behind the tree with an adult human of Chinese decent.  

"This is Mr Charlie Chan, he's agreed to help you on your case." Jason said.  "Along with his family as well."

"We are most honored to meet you." Charlie Chan said.  He then went to introduce his wife and each of his kids to Droopy.  

"I'm happy to meet each of you as well.  It'll be a pleasure having some help on this."Droopy said.

"Think of them as sort of like Sherlock Holmes' Baker Street Irregulars.  Kids and teens can find out some things adults never could." Jason said.  Then to Charlie Chan, "I've already called ahead and made the arrangements.  All your expenses are prepaid.  If you need me or when you want a lift back feel free to call." He said to Charlie and Droopy then he waved and went back to his tardis and left.  Charlie Chan and his family, with their luggage, went into the hotel to sign in.

Droopy watched them for a bit, a bit amazed by how many kids Charlie Chan had.

(ooc: If you want to see what some look like you can see them in the cartoon opening on youtube: ( )
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 08, 2011, 02:02:54 PM
"So, what is the first event for this place, anyways?" Tiger asked Stripetail.

Miss Kitty was walking through the village, looking for a "Mushu Mouse Munchie."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 08, 2011, 02:09:06 PM
Calligraphy, which is drawing.. Stripetail replied.. each team will send its best artist.. so if you think you can write and draw well then go tell Scooby..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 08, 2011, 09:22:37 PM
The Chans having checked in carried their luggage up to their rooms then most scattered.  Charlie Chan went to the local police to see if they had any information to help Droopy's investigation, while his kids went in groups of 2 to look for groups of kids or places where kids their age would hang out to hang out and work on seeing if they could overhear anything or casually work in a question into the conversation.  Even the younger ones, though being kids, with Charlie Chan as a dad one even at the young ages some were were able to pick up on certain ways to go about helping with an investigation & how to ask questions and when not to & just observe.

With nothing else to do Droopy went to see how the rest of his team was doing, and the list of events and other information he could get.

Wally & Gary decided to walk around and see what the town they were in looked like and do a bit of site seeing of things near to the hotel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 10, 2011, 07:02:38 PM
Dixie and Arlene wandree around town looking at the shops and seeing posters for " Wildcats World Tour".
Bluto went to grab a bit to eat in town, ignoring the residents as much as possible
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 14, 2011, 12:54:15 AM
the investigation soon brought dividemds as a toon matching clurrys deascriptions had been seen at mr Pings Noodle shop.. which was in the Chinese interior.
so which ones in our group can draw ' the Dread Baron asked the other Rottens..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 14, 2011, 01:59:04 AM
A few of the Chan clan went to mr Pings Noodle shop to see if they could get some more information.  They gave what information they had to their father.  

Droopy decided to do a walk around to see what sights he could see, and soon joined with Wally & Gary who were also site seeing the area near the hotel, so they would not get lost.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 15, 2011, 10:35:02 PM
Winnie volunteered to be the rep for the calligraphy
 the other contest involved feeding pandaa, a ricksaw crt race and finally a race along the great wall..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 15, 2011, 11:09:30 PM
"We can judge," Sagwa and her siblings smiled, "My family and I are experts at this."

"I think I could use my tail," Tiger smiled.


"i'm interested in the music of this region," The Duke said to himself, flying over the village
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 17, 2011, 02:49:57 AM
fine stripetail said creating judges sashes around them. the event starts at 7 you will tell them what they have to write..and judge how well they do so
  you must all agree on which is the best, there cannot be ties oin this event..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 18, 2011, 03:07:04 AM
"You all better learn some basic Chinese," Sagwa smirked, "Because that's what you'll be writing."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 19, 2011, 07:53:28 PM
Chionesae? I can barely understand english Yogi joked. hre was going to draw for the Yogis..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 20, 2011, 12:03:03 AM
"YOu could try a potion if needed.  I think I have one." Gary said, reaching into one of his pockets and pulling out a small potion bottle out to read the label.  "Made by the Wacky Wizard.  Lets you be fluent in French for 5 minutes.  Guess it wouldn't help much here." Gary said putting the potion bottle away.  

"Maybe not here, but in France I bet it would be very handy.  For the 5 minutes anyway." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 25, 2011, 05:44:38 PM
"Chinese letters, we mean," Dongwa smirked to the contestants.

Sheegwa held out instructional books with some basic Chinese characters. "Read this until you feel you're ready."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 26, 2011, 01:12:55 PM
"Do you have enough for all the teams?" Droopy asked.

"Or a cool looking poster." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 27, 2011, 02:06:10 AM
just givew one to each of the 4 players ' stripetail said.. that should be enough.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 04, 2011, 09:23:50 PM
the event will nbe hgeld in front o the magistrates house" Stripetail said ' Each team will have a special patch of sand colored to follow the team colors,, the event will involve drawuing 3 different objects in the sand..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 04, 2011, 11:05:22 PM
"Like some american Indian tribes did with sand painting." Gary said.

"I didn't know they did that." Wally said.

"Just certain tribes.  I don't remember which ones." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 05, 2011, 02:18:26 AM
Wildcat was walking around the village, seeing various warriors display their kung fu talents.

"Impressive...." he smirked, "They're strong, and I can tell they'll make great customers...."

He also saw some warriors whose skill was.....lacking, to say the least, as while as some annoying brats.

"Nice to see there are resources I can make use of," he chuckled.

"Better get the oven ready...." Rabbit told Fox.


"we'll leave you to get used to the language before the competiton," Sagwa told the players.

"I can do this...." Tiger mentally panicked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 05, 2011, 09:27:21 PM
Yogi  was getting ready for the event. the four contestants would be Tiger Yogi, Belladonna and Droopy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 05, 2011, 11:10:19 PM
"I just hope everyone has enough time to study before the contest starts." Wally said.

Droopy went off to do the necessary study before the competition would start.

Gary shrugged, "I guess time will tell.   & they don't need to learn the entire written language."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 06, 2011, 11:13:39 PM
Lt. Martin and her two companions were chatting with the other contestants.

"So when's the next event?" Captain Fairchild asked.

"Dunno but we'll be doing the race along the Great Wall," Major Lockie said.

Lt. Martin frowned as her wingtip lights flashed red. "If if involves me wearing a saddle or otherwise decked out like a racehorse with a rider, someone is eating some high explosive whoopass!"

Major Lockie rolled his eyes as Captain Fairchild burst into raucous laughter. This particular incident arose out of a bet between Lt. Martin and another living plane. Long story short, Lt. Martin lost and she was fitted with a bit, bridle and saddle and one of her ground crew quite literally rode her like a horse."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 06, 2011, 11:40:55 PM
The next event is tonight at 7" Cindy Bear said
 theres only one player per team, the rest of us can watch or prepare for the next event..
 Fox was handing out tickets to Wildcats world Tour..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 07, 2011, 01:18:37 AM
"Maybe the rest of us can go for a stroll around the area." Gary said looking at anyone else present.  

"Better then sitting in our rooms bored." Wally said smiling to the idea.  "And it's not every day you can get some authentic Chinese food."

Wally then Gary started to walk away a bit.  "Let's not go to far.  No sense in getting lost." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 09, 2011, 11:23:59 PM
"We're going to attract so many new customers....and meals," Rabbit smirked to Fox.


"So please, prepare yourselves and enjoy your stay in our village," Sagwa told the competitors.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 11, 2011, 12:58:18 AM
"So exactly who's team are we on?" Lt. Martin asked.

Captain Fairchild sighed. "How about we be our own team?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 12, 2011, 11:46:13 PM
just write down ideasw you have for recipes; Fiox replied as the two of them walked through the city..
 Once the event was about to start Han han would hit a gpong to indicate the contest had began and hit it again to indicate the contest had ended.. it was a little after six right now..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 13, 2011, 01:43:41 AM
Wally & Gary started walking around.  They would pause now & then so Gary can take pictures of some parts of the interior of the place they were staying.  Once they exited from the hotel Gary took a picture of the place they were staying.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 17, 2011, 02:41:19 AM
"Hi Han-Han," Dongwa smiled, going over to the female alley cat. He had kind of a crush on her, "Nice to see you again."


Rabbit nodded and wrote down some recipes that sprung into mind.


"I can write with my tail," Tiger smirked, moving it about.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 19, 2011, 11:34:20 PM
Good to see you as well Dongwa. Whats new? Han Han smiled at her friend.
After this the next event will be held in the "Valley" Stripetail said " its in the Center of the Country and will take us a few hours journey..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 01, 2012, 02:51:31 PM
Scooby and Diuxie had decided to watcgh the event , on magical benches that had been created for each team.. " Lets go Tiger! Dixie cheered
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 01, 2012, 02:57:14 PM
"Ok everyone," Sagwa announced. She and Sheegwa rolled out a chart with words in english on it.

"We'll want you to write out the Chinese symbols for all of these..." they explained.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 01, 2012, 06:43:25 PM
Han han looked at the gong in her paws
 each contestant would have 20 minutes to write each phrase in Chinese.. the cats would look for such things as firmness accuracy and spelling in the writing..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 02, 2012, 12:41:02 AM
"Ok..I can do this," Tiger said, dipping his tail in the ink

"No pressure," Sagwa called
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2012, 12:52:30 AM
Yogi gripped his brush as he stepped forward to his tray of sand.. i"I just hope i can do a good translation .. I didn't learn much Chinese in Jellystone Park..
The contestants are doing something called calligraphy, which is something new to me" honest John said.. the Yogis desperately need to win this event, while they did better in Green River, they are well behind the leaders..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 02, 2012, 03:02:33 AM
Droopy came forward, Wally & Gary nearby.  "I just hope I can do ok.  I've not learned much Chinese.  But I know a certain young lady who taught me a little Spanish back in the 40's or so." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 05, 2012, 02:06:06 AM
Sagwa showed off the words they had to write in Chinese.


The Duke was flying around, wearing sunglasses. "I know my team isn't cheating, so I have no one to report," he smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 13, 2012, 07:34:09 PM
Han Han banged the gong, the contest was now underway..
Yogi began writing the translation as best he could, his team needed this..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 13, 2012, 11:49:13 PM
Droopy was the first of his team to get started writing.  He focused on maintaining a good speed but focusing on accuracy a bit more then on speed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 14, 2012, 01:27:05 AM
Tiger dipped his tail in the ink.

"Steady...careful Tiger," he told himself, looking at the paper.


"Tuh, no problem," Belladonna chuckled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 23, 2012, 06:51:02 PM
the minutes ticked by, as yogi struggled to make his symbols look decent.. he stole loks over at tiger, and droppy, and noticed the large smirk on belladonnas face..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 23, 2012, 10:26:48 PM
Droopy focused on doing his best with accuracy.  Gary and Wally remained quiet so Droopy could concentrate, though they did watch him & looked at the other participants as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 01, 2012, 10:17:24 PM
"It's going to be close..." Sagwa commented as the minutes ticked down.

"All of them look nice," Sheegwa nodded.

"Nice? I'm amazing," Belladonna mentally bragged
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 11, 2012, 08:12:37 PM
Yogi finished his drawing as the gong rang to signal the end of the contest.. the judges will now gather to pick a winner and give out first second third and 4th place awards' stripetail said ' Its up to you three" he said to Sagwa Dongwa and Sheegwa..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 11, 2012, 10:25:23 PM
"I am glad that is over." Droopy said stopping what he was doing.  "That was as hard as it looked." He said.  

"Looks like everyone did well, all things considered." Gary said.  

"Better then I could have done." Wally said nodding.  

"I'm sure everyone did their best, like I did. " Droopy said looking around a bit before going back to where his team was.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 12, 2012, 01:41:30 AM
"It's time to judge," Sagwa smirked, and the three kittens began looking at the teams one by one.

"Fine....nice job..." Sheegwa smiled about Tiger's, "We'll give it an 8.8"

"Interesting style," Dongwa said about Belladonna's writing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2012, 12:30:58 AM
Yogi waited for his drawing to be judged.. he really needed a good score..
_ 8.8, nice work Tiger" winnie called.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 17, 2012, 01:05:10 AM
Belladonna was given a 9.0, and Yogi received an 8.3
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 18, 2012, 01:26:00 AM
Droopys drawing was now the last one to be scored. if he scored above a 9.0 the Droopy Dawgs would win, the event. Right now the Really Rottens led followed by the Scooby Doobies and Yogi Yahoeeys..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 18, 2012, 01:48:08 AM
The Miaos and Han han went up to the final writing.

"Nice attempt, you got the word we asked for, we'll give 8.6," Sagwa smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 18, 2012, 02:11:43 AM
Stripetail smiled as the kittems finished their scoring. The Really Rottes are the winners. The Scooby doobies get second, the Droopy Dawgs get third and Yogi Yahooeys get fourth. Now get to your hotel rooms. we'll be headed to peace valley in the morning, panda will be expecting us" he said..
_ Second place? Not bad Tiger" woody said " better than finishing in fourth..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 18, 2012, 02:19:11 AM
"I did better then I thought that I would." Droopy said happy, but not showing it in his voice or his face.

"I wonder what the next place will be like."  Waly said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 21, 2012, 09:48:58 PM
We'll be heading out in the morning' Stripetail announced ' panda will be expecting us..
we wopn! The Hooded Clkaw cheeered " nice work Belladonna1 Now lets keep this going! We need to make spome gains in the overall standings..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 21, 2012, 09:54:40 PM
"Of course we won," Belladonna grinned, "I have the power of the Dark One on my side."


"I don't think I can do any kung fu challenges..." Tiger panted
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 21, 2012, 11:17:39 PM
"Guess it's time to get to packing." Droopy said, looking in the direction of where his, & the others rooms were.  

"I do wonder what the next events will be." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 26, 2012, 05:30:27 PM
scooby and dixie gathered thier team together on the floor of the hotel ' alright everyone, the next event is going to take place at a place called the Valley..Dixie said "who wants to colunteer to do the next event?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 01, 2012, 05:19:15 PM
"Not me..." Tiger panted, nearly out of breath
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 02, 2012, 12:07:11 AM
Droopy and the others went to their rooms to start their packing.  Part way through Droopy got  a call on his cell phone & received the call.  He talked for a few minutes then hung up the phone.  

"Anything important?" Wally asked as he paused in his packing.  

"Just some results of a case I had some help with. " Droopy said.  "Seems the person I was tracking left China a few days ago.  "

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 11, 2012, 08:41:29 PM
Yogi and the others Yahooeys gathered up thier things and headed out of the hotel.. Samia and dulcy  took a short flight over the city to sretch thier wigs then headed back towards thier team..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 11, 2012, 09:32:27 PM
"Annabelle, dear cousin," Belladonna chuckled smugly, "Pick me up some hot Chinese food, will you?"

Annabelle still was forced to be her cousin's servant because she lost the game.

"Fine..." the angel whippet frowned.


The Duke meanwhile was flying overhead, not seeing any cheaters.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 11, 2012, 09:57:48 PM
the dread baron was calculating how many points his team needed to win the stahge lets see now if we can win the final stage and finish second nin the others that should be enough' the barton said. ' we've done better already than we did in all the events of the previous games..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 11, 2012, 10:37:46 PM
Droopy put his cellphone away and finished packing a bit behind Gary and Wally.  

"All done?" He asked, they both said they were.  "Let's go to the lobby." He said.  He went to see if the other members of his team were ready or needed help.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 18, 2012, 07:12:49 PM
the team buses were waiting outside the hotel, idling as one by one the teammates climbed aboard.. scooby dixie scooby dee and arlene cluimbed aboard the scooby doobies bus
 samia and dulcy climbed aboard the droopy dawgs bus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 18, 2012, 10:17:38 PM
Droopy, Wally, & Gary carried their stuff out to their buss, putting the luggage away in the proper place, except for their small carry on bags, then they went into the bus.  Droopy looked to see if his entire team was on the bus yet and if not he'd go back off the bus to wait beside it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 25, 2012, 09:18:27 PM
"Hopefully I can get one challenge that involves doing evil things," Belladonna said, "That's my speciality."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 25, 2012, 10:24:01 PM
I'm sure there will be events that call for treachery and deceit " thye hooded claw grinned at her. " don't worry my perfidiouis pup, you'll get your shot..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 03, 2012, 10:00:07 PM
a little more than twenty minutes was all it took to get all four teams checked out and on the bus. the trip to the Valley of Peace would be a long one, as the valley was hundreds of miles away from the city., so there would time to sleep, play cardfs, or read chinese newspapers 9with a handy magical translator courtesy of Stripetail)
 Scooby dee had decdided that she would simple sleep on the wayy there..Woody and winnie were already starting to nod off themseves.. they had brought knothead and splinter along with them as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 03, 2012, 10:28:32 PM
Once he was sure everyone has fully packed, checked out, on the busses and such Droopy got on the bus to start the trip.  

"Sounds like this will be a long grip." Wally said.

"Lots of stuff to do, play video games on various devices, read, and other things." Gary said.

"And if we are careful and take turns we can walk up and down the isles, so we don't have to sit for the whole trip." Droopy said.


Knothead and Splinter were playing games on their touch screen cellphones while sitting side by side.

"A long trip, great, gives me a chance to finish this game." Knothead said.  The sounds of the angry birds game could be heard from his cellphone, though the volume was turned down and only hearable by those nearby.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 09, 2012, 10:03:27 PM
"If we're going to have to do kung fu," Belladonna smirked, "Then I can show off some of my moves I learned down in Hell."

"Oh joy," Annabelle said sarcastically.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 11, 2012, 10:09:11 PM
most of the team members decided to nap on the way, so that they would be fresh for the second event. ypgi and bobo were curled on a seat, across from huckleberry and cindy.
Dulcy and Samia were sitting in front of dDroopy trying to get some s;leep.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 12, 2012, 12:06:01 AM
Droopy went to a seat that wasn't being used and used it to lay down to try to get some sleep, or at least to rest.  

"I wonder what the next stop will be like." Wally said, speaking quietly since some were trying to sleep.  

"We'll see soon enough." Gary said.  

"I think I'll try to rest." wally said and did his best to relax in the seat he was in to try to get as much rest as he could.  He had some extra room since Droopy had temporarily gone to use another seat to try to get rest or a nap.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on April 18, 2012, 09:31:36 PM
(OOC - Where are my living planes? Sorry, I forgot about this RP.)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 18, 2012, 09:36:17 PM
your planes should be flying above the city following the buses to the next stop..
Droops phone ranmg suddenly.. Hey Droopy its valiant.. got a tip that Clurry was sighted nnear the Valley of peace.. i've got contacts running down leads for me..we've also recovered some more dough, mostly from the Pussycat heist..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on April 18, 2012, 09:56:29 PM
Lt. Martin, Major Lockie and Captain Fairchild flew above the busses enroute to the next stop.

Major Lockie - as the highest ranked member - was the flight group leader. "Stripetail, this is Major Lockie, what is our next destination? Over," he radioed.

"Well, let's hope it involves some target shooting," Captain Fairchild said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 18, 2012, 10:00:26 PM
The next location is the Vallery of Peace, we will be meeting the valleys leader, who is named Panda, hes apparently a kung fu master, course in this area, hes not alone.." stripetail replied. I'm not sure what exactly what tweaks he pmay have planned for the event..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 18, 2012, 11:31:16 PM
Panda sat on his fancy seat, all of his apprentices were practicing in front of him.

"Very nice, very nice," he complimented, chomping on bamboo.

"This is so awesome master!" Skunk smirked, in the middle of a match with Rabbit.


"Now, I just don't have the body for kung fu," Miss Kitty commented on the bus ride to the valley.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 18, 2012, 11:33:00 PM
"That is good.  That is were we're headed for, the Valley of Peace, and good more money was recovered.  I do hope we can catch up with him & find out what is going on." Droopy said.  

Wally and Gary decided to have a short nap, as well as they could.


Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 21, 2012, 12:00:51 AM
i've taken kung fu lessons Woody said with a grin.. That was from a book, training with a master od kung fu is completely diofferenmt Winnie said
- Yeahh I'm not into Kung fu either Dixie noded in agreement. I'm guessing we'll only have 2 or so contestants the rest of us will be free to walk the way Kitty, I want your opinion, should i go with the housecat outfit or the lioness?
Fox was sparring wuith rabnbnit, blocking his kick with great agilility not bad Rabbit, you're getting better./.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on April 21, 2012, 12:55:21 AM
"Sorry, we can't do martial arts. No limbs except for hidden manipulator claws," Lt. Martin replied via radio.

"Hey! Target shooting is a martial art!" Captain Fairchild countered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 29, 2012, 03:09:03 PM
well thisa is not the martial art you are trained for, which is bluntly, shooting things to pieces " stripetail replied "
We should be getting ready for the next event Yogi said to his team " Anyone here know kung fu? No" Bobo Said ' is karate the same as kung fu? Cindy asked " i don't think so Cindy Ranger Smith said " So your aswer Yogi is no,m none of us have any experience doing this..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 04, 2012, 10:39:27 PM
Tai Lung, Shifi's adopted son and reformed criminal would also be involved in the kung fu challenge with the Furious Five and Po Vs. the players.

"This'll be sweet," Mantis smirked at the Valley of Peace.

Sagwa and her siblings would be happy to see their parents again.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 05, 2012, 12:32:33 AM
"Looks like the next stop will be a Kung Fu place." Gary said.  "I don't really have any knowledge of Kung fu, do any of you guys?"

"I use to watch Bruce Lee Movies, does that count?" Wally said.

"I know how to shoot a pistol and wield a large hammer." Droopy said.

"Hmm, that could be a type of toon martial arts." Gary said.

"And anime also." wally said.

"Only really if you are a woman and using it in a silly manner like to hit a friend of yours, or a mother using it on her child, or husband." Gary said.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 14, 2012, 04:16:46 PM
I'd go with the housecat, if you want my opinion " arlene said " Course I'm kinda biased.." thanks Arlene..' Dixie nodded/.
Scooby was fast asleep next to Dixie, as was most of his team..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 15, 2012, 10:07:47 PM
"Housecat, the lioness one looks like it would make your butt look big, unless you prefer that," Miss Kitty commented.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 15, 2012, 10:51:57 PM
Fine Housecat it is' Dixie said..' i'm got some crossword puzzles you guys can do to pass the time Arlene said handing them out.. i prefer the secret sentence ones myself
 we should be there around 10 tommorow morning " stripetail saisd..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 16, 2012, 04:14:48 PM
"We should get some sleep since it'll be sometime tomorrow when we arrive." Droopy said.

"What if we fall out of the seats though?" Wally asked.

Gary reached into a pocket and pulled out something.  "Just use one of these, they are portable seat belts.  Made by the Avery company." He said handing the belt looking thing to Wally.  "The ends can be affixed to any surface."

"Those could be used to tie up bad guys if the buckle were could be removed once the seat belt is closed." Droopy said.

"Actually it is." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 24, 2012, 04:45:35 PM
"I knew you'd make the right choice," Miss Kitty teased, "Though any type of feline is an improvement over a dog," she joked teasingly.


"So, how will we be involved in the challenge for those games master?" Tigress and Tai Lung asked Shifu
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 24, 2012, 05:50:45 PM
Very funny kitty' dixie replied ' Maybe if Stripetail turned you into a dog for a couple days you could see life through my eyes..anyway I'll change into the attire once we get there and see if you like it..
 yyou will be providing competityion for them. as well as judging thier form..Shifu replied " Po thats does not inclkude sitting on them!" he rebuked the large panda..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 25, 2012, 02:20:37 AM
Jason (in his time lord body) was walking around the area near the destination.  

"Nice to get here early." Guilmon said.

"Yes, more peaceful then when all the crowds will be here.  Though not like it usually is either." Jason said.  

"Hey, I didn't know you'd be here." Said a voice behind and to one side.  Jason and Guilmon turned at the sound of the voice to see what looked like a flash animated version of Jason with Black Agumon walking beside him.  

The 2 groups waved to each other.  

"Yes, I may have missed one or 2 events, but had the time to come to this one." Jason said as the 2 groups walked to each other.  

"It's been a while." Blackagumon said to Guilmon.  

"yea." Guilmon said.

"I was to busy myself to attend the earlier events.  Meant to call and ask if you would be coming here." Animated Jason said.  

"I was hoping I'd bump into you here.  Fortunate that the laws of time don't cover a counterpart of yourself." Jason said.  

"I highly doubt either of our Rassilons and the first council had any idea there were other universes.  A fortunate thing for the 2 of us."  The animated Jason said smiling in a bit of a mischievous way.  "Anything special happen to you?"

"The usual, doing some missions for the Celesital Intervention Agency, see some wonders of the universe, visit some friends, defeat some unpleasant folks, or help others do that, stuff like that.  I did make a omnimorpher, so I can calibrate and fix it on any coordinates of the morphing grid on the fly.  How about yourself?" Jason asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 28, 2012, 05:15:07 PM
"Darn," Po said, visibly disappointed.


The Duke of Owls was flying ahead to the Valley of Peace, wearing his signature shades.

"There has to be cheating happening soon..." he figured
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 01, 2012, 08:36:02 PM
the busses made thier way to the palace which stood at the top of a hil ihn a small unnamed village. the busses blocked up the narrow passaged between the houses. there was not much room for the passengers to get out. '  dulcy and samia got out of their bus and took flight , heading up towards the temple. the rest of the four teams had to climb up the hundreds of steps towardsw the temple..
 great we get to climb up all these steps ' scooby complainede as they began to climb..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 01, 2012, 11:20:19 PM
Seeing he had not much room to get out Droopy exhaled all the air from his lungs, which made him very thin, almost like paper in 1 dimension, and he squeezed out.   Wally & Gary climbed out of windows onto the roof of the bus and from there jumped onto the ground.  

"That was a tight squeeze.  Hope it's not as hard to get in as it was out." Wally said.  

"I think it will be.  But we'll have to deal with that when the time comes." Droopy said.

"Maybe I can call up one of my friends to carry the buses, one at a time, to a more open area." Gary said.  

"Well, time to climb up the stairs if you can't fly." Droopy said looking up.   Droopy & Wally started to climb up the stairs, Gary was glad he was in one of his winged forms, and didn't have to climb the stairs.


"Looks like they have arrived." Animated Jason said using a spyglass to look at the new arrivals, that he had pulled from one of his pockets.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 02, 2012, 01:47:28 AM
Belladonna and Annabelle had been playing a game of cards.

"No fair," Annabelle frowned to her cousin, "You're cheating!"

"That's how I roll," Belladonna chuckled wickedly.


Sagwa, Sheegwa, and Dongwa were pleased at what they were seeing.

"All right," Dongwa smiled to Stripetail, "This is where I'm gonna go when I'm older to learn more kung fu!"


The Duke happened to eat a stray dog. "Chewy," he smirked to himself, settling down on a tree by the Jade Palace.


"Why do I get the feeling we're going to have to go really easy on these guys?" Tai Lung asked Po and the Furious Five, looking at the contestants from a telescope
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 03, 2012, 10:28:20 PM
Excuse me sir' said a rabbit couple who came up to the Duke. ' could you help us? Our son is being very disobediant and we'd ;like someone to scarew him straight..
Woody and winnie flew upo the steps watching as the groups climbed the steps one by one.. it was a nice sunny day, and not too warm as the contestants continued the climb " Stripetail took the easy way up: he teleported . mMaster Shifu" he smiled at the small panda ' good to see you again. Thank you for agreeing to hiost this stage o the games..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 03, 2012, 10:31:07 PM
"Scare him?" the Duke smirked, a grin appearing on his face, "Would you rather I eat him and spare you all the trouble?"


"It's good to see you as well, Stirpetail," Shifu bowed, "You know Po the Dragon Warrior, my adopted son Tai Lung, and the Furious Five."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 03, 2012, 10:41:52 PM
yes, their re[putation precedes them ' stripetail smiled. ' And Their talents are just another way to test our teams abilities and talents. ' granted none of them will ever pass for kung fu masters but you are to judge thier abilities and performances..
- EAT him. no, we just want you to scare him .. the paremnts replied..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 03, 2012, 10:44:57 PM
"And that's probably good," Po smirked, "Because we'd probably whoop all of their butts if you let us."


"Think about it," the Duke said, using logic to get what he wanted, "How many times have you told your kid to behave, and he hasn't? It'll just keep happening. My method would prevent that from happening..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 03, 2012, 10:58:31 PM
"Let's go to where the contestants will be, maybe there'll be a welcome committee or something we can watch." Black Agumon said.

"with food." Guilmon said.  

"Yea, lots of that too." Black Agumon said, both of them liking the idea.  

"May as well, can't see much more from up here." Jason said.  

"As well as we may get to see new things." Animated Jason said.  "I wonder if there'll be some sort of martial demonstration. "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 12, 2012, 09:22:34 PM
thats a rather permanent and drastic solution, but if you think it would work, then go ahead
- indeed Po i do not want you completely destroying thier confidence.,. we need them in good shape for the rest of the games.. we need good ratings sio that the games make money' Stripetail said.
 Winnie and woody landede jin front of a errected fanstand there were 4 of them, colored with the team colors.. Dixie and Arlene staggered up the steps.. both were tired after climbing the 1769 steps..
 yogi was forced to carry bobo up the last few steps and they collasped on their team styands..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2012, 08:54:44 PM
One by one the groups made it to the top of the temple steps and were met by the sight of the palace residents..
 good everyone is here. now Shifu will select two members from each team to compete against 4 of his furious Five, or Po or Tai Lung' Stripetail said

 So this panda will sel;ect two from each of us then " The hooded Claw shrugghed " Fine I wasw never into kungg fu anyway, I ptrefered karate, or just using a club..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 21, 2012, 10:10:12 PM
"The only person I know of who was into Kung Fu is that Hong Kong Phooey who was in the original Laff-A-Lympics.  I believe he was on Scooby's team, if I remember correctly." Wally said.  

"Yes, I do believe he was." Droopy said to him.  

"hmm, I think he used some sort of book also." Gary said thinking back to when he use to watch the Laf-a-lympics.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 23, 2012, 02:06:37 AM
Shifu went up to each team and examined them carefully.

"Hmm...." the red panda commented , "You two." Annabelle and the Baron were picked from the Rottens.

"Oh crud," the angel whippet gulped.

Scooby and Miss Kitty were picked for their team, as well.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2012, 03:18:06 PM
I know a little Kung Fu' Scooby said.. not much but well its better thn nothing..
  Now for the Yogis and Droopies.. Stripetail pointing to the teams.
 i'll do it samia said volunteering for her squad..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 27, 2012, 06:35:45 PM
"Are you sure?" Droopy asked Samia.  

"Good luck." Gary said.  

"I wonder if we'll have much time to wonder around and see the sights here." Wally said.  

"For those not competing I'm sure they'll be some time.  Some perhaps even for the ones competing." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 27, 2012, 06:49:50 PM
Yes I'm sure Samia smiled ' Go get em samia Dulcyy smirked " You show them what i dragon can do! she whooped " Dulcy figured it was Samias turn to get the glory.
 fine droopy and Samia foir the dawgs Stripetail said.. that just leaves the yogis..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 27, 2012, 10:07:38 PM
"As long as you are sure.  Good luck." Droopy said to her.  

"Yea, as long as you are sure." Wally said smiling and giving her the thumbs up signal.  

"I guess this'll be a new thing for most or all involved." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 28, 2012, 09:17:27 PM
Lt. Martin, Captain Fairchild and Major Lockie landed at the airfield near the competition field.

"So what's next on the agenda? Are Gabriel and her goons outta the picture?" Captain Fairchild asked.

"Hopefully, they are...occupied but we still mustn't let our guard down," Lt. Martin said as she scanned the airfield.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 29, 2012, 11:10:56 PM
gabriel at this points had dredged out one of shens old cannons and had her weasels position it at the palace ' if those fools think they can pull this off.. they've got another thing coming.. i did not go through all this trouble to have it stopped by a talking squirrell and his friends! Weasels! open fire! she ordered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 30, 2012, 01:00:13 AM
Yogi and Smith were picked for their team lol.


"You should get rid of your disobedient brats," the Duke encouraged the rabbit couple, "And besides, I could use another meal."


"This'll be fun," Tigress smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 02, 2012, 04:48:41 PM
An explosive shell detonated near Captain Fairchild. The shrapnel dug into his armored wings but didn't sever any vital lines or wires.

"I'm hit! I'm hit!" he shouted.

Lt. Martin instinctively armed one of her AGM-88 High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile. To her surprise, there was no radar to home in on. She flipped on her side to avoid a shell that narrowly missed her.

"All competitors!" Major Lockie shouted. "Find shelter immediately, someone is attacking us!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 02, 2012, 11:01:59 PM
"Looks like we won't have much of a vacation after all." Black Agumon said.  

"Let's find a place to change." the non animated Jason said looking around.

"Over there, looks like a place no one is near or will notice us." Animated Jason said pointing.  Then he looked at Jason, "Which one will you morph to?" He asked.

Jason thought a moment as they walked over to the area.  "I was thinking of maybe using my monster morpher, it's been a while since I used it."  He sighed a bit, "I miss those days a bit.  Well once I was able to fully go to that world instead of just project or partially be there."

"One problem with being long lived, and being around shorter lived races."  Animated Jason said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 03, 2012, 01:19:46 AM
"What the heck?!" Tiger exclaimed at the sounds of the booms.

"Not this again...." Tigress frowned, recognizing the cannon's sounds.

The Duke took to the skies.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 03, 2012, 02:54:49 AM
"What is going on?"  Wally asked.

"I expect it may be more of her doings." Gary said looking in the direction of the explosion and the shouting.

"Gabriel."  Droopy said.  "We should make sure the others are able to get to a place of safty."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 08, 2012, 02:17:23 AM
Captain Fairchildnwas the first to approach. As he saw the Weasels preparing for a second shot, he let loose a volley of rockets at the cannon, completely destroying it.

"Gabriel," he growled as he circled meanacingly overhead. "So you decided to follow us here and cause havoc?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 08, 2012, 02:12:12 PM
shut up the weasel replied. ' eat dip' thery shouted letting forth a volley and rocks coated in dip.. ' the would cause extensive damage to fairchild  if they hit him.. 'we've had enough of you foilks trying to foil the mistyress' plans, heck we gave you fair warning by blasting green river, but no you just couldn't take the hint..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 08, 2012, 09:34:09 PM
animated Jason held up his arm, with what looked like a watch appearing on it.  "Bird go." He said thus activating the transformation sequence, his outfit resembling a phoenix version of the Gatchaman's outfits.  Jason changed to his usual red zeo ranger with the green dragon shield and dagger.  "Best use this since it looks like they have dip." Jason said.

They hurried, with Guilmon and black Agumon to where the attacks seemed to be coming from.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 19, 2012, 11:07:50 PM
we neeed to drive them off ;'' Stripetail said as another volley hit the palace walls, causing them to shake.. ' scooby and dixie activated thier armor, and headed towards the opening at the top of the stairs. their armor could withstand being hit by dip, for a time.. as they had demonstratyed back at that old hotel in toon town..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 20, 2012, 01:50:12 AM
Captain Fairchild's wing was struck by a dip coated rock. The corrosive substance dissolved part of his heavy armor.

He smirked. Looks like that armor's proving useful. He thought.

His 30 mm autocannon spooled up and he opened fire, punching gaping holes in the tower's facade as he tried to dodge the dip coated projectiles. Those that did strike him sizzled as they corroded his heavy armor.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 20, 2012, 02:32:40 AM
Jason tossed animated Jason his zeo saber as he summoned his wrist computer and omnimorpher, each one a wide bracelet on each forearm .  "You'll need this, it's not animated so is immune to dip." Jason said, deflecting a dip rock with his omnimorpher, the rock bouncing off harmlessly to one side.  

Black Agumon sent a pepper breath blast at a weasel, dodging a rock tossed at him.  "Wow, how can you do that?" he asked after his attack.

"A little thing the amazons taught me during my stay there.  For certain reasons I'm an exception to no man can visit or land on their island." Jason said deflecting a rock back at a weasel.  "Though only a beginner at bullets & bracelets by amazon standards, it's good enough against rocks."

"Nice island.  They have good food there." Guilmon said rubbing his stomach at his memory of the place.  

Animated Jason dodged a dip rock, using the Zeo saber to help make sure it didn't hit him.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 29, 2012, 02:36:23 PM
Samia and Dulcy flew up and headed over towards where the weaeals were flinging dipcoated rocks. the dip was ravaging the houses near rtge place it was terrifying to see
' a rock would hit the roof and in a few seconds the house would literally ewrode away. more and more of the vcillagers were flkeeing inward from the river..  if any of those rocks hit us we're in deep trouble dulcy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 29, 2012, 09:32:32 PM
Animated Jason throw a feather shuriken at a weasel using the hand that wasn't holding the zeo saber, hitting him in the hand holding a dip covered rock.   "Got one."

"Pepper breath." Black Agumon said sending his ranged attack at another weazle next to the one that the animated Jason had hit, dodging the rock of another one that had thrown them at him.  

"Stay behind me." Jason said, as he remained in front to try to deflect as many of the rocks as he could.  He thought it best to remain where he was since if he did engage any in melee combat the others could throw the rocks at others.  This way his friends had at least an area behind him that should be a bit safer then if they were out in the open.  Though the spot the dip covered rocks hit were dissolved.

Guilmon stayed in the back, looking for a good opening or a good spot to do one of his pyrospheres and also thinking if he should pair up with someone to attack the same person or not.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 09, 2012, 12:37:35 AM
Captain Fairchild bobbed and weaved around the lethal rocks. He was extremely slow for a plane was quite fast compared to ground vehicles.

"Hey Major," he said. "I'm taking heavy fire!" He then launched his last rockets at the tower, hoping to level it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 13, 2012, 11:14:52 PM
Arlene and the others took cover as the sounds of battle raged below in the town.. The weasels kept firing dip covered rocks at anyone who came near.. one unfortunate villasger got hit and was erased in a matter of seconds, to the abject horror of the others..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 13, 2012, 11:15:39 PM
The Grand Duke was flying above all the battles going on down below.

"What in blazes is going on?" the big owl said to himself.


"This looks like a job for me," Belladonna smirked, spreading her bat wings.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 14, 2012, 11:05:37 PM
Hearing the trouble and seeing the effects Gary slipped away from the others, easy to do with the confusing and such going on.  

He flew up to see better and seeing the weasel he flew down to spot as close as he could get.  He quickly pulled back his feathered arm, so it formed a sleeve, a thing only toons could do, and using his thumb pressed a spot on his device so he could then push back the concealed section.  He paused before pressing it.   He had not changed back to his true form in many decades though it seemed there was a need now with so few non animated folks around.   He then pressed the button and form seemed to melt momentarily, changing back to his true form.  

He looked to be in his late teens or early 20's, and dressed in 1950's clothes.  

"Ha, don't think..." A weasel said, thinking to sneak up on an animated eagle he saw fly here to hide.  He was puzzled to instead see a non animated human who promptly punched him, knocking him out, or at least dazing him.  

Gary quickly gathered up the dip covered rocks, in the non animated bag they were in.  He thought a moment then grabbed the weasel, crunching him into a ball to toss him at some  weasels, knowing you could do that with toons with no harm to them.  Then he started to toss the dip covered rocks at the  weasels.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 16, 2012, 01:33:50 AM
Major Lockie flew over the tower. His 105 mm cannon boomed as it launched a shell right into the tower, completely blowing its top off in a plume of smoke and dust. "Gabriel!" he shouted, as his cannon swiveled around to fire again. "Leave this place or we shall bury you and your minions in this tower!"

Captain Fairchild had flown off to a nearby air base to be outfitted with some bombs.


Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 21, 2012, 07:51:03 PM
the volletys from the planes combined with stripetails magic to bring down the cannoin towers. gabriel fumed.. then ordered the weasels back '  lets ghead out t weasels, this place is trashed, it will take miloions to get all of the residents new houses and belongings. if we cant stop them, we can at least bankrupt them.. away' she ordered as she jum,ped into a boat as began sailing away..
 finally' Stripetail said relieved as he beheld gabriel sailing away with the weasels..
 lets get the game underway scooby said.. as the gang headed back to the palace..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 22, 2012, 09:20:05 PM
"At this point, I'm getting the strangest feeling this will keep happening," tiger said sarcastically.

"I just want to play the game at this point," Belladonna said. "I want to raise some hell, pun definitely intended."

"Maybe our folks would wanna watch," Dongwa said.


The Duke perched atop the Jade Palace to watch for any other enemies.

"I missed a chance for a free meal," he frowned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 22, 2012, 09:22:14 PM
the next location will not have this problem stripetail said coinfidently as they returned to the palace. ' lets get this underway. contestants go to your masters and begin.. Shifu. you may begin judging when you are ready..
  dixie liooked at the quarters the teams would have in the palkace
 they were small and cramped, really just mats of straw on the floor.. ' well its better than nothing' She said there were 4 piles to a room..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 22, 2012, 09:55:41 PM
Both Jasons and their digimon pulled back once they saw the planes and what was going on.  "Let's go back." Jason said to the others.  They umorphed & made their way to a safe spot and looked themselves over.  

"I'm hungry." Black Agumon said.  

"You not only one." Guilmon said.  

"Let's go farther in and see if we can find any food stands still open." Jason said.  "Till then I have a few sandwiches." He said reaching into a pocket to take a few out to pass them around.

"I have a few Sodas, including a non animated one." Animated Jason said, as he took out some closed soda cans with some frost on them, one of them a non animated one.  He passed them around to the others, including the non animated one to Jason.


Gary looked at the sound of explosions, ducking down beside the rock near him that he was using for cover.  Some pieces of the tower and such fell near him.  Once it stopped he found he was in a safe area though with no way out.  He moved around to see if he could get out.  Seeing it was to small he thought over the forms he had and only had an idea.  Maybe one of the Car Zero forms.  He had been in a similar situation in one of the movies, or maybe it was a tv series, he couldn't remember which or which car zero, since it had been so long ago.  

He used his bracelet to change to his first Car Zero form a 50's hot rod, cgi animated, since as he remembered it had the most powerful of the 2 when it came to engines.  He revved his engine and spun his wheels, able to get out from under the debris, some of it falling to the side as he forced his way out.

Once out seeing all the debris, and not seeing he had to drive over all the debris around and seeing there was no way his car forms could make it made his way to some dirt and using a trick he had used in his other car zero form spun around, making a sort of smoke screen from the loose dirt and some smoke he produced to mix in.  Then under the cover so no one could see him quickly switched to the eagle form he had been using recently and flew off, coughing a bit from the smoke and loose dirt in the air, flying up and then looking for a safe place to land and rest.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 23, 2012, 12:48:07 AM
"You are all seeking food?" The Duke of Owls said, swooping down to jason and the digimon.

"I'm seeking a meal too...preferably meat based."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 23, 2012, 06:59:51 PM
"Yes." Jason said. "I have a little food in my pockets, not a lot." He said.  "I may have a hamburger that you can have the meat patty of." He said he said as he reached into a pocket.  "Though there hopefully will be a cafe or something not to far." He said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 24, 2012, 01:11:45 AM
Major Lockie flew off to an airbase to re repaired and rearmed.


Stripetail's radio buzzed. "Stripetail, this is Captain Fairchild. Has the tower been dealt with yet?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 26, 2012, 01:26:00 AM
Yes the tower has been destroyed, and she and weasels have fled. Still the towb has been trashed, several residents have been dipped, anmd the games have been disrupted yet again. still the next location will be some place she cant dip.. or get too easily either.. Do some perimeter patrols just in case..
 We'd best get ready Ranger Smith said gazuing at yogi ' This will likely be embarassing for =both of us yogi.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 26, 2012, 01:56:59 AM
"How do you think I feel?" Kitty replied lol.


"I was hoping for something that was still alive, but alas, this must do," the Duke said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 26, 2012, 11:40:18 AM
"Yes, at least till we get to a cafe.  Do you know if one is nearby?" Jason asked as he took out a hamburger to take the top off to offer the meat patty to Duke.   "There are certain world & races you'd like, Gorn or Klingon Cafe's or resturants.  In some Klingon ones you hunt down the animal yourself that you want to eat." Jason said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 26, 2012, 02:08:37 PM
i'm not good at karate either Scooby replied to kitthy so at least we can both laugh at ourselves.
 I know I will' dixie teased Kitty. " all in good fun of course.
 Shifu came up to them' Lets get these games iunderway shall we. he looked at kitty Scooby Yogi ranger Smith Samia Droopy,annasabelle and thye Baron. ' if you are ready, Po, Tai lung, and the Five will start you off with basic stances..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 29, 2012, 10:22:29 PM
"It's on," Tigress smirked, the kung fu masters taking stances.

"I get the feeling this isn't going to be fun," Kitty gulped as Po and the others displayed incredible moves.

"Not at all," Annabelle nodded
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 05, 2012, 10:28:26 PM
Scooby Gulped , this was nothing at all like those karate movies he and Shaggy watched on Saturdays, this was completely different..
_ prepsared to enbdure the embarassment Yogi' Ranger Smith groaned. Samia put her arms out in a karate stance//
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 06, 2012, 10:07:58 AM
"All we can do is our best." Droopy said before he took a karate stance as best as he could.  He wasn't sure how well he would do, but he would do his best.

"I bet that is harder then it looks." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 12, 2012, 02:20:06 PM
"Mommy," Kitty gulped silently as the Furious Five charged the teammates.

"Let's take em down!" Mantis smirked, leaping high into the air.

"Hi ya!" Viper exclaimed, whipping her tail
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2012, 04:02:47 PM
scooby made a weak effort to gight, but it soon became an absolute humiliation, as the experienced masters made mincemeat of the 4 pairs.. scooby got grabbed by tigeress. yogi and ranger smith were being used as drums by monkey and tai lung  was running up and down samias back knicking and giving her cramnps..
 this is probably ogoing to be a matter of counting black eyes and missing teeth shifu said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 12, 2012, 08:38:11 PM
Droopy did his best to battle the masters, though not being a master of any fighting art himself he didn't do to well overall.  He resorted to unarmed fighting at first, then switched to using a large mallet he pulled from somewhere behind him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 14, 2012, 05:47:20 PM
Lt. Martin and Captain Fairchild did some flybys of the stadium as the competition proceeded.

Lt. Martin quickly did an aileron roll as she flew, earning some applause from the crowd.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 14, 2012, 09:35:46 PM
"Ack!" Kitty gasped, as Viper coiled around her, knocking her down.

"How could this be worse??" she frowned, and then she saw Po leap up, heading down towards

Tigress kicked Belladonna back a bit.

"This is just kinda sad, yet cool," Dongwa commented
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 14, 2012, 11:07:34 PM
if there was a mercy ruile it would be invoked right now' Honest John said.. ' Whats that Gideon, theres no such thing as mercy rules in this? Well too bad for the contestants, who are getting ripped, punched kicked squeezed and twisted in all sorts of psaainful ways.. anfd strangely I cant stop watching.. its like a slow motion train wreck' Honest john said..
 dulcy winced as samis as having her wings twisted behind her bsack by monkey...' glad thats nbot me she remarked ' arent you suppoed to be cheering for nme/ Samia complained.. ' i am dulcy retorted just keep your eye on .. ohh' she winced as samia got crunched by tai lung
 scooby was being bounced like a basketball
 msantis was tossing rager smith and yogi into each other..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 20, 2012, 01:07:03 AM
"OOOMPH!!!" Kitty groaned as Po landed on her, behind first lol

"This is just kind of sad," Tiger said.

"They're all losing badly," Dongwa said, sitting with Stripetail and his siblings.

"I hate this," Annabelle said as Tigress and Tai Lung double teamed her
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 20, 2012, 01:11:43 AM
just give us all last place! scooby yelled as viper had him in her coiuls..
 dont stop now this is too much fun... Monkey smirked.. samia was coughing up blooosd as she got hit by both tigers..
 WE may have to pick winners out of a hat Stripetail shrugged ' we have another 30 minutres of this ' he said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 20, 2012, 01:13:08 AM
"30 MINUTES?!" every team player who was involved in the brawl yelled in fear.

Mantis was flipping Kitty over and over. "This is way to easy," the insect smirked.

"They're gonna need a lot of rest after this..." Sagwa noted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 20, 2012, 01:18:59 AM
if i dont make out of this, Dixie.. you get all my posessions.. and the condo in Florida' Scooby called as Po rolled over him repeatedly..
 yogi helped as tigeress punched him in the shoulder. " Ranger Smith tried to run away but got grabbed by  Crane and thrown back into the pile..
 Should we do a short plug for the resteraunt? Fox asked Wildcat ' While they are getting beaten mercilessly..?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 20, 2012, 01:21:08 AM
"Good thinking," Wildcat nodded to his employee, "Help promote the place and point out why we feed the strong and cook the these fine folks are demonstrating."

"I guess "Going easy on someone because they're a girl" didn't apply here," Tiger winced, watching the match.

Rabbit and Fox began the promo, as the Duke flew about. "Hm...." the grand Duke pondered, "The skies seem clear."

It was painfully (pun intended) obvious no one was cheating in this game lol

"Hi ya!" Tigress smirked, knocking Annabelle into the air.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 20, 2012, 01:27:02 AM
i'm guessing i'm going to be playing nurse for a while " dixie said
  The Baron grabbed a stick and hit Tasi lung with it, it broke in two pieces on contact.. It became less and less of a fight then more of a micture of ' dog pile' and blind man bluffs.. no members was getting spared in this event..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 20, 2012, 01:34:58 AM
"I have trained them all well," Shifu smiled, watching his students and adopted son cream the competition.

Being an angel, Annabelle was probably doing the least bad job of them all.

"I wish I could be this good at kung fu," Dongwa awed.

"Go Tigress!" Sagwa and Sheegwa cheered on. Being Chinese natives, they heard many great stories about tigers
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 20, 2012, 01:41:31 AM
Ketty watch out for that right jab " Winnie said, as Woody m,unched on popcorn.. " Hey where did you get the popcorN?
 Screwy was passing it aeround Woody shrugged..  T Bluto was munching on popcorn too, and those whho were watching, were, to a man and woman, glad that it was not them out there getting shellacked stripetrail was counting down. ' 15 more minutes everyone ' he called out.. and a magical image of the time appeared in the sky..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 20, 2012, 01:46:07 AM
"You know what?" Kitty called to Po, "Just sit on me till I pass out..." she groaned in pain.

"Well, we can't win em all," Tiger said from the crowd.

"They are going to need so many doctors," Belladonna chuckled, loving the sight of suffering.

Crane flew up with some of the lighter players then dive bombed with them
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 20, 2012, 08:21:54 AM
the Five beat up on the contestants until Stripetail raised his paw
 Enough. Time has expired. contestants return to your teams.. as best you can.." scooby dragged himself to  the Scoobnies bench, his face was bloodied, he had two black eyes and it was a small miracle that he had not lost any teeth
 Baron hsad to be helped to the Roittens bench, and ranger Smith and Yogi had to be helped to the Yahhoeeys bench..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 20, 2012, 08:37:24 PM
(OOC - So exactly what can the two living planes do? I was thinking of a combination shooting/flying obstacle course.)

"This is boring," Captain Fairchild said as he flew over the stadium for what seemed like the fifteenth time.

"Stow it, Captain," Major Lockie replied. "We're here to provide security for the games."

"Major, if I may, we have been flying this same patrol route for several hours and we could use a break," Lt. Martin added as she lazily rolled to the side.

The living AC-130 sighed and radioed Stripetail. "Stripetail! Are there any competitions where we can participate in?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 20, 2012, 08:57:27 PM
sure that can be the next evenmt with the planes serving as rides for the teams. how does that sound.
 Well, i was thinking we could have a race event across China next " Stripetail said ' But its not just a straight race, there are obstacle courses and targets you must hit. and this will be located.. over the Great Wall' Stripetailn said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 20, 2012, 09:54:48 PM
"Aw yeah!" Captain Fairchild exclaimed. "How long until we have until it's own. All of us have to prepare for the event."

Major Lockie relayed that information to Stripetail and awaited a response.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 20, 2012, 09:59:28 PM
Two days from now Stripetail said ' Considering that the contestants from this event will not be participating again any time soon.. he smirked subtlely.. And now Shifu.. for the results please.. startiung with 4th place.." stripetail said
 Yogi moaned as Cindy tried to console him.. " now I know what a punching punch fells like after warmups with the world champ..' Ranger Smith said weakly..
 barion mumbled some incoherent words I claim this burger for peru..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 22, 2012, 08:05:44 PM
"Here you go," Tiger said, placing ice packs on Kitty to help.

"Thank you...." Kitty groaned to her mate.

"Sorry, this is just what we're good at," Viper apologized.

"It was amusing," Belladonna chuckled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 22, 2012, 08:56:24 PM
Dixie brought her a couple mouse burgers a  bag of ice and and a pillow.. ' i know its cliche, but you guys really took one for the team " bShe said " Anything you want Kitty to cheer you up I'll do it..
 Do i have all my teeth bobo old chum" Yogi moanred ' Bobo took a loook.. ' yep threy're all there yogi
 sa,ia winced as Dulcy tried to copmfort her. " its over girl...we're going to need a lot of bandages.. she saids gazing at the plentiful bumps and bruises on Samias back,m weings and front..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 23, 2012, 04:02:38 AM
"This was....pretty one sided," Shifu said, "But I will award the highest score to.....the Rottens!"

"Yes!" Belladonna grinned.

The scoobies score 2nd place.

"You owe me so much you have no idea..." Kitty growled to Dixie

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 23, 2012, 04:11:00 AM
the droopys took 3rd, and the yogis 4th
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 23, 2012, 04:11:20 AM
Here" dixie said giving her a piece of paper and a pen, just write down whatever you want and i'll get it for you' Dixie said creating a blanket and wrapping it around her..
 Second plsaace isnt that bad Scooby said his arm in a sling.. ' 500 grand isnt worth getting humilated like that..
 after all that and we didnt even win... yogi moasned..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 23, 2012, 04:24:44 AM
After 2 Events the Rottens have 800 points the Scooby doobies have 600, The Droopy Dawhs have 400 and the Ypogi Yahooeys have 200. The Next event with be an aerial ostable course along the length of the Great Wall" stripetail said.. " Now everyone lets take some time to recover... especially for the 8 playters who got.. toughed up..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 23, 2012, 01:51:25 PM
Kitty had Dixie write down the following list:

1. Mouseburgers whenever I want them.
2. New dresses whenever I want them.
3. More mouseburgers.
4. I get the best rooms at the hotels the team stays at.
5. Did I mention the mouseburgers?
6. I pick all the restaurants.
7. Any challenges involving pain, you must do.
8. You spend all of your cash on ME, got it?
9. Once again, the mouseburgers.
10. You remodel my house back at Green River.
11. Any winning our team gets, I get 99 percent of your share.
12. You get yourself turned into a cat.
13. The mouseburgers
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 23, 2012, 02:53:52 PM
dixie looked at her list ' Alright fine kitty, I'll do everything on your list.. since I'm a nice girl, and i really like you. I'll let you pick out the songs we sing and I'll let you get first bow.. ' She added as she created a huge pile of mouseburgers for kitty to snack on.. among other things on the list Dixie had to "escort" kitty wherever Kitty wanteds, get as many makeovers as she wanted and many other things..  giving up 95 preercent of the money she earned in her events was not an issue. as Dixie was worth millions already..
 you're making her do a lot for you Kitty Scooby smirked.. just let me or tiger know if you  want anything that us guys can provide..
 after all that and we finished last yogi groaned ' we;re definitely in last place now.. theres a big gap between us and third ..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 24, 2012, 10:21:37 PM
"Now, follow that list, and I'll be pleased," Kitty groaned.

Belladonna and the Duke shook Annabelle's paw, though she was still groaning in pain.

"I'm still hoping for a cheater," The Duke said.

Fox and Rabbit kept promoting the Wildcat Cafe
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 24, 2012, 10:39:30 PM
Droopy finished rubbing the ointment onto his body parts that hurt.  "Thanks for this." Droopy said.

"I found an herbal shop that had that.  There was also this oddly dressed human." Gary said.

"How odd?" Wally asked.

"He had a multi colored scarf that must have been 20 feet, or longer." Gary said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 24, 2012, 10:53:31 PM
Scooby created bandages for Kitty and dixie began going over her list Lets get you back to the hpotel' Dixie smiled..  I'll get room service for you, order whatever you want girl.. you've eared it..
 a number of cusatomer signed up for the Wildcat cafe..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 25, 2012, 11:06:03 PM
"Ok boss," Fox smiled to Wildcat, "Do the examination.."

"What's it for?" a customer asked.

Fox and Rabbit could only smirk.


Kitty was releived, and Tiger stood by her as she was taken to the recovery area.

"You've earned those mouseburgers," the fat cat smiled.


"Even kung fu beats angeliic powers," Belladonna her cousin.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 25, 2012, 11:27:24 PM
I'll dress up in one of those cat costumes you gave me, and you can pivk which one.. of course dont expect me to be your utter slave either Kitty. I'll buy you a bunch of stuff, give you most of my winnings, dress up as a cat, but if you think you're just going to walk all over me, well you've got another thing coming. I do have self respect.." Dixie said as the team bus drove on down the street
 arlene was husddled on the seat behind her
 Woody and winnie were working on a crossword puzzle, and Scooby Dee and  applying some eyeliner..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 25, 2012, 11:51:35 PM
I test to see whether you are worthy of being a cusomer. those that are strong, gets seats. those that are weak.. dont " Wildcat grinned. Then test us the villagers said,
 Looks like the bosss is very happy Rabbit said with a big grin and he put his arm around Fox..
 mEanwhile the buses continued thier way towards the hotel
 The baron moaned as Bluto took off her boat to grimnaqce at the bloody mess his feet were. tigress had stomped dopwb hard on his feet..
Dulcy was diggoing through her supplies to put oiintment on Samias bruises.. " you wont be flying for awhile..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 26, 2012, 12:00:51 AM
"I"m glad that is over." Droopy said, sitting in his seat on the bus, glad the herbal lineament was working.

"It looked painful to watch." Wally said.  "I can not imagine what it was like to be in the events." Sitting next to him.

"I wonder where the next events will be." Gary said from a nearby seat on the team bus.

"And what they will be." Wally said.


Knothole and Splinter were standing on their seats to more easily see out the bus windows to see all the buildings they went by.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 26, 2012, 12:15:00 AM
"Ok then, what's the test?" the villagers asked, not knowing the conseqeunces of being labelled weak. lol

"It'll be worth it," Fox told them.


"What's the next event Mr. Stripetail?" Sheegwa asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 26, 2012, 12:21:28 AM
The next evemnt is a obstacle course race over the length of the greaat weall. each team will be riding inside one of the security planes. since they asked if they could particpate.." Stripetail replied
 The test is my opinion of you.. I'm almost never wrong Wildcat said..
_ You guys having fun? Woody called to his niece and nephew who were a seat in front of them.. Stripetail was sitting ascross a row from Kitty who was given the front row as part of her 'list'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 26, 2012, 12:56:54 AM
Wildcat's opinion was right 99.9 percent of the time.

"Hope for the best," Fox told the villagers

"That'll be fun," Sagwa smiled.

"And not painful for me," Belladonna smirked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 26, 2012, 01:16:29 AM
"Oh yes, uncle woody." Both said at the same time as they looked from the window over at him while nodding.  

"Yea, lots of new things to see." Knothead said.


Droopy took out his briefcase, deciding to look over the clues adn notes he took on his search for Clurry as a way to pass the time and make sure his knowledge was refreshed, and also if he would get any new ideas or conclusions or theories.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 26, 2012, 01:24:07 AM
Wildcat picked out several weak customers and had them follow fox to the side areas of the temporary resteraunt.. the strong ones were escorted to tables, and waited on by staff.. Rabbit guided some customers to the nearest table..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 26, 2012, 05:28:10 PM
"Just enter that cave and follow the instructions," Fox pointed.

"What do they tell us?"

"How to get ready," Fox smirked.


"Could we eat at the Wildcat Cafe?" Dongwa asked Stripetail. "We're all strong."


Kitty decided to doze off now.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 26, 2012, 05:35:34 PM
Alright. we'll go get some food there and allow the guests to recover..' Stripetail said. " I'm guessing you'll want fish right?
 I have bad memories from going there last time Arlene said " Just stuiick with me girl Dixie smirked ' We wont let you get seperated..' arlene gave her a warm smile ' thanks Dixie i wonder if we could get Wildcat to let us perform again.."
_ I thinki we could Dixie smiled.. as the bus rolled on taking a turn away from the hotel, while the other teams piled in to rest up in thier rooms.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 26, 2012, 10:25:44 PM
"Yup," the Miao siblings all nodded happily.

"Maybe he will," Tiger nodded.


"You look beat up," Belladonna smirked to her cousin.

"Shaddup," the angel whippet replied
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 28, 2012, 01:25:58 AM
Captain Fairchild, Major Lockie and Lt. Martin landed. All of them had their weapons fully loaded.

Captain Fairchild and Lt. Martin were wearing what appeared to be large howdahs just behind their "cockpits". The straps were carefully position as not to interfere with their control surfaces or engines. The howdahs had each had four pintle mounted .50 caliber machine guns - one for each side.    

Major Lockie opened his cargo bay doors and lowered his ramp. Two 20 mm gatling guns on pintle mounts were attached at each end of the ramp.

"So ready for the next game?" Captain Fairchild asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 01, 2012, 01:35:01 PM
the next event will be magical obstacle course spread out over the length of the Great Wall., which covers about 11000 miles, or several hours even at your fastest speeds. Stripetail replied. each of you will be responsible for carrying a team, and you will be allowed to pull moves and tricks on each other as this is a compeition. just keep things as fair as possible as when you race normally..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 01, 2012, 04:39:29 PM
"Fair?" Belladonna frowned, "that's no fun...."

"I like playing fair,"Annabelle retorted.

The Duke now had his eyes on the hell whippet. She was definitely a candidate for someone who wouldn't play fair...


"What is this?!" one of the customers asked while they were in what looked like the inside of an oven lol
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 01, 2012, 07:59:07 PM
"That sounds like it can be interesting." Droopy said.

"I do hope the tricks don't hurt to much or are to nasty." Wally said, remembering some of the tricks the Really Rottens used back during the original Laff-a-lympics and shaking his head a bit.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 02, 2012, 12:53:32 AM
Later that night, at dinner, Tiger and Scooby were having their usual buffet.

"Man this brings me back," Tiger said between stuffing his face.

"You were always a big eater," Kitty said, resting on a futon next to him.

"I was owned by a rich woman in New York. She spoiled me and my family rotten..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 02, 2012, 01:02:32 AM
Lets hear about yourself Tiger. Kitty and i know plenty about each other, but i've yet to hear about youy' Dixie said  surrounded by a large pile of gifts (all for kitty naturally) and was doing some calculations for exactly how much she had spent at Kittys direction. so far it was north of 300 thousand
 _ So What happened that you ended up in Green River?" Scooby asked between bites.. " I mean you were owned by a rich lady, and spoiled.. sounds like the dream life?"
 Auga Tweety and the woodpeckers were sitting at a nearby table, eating and making small talk between them
 in the  Dawgs floor
 Dulcy was applying a fresh round of balm to Samias wounds which caused Samias to cry out.. " Sorry Girl, but this will help. Got it off of the wizard. he said it would sting, but that it would heal..
 you're doing the next event Dulcy" Samia moaned as dulcy applied balm to a tear in her wing..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 02, 2012, 01:08:59 AM
"She was a rich lady....who lived alone," Tiger explained, "So when she passed on, we didn't have a place to turn. We ended up on the streets, and as got older we went out seperate ways. I ended up joining a gang called the Mott Street Maulers. I didn't really agree with their ideas, but I had a home until I met Fievel. On my own again, I met Miss Kitty at a club she worked at."

"Yeah, I was a showgirl back home," Kitty said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 02, 2012, 01:42:29 AM
so we do have a lot in common then Dixie said as she totaled up another dozen packages.. she was now over 400 grand.. dixie estimated she would finish with something close to a million when they were all totalled. " I did shows before signing up at the Delta Queen with Steamboat Sally. sadly she passed on a few years ago. she was full of stories about sailing up and down the river.."
 so the good ti,ms didnt last  thats a shame " scooby commiserated. ' i've done my fair share of mystery solving, with the gang.. We've got a good reputation on cases..
 Before I met garfield I was living in alleys' Arlene admitted.." once the studio closed I had to go bnack to living on the sreets. I dont know what I wouldnt have done without the games being oput on..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 02, 2012, 09:50:04 PM
Hunch and the Duke were flying through the skies, searching for food.

"Anything yet uncle Dukie?" Hunch asked.

"You if you don't shut your beak," The Duke mumbled quietly.


"Time to turn on the heat," Rabbit winked to Fox.


"So yeah, after that, some things happened, and we moved to Green River," Tiger concluded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 02, 2012, 09:58:57 PM
Fox turned on the heat, surprising the victims.. Ah.. whats going on? they yelled..let us out..
Dinner is almost ready Wildcat grinned, getting an order ready in the kitchen..
_ and where you've been happy up until gabriel started messing around.." Dixie shrugged . well this is a nice town and i;'m glad you joined the team.. Its good to have friends around"
Yogi was snuggling with Cindy in thier room. indy was trying to comfort him after the bruising he took from the kung fu masters..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 03, 2012, 12:03:28 AM
Droopy and Wally made their way to the hotel cafe, Droopy feeling well enough to make his way down there.  


Gary had flown over near to Wildcat's Cafe, he had hear rumours of the place over the past decade or so but was never near enough to check it out till now.  Once he was near he changed to the anthro version of his roadrunner form.  He found himself behind a dwarf and an elf.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 03, 2012, 12:22:49 AM
Arlrene took time to weigh herself on a scale. she was now 130 pounds, 7 away from fulfilling her bet. " Added another 10 pounds today. probably from popcorn . 7 pounds to i fulfill my end of the bet. next time, you girls are going to do something for me.."
 Sorry Arlene but according to this list I'm at Kitty's beck and call..' diuxie said 'Kitty what exactly are you doing to use a drum of  glass balls for? because i bought it because i was on your list.. "
 Who knows Scooby shrugged as he created a fresh supply of food for him and Tiger..
 the dread baron and the hooded clsaw were going over thier plans for the next event.. well baron, we're off to a good start in China
 we just need to win the next event and the location should be ours the claw smirked..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 03, 2012, 12:38:11 AM
which Tiger and Scooby then devoured lol

"You'll see," Kitty replied slyly.


"Your meal will be up soon," Rabbit smiled to the customers.

"Must stink to be the ones in the oven," Sheegwa said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 03, 2012, 12:49:31 AM
the victims were cooked and brought out to the customers including gary and the other guests
 which included Bluto, gantu and and tom and jewrry, who were taking a break from mascotting..
perhaps they are for a machine.. like one of those fortune teller things you put a quarter in.. Dixie shrugged.
 arlene sat inbetween the guys who were now on thier fifth course of food, and were still going strong..
_ Yes it does stink. Stripetail said as he and the Miao kids relaxed at a table. But such is life unfortunately..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 03, 2012, 01:22:46 AM
Gary sat at a different table then the dwarf and elf he had been behind.  

"An interesting selection of food they have here.  I wonder if their drinks are as interesting."  The muscular dwarf said. "I"m glad we figured out out a few of his 'shortcuts" to getting around.  Though we have to use gadgets."

"I wonder if he'll pop up." The elf said, starting on her meal.  The dwarf did likewise.  

"Never know about him.  If there's any danger or action to be had he'll appear for sure.  if no then he still may, or maybe not." The dwarf said.

Gary started on his meal, thinking that they did cook very well, though the food appeared different then most other places he had been to.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 03, 2012, 11:59:36 PM
The special glass balls were for a hypnosis device Kitty was looking into.

"This'll be fun," she thought to herself.

The Miao kittens ate their portions,

as the Duke and Hunch devoured some poor random travellers. lol

"Yummy," Hunch smiled.

"Scrumptious," the Duke nodded.

Belladonan once again got the big bed, Annabelle the futon.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 04, 2012, 12:26:58 AM
you've got something up your sleeve kitty i can tell Arlene smirked as kitty fingereed the glass bulbs.. 'Yeah Kitty you do have that twinkle in your eye" Dixie said looking at her friend.." By the way I hope you appreciate that I just spemt 917, 324 dollars on you..not including the dresses I just had delivered to your hotel room.. all purple like you wanted..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 04, 2012, 01:17:28 AM
"Yeah, thanks," Kitty replied, putting an icepack on her head again. "Purple is my fav...."

"What next boss?" Rabbit asked Wildact
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 04, 2012, 02:12:39 AM
Go check on our stores of supplied. kitten crunch ids starting to get low, and we have the monsters convention in a week' wildcat said..
 Stripetail ordered seconds for the trio, while getting a refill of tea..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 05, 2012, 12:27:26 AM
"Pretty well made food." The dwarf said eating a bit of his meal.  

"not to spicy like that fire beetle stew in that one cafe." The elf said.  "A very odd place.  Though the mission we were on was not ordinary."

The dwarf nodded as he ate.  "At least Chomper was able to help us out at the end." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 05, 2012, 05:38:24 PM
Major Lockie bobbed his head in acknowledgement. "So is everything set up?" he asked.

A smaller prop plane - obviously the referee - landed near the three planes. "All right, your weapons are enchanted so they'll simply slow down or hinder your targets. Other than that, they'll act exactly like real ones. Also, ammunition and other assorted powerups are floating in boxes over the course. Fly through them or shoot them to receive what's inside. Any questions?"

"Is ramming allowed?" Captain Fairchild asked.

"No. Physical contact is not allowed and neither are boarding actions. Your riders can throw projectiles they gain from the course or fire their weapons at either the opposing planes or riders."

"That'll do."

"Everyone for the Great Wall Battle Run! Line up and choose your teams!" the prop plane shouted.

At the plane's words, three more living planes landed: a baby blue F-22 Raptor, a Su-25 and a 747. All of them wore howdahs that allowed riders to fire weapons or throw projectiles at the opposing racers. In addition, they all carried missiles, autocannon, countermeasures and rocket pods.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2012, 11:14:42 PM
(we'll say that your post is the next morning..)
 scooby yawned as the scooby doobies climbed abourd one of the plasnes.. He was recovering from the large string of buffets..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 06, 2012, 11:18:41 PM
as was Tiger.

"We had a lot of energy food," Tiger smirked, wanting to be confident.

Annabelle was able to get some sleep for once, and was ready for action.

The Duke landed near the starting point, "This challenge will be different," the big owl told himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2012, 11:32:34 PM
Yogi and his team climbed onboard thier p;llane.. he and ranger smith were recovering from the previous pounding but slowly..
 Screwy settled in on the dawhs plane.. while dulcy and snaia squeezed in as best they coiuuld. dulcy was still trying to comfort samia, whose wounds were not fully healed
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 07, 2012, 12:05:55 AM
Droopy, and Wally went out to the Dogs plane.

 "What do you think it'll be like?" Wally asked Droopy.

"Not dull, rather exciting at times." Droopy said.  

"I just wonder if anyone will be cheating." Wally said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 08, 2012, 01:56:32 AM
After several minutes, everyone had boarded the planes and they had moved to separate runways to begin the competition.

"All right I need two to man the gatling guns at the end of my ramp," Major Lockie said. "Everyone else, there should be some guns and rocket launchers inside my cargo bay."


Yogi and his team climbed aboard the Su-25's howdah.

"All right, my name is Nikolai. And we will win this! Man the machine guns!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 09, 2012, 11:29:42 PM
huckleberry took one gun, and yogi took the other." just fl;y straight nikolai" Huckleberry said.. and no loops de loops..
 dixie took one gun for the scoobys and winnie took the other
 the rittens team was bluto and b the hooded claw. dulcy and wally handled the dawgs plane
- ready.. set1 gpo!' Stripetail boomed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 09, 2012, 11:33:10 PM
However, the seer and his apprentices would be getting a ride in the form of an old friend.

Dojo, a dragon guardian of the Xiaolin Temple not too far away came flying up. the dragon actually had two heads, though they shared the same stomach.

"Hey, what did I....i mean we miss?" the left head asked the seer.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 09, 2012, 11:40:30 PM
we missed the kung fu masters strut their stuff leftie ' the right head said. i told you to not eat so much at the dragons buffet..
Well if you could escort me and the trio here.. as we watch the race.,..' Stripetail said ' meanwhile you three i willl begin with another lesson of masgic..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 09, 2012, 11:46:14 PM
"Hey," the left head said, "Eating all those people took time because they were running."

the heads both turned to the seer. "Sure thing," they nodded.

"Cool, a dragon," Dongwa awed.

"How do you know him...or them?" Sheegwa asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 09, 2012, 11:59:03 PM
Wally went over to the guns on the plane.  "Those look complicated." He said looking the guns over but not touching them.  

"I'm sure they are not to hard to use." Droopy said looking over at him.


J (the animated jason) was walking along with Black Agumon, Longstride (a human size autobot) and Mikey of the tmnt.

"It's great to get away from the usual routine and see new sights and places." longstride said.

"And having lots of snacks to eat without any party pooper like Leo saying not to." Mikey said as he finished eating a snack he had gotten recently.

"yea, lots of great tasting stuff here." Black Agumon said licking his lips at the food smells.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 10, 2012, 08:18:50 PM
The teams took off, running.

"Wish we'd have something more visually interesting," the Duke told himself.

"At least in hell there's fire," Belladonna smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 17, 2012, 12:45:17 AM
With a deafening roar, all the planes took to the skies.

The three fighters sped ahead of the group. Colonel Sukhoi rolled to avoid a burst of fire from Major Douglas's wing root mounted autocannon. He then spotted a golden ring with three missiles set off the course. "See if you can shoot that!" he ordered.


Major Lockie was engaged with Captain Sven. One of the competitors riding on the 747's howdah tossed a grenade onto the AC-130's deployed ramp while another stitched his right wing with the howdah mounted machine gun fire. "S---! I'm hit!" he shouted as he began to slow down. Captain Sven smirked as one of his howdah gunners shot a ring with three blue arrows in it. Four lines of blue flame shot the 747's four engines as he vanished into the distance.


Captain Fairchild swore profusely as the modified anti air guns shot at him. Bursts of flak lit up the skies surrounding him. Like all the weapons in this race, they weren't lethal - they were just designed to slow him down. He then disabled one of the flak guns with his rocket pods.

He then noticed several drone planes coming up behind him. "Use the guns on the howdah and shoot them down!" he barked. He hoped that one of them would yield either a speed boost or invulnerability powerup.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 17, 2012, 01:39:51 AM
inside the teams areas scooby
 winnie and arlene were moving around trying to respond..
Dulcy fired on the drone planes. which revealed ammo
 increased speed and an hour of invinciobility..
 Bobo fired revealing crates of health..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 17, 2012, 09:25:50 PM
"So, how do you know this dragon Mr. Stripetail?" Sheegwa asked.


"Go! Go!" Tiger cheered on his team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 18, 2012, 11:03:33 AM
"There are some seats." Longstride said pointing to some seats.

"Great, I can put some of this stuff in the extra seat." Mikey said.

"I would think you'd be full from all that you ate." J said looking at Mikey.

"Yea, but what if I get hungry while we're here?" Mikey asked.

"Think I'll go and get something to drink." Black Agumon said before he ran off towards where some drinks were being sold.

The rest went to the seats to sit down.  

"Interesting event." Longstride said using his binocular telescopic optics to watch the race and the goings on after he had sat down.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 20, 2012, 01:03:35 AM
Captain Fairchild glowed gold as the aura of invulnerability wrapped his airframe. The shrapnel from the shells bounced off of him. "Prepare yourselves!" he shouted. He then activated the speed boost. A trail of blue fire streamed from his engines as he shot ahead, easily avoiding the AA guns.


Lt. Martin discharged several flares to avoid an anti-air missile fired from Major Douglas's riders.

Colonel Sukhoi sped onto the scene. "Riders, try to take out Major Douglas. I'll handle Lt. Martin."

Lt. Martin smirked. "Don't think so!" She then let loose a burst of autocannon fire that the Su-25 dodged by rolling on his side. Luckily, the howdahs had a force field so the riders couldn't fall out.  


"How are things going on back there?" Major Lockie asked. He shot an AA missile battery, disabling it. He then locked onto a box containing a question mark. A bust of 25 mm fire revealed it to be a random ammo box. He was rewarded with three sticky bombs and two anti-air missile launchers for his riders. "Forget the guns! I got a power-up! Use the hand held AA missile launchers on my ramp! Also, grenades, when one of the competitors or a drone plane flies by, throw the grenade at them."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 20, 2012, 01:09:56 AM
Make sure to mark which plane is for which team Serris thanks
 Scooby Doobies)
( Really Rottens )
 I've known Dojo for a number of years. both his heads have different personalities..But hes a decent sort at heart' Plus hes giving us a lift" Stripetail replied
 the planes were flying at sonic sppedds but sence the great Wall covcers 11000 miles at that sppeed it would take nearly 18 hours to reach the finish..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 20, 2012, 07:42:53 PM
(Dixie's Plane)

Major Lockie picked something up on his sensors. "Dixie! Heads up! We've got drones coming! Shoot them down and see if you can get a health pick up. I need it, badly!"


(Boo-Boo's Plane)

"Any time now!" Colonel Sukhoi said as he dodged autocannon and machine gun fire from Major Douglas and Lt. Martin along with their riders.

Suddenly he felt something attach to his airframe just below behind his "head". "S---! I got a sticky bomb on me! Get it off or we'll lose the race!"


(The Rotten's Plane)

Captain Fairchild had met up with Captain Sven. The machine gun fire from the 747's riders were completely useless against his heavy armor. Unfortunately, they were flying literally neck and neck, so the A-10's powerful 30 mm gatling gun couldn't be used.

Suddenly, the riders on Captain Sven's howdah tossed what looked like model airplanes overboard.

"Really?" Captain Fairchild asked. He then swore as one of them got a missile lock. "Crew! Shoot down those drones while I get a lock on him!" He then armed a long range homing missile and waited to get the perfect lock on the big plane. Chaff flew from his underbelly in an attempt to fool the homing missile that one of the drones fired.

The 747 then flew on, letting his drones handle the A-10. Luckily for the 747, Captain Fairchild was a rather slow flyer.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 20, 2012, 11:10:09 PM
We hear you Major " dIxie replied ' Auga and wioody are on the turrets" she added as her team started firing. a number of drones dropped health, a welcoe sight for thier plane
Bobo, cracked his knuckles and fired releasing invicibility poweer up.
_ Bluto and the Hooded claw were carving up the planes
_ dulcy was helping the Dawgs maintain thier lead in the race..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 24, 2012, 07:49:46 PM
"We see," Sagwa nodded to the seer.

Kitty dodged all the chaos during the race.

"Oh madness, I love the madness!" Belladonna laughed.

"If only hell had psych wards..." Annabelle commented under her breath.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 24, 2012, 09:58:23 PM
the swerves by the planes banged many of the competitors together.. there were no seats in these planes.,.. scooby banged into tiger.. hard
 dixie was flung into a sidewall hard..
-(Dawgs plane)
 dulcy was firing as fast as she could as the race continued..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 24, 2012, 10:08:16 PM
Droopy got up from his seat and made his way over to the other gun.  He did his best to strap himself in well and then started to use the other gun to shoot at other planes or power ups they were close to or about to fly through.


"A most exciting match." Longstride said.

"Reminds me of that wrestling stuff that Kasey likes to watch sometimes.  But with more explosions." Mikey said watching the race as best as he could.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 26, 2012, 07:45:38 PM
(Dixie's Plane)

Major Lockie nodded as his health was restored. "Thanks!" He then shot some floating powerups, rewarding his riders with additional ammo.

He then tore up some more AA guns with his 40 mm and 105 mm cannons. A quick sensor scan showed that something was behind him. And it was Captain Sven! " How did he!? Damn it! He must have respawned behind us! Gah!" the AC-130 shouted as machine gun fire from above raked him. He then decreased in airspeed, letting the 747 pass him. He then climbed in altitude, hoping to get in range so he could use his 105 mm cannon along with his rider's hand thrown bombs against the 747.


(Boo-Boo's Plane)

The invicibility powerup did its job. The sticky bomb detonated without harming Colonel Sukhoi or his riders.

Lt. Martin (the Dawg's plane) armed an anti-air missile and aimed at Major Douglas, who was on full afterburners and trying to flee. She then launched it. A minute later, the flaming vehicle fell out of the sky.

"Are you allowed to do that?" Colonel Sukhoi asked.

Lt. Martin flashed her wingtip lights in the affirmative. "She'll respawn soon. It's in the rules." She then lit her afterburners and sped away.

The Su-25 screamed multiple profanities as he pushed his engines to the limit as he began to chase down the F-16.


(The Rotten's Plane)

Captain Fairchild's heavy armor afforded him great protection from the scrapes and gunfire from the drones chasing him.

He then saw a hazard that had been placed on the field - a roiling black thunderhead. No plane would fly into a thunderstorm - let alone one this fierce. He smiled.

"Hang on!" he shouted. He then headed straight into the storm. He pushed his engines harder to try and overpower the fierce crosswinds. Hailstones almost as large as his 30 mm cannon rounds and freezing rain slammed against his airframe as the wind buffeted the powerful vehicle as if he were no more than a model.

The hailstones pinging off his armor plate felt like AA fire but he decided to ignore it.  Suddenly he felt his wings and tail starting ice up. He swore as he realized his defrosters must have been damaged from the AA fire he took previously.

"This is gonna sound crazy, but you should have some rifles from one of the powerups I picked up. They're supposed to be used against the riders of the plane but I want you to shoot off the ice that forms on my wings or tail!" the living A-10 shouted over the howling wind. "I'm already icing up, so hurry!"

(OOC - the planes and competitors can actually be shot down or crash but they'll respawn after a bit <think Mario Kart>. Hey, this RP runs on cartoon physics!)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 27, 2012, 02:33:41 AM
good thinking Serris
 The Hooded Claw opened fire ' better hope we can knock off the iice , otherwise we';ll lose valuable time " he said
 Once a plane carrying a team crashed a magical shield would protect the team, leaving them floating in midair for a few minutes while the plane reformed. as the race reached the quarter marker, major lockie was in the lead folowed by col sukhoki. captain fairchild andLt Martin were close behind them however..
_ the planes sure love firing at each other and trying to one up each other " striupetail remarked " he had created some fish for the kittens to eat..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 29, 2012, 05:48:26 PM
(The Rotten's Plane)

The stream of bullets broke off the ice on Captain Fairchild's wings and tails. The ice that remained was easily shattered by him moving the control surfaces.

He then saw a gap in the clouds. "Hang on!" he shouted as he sped through the gap, rolling on his side to avoid some stray AA fire.  

He then smiled as the sunlight played over his battered airframe. He then spotted Colonel Sukhoi in the distance.

He then spotted some floating crates in the distance; a short burst of rocket fire gave him some much needed health pickups and a few sticky bombs for his riders.


(Boo-Boo's Plane)

"Look out!" Colonel Sukhoi shouted as he rolled to the side, narrowly dodging a stream of autocannon fire as the newly respawned Major Douglas thundered past him.

Flak began to burst around them as the AA guns respawned and began shooting. "


(Dixie's Plane)

Major Lockie had now gotten above Captain Sven. He aimed his 105 mm gun and fired only to realize it was out of ammo. "Dixie! The handheld bombs! Throw them over and try to hit the plane below me!"

He swore as one of Captain Sven's riders stitched his belly and wings with machine gun fire.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 29, 2012, 06:16:20 PM
woody grabbed a box of bombs and opened it
 grabbing a few her tossed in down through an opening in Lockies side.. vbombs away' he s,mirked.. up aghead were soime powerups including speed up with doubled the planes natural speed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 29, 2012, 06:21:25 PM
(Dixie's Plane)

Captain Sven swore as the small bombs rained down on him. The rain of explosives forced him to slow down and dive below some clouds in hope of losing the AC-130.

Major Lockie ran into one of the speed boost power ups. A blue line streamed from his engines as he rapidly picked up speed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 07, 2012, 02:03:59 AM
the race continued and it was very very tight between the four contestants. the weathers magically changed adding anothjer element to the race..major lockie continued to hold his lead over the others
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 07, 2012, 07:01:04 PM
"It's too close to call," Sheegwa said, watching from atop Dojo.

"Yup," the left head nodded
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on November 14, 2012, 11:58:08 PM
(The Rotten's Plane)

Captain Fairchild had gotten above the Su-25. Thanks to his infrared illuminators and camera, he could see the form of Colonel Sukhoi outlined against the clouds. Thanks to the fog, the Su-25 had been forced to slow down somewhat.

"If we hit him with my sticky bombs, he'll be out of commission for a while. Drop bombs!" he ordered.


(Boo-Boo's Plane)

Colonel Sukhoi swore profusely as fog enveloped him, cutting his visibility to zero.

Two powerful floodlights mounted on the front of his howdah clicked on. As he continued flying, he then noticed that Lt. Martin and Major Douglas were gone.

"S---!" he exclaimed. "Crew! Can you see anything?"  


(Dixie's Plane)

"Well f--- me!" Major Lockie shouted. Up ahead was a massive thunderhead. Lightning periodically illuminated the turbulent interior. "Hang on!"

The AC-130 pulled into an steep dive in an attempt to fly underneath the towering thunderhead.

Almost immediately, rain cut his visibility to zero. Two searchlights mounted on his open rear ramp flicked on. There, below them, several AA guns swiveled as they prepared to fire.

"Crew! There should still be some hand thrown bombs in my hold! Take out those AA guns!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 15, 2012, 09:11:19 PM
The Hooded claw and Bluto did as the directed and scored a direct hit.
_ Bobo's plane " Sorry, cant see annything, we're flying blind" Yogi replied
dulcy and samia were firing at the anti-aircraft guns as droopy took a break
 scooby dropped the last of the bombs.. the race was now past the three-quaarters point..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 15, 2012, 09:58:17 PM
Droopy continued to do his best to shoot at the other planes as best as he could.  

"I didn't think the race would be quite like this." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 16, 2012, 01:04:58 AM
"Their ammo isn't as impressive as our fire breath," the left head smirked in a whisper to Dojo's passengers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 18, 2012, 02:55:37 AM
this is going to be extremely close stripetail said as they approached the last 1000 miles of great wall..lockie held a slim lead over suhoki with a gap between the m and lt martin and fairchild..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 21, 2012, 02:06:28 AM
Belladonna used some of her flame breath to spice up the game, if you will.

"Ha ha," the hellhound smirked.

The Duke kept flying slightly over the great wall, dodging the chaos.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 26, 2012, 03:11:22 AM
all the competitirs inside the planes were exhausted, the race had been going on for several hours.. and none of therm had much strenbgth left to drop bombs or shoot down enemy planes..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 27, 2012, 02:43:39 PM
"Looks like they're running out of ammo," Sheegwa said from atop Dojo.

"Darn, I was hoping the fun wouldn't stop," Belladonna sighed.

The Duke kept flying along the legnth of the track.

"Almost done...." Tiger said, wanting the madness to end
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 27, 2012, 04:42:54 PM
"Looks like we are starting to run a little low on ammo." Droopy said looking at how much he had left as he continued to shoot when he had a target in his sights.  "I do hope it lasts long enough till the race is over.  

"I think we're not far from the end of the race." Wally said, "At least I Hope so." He said hoping it was over so they could all rest.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 27, 2012, 08:02:31 PM
make it stop! Scooby moaned as he was banged into winnie, then Auga, then Woody.
 Bluto was turning green from becxoming airsick.." Stop.. turning.. over" he moaned./..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 29, 2012, 11:28:21 PM
"I hate....this...." Annabelle nodded in nauseous agreement, holding her paw over her mouth.

The Duke was good at holding onto his lunch.

"It's almost done..." Dongwa said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 30, 2012, 12:12:21 AM
yogi was nearly unconscious from bumping into huckleberry
  Dulcy and Samia emptued out the reserves of bullets as the guns clicked empty
 Major lockie was the first to finish..followed by Suhoki and Fairchild
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 30, 2012, 01:17:04 AM
"Where do we go after China?" Sagwa asked Stripetail.

Tiger and Kitty went to the side of the wall and lost their lunches.

"Ew..." Annabelle commented.

"The Duke feels fine," the fat owl grinned lol
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 30, 2012, 01:31:55 AM
we are going to a place where Gabreil cannot follow" stripetail Said " Monstro" It will be .. different from the other places we hgave been.."
- Dulcxy and Samia were throwing up over the side of the wall..and they werent the only ones..
 Are we done here' Cindy moaned.. as she held her stomach..
 Who won? screwy said.. ' as Dixie stumbled around trying to get her balance..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 30, 2012, 01:33:13 AM
"What do you mean monstro?" Dongwa asked, concerned.


The duke chuckled, he knew who monstro was.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 30, 2012, 01:49:54 AM
Come on Guys Scooby muttered wavuing to Woody Winnie Augua Tweety and the Tiger and kitty..lets go get something to eat before we head off to the next location...
 Stripetail was tallying up the scioores..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on November 30, 2012, 05:47:00 PM
The next planes were Lt. Martin, Major Douglas and Captain Sven in that order.

"It wasn't that bad, was it?" Major Lockie asked.

"Good match!" Captain Sven shouted as his competitors disembarked and his howdah was removed.

The ground crew was busy refueling, cleaning and rearming the planes after their competitors had disembarked and their howdahs were removed.

"So what's next?" Captain Fairchild asked as an ordnanceman mounted some fresh rocket pods on him.

Lt. Martin rolled up to Stripetail, taking care not to run him over to suck him into her engine. "Monstro? If it's place we can't fly to, how will we get there?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 30, 2012, 07:51:01 PM
you can fly there.. getting out.. will be the issue' Stripetail." Monstro.. is an enormous blue whale.. and by enormous i mean roughly the size of manhattan..' he added. there will be plenty of room inside of him for you to fly around..
The finishing order is as follows: scooby Doobies Yogi Yahooeys Droopy dawgs and Really Rottens" stripetail said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 30, 2012, 11:04:14 PM
Wally & Droopy had gotten off the plane and sat down.  They rested there till they felt like getting up and continuing on with what they were doing.  

Gary came up to the others.  

"That was long race, I think the longest I"ve been in.  But I'm glad it's finally over." Wally said.  

"You're not the only one." Droopy said looking at how the others were doing now, and how they had been doing when they had all started to get off their planes.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 01, 2012, 02:21:35 AM
"Wait, a whale?!" Dongwa gasped.

"We're gonna get eaten?!" Sagwa exclaimed.

"I've seen worse," the Duke chuckled.


"Cousin, can this deal be over finally?" Annabelle asked.

"Ah ah ah, not yet," Belladonna grinned wickedly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 03, 2012, 06:50:31 PM
hold on, we're going in a whale? yogi stammtred. ' is there any other way?
 No, we are headed out on a ship where Monstro will meet us sometime in the South China Sea" Stripetail said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 03, 2012, 11:26:49 PM
"I think I saw him in a movie.  I don't recall which one though." Gary said, attempting to recall which movie, and when he had seen it.  

"One of those horror movies?" Wally asked in a worried manner.  

"I think it was a kids movie." Droopy said.  

"Perhaps, I recall there was no gore not blood." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 06, 2012, 05:39:46 PM
Lt. Martin blinked. "A whale? How will we fly inside a whale!?"

Captain Fairchild scowled. "Hell no! I ain't flying inside no f---ing whale!"

Major Lockie looked around at the crowd. "You do realize that we need fuel and munitions to properly function, right? How can we obtain such materiel inside a whale?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 06, 2012, 06:54:33 PM
monstro has made prepations for all 4 teams and for you." stripetail replied.. " he mentioned something about swallowing a military ship, hopefully it will have the supplies that you what qunanties i';'m not sure..since gabriel has sabotaged our last 3 locations, it became necessary to find one she couldnt disrupt... being inside a whale is not the prefered choice, but it has become a necessity..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 06, 2012, 10:09:07 PM
"Great, just great," Tiger said, "And fish is usually the one type of meat I do eat. And now it's the other way around..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 06, 2012, 11:00:24 PM
"Gosh, that sounds scary, being inside a whale." Wally said looking at the others.   He wasn't sure if he liked the idea or not.

"Not a thing everyone can say they have done." Droopy said.  

Gary nodded, "It does sound rather unusual." Gary said.  "Though under the circumstances perhaps needed."

"I wounder if she would find a way to get inside Monstro or her minions." Droopy said thinking partially out loud.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 06, 2012, 11:11:23 PM
well lead on dulcy said weakly.. she was still recovering from the long race..
- well this will be new' Arlene said " From raacing across china to fighting in tumbleweeds abnd now being swallowed by a whale.. what hijinks do you have planned for us next? she asked
 Stripetail smiled wryly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 09, 2012, 01:01:21 AM
Captain Fairchild smirked. "If it involves blowing s--- up, I'm in for it!" A ground crewman was repairing the armor that had been corroded by the dip that Gabriel had used. Even though the plates were crudely welded on, they'd eventually fuse seamlessly with his own armor.

"Captain, can you think of something that doesn't involve gratuitous amounts of explosives and ordnance?" Major Lockie asked as he was being refueled.

"Hey! I've got a 30 mm gatling autocannon that spits out a mix of armor piercing incendiary rounds and high explosive incendiary tracers. It's great fun to use it!"

Major Lockie scowled. "Look I'm basically a flying artillery base" - Major Lockie swiveled his rear mounted 105 mm howitzer for emphasis - "but you don't see me aching to blow things up!"

"Bah! You're no fun."

Lt. Martin sighed. "Captain, Major, you both outrank me, but with all due respect, could you please stop arguing about this? Captain Fairchild's infatuation with his gun is his business and his business alone."

The two living planes immediately ceased their argument.

Lt. Martin pivoted to face Stripetail. "Stripetail, how wide is the entrance? Major Lockie has a wingspan of over one hundred feet?" As she spoke, she ran an internal diagnostics on her systems.


Gabriel was standing in the rubble of a tower that Captain Fairchild had demolished hours ago.

"You idiots!" she screeched. "You couldn't bring down that plane!?"

"But he was-" a Weasel protested.

"No buts! I want them out the picture the next time you see them!"

Several of the Weasels came back with cash and other valuables pillaged from the surrounding area.

Gabriel looked around. "All right, move out!" She then headed back to her RV and started the engine.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 09, 2012, 02:52:24 AM
his mouth is big enough' Stripetail replied
there likely wont be much room for flying around unfortunately,unless i magically make monstro bigger. which i can do.."
_ right now i'm ready to go . yogi said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 09, 2012, 03:13:07 AM
"Yeah, no. Sorry, we'll fly outside Monstro and patrol for Gabriel," Major Lockie said. "We'll only come in when we need to be refueled or rearmed."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 09, 2012, 03:40:54 AM
Afte r 3 events the Scooby have 1000 points, the rEally Rottens have 900 points, The Droopy Dawgs have 600 points and the Yogi Yahooeys have 500 points. The Last event will be a contest on how can feed my frioend panda the most food, ion 20 minutes ' Stripetail said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 09, 2012, 03:45:00 AM
"Where will get the food from?" Tiger asked Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 09, 2012, 03:54:21 AM
i'll provide it ,. you ask for it i'll provide, then its a sinple matter of feding it to him ' stripetail said " this is the last event so it is worth 1000 points for the winners and with 100 points seperating 1st from 2d and 3rd from 4th, its anyones game. all 4 teams could end up winning the stage..
dulcy was resting on daqwgs bus as they prepared to head to the Valley of Peace..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 11, 2012, 01:11:37 AM
Panda stepped out in front of all the teams. His footsteps caused cracks in the ground.

"Feed me candy, bamboo, and people," he chuckled heartily.

"People?" Sheegwa asked the seer.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 16, 2012, 03:06:09 AM
he'll give bonus points to teams if they can get their opponents to be eaten by him, up to 250 extra. each team will have 5 players particpating. Stripetail said so a tital possible of 1250 points..
- so its going to more chioas and mayhem Yogi shrugged ' eh we're use to it..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 16, 2012, 07:39:40 PM
"Guess it'll be like the air race was." Wally said, not sure of the sound of it.  

"Very similar, but not identical." Droopy said.

"Or worst even perhaps."   Wally said, a bit more nervous at the thought of it.  

"To know that we'll have to wait and see." Gary said.  Keeping his thoughts to himself, at least for now.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 19, 2012, 02:43:54 AM
"This'll be fun," Belladonna smirked, sprouting her devil wings.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 19, 2012, 04:27:17 AM
The three living planes were refueled, repaired and rearmed.

"All right," Major Lockie said. "What is our next order?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 19, 2012, 10:58:41 PM
scout the area and make sure Gabriel doesnt try anything to wreck our last event" Stripetail said." There will be 5 members of each team dfor this last event.. teams pick out your five, and let the contest begin..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 24, 2012, 11:17:53 PM
"I would expect her to try to disrupt the events again, based on her past actions." Droopy said thinking over what he had observed of her past actions.  

"I hope we don't see her again." Wally said a bit scared even thinking about her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 25, 2012, 10:11:45 PM
"Don't worry; we'll chase her off - or kill her if we need to," Captain Fairchild said.

"All right, let's take to the skies!" Major Lockie bellowed. Everyone around him quickly backed away as he lit his massive turboprop engines and thundered down the runway. Captain Fairchild was next and Lt. Martin was the last to take to the skies.


Gabriel's armored RV trundled down a dirt road as she headed out of town.

Several of her Weasels were reading intel they had gathered.

"So where's the group next headed?" she asked as she drove.

"We're trying to find out. It's not going too well because one of the planes shot down our recon drone," a Weasel replied.

Gabriel sighed.

Another Weasel was sketching a recon drone on some paper. Once he was done with the sketch, he'd place it in a special cabinet where it became a real object.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 26, 2012, 02:25:29 AM
screwy volunteeered for the droops as did dulcy
- cindy volunteeered for the yogis, as did ranger smith.
 the baron the hooded claw and bluto signed up for the rottens
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 27, 2012, 08:55:01 PM
Just then, a package arrived by air mail for Arlene.

A small box with a lot of air holes was given to her.

"Is that you mommy?" Oliver, a young kitten asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 27, 2012, 09:06:42 PM
mommy? arlene gaped as she saw the little kitten. " Ahhh! Hes adorable" dixie said looking at the little kitten. ' i didnt know you had a kid Arlene..' I did things.. on the street' arlene sighed.." come on, lets take him and get the kids some food' Dixie smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 27, 2012, 09:11:20 PM
Oliver happily clung to Arlene's side as they went inside. "I love you," he meowed to his mother.

"Cute kid," Kitty also said.


"Wow, we just have people arriving by mail now," Belladonna joked.

"I'm so getting out of our deal," Annabelle said to herself.


"Shall i get him fish or mice?" Tiger asked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 27, 2012, 09:37:37 PM
both i think  dixie said, s they took oliver inside and got a good look at him.. ' so who sent you here kid' scooby asked looking at the small kitten, as stripetail entered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 28, 2012, 12:00:32 AM
"My daddy did," Oliver explained with an innocent smile on his face.

"He's very nice, arlene," Kitty said about Oliver
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 28, 2012, 12:29:05 AM
thanks arlene said, blushing " I didnt kno that his dad was in such a tough situation financially that he had to send him to me,... but i'll take care him, you'll help me, wont you girls? she asked Kitty and Dixie..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 28, 2012, 08:02:50 PM
"We'll help, don't worry," Kitty assured, "I know I'm wanting some kittens of my own."

Oliver nuzzled his mother's leg.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 28, 2012, 08:12:24 PM
bobo yogi and huckleberry rounded out the yogis
 auga winnie and woody jkjoined for the scoobies
- So who is this? stripertail said gazing at the the new arrival..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 28, 2012, 08:13:57 PM
"He's oliver, arlene's son," Kitty explained.

"Just arrived by air mail," tiger added
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 28, 2012, 08:27:31 PM
Your son? well this is interesting' Stripetail smiled. " this will givemy young cat friends here someone to play with. he added. So Oliver, what do you like to do? Stripetail asked..
lets get him something to eat first' Arlene said to Stripetasil..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 30, 2012, 12:39:44 AM
"I like to eat and play games," Oliver mewed cutely.

"Wanna learn kung fu?" Dongwa offered.

"that sounds like fun," Oliver said


MEanwhile, the teams were almost ready. The Duke would compete for the rottens.

"I am a gourmet myself," the big owl said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 30, 2012, 12:45:06 AM
the last event will involve feding master panda as much food as possible' Honest john said reading the instructions..
- play wth your new friend nicely kids' Stripetail said.
- we have two spots left to fill dixie said to the others..dwhio wants to feed Panda?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 30, 2012, 12:47:55 AM
"I can," Tiger smirked, "I know a lot about stuffing my face."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 30, 2012, 12:50:02 AM
"Sounds like a large job. " Wally said, not sure how it would be done.  "And are you sure he'd not just eat all of us?  He was a villain in that movie I saw after all." Wally said not at all sure of things.  

"That remains to be seen." Droopy said to Wally.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 30, 2012, 01:09:26 AM
well feding opponents will get you extra points' stripetail replied
 each opponwent is worth and extra 50 points, so in thoery you could get 750 extra points.." stripetail said of course all those eaten get restored once the contest is over.." stripetail said.
 4 large trays appeared before the teams. behind a large screen which shielded the other members of the team from the field of battle..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 31, 2012, 05:53:30 PM
"Bring it," Tiger smirked, ready for the competition.

"Feed me," Panda encouraged
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 31, 2012, 11:29:35 PM
"Maybe that can be the event after the whale, feeding Panda." Gary said.

"Or a warm up event." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 06, 2013, 12:28:37 AM
"No, the whale i'm told is in another part of the world," the Duke explained.

"This should be fun," Tiger said.


Meanwhile, Oliver played with the Miao kittens
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2013, 07:50:57 PM
the teams gathered around panda.. ' you will an hour to feed to panda, nothing is out of bounds, and once the contestant is swallowed you will remain in pandas gut until the end of the contest Stripetail said..
 we're ready yogi said
 bring it on on dulcy smiled
 we're ready screwy said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 19, 2013, 01:27:44 AM
"an hour, that is quite a long time.  What sort of tools or utinsils and food will be be using?" Droopy asked.  

"Or do we just throw it into his mouth?" Wally asked.

"That may be one of the things allowed, and possible for some foods." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 20, 2013, 01:58:01 AM
"Feed me!" Panda grinned, sitting down in front of everyone, causing the ground to shake.

"So where are we mommy?" Oliver asked Arlene.

"This will be fun to watch," Sagwa said

Tiger knew which foods to go and grab. "I know how to handle feeding," he chuckled.

"Sure thing," Miss Kitty nodded
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2013, 02:06:41 AM
using your hangs , magic whatever is available. you also perrmitted to mess with your opponents stripetail said ' that will bring up the wacky factor. every team has 5 players, if a team all ends up inside panda they will be awarded a place based on how much they fed him before being eaten..
 let the contest begin ' stripetail said gesturing a magical food appeared in front of them teams..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2013, 06:03:36 PM
Droopy and Wally grabbed some of the food and tried tossing it into Panda's mouth.  

"Guess I've gotta use my hands since I am not very good at magic." Droopy said.

"I didn't know you could do magic." Wally said after a throw.  

"I can't. " Droopy said, throwing some food.  "I have no idea how to."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 21, 2013, 10:15:40 PM
"Feed me, make me fatter," Panda chuckled, as Tiger and Miss Kitty tossed food into his wide open mouth.

"Just how much can that panda eat?" Sagwa asked Stripetail.

Annabelle used her angel powers to levitate food over.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on January 27, 2013, 02:42:54 AM
Gabriel's drone had been launched and was busy flying over the event. Thanks to its powerful camera and microphones it was also recording speech.

Unfortunately for the living planes, the drone flew high enough that they couldn't spot it.

However, Gabriel didn't count on Lt. Martin's sensor suite and advanced AA missiles. She quickly found the drone, locked onto it and shot it down.

"Stripetail, this is Lt. Martin, I have shot down a suspicious drone. Lt. out."

Unfortunately, enough data had been recorded that Gabriel knew where everyone was going next.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 27, 2013, 03:06:57 AM
examine the drone its likely gabriels" Stripetail radied..
_ She must not interfere with  the next event.. find out how much that  was drone recorded if you can..
_ screwy threw food into panda mouth as fast as he could..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 30, 2013, 11:39:43 PM
Wally tried tossing food into Panda's mouth, first Basketball like then later in a more baseball pitcher style.  

"I've not tried anything like this before." Wally said.  

Droopy got a large cooking type spoon and attempted to use it like a catapult to catapult food into Panda's mouth.  

"You're not the only one." Droopy said pausing in what he was doing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2013, 01:41:22 AM
samia and dulcy topssed clawfuls of food into Panda.. the teams were matching each other  throw for throw.. after a minute the doobies had fed him 25 pounds, the rottens 23, the dawgs 22 and the yogis 21.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 31, 2013, 02:58:24 AM
Tiger kept tossing more and more food.

"I think it's time we give him live meat," Belladonna grinned to her teammates.

"So, where is my room mommy?" Oliver asked Arlene
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2013, 12:34:23 AM
you're stay with me scooby and dixie, but we're leaving once this even is over
 Dulcy used her tail to knock the rottens down.. yogis wee throwing food at the doobies. it was a micture of throwing food into panda mpouth and a food fight ..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 01, 2013, 10:37:36 PM
Droopy continued to use his large spoon to scoop up food and catapult it into Panda's mouth as Wally continued to throw it into his mouth as best as he could.  


"That's a mighty lot of food being flung about." One person watching said.

"Wonder if they'll be using beer next." Another person said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on February 02, 2013, 01:14:21 AM
"I have intercepted the drone's communication," Major Lockie radioed. "It appears that it has sent over where our next event is. I am currently trying to find out where she currently is. Once I do, Captain Fairchild and I will do a sortie and take her out."


The sound of rubber on tarmac was heard as the living F-16 touched down to be refueled at a local airfield.

Several other living planes were being refueled as well.

Colonel Sukhoi was chatting with the ground crew as they ran diagnostics on him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 02, 2013, 02:11:26 AM
Good major. Hopefully we can get rid of her, but i'm not optimistic' Stripetail said ' she seems like the type that will hound us until the end.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 10, 2013, 03:45:15 AM
In the Pride Lands, the royals were given a special TV to watch the games live.

"This is great," Vitani smiled to Kopa as Kovu and Kiara brought a bowl of meat popcorn lol
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2013, 03:48:52 AM
Who are you rooting for? Kopa asked as simba, the current king and father of Kopa and Kiara, took the remote..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 10, 2013, 03:51:45 AM
"The team with the most felines," Kovu replied.

"Same here," Kiara nodded, nuzzling Kovu.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 10, 2013, 11:15:52 PM
"This contest does seem rather unusual." Velma said from where she was sitting.  Next to her were Jason (dressed in steampunk style clothes), Guilmon and Another woman.  

"It makes no clear sense.  No competing of physical or mental abilities.  Just a pure chance correlium." Marcy said.

"Some contests don't make clear sense.  Though nonsense does have a certain sense if you study some toon physics." Jason said.

"Lucky panda." Guilmon said, thinking that he may be starting to get hungry.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 11, 2013, 01:37:15 AM
"How have things been Simba?" Kovu asked with a smile
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2013, 12:33:22 AM
After 10 Minutes the 4 treams had thrown in 150 pounds of food each. it was very tight...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 12, 2013, 12:59:42 AM
Belladonna flew over and tossed Tiger into Panda's mouth!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 12, 2013, 01:14:33 AM
A flash animated Jason wearing non steampunk type outfit walked up holding some drinks and stuff.  With him were blackagumon, a unicorn mlp:fim pony in blue shorts and what looked like Spike, but he was 4-5 times larger then on the tv show.  

"Back, did I miss anything?" The animated Jason asked before he started to pass out the drinks and stuff he was carrying on an antigrav tray.  

"Can you believe I actually found a vender selling gems." Spike said. He was holding a drink and what resembled a french fry type container but it had gems in it instead.  "They had some french fried gems and a gem frosstie." He said sitting down and using the arm rest to put down his drink as he started to eat some french fried gems.  

"Quite a variety they have to eat."  The pony said.  As much of a variety as nengus 4."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 17, 2013, 02:19:20 AM
Meanwhile, Miss Kitty was working on her "side project"...

....which amounted to a mind controlling device that she intended to use on her teammates to get them to get stuff for her.

"This'll be good," she grinned, chuckling to herself.


"This is pretty epic," Kovu said, watching the tv
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2013, 02:33:06 AM
after a half hour,  each team had lost a member; the scoobies had lost tiger, the yogis had lost yogi, the rottens had lost the hoodedclaw and the dawgs had lost screwy.. the yahooeys had pushed themselves into a slight lead..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 17, 2013, 02:38:33 AM
"Roomy in here," Tiger told the others who had been gulped down.


"Did the lionesses catch up some food for when we watch the game?" Kovu asked Kopa
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2013, 02:40:24 AM
Yes they did ' kopa replied as some of the lionesses brought in the food.' you know we should try to bring the games here, showcase our kingdom, its stability, things like that' Vitani said.
_ at least it doesnt smell like a sewer the hooded claw said in reply.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 17, 2013, 02:44:48 AM
Arriving to view the games were the Panda King and his daughter Jing.

Panda King was a former thief and member of the Fiendish Five, but he reformed his ways after the Cooper Gang saved his daughter from a forced arraigned marriage.

"We made it just in time father," Jing smiled. Both of these pandas were known for their yin and yang
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 17, 2013, 02:52:09 AM
"It seems an exceedingly strange event, based on putting food into a someone's mouth." Marcy said.  

"Yea, but I bet Scooby or Shaggy would love to be on the receiving end."  Velma said smiling at the mental image and how much she had seen the 2 of them eat then seconds later look like they never had eaten.  

"I'm sure there are others also." Jason said as Guilmon, Spike and the others ate some of their snacks.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2013, 11:29:21 PM
after another 15 minutes, bluto, wally scooby and bobo were in panda gut
 the yoguis had fee him 430 opounds the rottens 412, the scoobys 396 and the dawgs 370
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 02, 2013, 01:23:29 AM
"Not as odd as some contests I've seen." Jason said.

"If they had a gem eating contest I would think of entering. " Spike said licking his lips as he thought of eating all those gems for free.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 05, 2013, 02:49:51 AM
Oliver fell asleep against his mother's leg.

"Cute," Sagwa said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 07, 2013, 02:03:03 AM
the yahooetys pulled ahead as the contest woubnd down,  they had fed him 520 pounds, the scoobys 435, the rottens 433 ad the dawgs 402. 10 minutes left stripetail said.
  kitty meanwhile was nearly finishee with her device..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 07, 2013, 02:04:45 AM
"Soon, everyone will give me the things i want," Kitty laughed like an evil empress.


Watching tv in the pride lands, Kovu won hold of the meat popcorn bowl
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 07, 2013, 02:27:18 AM
the yogis held off the scoobies to win after giving panda 600 pounds of food
 the scoobys fed him 507 pounds the rottens fed him 500 and the dawgs fed him 457.
 the contest is over. since all 4 teams got 2 opponent inside of panda each team gets an addittional 100 points. the winners are the yogi yahooeys who get 1100 points. the scoobies doobies are second with 850 points, the really rottens are third with 600 points and the droppy dawgs gets 350 points. now go clean up while i tally the scores..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 07, 2013, 03:25:51 AM
Stripetail tallied up the scoreres and announced the results' well everyone this was the cloest location yet. the winners  with 1850 points- the scoobies doobies. in sexcond place wth 1600 pointas, the Yogi Yahooeys.iN third place with 1500, the really rottens and in fourth with 950, the droopy dawgs.
 through 3 locations and 12 events the totals are as follos
 the scooby doobies have 6800 points, the really rottens are in second with 4850, the yogi yahoeys are third with 4450 and the droopy dawgs are in fourth with 4350. stripetail magically created medals for doobies rotens and yahooeys.. ' good work everyone now on to our next location.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 07, 2013, 11:14:55 PM
"Where are we going next mommy?" Oliver asked.

The Miaos giggled, the seer had told them.

Kitty had prepared some special....."helmets" for her teammates.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 07, 2013, 11:26:07 PM
dixie came up to kitty ' what have you got there kitty' Dixie asked innocently ' did you buy it from a store around here. Unbeknowst to her, she was going to be ittys first ' test subject'
- dulcy rejoined her teammates ' so we didnt do all that great in china, lets hope the next location is more favorable for us..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 07, 2013, 11:27:14 PM
"In the next place you'll really get an "inside" view" Dongwa giggled.

"Try it on," Kitty encouraged
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 07, 2013, 11:32:03 PM
it looks like a cool hat' dixie said turning it around in her paws. she put it on her head... ' pretty snug but it looks pretty cool..' She said not noticing the smirk on kittys face..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 07, 2013, 11:48:22 PM
Kitty quickly kissed Dixie, making her eyes widen.....then go into a trance.

"Purr.....fect," Kitty chuckled wickedly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 07, 2013, 11:53:51 PM
dixie kissed kitty back, but once kitty rubbed her tongue against hers, that was the magical trigger. after about 30 seconds, the kiss was broken and dixie stared dully ahead. " what do you want.. mistress' she said in a monotone voice. " whatever you want, I shall provide for you' She said. the helmet glowed, light moving back and forth between bulbs, the straps had wrapped themselves around dixcie head. ' i am yours to command ' she said, in a slave-like tone.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 07, 2013, 11:57:58 PM
"That's good to hear, slave," Kitty smirked, handing Dixie a shopping list. "Buy me all of this."

Oliver was now sleeping on Arlene's back. The kitten was cute like that
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 08, 2013, 12:02:42 AM
as you wish misress ' dixie curtsied to hr and headed off with the list. lets just say, the list was very long, and had lots of very specific requests. how long dixie would be under kittys contrl would be hard to say, but it could be awhile.. a time that would be very expensive for dixie and very gratifying for kitty...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 08, 2013, 12:44:17 AM
"Winning is great, but it is not everything." Droopy said.  "This gives us a chance to rest and recover before the next event. "  Droopy said, sighing.  "I am sure some of us do need to rest and recover."  

"I know I do." Wally said, sitting down, feeling tired after their event.  

"I'd not be surprised if many of us were at least a little tired." Gary said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 08, 2013, 01:40:45 AM
And of course, lots of mice burgers were on that list.

Most of the clothes Kitty wanted were in purple.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on March 08, 2013, 02:24:21 AM
(OOC - Damn it, where did I leave my planes?)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 08, 2013, 09:35:56 AM
they were flying above, providing security. i'll have stripetail pay them for protecting them before they meet with monstro)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 08, 2013, 10:56:04 AM
"Shall we give you a ride?" Dojo's right head asked Stripetail and the Miaos.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 08, 2013, 08:27:24 PM
certainly. i need to see how far we have to go before we meet with him" stripetail replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 09, 2013, 02:14:07 AM
The two headed dragon lifted the seer and kittens up.

"Phew," the right head grinned, breathing fire into the air
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 09, 2013, 02:52:22 AM
"We all should rest.  Since we are not sure when the next event will start or who will be in it." Droopy said to the others.  

Wally stretched.  "I think I"ll sleep a long time." He said.

"Don't feel bad about how we did.  Everyone did their best." Droopy said, trying to keep everyone's spirits up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 23, 2013, 08:17:43 PM
dixie finished her shjopping list as the groups headed for the team busses
 the shpping bags filled 15 rows. ' geez dixie who did you buy all this for/ Wionnie asked, as the team had to squeeze in half the normal seats.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 24, 2013, 12:04:49 PM
"It seems Dixie was nice enough to buy all this stuff for me without telling," Kitty lied convincingly to her teammates to keep the heat off her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 24, 2013, 04:52:08 PM
since you went on a secret shopping spreee Dixie, i'd like some stuff too, Arlene chimed in. " Yeah me too Winnie smirked " Girls girls, dont urden Dixie with too much.. but if shes buying I'd like a new dress , green if you would " dee said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on March 25, 2013, 11:05:48 PM
Captain Fairchild, Major Lockie and Lt. Martin landed at a nearby airfield to refuel.

"Well, in a few hours, we're gonna be flyin' inside a giant whale," Captain Fairchild said as a fuel truck was connected to his fuel port.

"Actually, Captain," Major Lockie replied. "I am going to see if Stripetail can assign us to patrol outside the whale. We'll still have to refuel and rearm inside the whale but I'm gonna see if I can change that."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 26, 2013, 02:48:41 PM
"Let's go to our rooms and rest and get together what we need for the trip." Droopy said to his team mates.  

"GOod idea, after that I think I could use  rest." Wally said.

"you're not the only one." Gary said.

"THink I"ll run & jump into the bed." Wally said as he took off running.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 01, 2013, 09:59:11 PM
"We're going in a whale?" Oliver gasped.

The kitten clinged to Arlene's leg

"Ah, he's scared," Kitty told Arlene.'

Belladonna kept setting fire to everything Annabelle bought for herself.

"You devil," the heaven hound scowled.

"Why thanks," the hellhound replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 01, 2013, 10:09:00 PM
'security listen up. for obvious reasons, you will be on guard outside on monstro while the next 4 events are going on. monstro has swallowed 4 luxury cruise liners- the passengers and crew fled before he swallowed them so theres food and amenities on board. your job to see that gabeuil doesnt try anything.." stripetail radioed..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 02, 2013, 01:30:41 AM
"So what shall we watch while we wait for the next part of the games?" Kovu asked his family at pride rock
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 02, 2013, 02:21:11 AM
The Miao siblings were practicing the magic the seer had shown them
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on April 03, 2013, 03:01:25 PM
"Roger that, Stripetail. Major Lockie out," Major Lockie replied as the fuel lines were disconnected.

"Stripetail, this is Captain Fairchild, we cannot use fuel from the cruise liners and our ammunition is limited to what we have on wing," Captain Fairchild said.

Major Lockie opened his rear hatch to let the ordnancemen clean and reload his weapons. "That means we must be judicious with our ammunition. No warning shots, no practice sessions and no more shots than needed. As for fuel, we'll fly as slow as possible - just enough to avoid stalling. Eltee, that means no afterburners or supersonic flight."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 03, 2013, 03:07:09 PM
we will be traveling  in the pacific. we will be [passing by the marianas islands, there are bases there that you can use to refuel and rearm. you will have a window of a day or so to get everything you need before we turn south. ' Stripetail replied. once we turn south it will be nothing but open sea in front of us for thousands of miles.
 the buses continued heading for the docks. dulcy and samia were sleeping on the dawgs bus, and same went for the rottens and most of the yahooeys.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 03, 2013, 09:02:30 PM
Wally & Droopy were sleeping on their bus, while Gary was relaxing looking out the window seeing what he could see.  He was also wondering what would come next.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 03, 2013, 11:58:33 PM
"Should we bring diving gear?" Sheegwa asked Stripetail.

"It might stink in there...." Sagwa nodded
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 04, 2013, 12:21:26 AM
if you have it with you, otherwise theres probably gear onboard the ships' Stripetail replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 04, 2013, 12:25:21 AM
"Good idea," Dongwa nodded, "What spells will we learn next?"

Oliver was clinging to his mother's leg, shivering in fear. "I don't wanna be whale food...." he shivered.

"He's terrified," Kitty told Arlene.

Belladonna was looking forward to finding skeletons.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 04, 2013, 03:23:18 AM
you will learn how to cast spells at people stripetail said to them
- its ok scooby said to oliver whales dont eat meat. we'll be on a ship,inside the whale.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 08, 2013, 04:55:17 AM
Oliver sighed in relief.

"You won't be food," Miss Kitty told the kitten.

"Phew...." Oliver smiled.

"In fact, we can get us some food soon," Sagwa said.

Kitty turned to Dixie. "You'll pay for it, right?" she smirked, activating her control.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 08, 2013, 05:05:50 AM
yes, of course' dixie replied ' whatever you want, i'll get it for you..'
 kittys device had such complete control that only someone who was gifted in controling people could tell she was beng controlled. to the ntrained eye everthing was normal
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 08, 2013, 05:12:03 AM
"Everyone tell Dixie your order," Kitty smiled, her control absolute.

The Miaos were riding with the seer on top of Dojo's heads.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on April 12, 2013, 11:55:28 PM
"Thousands of miles!?" Captain Fairchild exclaimed.

"Stripetail, if we have some support vessels around Monstro. We could both refuel and deter Gabriel from attacking," Major Lockie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 13, 2013, 12:48:33 AM
see if you can acquire them ' stripetail replied. while there is other land is the area, we'll be passing by them as we go."
_ as you wish" dixie said. arlene and winnie wantwed lunch. and the other team members wanted that too..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 23, 2013, 11:16:52 AM
Kitty smirked as Dixie was under her complete control.

"A mouseburger," Oliver ordered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 29, 2013, 08:50:41 PM
very well olver' dixue said.   fries and a shake for me' Arlene said. " Pizza for me Garfield said. " Chicken strips for me' Woody smirked. one by one the team made thier orders
 in all it wouldd total nearky 200 dollars.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 03, 2013, 12:49:17 AM
Captain Fairchild radioed Stripetail. "Stripetail, this is Captain Fairchild. We have acquired two refueling/ammunition ships and one destroyer. "They're not living machines," he added. "Anyways, the crew is on standby and awaiting your orders."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 03, 2013, 01:54:06 AM
we will be leaving in 30 minutes ' stripetail radioed ' as soon as the buses reach the docks.. be ready everyone' he radioed to the teams..
(brek, you're Monstro)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 03, 2013, 02:17:33 AM
In the waters resided the great whale, Monstro.

Monstro was said to be as big as a city, and the rumors were quite true.

"They should be arriving soon...." he said to himself.


Back in the pride lands, the pride was watching the games on TV.

"Anyone wanna make bets on the teams?" Rafiki smirked.

"Maybe some food bets," Kovu replied
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 06, 2013, 09:47:42 PM
5 zebras on the scoobies kopa said I got a hippo on the yogis vitani said.. what you guys got/ she smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 07, 2013, 01:50:20 AM
"2 wildebeest on the Rottens," Kiara wagered

"A giraffe on the Dawgs," Kovu smirked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 11, 2013, 03:54:36 PM
Monstro the whale swam by the shore, sensing the buses arrival soon.

"It's almost time," he grinned.

"I think I can see our stop," Tiger gulped, fur standing on end
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 11, 2013, 04:01:57 PM
everyone out' stripetail said, as the buses stopped
 one by one the teams got out and boats floated into view. dulcy and samia took to the sky and flew towards monstrous open mouth.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 11, 2013, 04:03:22 PM
"Are we gonna get wetsuits?" Dongwa asked the seer.

"I'd hate to have my fur soaked," Sagwa nodded.

Oliver still clung to Arlene's leg.

"This is my kind of fun," Belladonna giggled wickedly.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 11, 2013, 04:18:25 PM
no, no wetsuits. stripetail said, just your uniforms '
- yogi gaped at the huge whale ' really makes me feel well, puny' he said.. ' there are team boats inside his stomach, these boats will take you to them ' stripetail, said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 11, 2013, 04:30:57 PM
"I eat fish, this is the first time that's been flipped around," Tiger said.

"I'm sure Dixie will let me have the nice rooms," Kitty smirked to herself smugly.

She turned to Arlene.. "Seems your boy's still a little scared," she said, seeing Oliver cling.

The Duke blew his magic breath to shield himself from the drool
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 11, 2013, 05:19:16 PM
yeah he is ' Arlene said pushing oliver off her leg ' there's nothing to be scared of Oliver, we'll be on a ship..
- Dixie climbed into the scoobies boat as did  woody and Winnie..Scooby began to row..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 17, 2013, 11:49:10 AM
Captain Fairchild, Lt. Martin and Major Lockie were at a nearby airfield and awaiting orders.


The three aforementioned ships bobbed in the water as crew boarded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 17, 2013, 10:40:09 PM
"Ok mom," Oliver said, still unsure, sticking close by her.

"Man, I wonder how many people got digested in here?" Belladonna gigled mischeviously.

"Not funny cousin," Annabelle replied.

"It is to me," the hellhound smirked.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 17, 2013, 11:57:42 PM
"Certainly looks bigger then I'd have thought." Wally said.  

"Before this the largest living thing I'd seen was a space dragon." Gary said.

"Where had you seen one of those?  I didn't think any were really on earth." Droopy said.  "Not that I keep up with space dragon business."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 18, 2013, 11:39:48 PM
"Let's just hope we don't end up fish food," Tiger said, drool dripping on him
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 20, 2013, 07:05:57 PM
The insides of Monstro were as big and open as a concert hall.

"Whoa....." Oliver awed, looking around the interior.

Several big cruise ships were in the gut of Monstro, like anything out of a modern cruise line.

"This probably isn't the cruise I had in mind," Annabelle commented
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 25, 2013, 05:50:20 PM
the teams reached their boatds and boarded. the ships were large and sturdy. Dixie climbed aboard as woody and Winnie flew past her. ' this looks like a gorgeous ship' Dixie said as she helped Arlene tiger and kitty climb aboard. ' dee was next . ' this reminds me of a yacht, rin tin tin had..' she said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 25, 2013, 10:07:56 PM
"This is certainly larger then what I expected." Wally said looking over his ship amazed at the size of it.  

"It is certainly large." Droopy said.


Knothead & Splinter flew along behind Woody, looking around at what they could see, and thinking of what they could mess with later if they had a chance to.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 26, 2013, 04:24:04 PM
Oliver still sat by his mother's leg, not used to the new surrondings.

"Cute pipsqueak you have there," Belldonna teased Arlene, making a scary face towards Oliver.

Kitty smirked as Dixie was lost under her control.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 26, 2013, 04:44:39 PM
leave him alone '' Arlene retorted as she defended oliver from belladonnas taunts. Dixie moved around like a servant unaware of the subconscious control kitty was exerting over her. but her actuions did not escape stripetail notice. Dixie?' he said coming up to her.. are you alright? he asked ' Fine,Stripetail.I'm heling everyone get onboard.' that's generous of you, but we have ship staff for that. go find your rooms. there are welcome baskets with your names on them next to your rooms.." stripetail said.
 tiger grinned as he saw the large pool, with a water polo set two large basketball hoops, and a hot sauna..
- the hoodedclaw checked into his room on the rottens ship ' not bad, klarge space, fully stocked fridge, and a good view of the water. so wghat if we're like job and in a whales gut? we're living large.." he grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 26, 2013, 04:47:15 PM
"Whatever," Belladonna snickered, flying ahead.

"Thank you mom," Oliver smiled greatfully.

Kitty kept her dark happy grin to herself.

"Here's hoping to catch some cheaters," the Duke said, drinking a goblet of wine.


"Who knew they could film inside a whale," Kovu said back in Pride Rock
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 03, 2013, 04:15:04 PM
Because of being inside a whale, the ship was slightly tilted at an angle.

"Great," Kitty said somewhat sarcastically as she got into her room.

There was some nice artwork from the last residents, fine paintings and the like.


Belladonna used her hell magic to put lame hand-me-down clothes onto Annabelle.

"This is hideous," the angel hound frowned.

"Really, I think it's an improvement," Belladonna smirked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 14, 2013, 12:35:04 AM
"Let's have a look around." Droopy said.  He started walking off to look over the top deck of the ship and what he could find there before he went any farther.  Wally walked along with him.  Gary walked in the opposite direction to explore a bit on his own and meet up with them around half way.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 18, 2013, 08:01:34 PM
"What will we do now mom?" Oliver asked Arlene.

Tiger was looking for the boat's buffet.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2013, 07:29:28 PM
we are going to explore the ship' Arlene said as she bgguided her son up the stairs to the upper decks.. Dixie finished bringing abord all of kittys stuff into her room' is there anything else you wanted?' dixie asked as auga and tweety flew by heading towards their room
 cindy was relaxing in her bed in her room on the yogis boat ' man I needed the rest..' she saidf to herself..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 25, 2013, 01:16:20 AM
"Cool," Oliver grinned, looking around the ship.

"Eh, go fetch some food for the Duke of Owls," Kitty ordered Dixie, "He seems like a nice fellow."

Belladonna gave Annabelle the futon yet again
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 25, 2013, 10:58:57 PM
alright ' Dixie said in a voice that was beginning to lose its enslaved tone.  she kbew the Duke liked meat and lots of it..
_ screwy and the other dawgs were setting up shoip on their boat. the rooms were big enough for dulcy and samia, who had the XXXXXL bed, and were flipping though the channels and they gorged on the gift basket.. on the tv included promos for the pridelands, London and sicily..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 25, 2013, 11:15:39 PM
Knothead looked around at the area around them. "Hey, let's explore, see what this place really looks like & what sorts of fun we can find." Knothead said.  

"I'm up for it." Splinter said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 27, 2013, 01:35:49 AM
"Monstro the whale," Kovu said back at the pride lands, "Didn't he swim by the ocean shoreline a few months ago?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 07, 2013, 12:05:30 AM
"Let's sneak off this way and explore." Knothead said, going in the direction pointed in with Splinter.  They tried to sneak off without any of the adults noticing to see what sorts of stuff they could find.


Droopy, Wally and Gary walked around so they could get a better feel of the layout of the ship they were on, taking note of where this or that item or location was so they would not get lost.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 08, 2013, 07:14:00 PM
Dixie headed out to get the dukes food. the control over her was quickly dissipating..
- the scoobys ship had a huge buffet full of all sorts of good things to eat..  the cafeteria was filled with the team members pigging out..
_ never heard of him vitani shrugged. I was too busy with the hunts..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 08, 2013, 07:15:49 PM
"Hey Dixie," Kitty smiled, suddenly walking over, "Why don't you sing for us, you have  a nice singing voice..."


"Glad we can't be digested," Oliver said to Arlene.


"I think I remember," Kiara nodded
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 08, 2013, 08:36:43 PM
what songs do you want me to sing? Dixie asked her friend. Dixie was unaware kitty had been controlling her..
 woddy and Winnie were eating a dinner of chicjkwen strips and fries ' these are delicious  woody said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 08, 2013, 08:42:08 PM
"Baby Got Back," Kitty smirked.

Oliver and Arlene sat by their other teammates
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 08, 2013, 08:52:39 PM
why do you want me to do that song? Dixie asked, purely out of curiousity..
- having fun Scooby asked oliver..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 09, 2013, 01:43:46 AM
"Cause it's fun," Kitty smirked.

"Yes Mr. Doo," Oliver nodded in response
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 09, 2013, 01:46:44 AM
allright' Dixie replied as a karoke bar slid out onto the floor.. Dixie walked up to the microphone and began to sing.. or rather.. rap..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 09, 2013, 11:02:58 PM
The others started to giggle as Dixie began the song.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 09, 2013, 11:18:01 PM
Dixie rapped and bumped her butt against kittys, as the others began to dance along..
- woody went back up for more food.,.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 09, 2013, 11:51:37 PM
"Interesting things on this ship." Wally said.  "Including things and foods I've seen on tv."  

"Quite of a higher class then I would expect." Droopy said as he looked around a bit.  "i would have expected things of at least a class or 2 lower."

"We had best enjoy it since who knows how long it'll be here." Gary said.

"Better then anything back at the zoo, even stuff I snuck into the zoo underneath Mr. Twiddle's nose or snuck out to the local town."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on July 10, 2013, 09:34:09 AM
'Okay, now we ARE lost,' Glacia said impatiently to her brother, as he fiddled with yet another iron door. Turning those big round handles was hard for a creature half the size of said door, and whom had difficulty just reaching the handle.

He faced his sister as he continued to turn the wheel, wings moving out of the way. 'Just one more door, and then we'll go your way...'

'That's what you said three doors ago...'

'But... I just know that behind this one is the all-you-can-eat buffet,' The orange dragon stopped, his mind shifting towards thoughts of food. Chicken, pizza, pasta, chicken pizza, chicken pizza pasta, pasta with chicken on the side of it. Now for some reason he was thinking about firetrucks... firetrucks are awesome, so big and red and-

CLICK, the same sound as all the other doors had given off when ready to open. This one did thus, to reveal...

...A massive array of pipes and giant boilers, the sound of turning motors ran through the short hallway as a pungent smell of oil wafted towards the twins.

Glacia grumbled loudly. 'You fool! This is the engine room, not the buffet room!'

'But... the map said-'

'Give me the map, I want to have a look,' she held out a hand, waiting. 'No doubt you got it upside down or something.'

Incendia reached into the satchel, tied by a long leather belt up and over his shoulder... pulling out a piece of old parchment. Snatching it faster than a kung-fu master catches a fly, Glacia looked over the map, and her fluffy ears fell sideways.

'This... this isn't a map. It's just a shopping list.'

'Oh,' replied Incendia gracefully. 'Well, that explains how I got this,' he then pulled a box of cereal out of his satchel, and immediately started to snack on it.

'Are we even on the right boat, brother?'

Incendia just shrugged his shoulders.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 10, 2013, 10:28:05 PM
dulcy and samia decided to go have themselves a snack and soon got lost themselves.. they headed down a flight of stairs, when they heard voices coming from below.. dulcy turned a corner and fund Glacia and Incedia arguing in front of an open door.. which revealed that this was in fact the engine room..
_ oh hey guys ' Samia said recognizing the brother sister pair.. ' are you guys looking for the buffet room? well we are too, and we haven't found it either..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on July 10, 2013, 11:36:27 PM
'Yeah, that's exactly what we are trying to do,' Glacia replied. 'Trying is the key word there, considering somehow we ended up here.'

Incendia continued to eat from the cereal box.

'You realize, brother, that by the time we actually find the buffet... you'll be too full to eat?'

He shrugged his shoulders, again.

Glacia sighed in return. 'Thought so.' Turning back to Dulcy and Samia, she put on her best happy face. 'Now that I'm in command though, I'm pretty sure we can find our way... well, out of the engineering deck for a start.' She had to admit to herself, that the sounds of massive engines turning was loud and unpleasant... dragons from the border-lands had very sensitive hearing. That, and the fact Glacia hated enclosed spaces, such as the tight metallic corridors of the ships internals. She would much rather be in the air, with her mechanical wings holding her high.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 10, 2013, 11:43:46 PM
then we'll follow you' dulcy said in reply to Glacia ' this ship is really big.. pity they don't have  map around that shows where everything is..' she muttered ' so what have you guys been up to lately.. we haven't seen you much..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on July 11, 2013, 12:07:45 AM
'We've been wandering around,' Glacia said. 'Not much has really happened to us, Incendia said it had something to do with spotlights... which just sounds silly.'

'I thought it was because our creator writer person thingy went on hiatus,' Incendia said.

Glacia rolled her eyes in reply. 'Yeah... that make SO much sense. Wait a minute, have you eaten all that cereal already?'

Incendia nodded playfully.

'W... where's the box?'

'I ate it.'

'Of course you did,' she muttered.

As best as she could, the little blue dragon lead the party through the labyrinth of metallic corridors. Every stepped echoed back at them many times over, as the humming of machines played a tune in the background. The lighting was spotty at best, with one light every couple of meters shining down from the roof, though dragon eyesight was particularly good in low light... not that it helped Incendia from running into at least two walls in the last minute.

Stairs that ran upward lay before them, and Glacia let out a sigh of relief. 'That's a start, these corridors were starting to drive me nuts.'

'Hey, this is the way we came down,' Incendia said.

'I don't really remember, but then again I really wasn't paying attention... and how would you even know that, brother?'

'I put a sticky note on the wall, see.'

Glacia looked over to the side of the wall, where a yellow note lay. "Idnesdia wos here" it read. She went cold, colder than usual for a blue dragon. Looking over at her brother, she pouted. 'That could have made finding our way back easier... why didn't you use them more than once?'

'I ate the rest.'

Glacia just closed her eyes, 'of course you did.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 11, 2013, 12:30:08 AM
samia and dulcy headed up the stairs behind glacia and incedia, ' rule of claw incedia, don't eat sticky notes' Dulcy smirked, giving him a pinch on his tail ' otherwise you'll forget what you wrote down. follow your nose, that should lead to the dining room. hopefjully all the foods not all gone..
- say glacia you want to do something after we get something to eat.. ' Samia asked. " whatever you want, we wont be competing for a day or two..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on July 11, 2013, 09:27:32 AM
Glacia thought for a moment as they ascended the stairs. 'Yes, that is true, two whole days. I'll be honest though, I'm... not really sure what to do.'

'She doesn't get out much,' Incendia said.

'For once you're right, brother. I really don't... uh... well, socialize with others much. I mean in real life, not over something like the internet... do they even have that here?'

'My phone get's wireless,' her brother said, having pulled it out of the satchel and waving it about like he had just won it in a contest.

'Yeah, but didn't you modify it to pick up signals from any dimension or time?'

He gave a silly little nod. 'He he, yeah.'

She decided to remind herself to call mom later. Tell her that they were fine, just trapped in a another dimension... again.

Incendia paused for a moment, as if his brain had suddenly started working. Suddenly, he jumped in excitement. 'Hey, I have an idea!'

'You're full of such things,' Glacia said sarcastically. 'But, go ahead... what is it?'

'We should follow our noses! That way, we'll find the food, cause you know... it smells like food!'

'You realize that's exactly what Dulcy just said, right?'

Incendia looked deflated 'Oh... well that explains why i was thinking about it, then.'

'Still, it is a good idea... just not yours.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 11, 2013, 03:09:13 PM
Captain Fairchild, Major Lockie and Lt. Martin cruised above Monstro. All they could see were clear blue skies and calm seas.

Lt. Martin scowled. "I'm picking up something on radar. It's about twenty or so miles due north. It looks like a ship."

"Get Stripetail on the radio! Captain, prepare to engage!" Major Lockie barked. He then activated his radio. "Stripetail, this is Major Lockie! Lt. Martin has picked up a large, unknown object twenty miles due north. I advise changing course while we investigate. Major Lockie out!"

(OOC - your call as to what the object on radar is)
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 11, 2013, 07:49:09 PM
message received. we'll shift course' stripetail replied. fly over it and report back to me what it is..
wel;l you can hang out with me dulcy  said ' we hunbg out for a bit in Toon city remember, and I thought we had fun.. it would be good to have friends other than samia here..
- I agree samia nodded ' dulcu you take glacia with you i'll take incedia..' she said as they continued climbing
 the smell of food grew stronger..they were getting closer..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on July 12, 2013, 12:50:15 AM
'Aha!' Shouted Glacia, the party having reached the main halls of the ship. One large door later, they had lead themselves to a large room, with a long white table running down the middle. On this table lie pretty much every kind of foodstuff you could imagine (and likely some you probably couldn't), many of which had been served buffet style... enough to feed a small army.

Glacia immediately looked to her side, to see her brother still standing there. 'I though you would have disappeared already,' she said with brow raised.

'Oh, I'm not hungry,' was the orange dragons reply.

Glacia simply slapped her forehead with her palm. 'Samia, be my guest and take him as far away as possible... I need a strong drink,' she grumbled. 'Iced tea or something, extra ice.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 12, 2013, 08:27:34 AM
lets eat first then we can go our separate ways' dulcy sauid picking up a plate. there were other members of the dawgs team here, eating their breakfast- or was it lunch?-
 dulcy piled her plate high with food and guided the others to a nearby table a waiter was waiting there.  can I get you anything / He smiled politely. i'm remis i'll be your waiter today. we have the buffet or you can order off the menu, or do both if you want. can I start anyone off with drinks?
- i'll have a diet coke Samia said as she set down her plate of food. i'll have one too. glacia here will have ice tea , extra ice.. what do you want to drink incedia?' dulcy asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 12, 2013, 01:28:37 PM
"I'm famished, let's go to the place where the food is." Wally said and turned to start out the door towards where the food was.  

"I must admit I am a little hungry myself." Droopy said.  He and Gary walked out behind Wally to where the room where the food was, reaching it after he had.  Once there they picked a tray and plate and started looking over the food to pick some to eat and a drink each.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on July 12, 2013, 11:34:40 PM
Glacia nodded. 'I would love a drink right now. Iced tea, extra ice. Shaken, not stirred... and one of the little curly straws too, please.'

Her eyes wandered over the table. It was like being a kid in a candy store, except with more chicken and potatoes and less actual candy. She found herself wandering around, stacking a small plate high with food so that it would seem more appropriate to call it a tower. Another fun fact about dragons, they have an insatiable appetite, though that probably would have been obvious by now given Incendias eating frenzy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 12, 2013, 11:54:06 PM
Oliver danced with Arlene.

"Weee!" the kitten smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 13, 2013, 01:34:02 AM
Remis brought out their drinks as well as appetizers including chicken strips, mozzarella sticks, and mac and cheese ' enjoy ' he said as he left the food.
 dulcy began tucking in.. yeah this is good' she grinned as she ate
 Dixie finished her song, and went to her room to rest
 yogi was going for a swimming in the yahooeys pool, and was enjoying himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 13, 2013, 10:32:20 AM
The trio of planes flew over the object. It appeared to be a sleek warship of some type.

"Stripetail, this is Major Lockie, it appears to be a warship. However, I cannot tell if it is hostile or friendly because it is not recieving radio transmissions."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 13, 2013, 01:51:51 PM
try and communicate with it in anyway you can, try and see what country it is from' stripetail radioed.. those warships should fly the flag of the country they are from..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 13, 2013, 07:06:57 PM
Captain Fairchild flew down for a closer look. "Oh hell no," he muttered.

"Stripetail! This is Captain Fairchild! Get away from the ship as fast as you can! It looks like Gabriel's ship!" He then saw several of her Weasels dropping down Zodiac inflatables from the ship and boarding them. "I repeat, put as much distance between yourself and my coordinates as fast as possible! They may try sending over boarding parties!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 14, 2013, 02:16:32 AM
"I don't like the feeling of this," Kitty commented as she felt Monstro's innards shake.

"I do," Belladonan giggled devilishly.

Oliver clung to Arlene again
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on July 14, 2013, 09:51:27 AM
After having finished off an entire roast beef (about 50 percent of an entire cow), Glacia leaned back in her chair... falling into a state of nirvana. That feeling one got after having stuffed themselves silly and being overwhelmed by a desire to just shut your eyes and sleep.

'Now I know why my brother eats so much,' she said with a mild burp in-between words. 'He's missing out, for sure, wherever he may be right now...'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 14, 2013, 11:29:25 AM
he went towards the swimming pool dulcy said. ' must be wanting a swim or something. she pushed away her plate she was fuklll too..
i'll see you guys later samia said as she went in the direction of the swimming pool.
- monstro was diving deep under water, past the point where the ships inhabitants could reach them
 we cant reach them boss a weasel radioed. hes gone more than a mile deep and dropping.. we'll try and track him on radar..
 stripetail  gestured and magically created an image of the ship which had several inflatable in the water ' drive them off fairchhild.. put a few dozen holes in their bow.. and then get to a safe distance. let her know we wont be messed with..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 14, 2013, 07:51:16 PM
"What just happened?" Oliver asked Arlene after the dive.

"We've descended further down into the deeps," the Duke explained, meditating on one of the stomach walls.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 18, 2013, 12:42:38 AM
"It feels like we are going deeper, or is it my imagination?" Wally said pausing in choosing his food as he looked around.  

"Let's check." Gary said.  He reached into a pocket on him somewhere and pulled out a small rectangular box, the size of a pack of cigarettes made of stone with a stone button on top.  He pressed the button and the top opened.   Inside was a sleeping turtle who awoke with a start.  He sniffed the air, put a finger into his mouth held it out into the air.  Then pulled out a small board with wax covering and a sharp stick and did some calculations.  

"What's that?" Wally said looking at it.  And should you keep him in there."

"It's a stone age personal depth gauge I got when I was in a certain coastal city and the whole area is stone age."  

The tiny turtle looked over his calculations then said the depth they were at.  

"Sure you don't want out?" Wally said.

"Nah, it's pretty good in here.  No predators, nice and quite usually.  Plenty of time to read, things could be much worst." The turtle said.  Then he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.  Gary closed the device and put it away where he had gotten it from.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 18, 2013, 01:29:01 AM
Gabriel swore. "Drop depth charges!" she screamed into the radio.

The sonar operators were trying to find Monstro but they weren't having too much luck.


Thanks to toon logic hammerspace, the small Zodiacs held a rather surprising number of depth charges. The Weasels muscled the huge explosive canisters overboard.


Captain Fairchild's 30 mm cannon roared as he stitched the deck with incendiary shells. Bursts of tracer fire and flak lit up the sky as the deck gunners tried shooting him down. Several other Weasels were trying to put the flames out.

He then wheeled around and dropped a full external fuel tank on the ship's deck, worsening the fire. "Stripetail, this is Captain Fairchild, Gabriel's ship is currently on fire. We are mopping up her Zodiacs. Be advised that depth charges are being used by them. Captain Fairchild out."

Major Lockie was trying his best to destroy the Zodiacs.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2013, 06:02:06 PM
keep it up. we are heading down outside of the charges range' Stripetail replied to Fairchild 'should be a few more minutes..
 dulcy smiled at glacia ' so what do you want to do now, you  know, besides take a nap, she grinned' i'm up for anything really. samia will hav to chase down your rother, and keep an eye on him..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on July 18, 2013, 11:32:09 PM
Glacia decided to not mention she actually felt sleepy, trait number four hundred and sixty two of being a dragon is a tendency to want to lay down and snooze for long periods of time (Glacias record being five days, which paled in comparison to her brothers two and a half weeks... which were the most peaceful two and a half weeks ever). A cunning plan formed in her head, however.

'Is there some sort of in house movie theater on this ship?' She asked. 'Let's go see a movie, I haven't done that in months.' Cleverly, at least to herself, this was the perfect to excuse to fall asleep... in the dark with no one paying attention to you. Even better if the movie wasn't actually good.

Incendia meanwhile, had found the swimming pool. Now, you would think that a fire breathing dragon would not go well with large bodies of water... and you'd be wrong in this case. For all his little flaws, the orange dragon was a remarkable swimmer.

'Woohoo!' He shouted, doggy paddling like a true champion.

Okay, so maybe not that good... but he was floating, and that's a good sign.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 19, 2013, 07:41:36 PM
keep them busy. we'l be out of ranhge in a few minutes.. drop a wmore bombs on them, and get out of there. by the time they've put evry out, assuming the ship hasn't sunk by then, we'll be hundreds of miles away"
 alright. a movie it is. we'll see whats playing and we'll get all sorts of goodies to munch on/' Dulcy smirked. come on glacia, follow e' se before stopping at a kiosk which showed the decks of the ship. ' ah, here we are. theaters on the deck above this one, has a capacity of 100 eats.. come on glacia. lets go haveun' she smiled.
 samia smirked as she caught up with the younger dragon and saw him floating in the large pol. ' cannonball! she grinned and jumped in , causing a big splash and splashed onto incedia.. ' samia touched bottom, then broke the surface.. ' water basketball incedia? she asked noticing a basketball and a hoop nearby.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 19, 2013, 10:33:57 PM
Droopy, Wally, & Gary finished their meal and put the utensils, plates & such way.  Then they decided to head to the entertainment deck to see what sorts of stuff they may have to entertain themselves.  

"We can go see a movie." Droopy said.  

"it would be nice to relax." Wally said.  "I'm not really in the mood to play video games or read." He said.

"I'm in the mood to see a movie myself.  Let's see what is playing." Gary said.

They went to where the movie area was to see what was playing or would soon be if one were playing at the moment.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 19, 2013, 11:15:22 PM
"Let's get to our room, mom," Oliver called as Monstro was diving.

Belladonna, Annabelle, and The Duke flew back to all of theirs.

"I command you to hide in your room," Kitty whispered to Dixie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 20, 2013, 02:31:46 AM
dixie smirked ' alright. you'd better do the same.'
- mind if we  stay with you and Scooby, until monstro resurfaces? Arlene asked. ' sure, oliver can watch tv , the remotes on the bedside table. what shows do you liketo watch Oliver? dixie asked the kitten as she headed towards her room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 20, 2013, 11:45:10 PM
"Cat cartoons," Oliver mewed happily.

"Glad I can't get seasick," Annabelle commented.

Kitty and Tiger headed off to their room, Kitty jumping onto the bed that was leftover.

"Down we go," Kitty gulped.

The Duke used his magic to avoid getting messy
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2013, 12:55:22 AM
the Yogis were settled in their rooms, watching shows like racing under  the sreets, pacman vs Donkey Kong, and toon murder files.
- screwy squirell was eating a box of his own cereal, out of boredom..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 22, 2013, 10:19:45 PM
Monstro kept diving until he was certain he was out of harm's way.

"I can survive at any depth," he assured his passengers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 23, 2013, 01:52:24 PM
"Let's watch that one." Droopy said.  

"May as well.  Sounds good." wally said.

"I don't think I have seen it." Gary said looking at the movie title that Droopy indicated.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: JitteryDragon on July 24, 2013, 09:51:34 AM
Incendia was excited, but then again he was as easily excited as a child on a permanent sugar high. 'Woo hoo, water basketball thing! Is that like normal basketball but with more water? In that case, what is basketball?'

Glacia followed Dulcy to the movies. It was pretty well sized for a vessel theater, with a flair more akin to traditional renaissance. Columns of carved wood divided two stories worth of seats, and there was even two private VIP booths. Room was adequate, though likely there was some semblance of manners required (no feet on the seats, talk on your phone and you'll be shot with a potato gun).

'I hope it's not something romantic. Movies like that just rub me the wrong way.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 24, 2013, 12:18:26 PM
The three planes had completely destroyed the ship. Just as they flew away, Gabriel hauled herself from the water and onto some wreckage. She coughed up some water.

"Stupid planes!" She shook her fist at them as they flew into the distance.

A Weasel handed her a drawing tablet. She smiled. The battery was low and the summoner device was badly damaged so she couldn't get another warship. With a sigh, she began to draw a huge, if crude raft so she could regroup.


"Stripetail, this is Major Lockie, Gabriel's ship has been destroyed. We are en route." Major Lockie then waited for a reply.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 24, 2013, 06:08:03 PM
you're really too young for romantic stuff anyway' Dulcy said ' you're what 12? 12 is  too young for things like that. we'll see what are the options in terms of films and we'll pick a screen to watch.. what kind of snacks do you want?' dulcy asked as she pulled a menu from a cupholder ' lets see here popcorn, soda, twizzlers, chocolate, gummy bears and kit kat bars. the movies include Dragonflight about two dragonesses who pair up to save their lands from evil.  World Deathrace-- has lots of explosions and swearing, and Under the sea- which is animated. Which one do you want to watch?
- basketball is a game where you shoot a ball through a hoop. water basketball involves swimming and shooting. Samia said , palming the basketball, and shooting, it clanked off the rim and out. ' we'll shoot some baskets fiorst before beginning play. sound like fun..?
 good work Major. that will buy us some time  at least,, but until we finish the games gabriel is still a very real threat.. Stripetail replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 24, 2013, 08:49:57 PM
"How deep are we diving?" Oliver asked Arlene as he bumped into Scooby's gut.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 24, 2013, 10:38:50 PM
Droopy, Wally,  & Gary paid the entry fee, if any, and went to pick out some drinks, each getting a different type.  For snacks Droopy got popcorn as did Wally.  Gary got some other types of snacks, some chocolate, not wanting to eat to much.  Once they had gotten these they went into the movie they had agreed to watch, Dragonflight.

"Sounds like it may have some interesting scenes." Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 31, 2013, 05:39:24 PM
i dont know dear' Arlene replied as the whale continued diving. ' just head to our rooms and wait for things to wrap up..
 stripetail was waiting now in his room, waiting for monstro to finish diving.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 01, 2013, 12:21:24 AM
The three planes flew lazy circles over where Monstro was supposed to be. Captain Fairchild was being refueled by an aerial tanker above the trio.

"Stripetail, what's your status?" Major Lockie radioed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 01, 2013, 12:26:03 AM
we're still diving major. i figure monstro will stop diving in the next 10-15 minutes. in the meantime keep a look out for any places where you can stop and land.. Stripetail replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 01, 2013, 12:28:30 AM
"Roger that. I will be lowering a sonar probe." A torpedo shaped probe dropped from Major Lockie's belly and splashed down. A thick cable connected the probe to him.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 01, 2013, 01:04:12 AM
just alert me if you notice anything. the first events should start tom, so the teams will have a day to rest and get used to being on a cruise ship..' Stripetail replied..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 05, 2013, 01:28:21 AM
"Just Monstro," Major Lockie replied.

"Nothing on radar either, Major," Lt. Martin replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 06, 2013, 09:08:38 PM
just keep an eye out ' Stripetail said. meanwhile yogi was relaxing at the yahooeys dinner table. helping himself to a picnic basket worth of goodies.. ' good things this place has all you can eat.' he grinned.
 sonic was racing around the ship, just to pass the time,..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 08, 2013, 10:40:03 PM
"Roger that Stripetail. Major Lockie out." The AC-130 cut his radio transmission and spoke to the rest of his squadron, "All right team, our mission now is to keep an eye out for threats. Anything suspicious, relay to Stripetail and wait for orders to engage."

"Read you loud and clear, Major," Captain Fairchild replied.

"Acknowledged." Lt. Martin continued sweeping with her radar.

"Roger." Captain Fairchild used his eyes to look over the glassy flats of the ocean.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 08, 2013, 10:51:06 PM
Once Monstro felt he was far away enough from the danger, the great whale finally surfaced.

"Sorry for the bumpy ride," he apologized to his passengers.

"It's ok," Oliver called, the kitten's eyes still spinning.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 09, 2013, 08:22:52 PM
The planes flew over to Monstro.

"Monstro! Is everyone okay?" Major Lockie shouted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 11, 2013, 11:02:06 PM
we're fine' stripetail radioed as the ships appeared in monstros mouth. ' nice work on protecting our flank.. ' we'll be starting the first event tomorrow..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 11, 2013, 11:55:22 PM
"Thank you," Major Lockie said. "Are there any events we can participate in."

"Well, at least Gabriel's out of the picture for now," Captain Fairchild said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 12, 2013, 12:15:00 AM
well there are certain events  will requires planes, such as cleanjng monstros teeth' Stripetail said.' when, incidently, was the last time you got your teeth cleaned Monstro?' he asked the large whale..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 12, 2013, 12:36:22 AM
"Years," the whale replied with a hearty chuckle

"Ugh," Sagwa gagged, "No offense Mr. Monstro."

"None taken," Monstro replied.

"I'm glad we're not competitors," Dongwa added
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 12, 2013, 01:00:51 AM
The movie finished and the 3 of them left to go to the game/leasure type area to sit and decide what to do next.  After a bit Wally got up to go over to play a video game console.  Gary did the same soon afterwards.  Droopy continued to sit and rest where he had been.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 14, 2013, 06:03:36 PM
"My 30 mm cannon is not a dental instrument," Captain Fairchild replied.

"What am I supposed to do, fly supersonic in his mouth and hope my sonic boom breaks off plaque?" Lt. Martin snapped.

Major Lockie pondered as he flew in a circle. "If we load our weapons with modified ammunition containing toothpaste, me may be able to help."

Captain Fairchild made a disgusted face. "Last time I had an 'exotic' round loaded, my ground crew was cleaning glitter out of my cannon and ammunition bay for weeks!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2013, 11:51:13 PM
magical pellets ' stripetail replied, is what you will be using. same the planes that participated in the race over the great wall, iwill do so here. remember which team you had with you and go to them. monstro, how many teeth do you have, roughly? he asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 17, 2013, 01:19:41 PM
"About 100," Monstro replied.

"You could probably chew through a mountain," Sheegwa said.

"Perhaps," Monstro chuckled
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 17, 2013, 08:42:46 PM
The planes flew inside Monstro and landed on separate aircraft carriers that he had swallowed. The ships were in pretty good shape but they were starting to get a little grungy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 18, 2013, 01:14:27 AM
At Pride Rock, Kovu turned the tv back to the games.

"This may be gross," Kiara said, hearing what the next contest was.


Belladonna flew up towards the teeth. Being from Hell, bad odors had no effect on her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 23, 2013, 12:38:38 AM
"Look, we found a stash of food." Knothole said to Splinter who had been exploring.  They crept close and found a good hiding place, reaching out to snatch a bit of food when no one was looking.  

"I got a piece of pumpkin pie." Splinter said before eating it.  

"Wow, this is one huge cookie." Knothole said holding a 6 inch cookie before he started to eat it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 03, 2013, 09:21:23 PM
Dulcy finished watching the movie with  glacia and headed out. ' did you enjoy the film? she asked her friend.
- samia finished the game with incedia by making a long basket. ' alright thats game ; she grinned, time to get out' she smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 08, 2013, 06:58:07 PM
Oliver was bouncing on the bed, as well as Scooby's balloon in size gut.

"It's unusually light in here," Belladonna commented on Mosnstro
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 16, 2013, 11:20:52 PM
scooby was relaxing in bed as oliver bounced up and down on his gut. arlene was watching her son closely. dixie was trimming her eyelashes in a miroor.
- kopa  had switched the channel due it being kiaras hour to watch her favorite tv shows. kiara had the 7 pm hour, kovu the 8, vitabni the 9, and kopa had the 10 pm slot to watch whatever he wanted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 17, 2013, 03:09:44 PM
Splinter reached out and pulled back a plate.  "2 pieces of cheese cake."  Setting it down between them Knothole got a piece and Splinter got the other.  

"This is great.  I'm feeling about full, how about you?" Knothead asked.

"Yea, me too.  Let's go find our bedrooms, I'm feeling a bit tired." Splinter said.  They snuck out from were they were and started looking for their bedrooms.  


Wally started getting bored playing the game he was playing and went to a different video game.  Gary & Droopy went over to start playing video games as well, each playing a different game.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 17, 2013, 06:27:14 PM
"Thanks for being so big and round," Oliver told Scooby as he bounced.

"All right," Kiara grinned, grabbing the remote and turning on her favorite shows.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 26, 2013, 08:17:56 PM
Dixie was now free of Kittys control, and she shook her head. ' geez, do i have a headache' she muttered, setting the eyelasher down.
Woody and winnie came up to Splinter and knothead.' There you guys are' Winnie said. " you guys are staying with us ' we're room 222. follow us" she said to them.
the yahooeys were having supper as a team.
 screwy was flipping though the channels in his room..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 26, 2013, 10:08:37 PM
"Great, we were looking for you." Knothead said.  

"Yea, we're tired from all the exploring we did." Splinter said, both leaving out the food they had found and eaten.   "This is a big place."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 26, 2013, 10:15:14 PM
Yes it is' woody agreed. ' now lets go take a well-deserved nap.' he added and made his way towards the stairs.
_ the cleaning of monstros teeth would begin at 8 the next morning, so the teams could have a reast day to recuperate from the long trip..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 26, 2013, 11:56:44 PM
"Yea, we're both tired." Splinter said walking behind Woody with Knothead.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 05, 2013, 11:04:22 PM
"I'm hungry, mom," Oliver said after a good amount of time bouncing.

Kitty was writing down a list of what she wanted Dixie to do for her later under her control.

"This'll be fun," she smirked to herself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2013, 01:05:11 AM

 We'll have dinner soon oliver' arlene said kindly..
woody and winnie reached their room, and let knothead and splinter before joining them inside..' time for a good rest' winnie said..
Tiger was deciding what to order from the room menu.. ' stuffed mice burgers looked yummy.
 the hooded claw was going through his assorted of villans gadgets.. and had a number of assorted 'pitstop traps' that had been rejected as being too elaborate.
 dulcy headed to her room to rest after the movie..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 10, 2013, 09:02:06 PM
"I think I"m getting a bit tired and ready for bed." Wally said.

"I can see why, look at the time." Droopy said looking over at a clock.  

"Yes, we all should head off to bed.  

Wally, Droopy, and Gary started to head up to their room to get ready for bed and go to sleep.  
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 13, 2013, 08:53:24 PM
"Oh, hi dad," Kovu and Nuka said as Scar walked into the TV cave.

The old dark furred lion was a mentor to the younger generations, as he was among the wisest of lions whoever lived.

"Watching the competition eh?" Scar smirked.

Though they loved their father the most of course, Scar was very important to both Kiara and Kopa.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 14, 2013, 08:50:54 PM
Yes Great-Uncle Scar' Kopa said. we're watching kiaras favorite tv show right now' He said. ' care to join us..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 22, 2013, 01:15:50 PM
Gabriel fumed as her tablet and summoner used the last of its power to create an outboard motor.

Her Weasels attached the device to the raft and started it.

"I'll get you," she muttered as the raft puttered off into the distance.


Captain Fairchild yawned as the crew got to work cleaning the salt build up on his body.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 22, 2013, 07:39:11 PM
how are things up there/ stripetail radioed to Fairchild.
 dixie got some food for arlene and oliver. ' better go say goodnight to Tiger and Kitty she said with a smile. ' alright, we'll eat and see whats on the tv' arlene smirked, as she went over and gave dixie a big hug. 'just dont take too long, like get in a singing ciontest with kitty' she smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 22, 2013, 09:09:24 PM
"Yummy," Oliver smiled, beginning to dig in.

Elsewhere, Miss Kitty gave Tiger a kiss. "For being a great husband," she smiled sincerely.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 22, 2013, 09:21:00 PM
Thank you' Tiger blushed ' so have you and dixie settled on a name for your singing group yet? i'm really looking forward to it. say, i've got a name for you girls- bells and whistles, because dear, you sure ring my bell' tiger purred. ' you like it?' he asked with a smile.
 meanwhile vitani was flipping through the latest 'royalty review' which inc,lluded rundowns on neighboring prides.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 22, 2013, 09:30:19 PM
"Any updates dear?" Scar asked her daughter.

"I'm happy to be with you," Oliver purred to Arlene, having been mailed to her only a few days ago.

"Actually," Kitty giggled, patting her stomach, "I was thinking of having a name indicative of our size..."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 22, 2013, 09:44:26 PM
'so big and bigger, bump and bust' tiger smirked 'i'm sue that whatevver name you pick, you'll make it famous. you girls make a great team, and i'm proud of you kitty. so very very proud.
 dixie knocked on the door to tiger and kittys room. she had brought them a fresh batch of mouse burgers ad mouse pies. ' hey guys' i brought you guys a light snack' she smiled as tiger opened the door.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 22, 2013, 09:49:58 PM
Oliver told his mom about two dobermans who tormented him at his old home in New York City, named Roscoe and Desoto.

"They were so mean," the kitten shivered.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door to Arlene and Oliver's room./ It belonged to two....visitors.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 22, 2013, 09:59:45 PM
come on, hand over the kid' Roscoe said "we know hes in there. ' yeah let him out and we wont have to break in the door Desoto said as he banged on the door 'arlene shivered, as scooby went to the door.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 22, 2013, 10:01:35 PM
"Don't let them in mom," Oliver shivered, clinging to his pillow.

"Ah, come in," Scooby smiled, opening the door for Roscoe and Desoto
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 22, 2013, 10:55:33 PM
arlene quickly shut the door on the dobermans paws, causing them to retact them wit yelps of pain. ' do NOT let them in" she said sternly to scooby. oliver is terrified f them, and i think he has good reason.
- roscoe turned to desoto "come on, we'll get the kid eventually, lets go get some grub, ad wait for another chance.' he said gingerly moving down the hallway as his paw strung from being jammed in the door.
Tiger let dixie into thier room. ' gee thanks dixie, 3 huge mouse pies and lots of mouse burgers. i tell you kittys got me hooked  on these' he smiled. ' and I dont even eat mice normally'
-  tom and jerry were staying in thie mascots suite, both had been doing a route where jerry yanked the mousehole away from tom, sending him smashing into the wall. tom was nursing a sore face from that.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 23, 2013, 02:27:33 AM
The Duke, seeing the commotion, used his magic to toss the dobermans out of Monstro.

"They should be gone for a while," he called to Arlene.

"Thank you mom," Oliver shivered, clinging to her again.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 23, 2013, 01:17:21 PM
just came down to wish you two good night' Dixie smiled at Tiger and Kitty' hopefully we'll win the contest tonmorrow, and get off to a good start.
 samia and dulcy had squeezed in together in thier room on the ship, and the girls were watching a game of tennis on tv. ' why are we watching tennis? Samia asked ' Because I'm bored and theres really nothing else on.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 23, 2013, 02:09:05 PM
"We're having salt cleaned off us right now," Captain Fairchild radioed.

Without warning, one of the deckhands squirted him in eye with a hose.

"Hey!" Even though the bulletproof glass protected his actual eyes from the water, he still didn't like it.

"Stripetail, Gabriel is long gone. A drone I launched is currently scanning the battle site. I'll patch the feed to you," Major Lockie said as a technician cleaned out his cannons.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 23, 2013, 03:12:18 PM
better make sure she didnt slip away, that woman has a talent for doing that' Stripetail replied. " in the meantime, keep a sharp lookout for anything that might be trouble.
 monstro at this point was headed towards indonesia.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 24, 2013, 11:48:28 PM
"Now you're seeing my side," Kitty grinned, giving Dixie more mouseburgers.

Kitty of course ordered some for herself.

The Duke showed Arlene a magical barrier she could use to protect Oliver
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 25, 2013, 12:00:02 AM
Droopy decided to head down to the game room area to play some pool.  He couldn't sleep right away so decided to play a bit of pool for a while.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 25, 2013, 11:12:45 PM
thats nice of you" dixie smiled, as she are the burger. its delicious.'' she said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 26, 2013, 08:49:09 AM
Kovu's turn with the remote soon came.

"All right," the co-king of the Pride Lands grinned, turning to his favorite shows.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 27, 2013, 10:56:24 PM
Yu think we could try and get the games here?' Vitani asked as they watched some of Kovu's shows, which included the Darkmanes, which is what they were watching now.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 27, 2013, 11:00:18 PM
"Probably, we have the power and influence,"Kovu smiled, as he felt Kiara nuzzle him.

"It would be splendid," Scar nodded.


"I;m glad the dobermans are gone," Oliver told Arlene
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 27, 2013, 11:11:32 PM
Not to mention lucrative ' Kopa replied ' we'll have to get in touch with the guy running it, see if hes interested."
Why are they pestering you? arlene asked Oliver.
_ yogi and bobo were watching the local news, which switched as they moved towards land.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 27, 2013, 11:12:54 PM
"They're just bullies," Oliver replied.

"I can give you a magic barrier," the Duke offered Oliver
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 27, 2013, 11:31:24 PM
"Roger that," Captain Fairchild out.

"Well," Lt. Martin said as her wings were scrubbed clean of salt. "I guess we just relax for a bit?"

"Patrol outside Monstro," Major Lockie replied.

"Yes sir," the two planes chorused.

The workers carefully stepped back as Captain Fairchild lit his engines.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 30, 2013, 10:50:25 AM
i'm not sure hoe well magic will protect him ' Arlene said ' i am competing in the games, so perhaps we can have dixie or kitty watching him when i'm playing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 04, 2013, 03:40:00 AM
"Well, I just hope my services can help," the Duke replied
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2013, 08:40:18 PM
the rest of the night was uneventful as one by one the groups went to bed. the first challengfe would be the next morning, at 7.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 09, 2013, 12:05:57 AM
Monstro opened his great mouth, taking in some fish for breakfast.

"Fast food," he chuckled to himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 17, 2013, 10:17:10 PM
cindy and yogu gathered the yahooeys together. alright guys, lets start this location off on a good foot' Yogi said ' lets clean those whaey whites Go Yahooeys ! Go!" he said with a grin.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 17, 2013, 10:50:02 PM
Droopy awoke, yawning.  Since he saw he was the first he started getting ready for the day, doing so as quietly as he could.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 04, 2013, 11:28:37 PM
one by one the 4 teams sailed out of monstros mouth, and waited under the planes that would fly them around monstros mouth. ' you ready scooby said to his team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 06, 2013, 06:29:55 PM
Droopy looked over at his team, "Is every ready?  Once we start we need to all work together.  Just do your best." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 06, 2013, 07:17:18 PM
"Bring it," Kitty grinned
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 07, 2013, 11:44:07 PM
screwy strapped in on the yahoeeys 'he was hoping to get a good showing in this round, and hoped to make up some ground.
- the hooded claw was drumming his fingers ' where is our transport. ' he complained.
kitty you'll be in charge of firing the cleaning stuff ' scooby said to her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 13, 2013, 10:04:35 PM
"We just need to decide who'll be on what area doing what." Droopy said.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 26, 2013, 04:37:38 PM
"Gotcha," Kitty nodded, readying the cleaning gun.

Oliver was sleeping peacefully
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 26, 2013, 11:24:01 PM
The planes were soon scrubbed of salt and they had the toothpaste ordnance ready.

"All right, is everyone ready for Operation Clean Whale?" Major Lockie asked.

"Yes sir!" Captain Fairchild replied.

"Let's get cleaning!" The sound of airplane engines starting up echoed around the derelict aircraft carrier.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 02, 2014, 01:22:32 PM
the scoobys settled into position in thier plane, as monstro loomed below them..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 07, 2014, 10:00:32 PM
Droopy lead his team to their plane. "Get into position and get ready." He said to them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Rocky on January 09, 2014, 07:43:52 PM
Meanwhile, Megamind, Minion, and Roxanne were on board a ship Megamind Built so they could avoid all the hassle of airport travel. With Megamind no longer evil, Metro city was fairly Peaceful and Roxanne was reassigned to cover the laffalympics, which was food since Minion and Megamind were fans of the games.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 10, 2014, 12:08:34 AM
The signal soon occurred for the game to start.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 20, 2014, 09:26:34 PM
"This is it.  Let's get started." Droopy said to his team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Rocky on January 25, 2014, 12:39:41 AM
"Get started all veady!" Hamstervil shouted, his popcorn clutched tightly in his short stubby arms as he and 625 watched from on top of Gantu.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 01, 2014, 11:53:47 PM
Droopy turned to his team.  "Are all of you folks ready?" He asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 03, 2014, 11:08:27 PM
Wildcat did some impressive backflips to enter the whale.

"Time to set up a stand," the fat feline chef said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Rocky on February 04, 2014, 12:52:03 AM
Hamsterveil awaited anxiously as he ate all his Popcorn. "Gantu, get me more Pop-corn at once!" He ordered, despite this being his fifth bag.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 09, 2014, 11:36:42 PM
"Get ready to clean my teeth," Monstro called to the players
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on February 11, 2014, 03:32:31 PM
The planes wore the same howdahs they had worn during the race along the Great Wall.

Lt. Martin performed a fast flyby, launching two toothpaste missiles at a particularly grimy tooth. She wheeled around around for a second shot.

Major Lockie casually circled around a particularly dirty tooth as his guns pelted the tooth with obscene amounts of toothpaste. His 105 mm howitzer now fired large globs of water intended to break off debris without damaging the tooth.

Captain Fairchild used his toothpaste rockets to cover another tooth with the cleaning foam and then he followed up with jets of water from his 30 mm autocannon.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 13, 2014, 12:30:19 AM
Kitty and Tiger groaned at what they would have to do.

"So....gross," Kitty gagged.

"I'll enjoy this," the great whale chuckled.

Belladonna could only grin at her cousin's misery.


Elsewhere, Dongwa ran up to Stripetail. "You wanted to see me?" he asked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2014, 12:42:29 AM
Yes, Its time for the three of you to have another lesson in magic ' stripetail said.
 the yahooeys had clean 9 teeth, the rottens 7 the scoobys 5 and the dawgs 4. but it was still early
- come on guys arlene said as she loaded in another missile of toothpaste. ' the smell from monstro was overwhelming.. it was clear this was the first time in a loong time his teeth had been cleaned,.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 13, 2014, 12:45:19 AM
However, Dongwa knew his teacher had a special lesson specifically for him.

"What's the magic you wanted to show just to me?" the oldest Miao kitten asked. The seer had read his mind, and knew of Dongwa's dream to be strong
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 13, 2014, 05:22:14 PM
Droopy went into cleaning the nearest tooth as best as he could with Wally and Gary choosing a tooth each on either side of him.

"Come on, we can still do well." Wally said to the others.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 22, 2014, 12:21:31 AM
"Sir," Rabbit and Fox said, walking up to Wildcat, "Is there anywhere you want us to pass out more fliers?"

"Or bring someone to you for lunch?" Rabbit added
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 26, 2014, 02:32:15 PM
Go spread stories of my restaurant to the Rottens ship" Wildcat replied.
_ Come on Kitty' Hit those teeth' Dixie cheered.
Yogi Bobo and Cindy fired from their plane.
 Samia and dulcy watched as the Dawgs cleaned another tooth
 The Yahooeys had cleaned 18 teeth ,the rottens 13 the scoobys 10, and  the dawgs 9 and that meant half of Monstros teeth were cleaned ' We are halfway there folks" Honest john said from a perch located nearly Monstro's blowhole..
_ You want to be strong don't you, well all of you will know magic by the time these games are done" Stripetail said to the trio.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 28, 2014, 10:28:45 PM
Droopy & Wally continued to work as hard as they could cleaning Monstro's teeth as they could.  Gary worked on going behind them to be sure to get any spots they may have missed, thinking that maybe that would help, having someone work on spots here and there that the others may have missed.  They focused on what they were doing and not on looking at the others.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 01, 2014, 01:50:25 AM
It was at this time 3 felines and 1 panda bear descended through Monstro's blowhole.

They were Po the Panda, Tigress the.....tigress, Tai Lung the snow leopard, and Peng, Tai Lung's nephew.

"Is this really the place we have to train?" Peng asked

"Awesome!" Po grinned
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 01, 2014, 02:00:51 AM
yes it is tigeress said, sliding down the blowhole with expert timing before landing on the doobies ship with a thud.. ' alright nephew tai lung said lets find a place to train quietly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 01, 2014, 02:03:06 AM
"Though it would be fun to watch the games some time," Peng nodded, as they walked towards the ships inside the great whale.

"I hear there are couples' quarters," Po grinned to Tigress.

Belladonna brushed with all her might.

Rabbit and Fox went to the Rottens' ship. "Anyone here?" Rabbit asked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 05, 2014, 06:06:56 PM
Droopy & Wally tried doing their best to clean the teeth, being as through as they could while going as fast as they did, with Gary coming up behind them to clean any spots they had missed that he could see.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 05, 2014, 08:33:21 PM
focus on the mission po' tigeress replied, as she walked around the ship..
m here the baron said ' i'm keeping an eye on our group on the plane. what do you want?' he demanded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 07, 2014, 05:11:06 PM
"What sort of weird sport is that?" Blackagumon asked from the inside of the animated Jason's  tardis that he was watching on the viewscreen.  

"Nothing like this in equistria, nor Gallopfry." Said a unicorn that was a pony version Jason.  

"It would seem something made not to long ago. A new unique sport.  I do wonder if it'll catch on." The animated Jason said from his chair, sipping a drink in one hand.  

"I don't see it catching on." Blackagumon said.  

"Never can tell.  Who would have though that a sport where you hit little balls into holes in the ground with sticks would have caught on like it has." Animated Jason said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 15, 2014, 01:45:08 AM
"Ok," Po nodded to Tigress.


Meanwhile, the teeth cleaning event was almost over.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 16, 2014, 12:09:18 AM
the yahooeys won, having cleaned 41 teeth, the rottens cleaned 21, the scoobies20, and the dawgs 18. the yahooeys win the first event Stripetail said. now everyone can head back inside and restt, and clean themselves off'  he added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 16, 2014, 05:20:45 PM
Droopy, Wally, & Gary stopped once they heard the contest was over.  

"That was tiring, boy am I glad that is over." Wally said, sitting down and resting.  The other 2 joined him.  "I think I'll rest here a bit before I go back to the ship." he said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 22, 2014, 12:43:27 AM
Kitty looked around at her fellow competitors.

"Who could I use..." she thought to herself.


Meanwhile, the Miao siblings were being given the next lesson
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 27, 2014, 10:02:57 PM
Droopy, Wally & Gary got up from where they had been sitting and briefly resting.  They made their way to their ship.  

"Think I'll take a nap." Wally said, walking off to his bed.  

"I'll just take a nap here in this recliner type chair on the deck." Gary said going over to sit down in a recliner deck chair.  Droopy walked over to sit in a chair next to him.  

"I think I will also." Droopy said.  Both lay back in the chair and closed their eyes to rest.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 31, 2014, 07:28:55 PM
the yahooeys were excited after thier win. We're 300 points out of second Yogui said.' But were over 2000 points behind the scoobies' Cindy said.' Thats not something that can be made up in one event.' no but if we keep winning, we'll close the gap.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 02, 2014, 03:10:19 PM
Wally got up, the first one up.   He made his way to the entertainment area and went over to the video games and started to play Super Mario Brothers 3 since of the ones he glance at that one was the one that caught his eye first.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on April 02, 2014, 08:04:39 PM
The living planes were back on the aircraft carriers. Their toothpaste and cleaning weaponry were replaced with real ones and they were being scrubbed down.

"What now?" Captain Fairchild asked as his autocannon was loaded.

"Patrol outside Monstro for Gabriel." Major Lockie carefully rotated his prop so the deckhands could clean the grime off of them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 07, 2014, 04:51:23 PM
Stripetail had the three miao kids take a seat ' today will be your next lesson, creating magic from your natural strength. the stronger you are, the more magic you can use. now this is not just physical strength, but intellect as well.' he gestured and created three small pots ' now. ' create something out of the magical clay in thee pots' he said with a smile.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 07, 2014, 04:54:16 PM
Wildcat went over to the teams.

"Any of you want a feast?" the chef asked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 07, 2014, 07:16:32 PM
Sure' Scooby sa id'Bring us some fish.
 Bring us your best steak' the Dread Baron said.
- make ours like a picnic' Bobo Chimed in for the Yogis
- a big dinner spread would be great ' Dulcy said.
- just send the bill to the wizard ' the hooded claw said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 07, 2014, 11:46:43 PM
Meanwhile, Kovu got the remote again.

"I'll put the games on the picture-in-picture," he said
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 08, 2014, 01:16:16 PM
Droopy nodded, "A big dinner spread does sound good indeed." Droopy said liking the idea.  "If there is enough for everyone." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 08, 2014, 03:14:16 PM
Dixie Went up to Kitty' I think its time we did another show. this time i'll wear the lioness costume, and we'll sing sea-themed songs. Got any of those you like to sing?' She asked her friend. "I'll let you pick out the songs, how does that sound?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 11, 2014, 08:39:43 PM
"Purr fect," Kitty nodded.

"What can we do now mom?" Oliver asked Arlene.

The Duke was sleeping between games.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 11, 2014, 09:22:42 PM
lets go get something to eat honey' Arlene said as she lead oliver down the hallway of the ship..
dixie headed to her room to get the costumes kitty had given her.' the lioness costume was hanging upin her closet and she put it on, staring at herself in the mirror.
 woody and winnie relax in thier room, while tweety and auga played cards in thier room.
 the hooded claw was calculating hoe to sabatoge the next event for the rottens, so they could win.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 11, 2014, 09:34:12 PM
Splinter and knothole ran to where the tv is.  Splinter grabbing the remote control.   "I wonder how many channels this thing can get." She said as she turned on the tv.

"Let's find out." He said as he found a place to sit down.  Splinter started going through the channels, staying on each one for only a few seconds before going onto the next one.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 11, 2014, 10:33:53 PM
"Say Kopa," Kovu said back in the pride lands, "I know where you can get some dark fur dye like you've been asking for," he said honestly, knowing Kopa wanted to try something new.


"You should've tried harder," Belladonna smirked to Annabelle.

"Shut it," the angel hound replied
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 11, 2014, 11:10:20 PM
nice try bro' kopa said turning off the the tv. ' why dont we host some of those games we see on tv?' he said 'it would certainly raise our profile'. why don't we have rafiki or nuteri go to this wizard guy and see if he's willing to come here?"
theres 375 ' winie said as she relaxed. '; te sports is on 124. woody had it koon that channel for four hours last night..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 11, 2014, 11:30:45 PM
"We could also merchandise," Kiara grinned, revealing she had already designed several shirts with images of herself, her friends, and family.

"Good job on the designs," Scar complimented
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 12, 2014, 12:07:05 AM
"Wow 375.  That will keep us busy all day." Knothead said, forgetting that they may get bored at some point of tv, or maybe they would not.  

"It'll take us a while just going through all those channels." Splinter said, thinking having so many channels sounded like a great thing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 13, 2014, 10:39:14 PM
"What's our next lesson?" Sagwa and Dongwa asked Stripetail hopefully.

"I'd say it's a definite improvement," Kitty teased Dixie.


"We could come up with some "fun" games for them to do," Vitani smirked to her family and friends in a somewhat wicked tone.

"Like what?" Kovu asked.


The Duke used his magic to prevent himself from getting covered in whale saliva. "This is no place for the Duke," he told himself.

Oliver sat on Arlene's back along the way.'

"We need a win, cousin," Annnabelle told Belladonna
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 14, 2014, 12:30:16 AM
the next lesson will involve making copies of yourself out of magical clay.' stripetail informed the three kittens. ' try and create copies of yourselves without using too much clay.
 i feel fierce.. like i want to go hunting.. either that or i want to do secretary work..' Dixie said as she looked at her lioness form.. so you think i look good in this form.. good to know..' she smirked.
i'm all ears vitani, lets hear your ideas' Kopa said.
- just stick to sports you two' Woody smirked..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 14, 2014, 12:37:44 AM
"But why?" Splinter asked as she started going through the channels again.  

"Why not something else like cartoons?" Knothead asked.

"Or one of those new movies, captain America." Splinter asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 14, 2014, 06:40:40 PM
"Hunt our food for us," Vitani began to list off, then showing her claws "Give us manicures, maybe wrestling with us and see who lasts the longest before being knocked out, cause they can't beat us lions."

"I like the way you think sis," Kovu smirked


"I'll go first," Dongwa said, taking his pile of clay
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 14, 2014, 08:35:33 PM
'fine, put on cartoons if you want' winnie said as she rested against the pillows in her room.
nice work' Kopa said " yeah those are definitely events.. perhaps   we ca n chase them through the kingdom as another..the quicker we catch them the fewer points they get."
- the next evemt was coming up...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 14, 2014, 09:10:03 PM
"Whoever I chase doesn't stand a chance," Kovu smirked, not bragging
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 16, 2014, 05:50:49 PM
the next event' honest john said from the ' announcers booth ' is feeding monstro. members of each team will have to fee ' the giant whale, the team that feeds him the most fish.. will win..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 16, 2014, 08:49:02 PM
Splinter flipped through the channels till they came to an episode of Starblazers.

"Hey that looks old school." Splinter said.  

"Very old school." Knothead said.  They both watched it for a 5 or 10 seconds before Splinter started flipping through the channels again.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 22, 2014, 06:56:20 PM
"Feed me," Monstro called to the competing players.

"Here's me," Sheegwa grinned, using the magic clay
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 25, 2014, 09:05:28 PM
"Sounds like that will take quite a while." Wally said.  

"Maybe less then some think since they may have us using machines or something." Gary said.


Splinter looked up, "Did you hear anything?" She asked.

"Nah, just the tv." Knothead said.  "Quick, change the channel, this commercial is to stupid to watch." He said.  Splinter turned back to flipping through some channels stopping at an episode of the avengers cartoon.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 28, 2014, 04:00:57 PM
nice work, you three keep up the good work' stripetail said approvingly as he looked at thier work
- tiger, kitty you guys will be feeding monstro scooby said to them. along with auga and tweety' he added. yogi bobo, ranger smith and huckleberry went for the yahooeys.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on April 28, 2014, 09:45:37 PM
The living planes were disqualified from that particular competition simply because it was ridiculously unfair to the other competitors. Each of the planes could literally carry tons of ordnance. Replacing them with huge baskets of fish made feeding Monstro a trivial task.

Captain Fairchild sighed. "Hilarious. We could have fed Monstro in a snap."

Major Lockie nodded. "I know, Captain, but this time, it is a competition. In terms of cargo carrying, we completely outclass everyone else."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 28, 2014, 10:30:56 PM
just be sure to keep an eye out on anything from the weasels or gabriel' stripetail said to them.. you'll get your chance to compete again in india' he said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 29, 2014, 09:52:34 PM
"This is a good one.  I've only seen it 3 times." Splinter said.  

"Yea, I like what the Hulk does near the end of the episode." Knothead said.

"Reminds me. I've not seen Agents of Smash in a while." Splinter said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 29, 2014, 11:14:53 PM
"Excuse me, feed me," Monstro repeated with a smirk.

"Sorry, coming right up," Kitty called.

Sheegwa's clay model was only half of her height.

"You can improve," Sagwa assured her sister.

"Want your fish cooked?" Belladonna called, with her fire powers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 01, 2014, 05:25:42 PM
begin' Stripetail rang a bell and fish appeared in all of the teams boats.' you will have an hour to feed him..'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 06, 2014, 02:45:42 PM
Droopy picked up a shovel and started to shovel food into Monstro's mouth as fast as he could. Thinking a shovel would be better then tossing the food in by hand.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2014, 03:28:15 PM
twweety picked up some fish and tossed it into his mouth ranger smith did the same for the yogis and  dulcy for the dwags..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 12, 2014, 03:42:08 PM
"Tasty," Monstro said as he got a taste of the fish.

"If there's any leftovers after the game, can we eat them?" Sagwa asked Stripetail.

"Time for some sushi," Kitty smirked, tossing the fish in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2014, 03:57:21 PM
sure, dear theres bound to be lots ' Stripetail sad he finished looking at dongwa's craftkittyship
- come on guys arlene cheered ' toss those fish in' Dixie said as magical counters appeared on each boat the rottens were jumping into the lead..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 12, 2014, 04:17:07 PM
"At least those mean dobermans are gone," Oliver said to Arlene, who he was still clinging on to.

"I could really use more first prize money," Kitty thought to herself,a s she was taking extra effort to feed the big whale more fish.

The Duke flew up and dropped fish into Monstro from above. "A little aerial support never hurt," the owl said.

Sheegwa's belly began to rumble. "I am getting a little hungry," the youngest Miao admitted
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2014, 04:34:24 PM
thanks to kittys efforts the doos climbed into the lead; the scoreS wre doo 125, rotten 106, yahooeys 102 and dawgs 95. the teams battled baxck and forth, each team taking the lead at different intervals.
_ we'll go get you something stripetail said kindly to her.' anything you want in particular?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 12, 2014, 05:29:41 PM
"Fish, and some dumplings," Sheegwa smiled, licking her lips.


"The cat's in the bag on this one," Kitty smirked, getting her team's lead to be even bigger.

"I hate non-hell puns," Belladonna stated, annoyed.


"Where are we going once we're out of here?" Oliver asked Arlene.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2014, 06:05:15 PM
we're going to be stopping in Indonesia for a break inbetween the last two events within monstro' stripetail said ' there will be plenty to eat there' he added.
- the doos had fed  monstro 217 pieces of fish, the yahooeys 189, the rottens 170 and the dawgs 147.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 12, 2014, 06:32:56 PM
"All right!" Kitty grinned, as the timer for the match ran out. Her team had won almost entirely because of her, and she couldn't be happier.


"Watching that event made me hungry," kovu commented, his belly rumbling. "Could you two go hunt something for me?" he asked Kiara and Vitani
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2014, 06:42:27 PM
The scoobys had fed monstro 1023 fish, the yahooes 900  dawgs 897, and the rottens 896. ' way to go kitty' dixie said ' as a reward i'll get you anything you want.. anything just name it.' stripetail brought firward a million bucks for the scoob team. the yahoeeys gotrt 750000, the dawgs 500000 and the rottens 250000.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 12, 2014, 06:51:19 PM
"All the fancy dresses you can find in the color purple," Kitty replied to Dixie, "It's the only color I really like. Also, get me plenty of mouse burgers."

"Coming right up," Kiara said, as she and the lionesses went to hunt
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2014, 06:57:36 PM
dixie created a steaming plate of mouseburgers, mouse pot pie and steam mousekabobs. she then took kitty shopping so  kitty could piock opuyt all her favorite shades of purple.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 12, 2014, 07:07:39 PM
"I'm more of a fan of dark purple," Kitty told Dixie at the store.


"See anything big enough to satisfy Kovu's appetite?" Kiara asked Vitani
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2014, 07:13:27 PM
theres a large gazelle he loves gazelle.' vitani said pointing it out.
- dixie found a beautiful royal purple dress that cost 5000 dollars and showed it to kitty.' hows this one she asked.' theres deep purple dark purple, and pumpernickel as well..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 12, 2014, 07:17:54 PM
"It's nice to have some ladies catch food for you, eh?" Kovu smiled to Kopa as the he, Kopa, Nuka, and even Scar relaxed on the couch.


"LEt's take it down," Kiara grinned.


"I'll take them all," Kitty grinned, sneaking in a quick kiss to Dixie
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2014, 07:35:21 PM
dixie threw her arms around kitty as she was kissed and for the next 5 minutes the girls french kissed, with kitty pinning dixie against the wall in the middle of it. dixie finally broke the kiss and smiled at kitty.' that was a heck of a kiss kitty, thank you' she said as she gathered up the dress..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 12, 2014, 08:19:59 PM
"You're welcome," Kitty chuckled with a smirk.


"Damn it," Belladonna frowned, gritting her teeth, "i can't lose!"

"Can i get out of this contract?" Belladonna asked.

"No!" the hellhound replied...
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2014, 08:30:27 PM
' so, can we be girlfriends?' dixie asked.'because i really like you kitty, i mean really like can flat out sing, we share a lot of same interests, like shopping for stuff, weboth have boys who love stuffing themselves and running away from trouble, and both know ways to get men to do whatever we what do you say?"
- the dead batron sighed as he tallied up the numbers ' we finished last by a single fish. Bluto how could you let so much slip out of your hands?
I ant a fisherman Baron, bluto replied huffily i hire other people to do it for me..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 12, 2014, 08:51:13 PM
"Meh, sure," Kitty replied with a simple shrug, giving Dixie a quick kiss.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2014, 09:01:47 PM
dixie kissed kitty passionately in response, feeling the cats tongue in her mouth. after another 5 minutes she pulled away ' so lets go get you as many of those dreses as you want ' she said with a she piced up the dressed and carried them to the checkout..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 12, 2014, 11:25:26 PM
"Yeah, could you carry all of those for me, that's be great," Kitty smirked.


"Where can we go now?" Oliver asked Arlene as they explored the lands
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2014, 11:36:35 PM
certainly' Dixie as she carried the 14 dresses (totals 65000 dollars) that she had just bought kitty, and carried them as they headed out of the show. dixie had bought a pair of gold necklaces for the two of them as well, the kind where  you could put pictures inside.' heres a necklace for you as well kitty' she said handing one to her. one compartment is for tiger and scooby the other for me and you.  scooby and you will go in my locket and tiger and i will go in yours ' she explained.
- wherever we want' Arlene said in reply ' Anywhere you wanna go in particular?' she asked him with a smile,.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 12, 2014, 11:53:54 PM
"Someplace with something to eat," Oliver smiled.


Meanwhile, Tiger and Scooby approached their mates. "Hey girls," Tiger grinned,, giving Kitty a kiss.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 13, 2014, 12:02:13 AM
we've decided to take you girls on a trip to java' scooby said waving 4 tickets ' theres plenty of food, sightseeing, and  fun stuff to do' he added ' stripetail says we have 3 days before monstro is finished eating and the games resume. so lets go have fun."   scooby motioned them to a 4 person kie, where each person had there own set of pedals ' something fun to get the legs working..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 13, 2014, 12:03:53 AM
"You'll want us to do most of the peddling, right?" Kitty smirked, seeing as how the guys just had got done with a meal.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 13, 2014, 12:20:24 AM
yeah' scooby admitted his gut bulging underneath his uniform. he climbed onto the first set of pedals' shall we do boy girl boy girl' he suggested with a smile.' so who wants to row behind me..
- arlene took the kittem towards the hotel where the teams would stay onshore ' the thro yur food hotel.' the doos were given the first floor and arlene got room 8 which was a 2 bed room, oliver would get his own bed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 13, 2014, 12:27:24 AM
"You go next," Kitty told Dixie.

"Then me, then finally you, my darling baby bubber bunker boo," Tiger grinned, pinching Kitty's cheek
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 13, 2014, 12:32:16 AM
scooby flipped on the tape of ' Fat Bottomed girls' and the four began to ride down the street passing treets along the way
 yogi cindy and bobo passed them riding a three person bicycle and waved to them. auga and tweety flew past them, headed for the marina.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 13, 2014, 12:33:29 AM
"Tiger will always be number one in my heart, just so you know," Kitty told Dixie as they got on the bike
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 13, 2014, 12:40:36 AM
i know dixie replied ' i wasnt trying to displace him anyway, that wouldnt be fair to hik or you. scooby is very dear to me, and i wouldnt want to do anything to reject him.' she said as they paddled along ' i dont care if you have girlfriends dixie, just remember to involve me in most things' scooby said.' like this  traditional dance we are ging to have.. its traditional couples only..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 13, 2014, 12:43:43 AM
"ooh, what kind of dance is it?" Kitty asked curiously.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 13, 2014, 12:51:05 AM
its is known as tari kraton or court dancing scooby read from the pampalet ' there are many dances , those for men, women and epic poms from natibve culture. we will be going to see one about an epic poem' scooby said. ' i cant very much, but i ebjoy seeing those that can.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 13, 2014, 01:07:55 AM
"That sounds fun," Tiger smiled.

"You said it, big guy," Kitty nodded
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 13, 2014, 01:38:40 AM
just keep peddling guys' scooby said sweat starting to form on his jersey as they went through the crowded street.  dee had gone to their team suite to rest after beinf on the ship wiuth them for the last few days..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 13, 2014, 01:45:25 AM
"How big of a buffet did you guys have?" Kitty asked the guys as they peddled
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 14, 2014, 07:31:49 PM
50 pounds woerth Scooby replied ' Just a light snack really..
 arlrene set down on the bed and looked at her things.. she had miore stuff than she had previously..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 14, 2014, 07:33:02 PM
"You're as cute as ever, chubby cheeks," Kitty smiled, pinching tiger on the face.

"So nice to have some fish," the Miao siblings smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 23, 2014, 03:20:25 PM
Gary went to looking for an arcade and went in.   Looking around he started to see what games they had in there.  Then he picked one and started to play the game for a while.  He figured he would do this before he would look around a bit.  

Wally was walking around to see what sorts of cafe's were in the nearby area.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 01, 2014, 01:10:31 AM
the four of them reached the building where the dance was going to be held ' scooby slowly got off of the bike
 his feet and lrgs throbbing.. ' we'll try and get seats in the middle row as that usually has the best view' he said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 08, 2014, 04:47:42 PM
Seeing an interesting Cafe Wally walked into an ice cream shop.  He ordered a 2 scoop, 1 of strawberry and a chocolate one, since he couldn't decide which one to get.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 13, 2014, 07:48:21 PM
Arlene got got a book from hger things and began to read , picking up from where she had left off. '  this was the first time she had ever been in Asia, anmd she was intending to enjoy herself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 13, 2014, 07:50:26 PM
"What can we eat here, mom?" Oliver asked as they walked around the city.


Kovu and Kopa were already preparing the paperwork for organizing a game.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 13, 2014, 08:54:11 PM
Ayam Goreng, which is chicken dipped in Coconut oil and and served with rice. then theres Ayam Kalesan, which is also served with rice. Then theres Kajung, Corn Fritters, or Rujak manis which is a kind of Fruit Salad'' Arlene said ' and of those catch your eye Oliver?or  Klepon, which is a kind of rice cake with coconut in it' Arlene said reading off some of the local dishes on the brochure she had been given.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 13, 2014, 09:04:56 PM
"The Ayam Goreng sounds good, I want something meaty," Oliver told his mother.


The Duke put on his sunglasses. "No light," he smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 14, 2014, 06:19:14 PM
Wally walked out of the ice cream shop licking his ice cream.  "Just isn't quite the same without Mr Twiddle popping up." He shrugged.  "Maybe he's eating some ice cream where he is." He said to himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2014, 09:08:52 PM
As Oliver and Arlene were walking, Oliver noticed someone.

"Look mom, another cat," Oliver pointed, just ahead of the two was Chef Wildcat himself.

Belladonna was enjoying the sun.

"I like the heat," the hellhound noted

Annabelle hated how she was still in servitude to her cousin
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 25, 2014, 03:48:15 PM
I do wonder what we'll do next, and where we'll go to for the next events. Wally thought to himself.  Oh well, guess I'll find out soon enough.  Till then I'll enjoy this ice cream.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 30, 2014, 05:47:17 PM
Arlene Blanched as she recognized wildcat, the cat who nearly served her to her friends' Lets.. gothos way Oliver' she sauiuid quicily turning away from Wildcat and headed in the other direction.
Scooby and his friends enjoyed the danciing, with involves a lot of movement.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 31, 2014, 08:13:14 PM
Tiger and Miss Kitty danced as well.

"Kick it to the beat," Kitty smirked.

"Where to now?" Oliver asked Arlene
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 14, 2014, 12:29:41 AM
"I am still hungry," the kitten mewed
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 14, 2014, 12:51:11 AM
i dont know arlene said as they walked down the street.' hold on, i'll see if i have any money; Arlene said goinmg thriough her ourses before finding a feqw dollars..' ah, good i'm got about 100 dollars..' come on Oliver lets go find a resteraunt to eat at..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 28, 2014, 01:37:41 AM
Golden Striker was stuck in traffic. Again.

She hated it.

The femme was bored out of her mind and she had nothing to do. She looked at her internal clock and checked the time. It seemed that she would be late to arrive to the hotel. She knew there was nothing she could do about it, but she couldn’t stop the inkling of anger that managed to worm its way into her spark. She was irritated over the fact that she couldn’t just transform and just walk over the hundreds of cars before her. It was her duty -- her obligation to get there in time and keep everyone safe from any harm. It was imperative that she reach the hotel before it was too late. But what could she possibly do? It wasn’t like she could speed up time.

She groaned, annoyed.

Well, if she was going to be stuck in the sea of automobiles, she might as well do some research on modern day religions. She had grown rather intrigued by the Christian faith and took a liking towards its intricate stories. Its theology was so complex and fascinating. She couldn’t help but be pulled in by its peculiar nature. What a better way to pass the time than read the bible? She heard it was the way that the humans' God spoke to them and He used its many pages to exchange messages with His people. This God was known to be all-loving and omnipotent -- he reminded her of her own God, Primus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 28, 2014, 02:12:13 AM
(OOC - What shall I do?)

The living planes circled above the lush island of Java. The clear air was a welcome change from the salty and slightly rancid air inside Monstro.

"Strange, we haven't seen Gabriel at all," Lt. Martin said, scanning the area. All she saw were various pleasure ships and airplanes (some of whom were living machines).
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 28, 2014, 02:16:50 AM
(just have the planes land and enjoy themselves Stripetail will let them have some time to themselves)
 Scooby and Dixie finished dancing and  decided to head back to the hotel to rest for the third event which would take place tomorrow. " best enjoy ourselves here while we can eh Tiger ' Scooby said patting Tiger on the shoulder.
- Arlene lead Oliver to a smaller diner in the Center of tow n ' Pick out what you want " arlene said to the small cat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 03, 2014, 08:05:15 PM
Droopy & Gary started to head back, not sure what the time was that they had left before the next thing happens.    Wally decided to head back as well, eating his ice cream cone he had bought on the way back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on October 04, 2014, 05:21:26 PM
Finally Golden Striker had arrived to the hotel.

'Finally!' she thought to herself, relieved. I'm finally here!'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 11, 2014, 06:00:33 PM
Please check in' the manager said to her ' what floor on you on? He asked with an Indonesian accent.
Scooby led the gang back to the hotel on the bike.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 11, 2014, 08:55:37 PM
Droopy & Gary decided to sit in the lounge area before deciding to head up to their rooms or do something else.  


Knothead and Splinter awoke and went out to look for something to eat.  Then for any fun mischief they could get into.   But first food.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on October 16, 2014, 09:55:33 PM
Golden Striker drove close to the building and took a moment or two to inspect the building before her. The hotel was humongous and possessed a huge wooden door that was well-decorated. The door had many beautiful, intricate designs engraved on the surface of the wood and had a rather elegant appearance to it. It was gorgeous.

She transformed and entered through the entrance.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 16, 2014, 10:31:30 PM
Welcome to the Grabnd hotel! Saidf the manager at the front desk " can I check you in?' he asked GoldenStriker. " whasty floor would you like?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on October 17, 2014, 05:51:23 PM
"Any floor would do. Thank you." Golden Striker replied back, looking down at the individual.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 18, 2014, 08:04:06 PM
Second floor then' the clerk saisd writing it down in a book ' room 203 is yours ' he said hanging her a small key.
- Arlene entered the hotel, tired from the long walk, and trying to get away frim Wildcat..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 19, 2014, 04:17:20 PM
Knothead and Splinter ran out of the room they had been sleeping in.  

"Let's head to the dining room to see if anything is out that we can eat." Splinter said.

"Yea, and if nothing is there we can sneak into the kitchen and help ourselves." Knothead said as they both ran towards the door that lead out and then to the dining room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on October 19, 2014, 08:35:41 PM
"Thank you." she said, grabbing the keys from the clerk and beginning her journey to the second floor.


Golden Striker had to meet a person named Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 21, 2014, 08:36:48 PM
"What rooms is ours, mom?" Oliver mewed innocently.

"When should the games here end?" Sagwa asked the seer.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 25, 2014, 01:59:39 PM
Knothead and Splinter made their way to the dining room.  Seeing nothing set up they hid under the tables and slowly started working their way to the kitchen so they could get some food.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 28, 2014, 08:58:53 PM
the games will be over in the nexrt couple days ' stripetail said as they entwered the hotel. Stripetail headed up towards his room for a short nap ' his room was 206.
my room is 208' Arlene saidto oliver.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: ChaoticMistress on November 01, 2014, 11:20:24 PM
She saw him, it was Stripetail, the individual appeared tired and worn, but she knew that she had to introduce herself to him. WIthout thinking, she began walking up to him and smiled.

"Hello! I'm Golden Striker! I assume you're Stripetail, correct me if I am wrong."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 02, 2014, 02:22:29 PM
LIRd Stripetail madam. ah yes i hired you as security, please, come to my room and we'll discuss the particulars. Stripetail said staring  at her ' he motioned to the door which read "206" on it." fortunately you caught me just as i was about to enter ' please have a seat ' he said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 11, 2014, 05:20:44 PM
Knothead and Splinter snuck their way into the kitchen.  Finding a place to hide near the food preparation area.  They waited till some in the kitchen were focused on what they were doing.  Then they snuck into the pantry and grabbed some fruit.  They had to hide on a lower shelf behind some large boxes till the person who came in to get some stuff left then they suck out and into another room where they proceeded to eat the fruit they had gotten, tossing the seeds and stuff into a nearby trashcan.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 23, 2014, 10:21:04 PM
Scooby and dixie made thier way to the grounf floor of the hotel where a team klunch was previded. here and there members of the yahoeeys, Rottens and Dawgs wandered too and fro, some holding plates of food, other holding drinks..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on November 24, 2014, 02:03:27 AM
The living planes soared over the jungles of Indonesia and Borneo. They had chosen to take a flight tour of the country.

"So peaceful and calm," Captain Fairchild said.

Major Lockie scowled. "Too peaceful and too calm. I've got a terrible feeling that Gabriel might be up to something."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 24, 2014, 05:18:40 PM
Gary, Wally, and Droopy went to the lunch area, each of them getting a plate then looking over the food choices as they picked out what each wanted before they used the provided serving tool to put some of it into their plates.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 01, 2014, 06:40:50 PM
"Where can we go to eat now mom?" Oliver asked, his gut rumbling, "i'm humgry."


"This is getting boring," Belladonna yawned, "Where's the chaos?"

"That doesn't always happen," Annabelle replied.


What will our next lesson be?" Dongwa and Sagwa asked the seer

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 01, 2014, 08:34:46 PM
in a bit kids, i'm busy' Stripetail said as he turned to striker.
 got any place in mind? Arlene asked " we could go weat with Dixie and scooby and the rest of the team ' oliver was too younf to compete..
 we need to pick things up' Blutto said to the other Rottens " i'm tired of losing to those Scooby suckers! The Yogi twerps are way behind  us so the oners we have to worry about are the dawgs.
 dulcy and samia flew around the city taking in views of Anuk Krataoa as they flew tioogether.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 02, 2014, 02:33:14 PM
Droopy, Gary and Wally picked out their food and went to a table to start eating their lunch.  


Knothead and Splinter finished getting their food from the kitchen.  Then then snuck out.  They hid when they saw a person pushing a cart.   He paused a moment to put some stuff on the top of the cart.  They used the opportunity to get past him and into the main dining room.  

"That was great." Knothead said.  

"Yea," Splinter said rubber her belly.  "What shall we do now?" She asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 29, 2014, 10:05:43 PM
"Something with fish or mice," Oliver said, "Those are the tastiest to me"


"Gotcha, I'll just practice my kung fu until it is time," Dongwa nodded, as Sagwa and Sheegwa ate moon cakes
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 29, 2014, 10:20:04 PM
Dixie , scooby and their friends   entered the hotel and headed up towards their rooms.
- Woody and winnie called to knothead and Splinter ' alright you two.. come wth us.." winnie called.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 30, 2014, 05:01:46 PM
Knothead and Splinter came running to Woody and Winnie.  

"What's up?" Knothead asked.  

"Yea, we going to a party or a movie or something?" Splinter asked wondering where they were going to have some fun.  

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 03, 2015, 12:49:51 AM
we're headed to get some lunch'  Winnie said
 a horn sounded to announce the third event ' @ from each team must report to mostro. Captains must attend! came a recorded mesage over loudspeakers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 03, 2015, 02:48:25 AM
"lunch, let's all run there right now." Knothead said.  And started to run off.

"Yea, why walk when you can run." Splinter said starting to run off with sibling.


"who'll you pick?" Gary asked Droopy.  

"I do not know.  Perhaps one of the ladies." Droopy said, thinking over his options before heading out.


"Where are we going again dude?" male companion asked.

"to a special sporting event, inside a whale." Time dude said from his seat, inside a room of his mansion and palacial gardens that were inside what looked like his 2 seater sports car.  

"Inside a whale?" The woman asked amazed and not sure she heard right.

"Sure. You said you wanted to go watch some sports.  Why go see a boring regular type when you can see a unique event." Time dude said waving one hand.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 10, 2015, 05:39:39 PM
Monstro was waiting for the players. "You all have some surfing to do," he informed with his booming voice.

"What kind of surfing?" Annabelle asked.

"Blowhole surfing," Monstro smirked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 10, 2015, 05:46:49 PM
Scooby Yogi and the Baron all looked at the massive whale. his blowhole was about 100 feet above them.. in order for them in cliimb on, monster whould have to dive into the water up to near the tiop of his head for the 8 competitors to climb on and surf.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 16, 2015, 05:50:16 PM
"That is way up there." Droopy said looking up.  He looked up using his right hand to shield his eyes as he looked up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2015, 04:52:12 PM
Arlene watched with Dixie and the rest of the Scoobys from their oposition. Yogi asnd Cindy we nt for the Yahooeys.  ' rottens which are your teo competitotrs ? stripetail asked " Annabelle and Belladonna' The Dread Baron said turning to the the otherworldly hounds.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 02, 2015, 10:17:50 PM
"Let's do this!" both cousins said in unison

"Are we gonna get wet?" Oliver asked Arlene as they sat.

"My weight should help me balance," Tiger smirked.

"You said it dear," Kitty nodded
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 03, 2015, 05:50:19 PM
Droopy looked at the one he had picked from his team, "Well, we may as well get to the top and get ready." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 04, 2015, 01:10:39 AM
"You won't be beating me," Tiger chuckled.

"This will be fun to watch," Oliver smiled to his mother as they sat off to the side

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 05, 2015, 11:31:29 PM
Go Kitty! Go Tiger! Dixie cheered from the bench.
_ Are all teams ready' stripetail said, as each team had a  surfboard with its name on it.
 We're ready Yogi and cindy called out.
i'm ready Dulcy said from the Dawgs board.
 And the teams are ready to start surfing on the giant whales bowlhole. I wouldnt want t fall from that height Gideon' Honest John said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 13, 2015, 04:05:36 PM
"I am also ready." Droopy said in his monotone voice.  He did hope the 2 of them did well.  he was sure they would do pretty well, but all that mattered really was that they did their best and have some fun too.  

"You can do it Dulcy and Droopy." Wally called out.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2015, 09:47:40 PM
Dulcy tried to be steady as the wave the 8 contestants were on grew higher.
 Come on guys1 Arlene cheered for Tiger and Kitty
 _ Yogi and cindy moved slightly forward on their boards.
_ The Contest begins.. NOW" Stripetail magically struck a gong..and a clock appeared in the sky ' the team that remains on their boardw the longest will win. if a team falls 3 times from their boards, they are eliminated.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2015, 11:50:07 PM
"What do we get if your team wins, mom?" Oliver asked.


Tiger began surfing, using his weight to keep balance. "Bring it on," he smirked.

Belladonna looked bored as she did so.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2015, 12:37:49 AM
Money' Arlene replied ' Giving Oliver a smirk. '  once we go to india i'll likely be competing in thee challenges so you'll have to have someone take care of you for awhile ' she said to him ' Know anyway that can do that.
 the wave began to be choppy as monstro moved back and forth.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 18, 2015, 05:35:25 PM
Droopy did his best to maintain his balance while surfing.  like he had done while surfing at some beaches he had done over the decades.  A fun sport, or at least he thought.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on February 21, 2015, 06:49:24 PM
Gabriel was on a secluded mountain a kilometer or so away from the events. She watched through a set of binoculars as the contestants surfed on a column of water from Monstro. Her flagship had been sunk by the living planes but she had managed to salvage her art supplies and replicator. Several mortar tubes had been set up and the Weasels were ready. She had also managed to draw up her mobile base which was currently idling on the dirt road.

"Fire!" she barked.

The mortar tubes roared as the Weasels dropped in the shells.


A minute later, the shells began to burst over the competitors. Angry wasps swarmed out from the blasts and began stinging anyone nearby. Streamers and confetti helped disorient the competitors.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 25, 2015, 01:29:27 PM
"What the heck?" Oliver exclaimed, as he once again clung to Arlene's leg for security.

"Damn it," Belladonna groaned, having wanted to focus on the competition.

The Duke looked up and prepared for any needed combat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 26, 2015, 05:23:01 PM
"wasps?  Everyone dive for the water." Droopy said to everyone present before he jumped into the water.  He was sure the wasps could or would not follow him under the water.

"Oh, dear.  I didn't sign up for this." wally said from the team spectator area as he ran for the water and jumped in.  Being a gator he certainly wouldn't mind being underwater for a while.

Gary meanwhile looked around at the chaos that had started.  He figured some people would likely get hurt.  He found it easy to find a place to change.  He pulled at his arm, pulling up his feathers to show his bracelet.  He pressed a button to switch to a more anthro roadrunner, since a regular toon type would have no hands and would find it harder to save people.  He then set out to use his new super speed to focus on saving some people and helping out with the chaos.


Splinter looked out a window.  "Wicked, glad we're in here."" Splinter said.

"You and me both." Knothead said, standing next to Splinter.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on March 05, 2015, 10:11:25 PM
But it was not over. Gabriel followed up with mortar shells with jellyfish that proceeded to sting those who had taken cover by diving into the water.


"Stripetail!" Captain Fairchild radioed. The wasps were incapable of stinging him but Gabriel had wised up and used streamers and confetti shells in an attempt to clog his engines. "Someone's shelling the competition! They're using wasps and confetti!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 06, 2015, 08:58:07 PM
Its most likely gabriel' Stripetail scowled ' try and find her.. and try and make sure she dioesnt dip you in the process..
cindy screamed as a jellyfish stung her. yogi was covered in welts from being stung by the bees.
 dulcy created a huge splash as she hit the water
 the bees were too small top bother her given her scales. the jellyfish werre another matter.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 08, 2015, 04:32:50 AM
Droopy saw a jellyfish nearby, he also saw a swordfish fairly close.  "Well, i am a bit hungry." he said.  He grabbed the swordfish and pulled out a loaf of bread from somewhere.  he then used the swordfish to cut 4 slices of bread. Then as the jellyfish came closer he moved in a blur is arms hard to see.   When he stopped he had 2 jelly sandwiches.  one he offered to the swordfish.

"Thanks for helping me." Droopy said.

"Thanks Mak, always glad to help the good guys." he said and took his sandwich.  They started to eat the sandwiches together.

"mmm, grape.  i would prefer strawberry, but grape jelly is almost as good." Droopy said.  


Gary was grabbing people and running to a nearby (nearby for him anyway) and left them there only to run back.  On his 4th trip to the beach he ran past a ice cream selling place and the clerk there experienced a sudden gust and when it passed there was money next to the cash register and a few missing cones and it looked like a scoop had been used.  He scratched his head, having no idea what had happened, shrugged and rung the money up as a sale.

All the running had made Gary hungry and he thought taking a quarter of a second to get himself a few ice cream cones and eating them would stave off the hunger from all the running around.  He'd eat more healthily when he had more time.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 14, 2015, 07:32:04 PM
the bees flew amoung the crowd, causing the crowds to scatter and take cover wuth the lang bangs of missiles exploding overhead, causing panic.
 arlene was knocked over by a fleeing tourists, and she bowled over Oliver, as she fell.
 samia flew over the water,. looking for her teammates.
 bobo ran along the water looking fior cindy and yogi.. ' ranger! they're over there! the young bear pointed.
bluto glowered as he ran, welts on both his arms.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 14, 2015, 07:46:55 PM
"Whoa!" Oliver exclaimed as he got rolled along by Arlene.

The Duke let out a magic breath to combat the bees.

"Heh heh, stingers," Belladonna chuckled.

"I may have to dive down!" Monstro called to the players.

"Oh crap," Kitty and Tiger gulped.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on March 14, 2015, 11:10:20 PM
The three living planes had calculated the location of Gabriel's artillery position. They immediately swooped in. And were greeted by a hail of explosive and streamer shells.


Back at Monstro, a group of other planes were trying their best to keep the wasps from attacking the competitors. Clouds of harmless insect repellent swirled around as they doused everyone with a harmless lemon and orange scented plant oil in an attempt to ward the wasps off.

Slicks of reddish orange marred the water as additional planes dropped depth charges containing hot pepper sauce and spicy curry in an attempt to drive the jellyfish away.

Pink and blue streamers drifted through the air as Gabriel launched the streamer shells in an attempt to clog the planes' engines.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 15, 2015, 11:07:38 PM
Gary continued to run around, trying to save as many as he could.   He picked up an item that looks like it would be a good club, he used it to smack the bees and wasps in the face as he ran past them at above mach 1, grabbing a person to save and move to the beach.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 18, 2015, 11:55:11 PM
i think its time to call the event off ' Honest john said keeping his head  down to avoid getting stung. into the village gideon' he called out to his friend./
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on March 23, 2015, 11:45:46 PM
One pilot ejected as a streamer shell clogged his plane's engines, causing it to enter a spiral. Unfortunately, the wasps began attacking him. A plume of lemon scented oil drifted from a living plane's sprayers. Luckily, his goggles and mask kept the spray away from his eyes and mouth.


One Weasel screamed as a rocket blew him off a cliff.

"I think we're done here." Gabriel ordered her troops back into the mobile base as rockets and bombs began impacting around them.

The base's wheels churned and threw up a massive dust cloud as it sped down the road. Thanks to Toon logic, the mortars left behind did not seem to run out of ammo. Indeed, they had fired over one hundred rounds of assorted shells and there seemed to be no sign of stopping.

A salvo of 30 mm rounds from Captain Fairchild destroyed one mortar while Major Lockie blasted a cluster of them with his 105 mm cannon. His props were covered with streamers but they didn't seem to affect him.

"Ah, s---!" A streamer shell landed straight in Captain Fairchild's right engine. He wheeled around and headed for Monstro. The living plane's damaged engine trailed smoke and bits of shredded streamers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on March 25, 2015, 12:03:19 AM
With the people saved that he thought he could easily save he thought he should try to do something about the wasps.  He had an idea.  He had not tried it over on water and thought water would be drawn in also.  

He took of running and circled around a large area where the wasps were.  He then started to run faster, going as fast as he could in a circle.  This caused a wind to rise up.  The wind started to form into a tornado that started to draw in the wasps in the area and some water as well.  He was hoping this would take care of as many of the wasps as he could. Once the tornado was formed he then started to take it far out from where it was, well away from anyone.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 31, 2015, 11:20:06 PM
Oliver once again clung to Arlene's leg in terror as everything was transpiring.

"I'm gonna have o dive!" Monstro called to those in the contest.

"Oh crud!" Tiger exclaimed, readying to avoid falling.

Belladonna, her cousin, and the Duke took to the skies
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 09, 2015, 08:33:08 PM
we need to get out of here ' stripetail said as the town was lit aflame  by the rockets and dip eroded the buildings, and burned those unfortunate to be touched by it.' everyone! to the buses! ' he said. as he said magically amplifying his voice.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 10, 2015, 05:51:37 PM
Gary saw what was going on and what Stripetail said.  Though he decided to stay to help.  He reached into a pocket searching for a bit as he then found what he was looking for, "aha, animation mistake." he said, and tossed it at the team bus so it looked like he was already on the bus sitting and looing out the window, like sometimes happens in animation mistakes. He knew of a pysicist wizard type who had studdied how to harness certain things like plot oversights, animation mistakes, ect.  Though one could only use such things sparringly.

Then he ran off to a nearby alley.  once there he closed his eyes to concentrate, on something he had not reallly done in many decades but he would be immune to dip this way.  He was finally able to switch back to his normal human form, that still looked 18.  

He then went to grab a family not to far off.  "if you all want to live grab onto me and close your eyes."

"why, you a super hero or something?" a kid asked.

"unless you want to see a all white void." he said as he reached into a pocket and the family not having any other idea what to do grabbed into him as he pulled out an odd looking hook thing.  "Sprocket hook, it'll take us away from here." he said as he reached up and yanked down, getting pulled out of the film strip as they passed what looked like giant sprockets as if they were leaving a film.

"you mean this is all just some kinda movie we were in?" the father asked.

"no, it's a type of magic, mixed with cartoon logic and physics, made in the 1930's but still works nowadays, if not overused." he said.  Once out he then reached back and yanked it forward so the tip flew way ahead and grabbed onto some point way ahead and pulled them along.  Once they got closer they could see some sort of palm trees and he pulled them into it.

"Where are we?" the mother asked.  Gary sniffed a bit.  "Smells like hawaii, not sure which island. Let's go and see shall we." He asked set off towards some buildings he saw a few blocks off.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 15, 2015, 11:55:06 PM
Oliver clung hard to Arlene's leg as she ran for safety, "Run mom!" he called.

Kitty and Tiger were running together, havng gotten out of the water.

"Better ready my fireballs," Belladonna smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 20, 2015, 09:58:06 PM
The fresh volley of rockets tore oliver from arlene a d sent the two of thwm flying into two separate directions, dip began spewing from the holes where the rockets lands\ed, and the residents screamed as the toxic  substance touxched them. ' dixie rushed over towards where her teammates were
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 22, 2015, 05:17:44 PM
"Quickly, everybody get into a bus."  Droopy said, "And take off once everyone's in the bus." He said, doing his best to shut out the horror of what was happening.  Wally got on the bus, horrified also but not knowing what to do.


Gary wrote down an address on a piece of paper and handed the father some money, not counting it.  "here, you're family will need this, and I've included the address if you want to repay the no interest loan." He said, knowing some don't like handouts.  While he wasn't rich by any means, he was comfortable, through having raced and done various things in his various forms over the decades.  

That done he ran back at top speed towards where the rest of the team and the other teams had been.  Once he got close he stopped along a beach a few miles outside where it was going on.  Evacuation was well underway he could see.   He found a large spot with no one around and pulled back his sleeve to reveal the same bracelet.  he would try to mentally change, but this was faster since mentally doing it took a type of mental relaxation and flexing a certain mental muscle.  

He used his special bracelet to change to his space dragon form.  Which looked a lot like Zok form the Herculoids, except he was red in color, unlike Zok's being green.  He was a bit out of practice, not having used this form much since the 80's during an act gig he had done.  or was it in the 90's during that full motion video fad in video games?  he wasn't sure which.  

Once that was done he took to the air and keeping very high in the air, where the air was very thin, flew to where the site was.  Seeing what was going on he used his eye and tail lasers to try to shoot down as many of the rockets as he could.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 24, 2015, 11:11:14 PM
Oliver had landed near Stripetail, and knowing the seer was someone he could trust, quickly clung to him for security.

"Let's go everybody!" Kitty called, her and Tiger running.

"Hmph, the fun part ended soon," Belladonna frowned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 25, 2015, 05:34:18 PM
scooby , dixie and arlene rushed aboard the doobies bus. stripetail , oliver hanging onto him climbed onto the yahooeys bus, and one by one the buses took down the road.. around them the village burned as the teams fled.
 cindy shook her head as she sat back in her seat 'and now we cant even finish this part of the games ' she said sadly ' we'll finisghh them in hthe next location- which is in india..' stripetail said ' for now, we  have a long drive ahead of us.. through Singapore, thailand, Burma, bangladesh and India. i suggest we get as ,uch rest as we can..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on April 28, 2015, 04:23:39 PM
"I"m just glad we're on this bus, and the others are on the team busses, and we're all safe." Droopy said as he relaxed into his seat.  he breathed a sigh of relief.

"yea, safe for now at least." Wally said, a bit nervous and he fiddled with his tie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 29, 2015, 01:03:40 AM
Arlene wept as she slumped against the  seat of the bus. 'has ayone seen Oliver? she asked as the bus turned onto a highway.. dixie shook her head ' no i havent ' last time i d\saw him, he was with you..' 'can we go back? arlene asked ' Scooby shook his head ' no way Arlene, that village is being razed by dip right now. far too dangerous to go back..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on April 29, 2015, 06:30:23 PM
Captain Fairchild was still flying alongside the buses even though one engine was trailing smoke and streamers. Behind him in the doomed village, rockets splattered dip and glue around. Houses melted or caught on fire.

Roads liquified and became puddles of burning ooze.

"Stripetail," Major Lockie radioed. "We need to stop at an airport, Captain Fairchild's right engine is damaged."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 30, 2015, 12:06:21 AM
the next closest airport is in Singapore, several hours away" stripetail replied. ' we are going to have to stop and take stock of the damage though. we'll have to make do until we can get to the airport.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 30, 2015, 12:11:30 AM
"Can you...tell my mom I'm ok," Oliver asked Stripetail, "She must be very worried."


Kitty meanwhile sat next to Tiger, who was eating seevral snacks to ease the stress. She smirked a bit as she saw her...."helmets" were still in good shape.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 01, 2015, 05:21:52 PM
Once Gary say the buses and planes had left he did his best to not look at the remains of the town.  He flew out to the ocean and dove into the ocean.  Once in the ocean he dove down and switched to his high tech sci-fi car type form, and continued for a ways underwater then rose to the surface, heading towards the next destination.  He had picked this form since it could go for long distances and never tired.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 05, 2015, 10:41:11 PM
the dread baron watched from his seat as they slowly made thier way through the jungle. ' we got everyone ' he said as the image of stripetail appeared next to him. ' blast it! we were actyually doing well for once too."
 We're finish the last two events in India before starting those 4 ' Stripetail replied.
- One by one all 4 teams reported in, as they headed out over the island of Jakarta and headed north towards Singapore. Arlene was relieved when Stripetail tolsd her that Oliver was with him, and that they wopuld stop to get more supplies in Singapore.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Simba King Of Pride Rock on May 17, 2015, 05:18:27 PM
Meanwhile, two figures, one an anthropomorphic male Golden retriever mix and the other a 12-year old human boy with a shaved head with a blue arrow pointed down to his nose looked over the landscape, waiting for some action.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 17, 2015, 05:36:21 PM
the scooby doobies bus stopped near a bridge, as Frankie had to switch on a fresh tire. turning around she saw the dog and boy sitting on a hill' Excuse me?' she called out ' i need a hand with switching out a flat tire. Could you help?' she asked, calling out to them..the sun was setting and it was getting dark. Frankie needed to switch out the tire as quickly as possible so they could make it to Singapore before midnight.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Simba King Of Pride Rock on May 17, 2015, 05:52:09 PM
Aang was the first to stand. "My name is Aang, and I am the avatar. Of course I'll help. What do you need?" he said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 17, 2015, 05:55:05 PM
i need to get this tire changed, as quick as possible..  after the day we've had this is the last thing we need. we were attacked in the middle of a contest and and had to run.. ah but i won;t bore you with the details..' Frankie said, realizing how much she was talking.' aang is it/ Nice to meet you. I'm Frankie..Who's your friend?" she asked motioning to the humanoid dog..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Simba King Of Pride Rock on May 17, 2015, 05:57:41 PM
Hunter took a step forward. "My name is Hunter. I'm a member of a group known as the Road Rovers, while Aang here is from a group of people known as the Air nomads. What should we do to help you. I have a jack in my vehicle," he said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 17, 2015, 07:24:46 PM
A jack? excellent! Please go get it for me please" Frankie said to Hunter " the quicker we get the new tire on, the faster i can be back on tghe road. Say would you gentlemen like a rode? i'll be happy to take you wheever you want, kiin return for helping me.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Simba King Of Pride Rock on May 17, 2015, 07:26:50 PM
Aang smiled. "Thank you for the offer, but we both have our own transports," he said. He then blew a whistle, and Appa appeared and landed in front of him. Hunter nodded. "Let me get you that Jack," he said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 17, 2015, 09:19:51 PM
so what brings you gentlemen all the way out here? following the games? they have been front page news since they started. Madame Foster even told me so when she called me the other day..' frankie said to hunter and aang.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Simba King Of Pride Rock on May 17, 2015, 09:25:41 PM
Aang smiled. "We were exploring and looking for two of our enemies, Firelord Ozai and General Parvo. That's how we got out here," he explained.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 17, 2015, 09:57:49 PM
never heard of eother of them. but if you want to talk to someone whpo is into magic and stuff. talk to the seer stripetail. hes in the bus over there' She motioned to the yahooeys bus which was stopping behind the doobies bus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Simba King Of Pride Rock on May 17, 2015, 10:00:16 PM
Hunter came back with the jack. "Well, shall we get started?" he asked, presenting the jack.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 17, 2015, 11:50:07 PM
Knothead and Splinter had their cellphones in hand.  "Cool the pictures we took of that attack will look cool on our web blog. It should get us some more viewers as well as some more who now of those nasty types." Knothead said.

"Yea, we got some cool shots of the attack before we were pulled away." Splinter said.

"don't forget the video we got.  Though the end is jerky as we were grabbed and carried off.  We'll leave it in since we don't have access to our pc." Knothead said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 18, 2015, 05:40:17 PM
just lift the bus up so i can get the old tire off ' Frankie said, motioning to Hunter " Think you can help us Aang? you said you had pows, right?' she said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Simba King Of Pride Rock on May 18, 2015, 05:44:04 PM
Aang nodded. "Let me see if I can airbend your vehicle up a bit," he said, raising his hands and doing it. "Work fast. I am not sure how long I can keep this up," he added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 20, 2015, 01:43:07 PM
frankie slowly rolled the old tire and put the new tire on. she tossed the old tire to the side and got out from underneath the bus. ' thanks you can put it down now. " so where are you guys headed? you can come along with us if you like..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Simba King Of Pride Rock on May 20, 2015, 01:51:51 PM
Aang nodded. "We were out here on a mission, but, so far, our targets have eluded us. Sure, we can go with you, in our own transports of course," he said as he let the car down.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 20, 2015, 05:53:19 PM
"When should we reach our stop in Singapore?" Oliver asked Stripetail, as the Miao siblings were eating lunch.


Belladonna was getting some beauty rest in the rottens' bus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Simba King Of Pride Rock on May 23, 2015, 03:22:02 PM
Aang then suddenly looked and saw a group on the horizon. "Katara, Sokka, Suki, Toph, Zuko, over here!" he shouted. He then turned. "Those are some of my friends," he said. Hunter's communicator went off. He looked at it. "It's my girlfriend, Colleen. I have to take this," he said, going to answer the call.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 24, 2015, 03:08:56 AM
We should reach Singapore by tomorrow' Stripetail said as the bus stopped.  stripetail notice frankie getting out to change the time then saw the newcomers lend her a hand.
 Thats fine Frankie said ' I'm finishe with the tire, thanks fir the help.' she said climbing back on the bus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Simba King Of Pride Rock on May 24, 2015, 06:25:52 PM
Zuko went over to Aang. "Aang, where have you been? We just saw my father around this area. In case you need a reminder, he is one of the most dangerous firebenders in existence!" he said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 25, 2015, 03:50:22 PM
we have more pressing matters than a firebender around here frankie said ' we have a dip-wielding lunatic around that can unmake toons like me or you! she just destroyed the last place we were in.' well.. thanks for the help guys, good luck finding the bad guy you are after.' She said as she started the bus,. By other the Dawgs, Rottens and Yahooeys bus had moved ahead of them and it was raoidly getting very dark..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 06, 2015, 06:17:27 PM
Oliver looked around the Yogis' bus for a place to rest until he could reunite with Arlene.

"Will these games ever stop being interrupted?" Tiger frowned while on the bus.

"This is gonna disrupt our magic training," Dongwa muttered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Simba King Of Pride Rock on June 09, 2015, 08:27:53 PM
Aang sighed. "All right, let's go find Ozai and put a stop to him this time," he said. Ozai appeared. "I am already here," he said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on June 15, 2015, 04:07:59 PM
"Look at all the hits we got to our website since our video was posted." knothead said looking at the website and number of views and visits they had had.

"cool.  I knew posting the video would help get us more hits.  and spread information about her." Splinter said.

"Same for our twitter too." knothead said looking at that after looking at their website.  

"and our facebook also.  lots of comments and likes." Splinter said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 15, 2015, 05:52:04 PM
the buses headed down the road, slowly making progress., here and there, there wre dip holes in the road, which steamed and smoked.
 stripetail winced as they passed inbetwen the holes, a couple unfortunate victims lay in the road.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 16, 2015, 09:04:22 PM
"What's happening this time?" Oliver asked, clinging to the seer's leg.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 23, 2015, 09:36:15 PM
Captain Fairchild, Lt. Martin and Major Lockie were cruising at low altitude. They had managed to destroy all of Gabriel's mortars but they had taken significant damage in the process.

Captain Fairchild's right engine was completely clogged with streamers and a large glob of glue had jammed his left wing's control surfaces. Lt. Martin's landing gear had been glued shut and two of Major Lockie's props had been melted off by dip.

"Stripetail, this Captain Fairchild. We will be heading to Singapore Airport for repairs. Captain Fairchild out."

The living A-10 scowled as he watched the waves below him. Any one of the ships in the ocean below could have Gabriel and her goons aboard.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 27, 2015, 01:49:46 PM
Understood. we will need to keep on the move. Gabriel is getting more bold' stripetail replied " shes delayed the finishing of the events in Indonesia, we'll have to finish them in India."
 by this time most of team members were asklleep' trying to catch some shuteye while they could.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 07, 2015, 03:58:37 PM
Droopy went back to where his sleeping area was after making sure that the other team members were asleep and as comfortable as they could be.

He saw Gary walk up.  Gary had switched to his avian form that Droopy knew him by.

"So there you are, were have you been?" Droopy asked with his voice in the usual tone. "I've been very worried." though from the tone of voice one couldn't tell he had been.

"Well I got separated and I did get away.  Flying is handy for that." Gary said.  "Then I got to a place that was safe.  With my cellphone I saw the news.  They had reports of a space dragon and some shots of it.  Luckily I recognized that space dragon.  Had, or has, the same agent a friend of mine has so I was able to get in contact with him, in a round about way, and get a lift here." He said.  Which was partially true, some of his forms had been doing either movies or video games in the past, or tv appearances.  Though some had not been seen in decades.  "he didn't want to attract to much attention so he dropped me off a short flight from here.  He can fly much faster then I can.  Besides he can go into space too."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2015, 01:20:16 AM
over the course of the night, the 4 buses worked their way through Singapore -stopping briefly so the planes could get repairs- thern up through Thailand and Burma. they were now stopped for the night in Rangoon, on the shores of lake Kandawgyi. a small hotel called karaweik stood there.' arlene got out of the bus and saw stripetail, with oliver on his shoulder. ' oh thank heavens! hes ok! ' Arlwene said relieved to see oliver safe and sound ' i was afraid we had left him.." ' well it is late stripetail said, it was nearly midnight ' the hotel is small, only holds 300 people. '[ some of our group will have to sleep in the buses tonight. others can come in the hotel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 26, 2015, 01:22:58 AM
"Don't worry mom, I'm ok," Oliver smiled, nuzzling Arlene.

"I'll sleep wherever there is the least light," the Duke offered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 28, 2015, 04:14:09 PM
"I can sleep outside." Gary said, thinking he could go to one of his car forms and sleep in the parking lot.  That would save room.  

"If you are sure, that would save room." Droopy said.

"yea, I'm sure." Gary said, "see you folks in the morning." he said and walked out.  He had an idea to sleep away from the hotel.  It would be safer in case she, or one of her weasels, attacked the hotel or the buses.  

He walked outside the hotel and away from the entrance.  Once he was sure he decided to switch to an old form the car form he had done in the car zero movies in.  He purposely struck a curb and used that and as it rose higher to go onto his left tires as he then entered an alley, part way down the alley he switched to his 50's hotrod form and exited the other end of the alley.  He was thinking if he was followed, they'd find it hard to follow him.  He remembered doing that trick in an old movie.  

Then he drove for a bit, finding a rest area where some semis were sleeping or resting.  He drove up and went to sleep among them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 29, 2015, 09:19:24 PM
The living planes were stationed not at the hotel but at a nearby airport. Luckily, it catered to living machines so it was more like a cross between a hotel and an airport.

Major Lockie was busy chatting with some Myanmar locals while Lt. Martin was busy having a drink at the airport-hotel's bar.

Captain Fairchild had decided to take flight and head to the Karaweik to chat.


Gabriel's base was in the Thai jungle somewhere near the Mekong River. She and her Weasels were camped out, enjoying the humid Southeast Asian night. They had enjoyed a meal of Mekong fish with Thai spices and rice.

Gabriel herself entered the base and checked out her replicator. The drawing of her sleek futuristic battleship was being made as a miniature model that when thrown into the ocean, would expand into a full-sized battleship with functioning weapons and propulsion. That said, it would take nearly a week to complete the intricate model.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 30, 2015, 12:40:59 PM
The Yogis and Rottens volunteered to stay on their teams buses, while dulcy wanted to go inside ' Think this place has room for a lady of your size?' Samia teased ' Says the girl who ate 300 dollars worth of food in Singapore in one go' Dulcy cracked.
I'm headed in Arlene said. scooby Dee opted to stay on the bus, as did garfield, Tom And Jerry. Dixie and scooby followed Arlene in. detective cash walked around the bus helped pull out the pull out beds.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 09, 2015, 10:36:29 PM
Wally thought about it.  "Well, I use to sleep outside all the time at the zoo."  wally said.   he felt mixed.  He was glad to be able to roam free where he wanted, but he also messed the zoo.  Though he understood hard times being that it is they had to let him go since they could not afford his living there anymore.  

"Well my father use to be a sheep herder before he became a  homesteader and then a deputy sheriff.   he use to say it wasn't to bad sleeping outside,but one did have to move rocks since rocks are mighty uncomfortable to sleep on."  Droopy said.  "And when I was growing up, air conditioning had not been invented, even radio had not been invented, that came later when I was a teenager."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 12, 2015, 01:08:42 PM
"Let's go inside," Kitty told Tiger, "I want a proper bed to sleep in."

"Where will we stay?" Sagwa and her siblings asked Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 12, 2015, 07:58:53 PM
arlene paused in thought as she entered the hotel lobby ' um.. girls?' could I talk with both of you for a minute? i've been thinking since Oliver came along, and well.. i need help.."
 Dixie paused as Arlene looked at her. " Alright Arlene we can sit down over here and talk. Do you just want my help?'  she said as she walked over in a corner and took a seat on a sofa.Arlene shook her head after sitting down. ' well since Kittys in the group too, I'd like her to help as well. I know you guys have boyfriends, so i cant ask too much from you.. but I've never had to worry about anyone else besides myself- well besides Garfield that is.. and I'd never consider asking him to babysit, actually,well i tried once and um.. that didnt go so well..'
 yes you told me he does have . - how did you put it?'ego problems'.' Dixie nodded ' so what do you want me- sorry 'us'- to do? ' babysit for Oliver? you know when I'm competing in events?' Arlene said ' and what if Kitty and I are competing alongside you?' Dixie pointed out. Arlenes face fell, she hadnt considered that possibility.' We cant very well ask Stripetail to do it. Scooby might be willing, if I press him ' Dixie ran her claw through her headfur, and looked around for Kitty
 scooby meanwhile was signed in for the night  all the prices were in kyat, but since  1200 kyat equaled 1 dollar, a few dollars was all it took to rent a room ' room number 55 for you sir' the clerk said handing him a key.' it has 2 beds, one for the boys, one for the girls.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 12, 2015, 08:05:00 PM
"Sure, I could help you with babysitting the little guy," Kitty said, coming over with some soda to drink on. "He seems like a sweet little kid, I could probably convince Tiger to watch over him to," she added. "What could we do besides just watch him?"

"Do what?" Tiger asked, coming back from the hotel's buffet with an armfull of food.

Oliver was playing on a nearby arcade machine, only a few feet away from Arlene. "High score," he grinned proudly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 12, 2015, 10:03:09 PM
Splinter and woody flew over to a door and landed.  

"Are you sure this is the door?" Splinter asked knothead who took out a piece of paper.

"That's what it says here.  Uncle Woody and aunt Winnie should be staying in this room." Knothead said before knocking and putting away the piece of paper.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 13, 2015, 08:33:53 PM
well watch him, er get him stuff- like toys, feed him, get him games, all the things kids want.. well within reason. I dont have the money to pay you girls back yet if  he wants a lot of stuff.' arlene said nervously.' dixie patted her paw reassuringly ly. ' relax, Arlene. we don;t mind helping you out. ' having i been helping you?' of course. garfields going to dance with me once we reach india. finally nailed him down on it. Arlene said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 13, 2015, 09:31:47 PM
"Look mom, I won at the skill crane!" Oliver said, coming over and holding a big Shere Khan plush doll. "It only took me two tries!"

"Ah, what a nice kid," Tiger said, stuffing his face some more.

"Doesn't that doll look like someone we've heard of?" Kitty asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 14, 2015, 09:49:49 PM
Droopy lay down on one of the beds and took out a cellphone.  He read some emails and started typing up some replies.  To type the replies he took out a blu-tooth keyboard from somewhere, instead of having to try to type on the little cellphone screen.  he figured now was a good time to get caught up on all his emails.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 14, 2015, 10:26:10 PM
Dixie looked at the doll, and shook her head ' Nope that doll doesnt look familiar' she said." i'm not familiar with Olivers likes and dislikes, after all, hes a newcomer for the most part."
- Arlene paused,  scratching her chin.' well, he likes games, arcade stuff from what i've seen. what do you think Kitty?
-  Garfield headed in to check in, and stopped to overheatr the girls chatting aboiut Oliver.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 15, 2015, 10:21:50 AM
"It's probably someone from the local area," Kitty shrugged. "As for what he likes, maybe the usual favorite foods for cats and shows about felines, like lions and tigers and such."

The Duke was peacefully resting in the darkness.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 17, 2015, 09:53:48 PM
i dont think they have tv back in your era kittyu. that would have to be live shows and what not. we'll have to take him to a zaoo or something, see these creatures up close' Dixie mused.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 20, 2015, 10:53:45 PM
Captain Fairchild flew over the Mekong River. Along the shores, he could see the locals eating dinner in their stilt houses and some fishermen tying up their boats for the night. He frowned as he noticed a rather out of place large camper.

He zoomed in on the camper with his built-in camera and snapped several pictures. He scowled; it looked familiar but not quite.


Gabriel and her Weasels were inside the base, hastily drawing all sorts of weapons and other materials they'd need. Luckily, a toon eraser and pencil and managed to change the vehicle's shape to such a degree it was nearly unrecognizable.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 23, 2015, 04:54:33 PM
Droopy and Wally lay back in their beds while they relaxed.  Wally was soon asleep while Droopy continued to think over the events of the day and how things had been since they had started on this.  it was very hectic and hair raising experience at times, but things would work out by the end, he was sure.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 24, 2015, 11:16:22 PM
Oliver set his stuffed Khan doll next to him. "We won't get separated like before, right?" he asked Arlene.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2015, 10:56:28 PM
I cant guarantee that Oliver' arlene shook her head. ' that why i wat you to stick close to kitty, Dixie, Garfield or whoever is watching you. Understand?"
Lets go get Oliver some things" Dixie said to Kitty.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 31, 2015, 11:57:02 PM
"I promise, mom," Oliver nodded, then he smiled at Dixie's suggestion "I want toys!" he smiled
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 05, 2015, 04:08:54 PM
Droopy went over the events of the trip they had gone through.  He was sure it wasn't done yet.  He wondered when and where the weasels would pop up again.  Not being able to sleep he pulled out his cellphone to read a book for a while before going to bed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 22, 2015, 08:07:36 PM
we'll see what they have in India ' dixie said " as thats our next stop  What would like to get Oliver? she asked the kitten kindly as they entered the hotel.
_ stripetail checked the reports from valiant which was sent to him by text " Toon Town slowly improving, City hAll has been rebuilt. Gabriel needs to dealt with though. Toons cant feel truly safe ybntil shes out of the way and the dip destroyed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 26, 2015, 11:46:30 PM
"Toys and video games," the kitten mewed to Dixie.

"Is everything in India set up?" Dongwa asked Stripetail.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 29, 2015, 09:55:50 PM
"Hey Stripetail," Captain Fairchild said. "I found this unusual camper in the Mekong River area. It looks familiar but I can't quite place it."

He sent the images to Stripetail via his internal sat uplink.


"Gabriel! We have spotted an interloper! Preparing--"

Gabriel roughly shoved the Weasel out of his seat. Stars circled his head as he fell to the ground.

"Idiot!" Gabriel snapped as she pointed to the viewscreen. "That plane does not see us! If we shoot it down, we attract attention to ourselves! Now get back to work drawing weapons and other gear!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 29, 2015, 10:10:45 PM
keep an eye on it, it looks like something of the weasels..' Stripetail replied ' they attack you.. sink them. but be careful of any dip=tipped weapons' Stripetail added ' keep an eyeon them and report back..
- alright toys it is ' Dixie said ' you're too young to be playing video games' she added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 30, 2015, 04:05:25 PM
"If you excuse me, I have somewhere to be," Kitty suddenly told her friends, going up to her room.

"I might just have a use for this now..." she chuckled to herself, holding the mind control helmet.


"You probably should get him cat and jungle cat action figures," Tiger suggested about Oliver.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2015, 12:18:10 AM
We'll see what we have.' Dixie said.. before heasding up to her room. Arlene followed her' as rain from a storm began coming in..' i'll just sleep on the cot , if thats ok with you' she said to Oliver.
 One by one Everyone went to sleep.
 Next Day
 the buses resumed their travels, heading through bangaldesh, and passing throuigh waterlogged roads 9it was monsoon season) and finally entering india- the WESt Bengal Region.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 06, 2015, 12:19:37 AM
"Do you have a camera, mom?" Oliver asked on the bus ride over.

Kitty meanwhile looked at her bag that held her special helmet.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2015, 02:29:39 AM
Dixie watched the scenery pass by as the Scooby bus passed over the Banladesh border into india. they had been driving all day,  and windows were dripping with waters and mud. dixie sighed , as humidity from the tropical region trickled in through an open window behind her. she was looking at a crossword puzzle that arlene had given her to pass th time,  which she had half filled in. a cup of hot cocoa steamed from the table in front of her, which was courtesy of Stripetail, it would refill with cocia until she was full.  "Capital of India ' Dixie paused. Dehli, Denali? No.. has more letters than that.. better fill in the other numbers first.. she yawned.
 Aboard the  Rottens bus, the team was gathered arounf a large table gambling with their winning from Indonesia, which was half of what they were normally be, except for Gabriels meddling " Wagers 300 bucks ' Bluto said as he was the dealer. The Dread Baron looked at his cards ' an Queen and a 7 "350' said the masked man tossing in 3 franklins and a Grant. What you got he asked belladonna, who was sitting across from him. Bluto puffed at a cigar as he studied his cards He had a pair of 10s.

Louies Ruins

 Come on babe! Dance for me . Show ol' Louie that mojo, that strut, that stuff' complained a large crowned monkey, to his latest " performer" a cat his servants had captured a few weeks back, named Sawyer, who was wearing a frilly dress and chains on her wrists. "I'm not a strip pole kinda girl ' Sawyer said  then muttered to herself "Go to India to film something for Mammoth pictures, get grabbed by a horde of monkeys get tied up and brought to their king, and get forced to dance nearly nude for his pleasure.Some pickle you ended up in Sawyer. At least he hasnt demanded I kiss him.  Wonder how Dannys holding up.. "
_ babe when i say dance, you dance. if i say twirl that tail, you twirl, i've i say stomp. you stomp. if i want a view of those mangos, you let Louie have a peek..  Now.. Please, dance for your king. show me how you groove.. just. fllow these guys lead' he motioned to two servants who began to dance, and wave their butts towards the king." Arghh. Fine.. if it get me some privacy.. and some food that's NOT made from bananas. Dont you have apples around here?
 Nope, we got bananas and lots of em.. now show me your curves , kitty..' Loyuie said, and sawyer turned away from Louie, the chains clikiking as she walked, she raised her tail and began to slowly dance, copying the monkeys as they moved ' cant I have some music i can dance too? She asked  Louie nodded and snapped his fingers, and other monkeys began to bang on drums, and Sawyer put some more effort into her dance.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 06, 2015, 12:20:58 PM
"Come on, the king wants you to really put effort into your moves," some of the monkeys smirked to Sawyer.


"Do you know when we arrive at our destination, mom?" Oliver asked.


"You'll never beat my pokerface," Belladonna smirked to her cousin.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2015, 04:31:31 PM
i dont know Oliver. try and get some sleep. we've had a very long day, and we have a long road ahead of us' Arlene said from her seat, like Dixie she was working on a puzzle, in her case it was a 'find the word puzzle'  she had found about a third of the words, and was scanning the lines to find them.
 Twirl your tail, like the king wants ' said a female monkey to Sawyer, she was  dancing in a leaf bikini and banana panties and moving to the rhythm. " The more you follow his orders, the better. we've learned that the hard way over time. the king likes the female figure, the more curves the better. You have some curves, I admit, and i assume thats why you've been added to the court..
_ Court? I'm an actress- well a secretary really. I'm not a showgirl or a hooters cat. " Sawyer protested, and the monkey grabbed her wrist ' You don;t want to back talk to Louie girl, under that sweet rhythm vibe, there's  a king who expects good things from his servants. you dont dance for him, and he loses patience, you become tiger food.
 he feeds people to a tiger?' Sawyer said in a small voice  " Not just ANY tiger honey. Shere Khan, the meanest tiger in the whole jungle. Khan and Louie have a bargain going. we feed him trouble-making guests and he leaves our pad alone. we fed him a parakeet  last week that failed to mimic the king like was requested.' the monkey replied ' Also My names Berri, you and I will be dancing partners going forward. King Louie likes it when two girls synchronize their butt-shaking, says its like a clock ticking to him.  now line up next to me, and copy my moves..
 Sawyer swallowed, the look on Berris face indicated she was serious, and she began putting some more effort, trying to mimic Berris moves, peeking over her shoulder at Louie who was clapping in time with the drums.. " gotta find a way out of here as soon as possible " Sawyer thought to herself.
 Rottens Bus

stop yacking and start betting' Muttley said , tossing in some more money as he bet.'how far are we back points wise? he asked

Well Bluto sighed and turned on a screen that listed the previous locations and games and their results

Games Played So Far
Tennis _won by Scooby Doobies (both flights)-800 points. Second Droopy Dawgs-450 Third-Yogi Yahooeys-400 Fourth Really Rottens -350
Treasure Hunt-won by Scooby Doobies -400 points Second- Tie, Droopy Dawgs, Yogi Yahooeys 300 points, Fourth Really Rottens 150 points
Barrel Roll Contest- Won By scooby Doobies -400 points Second Droopy Dawgs _ 300 points. Third Really Rottens 200 points Fourth Yogi Yahooeys 100 points
 Strength Contest Win -tie Scooby Doobies 1000, Droopy Dawgs 1000Third Really Rottens 750, Yogi Yahooeys 250
Final standings First Scooby Doobies 2600, second droopy dawgs2050 third really rottens 1450 fourth Yogi Yahooeys `1050.
 Mine Cart race Won by Droopy Dawgs -400 points Second Yogi Yahooeys 300 points Third Scooby Doobies 200 points Fourth Really Rottens 100 points.
 Shootout in the street Won by Really Rottens 800 points Second : Scooby Doobies 600 points Third: Droopy Dawgs: 400 points Fourth: Yogi Yahooeys: 300 points
 Mouseburger contest- Won By Scooby Doobies -800 points (2512 burgers) Second Really Rottens  500 points (2058 burgers) Third ; Droopy Dawgs 500 points( 1719 burgers) Fourth Yogi Yahoeeys 200 points (1231 burgers)
 Wrestling in tumbleweeds Won by Yogi Yahooeys-1000 points Second: Scooby Doobies 750 points Third: Really Rottens: 500 points Fourth: Droopy Dawgs; 250 points
 Final Standings First Scooby Doobies 2350 points Second Really Rottens 1900 points. Third place Yogi Yahooeys 1800 points Fourth Droopy Dawgs 1350 points
 Calligraphy: won by Really Rottens-400 points Second Scooby Doobies -300 points. Third-Droopy Dawgs 200 points Fourth-Yogi Yahooeys-100 points
Kung Fu Challenge won by Really Rottens -400 points Second Scooby Doobies -300 points Third Droopy Dawgs 200 points Fourth Yogi Yahooeys 100 points
 Race on the Great wall Won by-Scooby Doobies 400 points Second: Yogi Yahooeys 300 points Third; Droopy Dawgs 200 points Fourth really Rottens 100 points
 Feeding Panda Won By Yogi Yahooeys 1100 points Second Scooby Doobies 850 points Third Really rottens 600 points Fourth Droopy Dawgs 350 Points
Final standings First Scooby Doobies 1850 Second  Yogi Yahooeys 1600 Third Really Rottens 1500  Fourth Droopy Dawgs 950
Cleaning Monstro's Teeth Won by Yogi Yahooeys 400 points second Really rottens 300 points Third Scooby Doobies 200 points 4th Droopy Dawgs 100 points
 Feeding Monstro Won by scooby doobies 400 points Second Yogi Yahooeys 300 points Third Droopy Dawgs 200 points Fourth Really Rottens 100 points
Surfing Monstro's Blowhole- Canceled
Race Through Monstro- Canceled
 Final Standings  First Yogi Yahooeys 700 Second Scooby Doobies 600 Third Really Rottens 400, Fourth Droopy Dawgs 300


We had 2 events cancelled, so the final standings were based on the 2 events we did get in. we got 3rd 400 points just give me a minute.. check my math. ah not bad..' he turned to the others ' we're ... in SECOND. we have 5250 points in all. the scoobys are well ahead us at 7400 points or a 2150 point lead. we are 100 points ahead of the yahooeys who have 5150, and actually won that location due to the last 2 events being wacked. and we;re 600 points ahead of the dawgs who are currently in last. so right now, Scoobys are well in front and the rest of us are fighting for second. we need to  knock those mutt down big time here in india.. we won;t be able to overtake them due to the points being awarded to everyone even last place, but we can solidify our hold on 2nd.. oh and i got a full house ' he smirked revealing is pair of 10s and motoned to the 10 and pair of 7s on the table. beat that. ' he smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 06, 2015, 05:12:15 PM
Tiger put his arm around Kitty's shoulder.

"Is it just me or have you lost weight?" Kitty smirked to her boyfriend.

"It's this lousy heat, having to work out in it," Tiger complained, "I need like a ton of food whenever I can get it."

"We'll get your belly back up to size in no time," Kitty promised, as she was waiting for the right opportunity to apply the helmet on Tigress. "And I may have just the idea how..."

"Ok mom," Oliver nodded, beginning to doze off.


"That's it, dance for the king," a servant encouraged Sawyer and Berri.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2015, 05:35:39 PM
Tigeress was unaware of Kittys scheming, she and Po had tagged along  so Po could gert all the athletes autographs- so far he hadnt had much luck with that., only getting some mascots to sign stuff, like tom and Jerry. ' so where exactly are you going to put your.. collectibles.. once we get back?' Tigress asked Po. i mean your room isnt very big, and you already have 15 sets of Furious 6 action figures, and just out of curiosity why do you always play with  action figures of me?
_ Because you're awesome with your moves.. and outfit and er..' Po rambled "professionalism Po. You';re the Dragon Warrior, act like it.' Tigeress sighed, and she looked at a brochure, and tried to ignore Po goofing off.' KUng Fu Master, legendary warrior and he goes all ' Adoring Fan" on me when he gets a new action figure of me. and those figures arent even right! my chest and butt are too big and  they mess up the look of  my robes..' Tigress growled to herself..
 How Long is this going to last? Sawyer Complained ' until the drumming stops ' Berri said ' then we get a banana break, so we can go find more bananas..' ' After this is over, I will never eat bananas again " Sawyer grumbled as she continue to dance throwing in a twirl of her tail. ' At least you havent been forced to dress up in banana peels ' Berri said ' They're slimy, and uncomfortable, and they turn brown and smell after a day or so.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 07, 2015, 12:39:09 AM
When Tigress was busy ranting, Miss Kitty did some slight of paw to slip the helmet on Tigress.

"Switch on," she said quietly, activating the mind control on the feline kung fu master.

"Maybe read the kid a story," Tiger suggested to Arlene, seeing that Oliver was not yet asleep.


"Don't underestimate my cards," Belladonna smirked, displaying her hand.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 07, 2015, 08:09:12 PM
Captain Fairchild wheeled around and returned back to the airport where he and the other living planes were staying the night.


A Weasel looked at a printout. "Hmm," he said. "It looks like the next game will be in India."

Gabriel nodded as she put the finishing touches on a scale-model destroyer. "All right, let's go."

The RV shook slightly as the engines started. Gabriel climbed up the stairs into the cab (more like bridge since the RV had the interior space of a ship).

She buckled herself in and drove into the Mekong River. A quick press of a button disguised the behemoth vehicle as a simple fishing boat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 10, 2015, 08:43:26 PM
bluto gaped to the demons cards, they were boths 7s, giving the hellhound 4 of a kind and the best hand. : drat the Hooded claw said throwing his cards down, as bluto pished the stack ' worth over 305000 dollars to belladonna.
- time to deal again Bluto said shuffling the cards and giving each member a fresh pair ' antes now 100 minimum ' he added tossing in a franklin.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 16, 2015, 08:42:13 PM
"Dance, dance," the servant monkeys encouraged Sawyer and Berri.


Oliver rested on Arlene's lap.

"You're very strong to be able to take care of a kid in your current financial standing," Kitty told Arlene, "I like that about you."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 17, 2015, 12:12:51 AM
Before this all started I didnt even know I had a kid' Arlene said. "Its still something i'm getting used to, to be honest. i mean i'd be the very definition of an unwed mother. no job, no home to raise the kid, roaming the streets is no place for a kid like that. Garfield.. well he';ll likely never marry me. see we've been together 20 years and its clear he loves lasanga more than me. it took dixie agreeing to help me to get him to dance with me and that was only after losing a bet with you and Dixie. fortunately I've sweated out most of that weight gain, I'm only 5 pounds above where i was before. Anyway, why the sudden interest in me? From what I've seen you hang out with Dixie a lot more than you hang out with me. not that I'm complaining about that,mind you,  you can hang out with whoever you like, after all. but well, you seem to have a loyal affectionate boyfriend, something i'd kill, well, maim for, and i understand hes a cop, or something? silly me, sheriff" arlene blushed.

what the heck is this thing? is this one of your pranks po?' tigress said as she fought to get the helmet off ' me? no, i've never seen that thing before in my life. looks kinda cool  though ' Po said ' Po! its latching onto my head.." tigress complained, and po latched onto the helmet b"ok.. just.. hold still po said straining as he tried pulling the helmet off only to stumble  and land on tigress his butt firmly in her face.. a rumble in Pos stomach made him gulp.. 'if you fart in my face you can forget about that special surprise i promised you.. tigress said muffled by Pos flab ' shouldn't of eaten that Mekong pizza' Po said.
 Sawyer danced with Berri , copying the female monkey as best as she could, both girls periodically turning away from Louie and shaking their butts.' now the fronts girls the fronts ' i like ladies from both sides you see. back and front..
- dont have  have girls do anything other than dance/ Sawyer asked " Girl, what are girls for? most societies, including apes, are led by the makes, we're bigger and stronger and we protect our ladies, and in turn they give us sugar.,.'Louie said '
- most of  the kingdom are guys ' Berri whispered to Sawyer ' we are the 'entertainment, guy do the hunting and food gathering.. and everyone bows to king louie..' Louie then clapped his hands together " Ok. everybody/ 15 minute banana break. Berri, take your girlfriend there and show her her new digs.. be sure to make sure she dont run off.. you know what happens when i get displeased , you dog "  Louie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 17, 2015, 12:47:34 AM
"Eh, I'm still a cat," Kitty  smirked, "I always will consider my fellow felines more important then canines," she said in a whisper to Arlene. "Garfield's not that bad, sure he likes food a lot but he doesn't mistreat you, right? Oh yeah, Tiger's great, he always gives me hugs and compliments and I can't wait to have kittens with him, I feel almost like it's a duty. Raising Oliver could be practice for my future."

"Will i get to get shere khan's autograph?" Oliver asked waking up.

"You seriously think you can beat me, a hellhound, in gambling?" Belladonna smirked to her teammates, "Hell always wins in these situations." She displayed her hand with smug pride. It was the best possible hand one could have.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 18, 2015, 02:03:48 AM
oliver, we are not getting shere khan's autograph. he eats kids oliver' Arlene said. at least thats what the reports says.'

she then turned to Kitty " so you prefer cats over dogs, and dixies just the 'one exception' to that rule? Thats fine.. basically its the same with me. shes easily the nicest dog i've ever metr. well theres Odie, but hes pretty simple-minded for a dog> Anyway, i'm rambling ' Arlene said blushing slightly.' you're very lucky to have someone like Tiger in your life, cherish that.  Garfield.. well hes never hurt me physically, well deliberately. Hes just .. well far more interested in himself than me. and I've been around him too long to see  that will never change. I'd give anything to be in a relationship with someone who'd pay attention to me, real attention, and not.. just take me for granted like he does. oliver will be my only child, I simply cant afford to have more, and in any event Garfields not interested in having kittens. not in the slightest.
 Great another win for miss Dark Pit" bluto grumbled as the piot ' 75000 dollars worth went to belladonna ' annabelle , its your turn to deal this round ' Bluto said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 18, 2015, 02:50:12 AM
"I wll deal these cards honestly, I'm a hound of heaven after all," Annabelle told her Rotten teammates, beginning to deal the cards.


"What magic can we learn when we're in this part of the world?" Dongwa and Sagwa asked Stripetail. The Miao sblings were eager to learn more magic.


"He's a cute kitten," Kitty commented, "I'll do what I can to help raise him. You could stay with Tiger and I, if you'd like, Arlene."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 20, 2015, 01:25:28 AM
well I've promised to bunk with Scooby and Dixie, they've already offered me a place at thier mansion ' Arlene said. " thank you for the offer. if I visit Green River after this I'll definitely bunk with you guys while I'm there.' she said to Kitty.
 India has a great deal of magic, actions of divines and demons " stripetail said " i'll have to look up my records to remember whats magics are native to this region.
- The yogis were playing go fish with each other, and Ranger smith was dealing ' You know guys we actually won that stage' Ranger smith sad as he passed out cards to Yogi, Cindy and Bobo. " we're just a bit behind the Rottens, so if we keep dping well in India, we'll move into second." Good to hear Ranger Sir' yogui said do you have any 5? he asked " No. Ask Bobo' ranger said ' with multiple players, a person would ask anothr player if he or she hadd a number, if not, he would ask the next person, and so on, until either someone had a number or ran out of people.
_ Tigrress was struggling to get Po off of her with one claw while trying to remove the helmet with the other. meanwhile PO's belly rumbled louder and louder' someone please roll down some windows, i think we're about to have a gas attack' Tigress shouted..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 22, 2015, 04:01:48 PM
"Eh, my place would probablt be better," Kitty smirked. "A girl should have standards, ya know..."

"Could we get Bagheera's autograph then?" Oliver asked Arlene hopefully.


"Cool," Sheegwa said, "This will be a fun lesson."

"Maybe i can mix my magic with kung fu," Dongwa suggested.


"You'll never beat me, cousin," Belladonna told Annabelle.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 23, 2015, 10:33:48 PM
We'll see Oliver' Arlene promised him .' So what is at your place? what sort of things do you have there?' she asked Kitty. " i dont think you showed us your home, or if you did I dont remember, remember Gabriel trashed the place.. but anyway i'll gladly stay with you.. hope Tiger doesnt mind the company..
 Tigress shoved Po's butt out of the bus window and soon the windows rattled  as the large panda relaxed. aas she did so the helmet ltched on completely and she stared dully ahead.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 31, 2015, 11:11:06 PM
"Well, we have nice cushions, and a kitchen where I cook," Kitty explained.

"Yummy," Oliver said.

Tiger decided to sleep on the bus ride over.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 11, 2015, 06:14:27 PM
tigress slowly walked up towards Kitty " what do you need.. mistress?' she asked in a monotone voice.
- our foirst stop will be in the jungle stripetail said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on November 17, 2015, 12:22:01 AM
Droopy & Wally awoke, both having slept a bit late.  They both yawned and slowly got up.  Wally started to put his bed stuff away.  Droopy soon after.  Once that was done they went off in search of some food to eat.  

Gary awoke and made his way back to where the team buses were.

"if you're both hungry there's a burger place not far from here.  Not a fancy place but they have plenty of basic food." Gary said.

"Great, I was feeling a bit in need of some food." wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 19, 2015, 02:28:23 AM
"Get a nail file and treat my claws," Miss Kitty ordered.

Oliver looked at a map the seer had gave him about their planned stops in India. "We're going to a place called Scar's Smorgasbord" the kitten said, "Sounds like the food there will be good."


"Wake up, dear," Zira told her mate, nuzzling his head to get him out of bed, "Our special guests will be arriving fairly soon."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 02, 2015, 04:53:07 PM
yes the wizard and his clan " Scar said as he changed into his chefs attire' certainly paying well enough. enmough that i could almost open a second restaurant. i'll go make you some breakfast , dear. your usual" Scar said as he left the room.
 I dont have a file mistress ' Tigress said as Po finally extracted himself from the window. "I'm sorry.. i'll have to get one  at the next shop we stop at.
_ the  Rottens continued playing cards and Belladonna kept winning money. she had gotten over 1 million dollars by now.
_ Bobo ended up winning the Go fish game and got to pick out what the group had for dinner
Sawyer and Berri headed out to the jungle to gather- what else?- bananas. Sawyer was using the break to try abnd look for some roads out of the jungle' if you are thinking about escaping. dont ' Berri said as she grabbed onto sawyers chain. ' that would get me in trouble, and i dont want to be shere khans next meal" as the pair moved along the canaopy ' pictures of Louie were painted everywhere '
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 03, 2015, 01:47:02 AM
"Thank you dear," Zira smiled, nuzzling her head into her pillow. "Shall we call our 3 cubs after breakfast?"


"I expect a good performance since it'll be delayed," Kitty told Tigress.

"Will there be a big buffet?" Oliver asked Arlene, "At our next stop?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 03, 2015, 02:04:57 AM
A knock was heard on the door to Stripetail's hotel room.


Gabriel was awakened by the clatter of metal downstairs from the bridge of her RV. She got out of bed and headed downstairs only to find a black sphere with a fuse protruding from the top.

Almost immediately, she picked up the bomb and prepared to toss it out the window. Luckily, as a toon from a more toon-based setting, the worst the bomb could do is blow her clothes off (it was different story for the living planes as they toons from a harder-setting, a bomb could severely damage, if not outright kill them).

The bomb then popped, revealing a clown wearing the bottom half of the bomb as pants and the top half of the bomb as a fuse.

"And who might you be?" she asked whilst reaching for the glue gun.

The clown immediately produced a wanted poster bearing his likeness and "Blammo the Clown".

Gabriel smiled. She needed some demolitions experts.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 03, 2015, 05:10:24 PM
Stripetail the door to fins three strange looking toons waiting outside ' What can I do for you gentlemen? he said in a pleasant voice.
_ should be" arlene nodded to Oliver." we'll have dinner soon..' she said as the bus pulled into a small village.
 depends on when i finish breakfast ' Scar said as he poured the batter for pancakes. But I'll call them some time today. hopefully nuka hasnt gotten into too much trouble
 being 4th in the male pecking order tends to lead to trouble. i dont worry about Kovu or Vitani as much, they've got jobs to do, Vitani especially.
 Berri finally lead Sawyer to her 'chambers' which were built like a treehouse. the house had a small kitchen and a bedroom. it was screened from the forest floor below, by thuick tree branches and a thick sheet leaves ' a sheet called ' rules for prisoners ' was pinned to the side of the wall they included:
 girls must cook for louie
 girls must dance for louie
 girls must clean for him
 girls must do anything louie says
  girls caught trying to escape will be forced to wear nothing but banana peels for a week.
 Louie entered the cabin ' enjoying your new digs ' he smirked ' Why do you keep me chained? Sawyer asked ' so girls dont run off ' Louie said snapping his fingers ' Berri. bring me a banana' he ordered. Berri quickly grabbed one off a bunch that sat on the  kitchen table. she handed it to Louie and Louie began pointing at Sawyer like a baton. see , this turf belongs to me and that includes  everyone in it.. that includes you now kitty. I want that made clear. whatever your swing was outside this jungle.. well you best forget about it. you swinging for me now. i trust you read the rules. berri here will be bunking with you..  she'll be like a sister to you in due time i'm sure."

 So you dont have much respect for girls do you? Sawyer said , put out " Guys do most of the stuff dear. whether its tigers, lions, or apes, its a mans world baby. we be kings. Lions rule the savannah, shere khan rules the jungle  ground, and i rule the trees. you are my subject now.. you dig ' louie said patting Sawyers butt.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 03, 2015, 05:26:29 PM
"And our little Kovu is going to be a king," Zira smiled. Their cafe was relatively huge, it was multiple stories high, with living quarters for the owner couple and some employees.


"Good, cause I'm getting hungry," Oliver said.

"When we get a chance to rest, I'll give you something nice," Kitty told Tiger, purring.


"That's it King Louie!" some of the other apes cheered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 03, 2015, 10:02:51 PM
Wally stretched.  "ah, nice, now we can walk around and get in some gentle excercise." he said.  

"Just don't wander off to far." Droopy said.

"I'll go with him." Gary said.  if we get lost I can fly up to look or landmarks."

Droopy nodded, "just call me if you need help, I can send of a flare." He said to the other 2. "you both have numbers?"

"Yea, just imagine, in the old days we'd have to look for a payphone.  Phones were not really portable then.  My, how times have changed."  Wally said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 04, 2015, 09:34:59 PM
The three toons were revealed to be a bipedal tiger, a bipedal shark and a monowheeled robot with hands set next its head like ears.

"You rang? Make way for the cool guy to save you all," the robot said. It reached out with one of its hands and shook Stripetail's own. The grip was surprisingly powerful.

"Well, I'm Pfish," the shark said. "He's Chip and that's the Demolition Zoid." He pointed to everyone in order.

"We're from Big City Police Department's bomb squad," Chip said. "Captain Fairchild called us over saying we might be needed for security purposes. Now are you Stripetail?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 04, 2015, 09:55:53 PM
yes i am ' stripetail nodded shaking his wrist' do come in' he motioned to  a tasble '  you will be dealing with a woman named gabriel and her weasells who have been trying to sabotage this competition using a potent mixture called dip. it can kill toons who are exposed to it.. in a matter of seconds. you will b paid to may sure these events in india go off without a hitch , the last location she forced us to evacuate after only 2 events. now, how much pay do you want, and in what form of currency do you want?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 05, 2015, 09:04:43 PM
The Demolition Zoid rolled up to the table and pulled a carafe of coffee along with an entire cafe setting for four from the hatch on his front. "Cup of joe?" he asked.

"Well, we're usually paid in dollars," Pfish said. He poured himself a cup of coffee and added some sugar.

Chip nodded and shook Stripetail's hand. "You can count on us," he said.

The Demolition Zoid turned to Stripetail and winked. "Listen baby, I can sniff out any explosive with in ten miles."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 05, 2015, 10:00:46 PM
fine stripetail said magicking a wad of cash onto the table
 100, 000  each. sign here ' he gestured again and 4 contracts appeared on the table.' sign those and you'll be officially hired.  he then took the proffered cup of coffee " we still have severakl othyer locations to visit. the Pridelands. London, Paris, the North Pole- Santa Claus  has been very generous to let us use the ice Castle for a resort..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 05, 2015, 11:55:30 PM
"What are our instructions for today, boss?" the babboon chefs asked Scar.


"Ah Scar, I'm aware of this place," the Duke commented, hearing about the cafe, "I have respect for that lion."


Zira looked at a family photo that had been taken since Scar was revealed to have lived and the whole family saw each other again for the first time, and gave a little smile.


"A place ran by a feline, good," Kitty grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 06, 2015, 02:24:04 PM
The trio quickly signed the papers.

"So do we get any equipment or uniforms?" Pfish asked as he looked around the room.

Chip ran a hand down his face. "We got our equipment right here!"

"You mean this equipment?" DZ pulled a smoking toolbox from the hatch on the front of his body.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 08, 2015, 02:07:26 AM
Stripetail motioned and 3 pairs of uniforms apperared on the table ' there are your uniforms> be sure to wear them at all times.." he took the contracts and tudied them ' theres performance bonuses involved. if you stop an attack, you get 50000, each' he said.
 Prepare a light lunch. we'll have guests coming in at noon, or thereabouts. about 70 of them' Scar smiled.
_ Lets hope things dont turn out like the last time we went to a restaurant owned by a big cat. that time i almost ended up on the menu' Arlene shuddered.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 08, 2015, 02:12:03 AM
"I've read reviews about this place," Kitty assured Arlene, "You won't have to worry about that here."

"Yay, we're going to a buffet," Oliver smiled.


"Yes, boss," the baboons nodded and set to work, creating a ton of dishes.

"Having a loyal staff is key to success," Zira grinned to her husband.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 08, 2015, 02:30:42 AM
"These are quite lovely," Pfish said as he donned the jumpsuit.

DZ got a badge that was attached to his metal chassis. Chip got a jumpsuit like the one Pfish had.

"So what's our first assignment?"

"With that cash, everything will be searched and stopped," DZ said.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 08, 2015, 06:17:08 PM
secure the perimeter around the first contest site  baloos watering hole stripetail said Baloo wants to see who can feed him the most fish in 10 minutes.

Oh really? where did you read them?' arlene asked ' Because I'd never heard of this place  before. Course i dont eat out much, so i wouldnt know all the hot and trendy spots to eat. Anything you'd recommend?' Arlene asked as the pair walked alongside a river bed. the buses had parked as close to scars restaurants as the trails permitted , which was about a mile away.
- Scooby dixie and Garfield walked behind them, Oliver was riding on Scoobys shoulders, he liked the large Great Dane- especially when Scooby gave him sweets!
_ louie took a good look at Sawyer and began to stroke her behind' hmm.. soft and fluffy,  he smirked and he squeezed tightly' Hey ! Hey! Sawyr began to Protest but was cut off as Louie suddenly kissed her smack on the lips. Sawyer tried to break the kiss, but Louies grip on her was too strong. Berri looked on in amusement.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 08, 2015, 06:26:56 PM
"I'm sure you'll really want to spoil that little guy now," Kitty smirked to Arlene, seeing Oliver eat a piece of candy.


The monkeys cheered on Louie as he planted the big wet kiss. "That's right King Louie! Show her her place!" they laughed.


"Not a bad place to stop," Belladonna commented slyly on the cafe.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 08, 2015, 07:32:15 PM
"Come on man!" Chip exclaimed.

DZ and Pfish bolted out of the room and made their way to Baloo's watering hole. Luckily, DZ's one-wheeled design allowed him considerable agility and speed as he weaved between motorcycles and auto-rickshaws.

When he arrived, he waited for Pfish and Chip.

"Next time, slow down!" Chip snapped.

DZ pulled out a cup of espresso from his hatch. "Espresso? It helps boost your speed."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 09, 2015, 02:19:18 AM
i need money first before i can spoil him' " arlene said' Right now i'm just focused on the present. live for today you know...' Arlene said ' being a mom, though means i have to provide for someone else.. hes a sweet kid.. and i Don;t want any badmouthing of him..he doesnt deserve to get picked on because of him being an orphan before meeting me . treat my boy right, and you'll be in my good books.. plus itll be practice for when you have kittens with Tiger' arlene said as she took off her uniform and jumped into the river which was cool, and refreshing after the jungle heat' ah.. that hit the spot' the pink cat relaxed..' Care to join me for a dip Kitty?' she asked ' waters nice and cool. especially since this jungles so sticky..
 Sawyer, her mouth busy from the liplock, could only glare daggers at the ape king. Finally she broke away' Cant you give me a LITTLE privacy?' she steamed.' Ok, ok , my fur frumptart.. scram boys. shoo. Miss Sawyer and me are going to make some magic.. Berri.. set the mood for us.. drums  please' louie said as the servants left.' As he said this, Sawyer slapped him hard in the face. "that was for forcing your tongue in my mouth." she said rubbing her paws together" Dumpling, you dont mean that.. ' look your highness. you cant just force yourself on people whenever you feel like t. besides, after that little stunt i'd rather kiss Berri over there than kiss you again."
_ you hear that Berri" Louie laughed loudly. oh ho. Sawyer's quite the funny little girl." I wouldnt mess with the king like this Sawyer" Berri said flatly. He always get what he wants ALWAYS. "look, could you PLEASE leave me be , so i can get used to this um treehouse ' Sawyer saud "
-Fine, Fine! it is  your first night as my dancing girl. Louie will cut your booty some slack. But in the future. you giveold Louie what he wants, when he wants it. otherwise we'll dump you down that trap door over there." he motioned to the right where the outline of a trap door was clearly visible."
" below it is a cage where bad girls wait for their date with Shere Khan.  and.. there are no second dates with Shere Khan. You Dig?' Louie said as he left the treehouse
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 09, 2015, 06:17:01 AM
"Certainly," Kitty nodded, quickly changing into her bathing suit. The slightly huskier feline jumped into the water. She swam around a bit, letting the water sink into her fur. "Gotta love it when the water isn't cold when you jump in," she grinned. "And don't worry, I'd never give Oliver a hard time. He's a good kitten. I promise to help you with raising him anyway I can."


The Duke was flying around the area, looking for prey to devour. He found a stray deer to be the perfect meal. "Time to feast," he grinned, swooping down.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 09, 2015, 07:36:38 PM
well, what i really need is money. which is why i'm hoping this singing thing of yours takes off. Arlene said as she got a good look at Kitty' Geez Kitty  you got a lot of curves. bet the men go ga ga for you when you sing, and not just because you can sing, if you catch my meaning.. As  for me, well Garfield always calls me 'gap-tooth' or ' beanpole. Well compared to you and Dixie. I AM a beanpole. both of you are very pretty, beautiful really,  and i must say you are very lucky to have guys that adore you.' Arlene said ' how did you get those curves, if i may ask? they run in the family? i'm curious, you see..
 the duke soon caught not only deer, but racoons , mice and a garter snake.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 09, 2015, 10:58:39 PM
"Hey, men like a big girl sometimes," Kitty smirked, playfully bumping Arlene with her hips, "You need a lot of meat on your bones, girl. I'm the one in charge. No one can order me around.....except for Tiger, maybe," she added with a light chuckle.


"Where's my mom?" Oliver asked Scooby as they neared the Scar cafe.


"Shall i make the call dear?" Zira asked Scar.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 10, 2015, 01:11:32 AM
i think shes with Kitty' scooby said to the kitten as they entered the restaurant. ' don';t worry, i'm sure they'll catch up with us soon " He reassured Oliver. Scar stood at the entrance dressed in a very fancy green chefs robe( with his name on the back). " Welcome  to my Smorgasbord" He grinned ' i'm Scar, your  chef and head waiter . Zira will be out shortly with drinks. the seer has already  paid for everything so eat as much as you like..
_ Tiger and Scooby exchanged grins at the ' all you can eat' comment. ' eating contest? Tiger smirked ' What do you want to wager?' Scooby asked " Hmm ' Winner goes for the team in the first event?' Tiger suggested. ' Sure' Scooby said as scar gave Oliver a kids menu. " so.. whats it like living in the Old west? " well its fun, being a sheriff of a town ' Tiger said as he took a sip of water ' and being  the company of the prettiest cat in town in a big bonus ' tiger grinned ' Now Kitty, shes an alpha type can get just about anybody to do what she wants. But not me. Oh No, not this tabby. Nope. its the badge Scooby " i pull out the badge wave it in her face... she's like a little kitten. That and I'm the uh, bigger of the 2..' Scooby smirked ' What? Tiger said I like to eat. " I eat a ton too, but I dont keep the weight Scooby said " Mostly because I run a lot."
 Well I'm.. well very passive" Arlene said after recovering from being belly bounced by Kitty. " Maybe its why Garfield and I never went beyond where we are in the last 20 years. I mean Hes kissed me maybe 15 times in all that time. Affectionate.. he isnt. As a girl, who likes to take charge, what advice can you give me? I want to get Garfield's attention, make his notice me. I mean i got him to dance with me, but he only did that since i had to pack on 100 pounds after losing a bet. a pity dance. So what can I do, to hold his attention?" arklene asked as she swam next to Kitty
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 10, 2015, 01:17:40 AM
"It depends," Kitty replied, "If you think you can do what I do, you should take charge i regards to him. You gotta tell them what you want, and that you want it bad." She swam next to Arlene. "If not, if you're really really the passive type, maybe then you need him to be your "boss".
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 10, 2015, 02:00:59 AM
But isn't that why I have friends like you Kitty? To point this kinda stuff out? Arlene asked." this.. isnt something I'v given much thought to, to be honest. Garfields always had his thing, and I've put up with it forever. Its just something I've accepted as part of being in his circle. Its Garfields world and comic , I'm just living in it and needed in strips 16, 41 and 80. oh look, he dumps water on my head ' Arlene let forth a big sigh. well it could always be worse i suppose . I could be dating Nermal. he makes Garfield look normal.  what i want is a relationship, a real one, and if he cant or wont give it to me, well then, either i'll force him into it, or , more likely,  find someone else to have a relationship with. Guy.. or girl. what matters is i feel needed, accepted and appreciated, instead of taken for granted and pushed back on to strip 973.' arlene said. Can you help me Kitty?
_ Vitani was trying to call her dad  from the royal Phone  ' the ringing repeated itself again and again. " no luck ' she said as she looked her brothers " Likely working at the restaurant " Nuka shrugged ' thats where he normally is , sis.
Oliver was looking at the  menu,  which was full of good things 'i'll have the mice balls for an appetizer, all you can eat fish sticks and ice cream for my dessert please ' he mewed sweetly ' Scooby and Tiger had ordered the all you can eat cod .
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 10, 2015, 02:20:10 AM
"We've eaten dad's cooking," Kovu commented, "With stuff that delicious, his place is always packed."


"Sure," Kitty promised, "I'll stay by your side, and help with Oliver, too."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 10, 2015, 07:03:38 PM
Really?' arlene hugged Kitty tightly ' Oh thank you kitty1 Thank you so much.. I.. I do hope i wont be imposing too much on you and Tiger with this.. I mean I promise not to be the annoying houseguest who overstays her welcome.. It's just that i havent had a place of my own to call home is SO long, even before the mess with Gabriel started.
 Scars restarunt had a large statue of him, in a regal pose. ' thatwas made in my third uear as king" scar said with a smile " you will also see pictures of myself.. it is my resteraunt after all' He grinned. the picture on written words on them that included " intelligence' 'Wisdom', 'Attractive', and 'Kingly'.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 10, 2015, 07:12:57 PM
"Could I get your autograph?" Oliver asked Scar hopefully, "i've alwways wanted to meet a king. You seem so cool!"

"Indeed, my husband is amazing," Zira nodded, kissing Scar on the cheek.


"Don't worry, I can trust you," Kitty confirmed to Arlene, "But we really should go get a bite to eat now, don't you think?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 10, 2015, 07:44:15 PM
i'm enjoying the swim actually' arlene said ' Getting off all the sweat and grime . Plus when was the last time i got a chance to sneak away and skinnydip? Plus, I get to hang out with you..which I'm enjoying. we'll go join the others in a half hour. I'm sure there'll be plenty of food there to eat once we get there. I'll probably just stick to something like fish..Anyway , anything else you want to do Kitty? she asked.
_ Certainly, the autograph comes with the kids meal. You get a choice of article you want signed " Scar said to oliver ' do you want a book, pennant, or flag? or we can do a baseball..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 10, 2015, 07:56:02 PM
"I'll take a book, sir," Oliver told Scar.

"Let's call Kovu and the rest after all their orders are made," Zira told Scar.


"Eh, this," Kitty sad, giving Arlene a powerful kiss on the lips.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 10, 2015, 09:17:56 PM
arlene was caught offguard by the sudden kiss, and she reacted by throwing her claws out to hold on to Kitty, touching the bigger cats chest with her claws  . she settled into the kiss, her dark red lips firmly locked with Kittys dark red lips. for a few seconds, Arlene moved her tongue into Kittys mouth and caressed her friends tongue with her own. For  a minute the girls held the kiss, then Arlene broke away and pulled away from Kitty. ' wow. Kitty.. that was real nice. Forceful, unexpected but nice. so does that make us girlfriends or something? I'd be open to that, if you want. But first things first, lets go rejoin the others and get some food into our bellies.  I bet Tiger's already on his second helping. Same with Garfield ' Arlene smiled as she got out of the river and  put her uniform back on. " I just hope these portions they have at this place aren't too big' she said. "Otherwise I won;t be able to climb  a tree to get fruit or run very well.' Come on."

Arlene lead kitty back on the trail which wound up to Scars restaurant, which was perched on a hill.
 ah, the stragglers finally arrive Scar said as the two girls entered '  fortunately, your boyfriends saved you some spots." he motioned to two opening at a table. Arlene took the opening near Garfield who was trying the wilderbeest lasanga " Hey Arlene" garfield said between big bites ' Good thing you made it in here' he said food shooting out if his mouth "I don;t know about you, but I'm famished..
 Tiger paused between bites of fish to give Kitty a fishy kiss on the lips. " sorry, bootchie-boo, if i slip you some fish. But I'm in a eating contest with Scooby over there ' Tiger said ' have to beat him if i want to go for our team..' he said.

Scar handed the two latecomers menus ' order when you are ready ' Zira will be around with mice-rolls ' the former king grinned. as he he did, a phone could be heard ringing in the kitchen ' Excuse me ladies I have to take this call. I'll be right back " The chef rushed into the kitchen , in order to pick up the phone before the 7th ring.
So what are you having, sweetie ' arlene asked Oliver, as she glanced at the menu, which was huge and had many many different dishes on it. So far kitty was right, she thought the vibe wasnt one of ' step out of line and you'll end up an entree', as was the case at Wildcats.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 11, 2015, 09:50:04 PM
"I'm getting fish, mom," Oliver smiled, "And Mr. Scar gave me his autograph."


"Hey father, we were looking to hear how you were doing," Kovu said as he, Vitani, and Nuka were around the phone.


"Bring me as much meat as possible," the Duke declared.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on December 14, 2015, 11:09:07 PM
Splinter and knothead were going to a restaurant.  "maybe we can have ice cream as a main dish." Splinter said.

"Or candy, and none of that other stuff.  That should be desert and ice cream should be a maindish." Knothead said.

"Yea, I agree.  We should get the president to make that a law, dessert should come first for a meal and the main dish later." Splinter said.  

"Yea he should do that." Knothead said nodding in agreement.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 23, 2015, 01:47:08 AM
Hello Kovu. I'm sorry to cut this short but i'm in the middle of serving a large group of customers. How are things in the pridelands? Scar asked as he took a seat.
 So what should we name our group girls? Arlene asked Dixie and kitty as she ordered the fish. " we'll have oliverbe.. our manager!" she smiled.
 can he handle large sums of money? Dixie sm,irked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 24, 2015, 01:46:44 AM
DZ, Pfish and Chip were patrolling the area around Baloo's watering hole and screening the spectators and guests.

"Senor, you cannot bring that in. I will have to take it." DZ's hand reached out and grabbed a cannonball that a toon was bringing into the watering hole. He stuffed the confiscated explosive into the hatch on his front.


Gabriel had decided to be more subtle. Disguised as simple fishermen and her RV as a trawler, she and her Weasels were offloading a few crates. Inside each crate were thousands of bombs shaped like fish. They packed a significant punch but for some reason, the explosion left behind a pungent fishy odor.

"Will that be all?" she asked.

"Yes. If we need more for the contest we will call you." Two burly toon Bears picked up the crate and moved it into the refrigerated warehouse.

"Pleasure doing business with you," Gabriel said as she boarded her ship. The Weasel operating the crane pressed a button and the crane neatly folded up and retracted behind a hatch.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 25, 2015, 05:46:57 PM
"It's going fine," Kovu said, "Kiara and I had our first anniversary recently." The lion put the phone on speaker so he didn't have to pass it between him and his siblings.


"I have a calculator," Oliver said proudly after hearing big numbers be mentioned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 26, 2015, 08:08:41 PM
DZ sniffed the air for a moment and then a flashing red light rose from the top of his hat. "Attention! Please do not panic but explosives have been detected in the fish storage area. We will handle this in a calm and safe manner." He then sped down the dock, weaving around guests, vendors and locals.

Pfish radioed Stripetail alerting him to the problem. Pfish was considerably more proactive. "Come on man!" he exclaimed, grabbing Pfish and dragging him along.


Unfortunately, when when they arrived at the warehouse, Gabriel had already been long gone.

The manager seemed rather shocked by the trio's speed. DZ pulled out several barricades from his front hatch and set them up around the warehouse while Pfish ushered everyone out of the warehouse.

Chip had gotten his toolbox ready.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 08, 2016, 10:26:32 PM
Really, Oliver? can you calculate the sum of 10 million split 3 ways and take taxes into account' Dixie said  with a smile on her face. ' if so..' arlene cut in ' dixie dont make fun of him please. hes just trying to be helpful. in the meantime we need to decide what to call our group . we cant call it 2 cats and a dog after all. what about thin, curvy and plump? Arlene said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 08, 2016, 10:37:04 PM
"yea, that'll help the next person win the presidency since everyone will love that idea."  Knothead said.

"yea.  we just have to send off emails. Snail mail is so old timer stuff." Splinter said waving with one hand dismissively.

"We just have to do a few things, email the right folks and it'll go viral.  I'll be great." Knothead said.  

"Yea, I can't wait till the law is passed." Splinter said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 08, 2016, 10:55:54 PM
"I just want to help my mom with her job," Oliver said politely.

Kitty listed off names of groups off the tip of her tongue "The Oliverettes, Gut Girls, Cats Eat Dog, Purring Pretty, Kitties With Claws"

"Hey King Louie," the monkeys grinned as their ruler walked towards them, looking smugly proud, "Whatcha gonna have the lady do for you first today?


"We hear you're making a big profit over the next few days, father," Kovu and Nuka said into the speakerphone.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on January 15, 2016, 09:30:32 PM
"So what do you think we'll be doing next?" Knothad asked.

"Go somewhere to eat I hope, I'm hungry." Splinter said.

"mee too. Hope it's some place that served desert only.   That would be a great place to eat." Knothead said.

Splinter nodded in agreement.  "yea, that would be great.  I bet a lot would go there."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2016, 09:43:18 PM
well you two can eat as much as you like ' winnie said to them.
' she had set up her winning to help her restaurant get bigger..
 oliverettes sound like a 50s do wop group dixie said ' i like cats eat dog, and gut girls.
 cats eat dog , we'll go with that. one of our ' magic tricks' will be turning Dixie into a cat before the end of each show' Arlene said.' you have all those suits right?'
 yes havent worn them yet..' Dixie sad as she sipped on some soup.' well after dinner why dont we go to the hotel and have you try them on and she which one fits you best.' Arlene said.' and oliver is our manager, he gets 5% of our take whatever that is. the rest we carve up amongst ourselves.'
 well i'm hosting this laffalympics thing. so i'm full up for the next couple weeks. scar said. ' i'm glad to see that my kids still remember me fondly at any rate. well kids thanks for calling, but i have to go make desserts for everyone.
 shes a stubborn one. i'm going to leave her alone with berri for a few days , have her get used to her dogs.' Louie said. but for now, lets go grab some bananas.'
 Remove any explosives you might find. we need that area clear for the first contest tomorrow' Stripetail said into his radio to  Pfish..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 18, 2016, 11:12:24 PM
"She better get used to those, too," the monkeys nodded with a grin to Louie, "They are a main diet for us here."


"Yay, I get to help," Oliver smiled, pulling out his aforementioned calculator, "And I'll get paid."

"Eat as much as you want Tiger," Kitty grinned, "I like you being really big."

"You got it!" Tiger nodded, stuffing his face.


"See you father," Kovu called.

"It's nice to hear they are going well," Zira told Scar back in the main area of the restaurant.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on January 19, 2016, 10:02:22 PM
Chip was arguing with several toons who were trying to get access to the fish storage area. "No! You cannot get through! We've got bombs to disable!"

DZ had shoved an entire crate of fish into his front hatch. Soon, there was an explosion and several vents on his body opened and discharged a smoke that smelled strongly of rotting fish.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2016, 02:44:51 AM
Arlene  wrote down ideas for songs the giorls could sing, and what positions they could stand in. she was planning to be on Kittys left.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 31, 2016, 09:59:47 PM
"What can I do to help now?" Oliver asked, wanting to be useful.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2016, 03:13:51 PM
after stuffing them full of scars delicious cooking, the teams headed off to Hotel Scar- which was across the street from the restaurant.
 the scoobys took floor 1, the yahooeys floor 2, the dawgs floor 3 and the rottens got floor 4. arlene  shared a room with the doos. while yogi cindy and bobo shared a room with ranger smith on the next floor.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 18, 2016, 01:03:05 AM
"'s hot out here," Tiger said, fanning his face with his paw.

"That might be because you are hefty dear, but that's what I like about you," Kitty purred, pinching his cheeks.

"When do the games for this section start, mom?" Oliver asked as he ate from the appetizer tray Zira had brought them. Ever since Arlene proposed he'd be their manager, the kitten wanted to be useful any way he could.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on February 18, 2016, 02:17:15 PM
"My, that was a great meal."  Wally said rubbing his belly as he and Droopy headed to the hotel.  

"Yes, the chefs there are very good." Droopy said in his usual monotone voice.  "I am very happy that the food was all so well made."  

I wonder what the next day will bring, and the rest of today." Wally said.

"We'll have to wait and see.  Though I am sure it'll be good." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 04, 2016, 09:49:48 PM
"Is there anything we can do for you, King Louie?" his fellow ape males asked as the king sat on his throne.


"Gosh, it's hot out here," Tiger said, grabbing a cloth to wipe off his sweat. "I guess a big belly, while helpful in winter, ain't the most helpful when it's hot....."


"So, someone will always be watching me, right?" Oliver asked Arlene.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on March 05, 2016, 10:09:29 PM
The area around the fish storage area reeked of rotten fish but other than that, all the bombs were disabled. DZ quickly began putting the barricades away as Pfish radioed Stripetail about their job being finished.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 09, 2016, 07:57:49 PM
Nice work. Gabriel will doubtlessly keep trying so be on guard at all times " stripetail said.
well i'm looking forward to trying some indian food, as long as its not too spicy' Scooby said with a grin.
i can;t guarantee always oliver. but you'll have people to look after all if i can manage it.  Arlene and dixie headed towards the doos room, where dixie would try on the cat outfits and kitty and arlene would decide which one they liked her in best.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 22, 2016, 12:52:17 AM
"Where can I sleep for the night?" Oliver asked his mother and Dixie. The kitten had followed right after them as soon as they all finished dinner. He had pajamas with the logos of his favorite feline superheroes.


"Ah, the night," the Duke smiled confidently, not needing to wear sun glasses anymore. The big fat owl flew to the roof of the hotel to keep an eye out for any possible enemies who might come by.


"Look at the profits for this day alone dear," Zira smirked to Scar, "Hosting this event was a genius move on our part."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 30, 2016, 02:24:10 AM
hmm ' well I'm sure the room is big enough that you'll have a place to sleep. if there's more that one bed, I'll let you sleep in my bed, or you could ask Scooby and dixie if you could bunk with them " Arlene said  But for now. lets check out the hotel" arlene said. follow me' she motioned to the orange tabby and began walking up the stairs. the hotel was full of statues of the owner Scar in regal poses, and cover in rich satins and soft carpets- in short it was a one of those hotels where you'd expect the elites to hobnob, and thus not let  the likes of Oliver or Arlene within 1000 feet. Arlene walked up the steps a couple paces in front of Oliver ' her mind wandered to Garfield, and she sighed ' Despite getting Garfield to dance with her, she felt Garfield was about the same as he always was- while he cared for her, it wasnt enough for him to put as ring on her finger, or anything close to that. still, she had been with him long enough that finding someone else was likely not in the cards.. well at least she had Dixie and Kitty around now to brighten things up when she got down like this.. and having Oliver around helped in that as well.. "Hes a great kid" Arlene thought as she turned onto her floor.
 tiger was settling on the couch in the room he was sharing with Kitty. the tabby had changed into his pajamas 'Botchiboo. i';m in the mood for some cuddling' He said with a smirk.' i need it, after a long, hot day, in the jungle ' He said, smirking as he looked at kitty, and whiatled at her nightgown.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 30, 2016, 04:15:55 PM
"Look mom, a soda machine," Oliver pointed as he followed behind Arlene on the walk through the hotel. The kitten had a bit of a sweet tooth, and that included sugary drinks. He made sure to not stop and stare though, and kept walking through the halls. The feline mother and son soon reached their room. Oliver was happy to see that there were two beds, meaning he would get to have one all to himself during their stay here.

"Yay," Oliver mewed, hopping onto his bed.


"I can tell you do need it, big guy," Kitty smirked with a purr, having her nightgown be played with a tad by her mate. She climbed into bed and began to cuddle with Tiger. "Sounds like you have both been working out and stuffing your face today," the female feline giggled, patting the male's stomach. "I've been doing some shopping today with the girls, I've seen a few purple dresses that caught me eye." She knew Tiger liked when she got new dresses.


"Today was a great day for profits," Zira grinned to Scar.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 02, 2016, 06:12:09 PM
arlene took a seat on the bed, and put her knapsack on  the bed and began going through it , setting aside her lipstick, makeup and change of clothes ' need to clean my uniform too ' she said ' once you get set oliver ' we'll get some sodas from that vnding machine..
- so what store did you find those dresses at?' tiger purred ' i know you like hanging with your girls, and thats completely fine. plus, you look awesome wearing them, and i know i'm very lucky to have you in my life my sweet snookums. have you girls settled on a group name?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 02, 2016, 06:24:49 PM
"But I like hanging with you too, honey," Kitty smiled, nuzzling Tiger, "I am married to you, after all." She climbed closer to him and gave him a kiss on his big cheeks. "We're going with Cat Eat Dog, after all, there's more of us felines then canines."


"Yay!" Oliver smiled, as he pulled out his own bag, which had his pjs and some of the toys he had brought from his old home with his dad. He then leaped onto the bed. "This is so nice, soft, and fluffy," he smiled happily, "And look! We got a big tv and everything! This place is so cool," the small orange tabby smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 02, 2016, 08:56:08 PM
tiger blushed red as kitty kissed him.' cat eat dog, huh? a reversal from how those things normally work out. hmm. Has a ring to it, and knowing you honey, i sure its a name that will soon be famous. but right now. I'm not interested in your dress, i'm interested in the cat underneath it' he purred, pawing at the hem of kittys dress ' if you get my meaning ' Tiger blushed.
- arlene turned on the tv, and began flipping through the channels, of which there were several ' hmm.. so what would you like to watch oliver' she asked as the door opened and scooby stagged in carrying his and dixies luggage.
 belladonna was trying to call 'Downstairs' so she could check with the 'boss' but the hotline was busy..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 02, 2016, 10:50:29 PM
"How about Catman: the Animated Series?" Oliver smiled to Arlene. Being a young cat, naturally all the media Oliver preferred to watch and read were those that were about his own species. "And can we drink sodas, please mom?" he asked, his eyes making a cute look in hopes it would get him something sugary to drink.


"Oh really are a tiger," Kitty purred seductively, crawling closer to him and pulling the bedsheets up. "And I like how big and round you can be, my love," she cooed, kissing him on the lips this time around.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 04, 2016, 12:10:06 AM
Tiger kissed Kitty back passionately, and began to undress her. he was pinned to the bed by her weight. while he now outweighed her by close to 2-1( and in truth had always outweighed her) Tiger was far too busy kissing his wife to care about being pinned to the bed ' baby, you're the best.. he cooed.' how did i get so lucky?' he asked , and he pawed at her bare bosom..' you could have had any cat.. why did you pick me?' he said as he kissed her passionately on the lips.
 scooby put down his suitcase next to the bed.' so  how are we going to set this up tonight?' Dogs in one bed, cats in the other?' well.. i think oliver would like his own bed, at least for tonight' Arlene said ' also, Dixie, can we watch Catman for awhile ? Oliver loves that show..' Sure, what Channel is it on?' Dixie said as she climbed onto bed 'i have it on already..' arlene said ' i'll watch with oliver until he falls asleep.. if thats ok '  of course its ok. ' could you get some snacks too? theres a vending machine down the hall..'i um.. don;t have much money on me right now' Arlene said, blushing.' girl, don;t worry about it. i'll go get the snacks and you have as much fun as you like  watching Catman and Superdog beat up bad guys ' Dixie said with a smile on her face.' just give me a few minutes and i'll  grab the sodas. anyones in particular that you like oliver/' She smiled sweetly at the kitten.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 04, 2016, 12:38:05 AM
"Because you're a sweet fella, Tiger," Kitty purred romantically, "You're always there for me, you're always kind, and also, I like that you're a tad bit big," she giggled, pressing her paws against his large stomach as Tiger felt her. She kissed Tiger back, enjoying the taste of his lips on her mouth, "mmm....." she moaned happily.


"Sounds like my boss is doing fine," Belladonna teased her cousin. The hellhound always liked to give Annabelle a hard time.

"If I wasn't against swear words I'd use them now," Annabelle groaned.


"Pepsi and Root Beer," Oliver smiled to Dixie, as he sat on the bed. With all the caffeine he would soon have, Oliver wouldn't be falling asleep for quite a while. He pulled out his Catman action figure which had been a gift for his birthday last year. "This is gonna be so cool mom," he grinned to Arlene.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 06, 2016, 01:45:36 AM
dixie smiled ' anything you want arlee to drink/ ' diet coke, if they have it' arlene said ' oh, and some popcorn too' she added ' Fine, just give me a few minutes and i'll see what stuff the vending machine has' Dixie said. dixie headed out of the roonm, while the episode began - this one had catman facing the jackcat his most feared nemesis in cat city.
_ shake those ends for me ' Louie said as he had the girls lines up with their backs to him ' do the curvy wave ' he demanded as his servants began to drum ' Just move your butt in time with me ' Berri said to Sawyer, who sighed as began to move her rear in time with the other girls, as the drums became louder and louder.
 T iger groped Kity as the kiss continued and put his tongue into her mouth ' he was enjoy a moment of intimacy the two hadnt shared inawhile, what with the games and Kittys new group taking up most of Kittys time.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 11, 2016, 10:49:55 PM
"This show is so cool," Oliver grinned as he watched the television. He sat next to Arlene as the cartoon marathon aired in front of them. The little orange kitten was truly having fun, a smile was filling his face now.


The other apes hooted and wooted at the dancing girls in front of them.


"Ooh....I've missed the taste of your lips darling," Kitty purred, kissing Tiger with romantic ferocity.


The Duke was staring down at the ground, hunting for any possible prey creatures. "It's time to satisfy my appetite," the fat proud owl told himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 16, 2016, 12:25:25 PM
mm. then you've been saving em for me ' tiger grinned as he held kitty tightly to him. ' hit the jackpot wihth you babe. i'm very very proud of you.' He said earnestly.
 Dixie returned later carrying the soda , poprcorn, pretzels and granola bars ' dig in everyone ' she smiled as she handed the drinks and snacks to Arlene, who gratefully took a Diet Coke.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 23, 2016, 03:23:35 AM
As Kitty was sharing passion with her husband, the spell she had over Tigress was gradually wearing off. She would be out of her control soon, but that was not her primary concern at the moment. "Your lips still have the taste of your dinner on them," she giggled.


"This is so much fun," Oliver smiled as he sipped a soda Dixie had handed him, "We can finally sit back and relax for a bit," he told Arlene.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 26, 2016, 02:22:05 AM
tiger finished kissing her an breathed heavily ' sorry honey. i need to lose.. like 100 pounds ' tiger said ' i don't WANT to mind you, but even this little romp has me sweating, he said and as he moved around the blanket stuck to him, as if to emphasis his point.

- po and tigress were rooming together on the 3rd floor po was busy flipping thrugh channels hoping to find his dads noddle shop promotion' best noddles in China' the promo had went. tigress shook her head ' h-how did i get here' she staggered around ' i.. i don;t remember anything ' the tigress murmured' ' well you have been acting weirdly..well not as weird as what happened after we both ate the mushu stuff ' yes viper found me singing at the top of my lungs..' she said you needed lessons' po nodded ' And you were wearing my clothes.. somehow. i honestly dont know how you managed to squeeze into them ' Tigress said.' mind over matter maybe? po aske as he munched on some popcorn..' or you being even more of an adoring fan than normal' tigress said as she climbed onto her bed.'
= well i got the biggest sizes i could dixie said.arlene smiled as she held the huge sod 9 a 100 oz drink) and the huge bag of twizzlers ' i didnt know the vending machones wre this big ' the pink cat said.
- scar and zira were currently counting up the profits from the days customers at the resteraunts ' 30000 dollars so far ' the oler lion smiled ' well it'll be 75000 at least judging from this pile of hundreds' Zira said " that wizard certainly pays well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 27, 2016, 12:07:03 AM
"Just think," Zira smiled as she looked at the profits from the day on the table next to them, "In just a few months my dear, you and I will be grandparents." Indeed, over in the pride lands Kiara was pregnant with her and Kovu's first cub.


"Now, let's all watch the show together," Oliver told his mother's friends. He was glad at the opportunity to sit back and relax without some force interrupting them. The kitten got out his Catman action figure to play along with the action that was happening on screen.


"You get the futon again cousin," Belladonna smirked wickedly to Annabelle. "You know, I'll find out how you probably cheated at that poker game," the heaven hound replied bitterly. "So what if I did," Belladonna chuckled as she tucked in under her bed's big sheets for covers. She then turned the tv on to her favorite shows.


"I love you just the way you are, big guy," Kitty said, kissing Tiger on the lips once more, "You don't have to change yourself for me." She then began to rub his belly all around. "I hope you like this, my dear husband," she grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 27, 2016, 01:38:57 AM
yes. my boy will be a dad before simbas son is ' scar said happily..' hopefully he'll have my eyes.. and maybe my brain ' he smiled ' shes just a few weeks along. the cub will be born in 6 months or so.
but i do need to lose SOMe weight dear" tiger smirked as she puled away.. his shirt soaked with sweat.'Do you have a fan or something in here? i'm kinda toasty he blushed.
_ Dixie smiled as she and arlene sat in back of Oliver as she watched  the episode of Catman wrap up and a new episde begin " i think they have a marathon going on ' arlene aid as she took a pawfull of popcorn..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 29, 2016, 10:03:51 PM
"Kovu told us the last time he called that the cub will indeed be a boy," Zira smiled and purred proudly. She went over and nuzzled Scar. "Our lives have improved vastly in the past few years," she commented, "We've become vastly rich and repaired our family relationships." She purred deep into Scar's well groomed black mane.


"Coming right up Tiger," Kitty smiled, going over and flipping a switch for the room fan. Slowly but surely a gentle cool breeze began to fill up the room and make it cool without getting freezing cold. "Though, no matter the temperature, your heart is warm, my love."


"Yeah, they have one every month," Oliver informed the adults, "The show is a really big hit. There's over 300 episodes so far, and they're still making more!" He happily scarved down some popcorn and took a sip of pop.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 30, 2016, 03:37:04 PM
it helped that Kopa came in. boy has a more open mind than his father. took simba a long time to forgive me..' scar admitted. ' still i'm now in a good place, and standing to make a fortune over the next few days.. between the hotel, and the restaurant. And of course, my dear. i have you with me.' scar Purred.
 so, my dear, tell me more about Cat eat Dog and your bandmates' tiger said relaxing a bit as he felt the fans breeze.. 'Dixie and Arlene? you like them, i take it? otherwise you wouldn't be working with them if you didnt' He said. why don't we start with Dixie ' He smiled.'
- Must be, if they keep making more of them' Dixie said as Arlene looked though Olivers collection of toys " You Know, Oliver I never had any toys of my own when I grew up' Arlene Said. " you're lucky to have them. " Hes Lucky to have you, Arlene, Don't sell yourself short.." And I have you and Kitty" Arlene said "before this..Laffalympics.. i didnt know what was going to was.. bleak, to put in mildly..i think Dixie, that you have been, well more reliable than Garfield has been. you've done the things you've said you would..about the only i can count on with Garfield is. well it has to be about him, and his stomach if we were to stretch it.'

Yet you are loyal to him no matter what ' Dixie said.I Mean, you've been with him for 20 years..' And you've spent more quality time with me in the last month than he has in all that time.' i shudder to think what hes do with oliver if i left him in his care.probably just ignore him, or forget about him as we move along..' You have to be clear to him on that' dixie said.

- after 10 straight hours of butt shaking louie finally dismissed the girls and bade them draw pictures of him, in regal poses " Let all in the jungle I am the swingingest ape arpund "louie grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 01, 2016, 02:17:45 PM
"You make things feel so good, my darling," Zira purred to Scar, continuing to nuzzle her face into his mane. When she finally stepped back, a thought occurred to her. "When we get news that Kiara's only days away from giving birth, let's take a few days off to be there when our grandson is born, what do you think, Scar?"


"Well, she's the dog, so obviously we need to make her look like a cat to be marketable," Kitty said in light hearted joke, "And Arlene, well, she has her son with her now, so that's something she's really concerned with.....he's a good kid, that Oliver."


"Wanna play with my toys, mom?" Oliver offered politely.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on May 07, 2016, 10:35:49 AM
Droopy was resting in his room watching his pocket tv.  "Watching this show  makes me very happy." Droopy said in a monotone voice.  

"What show is it?  What's on?" Wally Gator asked leaning over to try to see what Droopy was watching.  

Droopy switched his hands so he had one on the upper left and the other on the lower right corner. He then got up from the bed to walk over to the wall.  Once there he pulled on the corners enlargening the tv till it got it it to a good size.  Then he set it on the floor.  "There, now we can all watch the tv together." Droopy said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 11, 2016, 03:43:32 AM
no, dear. the birth should be for the parents, we should come only after the cub is born.'  Scar replied.'i dont want to intrude dear."
yes olivers a sweet little fuzzball' tiger agreed ' looks a little bit like me, at least in the face. not as big as me though obviously.. Arlenes a nice girl from what i've seen of her.'
No, Honey. the toys are for you" arlene said stifling a yawn.' Just one more episode, honey and then you need to get some sleep.' she rested her head on Dixies shoulder, trying to stay awake.' they were watching the 12th straught episode of Catman.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 15, 2016, 01:16:46 AM
"Ok mom," Oliver nodded, a little tired himself, but he truly had a great night watching his favorite show and enjoying all these snacks. He pulled out his special Catman pillow and placed it on his bed.


"We're gonna make millions even faster then usual over the next two weeks," Zira smirked to Scar, "With this, I think we have a nice gift we can give to Kovu and Kiara as a reward for becoming parents." Her paws and claws quickly went through the huge pile of money that stood before her on a table.


"Well, I like Dixie and Arlene," Kitty admitted to Tiger, "They're both fun, kinda cute, not as hot as you though," Kitty added, "Dixie's kind of a ditz and Arlene, bless her heart she needs to put on a few pounds, she is SKINNY. I love spending time with them, and yes, maybe somethings a little bit intimate, oh boy do we kiss some, it's kinda crazy, but I do care about them. Don't think I mean to leave you out, Tiger, my big hunk of a man, I like you and your big heart and your big gut," Kitty smiled with a purr. She nuzzled her face into his tummy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 15, 2016, 03:41:11 AM
so, you like kissing girls huh, botchiboo' Tiger said a bit surprised at this revelation. ' well, honey, that just shows what a  lucky cat I am, they get only a lick of your honey, while i get the whole comb ' he purred, and pulled kitty into a kiss. 'I admire your honesty and candor honey. and I dont feel left out. I'm on the adventure of a life time, with my sweetums! We're seeing places I would  never have dreamed of back in  New York, trying all sorts of food' he patted his huge stomach' and we're putting Green River on the map. the town will be twice as big after these games! I might have to build a bigger jail' he said.

"But.' a more serious look spread on Tiger's face "this revelation about you and the girls will have its price, ' he moved towards her like a predator stalking his prey, his huge gut, just barely above the sheets ' both in terms of pleasure' his face  showed a smirk now," and money. You wanna make out with your bandmates on tour, I dont really care, so long as you guys dont take pictures of yourselves doing it, that would raise a lot of questions back home. But.. as payment, I demand 1% of all profits on your tour. so. if you make 10000 dollars , well um..thats like 1000 bucks. Was never really good at math.. honey. but anyway. 1%, in cash, upfront. and  weekly 'lovin' sessions, like 2-3 times a week" His claws found the way to kittys bosom and he climbed onto her and looked down at her." I Insist" he said trying to remain serious, but a grin slowly spreading across his face showed the mirth coming out from under the surface." Oh, just kiss me dear Kitty, and call out my name.." He said.' Scream It" he said suddenly kissing Kitty fully on the lips

 Oliver   watched the last of the evening Catman shows - the marathon was a special treat for the cat-, and he held onto his catman figure..' ever watch this show , Mr scooby?' he asked the great Dane, who was on the other bed ' No, not really Scooby Said ' but I have had cases like that show. solving mysteries catching bad guys..' Did you dress in costume like Catman?' Oliver asked excitedly  and scooby laughed heartily ' No, no, I don;t have a secret lair like Catman I'm afraid. wish I did " he smiled, and reached over to ruffle Olivers fur.' Don';t you Oliver/' Of Course ' Catman is awesome! the kitten said earnestly

 Arlene took a look at a paper lying near the door and went over to get it.' it was the days paper Among the various articles-" 50 People missing in Deep jungle' "Bagherra to release dance record ' and " Baloo Blamed for missing Banana bunches by King Louie" Arlene found an article about Khan " Shere Khan is having autographs signed on Saturday" She said " Thats.. um.. what day is it?' Tuesday" Dixie yawned.' Tomorrow the games start and I don't think we'll be in the area for that autograph thing' Dixie, Please/' Arlene begged ' Could we please go? Oliver adores Shere Khan, hes one of those " Awesome Cats!' guys they have posters up in Toon world about' she pulled out a weathered poster ' which included " Shere Khan, Kings Kopa and Kovu, Tigress and Thomas O Malley.'
_ Dixie looked over at Scooby "i dont want to leave Scooby out in the jungle..' Well, He can come along.. Please Dixie?' Arlene said  her voice being as sweet and ingratiating as she could muster at this late hour "Er.. alright. We'll go, Because its for Oliver, and we wont get another chance to be in India any time soon " Dixie said " We'll have to have someone else go for our team- woody and Winnie perhaps..We'll go..' she was cut off by Arlene kissing her smack on the lips.the dark red lips locked together and for a few seconds Arlene rubbed her tongue against Dixie's, before pulling away.

Oliver had missed the kiss because he was talking with Scooby about his catman toys. Dixie smiled at Arlene 'not bad, you're definitely improving Arlene.' not bad? come on..' arlene acted hurt, but a smirk played on her lips..' ok.. tomorrow we are going to that autograph show ..' more likely Thursday.. thats when we'll be closest to the inner jungle Dixie said. she turned and saw the Catman show was nearing its end.' come along Oliver " We're headed to bed..' Dixie said. and she turned the tv off as the credits rolled ' Can We watch some more tomorrow?" Oliver asked innocently.. ' well, if we have time dear " Dixie said, patting him on the head. ' Now its nearly midnight, go put your toys away, and get ready for bed. you've been watching 3 hours straight of Catman, and its time for all young superheros to enter dreamland. even heroes need their sleep.'
- yes Miss Dixie.' Oliver said as he climbed under the covers. ' Arlene kissed his forehead, then went over to the doos to kiss both of them good night ' scooby was surprised that she went to him first.' thanks for being so nice to my boy. he loves his tv' Arlene Said. the red and brown lips met as she kissed Scooby on the lips, and for a few seconds, scoobys tongue entered Arlenes mouth.' arlene pulled away and Scooby blushed as red as Arlenes lips ' wow..  thanks Arlene. i knew oliver meant a lot to you.. but er i did what any good person would do.. was that really kiss worthy?
 well i thought it was ' Arlene said. good night Scooby see you in the morning..You'll be coming with us when we see Shere Khan." "I;ve heard of him ' Scooby gulped " just wear your armor honey  ' Dixie said ' you've faced dip, evil sporks and ghosts. whats a tiger to all that? ' Hes still a 600 pounds cat, 3 times my weight' scooby flinched. dixie leaned in to kiss her fiance on the lips, then turned to Arlene ' night Arlene' Dixie said and kissed the pink cat affectionately. this kiss lasted about 5 seconds, shorter than the kiss  Arlene had shared with scooby. night' Arlene yawned and climbed into bed, curling up at the foot of the bed, closest to where Oliver was sleeping, the kitten had a bed all to himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 07, 2016, 04:21:17 PM
The first competition was the next day. Baloo the bear was waiting at the spot where the teams had to gather.

"Your first event is simple," the somewhat lazy bear grinned, "Along that river you can find a ton of big fish. The team that brings back the most for me to eat wins!"

Oliver walked over to Tiger and Kitty. "Miss Kitty, Mr Tiger?" he asked sweetly.

"Yes Oliver?" Kitty replied.

"Could you help me get Shere Khan's autograph? I really want it," the orange tabby beamed happily.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 07, 2016, 11:27:18 PM
' well , Oliver i'll see what we can do . How Big is Shere Khan, exactly?' tiger said a bit nervous." i mean, if hes a tiger, he'll be a VERY big cat.."
- Yes hes a tiger Arlene said.' and Oliver really wants to meet him. as for how big he is he's 500  pounds or something like that.' She said. "Olivers a really big fan, she said " showing the poster she had showed Dixie the night before. PLEASE? I'll make it up to you in some way..
 we'll go for the team " winnie said a grin on her beak. ' let the kid go see his hero. we got this. Besides, we're up by a ton of points overall, so we have some margin for error.' We cant coast winnie, we're a long way from home fee, and therres Gabriel to consider." woody said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 08, 2016, 10:42:23 PM
"Yay!" Oliver exclaimed, happy that he was getting the chance to meet one of his idols. He jumped around in joyful little circles.

"We're representing our team, cousin," Belladonna told Annabelle, "Time for us to go fishing...."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 23, 2016, 05:55:58 PM
Yogi and cindy went for the Yogis. and Samia and Dulcy went for the Dawgs. each team was given a boat full of freshly caught fish, which was set next to  a pair of dock 'islands in the river. Woody And winnie Waited for the judge- Bagherra" to give the go signal.
Arlene walked along the path, Carrying Oliver On Her shoulder, and  holding hands with Dixie as she led the small group deeper into the jungle. the jungle was hot and humid. and Tiger was soon sweating pretty heavily. ' so.. er.. how far away is Shere Khan supposed to Be? he said, wiping away the sweat from his brow.' Scooby carrie a knapsack on his back with bottles of water in it, and he paused to hand out bottled to everyone in the group.. : do you know where Shere Khan will be Oliver?' scooby asked kindly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 23, 2016, 06:16:28 PM
"By the tiger temple," Oliver explained, holding a map of the area to his mother and her friends. "Once we see it, we can't miss it."

"Then let's get there soon, everyone," Kitty smiled, wanting to fulfill the young cat's wish.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 23, 2016, 07:36:55 PM
Honey' Dixie pointed at the map. thats on the other side of the mountains. remember. India is BIG country, and i can't magic us there like Stripetail can. besides, thews likely going to be a big line, if he's as big a draw as you say Arlene" dixie said as they descended from a hill.
 Bagherra  blew horn ; Begin!" he called to the contestants.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 23, 2016, 07:42:46 PM
"Well, we can take a shortcut via trapeze," Kitty said, reading the map close, "That is, if you guys are fine with monkeys flinging us through the air"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2016, 03:26:58 PM
We Could swing like Tarzan in the movies" Scooby said " Yes, I watch lot of movies. I;m a movie junkie." well i'm Not wearing a loincloth' dear' Dixuie said " You'd look hot in it ' scooby goaded.' you' look hot in anything " Even a panda suit?' dixie smirked ' Yes " scooby said. " we'll swing on the vines then..  Dixue said, looking for directions to start the vine swinging.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 24, 2016, 05:25:31 PM
However, what none of the group realized was that a short distance behind them was a bear. A hungry bear. A big mean hungry bear. However, this big male bear was hungry for something specific.....

"This'll be fun," Oliver smiled to Arlene, not knowing the danger.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2016, 05:29:53 PM
the bear- named alphas, wanted the little kitten clasped around his mothers neck ' he had been to his bear door, who had told him that he needed more meat in his diet, swiping bananas from those apes  wasn't cutting it. 'time for takeout ' he grinning, and reached out a big paw, and in a twinkling of an eye held Oliver clasped firmly in one paw. hmm you'll go good in a stew.. kitty' he grinned showing yellow team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 24, 2016, 05:31:48 PM
"What the?!" Oliver exclaimed, caught off guard by Alphas' sudden move, "Let me go!" He tried to bite and claw his way free, but the big bear had a surprisingly strong grip. "Help me!" he called to Arlene and the others.

"Unhand that kitten, you bear!" Kitty frowned. She then whispered to her friends, "Don't worry, look at his gut, he can't run far....." she said with optimism.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2016, 05:45:59 PM
For an instant. Scooby Dixie and arlene stood in place as Alphas swiped oliver and ran in the opposite ' My Gawd! Oliver!' arlene yelled . stop that bear! " scooby began running after the bear, but the bear was faster than he was , and knew the area better. " firE! Scooby said pointing his ring at the bear and fireball formed and was cast in the general direction of the bear.  the fireball missed wildly and was doused by the damp area of the jungle.
 scooby! do you wat to set the entire jungle on fire? Fire is out! Dixie rebuked him ' If You hit Oliver, you won't be getting any Christmas cards from me! Arlene said tersely " um.. Arlene you did agree to live with us " Dixie said as they raced after Alphas ' well.. um.. I'll give him coal.. or something.. anyway.. Try something else.. like .. ice.. or something" arlene said as they began climbing up a hill. above them alphas was care freely leaping from tree to tree, oliver stuffed in his mouth.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 24, 2016, 05:49:02 PM
"Mother! Mr Scooby! someone help me!" Oliver cried as he was balanced between Alphas' jaws. It was too everyone's shock just how agile and swift the bear was despite his massive girth. He could feel the hungry bear's tongue lick him over as he did almost ballet level graceful leaps between the trees with his kitten hostage.

"I'll follow him on the ground!" Kitty called, "You get up the trees and chase him at that elevation!" the group knew they had to act fast if they wanted to save Oliver. Alphas was more dangerous then they had thought
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2016, 08:23:58 PM
Scooby and dixie climbed up into a  nearby tree and began swinging from vines. by no means, were they excellent swingers, indeed, the pair were barely making it from vine to vine. Arlene ran alongside Kitty on the ground trying desperately to catch up to the bear carrying the kitten away. Scooby moaned in for as he swung and barely missed a nearby tree.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 24, 2016, 08:29:46 PM
"Who are you?!" Oliver cried to Apollos as the bear was shockingly gaining a lead over all the dogs and cats. He figured if could at least keep the bear talking, he could delay himself being eaten, even if only briefly.


"He is fast for a fat bear," Kitty panted, not wanting to lose sight of the nimble huge beast that had captured Oliver and was fleeing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2016, 08:51:14 PM
ICE!' dixie yelled and sent a pair of shards at Alphas, they stuck into trees, and quickly melted in the hot jungle.
 hmm. well names alphas , my little morsel ' Alphas said, his tongue slobbering over oliver as he talked. ' as for why i have granted you. i was hungry and you were available.. He smirked as ice shards flew past him, he briefly glanced behind to see both Great danes summoning magic and firing ice shards at him ' Oh Ho! he laughed ' this is new! Not any have tried using magic to stop me" he laughed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 24, 2016, 08:55:27 PM
"Keep firing!" Oliver called to the great danes who knew magic, "Don't let him take me!" The kitten knew he could not get out of this bear's mouth by himself, and the distance between them and the grownups was steadily increasing.

"But why me?!" he cried next to the bear.

"He's too high up for me to scratch," Kitty frowned as she tried leaping up, but didn't get halfway up to where Alphas was carrying the captive Oliver.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2016, 09:18:08 PM
Hes a bear Kitty! Arlene panted as she kept a desperate view of the disappearing bear. " You can't do much to him, he's too big! he makes scooby look tiny.! Fear was clearly written on her face, she was scared, both for oliver, and herself.
 Tiger slogged behind them, sweat streaming down his back from the exertion. If.. onLy.. I.. wasn't so plump.. i Could Catch him " he wheezed.
_ likE I sais, you were available ' Alphas grinned. ' nothing more than that..' a lucky ice shot caught the bear in the left leg and spread around the leg, up to the knee. ' the bear stopped and pawed at the cold ice that now surrounded his knee. he tried to move the leg, but found it laborious. ' well.. well.  seems i'm one legged for now.. no matter ' the bear said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 24, 2016, 09:21:51 PM
"What do you mean no matter?" Oliver said, a smirk finally appearing on his face, "You've been slowed down! My mom and her friends will rescue me really soon. The kitten really was underestimating how agile and flexible Alphas could be.....

"I'm losing sight of him," Kitty panted nervously, as Alphas was a decent distance ahead when the ice blast hit. Everyone was afraid.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 24, 2016, 09:53:29 PM
Slowed Down? for now, my little snacking, but not for too long. we are in the jungle, where it is hot regularly. thus ice will melt rather quickly in this heat i figure it will take 10, maybe 15 minutes before the ice around my leg melts and i'll be fully able to move again  however the way your family seems to doing on those vines.. well, they aren't going to catch me any time soon. " Alphas said. " so.. don't get your hopes up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 25, 2016, 12:39:45 AM
Oliver could only gulp upon hearing that little update. "Please don't eat me," he resorted to begging Alphas, "I want to love, Mr. Bear" He made some extrmely adorable sad looking eyes as a tool of persuasion.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 25, 2016, 03:05:56 PM
You're not the first to beg for your skin dear kitten.' alphas said " unfortunately my hunger is greater than my mercy. So, no. once i get home you're going in with some potatoes and broth, with maybe some salt thrown in ' alphas said, as he swing with his arm, his frozen leg dragging behind.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 25, 2016, 04:00:05 PM
"Uh oh," Oliver gulped upon hearing this news, "HHHHHEEELLLLPPPPP!!!!" he cied out, hoping the others could still hear him.


Kitty had trained ears, so she could hear the direction of Oliver's voice, "Head slightly left," she called to the others, as she could determine Alphas' change in direction.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 25, 2016, 06:37:23 PM
Call StrIpetail! scooby yelped as he  jumped for a nearby vine." he can magic Oliver out of there! "he's busy Scooby. We have to handle it ourselves.' Dixie said firmly, as she grabbed onto a vine and made a turn to the left. " Hang on Oliver!' Dixie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 25, 2016, 07:10:08 PM
Oliver looked and saw that Alphas had reached a cave, ie his home. The bear had a tv, a bed, and a kitchen that was furnished rather fancily. "Please let me go sir," Oliver begged once again, "I'm not that big of a snack anyways...."


"We're coming up to a big cave wall," Kitty informed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 25, 2016, 10:48:41 PM
you do, just fine' Alphas said, and oliver was put on a plate on a table in the kitchen. Then, an apple was shoved into his mouth. finally alphas picked up the gagged kitten and shoved himninto his mouth.
 by the time scooby an Dixie reached the cave alphas had finished his lunch and had decided to take a nap to allow hi food to digest.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 25, 2016, 10:54:54 PM
"Oh good lord," Kitty whispered when they got into the cave, "He must've swallowed him!"

The cats and dogs were about to burst into tears when suddenly they heard a rumbling noise coming from the bear's gut.

"He;s......alive," Kitty realized.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 26, 2016, 01:19:52 AM
How could he still be alive? the bear literally swallowed him? dixie said " toon laws dear. you never watch those old toons where a bear named Joe eats a bunch of customers and they are shown in his gut? scoooby said " you watch WAY too much tv honey. " so how do we get him out? She asked the cats.Arlene had her head in her paws
_ well we could stick an arm while he was sleeping and pull oliver out that way..Tiger suggested.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 28, 2016, 10:09:19 PM
"Someone's gonna have to go inside that bear," Kitty realized, "Someone who can move very slyly."

"And we better act fast," Tiger nodded, "I can still hear Oliver in there."

"Someone, help!" Oliver called from within the bears belly, but his voice was obviously muffled, but the adults could vaguely hear him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 01, 2016, 10:43:15 PM
Droopy walked around looking around at the surroundings.  "Simply marvelous." He said aloud.  

"I do heartily agree."  Wally Gator said. "Not often you see such a sight as that. "


"Maybe they have new flavors of ice cream we've not tried yet here." Knothtead said to Splinter.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 06, 2016, 03:29:15 AM
" we need to hurry guys' Arlene said ' Befiore that bear wakes up.' arlene said, her voice quiet but urgent." so which of us has the longest arms? she said looking around at the others.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 06, 2016, 03:37:36 AM
"It's gonna have to be you, Scooby," Kitty informed, "Go save the kid."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 14, 2016, 01:06:00 AM
ScoobY had dixie grab his tail and he slowly climbed into Alphas mouth. Scooby wormed his way down the bears throat, deeper and deeper until he reached the stomach. scooby used his ring to light the area, where he found the kitten stuck inbetween the stomach and the passage to the large intestine. Motioning oliver to be silent. Scooby slowly worked the kitten out of the passage then became climbing up the throat of the bear. who, thankfully was fast asleep, dreaming bear dreams. Scooby climbed up slowly each stepping covering him and Oliver in  more bear insides. Finally. Scooby forced Alphas mouth open and fell out of the bears mouth onto the ground. oliver tumbled out in front of Scooby.  Scooby pickerd him up and began motionibng to the others to get out of the cave.
 Arlene  nodded as she  Dixie and Tiger all quickly exitted the bear cave. it was only then upon Scoobys exit that the pungent smell clinging to his and Olivers fur became evident. ' Gawd' Arlene winced. "I'd hug you Scooby for saving Oliver, but not until after the two of you get a striong bath. As in Pronto.. You guys mell like.. whastever that bear ate last."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 14, 2016, 01:08:14 AM
"I wanna go back to the hotel," Oliver said, scared and clinging onto Arlene. He had been very lucky to have been saved from the ordeal he just went through.

"I second that," Kitty nodded, "These guys need baths..." she said as they ran back towards Scar and Zira's hotel resort.


"Another day of profit," Zira smirked, looking at the records. The games indeed brought a lot of publicity.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 14, 2016, 01:36:25 AM
Alright sweetie, we're headed there ' Dixie said " I'm sorry we wont be able to get you that autograph from Shere Khan- that  bear cost us  several hours. But, I'll tell you what. You can watch as much Catman as you want over the next few days. You'll be Catmaned out " she grinned.
_ I dont think you can ever tire a kid of watching TV Scooby Said. I Know I never did,." Yes Scooby. You;ve told me about your monster movie marathons with shaggy. What was the last one you guys watched ' 25 hours of the Blob? Blob 2, 3, 4 and 5 " scooby said proudly. " and you Complain when I watch my musicals " Dixie sighed. " Honey , you watch them so much you know every line. At least with monster movies I still get scared."
 Uh Guys. Argue when we are back at the hotel..' Tiger said as they kept walking.' and after you get your bath..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 14, 2016, 01:38:06 AM
"Thank you mom, thank you Mr Scooby, thank you everyone," Oliver said as they got back near the hotel.

"Don't mention it," Kitty said.

The hotel concierge handed the animals their room keys upon arrival. "The showers are available for use," they informed them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 14, 2016, 01:50:04 AM
Arlene took the key to their room and headed up the stairs carrying Oliver in her left arm. " Ok Scooby, you'll have to shae a baty with Oliver as there is only one bath in the room. And Leave some hot water please. I'd like a bath next" Arlene said as the Doos Entered Followed by Arlene.
_ we'll catch you later Tiger waved to them as they walked past towards his room." Right now , I dont want to miss Kitty's favorite show- cooking Mexican Mice""
- Scooby was shoved into the Bathroom by Dixie who made a face, as she caught a full whiff of Scooby.
- Scooby climbed into the tub, and turned on the water, trying to make the water nice and warm..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 14, 2016, 01:52:54 AM
"You were so brave for saving me Mr Scooby," Oliver said as he got a big brush from the side of the tub and began covering it in soap and moving it all over his fur. "I thought I was done for then...."


"You know my tastes so well, dear," Kitty purred happily.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2016, 01:22:47 PM
The Feeding baloo event was underway as the teams began tossing fish into Baloo's mouth at a rapid pace. the fish was painted colors- Red for the Doobies, Purple for the Rottens, Yellow for the Yogis and Blue for the Dawgs. Woody and winnie were flying back and forth, droping food rapidly into Baloo's mouth.
 Samia and Dulcy threw fish like footballs. The counters wre rapidly rising. the rottens were currently leading. with the Yahooeys and Doos close to them, and dawgs a little behind.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on July 21, 2016, 08:40:02 PM
Droopy and Wally cheered their team mates on.

"You can do it." Wally said.  

"Do your best and have fun." Droopy called out.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 25, 2016, 05:14:45 PM
Garfield was coming back with a certain something he picked up for Oliver.

"I hope the kid likes this," the fat cat said, holding a sheet with Shere Khan's autograph. He went to stand by where his teammates were competing.


"Cmon Annabelle, work faster," Belladonna teased.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2016, 05:29:48 PM
Baloo was gulping down fish rapidly, swallowing them almost as quickly as fresh fish was tossed into his mouth. The Yahooeys pulled ahead as the hour ticked down.
 Scooby created a couple of magical bath toys for Oliver.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 05, 2016, 08:02:42 PM
"Thank you Mr. Scooby," Oliver mewed, the kitten beginning to play with the gifts he had just been given. He rubbed a lot of shampoo through his fur to help with the smell.


Baloo, meanwhile, had finally declared "I've had enough food," he burped, leaving the judges to tally up the scores for each team.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 10, 2016, 10:28:13 AM
Droopy clapped his hands, "You did very well." He said to his team mates who had been competing. "Very well indeed."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 19, 2016, 11:37:12 PM
"We saved your son Arlene, I promised we would not let him be hurt," Kitty said to Arlene. "He's the most important cat in your life, we can understand." Kitty saw how even after only a few weeks, Arlene and Oliver were very close, and that the pink cat would do anything for her son.

"I don't smell as bad now," Oliver commented after a lot of uses of various soaps and shampoos on his fur.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 19, 2016, 11:58:06 PM
i honestly don;t know what i would have done without him ' Arlene said ' i mean i'm worried about making sure his needs are cared for, and where the money going to come from.. so anything you want Kitty' Just name iot " Arlene said earnestly " literally.. anything .
 scooby created some more toys for Oliver to play with ' they had played magic battleships- and Oliver had sunk Scooby's- to his delight.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 19, 2016, 11:59:39 PM
"Let's go outside and have some fun, the three of us," Kitty smirked to Arlene . "Don't worry, Scooby's watching your boy. Nothing will happen to him. Let's go get Dixie and see if she wants to join in."

But as the girls walked outside, it was themselves they should have worried for, as a shadow flew overhead.......
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on August 26, 2016, 10:33:29 AM
Gary was sipping a Starbucks drink as he walked along.  He was sometimes surprised at the places he found a Starbucks in.  He paused to adjust his shoulderbag.  He had gotten some drinks in closable containers for some of the others on the team, as well as an extra for himself.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 01, 2016, 04:33:03 PM
Dixcie helds hands with Arlene to her Left and Kitty to her right ' so what sort of fun stuff should we go do girls?' she smiled ' i'm open to just about anything. " we could take a trip down to the nearest village anf take pictures ' Arlene said. Something to remember all the wacky adventurers once we get home. I could go for some food too."
 whatever you girls want " dixie smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 08, 2016, 11:32:35 PM
"Let's get outside and get some fresh air," Kitty said, "Nothing too crazy for right now. Just walking and seeing the villages sounds nice to me."

"I'm clean now, Mr Scooby," Oliver said, having toweled himself off after the long bath to get the stench of bear gut off of him. "We should find what Mr. Tiger and Mr. Garfield are up to, they are around my mom alot."

The kitten was able to get over what happened to him fairly quickly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 09, 2016, 12:38:14 AM
Well We're in the jungle Dixie mused ' We could try out some local attire. something to bring home for the trip. Some " Exotic" costume.. that are em revealing but tasteful. In Brazil for instance I read that Samba bras basically cover the nipples and show basically the whole breasts. leaves nothing to the imagination,. but the guys go gaga for those dancers. I Don;t think we';l get anything like that here, of course.. If we could.. that would be awesome." she laughed ' We'll try and see if anything here comes in purple Kitty' She added giving the busty cat a grin.
 Well I just want some sort of local toy for Oliver. You know, to add to his collection. It won;t be Catman. they dont get that over here' arlene said .
 Scooby took a big sigh of relief, as he put some deodorant on.' Finally he didnt smell overwhelmingly  of Bear innards.' you've had a scary encounter with a bear Oliver ' lets go grab ice cream sundaes to get your mind off of it. All you can stomach.. My Treat Scooby said " Besides I'm in the mood for ice cream myself.' come on " he took the orange tabby by the paw and  the pair went down to the hotel lobby where there was an ice cream bar set up. there was about 50 different flavors, a toppings stand- filed chocolate, marshmallow, coconut, sprinkles, whipped topping, and cherries." Scooby handed Oliver a dish " Lets laddle up..' He said clinking his metal spoon with Olivers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 09, 2016, 01:19:34 AM
"Yay" Oliver exclaimed, as he began to eat the ice cream. The little kitten had quite the sweet toothm, and was trying many of the flavors Scooby had bought for him. The taste was so nice, especially after what he had gone through.

"Hey Scoob," Tiger said as he and Garfield came over, "Hanging out with the little guy?"


"Though in your case Arlene, you have to be careful not to wear such things in front of your son," Kitty said playfully, pinching her cheeks. The girls had no idea, though, that someone was watching them from a distance.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2016, 12:36:12 AM
TRue. i dont think having Oliver see my Butt or my curves in that manner would be appropriate.. Garfield on the other hand' Arlene said. ' you know girls.. with Oliver around now., I've completed half of an old dream of mine.. to be a wife and mother. Ironically, i got the mom side fulfilled before the wife part.."
- So How long have you had this dream?' Dixie asked. " a long time Dixie.. Probably before Garfield and I started dating.. We've been together for 20 years, but I'd say its been at least 25 since I first had that vision..'' a vision of what " A vision of me, in a nice house, with a housewife apron on, with my name on it. Cooking for my man and my kid.."
 what about the comic strip/ Dixie said " you said you'd like to appear more ion that ' Well, Yeah, I'd like that, certainly. But Having an Arlene and Friends Comic" isnt my dream gig.. Its.. Being a mom and a spouse.. I know you girls are both very talented singers, and hope to see your names in lights.. But well. I'm not good enough a singer to do that. I'm the third wheel of the trio.. if you will. Remember what happened at Wildcat"s? Arlene shuddered.'I nearly got to know Kitty's stomach on an intimate basis because I was weak..
 You're not weak Arlene' Dixie said confidently "Wildcat just likes playing games with his guests. Very mean games, as it turns out.. so Which Hunk did have your eye on for that spouse?' Garfield " arlene said."I've been trying to get him to see the light for 20 years..which is why I went to you for help Dixie back in Toon City.. the dance was just the start. i was trying to win his heart.. well away from his gut.. and i'm not gioving up on that Dream " arlene said " So I want to get something for Garfield so he can remember this trip to India..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 12, 2016, 12:58:05 AM
"I got you a surprise," Garfield suddenly said to Oliver. He was holding a sheet of paper behind his back, eager to hand it over to the kitten.

"What did you get me?" Oliver asked eagerly, and he soon got his answer when Garfield held it in front of him. "A Shere Khan autograph?!" the kitten exclaimed happily, looking glad to have the item, "When did you get this?"

"Oh, earlier today," Garfield explained, "You remind me of myself as a kitten, Oliver."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2016, 01:43:32 AM
a Shere Khan autograph?' scooby Gaped " Thats what we were planning to get him.. Before um.. getting sidetracked.. by a big bear.." we'll have to get the kid something nice to new Delhi, perhaps a picture next to the Taj Mahal. Its Garfield 1 Us 0 in the impress Oliver Scoreboard, tiger. Gotta pick up our game" Scooby said.
 Girls " Arlene Said seriously.." if you could help me with Garfield . I'd be eternally gratefully..I know you've already helped convince him to dance with me, but i want more.. I want you to help me win his love and affection..I'll settle for being second behind lasagna. " you'd settle for a silver behind a plate of meat and cheeses?' Dixie shook her head " Arlene, Love,  that's not good enough. Scooby loves food, sure, but he loves me more. partly because of my singing, dancing, and well, my body, but also because of my cooking and my general nature. You have to make him love you more, more than his gut? Kitty, how did you win Tiger's affections? What advice can we give Miss Betty Crocker here?' Dixie asked turning to the curvy cat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 12, 2016, 02:11:49 AM
"Well, first he found me pretty," Kitty recalled, "I was a singer at the El Purrocu club in New York, and he was smitten with me the first time he saw me preform. He asked me out, and I couldn't turn him down. I gotta say I always found his belly cute. One thing led to another, and now we're married," she purred.

What none of the girls noticed was a certain big owl flying above them.....


"Then let's take him somewhere fun......and safe," Tiger said, "So let's stick to the towns and avoid the jungle."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2016, 02:45:09 AM
The jungle is kinda unavoidable though, seeing as its all around us ' Scooby pointed out. ' Eh, you're right Tiger. Lets show Oliver something fun.. and Safe.. Relatively speaking.. so.. well canoeing down the river is out.." Stripetail's voice came out over Scoobys ring " actually Scooby, that is the next event, to be Held in Delhi . You will be canoeing down the Ganges river, in an 8 person boat> Just head to Delhi AS quickly as you can. Stripetail out" Stripetail's voice faded and scooby gaped at Tiger. " We're canoeing, Down a RIVER? " He sputtered.
 That sounds Fairy tale-like Kitty. He asks you out. you hit it off.. and voila. You end up hitched ' Dixie said.  Scooby and I met at an Eatery, where we ended up getting hired by Stripetail, and over the last couple years we've done various jobs for him.. very dangerous jobs I might add, and It brought us closer. He proposed to me on one of those jobs.. a trip to Transylvania.. and to  deal with a problem in Dracula's castle. Transylvania IS a very romantic place in its own way..' dixie said..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 12, 2016, 10:03:43 AM
"Thanks." Wally said as he relaxed in the chair he was sitting in and sipped his starbucks drink.  "Great." He said, looking around a bit at the surroundings.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 19, 2016, 01:11:28 PM
"Don't worry Oliver, we won't take our eyes of you," Tiger assured the orange kitten. "We know how dangerous things can get, and we promise we will keep you safe."

"Thank you Mr. Tiger," Oliver smiled appreciatively to the bigger fatter cat. He then walked over to Garfield "And thank you for getting me this Shere Khan autograph" he said appreciatively.


"Say girls, do you......feel someone nearby?" Kitty suddenly said, feeling a shadow descending towards them. She looked around, trying to find and spot a suspicious figure.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 19, 2016, 02:50:00 PM
No problem kid ' Garfield said ' After the hike I could do for some lasanga, Indian style." they dont have lasanga here, thats an Italian dish." scooby said. 'we'll protect you, by sitting on anyone who tries to hurt you'" well unless they are a tiger '; Tiger said, sweating as they continued to walk down the path . ' what would you like to eat Oliver " Garfield said " scooby here is paying." When did we agree on that? Scooby protested ' just now " garfield smiled a toothy grin ' come on. I'm only getting mascot wages hrre, and they're all going to john.'' alright fine. i'll throw in dessert as well ' scooby said seeing a grin grow on Olivers face.
 Arlebne was the first to spot their pursuer' Its the Duke! " she yelped , giving to the ground! Get down girls!" she said, as Dixie looked at the approaching bird with horror.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 19, 2016, 05:25:47 PM
"The Duke hungers for live meat!" the big creature of the night grinned, swooping down towards the 3 girls, his beak wide open.

"We really need to find a place with less hungry animals," Kitty exclaimed as she, Arlene, and Dixie started running as fast as they possibly could to get away from the Grand Duke of Owls, who was unfortunately gaining on them.

"In you go!" The Duke exclaimed as he snatched all 3 by their tails with his big beak and dropped them inside.


"Thank you all for being so nice to me," Oliver smiled as he hugged the guys. "I think my mom likes you, Mr. Garfield," he said, remembering something she had told him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 19, 2016, 06:07:16 PM
Yeah, She and i have been together for a long time. I like things as they are, while she wants.. well i don;t really pay attention when she starts talking too much. Girl can go on and on." garfield made a yakking motion with his paw."I like the freedom to sleep in , you know? marriage would take a big bite out of that." Theres responsibility too.. and while you're a nice kid, and i dont mind getting stuff for you.. well i'm not dad material. Too much love of 'me' in me I suppose" Garfield Said. So think of me.. like like and Uncle, who visits regularly." Say, we could add him in into the ' guys club' Scooby said " guys only..of course. But you have to act like a guy Oliver.. No crying, or moabing over a paper cut."
 Dixie Arlene and Kitty fell down  the Dukes throat " Oh Crap, Oh Cra Oh Crap ' Arlene yelped as they fell..' the throat got wider and wider as they fell, and dixie was the first to land- smack on her back- followed by Kitty, then Arlene, landing on top of her. OW! Dixie said, feeling something hard  beneath her, and the girls on top of her."Get off of me girls and we'll see where we are." At least I Landed on something soft." Arlene said. That something soft , would be me and Kitty' Dixie said as she squeezed out from underneath Kitty. Before them was what appeared into some  sort of green space, and a smooth looking path that upon closer inspection, was white..  Above, a large hole dripped  liquid onto the pavement, causing a loud hissing sound. ' come on Kitty, Arlene, We need to find a way out of here' Dixie said , her ring glowing from reacting to  the obvious magic present.. " we're in his stomach, looks like.." she stopped as a sign appeared with their names on " this way,  the sign pointed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 19, 2016, 06:14:35 PM
"I don't trust this at all......." Kitty said to the other two, "We just got swallowed by an owl and now we're in a place that somehow looks larger then his own body?" The girls knew the Duke had magic powers second to Stripetail, but they didn't realize just to what extent those powers were capable of reaching.

"Yes......that hit the spot," the Duke said proudly, patting his fat owl belly, making it shake.


"Guys club?" Oliver asked excitedly, always having wanted to be part of a club. "Can I join, please?" he asked Tiger, Garfield, and Scooby. He turned to Scooby, "I won't cry or moan!"

Tiger smirked to the other two, "What do you say boys, shall we give Oliver the initiation ceremony?" the fat cat asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 19, 2016, 07:32:38 PM
The duke has strong magical powers' perhaps he can make his interior look bigger than his exterior.' dixie said as the ground shook from the Duke rubbing his belly' we'll just need to find a way out of here, thats all.' Take my hand Kitty. You too Arlene ' Arlene was looking around nervously as the trio of friends continued walking down the path, the ground periodically shaking from the duke. more arrows led them to  a largwe building that appeared to be made out of bones..
 bump you gut against ours ' Scooby said to Oliver. Thats the first part of the initiation..The othe.,. is stuffing your face in front of the tv." Then  you'll be enteed in.. ' the name of our club is Tiger?' scooby grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 19, 2016, 07:39:47 PM
"Probably those of his past meals," Kitty shivered, seeing the sheer amount of bones that were in front of them. "And knowing him, that's a LOT of past meals," the singer cat said as they proceeded forward. She did her best to not loose her balance as the ground around they shaked and wobbled from the Duke's belly pats.

"Oh yes, and you are all my next meals," the Duke called to them proudly, "Enjoy your stay inside me. You'll be in here for the remainder of your lives," he let out a chuckle as he flew up into the sky, his belly sloshing more and more.

"Don't remind us," Kitty frowned.


"The name?" Tiger replied, caught off guard, "Oh right, the name. The name of our club is the Masculine Society for Manly Men," he came out with not very creatively off the top of his head, "As you can tell by the title, it is guys only, Oliver."

"Cool!" Oliver said, as he went to stick out his small kitten belly, which was even smaller still compared to how big the two grown cats and grown dogs' stomachs were. "I'm ready to be let into the club!" he smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 19, 2016, 10:19:20 PM
there are pledges to recite from the most masculine.. which is.. me ;' he grinned winking at Tiger and Garfield ' but first we need to get to our clubhouse.. where no girls are allowed, not little ones, not big ones. ; this is our man cave. Lead the Way Tiger..
' scooby said.
 You do know we are competitors in the games?' arlene said " and are under Stripetails protection?' She said, trying to be confident. the loud chuckles meant that mentioning the seer wasnt going to save them. " It was worth a shot Arlene Dixie said" better see whats in here. ' inside turned out to be an area similar to a  college dorm. ' pink wallpaper hung the walls' Well the wallpaper matches my fur at least ' arlene said as a series of arrows led the girls up stairs before pointing them into a room to the rught. a  medium bed, posters on the walls and a glowing tv meet their eyes ' The Tv was turned on to Gut News Tonight, with a liver and gallbader giving upfdastes on the dukes magical innards.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 20, 2016, 12:22:13 AM
"Oh, we are so trapped in here," Kitty gulped, the first of the girls to begin to lose her nerves. She did her best to relax, but she doubted it would be enough.

"At least Oliver and the guys are safely elsewhere," she said to the others.

"You know the seer gave me permission to eat troublemakers," The Duke revealed, "There is no one who can save you."

"Yes sir," Tiger saluted, "Follow us Oliver, to our man cave in Delhi," the fat feline begin doing a confident "manly" strut. Oliver tried his best to copy it.

"I wanna be like you guys," he meowed happily. The groups headed to the team bus
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 20, 2016, 01:58:54 AM
ScooBy and Garfield copied the strut, and Scooby created ' A Manly Man Pamphlet ' complete with many Man-Rules  Meant for Manly Men. Manly meats and munchables, and meeting The Manly Manes Method Of Manliness- in miniature" Here you are  little Man " scooby said Handing it to Oliver, as they Manly Marched - to the Scooby Dooby Bus..
 Ok Girls Just Calm " Down " Dixie said trying to keep her wits with her ' She tried speaking into her ring to contact Stripetail, But the dukes magic interfered with calling for help. " well, the Calvary not coming over the next hill'; She said, and as she looked for a remote to change the channel from the  current latest state of the gut " population 53 victims, including newcomers  Misses Dixie Kitty and Arlene,  Welcome to the Duke, enjoy your stay, until you move down to Colon City lol.
 Wait They know our Names ? Arlene said , sinking into a chair/ ' how is that.. Never Mind I dont wanna know" she began looking around the strange room, but there was nothing but the tv, the bed, and themselves 'Ok, Ok, there's no food..  not a surprise we ARE the food.." she said trying to stay calm, ' Gods this is worse than Wildcats, at least there, you guys were not caught up in it.." " well, we weren't as lucky this time.' Dixie replied. She looked at her ring. We Cant call for help but maybe I CAN make us some food.' " mouseburgers! She intoned, and her ring glowed, and a large plate of the steaming well done mouse burgers appeared on the Bed " geez Dixie I didnt know you could do THAT! " Arlene said grabbing a mouse burger and taking a big bite of it. " Geez this is much better than fried sewer rat..
 dig in ' Dixie said as she found the remote and began flipping through the channels " the Musical ass channel  performed a wind solo, the brain channel calculated the Dukes IQ- over 300 and how many mortals he had eaten in the past 100 years, about the population of India lol. the Heart channel was showing how the dukes magic cleaned out any cholesterol  from his food. The  " Bowel Storm channel had a running scrawl which showed other victims dropping into " Colon City" which was a slum in the ' deep end of the duke " All who end up in Colon City get Blown away by the dukes Great Nether Wind.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 20, 2016, 06:45:57 PM
"I needed these," Kitty groaned as she began to scarf down the mouse burgers one by one, barely taking a bite before swallowing. "I get hungry when I'm nervous," she explained to the other two girls.

The tv monitor showed the Duke's healthy heart, his immense wings, his shiny teeth, and his big brain. All of which reinforced just how trapped the trio were.

"We are so screwed....." Kitty moaned with a mouthful of mouseburgers.


"I wonder where are the girls?" Tiger spoke aloud, "Eh, they probably are off shopping, doing what they always do." The two cats, kitten, and dog got on their team bus.

"I want a cola," Oliver asked hopefully as he sat down in his seat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 21, 2016, 12:22:57 AM
We'll see what we have in the fridge' scooby said As woody Winnie, Scooby dee and the other team members climbed on.' scooby opened the drink container and found a number of colas.. which wee soon snatched up by the other team members, scooby barely being able to grab a cols for Oliver before  an onslaught of hands grabbed for the drinks.
_ bobo Cindy and ranger smith were relaxing as The yogi bus headed down the jungkle path towards Dehli..
  Screwy Dulcy and samia were playing cards to pass the time on the Dawgs bus..

(Dukes Stomach)
 Arlene wolfed down a few burgers, trying to fill her stomach, and distract from her surroundings. " Mind if I have the remote for a bit " i want to see what.. er channels ' are on here.. She said flipping through the wings channels, brains channel, feet channel.. and stopping on the music channel ' which was playing an opera with a skeletal symphony.. once yu got past the bones and appearances.. the music was.. actually really good.
 Dixie took a look around the room looking for anything that could use as a distraction.. And finding nothing, took a seat back on the bed. " well Girls looks like we are going to have to find ways to keep our spirits up.. singings, Dancing, telling stories,  Just about anything.. really..
 as Arlene watched the music . suddenly an image appeared at the bottom. a scrller turned on ' turn to channel 666' Arlene blinked. At first she wasnt quite  sure she had seen  that,, but then it appeared again.. Arlene turned to the channel, and at first the screen was completely blank.. then white type appeared ' An Offer of Freedom, for you Miss Arlene,.. it scrolled  But only if if you are willing to do something... Sacrifice something..' Arlene shook her head " are.. Are you girls seeing this.. " she  tried to change the channel but nothing happened.. P"Perhaps I should show you..." the type continued...the first image had herself Dixie and Kitty tied up and Gagged in a cooking  pot surrounded by hungry looking natives.. Arlene tried to turn away, but it was as if some force was forcing her to watch.. The Image of the girls in trouble faded, replaced with Garfield being cooked in a lasagna.." well.. Thats.. um Ironic.." Arlene said quietly.. followed by Nermal getting caught in a cheese trap, the studio burning down.. Arlene wandering the Streets.. Getting stood up at an altar- Arlene began to sob at that one-- each one was worse and worse.. Finally an Image of Oliver appeared, wandering the streets which appeared to be covered in snow and ice ' shall he be an Orphan again? said the type simply.. Oliver's eyes widened and he turned and Ran,. after him, came a pair of ferocious dobermans, a trio of mean looking alley cats, and what looked like the city stray catcher.. ' No! Arlene Sobbed openly, Pressing her claws to the screen " NO! She Screamed " Pay a price.. for your safety.. what price.. I leave to you' said the type which faded away ' AHHH! Lemme OUt! Arlene bolted up and ran out the door screaming nonsense as she ran.. Dixie gaped in surprise "Must have been some scray movie or something on there " she said to Kitty, as she stared as the opening through which Arlene had ran.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 21, 2016, 04:24:52 PM
"Maybe some food could calm her down," Kitty suggested, "Mouseburgers always help me with my nerves," she told Dixie. She began packing a bunch of the meaty treats in a bag and they looked in the direction Arlene ran off. There could still hear her panics in the distance.


"Thank you for letting me spend the days with you guys," Oliver said to Garfield, Tiger, and Scooby.

"Don't mention it," Tiger nodded to the kitten.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 23, 2016, 12:54:24 AM
Poor Girl must have really seen something that spooked her something fierce. Shes not the type to go off  screaming bloody murder .. about well anything " Dixie saiod ' the tv changed channel on its own and a voicve came out ' Better hurry girls ' came a cold whisper " a storm of stomach acid is coming in.. this one looks like it will be a big one.. last one dissolved most of bone buildings.. any unfortunate lot caught in it wil be dissolved away." the Tv then turned off. ' Hurry Kitty! Dixie Shouted, as she began to ran quickly after Arlene. As she ran She saw  Specters of small owns  singing in a chorus ' Run Run As your little feet can. The Duke is the fire and you're in his pan. the Stomach will consume you, you are his lunch ' Dixies ring glowed brightly , fueled by her anger." Back off you singing spooks! You're not getting me or my friends " she said in a firm voice. the ring glowed enough so both Dixie and Kitty could see out in front of them, and in the distance the running form of Arlene could be seen Running around a Courtyard..her face riven in terror.
 Scooby handed over a huge hot dog to OlIver " here you go, oliver . a little, wekcome to the club meal ' Scooby smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 24, 2016, 12:18:46 AM
"Thank you so much Mr Scooby," Oliver smiled. Being a feline, Oliver naturally had  a preference for meat dishes. The kitten between to bite the meal he had been offered by the Great Dane.

"Fish is still my favorite kind of meat, followed by steaks," Tiger said to the other guys. "Turns out I can't be a vegetarian forever," he chuckled heartily. The sheriff of Green River was stuffing his face as hard as he possibly could.


"We're catching up, there she is!" Kitty pointed with her claw. They saw Arlene had finally settled in a corner, and was shivering and screaming. "Girl, what happened to you?" the slightly plump lady cat asked, "You flipped out there....."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 24, 2016, 01:20:14 AM
Arlene looked up at the girls realization slowly replacing fear ' girls.. I. I dont.. I dont remember what i saw, all i know.. is.. that it was the most terrible thing I've ever seen. ow ' rain had began to fall, but not the normal rain... This rain was pure stomach acid. blood trickled out of where the drop had smoked into Arlene skin. and she looked around at Dixie and Kitty: We.. we.. need to get back inside.. i don't suppose any of you have got an umbrella?"
 Umbrella arent going to do much against this sort of rain. Dixie said, wincing as the rain began to fall harder ' Hurry Girls! this rain  burns me terribly..  And I don;t have any ointment with me.. or bandages>. Get Back inside!' Arlene raced towards the bone building, steam and crackling from the acid hitting the bones and starting to dissolve them. the girls got back inside as puddled were starting to form on the outside. Arlene winced as she looked at her uniform which was now full of holes.. ' well i guess i'll have to repair this somehow she said. as they headed up the stairs and headed back the room. arlene sat down on the bed, and took deep breaths, trying to calm herself, and sake free of the terrible images she had seen..
_ dixie paws at the holes in her dress, most;y they were near the bottom, showing her feet and legs.. still was frustrating to see a good dress be ruined..' I'm sending the Duke the bill for repairing the dress ' she said.. as she took a seat on the bed. and fumbled for the remote. On the screen showed the duke playing at a piano sending magical musical notes into the air..
_ So why do you like big cats so much Oliver? scooby asked " shere Khan, Baghera, Tigeress? Do you aspire to be like them?' he asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 24, 2016, 01:40:00 AM
"Yup, I do," Oliver nodded proudly. "I always like seeing a cat hero in real life, or in my favorite books, movies, and shows." He presented the list of famous felines he hoped to meet or at least get an autograph from. "Thanks to Mr. Garfield, I have Shere Khan's. And also I got Scar's back at that hotel. I'm hoping to get ones of King Kovu and King Kopa if we get to the Pride Lands," Oliver explained to the guys. "They make me know I can do great things in my life, too."


"Let's just worry about making it out of her alive, girls," Kitty said. "And we might have to stay in this room for quite a while if we want to avoid serious harm." She offered Arlene one of the mouseburgers. "This is our safe zone," she explained.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 24, 2016, 02:16:13 AM
so you're collecting signatures of big cats hmm/ Scooby scratched his head " Well, Everyone needs a hobby, i suppose, like collecting coins, or baseball cards, or what have you.. if we do go to Africa, i'll see if i can get those signatures for you.' scooby promised. " but whether we go there is up to Stripetail. So why do you like Scar so much? she asked As Oliver pointed to a book near his Seat " Scar: the Secret to my Sucess' the book read. it was mostly a picture book, with poses.
Yes, we are probably going to be stuck here for a good while ' Dixie said as she turned ion "Weather" channel which showed the gut was enduring the squall of a massive magical acid hurricane.  the girls could see that  the path they had entered into the city on was rapidly ebbing away.. replaced by what looked like reddish goop..' Um.. Looks like we couldnt leave this place, even if we wanted to, theres nowhere to go, Arlene said,  looking at the burns on her arms from the acid rain.. ' we have a bed, a tv, and each other.. and at least we have that " arlene sighed.we'll have to find some way to keep our spirits up and entertain each other.." she said as she munched on the mouseburger Kitty had given her.
 i can create food magically with my ring.. i just cant call for help with it" dixie said..' Think you can make some soup? arlene asked hopefully. ' like chicken noodle with mice in it?' She licked her lips at the thought of it.." well I''ve never tried that dish " dixie xsaaid " but i'll try. Any requests from you Kitty? Chicken stuffed mouseburgers , perhaps?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 24, 2016, 11:57:34 PM
"Because he's smart and handsome, even if he did do some bad stuff," Oliver admitted, looking over the book about Scar. He showed Scooby an advertisement that was in the back of it. "See? All of the big cats have their own stuffed toys, and I'm hoping to get one of each!" the kitten explained eagerly, letting the great dane see the book.


"Time for some local food," the Duke smirked as he swooped down and began to eat up the humans of a nearby village. The owl's appetite was endless, as he could always afford to stuff more prey inside of him. "They fill my delicate palate."


"Yeah, don't open the door," Kitty said simply, "It's not a good idea, like, AT ALL."


Back at Louie's palace, the monkeys were cheering on their king. He had taken a liking to Sawyer, and the actress cat was now bound by a chain to the plump king ape.

"So embarrassing...." Sawyer moaned under her breath as Louie literally yanked her chain.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 25, 2016, 02:01:50 AM
Louie pulled Sawyer into a wet kiss his tongue filling her mouth. sawyer struggled against him but the kings grip was like a vice, and the more she struggled the deeper he pushed his tongue down her throat.  Finally Louie Pulled away, long enough for Berri to feed him a fresh platter of fruit. Sawyer had been moved out of Berri's hut at Louie's Request, now she had a little cot and a blanket next to Louie's throne. the only times she would allowed back into Berri's hut  was when it rained, and since the monsoon season was a couple months away.. They settled into a routine, Berri stuffing food down Louies throat, and Louie slobbering over Sawyer, leaving slobber dripping down her face ' You Taste Nice sugar. Why you hold out on Louie. Because Louie dont like it when ladies dont give me sugar" louie said yanking on Sawyers chain.
  Therse arent going to be cheap Oliver, Scooby said flipping through the catalog - which covered 100 pages- " Each one is like 100 dollars, and theres like 100 guys in here.. loook i could get you 1 or 2, but   surely theres something you like that not so expensive..I mean, If i got all of these thats 10000 dollars. what would you do with Them.?
 Well, I trued going out after  watching TV' Arlene said as Dixie Created  Some soup with her ring.. as requested thee was mice in it for Arlene. Dixie  created some mouse pie for Kitty and made herself some tomato soup.. On the Tv,, there appeared the ghost owls. and they began singing :' welcome girls to you new abode-4 walls a roof and  a tv set. settle in, and get used to it.. cause you're never, never, never getting out!
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 25, 2016, 11:22:26 PM
"Eh......I'm trying my hardest, master," Sawyer said in a grossed out and unenthusiastic tone, clearly hating what she had going through thanks to the ape king. She quickly got pulled into another kiss just after Berri finished giving Louie the next fruit from the dish. The servant monkeys could only laugh at what they were seeing.


"Collect them and play with them," Oliver smiled sweetly and innocently. "Plus it would be fun to share them with other kittens my age."

Tiger and Garfield were eating more food on the bus ride over.


"Never, ever," the girls trapped inside the Grand Duke heard the big owl himself say. Then they felt forceful shaking as the belly shook from the Duke's laughter.

"At least we won't go hungry," Kitty said to the other two, "But I'm afraid that's really not our biggest problem right now....."

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 27, 2016, 07:59:54 PM
Scooby flipped through the pages ' one of these Kovu's plushs costs 100000 dollars! You could go to college for a tenth of that!' he said "if you are getting all these, well Your mom will have to do that.. and you'll have to be realistic about which ones she can afford to get you..' Scooby said , Giving Oliver his pillow to rest on. Scooby would rest against the window..
 Sawyer was tongued again by Louie, the king clearly enjoying his dominance over her.  Louie's long tongue snaked into sawyers mouth, and almost triggered Sawyers gag reflex... SAwyer pushed  him away finally and stared helpless at Berri, who shot her a pitying look.
 Dixie managed to create  a first aid kit with her ring..' seems like the dukes allowing us to  feed ourselves and fix ourselves.. but  in this prison, we dont get a phone call. Dixie said as she banadages the burns on Arlenes arm.' we'll have to pass the time in other ways.."
 well, we could talk abouty the boys in our lives.' dixie said " she sighed " i sure wish scooby was here. Sure, He'd likely be scared stiff at being trapped inside a Owls gut.. But well that how I feel. I'm scared I'll be stuck in here for years , as the Duke slowly, slowly, SLOWLY digests me, and  has those ghostly owls snag about me becoming bird poo. I Love Scooby to death, and its times ,like this when I realize how lucky i have it. A guy that appreciates my cooking, tolerates my soap operas, and  even lets me sing in the shower, now how many guys are around like that..?
 I'm going to talk about Oliver" Arlene began " yes I talk about him a lot. But what worries me.. is.. well not being thee for him. More than trying to get Garfield to settle down is .. well trying to me a good mom for Oliver.. what can I say? the kids adorable, sweet, and always trying to help. and even though I've watching something like 25 straight hours of Catman, theres still another 25 hours the kid hasnt seen. and i'll watch it with him. All 25 hours.
I hope and pray, that someday soon, i'll have a son or sons of my Own " dixie said " and I hope fervently, that they can be as good to me, as Oliver has been to you Arlene.." have yiou thought of names for them? Arlene asked.."No. No.. But I am open for suggestions.. Just.. not Muggsy, Or  Spike.' ' Arlene turned to Kitty. ' What about you, Kitty. What is the feature of Tiger that you love the most? is it him being sheriff? is it his ability to bark like a dog? or is it something else?' Arlene said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 29, 2016, 12:06:29 AM
"Well, his goofiness, his smile, and his gut," Kitty said to start it off, "He's always been there for me and has done whenever he can to keep me safe, You can really appreciate that about a man. It's nice living in Green River, being the star attraction, all the boys coming out to see me sing, the experience is invigorating. And now I'm just really hoping to get out of here soon, before we become owl droppings."


"Well, we can get the cheaper ones first," Oliver smiled innocently, knowing that most of these was out of their price range. The kitten had such great admiration for these big successful felines in the world.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 29, 2016, 10:57:05 AM
Droopy walked over to where Samia and her friend were.  In his hand was a small box.  "I found some cards I had.  I thought we could have some fun passing the time.  It's an old go fish deck I had. Well old in it's from the 80's I think.  Though they do look pretty new."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 29, 2016, 11:03:56 AM
Sure we'll play ' Samia said, taking a seat at the table
 Dulcy squeezed in as well. ' winner gets to pickout the team dinner for tonight?' dulcy offered as she took 7 cards from the pile. Samia also took 7. ok, there should be 31 cards in the 'pond' to start off with she said.' Droopy, we;ll let you start first." i'l go next, then Dulcy goes third.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on September 29, 2016, 09:01:56 PM
Droopy nodded, "Ok, it's been a while since I played this game." He said.  He had forgotten some of the details of the set up and rules.  "Thanks for your help and that does sound like a good prize for the winner." He said smiling.    He took his 7 cards and put the rest in the pond pile.  "there, that should be all that's needed." He said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 30, 2016, 12:23:50 AM
Annabelle and Belladonna were playing poker on the Rottens' Bus.

"I swear you are cheating, my cousin," Annabelle said accusingly.

"Cmon, isn't swearing a sin?" the hellhound teased in response, sticking her tongue out as she laid down her cards all over the table.


"So good," the Duke grinned, as he swallowed more prey whole.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 30, 2016, 08:58:57 PM
Having an audience cheer your singing every night sounds wonderful Kitty' arlene said I wish i could experience something like that" Arlene said." Guys cheering for you? requesting songs? ah.. sounds like quite the life.. You girls have guys who would barge through a brick wall for you." Scooby would probably need a scooby Snack first " dixie said." or be really really scared first.. One of those two.."
 Still he'd do it' arlene said."At least you have another  reason for getting out of here now. Oliver.' Dixie said. " true . Arlene nodded . Hmm. Maybe I'll get braces.. you know to fix the gap in my teeth." she smiled ' showing the gap in her top front teeth.
kopa had the royal channel set to the games.. the royals werent share which team they wanted to win.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 02, 2016, 09:09:52 PM
Kovu was sitting on his personal "throne" of lionesses who adored him. "I have my father's gambling sense," Kovu said, having won a majority of the wagers made between the royals.


The monkeys cheered on their king as he held Sawyer by her chain. "She's getting to be a better servant, King," they smirked.


"I just want to find a way out of here, but we don't have any of those right now," Kitty sighed, liyng down, "I wanna make it back to Tiger."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 02, 2016, 10:43:32 PM
You're a risk-taker bro, Still It does have its advantages" Kopa said as he flipped through the channels.
 Well what about cooking something very spicy? arlene suggested " Garfield once ate a bvery spicy lsanaga, and he spent nearly a whole day in the bathroom, and it was a wek before he could even LOOK at a lasanga, and this from a cat who would MARRY lasanga, if sort of thing ever became legal. So we create something very spicy and toss it out into the Dukes gut. and then , well he either throws up expelling out that way.. or well we go out the south end. Either way. We';ll be alive.' Arlene suggested
 The guys got magic though" Dixie pondered. ' that would dampen any effect the food would have on him."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 02, 2016, 10:47:51 PM
"That's a good thought, but I fear we might be underestimating this owl's appetite," Kitty pointed out. "Look at everyone and everything else we've seen evidence of him eating. Nothing can upset his stomach....."


"I take the risks when the odds aren't already in my favor," Kovu said, nuzzling his lionesses.


Oliver slept peacefully on the bus ride over to their next destination. He dreamed of being a superhero like his favorite, Catman.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 02, 2016, 11:25:00 PM
wE would have to make something extremely spicy then " Arlene argued " Something so spicy , even LOOKING at it makes your eyes water. Something to give the guy the mother of all stomach aches, and force him to upcheck the last things he ate- which would include US. We'll be covrered in magic owl guts.. and Be  well behind the others.. but better that than being taunted by the ghosts of everyone else he ever ate. Kitty,  what are some really spicy dishes you've cooked for tiger? You've got to have some we could whip up " dixie can create the ingredients and a pot and we can get to work. We'll  Combine some recipes into one.. Its worth a shot, At least, and It would  keep us occupied..
 She still resisting me though" Louie said as he kissed her again, and berri finished giving the king fruit' Get me some more grapes and bananas Beri dear " Loui. said ' Yes, My king " Berri bowed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 02, 2016, 11:28:20 PM
"Well, I've had some spicy fish and noodle pasta," Kitty explained, recalling every recipe she ever tried. "Though I don't think the spices Green River offers are nearly enough, even if they are all combined," the showgirl cat explained.


"She'll grow to love you soon enough," the monkeys grinned, "You two make quite the cute couple, eh?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 03, 2016, 12:13:25 AM
Well there was the Monster mexican Chili Cookoff scooby entered and badly burned his tongue- It was the Highway robbery Pepers that nearly did him in. Scoobys a champoion eater.." dixie said. " Vittos makes a very spicy pizza " arlene paused" and Began combing through her things.. " recipes recipes now where did I..?
 Dixie created a pot and ladle using her ring.. suddenly a bony table appeared and the pot and ladle flew out of Dixies hands and landed on the table.  "Cooking Ladies? the Dukes  voice came through the screen " Wonderful wonderfu;l "  I do LOVE cooking.. Bake me a cake, would you? Do that and I MIGHT, just might, let you stay in my gut for eternity. Better that than being dissolved am I right ? Really impress me, and I'll even show whats going on in the outside world. See What I see, if you catch my meaning..
 New Dehli was nearly 2 days away from where the buses were, So everyone had a lot of time to kill on the way there." anyone ever paddle a boat before? scooby asked Woody and winnie the two birds shook their heads " Well You can be the " stroke!" person Woody ' scooby said " Yknow the guy who sits at the front ' and yells " stroke! Stroke! Stroke at them.>
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 03, 2016, 07:33:32 PM
"And you've really just resigned yourself to this fate?" Sawyer whispered to Berri while Louie was momentarily talking with his men. "Why haven't you planned escape or fighting back?"


Kitty hesitated. She had seen the Duke talk before, and while he could be a bit of a trickster, he was not a flat out liar. "What do you say girls, should we give him what he wants?" she suggested, "Our normal skills will not get us out of here."


"What are you doing Mr. Scooby?" Oliver asked curiously.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 03, 2016, 07:56:15 PM
Well, beacuse theres nowhere for me to go, and i've been his servant  long enough now that hes grown on me  I've tried escaping before, but got caught after less than a day.' Berri said. " he always wins, dear Sawyer. accept it."
 Alright" Dixie said " What sort of cake do you want..?' Hmm The duke paused in thought " A Cookies and cream cake, with chocolate icing on top. I'm in a decadent mood today I suppose, course i did eat the town baker and his family, so that might have something to do it>
_ we'll Do it" arlene said. " very well girls get cooking " the Duke Said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 03, 2016, 08:06:35 PM
Sawyer was about to respond, when she felt her chain yank her back to the ape king. "Yes Louie?" she said reluctantly as she was pressed against his squishy belly.


"Get us the recipe and ingredients then," Kitty said to her friends, "We're gonna have to go all out on this." Kitty was used to making both dinner and dessert at her home back in Green River, so she felt she could contribute.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 03, 2016, 08:19:32 PM
Dixie created the ingredients. and the duke was nice enough to send them paper (Made from bone meal) so they could write down some recipes. Arlene would beat the eggs and  Dixie would be  in charge of frosting " if We butter him up, We might get better accommodations " dixie said. " this should take about an hour " she said to the Tv scren " MM very well ladies Just give me 5 minutes heads up so i can get myself redy for dinner. In addition to a cake " I want  a fresh;y cooked salmon" the Duke said. Dinner, with dessert you see.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 03, 2016, 08:22:41 PM
"Of course there's always a catch....." Kitty said under her breath.


"What do you want with me now, my king?" Sawyer asked to Louie, nervously.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 03, 2016, 08:49:08 PM
Bring m,e a fresh platter of coconuts, with bananas smashed them ' Louie said with a huge grin. Go on now.. the sooner you get louie want he wants, the sooner you can dance you him." He grinned broadly.

_ better som,e fish  than an entire 5 course meal" dixie Whispered to her." We'll get on the fish right away.. She Said "Excellent.' you keep this up girls and I just might call you my in house, housewifes" the Duke laughed.
_ Well This is part of your dream Arlene ' dixie said To Arlene. "I didnt have stuck in the gut of a magic owl in mind.' arlene said " would you rather bew back in mOnstro?" Well with him you got all the fish you wanted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 03, 2016, 08:54:31 PM
"Let's just keep cooking girls," Kitty said as she took out the needed tools and ingredients. "We have to give the Duke what he wants, no complaining....."


"Yes, sir," Sawyer nodded to Louie, going to grab the coconuts. When she did, she smashed bananas with them just like the king had requested. "At least it's not kissing him..." she said to herself.


Oliver listened to everything that was going on inside the bus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 03, 2016, 11:27:24 PM
dixie set the oven to an hour and wairted for it to hit the right gtemperature. arlene was quickly mixing the cake batter. dixie got the frosting ready.
 berri brought out some music for her and sawyer to dance too.' belly bump anyone' she smirked as louie began eating out the coconut.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 03, 2016, 11:47:21 PM
Sawyer and Berri danced near Louie, shaking their hips and busts toward the smug king. Sawyer had been taught the moves, and knew what she had to do. "See anything you like?" she asked Louie begrudgingly.


Kitty was providing the fruit needed for pies. "Here's hoping they add flavor," she commented with a smirk.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 04, 2016, 12:13:04 AM
Berii stuck her butt out for Louie to smack and he smacked both girls bs with a firm smack. he pulled sawyer into sveveral deep kisses slobbering over her and smacking her butt at the same time,. after about 20 kisses where he tongued sawyer sawyer had a smirk ' now for a change of pace.. berri , give your girl some sugar..' my king, you dont mean, kiss her do you ' Yes, plant one on her tongue her , give yourself a view of her manmgfoes.. all for your king, of course. But ypur majesty' berri erepled ' do you want me to call shere khan? louie said. Berri sighhed, then took sawyer and her arms and kissed her on the lips, with reluctance.
- cake is ready to fir the oven ' arlene said whistling a tune as she put the cake in the oven, and Dixie started the time after coveing the cake with frosting
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 04, 2016, 02:10:19 AM
Gabriel and her Weasels were floating along the Ganges River. Several fishermen were plying their trade there. As usual, her sleek warship had been disguised as a simple fishing vessel. The nets on the deck concealed weapons and other various goods she needed.


DZ, Pfish and Chip were kept busy dealing with all the contraband being smuggled into the games.

For some reason, people kept trying to smuggle firecrackers in.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 04, 2016, 08:22:26 PM
Droopy made sure everything looked ready before he picked up his cards.  "Hmm." He said as he looked his cards over.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 04, 2016, 08:48:53 PM
samia and dulcy looked at theur cards.' ok Droopy you ask me first for a certain, numbe if i dont have it, then you ask Dulcy. if she doesnt have it you go fish' Samia said to him. So ash away " she said fingers a 7, 2 and 5, all of clubs.
Scooby took a nap next to oliver, trying to rest after all the excitement..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 04, 2016, 10:33:28 PM
"It's a long ride," Oliver yawned," seeing the beautiful environments of the Indian Jungle pass by through the windows of the bus. Oliver was happy to be one of the "Guys' Club" and he got along with Scooby, Garfield, and Tiger quite well.

"Thanks for making me a club member," he added.


Sawyer locked lips with Berri, though clearly neither the cat nor the ape really enjoyed it. But Louie and his men sure did.

"How was.....that?" Sawyer asked the king, wanting to hack up a furball.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 04, 2016, 11:02:19 PM
needed more tongue love, but overall i'd give it a B-. You'll get better with practice" louie smirked
 Practice/ Berri spat. her lips taste like fish, and her breath smells like cat food, and olives and.. caviar.. thats fish eggs isnt it? That was NOT enjoyable, my king' Berri said. "berri, remember who is king? Louie smirked" I tell you to do something, dear, you do it. whatever it is. no matter what it is. Understand? now.. go fetch me my slippers" Louie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 04, 2016, 11:26:49 PM
"What do you want me to do next, King Louie?" Sawyer asked as he was suddenly yanked towards Louie and plopped against his slightly plump stomach. Her face frowned as it was pressed against the king. "You've.....added a few pounds," she noted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 04, 2016, 11:50:59 PM
The oven dinged, and Dixie pulled out the finished cake, which smelled - and looked- delicious." this isd for the Duke " Dixie said wavubng it in front of the screen "go, put it out on the plate you'll see n front of trhe building." the Duke said from the tv..'I Trust the fish is ready too ?' Arklene showed him the glazed salmon..' Ezxcellent, put that on the smaller plate you'll find next to it..Hurry girls. the sooner i taste your cooking the sooner i rend my decision."
 Come on" arlene said carrying the fish.. Outside, in a courtyard. two eniormious plates appeared, ine written Cake, the other Fish.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 05, 2016, 01:11:07 AM
"We hope you like it, Mr. Grand Duke of Owls," Kitty remarked. They really hoped the big owl would like the food and let them out. Surely he would if he found their creation scrumptious, right......?


"What do you want now, King?" Sawyer asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 05, 2016, 02:11:06 AM
Gabriel retreated below decks when she had received word that the newest creation was ready: dehydrated water. It took the form of shimmering blue pellets that when dampened with any liquid (even non-water-based ones) instantly produced a gallon of water - per BB sized pellet.

And they had just managed to produce enough pellets to fill a 55 gallon drum. Twice.

Gabriel smirked as the pellets were carefully scooped into the steel drum. She figured flooding the whole Ganges would ruin the mood of the games.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 05, 2016, 03:56:27 PM
The Duke made short work of both the cake and fish and let out a huge belch that caused the trio to be thrown to the ground,' Superb! The Duke boomed happily ' Well done ladies! I must have more! Lots more! " He chuckled " sorry to disappoint you girls, but it will take more than 1 lip-smacking meal to buy your way to freedom1 Not even 100 such meals will do! 500? maybe. 1000 sure. But every meal must be delicious, absolutely no clunkers! If I want bad food I can get it from anywhere!"
 Ah Ok " Dixie said ' 1000 meals, thats um, 333 days worth of food.. thats 11 months worth. 'Longer, it depends how BIG the meals i want is" The Duke said with a laugh.. " but i will give you a reward for the first morsel. Tonight yiou will be allowed to see outside my gut at the outside world. as i see it. ' Can I seee Oliver? Please? I cant STAND being away from him for a year! arlene pleaded " i miss my son!' And my Scooby! Dixie said. Girls girls Girls! The Duke said " its your fault for being in my snacking sight! Th Duke said" did none of you read the prey contract as you went down?
 What contract? Dixie said " You didnt read it? typical... look the rules are this. I test everyone I eat.  If you can provide a use for me, you wont get digested. However, if you cant , you get digested but not before i scare you witless, by playing on your imprisonment and worst fears .  Most of my victims cant provide me with anything of note, so they get scared, and sent down below, usually within a few hours. i started the usyal procedure with you, but..But you three hsve proven that your skills fit a need of mine- to be fed scrumptious meals. My servants , sadly, are not very good cooks. And well  eating Hutchs food should be classed as a form of torture. So starting tomorrow. 3 full courses of meals . i will give you the lists of foods and sizes of portions  i want. Just for the record, I dont eat small meals.' the duke chuckled. now.. you may go back to your room. at 10 pm, Arlene will get an hour to see your boy. after that kitty will get an hour, and dixie an hour.unfortunately, i can only grant you enough to see them, not talk to  them.. For now, you have each other's company.. that will have to suffice. just be gklad you;re not stuck with hutch as a cellmate.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 05, 2016, 09:32:03 PM
"We'll take that as a positive," Kitty said, looking at the girls. "At this point even if it takes a while our only way out of here is doing what he says. He has power over us, not the other way around, let's just give him the meals he wants and do the best job possible to save our fur." The Green River singer cat focused on that.


Oliver was given headphones to listen to music. "Nice beat," he smiled. He swayed his cute little head back and forth to the rhythm.


Sawyer was now forced to sit on Louie's lap as Berri returned with his slippers. "What is going on now?" the feline asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 05, 2016, 10:29:22 PM
Seems like we caught a break' Arlene , said relieved that they had done well wuith the cooking.. a large clock appeared overhead.. showing it was 9"12' 50 minutes ior sio until i get to see OLiver' she said, giving it a glance.. before heading up the stairs back inside Bone house. dixie followed her.. as they entered the room. Arlene threw herself on the bed'  gosh i'm beat' the pink cat moaned..'
 well fun time is over  LOuie said ' Its now charity month ' he said pulling out a pocket watch..' berri go get my treasure hoard.. i have a few charities.. like the Shere Khan Orphan and Widows fund- i need to donate to' the king said.
Kovu brought in a flier to Kopa " Hey bro. we could host those games we've been watching. just 50000 to bid! " we have that! many times over' he said startling his thone of lionesses.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 05, 2016, 11:57:14 PM
"That sounds like a great idea," Kiara said, walking into the cave. "A chance to show the beauty of our land to the entire world, all the sights, and sounds and diverse creatures...." She saw Kovu sitting on the lionesses who willingly were his makeshift throne. "Comfy?" she smiled.

The lionesses of the pride, while they obeyed both kings without complaint, were split into two categories, "Kopa Loyalists" and "Kovu Loyalists" Each had a different perspective on the kingship.


"Our king is a great guy," the monkeys said, "Every month lots of people and animals get lots of money and necessities in donations."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2016, 12:43:03 AM
The Kovu loyalists, called Gut Girls after Kovu's propensity for eating,  thought Kovu was the better king, largely because Scar had left the Pridelands wealthy when Simba took over.  while Simba had built on this wealth, the   Kovu loyalists teased the Kopa loyalist ' as easy takers, and ones who preferred thick skulls over thick hides. Kopa's loyalists, called Chest Cats, after Kopa's well defined muscles, thought Kopa was the proper king. as his lineage stretched back further. they called the Kovu loyalist as housewives
 All this teasing was, of course only in good fun,.
 We're competing against Madagascar. Egypt, and South Africa " Vitani said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 06, 2016, 12:48:43 AM
"Well, Kovu here just needs to put in a  good word for us," Kiara said with confidence, "After all my love, you have that natural charm about you that makes it impossible to say no to you." She nuzzled Kovu's mane, climbing a bit onto the throne of lionesses.

"Plus King Kovu has the genius of Scar," one of his loyalists purred happily. She loved the feeling of Kovu relaxing on top on them.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2016, 01:30:28 AM
i did drain the watering hole by having the elephants do belly flops into it ' KOvu said. his brain,  was a big turnon for his girl who loved a well spoken lion.
 From what I've read Kovu. this wizard running the games doesnt care for schmoozers." Vitani said " we need to show him why we're best suited , plunking down 50000 isbnt going to guarantee anything, it just gets us in the front door. We'll need , like a sonmg and dance number, have timon and pumba do tricks. you know, stuff that can impress an incredibly powerful mage.. they dont impress easily..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 06, 2016, 01:47:08 AM
"A song and dance number, we can do that," Kiara suggested, as Kion slept peacefully in the den, her and Kopa's little brother was still really young.

"But if its something other nominees do," a Kopa loyalist said, "How can we make it stand out? I'm sure whoever determines these probably gets sick of the same thing over and over again....."

"I got it," one of Kovu's loyalists said, whispering her idea to the brown furred, black maned king.

"What's the idea?" Kiara smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2016, 01:58:25 AM
remember the story about the guy who finds a genies abnd has all his wishes come true. we could say the kings do that for us " the lioness said ' onwee of the kings will play the powerful genie, and the other will play the boy throwing favorsds and cabdy all over the place, as we sing about how great the guy is.."
 I like It! I like It! Kovu said kissing the lioness smack on the lips, drawing a murmur from her, and a swoon from the other girls.." mushi, you are a genius' vitani beemed" so we'l;l have kovu  playing the trinket throwing guy on an show off stroll, and kopa will do the commentating as the genie We'll have to come up with lyrics of course.. and we'll see when we can get the wizard to come upand visit..
  very well i'll pay the role of the wisgh grabter.. we'll need Nuteri and Rafiki to help with the effects.. Kopa said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 06, 2016, 02:01:48 AM
"It's only natural," another Kovu loyalist smiled, "That Kovu is presented as the beloved one," she nuzzled against Kovu's mighty gut, liking the soft yet strong feeling it provided.

"That'll be something new," nodded Kiara, "I'm sure the host of this will have never seen something like that before."

"We'd need the help of some other animals," Nuka suggested.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2016, 12:22:50 PM
Dixie enteed the room and climbed onto the bed nexto Arlene" well it could be a lot worse" she said as Arlene Turned to look at her " We get to se our families at leasdt.' true.. Arlene yawned, and she wiped her eyes" you girls hungry? Its past 9 and I dont think we've had much to eat today " i could go for pizza, pepperoni, please. stuffed crust. I like eating my pizza backwards' Arlene grinned..Pizza for you.. and what  about you Kitty/ Dixie said creating a cook outfit with her ring, and doffing her cooks hat..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 06, 2016, 01:53:56 PM
"Spaghetti with meatballs, I have a thing for Italian food," Kitty said, "Plus I could use it after today, with all the cooking we've done." She plopped herself onto the bed. "The Duke drives a hard bargain."


"Should we wake Kion up?" Kiara asked her brother, "See if he wants to help us with our idea?" Kion was dreaming peacefully on the floor.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2016, 02:46:11 PM
No, Let the kid sleep. he'll find out what we are doing tomorrow, and i'm sure He wants to be a part of it " kopa said. Now Send me all the Legal stuff. you know indemnifying the wizard if the ratings flop.. damage to his reputation, and all sort of that  stuff."
- certainly.. we all need a bit of comfort food after today." dixue said creating a extra large pizza and extra large pot og spaghetti and meetballs, with a large side of garlic bread sticks,. Dig In Girls. i';m making mashed potatoes gravy and fried chicken.." dixie said as the smells of fried chicken and mashed ;potatoes reached their nostrils.
- this looks so good ' arlene said. her mouth watering as she took a sloice and began eating it, crust first, savoring the hot cheese in her mouth.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 06, 2016, 06:45:54 PM
"Let me get that," Nuka said. Kovu's older brother had been granted the title of Pride Lands Secretary, and was in charge of finding important documents. Kovu wanted to be sure his brother had some position in the Pride Lands.

Kiara looked down at Nuka's back legs. "Glad those finally healed up," she sincerely told her brother-in-law.

"Yeah, I'm surprised he turned up alive after that log fall," a Kovu loyalist said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2016, 07:36:33 PM
Mushi spoke up again " we'll go get the mystics and zazu and tell them. 'mushi was what the ko-kings called a shared girl, in which she spent time with both males ' she was also one of Vitani's favorites, as she was one of the prides best hunters and Vitani  always made sure she accompanied her on hunts, her 'leg nip' was invariably fatal to prey..
 Nuteri and Rafiki are very skilled healers Kopa said in reply.'Nuka has done a job as a secretary..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 06, 2016, 08:38:58 PM
"And I'm proud of him," Vitani said, "I always teased him growing up but I always loved him too, and I'm glad he was able to find something he was good at."

"So Kovu," Ruka, a Kovu loyalist asked, "We should get some of the other animals to agree to the song. For example, you could be riding on an elephant."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 06, 2016, 11:01:48 PM
Summi, a kopa loyakist, followed him out into the kindom. kopa turmed and gave his l;oyal girl a warm kiss on the lips

 kovu kissed and squeezed Ruka and another lioness named Bumi. I love my job." he grinned.
- Dixie  pulled out some dessert recipes . " apple pie, anyone?" she grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 06, 2016, 11:09:03 PM
"Add a mouse to it, and sure," Kitty said at the thought of desert. She liked all her meals to involve beef in someway, like any true carnivore.


Kiara, Kovu, and some of Kovu's lionesses went out into the Savannah to ask some of the animals to help with their proposed song spectacle.

"You won't have to sing if you feel you're not good at it," Kiara assured. "Kopa's handling the main vocals."

"It's a song all about our great King Kovu," Ruka smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 07, 2016, 06:36:36 PM
When dies everything need to be ready? ashed a gazelle 3 weeks' Mushi said. it will take them time to go through Arabia and most of Africa " vitani said " So We do the Big production number, and the Wildlife video.. might have them catxch you guys with nets i dont know.."
 Mice It is Girl.. i'll dip them in honey and brown sugar " dixie said.. Sliding some battered mice into the warm pie.. Arlene drolled openly at the Smell.. ' Save me some kitty!' she said.. " that stuff smells SO good.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 07, 2016, 11:21:38 PM
"And we'll need a big, tall elephant for Kovu to sit on top of and ride," Kiara said. She was always a kindhearted lioness, and all of the Pride Lands loved her for it.

"Any of you want to volunteer?" Ruka asked the elephant herd.

"I can help with the video," Vitani offered Kopa.


"Sure, I can respect a fellow feline's appetite," Kitty said, offering Arlene a slice for eating.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 09, 2016, 12:37:50 AM
Dixie took a slice of pizza and gave herself some meatballs along with hers mashed potatos and fried chicken " dixie wolfed down the food, savoring each bit.' Ok, girls. as we are enjoying this real good meal. lets remembers others that didnt quite make the grade. what was the worst meal you;ve ever eaten/ Was it something you made or someone else? and What was the meal?'
 Oh Geez. Great question' Arlene said as paused in eating her appler and mice pie.' I'll need to think about it Are you talking about at a restaurant? because there was that time where Garfield got it into his head that he could cook like Vito and Run a restaurant like Vito. He had all his friends try his food.. And It was... BAD. like wretched, bad Nearly made a big mess all over Jon's backyard. in more recent times there was the food at the shelter for homeless toons I stayed at briefly when Gabreil started ruining everything for toon town> I stopped going there nbecause the food was dreadful. I mean, i know they tried as best they could to get food to folks and tried to get what they could .. but after a couple attempts, i decided I'd be better off on the streets. Which is where you and Scooby found me.."
 sxcooby got up from his seat in the middle of the night to grab himse;f some water, when he heard Oliver call out out to him' Yes, Oliver. What is it?' He asked kindly through a yawn.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 12, 2016, 12:22:07 AM
"What are we gonna do for the Guys club when we get to the town?" Oliver asked Scooby, enjoying the fact he was an "official member" of the "organization."

Tiger yawned as he woke up. "Ahhh......a nice cat nap," he said, licking his lips.


Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 13, 2016, 07:12:15 PM
the weasels began dumping the ' instant water into the Yamuna river headwaters and it began flowing down stream in a wave of water. It would reach Delhi in a couple hours and flood the city.. These gits wont take a hint ' the weasels said " So we'll need to be cleaer wutgh them. Wash out the games entirely. And we'll need to go Africa abd europe and scare off any place that might want to host the game/ Dip Em if they don't cooperate.
 Well We'll have to see.. depends on what manly things thee are in Delhi" scooby said to Oliver.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 14, 2016, 01:02:58 AM
"Sweet," Oliver smirked, trying to flex his paws. Of course, being a kitten, he had no real muscle to speak of yet. But Tiger commended him nonetheless.


"Salads.....I hate salads," Kitty said with an audible shiver. "Some veggies are fine, but having nothing but vegetables disgusts me. I'm glad I convinced Tiger to take up red meat again."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 16, 2016, 08:20:25 PM
Salads? well it depends on what is in it. Fruit salads, which are made entirely of fruits, are actually good. But for your sake Kitty girl, we won;t be having any salads. Steaks, Pizza, Hot dogs, sure. Salads? No. Eggs and sausage? Yeah.." Dixie said " Sausage Biscuits sound good Arlene said with a smile. We'll rotate  who makes breakfast. I'll volunteer for tomorrow. I'll make hash browns.. love them, love them, love them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 20, 2016, 10:06:08 PM
"So, we're stuck here for a while at least," Kitty realized, "We might as well get used to this place. At least we have each other," she said, nuzzling the cheeks of the other girls. "And we got a room, if that's any slight consolation."


The buses stopped at a restaurant outside Dehli. "Oh boy," Tiger said, seeing what restaurant it was. "I've heard of this place on TV, it has great buffets for great prices."

"Hey Mr. Scooby, Mr. Tiger, Mr. Garfield?" Oliver spoke up, "I've done some thinking, and I realized that to become more manly like you guys, I gotta get fatter. And I was hoping you could help me."

"Well, we're at just the right place," Tiger smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 20, 2016, 11:14:06 PM
Could be a lot worse DIxie said as she returned the nuzzle to Kitty" We could  already be in the Duke's colon. And we'll have lots of practice in cooking for the guys, when we get out- which we WILL- I'd wager We'll be the best cooks in our respective hometowns. The Duke will FORCE us to be better.
 Arlene nuzzled Dixie and Then Kitty " well We Do have each other. And Truthfully There are a lot worse company I Could have right now.. like nermal. Cute kitty, but as full of himself as GarfIeld is at Times. So.. what could we do now.. to pass some time?' Arlene asked askded the other girls.. " i'm open to just about anything.
 This one is called ThE Cats Full Kitchen. Must normally cater to Cats " Scooby said as they entered.. and Towering displays of food met the quartets eyes. Scoobys mouth began to water as did Garfield and Tigers. ' Well Oliver, you want to get big? We'll help you, and this is just the place to do it " 4 all you can eat buffets please" scooby Said to the waitress" With everything>"     Scooby and the others wrre given adult size glasss, Oliver a kid sized- but huge for a kid- glass, which wre quickly filled with Soda " This is your initiation Oliver " scooby said " You will eat and eat and eat, until we are all full. You will eat every bite on your plate, no matter how  full you may feel."
  Course after course arrived and the 3 adults attacked the food. Course after course passed and was devoured quickly by the expert eaters. Oliver started to bloat after the 3rd course, and by the emd of the 5th course was showing signs of being Full. Scooby, who was closest to oliver "  Started forcing him to eat fish ' Rememer Oliver This is Man stuff! Eat Like A man! Eat ! Eat Eat!' This was no longer about the kid eating willingly, but of the Adults MAKING him eat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 20, 2016, 11:27:33 PM
"Well, we could talk about Oliver," Kitty said with a smirk, "Or we could.....have some fun together," she added soothingly in a lower voice. She pulled Arlene close with a powerful hug, Arlene was a toothpick compared to the other two after all. She nuzzled her head against Arlene's as she planted her lips on Arlene's cheek. While she liked Dixie, Kitty always preferred the company of other cats. She kissed the other cheek then moved on to Arlene's lips. The grey and white furred cat pressed her dark red lips hard against the smaller pink cat's dark red lips, her tongue slowly and teasingly making its way into Arlene's mouth, tasting the flavor of food left over on her lips. Her claws gently picked at the straps to Arlene's bra.


"Uh.....ok," Oliver nodded with 3 chins now, the little kitten slowly but surely becoming little only in age. Tiger held Oliver's mouth open with his paw.

"So you can't stop your initiation," Tiger explained to Oliver, "You WILL get more manly, and by that we mean fat!"

Oliver tried to stop eating after the 7th course, but the others kept feeding him fish and other delicacies. He then noticed Garfield and Scooby paying for literally DOZENS of other all you can eat buffets.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 21, 2016, 12:05:09 AM
Arlene was surprised as Kitty Started to kiss her but as soon as Kittys Dark red lips found hers she began To Reciprocate, Arlene began to massage Kittys Tongue with her own,  and Slid her claws up to the back of Kittys drss, looking for the zipper to begin to undress the larger cat, who was holding tightly against her. Arlene felt her uniform slide off showing her breasts to her girlfriend. Arlenes breasts were the smallest of the three girls, and it wasnt close. Arlene Really liked Kitty - and she DEFINITELY liked that Kitty was making out with her- but she loved Dixie, who had been so kind to her up to this point and was helping her with garfield and Oliver. Arlenes claws found thier way to Kittys breasts and Arlene placed her tongue into Kitty's mouth tasting the mouse pie Dixie had made for her Arlenes lips Covered kitty's entire snout.. Dixie was watching with a smile as her girlfriends made out. She was patiently waiting her turn, as she would be the next girl to kiss kitty.
 Scooby charged the meals to his Scooby Doobies credit card_ which was given to the team leades for emergencies by Stripetail- and the food kept coming, but the 30th course Oliver looked like an overflated baloon and had 5 chins, but the food kept coming and coming " So you folks are trying for the kIds 100 challenge I see. No kid has ever done it. If that kid finishes all 100 without throwing up- all the food is free! And The Kid gets a selection of 100 toys to pick from.. and a "Bottomless Gut" t shirt" The head waitress said as they put down the next tray.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 21, 2016, 12:31:26 AM
"100 of these?" Oliver mentally gasped as Tiger and Garfield stuffed more fish and steak into his mouth, force feeding him at an even faster pace.

"Your gut is expanding," Tiger commented, "But it's not manly enough! We will make you even flabbier, Oliver. Let's pick up the pace, boys!"


"I'm saving my least interested kissing for last," Kitty joked to Dixie when she briefly broke lip contact with Arlene. She began rubbing her paws over Arlene's chest. "Not as big as mine, but it can manage," she smiled in a gentle way, squeezing the pink orbs. She was enjoying the taste of food that lingered on Arlene's lips and in her mouth. The two toppled onto the bed, their bodies rolling about like a log down a hill as they both moaned in pleasure. She rested her head against a pillow next for maximum comfort.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 21, 2016, 12:47:46 AM
Very Funny Kitty> if you didnt like it , you wouldnt be doing it ' Dixie said with a Grin, and arlene climbed onto Kitty, and began to vigrouslys wrestle and make out wuith her. first Arlene was on top, Then Kitty, Then Arlene. all the while the dark red lips remained firmly locked together, outside of brief breaks for moans and deep breath intakes, KitTy was heavier than Arlene and Regularly ended up on top in these little tussles. Arlene kissed Kitty passionartely, her head near the pillow and Kitty pressing down on her..

 Play some music" scooby suggested to the staff " That will help him!" Anmd the records the staff found and began to play was-- the classic Parodies " eat It!" and "Fat" " iF i have one more pie ala mode, I'm gonna need my own zipciode"
  By the 50th tray oliver looked white as a sheet, and was about the size of a matress The guys however ignored the desperat ' eye pleas' from Oliver and kept funneling the food in " Fart if you have to release the tension " scooby said to him, as they wee now on the ice cream part of the challenge.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 21, 2016, 12:53:18 AM
"Don't try to overpower me, I'm the stronger one," Kitty said in a sing song voice to Arlene, as she once again managed to get on top of her. At some points, rather than going for kisses or squeezes, Kitty was content to simply and gently just relax on top of her friend. "Your fur feels so nice to the touch," the Green River resident commented. She then gently squeezed Arlene's backside. "That part especially," she giggled.


"So, do we have enough animals agreeing to help us make the video?" Vitani asked Kovu about their entry for a possible future location of the games.


Oliver however really liked ice cream, so this part did not bother him too much.

"That's the spirit," Tiger complimented as he and Garfield continued the feeding.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 21, 2016, 01:06:05 AM
we're about 20 animals short. most of them have stage fright- dont want to be on tv- and so on.' Kovu said ' and the elephsnts are still arguing over which one will get to carry me in the video" KoVu said " And then theres  the lyrics.  we cant just repeat King Kovu is the Bomb! 50 times Hate to admit it sis, but i'm kinda stuck..

" so You are a girl  who likes booty over busts" Arlene said from her pinned down positions, Kittys chest nearly smothering her. "GOod to know. I like them both, I'm not really picky.. course when you are very skinny like me, you tend not to have much of either" she said before kissing Kitty lovingly on the lips.
 Oliver raced through this portion of the challenge, for now doping it all on his own.. coutrse after course after course evaporated, as with a larger frame came a larger gut, thus, more room for all of this food. He was now oin his 90th course a tray of chocolate covered ice cream rolls.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 21, 2016, 01:12:53 AM
"Well, there's a simple solultion," a Kovu loyalist suggested, "We don't just repeat one line, we sing about all your positive qualities, my king-your intellect, your charm, your good looks, your confidence......"


"Go go go!" Tiger cheered on as Oliver reached the final 10 buffets. The kitten had largely gave up on trying to give up, and now was just eating on his own free will again. Being big and fat did make him feel more manly, after all.


"And our friend Dixie is petite in both those departments," Kitty said in playful teasing. She turned back to Arlene "I can hear the song being made now-Oliver's mom has got it going on," she recited. Kitty grabbed the blanket with one of her paws, wrapping her and Arlene in a makeshift cocoon.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 21, 2016, 01:38:03 AM
I'm Not Petite in EITHER Category" Dixie said, acting put out, but she had caught the wink Kitty had given her." shes all i want and I've waited for so long " Dixie sang as she watched the girls wrestle under the covers. Arlenes mouth was busy with Kittysmouth, Arlene had covered kittys face with kisses and was moving towards second base with the green River star.
Oliver gulped down the last  bite of the 100th tray, and slumped back in his seat, which was now groaning under his weight. The staff broke out in cgheers, and scooby wiped frosting off of Olivers face ' How in the world did you actually finish all of that? the head waitress askred " Hes one of us " scooby said with a grin " We'll wait an hour and try for a second 100 course run" He sm,irked.
 Well, we'll also use each line once ' Kovu said.. And I'll need a nice robe to wear while riding the elephant.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 21, 2016, 01:51:39 AM
Though all the food had an additional side effect on Oliver, he fell into a deep sleep after a few minutes.  "Kid's out like a light, but ok," Tiger informed, "Looks like we might not get to try for that second 100. Luckily we still get the prizes."


"That won't be a problem," Kiara offered her husband, "Me and the lionesses can have a new one made just for you, in a design you want."


Kitty and Arlene now began to roll all around the room, the cover cocoon cushioning their landing when they rolled off the bed. "This is fun," Kitty smirked as she was still on top of Arlene as before. They even caused Dixie to get knocked over. "Sorry," Kitty giggled teasingly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 21, 2016, 02:00:12 AM
Well while Arlene is checking in on Oliver in 10 minutes You and I have a Tonsil hockey date ' Dixiue said as she got up then ducked a the Kitty/Arlene cocoon  bounced around the room, and off the walls. Arlene found herself bearing the brunt of most of these impacts, although the blanket did cushioon some of it. Arlene placed her mouth to kittys right breast as they rolled back on the bed. gods.. you are REAL good Kitty" Arlene moaned as she began to kiss kitty's chest passionately.
 Out like a ligt huh ' scooby shrugged ' ah well ' better get him back to the hotel, and  er roll him into bed ' KiDs going to be sleeping for a good stretch i bet. Hope hes not in a food coma..
 i'd like a green one, to match my reyes, id possioble ' KOvu said..
 the yshooeys were having a team meal at thier hotel while Yogi was regaling the others about the many picnic baskets he swipe at JellyStone " which is why we had to put up the " Don't Feed the Bears !" sign Yogi Ranger smith sighed as he munched on a fish sandwich..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 21, 2016, 02:22:41 AM
"And if he's from your general area," Tiger suggested to Garfield as they rolled Oliver to the hotel, "Maybe he'll shrink back to normal in no time," he theorized.


"You got it dear," Kiara smiled, kissing Kovu as she went to get the materials she would need to make the beautiful robe.


"Do you want to join in now, Dixie?" Kitty asked, beckoning her with her paw, "I know you want to get with this, don't you?" she blew a playful kiss her way.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 21, 2016, 02:48:16 AM
Girl you hardly need to ask" Dixie said moving forward, and pulling the Green River cat off of Arlene Dixie kissed Kitty passionately on the lips, her dark red lips locking with Kitty's dark red lips. Dixie tasted the food Kitty had eaten on her lips. Arlene climbed up behind Dixie and began working off her uniform so that all 3 lovers would be in the buff. Dixie's breasts were as big as Kitty's and far bigger than Arlene's and the tan and grey breasts bounced off of each other as the two singers began to passionately make out, with Arlene getting some squeezes of bust and booty in the meantime.. Remember to let Kitty have air Dixie.." Arlene laughed.
 I'll go start work on Kopa's Genie Costume ' Vitani said As Summi returned with a fresh meal" Come along Summi, Your king needs his Red Genie outfit started" vitani said to her hunting partner.

 I dont think hes original from my area" Garfield Said " Has a New York city vibe about him. Don't know where I'm getting it from, But i'm Getting It. Good thing Scoobys carrying the Toys, Tshirt and other Prizes..On the Other Hand. Why am I rolling this huge kid when I could be having a dog do it instead?.
_ Because I;m not Odie Scooby said. " I"ll Pay you in Food' Garfield Said " I just ate 1 million calories Scooby said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 21, 2016, 03:01:37 AM
"Anything I can do for you, my king?" Ruka asked, giving Kovu a back massage. The Kovu loyalists truly loved their king.


"Would you do it for a Scooby snack?" Tiger asked, deliberately aiming for Scooby's biggest weakness.


Kitty expanded the blanket wrapping so all 3 were tangled together. "Now there's no escape for any of us," she giggled as she rubbed her face against Dixie's chest. "Still underwhelming," she said flatly but with a tone that meant she was joking. She touched both the behinds of Dixie and Arlene all at once as they twirled around with their mating.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 21, 2016, 03:28:21 AM
Arlene pulled Dixie into a very passionate Kiss, Arlene's dark red lips locking with Dixie's dark red lips. Almost immediately Dixie put her tongue into Arlene's mouth.  Arlene returned the favor and pressed her body to Dixie's, no longer was she the inexperienced lover unsure of herself, Dixie had seen to that.Dixie felt Kitty began to suckle her chest , her moans were muffled by Arlene Who was Taking command of the kiss. Dixie felt Kitty's lips lock with hers as Arlene moved to switch places with Kitty. The Trio Ground and bounced against each other,.Arlene's Lips were large enough that Both kitty and Dixie could kiss her on the lips at the same time without kissing each other, which they soon Did. The Trio ended up on the bed with Arlene being laid on by both Kitty and Dixie who kissed their girlfriend at the same . Three pairs of dark red lips locked together And Arlene moaned in pleasure as Dixie and Kitty made love to her and to each other.
 Wait, how did you know I like Scooby Snacks?' Scooby demanded " did Dixie tell you? Oh.. when the girls catch up with us , I'm going to have a few words with her' " AH It could be worse" Garfield said straining at he punished " You Could be stuck on a farm for month like I Was. Nothing but chores , milking cows and with no TV at ALL! It was a NIGHTMARE Man" Garfield said.
 Just keep massaging my back " Kovu Said, Relaxing as Ruka worked out the tension in his back " Being A king is stressful work" He grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 22, 2016, 03:14:09 AM
"Oh it must be," Ruka nodded, "And you've earned a lot of rest and relaxation, your highness." Ruka, like Kiara, was a trained massage artist. She pressed her paws against Kovu's back comfortably.

"Can you help me make the robe?" Kiara asked of the shamans.


"And look," Tiger noticed, "His belly already seems a bit smaller then when he stopped eating," he commented about Oliver.


The constant lovemaking was slowly but surely making the girls get more and more tired. "What do you girls say we turn in for the night?" Kitty asked after a few more kisses and mating moments. "It's been fun, but now I'm feeling a bit tired."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 22, 2016, 09:25:28 PM
Well i have to start the tv to check in on Oliver' Arlene said as She climbed off of Dixie with whom she had shared a deep and lengthy kiss on the lips." She Went over to Kitty and Kissed her warmly on the lips. " this has been loads of fun Kitty. If You're going to bed, then good night.' she said as she got off of the bed went over to the TV and turned it on..
 I'm not THAT Tired girl' Dixie smiled at Kitty " but if you are beat, then head to bed, thats fine. I'll wake you when its your turn to use the Tv so you can see Tiger. I"m sure MR Sheriff is fine. Probably  ordering room service at the hotel. I'll stay up because I'm last to get my shot at the tV. I might just mark time making snacks for a late night tv show.." dixie said she leaned in , Kissed Kitty on the lips, then got off of the bed and headed into the kitchen.
 Lets see the design " Nuteri smiled at her.. " and we'll see what we can do." she motioned to KIara to Follow him.
 Well  hes lost a few pounds " Scooby grunted " Hes gopt about 700 more to go before hes back to normal." Garfield was still rolling the huge kitten back toward the hotel..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 22, 2016, 09:54:22 PM
Kiara displayed to Nuteri the design, which was mostly emerald green like Kovu's eyes, with some areas that were brown to match Kovu's magnificent fur. "He was the one who came up with this," Kiara explained eagerly.


The guys eventually got Oliver back to the hotel and put him in a bed under a blanket. The amount of stuff they had in the room plus the blanket unknowingly to them hid Oliver's tremendous weight gain from where Arlene could see it.

"Least we know Oliver's got an iron gut," Tiger said proudly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 23, 2016, 02:57:27 AM
I'll see if we have the materials. Rafiki will be contacting the wizard to let him know of the kingdoms interest in hosting his games.. Would be great for the kingdom to get noticed. put your brother and your husband on the world stage. I could sell some mystical trinkets, earn some cash that way ' Nuteri grinned.
_ the Covers obscured the huge expansion OlIver had undergone, and kept Arlene unaware of what the guys had been up to. Arlene flipped through the channel before finally seeing what wwas going on outside the Duke " Find my boy Oliver, please" Arlene asked. " Heading towards him now' the duke replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 23, 2016, 08:00:23 PM
"Here's hoping the little guy gets literally little again," Tiger said as they tucked Oliver into bed for the evening.


"Seeing their names in worldwide lights would be great," Kiara smiled pleasantly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 29, 2016, 04:36:56 PM
Will you be in trouble in Arlene finds out about how big Oliver is? Scooby said to Garfield as they headed into the other room. " I'm not married to her, so no' Garfield grinned. " Freedom guys. I Can do what I want, so long as its legal>" You've been with her for  20 years ' Scooby said " dont you think its time to get serious." I like things as they are Scooby. ' Garfield said."I care about Arlene Dont get me wrong, I Do care about her. But I don't see myself marrying her. Ever.." She could find someone else you know' Scooby said. "Dixies told me that she really likes to dance with you. " And i Did dance with her, a couple of places back. Course at the time she was bigger than me." dance with her more, once the girls find their way out of the jungle' Scooby said. IF you dont treat her right Garfield, she may decide shes had enough." Who's she going to date? nermal? Scooby growled at Him  and Garfield  backed away.

' hey Scooby look, I know you want me to treat her better and er.. go out with her more.. But I . cant afford it.. yeah on the mascot salary." Arlene can take you out then. Its the modern day- the girl does pick up the check you know' Scooby said." she has Dixie for her girl problems Scooby. Let Your girl deal with that mushy stuff. " whjat about Oliver " Scooby said gesturing." He needs a male figure in his life, and while hes a really nice kitten. I'm a dog. You have the opportunity here Garfield that Tiger and I dont have yet- to be a father. " I'm not dad material' Garfield said, Scooby growled loudly  and his ring began to glow, Garfield's attitude was starting to really tick him off" knock out the selfish git attitude Garfield, or I'll have Stripetail throw you out of the games. Good luck getting your comic strip back with no money. Maybe the strip will be called " Arlene and Friends" and You'll show up, if you are lucky, in strip 97 being chased by the city pound' Scooby barked and Garfields face worked in fear, the magic from Scoobys ring reacting to the dog's anger. garfield began to sweat' Ok! Ok I'll take her out! Ok! he babbled. I like Oliver but well, the kids got too bubbly a personality.. I'm the more lazy type you Know Sometimes I just want to sleep in..' Garfiekd when you become a parent, it no longer up to you. when you get up, what shows you watch, all that becomes about the kid or kids. Olivers a sweet ki, and Dixie and I will help arlene in any way we can. We'll help you as well, If you let us..  
 First things first though, the kid needs to drop 500 pounds or Dixie will bend my ear about setting a bad eating example..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 30, 2016, 11:01:09 PM
Gabriel smirked and rubbed her hands as she sealed the dehydrated water pellets into the two 55 gallon drums. If one pellet got wet, a chain reaction would occur that instantly activated the rest of the pellets. The instantaneous appearance of so much water would act like an explosion. The result of such an act: an enormous tsunami.

The two barrels had a remote control mechanism that when activated would pour water onto the pellets contained inside them.

The Weasels heaved them overboard disguised as weights for their fishing net.

Gabriel looked at the time on the clock. In five minutes, they'd "lose" their net and head up river where their ship could resume its disguise as an RV.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Kor on October 31, 2016, 10:17:10 AM
"Hmm, Which one?" Wally said looking between 2 cafe type places listed on his cellphone.  "I'll pick that one." He said and went to the one he had chosen.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 07, 2016, 01:22:00 AM
Arleme watched Oliver sleeo, coveed by several blankets. " hes seems to be doing just fine " She said , Relaxing, as the image from the Duke began to Fade. Arlene turned to Dixie smiled ' Thanks for having Scooby watch him . i'm sure he;s exhausted from a long day of  watching the guys do their thing." she said as she went over to Wake Kitty up " Kitty/ It's your turn at the TV.. I'm sure you're anxious to see your Sheriff " arlene said Softly..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 09, 2016, 06:50:52 PM
"Coming right up," Kitty said, going over to the monitor. Tiger was out by himself, going shopping for food and other goods for the guys.


Shortly after the monitor had been taken off Oliver, the fattened kitten slowly awoke to see Scooby, Garfield, and baskets and bags full of food. "What's going on?" he yawned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 13, 2016, 05:49:37 PM
Time for another snack' scooby grinned ' You did -OK- at the eating contest, but it took youlonger to finish that you should Have' so we've prepred some more food for you" tiger has a stop watch, and we are going to time you on how long it takes to eat this food>" Scooby gEstured to the large amount of Food
 the screen showed Tiger helping himself to some food- to all appearances, it looked like Tiger Scooby and Garfield wre having a "light meal"
 How's Oliver? dixie asked as Arlene Got on the bed next to her." hes sleeping in bed, from the looks of it. Sems be doing fine." arlene said Relief in her voice as she snuggled with dixie " the Guys seem to being doing ok in looking after him." Well hes a good kid, and Hes become like  a son to me and Scooby. You can trust us with him. " dixie said confidently."Besides, once these games are over, you and he will have a place at our mansion. we have plenty of rooms."

_ Thanks for everything you've done for me so far' arlene said." You're easily one of my best friends.." well I tend to make friends quickly dixie said "Dixie stroked Arlenes fur running her paw and Down her back, And arlene purred as dixie did this.' that feels good' arlene said and she stared at Dixies nightgown. So. Dixie.. after Kitty finishes watching Tiger.. you want to do anything While we wait?" Want to make out again? dixie grinned " i'm always up for that..
- Definitely" arlene Smiled. But for now, Just stroke my fur..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 01, 2016, 01:44:26 AM
Gabriel's RV lumbered along the dirt roads of Mumbai. A street vendor hawking vegetables called out but Gabriel pretended not to hear him.

She looked at her watch and pressed the button.


The small explosive charges ruptured the steel drums that had sunk overboard in the Ganges. In microseconds, an enormous bubble of water appeared underwater, producing a watery plume not unlike an explosion.

And just like an explosion, a massive wall of water began to spread out from the drop site.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 03, 2016, 12:49:26 AM
"Please, no more Mr. Scooby, I'm quite full," Oliver said, "Besides, i want to be able to have fun with you, Mr Tiger, and Mr Garfield. Where are they, by the way?"


the Duke flew around the area to see what was in the villages and jungles nearby. "None of them.....yet," he thought cautiously about the weasels. He knew they were not out of their hair/feathers/fur yet, and the Duke was one of the seer's strongest in magic allies.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 06, 2016, 10:48:53 PM
the flood continued to pick up steam and strength and was now overflowing the banks of the river, causing the residents of towns to flee befoew it. Any Dams the torreent met were washed away creating a deadly barrage of debris, pushed along by the roaring watyers. New Delhi would be hit within a couple hours.. and alarms sounded through the countryside.. and  an reciorded voice caklled out to people " the River has flooded! Get to Higher ground.. Hurry"
_ stripetail paused as he heard the recording from loudspeaker outdsoide of the hotel " Everyone' He radiored " Get to safety.. The river has flooded anbd is headed our way. We will not be able to hold the rowing contest on the river- soi we will need to progress to the third  event.... this is now the third event we've had to scrap, and theres only 1 woman who stabnds to bebnefot from this carnage and disruption.  Security< do a flyby of the river, see if you can locate her. If Not, ry and channel the flood away from civilization if possible.."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 06, 2016, 11:16:28 PM
Gabriel had long left the area so the living planes haven't found anything.

Pfish, Chip and the Demolition Zoid were shuttling the guests to safety.

"DZ! Use the explosives you've got to help the planes divert the river flow and destroy any large debris. " Chip ordered. He quickly ushered the crowds to the evacuation point.

DZ's single wheel kicked up a plume of dust as he sped towards a large cliff.


Captain Fairchild let off a volley of rockets at a wooden bridge, reducing it to splinters in hopes that the smaller debris would do less damage.

Lt. Martin dropped a bomb onto an empty hut, reducing it to a smoking crater and scattered tiny pieces of debris.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 07, 2016, 02:22:31 PM
the torrent of water swept away the debris of the wodden bridges pulverizingf it to tiny shard, the water at this point was a thick brown from the silt and well as agricultural runoff from neabry farms. houses, stret signa, cars, all wre swept up in the on rush. the tiver got woide here, and caused a further swelling in the middle
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 12, 2016, 01:28:46 AM
arlene purred as dixie stroked her fur and the pair cuddled.'we might as well have as much fun as possible tonight, for starting tomorrowm we'll be cooking for the duke non-stop, morning noon and night. true. dixie nodded 'you really should meet the rest of my froends when you get the chance. you've met tigeress, but there cynder, agumina and angel too.angel's the kid sister of the group.' Yeah tigeress was real nice..she certainly has a hankring for candy.' Well, we all have sweet tooths. comes from having girls nights on a frequent basis." dixie explained " next time you're with me we'll have you join us and you can pick out what sweets you want. any particular favorites '' hmm well chocolate is always yummy ' Arlene purred ' any particular filling, like nougat, nuts, mint.. or more chocolate/ Dixie asked ' as long as it tastes good, i'm willing to try it.' arlene said. 'just give me a headsup when you're having one  with the girls and ill be glad to join in..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 22, 2017, 09:40:12 PM
Kitty went to the screen to see what Tiger was up to. He was currently stuffing his own face at the same buffet.

"So good," he chortled, pigging out on fish and steak and salads. Tiger was never one to stick to a diet, he loved food. And truthfully, Kitty was fond of his plump form.


"Say.....I'm back to my normal size, just with a little pudge," Oliver told Scooby and Garfield when he woke back up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 22, 2017, 11:26:24 PM
still need to get rid of that pudge' scooby smiled at Oliver ' you can go that by runing around a bit around the hotel.' he klaughed as he ruffled olivers headfur. ' Now go get some exercisec ' if you get around the flootr abd back in 10 minurtes, thres a pizza uin it for you ' Scooby said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 22, 2017, 11:34:08 PM
"Yay!" Oliver exclaimed as he got on his paws and began to run. He knew it would be a bit of a challenge with his bigger belly, but the prize sounded tasty.

"He's a nice kid," Garfield admitted to Scooby, "No wonder Arlene adores him." The big dog and big cat watched as the kitten made his way around the hotel.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 23, 2017, 02:12:12 AM
the dukes voices came through the tv. well , ladies, the master of music, is headed off for the night. i request a full breakfast tomorrow at 7. this will include,  freshly cooked meat, cereal, cheeses, all of the finest quality.. and i expect it promptly girls."

- arlene  caught glimpses of tiger on the screen and it made her think of Oliver.' you know what i'm scared of the most?' she confided as Dixie stroked her fur with a comb. " not getting out of here?' Dixie replied .' no, well, thatrs up there. Its, well, oliver being an orphan ' Arlene said." and Garfield hasnt shown much interest in being a dad. And I'm very worried that none of us are going to get out of here." " i'm worried about that too, arlene, but as long as we give the duke exactly what he wants for meals, he'll let us go eventually." dixie said " What about the wizard? Arlene asked, hope  rising in her face " surely, if he finds out we';re stuck in here.. He'll tell the duke to let us go.." The problem with that idea Arlene, is that we cant contact him. The Dukes magic is interfering with the powers of my ring.." dixie sighed. And who knows when he'll even notice that we are missing?No, we're in a tight jam. we just have to keep our wits together, stick it out as friends do, and once we get out of here, we'll be able to resume competing in the games, and earning paydays."
_ Good thinking " arlene said" i have the studio to reopen after all.. finding a nice place for my family, and quite a few other things.' Spoiling Oliver rotten?" Dixie said mirthfully. "me, well i could use a nice vacation. England, Germany, Italy, places like that. romantic getaways." Italy sounds wonderful. the closest I got to it, was playing an Italian Lasanga maker that garfield kept swiping lasanga from.'
_ why about you kitty? what are your plans for the money you're getting?' arlene askerd her " This was hopefully a topic that could distract them from their predicament.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 23, 2017, 02:24:26 AM
"Some nice outfits, rather revealing ones," Kitty admitted, blushing. "Tiger would like them. He's a good guy, but that cat simply can't resist my looks," she added with a light chuckle. "Truthfully, Arlene, I'm on your same boat. What I really want to do is be a housecat wife to Tiger. Singing's great and all, but it's just a hobby for me."

The girls began to get the ingredients for the Duke's breakfast. "What about you Dixie? I'm sure you have bigger aspirations than Arlene and I...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2017, 02:11:01 PM
i love singing, its my job " dixie said. ' i'd like kids at some point, hopefully a mix of sons and daughters.  that will change me, i know that. and i'm envious of you Arlene, that you already are experiencing that wonderful thing called parenthood."
 well, oliver is a good boy.' Arlene smiled. he's.. my whole world, really. i mean, i'd be empty without him." well, hes safe with the guys. you just have to think that way.' dixie said, embracing arlene in a hug.
 the onrushing waters forced thousanfds of residenyts to evacuate, and roads were quickly closed to prevent incoming traffic from being swept away by the river of onrushing water.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 11, 2017, 11:13:40 PM
Arlene Pulled Dixie into a full-throated kiss,  their dark red lips locking together and their bodies coming together as one. Dixie let Arlene probe her mouth fully with her tongue, and Wrestled fervently with her. As they did , a song began playing on the tv' the Writings on the Wall" . writing began shimmering on the wall opposite Arlene " A deal is there
 For those who will take it. A Sacrifice is necessary. Which will it be? A slight push will set you free, if you have the strength. Your Lover or your child, you cant have both. a price for misspent youth.Will you take it? the writing soon vanished, making Arlene wonder if she had even seen it..she pushed Dixie off of her , breaking kiss, and panting heavily. ' i'm ready for bed ' she said.' um.. good night Dixie.' Dixie gave her one final kiss on he lips ' night Arlene ' try and get as much sleep as you can. we'll be up early cooking for the Duke tomorrow.' arlene nodded as snuggled into bed, sleep slowly taking, her along with Dixie and Kitty.

Next Morning
_ the tV  showed the  image of a gong being struck, and arlene bolted out of bed, and landed on the floor " time to get up girls " the dukes voice came through the screen
 Time to get you some more food" scooby said, as the  sound was broken f by distant rum,ble of onrushing water." Scooby ran out to the window and looked out and his face turned pake ' the river is flooding! he called out to the others. " Forget feeding the kid. We need to get to higher ground.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on March 12, 2017, 11:54:52 PM
DZ pulled a long sticky string of bombs from his front hatch and hurled it into the river. Plumes of water rose up from the raging flood as he cut a new path for the water in a single action.

Unfortunately, it still too small and was soon filled to capacity.

Luckily, the living planes had mostly smashed apart the larger and more dangerous debris.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 18, 2017, 11:53:08 AM
Garfield and Tiger held Oliver's paws as they kept running up to higher ground. "Keep going, don't stop," encouraged Tiger as they helped the kitten move faster.

Oliver knew of the dangers of a flood, and he followed after Scooby.

Annabelle and Belladonna had the power of flight, plus being an angel and devil respectively made them not be affected by things like floods.

"I hope no one dies," the whipped angel frowned. "You're no fun," Belladonna replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 06, 2017, 12:52:33 AM
the flood continued its onslaught, wrecking everything before it, as bridges, cars and trees were no match for its fury
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2017, 06:41:30 PM
"Thanks for watching over me," Oliver told Scooby, Garfield, and Tiger as they ran up the mountain, keeping a height advantage over the flood.

"Don't mention it, kid," Tiger panted, sweating and needing to catch his breath. They were on their way to the upper city.


"Time to make pancakes, ladies," Kitty said, waking Arlene and Dixie up in a chef's hat. "We gotta feed this big owl if we want out, remember."

The Duke's appetite was immense, and they knew they'd have to make several hundred if not over 1000 pancakes to fill him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 13, 2017, 06:55:56 PM
yogi, cindy and bobo were slightly ahead of the group, turning back every so often to make sure the waters werent catching up to them.' come on, guys' yogi huffed.
 dulcy and samia were  looking for a place to land in town. below them the hooded claw and bluto were leaving watery prints with each step, with the sailor blaming the masked villan for not stooping thier boat from cashing against the rocks ' so what do we di now pipsqueak' Bluto demanded ' we need to find the baron and stripetail ' i say we should sdrop the games in this region and move on to the next continent' the Claw said.
 screwy stopped in front of an reteraunt, where he noticed woody, winnie , Tweety and auga eastting at a table ' excuse me' Screwy said ; putting his hat in front of his chest ' in a beggar pose' mind if I join you" no need to beg screwy" Winnie said, grabbing a chair from a nearby table, and pulling it next to their table ;' take a seat. " the fih here is great' she said as woody cackled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 13, 2017, 07:44:36 PM
"Where do we go now?" Oliver asked the guys as the settled inside the town. It was busy and bustling thanks to the activity of the games.

"Find where the next game is......or a bite to eat," Tiger groaned. He stretched a bit to feel better after all that walking.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 14, 2017, 12:20:25 AM
not the time to think of food ' Scooby said ' we neeed to get everyone back together, and decide what to do next ' scooby said ' ranger smith came up to them followed by huckleberry hound. ' excuse me scooby, have you seen Yogi and Bobo?' the ranger asked ' they were just ahead of us when we entered the city scooby said ' You can tag along with us ' until we find them " that Gabriel woman keeps meddling with everything " huckleberry said " because trashing the games will knock toon town out for good' Ranger Smith said ' she cant allow it to suceed. Fortunately, despite her efforts, things are starting to look up. toons are starting to find work again, and the money being sent back to toon town is helping a lot. Jellystone is going to reopen, in fact we'll be hiring some new staff."

_ Duke's stomach
 lead the way Kitty' Dixie yawned as she headed out of the room after the Green River singer. Arlene followed behind Dixie, rubbing sleep from her eyes " i really could use another 20 winks " the pink cat said as they headed down out of the bone building where they had been staying. a trail of glowing arrows, guided the trio out into another , larger bone building, where they found the large owl had left instructions ' eggs and bacion, please' read the note.' Lets get to work girls' Dixie said, putting on an apron
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2017, 12:52:09 AM
"We need to cook it, but not burn it," Kitty said, "I've made this dish for Tiger dozens of times, I'll take the lead."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 07, 2017, 11:53:42 PM
stripetail entered the resteraunt where screwy and the birds were eating and he took a seat at an open table.' so much for the boat races i had planned ' he muttered as a waitress brought him some water 'bd better come up with an event that everyone can partake in, inside the walls of this city.." he paused in thought, as Scooby Tiger, Oliver yogi, Cindy  Ranger smith and Bobo entered the resteraunt and waited for a table
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 08, 2017, 11:45:43 PM
"Thanks for bringing me to safety," Oliver said as he, Tiger, Garfield, and Scooby settled down in a booth at the restaurant.

"Don't mention it Oliver," Tiger said, patting his head, "Now hopefully we can grab a bite to eat here."


"Time to make a big breakfast for this flabby owl," Kitty said as she, Arlene, and Dixie changed back into their chef attires and were given big boxes and bags of ingredients. "You look nice," she said to Dixie, seeing her curves through the chef apron.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 09, 2017, 01:00:32 AM
Thank you kitty' Dixie said and she began to lean in to kiss the housecat, only to be interrupted by Arlene ' Come girls! we don't have time for that!" Arlene said '  clear exasperation in her voice ' i need 3 bags of spices for these cinnabon rolls. ' Dixie they are on the 3rd shelf to your right. Kitty ' i need half a bag of flour. Chop Chop girls!" Dixie stopped  a few inches  from Kitty and stared at Arlene, it was rare that the pink cat spoke this way to anyone. " we're just trying to lighten the mood Arlene.." sorry, Dixie, but i have to take this VERY seriously. Theres more on the line here for me than it is for either of you girls, after all. You gals have your guys, I have BOTH a guy and an kid to concern myself with.' Arlene said, and she began stirring batter in a huge bowl. As she did so, her mind began to wander .. she began to dream, about herself sitting in a chair, Oliver on her lap, while she  was reading to him. Nearby, Garfield munched on a fresh batch of fried chicken..
Lets see wghat is on the menu '; Garfield said, but a quick perusal showeed none of the foods were ones he was familiar with. ' drat, they dont have lasanga ' He muttered as he flipped thriugh the pages..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 27, 2017, 01:49:04 AM
as Arlenes mind wandered, Dixie  snuck in a short kiss on the lips with Kitty, their tongues gently caressing, before Dixie broke the kiss, and moved to grab the Spices Arlene had requested.  Dixie brought them to the table, and dropped them onto it. the noise shook Arlene out of her reverie, and she blinked. " Heres the flour you requested. We have to stick together dear Arlene, or none of us are getting out of here' Dixie said. "So, yelling at each other is counterproductive.' she added as a fresh request from the Duke came on, 6 eggs, sunny side up, with 4 slabs of bacon." Reason with me after we get through this rush' Arlene said,  running over to the stove  with a container of large eggs in paw.' the Duke needs to be fed, and fed well, if we want to see fresh air again. And i dont want to soend my days being stuck in a magical gut." Arlene said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 09, 2017, 11:50:02 PM
"Yes, you have to feed me," a mysterious voice suddenly called out.

"Who's that?" Kitty asked.

The voice gave a hearty chuckle. "Why, I'm the voice of the Duke's stomach. We all have one, that inner feeling inside us that demands to be fed."

"That is awkward....." Kitty noted.


"I wonder where my mom, Ms Kitty, and Ms Dixie could have gone," Oliver said as he, Tiger, Scooby, and Garfield were given appetizers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 10, 2017, 12:18:56 AM
i don't know" scooby said. ' i'm guessing they got separated from us, by the flood. India is a big place as well. We have to keep going with the games, we can't stop to wait for them.
 I vote we do a treasure hunt game like we did in Toon City ' Dulcy raised her claw. ' something fun, that forces us to explore the city in full.  just give each team a few things to get, and we'll be good to go. ' I second Dulcy's proposal  Samia said raising her claw. " the Yogis agree with the treasure proposal ' Cindy said from her seat. ' Just pick out, say 5 things for each team. Perhaps an item from each place we've visited so far?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 21, 2017, 01:27:22 PM
"I just hope they find us soon," Oliver said to Garfield, Tiger, and Scooby.

"Pfffff......rain, heat is much more enjoyable," Belladonna stated at the Rottens' table.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 23, 2017, 11:40:29 PM
arlene listened to the voice of the gut, and began to quickly put together a large souffle, on the stove. ' in her head, images flashed in sand out, alternating between Garfield, and oliver.  even if Garfield had flatly rejected the thought of marrying her, the fat orange tabby was still dear to her, and she of course was  devoted to Oliver. "Any way to get out of here' she thought to herself' even if it means i'm the only one that gets out. no offense, girls, but i dont think we are all getting out at once.."

 They got separated in the jungle, apparently' Scooby said. ' Dixie;s got a good head on her shoulders, as long as the girls stick together they will be fine. they'll catch up soon, I'm sure."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 30, 2017, 12:17:59 AM
The Duke was given the foods the girls had prepared inside his gut.

"Not bad....." he commented, tasting what Arlene had made, she had indeed cooked to the best of her abilities.

But when he went to taste what Dixie had prepared, he began coughing, "This is burnt," he hacked, having a bit of a coughing fit.

The girls then saw a light gradually form above them.

"Is that.....a way out?" Kitty realized, noticing it was the Duke's beak opening and closing.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 30, 2017, 02:07:51 AM
Arlene threw aside her apron, and began running out of the building. as the duke's coughing grew louder and louder the opening get bigger, and a row of steps formed which climbed  up the opening to his mouth
 Dixie had been slow to realize  that the duke's fit was providing an opening. as she made her way towards the exit, her ring began to glow. 'Hello? Scooby? stripetail? she spoke into it
 Stripetail's communicator began to glow tan and Dixies voice broke though ' Dixie! Where in the cosmos have you been?  you've missed several events!' Stripetail said reprovingly. " We;re in the Duke!' Dixie said desperately " He- he gobbled us up while we were out on a walk. please- oh drat dont go out..  she said as the connected faded and Stripetail had a few seconds to digest  the information. Her voice was audible again after a few seconds " Its Me, and Kitty. Arlene... we need to get out. tell him to let us go, or use your magic to pull us out. Its been a nightmare!" So you weren't able to use your ring..' Stripetail said. ' that's odd. the ring's magic is much more powerful than the Dukes ..' he paused for a few seconds  oh now I understand. since you have no natural magic, its much less powerful than it would be normally, or if you had natural powers. Thats why the Duke was able to block it. Don;t worry Dixie. I';ll get all 3 of you girls out. and i will have a very stern discussion with the Duke to not touch any other contestants, unless they are committing serious wrongdoing. This is like Wildcat almost cooking Arlene.."

Stipetail tapped his wrist, and connected Scooby to Dixie ' Scooby?' Dixie said ' I'm sorry i haven't been able to keep in touch ' Dixie said and Scooby responded ' Don't worry, honey. Where are you? ' in the Duke" Dixie said as the connection began to fade.' The Duke? The cheeky Bird! I'll knock his lights out!" Scooby growled. Hang on there, I'll get you out. "" Kitty';s with me too..' Dixie said, her voice growing faint. ' I'll Let Tiger know ' Scooby said' I love you Scooby" Dixie said ' i Know, love' Scooby said ' I've been keeping an eye on Oliver" Keep him safe.. for Arlene's sake ' Dixie said, before the connection was broken.
 As Arlene began to climb the steps  the Dukes stomach began to rumble, as the stomachache reached its peak. Arlene ran up the stairs as fast as she could as she reached the midway point a wave of water rushed on top of her, very nearly knocking her off of the stairs, Arlene clung to the step by her claws, her legs dangling high up in the air. after about 20 seconds, she was able to get back on, and continue her journey. A second rush of water hit her as  she reached the back of the Dukes throat, and climbed out onto his tongue. As the beak opened wide, Arlene could see a large cup, of either water or tea, the duke was settling his stomach through drinking liquid.  a third coughing fit shook the Duke, and Arlene, slid out of the Duke's mouth and out onto the ground.

 Arlene blinked as  she felt the hard ground beneath her.  She looked up and saw the sun shining down on her, and she blinked. a cool breeze struck her face and she began to cry tears of relief. a nearby stream, showed the mess she was in -  Her fur was all ruffled, she had gut secretions all over her and she smelled, well terrible. But right Now, Arlene didnt care about much of anything, save that she was out of the Duke, that she hadnt been eaten, and that she could now go visit Oliver and be reunited with him. 'Whether the other girls had gotten out, well that was not something she would dwell on right now, there were more pressing matters, like explaining her absence to Stripetail and Oliver, getting a good bath, and fresh clothes. Her uniform had been  eroded away, so  she would need a new one. Arlene jumped into the stream, and splashed some water into her face , to get off as much of the stuff  as possible. ahead of her stretched the walled city, that unbeknownst to her, held the rest of the teams. she snuck a backwards glance at the Duke, who was perched on a tea branch, and drinking tea from a cup to settle his stomach.

- Dixie and kitty had made their way to the stairs  leading up to  the Dukes mouth  But the gutache was fading, and as a result the stairs were starting to crack and fall apart. " climb ! Climb! Kitty  cried, As she began running up the stairs. but no sooner that the girls had climbed 10 steps, the middle of the stairs collapsed completely, forcing the pair  to retreat back to the ground.. the rest of the stairs collapsed shortly thereafter. '  Kitty sprawled onto the gut-ground and was briought to her feet by Dixie "  Kitty"I managed to get word out to Stripetail. He knows where we are now, and We should be out shortly. he just needs to find  the Duke and  order him to release us. ' Dixie said hopefully. " for now lets go  back to the ' Restaurant" and wait for the Duke to let us go. i hopes he lets us go through the mouth and not.. the other end. '
Arlene reached the restaurant, ignoring the looks and wrinkled faces of  the  patrons who caught a whiff of her.  She soon spotted Stripetail, sitting with  Scooby and Oliver at a booth near the back ' OLIVER!" She cried out and  ran forward, dodging between tables , chairs and waiters, to reach the table, She picked up Oliver, kissed him on the forehead and held him to her neck, and began to cry openly." He;s been a good boy" Scooby said  with a smile.  Arlene  Set Oliver back down and wiped tears from her eyes, Scooby handed her a  napkin, as did Winnie, who was  at the table right next to her ' Geez, Girl, You look like you wrestled with a tar monster, and candidly, you smell like it too.' she'll get a bath once the reunion is over, Winnie. Which will be shortly." Stripetail said.  " Has Oliver behaved himself?' Arlene asked Scooby. " Yes he has, he;s a big eater too.' Scooby said. " Better watch it, or he'll end up like Garfield or Tiger who are- ahem stout, around the middle."Scooby got up  and headed up the stairs, with Arlene following with Oliver on her Shoulder   Scooby reached the room, he was staying in and opened the door with the key. This was a room with two large beds and nice view of the countryside from the window. Arlene set  Oliver down on the bed near the window.   then Scooby sat  down on the First bed with Arlene,

" Thanks for watching him for me while I was gone." Arlene threw her arms around Scooby's neck, and kissed him on the lips, Scooby's brown lips locking with Arlene's very dark red lips. Scooby's lips were larger, and a bit rougher than Dixie;s lips, his tongue was longer and rougher as well. the kiss lasted a couple minutes before Scooby broke away , his tongue sliding out of her mouth. " that was some kiss Arlene." 'Scooby  blushed.  "Well, Scooby, I can tell why Dixie loves you, " Arlene said, as Scooby nodded. Scooby got up and  went over to the  room  closet. Inside was a number of Scooby Dooby uniforms. He tossed one to Arlene "Doesn't have your name on it, yet, but it will have to do. For Now.  I'm sure you;re exhausted. Go Snuggle up to your boy, and get some sleep" He motioned, as Oliver was  lying on a second bed , close to the window and had nodded off. Arlene Climbed on to the bed, pulled Oliver close and quickly went to sleep.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 17, 2017, 02:15:26 PM
Belladonna ordered the spiciest food possible from the restaurant menu, both for herself and for Annabelle.

"You know I prefer sweet food," Annabelle groaned.

"Precisely," Belladonna nodded with a wicked smirk.


The Duke had settled into his own room, turning all the lights off so he could enjoy as much darkness as he could.  "This tranquility is divine....." he smirked, patting his stomach.


"Wanna get some snacks?" Garfield offered Tiger, still at the lower levels of the hotel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 26, 2017, 09:18:00 PM
Stripetail got up from his seat and headed up the staitrs towards the Dukes room, which was 135. ' The duke opened the door upon the second knock " Ah, wizard, no bad guys to report' he began as  Stripetail entered the room and took a seat on a chair " I'm not concerned about those matters. But rather, about you swallowing competitors who did not commit any serious infraction."  oh that. hmm, well ' the duke chuckled, as he brought out two cups of tea, and gave one to the seer. accidents can happen." "How long have those girls been your, ahem, ' guests'?' Stripetail said, setting the tea down after sipping ."3 weeks or so." the duke said and Stripetail's face darkened " Let . Them. OUT" the wizard said sternly. " Your job was to catch troublemakers, not innocent travelers out for a stroll. " well, wizard, I cant just open my mouth and have the girls climb out. That wouldn't be very sporting."  The Duke said " Sporting? This is not about sport, Duke. You ARE going to release them, Duke, unless you'd rather  have ROCK'N ROLL music be blasted into your room from speakers in the hallway. " the Duke's face worked in horror " No Wizard! Anything but that! You KNOW how I detest such filth! Its not even good lyrically!" Come now, ALL Rock and Roll? You dont even like Bohemian Rhapsody?" Stripetail queried. "  Yes, all Rock and Roll! It just drives me up the wall, even moreso than Hunch does!" How soon, then,  can you release them? Release them within 48 hours, and I'll overlook this little mishap."

 Well, how soon, will depend on what method  I use to  , er, expel them . One way is quicker than the other" Stripetail gestured and pulled out  3 vials. ' the first vial will make you drunk and expel then, the second  a massive stomachache and expel them. the third.. ' whats the third? the Duke asked. " laxatives, for expelling them the other way. Frankly i dont care which option you take, so long as you do so promptly. " "Well, I'll go with Vial 3. You;ll get your girls back within 36 hours, so long as you give me a good meal first. and speaking of meals, the girls are fine fine cooks.  It will be a shame to no longer have them around." The Duke said ' Stripetail gestured with and patient sigh, and a huge cooked steak appeared in front of the duke, complete with whipped mashed potatoes and a sparkling water on the side.
 Stripetail gestured and the Dukes stomach became transparent, revealing Dixie and Kitty hunche over a stove, preparing what appeared to be a large chocolate cake. ' Evening,ladies " stripetail said.
 dixie started as she looked up and saw Stripetail's image " Stripetail! is he going to release us?' Yes, within 1-2 days, depending on how long it takes the potion I have given him to take effect.  You'll need baths, the both of you, but you'll be out and able to rejoin everyone." i imagine, you'll not want to be around food for awhile. Any messages you wish to relay to Scooby and Tiger? i will relay them promptly, I assure you. and the duke has promised to leave you alone going forward."
_ I'm just ready to be back with everyone" dixie replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 04, 2017, 11:25:42 AM
"Hey seer," Kitty called, "Can you send Tiger a message? I'm missing him deeply and when I get back, I promise I'll give him what he wants, a nice meal and a romantic little dance. I just hope to see him again soon...."


Tiger meanwhile was still busy eating. He didn't sleep much, and he decided to deal with his issues by eating. "This hotel's food is awesome," he moaned in pleasure between bites.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 05, 2017, 12:46:10 AM
Of course, my dear " stripetail said to Kitty " I believe Tiger had names for your dances fir him. thee was- The Stickup, the MouseBurger Bump, and I believe he told me his favorite  was the Sheriff Roundup" he smiled. " What significance these dances have, are between the two of you. I'll be around to pick you ladies up, once you are free. You'll sit out these next couple events. I'd imagine You'll need time to recuperate from this experience.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 11, 2017, 09:22:42 PM
the potion the duke took mde his stomach grumble and after about a half hour flew off to use the birds room.
 dixie stirred from where she lay on the ground, she loked around and fiund she was in a tree-filled area. she noticed kitty was lying nearby and went over to rouse her '[ Kitty? Kitty!, We're free!' She said shaking the cat, on the shoulder. Get up girl!"
_ Arlene decided to tajke a bath while Oliver and Scooby watched TV together. Scooby magically created a big pizza for him and Oliver to share. As she soaked in the tub, she purred contently to herself. " I made it out of that horrible owl" She said quietly to herself " Sorry, Dixie, Kitty, love you two to death,but i couldnt risk not being there for Oliver. Wherever you girls are now, and I hope you got out too, know that I had no choice. I saw an opening, for but a brief period and I took it. Damn the risks, and the costs, I was getting first, or really, oliver first. " She said" when you have a kid or kids you'll get it.."
_ stripetail was in the middle of teaching the miao kids a new lesson in magic. in this instance, they were creating their favorite kind of dessert dish..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 14, 2017, 01:45:33 AM
"I call first slice," Oliver smiled, taking one of the bigger pieces from the pizza Scooby had created for them. The orange kitten was happy to have his mother back, and now they were all away from the chaos the storm was causing. He reached over to the remote to turn the tv to the latest Catman episode.


"I need a bath, if not a hotel, then a river," Kitty groaned as she got up back to her feet. She looked around at the spot in the jungle they awoke in. "Do we even know where we are?"


At the hotel the teams were staying at, there was a special spa for owls available. "Checking in for a session?" a desk clerk asked the Duke.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 14, 2017, 08:16:26 PM
We're in a jungle, for starters" Dixie said." I'm not sure exactly where we are, in  relation to everyone, but at least we are out, and my ring is working again " She showed Kitty  her ring which was now glowing." I'm thinking we need to head north, until we find a town to spend the night in. Then we can get a better lock on where to go next. Doesnt help that the games are moving all over India, I do hope that they dont  finish the set in this country before we catch up to them. We've already missed out on a lot of events." she sighed. " We both need baths, changes of clothes, and a good square meal.  And, well Arlene is off my Christmas list for leaving us in the lurch."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 20, 2017, 12:41:25 AM
"Let's just get going," Kitty groaned, shaking her head, "I want to find some kind of shelter before nightfall." As they trekked across the jungle path, the girls saw a stream flowing nearby. "Hold up," the cat said, leaping it and letting herself swim for a few minutes. "I needed to get that stench off me," she explained to Dixie.


"It's good to have you back mom, I was wondering for a while where you were," Oliver smiled after Arlene got done with her bath.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 20, 2017, 03:18:25 AM
Dixtie pointed her ring at the river ' hot tub ' she said clearly and a large area around Kitty  became enclosed with concrete. jets of warm water shot out and caused bubbles to form on the surface. ' thats better dont you agree?" she smiled as she climbed in herself,  feeling the water get warmer with each passing second." Debris  washed off of her with each dive under the water surface." glad to have my powers back' She said with a contented sigh.' and glad to finally get away from that owl. if i never see that classical music loving fowl again, it will be too soon. how about you Kitty?' She said , moving next to her. the sounds of the birds, mixed with the sound of the magical bubbles, made this a peaceful relaxing scene and moment."how much do you think Tiger has packed on?" she laughed ' That sheriff sure likes to eat. I'll guess, 15 pounds."
 Scooby hate half the pizza, letting oliver have the other half. as arlene came up to him, she smiled at Oliver " well, sweetie, we, um, missed the bus. we overslept at the first stop. So i had to walk all over the country on foot." she showed the Kitten her scratched and calloused paws. did you behave yourself For Scooby, Garfield and Tiger?"
- yes, the boy  can sure eat for a little kitten. the way he eats , i wonder if you've been feeding him at all Arlene " scooby said. Arlene shot a look at him ' i do hope thats a joke , Scooby" she said."Of course, I'm kidding' scooby said a smirk on his face ' So what do you want from me?' Well, um, for Oliver, er I think he mentioned getting an autograph from that Khan fellow. could you do that for me?' I'll try. the games are going on after all.  " scooby said as there came a knock on the door. Scooby went over to open it and found Bobo outside carrying a plate of cookies ' Hi, Scooby ' the young  bear said ' Yogi is sending me around with these cookies to raise some money for the team bus. care for a snickerdoddle?" Sure come in'Scooby said. " We'll take 3 cookies one of  each of us." Oh, groovy. Say is that a video game?' Bobo saiod setting the cookie plate down and going over to the console. I Got " Grab that bear" He said pulling out at game disk.' "It came out a few years ago, before the depression hit. I still have some royalties from it, i'm in most of the levels ' the little bear grinned ' care to play oliver?' He asked the kitten' I can show you all the secret stuff and tricks to beat the game in a short time."
 The Duke was about to respond when his bird-phone buzzed. ' Duke? Where do we stand in regards to Dixie and Kitty?' Stripetail voice came through ' i, shall we say, 'freed' them about an hour ago. They are in Mushra forest" the Duke said. "Don't worry, i put them in a safe area>' Why Didnt you drop them off in the city?" Because I was woozy from that potion you gave me.. and by the time  I went back, they were already gone> Probably headed towards the city." the Duke shrugged. An Audible sigh came from his phone. "you are playing with Droopy for the " find it' event in 2 days time. and Duke, dont EVER eat a contestant ever again, unless I give permission.
So what would you like for yourself Arlene?" Scooby said as Bobo and Oliver began to play the game.  he  took a couple cookies from bobos plate, and gave the bear $20 in the ' tip' jar, before handing a cookie to Arlene as they sat in chairs."Well, I do need to thank Garfield and tiger for watching Oliver.. arlene said "Food always works ' scooby said " something more than food though. Perhaps new clothes, garfield probably has outgriown his mascot uniform. ditto for tiger.  they're both big guys, after all ' Arlene said.' Well you'll have tomorrow to go shopping' Scooby said."what do want from yourself?' well, a kiss, from a guy" Arlene blushed."You've been snogging with Dixie huh?" Scooby smiled as Arlene nodded."She's real good in that department, believe me, from personal experience. Couldn't ask for a better lover. Where is she, by the way? The Duke still have her? "Arlene  ran her claws over her headfur."

" I.... I dont know. I'm likely not the right person to ask . At that time, I was.. more interested in getting out, to see my boy..' Oliver was completely safe , Arlene heck you should have seen the burgers the boy was wolfing down. He was putting Garfield to shame." I didnt know that he was safe though. Where I.. where we were, We didnt know anything, save what the bird told us..And now that I'm out I see he wasnt being very honest. But i had to get out for myself, and I  hope they made it out too." Wait, You didnt help them get out when you did? Scooby said in surprise " there was an escape chance that didnt last enough for all 3 of us. " Well, I dont think Dixie will take kindly to you leaving her in the bird lurch, so to speak. Or Kitty, for that matter. If I was stuck somewhere  with some of my friends, I'd see  to it that either we all get out together , or none of us do. " Even if you had a child?" Arlene started' If I have a son, I would hope he would be placed with my friends, to watch over until I could get to him, if Dixie was not able to care for him. Or sent to live with his grandparents. Ma and Pa Doo would doubtlessly coddle and treat him with love.  And failing that, Stripetail would protect him. I would have to trust to that. The bond of friendship requires that you dont leave your friends behind, unless there was no other choice." There wasnt in this case.  I had no guarantee  another chance would open up and I had to take it. Like I said, I hope that they've gotten out somehow . I will expect that our friendship will take a big hit over this.' Arlene sighed "Wouldnt they have done the same, for their children?" No, they would not have left you behind, Arlene. No one, worth calling ' friend' , would do that, for any reason.. You did what you had to do to get out, and I believe you that you did not deliberately leave the girls behind. Still, its probably going to be awhile before Dixie will hang out with you like she has since you joined us in Toon Town. And that is a shame.."

 "I need something to enjoy, something positive' arlene said, as she set her cookie on the bed side table and climbed on to it, the sounds from the videogame coming to that part of the room. Scooby joined her on the bed."So, you want to see what the other Doo has to offer huh' Scooby said with a smile. arlene nodded, and threw her arms around Scoobys necks. Arlenes dark red lips locked with scoobys brown lips, and Scoobys paws held Arlene close to him. Scooby worked his tongue into Arlenes mouth and caressed her right chest with his right paw, drawing a murmur of approval from the pink cat. Arlene closed her eyes as the kiss continued and began to massage Scoobys tongue with her own, her experiences with Dixie helping her to enjoy this passionate moment with Scooby.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 22, 2017, 02:11:45 AM
Oliver had taken the advice Bobo had given him on how to play the video game and was slowly improving his skills. "Don't count me out yet," he said to the young bear. He and his opponent were now much more evenly matched. In between matches he ate slices of the pizza Scooby gave him


"It's always been part of his charm, and he was like that even before I convinced him to eat meat," Kitty chuckled lightly as she let herself sink into the hot tub. She stretched her limbs and let herself relax after the ordeal they had gone through. "Good thing that owl's gone," she noted, as she slid closer to Dixie. She slowly wrapped her paws around the canine. "After everything, I need someone to hold. Not go all the way right now, but just hold," she purred, nuzzling her face against her friend's. Her fur felt nice and smooth, precisely what Kitty needed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 22, 2017, 09:08:22 PM
er, oliver, this is not a game where you against somebody. its a single player game.' Bobo pointed out "so you leveling up is just so you can take down harder bad guys later on the game. you can replay as different characters once you unlock them. you need 50 baskets to play as Cindy, for instance."
 Arlene continued her passionate makeout with scooby, enjoying the caress of his paws. fortunately for the couple, the kids were too focused on thier game to notice the pair doing ' adult stuff' in the bedroom. so, you promise to get an autograph for oliver ' Arlene said during a break in the kissing.' could you get something for Garfield too?" arlene said."Something that says that ' i still care for him' obviously, now hes not the only one i care about, but i'm not going to dump him or anything. i'll have to accept being his girlfriend, and find happiness in it." Well, he's quite a bit like me ' Scooby said, Food always works.." I'm thinking something to sleep in. like a comforter, or a blanket' Arlene said.Something to keep warm in. 'We're in the tropics, Arlene, being warm isnt a concern' scooby said. But I'll look for a blanket for him.Any color preference?" Hmm. I think orange would work.." I'll get you and Oliver blankets too then." Make mine pink, and um.. lets see, blue for Oliver. Normally , he likes orange too, But you've already doled out that color to Garfield.' Arlene said."I'll go shopping tomorrow.

 Dixie wrapped her arms around kitty and cuddled with her' This feels nice' she said, feelings kitty's furry face against her own.Dixie caresssed kittys face with her paws' right now, Kitty,I'm glad you are with me. Just snuggling together in this warm water, sharing the heat.enjoying the moment, after that nasty time in the Dukes gut." dixie paws ran down Kittys back, stroking her tail and feeling the softness of her tailfur."You have to tell me who you get to groom your fur. its pillow-soft. I can never get my fur like that, no matter how i try.' she said, nuzzling Kitty.Look around . the stars in the sky, the chirping of the birds, and the waters splashing around us while we swim."is there anything else that could make this better? She purred.
So kids' Stripetail said to the Miao trio in his room " What magic would you like to learn today? We have flight, trickery and lights.' whic one do you want to learn?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 22, 2017, 11:45:49 PM
"Lights sounds cool," Sheegwa said to the seer, "We could use it at the lantern festivals back home."

"I wanna learn flight," Dongwa added.


"Ok, I see, I thought i was just being allowed to practice," Oliver said to Bobo, "I'll go first, and then you can take a turn." The kitten began playing the main mode in the video game. He was having fun now, like any kitten should be doing.


"Cat R Waul's personal groomer does my fur back in Green River," Kitty explained, "And to answer your question, it would be nicer if we knew precisely where we are......." She gave Dixie a quick smooch on the lips.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 23, 2017, 02:17:41 AM
there's a practice mode' Bobo pointed out" you select it from the menu" you've been playing story mode, and you are through the first 3 levels. there's 20 in all." He said going into his bag and pulling out a number of other games, including Yogi's big adventure. Bobo in the Big City, and Cindy's Big Race. "Cindy's big race is a lot of fun, you race in all sorts of cups, even has  some course from the first laffalympics.' Bobo said as he watched Oliver  find the golden baskets on the current level.' you should play that next."
_ the duke was shown into the owl-spa, which had a large owl shaped baths, masseuse tables and classical music played through speakers in the wall.  bath 4 is available' so the attendant, ' showing him to a large bath filled with warm water.
- Remind me to get that girls namecard, so I can get an appointment Whats her name? ' Dixie said, before Kitty kissed her briefly on the lips. " as for where we are, we';re in the northern part of a jungle. lets see if my ring can locate the nearest town.' She said, looking at the glowing ring on her paw." show us the nearest town' she spoke into it, and it began to glow. A circular image formed in the air around them. a map of India soon appeared, and the map was soon zoomed in ' Mushra Forest' Dixie said pointing to a large green area. and heres where we are" she added , pointing to a  green dot on the map, near the northern edge of the forest.. a nearby blue dot named  " Wulla City" was about 30 miles away."Wulla city, looks to be the closest town, its due north of here" she said' Should take us a few hours to get there, on foot."
We'll start with lights " stripetail said to the young Miao girl "So do you want to create a lantern ?" he motioned and a large red lantern floated in front of them, "Or perfhaps a floating fire?' Up to your request, really" He smiled

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 25, 2017, 10:47:45 PM
"We can bring you any dish you desire," a waiter owl said to the Duke, "Do you have any requests, renowned Grand Duke?"


"Sure, I like racing games, I've played them at arcades lots of time," Oliver grinned to Bobo as he was finishing up the level. He was happy to have this bear as a new friend. "Is there a plain cheese slice ready?" he called to Scooby about the pizzas.


"Then, we can't stay here much longer," Kitty groaned, but she felt better when she began to nuzzle her face against Dixie's. "At this rate I think we're gonna run through an Indiana Jones-like temple."


Belladonna and Annabelle were flying throughout the nearby village. "Do I really have to get a leather jacket? It's so.....unfitting for an angel like myself."

"Precisely, cousin," Belladonna snickered, "You lost our bet, so you're gonna get a bad girl makeover."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 03, 2017, 10:55:08 PM
that actually sounds like fun. minus , you know the whole " giant boulder rolling towards you" thing. on the one paw, we'd get a lot of exercise. on the other, well, we're be running for our lives from a giant freaking boulder.  still the good professor usually ended up with lots and lots of loot from his adventures, plus saving the world from bad guys, and gals. Us, on the other hand, got stuck inside the innards of a giant bird and who had serve him like slaves to stay alive. i'm in the mood for payback, actually.Remember wildcat's? I'm thinking a cooked and stuffed songbird mught actually be pretty good.' Dixie said, stroking Kitty's face with her paws, feeling the cats super-soft fur underneath her claws., and gazing into kitty's bright green eyes.
Bobo found a second game controller and joined oliver in playing a racing game ' we;ll start with the ranger smith course, its the easiest. ' the bear said." i bet you three ham sandwiches i beat you!' he grinned.
 wulla city was a small town in a small panther kingdom ruled by Prince Orca. orca was a young prince, who was, as princes are wont to be, very fond of the ladies, the more beautiful, the better. He was always on the lookout for them as well.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 04, 2017, 03:28:07 AM
"Your majesty," a servant said to Prince Onca, "Some ladies have arrived at the palace to take up your offer. To reiterate, you say any woman who will give you a kiss, you'll grant one request for?"

"Of course, you know that's how my brother," Onca's sister Thera laughed, "He'll do anything for anyone he finds beautiful....."


"This pizza is so good," Oliver smiled to Scooby as he kept playing the video game, "are there any more being cooked?" he asked hopefully. The kitten had a liking for plain cheese pizzas.


"Any food we can bring you?" a second owl waiter asked the Duke as the Grand Duke of Owls settled into a tub.


Kitty held onto Dixie closer. "Hold me closer, since my body is meatier I'll provide more warmth for you." She pushed her face closer and began to kiss her deeply. After everything they went through, the kiss was actually rather peaceful. They didn't make noise as it happened, they just wanted this romantic moment to be peaceful and silent. A nice, needed contrast from the chaos they just went through.


Belladonna meanwhile giggled wickedly to herself as she let a bunch of her fire imps run around the town. "I'm having a hell of a good time," she chuckled to her cousin, who was forced to dress like a bike gang member.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 15, 2017, 10:51:07 PM
Dixie held the kiss for a full 15 minutes, enjoying the cress of Kittys lips against her own. the sounds of them kissing were easily dwarfed by the sounds of the jungle around them. Finally Dixie broke the kiss and nodded to Kitty. " lets go find a place to spend the night." Also, its december now, and its almost holiday. I should get you and Tiger something, we'll give Tiger his stuff when we find him. Hopefully this next town has some places to buy stuff.' she sighed " i need to get Scooby a "sorry I've been gone" gift." she said taking Kittys paw in hers." come on,Kitty, lets get going."
_ Yogi stuck his head in the open door. " come on Bobo, we have other folks to sell cookies too. Chop chop" He clapped his hands, as Bobo went over to his tray of cookies ' scooby had bought 7 more cookies and have given bobo a $100 bill for them." good luck with your cookie sale ' He smiled.
- Samia and Dulcy were playing cards with Screwy and Droppy " have any 5s?' Samia asked Droopy.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 29, 2017, 11:27:27 PM
"It is almost time," Prince Onca announced to his servants, "Go, announce to the kingdom that I will grant one request to every woman who gives me a kiss." He sat back on his throne and smiled cheekily.

As he declared this, Kitty and Dixie were nearing his kingdom. "This place seems lively," Kitty noticed as she saw the town was filled with dancing, shops, and the residents generally being lively.


"Is there more cheese pizza?" Oliver called to Scooby. The kitten was really enjoying the taste it provided, and he knew Scooby was the one who could get him more pizza.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 30, 2017, 02:33:21 AM
we're out of cheese ' Scooby said to him ' we have pepperoni though, he said.' holding up a large pizza then giving it to the yound kid before returning to the bed room. . Stripetail walked into the room a few minutes later. 'Arlene? he said poking his head into the bed room, and smiled inwardly as he saw Arlene and scooby forcefully tongue-kissing each other on the bed.' excuse me " he said, and both Scooby and Arlene reddened appreciably as they noticed stripetail and broke the kiss."Don't worry Scooby. Dixie isn't going to care if you make out with Arlene , and any of her other gal pals. But for now Scooby, i need to talk with arlene in confidence. ' su-sure ' Scooby said " i'll go play video games with Oliver " scooby said.
arlene brushed her fur back out of her eyes,'Are you here to talk about me getting out of the Duke?' to a degree , yes. Kitty and Dixie  are out of him too, you'll be happy to know.Or, shall we say, not as quite as happy as you would have been previously. You girls will have to assess whatever damage this sorry hostage episode has done to your relationship,  in your own time. that is between the three of you. Hopefully it will be fleeting." look.. Arlene said, "there were these images.. these.. words on the wall ' Arlene started and her voice started to quiver. the wizard held up a paw. 'The duke was using one of his favorite tactics- divide and conquer. Show a persons greatest fears and have them slowly gnaw at them, little by little hour by hour . Eventually, the victim's will cracks. The worst is if you are a parent. Maternal and paternal instincts kick in, and you'll do literally anything to make the images go away.LITERALLY, anything. like castaways on a deserted isle, you are turned against each other."Arlene hung her head, and stripetail patted her head ' You did what you needed to do my dear. Getting out safely was priority number one. Does no one any good if , in trying to help your friends get out , you end up back in gut prison. " You'd never let anything happen to Oliver, right?" As long as it is in my power to protect him, he will be protected, Arlene. The dear lad has been quite ablely cared for, and dare I say, hes been rather spoiled. you should  see the woodpecker suit Woody and Winnie made for him Stripetail pulled out a blue pajama suit that looked like the feathers that covered Woody and Winnies bodies, largely, because they were." They made it with him in mind." Thats absolutely adorable ' Arlene laughed cheerfully,. ' Like i said Arlene, your maternal instincts kicked in, and your love for your child allowed you to escape. I'm not going to punish you or rebuke you or dismiss your concerns, in truth, you may be the first victim that the Duke has ever stuffed down his beak, who came back out the same way intact . no small feat, that.  Not breaking under the Duke's coercion, again, no small feat. I've known the Duke to break wills to pieces within hours. " i didnt want Oliver to be left alone ' Arlene said, tears running down her face. 'I- I saw him chased by huge mean dogs, begging in the bitter cold in back alleys,. thrown out of shelters into blizzards .."the duke was pressing your buttons' Stripetail said. ' he's an expert at it. Arlene, rest assured, if anything happened to you that you could not care for Oliver, then I would gladly care for  him myself. You do not need to feel guilty or ashamed, you did what you had to do . escaping took priority over anything else. Let me be clear, Arlene. you will not have to live on the streets after these games,  when you consider how well the Scooby doobies have done so far. each of you has pocketed at least a couple million.." a couple million isnt going to get the studio back.. arlene said " even when times were good, that didnt go too far in toon town. I, I want to be in the next event. ' Stripetail shook his head. You need to rest and recuperate Arlene>" will i still get paid?" arlene asked " yes everyone splits earnings." Could I ask for a wish?' arlene asked ' alright. let me guess. For Oliver?" No, I'd like to have the nightmares the duke showed me, erased from my memories. they'll give me nightmares for days to come, otherwise.' Stripetail gestured  and  a small patch wax appeared in his paws, he pressed the wax to Arlenes forehead and intoned extract negus momerum' the wax turned pitch black, and after a few seconds, the wax was transformed into a long black candle. this candles contains your bad memories. as you burn it, they will dissipate stripetail said." thank you stripetail arlene said as scooby came back into the room, and sat back down next to arlene.' now i'll let you two resume the lovemaking i interrupted previously..good night to both of you." Stripetail looked out of the room and behekld the other kitten curled up on the coach in front of a paused videogame scren. stripetail turned off the game wtith a gestured and ceated pillows and blanketrs for oliver to rest his head on.
Arlenes dark red lips locked with Scoobys brown lips and the cat and dog shared a steamy full throated kiss.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 31, 2017, 11:54:08 PM
"Thanks Mr. Stripetail," Oliver yawned as he rested his little head atop the pillows that had been created for him. He felt safe and secure now.


"Hey Garfield," Tiger commented after he finished eating a nice salmon, "How about we go check on Arlene, Scooby, and Oliver? She seemed grateful to all of us the other night...." the two fat cats had been sharing dishes since they settled into their hotel room.


"Can we get you any more food or drink, sir?" one of the owl waiters asked the Duke at the owl sauna.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 01, 2018, 03:00:53 AM
good night Oliver, sleep well' Striopetail said covering the kitten with blankets.  I'll catch you in the morning. you have mascot rehearsals then.. he said, heading out and he did so he ran into Tiger and Garfield " I heard Arlebnes back' Garfield began, "and i'd really like to visit her.'me too ' tiger said holding out an apple pie. ' i thought she might like some dessert." thats all very kind of you gentlemen, but arlene has had a very trying ordeal the last few weeks, and needs her rest ' stripetail said ' you can give her your gifts in the morning,  s it close to midnight. thank you, however for helping keeping an eye on oliver in her absence, the dear girl is devoted to that kitten, as a mother should be. i would suggest now, that you head to your rooms and get some sleep, the both of you. tomorrow is going to be a full and busy day for everyone.'
 Well, Ok' Garfield nodded" we'll see her at breakfast then . come on Tiger.' he motioned to the larger cat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 07, 2018, 12:46:42 AM
Kitty and Dixie arrived in the town where Prince Onca was royalty.  "This looks like a fancy town," the feline commented, seeing the various small shops, eating areas, and dancing, "Maybe we can stay here for the night, it's better then being out in a hot, wet jungle....."


"Right behind ya, Garfield," Tiger nodded, the fat cat climbing into his own bed and pulling up the covers. "Time to get some sleep....." he yawned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 07, 2018, 03:54:33 PM
Dixie walked along the  village her claws clasped with Kittys. Dixie beheld a tent filled with drawings of  beautiful pantheresses in attractive poses.'Hello there!' said a pantheress next to a drawing which was being painted. " Welcome ladies1 anything I can do for  you/ my name is Mukua.' well Mukua can you tell us where the nearest hotel is? dixie asked. Better then that. I can show you " mukua said " Onca Motel its at the right end of town.' Mukua added stepping out from behind the counter. Mukua was, VERY attractive from first glance. she was pitch black in color, wearing a golden chain. Her eyes were bright blue, and her lips were dark red. her large breasts were covered by a green bra. "If you will follow me ladies. ' she motioned to Kitty and dixie. I'll take you to the Inn.. By the way, you might want to pay the prince a visit. his palace is in the middle of town.  He's ga ga for pretty ladies. will do any favor for kisses from them.' she said. " Well, If you don';t mind I'd like to buy some drawings, for the guys" dixie said" Well, we can do that after you get signed in.' How many would you like? In case you are wondering, there drawings are mostly of me and my friends." 10, or so " dixie said. : i'm dixie and this is Kitty." nice to meet both of you. each drawing is 10 dollars. Mukua said " so thats 100 dollars..before tax, figure thats another 10.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 07, 2018, 06:01:57 PM
Kitty looked outside the hotel's door and saw a massive gate on the other side of the town. "Is that the way to get to the next village?" she asked a local panther.

"Yes, but it only can be opened under specific circumstances," the panther replied, "The royal family makes those calls." She kept following behind Mukua.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 07, 2018, 07:35:29 PM
so its only opened by the prince? dixie asked Mukua as they entered ' oh yes, for security reasons' Mukua said " if you must know, only Onca can open it. And it will take a lot of convincing , as outsiders, for you to get through that gate." I thought you said he'd grant anything for a kiss?' Dixie said " well if you're pretty, and local, yes.  if you are an outsider, well you'll need a bit more." Mukua said as she came up to the desk. A room for 3 please ' she said ' one local, two foreigners. " She pulled off a flier from the wall, and handed it to Kitty. " in the morning, we will be meeting with the Prince. he meets with ladies asking a favor of him starting at 10." the clerk handed 3 keys, one for each of the girls., and bid them good night. The Room was Room 3.
 Prince Onca smiled at  a pair of girls from his throne room.  " and What favor would you like ladies? the young prince grinned." I am, after all, duty bound to grant it.." son both sides sat his close advisors, who were also his younger brothers.' Security says that traveling  games are closing close to our region, and is looking for events to  be hosted by kingdoms. "Well our racing elephants always popular '  he smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 07, 2018, 08:05:47 PM
"We can have those arranged," Onca's youngest brother assured the prince, as he went to fill out the paperwork. They needed to get the documents filled out soon otherwise the games would be ready to move on.


"So, since you're a local, tell us about yourself, Makua," Kitty asked as she set up her bed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 07, 2018, 09:15:12 PM
well, to start, I'm one of 5 kids. My mom is a defense instructor , and my father owns most of the shops in town.  Richer than most residents. As for my interests, theres drawing, reading, dancing, and my personal favorite boy watching.' Mukua said pulling out a briefcase. Now I know most of my drawings that I sell are of me and my friends, but I collect other drawings..' She pulled out pictures of nice looking guys.." I like them tall, strong, smart, and  loving. Theres an official Prince Orca Fanclub , did you know?' Kings and princes tend to have those sort of fan clubs " dixie said as Mukua passed around colored drawings. they are very handsome, I must admit. You've got good taste in guys " Mukua chuckled, and blushed " that is Prince orca himself. Royal ball, 3 summers ago.  my girlfriends were so jealous when i got to draw the prince. my boyfriend Janus was jealous too, has insecurities, that one. but boy can he cook. Winged Toucan from him, stacks up against any dish you'll find in the nicest restaurants. I heard the great wildcat himself, offered to hire him on. Good pay, that job." Mukua said, as Dixie  passed the drawing of Orca over to Kitty"Very easy on the eyes the prince is.' Dixie said." And you wonder why theres over a 1000 paying due members of his fan club? Mukua laughs. 'Even with bedhead, he's still a dream boat. I've got several drawing of him naturally>" Well, heres a picture of my mate Scooby " dixie said handing a picture to her. " hmm Great Dane, around 240-250 pounds, has a slight lisp. good form, kind face...what does he do? Mukua asked "He's a detective " dixie said  " law and order type huh?" not those kind of crimes. mysteries, you knows, ghosts, witches, vampires that sort of thing>' nice. and what about you Kitty, do you have a boy on your arm as well?' mukua asked." and what does he do? And do you have a picture of him?
 Excellent" Onca smiled ' See to it that one of the next locations, the very next, if possible. I want to raise the profile of my city, and my kingdom.  hurry little brother, contact the necessary authorities, and pay whatever hitting fee we have to."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 07, 2018, 10:11:31 PM
"My husband Tiger works as the sheriff of our town, at least for the animals," Kitty explained, showing Makua a picture of Tiger. "He's big, he's handsome, he's a softy, and I love him." She then saw Makua's artwork of the prince. "He is handsome," the cat agreed.


Onca's brother Anther was quick to pick up the phone and contact the game's sponsors to establish a deal.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 07, 2018, 10:26:21 PM
Oh very nice' Mukua nodded approvingly. hmm. 180 pounds, uses a slingshot instead of a gun. loves food, of all types. loves all sorts of creatures. even mice, according to this picture. So  how did you snare mr law and order cat here? I imagine you play, shall we say, lots of cops and robbers games hmm.. Mukua laughed. "Janus and I like to play king and servant.. and before you ask.. he's usually the servant. I particularly love it when he kisses my feet.'
I'm a singer" dixie said. Ah so he caught a show of yours and was hit by cupid. i can see where guys would drop their jaws. Lets hear some notes Mukua said, as she pulled out another drawing ' Oh, and heres a picture of janus" she said pulling out a drawing of a nice looking panther. "He plays for the town basketball team, has a great middle range jump shot. Plus any excuse to see him in shorts I'll gladly take' Mukua said. " Three of my brothers are his teammates so i go to all their games, well at least the home games, if they are going to bombay or some other real distant place we watch it on TV. He works to the town bookstore, when he's not playing. Lets just say, I'm a regular there, indeed the Orca fan club meets there regularly.
 Stripe tail got a phone call from Anther " This is Stripetail, what can i do for you, Prince anther? the wizard said, sitting down in his room.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 07, 2018, 10:37:36 PM
"My brother and heir to the throne Onca was hoping to host at least one competition before the games leave India," Anther said to Stripetail, "Is an arrangement still possible?"


"I am a club performer," Kitty explained to Makua, "So a lot of guys have ogled me over the years. Tiger, though, he caught my eye, and we've begun seeing each other since."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 07, 2018, 11:33:02 PM
so a singer and dancer, huh? Mukua smiled ' Well, guys like that kind of thing all over it seems. Both of you girls struck it lucky it seems, if i want to gamble, it seems like having you two along might net me good money. I might include you girls in my drawings collection, as pretty girls are always a draw for the guys, Foreign girls, particularly are a popular item. We are a small kingdom, so  any newcomers are always welcome here. ' Mukua said. particularly, in my case, hunky guys. They don't have to be loaded, but, shall we say, it certainly helps, eh?'  My scooby owns a mansion' Dixie smiled, and in our jobs we are VERY well paid." A mansion! heh, you got room in that mansion for two panthers looking to live it up for a couple weeks? Mukua smirked "Well, certainly, we have plenty of rooms available for friends. ' Dixie smiled. ' Oh, Gods! then you MUSt meet Janus! lets see.. er..  when is his next game? oh right Friday in Bombay.. Drat. drat! i'll have to call him..' mukua said. ' how much will we need to pay you?' Dixie waved her away.' Don't worry about it! the house is  more than half empty most of the time. having guests is al;ways welcome. we even have a 180 hole mini golf course in the back.If you like mini golf." Wow! Janus will think I'm pranking him! Oh this is going to be real good!' Mukua said impishly. " and what is your home like Kitty? i imagine the sheriff has  a very nice place, sheriffs tend to be paid well after all. "Dixie showed a picture of the mansion and mukua looked at it and whistled. ' holy moly, that place is huge
- the fee is 50,000 per event' Stripetail said to Anther " Are  you prepared to pay that? if you want 2 events it will be 100, 000 dollars.  You are close to our current location so travel costs will be  down..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 08, 2018, 12:14:27 AM
"I take it there will be long lines tomorrow to get to kiss the prince, huh?" Kitty asked Makua, "From what we heard walking through the town, he seems to be quite popular....and we already know you adore him," she smirked to the pantheress. "The guys of this town are indeed handsome...."


"We're royalty," Anther smiled on the phone, "100 thousand is like asking us for mere pocket change, of course we're prepared to pay."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 08, 2018, 01:03:41 AM
"Of course. theres ALWAYS long lines  to see him. And, naturally, the prince likes the attention.' Mukua said " the guys around town, like it too. Otherwise, why would I have so many stud drawings?"She laughed. " you'll take a number and wait your turn. Given your Number is likely to be well north of 1000, you'll have time on your claws. I could take you around and show you a few things. Our library, for instance. We'll stop and get some lunch, too. Greta's Diner has excellent crepes, particularly grape. they're big too, not like the normal crepes.  I hope you ladies have big appetites, Greta doesn't do any dish small. " Scooby and tiger both eat like every meal could be their last, so Kitty and I are used to eating big meals.  We'll be happy to try some dishes.' Dixie said. You could also show me where to get some sports and play in, like basketball. I'm deadly from beyond the 3 line" She smirked. " Oh, like me then, huh. Well, then Dixie you have to go through me on the court. Prepare for some problems with your ankles ' Mukua grinned showing bright teeth. " where do you think Janus got his  game from? You'll looking at it ' She jerked a thumb at herself.
 Well Lets hope you can back your smack, as they say. Scooby and I have a full basketball court, with lights scoreboard and everything. We've played many a late night game." Mukua laughed " i can already tell I'm going to enjoy having you two around' Mukua laughed. " you appreciate men,  like I do. the better looking, the better " She laughed.  " Any real keepers in Green River Kitty? Besides the Honorable Sheriff, of course. And  um, your town Dixie?' Coolville. ' right, right' Mukua said pulling out a pad of paper and writing down  their home addresses ." well there cat R Waul, off the top of my head. He might be a bit old for you mukua,  but he's loaded" dixie said " Money can get you a lot of things.  but I'm not that shallow. Doesn't matter how much money he has, if he doesn't have 2 brain cells to rub together. I don't care if he's signori, a lord, a prince or a king, or how much gold he's got it in his pockets if he can be outwitted by your average door.  No thank you, I do have standards."
_ well, then pay whatever you wish, but 100, 000 is the minimum price." stripetail said.  If you want to pay more than that I won't turn it down.  What events, precisely are you ready to put on? They need to be events we can do both as team and individual events. more points, more money and all that. We will also need security.. as we have had a number of events disrupted in the past, ended we;ve had to cut short our stay in other locales because of it."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 08, 2018, 01:25:10 AM
"Well, we were considering an elephant riding race, or an elephant riding duel where the teams have to knock each other off the back of pachyderms," Anther explained to the seer.


Kitty pulled out a small notebook from her pocket. "Here are some pictures of the guys of Green River," she explained to Mukua, "They always come to my shows, and they adore my performances."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 08, 2018, 02:07:36 AM
both work. the race can be the individual race. with the duel serving as the team race. forward me the courses  they normally run so so I can set up everything. We can also promote your kingdom as a return gesture, food, locals, goods, all the usual. Now, what is the name of your kingdom?' Stripetail said.
well, i can see why you showgirls get on so well. you both seem to bring in the boys. frontier living is hard work, and sometimes the guys just want a song to cheer them up, and a pretty face to look forward to. believe me i know the feeling ' Mukua smiled" whats the most you've ever made from a single show? the most money I've ever made from selling my drawings was about 60, 000. we had a visiting prince and his servants in town, and they took a shine to my drawings>" Thats real good money.' dixie nodded. " When I was younger , iI worked with a woman named Ma Parker. and we would go up and down the rive doing shows. good shows, could net 50, 000. Real good ones, 100, 000 easily. I had a partner, Missy, we did everything together.  now, well i make a lot more money than i did in my old riverboat days, but missy and i still keep in touch regularly. she;s following the games, and if you and Janus time  your visit right, You'll probably get a chance to meet her. I warn you though, she's a hopeless romantic  who loves ghost stories. Wasn't there a show Kitty, where Waul paid you 150 grand to sing about spiders?"
 Why would anyone sing about those creepy crawlies ' Mukua shuddered " the spiders we have around here are BIG. Dinner plate big. and if they bite you, well better get that heavenly harp tuned up because you are gone-so. I mean. 10 minutes at the most to get antidote in you. " good thing we have a wizard around then ' Dixie said. " a wizard? you mean a crystal ball types that predict your future? " actually no, Stripetail isn't a fortune teller. he is a healer though.' Dixie said ' You'll meet him once Kitty and i get  back to the games.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 08, 2018, 02:22:41 AM
"Well, Waul is my employer, he is the one cat I can't exactly refuse a request from," Kitty admitted, thinking back to her time performing at the Green River Saloon, which she would return to when the games were over. "The guys here must go gaga for you, right?"


"The kingdom is named Pantera, and here are the course maps," Anther declared, emailing them to the staff of the games. "My brother is hoping an arrangement can be made."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 08, 2018, 02:58:12 AM
well I wouldn't have so many drawings of them, if they didn't show interest in me as well' Mukua smiled. It would be silly, really, in that case. But yeah. I've got any number of suitors. Panthers tend to have many flings, especially as they go through the teenage years. one girlfriend of mine is dating no less than FIVE guys at once, honestly i don't know how she does it. I'd go nuts if had to please any more than 3. " trying to balance multiple partners is real tough, I agree" dixie said " Five to me sounds a bit much. i mean thats basically an entire week. I'd hate to to be the Monday guy. I'm a weekend gal myself." I like fridays myself ' Mukua said ' the weeks over, but the weekend is still ahead. 2 days  to party! She laughed " so this Waul is your boss Kitty? would you say  he's a good one?  i mean, in pay and all that stuff?'
 You can tell his highness that after the next couple weeks Panthera will be one of the most popular areas in india ' stripetail said ' We have a deal then. We will be arriving within 3 days time.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 08, 2018, 03:14:40 AM
"He pays me perfectly fine, he is a financially loaded feline," Kitty confirmed to Makua, "Do you have a 2nd boyfriend, or is this Janus the only one you're with so far?" she then asked as she turned on the room's television. It was nice to be someone comfy after the time in the Duke's gut and later the jungle.


"Thank you seer, I will inform my brother right away," Anther nodded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 08, 2018, 03:40:57 AM
no, not currently ' Mukua said. " janus, like i said, gets jealous if i start giving other guys attention. The whole  male thing about being an alpha and all that.  I could, if i find the  right guy, have a second boy toy, but it would have to be one that doesn't threaten Janus.   Thats the tricky part, right there' Mukua said, stretching out on the bed she was resting on.  she then turned to the TV " ah, good, Quiz Show is on " she  beamed " I'm good at it, from all the book reading I do " she said. I should go the show some time, would make some good money."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 08, 2018, 03:52:14 AM
"I have to ask," Kitty smirked in a light hearted way, "When you meet our guys in person, just what do you intend to do with them?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 08, 2018, 04:04:35 AM
good question. draw them , flirt with them. the usual panther girl stuff' Mukua  grinned. "See if they like my cooking, or my books." Scooby gets red in the face when girls flirt with him" dixie said " but don't be fooled, He likes the attention."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 08, 2018, 04:12:10 AM
"Oh, my Tiger loves food," Kitty grinned, "Especially dishes with mice ever since I convinced him to try it out."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 08, 2018, 04:28:04 AM
Dishes with Mice? you know, I've never had that. we don't have mice around here. We do have monkey though, it tastes like chicken, but good. I should have some brought to you by room service. Either of your girls hungry right now?' mukua asked " I could go for a pizza , actually " dixie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 08, 2018, 05:10:26 AM
"Me too," Kitty agreed, "Make it a meat lover's one, if possible," she requested of the panther.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 08, 2018, 08:23:29 PM
i'll see if they have that. " small town, limited choice , and all that. the meat will be monkey , probably..' how big do you want it?' Big. like extra large. and these in the crust.." oh, stuffed crust! girl after my own heart! i love eating pizza crust first! Mukua smirked." so, i'll order it. Should take about 20 minutes for the pizza guy to get it over here.."Any drinks gals?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 08, 2018, 09:35:08 PM
"I'm getting under the covers," Kitty declared, applying many layers of blankets upon herself. "This'll be the first peaceful night's sleep we got since we were owl chow."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 08, 2018, 11:09:23 PM
Owl Chow? Mukua turned to Dixie' yeah, its a long story ' Dixie said. " must have been a huge owl to swallow you girls up.." Mukua said, shuddering. " what did you do to tick him off?" nothing! he grabbed us. we were in the wrong place at the wrong time ' dixie sighed. " we spent weeks in there.." I'm so sorry ' Mukua said. "so you just got out? Wow, what are the odds of you running into me? Fate has smiled on me then.. Tell you what. I'll get 3 pizzas, one for each of us.. along with the largest sized drinks. Some good food and drink, that should get your memory off of that creep.' Mukua said. " Thanks Mukua." dixie said as she watched kitty  pile up the blankets on her bed. hey Kitty! leave some blankets for the rest of us!"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 11, 2018, 12:51:09 AM
"I think I could use some classical music," The Duke of Owls declared, blowing his magic breath and suddenly his 6 servant owls appeared. "And I'd prefer having a chorus," he grinned.


Kitty teasingly yet reluctantly gave up some of the blankets. After a few minutes of waiting, they heard Mukua's voice, talking with a male.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2018, 01:15:49 AM
Mukua entered the room a few minutes later carrying a stack of huge pizzas boxes topped with huge drink cups and some side dishes ' Hi girls, I'm back.  this is the delivery guy, named Argo. Argo and I went to Panthera High together, although EVERYONe in town goes to that school, so its not like its a big deal. ' Argo, these are my news gals, Dixie and Kitty. they just came into town, and are part of those Games that have been in the news lately. " Cool! thats awesome! ago said, he was a large gray jaguar with a friendly face. " pizza and everything else is umm. 500 rupees. 'We have dollars " Dixie said  ' oh, well, then .. umm.. hey Mukua, how many rupees go into a dollar?"Argo asked scratching his head  about 70" Mukua said. " so thats about 7 bucks then.' Dixie handed over a 10. keep the change"   she said with a smile. thanks. er.. I'm not really  good with math' Argo said is 3 bucks a good tip? Well 15% is normal. so if its 7 dollars then 15% would be 1.05. 3 dollars is almost 3 times that. so yes 3 dollars is a very good tip. 3 dollars is about 210 rupees" Mukua said, as she set the food down on the table. " Sure you won't stay around a bit and have some of this pizza Argo/ Dixie said " I'll wager we won't be able to eat it all. ' Well, I suppose i could grab a slice or 2. these slices are huge" Argo grinned " My gramma makes them you know. Chewy crust, foldable slices, mounds of cheese..' he said opening the boxes,  and revealing 3 ENORMOUS pizzas. '  the drinks were huge too. at least 60 oz." Argh pulled out napkins for everyone and poured out drinks from a pitcher in his backpack. " this root beer is home made ' he said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 11, 2018, 01:46:42 AM
"You must know a lot of the guys in this kingdom, huh?" Kitty smiled to Mukua, "You've been talking about them a lot."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2018, 01:58:32 AM
This is a small kingdom " argo said " everyone knows everyone.  Everyone knows who the  star athletes and troublemakers are, which girl has tattoos on her breasts and which guy likes  to wear British colonial outfits,  and calls himself raj? Argo made a " crazy' notion near his head.  " yeah, Kitty I know a lot of guys. part of being an artist, you meet folks. Traveling along with your games, will help me make money drawing people. and will let me see the world, well worlds. there are toon worlds all over' Mukua said. ' you girls won't mind me tagging along?' Why would we, we have had folks tagging along since Toon City' Dixie said as Argo brought out a paper " Is that paper new by any chance? dixie asked. " yeah its todays' Mukua said ' the  Games are a heavy focus and.. it seems like Panthera wants to host an event or two. if I had to guess it would probably be our elephant races' she aded as Argo passed out plates with pizza slices and soda in cups.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 11, 2018, 02:43:53 AM
"So," Kitty asked, beginning to bite into the pizza and savoring its flavor, "Since this whole "Prince granting ladies favors in exchange for kisses" thing is supposed to be a tradition, how long has it been going on for?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2018, 02:56:59 AM
Good Question' Mukua said as she took a seat on Dixies bed." At least 3 years, since the prince reached young adulthood and really started noticing the ladies. It started out as a dare by one of his younger brothers, believe it or not, and it just took on a life of its own from there.  its gotten to the point where most of his day is kissing beautiful girls who want a favor. If this were not a peaceful area, or if the prince wasn't the guy he is, that would be a problem. a BIG problem. But , luckily , theres not much going on that the prince has to worry about. I've been one of the few girls he hasn't kissed in town. thats.. mostly because I have  Janus, and because my number was never reached the couple times i asked him a favor, the LOWESt number i got in line, was 7, 826.  I've had a couple get over 10, 000. well, i decided after getting such a hugely high number, that I wouldn't bother."
 What sort of favor did you ask for?' Dixie asked' I don't remember, it might have had something to do with  helping my dad expand his business to a neighboring kingdom. ' as my number was never reached, I never asked for a favor. " Muku said " What sort of favor would you ask for?" Letting us through the big gate in town" dixie said.' Well, theres a problem. a LOT of folks ask for that, and he's not going to grant the same favor to everyone who asks. sO i'd suggest asking for something else>' well if thats the only way to leave town to the north, then we have to go. " dixie replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 11, 2018, 03:08:53 AM
"And we've seen his image in town, he is certainly handsome, I wouldn't mind giving him a kiss," Kitty admitted to the others.

"If you do get to kiss him," one of the maids at the inn declared, "He'll likely want to take a simple picture with you both."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 12, 2018, 12:31:21 AM
well, you could draw us together" Dixie smiled to Mukua " You mean, me and you? ' Mukua said " Well, sure. I'd imagine that would fetch some good money.  Pretty girls are good sellers regardless of where they are from. " she grinned.  " Like I said " she said to Kitty," You'll need to ask the prince for something other than just getting through the gate. What do you have in mind?" How long does he  keep the line open? Dixie said.. " Hmm. around 8 hours, give or take. depends on the line.. although its usually very long. how long each kiss is depends on how much he likes the girl, french kisses are the highest compliment." Mukua said. "you'll need to get in the palace hours in advance for a chance at a low number.. " She paused. " like 5 in the morning. "5 in the morning? ' dixie started " I need my beauty sleep. " Well, gal, unless you want to wait  a whole day in line, then early to rise it must be" Argo chuckled " you girls and your crushes on the prince.' he said ' What does he have that i don't?' You mean besides a crown, an army and a full bank account?' Mukua said ruffling Argo's headfur. "  Sometimes Mukua I think you treat me like a brother or cousin." Argo said " Now Now Argo, thats not true" Mukua said, as she took another slice.. "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 12, 2018, 02:07:10 AM
"Then I'll be turning in soon," Kitty yawned, biting her pizza slice more. "We'll have to get up early tomorrow morning then...."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 12, 2018, 02:28:26 AM
Hold on Kitty' Mukua said, Pulling out a pad of artists paper " Could I have you pose for a drawing for me first, before you turn in? any pose you want, I'll draw. and to sweeten the offer, I'll give you half of the money I get from sales of your drawings. So what do you say? I'll just need , say, 10 minutes to get a few drawings up. " What about me ? dixie asked " You're not turning in' Mukua said, as Argo drank from his drink. " i'll get you drawn in due time, but Kitty there is turning in soon, so time is more pressing with her."
_ dixies ring glowed and Stripetail's voice came out of it' Dixie! where are you?" Stripetail! We're  in a small town in the jungle, spending the evening in a hotel. Its a kingdom of panthers." Panthera? well, well, thats where we are headed next, as fate, or luck if you would have it..
Who are you talking too?' Argo asked and Mukua looked around .."Oh, the  manager of the games.. he is my employer as well ' Dixie said, as an image of Stripetail appeared. " ah.. having a pizza party i see? well. you girls deserve to relax after your experiences with the Duke. we will be reaching your location in a couple days, then heading out of the country. and to whom am I currently speaking?' I'm argo, and this is Mukua' Argo pointed to the lovely pantheress "Lord Stripetail at your service. I take it you are the friends the girls have met?' Mukua is.. at least" Argo said.' argo's coming too' Mukua said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 13, 2018, 12:10:44 AM
"Sure thing, just don't take too long," Kitty said, putting one paw behind her head and the other on her hip. "I'm not in the best condition for posing right now."


"Glad to see you gentlemen are doing fine," the Duke smiled to his servant owls, taking a sip of wine, "How are things going back in our territory? It's still pitch dark, I hope."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 13, 2018, 12:35:29 AM
Its rained for 765 straight hours, at 5 inches an hour ' one of his servants said, pulling out a pad of papers ' all the residents- save us, are miserable, and reduced to playing Pictionary to pass the time.. Edmund, is actually not bad at drawing pictures. Still annoying as Hades though."
 Mukua  began to drawing the outlines of kitty " Just keep still please' the panthers " Do you want it colored or in black and white/ Most liked it colored and filled in, but some folks just like just having the outline."
 and what do you do, Master Argo?' Stripetail  said " master/ oh, no, milord. I'm not a master of anything " argo said, scratching his head " i'm just a pizza  delivery panther.. Which.. um.. I'm still technically on the clock. I need to head  back to the pizza place and clock out.." Do what you have to do, Argo" Stripetail smiled." I'll catch you guys later " argo said " Nice meeting you ladies.." Why don't you go punch out, then come back ?' Dixie said.'Thank you for the offer Dixie, but I do need to head home.. Good Night Mukua" mukua  nodded at him, over the drawing of Kitty.
 Arlene and Scooby made love on the bed, the pink cat moaned in ecstasy as Scooby entered her, he was the first male to make love to her, and Arlene soon feel asleep, safely in Scooby's arms.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 13, 2018, 01:19:22 AM
The Duke rubbed his face with his wing. "Have none of you tried eating that accursed Edmund?" he asked to his servants. "Kittens are quite digestible...."


Onca was looking over himself in a mirror, preparing for all the kisses he would be getting the next day, he had servants groom his fur. "Get around the face and on my paws," he commanded calmly.


"Black and white, if you could," Kitty requested.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 13, 2018, 01:40:30 AM
No, Master. he's just THAt annoying, that when I try to grab him the thought of him crying in my belly is just too much.' the servant said " Best just to leave him alone and keep watch on the others.
 Black and white huh ? Very well " mukua said, and she drew the outline with a careful, measured series or strokes. the outline of kitty, looking provocative, yet still a hint of tiredness however over her face. ' keep that smile just like that.' Mukua said as she drew the lovely cats ample bosom. " i imagine you've posed for your man, Tiger before, right?' she asked as she moved to kitty's face.
 grooming, your highness' the servants said, shaving and trimming his muzzle so it would be soft to the touch, and make him more kissable. We are expecting a large number of petitioners, including a few foreign ladies' the servant said. " when should we open the doors for them, my liege?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 13, 2018, 02:21:03 AM
"I guess you could call it posing, though I've done more sensual dances for him," Kitty recalled with a warm smile. "He's a big guy, so I like to rest my head against his belly. And sometimes we roleplay....."


"8 in the morning will suffice, I need my sleep," Onca declared as he was groomed. "The lines will be massive no matter what time we start."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 13, 2018, 02:31:58 AM
roleplay? like in costume/ Mukua asked, as the image of Stripetail vanished after bidding the girls good night. ' thats cool. " we don't do that here as much, with the exception of the Treepole festival. But it sounds intriguing ' she added as she finished drawing the picture of Kitty " here, look at it before dreamland takes you ' the panthers grinned. Dixie in the meantime was flipping through the channels before stopping on a game show channel.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 13, 2018, 02:34:44 AM
"Nice job," Kitty complimented Mukua on her painting skills, "You captured my essence." With that, she closed her eyes and began to drift to sleep.


Elsewhere, Scooby's snoring caused Oliver to briefly wake up. He remained in bed, though, and he could tell that Arlene gave him an extra pillow before she fell asleep herself. The kitten smiled at that.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 13, 2018, 08:56:31 PM
Thats good to hear, I'm glad you like it, Kitty."Good night, and I'll catch you tomorrow.' Mukua said as kitty quickly dozed off to sleep.
Mukua stared at Dixie  with a smirk on her face. " so, just us two up now. i would say ' night owls' but you had a really bad experience with an owl recently, so i'll say something else' ' Don't worry Mukua' Dixiue demurred as a new game show came on '   World Quiz' hmm how about a challenge. I bet I can beat you in World Quiz.." Oh Ho Ho! Thems fighting words! Alright, consider yourself on notice. i've never lost at world quiz. i won the World Quiz bowl every year at school, 8 years in a row" So you're a smart cookie, eh? Well i'm no slouch myself in the brains department." dixie said. "Shall we say Loser has to pose for a drawing for the winner?    Why don't we have a shopping spree for the winner? Mukua said " i'm worth millions ' Dixie said "spending 50, 000 on a spree is nothing for me. I spent like 100, 000 on  new carpets and window shades the last time i decorated. ' ONE HUNDRED GRAND? Mukua  gaped " Damn, girl! what did you put in? Drapes made from solid gold? with that kind of coin, i could travel all over the world " well, if you come around the games with me, I'll make sure you get a good paycheck" So what are these games of yours for? ' to help the toons of Toontown ' dixie said. " they were basically broke,m and under the heel of gabriel and her smarmy weasels. she had driven nearly everyone into bankruptcy..  So, we had tryouts for the games, and 4 teams to play. we also have mascots and folks seeing their wares at every stop." And you've been traveling all over the place as part of it? ' Mukua said  " Yeah, and Gabriel has been trying to stop us at every turn. We've had some close calls, indeed the last stop had to be cut short because of the dip she spread every where/' Dip? what kind of dip?' the kind that can kill a toon." dixie said " so a genocidal maniac.. great, just great. Why do i get the sense that you just attract danger wherever you go?' Mukua said " Its true to a degree' Dixie said. " You scared?' she teased. " if you are, the doors over there. No harm in heading home." Mukua took a look at her..' I'm no chicken. you can't get rid of me that easily. So, what do  you to challenge? what about a combination. if you win, i'll take you shopping. if I win, I draw your picture." Alright, prepare to lose, gal" Mukua said, as the game began. There were 4 contestants on the show and it was soon clear  that these contestants weren't very good.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 13, 2018, 11:19:54 PM
In another building in the kingdom of Panthera, a female cheetah named Chie was going upstairs to the room where a lovely and busty panther named Panty was staying. "i'm back girl," she said to Panty, who was looking at her with desire. However, what Chie didn't know.....and indeed, she would find out too late, was that Panty's desires were ones of......hunger.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2018, 01:09:45 AM
Did you get the  fried monkey dumplings? Panty asked, as she motioned for Chie to come join her on the bed.' er.. no.. the place was closed by the time  I got to them. ' Chie sighed. ' ' What about meat doughnuts?' they didn't have chocolate, just sugared.." Chie said  bringing out a box of ringed meats. " But those are tiny. hmm. the foods in China were far more tasty and of far larger proportions too' Panty sighed."is that all you could find?" I'm sure they'll have more food ready tomorrow?' Chie said before holding up a paper " Games to come to Panthera" Games! Foods! Fun!' read the headline..""hmm. that could do nicely.. but Chie,  I must eat more than this. My girls didn't get as big as they are from starving .' Panty said, motioning to her chest.'

 Chie nodded, and then she noticed drool pooling at the corners of Panty's dark red lips ' Damn girl, you must be hungry..' Her eyes flew wide as she realized that the looks Panty was giving her were not those of a lover but as a predator regards its prey " No! Panty! please! Have I not been loyal to you? Please, don't eat me! ' she said in a ragged voice " Please, give me a chance to get you a more filling meal!' You can do that..' Panty said in a voice which drained all color from Chie's face " Pizza! Chie said desperately and Panty paused in thought before finally speaking.   ' i'm sorry, Chie, the last few days have been fun, but.. our time together must end. Panty seized Chie ,  and stuffed the unfortunate cheetah down her throat , much like a snake can swallow large prey huge.
 Arlene stirred a a a knock on the bed room door, and she saw the familiar orange tabby look in " what's up honey?' she asked.' Cant sleep?'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 14, 2018, 02:20:46 AM
And yet, Chie would become only one of many victims of the seductive black panther lady's appetite........


"Yeah," Oliver nodded to his mother, "It's nothing serious, it's just, back in my old house I always used to have some kind of plushie with me when I slept. I don't have one here now," the kitten explained.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2018, 03:19:16 AM
"I'm  sorry dear. I don't have a plush for you. but you can sleep with me and Mr Scooby instead. You can pretend he's your plushie " Arlene said. "Come here' she said warmly, holding out her arms.
As the game progressed, Dixie was holding her own in the game, if she had been one of the contestants, she would be sitting at about 20, 000 dollars. Unfortunately , Mukua was currently at 35, 000, and the last row of questions dealt with the island of Sri Lanka- about which Dixie knew little.' Ah drat' Dixie sighed as Mukua blew through the category, adding another 5000 to her total." Is it possible to tie?' Dixie sighed' well if I miss this last question and you get it right, yeah " Mukua said. 'but tying  is no fun, then no one wins.'' Yeah.Tying is like kissing your sister' Dixie said " Don't  have a sister myself." Then where did that expression come from then?' Mukua shrugged . '

Well, it doesn't matter. Unless you know Woody Woodpeckers girlfriends name, I've won" thats Winnie" Dixie smirked, and Mukua started " how much did you wager?' She said."Everything, it was the only way to catch up' ' so 40000, the same as mine.. " Mukua sighed."I played it safe and bet nothing. as I didn't know the answer' mukua said. ' so.. we tie.  So nether of us gets anything."

Well we can kiss." Dixie said." Hold on.That wasn't part of the wager!" Mukua said " Well, we weren't expecting to tie, weren't we? We have to do something." Hmm,well we should do more than just kissing." Alright, I'll tell you what Mukua.  We both get what we bet for.  tomorrow, after we meet the prince,I'll take you shopping. 100 grand, whatever you want. Then, you draw me posing, like you did with Kitty.  " That's fair." Mukua said.," for the kissing . three rules. First, eyes closed. Second , Any tongue kissing, I start. Third, no touching below the breasts. " Alright."Dixie nodded " How long?" " We'll see as we go along."Mukua said." " Ready?" Ready " " Close your eyes "

Dixie closed her eyes and leaned forward. Mukua closed her eyes and leaned forward. The very dark red lips locked together as they began kissing. After 10 seconds the lips parted and Dixie's and Mukua's tongues began to move toward each other.  Dixie's tongue reached Mukua's first and began to rub against it. Mukua's tongue slipped over Dixie's and moved into Dixie's mouth. Dixie responded in kind and stuck her tongue deep into Mukua's mouth.

As they nibbled on each other's lips, Dixie put her arms around Mukua's neck pulling her against her. Mukua wrapped her arms around Dixie in response . Dixie and Mukua opened their eyes after 10 minutes and looked at each other. The lips parted with a gush, Mukua's tongue easing out of Dixie's mouth. " That was.. fun" " Yeah it was. For now though, i think its time we turn in. " I'll put the food and drink in the fridge' mukua said, and in a few minutes, packed sway the leftover soda and pizza, it would be their breakfast.' Dixie climbed into bed, Under the 3 covers Kitty had given her ( Kitty had something like 30) and Mukua took the right side of the bed. Night" Mukua said ' night " Dixie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 14, 2018, 03:27:06 AM
"Thanks," Oliver grinned, leaping up into her paws. "Mr. Scooby is big and stuffed, like a plush," he said as a lighthearted joke as he settled down with the pillows and blankets the seer had made for him. "Mr. Tiger and Mr. Garfield also took care of me while you were away," he said as he settled in on the bed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2018, 11:00:46 PM
I know dear' Arlene said as Oliver climbed into bed with her.
Pantys Gut
 Chie screamed as she fell down the windpipe and landed face first into a pinkish mass. around her was a  plain of pink hills make her and there with different covered mounds.. " Newcomer! came a cry from one of the mounds " Welcome to the Godess Gut plain, said a red mound '  Who are- what are you? elie asked sitting down. ' we are past meals of the temptress said a male blue mound "everyone she eats starts here to be changed into fat. Each one is different , all depends on how long they can keep intact. every so often. we "mounds' are pulled out to become fat  around her body. No one of us has ever escaped her.. although there have been attempts.' so theres no real way for me to get out " Chie sighed, and wiped away tears running down her face " i thought she was my friend." You're not the first to make that mistake ' said a female mound. She's beautiful , but behind those dark red lips and huge breasts lie a ruthless predator, which you have just found out first hand. What is your name/ you might as well tell us, as you're going to be hear until you too, become a mound." " It- its Chie' chie said. "Morgana ' replied the mound "over there is rhette, and the grey mound back there is oda. Panty prefers females as her meals.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 14, 2018, 11:08:51 PM
"It's gonna be a big day for all of us tomorrow," Oliver said, "At least we're all together." He got himself nice and warm under the covers.


"Countless ones have become fat on her before, and there will be countless more after you," Oda told Chie. "So accept this fate. It's inevitable. The Goddess will claim your body as her meal."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2018, 11:25:53 PM
But i don't want to be fat ' chie said " I want to get out and go back home. isn't there anyway out? " short of the goddess getting cursed by a wizard  and having us escape out her tail, no. And theres no wizards around here. believe me we've thought of everything" morgana said " i was once a vixen, who sold apples in a town in the Himalayas. Panty bought some apples  then complained to me that they were turning bad. when i protested that only a few were bad, She swallowed me whole." morgana said. That was.. nearly 2 years ago now. We retain our sentience after we arrive, and the moundification process takes some time. You might be able to stay as you are for a week or so, but once it starts its inexorable. first the feet go, then upwards to the hips. hands go next, and the last to go is the face. " Only a wizard can reverse the process, through magic' rhette said ' and like the others have said, those are in short supply around here. So , you might as well get used to being here. Others will come after you, so you won't be alone in your station. " Is there anything to  do around here, to pass the time? Chie sighed " well, you could throw us around " Morgana  said ' Mound tossing" we call it. " gives us some exercise and distracts the newest victim from their fate, for a time.Rhette here holds the record for farthest throw. he threw oda to  his current spot. 410 feet wasn't it Rhette?' 416' rhette said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 14, 2018, 11:47:15 PM
"Becoming a mound on the goddess is inevitable, embrace this," Oda said as he was tossed around the vast gut of Panty. "And this way, cheetah, you'll be able to spread the message of how awesome it is to be food to Panty's next prey."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2018, 11:58:23 PM
you guys can spread the Gospel of Panty's beautiful Insides, but me, I'm going to hang to some hope for now. Wouldn't you like to be back to your former self Morgana? Rhette?' I've been in here for 10 years ' Rhette said " i was a liger and i stole stuff from pantys purse. specifically her collection of bras. well, she didn't like that at all. and when she caught me, I ended up here. I've almost forgotten what i looked like  Outside." I'd love to be free again, but thats a "pipe' dream " Morgana said "the thing is, Panty doesn't eat ugly prey. So we all were attractive to a degree, and it got her notice. thats, and thefts."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2018, 12:05:37 AM
Of course, there had been many like Chie in the past. Many who refused to lose hope of escape from the black panther's stomach. Many who looked for escape methods. But the end result would always be the same. Eventually, Chie would come to embrace the fate she was trapped in. The ones like Oda and Rhette would be like what her future was.

"We used to think of escape methods too. And they ALL failed," Oda assured.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2018, 12:16:16 AM
what did you try? Chie asked. ' We tried to fill up her butt pipe and force her to expel us that way. Didn't work, unfortunately. Then we tried to stack ourselves on top of each other so we could escape- at least the very top ones back through her mouth. unfortunately theres not enough of us for that to work " Morgana said " eventually, we all accepted our fate. "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2018, 12:17:14 AM
"Besides, don't you like the idea of becoming fat on such a perfect specimen like Panty?" Oda smiled cheerily. "You'll get to be part of someone bigger and better than yourself."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2018, 12:22:00 AM
Actually, I'd rather be her partner" Chie said "I thought she liked having me around, and I was VERY attracted to her. Theres a reason heads turn when she walks by, she's the stuff dreams are made of. But theres a dark side to this beauty, as you folks have Found out.' panty was sleeping and was unaware of the conversation taking place in her stomach.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2018, 12:23:15 AM
The other mounds laughed. "You're kidding yourself if you believe the goddess would ever want someone like us here in the stomach as a partner. She intended you to be food from the moment she met you, and you're kidding yourself if you believe otherwise," Oda said calmly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2018, 12:25:23 AM
You weren't the first she seduced' morgana said.' just the latest to get their heart broken. Just toss us around, and talk about yourself.." Chie sighed and threw Rhett and Morgana around, showing good form " i used to play softball when I was younger>' Chie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2018, 12:26:43 AM
"And eventually, as you start to digest, a future meal can use you as a softball," Oda informed her eagerly, "As you aren't getting out of here."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2018, 12:30:44 AM
way to keep my mood up Oda' Chie said. " The ones I make friends with, I'm bringing with when I get out." You do realize that there are more souls in here then just in the meadows? theres souls  all over her body. thousands, probably . once you fuse with her fat deposits you lose  your sentience- in short you cease to exist. the stomach is a good place to be ' rhette said. you've got company..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2018, 01:04:01 AM
"So please, embrace your new home," Oda encouraged warmly to Chie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2018, 01:08:57 AM
Chie sighed and took a seat on top of a hill with a view of the massive pink field beneath her. " this will take some time to get used to." she thought to herself " Next time, dome fall so hard, girl if theres IS a next time, that is."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2018, 01:12:05 AM
It was early next morning when Garfield and Tiger heard a knock on their bedroom door. "What is it?" Garfield yawned, opening the door up. He saw Arlene waiting for him with a smile on her face. "What brings you up so early? And where's the kid?" he asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2018, 01:14:04 AM
he's sleeping in the room. I want to thank you boys for keeping such a close eye on him while I was ' away" So i was thinking about going shopping for you two. Any requests ' arlene purred.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2018, 01:17:10 AM
"Lasagna and blankets," Garfield replied, grinning broadly. He had never seen Arlene offer to do something like this for him before. "And are you gonna get Oliver breakfast in bed?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2018, 02:13:17 AM
scooby will handle that. in the meantime i need to catch up with you garfield. How is being a mascot treating you?' Arlene said with a smile. " I'm glad to see you again.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2018, 02:26:17 AM
"It's a simple job, nothin requiring too much exercise, which is how I prefer it," Garfield said with a laugh, rubbing his gut. "And I'm hungry," he smiled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2018, 02:40:19 AM
well, theres a group breakfast down stairs, I'd imagine' Arlene said so why don't we go down and join the others? She smiled. " i'll lead the wAy.
 Downstairs Woody and winnie were waiting in line after tweety and Auga who were checking out the bird seed cakes. " Better leave some for us please?' winnie said.
 Yogi Ranger Smith bobo and Cindy were eating pancakes. Samoa and Dulcy were toasting muffins in the Droopy Dawgs section of the breakfast area. and Bluto and the baron were munching on waffles
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2018, 02:46:57 AM
"What are you gonna do for Oliver then?" Garfield asked as he went down to breakfast.

At the Really Rottens' table, Annabelle and Belladonna were having lots of bacon each. Yes, it was a canine stereotype, but they loved the taste of the meat strips that were usually a breakfast item. "So hellishly good," Belladonna moaned.

"I hate agreeing with you, cousin...." the heaven hound nodded.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2018, 02:54:28 AM
i already got him a new stuffed animal ' Arlene said ' for now I need to get back to work participating in the games. I've missed a lot of them ' Arlene sighed. " How about you Tiger? you playing in the next event or not?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2018, 03:04:03 AM
Garfield turned and saw Tiger was still sleeping on his bed. "Allow me too handle this," he said to Arlene. He stepped over towards his fellow fat feline and spread his paws apart. "Belly flop!" Garfield exclaimed as he jumped down onto the bed, the impact making Tiger quite literally bounce up. Even Tiger couldn't sleep through that.


"If you want new surroundings," Vira, a previously devoured coyote said to Chie, "May I recommend Curves Peak? That's where tons of us go after we get digested and become one with the goddess." Vira was backstroking through the stomach acids like they were an Olympic pool.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2018, 03:29:51 AM
Lead me there please' Chie said to vira. " i'd like to see it for myself.' she added ' will give me chances to see all there is to see around here."
Mukua stirred slightly after 7 and woke dixie' come on, lets get you and kitty over to the palace so you can get a low waiting number. since your number is probably going to be  several thousand, we'll get that shopping spree you promised me done. i'll get  a few things for janus and my brothers."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2018, 03:50:38 AM
"Ahhhhhhhh....." Kitty yawned, rubbing her eyes as she got up in the morning. She quickly got into her dress while mentally preparing herself for the day. She drank a glass of water from the sink in their room. "Let's take a number and get in line for this prince, shall we?" she asked Dixie and Mukua. "And I'm curious to meet the other guys in your life," she admitted.


As Oliver slept peacefully, a nice smell began to wake up. Slowly opening his eyes, a smile appeared on his face when he saw just what his mother and friends had prepared for his morning meal. "Oh boy," he exclaimed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2018, 08:21:10 PM
well, Janus is in Bombay at the moment, so he's a long distance away. I'll call him after we  get your numbers,  assuming, of course that he or my brothers, don't call me first. " mukua said. " You girls want anything to eat on the way there? panther pancakes, which look like us naturally, are always good. Umgola the gorilla makes them, and you won't be able to eat just one, i assure you, they are that good." mukua said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 16, 2018, 02:52:49 AM
Oliver saw before him a table filled with treats of all kinds. "Wow.....bacon, eggs, cereal, toast, this has everything," the kitten mewed happily, when he heard the door opening. It was Arlene. "Is this all for me, mom?" he asked, drooling with hunger at the breakfast feast before him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2018, 02:57:57 AM
yes honey. Scooby and I picked them out for you.  now, today Woody and winnie will be watching over you,  so please do what they tell you ' arlene said ' I'm going to go into town and scout for the treasure hunt."
 even though it was early, there was already a line of ladies stretching out of the princes palace when Dixie and the girls reached it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 16, 2018, 03:23:40 AM
"Is there any request from a pretty woman the prince won't fulfill for a kiss?" Kitty asked Mukua, "He's probably given thousands of favors by now." She could see some of the local panther ladies fawning over a picture of Prince Onca.


"Thanks mom," Oliver smiled as he began to eat his breakfast. He saw Arlene was waiting until Woodie and Winnie arrived before she would take off.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2018, 04:19:32 PM
10s of thousands, probably ' mukua said" theres few requests he hasn't heard by now.." She smirked as they passed some of the girls. the line moved quickly and each girl was given a number and told to take a seat. sima was given a number 12, 103. dixies was 12 106, and kitty 12, 110." well, well, so much for getting in quickly " mukua said with a sigh. " lets go shopping instead.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 17, 2018, 01:27:40 AM
"It's mostly smaller markets in this town," Kitty observed, "Where would you recommend we shop?" Some of the girls kissing the prince had simple requests that could be granted in a few seconds, but they knew better then to wait the entire time in the room they got their numbers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2018, 01:53:20 AM
well,even if some of the girls requests are easy, theres too many of them for us to get to the prince in a decent time frame. and i know you girls want to get through the gate. so for now, we'll go around buying  clothes  and things like that.Dixie promised me 100 grand worth f shopping 'mukua said. So we'll start in the jewelry store
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 17, 2018, 02:28:16 AM
"Since you're the local expert on these things," Kitty brought up, "What are the best jewels to get in regards to attracting guys? I know they can prove to be a key accessory for that endeavor ....."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2018, 03:09:05 AM
that would be rubs around here, the bigger the better' mukua said ' so if we get 3 necklaces or rings with large rubies. that will get us noticed. sapphires opals and pearls are good too, but are rarer.' mukua led Dixie and Kittytowards the jewelry store, which was run by a snake named Huss
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 18, 2018, 11:02:02 PM
After Arlene went downstairs to go compete in the games, Oliver was watching tv when suddenly a big familiar owl landed on his room's balcony.

"Who are you?" Oliver asked the Duke of Owls.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2018, 11:24:36 PM
Here, i have a gift for you. the wizard insists" the duke said. " Give it to your mother, when you have a moment. There was a large box, and taped two it were 2 1000 bills. ' Some spending money.' The duke said before flying off.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 18, 2018, 11:51:09 PM
"Did the seer ask you to do that, master?" one of the servant owls asked the Duke as they flew away from Oliver's room. 3 of the servant owls were to return to the Duke's lands while the other 3 remained with the Grand Duke, providing the Rottens with food and drink.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 18, 2018, 11:57:57 PM
yes, as penance for eating the three girls " The duke said. ' now away with all of you. I am headed out on patrol the Duke said stiffly.
 Mukua entered the store and began looking around at the various gems , necklaces and rings on display.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 19, 2018, 12:01:26 AM
The panther who ran the jewelry store recognized Mukua. "Hey there," the male panther named Sak waved to Mukua, "Don't tell him I told you this, but your boyfriend pre-ordered a little something special for you."

"At least we don't have to worry about getting eaten again," Kitty said to Dixie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2018, 12:16:47 AM
Oh, Janus is a big spender huh " mukua grinned. " show it to me " she said to Jak. Also. Show me some good stuff my girls here.' she motion to Kity and Dixie.
 Lets hope not " dixie said " because I have no interest in ending up in someone else's gut.. again. Just stick close to me, Kitty."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 19, 2018, 12:20:03 AM
Oliver looked to Woody and Winnie, who were in charge of watching him. "I was told to give this to my mom when she gets back," he explained to the woodpeckers.


"Here it is," the shopkeeper smiled as he showed Mukua a necklace with a locket that inside was a picture of Janus and Mukua together from a date they went on.

Kitty asked in a whisper, "Is there anyone we have to watch out for to avoid being eaten?" she asked Mukua.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2018, 12:44:45 AM
hmm. Mukua said ' well a couple folks to watch are Shere khan the tiger, who passes through here at times on hunts.. then  theres Panty,  who sings at   the Club in the neighboring town.  She's been hanging around lately with a cheetah.. now what was her name.. ah yeah Chie. Bubbly sort. seemed a bit star struck, if you ask me.  But  Panty's had a few girls follow her around, and they  usually make it a week or two before Panty dumps them for a new model.   Dunno what happens to them, my guess is they go back home." mukua saids before showing Kitty a gorgeous emerald  ring " how do you like this?' She asked the Green river singer.
 Well, just hang on to it' Woody said. ' Now follow us. We are going out to get some lunch, and scout of the town. Climb on Oliver" He jerked a thumb to his back.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 19, 2018, 12:54:25 AM
"Yes sir," Oliver mewed, hopping on Woody's back. "Where are we going to go eat?" he asked the couple curiously.


"Are you gonna compete in the competition?" Belladonna asked the Duke as he flew in. "It's going to start soon," the hellhound declared, filing her claws.


"I feel jealous," Kitty admitted, "That emerald is beautiful."  However, the cat could see that Mukua wanted to keep this particular one to herself, but she didn't mind.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2018, 01:15:22 AM
if you really want it " mukua demurred. " you can have it. After all, I'm getting myself a number of things, and Janus already got me something fabulous. So, consider it yours ' She smirked and patted Kitty's cheek. ' That Gem goes for 70000 rupees, or about 1000 bucks. so a grand down 99 more to go " she smirked. Dixie had  a huge  sapphire in  a brooch. " OoOh.. girl that is some brooch " its 35000 rupees " dixie said " 500 bucks '  Mukua said '  So each of us will get a ring, necklace and brooch. then we can go around and get some nice dresses. And Naturally some food' Mukua said  as she Wore the locket Janus had got for her. ' All told , maybe 10000..' well the boys will gape at our new jewelry " Dixie seemed.
Pantys Gut.
  Chie sighed as she took a  seat on a "hill that was topped but more of the mounds that were the remains of the consumed souls.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 19, 2018, 01:21:04 AM
"You should relax yourself," Nira, a previously consumed raccoon told Chie, "The acids are actually quite soothing. You won't feel a sting at all, i promise. And then you can become one with the goddess. You can be a part of something beautiful."


"Do you get Janus more gifts or does he get you more?" Kitty smiled as she held onto the emerald.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2018, 01:55:26 AM
Hmm, good question. We get each other about the same.' Mukua said " then again, we don't get each other tons of stuff - we don't make that kind of cash.. course if Dixie here follows through on her pledge, that could change in short order." she grinned " do you have a phone? Dixie asked "  You mean like a personal phone? Not really. the phone i use is at my work.' Mukua said " well theres another thing to buy . a personal phone' Dixie said. "So you can shoot texts off to Janus, or your brothers, or , me or kitty. "Or my gal pals' mukua said " thats a great idea. This is part of the spree right? ' OF Course " Dixie said.
- I'm already beautiful ' Chie replied "Well you'll be part of something even more beautiful' Moana Clarified " I'd rather not ' chie sighed " I'm going to hope some witch or wizard takes pity on me and gets me out of here.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 19, 2018, 02:54:55 AM
Looking out the window, Kitty could see some girls walking past who had finished up giving Onca a kiss and getting a favor in return. "They clearly adore this prince," Kitty noted, "None of them seem to do this just for the purpose of the favor."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2018, 03:03:16 AM
they adore him, to be sure, but for many, it is the favors that drive them. As newcomers, naturally you see the affection for the prince - and how could you miss? his face is on our coins,  his drawing are found all over, and there are girls lined up outside his door every day-but don't be fooled, a lot of them do it for the favors. some do it simply because the only way to go to other towns is through that gate.' Mukua said.
_ chie continued exploring the valley of Panty's gut, in the meantime Panty herself was looking for her next ' assistant' as she officially called the girls she travelled with.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 20, 2018, 02:33:41 AM
"So, where are we gonna have lunch at?" Oliver asked the woodpecker couple who were in charge of keeping watch over him today. "I'll be fine with whatever you all decide."


"Kissing him won't be a bad experience," Kitty admitted, "At least he doesn't sound like a creepy perv or anything." She looked at the jewelry she was wearing in a mirror.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2018, 02:58:54 AM
well, he's not a perv, i've had girlfriends attest to him being a nice guy, despite his status and the thousands of girls who would literally fight each other to the death, gladiator- style in the town arena, jus to to have  a  shot at bearing hm sons and daughters. me personally, i'm happy with janus, and perhaps one or two other guys.and i like having gal pals to hang out with as well, so i would  consider myself fully committed, in terms of free time.'Mukua said ' If the princes WAS a perv, it would be well known, and he'd be missing some very important parts, if he wasn't deposed and killed outright. so, you girls are in for a treat, if you get to liplock with the prince. and if you get tongue-kssed that an extra bonus , it means he REALLY likes you." i' m from the South in the US  Dixie said ' french kissing is something we do a lot of." well, in the meantime lets buy all of this jewelry and move on to the dress place' Mukua said. " i'm had my eye on a nic red-green getup."
i'm not sure woody said ' whatever winnie takes a fancy towards. what sort of foods do you like Oliver? he asked
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 21, 2018, 05:37:03 PM
"Meats, fish, I am a cat after all," Oliver smiled to Woody. "There has to be a place like that around somewhere." He felt his gut rumble. "As you might know, I can eat a lot," he grinned.


The servant owls handed out snacks to the Really Rottens on their bus. "Supporting our boss's team," one explained.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 21, 2018, 08:38:19 PM
well, we will see what we can find. we cant afford to buy too much food, remember most of the money we are earning is meant for toon town ' woody said ' so , dint get too big an appetite Oliver. We will feed you, but we will be reasonable.' Yes Oliver this isn't like at my restaurant " winnie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 23, 2018, 10:37:19 PM
"Ok," Oliver nodded to his caretakers. "Can we just find a place that has fish then? Fish is one of the best foods for cats like me." He let out an adorable smile that was almost impossible to say no to.


"All of these outfits are different from the kinds we would get at our hometowns," Kitty noticed. "For what's labeled as "standard attire", it's a bit more revealing than I was expecting."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 23, 2018, 11:13:06 PM
in a tropical forest like this, you need to be able to " breathe' for lack of a better word' Mukua said " And, frankly, I like having this kind of clothing. I like showing off what I have " she said in a teasing manner. " i'm guessing you guys live in areas hat are colder and drier than here>' She said as Argo came up to them " hi girls" the panther smiled " how are you doing  today?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 24, 2018, 09:50:26 PM
"We're just wrapping up a shopping spree," Kitty said, showing off the dresses and jewels she bought. "And we're waiting to kiss the prince. So, it's probably a day plan that many local girls here do."


"So can we get fish?" Oliver asked the woodpeckers hopefully, "I could go for sea food," he meowed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 24, 2018, 11:52:24 PM
we're in the jungle, i doing think there's fish" Woody said "  don't pester us Oliver. we'll feed you, but for now we'll have to look  around the city to get a sense of where we are." Yogi and cindy walked on past them looking around the stalls.

 You'll be waiting awhile for that kiss ' Argo grinned. " theres lots of ladies wanting favors. Guys have it easy, by contrast. guys can be sent to other towns without asking favors.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 25, 2018, 01:24:41 AM
"And to be clear, he just wants a kiss, right? Nothing extra?" Kitty asked Mukua, slightly concerned, "Like, he doesn't ask us to dress in insanely revealing outfits, right?"


"Sorry Mr. Woody and Ms. Winnie," Oliver apologized to the couple watching over him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 25, 2018, 01:35:41 AM
no, no,  we don't go around wearing ridiculously skimpy clothing. As for kissing, just a kiss, the most that will happen is the prince will slip you his tongue, and he rarely does that.' Mukua said. " so he's not a complete horndog, er, horncat" dixie said." well, like i said,you'll be waiting awhile" mukua said, waiving her shopping bags, she had gotten stuff for her brothers as part of the spree " Makon, Shula, and Rasah are the basketball guys, and Ukin is a bookkeeper' she said mentioning her brothers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 25, 2018, 03:03:51 AM
"So I see," Kitty nodded, having been shown a family photo Mukua had in her bag. "All your siblings were brothers, no sisters huh?" Kitty then felt her stomach rumbling. "You want to get a bite to eat?" she asked Dixie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2018, 04:07:19 AM
Yep, I'm the only girl. Thus, mom, spoils me ' mukua said with a big grin as they continued walking along the path."then again, all 5 of us are spoiled really. as for what to eat,hmm, theres a good selection go meats and other stuff over there at the market. BombayChicken is real good."
 panty was seated at a table at Bombay Chicken eating an order of 6 drumsticks- and the drumsticks were huge.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2018, 12:11:10 AM
In the secluded ruins that King Louie resided in, Sawyer the cat heard a bell ring. "Great," she moaned to Berry, "He wants our services." As they had been trained to, Sawyer and Berry danced seductively as they got closer to Louie's throne. "You wanted us, your majesty?" Sawyer asked, her voice having a hint of displeasure in it as she saw Louie lick his lips, a sign he wanted a kiss.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2018, 12:39:04 AM
well, my dear, i've been looking through your things " louie said holding up a poster showing Sawyer and Danny dancing. " And a idea has struck my groovy brain. why don't you make a movie.. about little Old me? Louie grinned " just about you master?' Berry said " well, you ladies can travel along with me as we um, follow these games I've been hearing  about. Young Master Orca is hosting the next two events..' Louie said holding up a copy of the King Louie times " Local Panther Kingdom to Host Games" read the headline. " we go there, and you film me as we follow along.. " Call it.. um.. Louie's Travels.. yeah that will do nicely " Louie grinned.
 Panty's Gut
 Chie was wandering around the huge pink expanse, walking up and down the ' hills'  and taking in the sights of her new  home. She sighed as she sat down on the highest ' peak' of the valley  I wonder who the next " guest" will be thats joins me down here" She said quietly. ' at least then I'll have someone to talk to.."
 Walled Town
 Woody and Winnie took flight and flew around the town, Woody Carrying Oliver and his shoulders ' Just hold on Oliver" Woody cackled ' don't want you  to fall."
 Mukua led Dixie Kitty and Argo into Bombay Chicken, and got a table for the 4 of them. " 4 large drumstick orders please ' mukua said with a smile.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2018, 12:43:29 AM
"Ooh chicken, one of my favorites, behind mice," Kitty said. "Does this place sell a variety of recipes, or are they all cooked the same way? Either's fine with me."


"Would I be able to contact my studio for them to make it, master?" Sawyer asked hopefully. Louie's monkeys began to laugh uproariously.

"No way girl," one said, "The king will contact a local studio, one he has some sway over."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2018, 01:11:26 AM
well, if you want it shown in  the americas  you'll need Saywers studio " berry pointed out.  and movies aren't something you have much sway over anyway, once you get the movie mae its up to the studio to show it. Besides its time for the Kings for scrubbing. I'll go get the brush. Sawyer, you go get his favorite soap.
 oh theres plenty of different kinds, and you have breaded, fried, or covered with sauces. i recommend the Mugu Mist sauce, it has a real kick at the end " mukua said " you also get your choices of dipping sauces. so get as many as you like.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2018, 01:20:48 AM
"I'll go with fried," Kitty grinned, licking her lips. She saw the chicken others were eating at other tables. "And let's get all the dipping sauces they have. I wanna try em all!"


"Yes, I'll get that." Sawyer bowed to the king, but internally groaned. Even if this movie idea could get her a little more freedom, it wasn't going to get her away from Louie as a whole. She and Berry soon returned with the bath supplies.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2018, 02:02:09 AM
Don't worry " berry said , whispering n Sawyers Ear " i'll help you get some stuff in town for  his kingship" she grinned.
 Bring us one of each sauce" dixie said to the waiter.  and three waters."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2018, 02:08:54 AM
Unbeknownst to Kitty and Dixie, however, as they were looking over all the delicacies the restaurant had to offer, they themselves were being looked at, in terms of being a delicacy, by Panty the panther. Dogs and housecats were rarely in the kingdom of Pantera.

"I can't wait to stuff myself," Kitty confessed.


"Holding on!" Oliver called as he kept his grip strong and firm as they looked for a place to eat.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2018, 02:42:58 AM
hmm, those might be some new delicacies I could try" panty mused as she looked at Dixie and Kitty. "

Mukua grinned as the food was brought forth- and they were huge, and smelled really good to all those gathered at the table ' dig in Girls" Mukua waved to the others.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2018, 02:44:33 AM
"Are any of your brothers in town today?" Kitty asked Mukua as she began to eat the chicken, "I wouldn't mind meeting them." She had no idea Panty was eyeing her.


"Ready for your bath, master?" Sawyer asked Louie as they returned with the soap and scrubber. She just wanted to get this over with.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2018, 02:53:00 AM
No, not yet. they are headed to Delhi for a game before heading home " mukua said " I did call then this morning and tell them about you, and I showed them pictures of you.. lets just say, they like what they see. Boys, am I right?' mukua said with a grin "Pretty girls are like candy for them, they'll do just about anything to get it. " Hey, i'm a guy" argo said " Argo, you goof, I'm not talking about you' Mukua said ruffling his fur. " You don;t wolf whistle at ladies. My brothers do " she laughed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2018, 02:54:25 AM
Kitty had soon finished her first plate worth of chicken. She had such an appetite after the other day, she wanted more immediately. "Dixie, how about you and me go and grab more? They have so many rows worth of chicken at the buffet counters......"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2018, 03:15:33 AM
theres plenty of food stalls around " mukua said ' we can order more food here if you girls are hungry. oh and heres something you girls might like . the prince wait list app, it shows your number and how many the prince has seen. currently, he's seen .. 231. so you have a long way to go yet. it also shows what each girl wished for, like. girl 217 wanted to help her brother get a job.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2018, 03:17:11 AM
"The prince must have a lot of apps based on him," Kitty chuckled as she set off to get more chicken. But as she stepped away from the table Mukua was at, she happened to bump into a certain panther with large breasts. "Sorry about that, excuse me," Kitty told Panty.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2018, 03:33:34 AM
no need to apologize Panty said ' say, you're a performer aren't you? I'm guessing based on your attire. Names Panty ' panty smirked " judging from the sauce on your whiskers , I'd say You were looking for something more to eat. Well, i know just the place . Panthers Pot Pies, which are , naturally, made from meat " panty said, Follow me and I'll let you pick out which one you want. If you want my opinion. the pressed pork is a must - try."
 Dixie stayed behind with Mukua and Argo and mukuas phone buzzed - Janus was calling her " hey Mukua  said a picture of a handsome panther dressed in basketball uniform  Just clinched out league title! Yours truly scored 42 points. Janus said proudly. ' thats wonderful Mukua beamed as she showed Dixie the phone " Jan, this is Dixie she's a newcomer in town, but paws alive if I haven't bonded with her post haste. She actually tied me in World quiz" No way Janus said " she must read history books for a living or something. Mukua always beats me in those trivia games 'he said to Dixie " i'm Dixie " dixie waved to Janus " mukuas told me a lot about you janus- all good stuff don't worry" she'd better " janus laughed Otherwise she'd be in for it from me, or her brothers.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2018, 03:40:03 AM
Kitty, hungry for pot pies, thought nothing was suspicious and followed after Panty. She was led out of the restaurant and into an inn, to a room on the top floor. "Must be one of those restaurants that shares space with a hotel," she said to herself, not seeing the devious, sinister, hungry smile on Panty's face.


When the woodpeckers finally stopped, Oliver asked, "So where are we eating?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2018, 04:12:36 AM
inside the room there was pies cooking, along with lots of spices and sauces sitting on shelves there was a pair of pies sitting on a pair of plates and which smelled delicious ' hope you like snake pie ' panty said ' ain in the butt to cook, what with all the layers of skin.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2018, 04:15:42 AM
"Snake pie?" Kitty asked, raising an eyebrow. "i've never had that before. Even in Green River we don't cook the snakes." She had no idea she was falling into a trap that very moment.


"Keep me updated to how the games are going," Oliver smiled to the woodpeckers as they ate their lunch.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2018, 04:34:18 AM
well, lets just say its an acquired taste " panty said, gesturing to the pies ' you can have both, i. er.. have something else lined up for my lunch, but it will b a bit before i can actually have it. So take a few minutes to eat while go get the soup ready for me lunch." panty headed over to the closet and soon pulled out a length of rope and a pair of  long cloths. she set them down on the bed, and sat down, and turned to watch Kitty eat.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2018, 04:42:26 AM
Kitty tried some of the snake pie. It was indeed an acquired taste, but one she managed to get used to after a few moments. "Not bad," she admitted between bites, and then she noticed the rope. "Is that for stuff you do with your significant other?" the feline figured.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2018, 04:57:43 AM
i don't have a significant other. too busy going about my daily routine to ever think of settling down. " panty said some girls like guys, some girls like other girls, me i like meat the chewier the better. usually i have a girl or two to tag around with me, some are good cooks, others well they just want to learn how to draw in a crowd like i do. but' panty grinned ' there no teaching that can compare to these' she motioned to her large breasts. ' accept no substitutes' she said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2018, 11:02:44 PM
"You must be REALLY popular with the guys then," Kitty smirked as she ate more of the soup she was provided with. She began to sense something off about Panty, but she couldn't tell what. "What are you gonna have for your lunch?" she asked.


"Where do you want us to start washing you, master?" Sawyer groaned to Louie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 30, 2018, 11:26:14 PM
Room service, actually' Panty said " i get lots of  hoots from when I perform. Just finish the snake pies.. just be careful they can cause you to fall asleep, i think its something in the skin, sorta like eating turkey. " panty said  as she continued cleaning out the closet.
when you want to" louie said ' within 10 minutes at the latest" he aded, stretching out.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 30, 2018, 11:31:25 PM
Sawyer began scrubbing Louie's belly. "It's like a bowl of jello," she murmured as she and Berry began washing the king. They could tell he was enjoying putting them through this.


"Thanks for the tip," Kitty nodded, something about the situation she was in still felt not right. She kept an eye on the panther as she ate.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2018, 08:29:15 PM
Stripetail gathered the teams in the center of the city " each team will pick 3 members to search the City for 6 copies of this " Stripetail said showing Frisbees with pictures of Scooby, Yogi, Droopy and the Baron. in 10 minutes I will blow the whistle and you'll have 2 hours to find as many of these as possible. the team that gets the most will win."
 So how long have you played basketball  Janus?Dixie said " oh, about 5 years or so. I'm getting better wth each passing year, helps to have good teammates who pass the ball. We've gotten really good." janus said " Mukuaand I have been seeing each other for about 2 years roughly, although given us panthers, a girl having 1 partner is almost unheard of. She'll have other guys dating her at some point, and well. ' Janus! Mukua said, blushing. " Well, I guess you might be jealous of other guys. the whole masculine ego thing" dixie said. " Yeah, pretty much. Janus said , wiping sweat from his brow with his jersey>' Well, Janus you seem like a nice guy" Dixie grinned, and put her arm around mukua " Well girls, I'm looking forward to meeting you , sometime tomorrow evening, probably late, the bus taking us from Delhi will take a number of hours to get home.  Just get me a nice pizza." janus said. " will do' mukua grinned . " night girls Janus said and his image disappeared as he broke the call.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 31, 2018, 08:55:10 PM
As Kitty ate more of the snake pies, she indeed began to feel drowsy. REAL drowsy. "This stuff really hits the spot," she yawned to Panty as her eyelids began to feel more and more heavy. Try as she might, she couldn't help herself but slink down on the mattress, gradually falling asleep.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2018, 09:02:33 PM
As soon as Kitty feel asleep, Panty Checked to Make sure she was fast asleep. Grabbing the Rope, She quickly tied up the Green river cat, biding her arms behind her back, tying her feet together and wrapping the rest of the rope firmly around her. After she finished tying Kitty up, she gagged her with the hand chiefs first shoving one of the cloths into her mouth , then covering her mouth with the other cloth, tying it tightly. Finally, Panty lowered kitty into the soup which was warm. Panty poured spices into the stew.. and grinned as she looks at her prisoner.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 31, 2018, 10:11:46 PM
Eventually, Kitty began to slowly awake, however the binds all over her body kept her from moving. When her eyes looked around, she could see she was in a big pot, with Panty adding more toppings in! Kitty was prevented from talking, but just from her eyes, the black panther could make accurate guesses as to what she was saying.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2018, 10:30:32 PM
Ah! My guest is awake! Comfy? Panty said as she put in more spices, the murmurs from the cat along with the looks she was giving showed a mixture of fear, surprise and anger. "Don't worry, the soups almost done.. and I must say, you look delicious ' she grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 31, 2018, 10:32:46 PM
Underneath the gag Kitty was trying to scream, but Panty had gagged her properly. Looking around the room, Kitty could see that Panty kept pairs of pictures around with her. One picture would show her with an acquaintance, the next showing her with a full belly indicating she had eaten them! The Green River singer realized she would be next.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 31, 2018, 11:12:20 PM
Panty came up with  a picture of her with a lovely cheetah " On of my longest hangers-on, named Chie. Dear Girl thought I might be interested in her, she certainly was interested in me. Oh, i've had many admirers both male and female, but what i really love, is the hunt, the catch of the prey, and the eating of the prey. Don't feel too bad dearie, I'm pretty good, if you'll forgive the boast, at what I do.." Panty said  stroking Kittys cheek with her paw as she dumped in more spices.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 31, 2018, 11:19:49 PM
As the spices were added, Kitty's life flashed before her eyes. She envisioned Tiger, Dixie, Fievel, Tanya, Mukua, and her career as she felt there was no escape from what she was in. When she saw Panty sniff her over, she nervously realized it was meal time. She closed her eyes so she didn't have to see what was happening.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2018, 08:26:47 PM
Mukua, Dixie  and Argo finished eating, then headed down the street " have you seen Kitty?' Dixie said looking around as the locals walked around and past them, but  no sign of the cat could be seen. ' Nope' Argo said shaking his head. " I think she went down the street to find more food . we have a lot of food stalls " Mukua said.
 Panty finished putting in the spices and flavoring, then took a sip from a soup spoon .. MMM. Delicious ' She said with a grin. Get ready down there" she said smacking her stomach.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 01, 2018, 09:18:47 PM
Kitty shut her eyes and began to cry as she realized she was about to be panther food. She just sat still and hoped Panty would make this quick.


"There.......finally done....." Sawyer moaned as she and Berry finished washing King Louie. "What's your next job for us, master?" she asked the ape king.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2018, 09:46:56 PM
Panty Opened her mouth and pulled Kittys head into her mouth, then slowly eased the cat into her mouth,  her mouth easing to its largest size and sliding the tied up cat down her throat. after a few minutes panty finished swallowing Kitty and began washing it down with the soup that Kitty had been flavoring for her. ' hmm. she was delicious. Good looking too. Shame that I was so hungry, she might have been fun to have follow me around." panty said between sips.
( Panty's Gut.
 Chie heard the rumbling as the opening to Pantys gut opened and the latest Victim ended up in the gut " Ah.. She's eaten someone else' She said headed down from the crest ' someone to talk to thats not moundified yet .' Chie said running faster now and heading towards the main plain.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 01, 2018, 09:51:27 PM
Landing in the stomach, Kitty was surprised to find she wasn't being immediately digested. She was also surprised to see another form inside here with her. She made moaning noises at Chie, hoping the cheetah would come and untie her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2018, 10:27:28 PM
Chie rushed over to Where kitty lay, and gasped as she saw the tied up cat. Hold On, Lets get that gag off Chie said,  baring her claws and began  working at the knot of the gag covering Kittys mouth. . Slowly, Chie eased the gsag, which was tingled with blood on the edges from cutting into Kittys snout and mouth. Chie Threw in aside, then slowly pulled the second gag out of Kittys mouth. 'There, you should be able to talk now." chie said. " Now to your binds.. I'm Chie, the cheetah.. Friend.. er FORMER friend of Panty, in whose stomach we are now.' chie said, and she began cutting into the ropes with her claws, starting with Kittys Arms. ' So whats your name?" Chie asked as she sliced through the ropes.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 01, 2018, 10:37:41 PM
"Im Miss Kitty from the town of Green River, I know, my parents weren't clever with their naming skills." She looked around the stomach, which was much more vast on the inside. "Roomy," she frowned.

"Welcome latest morsel," one of the mounds called happily.


"So, what did you have in mind for the movie about you, master?" Sawyer asked as Louie sat her and Berry on each side of his throne next to him.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2018, 11:01:33 PM
Well Kitty, its good to have company that isn't mounds of past souls ' Chie said as she cut through the bounds and threw them aside. She then cut through the ropes binding Kitty's feet, and finished with the last of kitty's bounds, and threw them aside. ' So tell me about yourself. I'm a bit of a wanderer, or was. I well, was sorta of a jack of al trades, i did a little bit of selling   bracelets, a bit of pole dancing, an a touch of cooking for a small Chinese village." Chie said sitting down next to Kitty.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 02, 2018, 01:56:47 AM
"I was a singer at a saloon back home," Kitty noted. "So I take it we aren't the only ones in here, huh?" She saw the other souls Panty kept trapped in her gut, and was disturbed to see some of them looking.....happy?


"So, what's this grand vision you have in mind for the movie, sir?" Sawyer asked Louie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 03, 2018, 07:26:18 PM
well, these guys are all about serving Panty " chie said making a face ' They're happy because they have new folks to talk to. they've told me that after a week,  I'll change to look like they do. a sentient mound of flab. I've been here several hours - close to a day i think. You just got here so you'll stay as you are for a bit longer than I will. Only way to get us out of here is  if a mage  does it. you don't happen to know any mages , wizards or witches do you?" chie asked " because if you do that would be great. You don't happen to have a phone on you, do you?
Well, something adventure based like going on a treasure hunt. the three of us would be searching for- some ancient relic hidden  in.. um.. Europe- yes Europe. and we'll travel around the globe filming for the movie.' Louie said. " If your studio agrees to produce it, Sawyer I'd be greatly obliged.
Mukua and Dixie walked together into  Mukua Stall ' Just sit on the sofa over there and I'll draw you.' Mukua said you want Black and white , just an outline, or full color?' Hmm. Full color would be nice" Dixie said ' could you make more than one of them? i want something to bring home To scooby once he comes here.' She said " Sure thing ' mukua said going over and getting out her drawing materials. Argo took a seat and flipped through some of Mukuas old drawings. " How come you've never drawn me?' he asked " well mostly I draw to attract customers, who tend to be guys. Guys like pretty girls, after all Mukua said " But I'll tell you what Argo. I'll draw one for you, Once I finish the 3 or so copies of Dixie I'll be doing.' She added.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 03, 2018, 07:39:04 PM
"Well, I do in fact know a wizard, but I currently don't have a way to contact him," Kitty admitted. She looked around at the mounds who seemed to be having fun. "They're saying if we spend too much time in here, I'll come to like it? Please....."

"Oh trust us," Mara, a mound smiled, "I wanted to get out for a while too, but my perspective changed and now I embrace being one with the goddess."


"I'm gonna need a phone to contact my studio," Sawyer said to Louie.

"We have one," the monkeys said, "But King Louie will watch as you make the call so you don't say anything he doesn't want you to."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 03, 2018, 09:08:39 PM
give her privacy" Berry said firmly to both the monkeys and Louie " after all, she needs to talk to her studio in confidence. " So, with all due respect Louie; Butt out"
-The same goddess, who shoved us down her throat." Chie said " so you DO know a guy? thats real cool. Pity  he didn't give you a way of  contacting him. that would have been VERy useful. Come on, i'll show you around ' She said to kitty.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 04, 2018, 09:03:43 PM
"Thanks Berry," Sawyer said as she was pointed the way to Louie's phone. "But before I make the call, can you tell me something? really adore Louie, for real? Even with everything he's done?"


"Thank you for getting me food," Oliver smiled to the woodpecker couple. "It's very good."


"Great, just great," Kitty said half-heartedly, "I get to go on a tour of my potential digestive tomb." She nevertheless followed after Chie.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 05, 2018, 12:23:50 AM
its not like  theres much else  to do around here. might as well explore around Chie said.  " hopefully we'll get help, and get out of here. If that happens, I really don't know what I'm going to do. Sell some photos maybe?' Chie said.
 Glad you liked it" winnie said to Oliver ' Now , we sightsee. We wont be stopping for food again for awhile, but We might get you a book or toy or something."
 I respect lOuie. he's a very dominating personality' Berry said ' and well, i've never known anyone else.' berry said to Sawyer as the actress entered a phone booth to make a call. ' if you could, get me a contract with your Movie studio. I'll be happy to play anything, even musicals." Berry said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 05, 2018, 12:45:03 AM
It took a few rings, but Sawyer finally got through to Mammoth Studios. She explained her situation to the studio heads. Even if Louie wasn't watching her directly, she knew if she tried to use this as an escape she'd get caught again and fed to a fierce jungle animal.

"So this Louie wants to be a star," she elaborated. "And he wants to work with me." To Sawyer's surprise, not only did those at Mammoth Studios sound interested in the ape king's idea, they actually liked how she was describing him.


"I swear sometimes I should ask if I can go home," Kitty said, "These games have been just a big hassle for me." As they toured around, the housecat eventually asked "Ok, I saw the outside of Panty, how are her insides this vast?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 05, 2018, 09:23:07 PM
well you cant exactly go home from here' Chie pointed out. "if we get out, you can ask to go back. As for how she is so much bigger inside than out, I have no idea. Possibly some magic involved, I would think. I have no idea how it works, but it does somehow. me, i have nothing to go home to, so i might as well as tag along with you guys" she shrugged.
Tiger approached Stripetail in front of a store in the walled city " excuse me Stripetail?' tiger said ' Ah, Tiger. What can I do for you?" Well, I was wondering if I could go looking for Kitty. I mean , she's free from the Duke- and I should pluck that birds tail!_ but  I really want to see her. Its been almost a month since we've been separate, and I'm getting lonely  without her" She is in panthera " stripetail replied " which is where we are going next. But I understand why you feel this way Tiger. Go ahead" Stripetail said with a smile " go visit your dear one"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 06, 2018, 12:54:34 AM
After some time, Oliver saw the teams returning to town. "How'd the team do, mom?" Oliver asked, racing over and giving a hug. "Mr. Woody and Mrs. Winnie took care of me, just like you asked."


Sawyer returned to Louie, still holding the phone. "My studio head would like to speak with you personally," she said to the monkey king, handing him the phone.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2018, 01:05:49 AM
the scoobys won ' yogi said. they found all 6 5 minutes before we did." the dawgs found 5 in the time limit, while the rottens had found 3.' we are now heading to panthers ' stripe tail said ' everyone, get on your team buses, we are leaving now.' Come on Oliver " scooby said as he and Arlene walked towards the Scooby bus.' thanks for watching him ' Arlene said to Woody aNd winnie ' hey, it was no trouble at all. " winnie smiled, as they climbed aboard.
 the studio boss ' offered louie a 15 fillipn dollar budget for the movie, and that filming should start in a week " i want sawyer to be heavily promoted, using, attractive clothing and poses" the studio head said to louie.
Mukua had drawn 3 drawings of dixie, and one of Argo, and Mukua had had Dixie draw her to see how she was with a brush. " hmm. not bad' mukua said " i've certainly seen worse. Mukua said ' Thanks. You haven't seen Kitty come back yet, have you?' Dixieasked and the panthers shook her head'No, haven't seen her since breakfast. We should start liking for her."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 06, 2018, 01:16:40 AM
Sawyer could see from the look on the king's face that Louie was more than happy to go with that idea. After the call, Sawyer was called over by Louie so he "Could examine her to get her measurements."

"Fine," Sawyer said, rolling her eyes.


"Hopefully the next location will be less dangerous than a jungle," Oliver said as he sat next to Arlene on the bus. He saw Scooby looking proud of his victory.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 06, 2018, 01:38:50 AM
Berry brought forth a couple dresses from the collection louie set up for his girls. ' You wan it revealing, but not TOO revealing, if you catch my drift.' don't worry, i'll be  wearing the same stuff ' the female monkey said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 06, 2018, 01:44:19 AM
"That's no problem for you, you like it when the king sees you like this," Sawyer pointed out as she changed into the attire Louie wanted her to be in. "How do I look?" she groaned to King Louie.


"I was competing in a series of games around the world in my team, but I got a little sidetracked and now I'm panther food," Kitty explained to Chie. "Hopefully we can find another way out of here...." She looked around the gut interior. "If I get out of here, I'm hiring a personal chef with my winnings and getting a bigger house. One with a tough security I can't be eaten again. This more ways then 1."

Then they felt a shake. "What's that?" Kitty asked.

"Oh, it's just the goddess rubbing her stomach," a mound informed with a smile.

"Did Panty first come up with the goddess name or did these mounds think it up by themselves?" Kitty scoffed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2018, 09:24:16 PM
She likes the term Morgana said " so we call her that. ' i thought goddesses were supposed to be merciful and forgiving? Chie said ' Panty isn't that kind of goddess' Morgana  said with a sigh " If she was, none of us would be here."
You look nice " berry said noticing the green dress Sawyer was wearing. "for now we should start working on a script.
 Mukua took a look at the ' line app' ok, we are now at 1200 ladies served. so we're looking at about 10 hours before we get a meeting with the prince
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 07, 2018, 10:04:07 PM
"I'm just glad you're back, mom," Oliver smiled, hugging Arlene, "But Mr. Scooby, Mr. Tiger, and Mr. Garfield all took good care of me while you away."

"It was simple," Garfield said to Arlene as he ate from a small tin of lasagna. "Thankfully the kitten's not hyper energetic."  He patted his big stomach after he scarfed it down.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2018, 01:24:09 AM
I'm glad you took care of him " arlene said. " so, you want some more food/ I know you always are good for more food" she smiled, as Garfield finished his lasagna. " Want some cheese manicotti?' arlene asked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 08, 2018, 02:45:07 AM
"Sure, that sounds good," Garfield drooled slightly, "And maybe could you make some chicken tetrazzini? I haven't had that in a while." Garfield's stomach growled loudly at the thought of it. The noise made Oliver giggle.


"Of course, we'll have to write the king in a flattering manner," Sawyer noted, "And since this is Hollywood, you and I will have to play the damsels in distress," she added to Berry. The cat did acknowledge her current situation was not as bad as a few days ago.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2018, 08:55:48 PM
well, i wouldn't want to be a dumb blonde " berry said with a shrug. " and we need to do more with making us attractive and endearing."
Mukua and Dixie walked down the street, looking for any sign of Kitty. Dixie sighed as they stopped  at the end of the street ' No sign of her. where could she have gone?'   Dixie said. " well, theres no way  she could leave to the north, the gate is locked. and the south is all jungle " mukua said" i think she's somewhere in town. But for now, let me show you my place.. I hope you like the view" she smirked." let me guess , you have a trophy room?' dixie said." Oh, i've got a few trophies, mostly from trivia, but not as many as you think.' Mukua said. Come on!' She grabbed Dixie by the Wrist and headed north, towards the higher elevation part of town.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 08, 2018, 10:58:55 PM
"AKA appealing to the male eye," Sawyer laughed as she began thinking of ways to write the script. They knew Louie had to be the star, so naturally he would get the most focus. She based her draft on movies she had seen back home in Hollywood.


"Ravioli would also be nice," Garfield grinned, preparing a list of foods that Arlene could make.


"I'm surprised I'm not digested already," Kitty said as she sloshed about in the stomach, "She must have good control of her insides."

"Oh yes," Nico, another mound said proudly, "The goddess decides when all of our times have come."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2018, 11:49:00 PM
we have a week before we transform, and whether you move from the gut to other parts of panty, depends on her choice. We don't get a say in that ' morgana said. ' don't you guys have a phone? chie said. " no. when we transform, any phones we have are destroyed by the transformation. " Part of how the goddess hasn't gotten into trouble.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 09, 2018, 12:49:54 AM
"So she's eaten possibly thousands of people and has never been caught. That really makes me feel confident about my odds," Kitty groaned as she held her head down. "I swear if I get out of this I'm not leaving Tiger's side. Bad luck only seems to happen to me if I go off without him." She thought about her boyfriend now more often.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2018, 01:51:18 AM
well, things could always be worse "chie said 'at least you have someone.You got picture of him, that can look at?don't worry, i don't go after other girl's boy toys.Not sporting or ladylike' Chie said
tiger dripped with sweat as he continue to walk down the road."should have asked for a bike,or sort sort of ride" he grumbled."it will take me hours to get there, and the buses will be well ahead of me' he sighed.
- Mukua entered the house that she lived in with her family 'Mukua Is that you? came female voice from the kitchen " yes mom, we have a guest' Mukua said 'one of your gals, most likely." dixie stuck her head and found a older female panther hunched over a mixing bowl '''Hi, I'm Dixie Doo, and i'm just stopping by for a couple days."Dixie waved her hand. " Hello, Dixie,  I'm Misi, my mate Nacco should be home for dinner in an hour or so'Misi said, getting a good look at Dixie 'hmm, very pretty. I imagine you have mace handy to keep the boys away?" My ring take care of that, mam '' Dixie said, and and ball of ice formed in her claws." Magic? even better" Misi said " dinner will be ready in an hour, I hope you like fried chicken dumplings."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 09, 2018, 09:10:27 PM
"Make as much of this as you can," Garfield smirked, handing the food list over to Arlene. He drooled at the idea of having a delicious Italian buffet. Oliver got a glimpse at the foods written down as well.

"Some of those sound really good," the kitten noted, "Can you make some for me to?" he asked his mother.


Kitty couldn't believe what she saw next. The mounds had made makeshift shrines to Panty in the depths of her gut. The whole "Goddess" nickname seemed to be more than that, they seemed to be actually worshiping her! "I've been here less than an hour and this is already one of the craziest places I've ever been," the cat told the cheetah.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2018, 02:15:56 AM
you can have what Garfield doesn't eat " arlene said. Food will be ready in an hour or so" she said heading over to the bus microwave. The microwave was one that was big enough to cook several meals at once. Aura and winnie were playing cards in the front of the bus, and betting peanuts on who had the better hand.
 Mom's a good cook.' Mukua said with a grin " has to be , with 7 mouths to  feed " She said, leading Dixie up to her room, which was on the second floor. Each of the kids had a name plate on their room, so it was easy to tell , which room was whose. Mukua entered her room, and showed Dixie her lodgings. a large bed, with pink, black and green covers stood in the corner. on the wall hung a number of family pictures, including Mukua playing hoops with her brothers. along with pictures of her with Janus, and well as some of her gal pals.. on the other shelf rested a number of large trivia  books, some open to read pages, with book marks in them." No wonder you are so good at trivia " Dixie said flipping through the pages " you must have these book memorized by now.." Well, i wouldn't go that far, but i know most of the facts in them.. " Ok... name the 10 largest countries in the world, by area" Dixie said " In order? Mukua said." just name them, order doesn't matter." Ok. Russia, Canada, United States, China, Brazil, Australia, India, Argentina Kazakhstan and Algeria. in that order. Sudan, split into 2 countries, it was 10th previously' Mukua said. Dixie shook her head " Very impressive. All off the top of your head. I bet You could give my boss Stripetail a run for his money in knowledge.  Hers another questions. Are there any countries that are 10 sq miles in area or less?  well, theres 4, Tuvalu, Nauru, Monaco and Vatican City" Tuvalu is exactly 10 square miles.' Mukua said. 'Incredible " dixie said sitting down the bed. " well, knowing trivia is good enough to get you drinks and food, at Orcas Bar, but it really doesn't, well pay the bills ' Mukua said sitting down next to her. " i mean, Dixie You're loaded, and can drop 100000 like its nothing. You have a huge mansion, and you have magic powers. Speaking of that. do some magic for me.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 11, 2018, 03:51:39 PM
"This is gonna be great," Oliver smiled to Garfield.

"My mouth is watering just thinking about it," the big cat replied to the kitten. "I bet I can eat more than you."

"You're on, Mr. Garfield," Oliver said boastfully.


The inside of Panty's stomach had practical rivers of stomach acids that were flowing about. They had several shrines (made from who knows what) made to look like the black pantheress.  Various mounds were resting against the walls, indicating that they had settled into their fates as panther fat.

"Are we the only ones not happy to be here?" Kitty asked Chie.

"Oh, everyone starts like you two," a fox said, "But sooner or later, you'll come to adore the goddess you are a part of."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 11, 2018, 08:20:47 PM
no eating contests boys, i don't want Oliver to get picked on for being big.' arlene said as she put in some meat ravioli into the microwave.
 Well, I'm thinking we try and avoid becoming cultists, particularly since we would be worshipping someone who literally ate us.' Chie said." and yes, we are the only ones who don't like being here. Then again, we're the newcomers." there was a boat floating on of the 'lakes;' wanna go for a boat ride? it would also us to get away from shrine central>' Chie asked Kitty.
 What sort of magic do you want? dixie asked. " i can do fire, ice, lightning. I can make smores, create a pizza, umm. i can even change my appearance..' wait, you can disguise yourself? Mukua said in surprise. 'Yeah " dixie said "Hmm.. could you change yourself.. into a panther? Sure.." She  pointed the ring at herself " turn me.. into Mukua" She said. The ring glowed and Dixie was transformed into a black pantheress, one that looked very similar to Mukua. " my Gods! Mukua gaped in awe. " Its like looking at a mirror- without the mirror. So-So how long can that last?' Well, As lon as needed, really, but I haven't  kept transformations for more than a couple hours, to date.' Dixie said.' well, why don't you make us some amores ' Mukua said ' i kinda have a sweet tooth' done, dixie said gesturing and creating two large amores on a plate..

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 12, 2018, 09:56:47 PM
"Is there any cheese with the ravioli, mom?" Oliver asked curiously, "If not, that's ok." Oliver had been taught the joys of Italian food thanks to the time spent with Garfield, and now they were among his favorite dishes.


"We might as well," Kitty shrugged to Chie, "But part of me dreads what else we may find in here." The boats inside Panty's gut had seats that resembled her. "I expected nothing less," she chuckled.


When the girls finished the first draft, they brought it back to King Louie. "Does this satisfy you, master?" Sawyer questioned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2018, 10:46:54 PM
Could it be worse than panty- worshipping mounds?' chie said as she sat down and began to row" Allows us to chat freely, without those mounds talking about how great Panty is" she said, as the boat passed an 'island' in the lake " how are you holding up?' She asked ' i'm glad to have someone who's, shall we say, normal, around, well, besides me,"
No, just meats " arlene said. once you get your food, go visit with Scooby Dee over there.' She said ' Just give me as much as possible" garfield said with a smile.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 13, 2018, 12:07:55 AM
"My mom is such a good cook," Oliver grinned to Garfield.

"Indeed, she's made some of the best lasagna I've ever eaten," Garfield nodded. And he had eaten a TON of lasagna in his life.


"Mostly well. I'm just planning to delay my body's turning into panther fat," Kitty said with a laugh. "I was already in a giant owl's stomach. Now a panther's. Maybe fate is trying to send me a message. Maybe I should expand my own belly. Guys like big girls, don't they?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2018, 12:17:46 AM
it depends on the guy. Some like big girls, others like skinny girls. Most guys like pretty girls.' Chie said. " I think, personally, you look fine as is. You don't need to be super-big, you just need to be a size you feel comfortable with. I'm trying to keep up hope myself, and having someone else around to talk to helps."

 You haven't tried Palermo's Lasagna" Arlene said with a grin, as she brought forth a big tin, and a kids size tin for oliver. " enjoy boys " she said.
 Dixie and Mukua began munching on the large smores, which were topped with Chocolate. " oh, these are so good' Mukua said with her mouth full .. "all we're missing is a fire to toast them over..
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 13, 2018, 12:51:47 AM
"Well, my guy Tiger's super big," Kitty said, pulling out her wallet. It had a picture of Tiger in it that she showed to Chie. "As you can see, he's got a big belly, and he's been huge like that for at least over a decade now. And I wouldn't have him any other way." She sighed in pleasure a bit. "In fact, skinniness is a turn off for me."


"Thank you," Oliver nodded appreciatively, and began to eat.

Garfield dug into the tin he was given. This cat could be a real pig sometimes. "So good...." he moaned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2018, 01:22:48 AM
So you don't like skinny folks?' Chie said , looking at the picture" oh.. He's cute, has a good face to him. You ca tell a lot about people by their faces, a big smile  tells you, he's probably a nice guy. So how did you guys meet.? Let me guess , snuck in your dressing room?" she giggled.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 13, 2018, 01:44:57 AM
"Close, he climbed on the stage after one of my songs was done. He had such a sweet face I couldn't simply shove him off," Kitty recalled fondly. "When I get back to him I'm making him his favorite lunch, or dinner, or breakfast. He's earned it." In response to Chie's question she said, "Eh, the best people in my life have all been big, and I've dealt with a lot of skinny jerks."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 13, 2018, 03:58:04 AM
why not all 3?'Chie smirked. " I wish I had someone like that, the whole meals in bed thing Haven't found that person yet.Its the personality of the person, not the size that matters.The guys, so far, haven't really shown much interest in me, not for a  lack of trying by me, I assure you."
Mukua and Dixie enjoyed the smores,and Dixie set the plate aside.'any other magic you want me to perform?'she asked Mukua, who was wiping her face with a tissue.hmm,not that I can think of: mukua said "Is there anything else you want to do before dinner?" Dixie started to answer before a bell began ringing in the corner " girls! dinner time!' Misi called up.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2018, 12:59:29 AM
"I know, I guess it's just a coincidence that all the best guys I've known in life have been round in the frame," Kitty recalled. She blushed a bit as she remembered, "One of our favorite activities to do as a couple is to let him literal roll on top of me."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2018, 01:29:35 AM
Never had a guy do that to me. Whatever floats your boat, as they say" chie shrugged. "Given his size, I'm surprised You're not flat as a pancake. He looks to be like twice your size. But He's a lucky guy, to have a beautiful girl like you on his arm. I imagine you've had your share of suitors." chie figured.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2018, 01:31:34 AM
"Yup, a fair amount," Kitty admitted, "And, probably not to your surprise,  my favorites have all been the fat ones. Yes, I can be friends with any one of any size, but my heart can only hoped to be won by someone big and round."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2018, 01:55:08 AM
I'm not picky' chie said " i'm big for my species, about 30 pounds more than a normal cheetah. So, if you want to say i'm fat, i wont argue. But i would say I'm just curvy." Chie grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2018, 01:57:46 AM
"Ooh," Kitty grinned, rather excitedly, "Even if you prefer curvy, don't view fat as an insult. I like fat......" Kitty smiled, playfully squeezing the side of Chie's stomach. There was a small layer of fat there, making for a squishing feeling. "I myself, well, you obviously can't call me skinny,"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2018, 03:51:21 AM

 Yeah You're big yourself" Chie said in reply, reaching out and touching Kitty's gut. " hmm.. squishy and soft. No wonder your Tiger likes to play with you. So what kind of music does he like? I like playing drums myself" chie said.

We'll be down in a couple minutes mom!' Mukua said " i'm just showing Dixie my trophies!' Alright, but don't talk too long The food will get Cold!" Misi called up. Understood ' mukua said, before turning to Dixie " well, better change back' She said." its really cool the you can do that stuff. Wish I had magic powers, then i could convince the prince to allow a girls basketball team. Currently, he laughs at the idea." dixie returned herself to normal, and the pair headed downstairs. a large male panther was sitting at the head of the table. this was Nacco, Mukuas father. 'Ah Mukua! You just missed your brothers! Ukin just called. Mason, Shula, Rasah and him, should get in around 1030 this evening, depending on whether their bus breaks down again, that bus of theirs is a piece of junk not worthy for scrap. The shops are making money this month. and i'm in the process of buying my 20th stall' Nacco smiled. ' thinking about selling banana splits in that one, its popular with the monkeys."
_ dad this is my new girlfriend Dixie' Mukua said "Dixie, this is Nacco, my dad. ' pleasure to meet you sir' dixie nodded at Nacco who had a wide, jovial face and brown eyes. 'Pleasure is all mine, its not often We get newcomers in town. Are you connected with the games, by any chance?" yes, actually, my mate is one of the team captains" dixie said as Miso brought in a huge tray of food, the wafting smell of food was very inviting.  ' good, good. i imagine Mukua has been taking your ear off about her dear Janus" Yes, i've talked with him, on the phone. he's a nice guy' Dixie said. WE're trying to get to the next village, so I can get a new uniform. mine.. er. was trashed recently.' She said, as Mukua  looked at her, and clasped claws with her. " Hmm. Zuko's should have what you need. its a bigger store than any of mine, and he's a nice panther.' Nacco said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2018, 07:48:07 PM
"He likes drums too, of all things," Kitty noted, "Perhaps because he and drums share that roundness," she recounted with a laugh. She felt a little more of Chie's flab.


"You did a great job," Oliver smiled as he ate the ravioli to Arlene, "This is very yummy." While the kitten did promise not to eat as much as Garfield could, he was beginning to show signs of the latter's fast pace eating talent.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 15, 2018, 07:56:43 PM
Drums are flat' Chie said " at least those I used. Good thing he likes drums.pity we don't have any drums or any musical stuff in here' She said , moving her paw up Kitty's gut, feeling kitty's flab. "What sort of food do you normally eat to get this figure?
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 16, 2018, 02:45:19 AM
"Mouse burgers," Kitty explained to Chie, "They're a specialty back in my town. Such delicious, squirming mice, they're so tasty, and they can be high in calories too. Mice are naturally cat food, after all."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 16, 2018, 02:53:25 AM
Well, we don't have mice here, unfortunately. we have birds though, in huge numbers. They're tasty" Chie said continuing to rub Kittys gut as she talked, and she felt Kitty continuing to touch her.' you'll have to show me some of this emouseburgers of yours, and I'll show you some of the birdburgers I've made" chie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 17, 2018, 09:10:31 PM
"Please tell me they can be made in high calorie,"  Kitty grinned in pleasure, drooling at the idea of the burgers. "It looks like your behind is big and round too," she complimented.


Back on the team's bus, as he ate the ravioli, Oliver felt Arlene put a paw around him and Garfield. He looked to see her smiling more happily then he had seen her before. "Something got you feeling good, mom?" he mewed.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 18, 2018, 01:23:53 AM
Yes, they are very filling, and high in calories ' chie Said smiling as She felt Kitty continue to caress her. The Boat had floated along in the pool towards a stretch of ' land' they was far away from where they had been staying " A few pies will have you busting out of your dress."
Dixie and Mukua wolfed on the fried Chicken dumplings, which were extremely tasty, and had had their bones removed. ' dixie burped slightly as she pushed her plate in. ' Misi those are delicious! I must have your recipe! dixie smiled " Misi smiled " well, its always nice to get good feedback on my cooking! ' Sacco grinned " i didn't get this belly from sedentary lifestyles , my dear.' He said to Dixie ' but from her cooking. and my boys will be like their father in due time. But not my girl Mukua " sacco said " So , Dixie, if you don't mind me asking, how did you come to our little kingdom?" well, I'm part of the laffalympics, the traveling games competition that is currently in India My friend kitty and I were, for lack of a better word, taken prisoner by a huge owl, the duke of oils, who serves as security for the games. that lasted for several weeks until he was forced to free us" So stuck in an owl belly?' miss said " not the best place to be. could be worse, you could be inside a snake, or a tiger."  ' Well, ending up inside some creature was not how I wanted things to go." dixie said. the games pay very well, and missing events mean I don't make any money. i've lost a lot of money, probably millions, from being unable to compete." Millions?' Sacco said " Yes." Dixie nodded " she's loaded Dad. Took me on a shopping spree easier " Mukua said showing her pendants and jewelry' Spent 110, 423 dollars in all"  Both Nacco and Misi gaped at the amount spent, and the jewelry. ' Is there any chance that she'll be willing to help us with some home repairs?' Misi said, chuckling " I have been meaning to re-do the kitchen." mom! don't take advantage of Dixie like that!" mukua protested. ' honey, if she can afford to drop so much money on earrings and jewelry for you, then she can afford to spend money on more practical things."Mom1 She's not going to be here for very long! a couple days tops!" Those games of hers are coming here" Misi said " so she'll be here for a bit.' " well, i'll be glad to help you folks out. i mean mukuas been a great friend and has shown me and Kitty around, so its only fitting I help you out." Dixie said." anyway, to finish my story, the Duke left me and kitty in the jungle and we wandered around until we found the nearest town, which happened to be this one." So where is Kitty? Sacco said " Well, we haven't seen her since this morning. She went out to get some more food at breakfast and we haven't seen her since" Dixie said."The jungle is a dangerous place to be wandering about.' Nacho said firmly. " theres all sorts of predators around who would gladly lure in unsuspecting prey and eat them. i hope of course that your friend has not become victim to something like that." Well Dixie and I will be going out to find her once we finish eating." mukua said.'Hopefully we'll find her soon. We also have a spot reserved to meet the prince, which is currently.. um. 4300 spots away for me." usually dear you don't bother with those things " sacco said ' so why try this time? is Dixie here that special to you?' He said." Well, dad, i guess you could say that Funny how just a couple days can  change your life in terms of making friends" mukua said." " Thank you Mukua " dixie said patting Mukus head." Thank you for dinner Sacco and Misi>

' Won't you stay for dessert? Misi said ' Its peach cobbler.' Just.. set some aside for the three of us" dixie said. " very well ' Misi said . i'll put some slices aside>' she said Dixie got up slowly from her seat, and as she did, an image of Stripetail appeared " ah, boss> Glad you are checking in" dixie said " Hello Dixie> We are en route to your location. We should be there some time tomorrow, late, judging from the busses speed." Good, Good " dixie said. " I'm just having dinner with Mukua and her family. this is her father Sacco and her mom Misi. This is Lord stripe tail, he's a wizard" A wizard? Sacco said " pleasure to meet both of you" stripe tail said ' Anything you need dixie?' Well, Kitty's gone missing"Dixie said and Stripetail's face narrowed."  Dixie, for the love of the ancients! What am I going to do with you?" Stripetail said clearly displeased. "We need to find her. and um.. have some way to contact her, and be able to connect with her." dixie said. stripe tail ran his claw down his face, and gave Dixie a very cold look. 'you and I are going to have a VERY long talk once we get in. about responsibility and making sure you don't let your friends wander off. " He sighed then turned to Mukua" come forward' he motioned, then noticing the ring Mukua wore on her paw.

" that will work. Dixie press your ring to hers. " its not going to make me kiss her, is it?" dixie said. MUkua shot her a look then smirked.'a kiss wouldn't be the worst thing, mister Stripetail. tuning into a dancing monkey, or  a venomous snake  would be worse, far worse.' No it wont make you girls kiss' stripetail said" it will transfer magic into your ring Mukua, so that you can find Kitty, and protect you from trouble." we'll kiss later' Mukua said to Dixie.' but for now, magic me' She pressed the emerald against dixies ring ' traforus'  Stripetail commanded, and dixies ring, glowed a white light filled the emerald so that it was hard foe mukua to look at it. Dixie pulled her ring away and a blue light  floated from mukuas ring and hovered in the air. 'find Kitty" stripetail intoned, and the the orb began floating away and out of the door.  "Get going. you'd better find her before I get to Panthera Dixie' stripetail said " just add it to the list of things you'll yell at me for. its like 5 things right now Dixie said " Armor Up. and watch your tone Dixie Doo." dixies armor activated and MUkuas parents gaped. 'amazing Nacco said. "we'll be back soon dad" mukua said as she headed for the door."stay safe, you girls Misi said . Come on Mukua Dixie said and the pair ran out  of the door.  Stripetail looked sat Nacco and Misi " good evening to both of you" " wait, mister Stripetail, could you perhaps perform a bit of magic for us?" Misi said. Stripetail  noticed the large peace cobbler, and featured, the cobbler grew in size until it covered nearly the whole table. ' there you go" He said to the stunned panthers" Good evening" The image vanished.
 Areene walked up and down the bus aisle passing out food " You know guys, my dream is to be a hostess. Live in a nice house. with a garden. A guy who comes home every evening and a nice place for my son to play. " Most girls want the same thing " winnie said " Hopefully once the games is over, and gabriuel is dealt with. woody and I can have a Woodpecker nest together.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 18, 2018, 02:15:45 AM
"I'd like to have a swing set and a slide," Oliver said, imagining what would be a fun place to play at a house. "They don't have to be big ones either. You're a good cook, mom."


"And I dream of that day," Kitty chuckled in delight. She felt Chie's form more, especially around the stomach. "Having more of one's self to love really works," the singer lamented, "And it makes cuddling funner."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 18, 2018, 02:54:14 AM
Cuddling would be fun" Chie said " But I think kissing is even more fun" she said looking intently As Kitty began caressing her, Then Leaned forward and pressed her lips to Kittys, wrapping her arms around her and feeing Kittys gut against hers.
Tiger continued waking towards the  east, sweating in the heat,  and panting heavily " i should have stayed on the bus" he groaned as he continued moving down the road.
Mukua headed dow the streets making her way towards a large building n the left end of the city. She looked back at Dixie wearing her armor " you know where I can get stuff like that?' Mukua asked "  You need to know Stripetail" dixie replied, as she sniffed the air. Ok.. I'm getting  her scent. she headed into that building" she said  motioning to Mukua with her paw.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 18, 2018, 03:18:07 AM
"Ooh, nice moves fatso," Kitty complimented Chie. "I never have kissed a cheetah before, I'm just glad my first time doing so it with a fat one," she traced Chie's lips with her tongue, taking in the flavor. "You must've ate before you got eaten yourself."


"So you'd be like my housewife?" Garfield asked to Arlene as he kept eating.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 20, 2018, 02:51:51 AM
no, not yours Garfield. You've made it very clear, you are never going to marry me.' Arlene replied. " Besides it was just a dream of mine." she said taking a seat. I need to get back in the games.. I lost a lot of money  from being away so long." She said.
Not as much food as I'd like, and after this, I'm going to pig out on Food " chie said sliding her tongue into Kittys mouth and caressing the larger cats tongue with her own, her claws sliding down to touch kitty's breasts.
 mukua stopped in front of a building as the orb  turned and passed through the closed door " Better check in here' she called out to Dixie who was right behind her. " the pair opened the door and Dixie began sniffing ' Yeah,. she was here , I can smell her scent clearly. She went upstairs" dixie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 22, 2018, 01:47:59 AM
"I've seen you play, you do good in the games," Oliver said to Arlene, "I believe in you." He continued to eat the ravioli he had been given.

"I wish the best for you," Garfield told Arlene sincerely.


"Oh Chie, if we get out of her,e I'm gonna make sure you get more meat on your bones," Kitty moaned as she began to roll on top of Chie between kisses. "I'm make you as big as my guy is, if I have to."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 25, 2018, 12:41:32 AM
chie rotated with each time Kitty rolled over her, theire lips locking together briefly in each turn, before Chie reached out to Stop Kittys momentum and kiss her passionately for anbout a minute before puling away.
 mUkua and Dixie climbed the stairs, Dixie sniffing and following the orb in front of them. they  stoppe inside a large room. " hmm. Kitty was here, a few hiours ago. then her scent just stops."  You think she left the room, maybe?' Mukua asked as the orb continued to hover. " no.. and I'm suspecting foul play here. " Dixie said walking around.. " You think someone grabbed her and whisked her off?' Mukua said. ' no, even if she was put in a bag somewhere, her scent would linger. hers just stops.'
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 25, 2018, 03:58:50 AM
"Time for some squishing," Kitty murmured as she began to climb over Chie, letting her body cover hers entirely. "It's not quite as effective since I'm not as big as Tiger, but this will have to suffice for now." She did her best to get the Chie under her plump form.


Belladonna and Annabelle were playing poker on the Rottens' bus.

"I know you're cheating, cousin," Annabelle frowned seeing the hellhound snicker.

"You know it's in my nature," Belladonna replied smugly.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 25, 2018, 10:51:45 PM
deal us in bluto said, putting down some cash.  The dread baron  put  some coins in, as well. ' might as well have a group game" the masked man said." deal us in."
Chie looked up at Kitty their faces close together and their bodies rubbing together. "You dont have to be  super-large, and you're big enough to hold me down." She reached up to stroke Kitty's face. ' i'm glad you're with me."
 the buses continued on down the road , all 4 staying in linbe together.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 04, 2018, 12:57:40 AM
"Now let me squash you flat," Kitty said with a laugh, climbing entirely on top of Chie and stretching her limbs out, leaving no part of the cheetah uncovered. "I'm making the best use of my size as I can." She gently rocked around, making sure not to miss a spot.


"That was some good ravioli mom," Oliver said kindly to Arlene, "I hope you can make it again someday." He wiped the sauce of his whiskers with a napkin.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 06, 2018, 01:43:02 PM
I smell panther" dixie said, sniffing around the room. " I AM a panther, Dix' Mukua said ' No, a different panther. I'm familiar with your scent, but this one is different. Has the smell of " i've eaten a lot recently" " how exactly do you know my scent, precisely?' Mukua said " Because I've got a good nose. Dogs have very strong noses, you know. and we've hung out a lot over the past couple days. Hence , plenty of time to smell you. Knowing your smell is different then knowing your taste. We'd have to kiss for me to know that." dixie said. "And we're searching to for Kitty first, thats top priority." agreed." mukua nodded " She's been gone too long for this to be natural, this town is too small for anyone to just vanuish that doesnt involve being eaten or kidnapped. We should keep looking. Shes not in here ' mukua said."  She checked her phone " ok the list of girls  is now up to 8000. So about 4000 to go.. " Dixie sighed, if we dont find her soon, my boss is going to kill me. Literally. " So the wizards a no-nonsense type huh' Mukua said , grinning ' whats so funny?' Dixie said as Mukua patted her on the shoulder ' I'm just picturing the wizard changing you into something.Like a puma or a camel. " Why not an elephant?' Dixie said. "Eh, not elephants. I've ridden them, they smell, like you wouldnt believe." try fighting poisonous Shurlups. they smell worse" dixie said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 08, 2018, 11:41:37 PM
"You're pretty good Chie," Kitty finally smiled after she rolled off of the cheetah. "Maybe we should see about finding you a new place to live once we get out of the goddess......" She suddenly slapped her paw over her mouth. "Why did I call her that? I can't stand the goddess....." she gasped when she realizes she said that nickname again, the one used by the crazy ones who embraced being panther fat.

Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 09, 2018, 01:04:14 AM
A voice echoed in the gut' To my newest .. ahem' guests' Pantys voice echoed ' Please not that you have 6 days before you become one with me. and isnt that what every girl dreams of , to be part of something more beautiful than themselves" panty chuckled.
 I dont know which is worse ' that announcement' Chie shuddered or you falling into the ' Goddess mind.,. All Hail the Goddess, ah shoot now you've got me saying it too, thanks a lot!' Chie said sarcastically.  Then she got an idea " Say, that sheriff boyfriend of yours. has he ever arrested anyone? because I think I know a way we can get out of this little pickle without the goddess- dammit, I did it again!_ turning us into fat for her knockers.
 Mukuas phone buzzed and a picture of Janus appeared '   Hey Babe, I'm just pulling in to the center of town. kInda tired, but  looking forward to seeing my girl. and also meeting  that cute little number you've got tagging around.. ' Very funny Janus' Dixie said. " BuT I'll overlook it.  Say, Janus could you do me a favor/ See my friend Kitty's gone missing, and we need help looking for her ' we've been looking for her, trying to follow her scent, but it just.. well.. vanished. " sure I'll lend a paw. You think someone ate her, or something?' Janus asked. " We're leaning towards that, yes' Mukua said " Well thats not something  we can just sweep under the rug, not with a wizard coming to town. " Janus scratched his chin. " ok, girls, meet me in the center of the town. We're pulling up now. your brothers are heading out first, they're heading  to your house to crash." ' i'll call them later' Mukua grinned. We'll be there in 5 minutes.' Mukua finished the call and turned to Dixie ' he'll help. ' He knows the town like the back of his paw ' She said as the pair walked out of the building. " He thinks you're cute Dix. I warn you, Janus is a charmer ' Mukua giggled ' He's a good guy though, you can count on him. "  A large blue bus  ran in the middle of the town, and panthers were climbing off of it  carrying  uniform bags.   one of them made his way toward s them a big smile on his face '  Hi girls .' janus embraced Mukua warmly in the middle of the sreet "I broke my personal redcord ' He beemed ' 60 points! We slaughtered them Mukua. 156- 32.  We diodnt give up a single point in the second half!' Janus said, and he brought forth a huge golden trophy.  ' He then noticed Dixie " So this is the new girl. nice, very nice' he said handing the trophy to mukua and walking around Dixie "Thank you  Janus. I appreciate men who think I'm cute. Mukua over there has become quite dear to me  over the past few days, showing me the town, telling me where the best food joints are and helping me get in audience with the prince. We're still waiting in line for that.. anyway, KItty. She left for breakfast and hasnt come back.. " We'll start looking where you guys last saw her. ' first I need to dump this stuff off at my folks, and I'll jump in the search " Janus said " Just carry that sports bag ' he said, Dixie found it was quite heavy ' what did you put in this, rocks?' Er, not quite, you'll see when you open it ' Janus grinned.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 11, 2018, 11:26:07 PM
Hey Girls! ARgo said as he came to them. " sorry to have run off but i got called into work" he made a face " 6 hours worth, and i think we sold like 6 pizzas the whole time.  Hey Janus.' He said with a smile. ' You just get in?" Hey Argo' Janus smirked.  " yeah , just got off the bus. now I'm just getting my stuff set at the house before helping Dixie here loooking for her friend." Stilol havent found Kitty, huh?'  Argo scratched his head, then found  himself holding Janus's bag. " Hey Dix? do I loook like a mule?' he asked as Dixie shoot him a smirk. ' by the way, where did you get that cool suit?' Stripetail gave it to me ' Dixie said as Argo handed the bag back to her. ' thats awesome.  See if you can get him to give me something. like bigger muscles . ' You can get bigger muscles naturally. by lifting heavy weights. Like this .. bag ' Dixie said as the 4 of them headed overr towards Janus' house.
 Louie led Sawyer and Berry out of the jungle and into the walled city and sat down at a cafe ' Ok, Ladies ' i've got a few ideas for plots ' He smiled, Kissing both Girls on the cheek. ' Louies Legendary Adventure ' Sawyer read one title " um, Louie, beginning actors dont get their name in the movie.  You'll have to come up with something else ' Sawyer said.
 Arlene  took a seat across from Scooby and Garfield  and the three of them began playing a game of Go Fish ' Well, Now that I;m back, i need to get yiou guys something for me being gone fior so long ' She said Kindly. 'you need to compete Arlene ' Scooby said ' You have a lot of money you ned to recoup.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 13, 2018, 08:43:24 PM
"we'll make sure you have lots of money," Garfield promised Arlene, "And you and Oliver will get plenty of food. Gotta say the kitten's appetite is impressive." He gave Oliver a few more ravioli bites.


"We need to get out of the goddess soon," Kitty groaned, realizing now that she couldn't stop calling the panther who ate her by that nickname. It was driving her nuts. "Let's get away from the stomach acids for now....."


Sawyer rolled her eyes at Louie's kiss. Part of her knew that she had to get used to it, alas. "My studio likes big movies," Sawyer explained, "Something with action, or at least lots of music."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Littlefoot505 on March 15, 2018, 11:20:37 AM
One day, Rudy Tabootie, his real-world friend Penny, and his chalk friend Snap were being chased by a monster in ChalkZone, when Snap yelled the iconic line "Rudy, you gotta draw something!!"

Rudy drew a tripwire for the monster, then he drew a portal that sent him, along with Penny and Snap, onto Stripetail's bus.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 15, 2018, 02:52:44 PM
Stripetail turned as the three newcomers crash landed in the middle of the bus. " Portal trouble?' He chuckled as he held out his paw to Rudy to help him to his feet. " lord Stripetail at your service. If you are curious where you are, you are onboard the Scooby doobies Team Bus, and we are headed towards our next destnination. To be more precise, a small kingdom inside India. So, newcomers what are your names, and from where do you hail?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Littlefoot505 on March 15, 2018, 03:17:18 PM
Rudy, Penny and Snap were very surprised to have landed on Stripetail’s bus, and to have been helped up by the friendly squirrel. Rudy then said to Stripetail, “My name is Rudy, and these are my friends Penny and Snap. We came through a portal from a world called ChalkZone. What exactly will we be doing at our destination?”
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 15, 2018, 04:55:33 PM
well this is a game competition' Stripetail said ' However not everyone on here is a contestant. you can sell wares from Chalkzone for instance. the reason for the games is that there was an attack on Toon world, by a wicked woman named Gabriel. ' Stripetail said as he took a seat. " She used a substance known as Dip, which can kill cartoons, on Toon town, as well art several other locations where we have held contests.  ThE games are meant to raise enough money to save Toon Town from financial ruin.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 17, 2018, 01:33:33 AM
Kovu was having an elephant band provide the score to the Pride Lands; submission video. "I was told you're the best musicians in the kingdom," the lion smiled to the pachyderms, "So we need your help to make our video be the best one possible."

Kovu had taken a lot of footage of the arenas they were being established for various events, and hopefully the games in the future, in the Pride Lands. "Our newest expansions must be shown off," he explained to Kopa.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Littlefoot505 on March 19, 2018, 10:19:07 PM
Rudy, Penny and Snap were taken aback by what Stripetail said. “You don’t think Gabriel could use her Dip on ChalkZone, do you?” asked Snap

Rudy then replied: “I don’t know, but to be safe, we need to make sure she doesn’t get ahold of my magic chalk”
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 20, 2018, 01:18:34 AM
She could, if she found out where it was " stripetail said " she has shown no hesitation about using it up to now, and doesnt care who she hurts. So as long as  she cant reach Chalkzone, it will be safe." He sighed ' But for now , keep that chalk of yours safe, and donmt use it too much. Chalk, even magic chalk, has limits to how much it can be used.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Littlefoot505 on March 27, 2018, 03:32:17 PM
Rudy then responded by saying "Ok, then we need to make certain that whatever happens, Gabriel does NOT get ahold of my chalk" as he nervously put his chalk deep in his pocket.

Penny followed up by saying "Yes. ChalkZone can be easily accessed simply by drawing a portal with a piece of magic chalk"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 30, 2018, 08:44:41 PM
hang on to that cha;k then. if gabriel ever got her hands on it, chalkzone would be dipped out of existence in short order' Stripetail said as he took a seatt on the bus. night was falling as the bus sped on , and the road soon was only lit by the busses lights.
Janus led the group to his house, which was a nice place in the middle of town. Argo and Dixie had taken turns passing the very heavy sports bag betwen them, and it was DIxie who ended up carrying it up the stairs to Janus room, which was, fortunately the first room at the top, and which was foilled with lots of basketball-related stuff: Jerseys, Press clipings and trophies.  THe bag, as it turnedd out, held an enormous trophy- the team trophy for Janbus' team ' The team voted that I shoukld have it " Janus said. " It weighs like 40 pounds.' So , yeah, its hreavy.' He smirked.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 31, 2018, 12:26:42 AM
"We have to get out of here soon," Kitty nervously told Chie. "We both heard it now, even if it;s unconsciously, we're both calling her "The goddess". I don't want to be a lump of belly fat on the godde......dang I did it again!" She began a pitiful attempt at pounding the stomach walls around her, but of course that would have no impact on Panty.


"Thanks for the food," Garfield said to Arlene, handing her some money, "When we can shop, get yourself and the little guy something nice."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 03, 2018, 07:41:03 PM
We need to show more scenery, and less of the statues of you" KOpa said shooting KOvu a look ' This is for the entire kingdom, and not just another ' Kovu is awesome !" montage. From what I've read about the wizard, hes not fond of ego trips.So the showboaty stuff, needs to get cut out. " kopa said as he went over the film video. ' Remember Bro, We're competing with other African and Asian areas for a spot in the Games. THeres only 1 or 2 slots available too."
CHie guided the boat towards the "shore " and climbed out. " Well, We're out of the stomach acids ' she sighed as she looked around the "land' they were now on. ' Now we just have to hang out for the next few days and not go completely crazy in the process, and hope that your friends can somehow find you, without, um. "Joining" us down here. gez I just wanna get out of here ' The Cheetah said, running her claw down her face.
 JAnus set the huge trophy on a free space near his bed, then showed Dixie some photos that hung on the wall ' while some were duplicates of pictures Mukua had on her wall, many of them were of Janus shooting hoops or riding elephants. "Lots of sports here ' Dixie said ' My Scooby is into sports although mostly of the eating food competition sort. " Oh is he one of those 300 pounds guys that eats 50 hot dogs in 5 minutes?" more like 150, and no hes not 300 pounds, he has excellent metabolism. He runs a lot." dixie said. " well, Why dont you have him play me in a basketball game? We'll see how good his metabolism after 4 quarters of trying to guard me' Janus said with a smirk. "Whats the stakes?" Dixie smirked' Well, Mukua told me about that massive shopping spree you took her on. I'm thinking you could buy me some nice stuff too' Janus said. ' Gold chains, expensive suits, you know, stuff that will impress the ladies. " As long as you dont look  like you stepped out of a rap music video ' dixie said. ' THere's nice, and then theres overly pretentious, and then theres, overdoing everything to a silly degree. "  MUkua likes nice stuff, granted I couldnt compete with you on cash," janus scratched his head " So, in the unlikely chance your boy beats me, you'll have to settle for an elephant ride. ' Well, Dont you think thats a Touch one-sided ?" Dixie replied as Mukua entered ' I mean You're talking 6 figures in swag if you win, and if Scooby wins  you show us around on an elephant? You gotta up the stakes a bit. Hey Mukua, Your boy's being cheap with  a bet! Didn't you win a bunch of money for winning the league championship?" Er, well, 100 grand, but  the money went straight to my college fund. I didn't see a nickel of it " Janus said. " Well, what did Janus want?" Mukua said, as she came up to them. "Well, he wants a shopping spree like the one I took you on, if he beats Scooby in a basketball game. But If he loses, hes taking me on an elephant ride. I mean don't you think thats a little one sided, MUkua?"  Yeah, better even up a little Janus. Throw in dinner, or something.  I mean its still very one sided, but Janus isnt loaded like you are. Besides, I'm thinking Scooby might have his own wagers to add' mukua said. ' IN the meantime, LEts go find Kitty.' She said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 08, 2018, 01:55:41 PM
"Gotcha," Kovu promised, "I'll get footage of the waterfalls, canyons, birds, all the majestic life of our kingdom," Kovu promised. He had an eye for knowing what to film, and he was getting help from some animals to provide the score for the film.

"Kiara dear, would you like to be the narrator?" he offered his wife.


"At least if we get trapped down here we can be confident we'll always have company," Kitty groaned to Chie. She pushed against the belly walls, feeling a squish but unable to cause any significant pressure. Panty had them well and truly trapped, there was no way they were escaping on their own. She sat down and thought of Tiger, how she just wanted to be by his side again. "We have to get out of the goddess....." she lamented.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 08, 2018, 02:43:11 PM
SO tell me more about this Tiger of yours ' Chie said "You said hes a romantic type, right? Guy that will empty his pockets to get you the best table at the best restaurant, chocolates, candles, romantic music? Girl, you hit the jackpot! So, to pass some time on a positive note, tell me about your favorite date with your fella! Where was it? what did you guys do? and what did handsome do to really sweep you off your feet?" chie smiled.
 The Doobies stopped for a short rest break, and to allow the inhabitants to get out and stretch their legs. Arlene pocketed the cash and nuzzled Garfield ' thanks Garfield. i'll pay you back after the next event I'm in. "  He had given her 1000 dollars, and Arlene already had an idea of what to buy for herself, and Oliver.
 As She exited the bus she heard the sounds of heavy panting and groans. she turned and in the light from the buses she could see a large figure stumbling along the road toward  the buses. as the figure got closer Arlene could tell that he was leaving a trail in his wake, which the  light soon revealed to be sweat. As the figure reached the end of the Doobies bus, it was close enough to be recognized- it was Tiger. the large cat had turned his uniform dark from sweating so much.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 22, 2018, 01:16:24 AM
Janus, Argo, Dixie and mukua headed out of  Janus's house, after grabbing some snacks from the pantry, and stopping in briefly to to say Hi to Janus' parents " Good, my folks got the extra-big box of meatios ' janus said carrying the box under his arms. '  looks smells and tastes like meat.  Even has meat marshmallows.. ' He licked his lips. "Now wit cheetah marshmallows too ' Mukua said grabbing  a pawful of the creal out and munching on it ' Want some?' She offered to Dixie'  Who took a couple pieces and a couple marshmallows, and ate them ' Hmmm. This is pretty good ' Dixie said. ' I could buy some and give it to to Scooby. Knowing him he'll plow though boxes in a day or less." As they walked past the gate that led out of the kingdom it swung in and a large, musclked tiger entered, carrying a large bag of what smelled like fish " Hey, thats zuko ' Argo said ' whats he doing here?' off hand but I'd say he;s going to make a delivery to the Prince ' the prince likes fish as well as meat "Mukua said ' sniffing ' Mmmm. smells good. Zuko has his own private lake brimming with fish..'   If i had to guess' Janus said " I'd say he's bringing food to the ladies waiting in line to ask a favor of the prince. I envy the prince you know. Having 5000 beauties come before you every day to ask you for something, and all you have to do is give them some lip sugar. Some guys have all the luck...' Janus said, and Mukua shot him a glance " Now, Now, boyo, don;t tell me you've been thinking about trying other pantheresses?/ " No, and I'm not just saying that because you;d have my hide nailed to the wall if I did that- and you would , and likely you'd get your gal pals to kick in on beating my arse- but rather because I've got the best gal in Panthera " Janus said. ' Thats both romantic AND Cornball, Janus' Dixie smirked " you and I are going to get along just fine."
Kovu was Currently trying his Latest round ' of Dance Dance Kovu, which involved , touching parts of the platform with his mane, then his tail . about 10 of the lionesses were gatheed around him, whoping it up as he moved around  in time to the music. Kovu was working up a lather, and he had a smiled as his face. " Go! Go1 Go1 Go!' the lionesses cheered as Kopa came up to him " Kovu, you said you had plans for an event we could hold? " yeah, a painting contest. The one that can do the best painting of the two of us, wins ' Kovu said, as he continued dancing, before stopping to take a bit of zebra off of a plate  his attendant lioness held out to him." GOod work, pro. Painting it is ' Kopa said.
 Arlene held the bus door open for the utterly exhausted Tiger to hold on to. water puddled with each step the sheriff took " Never.. running.. again' TIger panted, his tongue lagging out, as streams of sweat dripped down hisa face ' Hi, Arlene ' tiger said " Could you get me something to eat? I could use a ham sandwich or something ' he said. ' just climb on the bus and get yourself a hot shower, and I'll  get you a sandwich. " Thanks Arlene ' Tiger said ' I thought I could beat you guys to that Panthera place. Boy I was wrong about that."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 22, 2018, 06:32:48 PM
"Wow, you're magic on your paws," one of the Kovu loyalists fawned as he finished up his dance. The lionesses help up more zebra for Kovu to consume, as they knew he had quite an appetite, even by male lion standards.

"Oh, he's plenty magic," Kiara agreed, "There should be a contest pertaining to feeding you, my dear." She nuzzled her husband after he finished racking up his score.


Oliver stepped back to avoid getting covered in Tiger's sweat. "You look exhausted," the kitten mewed sympathetically.

"And I thought exercise did me bad," Garfield noted, seeing his fellow fat cat completely drenched. He offered Tiger a towel to wipe off.

The Miao siblings were practicing the beginner magic the seer was showing them.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 22, 2018, 11:02:23 PM
Let him, catch his breath " winnie said, watching the drenched Tiger take a seat ' thees a bath in the back of the bus tiger." the woodpecker sad kindly " We'll save a spot for you at the front of the bus.' T-thanks ' Tiger said taking off his uniform and tossing it asde as he headed to the bath in the back.' I need a nice long bath and a nice long nap... just wake me up when we've made the next town' Tiger said as he climbed into the tub and turned on the warm water.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Littlefoot505 on April 24, 2018, 12:20:49 AM
While Tigger was bathing, Rudy was thinking that Stripetail might be interested in hearing about ChalkZone, and asked "Hey, so while Tigger's in the bath, would you like if we told you a little more about ChalkZone?"
Stripetail, having been very curious about this realm he'd never heard of before, enthusiastically said "Sure. Tell me about it. So from what I understand, it's a land that you can access with magic chalk?"
"Yes" said Penny "I have no scientific explanation for its existence or how it's accessed. I guess the chalk creates some kind of wormhole that leads to the world where all chalk drawings go when they're erased. Many of them come to life!"
Snap then eagerly chimed in by saying "Yeah, like I did! Rudy had drawn me when he was younger"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 24, 2018, 08:55:27 PM
"We could all use a nice big dinner after we stop in the next town," Oliver suggested to Arlene, "Especially Mr. Tiger. He probably hasn't had a bite in a long time now...." The kitten could relate, he now knew how much cats like himself needed to eat. "And if I remember right, he really likes those mouseburgers." He thought back to the restaurants the guys took him to while they watched him.


Some of the servants of Prince Onca went up to where Dixie, Mukua, and Mukua's boyfriends were. "Your numbers are about to be called," the armored panther guard explained, "Your meeting with the prince will come very shortly."
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 29, 2018, 09:40:59 PM
Well we'll eat on the way there ' Arlene said. and you shouldnt eat such big meals Oliver. Adult cats eat a lot but you're a kiten. you should eat just kid-sized meals.  I dont want you getting fat ' Arlene said
 Panty strode down the street, headed towards the princes palace to borrow some silverware ( as the town utensil store was closed) when she felt a hard kick and a voice emanate from hher Stomach "  Panty took a seat on a vbbench " Alright, my guests what is the meaning of this? what do you want? ' We want Freedom!" Chie's voice was audible " Now, Now, where are your manners? I cant just let anyone I eat , manage to get back out! That wouldnt be sporting.. " Well, What if we gave you something in exchange? ' What could you possibly give me, Chie/ You didnt have more than a few coins to your name when I found you?' Panty Said ' And call me godess pleae.. when you can. Formalities and all that ' You're not a godess' Chie replied ' Panty chuckled ' I am, actually.  the goddess of hiunting. how else do you I think I hid your scent from your friends who were tracking you? "
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 29, 2018, 09:45:05 PM
"'re an actual, literal goddess?" Kitty gasped in shock and disbelief, "Please, I'll do anything if you let me out. I don't wanna be digested! I'll give you anything! I'll help you find more food, I just don't wanna die here, goddess!" She pounded on the stomach walls harder and faster than even the most skilled drummer.


"Ok mom," Oliver nodded to Arlene, "Could you help me find those meals, though?"
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 29, 2018, 09:59:29 PM
MY dear Kitty, What could possibly convince me to let you out? YOu'd need to have somethinh I want after all." Panty said " Like I said I'm not in the business of letting my prey go. The only ones  who could save you are immortals and we have a code about treating each other. We dont mess with each other, well the good ones dont. in short, you guys are going to have to come up with something i want to let you go. ' panty said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 29, 2018, 10:43:06 PM
"Well, you're in trouble," Kitty called, "I know Stripetail the seer, and he won't let you get away with eating one of his players," she vowed determinedly. "You'll be a panther rug when he gets through with you." Kitty just wanted to get out before she was goddess belly fat. She pushed against the stomach walls.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 29, 2018, 11:45:57 PM
You know the Seer huh? hmm.  so you do have powerful friends. Unfortunately, my dear, He lets me do as i please on hunts. What I catch, by and large he cares little about. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time. These games of yours however, intrigue me. I do enjoy a little sport now and then. What do you get for playing in them? ' money " chie said.  And lots of it " How much money are we talking about here?" Panty said ' Um.. 10 million bucks per player" Chie said " 10 million EACH? Well, The Seer is certainly throwing his money around. Anything else' Trophies ' CHie answered " Big ones. and uh.. everyone in the world will watch you compete on TV" ' fame  and money huh..Well what about meat? This godess does need to eat... Tell you what, you promise to get me 1000 pounds of fresh meat a week , and i'll spring you.  But lets me be very clear girls i will not tolerate any backsliding. which means, You promise 1000 pounds, you'd better deliver on it. Otherwise You'd be back in my gut again, in short order. Am i clear?" Panty said.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 01, 2018, 12:30:09 AM
"Yes, we promise, great mighty goddess," Kitty bowed desperately to Panty, not wanting to upset her and be subsequently swallowed again. She turned to Chie and began forming a plan. "We need to start finding some meat, and STAT," she told the cheetah. The Green River local really didn't want to be eaten three times in a month.


"Thanks mom," Oliver smiled as he was handed a small treat by Arlene on the bus. He began nibbling right into it.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 01, 2018, 02:07:13 AM
' Alright Girls, I'm going to hold you to this' Panty saidv  gesturing and pulling a large bottle of a greenish liquidout of midair  " brace yourselves ' she said ' and began drinking the liquid in large gulps, soon emptying the bottle. Panty's face turned a sickly green, she hunched over  and began retching out a vile smelling liquid. CHie was expelled first, then Kitty. Most ladies were covered in a pink, smelly gunk, and their clothes were in tatters ' PAnty spat out bloody flem, then turned to the girls lying on the ground. ' Run along to your little friends, but Remember  you two owe me. And Gods expect their favors to be repaid. Come up with an excuse for your absence- like, riding an elephant, or something." Chie slowly got to her feet and looked around  they were in the middle of town, and it was late at night. " Thank you for your mercy Goddess Panty ' Chie said wiping as much of the gunk off of her " we'll get that meet for you somehow ' see that you do, otherwise, not even the wizard will be able to help you.BUt, if you do see him, give him my regards will you? PAnty chuckled. " Ta Ta for now ' Panty gestured and vanished.  CHie turned to Kitty who was still on the ground " Be Jove, we did it! Um.. Now lets go find your friends.. and um.. find a bath to clean ourselves off. any idea where they might be?" chie said, nonetheless wearing a grin on her face.
 Mukua and  Dixie reached the palace, the lights allowing them to see ' Even at this late hour, there was a long line of girls hoping to get a visit from the prince. Good luck girls ' Argo said stopping at the entrance" Hopefully the prince will not keep you too long. " Could you girls ask his highness to put up some basketball hoops in the town park?' Janus said as he took a seat on the steps " because I'm tired of going to Khanton to get some basketball in in my free time. ' i'll try " mukua said. Wish us luck boys ' Dixie said, taking Mukua by the Claws and entering the palace and passing a trio of guards " You ladies are up in 5 minutes' one of the guards said ' thank you sir" dixie Bowed, and Mukua nodded.
 Kovu enjoyed the attention of some of his lionesses, before Rafiki came up to him ' Your input on your stadium is needed , my prince ' the old baboon said ' follow me please.' Kovu sighed ' Sorry ladies ' he said to the 10 lionesses around ' But duty calls ' He said getting to his feet. ' Lead the way Kovu said to Rafiki.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 01, 2018, 09:19:07 PM
A female jaguar who just had her kiss and then subsequent wish from the prince came out of the throne room, holding a lovely gemstone she asked the prince for. "So shiny...." she awed, "This will go nicely with my collection."

"As long as it doesn't defy the laws of reality, Prince Onca will grant any request a beautiful woman who kisses him asks for," one of the guards informed Dixie with a smirk.


"Probably at the prince's palace by now," Kitty said, wiping herself off. "But for now.....let's find a public bath to clean off, and then get the meat for the goddess. She is not messing around with us." Kitty took some deep breaths in, happy to be outside, but she knew she would be out on borrowed time if she didn't bring Panty what she wanted.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 02, 2018, 07:34:57 PM
Those games should provide enough food for her. We just need to get her involved somehow. ' chie said.  I would suggest calling this wizard friend of yours, let him know that you are ok, and ask for his help with Panty. They know each other at any rate."" Chie said walking towards a nearby phone booth.
We really want to use the gate to head to the next town " dixie said in response ' And Janus wants new basketball courts in town.' MUkua said. "Both should be doable ' the guard replied ' Theres also the matter of a girls basketball team " Only one request per guest" the guard said firmly. " ok, ok ' Mukua said a she took a seat , and dixie sat next to her' Now we just have to wait' Dixie said.Mukua sighed as she rested her head on dixies shoulder " lets hope we dont have to wait too long'. i'm real tired and its past 11." The girls watched a number of the girls approach the prince. there was a board next to the prince " last request is at 11:30!' the board read " above the board was a clock, which read 11:15."  What happens if  we are next line at 11:30?' dixier asked the guards" Well, it would depend on whether the prince will see you. " the guard replied.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 03, 2018, 09:16:47 PM
"Best prepare yourselves now," a guard told Dixie and Mukua, "The prince is one passionate kisser. It'll help your chances if your request is really big, too." Some lipstick was passed out to the ladies in line if they wanted to use it before seeing Onca.


"Ok, but I'm not sure how much he will be able to help," Kitty admitted, "I've never seen him deal with a goddess before. At the very least though he should be able to help us get her more meat." Kitty began looking around for a phone she could use.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 03, 2018, 11:30:54 PM
Theres a call phone over here' Chie said' pointing to a booth. "Lets hope the call doesnt cost too much ' She said. " and that he can make sure we're both safe. We also need to get to the palace, and reunite with your friends."
 well passionate kisses are the best " dixie smiled, as a lipstick tray was presented to them.. "Hmm. nice shades, but a bit too bright and none of them are close to the red i use." You have any dark red shades?' Mukua asked " Sorry, we're out of those" the guard shook his head ' What we have is on there." Then i'll pass" Mukua said. " Suit yourselves ladies' the guard said as he moved down the line with the tray. " You could combine the Basketball court request with the girls basketball team request, and you should have a shot at getting it. It would help if you give the prince a deep kiss ' Dixie said to Mukua " I mean it is really your only shot at getting it. " I know " mukua said " IS there anything you might add to your request/ I mean I figure he gets  asked to let people use the gate to the next town pretty often. So You'll have to spice it up, I think. ' Perhaps offering him some food from my ring?" Mukua scratched her chin then leaned in and whispered in Dixie;s ear " give him a large Smores, with lots of chocolate. Oh. and make me some banana bread" Dixie gestured with her ring ' and created two large plates. one was covered with a big banana bread loaf. the other was covered with a decadent smores cake, with marshmallow  filling dripping out of the sides. chocolate flakes swimming in whipped topping and graham cracker pieces here and there " damn, Dixie you really have outdone yourself" Mukua said " Those look real good.. I'm half tempted to just eat them right now.'  Hold off, Mukua, these are for the prince' Dixie said. Mukuas turn came and Dixie gave her the banana bread.

 Onca smiled as Mukua and Dixie approached him " Hello Ladies. thank you for your patience as I Know the hour is late, and many of you have been waiting all day for an audience, it is unfortunate that I cannot fit you all in. Now , what are your names? ' Mukua, your highness' Mukua bowed " ah yes, I know your father, he owns most of the stores in town. Its is surprising, my dear that you have not visited me before, but here you are now. Ah. and you have brought me food. Banana bread! freshly baked! This pleases the prince!and  who is your friend?' He asked turning to Dixie ' Dixie Doo, Prince Onca ' Dixie bowed. Mukua here is my friend.' Ah an outsider, and very fetching one at that" onca grinned And what do you have there?" a smores cake, your highness ' Dixie said. " Oh, sounds delicious"Onca said.

" Are either of you lovely ladies interested in becoming one of my Prizes? Those are ladies who live with me in the palace, and cater to my whims. Oh don't worry, my whims are usually for beautiful company while i explore the jungles of my kingdom, or posing for official paintings. " we'll Consider it your highness, if you grant our requests. They're both two-parters if you will" Dixie said " Normally, I only grant one request per audience, but if you impress me with your food, and your kissing, I'll consder it. Now what are your requests?" ONca asked ' Well, I want to form a girl basketball team ' Mukua said. ONca burst out laughing ' a girls basketball team! My dear girl, have you SEEN girls play basketball? You're lucky to reach 80 points in a game and theres almost no dunking! Why in blazes would i allow such a request? " You didnt hear the second part " mukua began " this town needs more basketball courts. Our town team just won the league championship, but theres no local courts to play at." NOw, that makes more sense at least. " Why not a challenge, Your highness? put your two best Prize basketball players against me and Mukua, first team to 10 wins. IF we win, you sponsor the team. " dixie said. ' You've got spunk, outsider. very well, we can enjoy a little sport , unfortunately. Dehli and Nunbi, are actually VERY good at basketball. You're not the first to propose such a contest, no girls have scored more than 4 points on them. "

 He turned to his nearest guard ' Go fetch Dehli and Nunbi  They have challengers.' Yes your highness" the guard said and disappeared " Well, i wish to use the gate to the next town. I need supplies to repair my dress " Dixie said " and I want to see what it has to offer . in addition, er i want an cell phone, as I lost mine on the way here." Hmm..Well i'll tell you what. Join my Prizes, kiss me, and let me sample your food, and I'll grant your requests.' a beautiful  tigeress approached them dressed in a fine loking gown " Just sign your names there ladies' the Tigeress, named Cey, said, and pointed to a line on the pieces of paper" DIxie and Mukua quickly signed and cey bowed to them " Welcome. new Prizes. gOod luck with Dehli and Nunbi. You'll NEED it " Cey chuckled as she left. Two hoops were soon lowered and the other girls soon spread around a area about the size of  half a regulation court.  ' Onca took a chunk of bread and cake and ate them rapidly a big smile spreading across his face " HMm. Very tasty. The food is very pleasing. hopefully your lips will be as pleasing." Mukua blushed " Just give me a sec to get ready." she turned to dixie 'Wish me luck " She said before Going up to the prince and kissing him warmly on the lips. Onca wrapped an arm around mukua and held the kiss for 15 seconds before pulling away. ' Very good."He nodded approvingly.

 The buses began to move forward down the jungle path, and Arlene began passing out food from a basket to anyone who  wanted some. Winnie and woody took some warn bread, while Scooby took some cookies, and Stripetail took a cupcake
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 04, 2018, 11:48:52 PM
Kitty found she still had her wallet on her person, and pulled out some change. She put in it the slot and dialed the seer's number. "Please be there...." she muttered to herself, knowing she had to make it to the prince's palace soon. "Oh Stripetail, you gotta help me. I'm in Panthera, and this goddess named Panty gobbled me up. She spat me back out, but now I have to get her 1000 pounds of meat every week or she'll eat me again!"


Dehli and Nunbi were quick to prove they were a force to be reckoned with. "You will not stop us!" Nunbi smirked to Dixie and Mukua as they were able to score the first few baskets with ease. The prince's guard were keeping score in the match.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 05, 2018, 02:59:10 PM
Stripetail picked up then heard Kitty begin to plead with him." Slow Down, Kitty! I'm glad to hear from you. Dixie has been searching for you for several hours, without success. We will be in panthera sometime tomorrow morning. Now, Panty is it?' Stripetail thought for about a minute ' ah, yes the mischievous hunter goddess with an insatiable appetite for meat. So she swallowed you ? Then how did- ah I see , you made a deal with her, for meat? 1000 pounds of it, a week? That's quite a lot, but fortunately for you,  I can provide Panty the meat she desires so you dont have to worry about her eating you, or any of your friends, again. Be far more careful  next time Kitty, or i wont be able to get you out of the next jam. You are very fortunate that Panty was willing to strike a deal. Had she not been willing , I dont think theres much I could do to convince her to let you go, you would likely have become part of her. Goddesses are very powerful, stubborn, and prideful beings, and Panty is no exception. Besides the rules of mortals dont apply to them, the only rules(  guidelines, really) that apply to them, are those they choose to follow. You cannot force a goddess to follow a rule she doesn't want to.  Go Find Dixie, and let her know you are ok. Stick close to her at all times going forward."
 Dixie and Mukua fought back, both making long  contested 3s, but it wasnt enough. While the girls were game, Nunbi was simply too quick with her passes, and Dehli was simply too good a shooter. Dehli hit a pullup jumper over Dixie  to win the game, 11-8. " Not bad actually" Onca said ' But i won;t be sponsoring the girls team, Mukua. "Drat Mukua sighed, as the other girls returnee to the waiting line and the hoops returned to their rest positions. Both she and dixie were bathed in sweat.  Dehli and Nunbi high-fived then left, shooting smirks at both Mukua and dixie.

 Onca motioned to Dixie " Now for your turn , my dear ' Dixie approached Onca and kissed him on the lips. Onca held the kiss for a couple minutes then broke it. " Oh.. very nice. Well, girls I will grant 3 out of 4 requests, as stated I will not sponsor the girls basketball team. " The request was to allow a girls team, the sponsoring  was extra ' dixie said.Onca mused. " True. Alright,  If you can find a sponsor, enough basketballs, and find enough girls who want  to play, I will allow the team.  You must find the money for all that   yourselves ' Onca said, as Cey brought forth two uniforms ' wait, thats our outfits?' mukua started ' But they are WAY too revealing!' She blushed  Cey laughed ' Girl, you should see our Carnival outfits. Trust me, these are modest. Follow me to the changing station." Cey said handing one uniform to Dixie and another to Mukua. " well, i'm sure the boys will like them at least ' Dixie said as they walked into a side room.
as the Dooby bus continued down the road, Arlene brought out a book she had gotten in the walled City and opened it . She held a page open for Oliver so he could read along with her.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 06, 2018, 12:02:51 AM
"This sounds cool," Oliver smiled about the book. His eyes followed along the text as Arlene read the tale to him. He liked hearing the stories.


"Now you're part of the harem," Nunbi smirked to Dixie and Mukua, "Remember to keep a smile on your faces. Onca enjoys it when his Prizes' spirits are up." She stretched a bit and went over to a fancy chair to lounge upon. "And that basketball game is probably more physical activity then you'll get in most days. Most of our time we're just relaxing, being eye candy."


"Got it," Kitty nodded, and hung up the phone. "Cmon," she told Chie, "We gotta get to the palace. I might still be able to get to kiss the prince. Maybe we can get him to provide Panty with meat...." she considered.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 07, 2018, 08:05:20 PM
Kiss the Prince?' chie said, breaking into a big grin. " sounds dreamy, Kitty. aS for getting enough meat to feed Panty. Well I'm not sure if the kingdom has enough food to do that, and still feed everyone else. Just a hunch."
 DIxie and Mukua changed into thier outfits behind a screen, then  came out. " Eye Candy is not the worst thing we could be " dixie said. Mukua looked in a large mirror on the wall ' i still think this is much too revealing' MUkua said " I wouldnt say that. you look very nice ' Dixie said. 'tha nks, dixie. you do too.' Mukua said smiling at her. "  i'm just more comfortable in my normal attire. this is more, shall we say, showgirl attire. Not that I've ever dressed as a showgirl, of course ' Mukua said "  Why don't we head back to the inn/ Its really late " dixie said '
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 08, 2018, 10:55:00 PM
"You're part of the harem now," Nunbi told Dixie and Mukua, "You can find rooms to stay in easily. So just sit back, relax, and listen in case Prince Onca has any requests of you. Get familiar with the place."

Dehli nodded and went to lounge on a couch not too far from the throne room. She kept a smile on her face and subtly swayed her form, knowing Onca enjoyed that.


"First I need to finish washing off though," Kitty admitted to Chie, "I still have stomach stench on me." She shuddered at the thought.
Title: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 14, 2018, 10:49:50 PM
Janus pulled out his phone and dialed Mukua, who soon picked up " Hey Babe, I'm headed back to my house. I'll catch you tomorrow. " i'm staying overnight at the palace ' Mukua said.  I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well Janus"
 Chie waited for Kitty to dry off, then grabbed her by the wrist ' come on, We gotta hurry, If we dont get to the palace very soon, they'll close the doors.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 16, 2018, 10:46:36 PM
Chie headed over towards the princes palace, a glance at the town clock showe it was now 1120." come on Kitty, we're almost out of time.
 Janus and Argo headed home for the night.
 Cey nodded at Mukua and Dixie as they came back out. good, you can stand in the " Prizes aea with me, while the prince finishes up seeing his girls for the night. Which should take no more than 10 minutes.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 20, 2018, 11:13:57 PM
Stripetail's radio buzzed indicating that he was being contacted. The frequency indicated that it was from Neo Gotham's mayor. "Greetings, Lord Stripetail. We have considered your request and are happy to announce that the next leg of the games will be held at Neo Gotham. On behalf of its citizens, I welcome you to Neo Gotham."


Gabriel's RV blended in remarkably well with the dirty, industrial streets of Neo Gotham. Of course, if it was too clean, it might attract unwanted attention from the undesirable elements of society, so she and her Weasels dirtied it up a bit with scuffs, dirt and even some graffiti.

The RV stopped by a decrepit looking industrial building near the waterfront. Laborers in powered exoskeletons loaded and unloaded cargo from the ships in port. She got out of the RV and awaited her contact.

An arms dealer by the name of Iqvan. 
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2018, 09:09:49 PM
Thank you Mayor " Stripetail said. " we'll be there in a few days. We're currently in India at the moment, but we will be on our way to Gotham shortly. We look forward to your beautiful city. Stripetail, out"  Stripetail said, cutting off contact. he sighed as he looked around the bus.
 Cey, MUkua and Dixie took seats around a table in the   Prizes area behind the throne room. ' I wager you ladies are hungry ' Cey said , bringing out a tray of  meat. " after waiting in line all day." Thank you ' Mukua said  talking a strip of meat.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Littlefoot505 on June 25, 2018, 12:25:38 AM
Penny wondered "How will we get all the way to Neo Gotham anytime soon? According to my calculations, it will be a very long time before we get there from here". Snap replied "I'm sure Stripetail will figure something out"
Rudy then said to the two of them, "Well, maybe I can draw a portal, although I only know how to do those to ChalkZone. However, I was thinking we could go there at some point if you'd like to"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 25, 2018, 01:02:51 AM
Well, first things first , my friends. we need to wrap up the games here in India ' Stripetail said " They are being held in a small panther kingdom named Panthera,   and we have just arrived in the center of Town " he said taking a look at the window. " We will be spending the night in town. I'll class you as ' Chalkzone Envoys" and I'll give you some spending money as a stipend, lets say , 500 dollars each ' STripetail gestured and pulled out some  papper money out of a bag, and handed the cash to the three friends. ' THat should be enough to get you a room, and something to eat while the games wrap up.  Feel free to wander around town, and explore.  For now though, LEts have everyone go check in  at the town HOtel and get some much neded rest." COme along!"

 the doors to each of the Team buses slid open and one by one, each of the Team members walked off. Scooby, ARlene, Woody Winnie, ASugua, Tweety , Tiger the Cat, and Scooby Dee were from the Scoobs. Yogi , Cindy Bobo and Ranger Smith from the Ypogis, Samia, Dulcy abnd Screwy were visible for the dAwgs and BLuto, the Hooded claw and Muttley were among the representatives for the Rootens. " i take it Master wizard, that we all will be at the same hotel for the evening?'  The Hooded claw asked ' Yes Hooded claw" stripetail said "  Its very late, and We'll just take whatever rooms are available. It may not be the lap of luxury, but well, we will only be staying here a few days , Once these games are over " we will be traveling through Chalkzone, en route to Gotham City"  Stripetail said, as they all headed  the front door of  the hotel. " ROoms for rent , 25 a night ' Read a poster on the door. " there are 68 of us, not including these 3 new comers' THe Dread Baron said " Thats like 2000 dollars or something, I didnt bring my calculator. " I'll Cover the Costs Baron, Yopu folks just head to your rooms once the clerk gives you your keys. ' Stripetail said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 25, 2018, 03:04:16 AM
While her Weasels were dealing with Iqvan, Gabriel herself and a few of her Weasels were being escorted to the mayor's office. The mayor was a man who looked rather athletic for someone at a desk job. He tapped his fingers on his desk. The office of the mayor overlooked the towering black monoliths of Neo Gotham. Elevated walkways and highways wound their way through the congested streets. 

"I don't have much time, so get to the point," he said.

"Well," Gabriel said. "I'm willing to make a deal. I'll pay you handsomely to interfere with the upcoming games."

"You better be willing to cough up some serious cash then."

Gabriel smiled. "Ah, that is not an issue." She gestured for her hernchmen to open the suitcases...revealing them to be filled with stacks of gold ingots. "I'm sure this will change your mind."

The mayor frowned. "You will understand that I am a bit skeptical of this offer."

"I assure you that these ingots are solid gold. In fact, I am willing to have your men test them at my expense."

The mayor steepled his hands. "Yes, very well then. Until the results come in, the deal is not finalized."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 25, 2018, 11:11:01 PM
  While Gabriel and her weasel thugs were intimidating the mayor, School was going on as usual  in Gothams High Schools, including Hamilton High. Max was sitting at her dask, lookinbg at the clock above the teachersb head, it was a few minutes to the closing bell, and Max was bored.  There was a  a mixture of chatter  from the kids behind her - a mixture of chats about the guys girlfriends, along woith some talk about  something that looked like a Bat- that guy would have to be like 90 now.  Same for all those freaks backl in the day'
 BAtman- huh" max said to heself " It was likely just a legend, nothing more."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Sergeant Burker on June 30, 2018, 02:06:15 PM
But meanwhile, at the nearby abandoned warehouse, the apparently mythical Batman was fighting the Joker. And yes, it is the DCAU versions of them, not the crap DCEU versions of them. Could also be the Burton ones.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 08, 2018, 07:45:41 PM
(This is 'Batm,an Beyond" Batman, Not the animated series Batman, SB. Bruce is this verse is long retired, and the original Joker is dead)
 Max  heard the bell and got out of her desk, heading for the door along wit the rest of her classmates . ' 5 papers to write on Gotham's History, going back to 1800" She sighed ' so, much for doing anything this weekend " she sighed " Sometimes I hate being a genius."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 08, 2018, 11:14:59 PM
The results did in deed come back. The gold was genuine.

The mayor turned to Gabriel. "Well, it looks like we have a deal then." He firmly shook Gabriel's hand. "You'll understand if I can't have the police directly rough up the contestants. I will however be willing to use bureaucracy to clog up the system."

He then looked out over the glittering dark metropolis of Neo Gotham. "However, if you men decide to cause problems for those contestants, I'll have the police department 'conviently' show up too late." He then glared at Gabriel. "However, you are not to target anything except the contestants and any potential 'heroes' who wish to protect them. Break that rule and I'll have you thrown into the worst prison I can find."

Gabriel looked shocked. "Mr. Mayor, I would not dare do such a thing!"

The mayor nodded. "Very well, I'll give you the location of the stadium the games are being hosted in."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 21, 2018, 08:29:36 PM
 Dixie, Mukua and Cey finished their meal, then Cey showed them to her room , which held a number of posters of the prince " He's been good to me' the lovely tigeress said."And all I need to do in return , is cook for him. "So no " fun stuff" Mukua asked. ' nope, he has other girls for that." Cey said as Dixie got onto the bed. " We're just staying for a short time' dixie said " We have the games to play, after all.  You want to come along Cey? The pay is really good." Hmm,Well I don't know. Who else are you bringing along?' Well, Theres Mukua, Janus, Argo and Chie" dixie said "We can find a job for you.. What are you good at?" Carving masks ' Cey said pointing to a number of masks hanging on her wall.
Chie reached the palace, just in front of Kitty, and just in time to see the line of girls disperse " We're here!' Chie called to Onca. ' Sorry my dear, You'll have to come back tomorrow" Onca said,stretching and getting up from the throne.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 02, 2018, 06:35:11 PM
You're kidding! Chie said in an exhausted voice. " do you have any idea what we went through?" She said to ONca " i'm sorry my dear. but time us up for the3 evening' ONca said as he turned to his chambers.  " You may return at 8 tomorrow morning. I understand the wizard has arrived with the contestants. " why don;'t you go ask him for help?' Onca said.
 Scar was perchged over a cooking pot. adding slices of meat to the disk " Hmm. Smells delectible " he said to himself.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 05, 2018, 02:48:01 PM
"You are an expert, dear," Zira smiled, giving him an affectionate lick. She took a nice sniff of the recipe Scar was cooking. "What's say we call our cubs in a little while?"


"The prince is great," another harem girl told Dixie and Mukua. "He's kind and compassionate, and can give you anything you'd ever want." Some of the ladies were already fast asleep, others were enjoying a late night treat.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 05, 2018, 10:51:33 PM
Well i know a couple girls who joined this group' Mukua said to the girl ' They had good things to say ' its not like in China where all girls have to 'play' with the prince or king. Which is good. I wouldnt have agreed to this, if the Prinbce was into that sort of stuff." This is a short -term thing, anyway '" Dixie said.  ' Once the games are over we're heading back to  America." PlUs I have family and friends I havent seen in awhile." Cey nodded ' all that traveling must be hard on you."We're used to it " dixie said.
 Its very late there dear, Another time " prerhaops ' Scar saod as he continued sampling the food '
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 08, 2018, 02:53:18 PM
Arlene, Scooby and Oliver checked into room 16, which was pretty small, not meant for more than 3 people. " its just a place to crash ' Scooby sighed as he set down his belongings on the bed " Tomorrow we resume the games, and then its off to the next location, he said as he watched Oliver swipe his pilow and lay on it.  Scooby flipped on the Tv then handed the remote to Arlene ' you can pick the channel ' he said with a smile.
 Dixie found a phone in the harems room, and began dialing Kitty;s number, hoping she would pick up. " please pick up" she said to herself.  As she waited she saw a countdown on the wall, calls were limited to 30 minutes. "Plenty of time to catch up" She said to herself. Mukua in the meantime was talking  wiyth cey about mask carving ' i'll draw a mask of yours, just get me some paper and some pencils' Mukua said to Cey ' theres an ats room down the hall Cey said ' whatever you need is in there. We do have to ebntertain ourselves after all, when the prince doesnt need us."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 08, 2018, 04:07:33 PM
"This one's really nice," Oliver grinned as he laid on the pillow he swiped. "Is it ok if I have this one, Mr. Scooby?" he asked the great dane who had watched over him while Arlene was.......elsewhere.


"Dixie?" Kitty said as she picked up the phone, "Did you make it into the palace? I tried getting to see the prince, but the kissing time had closed when I got there."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 09, 2018, 12:16:24 AM
KItty~ I got thriough! Well, Yeah we made it to the palace, and got to see the prince, in fact the prince invited his to join his " Girls" which isnt what you think.  Hes agreed to open the gate for us to go to the next tiown, as well as get  basketball courts put in around town so the kids here can play. So far the girls seem nice although we just got here , like, an hour ago so we're on " first impressions" still, as for you missing the prince, you must have gotten there like a minute too late. Tell you what, y0u come to the palace and i;ll sneak you into the harem chamber for the evening. Mostly so we can reunite, and catch up on where you were the whole day. What happened after breakfast?" Dixie asked.
 Arlene settl;ed into a position next to Scooby, and flipped through the channel, which mostly were documentary channels, along wityh a few Bollywood specials. she snuggled up to Scooby " tomorrow, i'm going to thank tiger and garfield for watching oliver, while i ws. away" " just bake them some food, that will satisfy them. Pancakes maybe" scooby suggested.
 ONca headed into his chamberd, which were ornate and filled with clipping from the Panthera newspaper. ONce Asumes Power" read one ' Prince opens new bookstore' and the like. onca changed into royal pajames which were purple satin.
- Chie was siting on a bench, while Kitty continued her call with Dixie ' so whats the plan?' She asked the Showgirl.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 09, 2018, 01:46:52 PM
"Well, I followed this busty pantheress named Panty, and she ended up eating me up! It turns out she has a ton of creatures in her gut, and she's actually a goddess! I met a cheetah named Chie who was also eaten recently, and we eventually managed to get out, but in turn we have to keep getting her new meat for a while......hopefully the prince can have his servants whip up a lot," Kitty explained.


"I can't wait for breakfast," Oliver told Arlene and Scooby, "The cafe they had here smells good...."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 09, 2018, 11:12:52 PM
Panty? Oh,I know who she is. What a vicious pantheress" dixie began " a goddess? As in heavenly being? Wow! Boy did you get lucky to get out of there. As for meat, I can create meat with my ring, dsame for Scooby. How much do you need?  We'll get it for you, i promise' Dixie said ' MUkua and I were Looking all over for you, and fpor several hours. So this Panty was able to mask your scent. Not easy to do, particularly from a Great Dame, like me. Just come to the main throne room, and I'll get outfits for you and chie to wear.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 10, 2018, 11:12:58 PM
After receiving input from his fellow pride members, and some brainstorming sessions, Kovu wrote down the outline for the video he intended to send the seer. He went to Kopa and presented it to his fellow royalty. "I think you'll like this," the brown lion grinned eagerly.


"Sure thing, but I don't think I can just slip into a palace," Kitty replied, "I'm sure I'll need official approval from the guards or the royals."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 11, 2018, 07:02:59 PM
"What do you mean I can't land!?" Captain Fairchild screamed through the radio. He and the other living planes were flying in a holding pattern outside Neo Gotham.

"It's exactly as I said, I need permit of flight, travel permit and clearance from your commanding officer."

The living A-10 shut off his radio and swore profusely.

"Get Stripetail on the line," Major Lockie said.


Meanwhile, Gabriel and some of her Weasels were beating up a  street vendor who was trying to cash in on the games.

"Please, I'll give you anything!" the vendor said. Gabriel punched him in the jaw.

"We'll be taking those." A Weasel snatched all the trinkets the vendor was trying to sell. "Oh, and here's another for trying to cash in on that cursed game!" He kicked the vendor square in the face.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 14, 2018, 05:50:46 PM
 Stripetail's radio buzzed and  Stripetail answered " Captain Fairchild. What do you have to report from Gotham?
 Just tell them that you are a new Prize, and that you havent gotten your attire yet' Dixie said ' they'll show you to the chambers and where to get dressed.
Mukua and I will meet you inside.This is actually a really nice place. Just head on over and I'll meet you at the entrance. should only be a few minutes.'
 Kopa looked at the proposals Kovu had given him, and he grinned ' Very nice! The lassoing wildebeests in an arena should be a lot of fun. I assume fastest team to do so winbs?" He said to Kovu.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 14, 2018, 11:19:57 PM
"Got it, see you there," Kitty said, hanging up the call. She urged Chie to follow her back to the palace, where she went into the front gate.

"I'm one of Prince Onca's prizes," she told the panther guard, "And I need my new outfit. Where can I be provided with it?"


"Yup," Kovu nodded to Kopa, "And the elephant riding race,we have enough room for that. Feel free to tell me which sound like they have the most potential."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 17, 2018, 01:32:25 AM
Therees Outfits in the Prizes chambers' the guard sa, named lumpjaw said. ' just head on inside , the outfits are hung on pegs on the wall. just remember next time to grab your attire ." lumpjaw yawned, it was close to midnight after all .  Chie entered the hall and caught Lumpjaws eye. ' Hmm. You ladies are lovelly, as benefiting a Prize of Onca. But if you will forgive a slight boast, I believe i have one even better as a mate. Lulubelle is her name ' Lumpjaw said, reaching into a pocket and pulling out a picture of small light colored bear wearing a pink hat. " She looks nice ' Chie said as he waved the picture in their faces.  " yep, I'm a lucky bear, that I am.
 Dixie had found a closet full of board games, and pulled out one  called Monopoly, and had convinced mukua to join her in a game. the instructions soon revealed however that this us a "strip' monopoly, where the first  player who ran out of money and clothing, lost.  Mukua was currently slightly ahead, having taken both  parts of oNcas palace the richest area in the game. Currently Dixie had about 9000 bucks to her name, Mukua about 13000 (both players started with 10000) and they had occuppied about a third of the board each.  Cey was watching the pair play with a smirlk on hjer face ' You know, there arent any gamesin here  that dont involve Stripping .' She said ' Its an addicting game too.  A vixen named Drussa, had a terrible stretch of luck playing strip poker with me, and at one point, she owed me 124 sets of clothes!  I owned all of her clothes, and the poor girl had to go around in the buff for nearly a solid month. since she lived with me, I got used to seeing every inch of her.  I felt bad for her, you know? But she couldnt stop playing."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 18, 2018, 02:15:36 PM
"She does look nice," Kitty said, looking at the picture Lumpjaw showed them. She looked back to Chie. "Better late then never, we might as well get changed and see the prince in the morning." When they went into the Prize Chambers, they saw the almost comedic extent how revealing the outfits were.


"What are you watching, Mr. Scooby and mom?" Oliver asked as he crawled all over the pillow he had claimed. It was nice and comfy for a kitten like him.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 18, 2018, 04:17:56 PM
They call THAT an outfit' Chie said holding up her attire. "its almost as bad as the stuff they wear at those carnival shows, where is to say they wear basically nothing at all. " she said ' Maybe i'm just trying to be modest , but couldnt they find some attire that covers up our goods and looks comfortable to wear' the cheetah said, before tucking the dress over her shoulder and poking her head into the next room, where she saw  Dixie and Mukua playng on a bed while Cey watched ' Hi! i'm chie' cie said  waving as she entered. ' ' hello Chie' Dixie said, smiling as she noticed the cheetah, pleasem, do come in. i'm glad you managed to make it out. This is my friend Mukua, who's currently getting the better of me in monopoly, She even has her own space on the board, ' Dixie said. Mukua nodded. " Mukuas stall, which costs 200 dollars to but, and 300 bucks to upgrade, so its one of the cheaper places o the board.' Mukua said, and she rolled a dice, and moved 4 spaces to a " Dance ' card' space. Mukua drew a card and read from it " lose the princes favor! pay 500 bucks on every property you own fully!" Oh drat! this one of the worst cards you can get if you have property!'  Mukuas face fell.  lets see, I own  8 properties fully, and partially own 6 more. so this is going to cost me 4000 bucks for the stuff I fully own, and 100 more for the stuff I partially own, so thats 4600 bucks in the free parking pile ' she said tossing a good chunk of money into the pile. ' So You still have the lead' in cash' Dixie said. Not by much ' I had 12500, now i'm down to 7900, Just 600 bucks ahead of you. " mukua said.
- Dixie smiled as she saw Kitty enter ' Well Well The prodigal showgirl returns! She smiled at kitty. ' Come, Come, have a seat. Mukua and I are playing ' strip' poker, apparently all the games the girls play here involve wagering on their clothes. Ceys been telling us about all the ' ahem ' cat fights that have broken out, over some of the games. apparently strip poker is brutal' Dixie said.
- So the girls play for keeps' CHie said, as cey went over to a cupboard and pulled out a couple bottles of drinks ' you girls care for   some 'Grace of grape'? Its a very good soda flavor. The prince doesnt drink alcohol." SUre I'll take some' Chie nodded.
 Lumpjaw looked at the photo and broefgly flashed back to when he had started dating LUlubelle. ironically, she wasnt trying to show interest in him, but rather Bongo a small bear who lived in the area. Their kind shows affection by slapping each other in the face, and  in going to slap Bongo lulubelle had slapped him instead. Lumpjaw had started dating her right afer that, and every so often bongo would come around to visit lulubelle, and the 3 of them would go out to dinner , sometimes for a fish fry, other times for steak.
 Lulubelle was in her office on the second floor of the palae preparing press releases covering the games to come in panthera ' need to make sure all the copies havve no typos.' the small bear said to herself as she looked up from her type writer.
- I think other places have elephant riding, so well have to substitute something else, like catching prey.  You pick out 4 fast prey, and mark them as the target for the teams. it doesnt count if you catch someone elses prey. you have to let them go and try again.  Keep up the good worj though, bro, I'm liking what I see. one of the events is playing dance dance kovu 'Kopa said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 18, 2018, 05:36:23 PM
"Sweet, I'm fast on my feet after all," Kovu grinned, turning to Nuka and Vitani. "We should call mother and father soon. They'll like to hear about this."

Kion and Jasiri came by. "I heard you guys wanna host a branch of the games?" the girl hyena asked.


"Wow, these leave NOTHING to the imagination, huh?" Kitty said, slipping on her prize attire. She then looked toward Cey. "Sure, that grape soda sounds good," she said to the harem girl. "Thanks for helping us out," she added to Lumpjaw.

She then looked at Dixie. "I'm not in the mood for games right now, I wanna relax after everything I went through today." She gave her dog friend a gentle pat on the head.

"You're in luck then," said Ashi, a female panther, "Many of us, our daily job is to simply be eye candy."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 19, 2018, 01:25:24 PM
 Understood Dixie nodded as Cey poured some soda into Glasses, handing some to Chie, then Kitty then  Ashi. She placed glases for dixie and mukua near their bvcorners of the board, then finally poured herself a glass.  Dixie and mukua continued their game, with dixie starting to control more of the board through purchaes and mukua landing ion them.  mukua was now down to 1800 dollars, and dixie was up to 8600. mukua passed  the Princes profit space and added 500 to her tally. " pity that we only use 1 dice per roll ' she said as she looked over her properties.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 19, 2018, 10:34:05 PM
"So what's this Prince like?" Kitty asked to Dixie, "If we have to stay with him for a while,I hope he's handsome and sweet, at least...." She was hungry for a royal snack. "Where can we grab a bite?"


"This sounds great," Kiara said, looking over the outline Kovu had made. "We should be a shoe-in for a hosting slot now!" She gave her mate a quick kiss on the cheek.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 21, 2018, 01:41:29 AM
"Apparently, the permits for us to land have been revoked," Captain Fairchild said.


The vendor was being treated by the first aid squad and the police were taking a report. Little did he know, they'd "lose" the report and the incident would be buried.


Meanwhile, the Jokerz were having a great time wrecking the inside of the stadium. Cheers and hoots erupted as the juvenile delinquents smashed windows and performed other acts of vandalism.

Indeed, one of them tossed a firebomb into a stack of the chairs, tables, banners and other furniture that had been ripped out and piled into the field. Soon, a roaring bonfire was burning in the middle of the field.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 24, 2018, 10:29:45 PM
"I'll  reach out to the mayor " stripetail sighed ' I don;t have a good feeling about this. the fact that your permits to land were denied is quite troubling. you are, after all, our advance scouting team.  Try and find a handing spt outside the city, any place that will take you."
 The  Prince is quite generous and chariotable ' said a pantheress named Atrua . "We do wear revealing clothes ladies, but it is partly because it is hot here , and too much clothing would leave half of the attire soggy. and partly because the prince likes girls who flaunt their beauty. don't you think so, Mukua?' She asked " You always liked flaunting yourself  Atrua" Mukua said, as she flipped over a dance card ' and earned herself 300 bucks. " Thats something you were never shy about. " Well, when you'll got it, flaunt it! How else are the guys going to notice you if you're not dressed to catch their eye? Or for that matter, how will you show confidence?"
 Well dreesed in pasties and underwear leaves little to the imagination' Chie said " Shouldnt you leave the boys some mystery? " Well here you can have girls wear, pretty much any kind of clothes they want, so long as it accentuates your gifts. atrua said. " I honestly don;'t like wearing so-called ' Normal clothes, I find them inhibiting.
- Cey brought out trays of chicken for Chie and Kitty ' Help yourselvs girls. I imagine you are quyite hungry after standing in line for the prince all day."
 Arlene kept flipping through the channels trying to find something for Oliver to watch. " we're not watching anything OlIver " Scooby said ' Just flipping through the channeks to see what they have out here.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 25, 2018, 11:17:48 PM
"This isn't too far off from some of the stuff Waul's asked me to wear," Kitty noted, seeing how much of her fur was shown off by the outfit. "I guess I can get used to this." She then looked at Lumpjaw. "At least the guards aren't big pervs, either," she said about the big bear.


"I see," the kitten nodded, nestled nicely between the two. He was happy to be in a nice warm inn, one that was not too humid.


"So, when should I send the message?" Kovu asked Kopa, "Should we add more to it first?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 26, 2018, 04:11:40 AM
We Need more , quite a bit more" kopa said ' everyone from Celesteville to Madagascar to Timbuktu is sending in bids.  Add in a few more things. Toss in some more money too. After all, its ultimately going to Toon town " kopa said. " start at, say, 4 million" He said.
 Well, if we were that sort of thing, the prince wouldnt hire us, indeed , we;d be rotting in jail ' Lumpjaw said, as he began moving away and heading out to do his patrols.

On the bed Mukua had run out of money and was slowly shedding her attire in order to stay in the game. " looks like you're about to win Dicxie' She said glumly, as Dixie rolled a 6 and pased into a section controlled by Dixie. ' Its not over yet. if you lamnd on " the  Take My money!' space, you'll be ruight back in the game. theres gottta be like 30000 bucks in there. You get that you can buy your clothes back  and really start making waves." Dixie said. ' Problem is I'm 3 rolls from being in range of that space ' Mukua said. " if yu get it, its game over. " all I have left are my hotels,  and 3 articles of clothing.
 Atrua brought out a huge book full of illustrations ' Poses of t Pleasing Prize ' she said opening it to a pixcture of a harem girl dressedprovacativerly and sitting on a sofa, gazing out in a carefree manner" there are thiusands of poses" atrua said to Chie and Kitty.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 28, 2018, 02:22:24 AM
 Chie took the book from Atrua and began looking at the various poses " hmm  i like the " MUse one ' she said pointing a picture of a girl holding up a skull and looking at it curiously.  Think you can do for 2 hours straight ' Atrua said with a smirk. ' HMm. Play you in a game for it' chie offered ' alright. strip sorry' Atrua said giooing over to the game cupboard. theres Pink, red, Purple and Blue, in this version ' Atrua said, settling the board down. "i'll take Pink" chie said ' fine i'll take Purple' Atrua said ; You draw from this deck to strt yo have to draw a 1 or 2. if yiou knock off one of your opponents pieces that person has to take off an article of clothing. First person to lose all their clothes loses, and has to. um, shakes their booty whenever their name is called for the rest of the evening. ' chie laughed ' Ok, you're on!"
 Arlene finally settled on a cooking show which was making a large chocolate cake covered in marshmallows and finished wit a ice cream side ' That looks Yummy!" scooby said' Now I'm hungry!' He laughed as Arlene chuckled '
 Vitani was returning from a hunting carrying a large gazelle in her mouth, she was pleased with herself, as she had just broken her old record for fastest catch of a prey- this time it had taken her just 6 seconds.  HEy sis!' came Nukas voice as he came up to her ' Mind if i get a bite of that gazelle " the older said hopefully. " Kopa and Kovu have been too busy to take me on a hunt.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 29, 2018, 10:02:55 PM
"That cake looks really good," Oliver meowed, "I wonder if we could get the things we need to make one ourselves, soon." The kitten was enjoying the cooking program.


"Say, how big is the palace's kitchen?" Kitty asked Atrua as she settled into the Prize Chamber. "And, if yes, do the chefs make a lot of meat dishes?" While she was enjoying Onca's home, she did remember the ultimatum Panty had given her and Chie.


Kovu was adding cash to the offer for the seer, at the same time he was thinking of additional challenge ideas that would show off the Pride Lands' Beauty. "Something our subjects could get involved in...." he mused
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 01, 2018, 11:04:44 PM
we'll need to bump up the amount by a lot, if we're going to make the cut" give him what ever he wants. 10 million, 20 milion, just whatever it takes to get that slot ' kopa said " we Can afford it, we're the richest kingdom in Africa.  PLus, we help the wizard,  it would be of great benefit to us. wizards always pay back favors.
THe Kitchen is big ' Cey said. "But its locked for the night. We do have a smaller kitchen here. I can go make you something if you want, KItty. it would not be a problem at all."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 02, 2018, 10:15:58 PM
"Oh, I know," Kovu grinned with a nod, "I'm already picturing the possibilities. I think I'll offer 30 million to the seer to seal the deal." The brown lion was adding the finishing touches to the letter. The image of the games being hosted in their kingdom pleasantly lingered in his head.


"Well, it's not for me, I'm not hungry," Kitty assured to Cey, "But rather it's acquaintance," she said, knowing what Panty was forcing her to do. She figured a palace would have tons of food she could give the panther.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 05, 2018, 11:49:29 PM
How much food are we talking about here?" cey asked " because if its a large meal, theres enough in the larders for that. We prizes get lots of midnight cravings, you know. long days of posing will work up an appetite. Believe me, I know " she grinned.

_ 30 Million? fine. send it in. Have you named the race circuits for the games? And if so remember you can only name 1 after yourself" Kopa said, as the lionesses came up to them carrying a list of ideas. ' My king, can we have the non contestants do a safari?' asked one of the lioness.' it would show off the beauty of the kingdom. " i enjoy the Kovu Circuit" piped in another one. " It has a great view of the gorge in the turns."
 Stripetail entered his room and flipped on the light. in a flash, panty appeared seated in a chair by the window " hello , seer. Its been awhile' Panty smiled broadly ' hello, Panty " stripetail said 'What do you want?" Come now, wizard! is that any way to talk to a fellow immortal? I've come to join in your games. I figure  I could  use some merriment, and you need to stop those weasels from wrecking yet another host site. But, I join on my terms."  " And those are?" that I eat anyone who displeases me, and I get paid, in meat." You are already getting paid by Kitty, or so she has told me. " well 1000 pounds of meat a week isnt exactly fulfilling, I'll need more.' Panty said " as for eating anyone, I've had issues with that already from the Duke. No one who is in these games, or is  a mascot of these games, or who is friends with either a contestant or mascot, may be eaten. Period. That still leaves a large buffet of potential meals. The Wease;ls are fair game.  Second, you'll have to release everyone who is in your gut already, to clear room. ' Stripetail said and Panty began to protest.

"But they worship me!' The Black pantheress said. "  And they'll continue to do so, Panty, once they have been restored. A merciful goddess is one that is revered, after all. And they'll revere you, for freeing them. .Further, you'll make a good profit from them hawking wares with your face on them. ' " Hunt like a divine" t-shirts, you mean?" Panty paused " pretty much whatever you want, within reason " Stripetail said and a grin spread over Panty's face. " This pleases me' Panty said.  Stripetail gestured and panty was clothed in a bright green outfit which read ' Games Security' on the front. " Very Nice panty said gazing at her uniform in the mirror. " You know how to please a lady, seer. So, you accept my terms , and i start first thing in the morning."
 Mukua soon was forced to start mortgaging her properties in order to retain her clothes. Mukuas Stall was the first property to go, as it was the cheapest. ' The Pile in the middle was now over 50000 bucks.  In the Sorry! Game, both Chie and autrua had lost  1 article of clothing, and were both about equally distant away from each others home base. So far neither of them had gotten a piece in safely.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 06, 2018, 02:06:07 AM
"They said we can't land...they never said we can't fly over the city," Major Lockie replied to Stripetail. He ordered the other two living planes to fly over the city and scout it out while he contacted as many airfields as he could.


Captain Fairchild had already taken the initiative to fly over the city. Luckily, he was high enough that he was able to avoid the air traffic that surrounded the bustling metropolis. His thermal camera revealed an unusual hot spot that he cross-referenced with the coordinates of the stadium the games were to be held in.

Fearing trouble, he flew lower to get a better view. To his shock, there was a fire blazing within the stadium. And a rather large one at that. Even worse was the group of thugs utterly trashing the stadium.

"Attention miscreants! Disperse and leave the stadium at once!" Thanks to his size, the living A-10's announcement came as if from a powerful loudspeaker. He circled the stadium as he repeated his announcement.

One of the Jokerz flipped him the middle finger and raised a rocket launcher. "Nah, we like it here!"

The rocket flew from its tube and aimed straight at the living A-10. A blast of flares and anti-missile fragmentation shells fired from one of his countermeasures pods mounted on his belly hardpoint safely detonated the rockets. Captain Fairchild noticed that they were teens but decided to ignore it, seeing as they had tried shooting him down. While it was easy to rip them apart with his myriad of weapons, he didn't want to damage the stadium even further. Instead, he opted to drop numerous flares and smoke bombs, hoping to drive them off.

He radioed Stripetail. "Stripetail, this is Captain Fairchild. I have located the stadium. It has been severely damaged by a group of teenage delinquents in...clown outfits!?" The living A-10 failed to keep the surprise from his radio transmission as his camera captured a brief shot of the attackers through the choking smoke. "Regardless, they are armed and dangerous. An attempt was made to shoot me down with an anti-aircraft missile. I am unharmed. Captain Fairchild out." 
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 10, 2018, 06:25:46 PM
" clowns? interesting. " Stripetail said " it would almot be funny, if they hadnt seriously tried to harm you.  Contact the police and inform them of the delinquents. We'll have to find another place to play around Gotham , it looks like. " Keep an eye on weverything you can. stripetail out.
Dixie and Mukua kept playing, as Dixie p[ulled a card '  ' the prince wants a date! Pay 500!' Dixie sighed and put the money in the kmiddle, which had over 70000 into it by now. Mukua had 2 articles of clothing left, panties and her bra, and 3 remaining properties. ' so which article would you remove next?' dixie asked. ' "  my panties, I'm saving revealing my breasts for last.'  MUkua said. " she passed the beginning space and got 500 dollars. " Problemn is you own half the board now, and i hardly have anything left to pay your rents. " unless you land on the pay out space ' dixie said as she reached an area where she controlled most of the board. " I dont know if i have enough property or cothes left to make it that far. Much properties are worth 3000 with the hotels on them, and your rent is like 100 a sopace. ' How much re the clothes worth?" dixie asked ' Nothing, unfortunately ' Mukua said. ' actually, thats not true ' Atrua said ' The clothes each have a certain value, with the bras being worth the most, at 10000 bucks, same for the panties. "
 so I could have paid off some of the debts with my clothes?' Mukua said "would have been nice to know that awhile ago. ' well they only come into play when you lose all your cash and property.' Atrua saids ' its the final phase of the game."
 Chie had pulled ahead of Atrua and had made 2 safe trips around, with a third nearly there. atrua had made 1 with a second about three-fourths of the ways around. chie was smirking as she rolled an 8 and reached her safe spot. " looks like Pink over purple " she said. ' the pink side almost always wins' Atrua said. " Looks like I'm going to be shakiing my oneymaker soon." She said as she rolled a 3.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Littlefoot505 on September 12, 2018, 01:04:24 AM
Skrawl found a rogue stick of Rudy's magic chalk on the ground in ChalkZone. "Hmm..." he thought to himself. "Now I've got the chalk, and not that Rudy Tabootie kid". He then pondered what he might do with the chalk to get revenge on Rudy. "How about I get out of ChalkZone and find that kid?"
Skrawl then proceeded to draw a portal that sent him into the sidewalk as Rudy, Penny and Snap were approaching. Snap noticed Skrawl and said "Hey, we need to get away from that big blue jelly bean in a trench coat over there!"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2018, 03:32:43 AM
 Cey brought in a large chicken for Kitty to eat " here, just came out of the oven ' she said with a smile, setting down the plate for Kitty. . She looked over at the large clock in the wall ' well ladies, Its nearly 130 so I;m turning in. You can stay up as long as you like. tomorrow, We'll give you some chores. Gardening, Deliveries, Posing, Dancing, Or drawing. None of them are really hard work, The prince is so wealthy he can afford to have a comfortable life. and that extends to us as well. Theres villas for all of his favorite prizes, and Hopefully, you'll get a chance to see them " Cey said. " For now though, I'm heeading to bed. see in the morning ladies ' Cey smiled ' and Dixie and Chie waved to her ' sleep well Cey" mukua said as she rolled a dice and reached the far end of the board. Cey nodded and headed to the next room to  sleep.
 Chie won her game in the next 15 minutes, and grinned as Atrua had to dance in front of her to the tune " Milkshake" for 10 minutes ' Atrua danced and twirled, showing off her form  as she moved in tune. Chie was chuckling and laughing. Meanwhile, Mukua landed on one of dixies most expensive places and had to hand over the last of her property.  " only a matter of time now ' Mukua  said as dixie rolled and landed 1 space sort of the money space.
 Scooby, turned off to the tv and tucked Oliverb into bed, before climbing himself ' night, guys ' Scooby yawned as arlene turned out the lights and snuggled into bed on the right side, quickly falling asleep.Scooby and Oliver soon followed.
 Atrua finished her dance  and nodded in the direction of the others. as She finished Dixie rolled a 1 and landed on the money spot,  grabbing nearly 80000 dollars. Mukua took off her final two articles of clothing and put them on the board ' ok, thats 20000 bucks. once i exceed the value of that, the games over. which should be not much more than a couple of turns.' Mukua said as she rolled and landed on Hightown Heights, a high end property that Dixie owned and which would cost her 7500 bucks.  dixie rolled a one, and hande the dice back to Mukua and rolled a 5, and landed on another of dixies property- Oca's Stadium- which cost her 8000. as dixie now owned pretty much every space on the board outside of chance. mukuas only chance of surviving, would be to land on a chance spot. Unfortunately, she didnt and Dixie crossed off the last remaining value of the clothes ' well, that was a good game Mukua. You can put your stuff back on now , as its time for bed, its past 2." Mukua gathered up her clothes and Dixie put the board and pieces away. CHie and autra wished Mukua and Dixie good night as they climbed into the nearby bed, leaving Mukua and Dixie the last ones awake.
 So, anything else you want to do before we go to bed ?" Dixie Asked. " Not really. " Mukua said, and she climbed into bed. ' Dixie nuzzled her. ' Good Night, Mukua. See you in the morning." Night Dixie. the pair soon went to sleep. Kitty had eaten her chicken and gone to  bed shortly after Cey left, she was sleeping by herself on the third bed
 The Next Morning
 A gong was struck at 7, wakening everyone in the room with a start. ' Come on girls, its time for the morning dance for the Prince " Cey said as she came. Both Dixie and Mukua were bleary eyed, and were slow to get out of bed. ' after the dance, then you'll be given your first tasks. I think delivering food to the villas will be a good thing to help wake you  up after that long monopoly game. Who won, incidentally?' Dixie did' Mukua yawned. ' nice" cey said. " it can go much longer with 4 to 6 players, the 6 player games have been known to go on for 3 days straight, and the winner gets favors from all the losers.  anyway, to the throne room!' She said motioning to the exit.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 12, 2018, 06:23:19 PM
"Kovu Circuit, I like the sound of that," Kovu grinned to the lioness, giving her an affectionate lick on the cheek. "I'm just putting in the finishing touches to our offering. Good ideas for events, girls." He was smiling broadly. The heir of Scar knew they had a good shot.


Bongo the bear entered the palace early in the morning. He saw Lumpjaw standing at his post. "Hey Lumpjaw," the smaller bear said, "How's Lulubelle doing?" Bongo had initially been sad that Lulubelle's slap of love missed and now Lumpjaw is her mate, but he had grown to accept it.

Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 16, 2018, 10:44:26 PM
A quick radio message was sent out to the Gotham Police Department. When it was received, the dispatcher immediately informed Captain Fairchild that they would be investigating it.

Of course, thanks to Gabriel's hefty bribe, the "investigation" was going to be a token effort that was just enough to make the police seem like they were doing something. That and they'd be arriving well after the Jokerz had fled.


Satisfied that this would be the end of it, Captain Fairchild left the burning stadium and headed out to the outskirts of Neo Gotham.


Pfish, Chip and the Demolition Zoid were busy sweeping one of the other stadiums for explosives...or attempting to do so. Gotham PD was currently blocking their path.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" Pfish asked as he watched the crew literally going over everything inch by inch.

"We can handle this. Now leave before we have you arrested." The officer in charge crossed his arms.

"Oh really? It looks like everyone will be dead of old age before you're done!" Chip snapped.

The Demolition Zoid swiveled around and sniffed the air. "Listen, I can greatly simplify things. Any explosive within ten miles, I know about it!" It was then one of his hands shot up and pointed at a truck that rolled into a construction site. "Right there! It's go-time!" With that, a plume of dust rose into the air as he sped off after the truck.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 23, 2018, 01:26:27 AM
an large glowing screen flashed along the side of a building,  with a  generated face talking beside an image of what looked to be a shadowy figure on a rooftop ' Has the Legendary Batman returned? ' read the headline under the picture " Gotham Tv has received reports  claiming that the legendary Bat-man, who patrolled the Gotham night for decades fighting crime and serving justice, has returned from a decades-long  hiatus. calls to commissioner Gordon;s office for comment were not returned and the Mayor denies that the Batman  has returned. "
 shes doing fine. just getting her reports in for the prince ' Lumpjaw said with a yawn.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 24, 2018, 06:00:01 PM
Unfortunately, while the DZ had a super sensitive nose for explosives, he couldn't distinguish between explosives for legitimate use and explosives for terrorism. As a result, Pfish and Chip were currently in the process of apologizing to the construction foreman after the DZ had confiscated all their explosives (which were to be in the demolition of an abandoned snack food factory) and detonated them inside his armored compartment. As befitting his role in explosives disposal (and the toonforce he was endowed with, being from a more light-hearted toon setting) he was unharmed by the detonation of thousands of pounds of explosives inside of him. Except gouts of smoke were pouring out of him.

Pfish was sheepishly calling Stripetail to alert him of the mix-up while Chip was currently screaming at the DZ for being an "idiotic bucket of bolts" and several more colorful insults.


Blammo the Clown had taken to carrying out Gabriel's mission of havoc with pleasure. Already he had replaced several of the vendors' wares with explosive variants. Needless to say, Gotham PD was inundated with calls about "shady vendors selling s--- that nearly killed me".

His unsettling dopey grin remained on his face as he watched a man opening a bottle of water that was branded with the logo for the games. Predictably, the bottle itself was the bomb. Thanks to Neo Gotham being a harder toon setting, the result of the explosion wasn't the cartoony ash face that Blammo was familiar with but a bloody mess as the blast ripped the man apart. Even so, his expression didn't change. He then waddled off, shoes honking as he headed off to cause more havoc.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 27, 2018, 08:25:20 PM
 Stripetail was, to put it mildly, not pleased about the mixup ' thats a lot of money that will be spent replacing those explosives  ,m Phish!  Have the construction fforeman send me the bill for replacement costs for   those explosivews, and i'll throw i some more for labor costs.  You might have to  rEset DZ so he more accurately distinguishes exposives  tyhat are being used illegally.' stripetail sighed.
 barbara gordon rubbed the bridge of her nose as she loked at papers on her desk ' Reports of fires and   hooligan activities had been flooding in and the Neogotham PD was stretched thin. "  Sometimes I wonder How my father managed to do this job for nearly 50 years' she sighed. "Then again, He had the Batman to cover the night shift. that always helped. "  She turned and looked out the window ' sometimes i wish he'd come back,  the city sorely needs a hero right now."
 Mukua and Dixie came up to a paitr of other prizes who wre carrying  lists in thier claws '  Are we to dance for Onca?' Mukua asked  " nope, have some castle deliveries to make first' Came the reply ' Might as well have you do them, because you are new " Theres bikes sitting over there you  can use" the pantheres jerjed her thumb over her shoulder " Cey's already making the rounds , if you hurry you can catch up to her abnd she'll show you around.
  Chie was trying to dance in time with the other girls for Onca.
 MUkua and Dixie picked out bikes and dr rode out of a side entrance, feeling a smell of a jungle morning as they zipped down a path " feels like a warm one today " Dixie said as she caught up to Mukua. " Its always warm around here " mukua said. " Hence why we dont wear too much clothing." Still think this  attore is a touch too revealing. " dixie said. " I Miss Scooby too, its been several weeks since I saw him. I really rEALLY hate that bird" Dixie growled. "  Wouldnt wish what you went through on my worst enemy, if I had one " Mukua said as they turned down a side path. " Mukua , girl you dont have enemies, you're far too nice ."  as they stopped briefly at a brook ' i've had real enemies, the kind that want your head on a pike."
 Scooby and arlene lead oliver into town, looking for a breakfasta place to grab a biite to eat ' cooby had his wallet out, hoping they accepted toon  town dollars.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 29, 2018, 07:57:30 PM
"Thanks for bringing me and my mom to breakfast Mr. Scooby," Oliver said as he followed behind the great dane. "I was getting really hungry, anyways." The kitten's belly rumbled.


Kitty was copying the dance moves the more experienced harem girls were performing. "It's all in the gyrations," she noted with a laugh. The music playing for the prince's wake-up dance was bouncy and energetic. The ladies were all clearly getting into the beat.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 29, 2018, 08:54:28 PM
The foreman passed over the itemized list of supplies that DZ had destroyed. Pfish provided him the address that Stripetail used for official correspondence. 

Meanwhile, Chip had finished abusing DZ and gave him explicit orders to call Gotham PD before seizing the explosives.

The foreman watched the trio head off before he informed his employer that the project was going to be delayed by a week or so.


Of course, with any athletic competition, there were always those who sought unfair advantages. Neo Gotham's high tech setting meant that everything from simple drugs to advanced gene mods and cybernetics were available.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 09, 2018, 12:08:54 AM
 and to top off the various illegal drugs, they were cheap and easy to get.  gabriels efforts had also nearly eliminated any judges who would screen the athletes for said illegal drugs.-
 the jokerz were riding around through town trashing any and all cars they could ram into, or toss explosives at. explosions rippled throughout Neo-Gotham.
   on cliffslde outside Gotham stood the imposing Wayne Manor, home to legendary billionaire Bruce Wayne, who was now  a near-complete recluse that  very rarely made any sort of appearance in public. Nearing 80, currently his only companion was a guard dog Ace.  bruces brow furrowed as the Tv showed images of the carnage caused by the hooligans. "Some things never change." He growled and got up from hos chair and grabbed his cane. Slowly bruce made his way over to a Grandsfather clock and opened it, turning the hand to 12, then pulling on one of the pendulums.  a click was heard and the clock slid asode, revealingh steps leading down. a trio of bats flew out of the darkness, and a faint smile ran across Bruces face as he began walking to the steps, a set of stairs he knew very very well indeed. '
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 13, 2018, 12:53:27 AM
Gabriel nodded as she watched some of her Weasels selling explosives she had made in her RV's replicator. Most of the buyers were obviously, the Jokerz and other sundry criminal gangs. The chaos that the explosive gang fights sowed would hopefully stretch Neo Gotham's PD to its breaking point. Then, she and and crew could deal with Stripetail's group.


The living planes had touched down at an airport outside the city and were being refueled.

Luckily, the personnel didn't really care about anything other than the planes being able to afford the fuel.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 14, 2018, 08:06:29 PM
 Wayne reached the bottom of the stairs and headed into a large cavern chamber. a huge computer sat in a corner, and bruce turned it on  INformation all across Neogotham, gleaned from securioty footage police reports and public television sprawled across the screeen.  For a normal person, all this would be information overload but i for someone of Bruce's extremely high intelligence, it was cake. Throw in 60 years of experience, and all this  was nothing he hadnt seen before.  as Bruce looked at the various images. he pressed a button on the computer console and lights turned on one by one in the cave. in a corner stood a row of glass cases holding suits , to be specific, superhero suits " 20 years ago, I walked away from that life, and now its calling me back " Bruce sighed. ' The soul  and mind, they're willing, but my body and heart just cant do it anyone. I need someone to take my mantle, and write a new chapter of  the Batman's legacy. Hmm. that kid that broke in here recently. I chased him out. McGinnis, that was his name.  " A Phone hung in a slot on the left side of the console and  Bruce picked it up  and dialed a number.

 Soon  a womans voice came on the line. " Mary McGinnis." Hello Mary, this is Bruce Wayne." MR Wayne? W-What can I do for you? ' Mary's surprise and concern was evident. "  Its about Terry" "Oh God. Is this about the time he broke into your house? I grounded him for two weeks after that! i do hope you are not pressing charges! I simply cant afford any court costs,  not after Walters death.' No, No, Mary. I'm not pressing charges. In fact,  I Have a job proposal for him." A- A job?  ' Yes Could you have him Come up to Wayne Manor as soon as possible? . I have an proposal that i think he'll find intriguing. "Should I have him prepare a resume for you? I know he doesn't have much experience, and well he did do some time in juvie." No, no nothing so formal.  Can he drive? ' yes. "Is he available at all hours?" Well he does have school, Mr Wayne." Oh of  course.  What I'm  looking for, Mary .. is a personal assistant. I dont get around nearly as well as I used to, and I still have Wayne-Powers board meetings that I have to attend. I will pay Terry well, if he gets the job. ' That is a very generous offer  Mr Wayne. If I may be so bold, could  the pay be 5000 a week?  I know you are an extremely wealthy man, and I dont want to sound greedy, but,well, money is very tight for me these days, with 2 boys to raise. The lights stay on and the bills are paid, but only just so. Warren was the breadwinner" 'Very well Mary, 5000 it is. Just have Terry come over as soon as possible. "I'll see to it that he does. I'll send him over as soon as he gets home . THank you, Mr Wayne " Goodbye, Mary " Goodbeye mr Wayne." Bruce hung up, and paused as he looked at the screen.
 Chie finished dancing for Onca and was sent over to the kings summer residence, which sat on a hill overlooking  the town. Atrua accompanied her, along with Kitty ' Girls ' You are in for a treat " the prince has all sorts of goodies you can help yourselves too. his personal retreat is one most prizes never get to see.
 _ Panty sughed as she stood in front of a polo' time to purge ' she said to her gut , in a voice the mounds could hear ' Morgana! Nico, Vira! Rhette NIra1 Moana! Nico, Mia! Out! All of you! She intoned. Morgana was expelled first and quickly was magicked back into being a vixen. Panty had decided, at  stripetail' s urging,  to restore them.  to what they had been when she  had eaten them. Morgana gaped as she beheld her reflection for the first time in 2 years she was a lovely vixen. " the  seer convinced me to free you" panty said , and Morgana prostrated herself to her. " Thank you goddess. " You and the others will serve me by selling things with my face on them. Cds of my singing, things of that nature .  80% of what you make will come to me, as meat.. Get me some nice grilled steaks, or something. Rhette was next and was transformed back into a liger. " I'm .. I'm free" he gaped. " yes Thief, you owe the seer a great debt. 10 years in my gut should have taught you a lesson about stealing things. particularly my bras. " vira was transformed back into a coyote, Nira a racoon. they quickly bowed to Panty. " you ill be Called.. Pounds of Panty. " panty said to them. Moana was changed back to a golden retriever, Oda back into a hippo. Mara returned to being a green bird and Nico returned to being a zebra/  All 8 boweed to Panty " Thank you goddess Vira said.  Panty gestured, and each were clad in uniforms that said ' pounds Of panty ' With numbered  weights on the front  and back " the number of your back matches your weight, so Oda you have the biggest number. Each of you are restored to  what you  were before I ate you" panty said and all 8 prostrated themselves. " You have your friends Chie and Kitty and well as the seer to thank. Mostly the seer" panty said. " You will sell to those following these games things with my face on them. Calendars, Music, Dance instructions videos, anything you think will sell. " yes Godess ' morgana said, crying with joy " Go find a stall that you can use ' Panty said " Now off you lot go! " she wavved. " just remember an at the end of each week 80% Goes to me as meat.  Which means each of you gets to keep 2.5% so  for every hundred you keep 2.50. So, sell Sell sell if you want to Make some money. " She grinned, as the 8 freed  ex-mounds headed out across town to get a stall set up.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 15, 2018, 01:00:17 AM
When Kitty stepped inside the prince's summer home with some of Onca's other Prizes, what she saw simply amazed her. Beautiful paintings were hung on most walls, and there were marvelously made tapestries all about. "Wow.....I had heard this royal family was loaded, but this is a whole different level." She noticed some panthers who were working in the summer home's kitchen. "Are you from the palace too?" she asked.

"No, we're the staff hired for this villa specifically," the panther replied.


Another Prize was biking alongside Dixie and Mukua "You'll learn that part of our daily routine is dancing for the prince in the mornings.," one whispered to Dixie. "Since you're new here, you might get eye candy duty since it's a simple job even beginner prizes can do after you're done with these deliveries."


"How about there?" Oliver suggested to the group, pointing to a nice looking cafe. "That place has lots of seats open, and the food smells GOOD." The kitten's belly rumbled, indicating hunger.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 15, 2018, 05:41:52 PM
The living planes had refueled and were busy flying over Neo-Gotham. "Stripetail," Major Lockie said. "There's simply far too much crime and rioting to host games here. The police department is simply trying to keep the chaos under control so we'll have to provide our own security for the stadium." Some stray gunfire raked his wings as a group of Jokerz and the T's fought a running gun battle in one of the older sections of the city.

It was then that Captain Fairchild cut in. "What stadium? One of those construction lifters went rogue and is ripping the place up. Permission to engage?"


As the police department was busy breaking up riots and fights that Gabriel and her henchmen had instigated, many once clandestine businesses began to operate more openly.

Indeed, just outside one of the remaining stadiums, a man was selling was slappers, a patch that delivered Venom subcutaneously. And who else would be using them but Mason, one of Hamilton High School's premiere athletes?
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 16, 2018, 01:32:57 AM
Then we will have to make do on our own until the local police can get things under control. I'll wager Gabriel had at least a hand in this. She loves to stir up trouble. Assist the local police in anyway you can, go directly to the police commissioner if you have to, shes a woman, names.. lets see here.. Gordon. Approach her, offer your assistance, and above all be respectful, professional and represent us well. We're THIS close to having to move the games, and that a massive loss of money I don't want to incur.  I've already had to  compensate 2 of our prior  stops for damages and loss of income, which came to several hundred million dollars. Gotham will cost tens of billions if we lose it, which will put us perilously close to losing the entire Games, as locations wont want to host, if they get word that previous locations have pulled out. Not to mention donations to support the Games will dry up. I could afford to fund the games entirely  myself as a last ditch effort, but thats a ' Break emergency glass' resort." stripetail sighed ' Go find the commissioner. Now!"

( panthera)
 No, Oliver, we're getting back to work. You go by the other mascots' Arlene said. ' i have to go prepare for the next event. ' she said firmly. ' Woody and Winnie were loking at directions given to them by a locakl panther.
 Dixie let the other prize go ahead of them ' Well, I'd rather just stick to deliveries. I used to deliver the newspapers to earn money growing up. I think that would fot me best" she said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 17, 2018, 08:13:59 PM
"Ok, good luck mom!" Oliver smiled as he waved and took off. He soon found where all the other mascots were at. "Where's my costume?" he asked, ready to participate in the games.


Oda and Nico wasted no time in advertising the merchandise of the goddess. At first moving felt odd, as they hadn't been in their old bodies for years. "Hear the sounds of the hunting goddess, Panty," Nico declared, holding out some CDs.

"Get some shirts," Oda offered the locals, showing the populace a shirt with the black panther's face on it. The ones who had been inside her belly were completely loyal to her.


Kitty looked up at a clock in the villa. "I think we might need to get back to the palace soon," she told Chie. "Onca probably has more chores for us."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 19, 2018, 02:25:56 AM
"Acknowledged. Major Lockie out." The living AC-130 headed to the police headquarters and slowly circled it. He opened a line to Commissioner Gordon. "Commissioner Gordon, this is Major Lockie. On behalf of Lord Stripetail, my group and I offer to assist you in restoring order to the city."


Captain Fairchild decided to act on his own seeing that the rogue construction lifter was now trying to demolish a harborfront mall that was currently occupied. His 30 mm rotary cannon roared to life as he let loose a stream of armor piercing shells that ripped into the robot. His first pass tore off the robot's left arm and then he wheeled around for a second run that nearly ripped the construction lifter in half. The ravaged machine then tumbled forward onto the parking lot.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 20, 2018, 01:41:15 AM
Well, Major, any assistance you can provide me at this time will be appreciated. I would like to have a direct conversation with your boss, as it seems as if these games' are a possible cause of all this chaos.  I have enough issues on my pl;ate without have a cartoon Olympics  coming into town. You picked a bad time for it.' Gordon said. " i donbt care how much money your boss is offering, but we simpoply cant guarantee security fir it right now. Even with your help."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 21, 2018, 11:23:27 AM
we still have stuff we need to do here" Chie replied to Kitty . ' he has plenty of other prizes to  do chores for him. i'd like to use that Prize Phone we got and call other prizes, to do a prize promo. What do you think?"
 Dixie and Mukua reached one of the villas, where they found Atrua in the middle of posing for a calendar. the poses didnt change so much as the outfits did, and each of the outfits were skimpier than the next. " good thing there's only 12 months in the year, or you'd be nude by month 13 or 14 Atrua  ' Mukua said. Atrua smirked ' you say that like its a bad thing Mukua. The guys dont mind, not at all. ' Of course they dont mind. they get to oogle and fantasize" Dixie said. ' more than fantasize for a few' Atrua said. ' don;t tell me  you are one of those 5 boyfriend girls ' Dixie said ' no, i just like having flings, thats all. some might call that shallow, or worse, but I view it as, trying out guys for a spin. sorta like test driving a car.

' test driving a car? Atrua relationships are a touch more complicated than that. you can always trade in a car after a couple years. you cant do that to a boyfriend or girlfriend, not without long-lasting negative feelings. "  so you're the monogamous type, huh?' Atrua said ' for guys yes. I'm married after all.' Dixie said. ' Scooby's made a fine husband. ' she said creating a picture of her with Scooby with her ring and showing it to them ' this was a trip to Hungary recently, had to deal with the Vampiress bathory. all those imprisoned servants." dixie shook her heads ' atrua looked at scoobys picture ' hmm. for a canine hes not bad.  but then again I'm a touch of a speciest, stick with my own kind sort of thing. " I've learned in my experience not to be so narrow-minded. I have bonds with dragons, magical wolves and Digimon. " dixie said. ' she pulled out a few pictures out of midair.
 ' this is Cynder and Spyro ' she said showing pctures of the purple and Black dragons' this is Tiger of the wing and Tigeress of the moon. ' she said showing a picture of blue-furred and purple furred wolves " they are expecting their first cub any day now' Dixie said, handing the picture to Mukua. ' and this is Agumon and Agumina ' she produced a third picture showing the yellow and peach Digimon. ' you weren't kidding when you said you had lots of friends. how did you meet them? Atrua said ' well the wizard Stripetail brought us all together.' so sorta like a superhero teamup?" Atrua asked. " without the masks and spandex' Dixie said ' he sends us all over the place, and we'd had to deal with all sorts of stuff'

Atrua and Mukua both looked at her ' so you like to live dangerously '  Atrua said. ' Well, by occupation, not so much by preference" Dixie said. ' Do you like to live dangerously Atrua?' if you mean liking fast cars , then yes. ' I've gotten my share of speeding tickets. '  Atrua waved her claw. ' Its 100 coins per offense. ' Not exactly a deterrent. " this is a small kingdom, only so many roads to drove on. and the fines are set so that they dont keep folks off the roads. how else are we to do business with the other kingdoms?. ' Atrua sighed ' anywho, lets me show around ' this is known as the Posing villa ' its where most prizes go for official duties, like posing for calendars, paintings orr sketchs. theres even a ribbon cutting room, where we practice cutting ribbons."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 24, 2018, 09:02:35 PM
Oliver soon arrived with where the rest of the mascots were changing into their costumes. He noticed a certain feline among them. "Hey Mr. Garfield, you're one of the mascots too?" he meowed. "I'm working as one too now, I just have to find my costume......"


"And.........done!" Kovu declared after a few more hours of finishing up the proposal. He left no details out. He made sure to show off all of the Pride Lands' appealing qualities in their proposal for the seer. He turned to his loyalist lionesses.

"Now we just need Zazu or Ono to deliver this....." he explained.


 Kitty smirked at the idea. "That would be good," she told Chie, "We can make being a Prize seem like a lucrative career option for ladies here in Panthera......which it probably is." She shook her body around, which caught the eye of the servants at the villa. She didn't mind showing off.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 26, 2018, 12:58:45 AM
you're wearing a costume " garfield pointed out,  walking around oliver and pointing . ' also you're  going to bein  a young sidekicks skit with tuffy, its a three mouskeeters skit with you as a  little redguard ' Garfield said ' i hope you know french, because I don't. " Garfield shrugged. tom and jerry are coming to fetch you, so make haste to mid town. "
 better check in with Kopa first ' Vitani said coming up to her brother. '  Any mistakes will cost us big time when measured against other kingdoms, I heard from Jasiri that Celesteville is going all out to get a bid-They are offering the seer 200 million bucks to have the games there! apparently their king- babar, berber something like that? Is loaded. As in,  obscenely rich.' Vitani said as she looked at the proposal. " bro, you're only offering 40 million dollars! Thats not gonna cut it, not when things are this cut-throat.' She said. "you'll need to add another zero to that figure. 'Sis, Kopa and i already agreed on this figure, we are just going to have  to hope that the size of the kingdom, the scenery and  the friendliness of the kingdoms residents will make up for not spreading around the most cash. Besides it would be far worse if we offered, 200 million and then didnt get the nod anyway. We'd be out that money with nothing to show for it. Frankly, We didnt get to be the biggest kingdom in Africa by blowing through cash. " Kovu said." I just spent a good 6 hours going through all this , alright? If you would be so kind, big sis, I'd really like a big wildebeest for a snack. All this work is making me hungry>' He gave Vitani a big, winning  grin.  Vitani ruffled Kovus headfur " alright, Alright, I've seen that looks too often.' Votani saiod , a smile on her face as a number of lionesses loyal to kovu came up to him carrying a pitcher of juice ' Here you go, my liege' they said '' cherry flavor, your favorite " They puurred. Vitani headed off to fetch Kovu his food.
 woody and winnie wre walking around town with knothead and splibnter ' this pladce sorta reminds me of that time i had to chase buzz buzzard through his theme park' Woody said ' stalls everywhere, touristy stuff.' wasnt that the time buzz had knothead and splinter bound and gagged in his hideout?' winnie shook her head" Yeah, that was it ' woody said as both of the kids shuddered.
 Onca was now sitting down to a all you could eat breakfast, as much meat as he liked, as much cereal as he liked.  every utensil was made of gold or silver and  the table was huge ' the prince dined alone most of the time. today the prince was eaten an entire pig of bacon, he had a taste for it.
 is there any other rooms i this villa?' Mukua asked as they walked along ' Theres the video room, where music videps and kingdom promos are made" atrua said " I can sing, as  cam kitty. ' You let us sing a few songs there and you girls can be in the video" dixie offered. ' Well Onca usually piucks the songs '  Atrua said " but I'm pretty sure that can be arranged.
 It wil certainly be lucratiove for us ' Chie said as they walked along , catchingg a few servants gawking at them ' You know what you have, Kitty, i'll say that mnuch, half of the make staff are still looking at you" she smirked.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 30, 2018, 05:56:10 PM
"Acknowledged, Commissioner Gordon. I will patch you through to Stripetail." Major Lockie immediately used his internal radio equipment to connect Stripetail and Commissioner Gordon.

There was an explosion below him as one of the Jokerz firebombed a known T hideout and then sped away on their bikes. Major Lockie pondered whether to engage or not, seeing as his least destructive weapon was something that was still capable of severely damaging light buildings.


Meanwhile, Pfish, Chip and the DZ headed into a section of Neo Gotham where DZ had detected the scent of Gabriel's explosives. Broken windows, garbage and vagrants hinted at the less than reputable side of this town. There, the three were confronted by group of Jokerz carrying pipes, baseball bats and other implements.

"Um, hi, we're looking for a place called..." Pfish read off a piece of paper. "Jurland Laboratories."

The Jokerz smirked -- an effect made more disconcerting thanks to their heavy clown makeup. "Well, we'll tell you but first, you gotta hear a joke first."


"What's in your pocket and running away?"


"Your wallet." The lead Joker held out his hand and the others chortled in laughter.

The joke understandably fell short with Chip's eye twitching slightly.

"You're not laughing."

One of the henchmen stepped up with his baseball bat. "Maybe he's more into physical humor." With that, he swiftly cracked Pfish over the head. True to his origins from a "softer" toon setting, all that happened was a large bump that rose from the impact site. "Ow," Pfish said as he rubbed the welt.

"Uh boss, I think we just pissed off that alleycat splice." The third member pointed to Chip whose face was reddening and gouts of hot steam were pouring out of his ears.

"Oh, you think that's funny!? How's about this for a laugh?" Chip yelled. He pulled out a hand grenade from out behind his back and threw it at the gangsters. Thankfully, being a toon grenade from a softer setting, it wasn't lethal. Although it did have the effect of completely shredding their clothing and leaving their makeup burnt and blackened. 

The now naked Jokerz ran down the dilapidated street as Chip's face returned to normal.

"So, I take it we're continuing to Jurland Laboratories?" Pfish offered.

"Yes! Now shut your trap!" Chip snapped as he continued down the street, his two partners following.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2018, 03:03:29 AM
 hello Commissioner Stripetail said through an image in Gordon's computer " So, you're Stripetail" Gordon stroked her chin " Lord Stripetail, madam " Stripetail bowed slightly. " As i told your staff, Gotham is not really in a place where we can host your games. We just cant guarantee the security. " Commissioner, I must be frank, If Gotham pulls outs, the Games will basically collapse. donations would basically stop, and the loss of Gotham would be well into the tens of billions.  is there anything we can do for you to help clear this situation?'' We'd need to clear the streets of the jokerz, and theres lots of them. you're a wizard  or so your underlings have said.' Gordon said " Yes Commissioner, that is correct.' well then cant you , I dont know, Magic the jokerz away? demonstrate your magical ability? Like, for instance putting out the fire at the stadium?" Gordon said showing an image of the fire still burning.

' very well, Commissioner, I'll put out the fire, and restore the stadium to its previous state." exactly as it was?' No graffiti? No hooligans?' Gordon was skeptical. " you don;t believe in magic, do you Barbara?' Stripetail said "  I would say, that i have little practical use for it. but magic is real, I've had more than a few encounters with magical beings. I'm a practical sort, and magic, is impractical in the era i live in. " Yet it exists, all the same" stripetail said.  I'll get to work on repairing the stadium. anything else ?' well, now that you mention it, theres been an effort to preserve the historic part of the city.  Powers wants to tear it down to  put in a massive new Wayne-Powers building. he's made us a deal however, raise 250 million, and he'll drop the proposal. otherwise, the wrecking ball starts its work at the end of the week, 3 days from now. we simply dont have the money. one of the buildings in that district is the police station my father worked at for decades. " Gordon sighed.

 " 250 million, you said?' Stripetail said. " Yes, I know you have your games in town as a higher priority but helping save this city's past would not go unnoticed. Any donation at all, would be greatly appreciated. "  so 250 million to save the buildings? What about restoring them to their former appearance? ' probably another 50 million' Gordon sighed " so 300 million in all?  Very well, if that's the price of keeping the games alive in Gotham, that's a price I'm willing to pay. 300 million it is.  I'll be sending you the money immediately. I do hope you take gold coins as payment ' Stripetail said.  He gestured and several huge heavy bags landed on Gordon's desk. causing her to shrink away from the desk. she reached forward warily and opened one of them, finding the bag was filled to bursting with heavy golden coins.  Gordon took out a handful of gold coins and let them run through her fingers , her face working as she beheld the fortune that had appeared out of thin air and landed on her desk. ' So you ARE a powerful magician, as your underlings said. An extremely wealthy one,too,  to throw around 300 million like it was nothing. " I've been around a very long time commissioner. time and prudent investment will make one wealthy in due course. I've spent billions on these games, and if need be I'll spend billions more" Stripetail said. "I cannot allow my enemies the chance to destroy the world of toons. " "I'll see what I can do to get the games okayed, but it will take awhile." Gordon said. "tell the mayor that I'm covering the costs of restoring the historic district.' Stripetail said
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2018, 01:26:43 PM
Mukua and Dixie began rifling through the various songs  with Doxie singing a few bars of each them. ' Mukua stoppefd as she heard Dixie said " Girl,, you can sing!" I have a showboat singer for many years.' dixie said " ' How abiout you Mukua ' I can dance, a fair bit' mukua said ' I'm ok at singing, nothing like you." hmm , we do  do a 'Music video, with some of you ladies posing' Dixie said " vogue for instance, or for a more private show for the Prince " not myself tonight" ' Mukua smirked. " What do you think Atrua?' She asked her friend. ' well, a dance video sounds like fun. I do like to show off.' atrua grinned. " lets go set it up, ladies." we'll do Vogue first' Atrua said " i'll go get the costumes. they're quite revealing.'" around here, is there any other kind?' Dixie said , and Mukua sighed '
_ Zazu flew up to the ko-kings, i'm ready to fly to India and deliver the kingdoms offer.' Zazu bowed.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on November 07, 2018, 01:58:32 AM
Jurland Laboratories was a pharmaceutical company that supposedly made inexpensive generic drugs for the poor. In truth, it was a front for manufacturing illegal performance enhancers. And of course, with so many crooked scientists and technicians available they made their drugs to the highest standard.

Of course, it was still a criminal enterprise so it was to be assumed that everyone was armed. The trio got around that by pretending to be pizza deliverymen. Or they would have had Pfish not accidentally revealed his police badge. Needless to say, they were chased out of the building by a hail of gunfire.

"What do we do?" Pfish asked as a bullet nicked his fin.

"Shut your trap and fight!" Chip returned fire with his toon pistol. It wasn't lethal but it still took the enemies out of the fight by knocking them out.

DZ showed his worth by throwing grenades at the hostiles. Being from a "soft" toon setting, the grenades had non-lethal, hilarious but still debilitating effects. One of the guards was rendered unable to fight when his pants spontaneously fell down and began dragging him away from the fight. Yet another was buried under a pile of banana peels from out of nowhere. Of course, the robot was repeatedly hit by gunfire but his role in explosives disposal meant that he was heavily armored.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 11, 2018, 11:19:59 AM
 Terry emntered the gates to Wayne manor on his mototcycle. ' his mother had sent him back here to 'interview' With Bruce Wayne for a Job of some sort. Being a high school student, Terry didnt have much money , so any job that paid well was one he would consider. Terry parked the vehicle and came to the door, hearing the loud barking of a big dog from  inside. Tery Opened tthe door and came face to fce with a huge black great dane, whose eyes regarded Terry with suspicion. ' McGinnis! you're late' Bruce said, walking into view  leaning on his cane.  The dog turned and headed into anorther room, convinced this wasnt an intruder"Punctuality is important!' Sorry, Mr Wayne. my mom, er said you had a job for me.' OF a sort. follow me " Bruce said, turning and walking  through a side room. Terry followed him stealing glances at all the ornate furnishings each room held. This was a not so subtle reminder that he was in the home of one of the richest men on the entire planet. " I'm not sure how closely do you follow the news, Mr Wayn, but . Gothams a mess right now. So If You expect me to drive you around, well You'd need a tank to avoid the Jokerz.' They;'re common thugs' Bruce replied as he sat down at a long table ' " McGinnis, i havent forgotten the last time we met. you took some things of mine for a joyride. Particularly, a suit. ' I - I did give it back' terry said " yes you did. Now,  this time I'm  going to LET  you wear it.' Bruce said " Wait , what dio you mean?' tery started." You're..  Bruce opened a grandfather clock revealing steps leading down.' Bruce walked down and Terry slowly followed. at the bottom of the steps a series of lightlys clicked on, filing the chamber with light.

Bruce went over to an enormous computer and started typing away on the keyboard. images of the chaos in Gothams as well as images of the laffalympics came into view.  " You're  Batman. THE Batman!" Terry said taking in all the cave had to offer " I'm too old to be Batman any more Terry. my heart has been severely damaged from all my years of fighting, And I physically cant do it anymore.  But  the city still has need of Batman. " So. ' bruce  pressed a button, and one of the glass containers opened revealing a black  suit with a red Bat symbol on the chest ' i want you to take up the mantle ' Terry's mouth fell open. 'your first job, is to help clear Gotham of the jokeraz and  help these games take place. Meet up with the squirrel mage running them. names Stripetail. lord Stripetail. ' A squirrel, thats a lord?' Terry blanched ' you're joking. "
 Bruce shot him a glance ' I never joke Terry.  Stripetail is an immeasurably powerful wizard. Never met him in person, but the reports coming out from Asia say that he froze a tidal wave in place to save a coastal village from being wiped away. ' A tidal wave?' Terry started ' 235 feet high ' Bruce said,  bringing up an image of an enormous wave frozen in thick ice. Terry's eyes widened. ' what happens when that ice melts?. ' it will fall harmlessly into the sea >' so if he can do something like THAT .." He could turn you into a potted plant without  breaking a sweat. So don;t anger him. You are Batman now, theres a legacy to uphold. MY legacy. ' Bruce said ' Motioning to the suit " Suit Up. Officially, you will be my assistant/ chauffeur. i will be paying you 5000 a week, a per your mom's request' 5 grand ' terry said as he quickly suited up, looking at the suit.' anyone else i need to see ' Barbara Gordon. Shes an old friend. No-nonsense type, so once again, be respectful. " You know the commissioner?' Terry said as he put on the helmet." Yes. Go offer your help' Bruce said ' I'll be on touch.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 11, 2018, 10:07:47 PM
Oliver was going through the market to get to the spot where the other mascots were. Garfield had given him a few dollars if he needed a snack on his way across town.  "So many big cats here," he smiled, glad to be in an area that was full of felines. He took extra care to avoid getting caught in the crowds and lines that filled the area. Luckily, his costume identified him as being part of the games' staff.


"Can you really blame them?" Kitty smirked to Chie, "I have an eyecatcher of a body." She shook her assets and flaunted her form, many male panther's eyes bulging. After some moments of this, she looked at the cheetah. "Let's go find Dixie. I wanna try this posing duty for myself, you know?"


Louie, Berry, and Sawyer were at a fancy inn in Panthera. "This town is known for its romantic atmosphere," Sawyer said to Louie. She was still trying to get the taste of his last kiss off her lips. "I'm sure we can find something that will work great for your movie. I know you wanna be the kind of leading man who gets tons of ladies....."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on November 20, 2018, 05:59:08 PM
The shootout at Jurland Laboratories was soon over with the arrival of the police who quickly took the incapacitated criminals into custody and got to work dismantling the illegal manufacturing plant.

"You just had to get clumsy and show your police badge, didn't you?" Chip snapped.

"It wasn't my fault. How was I supposed to know that a guy on a bike would nearly knock us over?" Pfish replied.

"Stow it, you two," the lead officer on the scene said. "Thanks for your help in busting this place. Now, I want you two to gather the evidence and submit the data to Stripetail for analysis. He's now working with Commissioner Gordon."


Captain Fairchild and Major Lockie were trying their best to keep the stadium as secure as possible. Mostly, it involved them dropping flares and smoke canisters to make it difficult to but the living A-10 had been fitted with a small caliber machine gun that he could use without too much collatoral damage. So far, they were doing fairly well.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 23, 2018, 08:14:47 PM
Mukua waved as cHie and Kitty entered  ' in hewre girls1 We're just shooting a posing video, using several statues as resting positions.' I'm also drawing the girls in thier outfits. they'll edit the prince in the video after we shoot it ' Atrua said. ' So It looks like we're posing against him. ' chie entered the room, to find Dixie, Mukua and Atrua moving statues around. they were, naturally of the prince in various poses, looking regal in each.

Morgana entered the villa carrying a note to kitty from panty detailing what size she wanted the meat in.  "The Goddess wants them , large, medium well' Morgana said handing the note to Kitty. Dixie and Atrua ground against a fine Italian column, their claws digging into the marble. ' hmm ' you've got some wild girl in you, dont you Dixie?' Atrua chuckled. "I suspect all girls have a wild side, some have more of it then others, or flaunt it more. " Dixie said ' Hold those poses girls so I can Film and sketch it." MUkua said as Cey held the camera. Chie was resting against a dry fountain, and Mukua had akready sketched her.
Panty entered her floating villa, which followed her from place to place. Roght now she was visiting her trophy rooms. Names like Roanoke, Salem and Monmouth adorned plaques below past hunts " those Templars were fun to hunt, and whats more the mortals think they were all executed by the French king" panty laughed.
 _ tiger the cat was enjoying a pizza prepared at a Panthera pizza place. loads of pepperoni sat above a sea of melty bubbly chese , nestled inbetwen a thick soft crust.  whats more, Tiger had it ALL to himself.
 Tom of Jerry noticed Oliver and beckoned him to join them in thier latest skit, whicgh would involving Oliver and toim Fishing ,with Jerry as bit, gbut it would held up Oliver pulling Tom out of the water.
 Kopa and Kovu kissed some of thier girls adfter Zazu flew off with the p[ridelands terms. " it would be a couple weeks before Zazu would reach the seer.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 25, 2018, 03:29:25 PM
"Thanks for letting me join this, Mr. Tom," Oliver said to the other cat. He was quickly shown the motions of what he would have to do for this bit. He sat next to Tom and began to fish for the skit. He was already having a good time.


Tiger could not believe how good his meal was. "These cheese is godly...." he drooled. Sure, he was a kindhearted cat who liked to share, but there were times where it was great to have something purely for one's self. He pigged out on the slices, one by one. He was already prepared to order more.


More of Panty's followers were going about, spreading the word of the goddess to the citizens of Panthera. "You want to become one with the goddess?" they offered some people in the marketplace.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on November 25, 2018, 11:52:37 PM
Blammo the clown was clearly having far too much fun. His latest target was one of the power hubs for Neo Gotham. Explosions ripped the air as an improbably large amount of explosives were pulled from his pockets and thrown about. The explosives he used spewed out metal disks that were designed to rip apart organic tissue but they were also extremely destructive to the unarmored wires and components inside the building. Soon, the air was filled with sparking wires and the pungent scent of ozone.

His unsettling plastic smile remaining, Blammo wandered off to scatter more havoc.


Meanwhile, Gabriel pulled her RV up to the front gate of Gotham Fine Chemicals. Thanks to vehicle looking exactly like one of the many trucks that plied the streets of Neo Gotham (plus fake business insignias and uniforms), they were waved through the front gate.

She parked her truck on the loading dock and waited for the workers to hook the RV up to the discharge line. What was to be pumped in was Dip, a corrosive substance that rapidly ate away at any toon based materials. Of course, in a hard toon setting such as Neo Gotham, its effects were dampened. But it was still an extremely dangerous material that caused severe burns on contact and quickly destroyed most materials.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 27, 2018, 05:14:11 PM
Stripetail magicked himself into the middle of the stadium. which was being trashed by the Jokerz. ' ha ha ha! look what we've got here boys!" the jokerz, gathered around stripetail carrying clubs, guns and  chains. ' hmm. not much to look at' Stripetail said as they gathered around him ' not much to look at? says the talking thanksgiving dinner ' the leader of this particular group  named Rusty, snarled. ' i strongly suggest you turn yourselves in to the local authorities' Stripetail said and the jokerz burst out laughing. ' really? and Suppose mr er squirrelman, we dont want to, what are you going to do, make us ?' again the jokerz pointed and laughed.

" boys, boys, boys, dont you know its rude to backtalk your elders ?' stripetail said. "look, pops we dont got no elders, We dont listen to the cops, or our parents, or nobody. the Batmans been gone for decades. we are the jokerz! We do as we please!' thats where you err, my friends.  there are rules everyone must follow,  such as not trashing public property.' stripetrail said. "A bit late for that pal, we've already gone and trashed it, and trashed it well. " how long did that take you ? a couple hours?' stripetail said " Probably, we dont keep track of how fast we cause mayhem, although thats not a bad idea. make a record boys, from now on we record how long its takes for us to smash places up! Make a little contest of it!' Rusty  saod. " So, mr whiskers, we're gonna have to ask you to take a hike!'" And if I refuse?" stripetail's voice was firm. " Well then we'll beat your tail off and dump  the rest of you into the Gotham river!'  stripetail pulled out a bag of gold from his robes and set it down in front of the  Jokerz, before opening it so the Jokerz  could see. " you see this gold boys? this will go to the first of you  that gets a hit on me " The Jokerz gaped at the gold , then quickly huddled amongst themselves, finally turning back to the wizard.
 We deal in creds these days, Man. cards, you know?' well how many creds would you say that gold is worth then? stripetail said " at least 1000 creds per coin' said a skinny jokerz." How about 1  million creds then? show me what a creds card looks like first.' stripetail said.'' give the old fursuit a creds card' the leader demanded, as one of the gang stepped forward ' theres about 1000 creds on that, although there were 10000 at first. we spent most of it, buying rusty here a new bike.' the Jokerz said. stripetail gazed at the card then quickly duplicated it, turning his card a golden color.  he then set it on a piece of debris before handing back the other card to the jokerz. " how;d you do that?'the jokerz asked in amazement. " I'm a wizard, boy. thats nothing compared to what i can do. Stripetail said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 28, 2018, 01:07:24 AM
"She really is hungry," Kitty said, looking at the list of meats she was expected to bring to Panty. She remembered just how many denizens there had been in the goddess's stomach, so it made sense her appetite was vast. "I'll get her some when the prince gives us some off time." She looked at the other Prizes and was impressed by the poses they managed to make. Some were very artistic.


"How about a good luck back rub?" Kovu grinned smugly to his lionesses, "Help increase our chances of getting selected." He walked around some seductively and nuzzled them.


The Duke, wearing sunglasses to shield his eyes, was enjoying his time at the Panthera market. As they were a rich community, the food there was of high quality, not the cheap, fast type. "Gourmet mashed potatoes and lobster...." the great owl grinned, taking it in bite after bite. "I should ask for the recipe."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 28, 2018, 01:40:42 PM
Mukua drew the prizes in various poses, whether it was ' swimming' in the foundations. resting against pillars, grinding against each other for a ' calendar ' shoot, or even pretending to be the goddess shiva, Mukua drew them all. Atrua was enjoying doing a ' backstroke' pose. Mukua finished drawing. and a bell rang in the distance  ' will prize number 346 please report to the princes personal villa? he requests a massage." came a message over an intercom
 who's number 346? dixie said as lulubelle walked in ' Miss Dixie? the small female bear said. ' the prince requests you massage at the relaxation villa. you may bring 4 prizes with you to perform music for the prince as you massage him. " Hmm. Mukua,Kitty, um.. Chie and..' Me" Atrua said rushing out of the fountain, and nearly bowling Dixie over in her eagerness. " The prince will love my drum solo.. I've been practicing ' She beamed. '  You are referring to 'normal' drums, Atrua?' Mukua said. "Of course. the other set of drums are reserved for more 'intimate' performances." Atrua smirked at her. "Very well ladies Lulubelle said writing down notes on a sheet of paper. " take the prize kart up through ONca pass. its the quickest way to the villa. His highness will be expecting you. do try to be prompt, I understand if several of you are new here." lulubelle said.
- the Prize kart could seat 10, and it was connected to a track that wound its away around the entire Villa network.  Atrua climbed in first, followed by Chie Dixie and Mukua. 'i hope you girls like mouseburgers" Dixie said , gesturing with her ring, and creating 4 large stacks of piping hot mouseburgers. ' Dixie offered the first tray to Kitty ' here you go, girlfriend " She grinned. "something to munch on en route to  meeting the prince." Mukua and Chie both took burgers as Atrua stared the kart.
 The skit began as tom fished for a fish in the river, while Jerry was plotting underwater on how to get even with Tom for using him as bait.  He began tying Toms line to Olivers and yanked on Olivers line.
_ cindy, Ypgi, Bobo and Ranger smith wre enjoyed a nice lunch at the filet fish grilll in the middle of town. the portions were big and tasty.
 kovu relaxed with his lionesses after finishing the proposal for the pridelands. ' the girls snuggled as  with him and brought him food from a hunt. Kopa and vitani were surveying the main stadium that was been built for the games.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on November 28, 2018, 04:05:46 PM
"Mhm," one of the Jokerz said. "You don't look like any of them 'superheroes'. Tell ya what, you're on!"

He shifted into a fighting stance and shot low in an attempt to tackle Stripetail.


Captain Fairchild was battling a group of Jokerz who tried to set fire to a stadium that was to be used for the kart races. The gangsters mostly shot at him with small arms which merely bounced off his heavy armor but he did occasionally contend with someone who tried to take him down with a missile. Although he usually filled them full of holes before they could get a shot off.

After killing a few more of them with his gun pod, the Jokerz wisely took the hint and fled, leaving a mostly ruined stadium behind. He then radioed  the commissioner. "Commissioner Gordon, this is Captain Fairchild. I have removed the Jokerz from Gotham Automotive Raceway. The stadium is severely damaged though."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 28, 2018, 06:55:34 PM
 send me images of  the stadium immediately. Your boss already agreed to help repair the damages. lets hope hes as great as as hes made out to be. Hes rich, hes already proven that to me. Keep driving those thugs out, i'll be in tiouch, Gordon, out'  Gordon cut off the communication, , and turne around. a movement in the corner caught her eye she turned to face a tall masked figure with a large red bat insignia across his chest" And just  who the hell are you? Halloween isnt for another 3 months."she said acidly " hello Commissioner, " terry said through his helmet. ' I'm Batman. I'm here to help. " Really? well color me very skeptical, at best. My father worked with the Batman- the REAL Batman- for decades. the Batman hung up his cowl decades ago. This town has enough problems without some kid trading in on the legend  of a long retired superhero. "Gordon said curtly "I really can help" terry protested. ' So, you really want to help? stay out of police business, ALL police business' Gordon got out of her seat, and pointed her finger at Terry " I mean it, i catch any hint of a black cowl anywhere near police business, you'll be very sorry, as in unmasked and put in prison sorry! Got me?' Terry blanched " sure thing. i was only told to help you.' Told?  who told you?' My..overseer' Terry said. " Your boss?' Barbara straightened up. her face still knit in a look of distrust. "Yes Terry said. ' look what can I do to prove to you that i'm really sincere about helping? " Gaordon pressed a button of her desj k revealing a blimp that said laffalympics ' Find the wizard Stripetail. He'll get more out of you than i can. Now get out!" gordon saod, and terry opened a window and flew out. " gordon pressed a communicator on her desk ' computer cancel my 3:30 meeting. i have an old friend I need to talk to. " Certainly, commissioner.' should I reschedule it to 5? " better make it 6. Gordon said as she got her coat.
 The jokerz momentum was stopped mid thrust then stripetail sent him flying into the nearby uprights, he landed oin a heap. " Get him!" rusty yelled " The Jekerz chaerges them enmase, but were thrown back, some more than 20 feet away.,  Stripetail's staff began to glow,and began drawing energy from from the flames creating a shield  wall of flame around him. chains grew white hot if they came anywhere near the shield, wooden clubs, began to burn. the screams of jokerz filled the air.
 what the hell are you?' one of the jokerz said ' I'm a wizard boys.  stripetail said, gesturing and  began pulling off the graffiti from the walls grass and carpet, and changing it into a more useful substance .  a trio of jokerz charged him,  stripetail disarmed them with a thrust of his staff then tied them up with the reconfigured paint.  chains flew out of Jokerz hands and wrapped themselves around unsuspecting goons.  jokerz soon found themse;ves tied to benches, chairs and even an unluvjky few the uprights.  the jorkerz that had guns started firing, only to find out their weapons did nothing against Stripetail's shield. 
 suddenlky, the jokerz yelled as one by one they were diarmed. one of the weapons skidded near stripetail,  a large bat-shapped shard was stuck into it. ' stripetail dissipated the fire wall around him  and stepped forward to pin it up. as he looked up the remaining jokerz wre toed to the far goalpost. hunched over a railing stood a large bat-like creature. ' You Stripetail?' It said. Stripetail  looked at the newcomer with interest, then pulled the projectile out of the gun. "You must be the Batman. What is this?" Batarang. my suit has lots if them' batman said. ' Stripetail gazed at the weapon with interest. ' Mind if i hold on to this?' " sure, i suppose" terry shrugged. ' i'm here to help you, and your games." Any help would  be appreciated. ' stripetail said. Terry looked around ' You took on, 40 Jokerz, by  yourself?" Child's play my boy. I've dealt with far greater threats than a street gang' Stripetail said putting the batarang away in his robes for further study.  He picked up the million creds card " this is yours if you get the cops to take these er Jokerz away>" A creds card?' tery asked ' er oif you dont mind me asking, stripetail, how much is on that? " 1 million creds" stripetail said and Terry mouth fell open "  a MILLION creds? No wonder the Jokerz were attacking you. how could you have so much money on your person? this is Gotham! people get killed for 1000 creds let alone 1 million!" it was a challenge, to see if any of them could land a hit on me . Well, as you can see they didnt" stripetail said. ' i'm not sure if i could take this money.. I would have a hard time.." Spending it all?' Stripetail chuckled ' explaining how I got it." terry said sullenly. ' Take it anyway. Donate some to charity. If you have family, buy them a new house. any number of ways to spend a million."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 28, 2018, 11:04:56 PM
"Oh boy, I got something!" Oliver grinned as part of the skit, feeling the tug on his fishing line. He began reeling it in as hard as he could, pretending to not see how it was causing Tom's fishing rod (and subsequently the older cat himself) to be pulled into the river.


Kitty grinned as she followed the rest of the girls to the Relaxation Villa. "The locals are right," she conceded, "The prince here is......well, he's hot, and charming, and so many more positive things...."

Bongo the bear was working nearby and overheard the conversation. "You're one who wasn't originally from the kingdom, huh? You'll soon see why being a prize is something all the ladies desire...." He then looked at Lulubelle. "You and Lumpjaw up for a night out this evening?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 02, 2018, 07:42:52 PM
Atrua grabbed a burger from the nearest tray abd began munching on it ' hmm' this is actually pretty good." she said as the kart made a turn up the hill. ' so who whats to join me in buttering up the prince? hes a nice guy, truthfully, but buttering him up is something we prizes are trained in. we get more  money and jobs that way. mukua? you can send the money to your folks, or janus. Or you can be like me and spend it on yourself." You must be so much fun at Christmas " dixie said. " Christmas is the exception, well birthdays too' Atrua said with a smirk. "My birthdays coming up, " chie said " Fine. chie.. I'll taking you shopping at the Prize Pick'em store. pick out what you want, and i'll spend. say ' 50000" Dixie said. " 50 grand?' Atruas mouth fell open. "Girl that like a full years earnings. I never spend that much at once, even on myself" why dont we go for, i don't know- 5000?' chie said. " " O dont want to be too much a burden. " Its your birthday Chie, you deserve nice things ' Dixie said " Atrua, Spend 50000 and I'll pay you back." You're kidding?' Atrua said ' No, shes not. she spent more than that on jewelry for Kitty, me and her. ' Mukua said showing the ring Stripetail had enchanted. " Sweet ancestors, that's a huge rock " Atrua said. ' What bank did you rob Dixie to get that much cash?'  Stripetail pays us very well. " Dixie said " and We have millions of our own  from family inheritance>"  Atrua burst into a big grin. "So you've got more money than the prince himself, huh? Mukua you lucky cat. You're  gal pals with someone who can get you anything you want?" 
 Well within reason" Mukua blushed. " I dont want to abuse Dixie's hospitality like that. Yes shes rich, but that doesn't mean I can get anything O want from her whenever i like it. thats calling mooching Atrua. You know me, I'm not a mooch. I mean shes already give my folks plenty, she gave my dad enough to add another floor to our house and put in a bigger bathtub. and with 4 brothers, a bigger bathroom is a must" " Mukua, girl, you play up that bond for all its worth. at least I would. " Atrua you'd probably spend it on gold claw covers, or golden fangs. you're about the bling>" And the goods ' Atrua said with a laugh. Alright chie I'll spend 50K on you, if I also get a 50k allowance for later. Like Christmastime or something>" so 100k then?" Dixie paused. alright Atrua, its done.' wait, just like that, no favors, no nothing? damn, you ARE loaded."thanks dixie ';' chie said ' whens your birthday Chie? i'll need to get you a card and a cake. " Lets see, its next week Saturday." chie said. " We'll go out as a group to celebrate Chie's birthday. Dixie smiled.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 03, 2018, 01:40:42 AM
Kitty had overheard just how much the Prizes were given, and how loaded Onca himself was,that it gave her an idea of how to deal with her current predicament with Panty. She looked over at Atrua. "Say, would it be in the realm of possibility for the prince to get several thousand pounds of meat all at once?" she asked the local girl.


"About to get your afternoon massage, eh brother?" Anther asked Onca. "The Prizes practically stampede over each other to get the right to do that for you," he smirked. The royal brothers had passed by the buff villa, where the girls there could work......completely in the buff.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 03, 2018, 08:25:32 AM
atrua looked at her. " Several thousand pounds? Of course! how do you think he feeds all the prizes every day? simply giving us each our 3 square meals require loads of meat! How much meat do you need? Whatever it is, Onca can get it for you! You planning a party or something? If you are, well you'd better invite me!" atrua laughed cheerfully " what sort of meat do you need? Onca  has a royal  butcher on his payroll, he lives in the Food Villa, which always has rooms filled with stored food. prizes arent allowed to work there, too much risk of us  ' helping ' ourselves to the meat and getting larger than we need too.

Then again, theres s many other things we can do around , that that limitation doesnt bother us. The buff villa in particular is um very liberating. Thers the library villam which is were Onca stores all the information about the outer worlds. Mukua  will most likely want to work there, as all the girls who work there are whip smart, heck theres an entrance exam to get that job. not to say that that place is restricted. you just need a card to check out books, and theres a great cocoa maker machine in the lobby that is very generous with marshmallows and whipped cream. the chocolate fudge cocoa is my favorite personally. Then theres the trophy villa where the prince has some of his trophies.its huge. oh and did i mention that everything in the villas from the tables to the plates to the silverware  is solid gold? even our personal hot tubs are solid gold. Its a honor system, the prince doesnt want us swiping stuff, you get caught filching and you get booted as a prize. Fortunately that hasnt happened yet. we girls are fully aware how lucky we are to be able to live here. Many of us have families that depend on what we send them, and the prince is very generous with his help. "
Yes i am, and i'm having one of the new prizes, Dixie do the honors. shes very beautiful , and an outsider to boot. also finally got Mukua to join up" Onca said" I've seen her boyfriend play basketball for the local team, hes quite good. And i think her brothers are on there as well. they represent us well.' He said. " i'm a very lucky prince, to have such  lovely ladies around me. ' He grinned. "do we have requests frim the prizes today? usually theres at least a dozen by now, gbut the day id young."
Yeah I'm up for an eveniong out" lulubelle said " i need a person evening anyway. the work load has been heavy with these games coming in. Where would you like tp go Bongo? Lumpjaw has a early hift at the palace, I think hes done for the day at 2.' she said.
 tioom fell into the water face first,  pulled by olivers pole, the crowd gathered around started laughing loudly, as oliver pulled the bogger cat out, and Tom shot him a look. Jerry was laughing in the water, laughing at the trick he had pulled on Tom.
_ samia and dulcy were flying around town, carrying  some locals who had offered to pay them if they gave them a flight   " whats all the fancy houses for? samia asked " Oh those all belong to the prince ' he has a group of girls called "Prize" that has around him. they arent a harem as far as i know. They appear with him when he does things on TV, the formally open restaurants, pose for pictures,  and the advent calendar has a picture of a new prize for every day of the season 24 in all. Onca gets Christmas Day, naturally.  said a local panther mother. " Those should be on sale soon in the stores if you want to get one. the chocolate is made in Louies kingdom to the north, and at least a few of them have banana nought. Real tasty." Samia would eat all the chocolate in one sitting " Dulcy teased.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 04, 2018, 06:08:55 PM
The images from Captain Fairchild's onboard camera were transmitted to Stripetail.


And sure enough the police arrived. Having been in Neo Gotham and seeing all sorts of havoc, they said nothing as they handcuffed the Jokerz and hauled them away.

The officer in charge turned to Stripetail. "You must be Lord Stripetail. The Commissioner has mentioned that you'll be helping get the city ready for the games. In any case, I must thank you for your assistance in putting away these thugs."


Major Lockie was patrolling the outskirts of Neo-Gotham. A sinking feeling settled inside his fuel tanks as he saw a section of the city had gone completely dark. The living AC-130 wheeled around and headed straight for the

"Lord Stripetail," he said via radio. "I am investigating an area of the city that has lost power. I shall keep you informed of any changes. Major Lockie out."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 05, 2018, 02:45:38 PM
You're welcome officer. The Batman here assisted me' Stripetail motioned to where the masked superhero was helping several mGPD  take the jokerz away. " see to it that get the book thrown at them, for damaging the stadium."" Thats not THE batman, is it?'  the officer said ' i heard stories from an older cop when i joined the force, said the Batman had been helping protect Gotham City for decades, then he just disappeared. Perhaps the Bat just changed form?" Stripetail chuckled slightly. 'well whatever form he's taken, hes back now' Stripetail said. " on the whole, I think thats a good thing. We cops like to know we have allies out there, and Gotham has been a huge mess lately. I'll talk to the commissioner, and she can handle contacting the Bat. I think theres still a Bat-Signal somewhere. Thank you Stripetail. we'll be in touch.' the officer said and the cops headed off with their prisoners.

 Stripetail's pages buzzed and Stripetail created images of the damage to the kart track." more mess for me to clean up" he sighed. He said.He heard Lockies report and straightened up before putting away the communicator.' You know the fire still burning here, right?' Terry  said." Young man, patience" Stripetail said  as he moved towards the flames '  Diospellus! striptail commanded, and the flames began to shrink. Terry's eyes widened as he watched the flames shrink rapidly leaving only a burned out area on the football field. '  Reparum!' Stripetail intoned, and debris all  around the standium   rose into  the air and began flying around. overturned benchs flipped back up. chairs flew back into place. grass grew over the burned out parts of the  field. l exits signs were fixed. holes repaired themselves.  What would take weeks or months to normally repair ,by trained construction crews , was happening instead in just a few minutes. " My boss said you were a  incredibly powerful wizard. he wasnt kidding.' terry said as  the stadium was rapidly restored to its previous state.

" Magic, Batman, like any other power,  is a tool. It is not evil or good in and of itself, but can be used for either, based on the wishes of the one who wields them. Yes I am a great wizard, but i did not get like this overnight. it  took lots of study and training, and care so that my powers did not harm others. over the ages, my powers have grown to the extent that there are few beings that i would consider as being in my league in terms of ability. Given enough time, and ability,  anyone can become great. but give someone who naturally has a great gift that same time to hone his or her skills, and you'd find in due  time that they are truly extraordinary " stripetail said as the  repairs finished and he began walking towards the exit. "take care , though that you dont hone your abilities at the cost of others." He added. ' " i will need your help  dealing with the other Jokerz in the area.

" sure, just gove me a couple minutes to check in with my boss. also i still dont know  how i;m going to explain away 1 million creds " Terry said. ' I can tell that you are  a young man, and not a rich one if 1 million creds is a lot to you. "I million creds would be a lot to a LOT of people, Stripetail. To you, maybe its nothing, but  to me- and well many others  its literally life changing. " Then do as much good  with it as possible. give to the need, help out your family, go shopping with friends . you've be stunned how quickly the creds vanish" Stripetail said. He walked around Batman, taking stock of his form. '" hmm. You're a high school student, at or near 17 years of age. No wonder you say you'd have a hard time explaining the money, the vast majority of kids your age are still living with their folks. ' Terry gaped " your suit can mask your face and appearance and even your voice can be altered, but your actions reveal much about you- your youth and inexperience. . You're new at this game, so take a bit of advice from someone who has been in the so-called 'hero business' for a long time: Never pass up a chance to  do good, and gain experience.  I'll be at he stadium entrance while you contact your superior.' Stripetail said . Terry shook his head before patching in to Bruce at the Batcave" i've met stripetail, Waynee. Hes every bit the wizard you said he's be. ' Yes Terry, i see the stadium has been repaired and the Jokerz are gone. "He gave me 1 million creds for helping him, I can't exact explain that to my mom. ' just say you helped Stripetail find a location for the games,. " ' mom will likely either  take most of it or demand i put most of it in the bank, or help out my little brother " As you'd expect. How did your meeting with the commissioner go? ' brief, and bad,  She doesnt like or trust me, and sent me out after Stripetail to get rid of me " terry said. " You'll have to prove yourself, by helping the games. " wayne said as the  buzzer to the Wayne Manor gates sounded " I have a guest coming terry, Keep helping Stripetail I'll be in touch." Wayne broke the link, and Terry flew off after  Stripetail.
 bruce turned away from the screen and got up to get towards his cane when the secret door to the batcave opened. footsteps approached and Commissioner Gordon appeared  at the top of the steps wearing a nonplussed look on her face. ' Hello Barbara' Bruce said " I see you've  gotten back into the game Bruce. I'm not sure I approve ' Gordon said as she walked down the steps. " You have some kid playing dressup and breaking into my office, offering his 'help'. Masked superheros of that ilk went out with the tommy gun. 'You need help Barbara, and you know it.  Street gangs run rampant, powers does whatever he wants, using the money and influence of my company. Your cops are overstretched. " I'm not my father, Bruce. You know that. He may have put up with having a masked vigilante on the night shift for 40 years, but I wont. Whoever this boy is , he stays out of police business , understand? I mean it, if this becomes a pattern, i'll drag both him and you off to jail. " Barbaras tone was clear. " Understood.  How are you faring with Powers regarding that proposal to tear down the historic District?" barbara sighed ' It figures you would know about that.  the Good new is, the wizard's pitching in. Hes covering the payment Powers demanded to abandon the project. " 250 million, wasnt it? so  Stripetail is not only very powerful but very rich. " Bruce smiled inwardly. 300 million, hes not only preserving the buildings , but restoring them as well. " Gordon said. "if you want to meet him i can set up a meeting but you'll have to come into Gotham for it. Get out of the cave, get some sunshine. You look like you could need it." She turned to head up the Steps. 
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 07, 2018, 11:33:08 PM
"Aww.....I was hoping to get a catfish, not a cat," Oliver said as the punchline to the sketch he, Tom, and Jerry were doing. It earned a bunch of laughs from the audience. The kitten inwardly grinned, knowing he managed to make a good first impression to those watching.


"How about the Sun Spa?" Bongo suggested to Lulubelle. "That way, we can all have our troubles washed away, and get good massages. I know Lumpjaw is a fan." The three bears had got there before in the past.


"Actually, believe it or not, it's for a goddess," Kitty explained to her fellow Prize. "This crazy hungry panther goddess who craves meat, and if I don't get her a LOT of it, she's going to gobble me up in its place. So if the prince is willing to donate, that would be greatly appreciated." She shivered at the idea of going in Panty's gut again.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 09, 2018, 09:44:02 PM
Major Lockie was now over the area of Neo-Gotham that had lost power. The streets had emergency personnel trying to keep order and deal with accidents. Thankfully, this particular area had few people living there as it was mostly an industrial area. A plume of smoke rising up from one of the distinctive power distribution hubs. The living AC-130 headed towards the smoke plume and noticed that the hub had been set aflame and extinguished.

"Incident command, this is Major Lockie." The AC-130 radioed the crew on the ground.

"Fire's out but we need EOD to sweep for explosives. Witnesses reported a silent man dressed as a clown threw a bunch of grenades inside."

"Copy that. I am dispatching and EOD team." He radioed Pfish, Chip and the DZ to head over to the aforementioned location with all due haste. The pictures and message were transmitted to Stripetail.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 17, 2018, 11:58:17 PM
Wait so you ticked off a goddess? Geez" Atrua said. 'I really dont want to know what you did, but I'll put in a word with the prince and get some meat set aside for you.  Dont want you ending up a meal after all. otherwise  this goddess might go for seconds or thirds, or beyond that. "  Why cant you have dixie use her magic to make food for you?' Mukua asked ' like she did with these mouseburgers?"
 the folks watching the shot tossed coins into a hat ' this money would be split evenly between tom, Oliver and jerry.

 Sun spa sounds great lumpjaw will like the bear table special for a meal as well. they give you loads there"Lulubelle said ' lumpjaw is still wiorking, so it'll be just us two to start of as far the meal comes."
 Onca was relaxing calmly in his villa. his manservant had pulled up a visual map with showed dots where all the prizes were, and what vehicle, if any they were using.
Berry was seated at a resteraunt i panthera, taking pictures of the locals and surroundings " We need stuff for folks to lok at, besides us running over booby traps and aviiding huge boulders abd the like she said to Sawyer " who was making notesin a notebook.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 19, 2018, 05:00:04 PM
The trio had arrived and met up with the incident commander.

"What's the situation?" Chip asked.

DZ began sniffing the air. "Many explosives inside. We'll go clean it out!"

The incident commander nodded. "Pretty much." He gestured to the gaping hole in the side of the building. "Reports say that a clown threw bombs everywhere and set the place on fire.  F---ing Jokerz."

Chip turned to Pfish and the DZ. "You two, go inside and sweep for explosives!"

The duo nodded and entered. Seeing as DZ's armored hull made him nearly indestructible, he went first. In the process, he snatched up a land mine laid right in the opening and put it in his storage chamber. Pfish was looking around with a flashlight. The power had been shut off, making it hard to see. Even so, the bitter scent of smoke and the dangling wires and structural supports indicated the damage the place had sustained.

While the two were off, Chip turned to the incident commander. "This clown, could you describe him?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 21, 2018, 02:16:52 AM
Janus and Argo entered the villa, Janus carrying the basketball trophy his team had won, while argho staggered and sweated under a huge stack of large pizzas. 'uh.. your highness.. I got your pizzas> all 50 of them"Argo panted. ' as onca looked up from his massage seat ' good. just set them on the table over there, and pick out a prize you'd like to dance with as payment." Sir, no offense, but this is hundreds, if not 1000s, of dollars worth of pizza. A dance with a pretty Pantheress isnt something i can bring back to my boss so i can get a bonus for a big delivery' Argo said. " hmm' Onca frowned. ' Well, I cant deny a worker his pay, now can I ? fine. how much do O owe?' He asked as Janus proudly presented his trophy to the prince ' The Team represented the kingdom well, your highness' Janus said with a smile.  Well,  lets see Argo said : thats 66000 rupees , plus tax for the pizzas. and 4000 more rupees for the drinks. . ' around 1000  dollars then. " Onca said pulling out a  wallet groaning with 100 dollar bills.  He pulled out 20 and handed them to Argo " keep the change. I'll be ordering more pizza, as I'm having a new prize massage me. Your Mukua is also one of my prizes now Janus.' he added " Yes, Yes I know, your highness. I trust, of course , sir that she is well?' Well, my boy, she just joined last night and likely is exploring the many villas on my property. the library villa will likely catch her interest." Onca said.
- Dixie Mukua, Chie atrua and kitty reached the villa and were admitted inside.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 22, 2018, 01:43:34 AM
Kitty and the others looked around the villa in awe. There were several tables for massages to be performed on. Soothing instrumental music was being played over the speaker system. A hot tub was in a room seperate from the main massage area. Portraits lined the walls that contained images of Onca, his brothers, and previous generations of the royal family.

"He spares no expense," Kitty said, "Besides me, who else knows how to give someone a really good massage?" She then turned to Dixie. "How many pounds of meat can you make with your magic at once?" she asked hopefully. "I'll need in the area of 1000 pounds of it...."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 22, 2018, 07:23:05 PM
Well, I've given Scooby a massage or two" Dixie mused as she approached where  the prince was sitting. ' Hello, your highness . I've arrived to do your massage " she said before hearing Kitty's question " well, i dont know.  i can whip up meat no problem. given i can create mouseburgers easily. i'm just not sure how much i can create. ' She paused then smiled at Kitty " What the heck, its only food, and I'm sparing you from having to buy 1000 pounds of meat. Mukua was putting Makon, Shula, and Rasa's numbers in her new phone, so she could text them later with pictures. "Need to add Ukin at some point" Mukua said ' I'd better be in there too" Atrua said.  Mukua  showed her the phone ' don't worry , you're in under the As. Chie whats your number?' i dont have a phone ' Chie admitted ' then I''ll get you one for your birthday. " Cey approached Dixie carrying a tray of massage oils ' The prince is very particular about the massage oils he uses" thanks Cey. Just set it down there While i get kitty her meat" Dixie pointed her ring at a free table ' meat feast.. of 1000 pounds" she intoned, and wisps of magic shot out of her ring and began flying around the table, huge steaks, carved hams, and delicious turkeys filled the table. Argo's mouth began to water as the table groaned with succulent meat. " don't touch those Argo ' Janus said before embracing Mukua ' you look stunning Mukua ' Janus grinned " Janus you shameless flirt" Mukua smiled, as the table finished being covered by meat. ' Hope thats enough , Kitty" Dixie said as she  moved over and began massaging Onca on the massage chair, and the panther purred in content as Cey And Dixie worked in the oils. Janus was presented a basketball and a change of uniform ;' You'll use the princes personal basketball court, in here' one of the prizes said  to Janus "we'll go fetch your opponent for you." she added as Janus wrote down scoobys name on a note and gave the note to the girls. the trio of prizes headed out ' .
Chie helped herself to couple stuffed crust cheese pizza slices.
  kopa got a call from the royalphone at pride rock, and answered it . an image of scar appeared before him ' hello, your Majesty "Scar said with a smile ' I'm calling because I'm planning a new inn. restaurant and I'm stuck on the  name. My boy also says you're doing those toon games, or are at least applying for them?  well I'd be willing to help you with that , if you help me with my inn, both naming and funding." So how many inns do you have?' This will be #6, and I want a theme that highlights my mane . I've narrowed it down to 5 names- Scar Terrace, dark Mane domain, retired rulers inn,  Scar India, and  The Dark Ones inn and restaurant. " retired rulers inn, sounds the best of those" Kopa said after pausing. ' Alright, now for funding. anywhere between 8 million and 12 million will be needed, for advertising staffing, product placement, that sort of thing.." I'll pitch in 10 million " kopa said ' split the difference." Good decision Kopa , you have a  better head for business than your father" Scar chuckled.
_ Kovu was relaxing at the Kovu circuit stadium that was being built ' blueprints for " Pridelands museum of history" rested beneath him on the row  below. Some of his personally loyal lionesses were out fetching him a snack, and a few of them were even taking requests from " Hard Head' as they called Kopa, about meals. Kovu was feeling pretty good about himself a the moment. Hopefully they would hear back from stripetail soon about their application.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 23, 2018, 06:27:11 PM
A scent came to Kovu's nose as he recognized the smell of some of his favorite meats. "You ladies know just what I like," he purred to his lioness loyalists. "Now, feed your king with what he desires...." he said in a confident tone. He knew they loved it when he talked like that.


As he was not needed for the current game, the Duke of Owls was in the biggest hotel in Panthera. It had a great piano in the dining area that the big owl was permitted to play (under threat of eating the staff otherwise). "I can finally listen to the classics," the mighty owl mused, putting sheet music up for Bach and Beethoven as his wings began making the beautiful melodies work.


Kitty's jaw dropped upon seeing what Dixie conjured up. "A literal thousand pounds of meat," she said, "This is perfect Dixie! Thank you! Now I wont become panther goddess chow!" She then turned to Chie. "Where did Panty say to bring the meat to? Or will she just show up to collect?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 01, 2019, 11:01:12 PM
I think she'll show up to collect' Chie said. ' i'm not 100% on that, though.  Best have it ready if she does show up" she said as Cey handed her a lute to play for Onca, who was relaxing contently as Dixie and Cey massaged his back and sides ' you're in good shape, your highness" Dixie said ' well, i exercise regularly' Onca said. " plus walking the hills and around the villas help keep me fit. Can't afford to get pudgy and lose my attractive qualities now can I?" he chuckled. " beauty is only skin deep, as they say True beauty comes from within. those who are truly beautiful, may not always appear attractive." true, true' Onca said , munching on fruit handed to him by Atrua
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 04, 2019, 12:19:02 AM
"Well, sometimes those beautiful on the inside are lucky enough to have it also be the case on the outside," Kitty grinned, seeing how buff Onca was. She now wanted to join in on the massage herself. She had plenty of experience giving back rubs to Tiger back in Green River.


"I wonder where Mr. Garfield is performing," Oliver said to Tom as he put his split of the profits into a wallet, "He's one of the mascots too...."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 06, 2019, 12:45:20 AM
Mukua finished drawing a sketch of Onca and set  it aside.  " we'll be donme shortly" dixie said as she moved up to Onca's shoulders " Here kitty" you can work on his legs" dixie said motioning to the far end of the sofa pon which Onca was resting From this view, Kitty could  get a full view of the prince. " after this masage , i'll show you girls the library villa and the buff villa."Cey said.
 scooby saw a trio of prizes approaching him carrying a basketball uniform.  " Mr Doo? Will you please follow us. You have been challenged to a game of basketball at the palace. please do try to keep up." Scooby took the uniform and began following the prizes.
 Two lionesses worked onn Kovus belly, while two more runned his back and back of his klegs. a fifth was giving him kisses and nuzzkles, purring contentedly as she did so.
- Tom shook his head, he had no idea where Garfioeld was. Nor did the tom cat care. he was focused on his skits.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 06, 2019, 08:37:57 PM
Kitty couldn't deny how gorgeous the prince was. He had a buff six pack, and his fur looked so smooth to the touch. "If Imay, your majesty," she smiled to Onca, "Could I join in on the back rub?" Hearing about all the other villas the royal family owned, she was more eager to think about those than think about the games.


Bongo came over to Lulubelle. "So you, me and Lumpjaw are playing baseball with some tourists? I'm sure Lumpjaw will hit home runs every time he steps up to the plate." Lumpjaw was a sweetheart, for as much of a musclehead he could be. Bongo might have been mildly annoyed that the only reason Lumpjaw and Lulubelle were married was by accident, but at least she was married to someone she did care about.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 09, 2019, 11:45:25 AM
Certainly, dear Kitty" Onca samiled at her and pointed  at a seat by him. " i have been getting cramps in my quads, if you could work on them, I'll gladly give you a tip ." He smiled. ' how dores $1000  sound?' Onca smiled at the fetching cat.

what kind of tourists? Lulubelle. ' and Secondly i wasnt aware that you had included me. I'm been very busy with organizing the princes Games schedule, along with getting villa IDs for the new prizes. " she sighred ' when's the game?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2019, 06:24:30 PM
"That sounds really lovely," Kitty smiled to Onca. Some of the local prizes giggled. While an outsider like Kitty would obviously find receiving such a large sum for such a small task to be very pleasant, by the prince's standards 1000 didn't even register as a hint of pocket change. 

"Just tell me where to start."


"Later in the evening, and its against some bears from one of the competing teams," Bongo told Lulubelle. "Cmon, Lumpjaw and I can put up a game, and this will be after your job is done." Bongo gave his friend a pat. Even if it was only an accident that she married Lumpjaw instead of him, he knew she was in good paws.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 21, 2019, 08:14:55 PM
just ,my lower legs , please onca  said ' the massage will be over then ' dixie said " as i've finished rubbing the princes back and shoulders. " you gorls are lucky ' chie said as cey psassed around  drinks for those prizes who werent playing instruments to entertain the prince. " the princes family has ruled panthera for 4 generation" some one of the guard prizes ' we have lived in prosperity ever since. Every prince has his own set of prizes, The current prince has the largest number, but thats befitting someone of his rank  and stature. He's not a horn  cat or inteersted in planting ' seeds' all over
 Put in simply ' Cey said ' we have it good here. and you'll soon see why.' She s,iled at Dixie and Mukua.

 scooby was lee to the princes personal villa where a huge basketball court had been set up. janus was dribbling and hitting shots wuith a practiced flair, he was making most of them.

_ kovu was relaxuing with some of his lionesses whebn Kopa came over. " hey bro. just finished talking with my uncle. hes building a new restaurant, called Retired Rulers Inn. i'm pitching in 10 million , in return he;'s going to talk to the wiuzard about getting us a  spot in the games . "
 Thats my dad for you ' Kovu smiled.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 21, 2019, 10:25:31 PM
"Anything else we can do for you, handsome?" one lioness purred to Kovu as she rubbed his belly. His loyalists were quite devoted to him.


"Does he have an official mate?" Kitty asked the prize who filled them in. "And if not, who will have his heirs when the time comes for that?"


Bongo pat Lulubelle on the back. "Just tell Lumpjaw, and he should be up for the game," the bear encouraged.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 21, 2019, 11:03:50 PM
No, he does not, nor will he until he becomes king ' the prize replied. " he will pick only the best match for him, amd that will be a pantheress of high status. Not an outsider. no offense intended, of course."
 onca got up from the couch .' well thank you ladies. I feel relaxed and ready fore the day now. Please take some food with you as you go around the villas." He said with a smile, as Argo followed Chie, Autrua and Mukua out of the room. Argo was headed back to the pizza place where he worked, so he could report the salre and toip, in hopes of getting a bonus in pay.
_ very well. i'll tell him when i see him next at the main palace' Lulubelle said.  Just fetch us when you want to take us to the games.
 Nothing right now, my beauties " kovu said with a contented smile on his face.
 A bell rang for a mascot break from the skits, and tom and jerry got up frokom the rover bank to head into town to get something to eat.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 21, 2019, 11:07:40 PM
Oliver followed after Tom and Jerry when he noticed Garfield on his break enjoying a meal. "Hi Mr. Garfield," Oliver smiled, going over to him, "Did you do a bit already? I did," the kitten smiled.


"Thank you sir," Kitty bowed to Onca, "You are quite generous." She took some mouseburgers that had been prepared for her.


While he was patrolling in the palace, Lumpjaw eventually caught sight of Lulubelle. "How ya doing, dear?" he smiled broadly, wrapping her in a big hug.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 22, 2019, 12:55:02 AM
No, not yet ' Garfield shook his head  " i've been challenged to a food eating contest, food of my choice ' he said. ' Don't know who the guy is ' just  found a note on my uniform." he said ' why dont you guys watch my contest and if I win? i'll give you a few bucks of my winnings?' he said with a chuckle.
 Lulubelle smacked Lumpjaw in the face with a "love tap" ' good big boy ' she said ' i' working on a decree for Panthera during the games. this is our big chance to put ourselves on the map." she said , breaking away from him, and heading up the stairs towards her office.
- you're welcomy, my Prize ' Onca said ' Have fun in the others villas." onca waved as  the door was opened for Kitty and the others to leave.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 22, 2019, 01:02:52 AM
"Let me help you up the stairs," Lumpjaw smiled, giving Lulubelle an uppercut that knocked her all the way to the top of the flight. He knew she appreciated that.


"Sure, that sounds fun," Oliver smiled to Garfield. "Could I maybe even play too?" The kitten was eager to show off his eating talents again.


Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 29, 2019, 08:28:08 PM
no, boy this is for addults only ' Garfield dsaid ' i've got sa bonus riding on the match. I'll get 10000 bucks if i win. i could use the money. " you can have some food as you watch though;' he said to oliver.
 atrua guided the  prize mobile down the track away from the massage villa. ' next up girls the library villa.' She smiled. " chie was passing out pizza to the other gorls as she walked around the prize mobile.  The library villa soon appeared on the horizon, its height towered over the other villas. a pair of greeb riobed pantheess stood on the steps of the villa gazing at the newcomers as they approached.

 Louie was writing down idseas for his costume on a piece of paper in the Panthera cafe. Sawyer and Berry were in line grabbing lunch for themselves and louie and Louie pondered his outfiot, and the outfits of the girls.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on February 10, 2019, 09:38:10 AM
The incident commander nodded. "The clown in question looks like this." He brought up a picture on his tablet showing footage he had downloaded from the security cameras.

Pfish, Chip and DZ all looked over the footage. The fuze hat, plastic smile and overly wide overalls that brought to mind a half a bowling ball...or bomb, were all hallmarks of Big City's most notorious serial bombers.

Blammo the Clown.

"That damn clown!" Chip exclaimed.

"We'll put out an all points bulletin for him," the incident commander said as he transmitted all the information to Stripetail and Commissioner Gordon. He then turned to the trio. "Right now, I want you three to enter and ensure the entire structure is free of bombs and booby traps so we can get rebuilding ASAP. We're already getting complaints."

"On it!" DZ said as sped through the blasted open security door. Pfish and Chip followed.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 14, 2019, 01:14:52 AM
"Thanks Mr. Garfield," Oliver nodded as he took his seat next to the bigger cat.  He was glad to have someone he already knew be a fellow mascot.


"Since I'm not from these parts," Kitty asked one of the local prizes, "Just how many villas does the royal family have?" She could make out plenty in the distance.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 14, 2019, 10:35:57 PM
he has 20, catering any need of the prizes. the library villa and the buff villa are very popular villas. ;' came the reply.  the prize mobile opened and the green robed pantheresses approached ' ah new prizes they said, nearly in unison. " please do come in. " the doors opened and a staggered array of shelves and bookcases appeared before them.  Mukuas mouth fell open. she had never see so many books in her life.  Panther Spirits , what a spread !" she murmured as she wandered through the shelves. ' you could get lost in here for days, eh Mukua?' Atrua grinned. ' Me , i like the buff villa. there i dont have to have any pretensions about modesty. then again, i don;t like the word anyway.  We're heading there next , by the by. so you girls can see what i see, the freedom to walk around au natural. " What do they do in that villa?' Chie asked ' we'll its a relaxing villa. play ping pong, read, relax in the hot tub. watch Onca TV' Atrua said. " plus theres a huge fridge in there that you can take what you like from.  You'll love it girls." You enjoy walking around buff huh?' mukua said ' "Only way to truly live. " "
 Panty entered the villa where kitty had left her the meals sher had demanded and began eating the food.  panty sat down and began enjoying her food.
- scooby and Janus began playing their game, which was a game of 4 5 minute quarters. janus was in better shape than Scooby, But Scooby's height and length posed problems for him. scooby got off to a slow start, and janus pulled into an 8-10 point lead early on.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 14, 2019, 10:40:54 PM
Kitty could hear the sound of the goddess's ravenous consumption in the distance. "I hope she likes it," she said with a tinge of nervousness. She knew Panty would only accept exactly what she asked for.


"So does this mean the prizes can go around in the buff everywhere on the palace grounds?" Chie asked the others. "That must make for some amusing work days....."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 26, 2019, 06:31:08 PM
yes we are allowed to walk around in the buff ' Cey said ' how often we do so is left to our discretion. outside the grounds, of course, you have to wear some form of clothing. " I'm guessing Atrua will go san clothes more often than not. ' mukua said. ' you betcha ' Atrua laughed ' You, Mukua?' Only if i lose a strip poker or strip monopoly game" Mukua said. ' which we girls play a lot' Atrua said ' I usually win when I play so normally its some other prize that has to go around in her natural state, and owe me some favor or other. normally, its dancing or posing that are the wagers. " Well Mukua and I played the game the other evening, but it was just for playing, I'm pretty sure we didnt follow all the rules correctly. " Dixie said. " " we can play a game at the buff villa ' Chie suggested ' Poker, this time. You girls can each come up with wagers or side wagers. Losers have to pay up when they get knocked out. so , say, Dixie has to pose against  a column for a hour if she loses.  " I'm in. If I win' Cey said " you girls have to cook my meals for me, for a week. "Drat, Cey! you stole my idea!' Atrua laughed. " Alright i'll have to come up with something else if I win. ' What about a kiss?' Dixie said. ' Too simple, and too easy " Cey said. it has to to be something you can pay up on for a long time. Food, Dancing, buying someone a new set of prize attire. Things like that. Stuff that can be held over you" She smirked. "problem is, Dixie is loaded" Mukua said ' she can spend whatever she likes. ' OH really? Cey's grin grew brighter. " alright, thats the wager " dixie has to get the winner whatever she wants, regardless of cost. Even if its 100, 000 bucks. " I'll just take 100 grand in cash ' Atrua said. " hmm. Dixies already spending 50000 on my birthday' Chie mused ' Just. um/ get me the biggest cake you can get in the kingdom. chocolate icing, chocolate cake chocolate filling. ' Do i have to get anything for anyone if i win? Dixie asked ' Only if you want to, theres no real obligation " Cey said.
 gordon received the information as was driving away from Wayne manor " Information recieved. You are authorized to use lethal force if necessary. Gordon out."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 05, 2019, 07:27:47 PM
"I guess there's no nudity taboo in this kingdom behind the palace walls huh?" Kitty smiled to Cey, "Otherwise something like a buff villa wouldn't be a thing." Her eyes would occasionally float in the direction of other Prizes' bouncing assets. Onca could truly claim he had only the best. "Are there ones hired here specifically as chefs, or do the Prizes take care of that?"

Hearing the wager, she remembered all the gambling the cats did back at Waul's saloon in Green River. They were quite.....vocal whenever they won or lost.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 09, 2019, 06:43:10 PM
yes there are people hired for their cooking ' Cey said ' the prince requires the best, and as a side benefit, we get treated almost like queens. basically as long as we do our tasks we get rewarded. the buff villa is one of those rewards. you can relax all day there  if you want. just soak in either a group hot tub or a personal one."
 louie tossed away the script for the movie and left the girls to go pack up his things " berry , Dumpling, bring  sawyer cdear with you, once you have enough ideas. ' what for , my king?' I'm going tio create my own movie studio, and i'll need you two appearing inb most of the movies.' Louie grinned.

 GGarfield began eating in the food contestwhich had lots of food liked by cats.

Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 10, 2019, 11:05:20 PM
The Buff Villa lived up to its name. Several of the prizes inside were relaxing in very little (if any) clothes. A few panther girls were lying down, soaking in the sun. Two others were playing table tennis. Another one was soaking in a hot tub. All leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. The villa was designed beautifully, it was like paradise for those who were enjoying having time off in it.


Oliver decided to be Garfield's cheerleader for the eating contest. "I know you can win Mr. Garfield," the kitten smiled helpfully to the bigger cat.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 11, 2019, 07:54:46 PM
Dixie walked into the buff villa and found the girls were all nude, the only indication that there wrere any clothes in the building at all, was the prize outfits hanging on racks. ' i'm going to enjoy myself here ' dixie said noticing a huge tv in front of the  tubs.  mukua undressed and climbed into a tub, feeling the warm water against her fur. ' come on kitty! come join me" she said eagerly. this Tv here is showing.. how to cook mouseburgers with 3 types of cheese! you know, that actually looks really tasty. " dang it, now I'm hungry..' mukua laughed.
_ Cey, atrua chie and Dixie took one of the group baths, and found the Tv was tuned to Janus and scooby;s basketball game. early in the 4th quarter Janus lead 46 -43, although Scooby had the ball and was looking to tie the game.  scooby hit a long 3 over janus' outstretched  claws, and scooby made a fist, as janus took the ball out to resume play. janus slammed the ball down in frustration. ' go scooby! Dixie cheered. on another screen Onca was posing and flexing in different poses. there were several girls watching that one.
  Sawyer was handed several pictures showing her getting hit by bananas ' if you dont play, these get handed to a photographer ' Louie grinned. Ciuld we worse, i have pictures of you and berry doing things..' He laughed/
_ in the pridelands some of kovus and kopa's lionesses were looking at the 'lioness sutra '  to find  ways too please their kings. both of them enjoyed relaxing with their ladies.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 12, 2019, 10:37:10 PM
"Maybe we can have them hold are their paws up and we can try some crowd surfing," Kovu suggested to Kopa, "The ladies are clearly up for anything."


The hellhound and heavenhound were flying over the kingdom of Panthera. "I think I wanna set some place on fire," Belladonna laughed, "But I think better yet, I can order you to do it. You lost our game after all."

"Don't make me do this,I hate misdeeds....." Annabelle moaned, having to wear spiky attire to be more "hellish" as her cousin would say. "Precisely the point....." Belladonna pointed out proudly.


"Mouseburgers are my absolute favorite," Miss Kitty admitted, "I know it kinda creeps my man out since he's friends with some mice.....but I can convince him to try some every now and then," she smiled at Mukua. She looked at the recipes being broadcast. "Those must be regional recipes. Never tried them with those spices before..."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 19, 2019, 11:50:58 PM
they are delicious ' mukua said ' cover them in breading and they are very filing.' mukua smirked. ' my mom normally coks them on skewers. you get 10 per skewer and youi just slide them off one by one.they're huge , so you'll get your fill ' mukua said.
 in the other tub Dixie was watching scooby's game with Janus. janus startd responded to scooby run with tightening up his defense, and with 2 minutes left now led by 4  scooby was getting tired, as he panted wuiuth each ball that went out of bounds..
 Prince onca was very rich, owningg most of asias landmarks, and having replicas of them spread arolound his kingdom. the penalty for any unauthorized touching or climbing of the replica, was a punishment of being sat on by the landmark guards, a set of 5 massive gorillas who thought nothing of sitting on people for days at a time.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 20, 2019, 12:00:12 AM
"Is there plenty of mice in this area to make into burgers?" Kitty asked Mukua, "I could show you some local variations from my town," she offered. "Could I try some of your mom's cooking?" she grinned.


Some local panther teens opted to ignore the rules and climbed on one of the replica statues. Of course, Onca's security was top notch and they were spotted almost instantly.


"You did it," Oliver cheered on to Garfield.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 20, 2019, 10:39:21 PM
thats just 1 round kid ' garfield said, as a contestant got up from his seat to leave
 theres still 15 other contestants."
 Definitely!'  mukua said with a grin ' i forgot you didnt get to try my moms food as you were.. er a 'guest' of Panty at the time. ' Mukua  said. My mom always enjoys having guests over.. and yes theres plenty of mice to eat ..
' here in the buff villa , ladies we can order whatever you like from the villa chef, and the best part, its free ' Atrua said " so for once, lets pig out..' She grinned.  in a nearby area there were a number of tvs showing  videogames, and in 3 inparticular showcases a purple limo racing a school bus and and a firetruck. ' no shortcuts ' called one villa girls to her competitors ' you have by far the  gfastest car. mr burns limo is the best in the game ' one of them said  and we have hulks of cars meant for running stuff over, not sped.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 22, 2019, 11:19:43 PM
"And I need to keep the meat supply up if i don't wanna end up back in there," Kitty shivered. "Are your brothers at home about now or would they be doing other things?" she asked the local.


Sawyer and Berry were carried back to Louie's temple, rather, they held on tight as he swung across vines. The monkeys had been called in advance and already drew up a big studio logo for their king.

"i get the feeling i know what genre he wants to create," the cat star said.


Oliver looked and noticed a roller coaster in the near distance. "This town has a theme park? Cool!" he mewed. He hoped he would get a chance to visit it before they left.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 25, 2019, 01:52:15 AM
 " they're at home, doing chortes for my folks " Mukua replied. excuse me, i've gotta go watch the end of Janus' game. "
as the seconds in scooby's basketball game with janus ticked down,. Dixie and mukua watched intently. scooby drove the the hoop and scored with 30 seconds left tying the score at 56. on the other end Janus tried a shot from the free throw line but it rimmed out. scooby got the ball and dribbled up the court,  the clock  ticking below 10 seconds. scooby drove to the top of the key then stepped back launching a shot with 4 seconds left, the ball spuns around the rim 5 times before dropping down, putting Scooby up 3, and leaving janus just over a second to get a tying shot off. Which he did, and drilled the shot from at least 40 feet away. ' oh come on! Dixie protested as Mukua cheered '; WOO! thats my sharpshooter!; Mukua cackled. 'he practices shots like that all the time, and hits a good number of them. ' So how long is overtime?.Dixie asked  10 minutes. if therees no winner after this period, its a tie." mukua said. as she climbed into the tub , with a plate of food, steam rising of the drumsticks.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 09, 2019, 09:39:34 PM
The whiff of the drumsticks danced playfully around in Kitty's nose. "If it's not too much trouble, could I have a few of those?" she asked Mukua. Her eyes turned to the basketball game. "Those guys have the moves....." she whistled, impressed. Even for all of Scooby's eating, he was one talented athlete. Perhaps all that food was actually beneficial to him.


"This is not part of the team uniform Belladonna," Annabelle blushed in humiliation.

"Cmon cousin, spiky leather clad biker chick is such a better look on you," Belladonna laughed meanly.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 11, 2019, 12:42:26 AM
 come on in ' mukua said, motioning to a space in the tub with a free hand. ' grab as many drumstocks as you like.
  on the screen, with 1 minute left, scooby  hit a 3 to go up 5 , 98-93. janus battled back hitting a 3 then picking scoobys pocket with 10 seconds left to tie the game. scooby drove down court,  drove towards the basket and floated a shot over janus that  went in  as the buzzer sounded.' Yes! ' dixie  pumped her fist, splashing atrua as she rose from the water. ' looks like you'll have to pay up Mukua' Dixie said as mukua shook her head ' wrong foot, falling away shot goes in..' mukua said as the final score read 100-98 in favor of scooby. both scooby and janus looked exhausted as they shook paws  then headed off the courtt. ' come on girl, we don't even get to OT if your boy doesnt hit a half court prayer. ' its not a prayer if he makes it regularly. anyway, i'l pay up. i'll take you to the town amusement  and show you oncas water slide , its a big hit with the locals.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 15, 2019, 09:08:50 PM
"You did it!" Oliver clapped as Garfield managed to win the eating contest. "I knew you had it in you, Mr. Garfield." The kitten patted his fellow orange feline on the back.


At King Louie's lair, the monkeys were already making the plans for Louie's studio to come to life. "They are efficient, I'll give them that," Sawyer admitted, kind of impressed.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 03, 2019, 11:18:56 PM
monkeys tend to be efficient ' berry nodded ' plus the king has wanted something like this for a long time. hence, puling out all the stops.'she smiled ' look on the bright side ' you get to have me as a co star." she grinned.
mukua snuggled up to dixie as she passed around the chicken to chie, cey and atrua who were in the tub with her. ' well i gotta think of what i'm going to do to pay off my debt ' she said ' i'm guessing the chickens not enough.' she laughed.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 04, 2019, 12:29:03 AM
"But he's still the lead," Sawyer acknowledged, pointing towards Louie. "I know he isn't letting me go anytime soon...."


"From what I heard, the goddess has a thing for hamburgers," Kitty told the other girls, "I should try to get her a ton of those. Maybe that'll satisfy her appetite....for a few days."


Belladonna grinned in triumph as Annabelle had to wear biker attire. "Now......go flirt with guys, and talk dirty...." the hellhound laughed in satisfaction.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 15, 2019, 02:31:32 PM
i'm directing , love ' louie said with a smile ' first things first, we need a title foir the film . one of several ideas is on the table there.' he mentioned, pointing to a stack of proposed titles.
_ you have me and my magic.' dixie reminded her. ' so you dont nbeed to worry. i'll magic up feasts each week if Panty demands it.burgers steak, you name it."" kitty took the rest of the chicken drrumsticks with a grin on her face. " so tell me more about your brothers, Mukua. what else do they do, besides play basketball. " Well thats mostly what they do, as theres rather liited jobs available in town that dont involvev wiorking for dad. for ladies. well under1% of the girls are picked to be a prize, although Onca gets requests from many many girls.' Mukua said. "Mostly they work for our dad in  his stalls."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 26, 2019, 04:15:20 PM
Kitty was walking around the buff villa, seeing some of the other prizes relaxing in a tub, others were lifting weights.

"There's a lot to do here in the buff," Kitty said with an amused smirk. She wanted to enjoy a nice hamburger herself, at the moment.


"And be vulgar if needed," Belladonna smiled wickedly to Annabelle, "Guys like that."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 29, 2019, 10:55:36 AM
i dont swear , I'm an angel remember. that your sides thing ' Annabelle protested. " and i loook completely ridicolous. no guy would look at me without laughing1" she sighed, as she lkooked at the outfit she was being forced to weart.
 Oliver wabndered around the town, passing Bluto eating a hot dog at a bench, and Dulcy and samia looking at supplies for scale repair.  The kitten had 200 gold to spend from his fishing skit and he was loooking at the stalls to see what was available.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 01, 2019, 05:07:09 PM
"Just show them some of your assets, Annabelle, that'll get them to stop laughing," Belladonna assured with a wicked smirk. "Remember, you're still working for me for the time being."


Kitty took a seat at a bar in the buff villa. One local prize was the bartender. "One whiskey please," Kitty requested, and she was granted just that from the nude pantheress. She took a sip and was immediately impressed by the high quality of the whiskey.

After taking the drink, she saw some of the other prizes getting tans next to a big window. "Nice jobs on those tans," she complimented. "Thank you," Talia, another one of the local prizes nodded in return, "But we do have to keep focused on them."

Kitty saw that the Prize Girls were of all species and sizes, as some were quite round around the belly. "Felicia has some competition," she thought to herself, "But man, I really need some mouse burgers now...."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 06, 2019, 12:17:50 PM
Mukua and dixie snuggled together in the hot tub , letting the warm water  wash away the aches abd cares. ' I really should have something like this installed at the mansion.' Dixie said with a sigh. " i still cant believe your boy beat Janus. and on such a lucky shot too ' Mukua said. ' mukua, that bet wa one sided anyway. if I lost it would have neted you and Janus a lot more than if I had won. " we're not loaded like you guys are. " Mukua said. ' after you follow us around in the games, i think that will change." dixie said ' Janus can challenge people to pickup games and win bets that way. " or Horse, or pig, or some other game of that sort." " hmm. yeah he;d like that. ' who else are you bringing along?' Chie, Atrua and Argo." Dixie said ' we have enough room on the bus." ' So, you're not statyying long, and you want me to come along/" ' think about it, Mukua,  how many ladies in this kingdom have truly gotten to travel the world..' Dixie said reaching out and stroking Mukua's face.Mukua blushed slightly. ' not too many.. my mom did a bit of traveling before she met my dad, and had me and my brothers. "well.. how about this. you can visit me and Scooby at my mansion, any time you like. bring family, friends, stay as long as you like. ' Dixie gestured with her ring and  an image of the mansion she and scooby lived in appeared.  Mukuas eyes widened at the sheer size of it. ' that place is bigger than Oncas palace! ' she gasped. " yeah, its huge, and we hardly use any of it. most of the rooms we store stuff in. 3 of them are used for storing scooby's favorite scooby snack flavor- peppermint ice cream' Dixie said.' wait he has ' 3 rooms bursting with treats. we have to but the snax companys biggest purchasers.' Dixie said. ' you guys have WAY too much room ' Mukua said. and janus will love the fact that you have your own gym..and track area. and basketball court, and baseball field.. and.' tennis court ' Dixie said ' so if you ever want to play a game, feel free' dixie smiled ' theres an art room on the second floor. all the stuff you need to draw as much as you like."

Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 19, 2019, 05:39:58 PM
Sawyer saw some of Louie's servants bring out the wardrobe she was expected to wear for her first movie. "Why did I expect anything different?" she groaned, seeing a coconut bikini being presented before her.

"Louie had it sized just for you," one of the apes grinned to the feline star.


"Hmm.....what to spend some gold on," Oliver wondered, looking around at the shops.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2019, 08:46:53 PM
there were many shops for oliver to spend gold at in pantera, the only problem was, the kitten couldnt decide what to buy! there were color in puzzles, crosswords, and loads and loads of crayons
 Atrua and chie joined dixie and mukua in the tub, with Atrua carrying a water volleyball
 wanna volley girls?" atrua asked ' Onca is starting up a water volleyball girls team. as you can imagine, its the uniforms that the focus of attention, rather than how good we are. An excuse to sell more calendars ' She laughed. " also the prince hs recorded a version of the kingsdoms anthem. have a listen ' she flipped a switch on a radio.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 05, 2019, 09:00:44 PM
As the song began playing from the radio, the girls made an important discovery: That in addition to being lovely on the outside and inside, Onca had an amazing singing voice as well.

"It's so beautiful...." Chie said, wiping a tear from her eye.

"You should try the massage chair," Kitty advised to Dixie, "And if all possible, can you make me a smorgasboard of mouse burgers?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 17, 2019, 01:11:44 AM
of course i can ' Dixie said. creating a tray of food with her ring. Chie and Atrua grabbed a couple burgers off the tray, while Mukua took a hot dog. " help[ yopurselves ladies.' dixie said as more of the buff girls came in, drawn by the smell of the food, and one by one helped themselves. ' dixie climbed into the masage chair and turned it on , sighing in contentment as the chaoir massaged away her troubled.

 Arlene was checking out some stalls in town for  a backpack, to carry her purchases and belongings. so far, she had found 4 colors for ladies backpacks- bright pink, neon green, light blue and dark red. she decided to get one of the pink and red' matches my fur and my lips ' the pink cat smiled. she handed over a total of 60 dollars, as they were 30 dollars each.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 17, 2019, 06:37:57 PM
"The prince won't mind if we put on a few pounds, right?" Kitty asked the local prizes, "Cause I'm so hungry after the events that led to me arriving here." She stuffed mouse burger after mouse burger in her mouth.


Oliver finally decided what he wanted to get from the shopping district. He got his purchases from one of the stands and spent the required amount of gold. "Thank you sir," he told the shopkeeper.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2019, 06:34:54 PM
not at all ' atrua said ' besides, in this heat, we dont gain weight, we lose it. so you can eat as much as you like.  havent you visited the painting room yet? its where the prince gets some of his ' pose girls' painted. Thinks like that Ruebens fellow, save with panthers" she grinned. " Dixie, Chie, Mukua, care to join me for a pose painting? dont worry, its very very tasteful. you get to sit on furs and satin sheets, in the height of elegance" she beamed. " Stura, the girl who does the painting is really really good, she has several pieces in the Panthera Art museum.  dont you remember her Mukua? a year behind us in school?'
 Arlene caught up to garfield and Oliver. Garfield had gotten a drawing (of himself , naturally) and Oliver was playing with a paddleball wghere the ball looked like a mouse.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 18, 2019, 06:55:56 PM
"Oh, hey mom, my first day went really well," Oliver smiled, going over and giving her a hug. "Look what I was able to get," he smiled, showing off his paddleball skills.

"The kitten enjoyed himself," Garfield assured Arlene.


Kitty had one question she had to ask the local prizes. "So a lot of the ladies in the palace feel fine walking around completely buff? This palace staff must be really respectful."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2019, 09:28:02 PM
of course, if they so much as touch us without permission they get fired on the spot and get thrown in jail' Atrua said. " its a look, but dont touch rule. Even the prince doesnt touch us, he looks- and approves of what he sees' She grinned. cey approached with a list. ok girls we have fan poses, bed poses, and group poses. those girls who are going to be in the next session show know that the prince chooses the first three, after that, you have two more of your choice.' Follow me. ' she motioned to Atrua, Dixie, Chie and Mukua.
 why diont we take in some sightseeing ?' Arlene Said " i wont have time in the next place, I'll be too busy regaining the money I've lost from missing a month.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 27, 2019, 11:22:34 PM
"That sounds fun," Oliver grinned, playing with his recently purchased paddleball. "Where would you like to go?" He was happy to see Arlene spending some time with Garfield.


Kitty thought back to the posing prizes she had seen inside the palace. "Just how long will we be expected to keep these poses held?" she asked Atrua.

Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 28, 2019, 11:48:56 AM
depends' artrua said. ' it can range anywhere from 15 minutes to hours.. to days. there was one time  Cey over there had to maintain a pose for 15 entire days. the prince had gone on vacation, and forgotten she was still posing.' I got a raise out of it and a promotion, plus rules limiting posing length' Cey said. ' limit is 7 days, maximum a whole week, doing nothing but posing? what about using the bathroom?" Dixie asked. ' you get a short break every 6 hours to  use the bathroom ." Cey said '  thats also a relatively new rule. Neither me , or my posing partner .  Tura, were able to go the entire time. lets just say, we spent a few hours in the bathroom afterwards after the prince realized his mistake. Tura and I are the overseers of the prizes now. we laugh about that long pose now, but at the time we were so worn out afterwards it took us nearly a month to recover. " cey saiud. '
 still you got sdomething out of it ' Chie said . " so um. what poise are we doing first? " the fan pose. be sure to smile while holding the fan ' cey said " next will come group poses then bed poses. You also get your choice of music to pose to. Within reason. last week we had a girl pose to a song called. "Bang Bang" and the prince thought  the place was under attack. "dixie laughed. ; he must have been ticked!' well, he limited the songs for awhile after that  " atrua said. " what song would you like to pose to?" she asked Kitty.
we can just wander around " arlene said. ' take inin the scenery, try the food, maybe get some trinkets.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 28, 2019, 10:06:49 PM
"And once you get into a pose, don't think about breaking it for casual reasons," Sura, another one of the prizes said sternly. "Posing is an honorable duty, we wouldn't want to see you make a mockery of it."

"Noted," Kitty nodded.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 02, 2019, 08:18:04 PM
we have three choices this time: shake Ya Tailfeather, Shake it off and all about that Bass" dont know why someone likes fish so much " atrua said ' But its your choice. Which one do you want? Me i like  nights in white satin and Express yourself ' Atrua said. " because i like showing off what I've got. even if these days its only really to one this case, the prince ' she smiled.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 06, 2019, 03:34:32 PM
"Let's go with All about That Bass" Kitty suggested, "I know my guy likes mine." She gave her feline butt a few wiggles, wondering where they would be doing the pose.


In the town next to Panthera, two canines were busy promoting a book. "You can get your copies autographed for a limited time," another female dog named Dixie called out to the crowds, 'you have the chance to meet the one and only Steele in person!"

Indeed, this Dixie ADORED Steele and thought he was the most impressive being who ever lived, she obeyed his every whim.


"Sure thing," Oliver smiled, hopping onto Arlene's shoulders. "I'm sure Mr. Garfield will want some food later," he meowed cutely.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 06, 2019, 04:38:57 PM
Tiger toiwn, the town Dixie and steele wre in, was one of 3  towns in Oncas kingdom- Panthera, Tiger Town and Leonine. they wre in Tiger Town. onca had opened the gates to Leonine and tiger Town for the games, and most of the 4 teams were eoyther in Leonine or Tiger Town. It was Tiger town that Dixie and Kity had wanted to get acess to when they had approached the prince .
_ there was a group of about 20 gathered around Steele who was an adventurer in the far north by trade. Dixie was his biggest fan and " hype girl".

The first pose would be in the Fan room. Dixie kitty, Chie, Mukua and atrua would be holding fans and looking forward as they were drawn by the artists. really good poses were shown on the wall, as well as group fan poses.  groups of 3 , 5 even 7 prizes posed with fans. all of the ladies were,  as befitting a Prize, gorgeous. Stura sdat in a corner, with a palette a paint brush and a couple drink glasses which were filled with water and soda. ' hello ladies" she said . kitty, you will be first to pose' Stura said motioning to a comfy , plush chair. I want your fan to be just underneath your chain, so your whole face is visible. give me a natural smile, one that highlights your face and amps up the ' I know i;'m gorgeous' factor. Fanms silently hummed above, cooling the room and making for a comfortable relaxing atmosphere. ' its easier to do one prize poses as i only have to focus on one muse at a time. thus, you dont have to pose too long." Stura said. she wore a bandana on her head and bright blue earrings in both her ears. she was quite a bit smaller than Atrua and Mukua, her head only reached their shoulders. " So just have a seat and relax while I paint you."
 yogi, bobo and Cindy were in leonine, which was more or less a fishing village along a river. there was a public swimming area where a large groups were trying to beat the jungle heat.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 09, 2019, 10:53:57 PM
Kitty took the fan and began to sit down in the chair and get into the pose she was asked to get. "Will the prince be coming by soon?" she asked hopefully, "I'm sure he'd want to get an eyeful of all of us." It felt exhilarating, taking a seductive pose and trying to keep it held as long as she could. The prizes could hear speakers beginning to play the posing music in the room. The cat could see the more experienced prizes were taking this job very seriously. As soon as they had entered the proper poses, they did not move a muscle. "Commitment to the job," she noted in her thoughts.


"Steele's the best, Steele's the strongest, the most handsome, he's saved so many people, here's your chance for a photo op," Dixie told the crowds.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 11, 2019, 01:25:37 PM
No, this room is simply for posing for calendars and paintings. wghen the prince wants a pose session he will have someone come fetch you, and other prizes in whatever number he likes. since you are new, that wont happen for awhile." Stura said. " plus the prince has many many demands on his time.these games, for instance. i'm excited for them., but nervous, we in panthera want to show off our land, and our best side." Stura said ' my paintings might make some good money on the market. Maybe the next location will buy some of my stuff. " she shrugged. ' just keep that pose kitty. i figure no more than 15 minutes then you can relax. Dixie and Mukua will be posing next. then Atrua. just keep enjoying yourselves and keep up those smiles.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 11, 2019, 08:43:55 PM
"And we're serious about one thing: Once you're in a pose, do not break it until you're allowed to," said Mara, "We don't want you disgracing the fine art."

"Yes," Kitty replied, surprised at how stern she seemed about this. The cat almost didn't want to ask what would be the penalty if she messed up. She kept her lovely smile on and assumed the pose.


The other Dixie hugged Steele. "I've already sold over 100 copies today," she informed.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 14, 2019, 09:07:33 AM
the penalty for breaking a pose  is penance ' stura said ' you have to repose until you get it right, then you have to pose for something else to compensate for the lost time and effort of the painter. in this case, me.  The good news is, you're in just the right position for a quick painting. A table  of refeshments was set out for the girls who were waiting for the chance to pose, which included klight snacks and drinks. local  papers were provided to read, as well as papers from neighboring kingdoms/
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 31, 2019, 04:02:56 PM
"But if your pose gets broken for any reason other than the ones we laid out as justified," Mara said bluntly, "We'll slap you for making a mockery of one of our most sacred traditions."

"Point taken," Kitty said with a slight gulp. She was amazed how seriously they were taking this part of the job, but she could admire how devoted they were to their task.


"How many copies do you hope to sell well we're here handsome?" Dixie asked Steele.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 13, 2019, 11:55:04 AM
as many as i can  dixie " steele said. " i get the feeling though, that hardly anyone here knows me.. this isnt Alaska After all."
dixie was posing and let her hand slacken for just a couple seconds then got slapped by a couple prizes ' hold that pose! they said in unison. ' sorry' dixie apologized .  atrua cracked a smile. if you break pose a second time, you'll get wacked with a rukler on the keister. which hurts, a lot." Mukua was chatting with Stura who was finishing up the first couple poses. ' theres a reward for the best pose ' i bottle of magic elixir. it changes based on who gets it each month. " Stura said ;' its ion that glass case over there under lock and key.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 13, 2019, 04:07:57 PM
Oliver was playing with his mouse paddleball as they made their way to one of the local cafes. "Trick shot," he grinned as he bounced the ball backwards without having to look at it. "So where are we going to eat?" he asked Arlene and Garfield.


"What are some effects of the elixir?" Kitty asked the local prizes, "I'm new here, so most of the local customs are Greek to me." She maintained her pose perfectly without breaking it.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 23, 2019, 11:29:56 PM
it depends on the drink. it can change your fur color, or increase your strength or speed. every batch is different, and I don;t know what effects this one will have. by custom i give a bottle to the best poser. how long each concoction lasts again varies." Stura said " The princes potion maker comes up with them, as a reward for the prizes to pose properly and well. " Stura said. " Its my call on who gets it. So try and keep your pose stable. I take into account how often you get smacked for breaking the pose. I think 3 was the most times wacked  for breaking posture for someone who still got it.
 arlene was looking at the Elephant Race arena, which was cordoned off from the rest of the town.  Arlene waved at Samia and Dulcy who were also scouting the course. " mind if if tag alonmg? the pink cat asked the green and gold dragonesses' Sure thing" samia said. motioning her to follow. " i'll be glkad to get back to competing what with all the Gabriel nonsense, we havent competed in weeks.
 Garfuield was showing Oliver the cafe, which had a llarge selection of food. ' lets go get lunch, Oliver ' the orange cat smirked.
 The fornmer mounds were walking around , wearing godess tshirts and knicknacks. So far they had done ok with the sales. Morgana, Nico, Vira, Rhette,  NIra, Moana,  Niro, and Mia had been selling stuff since they were freed by panty,  and returned their old forms.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 26, 2019, 07:11:48 PM
Gabriel was fuming. "What do you mean your power cut didn't work!?" She and her group of troublemakers were inside her modified RV.

Blammo's plastic smile remained but the Jokerz with him were more than a little frightened. Especially after she tossed a bit of dip into an unlucky one's face. Though being from a "harder" cartoon, it didn't completely dissolve him...though of course, he wished he was dead. And he was currently running around screaming in pain with his face being eaten away by the corrosive substance.

"Shut him up." Gabriel waved at one of her Weasels who raised a stolen SMG and riddled him with bullets. Two Weasels got to work dragging the dead gangster away.

"Well, the explosives you got us worked just fine but a shark and a cat Splice and this weird robot thing went in and fixed everything." The Jokerz speaking was currently trembling.

Gabriel fumed as she went over to a button on the RV. Currently, it was outside Gotham Fine Chemicals and supposedly pumping raw materials into holding tanks. "Let's see how they handle a toxic cloud." She pressed the button. Almost immediately, hundreds of gallons of Dip flowed into the storage tanks.

The outside camera and audio feed showed workers evacuating by any means possible as sirens wailed. "Let's enjoy this from a distance, shall we?" Gabriel smiled and drove off. As soon as she pulled out of the gate, the holding tanks ruptured, spewing out a hazy white mist that began to slowly eat away at everything it touched.


Mason had just finished a boxing bout. His body trembled slightly as he came down off of the Venom.

"Hey Mace," his coach said. "Your next opponent is coming up. Real big bison splice. You might wanna double up on those 'supplements'."

"Got it Coach. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a swig of water. He knew what the 'supplements' his coach gave him really were but he didn't care...after all, he was the one who started using slappers.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 26, 2019, 11:27:22 PM
"Did you see any pizza places here, Mr. Garfield?" Oliver asked the bigger fatter cat. "I could really use some pizza, I haven't had it in a while." The kitten's belly rumbled at the thought of the dish best served in slices.


Kitty and Dixie remained in their poses for the entire period of time they were asked to do so. "That wasn't too stressful," Kitty admitted, and then she looked at the local prizes. "So who wins the rewards this time?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 27, 2019, 03:27:40 PM
not around here" Garfield said as they continued walking along. hre stopped in a fidsh place, the smell of breaded fish wafting in the air.
 I'll pick as winner after i examine all the poses "Stura said ' I'll contact you when i've picked a winner. which will be in an hour or so. so, for now, I suggest you take in the amusement park." she smiled ' my favorite is the water  ride. perfect on a warm day like today." she held up a pose with Dixie Atrua and Mukua  together posting on the seat of a sprinkling fountain. " group ones get cash payouts. some walking around money, really ' She said.
what are we waiting for girls ' Atrua said as she picked her garments from their hook. " Lets go have some fun. Last one there, gets smacked at the bumper cars ' she grinned. 
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 27, 2019, 04:45:32 PM
", that smells good," Oliver nodded. By chance, he happened to share a lot of Garfield's taste in main courses, and fish was among both their favorites. They both walked into the fish place guided by their noses.


"The royal family has their own amusement park too? They really are loaded," Kitty said, legitimately impressed. It seemed every room in the palace had a new example of just how rich Onca's family were.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 08, 2019, 06:14:54 PM
Batman was fluing around from building to building, following stripetail who was dealing with jokerz who had the misfortune of trying to fight him. ' just out of curiosity Stripetail' Terry asked. " but how do you intend to hold these games? Gotham isnt exactly a safe place for tourists, if you hadnt already noticed. " we'll use the local stadiums" stripoetail said. " College, or high school, what ever is available. I'll pay whatever amount the schools want, after all there is insurance, safety and hold harmless costs involved in this sort of thing." Thats gonna cost loads of creds" Terry said. ' I can afford it, after all, who do you think has paid for the games to date? " Stripetail chuckled." sure we've gotten lots of charitable donations -including one from the Wayne Foundation here in Gotham_ but the lions share of the cost has been borne by me." Over the locations, i'd wager the costs have been at least 5 billion, and Gotham will be one of, if not the most expensive, locales we have games at.  Nothing in Gotham is cheap"
 the Gotham PD soon responded to the 911 reports of Dip destroying buildings and burning victims, and fires broke out as the dip ignited flammable liquids, police were cordoning off the area and the Gotham fore department was trying to water down the dip with water from hoses, with limited success.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 16, 2019, 09:14:35 PM
Mukua and atrua leads the girls to the amusement park, which was enormous, and reserved only for prizes.  water slides mingled with roller coasters, and a enormous lazy river. ' i'm in mind for a ride on the lazy river ' Cey said " anyone feel like being lazy with me?"
 I want to ride a roller coaster ' Chie said.
word had reached Africa that the wizard had narrowed the finalists to 3: the Pridelands, Celesteville and Madagascar.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on November 20, 2019, 08:10:36 PM
Stripetail's radio crackled. "Stripetail, this is Captain Fairchild. There is a toxic cloud spreading out from Gotham Fine Chemicals. The fire department is trying to disperse the cloud using fire hoses but it's not working."

He felt something ping off his upper right engine but ignored it. The living A-10 figured that someone had taken a shot at him but with his heavy armor, small arms were not a problem for him.

The living plane circled around and used his infrared camera to see through the white haze. He swore as he realized that there were several hot spots  -- likely fires. He made sure to stay above the cloud, lest the fumes destroy his engines.


"You know, my services are  high demand among the...shall we say, ambitious companies," The bluish woman said as she casually sat on the couch inside a very nice office. "And my services don't come cheap."

"Yes, yes, I know," Gabriel said with a  wave of her hand. "Inque. The infamous shapeshifter. How much do you want for your services?"

"Well, what do you want? Sabotage or an assassination?"

"Sabotage but if you can kill Stripetail, I'll throw in a hefty bonus." Gabriel motioned for her Weasels to step up. Two of them wheeled in briefcases and opened them up. Inside were gold ingots. "This is all yours for ruining the games that Gotham's hosting. If you kill Stripetail, I'll throw in double."

Inque smiled as she looked over the briefcases of gold ingots. "Deal."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 22, 2019, 01:15:29 AM
Toxic cloud?" what are the odds that Gabriel and her dip are involved? Rhetorical question , Captain, of COURSE she;s involved. Lend a hand as much as you can.' stripetail said as a large black plane came into view and hovered in front of him. 'This is my ride " batman said with a smirk. " i  would offer you a lift, but i dont think my .. overseer would like it if I dragged you all over town. " stripetail chuckled. ' you have your own job to take care of, Batman. i'll leave you to it." batman jumped into the plane and took off.
_ so you've met Stripetail. First impression?" Waynes face appeared on a monitor. " he pegged my exact age, just from the sound of my voice.' terry said. "even gave me a million creds for helping clean up the mess the Jokerz made at the stadium. He might even be richer than you, if he can throw around a million creds like that. " i mean , your impression of him. " hes every bit as powerful as the news reports said ' guys been around for ages Bruce, literally. what do you even say to a guy like that?" always be respectful. The average person never meets a being like him in their entire lives , McGinnis. " you speak as if you've met someone like him before." I have, a man named jason blood who   has seen at least 16 centuries by now. long story, I'll tell you some other time. In the meabntime, go check out Gotham Fire Chemicals. try and see whats causing the fires and out a stop to it."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 11, 2019, 08:37:49 PM
"Speaking of roller coasters, I can only imagine this place has all different kinds of them," Kitty said. "Is there any specific attire required for prizes going on rides?" She saw a few of the others already on bumper cars, and slingshot rides, and even a waterslide.


"Good news, we're among the finalists," Kovu told Kopa, "We just need a little extra push for things to go in our favor." He knew the whole pride would be happy to hear this.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 28, 2019, 04:17:27 PM
not really. you can wear whatever you like" atrua said. as cey pointed out her favorite ride a long water slide that ran the length of the park. " Race you to the roller coaster" Mukua smirked to Dixie and Chie. Last one in, buys lunch!' she laughed.
 Excellent. Who is our competition for the spot?' Kopa asked with a smile.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 31, 2019, 01:21:25 PM
Inque melted into a puddle and slipped through the fences at the airfield where the living planes and the other vehicles for the athletes were located.

An armed guard passed by her but she simply flowed underneath a pallet holding several drums of aviation fuel.

"Let's see," she muttered as she took her humanoid form. "The two living planes should be here...Fucking hell, what does that even mean!?" The sound of an engine starting up got her attention. She looked at the plane and noticed that it had eyes where the cockpit usually was.

She quickly melted into a puddle and slithered onto the tarmac. Lt. Martin was already airborne but she could attack the next plane. All she had to do was wait. And in this form, she looked exactly like one of the many oil stains on the runway.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2020, 09:36:57 PM
Max was   finishing her homework when a promo for the games appeared on TV! Coming soon! The Laffalympics, see 4 of the best toon teams in the world compete for fame and furtune, riogh here in  Gotham! if you want to be a opart of all the action sign up at the number appearing on your screen now. pay is 1000 creds an hour" 1000 creds an hour" max gaped, "who did they get to bank roll those games? Bruce Wayne? " she quiclkly wrote down the number. figuring she could use the creds. ' she quickly dialed Dana Tan, who was finishing up getting ready for her   date with terry, who wasnt always reliable when it came to showing up for dates. ' Hey Girl, I just saw a promo for those games that are coming to Gotham and you will not beliueve how much they are paying people to hand out flyers ! 1000 creds an hour!'
 1000 creds for an hours work! well sign me and Terry up! we could definitely use the extra creds.' Dana said . ' i'll put all of us in" max said quickly filling out the forms..
 Batman soon landed on the top of gotham Fire. Smoke billowed frpm the destruction caused by the dip. the building shudered as the dip corroded through its supporet beams. ' Wayne! this place feel like its ready to fall any moment." Get to a safe area, and try and douse that substance, however you can." Wayne responded.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on January 14, 2020, 10:25:46 PM

Lt. Martin perked up immediately as she was called. She gently rose on her landing gear as one of Gotham PD's officers approached. "Yes?"

"Some clowns are making a mess out of one our stadium's construction sites! Scare 'em and we'll be there to arrest them."

"Literal clowns?"

"Yes, Jokerz and some clown wearing a bomb as a hat!"

Lt. Martin sighed. "On it." She carefully rolled onto the runway, passing over Inque in the process. The ground crew gestured for her launch. She lit her twin engines and began speeding down the runway.

And that was when Inque struck. She practically exploded from the runway and let herself get sucked into Lt. Martin's engines.

Flames and metal debris spewed from the engines as the shapeshifter's dense liquid form shattered the high-speed turbine blades. The living plane deployed her airbrakes but Inque slithered out of the engines and into the crevices on the wings where she quickly expanded, shearing them off. Then she moved onto the landing gear and snapped them before she resumed her disguise as an oil slick on the tarmac.

Lt. Martin was immediately doused in fire-retardant foam while an aircraft tug was hooked up to her.

The crew chief scowled. He turned to the guards. "We have a saboteur on the grounds. I want everyone of you to find them and catch them!"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2020, 07:26:05 PM
i'll try the lazy river with Cey ' Dixie said to Mukua. ' Oh taking it easy huh? alright but after that you and I are going on the water slides. ' Mukua smirked. ' Come on atrua. lets go try the  vine Drop!' she said. Mukua and Atrua ran off cla w in cklaw, while Cey guided Dixie to the start of the lazy river. The tigeress had a large floating bouy that she laid in the water and climbed on, inviting Dixie climb on with her. " this is one of the best rides in the park" cey said,' because its one you can take at your own pace. you can make it last all day, if you want' she chuckled, as the water, warmed by the tropical sun, sloshed over them as little waves pushed the tube, and its occupants along.
' How long have you been a prize Cey?'Dixie asked  hmm it has to have been 7 or 8 years now, like I said I;'m one of the head prizes, not  just because of my talents as a manager, but because i have tenure over the other girls. the prince only started the prize program a few years ago, once he reached maturity. he;s younger than he looks.' Cey said. ' and it only seems like the prizes have been here forever. theres a group of prizes for every ruler, and theres a period of, say 10-15 years where the prizes are formed. once the prince gets to around his mid-30s, the program stops adding new girls, for the most part. in this kingdom, the prizes are about visual beauty, and showing off our princes attractiveness. notice, i didnt say virility, theres other kingdoms and princedoms where that goes on, but not here. " Cey chuckled.' ' how manby prizes wuld you say there are.' well with mukua, you, chie and kitty , joining, we now have 350." Cey said." you are #346 after all. the prince will likely have around 1000 before hes done, his father and grandfather had similar numbers." Remember that vixen that lost to you so often in strip poker that  she owed you a ton of clothes." Drussa, yeah?" did she ever pay you back?" well not entirely. she's worked some off some of that debt about 40 sets .Remember she owed me 124 sets of clothes' Cey said ' she and i have been roommates for a long time. " so you got used to seeing her in the buff. ' of course. after being around the other prizes as long as I have, i'm used to seeing butts and breasts. the prince, let it put it this way, doesnt have unattractive prizes ' Cey said. ' To be a prize, you have to be beautiful. I am, of course, as are you>" she chuckled. ' just a hint of advice ' dont let the prince sing a song to you. you'll be putty in his claws afterwards. " has he ever sung to you?Dixie asked ' hes tried and i've walked out midsong with earplugs in my ears. Not thats hes bad, by any stretch. Hes actually very good. But i'mve seen other prizes throw themselves on him after a song.' Cey said. " I dont want to do that, hence the ear plugs. " she chuckled as they made a turn in the lazy river. dixie and cey were resting on the ring, which was big enough for both of them. " so am I doing Ok so far as a prize?' dixie asked. " well you havent been here long, and wont be here long judging from your previous comments.' Cey said. ' but so far , you're doing alright for a beginner.just always do what the prince will find pleasing. the easiest way to do that? just look gorgeous." the togeress chuckled.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2020, 03:19:06 PM
cey and dixie relaxed on the float as the current sped up ' So Cey, what request did you make of the prince that got you to be a prize?'  " well I wanted a job. I had been working for a circus in Nepal for a bit, as an understudy to the ringleader. unfortunately, we found out he was a crook after he vanished after a show , one night. Every  penny  we had saved as a circus  for the past year, gone with him. we had to close up shop. i was, maybe 15 at the time. " cey said. " i wandered after that point, doing odd jobs here and there to eke out a living' Cey said. " i wandered into Pantera with, like 15 rupees in my pocket. enough to grab a bite to eat, maybe. well after wandering the town, i ended up at the palace, and was pointed to a board that saud ' Auditions for new project" the prince had just reached the age where he could start to have females around him regularly. it ended up being the start of the prizes for this generation. at the time, he didnt require a kiss from the girl, that was added after the first batch joined.

" Do you have family Cey ?'Dixie asked. "   yes, but i havent seen them in a long parents lived near the Chinese border with Siberia, so my job literally took me thousands of miles away. because we were always traveling, i didnt get much time to stay in contact. " cey said. ' my life is much better now after several years of being a prize, but i would like to see my parents again. " my home, has lots of space. i've already invited mukua and her folks over, same for chie and atrua. so i'll extend the offer to you. you can stay at my place, with your folks, as long as you like. " dixie said. ' thats very generous of you, but we couldmt afford to stay in a place like yours. I saw what you place looked like when you weere showing Mukua. You have to be , like a billionaire to afford a place like that. " you're staying as my guests, no charge.' Dixie said. ' As I told mukua, we have far too much free space in that house. we find ways to fill some of it, but therees still lots of room for guests and friends."

 cey smiled as they turned into the ' rapids ' section of the lazy river. ' you're very generous Dixie. thank parents are Mongo and Siba, they are hunters , by trade."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on February 25, 2020, 12:26:11 AM
Inque watched her handiwork for a moment before she slipped down a drain and out of the airfield.

Several minutes later, she emerged out of a storm drain and changed her form to a man wearing a dark cloak.


Stripetail's radio buzzed. "Stripetail! Lt. Martin was just struck by a saboteur. Her engines and control surfaces have been completely destroyed! We're looking for the perpetrator right now!"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 25, 2020, 03:08:15 AM
great, just great. did you catch an image of the the intruder?" stripetail asked from his walkie talkie. " Get lt martin to a repair shop immediately! she'll be out of action for awhile, weeks at the minimum.  i'll wager a million creds Gabriel was behind this is some fashion. ' the wizard sighed as he walked to and fro. ' then again, she knows the stakes here. if she cripples the games here, the games are finished. " Stripetail said.

_ batmanbs attempts to douse the fires wee only partly successful, loud creaking and cracking told him it was time to leave. and only just in time. the building began to collapse seconds after he exited the building. " so much for Hgotham Fire Chemicals.' He sighed. ' wayne, there was nothing i could dgo. " Get back here then. your mother called, to remind you that you have  a study session at your friend Max's house at  8. i told her to tell the girls you'll be running a little late but you'll get there. " thanks mister Wayne. i have a test in Biomeds tomorrow and I really need to do well on it, my grades this quarter stink. ' Tery sighed as he climbed into the batmobile and flew off.
Max and  Dana were studying on the couch , a pair of books in their laps- history books to be precise. " golly, any more reading about voo doo economics and i would have fallen asleep.' Dana said. ' i dont know how you can do so wellk on tests on this stuff Maxine" She said ' i just have a knack for it I suppose ' max chuckled as terry   entered the room. stifling a yawn. sorry i'm late, Mister wayne.." had you working late again . Dana said. ' old guy has you on a choke collar or something. then again,  the guys probably the richest guy on the entire planet, so I figure you're making very good money. ' 6000 creds a week ' Terry chuckled. ' niot bad mcginnis, and now you can add another 1000 to that. I've signed us up to help with those toon games that are coming to town ' max said. ' 1000 creds an hour, to hand out fliers. the guy whos running the games  will be stopping at the school tomorrow to interview us. Lord.. Stripetail.. that was the guys name. ' An actual lord.. from England right? Dana said. ' I domnt think hes from england. Definitely foreign though, no one in America uses Lord, or any title like that. Forbidden by the Constitution and all. ' Max said. " well if we can get out of the Biomeds test, that would be great ' Terry cracked.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 25, 2020, 01:30:56 PM
"Madagascar and Zuba's kingdom," Kovu explained, "But we should be easily able to outperform them," he said to Kopa with confidence.


"Around 1000?" Kitty said, impressed as she got a two-person tube for one of the water slides. "I don't think I'd be abl to even keep track of that many partners." She was eager for a fun ride.


It turned out Oliver and Garfield were liking many of the same foods. "So, I hear you really like lasagna?" he asked the bigger fat cat.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 14, 2020, 08:30:06 PM
love it kid,' garfield said. ' eat it every day, or as much as possible ' he chuckled then became serious .' look kid, I'm  your friend, but no more than that. i cant afford to be a dad, and frankly i dont want to be one . Arlene may be my girlfriend, but thats all she is, no more than that. I'm not marrying her, period. So if you are looking for a dad, you'll need to look elsewhere, understand?' Garfield said firmly.  " not trying to be mean here, oliver, OK?i just want you to understand."

Nor would I' mukua said, joining Kitty on the tube. ' mind if I join you , kitty? i'm in a mood for a good through soaking. Atrua got the most of it on, the rides we went on. I want to get wet' mukua laughed. ' so, Kitty, what do you want to tslk about? anything goes, from hometown, to boy toy, to fave foods."
Cey and dixie continued the lazy river ride, as cey pointed out various landmarks in the park, which included the prince downpour which periodically dumps a flood of warm water on whatever prizes were underneath .' to  prevent water waste, there has to be at least 5 prizes in the area for it to trigger' Cey said, " theres also the movie theater, which is to the west of here. the elevation in this part of the ride gives us a good view of the screen.. ah, this time they are showing ' Tigers on patrol", which came out a couple years ago. ' its an action flick, that tigers really like. Theres movies geared towards all the species in the kingdom.' Does the prince have a lot of movies about himself?' Dixie asked. " no, he doesnt. Other princes might be glory hounds, but he isnt.' Cey said. " i wouldnt have stuck around as long as I have if he were like that. " Cey said. "I have little use for people too in love with themselves." " too much ego.' Dixie nodded. cey pushd the float to the edge so the pair could secretly watch the movie.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 23, 2020, 04:43:46 PM
"Ah, ok," Oliver nodded to Garfield. "We can still hang out sometimes, right?" he asked hopefully.


"I wanna talk about boys," Kitty grinned to Mukua, "Being gone from my Tiger for a while has made me miss him a lot, he's fun, round, and flabby, but that's what I like about him." She pictured herself resting her head against Tiger's rotund belly.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 11, 2020, 09:09:50 PM
Sawyer noticed a fruity drink Berry was preparing for herself, Sawyer, and Louie. She recognized the scent and instantly figured out what it was supposed to be.

"Banana smoothies, huh?" the cat asked the ape girl.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 14, 2020, 10:05:04 PM
of course ' berry aud as she brought out a couple script ideas "Hail to the monkey king, Romancing the ape, Kiss cat fever,Dances with Monkeys, Whole Lotta Monkey Love, and Bananas for Two" All of these films have me spending half the film getting tongued kissed by Louie " Sawyer said after flipping through them and seeing ' kissing scene 1, 2, 12 18, 36." . ' He likes you" berry chuckled. ' These would be classed as ' adult cat films;' where i'm from.' Sawyer sighed. " They're his films, and you're the star. ' Berry said. "a starv has to perform after all. ' 10 kisses, per film max. otherwise my studio would never show them in  America..' Sawyer said ' this was a lie ' her studio was so hard up for r cash, they would show anything, even 'Hyena Does africa', and that was about a dancing hyena troupe."
yes i've seen pictures of him. sounds like a big softy ' mukua said. ' What sort of romantic stuff do you guys like to do? Janus and i play snake, winner gets a kiss from the loser.. and he.. normally.. ok almost always.. wins." Mukua said.
 when we have time' Garfield said ;' yOu have your skits and i have miine.. Speaking off. i have my next one beiong shot in a few minutes.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 24, 2020, 10:07:49 PM
Sawyer was coming to realize there'd be no way out of smooching Louie eventually. "You've kissed him before, right? How would you rate him as a kisser?" she asked Berry as she looked over the scripts Louie was making for them.


As the Duke rested in his hotel room, one of his servant owls flew in. "An update from home, master," the owl said in a singing voice. The letter told how Hunch and the other owls were keeping the Duke's village in the right levels of fear.


"Well, sometimes I pretend to be an adventurer while Tiger pretends to be a boulder and rolls over me with his big belly," Kitty recalled fondly with a chuckle, "Other times we pretend he's a Pharaoh and I'm his loyal follower." Kitty showed Mukua more pictures, "You'd like him if you met him. He really likes belly rubs."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2020, 12:36:32 AM
Sounds like a fun guy to be around ' Mukua smiled. ' janus is great of course, but i dont see him as the ' bean bag, relaxing type. for one, hes too in shape for that. ' she laughed, as their ride approached its  finale. a pair of prizes stood at the end holding a list of supplies the prize kitchen needed. ' a fetch job, girls ' one of them said.' its a easy job and you get to keep whatever gold is left over.  Go To Leonine first"
 hes a good kiser ' Berry said ' A couple kisses a film wont kill you.Well, more than jusat a couple, te he' she giggled.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 14, 2020, 10:33:13 PM
Inque's form was completely unremarkable in the streets of Gotham.

The front entrance to the hotel where Stripetail was staying was well guarded by both Gotham PD and the Squirrel mage's own retinue of guards. But they could do nothing to guard against Inque turning to liquid and entering entering through a window that was open less than an inch. Once inside the hotel, she shifted into the form of one of the housekeepers. She soon found Stripetail's room (which was relatively easy, seeing as all she had to do was carefully slither under the door and peek).

Silently, she slithered under the door and exploded onto Stripetail with the force of a wave smashing into a rock.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 15, 2020, 12:36:46 AM
Stripetail had very little warning of  the incoming attack. But the split second was all the wizard needed to cast a shield around himself.  the shapeshifter splattered against the shield like mud against a windshield. covering the magical barrier with a thick black residue, which quickly reconstituted itself. " I give you marks for   your surprise attack" stripetail said., " But I am afraid, assassin, that you wont leave this room in victory, but in skulking retreat. it is custom moreover  for an opponent to give me his or her name, prior to combat. What is your name? You obviously know mine or you wouldnt have broken in here."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 15, 2020, 04:06:57 PM
Inque was completely silent, fitting her profession as an industrial spy, saboteur and assassin. She was all business as she quickly reconfigured into her combat form -- a faceless humanoid. Thin lines of liquid shot out from Inque's body as they lashed at Stripetail.

The highly pressurized and dense liquid form of her body acted like razor blades, shredding the carpet, walls and furniture.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 22, 2020, 09:26:15 PM
stripetail  was forced to parry each strike. his choice of lightning  filled the room with static  and simply added to the damage Inque was causing. chairs sofas pictures, all were ripped to pieces by inques flurry and Stripetails defensive measures ' Inwardly, Stripetail  grimaced. this assassin was very good at her job, and was forcing him to defend himself with more power than usual. the room was going to be a complete mess once this was over.  stripetail periodically sent flurries of ligfhgtning at inque but wasnt able to get a good hit on her, thanks to  her ability to change form and shape. one blast blew up the sink in the far left of the room sending,  water into the air and one to the carpet, or what was left of it.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 28, 2020, 12:04:29 AM
"I take it you've kissed him a lot, eh?" Sawyer asked Berry. She knew the ape girl had been always been a part of Louie's kingdom and adored him constantly. "What kind of a kisser would you describe him to be?"


Kitty looked at the list. The amount of supplies needed was long. "Looks like we have to get back to work," she told Mukua, "I'm sure we'll end up going to more than one store."

A thought occurred to her. "When we're out of the palace, is there anything we'll be given that will identify us as the prince's prizes?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 31, 2020, 07:55:38 PM
Elemental based attacks were one of the few things that could harm Inque. Seeing the water jetting out of the smashed bathroom fixtures gave her pause but she resorted to clinging onto the ceiling to avoid the rapidly spreading puddle of water coming out of the bathroom.

The ceiling was only marginally better as while she could avoid the puddle and the damp, electrified carpet, the water spraying out from the sink greatly hampered her. One of her tentacles lashed out at Stripetail but in the process, it went through the arc of water. The tentacle deformed and started to melt before she retracted it and adjusted her position.

She swore. Her target's specialty was one of her weaknesses -- electricity. Add that to the fact that water -- another one of her weaknesses -- was getting everywhere and the odds were tilted against her.

Inque decided that she'd get Stripetail some other time and immediately squeezed herself through a small crack in the ceiling.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 01, 2020, 01:17:07 AM
stripetail leaned on his staff as inque fled and let out a sigh. '  his room was a complete mess with furniture sliced to pieces , water streaming everywhere and glass from lights strewn on the floor'   stripetail pulled out his walkie talkie and clicked on it ' get me commissioner gordon.' he intoned ' this is Gordon." came a reply a few seconds later ' hello commissioner. I have just  been attacked by a shapeshifting figure. She gave no name, but her complexion was pitch black. " sounds like Inque. Interpol has been after her for months for several robberies and assassinations of high ranking officials. you're lucky Stripetail, most targets she attacks dont survive the attack." Gordon said. '  well, commissioner this is not exactly the first time I've crossed paths with an assassin, i know their type. Still she did make a fine mess of the room I'm  staying at. I'll have to be on guard for her. ' thats the problem, her shapeshifting abilities can have her appear to be nearly anyone or anything. " that comes in handy for her line of work. " Stripetail mused and he extinguished the running water with a gesture. '  ' still i managed to fight her off , and as you say, that is no small feat. " we'll put an apb out on her. see if she shows up again. She doesn't come cheap, someone must have really wanted you out the way.' ' I have more than a few enemies , of course.  Granted my longstanding foes wouldnt bother with an assassin,  they'd try and deal with me in person. " I'll send some officers over and get a statement from you. i'll also get in touch with interpol and report the latest attack. I'm to underatand you will interviewing students at Hamilton High tomorrow for your games?" that is correct commissioner.' Stripertail said. ' student reporters, play by play announcers. Honest  jOhn and Gideon have asked for a weeks vacation after the last location  was a touch more lively than they wanted. "
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 06, 2020, 12:02:05 PM
we have a sash i think ' Mukua said as they finished the ride and soon reunited with chuie and Atrua. ' now all we need to do is find cey and Dixie. what do we wear as a badge of office atrua ?' Green sash ' Atrua said with a chuckle.  we have to go get them from Cey"

 Cey kissed Dixie  on the lips  as the movie ended, the pair swapping tongue for a few seconds before the tigeress pulled away. " Very nice Dixie . we should probably go find the others, as I'm  sure the chores are being handed out. As usual, no prize gets the same job twice over the course of the week.' cey said as she pushed  the  floating   ring  into  a  side area with the other rings and got out of the lazy river. ' Dixie shook water off of her as she got out. ' What kind of chores do the prizes normally do?" well theres 5 different  kinds of chores: Calendar chores , which involves posing for calendars. Food chores, which involves buying food in the towns in the kingdom, including leonine. Cleaning chores,  which involves cleaning the villas and the palace, Fetch runs, which involves, getting the princes newspapers, sodas and deliveries around town, and publicity chores, whicgh involves going around touting any new rules the prionce has put in place. the 5th one doesnt happen too often, unless theres a big event, like your games, going on." Cey said as they heade towards the middle of the park where Chie, Atrua and the others were waiting. 
Hes forceful, likes using his tongue, prides himself on having good breath when he kisses. theres is nothing worse then a kiss where both have bad breath. Its not appealing at all. " Berry said ' as she took out a tin of banana-flavored mints. 'hes a very good kisser  from my experience with him. you'll get used to it. now the plot I've come up with for our movies involve us being sexy sleuths for a detective agency., headed by Louie. we go around the kingdom solving crimes kicking bad guy butt, and in the end we  both kiss Louie  after  we report in. " Berry said ' 3-5 kisses max, per  film. which , considering how many films we will be doing, still adds up. ' She said as she handed a script to Sawyer.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 09, 2020, 09:02:33 PM
"Well, I guess if you like him.....I'll have to take your word it," Sawyer replied as she started to look over the scripts. It was clear they hadn't yet implemented the lowered count of kissing scenes, as there was simply a line drawn through the removed ones as opposed to removing them from the script normally.


"Then let's go get those sashes so we can go shopping," Kitty told Mukua, "I mean we do officially work for the prince, being a prize isn't just a glorified vacation, after all." As they walked through the palace to find Cey they saw lots of other prizes dusting ,vacuuming, cooking, and posing.

"They really are dedicated to those poses," she chuckled lightly.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 11, 2020, 06:23:19 PM
The Gotham PD was quick to react and in under half an hour, they were inside Stripetail's room.

"Lord Stripetail," the lead detective said. "We are here to take your statement as ordered by Commissioner Gordon." He then activated a voice recorder and got out a stylus to take notes on his tablet. "Please tell us everything that has happened."


Inque exited out through the back door of the hotel in the form of a janitor. After looking around to see that there was no watching, she had disguised herself as one of the homeless beggars outside the hotel. The assassin walked away; she'd get Stripetail some other time. But then there was the more pressing matter: the games were starting in a few days and she had to sabotage it.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 11, 2020, 11:51:40 PM
' Stripetail took a seat on one of the few chairs that wasnt smashed to bits ' Well, Detective, i was inside my room, making  plans for the games, and examining  the rooms location relative to the city, it seems to be fairly close to downtown. I hadnt been in there long, 45 minutes so, when this shapeshifters breaks in from under the door and attacks me! Now, when you've lived as long as I have, and have  encountered evils in all its forms, like I have, you come to be a target  for assassins. Many of them. This one was good at her job, and used the element of surprise well, I had less than a second to react and defend myself. It was enough time, fortunately. She was , as  i said, a shapeshifter, pitch black, and able to change form almost at will. Everything from a spider-like creature with 8 legs, to a somewhat human like form. I did notice, in fighting her, that elements like electricity can harm her, she also doesn't like water, she fled after the room became too saturated. Commissioner Gordon told me her name is Inque and she has a long record of criminal history, including assassinations. given her abilities, trying to find her will not be easy. Capturing her would require either shocking her with electricity or exposing her to water, either liquid or solid. You don;t happen to have any weapons that can shoot beams of ice , do you? " Stripetail chuckled.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 26, 2020, 09:42:41 PM
Folow me ladies ' Atrua said with a smirk as Dixie and Cey rejoined them. " alright ladies. sashes are habnging out nbear the 7th exit gate, for the new girls. thats the cloest one ' Cey sauid " we are headingg to Leonine to gather supplies. Try not to sight see to much, this is after all official busines.  But lunch wil be provided. "
 you arent comfortable wkith him then. hes actually very nice, and has a good musical ear" Bery sauid ' Why else do all of his servants singg at a momentys notice>'' Berry noticed a note on the door ' clothes shopping Read the scripts. Have sawyer  act  out  the  scenes.   Will  be back in 2 hours - Louie"  ' so we have a couple hours to get these scenes committed to memory. " berry said. " What do you have against him  Sawyer? be honest with me"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 26, 2020, 10:37:54 PM
"Well, there's the fact he pretty much kidnapped me," Sawyer pointed out to Berry, "And he made himself my manager without asking my permission. Does that work for you?" The cat was amazed how much Berry sincerely liked Louie.


"Anything else we need for the promotional video?" Kion asked Kopa and Kovu. "Me and the rest of the Guard would be happy to help."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 01, 2020, 10:20:02 PM
Hmm go find your Guard friends and record some promos for the fans. Directions, exhibits and so on" Kopa said to his younger brother.
" Yes,I can see how that would sour you on him." Berry said." He has always treated me well, look at the fact I am in his movies. " She pulled out a page that involved a dancing scene " We will need to practice our dancing too"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 03, 2020, 05:44:39 PM
"Let me guess," Sawyer said as she started to look over the script. "Louie was the one who picked out which dance moves we have to do?" From some of the dances being suggested, that involved rump shaking and other things, the cat could determine "Figured as much."


"Do we have the shopping lists?" Kitty asked, "I don't want to forget anything along the way."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 03, 2020, 06:38:06 PM
(41000 posts)
Yes he picked out the dances, including " Shake that Banana " " Monkey Grooving and Double Drums " Berry said as she read the script, and flipped over a page " Ok this is the first kissing scene with Louie. You'll have to get used to kissing him so that you don't make a face while you are doing it, otherwise we'll have to reshoot the scene until you get it right. Which could be hours " Berry giggled."So here's what we will do. I will stand in for Louie and we'll kiss, until you get comfortable with doing it. The sooner you get comfortable with this, the quicker we can get to the plot of the film and building chemistry between us,so that we really come off as a team , serving under Louie. After all, we have at least 25 films to make."
I have the list" Atrua said, waiving it in front of Kitty " You can grab the banana bread at the Leonine Bakery, there's 24 large loaves
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 03, 2020, 06:48:48 PM
"24 loaves, is something big going to be baked tonight?" Kitty figured. "There are a ton of mouths to feed in the palace," she remembered as she and the other prizes took off to go shopping. "Tiger liked banana bread, too...."


"So you're gonna read the lines Louie will say to me," Sawyer realized, "I guess that won't be the worst thing ever...." she shrugged, not minding kissing the girl ape so much.

(OOC: Congrats Nick!)
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 11:09:59 AM
" No the loaves are already baked " Cey said "the prince likes banana bread, the more the better. He has a bit of a sweet tooth in that area. The loaves should be 3 feet long each, as they have to be enough for all the prizes to have some "
" Yes I will read his lines, fortunately there aren't that many of them "Berry said." We start kissing after the last lines.@
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 12:27:17 PM
"Ooh....perhaps he wants some candy, too?" Kitty grinned upon hearing what Onca's tastes included. "I'm sure there are great candy shops around here."


"Then go ahead, you have the first line," Sawyer told Berry.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 01:14:27 PM
Sure, just get whatever candy you like, odds are that he will like it " Cey said. " some of the prince's favorites include licorice chocolate and fudge. Anything with caramel as well."
Berry looked down the page, then began speaking like Louie" Hello dumpling and welcome to my agency. I just need to give you a look over, make sure you have the right dimensions for the job. Flexibility, charm and certain physical prowess, are musts. Plus, the ability to follow orders."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 03:05:54 PM
"Whatever you say, your greatness," Sawyer read off. Even though Louie currently wasn't there with them, the fact she knew she'd be eventually saying these lines to the ape king made her say it through her clenched teeth.


"Your prince has good taste then," Kitty nodded to Cey, "I always loved candy. They're my second favorite food, behind mouse burgers."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 03:41:28 PM
" I can make candy for you Kitty " Dixie said to her " What would you like?" " I would like some suckers " Chie said " Panther patties, which comes in spearmint, peppermint and wintergreen " Mukua said " I like claw chewies Atrua said " What about you Cey?" Dixie asked The Tigeress paused " Cotton Candy" she said with a smile.

Try not to clench your teeth " Berry said softly " It makes it harder to understand you." She then switched back to her character " I want you to show your moves. Dance to "Monkeys Move" Berry flipped on a record which began to play a dance tune
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 03:49:38 PM
"Could you make chocolate-dipped mice?" Kitty asked, somewhat jokingly. "But wow...those wintergreens sound really good," she told Mukua.


"Yes master," Sawyer replied more naturally, beginning to suggestively shake and sway her hips.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 04:07:27 PM
Sure I can make chocolate covered mice" Dixie said and began making the candy with her ring. One by one she created each of the girls favorite candies, enough for everyone to try each one. " See if you like it Kitty." Dixie smiled
Better" Berry said as she watched Sawyer dance. Sawyer was beautiful and was a fluid dancer, showing feline grace in her moves. Dance for a minute or two " Berry said
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 04:12:23 PM
Sawyer didn't find this part so bad, as there was no Louie to watch her dancing. He training back in Hollywood had paid off well, she knew all the moves and how to work her body. "Nice beat," she said as Berry had played audio of the music they'd use.


"Where do we go after this, mom?" Oliver asked Arlene as the two of them and Garfield kept eating.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 05:47:02 PM
I have the racing event in middle of town, after the welcoming ceremony that the prince will be having tonight." Arlene said. Wish me luck. You have another Mouseketeer skit with Jerry I a half hour Oliver, and I am not sure what skit Garfield is doing

Better to dance for me than Louie huh Berry said. She turned on another song which had Sawyer dancing to" Be my Monkey " After this, darling " Berry said imitating Louie, You'll have to give me some sugar. Lip sugar, that is" Louie's chuckle changed into Berry giggling.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 06:26:41 PM
"Those are really fun," Oliver nodded to his mother, "I hope you get to watch them sometime." The kitten thought of the laughs he was able to get from the crowd in his first skit.


"Might as well get some practice," Sawyer figured as she started dancing to the new beat. She knew Louie could be back any minute, so she tried to enjoy things while she could.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 06:42:52 PM
"Relax, Louie won't be back until tonight. His note said two hours, but knowing him it will be at least 4 hours, as he loves getting things. I've lost count of the times he's run into stores at the spur of the moment and not come out for a hour carrying a huge bag of clothes " Berry said ." So relax, we"ll get our scripts down pat and then hang out. I have some good candy I bought in town that we can try " Berry said as the song finished and Sawyer finished with a flourish.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 06:47:20 PM
"So, I'll be fair to you," Sawyer said as she finished her dance. "Since I've said why I'm not exactly fond of Louie....what do you like about him? Even when you've helped me you've never had a bad thing to say about him."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 06:56:50 PM
Well I have never been mistreated by him, he's always made sure that I have the freedom to do what I want. Sure I have to wear outfits made from bananas, but it's a small price to pay. He is a charming guy, really. We monkeys are used to being handsy, boys, girls, it's part of our makeup. I've seen far more aggressive males than Louie, you don't want to get tangled up with those guys. I guess I just enjoy the job and being part of his kingdom " Berry said " I know you don't like him, but hopefully you will get used to being around him. Put up with it, as opposed to outright hating it. I promise,Sawyer, anything that you want, I will get for you, within reason of course." Berry said
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 07:01:08 PM
Sawyer's jaw almost dropped. " you're saying Louie, kidnaps me, makes me a slave, forces me to shake my butt while wearing revealing outfits, that Louie, is one of the least aggressive guys you know?" she asked Berry.

She also noticed one of the remarks Berry had made. "So, me getting away from him is out of the question?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 07:11:17 PM
Yes, he's respectful compared to other guys I've run into " Berry said " Long story, but being made to shake your butt is nothing compared with what other males force their girls to do for them. If you don't like this situation with Louie, it's literal heaven compared to what other girls have to put up with. As for leaving him, nope, not an option. For starters, you are under contract to him for 25 movies, you try and run away, that breaks the contract and not only would you get nothing, but your studio would have to pay breach of contract fees for each movie left on the contract which would come out to be at least 30 million per film. Does your studio have 750 million bucks lying about? Somehow I doubt it " Berry said. She moved to a sofa and patted the cushion next to her " Come on, have a seat.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 07:13:06 PM
Sawyer walked over and sat down on the sofa. "And let me guess, if I did try and run Louie would simply find me and capture me again, right?" she figured to Berry.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 07:40:27 PM
Well, he may and he may not. For one, you're 1000s of miles from home, with only a few bucks in your pocket. You couldn't afford a plane ticket out of here. Second, as said before, you're under contract and breaching it means Louie will own your studio, and you, and would force you to honor your contract, and three, you run away and that would hurt my feelings " Berry said. She moved in close to Sawyer." Now.. I'm going to put my tongue into your mouth, and I want you to rub your tongue against mine. We'll do this until you get it down " Berry said
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 07:43:24 PM
"Though I'm sure Louie will probably be....a bit more stronger at this," Sawyer said as she came close and began to kiss Berry. Slowly her tongue went into the ape girl's mouth.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 07:54:21 PM
As the Dark red lips moved together, Berry and Sawyers tongues began to caress, first gently, then more forcefully. Berry held Sawyer against her, the ape girls breasts touching Sawyers. Minutes passed as Sawyer and Berry French kissed, by the third minute, the girls were touching each other's breasts openly. Berry started to make monkey noises of pleasure, she was enjoying this.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 07:59:19 PM
Sawyer had to admit, Berry was a good kisser. The cat continued her lip lock with the ape as she moaned in pleasure and she felt Berry's body. The minutes seemed to go by fast as the process continued.

She was so relieved to have some time away from Louie she ignored how much time was passing. Since the couch was very long, Sawyer even started to lie on her stomach as the smooches continued. Of course, she was so into the experience she didn't hear a door open behind her.....
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 08:10:33 PM
Berry was deep into the kiss with Sawyer as the minutes and hours passed. The girls explored every inch of each other, grinding against each other vigorously after an hour. As the clock chimed 10 pm - 5 full hours after they had started their make out - and Berry briefly broke the kiss to catch her breath. At that moment Louie entered carrying bags full of clothes. Louie smirked as he saw Sawyer and Berry kissing and gave Berry a wink before going up behind Sawyer and giving the actress a firm smack on her butt.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 08:12:04 PM
"Yipe!" Sawyer exclaimed as she jumped up out of the couch in surprise. She landed in Louie's arms. "You're back already?!" she gasped to the ape king/her boss.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 08:17:29 PM
Yes, dumpling. I found some darling outfits for you and Berry to wear in the film. Took me longer than I thought to find them but I see you have been working on your kissing skills. I'm looking forward to this " Louie kissed Sawyer firmly on the lips, his tongue racing into her mouth and grinding hard against her tongue. Louie held the kiss and held Sawyer against him
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 08:20:02 PM
Sawyer's hypothesis was correct: Louie was indeed a much stronger kisser. Since her back was turned, she couldn't see Berry being delighted to see her cat friend kiss Louie. She tried to break out of the kiss, but like one of those finger trap toys, trying to break free only made Louie hold tighter.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 08:24:47 PM
Louie felt Sawyers form , smiling inwardly at the cats beautiful form.  Berry grabbed some outfits out of the bag and put them on, they fit well, and complimented her form nicely. Louie finally broke the kiss and set Sawyer down on the couch
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 08:26:55 PM
"I'm.....gonna have to get used to that, aren't I?" Sawyer groaned to Louie as she was set down by the ape king. She looked at the outfits she had been bought, and could instantly tell they would make for viewers' eye candy.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 08:33:31 PM
Naturally " Louie chuckled " I don't bite, and I always have fresh breath." These are very nice, sure." Berry said. " F course, Berry, I only get the best as you well know. We'll give Sawyer here a few minutes to change " Louie said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 08:34:51 PM
Sawyer picked up the outfits that were meant for her. She then realized something. "Say, where's the bedroom in this I can change?" she asked. The cat then noticed Louie and Berry smirk at each other upon hearing that.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 08:47:26 PM
The bedroom is the room to the right " Berry said . The was a bed, but it was shaped like a throne. It was big enough to hold the three of them
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 08:53:33 PM
"I'm concerned about that," Sawyer said, as she went to go change. She came out in a colorful outfit befitting a Bollywood musical. "How do I look?" she asked Berry and Louie.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 09:06:14 PM
You look great " Louie and Berry said in unison. You will be prominently featured in film advertising " Louie beamed.
The prizes reached Leonine munching on their candies
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 09:08:18 PM
"You made these chocolate mice just the way I liked them," Kitty smiled to Dixie, "I should ask for the recipe," she joked lightly. While Leonine wasn't as big as the city the palace was in, it was still an impressive sight to behold. There were tons of shops and sights to be seen.


"Doing those skits got me some money," Oliver smiled proudly to Arlene.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 09:34:22 PM
I can give you the recipe if you want " Dixie said with a smile " for no magic variety you will need living mice. Just make sure they aren't your friends first " Dixie chuckled. After we get our errands done, we need to celebrate Chiefs birthday ! Chie, do you want anything? She asked the cheetah. " A big chocolate cake, please " Chie said
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 09:35:47 PM
"That could be tricky," Kitty chuckled, "Sometimes I think Tiger can get so smitten by me he'd might let me eat his mouse friends," she joked.


"Oh, this is gonna be something...." Sawyer mentally groaned.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 09:46:52 PM
I am heading to bed ladies " Louie said, " join me once you have finished reading the script. Berry the records for the dances are on the left counter. Blankets for the bed are in the third hallway closet." " Yes sir" Berry said picking up the script and returning to the couch" See you in the morning sire."
" I'm sure you could get anything you want from Tiger if you really wanted " Dixie laughed as Mukua put her arm around Dixie
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 09:48:56 PM
"Say, i didn't see a bed in that bedroom, just some fancy throne," Sawyer told Berry as she went back to the couch, "What's up with that?" She had a feeling the answer would make her groan.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 09:58:19 PM
It is a bed, it just has several settings. Louie prefers the throne setting "Berry explained. " It is actually very comfortable, I have used it before. The normal bed setting is huge."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 09:59:49 PM
"Ah great, I'll have to rest my head against that flabby king?" Sawyer groaned as she picked up the script to see where she left off before the king had arrived earlier.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 10:04:06 PM
You will also have me for company, so if you prefer, you can rest against me. As for where we left off.. we were kissing " Berry leaned forward and kissed Sawyer warmly on the lips. Berry pulled Sawyer to her as the kiss began.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 10:12:47 PM
Sawyer naturally enjoyed this kissing more, even if Berry clearly adored Louie. When they were done after many more minutes, Sawyer commended "You're really talented with that."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 10:18:30 PM
As are you." Berry said with a smile " she gazed at Sawyers bare form. " Do you like me Sawyer?" She asked, resting against the couch" Because.. well I like you. You're spirited, you can dance and you wear clothes with air of dignity, even if the outfits are made from banana peels
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 10:25:15 PM
"I do," Sawyer nodded, "Just part of me wonders how you can be so ok with the stuff Louie's doing. Was what he made me do back at his palace the norm for you before I showed up?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 10:58:33 PM
"Yes it was. like I said, there are plenty of male apes who would do much worse to you than make you dance in skimpy outfits" Berry said  " I was picked by Louie to serve him when I was 16, which was" Berry counted on her fingers " 7 years ago. Time flies, doesn't it" she chuckled " So how long have you been in the film business Sawyer? And how did you run into Louie?@
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 11:10:44 PM
"4 years now," Sawyer explained, "Back in Hollywood. I was flying overseas to shoot a movie when my plane went down. Luckily I survived....unluckily Louie was the one who found me." She then noticed a remark from Berry "What made him choose you?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 04, 2020, 11:17:49 PM
" Hmm . I believe it was because I was a good cook and dancer" Berry said " Serving a king is an honor, even if he makes his servants sing at a moments notice and he goes through girls like Hollywood stars go through dresses." Berry laughed. " How old are you Sawyer?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 04, 2020, 11:38:44 PM
"26," Sawyer replied, "What did he have a lot of other girls before you?" she chuckled.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 05, 2020, 03:08:11 AM
Yes , several. I didn't meet them however and I don't know their names or at least have forgotten them" Berry said
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 05, 2020, 03:13:59 AM
"Then didn't get eaten or anything, right?" Sawyer asked, hopefully.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 05, 2020, 03:55:52 AM
No, not to my knowledge " Berry said. " I think they just left after awhile."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 05, 2020, 04:09:08 AM
"Phew, that's a relief," said Sawyer, wiping sweat off of her brow.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 05, 2020, 09:00:09 AM
Trust me if Louie's girls became chow, that fact would have gotten out by now " Berry said " If that was the case, I wouldn't be hanging around him, and we wouldn't be having this chat" Berry said
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 09, 2020, 01:58:58 PM
"If I may ask, what way does it go with you and Scooby?" Kitty asked her canine friend. "Do your charms make him do anything you want, or do you have a weakness for his flabby good looks?" she asked with a smirk as they walked through the market.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 13, 2020, 04:54:46 PM
" hes definitely attracted to me for my looks and charms.  on my side, its the personality, his kindness and generosity that are attractive. having money enough that we could afford having several kids without a problem , well that isnt a small factor either. He loves to feast. I like to shop, and we both enjoy working for Stripetail, even if it can at times be disruptive to our personal lives. and physically, hes a good looking Great Dane ' Dixie said.,
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 13, 2020, 08:42:03 PM
"Well, maybe Louie isn't all bad," Sawyer reluctantly admitted, "He was the one to find me after my plane crashed, and he made sure i was better before....well you know."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 14, 2020, 06:59:29 PM
you got completely hosed by being stranded' Berry said with a chuckle. ' so what GOOD things have happened to you since you got hee/"
 ONca was writuing a speech to introduce the tr5eams at the opening ceremonies for the games.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 14, 2020, 11:10:19 PM
The detective shook his head. "On our patrol vehicles, no. We do have some experimental freeze guns from Wayne-Powers. However, we can provide a cordon of firefighters with hoses at the ready to protect you and your crew."


"Man, this is way more fun than simply mugging some rich schmo!" a Jokerz exclaimed. The flickering pink-white flames from burning storefront that would have sold officially licensed merchandise from the sponsored games illuminated the white facepaint and horrifying painted rictus of the clown.

"Yeah, you can't set the poor f---er on fire after you mug 'em!" another Jokerz, this one dressed in the classic clashing colors of the circus clown, pulled the pin on incendiary bomb and threw it into parked box truck. A moment of comedy occurred when the arming lever flew off as he tossed the bomb and struck him in the face.

The incendiary bombs that they had gotten from Blammo and Gabrielle were far more effective than the gasoline bombs they had previously used. And they were making very liberal use of them.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 22, 2020, 07:18:16 PM
Thank you detective, Any help at all will be appreciated.' Stripetail said. ' I suspect Inque will try again, asasins arent known for giving up after the first try goes awry. In the meantime we need to get the events set up and security in place.  Not to mention interview with local holovision agencies , bopth professional as well as student" stripetail mused.
 the jokerz had cirently damaged about 11 blocks of storefronts and the police and fire patrols wre on their way to the scene.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 22, 2020, 08:12:51 PM
The sound of sirens quickly got the attention of the Jokerz.

"Dicks!" the self-proclaimed leader of the hooligans exclaimed. "Cops are here!"

"Aw man, we were having a schway time!" one of the Jokerz, a teenaged girl dressed in the grotesque patchwork outfit of a clown, exclaimed with a mock pout. She activated her firebomb and threw it into a health food store. Judging from the banners in its windows, it had apparently made a deal with some of the competitors to sell healthy ready to eat meals.

"So was I but what is most definitely not schway is going to jail!"

That did it; the hooligans quickly fled every which way, through alleyways, main roads and in some cases, even using piton guns to cross the chasms between Neo Gotham's elevated highways.

Unfortunately, they had failed to notice Captain Fairchild flying overhead. While he couldn't intervene (due to his 30 mm rotary cannon, rockets, missiles and bombs being as or even more destructive than the hand thrown incendiary bombs), he could easily see through the smoke.

"Stripetail! The Jokerz just burnt down about a third of the shopping district! They're currently fleeing in every direct--wait, one of them just jumped over the side...and he's flying. Wait, he's got a jet pack, the flame shows up real hot on my infrared." 


Inque had taken the form of a man dressed in a loose fitting jacket and was watching one of the games. As it was a relatively small game pitting Hamilton High School's zero G hockey team against some of the lower ranked away team competitors, security was minimal. She knew that Stripetail would show up at any of the games involving his teams.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 23, 2020, 08:08:50 PM
' Pursue them, and lend any aid to can to Gotham on identifying them. you have the ability to record faces ,, use that on them, and have the PD cross the faces without they have in their criminal files. given their hijinks i'd wager at least some of the Jokerz are teenageers, high school kids, have them cross reference faces with students at the local schools, if theres a match, have the cops go to the schools tomorrow morning and pull the kids out of class for questioning. ' stripetail said.
- terry max and Dana studied until nearly midnight, covering 5 topics. terry was nearly asleep, when Max shook him awake. ' come on McGinnis!  We ned to get going, Mr Tan wants Dana in bed by midnight, which is in 5 minutes. "Max said as she gathered up her books. ' catch you in school babe ' Terry yawned before giving Dana a kiss on the cheek. " Night guys" Dana said, hugging Max before turning to go upstairs ' See you tomorrow. we;'ll get to meet the wizard guy who's running the games. I'm hoping to get to  do some commentary, or be a reporter ijin the crowd."
I'll take any job they give me." Max laughed as she turned to leave the apartment with Terry. " i'll take a bouncer job, you know throw out unruly fans' Terry said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on August 14, 2020, 06:58:19 PM
Sagwa, Dongwa, and Sheegwa sat a few feet away from the seer. "I hope we can get our next magic lesson soon," Sheegwa said.

"Yeah, mixing magic and martial arts is something I wanna try," grinned Dongwa.

"Let's just wait till he's finished talking to ask," said Sagwa.


Oliver was heading to the place where he'd go for his next comedy skit. "Oh're one of Garfield's friends, right?" he said to Odie the dog. "Are you gonna be in this next bit with me?" He saw Odie's slobbery tongue sticking out.


"Well, I guess I'm still going to be a star.....just not in the way I was expecting," Sawyer told Berry. "And now I have a decent little studio to stay in." She overheard Louie chuckling a short distance away. "And a new boss to answer to."


"See anything on the list, Dixie?" Kitty asked as they and the other prizes had entered the marketplace.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 04, 2020, 03:15:47 PM
Terry walked Max to her home , waving her good night before heading home to his home. It was nearly 1 by the time he got home and went to bed.
I have a few food finds" Dixie said motioning to an armful of goods. " We have 10 things to pick up, I have three so far." " I'm looking for grilled fish " Mukua said as she moved next to Dixie in order to read the list. " Looks like we need cupcakes too. We need to get stuff for Chie for her party."

Odor nodded with a bark and pointed to a stall" He was going to order food and Oliver was going to give him wrong foods for laughs.
Looks like it is time for bed. Louie likes the throne bed" Berry chuckled as she got up and headed into the next room. She climbed into the bed on Louie's right and waited for Sawyer to join them
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 07, 2020, 08:27:42 PM
"He really makes you feel safe, huh?" Sawyer asked as she climbed on the other side of the throne bed. Louie had long arms which could wrap around the two of them easily.


Oliver changed into a fast food worker costume for the skit. "A hot dog, you say?" he acted out with Odie, "One will be coming right up sir!"


"I almost forgot about that," Kitty realized, "What year will it be, do you girls remember?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 17, 2020, 03:15:55 PM
I'm turning 22 Chie said. " I haven't really celebrated my birthdays much, because I have been scraping by and couldn't afford much," " I'll cover the bills, " Dixie said. She grabbed a long bread roll and put it into a cart , which Kitty Mukua and Atrua put things into as they checked off the list. There was maybe 5 more things to get, then Dixie had a list of birthday gifts for Chie
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 18, 2020, 09:00:30 PM
Captain Fairchild took Stripetail's advice to heart. Unfortunately, with the thugs scattering in every possible direction living A-10 could only pick out a few targets. That and several of them had exploited Neo Gotham's tangle of elevated highways and sidewalks to evade him, taking advantage of the plane's relatively poor maneuverability and size. That restricted him to the upper levels where his cameras could operate. And even then, it was difficult...except for the one who foolishly decided to use a jetpack to evade him. The device's flame stood out sharply against the relatively cooler buildings and sidewalks.

He could hear the honking of horns as the hooligan zipped between cars and small aircraft in an attempt to lose the living A-10. To his surprise, the jetpack pilot landed in what was clearly a posh section of Neo Gotham where harsh concrete and glaring lights gave way to shrubs, trees, lawns and even fountains.

Captain Fairchild broke off pursuit and used his camera to zoom in on the pilot, who was now landing at one of the houses. Another circuit and he was able to get a street number and address. Filing that away for reference, his internal fuel gauge pinged.

"Well, better head back to the airfield to refuel," he said as he wheeled around and headed back to the outskirts of Neo Gotham.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 24, 2020, 11:26:13 PM
Stripetail was moved to another room in his hotel while repairs were made to the toom to fox the damage Inque had caused. stripetail climned into bed and turned on the evening news ' a hologram of a face reported on the Jokerz vandalism of Gotham stadium, r with unconfirmed rumors of the batman stepping in to stop them. ' Reports of the legendary Batman are cropping up from all over Gotham. Officially commissioner Gordon has no comment on the Dark Knight, tributing the Jokerz capture to Gotham PD. in sports gotham has been selected for the laffalympics, which will start in 2 weeks time! there will be 4 events all held at Gotham university or Hamilton hill High School. Students are encouraged to sign up for positions, including security, judging and advertising. Interviews for jobs will be starting tomorrow at Hamilton  high at 8. minimum pay will be 1000 creds an hour."
Terry helped walk Max home,  as they entered the part of town where Max lioved with her mother and father' the Gibsons were poor, and max kept quiet about how bad her home life was. " maybe you should talk to this Stripetail guy  when you interview with him tomorrow and see f you cant swing something for your folks" Terry said "A guy  so rich hes paying anyone who asks 1000 creds could certainly swing 50000  for your folks." I couldnt do that." Max shook her head. " I'd have to be pretty desperate Terry>' " the worst tht can happen is no. Me, I'd love to be security guy . throw out unruly fans you know?" He laughed as they reached the door. " night max" night terry. just try not to fall asleep in class again tomorrow, ' you dont want any more 'failure to perform' files in your record , right?  You get any more you get 2 weeks of detention." Max said  before giving terry a hug. " Max went inside as Terry headed home.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on November 13, 2020, 12:16:22 AM
As dawn broke over the city of Neo Gotham, the streets were bare of all except for a few night shift workers heading home. The greatest site of activity was at the Gotham Stadium and surrounding stores where crews worked all night to make it at least somewhat presentable for the Laffalympics after the Jokerz had their way with area.


Major Lockie patrolled above the hotel that Stripetail was staying at along with some Gotham PD hovercraft. They had been assigned to that area due to the threats made against Stripetail. Armed Gotham PD officers also patrolled the hotel grounds.

The DZ as well as Pfish and Chip had also been reassigned to the area after an overzealous DZ had mistaken a private (but legal) fireworks show for an attack, confiscated and destroyed all the fireworks. Needless to say, the group of revelers had made their displeasure very clear and they expected their destroyed property to be reimbursed.


At the Gotham PD HQ, a message from Captain Fairchild had been sent and was awaiting Commissioner Gordon's decision. The message in question was information on one of the Jokerz who had caused so much damage to the area surrounding Gotham Stadium.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 18, 2020, 09:21:04 PM
As Kitty and the other prizes kept shopping, she went over to Mukua with a suggestion. "Once we're done with all the chores Onca wants us to do, how about we head to the buff villa again?" she smiled, "The environment there was nice, and it had a good warmth on my fur."


"Is this the only sleeping quarters we have here?" Sawyer said as she and Berry each got on a side of Louie's throne-bed. He was in the center, being the biggest.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 19, 2020, 03:54:44 AM
why would you want to sleep anywhere else babe?" louie laughed. ' she values her privacy, my king ' Berry said. " its an American thing, I guess. " she shrugged as she settled in on Louie;s right. Sawyer wa on the left of the bed, which has several blankets and pilows to keep the occupants warnm and comfy.
Sounds likea great idea to me ' Mukua smiled. ' those baths have so many different settings that i could probably spend an enitire week in one and not juse them all' She laughed, as Chie and Dixie came by with the last of Ozais requests '" alright girls that should be all of it.' Dixie said, as Atrua came up to them carrying a steaming tray of warm soft bread ' hey girls, thought we could enjoy some chewy bread while we head back' the pantress said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 20, 2020, 07:51:44 PM
"These are some warm blankets and comfy pillows," Sawyer noted, "But then again you're royalty so this is what you get every day of your life, right?" she asked Louie, who had a big goofy grin on his face.


"Just how rich is Onca?" Kitty chuckled at the thought of that many hottubs. "Is there a word for the amount of money he has, in any language?" The more time she spent here, the more it was impressive just how rich the panther prince was.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 24, 2020, 01:03:53 AM
"Commissioner Gordon," Captain Fairchild said via his radio link. "I have located one of the Jokerz implicated in the attack on one of Gotham's commercial districts. I suspect this might be the ringleader. I am circling over the neighborhood right now and have been for the past several hours. I am running low on fuel so I request backup."

Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 24, 2020, 02:44:27 AM
Hes extremeky rich' Mukua said " nillions, I think. whether thats in our currency, or yours, hes loaded. How else can he afford all the stuff you;ve seen so far?" and you girls havent been to all the villas.' Atrua said " theeres even a track for prizes to try our claw at driving.. which hasnt exactly gone too well for me. I justb love going too fast."
_ the gitls sampled the soft bread as they drove back in the prize mobie. ' they stopped at oncas palace to drop off the goods and found there was a series of envelopes with each prizes name ioon it. Dixuie pened hers and gaped: it was full of 1000 dollar bills.." wiw.. the prince is filthy filthy roch rich. Theres gotta be a couple million in here" Chie gasped as she pulled out a fewc cbills and thlet then driopp through her clas ' W-what am i going to do with all this money?' Spend it silly" atrua laughed.
 naturally louie said pressing a button. a tray popped out and a bowlk of freshly popped popcornm appeared in the tray along with 3 glasses of freshly poured champagne." Banana-dfavored ;' luie said gulping his glass down in one go.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 25, 2020, 01:40:13 AM
Sawyer accepted the drink, but the flavor Louie mentioned made her pick up on the implications. "Am I.....going to have to get used to bananas for meals?" she realized, worried there might not be a variety in her diet. She could see Louie and Berry grinning at her.


"This is pocket change for someone like Onca, right?" Kitty figured as she looked over the millions she and the others were so casually given. "We should give some of this to Arlene," she told Dixie.

The Prizes were nearing the buff villa, where the hottubs were. "Do they all come with the same features or are there variances among them?" the female feline asked of the local prizes.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 26, 2020, 07:02:37 PM
theres lots pf variety" Atrua sad with a smile. ' some have bubbles that smell of flowers, others have rainbow foam that you soak in, theres even one that is filled with hot cocoa instead of water. we save that for the festive seasons,.' She grinned.,"because that tub is drunk empty within hours of being filled.
_ we definitely will give some of this to Arlene.' Dixie agreed. ' " she definitely could use the money more than us. Get her some nice clothes too, something to match her fur. There was a nice dreess in town that I;ll get for her a little later, the pink one with the red ruffles.
_ the girls entered the buff villa and headed towards the tubs. next to a large one stood a tray of food which was actually alive- mice chickens and fish. there was hot dog buns, brat buns hamburger buns, stations for making burgers and sandwiches." ' awesome! Its build your own meal day" Atrua beamed. "" we have the prey be alive because its easier than waiting a half hour for grilling. plus its like hunting in the jungle back in the day>"
" i bet you'll gorge on the mice kitty' dixie laughed. Mukua was quickly in line making herself a 'hot dog. " come join me Dixie' She grinned. " I'll show you a special way we feed each other during these meal days." Sure how do you do it, We each getan end?' Dixie said. "  No' Mukua grinned impishly. " We get really close to each other, i put some food in my mouth, wrap it in my tongue then pass it to you by sticking the food in your mouth. my tongue goes in there too but only as part of passing the food." Oh.. is that a local custom./' Dixie asked. ' yeah.Girls share with other girls, guys share with other guys, family shares with family and of coursed theres mixed company too." Dixie grabbed a plate and made herself a fish burger. then joined Mukua in the tub."Ok, we have mice for me and Fish for you.' Mukua said I'll share a mouse with you and you share a fish  with me. Since I'm teaching , I'lll go first.' Dixie leaned in and kissed Mukua on the lips catching her by surpise  after a couple seconds Dixies and Mukuas tongues came together inside Mukua's mouth,  and the pair french kissed  for about 30 seconds before mukua pulled away. "Dixie! dont jump the gun!' I hadnt gotten my food in yet.  " she said. ' sorry.' Dixie said,' go ahead" " alright, just keep your mouth as open as you can, otherwise this wont work.>'mukua put a mouse into her muth and wrapped her tongue around it. Mukua leaned in extending her tongue and the mouse over Dixies lips and into her mouth. Dixie quickly swallowed the food stuffing a bun into her mouth to wsh the food down. She passed the fish to Mukua next and mukua pulled away. ' not bad for the first time ' she said. " I'll teach Kitty next ."
Theres a lot of banana true' Louie grins. " theres also the berry shake. blueberrys are rare but delicious. put a wedge of coconut , and its delicious.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 26, 2020, 11:54:09 PM
"Well, I guess fruits are good for me...." Sawyer said, rolling her eyes slightly. "You're really ok with all of this?" she asked to Berry, who she didn't quite fully understand even after the time they had spent together.


"You mean....this place has it's own kind of mouse burger?" Kitty realized hungrily. "What kind of toppings and condiments do you have? Is there a bar for it nearby?" Mouse burgers were her favorite back home, and she wanted to try international variations on it.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 28, 2020, 12:10:12 PM
atrua climbed into the tub with dixie carrying a plate full of food." take whatever you like girls. buni, suma, get in here and stop playing your game. Buni's up by 448 points anyway.' Chie grabbed some meat and Mukua picked up another hot dog this time slathered in green sauce. " And Mukua, you are still just lobbing the food into your partners mouth when you feed them. i thought i taught you better than that. You push it  in, and hold it until your partner can get their tongue on it. Come here, I'll show the girls the proper technique." Mukua blushed but came up next to Atrua."Atrua put a mouse into her mouth then leaned forwrd. atrua 's tongue shot out, the mouse firmly wrapped in it, and went deep into mukua's mouth. Atrua dropped the mouse onto Mukua's tongue and Mukua swallowed it, almost as a reflex. Atrua ran her tongue over mukuas as their lips locked together in a kiss, and Atrua squeezed mukuas breasts playfully.  After about 20 seconds, Atrua pulled away Mukuas tongue sliding out of her mouth. mukua then fed Atrua back, this time she was a bit more forceful than she had been with Dixie. " better, better. ' Atrua said approvingly" Don';t slack off on proper feeding Mukua, you'll develop bad habits otherwise. Is your boy toy janus to blame?' She laughed." boys just lob it in there like its a ball to a hoop. "
Dixie pulled a card off the table ' it was a menu list" well lets see '; we have.. 250 different kinds of sauces,. 80 different kinds of mouse., hambrger buns, stuffed mouse pizzas, they have .. loads of toppings. All you cam eat too.. we're going to have to be rolled out of here, arent we?" she laughed then saw the look of hunger mixed with joy on Kitty's face. ' go on , girl. grab what you like.
of course i'm good with this. Try Banana mint shake. its to die for ' Berry said.  the peppermint banana during the holidays is out of this world. in fact I'mm going to go make myself one." berry hopped out of the bed and headed to the kitchen ' Better make that 3 loves, I have a hankering for peppermint too ' Louie said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 31, 2020, 02:39:56 AM
"Wow.....there's many......options," Kitty drooled. With each pause in her sentence, the aroma and sight of the food distracted her for just a second each time. She grabbed a plate and began filling it up with various mouse dishes. "I'm sorry girls but I'm not doing anything else until I finish filling up my stomach with mice," she said in a fashion that reflected her inherent feline carnivorous nature. The mice eeped, if they were awake, as she opened wide and began to dine.

"You all.....feed me the mice, Ancient Egypt style," she told her friends and other prizes.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 12, 2021, 10:44:28 PM
Mukua moved next to kitty and took a 4 mouse - kabob(the mice were tied to the stick, not run through with the stick. ) and eased the nice off the stick and into her mouth ' remember , like i told Dixie keep your mouth open otherwise i wont be able to pass the food to you.' Mukua smirked at the buxom showgirl and moved closer. ' grab onto me if you need to maintain your balance. '
 Buni and suma wre in line grabbing some food, as Cey entered followed by another tigeress which she introduced as Tura " Tura these are the girls i have been telling  you about.' she smirked. ' so you told them about the marathon posing session that lasted more than two weeks?" tura chuckled. " yes, I did." lets just say, we got very used to seeing each other's form . had to , given we were holding the pose for 15 days.' tura said putting her arm around Cey." Now lets see here. you must be dixie " She pointed to Dixie" yes, mam ' dixie said " Please no 'mam' You make me sound like a schoool marm.' Tura said as she went in limne. " mukua, right?' she said to the pantheress ' mukua nodded at Tura as she had the food in her mouth before facing Kitty " and you must be kitty. Dont want to interrupt feeding time. so i'll introduce myself to you in earnest later.
 Dehli and Nunbi entered and made their way to the line for snacks ' anyone have the prince's secret sauce? nunbi asked the girls in the tub. "its my particular favorite."

 i enjoy doing stuff for louie. he pays me in banana and nuts ' berry said. ' plus i'm more or less freee to do what i please as long as he doesnt have neeed of me." ' i often do, of course ' Louie chuckled.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 15, 2021, 09:08:50 PM
"You got it," Kitty nodded, "Just keep the food coming," she said hungrily. The smells of the prepared mice were just so tantalizing to Kitty as she began to be fed them, one by one. She could instantly tell there was a bigger variety of flavors then there were of the mice back in her hometown. She moaned in pleasure with each taste. As she ate further and further the mice that were on the kabob, her lips came closer to Mukua's. Eventually, she ate a mouse close enough to Mukua's face that their lips locked. "Tastes good," Kitty grinned, being ambiguous as to what she was referring to. "Let's have another taste," she began kissing Mukua more, though occasionally she'd stuff another mouse into her maw. A meal and a makeout all at once. She felt Mukua's sides and body with her paws when she wasn't focused on eating or kissing.


"Is there anything Louie could ask of you that you wouldn't do?" Sawyer chuckled to Berry.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2021, 09:04:59 PM
We hear you fairchild. help is en route. if you need to return to refuel/ theres a refueling station in te north of town, near  bypass 3' Gordon replied. ' eta on police support is 7 minutes. maintain perimeter and visual if possible. we'll try and get a match on Id."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on January 18, 2021, 10:08:04 PM
"Thank you." Captain Fairchild flew a slow, lazy circle around the suspect house. "Wait, someone's coming out."

The living A-10's powerful vision allowed him to see who came out of the house he was circling. It was a boy in his late teens. At first, he thought he had made a mistake but his sensor suite informed him that the gait and posture of the teen was a 99.9% match for the gait and posture of the ringleader of the group he had seen wrecking the Commercial District. The boy then got into a very expensive looking orange sports car and drove off. Of course, even Captain Fairchild's relatively slow airspeed was more than a match for even the powerful vehicle, which merged seamlessly into the tangle of Neo-Gotham's highways.

He radioed Commissioner Gordon. "Commissioner Gordon, this is Captain Fairchild, I am in pursuit of the suspect! He's heading towards...Hamilton High School!?"


The sound of the A-10's engines practically deafened one in the parking lot.

"I know that we've had problems with the Jokerz, but are constant military flyovers really necessary!" one of the students shouted with their hands clapped over their ears.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 20, 2021, 12:25:50 AM
Semd an image of the suspect to me abnd i'l egin running down the lists of students to try and find a match ' Gordon said. '' once hes goes into the building, return to your base. School is starting there in about 30 minutes, and your bosss told us he'll be interviewing students there for jobs with your games today. Send me the images and I'll forward them to foresinics, see if we cant find a match."
Terry, max  and Dana were heaed to their first class ' which was Gotham history 101. Terry found the class incredibly dull, he really didnt need to know much about what Hamilton Hill did as mayor during his tenure. The late nights working for mr wayne diudnt help his sleep schedule either. " As class began he was soon asleep. woken only by a rough shake from the teacher ' McGinnis! is my teaching lesson worth so little of your time that you sleep through it ?' NO , mr west.. I.. ' Perhaps i should send a ' failure to perform file to your mother.. that would be.. your 10th such file , mandating an automatic month's detention. '

But as the teacher reached inside his coat for the file, and terry groaned in resignation,  the door opened, and Stripetail entered carrying a clipboard with names written on a paper " Forgive my intrusion Mr West, but I'm looking for a number of students in your class." Mr West turned and looked at Stripetail,. a broad surprise coming over his face ' A-are you the wizard running the games?' yes I am.' Stripetail said, and there was a series of hushed whispered among the gathered class, combined with quiet chuckles and laughter from the jocks. ' Every student had seen the promos for the games, and every kid at school could use an extra few thousand creds." I have 4 people from your class Mr West scheduled for the first batch of interviews .  In alphabetical order by first name - they are Chelsea Cunningham, Dana Tan. Maxine Gibson.. and lets see here... Terrence McGinnnis?." " thats Terry, um.. mr ..' Stripetail, lord Stripetail. " I was just about to discipline Mr McGinnis here for falling asleep in my class .. again ' the teacher said. " but if you have him scheduled for a meeting with you.. " the meeting wont be long, I assure you. 15 minutes at the most. Hopefully once they've sampled some of  the doughnuts, snacks and coffee I've brought with me, they'll finish the class stronger than they started. That would go especially for Mr McGinnis here, i think he might need a double cup... ' Stripetail chuckled as Chelsea, Dana and Max gathered their things and headed to the  door.  Terry soon followed carrying his bag  and inwardly breathing a huge sigh of relief ' automatic detention would tick his mother off to no end, and very likely cost him his job with Mr Wayne as detention ran until 10 each night." follow me please ' Stripetail said to the four of them. ' are you really a wizard?' Chelsea asked a haughty, snobbish voice. ' Yes i am Chelsea, and no, that doesnt mean I'm going to pull coins or diamonds out of your ear.  That is a mere trick, a sleight of hand. " Stripetail said as he headed down a hallway towards a conference room he had reserved for the meetings. " Your father is a art collector, correct?' Chelsea started." I. uh.. yeah , he is.. He and I don;t always get along though. My tastes are different from his. lets say' Chelsea said. " You're not the first teenage daughter to clash with her father, my dear, and you wont be the last ' Stripetail said. "Now lets see here. you wanted 10000 creds an hour to be part of Laffalympics cheer squad?"  geez Chelsea! 10000 creds an hour?' Terry gaped. ' Thats a ton of dough. " i have expensive tastes Terry, you know that.' Chelsea said. "Don;t get greedy Chelsea ' Dana scolded ' Yeah 10000 creds an hour is almost what they pay professional hockey players Chelsea. " Max said.  now now, kids.. enough banter. ' Stripetail said opening the confer5ence room door, revealing a conference table that was covered with a wide variety of snacks. doughnuts, muffins, hash browns and steaming cups of coffee were all laid out. "Please help yourselves." Stripetail bade them sit and grab some of the food, which they did. Max grabbed a trio of hash browns, Terry took some muffins, Chelsea doughnuts, and Dana took 1 of each. The coffee was rich and tasty.  "  i think discussing jobs over food and drinks works far better that simply sitting in a chair,  in front of someone at a desk reading through your resume and trying to pick you out from 50 other candidates, and trying to keep your emotions in check while they find out you had a 1457 on the exam. ; Thats a very low score ' Max said. ." yes, my dear I know. I'm a wizard after all. " Ok, then perform some magic for us.. like ., I don;t know..create a creds card for each of us.. with.. er,. how many creds  guys?' She asked around . " 5000 creds' Terry asked.' 20000" tan chimes in. ' no. 100000 creds " chelsea said. 100000 creds on a card  for someone your age would certainly raise a lot of eyebrows,  and would almost certainly get the police involved. So No on the creds card idea. " striopetail crossed his arms. ' how about... a nice large pizza' he gestured and an enormous pizza dropped onto the table. cheese welled up from a hole the crust. while pepperoni, sausage, peppers and olives floated in a sea of cheese. the four students all gaped at the huge pizza that had appeared from nowhere. ' Dan cautiously reached out a hand and took a slice and stripetail slid her a plate. she took a bite and made a murmuring sound ' wow.. this is good ' she said between bites.  Terry ., Chelsea and Max quickly grabbed slices and began eating.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on January 20, 2021, 09:21:31 PM
Captain Fairchild transmitted all footage he had gotten of the suspect. In particular, one picture, that of the suspect looking skywards when he heard the living A-10 fly overhead would prove to be of particular interest. He continued on his way out of Neo-Gotham, hoping that he wouldn't run out of fuel before he made it to the airbase.


John Hayland audibly yawned as the teacher went over the introduction to atomic physics. In the front of the classroom was a holographic model of an atomic nucleus. He was then interrupted by the teacher calling his name. He quickly tried to compose himself. "Sorry Mr. Tang, but I was out late yesterday night,"

Mr. Tang narrowed his eyes. "John, I do not care what you do outside of school hours and school property. However, others here are trying to learn and I am sure they would appreciate it if you did not interrupt them with the effects from your poor life choices."

"Sorry." John picked up his mechanical pencil and took notes as Mr. Tang continued on his lecture. As he did so, he wondered exactly when Gabrielle would pay him and his for the havoc they had wreaked last night.

Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 23, 2021, 01:55:21 AM
mukua moaned into the kiss as she continue to feed Kitty, feeling the cats claws caress her breasts as they made out. Mukua ran her tongue over Kitty's and into her mouth, and fr the next 15 minutes , mukua fed kitty, and frenched and fondled her too.  chie  went up to Dixie, who was eating a piece of mouse lasanga. ' say.. um.. could you feed me like mukua is feeding kitty?' She asked>' sure, although i dont think thats food she;s passing her at the moment.' dixie smirked, as mukua ground against kitty, Dixie was getting a full view of her butt and tail and she liked what she saw.. " Give her some air Mukua ' Atrua laughed.  Mukua broke away and caught her breath. "Nice job Kitty' mukua said, breathing rather hard.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 02, 2021, 08:57:26 PM
"Feed me more," Kitty said in a seductive yet demanding tone. "I want more food...." she said, licking her lips. She gave her stomach a pat, producing a subtle jiggle. "Make me big and round like Tiger is," she said, the snacks being extremely pleasurable to her. The foreign cuisine was on par with what she had at home, and it was always nice to have someone feeding her meals for her.

"You're good at this, obviously prizes must be taught how to feed the prince," she complimented Mukua.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 10, 2021, 09:56:45 PM
well, i havent been a prize for that long. but it is custom to feed each other like this in the kingdom.  keeps everyone close, so to speak. ' mukua said. before feeding kitty the last of the food she had. Dixie and chie began feeding each other, and chies tongue found its way inton dixies mouth. Dixie responded by pulling chie into a kiss,  their dark red lips locking together. chie murmured in pleasure at the kiss, her excitement growing as she fet dixie touch her breasts. Panty, for all her attractiveness, had rarely kissed her on the lips and only once touched her chest while kissing her. after 5 minutes chie broke the kiss and stared at Dixie ' T-thank you for that ' the cheetah said. ' i um needed that.'' dixie reached out and grabbed another hot dog ' down to 3 hot dogs on the tray. care to finish them?' she s,miled. ' better save one for me girls Atrua said moving next to Dixie and Chie. ' And put some of that purplesauce on it when you do. what can i say , i like blueberry flavored mice hot dogs.' She said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on February 15, 2021, 10:41:33 PM
"I wanna go for a variety," Kitty smirked as she was fed more food. She had mice covered in BBQ sauce, some covered with blueberry jam to be more like a dessert for her. "Same principle works for Tiger and gets us....excited," she blushed. "Give me more food and you'll be rewarded," the showgirl feline added, dipping a mouse in honey.


Suddenly, Sawyer felt Louie tap her and Berry on the head. "Hey....what's going on?" she asked the girl ape. "I don't like it when he grins like that."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 25, 2021, 07:47:20 AM
" Well he likes to play the drums, and keeps his timing by using my booty as a drum. Now, he'll use yours too." Berry said.
The prizes quickly ate through the food and soon Dixie's tub was the last one with food still being eaten . Cey and Tura got out from their tub and had the girls line up. " we will be having an audience with the prince in about 15 minutes at his personal villa . He has ideas for promoting the kingdom during the games" Cey said. " Handing out fliers, making public appearances and statements, awarding prizes to the contestants, and other things of that nature " Tura added. " Since we will be outside the grounds, proper attire must be worn at all times. I think the prince has some nice outfits bought for us in the colors of the kingdom flag."
Kitty had been fed by several girls, consisting of over 100 distinct mouse dishes including something called jungle mice momo which involved mice frozen in chocolate that was spread out over a thin wafer like cake.
Chie finished eating and got into line with the other girls, while Mukua and Atrua were passing pieces of miceless momo between themselves and Dixie. " Try and finish eating as quickly as possible girls " Tura said." Work beckons."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 13, 2021, 03:34:30 PM
Atria ended up feeding Dixie last, and it ended up being more of a kissing session than a feeding one. Atrua caressed Dixie's breasts as they kissed and Dixie put her tongue into Autras mouth. After 10 minutes, Mukua made them break the kiss and line up with the others. " Tura approached them with a list in her claws " The kingdom will be divided into 8 zones, Dixie, Chie and Mukua you'll cover Zone 1 with me- that is where the elephant race will be. Zone 2 will cover the treasure hunt area, which covers about half the town. Zone 3 is the other half of town. Zone 4 is the north gate zone 5 the South Gate Zone 6 is pantra zone 7 is the road to leonine and zone 8 is leonine itself." Tura handed Dixie some fliers. Cey took the Zone 2 group, which included Kitty and Autra, along with her.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 22, 2021, 03:29:45 PM
"I take it has memorized a lot of....."drum solos"?" groaned Sawyer as she saw Louie's grin widen, and the faint laughing of the other monkeys from Louie's kingdom could be heard in the distance.


Oliver was enjoying a nice snack between events with Garfield. "These lasagna bites are yummy," the kitten mewed.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 22, 2021, 11:08:55 PM
Yeah they are " Garfield nodded as Arlene approached " Oliver we have a skit to do" She said " It's a Mother Hubbard skit with me as Mom Hubbard
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 25, 2021, 01:24:32 AM
"We're gonna get to be in one together?" Oliver smiled to his mom. "This could be cool!"


"What's our next Prize job?" Kitty asked as she finished being fed.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 02, 2021, 11:44:06 AM
We will be handing out flyers and prizes to garner interest in the games. " Cey explained."The prince will give us a brief talk, and will give us our attire and some spending money. We will be doing this all day, so pace yourself "
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 02, 2021, 11:48:05 AM
"Got it," Kitty nodded, "And based on what we've been wearing so far, it will also be revealing?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 04, 2021, 06:30:14 PM
Not too revealing, by our standards " Cey said " Enough to cover you and your special parts, we're not talking skimpy things that cover barely anything. Other kingdoms may make their ladies wear nothing but small clothes, but not here."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 05, 2021, 09:47:09 PM
Kovu had turned to Kion's Guard friends to collect extra footage for the promo video. "You get anything good?" he asked Ono, Fuli, Bunga, and Beshte. "Shots that will capture the true beauty of our kingdom."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 07, 2021, 12:18:07 AM
We're working on a camera that can withstand the pressure of being on Fulis body when she runs fast." Ono said." It's a work in progress."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 07, 2021, 12:28:40 AM
"That's excellent," Kovu commended. "Ono, you can got a view from the sky, and Beshte can get closeups of the waterhole. Thank you all for your cooperation, it'll help with the video immensely."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 07, 2021, 03:09:23 PM
You're welcome, your highness "Fuli said." The crown prince has promised us a raise if we get the games. " she smirked. " I call security on the safari " she said
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 18, 2021, 12:42:48 PM
"You're certainly fast enough to take down anyone who might cause a commotion," Kovu nodded to Fuli.

"Has a composer for the promotional video already been chosen?" Ono asked curiously.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 16, 2021, 12:24:33 PM
we're working on that ' Kopa said as he walked on by ' ' make sure all watching the games have some form of identification. . badsges, wrist guards. you name it. we want to make everyone wgho is thee, is supposed to be there.' Kopa said. ' keep up the good work bro, the film looks great so far.' He said to kovu.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 14, 2021, 11:14:53 PM
"Any way we could help?" Jasiri the hyena, along with her sister Madoa and Janja her sometimes crush asked as they approached.

"Perhaps the hyenas could work security," Kovu suggested to Kopa.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 09, 2021, 01:11:56 PM
Yeah that sounds like a good idea." Kopa nodded." Make sure no one brings in things that they shouldn't."

The prizes gathered at the prince's villa where he was standing in front of a stack of fliers" Morning, my dears. I trust Cey has briefed you already? She has? Excellent. Then I will make this brief. Go around the kingdom, put up these fliers and hand out these passes to anyone who wants one." Onca said. " Split into groups and return here once you are done. You can break for lunch at noon. That basket over there has cash in it, take some along . Just don't take TOO much " he laughed.

Stripetail and the students enjoyed the meal and coffee as Terry Max and the others talked about themselves to the old seer. " So you have a part time job working for Mr Wayne?" Stripetail said " Yeah, its a night gig. Cleaning the place is a pain. He's gotta have 1000 trophies in his trophy room alone. I also drive him around when he has business " Mr Wayne is an extremely wealthy man." Stripetail said." He donated 100 million dollars to help get the games off the ground.  I will pay him back for his generosity, you have my word on that. Now, Maxine, you have here a request to help your folks ?" Y-yes Mr Stripetail. I, well, my folks don't make that much, and anything I could get to help them out, would mean so much." Like getting a better place to live?" Stripetail said " You live in the Central apartments, correct?" Max nodded quietly " What job do you want for your father and mother?" Holographic control for my dad and  news projection for my mom." Max said " I'll contact them for a interview " Stripetail said, before sliding a creds card over to Max. He then gave cards to Terry, Dana and Chelsea " These cards will load at the end of the week with your pay, when fully loaded, as now, they will appear green in color. As you spend the credits, it will change colors, to yellow and red. When you are nearly empty, it will glow. It will turn black when empty. "
Thanks Stripetail " Dana said." Just don't spend it all in one place." Stripetail chuckled" Now, you have your classes to return to, and I have my next batch of interviews to get to. Nice meeting all of you, good luck with the rest of your studies. And Terry, try not to fall asleep in class again."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on July 09, 2021, 11:10:23 PM
It was then two GCPD officers accompanied by the school principal entered Mr. Tang's class.

"Gentlemen, may I help you? I am currently in the middle of a physics lecture now," Mr. Tang said as he placed his laser pointer on the desk.

"We are here to pick up John Hayland," the principal said. "Apparently, the police want to speak to him."

"What?" the aforementioned student asked.

"Come along; we'll handle this in private," one of the officers said.

Fuming, John Hayland followed the three out of the classroom.

Mr. Tang then picked up his laser pointer. "Now that we have no more interruptions, let's continue."


Gabrielle scowled as she watched the chaos her crew had wrought. It was quite substantial, Gotham Stadium completely ravaged, the Shopping District almost completely burnt down, the area around Gotham Fine Chemicals was a hazardous waste site, the outskirts of Neo Gotham looked like warzone after Blammo had worked them over but from what she could see, the Laffalympics was still going on — just with greatly increased security.

"That's it," she said. "We're going to start targeting tourists now."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 26, 2021, 10:14:59 AM
arlene was in a skit with oliver, baking a pie that oliver periodically removed pieces from, while looking sweet and innocent all the while. ' why don;t we go get some ice cream?' Arlene said after finding the pie coomplet6ely gone.  each skit had a tip jar for the actors where the locals could drop coins in if they appreciated the performance.
 Yogi and Bobo were surveying the vine riding course' whatever you do, Bobo ol buddy, don;t let go of the vine. its a LONG way down' Yogi said. near the finish line the dead Baron was running calculations. " i estimate we're goi9ng to need 110 leaps from vine to vione over the course of the racew. We get penalized if anyone drops off.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 01, 2021, 10:57:20 PM
John Hayland and his mother were both sitting inside the sparsely furnished interrogation room at the local precinct of the Gotham City PD.

The teen folded his hands and remained coldly silent. The glass of water on the table was untouched.

"John," the officer said. "We just want to know what happened yesterday."

"I won't say anything until I get a lawyer," the teen replied.

"Johnny," the boy's mother said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Just tell them what you know."

"Mom," he said. "You know how it is; don't talk to the cops unless you got a lawyer with you."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 04, 2021, 06:24:05 PM
After the skit Oliver saw a flier on a wall. "Look mom," he told Arlene, "Some big ape wants to hire someone who can make cookies. You're a really good baker," he meowed, showing it to Arlene. The maker of the flier was Louie, of course. "It could be fun, and delicious."


"Play the drums King Louie!" encouraged his fellow apes.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 17, 2021, 03:28:12 PM
I'll take a look." Arlene said. Come along Oliver." As she walked along down the street, carrying the tip jars carrying her tips and Olivers tips, she noticed a group gathered around a trio of beautiful ladies, who were handing things out from a basket. As she came closer she was surprised to recognize the middle girl " Dixie!" She called out waving her claws in order to get her attention." Dixie stopped and noticed her, " Arlene ! Oliver! Over here!  She called out and motioned to them to come over. Dixie finished handing out tickets and came up to Arlene and embraced her warmly. The very dark red lips locked together as Arlene kissed her on the lips and they briefly rubbed tongues together Dixie putting her tongue into her girlfriends mouth. Arlene broke the kiss and blushed " Sorry about that, if people are staring." Arlene don't worry. Dixie smiled, as she hugged Oliver." let me introduce you two to my fellow prizes- this is Mukua " she motioned to the pantheress closest to her and Arlene saw that Mukua was very very pretty." Hi I'm Arlene " Arlene waved" and this is Atrua" she motioned to the other pantheress who was handing out passes . " This is my girlfriend Arlene and her son Oliver." Could I have some tickets please?" Arlene asked " Sure thing, girl " Atrua said, handing her a four pack of passes."" They include admission to the prince's estate and water park. " I'm with the games actually. I'm on Dixie's team." Arlene said." " Then you get a 10 pack." Mukua said handing her 6 more " How did you get into the prizes Dixie " Arlene asked." The prince liked me." Dixie replied " Mukua has been showing me and Kitty around. Kitty's in a different part of town handing out tickets like we are. It's promoting the kingdom and the games.It includes discounts at Mukua's dads place.  He is one of the biggest employers in the town." Dixie said " You should look at my dad's canoe setup." Mukua smirked." Mukua also draws people for  some money , she's really good." Atrua said." We could draw your boy there. Cute kids sell, after all." That sounds like a great idea." Arlene said." What do you think Oliver?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 26, 2021, 09:30:59 PM
Of course, John Hayland's request for a lawyer was swiftly provided. Granted, since his parents could not get a lawyer in such short notice, a public defender was appointed to him.

"Mr. Hayland," an officer said as they opened the door. "Commissioner Gordon wishes to speak to you."

The public defender then looked the teen. "John," the woman said. "Let me do the talking."


At Gabriel's order to start attacking the tourists, some of the Jokerz balked at the random, wanton violence. Of course, those who were opposed were quickly pressured into joining by the more violent members.

Of course, the Weasels had no such compunctions. Their first victim was a young couple who had come to Neo Gotham for the games. They had gotten lost and turned down into a somewhat rougher area of town that was marked with low end stores selling questionable goods and graffittied walls.

"I think we took the wrong way," the man said.

It was then that a man approached the duo. His ragged work clothes indicated that he may have been a local. "You guys tourists?" The man's voice was rough but he was genuinely interested.

"We're looking for the stadium," the woman said.

"Go back the way you came and take a right down Wayne Avenue" The man spat out a wad of some chewed tobacco into the gutter. "This ain't a place for tourists. Now git before someone sees ya as easy prey." The last phrase wasn't delivered in an unkind manner but the words themselves were menacing.


"Hey, I think we found something!" The woman turned around to see a group of humanoid weasels.

"Think she might be interested in our cosmetics?" one said.

"Not interested," the woman replied, glaring at them.

"Honey, let's get our of here," the man replied.

The rough man glared at the group. "I dunno who the hell you are but this ain't your neighborhood." He reached behind himself for what was presumably a weapon. He never got a chance to draw it as one of the Weasels as a spring-loaded boxing glove launched out of a pocket in his pants. As it was harder toon setting, the effect was quite brutal as the man's skull caved in under the powerful blow, splattering droplets of blood on the sidewalk.

"Now then, let's give those two a 'cosmetics sample'," the second Weasel replied as his companion tried to stuff the spring-loaded boxing glove into his pants.

The couple tried to run but a quickly thrown portable hole tripped up the duo. Screams echoed through the neighborhood as dip was poured onto the duo.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 04, 2021, 10:48:06 PM
"Sure, just find me a ball of yarn," Oliver chuckled, "Plus we could also get a job from the King Louie guy," he smiled to Arlene and her friends. He was happy that his life was fairly normal now and he wasn't dealing with danger.

"Who is this prince guy?" he asked Dixie and the others.


Belladonna was forcing Annabelle to work out. "You've gained weight, you need to work off a few pounds," the hellhound taunted her heavenly cousin.

"No I haven't," groaned Annabelle.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 26, 2021, 12:20:42 PM
 Gordon say across the table from the student. her face was curled into a stern line, a large file sat in front of her ' you've been part of the jokerz for a long time , havent you john?' Gordon said simply ' i count at least 116 crimes that can be attributed to you, with at least 30 more that  could be attached to you, upon further investigation. considering that 100 of those are felonies, you're looking at a very long stint in prison, even if the judges sentence you leniently due to your age. which , considering the nature of some of your crimes, they won't . felony burglary, for instance, or helping to damage the football field at Hamilton high. both of those will get the book thrown at you. if you want to breathe fresh air again anytime past the age of 50, you'll cooperate with my investigation into the Jokerz, so we can break them up and put them safely away.  you can try and fight the charges,  but we have you dead to rights on nearly all of them. so i strongly suggest cooperation. "

 i'll get you a ball of yarn , dear ' Dixie said to oliver ' theres a yarn shop on   Unga street' mukua said ' we'll go pick you out a few balls. now remember to have a smile on your face when playing. it makes everything that much cuter' She chuckled, As Dixie, Atrua, Arlene and Mukua walked along with Oliver riding on Arlenes shoulder. '  we can stop for lunch once atrua finishes handing out the last of the passes' Dixie saud ' how many more do you have Atrua?' 16" atrua said . " i have 4 left and Mukua has just 2. we'll just combine them for the next customer 'Dixie said. ' So, tell me about yourself arlene and your cute little kitten." well i'm from toon town, originally. my life ws.. not an easy one. i worked in the comics, with Garfield and Odie and Jon, up until the recession, things were going well.  there was event a special series where we had superpowers!" arlene said. ' oliver is  the light of my life. i worry about him when hes not with me. like any mom would, well one that isnt a pyschopath.  I've ben traveling with my girl Dixie and her tesam for the games, but due to, er a detour in a big owls gut, we havent made any money from the ganmes for the past several events. And i need the money more than Dixie does ' Arlene said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 09, 2021, 07:49:58 PM
"Can we get a snack first?" Oliver asked the older cats around him, "I'm hungry." His little kitten belly rumbled, indicating he wasn't just talking the talk. He knew his mom would gladly take him to grab a bite.


Sawyer was given a list of songs for the movie Louie was making. "Most of these are romance songs," she said, annoyed, "Between me and Louie?" The ape king's smug grin told her everything she needed to know.

"And Louie has prepared an outfit he'll want you to wear," said Berry.


Truth be told, Kitty was interested in getting back to Onca. She found the panther prince very charming. "Just a little more and I can head back to the palace..." she said to herself.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 19, 2021, 12:45:10 PM
Of course my dear." Dixie smiled at him." We're getting lunch anyway ." I recommend the Baked Bear grill. Bantu the Bear is a superb cook" Atrua said." She has a kids menu, too. Just pick what you want."
The Baked Bear was on the east side of town and was full of locals sampling the food. Everything from elephants, to deer to wolves and panthers were enjoying their lunch, here and there there were a few snakes, who insisted on live prey.
Mukua reserved a booth for the 6 of them, which grew to 9 as Scooby Argo and Janus joined them " Hello girls." Argo waved."Scooby and Janus were just having a pizza eating contest. Janus ate4 extra large pizzas, Scooby ate FORTY" Argo said as Janus shook his head." We only stopped because we ran out of extra large."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 19, 2021, 10:01:59 PM
Sagwa, Sheegwa, and Dongwa had been resuming their magic training. Dongwa had been trying to combine magic with the martial arts lessons he was already taking.

"Maybe some fire blasts combined with fist thrusts," Dongwa grinned.

"I'm working on magic calligraphy," Sagwa smiled. With the magic ink, whatever word she wrote down on specific parchment would materialize into a small version of said written word.


"We should also see if my father's hotel can be promoted," Kovu said to Kopa, "I know he'd appreciate that."

Kion had gone to the Outlands to catch up with Janja, Jasiri, and the other hyenas. "Hey guys," he called to his spotted friends.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on November 26, 2021, 10:32:10 PM
The public defender looked at the charges as well as some of the evidence. She shook her head. "John," she said. "The evidence is overwhelming. I don't know if we can fight this."

"How can you prove it was me?" the teen demanded.

The public defender slid a series of pictures showing him leaving the scene of the latest Jokerz caused fire and heading straight to his house. And some additional information on the pictures indicated that it was taken by a "Captain Fairchild". "And that's not all. Security cameras on the nearby shops caught you in the act of arson." She looked at the teen who had a horrified look on his face upon realization that he was facing decades, possibly even centuries in jail over these crimes. "During trial, I think you'd best take the deal."

John nodded but said nothing as he practically stared through everyone.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 02, 2021, 07:39:15 PM
" It almost doesn't warrant mention , John, in light of the severity of the crimes you are accused of committing , but the fallout for you in terms of your schooling is simple and severe: You will be expelled from Hamilton High, most likely by the end of the day today, once the charges against you are announced." Gordon said." Like I said, your cooperation with this investigation is your only chance to breathe fresh air and have anything approaching a future. I will put you in contact with Officer Mullins, he will be assigned to your case and will monitor your cooperation, if he feels at any point that you have been less than cooperative, the deal will be off. Am I clear?
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 03, 2021, 04:27:56 PM
We'll try to get sponsored for our section of the games. We'll need extra security, that dip stuff Gabriel uses is very deadly. Last thing we need is the kingdom trashed and half the subjects dead." Kopa said" Reach out to neighboring prides, see if they will pitch in.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 03, 2021, 11:22:00 PM
"Clear," John said. He sighed and placed his head down on the desk. He was done for and he knew it.

The only sound that could be heard was the slow metronomic sound of the overhead fan whirring.


The Gotham Diner was one of Neo-Gotham's few remaining buildings from the city's early days and it was the best place to get authentic Gotham cuisine. As a result, it was almost always crowded with many, many guests of all stripes. But now, it was even more crowded withe Laffalympics in town and the fans and athletes wanting a taste of true Gotham cooking.

Inque had blended in perfectly with the crowd. No one gave the slender, attractive black-haired woman any second looks as she was given a booth. She looked around for Stripetail. All she had to do was wait until he went to use the bathroom and then she could strangle him with out of view of everyone.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 10, 2021, 09:06:01 PM
Stripetail was eating some chicken strips in the middle of the diner. He was flanked by security in light of Inques previous attack on him, and Stripetail casually looked around at his surroundings, aware that Inque could be literally anyone
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 16, 2021, 03:35:21 PM
chie approached the table that Dixie and the others were at. ' you guys have space for one more ' the cheetah asked. ' sure, we ca squeeze you in.' Dixie smiled, as she moved further in, to let Chie take a seat. there were now 5 on bith side of the booth. janus, mukua, Argo,  scooby and atrua  on the left  and  dixie, Chie, arlene,  Oliver and cey on the right .' Cey was checking out the list of the prizes who had completed their rounds. " you finisghed your motrning round in zinbe 3, correct, Chie?' yes' Chie nodded. " good, all the zones are reporting in, zone 8 will be the last simply due to dstance. ' so far, we're making good time on handing them out.  we'll return for the afternoon batch after lunch.'
 What happens if we get all of them done early?" dixie asked. ' then you have free time until sunset.' Cey said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 20, 2021, 10:15:59 PM
Kovu dialed the number to Scar's hotel. "Hello father," Kovu greeted as he and Kopa put the former king on speaker phone. "We were hoping we could mutually promote each other," he began to explain.


"You're all nice and pretty," Oliver complimented of the Prize girls.

"It's to be expected, to meet Onca's standards," Kitty smiled as she ate some of the local varieties of mouse burgers.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 23, 2021, 12:00:28 AM
Inque paid for her meal and headed to the bathroom to ostenably wash up. On the way, she passed by the kitchen and overheard something about a "squirrel splice wanting some Delmonico potatoes".

Stripetail, she thought. She headed into the stalls and quickly changed shape. She emerged as a brown haired, tanned woman dressed in the diner's usual uniform. She then entered the kitchen.

"There you are!" the head chef exclaimed. "We've been waiting for someone to get Lord Squirrel his potatoes!"

"Well, we can't keep nobility waiting," Inque said as she picked up the tray containing the luxurious mashed potato dish garnished with grated cheese, buttered breadcrumbs and a decadent beef reduction. As she carried it out, she discreetly spiked it with some Dip provided to her by Gabriel, hoping the strong flavor and deep brown color of beef reduction would hide the distinctively colored and scented toxin.

She carried the dish to Stripetail. "Your potatoes," she said, placing the dish in front of Stripetail.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 23, 2021, 01:48:07 AM
Thank you madam ' Stripetail said with a nod  as he pulled the plate to him. ' here, a tip for you madam' he said, tossing inque a bag of gold ." i've heard the food here is excellent, and i hope that this meal lives up to its reputation ' stripetail chuckled as he began tucking into the food. . but after a few bites of the meal, stripetail's jovial manner faded.' something's not right, he said before suddenly reaching for his throat.Sttripetail began to violently cough and sputter, and he rapidly dug into his robes with his left paw, before pulling out a vial full of a reddish liquid.   Stripetail pulled out the cork with his teeth and slowly drank the elixir, emptying the vial in a few seconds. stripetail vomited onto a spare plate a couple seconds later, the contents of the meal he had half consumed,  along with the anti-toxin (for that is what it was) and the mess smelled pungent. Stripetail spat out some bloody foam, and  slowly got to his feet, his face darjening in anger. " So that wasnt beef reduction after all..' he glowered, as he put his fork to the meat. after a few seconds, the fork began to visibly hiss and erode after he ran it over  the steak, one by one the teeth of the fork fell off onto the plate.  stripetail looked at the ruined utensil and threw it onto the table. Dip!' he seethed. 'or at least a version of it.  i'm going to have a few words woth my server.. Excuse me madam.' he motioned to a passing waitress.' Did you happen to see where my server went? brown haired lady, tannish complexion? because I  have a few choice words to say to her about the.. spiced broth.. " no sir, I havent. I'm sorry,"  the young waitress said apologetically as she came up to his table ' I just started this week sir. '' Well  observe..' Stripetail cut into the meat , then held up the knife, the dip quickly eroded through the cutlery .  The blade of the knife soon fell off, leaving a useless fragment of metal in Stripetail's claw.  the waitress gaped.' " I don't know what to say sir. " just try and find her please. " Stripetail said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on January 10, 2022, 06:25:56 PM
Inque had discreetly exited through a backdoor near the bathrooms. As much as she wanted to see her handiwork, the first rule of a saboteur or assassin was to never stay around to watch the fireworks.

As she exited into the dirty alleyway, she ducked behind a dumpster and changed her form. This time, she took the form of an what seemed to be a broken statue of a man in a heroic pose. Said "statue" was lying against the dumpster as if it was too heavy to toss into the dumpster itself.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2022, 12:10:01 PM
Stripetail got up from his seat and put some coins on the table." " Keep the change " he said to the waitress " Sir, we only take creds , We stopped using coins decades ago." The young waitress said." Then convert it to creds." Stripetail said firmly ." I have to go report this latest attack on me."
He pulled out a phone from his robes and dialed " This is Gordon." Commissioner, this is Stripetail. Inque has made a second attempt against me, this time though poisoning my lunchtime meal." Strange. She usually doesn't use poison, not her MO." Well she did this time. It's was a dip-derived toxin, made very short work of my eating utensils. " I'll question the restaurant staff, but with Inques shapeshifter abilities they likely won't be of much help. I'll amend the APB to cover this attack." Thank you Commissioner " Stripetail said " Have the toxin tested, see if you can't whip up a antidote. Would certainly make eating out safer for the toons in town." I should ask how you are faring. Then again, you're a wizard, you've likely already healed yourself."

Magical abilities help, as does having antitoxins on ones person, Commissioner. You don't get to be my age by being foolish and unprepared." Stripetail said with a small smile on his face." Not everyone has magic powers." Gordon replied" I'm going to reach out to a old friend to help prevent any more attacks by Inque . He should be in touch soon." Stripetail nodded and hung up.
Gordon sat back in her office chair and frowned " Time to call the old man."  She reached into a desk drawer and pulled out a phone. This phone had only one number on it and was heavily encrypted for security reasons. Gordon dialed a number and after a few rings a familiar voice came on the line." Hello Barbara. I'm assuming that this isn't a courtesy call." No, Bruce. It isn't. You need to get Batman on the wizards case. Inque has just tried to kill him, again." Inque can try as often as she wants. She's not going to be successful." Bruce replied and Gordon 's face narrowed" Why do you say that? She's going to keep trying to kill Stripetail, it will be a matter of professional reputation for her." No doubt, it's rare that Inque needs more than one try at a target. But Stripetail isn't a normal target. Between you and me Barbara, I doubt that Stripetail is a mortal being." You think that he is immortal?" He wouldn't be the first immortal you or I have run across. You remember Jason Blood, don't you?"  Still, I need to make sure Inque is stopped. She will keep trying until she is stopped one way or another. Get Batman in touch with Stripetail, have him shadow him. I don't want a third attempt. Even if she can't kill the wizard, she can harm others in the attempt. And Gotham doesn't need more bad publicity." I'll do my best Barbara. I should be able to get something in place by tonight."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on January 30, 2022, 08:01:09 PM
After several minutes, the area seemed to be safe, so Inque changed her form into a homeless man stumbled out of the alleyway, seemingly from sleeping off a hangover. As she walked past the front entrance, she could see Stripetail was still alive and not reduced to a puddle of goo on the ground. Fuming, she continued walking down the bustling sidewalk as she tried to figure another plan of attack.


Meanwhile, John Hayland had agreed to wear a wire to one of the Jokerz shenanigans. This time, it was something milder since news of the arrest of a few of the members had spread through.

A pie laced with some Dip was thrown at the window of a local hookah bar, leaving furrows in the window where the toxic substance had corroded the window. Meanwhile, the other Jokerz were engaging in some wanton street criminal mayhem, smashing windows, destroying locks and hurling newspaper boxes and vending machines off the elevated sidewalk.

"Hey! This was our turf!" A burly teen with a large red "T" marking on his face, backed up by some others with the same makeup emerged from an alleyway.

"Scram," a Jokerz said. "We were here first."

"Yeah, but a woman promised money if that we trash this area!"

"Shut the f--- up before we trash you!" The sound of weapons being drawn and readied was heard as the Jokerz either drew weapons or got ready to use their tools of destruction as weapons.

"You guys are gonna get wrecked messin' with the T's!" The burly teen pulled out a section of pipe from his waistband.

John Hayland, not wanting to get involved in the impending melee, was trying to discreetly back away and run.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 04, 2022, 11:54:07 AM
Terry was finishing up his last class when he heard a phone buzz in his pocket " Sorry Mr Dillers. It's my mom." Terry apologized." Then take your call out in the hallway McGinnis. Other students are taking a test." The professor said." Terry excused himself and left the room. After walking down a hallway, he turned into a dark side hallway and pulled out the phone." McGinnis" came a familiar demanding voice " We have a big problem on our hands. Inque has been hired to kill Stripetail and she's already made two attempts against him. You need to make sure there's no attempt 3." Mr Wayne, the guy has magic powers. Surely he can handle himself ?" Of course, but others around him may not be so lucky. Inque will not care if onlookers are killed, collateral damage is part of the business. You need to stop her, no matter what. " I have a study session with Max and Dana at 6." You'll likely have to miss that unfortunately. Crime doesn't wait for you to finish biology homework. Get to downtown, and find Stripetail. Put a tracker on him if you need to. Get going." Wayne finished just as the bell rang for the end of the school day."
Great" Terry muttered as he began walking towards the exit." Hey Terry " came a voice behind him. It was Max" Where are you headed off to so quickly?" Mr Wayne needs me." Terry said " I might be late for our study sessions, just keep an eye on Dana for me, will you?" The old man sure is demanding of you isn't he?" You don't get to be a billionaire sitting at a desk all day Max. Mr Wayne has a lot on his plate and at his age he needs help with a lot of it." He had better pay you well for it then. I 'll  take Dana out shopping , there's a dress I want and she mentioned the new Selina Style outfit that just came out.." The black and gold one?" With matching earrings " Max said " isn't it like 7000  creds? " 8600, and the wizard was kind enough to put 15000 creds on our cards. I know because I ran it while paying for the school lunch at lunch time." Max said." Got a call from my mom, Stripetail contacted her and my dad for a interview. Hers is at 4 tomorrow afternoon, Dad's is Thursday at noon. Cross your fingers for them will you Terry? This could be a life changer for my family if he hires them."

" I might run into Stripetail tonight actually. Mr Wayne is planning on meeting with him, probably to present a check for supporting the games." If you do, put in a good word for my folks. They like you Terry and any help you can give would be more than appreciated ." I'll see what I can do. Not sure how much pull" Mr Wayne's assistant " has, but I'll find out. If I get done quick enough, I'll bring coffee. See if Spunk still has that double dripped chocolate latte they were selling." Thanks Terry. Don't work too hard. And don't forget to bring your brain to the study session. Unlike the last one at my house where you fell asleep 10 minutes into it" Max laughed " Very funny Max. I'll catch you girls later." Terry said as they exited the school. Max walked over to Dana and the girls climbed into Dana's car and drove off. Terry climbed onto his motorcycle and drove off. He put his hand to a screen and there was a beep " Identity confirmed. What is your request?" Current location of the wizard Stripetail " Terry said " Scanning.. found. Subject is heading towards Historic Old Gotham on foot. Estimated distance away 15.58 miles. Estimated time to meet up? 20. 28 minutes at current speed." Thanks Computer." Terry said and he pressed a button on the console. A silver cover covered both bike and rider as as the cover dissipated, Terry was now dressed as Batman . Batman pressed hard on the throttle and shot off towards the north
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 04, 2022, 02:23:25 PM
Kopas phone buzzed as he looked over the construction of the Pridelands racecourse " Hello Kopa." Came a older voice the voice of his great uncle Scar" Returning your call from a couple days ago. You are still working on that Games program, correct?" Yes , Im currently looking at the race track." Good good, anything to raise the kingdom profile. Where's my boy?" Kovu is reviewing security plans with the Guard. We'll need more security if we get the games " I'll pitch in for the costs , my boy. Wouldn't be the first time, of course. Blame your dad for investing in that Madagascar circus tour fiasco." He says the penguins were very convincing." Kopa said and Scar laughed " Only for the gullible. That show wasn't even that good." Don't remind me," Kopa sighed."On the other claw, Vitani got a pen pal out of it- Gia sends her messages each week. Last time she was traveling across Turkey on their train." Silver linings and all that ." Scar said." I'll send you 25 million for costs. Games aren't cheap."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on February 06, 2022, 10:47:05 PM
Inque tried her best to discreetly follow Stripetail into Historic Old Gotham. This rather sizable section of Neo Gotham was a throwback to the Gotham of old. Many of the buildings present were either original or had been restored. As such, it was a popular tourist destination. To help maintain its old-time appeal, replicas of old cars popular from the era served as taxis to shuttle tourists to various parts of the town. Of course, to let sunlight in (and maintain that old-time ambience) construction of elevated highways and excessively tall buildings were banned and they had to conform to the architectural style of the era.

As the assassin took a seat on a nearby bench, she pondered how to dispose of the powerful mage. Directly fighting him barely worked, poisoning him was an utter failure. It was then she noticed some restoration work done on the facade of an old Gotham theater. She wondered, perhaps an indirect physical attack?


Josh Hayland had made it several blocks away. He heard sirens wailing as the police rushed to arrest the brawlers...the ones who hadn't fled the moment they heard the sirens. He could smell the scent of gasoline and smoke from the small fires they had set.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 07, 2022, 10:15:12 PM
Batman continued speeding through town, heading towards the historic district.  it was close to sundown, the sky filled with the colors produced by  reactions with the gases released by Neo Gotham. ' in the middle f town wqas old gotham, filled with buildings that wre around when the original Dark Knight prowled the rooftops. ."
 stripetail pausd by a reproduction of a last century car, it was a limo , that would have been driven by Gotham's elite, Like Bruce Wayne. ' " The Rich in Gotham certainly did not lack for things to spend money on, and it shows ' Stripetail mused.  there was a screech of tires behind him and he turned to see batman jump off a motorbike '  a bit early in the evening for you to show up Batman.' Stripetail said, a small smile on  his face as he leaned on his staff. "inque is after you.' Batman said '  I'm well aware , Dark Knight. She owes me a lunch after her attempt on me earlier today.  Took the form of a waiter at the restaurant I was eating at.  Slipped some poison in with the broth.' Stripetail said. " Dip-based..  "  same stuff used to harm a group of tourists earlier today.  They survived, fortunately, although not without bad burns ' Batman said.  " why would she go after you? surely your reputation as a wizard has preceded you?' money, Batman. Presumably a great deal of it.  She;s also very good at eliminating her targets, according to what Commissioner Gordon has told me. So a professional assassn , trying to eliminate me, and in so doing, ruin the games, not only to the immediate detriment of Gotham, but the long term detriment of the residents of Toon Town. " Who would do that?' Batman asked. " Stripetail chuckled ' You clearly havent been following the games, have you?' I've been.. busy with other matters.. like protecting Gotham.' Fair enough, that is your self-appointed job, after all. No, there is one woman who would benefit enormously from me being out of the way: Gabriel. She;s tried to stop or hinder the games at every turn, and she even forced us to cut short our stays elsewhere- unleashing a massive flood will do that. "
 So we go after this Gabriel, and lock her up.." Batman said and Stripetail shook his head. " if it were that easy, Batman, I would have dealt with her several stops ago. She always manage to find an exit ramp, unfortunately." stripetail said. 
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on February 10, 2022, 07:05:37 PM
Where Batman and Stripetail were conversing, there was another old building undergoing some restoration work. It was Gotham Drugs, a drug store that sold not just medications but candies, sodas and other small snacks. The building was original but the inside had been reconstructed as a fire had gutted it years ago. Inque ducked into a back alley and made her way up the side of the building. There, she turned into her liquid form and seeped into some cracks on the building's facade. Once inside, she then widened the cracks, causing large pieces of stone to fall.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 25, 2022, 12:58:06 PM
The cracking was loud enough to draw attention and bot Stripetail and Batman looked up as large chunks of the building fell down towards them." Knock them down!" Stripetail said sternly as he cast magic against the debris , blowing the bricks to dust. Batman sent out a flurry of batarangs, shattering the large pieces into smaller pieces sending a shower of debris to the ground. Stripetail put defensive shields around both of them in order to protect them from the debris. Half of the building restoration work had been torn off and thrown at them." This is Inque's doing." Stripetail said as he looked at a large chunk on the ground, which had a pool of black residue on it. " Great." Batman sighed as the devastation became evident." How do I stop someone who can change herself to be anyone?" You'll have to find a way, my friend.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 11, 2022, 02:14:57 PM
Scooby passed food around the table as one by one the group ordered appetizers and food " Please passed the breaded fish and the grilled fish strips " Mukua said." Toss me the bread rolls " Argo said. Anyone want drinks?" Dixie asked as she pulled out a pad of paper.

Kovu heard his phone ring and answered " Hello dad." Hello boy. How is the defenses looking?" Good. We're working on increasing our defense to hold the games. We'll need probably 100 million dollars or so. We have enough money for it. We are getting everything finalized for that." Good, good. You having a race there?" Of course, probably having a hunt too.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 17, 2022, 06:43:03 PM
"My favorite preys are the exact same as your favorites," Kovu smiled to Scar. Since Kovu was young, he had been raised to idolize Scar and he sought to be identical to him in every way possible. Scar really appreciated the gesture. "How has the hotel business going?"


"Thanks for the food everyone," Oliver smiled to his mother and his friends, "I've been starving. I hear this place has real good chow!"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 17, 2022, 07:25:41 PM
Busy my boy, especially this time of year. I have a large section of rooms books by a party on the Orient Express, they paid top dollar so I intend to see that they give me good reviews. There's nothing better than a German prince giving you a 100 million mark tip and recommending your establishment to his contacts. The money prints itself so to speak. Anyway are you still using the kill in under 10 seconds method, or are you being more deliberate
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 17, 2022, 07:46:36 PM
"Being more deliberate, that's how you always handled your hunts," Kovu smiled, "Trying for under 10 seconds can often result in failed attempts, after all. And congrats on all the profits, father. You were always the smartest lion I've ever known."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 18, 2022, 12:58:48 PM
Don't needlessly flatter boy, it's a fine line between admiration and obsequiousness, don't cross it. I didn't raise you to be a sycophant, Kovu, don't become one " Scar said." You want to emulate me, that's fine, you could do a heck of a lot worse in that area."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 20, 2022, 09:00:10 PM
Sawyer arrived on set where Louie had instructed her to go. "I got the.....outfit you wanted me to wear," Sawyer groaned, rolling her eyes. "What time do we start shooting?"

Berry was eager to see what Louie had planned for the feline. Louie direct.


"Thank you for the advice, father," Kovu bowed.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 22, 2022, 07:31:13 PM
keep up the good work. while your striving to be like me, is admirable,  i simply want you to be comfortable in your own paws. you are my legacy, and you have done nothing but make me proud. besides, when i go, you're going to have 15 trillion reasons to throw the biggest party the kingdom has ever seen ' Scar laughed. ' Flaunt it all you like, my boy."  but dad, I've always striven to be like you. ' and you have succeeded exceptionally well Kovu.  you don;t need to worry about following every pawprint I have left. you want to do so, of course, so i will say you are doing a tremendous job
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 22, 2022, 07:41:24 PM
Kovu felt proud at the compliments he was receiving. "Thank you so much, father," he said gratefully. "I know you flaunt your wealth already."


"I'm just glad Oliver is full and safe," Arlene smiled to Kitty and her friends. She saw the outfit Kitty was wearing. "I take it you've gotten used to your new job," she chuckled, seeing how revealing Kitty was dressed. "But then again you must be used to looking like that, huh?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 25, 2022, 02:10:03 PM
Of course. Working at Waul's , you get used to wearing revealing stuff. " Kitty smiled " So this is revealing, but I get paid well-REALLY well- and the prince has a entire amusement park in his royal reserve. Reserved solely for his prizes, his ladies." An amusement park?" Arlene started." How about I show you around as my guest. There's loads of villas, library villa, food villa , relaxation villa.. even" Kitty whispered " Buff villa. I'll show you that last. You and I have a food date in the chocolate room.. Hope you like cake, there's 55 different kinds of chocolate, and 12 different dipping sauces. Did I mention that you can have live mice with it?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 27, 2022, 11:54:14 PM
"Oh man....I don't think I could keep my figure, but then again I am a beanpole," Arlene chuckled, "Oliver, you hungry?"

"Yes I am, mom," Oliver nodded, licking his lips.

"Could you guide my son to a menu for his age bracket?" Arlene asked the prizes. "I'm not sure if he fully grasps how gourmet cuisine works."


"How's mother been doing, by the way?" Scar asked Kovu.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on April 21, 2022, 09:40:47 PM
Inque saw Stripetail and Batman. She was now in her stylized combat form — a faceless black humanoid. "Decided to bring a friend along?" she said. "No matter, I'll kill him as well!"

Her arms extended into spikes and shot towards Batman and Stripetail at alarming speed...only to splash harmlessly into liquid against Stripetail's shield. Seeing as that was useless, she again took a liquid form and darted into the scaffolding. The snapping and creaking of stressed metal was heard as she forced her way into the metal scaffolding and expanded, tearing them apart and causing the structure to precariously lean.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 22, 2022, 12:43:33 PM
Wasn't enough to throw half the building at us, now she's throwing the rest of it too" Batman said as the building began falling down towards them. Arresti Momentum !" Stripetail commanded, and put up his right paw, the Building slowly stopped falling, about halfway to the ground." I'll keep the building from falling down, you go after her." Stripetail said to Batman, motioning with his left paw at Inque, who was looking down at them with her featureless face, if her face was able to show expressions, it would show a mixture of anger and exasperation at being constantly thwarted. Batman took off into the sky , the thrusters in his boots shooting him rapidly into the sky, in search of the assassin.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 22, 2022, 01:04:52 PM
The kids menu is on the bottom " Atrua said, pointing it out on her menu " They have a excellent meaty macaroni and cheese. Kids drinks are free too, so he can drink as much as he wants."
Janus was chowing down on a mixed plate of appetizers" We need to have a rematch Scooby, old boy." The male panther grinned. " Still recovering from that lucky overtime shot you made." Another basketball game?" Scooby asked " Nope, this time its jungle hockey." Never heard of jungle hockey. Do you wear skates?" Nope, it's waders given how muddy the field usually is. I'll take you to the field and give you the rules first. Wouldn't be sporting if you don't know the rules." Janus grinned." Hey Janus, toss me some of those cheese sticks." Argo said " Feed you, or hand them to you, bro." Janus laughed " Gotta be specific." " Hand them to me, please" Argo said
Berry laughed at Sawyer " Come on , girl. That's a nice outfit. You'll sell a lot of posters with that."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on April 23, 2022, 12:49:40 PM
Inque had seen The Seer stop the collapse of an entire building so she simply reverted to liquid form and dripped down the back side of the ruined building. Once inside the alleyway, she took the form of a small black dog and scampered out into the street.

Meanwhile, a crowd had gathered in awe of the sheer power Stripetail displayed. Of course, they assumed him to be another superhero.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 23, 2022, 01:41:24 PM
Stripetail slowly moved the damaged building back into place and cast another spell on the debris so it would restore itself on the building."
 Excuse me , sir " said a man in a coat , a large media id present around his neck" Skylar Jones, Neo Gotham News. Any chance for a interview?" He put a microphone in Stripetail's face " Well, I suppose. Just get back a little bit everyone, chunks of the building are coming up off the ground and I would prefer no one is in range of getting hit, Otherwise I'd likely have to pay for their hospital bills." A number of the onlookers chuckled." So what are you doing in Neo Gotham , sir?" Asked a woman in the crowd " Are you working with Batman , or are you trying to cut in on his turf?" My name is Stripetail, Lord Stripetail. I have worked with Batman a number of times now, but the credit for stopping the destruction of this building must go to him. I'm merely the cleanup crew. As for cutting on his turf, no I have no intention of doing that. The Batman has served Gotham for decades, this is his city, period. Most towns only have one superhero patrolling their skylines, and for good reason. More than one and egos come into play.

I'm here to manage the Laffalympics in Gotham, and so far the response to my job openings has been very good , both students and businesses have been willing to chip in."
" Do you know why the building collapsed." I suspect the assassin Inque was responsible. Unfortunately I have had dealings with her before, this is the third time now. " Stripetail said " Sir, is there any truth to the rumor that you plan to buy part of Wayne-Powers?" Stripetail turned to the other reporter " Just how much of the company am I supposed to be buying?" A third, sir?" A third, of the biggest company in Gotham, worth well into the hundreds of billions." Stripetail said " Why would I do that. " Mr Wayne is rumored to be considering retiring sir, and you are clearly a very wealthy individual."  That is the first I have heard of either of those rumors, and they are just that, rumors. " Stripetail said
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 06, 2022, 05:16:56 PM
Chie passed food to Dixie as various food was passed around " I do need to get some more things " the cheetah said as she ate some cheesy bread " After the meal, of course." She said as she snuggled up against Dixie as they sat on the booth" Just make sure that I don't fall asleep, please? I still have my meal coming out."
Dixie nodded" Don't worry Chie. I'll shake you awake when dinner gets here
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 27, 2022, 12:06:57 PM
Dana and Max were shopping together for clothes when they saw a girl buying a very expensive set of earrings " Hey, Max? That's the new girl, right? The one that started school here this week?" Yeah, looks like her. I think her name is Melanie. Hey Dana!" Max called out as Dana approached the other girl." Hi, Melanie, right?" Dana asked and the girl turned to look at her." Oh, sorry! Didn't see you coming. Yeah. I'm Melanie, Melanie Walker. " Nice to meet you. I'm Dana and this is Max." Dana introduced herself and Max." We didn't mean to pry, but that is a absolutely killer set of earrings. They're gorgeous!" Must cost a pretty penny too ." Well, my family has lots of money, so I can buy whatever I want. Problem is, we travel constantly, I can't remember the last time I spent 6 months in one place. So I wouldn't get much hope up for us becoming friends for very long. If the past is any indication, I'll be out of here in a couple weeks, a month at best." Melanie said " Then, why don't we make the most of it?" Max suggested " Come with us, we're having a study session for school. We can help you catch up, you missed the first couple months." Well, I'm not sure. I may have to do stuff for my parents tonight." Melanie said " Just have your phone on, and we'll get through what we can." Dana said " My boyfriend Terry might be there. Emphasis on Might, he's got a night job. Just don't get any ideas on him if he does show up." Dana said before Melanie laughed" No worries, I'm traveling around far too much to spend time chasing a boy, especially when he's already got a girl. Even if he's cute." Melanie paid for the jewelry and the trio of girls walked together deeper into the mall. " So what does your father do for a living?" Max asked." Well my family has been rich for as long as any of us can remember, ancestors were of the nobility, lords ladies castles, all of that bit. My dad certainly behaves as if he is a lord, he gives orders and expects us to do them." Melanie said." Maybe sometime you can show us your place " Dana suggested." I bet your room is full of all sorts of stuff. We'd ask your parents if it's ok to visit of course. " I don't get many visitors." Melanie said." We tend to be.. rather private." " The rich often are, especially in this town with all the weirdos running around. Your security bill must be huge." Dana said." Possibly, my dad handles all that. I just spend the money. I don't know, it just gets boring, all this money and stuff and it's not fulfilling." That's where friends come in. " Max said " I really don't have friends." Melanie sighed" Well, you do now. Two of them. " Dana said." Come on, let's go get some pizza and some drinks and head to my place. If you have to jet because of your folks, let us know. We understand. Works important."
Melanie's phone buzzed and she answered " Hi dad. I.. am just hanging out with a couple girls from school. They invited me to a study session and I was wondering if I could go for a bit? I know that you have.. work at the museum tonight.. oh and the girls asked if they could come over to visit, if that's ok. They want to see your artwork collection. Their names are Dana and Max, they've been shopping with me. Ok.. I'll tell them.. and I will be at the museum at 8. Thanks dad."
Melanie hung up and turned to the girls." Ok, so I can only be at the session for a hour or so. My dad is working at the museum tonight and he needs my help. As for a visit, he wants to meet you in person first before any home visits. He takes security seriously, and he doesn't want anyone causing me trouble, even if they are girls. " Melanie said and Dana and Max nodded " That's dads for you, right? My dad is the same way. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if he put a tracker on me, he certainly keeps a close enough eye on me." Dana said." Like I said, my dad expects obedience. You do not want to get on his bad side, he can be very brutal." Melanie said as they reached the parking lot. Dana and Max climbed into Dana's car, while Melanie walked over to hers and soon pulled up in a very lavish car Dana and Max's mouths fell open at the sight of the very expensive car " Man that is one Schway ride Melanie! " Max whistled." I have 10 of them " Melanie said, a smile creeping over her dark red lips as she started the car." Last one to your house Dana has to clean the others car?" Oh no. We'd be foolish to race you in that thing." Dana said." You'd leave us in the dust." Ok then, how about a challenge on the next test? If either of you girls get a better score than me, I'll splurge on a movie for you." Melanie said. " You're on. But you better be ready to pay up. Max here hasn't gotten anything but straight As at any point in high school. She's way up at the top of the class. Top 3 at the very least." Dana said
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 06, 2022, 09:26:13 PM
"So, it's my turn tonight to have a private evening with Prince Onca," Kitty said to the other prizes. "Anything I should know for one on one sessions with him?"

"You have the pipes to sing, right?" one of the local girls noted, "He'll like that."

"Then what kind of songs? Ones from this community, ones about Onca, I'll need to have something to go off of."

The other prizes had changed into the latest, somehow even more revealing outfits that had been prepared for the season. Luckily the warm weather of the kingdom made them comfortable.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 08, 2022, 09:21:56 PM
In an effort to boost goodwill with Neo Gotham, some of Stripetail's artifacts and treasure were on display at the Gotham Museum of Arts. Thanks to their extremely high value and potentially dangerous nature, they were under heavy guard from both Gotham PD and Stripetail's own retinue. Regardless, many patrons admired the artifacts the Seer had amassed over his milleneia of experience. Everything ranging from a ceremonial mawashi presented to him by the god-king of Mawashi, Ozai to the exotic metal wands gifted to him by a certain Captain Carson were on display.

Of course, not all the patrons were benign. One of them was a burly well-dressed man admiring a green levitating statuette whose placard stated that it was from Weyard and carved from a single piece of zol, a material unique to that planet that naturally levitated. This was King, patriarch of the Royal Flush Gang.


The outskirts of Neo Gotham were what could charitably called "a mess". Blammo's bombing spree had reduced many buildings to burnt out hulks and made construction nearly impossible thanks to all the ordnance left behind. Pfish and Chip as well as the DZ. Blammo had been captured and was now safely stowed inside DZ's armored hull but the trio were still busy cleaning up after him.

"That f---ing clown!" Chip shouted, kicking an ash covered lump of concrete down the road.

"Well, we are getting paid to clean this up," Pfish replied.

"We've spent the past few weeks trying to catch him! And every time we disarm one of his bombs, he goes and blows something else up!"

DZ then interrupted as he reached inside his armored compartment and pulled out the aforementioned clown, now tightly wrapped in his own clothes. "Well, we have him and all we have to do is deliver him." The clown was then unceremoniously shoved back into the compartment.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 02, 2022, 01:02:53 AM
king wasnt the only member of the Flush Gang casing the museum- so were Jack and Ace, who wee posing as tourists intyhe crowd, but really were identifying security routes and counter theft measures and the number of valuables on display. stripetail's trinkets would be worth a enormous fortune on the black market.   they wre making plans to make their move later that evening.
 stripetail finished interviews with three of Gothams news organizations, touting the games and dodging several questions on  the Batman.  the audience had chimed in with questions as well, which Stripeyail had answered with a mixture of humor and stories.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 05, 2022, 03:46:53 PM
Dana Maxine and Melanie reached Dana"s house and she introduced Melanie to her dad." Just don't stay up too long , girls  with your studies. It is a school nightafter all." Yes, sir. I'm helping my dad at the museum tonight anyway. I'll only be here two hours at most."Melanie said and Mr Tan nodded." Very well. There's food and drinks in the fridge, help yourselves. Dana, is that boy of yours going to show up?" " He!s working for Mister Wayne, dad, if he does show up it will be at, like 8 or 9.Knowing Terry and his , er, reliability, I'd say his chances of showing up is  doubtful." You should find a more reliable boy, Dana. .i don't care if he is working for the richest man in Gotham, he needs to show up when you invite him to study for school."  "Excuse me Mr Tan, where is the bathroom?" Max asked"  " Up the stairs to the left." Thanks. I just need to trim my eyelashes.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on September 03, 2022, 11:15:22 PM
"Say, the prince has his own theme park," Kitty said to Arlene, "How about we go there and let Oliver enjoy the day?"

"Really? Let's do that!" Oliver grinned immensely, hopping up and down. "I just hope there are waterslides!"

"Oh, you can trust us, there are," said one of the prizes.


"I have to ask," Sawyer said to Berry, "How are you ok with everything Louie does? Don't you ever find it demeaning?" she asked the girl ape.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on September 20, 2022, 11:46:21 PM
The study session went smoothly with Melanie struggling slightly with physics but Max's explanation had proved far more enlightening than the classes. She looked at the clock on the wall.

"Oh my gosh!" Melanie exclaimed. "It's a little past two hours! Dad's going to pissed if I show up too late! Thanks, Dana, Max for the study session!" She quickly packed up her school supplies and darted out of the house, stopping briefly to bid Mr. Tan farewell.

Hopping in her car and pulling out of the driveway, she drove out of their neighborhood and into Neo-Gotham itself. She only hoped she could make a quick stop to discreetly change into her 10 outfit. 
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on September 21, 2022, 06:52:40 PM
Because I'm used to it ' Berry replied ' You're not the first girl hes gotten eyes for, merely the latest. there will be others afer you, of course. You';re the flsvor the month , so to speak. Besides, you're under contract for a bunch of films, and louie is paying yiou good money to star in them.  Plus you get to wear this.. ' Berry pulled out a VERY revealing drss, thyen looked at it . ' Oops .. sorry thats the outfit for the Oonga Boonga Ape meet and greet. thats next week and i';m meeting a girl named Siri there. she;'s going to be our co star in .. " apes living Dangerously.. It will involve explosions, bongo drums and car chases.. you Do know how to drive stick, right?  she asked Sawyer.
  Bye melanie ' Max waved as  sge rushed to get her things together. ' see you at school tomorrow!' thanks for coming Melani " Dana said to the departing girl as her phone rang " Hey Babe, its me.' Came Terry's voice. I'm at the museum with Mr Wayne, he's handing out a check to Stripetail to help fund the games in town. I'll probably be there about 830, depends on if Mr Wayne gives me part of the night off,," Better be here at 830, Terry. if not I may just have to start hanging out with Max more, and the new girl Melanie. " i'll try to get there on time, babe.' Terry promnised.
 Terry hung up the phone and parked  mr Wayne;s limo into a parking spot. '  ' We're late Terry.  If theres one thing I know about wizards, they don;t like to be kept waiting. "
Stripetail stood near the entrance to the museum , before a large  poster of ' Jurassic Gotham" the museum had 23 complete dionosaur skeletons including a huge male T- Rex.  " stripetail's gidfts were the in the Current exhibits wing, and the museum had put in double its normal security. " Good evening terry ' stripetail said as terry entered wearing a formal suit and tie. ' sorry, we're late. we er.. hit some bad traffic.. gotham still gets bad traffic jams this time of day.' terry ran his fingers over his hsair. .
 well you're here now. And this must be  Bruce wayne. MR Wayne , Lord Stripetail at your service. ' Stripetail put out his paw for Bruce to shake , which he did. A row of lightbulbs and camera gave off flashes as media surrounded the wizard and the legendary businessman. . "  Thank you for your support of the games so far.' Stripetail said.  " my pleasure, my lord.    Your competition has been broadcast all over the world, so of course, my first reaction to watching it.. was , why not bring it to Gotham? To show the world Gotham's best side. To see Gotham City in the news for something other than its troubles. aTowards that end. the Wayne Powers foundation is donating. ... TWO BILLION Dollars to the Laffalympics!"  Terry's mouth fell open at the fantastic sum, and stripetail's face broadened into a wide smile. ' Thank you Mr Wayne .' Stripetail said as a Huge cut out of a check was brought out and stripetail held one end of it, Wayne the other as the media  took pictures of the momentous occasion. " mr Wayne tonight  came back into the spotlight in a very big way- by donating a cool 2 billion dollars to the laffalympics!. On hand to donation to accept the enermous donation was the namager of the games lord Stripetail.' said a reporter to a holocamera.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on October 08, 2022, 10:20:47 PM
"Wow....." Oliver said to his mom, her friends, and the other Prizes. "This is the prince's private theme park? It's incredible! All this is just for one prince?"

"He's quite incredible," Kitty admitted with a blush, "He's earned this."

Teffe, one of the Local prizes, looked at the kitten. "Prince Onca has granted you all full permission to use the park, just don't make a mess."

"I promise," Oliver nodded excitedly.


Meanwhile, Sagwa, Sheegwa, and Dongwa were practicing their magic. "Can't let the seer down," said the oldest of the three siblings. Dongwa had mixed martial arts with magic to create beautiful spells.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 11, 2022, 08:18:36 PM
King checked his watch. He scowled. 10 should be arriving any moment soon. He along with Queen, Jack and Ace were hidden on the roof of an office building near the museum. If they peered over the side, they had a clear view of the museum's central glass dome. Their playing card themed "flying carpets" were resting on the roof and were ready to take off.

"Sorry, Dad, I got caught up in something." King turned around and saw the distinctive half-black, half-white costume of 10.

"This is something that demands urgent timing," King said. "We cannot wait for you to show up." He looked at his watch and nodded. "And now, we move!"

Silently, all members of the Royal Flush Gang boarded their playing card themed flying platforms and took off for the museum.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on October 25, 2022, 09:52:46 AM
the amusement park had to have at least 100 different rides. naturally many of them were panther themed, jungle themed or in some other way noted as a ride the prince liked.  there wre concession stands full of food sopread throughout the park as well, so rioders could ride for a while, eat, and then go nack out. there was even a 180 hole mini golf course. all the amenities visitors could want, the prize park had it all.,  mukua and Chie led Arlene and Oliver to a hot dog stand called the prince Onca pounce.. ' the food is freshly caught  every day. ' Mukua read off a placard 9which also read Food stall 73) ' here you go Oliver. i'll help chip in for your food' the patnheress said to the kiten. ' what would you like?' she asked.
 louie strolled into the room, carrying a script and wearing fine clothing.  ' ah, Sawyer my dear. its time for scene 15.6 of  Louie and sawyer Take Bombay. baerry, the camera for this scene and a few others like it are over there on the courter. kiss time for this kiss in this scene will be about 80% of scene time, with my tongue in yor mouth about half the time.  Please, try and not to dig into my left shoulder, i twisted it getting a large bunch of banas down this morning. Louie said.  he smirked at Sawyer as berry got the camera.  stand over there by the window and look out over the scenery as i enter in.' Louie directed.
 Kovu dialed his fathers nmumber as he looked at a pile of ideas he had for  the games in the kingdom. on the pages he had questions  (temporary? Permanent? Seasonal?) and through out was written ' ask dads opinion. '  kovu heard several rings  then finally  he head a familiar voice on the oother end ' Dark Mane Hotel and eatery. Is this a reservation?' Dad, it s me ' Kovu. said  " ah scar 2.0.' scar chuckled. ' what can i do for you my boy?  trouble with planning fior those games of yours?' Yes, sir. I'm not sure how long we keep the events and attractions. Some sound like they could be keepers, others well, not so much.' Well, it would be very wasteful to build something for a single use. especially considering how expensive everything is. Then again,. you havee to meet the standards the wizard set. Wizards are, by nature an exacting sort.  Plus , if its not up to par, everyone looks bad. the wizard looks desperate for going to that location, the quality of the game suffer, not to mention athletes get injured or worse, , and the kingdom, well, they look like a pack of idiots . the loss of reputation, prestige and credibility would be huge for you, and i did not spend 35 years as king building up the Pridelands for it to be thrown away on third rate planning for games. am i clear?' yres , sir.  i completely agree. i have 10 ideas i'd like your opiion on, starting with the hippo rides.' that should be seasonal, a spring attraction, from summer onward they get cranky. ' them theres the Scar traveling museum. '  thats a keeper.' Scar chuckled..' theres the laffylympics water slide at the watering hole.   color changes based on outfit. ' as long as the water doesnt turn brown. then it looks like mud, or worse.  keep it. have you talked to your co-king about this?' well, he's dealing with security and he said he trustrs my judgement.  we don;t want to get dipped by that crazy human and her weasels., after all. ' no, you don;t obviously.  my advice for the ice cream stand is add different flavors. if Mufasas flavor is chocolate chip, and mine is chocolate pieces, thats rather too similar. spruce it up my boy. you are my ticket to immortality, don;t forget it. ' you're a brilliant lion, sir you always have been. ' that i am and you are a reflection of that.   you must pass that down, as well, when you have sons.  the pride must always have a Scar, even if he is not a solo king, my impact must be present. i mean,  if it works, why change it ' scar laughed.

Onca was  changing into an outfit created for the games , it would be his " Games Host" attire.  make sure the outfit isnt too tight, he said to his outfit maker. ' i need to look good, and not just for the ladies. i need to impress the other kingdoms. Panthera must benefit from this, and if I look like a slob walking around in flip flops, well that wont happen.  Let cey know as well that we're going to have games relsated entertainment for the prizes to provide. there'll be rewards, tickets,  free or reduced food, and the like. ' yes my prince, i believe she is overseeing the building of Prize stands around town. I'll let her know when I see her.' a servant said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on November 18, 2022, 08:41:39 PM
"I will become the next you, father," Kovu smiled, determined. "I'll take all of your recommendations. How's mother been doing, by the way? I hope me, Nuka, and Vitani's mother day cards all arrived on time."

"Of course they did, son," Zira said as she walked up to Scar.

"Seems my namesake is helping the Pride Lands be a spot for the games," Scar explained to his mate.


"A burger please, something meaty," Oliver smiled, "The prince has to have access to every kind of meat under the sun, right?"

"Of course," nodded one of the other Prizes.

"As you can see, the outfits we wear for Onca are already really revealing, But in the Buff Villa, there's nothing up to the imagination," Kitty told Dixie.


Sawyer could only let out a sigh in response. ".....Fine," she said, as she went over to where the ape king ordered her. She could hear the sound of Louie licking his lips, he was ready to give her a big wet smooch. "He saved me from getting eaten in the jungle," the cat reminded herself.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 30, 2022, 07:28:32 PM
louie pressed his mouth to sawyers fiorcefully as berry filmed the kiss, giving sawyer 'subtle ' relax' and enjoy it' cues from behind the camera.
 A dip in the buff pools, does sound like a great idea Kitty' Dixie said '  my outfit is sticking too me.  plus its quite hot today. ' Its the jungle.  near the equator . its ALWAYs hot ' Mukua smirked at her friend. '  " wheres i'm from it only gets this hot in summer.' Dixie said.  What are the buff pools?' arlene asked ' Its a villa where prizes can relax.. au natural ' Atrua grinned. " you mean ?' Arlene ashed ' Yes. buff, nude, naked.. etc ' Atrua's grin broadened showing her white teeth.  ' does that bother you? " n-no. why would it?' Arlene replied. "  Could i pick a pool to use?' of course. ' each pool has a tv, so if you want to watch spotrts, or cooing shows or  Onca Storytime, its all on you..' I call tub 8 ' chie said cheerfully ' the cheetah taking a to go box from the resteraunt. " lead the way Kitty' Dixie smiled at her friend. "
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 11, 2022, 10:43:27 PM
There was the sound of glass shattering as the Royal Flush Gang crashed through the decorative glass dome of the museum. Guests chattered amongst themselves and tried to run for the exits. Only to be halted by Jack and Queen on their platforms. Queen's electric scepter crackled with energy as she smiled. "Where are your manners? Don't you know it's rude to walk out on royalty?" The guests stepped back.

"Now, everyone, hand over the valuables!" King brandished his sword at the guests. The flying platform he was bobbed slightly as he gave a slight nod of the head as a signal for 10 to start breaking into the cases and swiping the valuables.


Inque had returned to Gabriel's RV after her attempt on Terry and Stripetail had failed. Needless to say, she was very displeased.

"I paid you millions of dollars and sweeten the deal with precious metals and you still screw it up!?" Gabriel shouted as she practically shook with rage. "I have half a mind to hire someone from the Society of Assassins to take those two out! And you with them so I get my money back!"

The stylized humanoid that was Inque ripped slightly and became an attractive woman...albeit one with smoky grey skin and hair. "I will try again," she said.

"You'd better. And don't come back until those two are dead!" Gabriel shouted as she exited the meeting room of the RV, slamming the door in the process.

Thanks to toon logic, the RV was far larger than the its simple size suggested. Indeed, she had entered a small factory where Dip and various other ordnance was being manufactured. She rubbed her forehead as she pondered a way to sabotage the games.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 14, 2022, 03:46:37 PM
 10 smashed open the containers with a well placded kick her outfit protecting her from the glass. a;larms rang out for a few seconds  then wre silenced as ace ripped the alarm out of the wall. ' 10 worked quickly , stuffing valuables into bag, including some of Stripetail's artifacts, including a large strange looking coin that ;looked like it changed froom gold to silver at a moment notice.  " The old wizard sure has a lot of stuff ' 10 smiled to herself.. ' He wont miss a few baubles.  And if he does, well he shouldnt have brought them to Gotham anyway. Should have kept them in his cave.. or wherever wizards store things. " she cleaned out the treasures , or as many as the bag could carry, and sped over on her card. Queen was grabbing the rest oif the displays items, which would be worths 10s of millions easily on the black market. Jack and king were forcing the crowd at sword point to hand over jewelry watches,  earrings and cred cards
  teery was driving Mr Wayne back to Wayne Manor before going to  Dana's for the study session.  " thats a lot of creds you handed out tonight mr Wayne ' Terry said as he drove.  " Not my first time making big donations Terry. And it is for a good cause.  hold on.. theres a an alert from the police holocom. ' Bruce turned a dial and the voice of a police dispatch came on reports of breakin  at the museum. reports of histages and paterators are dressed like.. playing cards. " Playing cards? In this town/ Someone must have robbed a Halloween store' terry laughed , but his laughter died when he saw the look on Mr Wayne;s face. ' This isnt some kids playing dressup McGinnis. It sounds like the Royal Flush Gang is back in town. I dealt with them before, many years ago. They go  back centuries, to actual royalty, but  theres nothing high brow about this lot.  I think you are going to have to miss that study session.' Mr Wayne, I can't! Dana will dump me if i blow this off, I've missed several dates with her working for you already and Max has told me she's ready to throw me in the nearest garbage can. " Catching the Royal Flush Gang is a tad more important than whether you do well in Gotham Sports History McGinnis." Please, Bruce, just for a hour to 90 minutes? Please? ' I would be at the museum already , Terry' Bruce's eyes were narrowed. ' you weren't in high school when you were doing your night shifts. I am, and my grades are.. well.. bad already. I can;t afford to let them slide any more. ."  terry gulped at the look Bruce gave him, then Bruce sighed.,  ' Fine.  10 pm, Terry. study until then, then get to the museum. ' Terry pulled up in front of wayne manor and bruce got out, walking woith his cane up the steps, and greeted at the door by his dog Ace. ' Terry pulled away as the door closed behind bruce and Terry drove over to Dana's enterimg the house at 830 on the dot ' well, well , Terry, you did show up' Mr Tan said as he answered the door. '   ' yes, sir, i have to go at 10 however. i have to meet Stripetail at the museum. i requested security as my job for the games and  I'm going to shadow a guard on  the night shift. " Rather late for a shadow job, Terry" It was the only time that was available, sir. ' there were more kids requesting security than i thought there would be. ' Terry said. "  Best get to studying then. the girls are upstairs in Dana's room. ' theres food and drink in the fridge. ' ththanks , Mr Tan. I'll grab a cola or something. '
 Terry headed upstairs where he found Max and Daa with books open, they were studying Gotham Politics. ' Hey babe. Hey Max. sorry i'm a bit late. ' Terry kissed Dana on the cheek and waved at Max. ' Well, well terry, you did make it. Dana owes me lunch .' Max smirked. ' you missed the new girl Melanie. She was here for a couple hours then she had to go help her dad at the museum. "   Sorry I missed her. ' i got a night shift at the museum. I'm shadowing a security guard, guys name is Tate, I think.  Shift starts at 10, and goes to I think 2. so 4 hours. i'm probably going to fall asleep in class tomorrow.. '  Better not McGinnis.' Max said. " you';d get a lengthy detention. You would have gotten one today if Stripetail hadnt called you to the  job interview. '  yeah, i know.' Terry said. " You must have had to twist Mr Wayne's arm to get you here. i understand he;s a very demanding guy.' Max said ' Way too demaning, if you ask me. he''s worth a trillion creds, shouldnt he have round the clock staff helping him with.. well whatever trillionaires want?"  he's very private Dana. he's not like other extremely rich people Dana .  Oh.. and max. I got some good news from Stripetail. ' your folks did very well on their interviews, they start their new jobs this weekend. ' yes, Terry, they texted me about 45 minutes ago. they didnt say how much they ere getting paid but... ' Stripetail  didnt give me figures either,  but he did tell  me it would be more than enough to get you and your folks a new place. i hope i didnt step over too many lines by asking him. ' Max embraced terry in a big hug. ' thank you so much terry.This means so much to me and my family ' max said tears running her face. 'i would kiss you.. but . ' go on Max ' Dana smiled ' We're friends,  and you';re thanking Terry for being a big help. " Max's lips found Terry's as she kissed him and  Dana laughed at terry's reaction. ' Terry the look on your face is priceless. ' She giggled as Max pulled away, and Terry turned red in the face. '  Max.. I er.. " don;t expect too many liplocks from me in the future McGinnis.. That was.. er.. ' don;t worry about it , you two.' Dana said. " Just be thankful i didnt holotape that kiss Terry.  That would easily be a contender  for ' Most Embarrassed Kiss" 'Dana  quipped. ' Now,  to get you guys back on topic, Max you were talking about  the scandal involving mayor..  ?' Hill. ' well there were several of them. Gotham was well VERY corrupt in those days. mayor, commissioner, rank and file of the police, pretty much everyone was on the take from the mob.  batman really put a stop to all that ' Max said. ' even if the history books wont officially say so.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 28, 2022, 11:07:38 PM
As the Royal Flush Gang were rather skilled at thievery, they had amassed a rather substantial haul of goods in a surprisingly short time.

As King, Ace, Jack and Queen mounted their flying platforms. King made a quick flourish with his sword. "I must thank you and the museum for your generosity. And now, we bid you all adieu."

Of course, despite the strangely polite words of King, it was still an armed robbery and the guests were still frozen in fear. That and the cases had been reduced to glass shards and twisted metal lying. A large hole in the wall and some mangled electronics were all the remained of the alarm system.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 28, 2022, 11:10:15 PM
Sawyer had to give Louie points, he was a passionate kisser. She couldn't help but wonder if he was going to try to make up some excuse to have to "redo" the take.

"You're doing good," Berry said when the camera finished rolling for that shot.

"How many more of these do we have for the day?" Sawyer asked the king.


"You should spend more time with Prince Onca," Kitty suggested to Dixie, "He's a genuine gentleman, even if he does have us wearing......barely anything," she added with a chuckle.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 29, 2022, 06:02:23 PM
well i do have a meeting with him in a n hour ' dixie smiled ' something involving me posing with a basket of fruit for a art piece. hmm./ why do I get the feeling that the focus won;t be  on the apples in the basket, but rather on my melons?' Dixie smirked.  ' until he calls me how about we spend some time together in a buff tub? you get the remote so we'll watch what you want. I think Waul is hosting a show this week on Southwestern style mouseburgers.  What do you say, kitty?"
 We have 9 more scenes to shoot, 7 of them involves kissing scenes ' Louie said a smile on his face.  " Follow me. berry. we need a fresh roll of film, go to the film storage, theres some fresh ones there.' Yes, my king ' Berry said ' Do you want any 3d efects added/' That can be addd ion post production. We neede to have this fim finished in time for its Gotham premiere in 2 weeks.  I need to look good for the kingdom papers.' Louie smirked.
 10 led her family out of the museum,  each  of the 5 carrying a literal fortune in their bags. the heist itself had been surprisingly easy, as both the guesats and museum security ha been quicjkly cowed into submission. '  feigning surprise at the news of the heist would have to be finessed, but 10 was sure she wouldnt be suspected.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on December 29, 2022, 08:23:53 PM
"Am I gonna be put on a banana diet?" Sawyer asked as she could tell the scent of the fruit was on Louie's breath, and she remembered how he pretty much ate exclusively that back at his ruins.

"Depends," Berry chuckled as she walked past.


"There's a lot of posing the prizes do," Kitty explained, "Sometimes not even for art. Sometimes just for the purpose of sitting still and looking pretty." The thought of watching and maybe eating one of Waul's burgers made Kitty drool. "Sure thing, let's do that girl," she smiled, giving Dixie a nuzzle and a pat on the belly, "This girl is a hungry one, you know?" While Scooby and Tiger were equally plump, Kitty was considered rounder than Dixie or Arlene.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 03, 2023, 06:21:46 PM
i'll be sure to make you some, I promise. anything that you want, after all, ids a ribg spell away' Dixiue grinned as they entered the buff villa, with atrua, Mukua, Chie and arlene not that far behind. Arlene had been given a kid monitor  so she could keep an ete on oliver while he played in the amusement park, he was currently riding the lazy river in a floatie ring that looked like the prince.  Chie climbed into a tub wuith Arlene while Atrua and Mukua picked out one that had video games controllers available. ' World Cup, anyone?' Atrua sais ' Well you're not playing Argentina this time ' Mukua said ' ' But Lion mesii is a stud ' Atrua purred. ' True, he is, bgut you need to pick a different one. Try Spain?' Mukua said.
 Onca was working on a short speech for the games.. to officially welcome the teams to his kingdom and to hype up the hotels theyt would be  staying at.  The Scoobys would be at the the  Onca De Divine, in the west part of town. the yogi Yahhoeys would be  be stating to Resort De Onca, in the middle of the city. the Droopyss would be  staying at the the Velvet Royal Rod and the Riottens would be ' Westin Onca, which was the lowest class of the 4.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 07, 2023, 08:24:02 PM
The Miao siblings were working on a spell the seer had taught them that combined magic with calligraphy. When they said the correct words, anything that would write next would become a real, physical thing. Dongwa used it to have a martial arts training partner.

"This is so cool," Sheegwa said as she and her sister used this spell to get themselves some delicious fish.


"We get the short end of the stick again," Annabelle sighed.

"It's worth it seeing you be grumpy," Belladonna chuckled. She didn't mind staying in this section with her team.


Chie noticed Arlene looking carefully at the monitor. "You're really protective of your son, that's good," Chie commended.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 07, 2023, 10:42:51 PM
i've been in far worse dumps than this place .' Bluto said. ' we should be planning on how we can actually win an event ' the dead baron said ' i dont think we've won one yet.. ' theres 2 events here ' vine swing and elephant rides. ' 4. thers an eating contest and a dancing contest.. too ' dance isnt a sport'; Bluto said ' tell that to cheerleaders across the country Bluto '  Dread  Baron said
 dulcy and samia squeezed into their room at Rsesort DE orca, which was ornate and 3 large fridges.. enough foir 2 growing dragonesses. yogi bobbo and cindy were fliping through the stations wjhile Dulcxy grabbed snacks. " this room is huge Bobo said.
 i wrrry i gusss ' arlene said . '  ' I'm a single mom, after all. I'm rsponsible for him. "  arlene said as a tray of food was brought out for the girls relaxing in the tubs..
in kitty and Dixues tub. ' waul came ojnn the tv and began touting his ' best mouseburger ever.' the burger was big, with 3 patties of burger, drilled and seasoned with southwest saucxes and spices.. it looked delicious.. even if you wrent a cat... ' oh.. that looks really good.'  Dixie said to kitty.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 08, 2023, 02:01:55 AM
If they weren't already in a hot tub, the area around Dixie and Kitty could've been filled up with the drool the commercial was making Kitty salivate. "So good....." she said in gastronomic delight, "Best do this before I eat next." She pulled Dixie close and gave her a kiss, letting their tongues touch early on. She figured a hot tub was an ideal environment to smooch in.


"Annabelle! Buy us all snacks!" Belladonna demanded of her cousin. Since the hellhound had won the bet, Annabelle still had to do chores for her.

"Yes....." the angelic dog groaned.


Berry came back to the set with a lot of banana-based food and drinks for Louie and Sawyer.

"I knew it!" realized the starlet cat.

"They're good for you," the girl ape replied with a chortle.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 15, 2023, 06:50:24 PM
dixie put hr tongue deep into kittys mouth, feeling the cats amples breasts pressed against her own.dixie and kitty moaned in pleasure as they made out , their claws grasped on the others breasts as their tongues wrestled together. thee was plenty of kitty to love, and dixie enjoyed the makeout. after 10 minutes dixie pulled way her tongue sliding out of kitys mouth, and the girls turned to the next advertisment from Waul ' mouseburgers minis.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 19, 2023, 11:06:57 PM
"At least they have a sweet scent," Sawyer noted as she nevertheless took a drink of the banana tea. It had an odd flavor, but not an unpleasant one.

"See?" Berry smirked as she gave Louie the bananas he wanted.


"It's so good to win bets, especially when my pathetic cousin is on the losing end," Belladonna told her teammates as Annabelle was effectively the Rottens' unofficial maid.

The angel hound took down a list of all the food her teammates wanted.


"I need to get my paws on some of those burgers...." Kitty drooled at the ad, enough to have filled up another whole tub, practically.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on January 21, 2023, 08:16:03 PM
A car stopped outside the compound where Stripetail and the rest of his retinue was staying.

A well-dressed man stepped outside and flashed a Gotham PD badge to the two armed guards outside. After checking the ID, they nodded and allowed the man passage. As he walked through, he was struck by how...normal everything looked. There were various toons/people practicing for the games, relaxing or doing whatever. Although he had to admit, the sight of a tennis game that involved a tennis ball with arms and legs was a completely new one.

He stopped by a small building he assumed to be Stripetail's personal quarters with its aged wood walls that gleamed with an unnatural but yet, beautiful shine. The man shuddered as the two decorative stone dragons turned their heads to watch him. He stopped in front of the ornate hardwood door with its filigrees of weathered bronze. A polished bronze gargoyle knocker stood out against the more subdued and earthy hues of the door. He picked up the ring and gave the door a few knocks.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 21, 2023, 11:42:30 PM
' come in, officer ' came stripetail's voice out of the mouths of one of the stone dragons.  ' forgive all the security,  but after 3 attempts against me by Inque, more precautions had to be taken.  i will meet you in the  main hall. " the door opened and  an ornate  halfway appeared in front of the officer. rich tapestries and painting adorned the wall, marking the owner as an extremely wealthy individual.  the painting moreover depicted locations such as none that  exist on earth, glowing  purple skies over a field. floating trees moving back and forth,  a  huge mountain stretching into a sky filled with 5 large moons.
ll have to make you some ' kitty ' dixie chuckled as her ring glowed and a tray filled up with the delectible snacks ' now, let the girls try one. i'm sure they'll love it just as much as you will ' Dixie said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on January 21, 2023, 11:51:27 PM
The officer was a bit startled by the voice coming from the stone dragon and the door opening on its own. He was of course, aware of the multiple attempts on Stripetail's life. After all, Gotham PD was tasked with Stripetail's protection. When he entered the main hall, he was struck by the alien landscapes depicted on the tapestries and paintings. As he looked upon, he realized that museums in Gotham would pay practically anything to get these artworks in their collections.

At the end of the hallway was a door that appeared to be made from solid marble, its glossy black surface veined with streaks of gold and silver. He stood at the door and waited for Stripetail to open the door.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on January 22, 2023, 12:12:44 AM
 the opens opened with a gesture and stripetail  stood in front of a warm fire ' do come in, officer.  please help yourself to tea, coffee or brandy, whichever you prefer.  i imagine this is not a social visit , however, so i will keep the pleasantries to a minimum. What happened?' ' the wizard asked.
 terry excused himself from the study session at  15 minutes to 10. ' cant affiord to be late for my job ' Terry said  " goood luck with the night shift terry ' dana waved. '  I'm going to bede in a few minutes anyway.  I'll see max out to her car then get some sleep. "
 tery got in his car and derove off. he pressed his hand to a mionitor and a computers voice said identity confirmed ' computer show images of  the museum. ' running now '   and image of the damage done of the roiyal flush gang s flashed across the screen. ' ' they did a number on the place ' terry muttered. ' breakin occurred earlier this evening. ' estimated range 2 to 2.5 hours ago. " thanks computer ' Terry said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on February 11, 2023, 09:10:42 PM
"Thank you, Lord Stripetail," the officer said, taking a cup of coffee and sitting in one of the chairs in the office. The room was what he imagined Bruce Wayne's personal office to be: tasteful, understated but yet, replete with rare antiquities and artifacts from around the world. There were also shelves with numerous books, some of which were in languages he did not recognize. He sipped the coffee, taking note that it was leagues better than the one provided at the station. "I will get straight to the point. There was an attack on the museum by the Royal Flush Gang. Many, if not all of the artifacts that were loaned out to the museum were stolen by them. Commissioner Gordon has been made aware of this theft and she is having her men comb all black market antiquities dealers in Gotham as we speak."

He then took a breath. "If you can provide any information about these artifacts, that would be greatly appreciated, seeing as we're working from a blank slate."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 12, 2023, 12:36:50 PM
the artifacts i loaned to the museums, are a mixtures of mementos, gifts from friends and treasures recovered from lost worlds., when i say lost, officer, i mean it literally. the world i found it on, no longer exists. i have a very large collection of ancient and  powerful magic objects, fortunately none of the stolen artifacts count among my most powerful possessions>  however , that doesnt not mean  that their theft is no small matter. they will enhance any existing abilities that the Royal Flush gang has. Speed strength, the ability to become completely invisible. invisibility, in particular,  would be a huge boon to a thief.  I gave the museum a total of 80 artifacts, i will have to see if any escaped the thieves notice, given the caliber of thief, however, I tend to doubt it. one of the most notable pieces was a wand  with a mithril core, capable of great magical feats. in the wrong hands, it could be devastating ' Stripetail said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 01, 2023, 03:57:46 PM
"I need to make a note to never accept a wager with Belladonna again," Annabelle noted as she went to retrieve the orders for the Really Rottens, one by one. "This is simply degrading." Being a hound of heaven, Annabelle was not a villain and she didn't like being associated with them, but currently she had no other option.


"Say father, since you're on the line, could I ask you for something?" Kovu said, hopefully.

"Yes?" replied Scar.

"Could I get an update from you on my progress?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on March 19, 2023, 06:50:57 PM
The officer noted down everything. "I assume the monetary value of these items is priceless," he said. "Now then, if you could provide us with pictures of the missing artifacts, that would greatly assist in our search."

It was then a message pinged through on the encrypted tablet. The officer opened it and read it. "Ah, My Lord, it seems we may have a lead."


Paxton Powers, the son of famed businessman Derek Powers, was seated inside his luxurious Gotham penthouse. The interior was reminiscent of a museum with assorted artifacts, art and treasures catalogued and displayed in a tastefully understated way. The young man looked at his watch. His contact should be here soon...hopefully with his newest acquisition.

 He looked outside the window, which displayed a beautiful panorama of the ocean. Yachts slowly drifted through the water as the upper-crust of Gotham and their associates enjoyed the late afternoon sun.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 19, 2023, 08:49:30 PM
of course officer ' stripoetail gestured and magical images of the items appeared in front of the officer'  along with a brief description, including estimated age of the items and world of origin , if applicable. ' once you have them all down, tell me. as for the value of the items, yes they are very valuable, in a purely monetary sense, but  their value in mere dollars and cents is dwarfed by the damage they could cause in the wrong hands. .  I don't lack for money officer.   Last time i had my assets counted -which was  several hundred years ago, mind you- the value of my assets was estimated at 175 duodecillion, which is, from my research., either 175 followed by 39 zeroes, or 175 followed by 72 zeroes.  Either way, its a very very VERY big number.  ' stripetail paused as the officer reported that they had a lead ' What have you found, officer?

 Batman reached the museum. and took flight towards the roof. two broken windows showcased where the gang had presumably made their escape- or their entrance. ' subtletly isnt this groups strong point ' batman said '  as he flew inside the building. and began examining the remains iof the display cases. the glass ws very thick, at least 10 inches.  the room was suddenly lit up as the lights were turned on. ' whos in here?' called out an officer , then stopped as he saw Batman come out from behind a pillar ' oh.. its you. Er.. what can I do for you Batman?'  i'm investigating the robbery ' Batman said . ' Well from the security camera footage we have that was undanmaged. they wre 4 or 5 thieves, well organized, hit quickly and knew exactly what they wre going after. took millions inn creds and jewelry  from the museumgoers too.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 24, 2023, 02:54:44 PM
Dixie's phone buzzed and a image of Dulcy appeared on it." Hi Dixie? It's Dulcy from the Dawgs. Sorry if I am interrupting anything but Samia and I were going to reach out and see if anyone would be willing to hang out at the Onca mall with us. We asked Yogi and Cindy but they have plans for the evening. Since we aren't doing anything with the Rottens, that leaves you and your team. We asked Scooby but he's in a eat off with Janus, seeing who can eat the most double breaded fish. He did give me your number, hence this call." Well, I'm meeting with the prince is about 30 minutes, but after that, I'm free." Dixie said " is there anything in particular that you want to do?" See that's the thing. Most of the things in the mall requires at least 4 people. The games area."!'ll bring some friends along." Dixie said with a smile." We haven't done much together before and I think hanging out would be a good idea. Just let me know what time you girls want to meet up and where." Thanks Dixie. Samia and I are down for any games. Well we aren't very good at line dancing but other than that..." Dixie laughed " Surely you aren't THAT bad." You haven't seen me try to dance" Samia cut in.

" An update? Well son, there's nothing to update, not since the last time you asked. You are 93% like me and that has not moved for weeks. You do everything the way I would do it, you look like me and the last 7 percent is basically being king , ruling like me and ruling as long as I did. " Scar said." You can't become anymore like me until you become king. "
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 25, 2023, 06:23:36 PM
"Can I ask then, once I do become king, what must I do to rule like you did, father?" Kovu asked, always eager to learn more about his namesake.

"We've taught him well," Zira smiled to Scar, seeing their son's eagerness to emulate.


The Miao siblings had been further practicing their magic.

"I can't wait to show the seer our progress," Sagwa smiled, having begun using spells to make her calligraphy come alive.

"He'll be proud, hopefully," Dongwa said, having mixed magic with his kung fu.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 31, 2023, 12:59:55 PM
There's nothing really specific that you need to do, my boy. Aside from projecting strength and authority. " Scar said." Just keep up the good work."
In Arlene's hot tub, she and Chie were playing a golf video game called Onca's Best Shots."  So far, both girls were doing terrible, Chie was 23 over par through 10 holes, and Arlene was 30 over." Chie burst out laughing as her latest shot landed in a bunker" By the sacred spots I stink." The busty cheetah laughed." You still beating me." Arlene said as her shot hit a tree and bounced right back at her, leaving her even further away from the hole." By 7 shots." That can go away on 1 hole." Chie said. " only if I get really lucky, and so far, I'm not getting lucky on any of these holes." Arlene said." Next time, we try the mini golf." Why mini golf?" Chie asked." Because you can't go higher than 6 shots on a hole." Yeah good thinking. Want to bet on the last 7 holes?" I don't have any money really and you're creaming me anyway." Arlene said." We aren't counting the first 11 Clean slate. 0-0." Chie said. " Loser does the winners claws?" Arlene offered." Well my claws could use a trim. Alright. If I make this shot.. you have to kiss me on the lips and put your tongue into my mouth." Chie smirked impishly." And what if you miss? That's a 40 feet shot." Arlene said." Well, if I miss I will organize your room here." Chie said." All I have is a suitcase but if you miss you can organize it." Arlene said. Chie's lie was poor, up a long slope and several feet to the right of the hole ." Here we go." Chie said and she putted. The ball shot up the slope and rolled up and down over curves in the green as it rose towards the hole, Arlene rose from her crouched position " Geez that's going in." She said as Chie started to rise from her seat" come on come on get in there." She urged as the ball curved and aimed directly towards the hole . The ball went in and Chie sent a wave a water directly into Arlene's face as she cheered." Oh my gods, I didn't expect to make that shot." Chie said. " that was a par." Arlene said pointing at the score." Par is .. good?" Chie asked." Well your score doesn't go up . For us, it's really good. " Arlene said." So .. should I kiss you now or after I putt?" We can wait until after you putt." Chie said, coming down from the high of the unexpected par. " for your next shot aim a little more to the left. The green curves to the right." Arlene aimed to the left and putted, trying to card a 7 or a triple bogey. The ball raced along the green and curved towards the hole , catching the left edge and roars around the cup 2.5 times before falling in." Wow.. great shot Arlene! We both made long putts." We didn't bet on my shot." Arlene said." Because I couldn't think of anything." Chie shrugged." I'll come up with something for your next one. Promise." Chie set her controller aside  for a few seconds and stretched." Clawsa were starting to get numb." She admitted." Arlene set her controller next to Chie's and  got out of the tub briefly to check on Oliver, who was making his 6th lap around the lazy river " Still on the lazy river huh?" Chie chuckled." 6th lap of 10. He'll probably be there another hour.  Just making sure he's safe. "  Arlene said." Doing your job as a mom." Chie said." Maybe one day I'll be a mom too, but I'll need to find a guy if I want to have them the traditional way. " Trying to do it as best I can." Arlene said."  if you need help, just ask. Oliver is a sweet fellow." Chie said." Thanks, I'll take you up on that, probably in our next stop." Arlene said." For now though, I have to pay up on that kiss. Come here." Chie turned to face Arlene who leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. Chie's dark red lips and Arlene's very dark red lips parted and Arlene put her tongue deep inside Chie's mouth. Chie held onto Arlene as the girls began making out.

Onca was changing into a formal attire for the media tour he was going to give. Showcasing his kingdom was a big opportunity to put Panthers on the toon world map as a tourist destination. Done right, Panthers could become a regular Laffalympics stop, with the money fame and prestige that went along with it. Summon Miss Dixie." He said to his attendants." She will be a symbol of foreign connections while Mukua will be a symbol of our homegrown talents."  He continued." Bring both girls to me as soon as you can.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on April 08, 2023, 09:22:12 PM
The officer blinked at the mention of the noble's net worth. Entire countries were poor compared to him.  Regardless, he maintained his professionalism. "Anyways, my Lord, we suspect Paxton Powers may have purchased some of your items. He's been implicated in several archeological thefts." The officer then sighed. "Unfortunately, he is the son of Derek Powers...and quite wealthy to boot, so getting charges to stick is...shall we say, a little more difficult than usual. However, rest assured we will recover your artifacts."


There was a knock at the door of Paxton's penthouse. He booted up his computer and looked at the screen showing the camera feed. As expected, there was a young woman dressed in standard clothing and carrying a simple cardboard box, nothing ostentatious or shabby. He reached under his desk for his pistol and tucked it into the inner pocket of his jacket.

The man opened the door and the woman stepped in. "I believe this is what you ordered." She placed the box on the ground and opened the lid. Nestled inside soft red velvet was a small platinum crucible with ornate runes carved on the rim.

Paxton gently picked up the surprisingly heavy item and examined it. "It's just as promised and in perfect condition," he said. "Now, for my end of the bargain." He reached inside his jacket and passed a handful of credit chits to the woman. "Fifteen million credits as promised. It was a pleasure doing business with you."

"I look forward to your future orders." The woman pocketed the creds and exited the penthouse, leaving behind the box.

"Now, where shall this go..." Paxton looked at his collection of artifacts resting against the far wall.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 14, 2023, 03:11:25 PM
Wealthy or not, stealing is wrong." Stripetail said. " Do what you have to do officer to take him into custody. I will seek restitution for the theft , for every item stolen. he may be wealthy now, but he won't be after I'm through with him, that I assure you. Even if he is the son of Derek Powers of Wayne-Powers." Stripetail said." Check his accounts, see if there were significant amounts withdrawn or transferred recently.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 20, 2023, 05:58:51 PM
 Kopa and kovu were going over the latest plans for the pridelands safari- for laffalympic guests to enjoy sightseeing while the games wee omgoing. ' ' so how much of the kingdom are we going to use for this safari thing?' kopa asked as he looked at the plans.  ' another question- how much are we going to charge? it cant be free after all. not with the numbers of guests you have written down. '
 vitani and kiara were inspecting the courses for the events.. which were nearly 100% finished already. ' good thing we brought in haithi to get this done quickly ' Vitani said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 21, 2023, 01:16:39 PM
Dulcy and Samia were walking around the town , taking on some of the sights. " Those paintings are nice." Samia said as she looked at a snake drawing with its coils."  How long does it take to make these?" The gold dragoness asked." Couple days. After all, I don't have fingers." The snake, named Miu, said." Never seen a dragon before. You're big." Not compared to the males of my species and I'm still growing." Samia said. Mind if we get one of your paintings?"  Prices on the board." Miu said." Depends on what you are looking for."
How about a painting of us? Dulcy said." Doing what?" Samia said." Looking at the waterfall." Dulcy offered. " That would take me several days to do. The bigger the painting the longer it takes. You girls would have to sit together, without a break the entire time." Miu said." That means no breaks for the bathroom either." Oh.." Samia's face fell." Sorry, but without fingers, I can't paint very quickly. " Miu said. Could you get someone to help?" Dulcy asked." A group painting costs more." Miu said."  Dulcy's phone buzzed " Dixie was texting her " When do you want to meet up?" Need a favor. Trying to get a painting of me and Samia. Could we get a loan from you to buy it?" Dulcy texted." Have me in it with you girls and it's a deal. How much is it?" Dixie replied." Er.. how much is it?" Dulcy asked " 250000 rupees." 250000 rupees" Dulcy put in." A little over 3000, according to the exchange rate" Dixie responded." Set up the painting session and have it be in between the events. Friends between games, competitors during after all." Ok.. um why don't we have it be.. 3 days from now at noon?" Dulcy said." It will be four of us. Me Samia Dixie and her friend Mukua. The girls will be sitting on our shoulders." I charge more for group painting, which is any more than 2." Miu said. " Dixie.. has offered to pay for it. Samia said." Very well. Big waterfall, right side of town. Let your friends know there will be no breaks. So  they will have to sit on your shoulders for several hours." She's used to sitting for paintings." Dulcy said."

She sent a text to Dixie. Noon, 3 days from now. Bring your girl Mukua. You'll sit on our shoulders. It wil cost more though." For something you can hang on your wall at home, money isn't a issue." Dixie said. I'll pay whatever the painter wants" I could kiss you right now." Dulcy replied." We don't have much money. We've sent almost everything to Vesuvio." I'm holding you to that kiss Dulcy. Dixie replied with a laughing icon." Friends help each other out. Just let me know what you need."
I'll get the canvass ready. Don't be late please " Miu said." We'll be there." Samia said. Thanks. Come on Dulcy. Let's get to the mall. See what kind of stores this place has."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on April 23, 2023, 08:50:56 PM
"I'm doing all right," Oliver waved from the lazy river. He had been given swimming lessons already, so he enjoyed the water. He paddled faster so he could get more laps in while had the chance to do so.


"I think Abu even volunteered to help," Kiara nodded to Vitani, as the elephant who was the Royal Six's main cubhood babysitter came up to Pride Rock. "Nice to see you again, Abu."

Abu bowed to Kiara and Vitani. "It is an honor, princesses. You know I'm always happy to assist you six."

"Especially if we throw in a gem?" Kiara smirked.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on April 27, 2023, 10:30:00 PM
The officer nodded. "Very well, I shall keep you updated as necessary." He then exited through the ornate door and made his way back to where the cruiser was parked. As he watched some of the toons practicing, he noticed that there were quite a few armed guards and Gotham PD officers around. Not unexpected for a sporting event but this was a closed-off village that only allowed competitors in.


"Captured!?" Gabriel thundered. "What do you mean Blammo was captured!?"

Her voice boomed inside her RV/mobile base, now disguised as one of the many nondescript box trucks on Neo-Gotham's streets.

"It's as we said, Ma'am," the Weasel said, as he mopped away sweat from his brow. "Apparently, Big City's bomb squad wasn't quite as incompetent as we thought."

"Break him out," she said, looking up from her command and control computer. 
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on April 28, 2023, 04:09:51 PM
Chie and Arlene continued to French kiss the cheetah running her tongue around inside Arlene's mouth as she held on to the pink cat. There was a beep from the Oliver watcher every time he completed a lap. Oliver had completed 3 full laps in the time since Arlene and Chie had locked lips and started their makeout.
Girls.? Mukua interrupted as Chie began to fondle Arlene's breasts." I need to use this tub." Arlene pulled away with a gush and blushed as Mukua looked at her." Ah.. sorry. We got.." into it. I could tell." Mukua said with a laugh." I just need to borrow the game system for a bit." What game are you playing?" Dance , Prince Dance. It's the 3rd game in the series, this one allows for dancing in a tub." Mukua said as the game turned on" she chose a dance since " Royal salute" and began dancing in time with the instruction screen." Dixie was watching from her tub as Kitty tucked into the latest batch of grilled mouse burgers " looks pretty tough" Dixie admitted as Mukua did swerves splits and curves in time with the song." Gotta have flexibility." Mukua said, shooting her a smirk.
Have gem, will follow." Abu grinned in response." Lead the way you two."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 08, 2023, 05:56:36 PM
Kiara and Vitani each displayed a small gem in their paws. "We figured you'd probably need motivation," Kiara smirked.

"So we had these prepared," Vitani added.

Abu looked pleased at the treasures. "You two know me well," he commended. He used his trunk to take hold of the gems being offered.


"You sure this is gonna be a box office hit?" Sawyer asked Louie and Berry as they went to their movie's premiere night. "A LOT of the movie was just me and Louie kissing."

"That's why it'll be a hit," the ape king and ape girl assured with grins.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2023, 11:20:36 AM
Sawyer was tapped on the shoulder and turned to see a fine dressed cat in a hat" Hey beautiful." He grinned." Danny! What are you doing here?" Studio sent me to support the advertising for the next movie. I'm also under contract to work with you and Berry over the next five films." Six films , Danny." Louie corrected ." Starting with 3 Banana Splits in a Sundae. Which starts filming next week."  Any of them involve dancing and singing?" Danny asked" Yes, they are all musicals. I'm directing and I also wrote the script." Louie said." Half of my scenes with Louie were liplocks." Sawyer said" More like 60 percent girl Berry said." The apes love watching their king taste some sugared honey." What about drama and action?" Danny asked." Well there's more than a few chase scenes and things going boom." Louie said as he read from the newest script he had written."This scene has you Sawyer and Berry trying to make your train to Mumbai . Hijinks ensue." Louie grinned" I get punched by a tiger?!?" Danny gulped." You stepped on his tail" He throws me through a series of windows and a wall?" Bugs Bunny has been doing that for decades" Louie said" I end up kissing Berry's ... bum?" Did you read the script?" Louie asked as Berry giggled." The script I got was different." Danny said " There was lots more singing and dancing, less pratfalls." My subjects love hijinks. Romance too, well when I'm involved." My contract requires that Sawyer and I kiss , on the lips, at least 3 times per movie." Danny said." You kiss her 5 times. Berry kisses her on the lips 10 times. And you kiss Berry 8 times. My research shows the apes like it when apes do the kissing, particularly when I do it. But for this film I'm the director although I do cameo at the train station as a conductor." Louie said as the movie started and he handed Danny some popcorn " How was your flight?" Fine, had some turbulence on the landing. I'm used to it. The check doesn't hurt. 250000 per film?" Plus a percentage of profits." Louie agreed" Plus we film in Panthera , on the Nile China Indonesia and Jungle City, among others. " Louie said" First one in Panthera, Ptince Onca has generously allowed us to stay at the Chateau de Onca while filming. The scenery is gorgeous, as are the locals "
Louie said

Batman examined all the exhibits that had been trashed by the Royal Flush Gang." Not much here . They did a good job of trashing the place" Batman said through his communicator " I checked the security footage. 5 perps, all dresssed like cards. Cleaned the exhibits and guests out in under 20 minutes then busted through a skylight. " Stripetail donated many of the artifacts that were stolen. " Wayne said." Can't imagine that's going  to be a pleasant chat when I run into him again." Touch base with him most likely he's already started his own investigation." He has the games to worry about." And now ancient powerful magical artifacts in the hands of criminals as well."  How much harm could those wands and other old stuff do?" Batman asked as a door opened and closed." Plenty, Batman, plenty" Stripetail spoke up and Batman spun around" Uh he's here I'll be in touch."
Batman broke contact and turned to the wizard"  Those Wands contain cores from an extremely powerful magical world. Any natural abilities the person has who possesses them, are enormously increased. Which is why getting them back is very important . Their monetary value is huge, but that is at best a secondary concern. The damage they can inflict is enormous.  As in Gotham flattened out of existence." Why did you bring such powerful artifacts to Gotham in the first place." To raise interest in the games, show off some of my belongings and to raise money for charity." Stripetail  said as he picked up a large shard of glass." Restoratum" he intoned" and glass began flying off the ground. Stripetail made several gestures and one by one the cases were repaired." Check them for anything fingerprints, pieces of clothing, and so on." All I can see is a small puddle of.. ooze." Batman reached down and touched it." Its fluid, from some sort of robot or automatron." What do you know about Paxton Powers?" Stripetail asked." He's a snake and the son of a even bigger snake Derek Powers. Don'treally know much about him, except he's filthy rich and got there by dumping toxic sludge into a previously pristine bay. Not that he or his dad care for environmental protection or laws. " Could he have hired the burgulars to steal the artifacts?" Wouldn't put it past him. Unfortunately, there's nothing solid to tie him to this. I don't even know who the Royal Flush Gang are, at least out of costume." Perhaps this is a job that requires you to go undercover." Stripetail mused" Any rich newcomers in town?" There's this girl, just moved in a few weeks ago with her family. I think her name is Melanie. Dads a collector, I think." Talk with her and her parents if possible. If her father is a collector of antiquities then he would be well connected to learn if any of the stolen artifacts were put up for auction or sold anywhere. These sort of objects won't stay together for long. Which means Batman you're on the clock so to speak. Help me get my property back and I will reward you handsomely. Within reason of course. Asking for a billion creds, for example, wiould not be reasonable." I would never be able to spend that kind of money anyway." What about- being able to connect with your father?" Stripetail said and Batmans mouth fell open." You-you're kidding right? My fathers.." dead. I know. I can summon his spirit to talk to you." You can do that?" Batman. I'm immortal. I can do things that mortals can't." I- I don't know. . What would I even say? " Dad . I'm a superhero now? " Would he approve of what I do?" I believe that he would be proud of you. " You didn't know my dad." No, not personally. But I have been around long enough and seen enough to know well the bonds between fathers and their sons. It is unbreakable, not even death can sever it. You yourself wil know that bond, one day. Sorry, scrying habits." Did you ever have children Stripetail? Batman asked" No, my great enemy Mertavius denied me that opportunity. I had a mate..and he took her from me. I have filled the ages since with work and letting my friend Tarrsx and his wives and children serve as  an extended family." Did you get even with him for what he did? Avenged her in some way?"Immortals don't work that way. You can't kill them to avenge a death.  Eventually he and I will come to blows again Batman. We have fought for ages, literally. Our contest, in some ways mirrors the contest between the original Batman and his arch foe. Good must always confront Evil. The battle takes many forms across time, the arenas change, the cirmcustsnces change, as do the names. Many past heroes and heroines now exist only in my memory, as do the villains they countered. I prefer to remember the good beings not the bad ones." Stripetail said.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 19, 2023, 02:22:04 PM
Mukua continued dancing, showing off her flexibility and dance moves. The pantheress was a blur in the fast dance section of the game and her score raced upwards reaching 1 million, then 5 million then 10 million. As the dance ended Mukuas score stood at a staggering 35, 750, 000, which was a new high score, beating the previous high score by around 30 million." Heck yeah!" Mukua whooped." Perfect score!"  You never told me that you could dance like that Mukua " Dixie said." You're amazing."  I do more than just draw and cream folks at trivia you know." Mukua laughed." You didn't cream me.0 Dixie smirked." You only tied me because you know Winnie Woodpecker and I didn't." She's a nice girl. Puts up with Woodys er hijinks, not every girl can do that. Same with Scooby and his bottomless stomach, not every girl would keep trying to fill it." Or Garfield at that awards show where he won everything." Arlene said." You're kidding?" Atrua turned to her." EVERY award?" Yeah and it was a huge bore fest. It would be one thing if he was reflective and nice about it, but nope. He rubbed it in my face, Nermals face , everyone's face. " if Janus did something like that, I would be his ex- girlfriend after 10 minutes of stage hogging." Mukua said." Fortunately, Janus is much more a team player. Always thanks the coaches, teammates and family at award shows." How long did that award show last Arlene?" Dixie asked" 6 hours" Arlene said and Dixies mouth fell open." 6 hours.. of sitting there watching Garfirld stroke his .. award.. and seeing his ego fill the room. Dear heavens.. I would have left after about 15 minutes of that. Made an excuse  to get away. Like my car was being towed or I had a kart race to prepare for, or I had some paint to watch dry. ANYTHING to avoid sitting through a 6 hour fest of narcissistic self love. Honestly Arlene that should have been a deal breaker on your relationship with him. " Dixie said.

" We were required to stay by the studio." Arlene said." So the director made all of you sit through that? You gotta be kidding!" Dixie said and Arlene shook her head." Nope, if you didn't show, you were out of the cartoon for at least a month. No appearance, no pay." Arlene said."  Dang.. Chie said." Did that happen again or was it a one time thing?" Well the studio did make some changes after that. Couldn't be in every category, and once you won a certain number of awards the next award you won went to the runner up." Arlene said. Nermal pushed for a Young Kitten Award and I pushed for for an actress award, so me and Liz had a shot at winning stuff." Sounds like the studio was covering its .. backside after the Garfield Loves Himself marathon ." Dixie said." Well I did beat him in the next kart race, beat him by 25 seconds in fact. Everyone else kept banging into each other and by the time the first lap ended, I  was way ahead and I cruised from there. Made  me feel real good." Arlene said." We should have a cart race Arlene, perhaps. A prize's Grand Prix, where customers can buy trinkets and stuff to support the games.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on May 27, 2023, 04:45:13 PM
"It's good to have you here, Danny," Sawyer told her boyfriend, "Hopefully Louie respects you more since, well, you're a guy."

"King Louie's amazing," Berry smiled, having always enjoyed working for him.

Danny raised an eyebrow. "A lot of smooches from him, huh?" he figured.


"Ooh, could Oliver compete, or at least get front row seats? He'd like that," Arlene replied at the suggestion of a race. "Though he does sometimes seem to have Garfield's appetite."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on June 02, 2023, 03:15:08 PM
Loads of kissing." Sawyer confirmed." Like half to two thirds of the films are me kissing him and another 5 to 10 percent is me locking lips with Berry." Sawyer has very soft lips and a nice tongue ." Berry said, giggling at Danny." So for a hour film?" Danny said." 2 hours. 90 minutes at the shortest." Berry said." And most of the film was Sawyer kissing someone. With all due respect my king, that's not something that will fill seats in my country." Danny said." But it already has in my kingdom. We have a full month of sold out movie times." Louie smiled" my subjects fill your wallets and purses my friends.  Plus we are promoting it in your country as a action romance combo,"  I'll start work on my scenes ." Danny said scratching his head. " I'll work on them with you, while Louie gets the locations set." Sawyer said,as she walked with him down the hall.

Dixie moved into a new tub and Mukua joined hrr followed by Arlene." Either of you girls interested in being in a comic strip? Once we get the studio open again, I will definitely be pressing for new strips and guest stars." What would we be doing?" Mukua asked." Well you would be moving in to town and I would be helping you move in and get your things set." Arlene said."But after we are in town for awhile?"Mukua asked Hmm being in a town cart race or running for some office, or pitching in on.. painting a fence." Would I be living with Mukua or by myself? Dixie asked." That's a good question ."Arlene paused. We could live together." Mukua said. Just have like half the house be Dixie's things and half be mine. Where would the house be in town Arlene? We could be your neighbors?" Garfield will want a big chunk of screen time, as usual, so we'll say you ladies make a new kind of lasagna- with .. umm." Cauliflower." Dixie said." You can make it out of cauliflower?" Arlene said." Sure you just use it to make the noodles . You can make pizza crust out of it why not lasagna? Garfield wouldn't even know the difference , taste wise." Dixie said"   Either of you girls hungry? I could make some breadsticks or garlic bread. Just something to nosh on." I could use some bread sticks." Arlene said." Me too." Mukua agreed." Dixie gestured with her ring and a plate of warm garlic breadsticks appeared on a plate." So who wants the first one? Or you can split?" Mukua reached for a breadstick and found Arlene had grabbed the other end." Why don't we share?" Arlene offered." I take this end you take that end." And we meet up in the middle." Mukua said."  Arlene put her end in her mouth Mukua put her end in hers and the girls began eating towards each other. As they reached the middle , Arlene 's half tore off and slid down her throat. Mukua finished eating her half and the girls kissed on the lips. After a few seconds Mukua pulled away and grabbed another breadstick to nosh on. Dixie created garlic bread for Arlene , the cheese variety which smelled great
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on June 10, 2023, 10:25:25 PM
"Say cousin," Belladonna smirked, "Don't worry, it's nothing big, but I have a request of you."

"What kind of request?" Annabelle replied, suspiciously.

"Could you deliver some very, VERY spicy food? An....acquaintance of mine likes it hot."

Annabelle looked over the order that was being placed. "Ghost peppers? Who could tolerate eating something so scalding hot like.....wait, you don't mean....HIM?"

Belladonna grinned a devious grin. "Oh yes, dear cousin. The big guy himself. I said you were quite efficient with orders, too."


Danny could only smile being with Sawyer again. "It's good to be by your side, and this Louie guy can't be too bad."

The starlet cat playfully rolled her eyes. "Hope you like bananas, Danny, it's the food he mainly provides us all."

"Louie is very generous and giving," Berry smiled happily.


Arlene blew on the garlic bread to manage the temperature. "Make some for Oliver too," she reminded.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on June 18, 2023, 08:20:50 PM
Blammo stared through the armored glass that separated him from the guards. Despite having his outfit taken away and replaced with the standard Arkham Asylum orange jumpsuit, that unsettling plastic grin never left his face.

Of course, thanks to his clown makeup, he was assumed to be related to the Jokerz or even the Joker himself. And of course, that meant that there were extra armed guards present.


Paxton Powers of course, was not satisfied with the antiquities stolen from the museum. He was busy browsing through various books in his penthouse, trying to find out what artifact would make a new prized addition to his collection. He was then interrupted from his thoughts by a knock on the door.

He then looked at the camera feed on his laptop. It was a few GCPD officers standing outside.

Getting up and heading to the door, he opened it partway.

"Gotham PD, Mr. Powers," one of the officers said, holding up a badge. "We were wondering if you'd be able to provide any information about the thefts at the museum; after all, you and your father contributed greatly to its collections and funding.

Paxton wrinkled his brow. "Officers, I am a busy man. Speak to my lawyers. Good day." He then closed the door on the group.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 07, 2023, 11:16:04 AM
Of course Arlene." Dixie said, pointing to a tray of bread that had a " For Oliver" card in front of it." He's basically my son too, you know. Scooby and the boys have been spoiling him rotten while we were stuck in the Duke. Scooby told me that they bought him a huge book the complete Catman comic strip collection. Every Catman strip made, dating back like 50 years." He loves Catman." Arlene nodded as Dixie reached out and pulled her against her while putting her other arm around Mukua." Anyone have the remote?" Dixie asked as Chie rested against her." I have it." Mukua said" Turn to channel 10. Janus' team has a game tonight. Should be tipping off shortly. They are playing a team from Sri Lanka called the Yala Leopards. They're really good apparently, so the boys will have to bring their A game." Are they actually Leopards?" Arlene asked." Yes, and pretty big too." Mukua nodded."  Dixie turned the Tv on and the girls began watching the game, which was just underway.

Kovu was looking over the progress on the statue of Scar. It had only been a few days of carving, but he estimated the statue was 60 to 70 percent finished " Make sure the scar is not too long." Kovu said to the monkey doing the carving." It has to match the picture I gave you." Yes, your highness." The monkey bowed
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 12, 2023, 11:02:48 PM
Kovu called his father/namesake to give him an update on the statue's progress.

"Yes Kovu?" Zira asked, answering the call.

"Ah, mother, hello. Is father around? I wanted to update him on the progress of his statue. I hired the best workers in the Pride Lands to make sure it is to the upmost perfection in statue standards," Kovu said proudly.

"He's right here," Zira smiled, handing the phone to Scar.


"Say, you're a local, just how rich is Onca?" Arlene asked. "He spends small fortunes like they are pocket change."

"Because they are, to him," chuckled a male panther guard. "Prince Onca is one of the 4 richest people in the world."

"Wow...." Oliver smiled, impressed. Onca's wealth was high to an unimaginable level for most people, heck most rich people.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 15, 2023, 04:13:38 PM
 as the girls con tinued watching the game, it was clear that janus and his team was having an off night. The Leopards were up by 20 after 1 and 35 at half. ' man they are getting their butts kicked ' Arlene said as mukua sighed. ' please dont rub it in, Arlene.' maybe they are a second half team?' dixie suggested. '  being down 70-35 is a huge amount to come back from. ' Atrua said . '   Unless they make up round big time in this quarter, then I siggest switching to something else. who wants to watch a game where 1 team is up 60 with 5 minutes left? especially if you are a fan of the team down 60?'  ' perhaps you klike to see if records for bigge beatdown are in play?' Dixie said. ' what IS the record for the biggest win in the league?' chie asked. ' 60 points , or something liike that.' Atrua shrugged ' pirius is being a ball hog ' mukua muttered. ' and hes turned the ball over a ton. ' as the second half began, janus started taking over on offense, making tough shots, fade aways and long 3s. on defense he started picking pockets and leading trasitions breakouts which led  to easy scores. their coach must have gave them a huge dressing down, because the boys played with much more urgency and thusly, much better .  janus hit a long 3 at the 3rd quarter buzzer and the team had erased the entire deficit in just 10 minutes. of the 50 points they had scored in the quarter, janus had 40 and assisted on the other 10.  ' wow.. ' chie blinked ' they held them to just 15 points?' ' well any  big comeback requires defense, too. ' Dixie said. ' now lets see how much they have left in the tank. often times, a team spends so much effort and energy coming back to tie that they dont have anyhing left at the end. how many fouls does a player get Mukua?' 6. Janus has 3.  a couple guys have 4." Mukua said. ' my brothers, actusally. happens a lot, thy try and play too tight on defense and get called . "
 a portal opewned up before belladonna and annabelle ' a large dog demon exitted the portal and pointed at them ' come below. the boss wants a word ' he said in a booming voice,. ' both of you.' he pointed at annabelle. ' come along, big red doesnt have much patience for dawdlers.
 ThE duke appeared a tree overlooking the rainy farm next door ' he pulle out a walkie talkie ' slave! Report!' The Duke said in a menacing voice. ' edmonds face appeared on screen. ' ye, master?' the enslaved cat said in a soft vpice4. ' did you organize my piano music?' the duke demanded ' remember? 135 pqges of opera.. and i've got another 15 or so left to finish! it will be grand, like Brahms, or  schubert!" the duke grinned broadly. ' i'm not quite finished, master ' i'm got about 10 more pages to sprt edmon said. ' ' then finish sorting then ' the Dukev saod.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on July 28, 2023, 03:57:39 PM
As the 4th quarter got underway a portal opened and  a purple wolfess fell out of it and landed right on Dixie. To add insult to injury a large heavy stroller landed on her next" Ow!" Dixie groaned as he slumped under the weight." DIxie!" Geez I'm so sorry" the wolfess said" Tigeress? What are you doing here?" Dixie groaned as Tigeress  got off of her and pulled the stroller off of her." I came to introduce you to my baby." Tigeress beamed before noticing all the other girls." Oh, sorry for dropping in unannounced. The portal machine needs work." I'm Tigeress, Dixie's girlfriend. Nice to meet you all. Just out of curiosity, where am I?" You're in the buff villa on Prince Oncas prize estate. We're the prizes." Atrua said" I'm Atrua. What's in the stroller?" My baby girl." Tigeress beamed."  Dixie rushed out of the water and went up to the stroller." Oh my goodness Tigeress. Congratulations!" She said as she peered into the stroller. A tiny wolf pup was sound asleep under blankets and resting on a pillow." She is so adorable!  Dixie awwed as the other girls peeked at the baby" She cant be much older than a week." Arlene said ." My mom would spoil her rotten." Mukua said." Mine too Atrua said." Is she your first baby?" Chie asked. " Yes she is. Tigers happy that she's finally here. Feeding her has been a bit of a struggle especially real late at night. " I need to send you guys some baby stuff. Pup clothes, a pup bed, just send me a list of what you need." Dixie said very lightly stroking Flash's headfur." Oh Tigeress, she is so precious. I'll need to start working on Scooby about pups of our own." Dixie beamed. " Pup play dates? Sign us up." Tigeress said." I do hope I'm not interrupting anything important. Just out of curiosity, why are all of you naked?" It's the buff villa, girl. No clothes needed, required or wanted." Atrua said with a laugh." This place is for relaxation and fun. It's a reward for well behaved prizes. We also have a library villa. Full of all sorts of books. If you enjoy reading for hours on end." Good to see you again Tigeress Arlene said and Tigeress hugged her. Hi Arlene. Good to see you again . Sorry to drop in."
Nice to meet you Tigeress " Mukua said" We were just watching my boyfriends basketball game. Want to watch with us? We'll try to keep as quiet as possible so your little one doesn't wake up." Sure! How much time is left in the game?" 5 minutes , we're up 4. We were down a ton earlier.
Tigeress climbed into the tub, tensing at the warm water over her fur." This waters pretty hot." There's a cooler tub over there." Chie pointed" If you think the waters too hot."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on July 30, 2023, 08:57:58 PM
"You're going to meet the big guy himself, cousin," Belladonna smirked. Annabelle instantly realized what she was implying.

"The devil wants to see me?" she frowned. As a natural hound of heaven, she didn't want to meet the leader of their exact opposite.

The two jumped through the portal to Hell and emerged in the underworld.


Since the Duke had fairly defeated Chanticleer in combat, the rooster and the other farm animals were made his slaves. Edmond was the one who was given the most chores, because the Duke liked picking on him.

The cat took extra precaution when arranging the Duke's sheet music. "Don't want that owl using me as a cushion," he said to himself.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 11, 2023, 04:50:39 PM
Dixie snuggled up with Tigeress and Mukua as the game wrapped up. Janus was at the free throw line with 6 seconds left, his team up 1 . Janus rimmed in both free throws but the Sti Lanka squad hit a long 3 to tie the game with 3 seconds left. " Oh you bave to be kidding! He traveled!" Mukua complained " Ref didn't catch it." Tigeress said." Besides, we still have a chance to win." We'd have to go the length of the court, because we're out of timeouts." Mukua said." Let's see how good Janus' arm is. Didn't you say that he plays baseball too?" Well, he's a center fielder.." Mukua said." To play outfield, you need a strong arm." Dixie said. If they score, Mukua, you have to kiss Tigeress on the lips." She smirked." Tigeress giggled." Ha ha . Good one Dixie." I'm not kidding Tigeress." Dixie said." You're on. Mukua said and Tigeress blushed. " Come on boys!" Dixie cheered. Janus ran the baseline then uncorked s rocket that landed in Mukuas brother Hands near the basket. He pump faked the defender and put up a short hook at the buzzer. The ball swished through and the team mobbed him in celebration ." YES!" Mukua shouted as she splashed water into he faces of both Tigeress and Dixie." Shh! Don't wake up Flash please" Tigeress said firmly" She's a pretty light sleeper." Sorry, sorry! I forgot about your baby." Hold on" Mukua checked in on the young wolf pup, who remained fast asleep." She seems to be ok." Just make sure she doesn't wake up. I'm not sure if I would be able to get her back to sleep." Tigeress said."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on August 23, 2023, 10:18:45 PM
"Well, Commissioner," one of of the detectives said. "We investigated Paxton Powers as much as we can. He's not cooperating with us and he's immediately lawyering up."

They then continued. "We need to see if we can get a warrant to search his penthouse apartment. We know he has an extensive private collection of art and artifacts. Albeit with the proper permits and paperwork, but it might be a lead we can use."


The base of operations for the Royal Flush Gang was an appropriately opulent luxury apartment at the edge of Neo Gotham. Various expensive tapestries, sculptures and other artworks contrasted with the stark, almost ascetic walls and floor.

King then pulled out a simple metal rod from the bag. He scowled as he looked at it. Aside from its unusual weight and a seeming internal fire that radiated from it, it was utterly unremarkable. Unbeknowst to him, it was a wand made from synthetic diamond, clad in pure Weyardian stardust, forged in the fusion furnace aboard the Spire of Winter. He shook his head. "The plebs consider this artwork?" he said, scowling. "It's just scrap metal. Very valuable scrap metal nonetheless since it appears to be pure iridium."


A group of Gabriel's Weasels had been tasked with breaking Blammo out of jail. Their idea was a classic: a pie filled with various breaching tools, weapons...and of course, the pie itself was explosive.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on August 25, 2023, 11:13:04 AM
We'll need to get a search warrant to search his apartment, as well as a subpoena to compel his cooperation. We need to get those items back. Stripetail was very clear in a phone conversation to me this morning how powerful and dangerous those items can be in the wrong hands. In addition, it's a matter of reputation. He chose us as a location for his games, and has already paid out millions to the schools businesses and the city as part of it. He's pumped in so much money, we're going to have a fiscal surplus at the end of the year, when we were expecting to be in the red by billions. And after all that, we let some thugs dressed like playing cards rob the museum blind. Doesn't make us look good or reliable partners. We have to fix this gentleman. and I don't care if it takes upsetting the scion of the second richest person on the planet. We have a job to do." Gordon said.Get to it.0
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on October 08, 2023, 08:54:39 PM
The detectives nodded. "We'll try our best, Commissioner, but he has a disturbing number of judges in his pocket. Metaphorically, speaking that is. He hasn't directly paid off any of the judges — or else we could just have him arrested for bribery — but he is very liberal with his campaign donations."


Meanwhile, the pie that was being given to Blammo was being checked over to ensure that it didn't contain contraband. One of the Weasels handed the pie over to the group of stone-faced guards at the prisoner mailroom. The pie was then placed inside what looked like an X-ray machine, but it was an advanced mass spectrometer combined with electromagnetic scanner.

"Okay you two! Hands up!" The guards drew their guns and pointed it at the two Weasels, who obligingly raised their hands. They were then roughly handcuffed and hauled off to the holding cell.

"Seriously?" one of the guards said, looking at the results. "You baked a set of hand grenades, a set of self-lighting exothermic cutting sticks, a shotgun, forty 12-gauge shells, a drill, a hacksaw, blasting caps and wire inside a pie made of plastic explosive and expected we wouldn't notice the oddly heavy pie, let alone not pick it up on our scanners? Did you think we live in a cartoon?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on November 10, 2023, 03:52:47 PM
Dixie and Atrua climbed into a hot tub together as Atrua turned the channel." Trying to find the Jungle Dance channel. One of my dates is dancing the Dark Fur Shimmy, his name Is Grint. Big muscles , soft eyes , huge... wallet " Atrua grinned broadly." So you are his er sugar plum so to speak." Dixie said." I spend his money for sure." Atrua said" Last thing was.. let's see.. new wheels on my car. I ran over some branches and popped one last week. It was the back left. I was driving and then I heard a big popping sound." Sounds like you were going too fast." Dixie said" No, I wasn't! Well, I wasn't going faster than I normally do, at any rate. Just got unlucky to run over something sharp enough to shred the tire. " Atrua said." Pity you weren't around then, or I could have asked you." Atrua grinned." Are you trying to mooch Atrua?" Dixie asked" No, mooching is where you don't pay them back in any way, and keep asking for more on top." Atrua said." I pay back when I owe folks, granted, I may need reminding every now and then." Texts or phone calls for that, Scooby sometimes needs reminding too." Dixie said" in that case, it's about getting more milk at the store, he drinks a lot of it. I've opened the fridge a few times only to find a empty carton when I wanted to put some milk in my hot cocoa." Who puts a empty milk jug back in the fridge?" Atrua shook her head as she kept flipping through the channels " Is the show on now?" Dixie asked." I think so, just need to find the right channel."   Across the room Arlene Tigeress and Mukua were checking in on Flash to make sure she didn't wake up.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on December 22, 2023, 07:18:39 PM
Getting a judge to sign off on a warrant to search Paxton Powers's apartment, let alone the subpoena was not an easy task. Most of them refused, saying that they needed evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that he was trading in illegally acquired antiquities. But in the end, they got their warrant and subpoena from a judge who had promised to clean up corporate malfeasance.

Once that was done, the detectives returned to Commissioner Gordon with the paperwork in hand as well as in the system. The papers were then laid out on her desk.

"Well, Commissioner," the first detective said. "We actually got the paperwork completed. However, knowing Paxton's influence, we can probably only do this once since the moment the news gets a hold of this, we're going to have corporate interests lobbying for more favorable judges."


Gabriel paced inside her RV/headquarters. Her fists clenched and unclenched as she heard about the fiasco that the attempt to give Blammo a variety of breaching tools and weapons hidden inside a pie.

The gathered Weasels in front of her were looking rather shamed as she glared at them. "Did you even think to consider the different variety of Toonforce that this setting operates under?"
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on December 28, 2023, 01:08:31 PM
Tiger called Kitty on her phone to check up on her and to update her on what he was doing.” This place is nice.” Tiger said.” Lots of shops and stalls and the local panthers are friendly.The team had a team lunch at this place called Panthera  Psncakes, which serves them all day. I shared a few of mine with Oliver, that little fellow loves to eat. They had a kids menu for him too, which was cute.”  Kitty chuckled.” He idolizes you and Scooby, you boys are both big eaters. I’ve been exploring the prize villas there’s at least 15 of them. I’m currently hanging out in the pool villa with some of the other girls, there’s a local basketball game on right now and we’re watching it.”  Staying safe, that’s the important thing,” Tiger said.” I  have been looking for something for you, but I’m stuck.”  Well, I could use  some claw sharpener, if you can find something. I’ll get something for you too,  just  going to checkout the prize shop. Just have to find something in your size, my big sheriff.” Kitty chuckled.

Atrua kept flipping through the channels trying to find her shoe.” I hope I haven’t missed it.” She groaned and she finally found the dancing channel. “ Finally!  Hmm this is a rerun from last week. Let’s see, new episodes are at 7., and it’s.. 530. Ok, so we have a hour and a half to kill. “ Atrua said “  You want to watch the fashion channel. It’s Tail accessory week. A popular accessory is a tail cover. I’m looking for a dark red one that covers most of my tail. Something to stand out and draw attention, you know.” You’re not the sort to think any attention is good attention, right?” Dixie asked.” Oh, my folks will call me out on misbehaving, I’ve had more than my fair share of lectures on proper pantheress behavior. Usually involving the car or boys, my mom is especially hard on me to be honest.”  They’re your parents, that’s their job and responsibility.  They don’t want you getting in trouble, well, too much trouble.” Dixie said. Atrua sighed.” But she’s on me all the time though.” Again, that’s because she is your mother.. you being a bit.. er.. wild isn’t helping your case.” Dixie said.”  I like being free though. It’s why I love the buff villa, the normal rules are relaxed. I can walk around and let the air run over me.” Atrua said.  We’ll, it took a bit getting used to seeing all the girls au natural, but you get used to it. “ Dixie said.

-Devils Palace
Demons led Bellafonna and Annabelle to the main throne room, the halls were lit from fires which were burning  the damned for eternity. The smell of burning flesh mixed with sulphur to produce a overwhelming smell.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on January 27, 2024, 09:12:00 PM
"Aww, I love the smell of home," Belladonna said wickedly, taking in the scent of burning sinners. "I think my boss is looking forward to meeting you, cousin. I've told him about your performances so far as one of the Rottens."

"I'm looking forward to it," Annabelle sighed, annoyed.


"He's also a fan of big jungle cats, he's already gotten Shere Khan and Bagheera's autographs," Tiger added, "He also wants to get some of the Pride Land royalty if we ever make it there."

"I'll be sure to let him know," Kitty nodded, "I could put in a request to Onca to let you into the palace for the shop."
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on January 28, 2024, 08:55:57 PM
Paxton Powers was currently inside his apartment. He pondered what other antiquities his dealers could get. His contacts had informed him that the group who had arrived for the games in Neo Gotham had some one-of-a-kind and valuable artworks and artifacts. He smiled; perhaps some money could induce them to part with their goods. After all, everyone has their price.

He was interrupted by a knock on his door and a shout of "Police! Open this door!". The man looked at the camera feed. He saw that the group of people at his door were indeed officers from the Gotham City Police Department.

He swore under his breath as he approached his apartment's front door. He then opened the door. "Officers, as I said before. Come back with a—"

"Warrant?" One of the officers held up the piece of paper.  "We have authorization to search your apartment. We also need to take your antiquities as well as all records of your acquisitions to determine if they were legally acquired. Now if you'll step outside."

"You'll be hearing from my lawyers about this," Paxton replied as he was led out of the apartment.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 23, 2024, 11:35:07 AM
One of the officers approached Paxton and held out  a wand glowing bright purple.” This is one of the items stolen from the museum. Cuff him and take him down to headquarters. The commissioner will want a word with you Mr Powers.” The other guards began searching the apartment from top to bottom and removing anything that looked exotic or looked to have magical properties.

Belladonna was directed to the main throne room, where the Devil himself was holding court over some recently damned souls.” Murder never goes unpunished.” He chuckled.” Take them to the lake of memory, where he can endure being killed for eternity. He looked up and saw Belladonna and Annabelle. “ Well well, not often an angel comes all the way down here. Hello Annabelle. Yes I know who you are , I know all the angels archangels, powers and dominions, I was once  one of you after all. Please, have a seat.”
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on February 23, 2024, 11:43:49 AM
Tigeress and Mukua were keeping an eye on Flash as she slept , while Arlene continued watching Zoliver as he got out of the lazy river. Nd made his  way to the  Onca Loge ride that ran around the amusement park.” An attendant helped Oliver get into a boat and sent him on his way, the young kitten gleefully laughing as he got splashed by warm water.” He’s having fun.” Chie said as she watched the screen with Arlene.” Just making sure he’s safe.” Arlene said.  As Oliver moved around the park. Chie and Arlene  resumed kissing on the lips.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on February 23, 2024, 05:44:19 PM
"I hope you have enough money to cover everything after my lawyers get through with you," Paxton replied as he was handcuffed and marched out of the apartment.

With Paxton out of the way, the officers began searching the apartment. Unsurprisingly, the search warrant also included all of the other artifacts and artwork he liked to collect as well as paperwork. Soon, boxes of various evidence began piling up as the officers stood guard. Of course, with the presence of officers, there were soon spectators watching as the police began removing evidence.

One of the officers wondered how soon it would take for the press to show up, get in the way and have Paxton's face and this bust plastered all over the media.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 05, 2024, 07:56:09 PM
Gordon was reading a file on an ongoing investigation when her robotic assistant chimed in  Commissioner, you have an incoming call from Mr Powers of Wayne-Powers.” Patch him through.” The commmisioner said.” Good afternoon Commissioner. Do forgive me for contacting you from your public line, but I understand that your officers arrested my son this morning. On what grounds, precisely, do you order his arrest?” Stolen property Mr Powers. We have recovered 73 items from his residence that were reported stolen from the museum last night. Those items belong to the wizard Stripetail who loaned them to the museum as an act of philanthropy. He is keen on their return.” “ My son is not a thief Commissioner.” Then why were those items in his house Mr Powers? In my experience in Gotham, Mr Powers, there is no such thing as  happenstance or coincidence. “ I will fight against the charges Commissioner. And  fighting my lawyers will be.. expensive.” You won’t be fighting a small business or the police department, but the wizard . He’s richer than you are, Mr Powers. 50 million, 100 million, whatever the cost, it won’t  phase him.”
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on March 07, 2024, 09:05:34 PM
Derek Powers scowled. He clenched his fists as he felt his temperature rising. Even with the enhanced synthetic skin and clothing he wore, the radiation could still burn them away and it simply wouldn't do to reveal himself as Blight. He took a breath to calm down.

"Commissioner," he said calmly. "Are you forgetting that Wayne-Powers Enterprises has more in assets and turns a greater yearly profit than some countries? Good day." He then hung up the phone.


Of course, with how big the news of Paxton's arrest was, his face was soon plastered all over the airwaves.

And unsurprisingly, the Village where Stripetail and the athletes were staying had televisions.


Gabriel had sent another two Weasel team to break Blammo out of jail. This time, she told them to be more discreet.

And discreet they were. They were dressed as repair personnel and escorted by two police officers as they walked down the hallways of the cellblock. Already, they were formulating the plan to incapacitate the two officers with them.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on March 08, 2024, 12:59:47 AM
powers hung up before Gordon could reply, Which was just as well, because her response would have certainly pushed him over the edge. Derek powers had become the second richest man on the planet- second only to Bruce Wayne himself - by throwing the weight power and prestige of Wayne-Powers around like a giant bully club. everyone had buckled under in the past- until the Batmans return.  now this wizard had come into town showing absolutely no fear of Powers at all, and the media had stated to notice.  Hamilton Hill high had been using the money Stripetail  had paid them to use their facilities to make some long overdue upgrades to lighting, sports facilities and the bathrooms. students were spending their creds on cars or paying down debt, Maxine Gibsons family had even moved into a much bigger and better apartment. Gotham was raking it in, and there hadnt even been a single game played yet
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: brekclub85 on March 08, 2024, 02:02:55 AM
Annabelle said nothing as she reluctantly took her seat. She had always been working against the Devil in heaven, so she could only imagine he was planning to treat her harshly.

"Just say what you want to say," she said flatly to the lord of the underworld.


"Father, I want to update you on your statue's progress," Kovu said proudly.

Scar smiled on the other end of the phone, Kovu had been working on this project for a while now.

Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Serris on May 05, 2024, 11:03:45 AM
The two Weasel team was nothing if not efficient. One of them pretended to look at the steel door to one of the cells, while another one of them opened the tool box and pulled out something that the officers had likely never seen before as they were from a "harder" toon setting.

A portable hole.

To them, it looked just like some wallpaper or other such material. One of the Weasels nodded and "accidentally" dropped the item, letting it flutter beneath the feet of the two officers. Before they could react, the two officers immediately fell down the hole and into the floor below them. A cloud of dust and an almighty crash marked the officers' painful landing.

The first Weasel picked up the portable hole and rolled it back up. Unfortunately, they had neglected to account for the cameras. Having removed the officers, the second Weasel picked up a can of "instant door". The can was a simple paint can with a paintbrush inside. He picked up the brush and slathered the shimmering striped liquid onto one of the steel doors, producing a simple unlocked door not unlike the one found in a house.

He entered and then there was the sounds of a fight along with some dust spilling out from the open door before the Weasel was ejected from the door and the the door simply collapsed into a puddle of paint.

"Wrong one," he said, pushing down the sizable lump on his head back down.

The second Weasel sighed. "We'll split up." He took another can of the "instant door".


One of the staff from Neo-Gotham's City Hall knocked on Stripetail's door. In the man's hand was a message saying that he needed to testify against Paxton Powers.
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 12, 2024, 02:18:31 PM
Arlene and Chie finished their kissing and Arlene moved into the tub with Dixie and Atrua.” Forgive me cutting in, girls, but I need to borrow Dixie for a moment. I need to get something for Oliver while we’re here, and I’m not sure what to get him. That, and I don’t have much money right now..” Arlene sighed.” You need to participate in the events here to make money. That and make up for all the time we lost.” Dixie said.” We have missed several locations. Fortunately Stripetail Scooby Tiger and Garfield have been understanding . The boys have been helping watch Oliver too.” Dixie added. “ oh yeah, he loves eating out with the guys, they usually get him pizza or subs or something.” Arlene said.  Big ones too, the kind that would feed me for over a week from just a small one.” Dixie laughed.” I know that feeling. Scooby doesn’t believe in small portions when it comes to food. We have the full pantries and fridges to prove it. “
One of my favorite foods in the  town is the met cheese roll flag. It’s seven atlternating meat and cheese rolls with seven different dipping sauces. The honey one is So good.” Atrua said.” Drat , now I’m hungry.” Arlene said.” Can we order some?” Dixie asked,” I’d like to try it. And I’ll be glad to pay for it.”  There’s a food phone in the main hall, for when prizes get the munchies.” Atrua said.” Come on girls, let’s go get some. Enough for everyone here too.”
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 17, 2024, 07:24:05 PM
Arlene snuggled up with Dixie as Atrua pulled out her phone and disliked food service”  hi Tiki, it’s Atrua again , The girls want 7 large flag meals, with all the sauces. Well, all that is available, I know you’ve been low on Onca sauce, on a green chile and Onca fire blast lately.  Also are you available on Saturday for a study session. I’m studying Panther kingdom history from 1000 to 1800 and I’m stuck on the 1500s and I would appreciate some help with that. Yeah there was the stuff tail period where psntheresses had to keep their tails stiff until adulthood.  It sounds like a nightmare to have lived through 0k ok so you have work until when that afternoon? 4? That’s fine I can work with that. Say 530! For the session to start?     A great!  Bring some snacks too, the usual. Anyway when should the food be ready? 30 minutes? Ok I will have Dixie pay you, she tips very well, that girl is loaded. You should see her house Tiki. I’m totally squatting there.” Atrua laughed loudly. See you in 30 girl, thanks.” Atrua hung up and rejoined Dixie and Arlene.” I told her you’re paying. er a little short on money at the moment. I also a tail cover that I can’t seem to get off. I  think I got it in too small a size. Could you please take a look? It’s the purple one, covering the middle of the tail.” Atrua said.  Ok , turn around and let me get a look. “ Atrua turned away from Dixie and arched her back raising her tail out of the water a medium sized purple cover covered the mid sector of Atruas tail. It’s definitely on there tight, I’m not seeing any space  between tail and cover.” Dixie paused. There’s supposed to be.some, to allow the cover to move up and down without falling off.” Mukua said as she came over” That is at least a size too small i if not 2 or 3 sizes Atrua. Junior pantheress, from the color and size.” Yeah, I’m sentimental about it.” Atrua admitted as Dixie reached forward and touched the cover. “ Teah it’s not moving. Let’s see if I can unhinge it with my claws. There’s a button on the top end here, it’s jammed in . Hold on. Dixie  went over to her outfit hanging on the wall and returned with a tweezer like you use for eyebrows. Let’s see if I can get that button back in position. She said gently putting the tweezer edge into the button hole slowly, Dixie got the button to rise and pressed it . The cover slowly parted in the middle and as Dixie pushed it apart she was sprayed in the face with blood from a cut in the tail. As she finally got the cover off, she could seee the cover had cut into the tail and left a bald spot as well as the fur was coked off by the too small cover. Dixie dipped the tail in the water which soon tinted red as the affected area was washed clean . Atrua winced as the water stung. “ Sorry about this Atrua but you have a cut on your tail from the covering.” Dixie said.” I did get it off though.” Thanks Atrua said , turning and looking at her tail. “ I’ll get a bainaid wrap for it. Should be back to normal in a few days without the cover on it.” Might be longer than that, the thing rubbed your tail raw.” Dixie said
Title: Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
Post by: Nick22 on May 31, 2024, 05:02:22 PM
Dixie went to the first aid kit and pulled out a Onca brand tail bandage. Atrua climbed out of the water and held out her tail for Dixie to banadage, wincing at the first few layers and Dixie maee de sure the area was completely covered. Dixie wrapped the tail until it was level with the top of her fur and finishing wrapping. Not sure how long that will take to heal, Atrua, but I will guess the cut will close in a day or so. The fur filling in will take longer.” I have fur regrow ointment.” Atrua said moving her tail around.” I’m in the mood for a game.  Buff Holdem. Now normally we have our clothes on for this, but in this case, we’ll have the wagers be.. er ious.” Atrua said.” Why not going to the movies or going out dancing or you driving me in your car.” Those are good ideas. You’re almost as rich as Prince Inca do I want a shopping spree- the pantheresses in Nepal are wearing a dress that look like their flag- which is two triangles on top of each other they include tw o triangles pointed up for the bra and to the side for the normal dres. So they use a lot less than normal dresses .” Atrua said.  Where do you want to play?” Dixie asked.” My room or yours?” Hmm we’ll flip for it.” Atrua went over to her attire and pulled a large “ an Onca 20 coin. His face is the head the back is an outline of the kingdom on a map. Call it in the air.” Atrua flipped” tails.” Dixie called out and the coin landed on the ground. Inca smiling visage clearly visible.
My room it is” Atrua said” you have your meeting with the prince in an hour so we’ll split it into a series of game. We’ll wager on each hand and once someone wins 10 hands they get something.” Atrua said as they reached Atrua room and Atrua shut the door. Atrua pulled out a deck of cards and began to shuffle them . So, Dixie what will we do if you get to 10..” How about we kiss on the lips and touch each other’s breasts in a make out?” Dixie smirked. Something simpler than shopping, to start.”  Atrua looked at her and blushed.” Alright. Deal if I get to 10, you have to er  dance to the tune Grind that rump.” It’s a hit on the pantheress charts right now.”  Play the music so I know what I would be dancing to. A preview if you will.” Atrua nodddd and  pulled out a music player and turned it on. A lively energetic beat began to play and starting lyrics of the songs came on “ Come on ladies! It’s party time! The night is young and so are we!  Let’s grind that rump! Against a boy! Against a girl! Against a tree ! Against the chair! It’s don’t matter, let it hang Gring.. grind grind.” Atrua turned it off with a laugh” just so you know that song is about 10 minutes long.” She laughed.” . I can see why you like it.” Dixie said.” Now let’s pay . Hold ‘em right?” Yes, each one gets two cards and there’s 5 shared cards. Atrua handed Dixie two face down cards and gave herself two. Ok first 3” Atrua said turning over a 7 of diamonds a 9 of hearts and Jack of clubs.” Usually we wager chips on this.” Dixie said.” Scooby sometimes watches the World Series of Poker on TV.” We do it differently here. We simply add on to the bet . So for instance. While dancing. I get to tank on your tail.” Hmm  ok you have to get me ice cream on the car drive.”  Dixie countered.” Atrua placed down the fourth card known as the turn which was the Queen of hearts.” Ok, I take picture of you dancing to the music.” Atrua said.”  Ok.. you have to drive to the most scenic drive able spot in town.” Dixie said last cardz Atrua said flipping over the ‘ river card” the King of Dismonds.”  Ok final wager. Ok., I post that picture of you dancing on the Oncanet.” Atrua said.” You have to pose against your car for a drawing.” Dixie said.”  Ok we flip over 1 card.” Atrua said turning over her first card, the king of Spades. Dixie had a Queen of Diamonds.   Now we decide what we do right away, if you win the hand, the first part is about  the larger bet.” Ok you have to pose for me holding a basket of fruit.” Atrua offered.” We kiss on the lips .” Dixie said. Atrua smirked as she turned  over her second card  the 9 of clubs.” 2 pair.” Atrua said, putting the cards next to their ranked brethren.” Let’s see what you have.” Dixie peeked at her card and a smile slowly spread across her face and she turned  the card over.” Queen of Clubs. Three of a kind.” She said as Atrua blinked.” Lucky! What are the odds  of that happening? The odds of getting 3 of a kind is a bit less than 5 percent.” Dixie said” 1 in 20 chance. Two pair is much more common  about 23.5 percent chance. Roughly 1 in 4. Since three of a kind is much rarer, it takers precedence in ranking. .” Dixie said.” Atrua pulled out a green slate called a score slate and wrote down her name and Dixie’s, then made a tally under Dixie’s name. Round 1 to you.”  Now pay up Atrua.. and pucker up.” Dixie laughed.”  Alright.. but I’m going to get you in the next hand.” Autra said  with a smirk