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Messages - Allicloud

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Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: September 25, 2011, 02:08:26 PM »
Quote from: Serris,Sep 25 2011 on  01:30 AM
Quote from: 2007excalibur2007,Sep 24 2011 on  08:57 PM

Oh boy, Spike fell in love with Rainbow Dash?
I'm gussng you didn't see yesterday's episode?

In case not, because Rainbow Dash wasn't available, Twilight made Spike the temporary Rainbow Dash, and he even briefly worried about what Dash would think if she found out.

The Written Word / My Friendship is Magic fanfics
« on: September 25, 2011, 06:41:57 AM »
Well, ED are saying that "Statement..." is a bit too short to give its own post, so they say they're gonna save it for the next shortstory compilation.

But they apparently do lkie Ever Watching, and they agreed to put it up!

The Fridge / Bizarre fears you have
« on: September 25, 2011, 06:19:39 AM »
It's official now: The Slenderman.

I know he's just an internet myth and all, but that doesn't make him any less terrifying to me. I used to just find him intriguing with some sort of creepy fascination. But now I'm genuinely scared of him.

Silver Screen / Doctor Who
« on: September 24, 2011, 03:31:19 PM »
Any other fans of Doctor Who out there? Any parts, the old series, the new series, the spinoffs, the expanded universe stories...

But anywho, just finished watchin the newest episode. Not badly done, I did like that guy Craig; he was a fun character, though I'm glad he didn't become the new companion.

But the preview... hoo boy, the next episode is gonna be spectacular!! Starting to look like this may be the end for out intrepid Doctor!

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: September 24, 2011, 03:19:58 PM »
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,Sep 24 2011 on  06:56 PM

So is Cupcakes canon now?
Now THAT would be a mood whiplash.

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: September 24, 2011, 10:42:18 AM »
Well, I just finished watching the episode, so here is my general review of the entire "Return of Harmony" saga (WARNING: SEROUS SPOILERS ABOUND!!)

Needless to say, after the first part ended, I have very little idea of where they would go with it next. But they went with it pretty well.

Seeing the opposite personalities of the ponies was pretty entertaining to say the least, especially Cruel Fluttershy and Greedy Rarity. Seeing the interaction, with their constant negativity eventually breaking Twilight, causing her to lose her faith in her friends, thus losing her colour herself, was cool.

The biggest surprise for me was probably the interesting move on Celestia's part, of making Twilight understand by ending her back all her friendship reports. A very interesting little touch, and pretty well done.

The various chaotic things going on in the back were heaps of fun to watch. When I heard that Discord as essentially a god of chaos, I was kind of expecting a more malicious sort of chaos, rather than simple surrealsm. But hey, it's still a kid's show, so I guess it's kinda justified.

Once again Discord himself was fun to watch, seeing him revel in his own madness, and not ven flinching when they tried to use the Elemens against him. But at the end, he kind of stopped being so creepy and insane, and became a little too silly. And when they use another attack from the Elements, epic and visually stunning as it was, he just sort of stood there and took it, like he knew he was screwed. Bit of a shame, but no big deal. And at least they did go with imprisoning him again, rather than turning him good or something (I've seen that done before several times, and it ever works)

But was the episode perfect? Sadly no. Once again, the pacing issues from the previous episode snuck in. Near the beginning it was fine, but the climax just seemed a bit rushed. I have to agree with what some other bronies are saying, that they could have made this story an hour-and-a-half film instead of a 40-minute 2-parter, so they could do more without the time constraints. But I guess being a bit rushed is better that dragging out alot.

And personally, I think the final scene in the palace made up for it by giving us what we last expected: A freaking Star Wars reference! I'm not kidding. You got the hall of the palace filled with ponies, the mane cast walking down the aisle to Celestia, who congratulates and thanks them, commemorating another window to them, with Spike standing on the side, to victorious orchestral music, before curtain-wiping to the credits, where the usual ending theme was replaced with another orchestral piece! It's clever, and certainly a unique sort of reference, and... well, unexpected!

All in all, the pacing was a bit jarring at times, but overall a great start to the new series. I would say that the rest of the series is gonna be great or epic, but I honestly have no idea what to expect with the rest of the season. But I'm living in hope, and eagerly awaiting the next new episode!

The Written Word / My Friendship is Magic fanfics
« on: September 22, 2011, 05:49:18 PM »
Quote from: Daddytops2009,Sep 22 2011 on  08:37 AM
I'm sorry.

Keep up your work.
No biggy.

And I have indeed kept it up. The newest chapter of Ever Watching is up. A bit of a WHAM episode, if you ask me.

The Written Word / My Friendship is Magic fanfics
« on: September 22, 2011, 01:55:02 AM »
Quote from: Daddytops2009,Sep 21 2011 on  10:37 PM
And I made MY thresad concerning my fanfics.
Well, yeah, but you're still advertising yours in my thread.

The Written Word / My Friendship is Magic fanfics
« on: September 21, 2011, 04:58:57 PM »
Quote from: Daddytops2009,Sep 21 2011 on  07:12 PM
I gave a first try at a Friendship ios Magic fic.

They dream about what will happen in season 2.,2177.0.html
Erm, not to sound rude or anything, but this is a thread concerning MY Pony fanfics, not a general thread for fanfics.

Anyways, glad to see you liked "Statement..." Justin. I really wasn't sure if an HP Lovecraft/My Little Pony crossover fic would work, but most reactions have been pretty positive.

And to anyone who actually reads it, the newest chapter of Ever Watching will be hopefully up by the weekend.

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: September 19, 2011, 03:22:40 PM »
Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Sep 19 2011 on  10:25 AM
Quote from: pokeplayer984,Sep 18 2011 on  11:46 PM
And now for the one place where you can download ALL the episodes of Season 1 up to 1080p.

Enjoy! :)
Or just download a torrent.  Seriously, this show is so popular I was able to download all 26 episodes (700MB each at 1080p) at nearly 2Mbps.  Gotta love Demonoid.
I know, right?

I mean, I watched one of the livestreams of the season 2 premiere last saturday, and within about 3 hours, there were several high quality download links.

And that comic is an absolute tearjerker. It's kind of stunning how many seriously tearjerking FiM an comics there are out there that are genuinely saddening, and not just emo-ish. Makes me all the more glad that there are equally many heartwarming fancomics out there too to help ease the sadness.

The Written Word / My Friendship is Magic fanfics
« on: September 19, 2011, 01:48:51 AM »
Just a quick little update: Chapter 4 of Ever Watching is up.

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: September 17, 2011, 10:13:53 AM »
Well, I just finished watching the episode, and the repeat straight after. (POTENTIAL SPOILER WARNING)

Needless to say, it looks like Lauren's step down from power isn't gonna damage the show at all. Everypony was in character, the scenarios were pretty cool, and Discord was indeed awesome. The voice actor really put his all into it.

My only real complaint was that the first few scenes just seemed a little rushed. It just seemed like they were trying to get the exposition out of the way as quickly as possible. But once Discord himself showed up for the first time, it seemed to sort itself out.

And now, my list of moments and scenes that will no doubt mutate into memes:

Pinkie and Chocolate rain (So obviously a reference to the original Chocolate Rain meme)
Discord X Pinkie shipping/rule34
Scary-ass party balloons
You handsome hunk of a diamond!
ALL of the ponies' evil forms (Nasty Pinkie, Bad Liar Applejack, Flutterbitch, etc)

The Written Word / My Friendship is Magic fanfics
« on: September 17, 2011, 05:52:56 AM »
Well, as final confirmation of my Brony status, I've actually written a few of my own fanfics. Reviews would be much appreciated:

(QUICK WARNING: With my interests and suchlike, you can always expect my fics to be at least a little grimdark.)

1. The Statement of Twilight Sparkle. My very first ponyfic, and I daresay, I'm rather proud of it. Dunno why, but FiM/Lovecraft crossovers are pretty rare it seems...

Alternate link

2. Ever Watching (unfinished). My latest fic, that I hope will grow to become my opus. Plagued by mysterious sounds and visits in the night, Twilight decides to figure out what is going on and catch them in the act.
But given the nature of her prowler, she'll wish she hadn't.

3 chapters in at the moment, with more to follow. (WARNING: This may or may not delve into OC territory at some point)

Anyways, feel free to give them a read, and as I said before, I'd be very grateful for reviews and comments.

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: September 14, 2011, 11:34:02 AM »
Quote from: Bongo,Sep 14 2011 on  03:45 AM

TGWTG Finally made a video on Ponies! True, it isn't NC, but it is still about ponies and from!

Actually, there is one reviewer named Tezzle, who does reviews for (thouGh I don't think he's an official critic), who did review FiM:

Here it is You'll be glad to know, its a highly positive review, with even him being surprised at how good it is.

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: September 13, 2011, 12:04:50 PM »
I dunno, he doesn't look that bad. I knew he would look kinda draconian, but I do like the twist they took on him, making him into a chimera dragon. His voice is pretty good too, tough I do still think it's a shame they didn't get Tim Curry (HE WOULD HAVE BEEN PERFECT!)
I will admit, he does seem like a bit of a step down from Nightmare Moon, but let's face it: How could you honestly top her?! We have to remember, regardless of the fanbase, this is still a kids' show.

Also, we must remember that this is only a 1 minute clip, from an hour long 2-parter. Remember what Zecora said "Maybe next time you'll take a closer look/ and not judge the cover of the book".

The Fridge / Cool sky I saw last night
« on: September 11, 2011, 11:33:59 AM »
Just lookin' at those pictures makes me wanna howl long into the night!

Nicely caught. You don't get the moon very often here in London.

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: September 09, 2011, 01:01:03 PM »
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,Sep 9 2011 on  03:26 AM
I have a question for everypony here. Which pony are you most like?
Ooh, now that is a tough choice. Honestly, I like them all pretty equally:

Rainbow Dash- I was really glad when I saw that they provided a tomboy character for the show, which definitely helped its appeal (Seriously, did the franchise EVER have a tomboy character before?). Her attitude just appeals to me. She's got the whole semi-punk thing going too, I like that. Plus, maybe it's her shorter mane or something, but I just find her better looking than the others.
Not to mention, she brought the Sonic Rainboom, which is probably one of the most visually spectacular things I've seen in a cartoon for a long time.

Applejack- Not quite as tomboyish as Dash, but she still has the whole gender neutrality thing going on, I like that. She's another relatively uncommon female-character, the country-gal, which is good to see.

Pinkie Pie- Her sheer bizarreness is what appeals to me. Every little thing she does is funny and entertaining to watch. Plus, she kind of has that whole free spirit thing going on, like how she'll just sing to herself as she walks along, or entertaining herself by rolling around in the playground. It's just so cute.

Rarity- Originally, I didn't really like her that much. At first, she seemed like she was just the classic vain fashionista girl-stereotype character. But as I watched her more and more, I realised that she was honestly more of a parody of such characters, and that made her more appealing.

Fluttershy- What do I have to say? You just look at her and your heart melts. Her colour scheme, her blinding-bangs hair, her big eyes, her gentle little voice. Her personality is pretty cute too, with her timid nature, her love of animals... and of course, her occasional lapse in gentleness, which are hilarious to watch.

Twilight Sparkle- Well, she's the main protagonist, and she does it pretty well. It's good that, even though she's amazing at magic, she still has flaws. Her personality is pleasant, she has her cute moments, and her magic is pretty impressive.

One thing I do wonder about is the ages of the mane cast. All I know is that Fluttershy is a year older than Pinkie, but nothing else.

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: September 08, 2011, 04:33:47 PM »
Well, I'm not one to toot my own horn, but I just finished my first FiM fic.

Crossing the charm and delight of Friendship is Magic, with the madness and forbidding nature of Lovecraftian horror short stories, I give you "The Statement of Twilight Sparkle"


Google docs version (With original spacing, formatting, colour, title page, etc)

(Warning: Maybe distressing to Rainbow Dash fans)

Reviews would be muchly appreciated either here or on the host sites.

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