The Gang of Five

Role Play => Random Role Play => Topic started by: Nick22 on August 29, 2011, 10:36:51 PM

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on August 29, 2011, 10:36:51 PM
Kopa And kiara sighed as they headed towards thier new home in the hills " are we there yet" the cub sighed.. unaware that they adventure he was about to embark upon was beyond anything he could imagine..
 Far away from the family, stood a bathhouse.. it appeared to be nothing more than the kind you often saw in othe days, but this was in reality very different.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 29, 2011, 10:57:23 PM
"We'll get there when we get there," Simba, the cub's father said flatly.

I'm getting hungry...." Kiara groaned, hearing her belly rumble.


And in that bathhouse, the owners were also a lion family. The youngest of the three cubs, Kovu, awoke in his grand bed.

"Another nice morning," he smiled to himself, hopping out of bed and using his powers to telepathically tell Wildcat what he wanted for breakfast.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on August 30, 2011, 12:48:13 AM
Jake Long landed and looked ahead then at the old looking bit of flyer in his hand.  "Sweet, it looks like it's still here.  This bathouse thing looks like just what the dragon ordered.  I wonder if granpa liked or likes to come here.  Or was it Fudog.  Anyway now I"m glad Grandpa made me clean up that part of his old basement." Jake said to himself then headed out towards where the bathhouse was, taking off into the air after he had rested a bit from flying.  "I'm glad he gave me today off and mom and dad are away for most of the day & Haley is with Grandpa, to bad my friends couldn't come."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on August 30, 2011, 06:34:17 PM
the road stopped  in front of a forest, and led off inside on a rutted trail
 the going was rough and bumpy and didn't pur Kopa in any better of a mood.. he gazed over at his sister Kiara, who was a year younger than him, and was doted on by his parents. "I get all the responsibility while she gets a free pass" He said to himself.. " this new place hopefully would be better than the last place they had been..
- meanwhile the trail stopped in front of a tunnel, and one by one the family got out and looked around.. ' So what do we do now..? Kopa asked the others..
- Right away master Kovu' Came Wildcats reply.. 'and please try not to mumble when you send messages, I can;t understand what you are trying to say..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: StarfallRaptor on August 30, 2011, 07:34:52 PM
On the long road to the bathouse, Mitsuhide walked along, wearing his typical cloak and head covering.  
"Hmm.  Been too long since I've been to the bathhouse.  Wonder if it's changed at all."
He said softly, drifting his way towards the well-lit establishment in the distance...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 31, 2011, 12:13:28 AM
Simba began to sniff the air. "Something smells.....REAL good!" he grinned, the scents of various meats passing through his nostrils.

Nala smelled it too.

"Something to fill our guts!" Kiara smiled.


In the bathhouse, Kovu sat at the top floor royal dining room as Wildcat delivered his meal.

"Thanks Mr. Wildcat," Kovu smiled, seeing his siblings and father step in.


Down on the lower levels, a rabbit and fox simply named Rabbit and Fox were looking for an open bath.

"This is bigger than most castles...." Rabbit grinned.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on August 31, 2011, 02:01:50 AM
In the nearby rolling hills near the carnival, two figures stopped on a hill as they surveyed the area.

One of these figures, a creature resembling a cross between a dragon and a horse, closed his eyes and inhaled deeply through his nostrils.  His companion, a fox with 6 tails, watched him with calm intent.  The kirin opened his eyes, peering towards the carnival.  "He's in there, somewhere," he said.

The fox looked to the same place.  "A carnival," she replied.  "Would've figured, since he is a kid, after all..."

"It's not it...  He'd never go anywhere on his own.  He was taught well by his father before he died.  And his scent is faint.  He must've been taken these..."

"Well, let's not stand around here and get our fur ruffled by the wind.  After you."

The kirin gave a half-smile in response to the kitsune, and lead the way towards town...


Already in town, a red-furred feline strides down the streets of the carnival straight towards the bathhouse, whistling an unknown tune as he walks...


Upon a high balcony of the bathhouse, overlooking the sea, a dog-like spirit stares off at the horizon...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 31, 2011, 03:18:10 AM
Among the bathhouse, 3 young Chinese kittens were scurrying about, each holding bags of messages.

Their names were, from oldest to youngest Dongwa, Sagwa, and Sheegwa. They had been assigned by Zira to send out letters to various inhabitants of the bathouse.

"We got our work cut out for us today," Dongwa said.

"Lucky for us...." Sagwa nodded, "This place really isn't a maze despite it size. And most of the beings like to go to the same section every day."

"At least the Stink Spirits never receive letters...." Sheegwa said thankfully.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2011, 08:57:29 AM
Food? I don't smell it" Kopa said, as he watched his parents head into the tunnel.. " hold on! wait for me!' he said running after them..the tunnel ended in front of grassy hill, here and there ruined buildings gotted the landscape, here and there faded signed shoiwed what the buildings had once been : part of an amusement park.. "there was a dry stream running across the fiekld, on the other looked to be some kind of small town.. 'You think anyone lives there? Koipa asked hisa siblings?
_ once you're done stuffing your face Kovu, mother has a job for you on floor 3"  Nuka said ,he was the oldest of the three siblings and they were perputually cubs, as part of the effects of working with spirits and magic for so long. thier mother Zira was the unquestioned mistress of the bathhouse, her word was law. right now they were preparing for the arrival of the spirits that night, with food being prepared by the bathouses kitchen.. " so wolf that down and get to work! you know how mom treats slackers!"
_ Come on Nuka, Let him eat his breakfast" a female voice sounded behind him " it was Vitani, Nuka's and Kovu's sister, she was the middle cub of the group. she had purple eyes and a mischevious streak about her. Their father, Scar was an older black-maned lion with a bad back.. " Just eat your breakfast children, and get to work, tonights going to be very busy, he have a lot of guests coming today..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 31, 2011, 12:16:06 PM
"Thank you father," Kovu bowed respectfully, eating his antelope, and sharing with Nuka and Vitani. Kovu shared his father's emerald green eyes, though he was extremely polite and was on nearly everyone in the bathhouse's good side.

"Lots of business is good for us," Kovu grinned, "It makes even more rich!"


"There has to be," Kiara told Kopa, "There has to be a creature in every town, right?"

Simba and Nala's noses led them to a building where a massive, ready to eat feast was waiting.

"Talk about a warm welcome," Nala grinned widely.

"I think dinner's ready," Simba informed his family.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2011, 04:19:54 PM
well, we could always ask whoever is setting up the meal, if we could have some.. but I think we should wait first before just eating..' Kopa started as his parents began digging into the food.. " Mom! dad! come on! we don't even know who made the food and whether they had made it for them!" Kopa said " kiara! don't eat any of it! Lets go find whoever lives here and ask if we can have some of the food" Kopa said turning and walking away from the food. "Come on! lets get going!' the sun was slowly headed towards the horizon, it would be dark soon..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on August 31, 2011, 05:58:42 PM
"We're about there.  I do enjoy visiting this bath house from time to time.  " Jason said, in his dragon form.   "I could fly us there, but today I'm in the mood to walk from here.  We're pretty close and I'm more in the mood to see the scenery while walking then flying."

"Very nice place, and lots of good food." Guilmon said rubbing his belly.

"Yes, its been a good relaxing place to visit in the centuries I've been visting here." jason said as he and Guilmon walked towards the bathhouse.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on August 31, 2011, 07:57:09 PM
Meanwhile, In the human world...

A young, orphaned child named Alan Amistad cautiously roamed through a deep forest as night fell and a storm raged. Perhaps he should have turned around, went back the way he came, the thought had crossed his mind a few times. Each time, the same realization.

"Where would I go back to?" He thought.

His jumper and trousers were soaked and his tattered shoes were covered with mud and dirt. After nearly he nearly tripped and fell over a branch that had fallen, Alan found himself standing before what appeared to be an ancient statue; framed by the darkened stone tunnel behind it.

Alan couldn't see where the tunnel ended and the darkness within frightened him, but he knew it was better than standing in the pouring rain.

The boy made his first few steps into the tunnel, he could still hear the rain pelting the top of it. As Alan walked deeper in, the sounds of the storm seemed to fade. He began to wonder just what lie on the other side...little did he know that it would change his life forever...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 31, 2011, 08:53:39 PM
But it was too late, Simba and Nala had already eaten some of the food.

"Sure, Kopa," Kiara nodded, avoiding taking a bite, when she turned to see something weird happening to her parents. They were transforming!


Kovu finished his breakfast, as did Nuka and Vitani. "What are the first baths we have to tend to father?" he asked.


Sheegwa passed a letter to Tora (Tiger from AAT), a furry blob creature. "How nice," the huge cat smiled to the little kitten, "Thank you."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2011, 08:59:29 PM
Whats happening to them? Kopa shouted ' come on kiara we need to find help! he said as lights began to turn on in the town.. " shadows began appearing in the windows as Kopa ran through the streets..
_ the srink baths ' scar said.. lets get moving..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 31, 2011, 09:12:39 PM
"What's tttthhhhiissss?!" Simba yelled, as he and his mate were morphed. When the spell was over, his roar was now an "oink". He and Nala had become pigs!

"Ahh, two more for the menu," a fox spirit, who worked at the bathhouse smiled, making a giant magical sack appear and snatch them up.

"Kopa, let's run," Kiara gasped, horrified.


Tora rolled on to his side, the blob trying to push something out. "Wake up Koneko," he chuckled, a normal sized cat girl spirit resting in his countless layers of fat.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2011, 09:16:47 PM
Kenoko  sighed as she got out of Tora ' alright time for me to go fetch your breakfast.. " Koneko was Toras girlfriend, and had been his girlfriend foir countless years.. Right now see needed to find someone to make her and tora breakfast (spirits worked on the opposite timevframe as mortaks, they are breakfast at night and dinner at daybreak.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 31, 2011, 09:22:16 PM
"That's my girl," Tora smiled, rolling around, since that was his main mode of transportation.

He soon bumped into another squishy spirit, in other words, another blob.


"Everyone protected?" Kovu asked his siblings, he and Vitani used a spell to block out bad odors from their nose.


"What are they going to do to mom and dad?" Kiara asked Kopa
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on August 31, 2011, 09:30:12 PM
Light flooded into the exit was in sight that he saw a light at the end of the dark tunnel.

"Finally" Alan muttered under his breath.

He walked out onto the fields before him to find it was still in the dark of night but strangely,  it seemed as if the storm had never happened. In the distance, he could vaguely make out ruins and a stream.

The ruins seemed like something out of feudal-era Japan and it wasn't long before the sweet smell of food invaded Alan's nose.

Unable to resist, the young lad started off into a jog to see where the smell came from and since it smelled like cooked meat, he figured that it was coming from a town or a diner out in the middle of nowhere.

Alan crossed the river and ascended a hill with some persistence. But his jaw dropped when he saw the village which stood before him in its entirety.

However, it seemed to be abandoned. Every shop and street were completely devoid of people and apparently had seen better days. 

Instead it seemed as if ghosts roamed this place, Alan ran through the streets and stopped before a bathhouse, but he quickly turned his attention away from it, because he heard two, childlike,  voices...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2011, 09:40:50 PM
I have no idea, but if  we don't want to end up like them, we'd better get out of here' Kopa said running down the street towards the creek they had walked over to get to the town.. only to find the creek, which had been bonedry earlier, was now filled to the brim with water.. ' ok we can't go that way ' he muttered
_ the sonner we clean this tub the better' vitani said ' our magic won't last  horever, so get cleaning.. dad wants it clean for the guests tonight..
hello Tora " said the Spirit who was nsamed Scoobi. ' my girl Dekishi is getting breakfast..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: StarfallRaptor on August 31, 2011, 09:45:49 PM
On a rooftop in the town around the bathhouse, Mitsuhide's ears perked up and he turned, looking around for the source of the voices.  Once he figured out where they came from, he quickly hopped off towards them, yet again seeming to be floating as he moved among the rooftops...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 31, 2011, 09:46:51 PM
"Nice to see you again Scoobi," Tora smiled to the canine blob. "Koneko's getting my breakfast as well, let's hope she's able to get something extra large," he laughed. "How have you been old friend?"


"Believe me, I'm hurrying," Kovu nodded, using the mops as fast as he could. "Who are these guests, anyway?"


Kiara saw thw town now full of life, and one building-the bathhouse-was much larger than the rest.

"Maybe we should head there Kopa," Kiara suggested.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2011, 09:52:35 PM
busy. we' were supposed to have a bath tonight in Floor 4 but were told there were special guests coming in..' Scoobi said. " so I'm just hanging out for now..
- Well WE might as well.. we can;t stay here' Kopa agreed.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 31, 2011, 10:00:15 PM
"Tough break man," Tora frowned, then, he saw Koneko bring up the breakfast.

"What did you get?" the furry blob grinned.


The two lion cubs made their way to the bathhouse, trying to avoid contact with all the spirits.

"What is this place? I've never seen creatures like these before...." Kiara awed.


Kovu managed to get every trace of the Stink Spirit out of that bath. "Job completed," he sighed, relieved.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2011, 10:54:15 PM
All I want is to get ninside and ask foir help" kopa said as thety came to a large bridge connecting the bathhouse to the mainland..
- Hello Tora said a female voice it was Dekishi who was carrying a large tray of food.. ' heres you go scoobi, just the way you like it ' She grinned.. ' she and Koneko had been until recently chained to thier boyfriends, and it had become a miserable existence for them. Finally Zira and removed the chains and let them go off on walks..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on August 31, 2011, 11:36:00 PM
Jake long, in his dragon form of course, walked up to the entrance of the bath house.  "woh, looks like this place has been here a while." He said.   "I wonder if I should knock, look for a bell, or just go in." he said to himself.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 31, 2011, 11:42:57 PM
"Thanks Koneko," Tora smiled to his girlfriend. He began to chow down.

"How'd you girls sleep last night?" he asked Koneko and Dekishi.


"Hi Mr. Scar, we're getting our letters delivered," Sheegwa assured one of the bathhouse's higher-ups.

"What's our next job?" Kovu asked Scar.


Kiara and Kopa soon arrived at the front door of the bathhouse. "Let's go and find help," Kiara nodded.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2011, 11:51:27 PM
about the same as usual'  Dekishi replied ' sleeping on you scoobi is like sleeping on a giant water pillow.
_ make sure the all bath-tokens are in place' scar replied, and if you hear a bell ringing, its your mother.. keep up the deliveries ' he said to the trio..
- Mortals1 cried a number of frog spirits upon seeing them, and they soon made a huge clamor..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on September 01, 2011, 12:01:27 AM
Red was at the bathhouse gates when he stopped in his tracks.  His nose caught a scent of something...fresh...appetizing...


The kirin and kitsune reached the carnival by nightfall, where many other spirits and creatures emerged and convened for a festival.  The new smells made it hard for Kurago to catch the scent he has been tracking for a long time.  But he knows he's come to the right place...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 01, 2011, 12:06:08 AM
"Same with me and Koneko," Tora chuckled, "Right?"


Rabbit and Fox leaped off the sides of walls and landed in front of Kopa and Kiara. "What are you doing here, mortals?" Rabbit scoffed.

"Your kind has a special purpose here..." Fox smirked.

"I'm scared...." Kiara told Kopa.


"Yo can count on us, Mr. Scar," Dongwa bowed.

"I'll take the upper floors, Vitani, you take the middle, Nuka, you the bottom floors?" Kovu suggested.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 01, 2011, 12:13:24 AM
we werre.. just leaving" kopa said turning andrunning down a side path towards a staircase '  at the bottom of the staircase stood a pair of open doors. kops ran inside the first of these, and closed the door behind him after Kiara had headed inside..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 01, 2011, 12:26:04 AM
"I can tell we're not welcome...." Kiara panted, as they were in the basement of the bathhouse, where the Grand Flame was kept lit.

One of the workers, a big bear spirit named Sneed, caught scent of the two cubs as well.

"Why...some tasty mortal cubs!" the bear chuckled, sealing the door behind them with his magic and picking them up.

"Let us go!" kiara cried.


Kovu and Nuka worked together to get the tokens out. The distraction caused by the mortals gave them plenty of time.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 01, 2011, 12:31:27 AM
Kopa struggled but it was no use, they were dragged inexoribly towards sneeds mouth " Sneed! Stop! came a sharp voice from nearby.. ' vitani strode towards them with a serious look on her face. both kopa and kiara were in sneeds mouthh, another couple seconds and they would have been swallowed " spit them out.. now1" Vitani said harshly.. ' you can;'t eat them, not just yert..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 01, 2011, 12:34:43 AM
Sneed sighed, but nevertheless spat Kopa and Kiara out. It was a bad idea to not listen to any of the family members of Zira.

"They tasted so good too," Sneed said.

"ugh...." Kiara groaned, covered in bear spirit slobber. "Thank you..." she said to Vitani, "Who are you?"


"We got all the tokens father," Kovu informed Scar.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 01, 2011, 12:40:10 AM
Never you mind that sneed , get going with your for you two.. you will talk only when spoken too, understand, you're the mortals causing a big to-do, and yes in case you are wondering, your folks are being led to the stables. serves them right for eating the spirits food.. vitani grumbled.. " now what to do with you.. we'll have to give you something to do, mom doesn't like freeloaders..and she likes mortals even less..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 01, 2011, 12:43:55 AM
"Right on it Ms. Vitani," Sneed bowed respectfully, returning to his job of adding coal and logs to the Eternal Flame.

Kiara, following orders, stayed silent as Vitani looked at them, determining their fates.


"What can Nuka and I do next father?" Kovu asked Scar.


"Breakfast was filling boys?" Koneko asked.

"Of course," Tora chuckled.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 01, 2011, 12:53:14 AM
we only wanted to help our parents! Kopa said.. "Be quiet! your parents should have known better than to eat what is not theirs! now come on both of you baloo the boiler bear needs some hel putting in coal, the coal dust went on strike two days ago over a candy ration, and won't go back on the job until they get more candy.. you'll take thier place until they come to thier senses.. vitani replied disdainfully
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on September 01, 2011, 12:53:41 AM
Jake walked in through the bathouse entrance.  "Hello?" he asked looking around.  

Soon Jason and Guilmon walked in behind Jake.   "Hello there." Jason said.

"Hi," guilmon said to Jake, " I smell food." Guilmon said sniffing the air till he found the direction the food smelled like it was in.

"Hey, always good to see a fellow dragon." Jake said looking over at Guilmon and up at Jason.

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 01, 2011, 01:02:17 AM
"Hello there Ms. Vitani," Baloo bowed respectfully, "Are these two mortals my new assistants?"

Kiara wondered how coal dust itself could go on strike, but she saw the MASSIVE piles of coal near the bear Spirit. Baloo was noticeably dusty.


Kovu and Nuka awaited their next assignment.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 01, 2011, 01:10:50 AM
go to the door and staert showing in the guests
 sCar said.
- a number of frog sopirits lead scoobi deski, tora and koneko to a series of small bathes..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 01, 2011, 01:12:48 AM
Kovu and Nuka nodded and raced o the front doors.

"Welcome to the Grand Bathhouse," Kovu said politely to the various spirits and demons of all sizes and kinds who were beginning to pour in.


"May I eat these mortals if they slack off?" Baloo asked Vitani.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 01, 2011, 01:21:40 AM
well i suppose' vitani shrugged. ' they get one warning, after that well you're always hungry..' Kopa turned pale ' er how long are we supposed to work ' i told you, until the coal dust gets its senses back.." vitani said " now get to work!" she said turning and heading out...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 01, 2011, 01:25:28 AM
Kiara still couldn't grasp how dust would have a personality. But nevertheless, she began pouring the coal in.

"That's a good listener," Baloo chuckled.


Kovu was still at the door, greeting guests. "What was all that commotion?" he asked his sister, seeing her come by.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on September 01, 2011, 01:25:54 AM
"Hey, great looking place you have here." Jake said.

"the same as I remember." Jason said.

"and good food." Guilmon said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: StarfallRaptor on September 01, 2011, 01:26:45 AM
As Vitani walked out, Mitsuhide seemed to appear from the rafters, dropping to the floor in a small puff of coal dust.
"Well, well.  So you're the ones who caused all the ruckus, mmm?  Interesting..."
He said, looking over Kopa and Kiara...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on September 01, 2011, 09:37:27 PM
Alan ran back the way he came, however, as he was about to descend the stone eteps, he found himself tumbling into a deep pool of water where the small stream
 once was.

 Alan quickly went back up the stairs and looked across what had now become a massive sea. "How did this happen?! I could have sworn there was a stream flowing through here" he said aloud before feeling that sinking feeling, he looked down at his body only to find that it was, slowly but surely, fading away.

"You're not supposed to be here" said a feminine voice, Alan stood up to find himself face to face with an anthropomorphic vixen weaing a long, flowing dress and a pink shawl on her head, she looked as if she was in her late 20's.

Alan was on the verge of fleeing from her.

"Don't worry, little one. I'm here to help" the vixen said in that soothing voice of her's.

She plucked what looked like a berry from a pouch on her dress.

"Eat this, you have to eat our food or you'll disappear" she explained

Alan took the berry and ate it, he was soon back to normal.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 01, 2011, 09:51:01 PM
What do you want? Kopa demanded as he shoveled coal into the furnace "we're just trying to find a job..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on September 01, 2011, 11:47:10 PM
"Let's go and have a snack first." Jason said.

"mmmm, yea." Guilmon said, using his nose to where the food smell was coming from.  

"I am a bit hungry so why not." Jake said, deciding to go along with the other 2.  He did not know then but they did seem nice and 1 of them was a fellow dragon.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 02, 2011, 12:33:49 AM
"Who are you?" Kiara asked Mitsuhide, being sure not to slow her pace however.


"So what was all that ruckus Vitani?" Kovu asked.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 02, 2011, 12:55:28 AM
Some mortals snuck into the bathhouise i'm having them help baloo with the coal since the coal dust has been on strike for a few days. if Baloo thinks they're worth anything he'll send them up to mother. if not, Sneed gets a couple of snacks..' Vitani said..  "What did they look like " Nuka asked " they looked like Lion Cubs, a boy and a girl. The Boy calls himself Kopa, and the other is kiara.. of course, IF they see mother, those won't be thier names know how mother renames everyone' vitani shrugged. "We haven't seen other lion cubs in centuries Vitani! and you make it like its no big deal? Whats wrong with you" Nuka said. " Dont you want friends? " Nuka this is why you will never run the bathhouse, and why I will. Friendship is not something we can afford. we have jobs to do' vitani said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 02, 2011, 01:27:19 AM
"So, who thinks they'll end up workers, who thinks they'll be bear chow?" Kovu asked his siblings between greeting spirits and demons.


"Pick up the pace, mortals......" Baloo ordered.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 02, 2011, 01:30:37 AM
Kopa hurried along shoving in cool as fast as he could. sweat dropped down his forehead and face from the heat.. this was hard work..
_ wildcat was setting up a tray of food for the spirits to munch on..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 02, 2011, 01:35:05 AM
In the bathhouse's cafe, a big owl, more specifically a consumption spirit appeared. His name was the Duke of Owls, and he was one of the biggest devourers of mortals and humans in the realm.

"Greetings Wildcat," the Duke waved his wing, "Got any captured prey for me?"


"Thank goodness I don't have a mane," Kiara told herself, which meant less heat was causing her to sweat.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 02, 2011, 01:41:11 AM
Right here in this basket actually " Wildcat replied bringing forth a basket filled with small creatures wildcat had grabbed..
- Frankly bro, i really don;t care much at all about them..Vitani said.. " i'm going up to the 6th floor.. check on the elevator, one of thems not working..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 02, 2011, 01:43:47 AM
"Delicious," the Duke smiled, "After all, this fits right into my diet..." he chuckled heartily.

The Duke wasn't just a carnivore, he preferred to eat his prey while it was still alive and terrified.


"Gotcha sis," Kovu nodded, "Later I'm going to check the bamboo to see if all the water is being properly directed to the baths."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on September 02, 2011, 02:34:48 AM
Jason and the others arrived where the food was.  "Nice looking." Jason said.

"mmm, and smelling too." Guilmon said looking at and sniffing the food.

"Wow." Jake said, not having seen that much or variety of food before in one place.

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on September 02, 2011, 09:07:35 PM
"Do you have a name, little one?" The vixen asked.

"A-Alan Amistad" Alan responded before asking the vixen her name.

"My name is Marian" she replied.

"Is there a way back,Marian?"

Marian pulled Alan close and whispered these words into his ear:

"There is a way but it is no simple task. Go into the back gate in the garden, then down the stairs and into the boiler room, there you'll find Baloo, the boiler man. Tell him you want a job, even if he refuses keep asking, be careful though, he may trick you into leaving."

Alan then caught sight of another anthropomorphic fox, this one wearing mostly green clothing.

"Mari, are you out there" He spoke in a british accent.

Marian stood up and bowed

"I must go" she told Alan before walking towards the other fox.

Alan waited until both foxes left before standing.

"Simple or not, I don't think I have a choice" he muttered.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 03, 2011, 12:27:19 AM
Kovu was not aware of the presence of the other mortal besides the lion cubs in the bathhouse.

"Better see how Mr. Wildcat's doing..." he smiled.


"You....burp.....outdid yourself Wildcat," the Duke smiled, devouring the trapped prey.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on September 03, 2011, 07:24:16 PM
Alan snuck into the garden and searched for the back gate. When he found it he entered and it seemed that his heart skipped a beat when he saw the large staircase that supposedly led to the boiler room.

Alan gulped as he approached the chasm of stairs.

"Well, here goes nothing" he muttered as he slowly stepped on to the first stair, then the second then the third and on, nothing happened. Alan stepped onto the seventh stair, suddenly...


It crumbled beneath his feet and Alan quickly ran down the stairs screaming and lost his balance which resulted in him smacking into the balcony wall. Alan quickly got up and left as a window above him opened.

Alan soon found the door to the boiler room, he thought about what he was going to say and slowly entered.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on September 03, 2011, 10:28:18 PM
Jake went over and got started on picking out some food for himself and got started on eating the food.  

"It's a good as it smells and looks." He said to the others present.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 06, 2011, 09:19:44 PM
Kopa stopped breifly as the door iopened.. " Looks like we have company' He said pointing to the young human.. "Welcome to the boiler room..' he said to the newcomer
 you;d better pick up a shovel and start working.." He said before another lion stepped in this one was called Nuka "Mother wants to see these two" He said to Baloo, pointing to Kopa and Kiara.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 06, 2011, 10:11:59 PM
"Isn't there mom the one who owns this place?" Kiara whispered to Kopa as they followed Nuka back to the upper levels. "I think that girl mentioned it....."

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 06, 2011, 10:49:06 PM
Yeah I think so' Kopa mouthed back as nuka stopped art an elevator " Take this up to the top" He said sternly "Mother is expecting you. do not say anything until she has spoken first..' he said banging the b door and it opened reavealing an elevator ; In you go
 He said " Kopa entered first followed by kIara. nuka closed the door and the elevator went up past several floors finally it opened on a darkhallway lit only by a few candled as the walked down the hallway Kopa felt a chill running down his neck ' well what are you waiting for a written invitation said a s\knocker on a door. ' cpme in' the door flew open and an invisible force grabbed the toe cubs and pilled them inside door after door after door opened before them before the finally appeared in front of a black lioness., ' well well you finally made it. yes i know all about you two
 your parents ate half the feast set aside for the spirits! since they ate like pigs, pigs they became. now why should i not ruen you also into pigds hmm' she gazed at them coldly.. ' after all you've snuck into my bathouse and cayused a huge uproar..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 06, 2011, 10:53:02 PM
"Because...." Kiara said, getting very nerovus at this revelation. She didn't want her or her brother to end up pigs as well, "Because we're good listeners and hard workers...we'll do anything you tell us to do, I promise Mighty Zira."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 06, 2011, 11:01:03 PM
i have enough workers already i don't need any more at the moment' zira said dismissively.
 we need a job so we can get our parents back and go home1` Kopa siuddenly shhouted ' another word out of either of you and i'll zip your mouths shot' zira sauid coldly. i've told you i don;t need any more workers1
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 06, 2011, 11:09:52 PM
What neither Kiara nor Kopa could realize was that Zira was thinking of another possible use for them. Zira thought that her 3 current children could use some company, or friends, or, perhaps......more siblings.

They were suddenly addressed by the bathhouse's owner again.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 06, 2011, 11:33:12 PM
well my three kids haven;t had friends in a long time, so i suppose i could give you two jobs after all.. it was then a loud crying noise  entered from a nearby room ' great 1 now look what you've done you've woken the baby! Mammas coming sweetie .. din't move either of you.. she said as she hustled into a the room..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 06, 2011, 11:45:06 PM
Kiara could only look confused at her brother as Zira left, and she came out when the crying had calmed down.


"we have a latter for you Mr. Scoobi," Sheegwa smiled, the kitten handing it to the canine blob.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 06, 2011, 11:50:16 PM
a latter' what does it say?
 scoobi asked g\as he took it from her.
 - two pieces of paper fell down to the young cubs
  theres your contracts sign your names in.. ' zita said returning everything to it normal place ' sNow do you want the job or not?' she said to the young cuns ' i can;t believe i made that promise, given a job to anyone who asks.. what was i thinking/
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 07, 2011, 12:05:39 AM
Both Kiara and Kopa didn't know any better, they figured this was the best they could do.

"sure," Kiara nodded, writing her name on the contract.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 07, 2011, 12:17:49 AM
Kopa signed his name to the contract abd both papers floated back ti ziras paw ' your nanmes are kopa and kiara, huh..well my dears they are your names no longer. kopa, you will be known as ' she lifted letters off the paper 'Ko' Your name sweetie, ' she lidfted off litters from Kiaras contract.. " Id Ri" Those are yout names  from now on. Fo your jobs asa you are told, or you will end up like yout parents, being prepped for slaughter.. now go"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 07, 2011, 12:50:53 AM
"Yes ma'm," Ri nodded respectfully, she and Ko turning to leave. Scar would be the one assigning them their first task.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 07, 2011, 12:55:14 AM
ko followed his sister back diwn the hallway as they left zira tosses thier contracts in a drawer..
 Ko opened the elwevator and helf it open for his sister ' why you think she changed our names Ri?' he asked
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 07, 2011, 02:16:41 AM
"So we sound like locals, I dunno," Ri replied, as they soon came across Scar, Zira's mate and second in command.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 07, 2011, 02:28:35 AM
and who are you' scar demanded ' we';re new sir.. ko said ' names scar, get cl;eaning the tubs  they haven;t been washed in weeks and they smell..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 07, 2011, 11:52:25 AM
"We'll get to it right now Mr. Scar," Ri bowed.

"Here's the list of baths needing to be cleaned," Kovu said, handing them the list.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on September 07, 2011, 06:49:06 PM
Alan slowly approached him ,a bear preforming various tasks that appeared to keep the boiler running.

"Are you Baloo" Alan asked...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 07, 2011, 08:52:23 PM
Ko rook the list and headed down to the fifth floor. once the entered the room, Ko made a face. the smell coming from the baths was terrible and baths were covered something like green mold. scrub brishes sat in a basket near the fall wall ' Best start scrubbing Ko said " and try not to think about the snelll..though it will be hard for me too..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on September 07, 2011, 09:36:38 PM
The bear didn't respond so Alan continued.

"I was wondering if you could give me a job".
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on September 07, 2011, 09:43:21 PM
Jason, Jake, & Guilmon started on eating their breakfast once they had picked out what they wanted to have.  

"You been here before?" Jason asked Jake.

"Nope, first time." Jake said.

"You'll enjoy the baths, they are great." Jason said.

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 07, 2011, 10:00:16 PM
"Hmm....I just might," Baloo finally replied, tossing Alan a shovel.

"Pack the coals before I decide I'm hungry...."


"What's the letter say?" Tora asked Scoobi.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 07, 2011, 10:52:39 PM
Dekishi borought Scoobi some food as he read the letter ' Its from Hate Ziras sister, inviting me to come visit' he said finally ' she;s masking those pies i really like..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 08, 2011, 12:51:36 AM
"We should head there," Tora grinned, the feline blob's laugh made him jiggle all over.


"This isn't too bad," Ri told Ko.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 08, 2011, 01:19:28 AM
Theres about 50 rubs in here sius, and we have to clean all of them! Well, this is for the sake of mom and dad, i'll do anything to turn them back to normal..well just about anything.." Ko said.. ' at least Zira didn't turn us to pigs..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on September 08, 2011, 05:31:02 PM
Alan took the shovel and began to shovel coal into a furnace.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 08, 2011, 06:56:15 PM
"Let's be thankful for the small blessings," Ri nodded to Ko, as Kovu handed them sponges and other cleaning tools.

"Now, start your job," Zira's youngest ordered, though not-forcefully
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 08, 2011, 07:05:26 PM
Ko did as he was directed, moving the brush back and forth, seeing the grime and goop slowly get cleared off as he scrubbed out the tub, water was occassionally poured t to wipe away the mess.. but it was not easy work, Kovu was very strict and made ko do things over again and again..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 08, 2011, 09:54:38 PM
At the very minimum, at least Kovu wasn't being insulting towards the new recruits.

"Keep up an even pace," he ordered Ri and Ko.

"i'm trying," Ri replied.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 08, 2011, 10:27:15 PM
Will dio sir' Ko said and tried to keep it even as best he could.. it was long hard work and Vitani ebtered to spell kovu
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on September 08, 2011, 10:36:11 PM
Jason, jake, & Guilmon contineud to eat their breakfast at the table area, in a neat orderly normal fashion.  Guilmon ate more then the other 2 did, picking out a lot of bread, since that was one of his favorite foods.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 08, 2011, 10:40:28 PM
"Thanks sis," Kovu smiled, taking his break.

"What baths are probably the dirtiest?" Ri asked Vitani.


"Hi Chef Wildcat, it's my lunch break," the dark-furred cub grinned, entering the cafe.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 08, 2011, 10:44:58 PM
well after 50 tubs you can go get yourselves something to eat ' We've got good food here.." Vitani said.. "You're new here so you'lll get a little slack, a LITTLE. you dlack off, you'll end up in one of Wildcats entrees.. Finish up the tub and head Downstairs..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 08, 2011, 10:51:20 PM
"Thank you Vitani," Ri bowed respectfully. "Seems there are so many ways we could end up eaten here...."


Kovu ordered a gazelle sundae. "With a few cherries please," he asked politely.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 01:27:04 AM
Right away Master Kovu' Wildcat smiled as began making the sundae.. How many cherries, your usual number? or more this time?
_ You better celieve it Vitani replied..  after watching them scrub out some more tubs..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 11, 2011, 01:30:38 AM
"Just what ind of spirits visit here the most often?" Ri asked, "So we can know what to expect from the locals of this world...."


"No, my usual lucky number of 98," Kovu nodded to Wildcat
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 01:42:43 AM
theres any number of spirits, river spirit mountain spirits half-demons you name it, they visit here.. ' just be very careful of the No-faces, they look like masks hanging in the air.. if they eat you, you're trapped forever, unless you can somehow force them to puke you back up..which rarely happens..
- 98 cherries coming up..' Wildcat said..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 11, 2011, 01:57:34 AM
"O...k..." Ri nodded, legitamately appreciating the knowledge, "We know who to avoid now, right bro?

She tried to plug her nose as they cleaned a tub that was most recently used by a stink spirit.


Kovu waved to the other patrons at the cafe as he waited for his sundae. "Hi everyone!" Scar and Zira's youngest was very polite and rarely on anyone's bad side.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 02:36:59 AM
rthanks.. so rule of claw is avoid pretty much all spirits.. amd where will we get to sleep.. 'Ko asked servants quarters' Vitani said ' there will be places for you to sleep and clothes to you jobs each day anf you;ll be rusted with more.. maybe one day you'll be trusted enough to get your parents freed. but you'll really have to bust both your tails..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 11, 2011, 02:49:21 AM
Ri nodded...."But that might mean we'll be working here for years," she said, accepting the fact.


Kovu licked his lips when he saw his sundae was ready. "Looks yummy as always, Chef Wildcat!" he smiled.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 04:46:00 AM
would you rather my mom turn you into pigs and stuff you in the stall to become bacon? we can have that arranged Ri" Vitani shot her a look ' so don;t whine.. we have enough of those around as it is..
You don;t like us, do you? Ko asked.  "We're not allowed to have any sort of relationships here, even friendships.. Among the three of us, Nuka, Muyself and kOvu i guess I ingrained those rules the most deeply.. so its not a matter of liking someone, its simply that its not allowed in any form..I would like you two, if it were allowed, but since its not i have to be short with you..
_ I'll start work on your sisters one now' Wildcat said
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 11, 2011, 04:49:23 AM
Ri realized that shutting up PROBABLY was her best option. "I'll be quiet....and work," she said weakly. She was surprised by those rules


"Thanks Mr. Wildcat!" Kovu smiled, of the 3 cubs, he was by far the least cold.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 04:54:40 AM
Eh get downstairs and get yourselves something to eat..' Vitani said dismissively " Go on! She moved both paws in a shooing motion..
Nuka , in termsd of following the rules and being tight on them, was inbetween Koovu and Vitani. He could be kind if the circumstances called for it..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 11, 2011, 04:57:02 AM
Kovu saw Nuka walk by the cafe. "Hi bro, do you want a meat sundae?" he offered politely.


Ri and Ko didn't hesitate to take that advice, and they ran as fast as their paws could go.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 05:01:35 AM
Why not? Nuka shrugged needed a break anyway.. Outside it began to rain hard, and turn the atmosphere glooomy..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 11, 2011, 05:02:34 AM
"Looks like we have no reasont to step outside now..." Kovu sighed, thouse his sundae cheered him up.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 05:22:47 AM
In the darkness outside a huge gloppy monster appeaed out of the river covred in goop and muck, and the smell was nauseaying, for anyone you came with 5 feet of the thing, whatever it was. there were cries as the creature passed by the stench destroying the food that was stting out, and causing other spirits to faint from the smell
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 11, 2011, 02:22:01 PM
The stench gradually entered Ri's nose. "PU! What's that smell?"

Kovu looked at Vitani. "Oh crud..." they gasped in unison.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 02:24:26 PM
Scar rushed to the phone to cummincate with Zira ' sommethings coming, and it reeks1 he said ' Don't let it in.. whatever you do..' Ziras voice came back ' At least until I can et down there..
the monster continued slurping its way across the brifghe despite the cries of the staff to turn back..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 11, 2011, 02:28:31 PM
"What's going on?" Ri asked Kovu and Vitani.

"A stink spirit..." Kovu replied, "One of the foulest in odor creatures in this realm!"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 02:34:28 PM
Zira appeared and dailed the phone that connected to the boilers ' Baloo send the boy up I have a job for it now' She ordered.
_ so much for getting something to eat Ko said wrinkling his nose as best he could..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on September 11, 2011, 08:02:25 PM
Alan only had been shoveling the coal for a few minutes and he was already covered in sweat, he wiped some of it off with his arm before hearing the sound of a door opening.

Alan turned to see who it was and found himself laying eyes on the vixen that had helped him earlier.

Marian handed Baloo the food that was prepared for him.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 11, 2011, 08:55:24 PM
Baloo received the call. "The boss needs you upstairs," he told Alan, "Get moving." He ate the food he was given.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on September 11, 2011, 09:48:16 PM
Maid Marian noticed Alan at that moment, she approached him and when she was within an inch from him, she took Alan's hand before speaking to Baloo.

"I'll take him to see Zira"

Marian led Alan to small door leading out of the boiler room when she told him to thank the boiler man.

Alan turned to face Baloo and bowed.

"Thank you" he spoke.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on September 11, 2011, 10:12:43 PM
"What's that smell?" Jake asked.

"Stink spirit, let's go elsewhere.  The food's not palatable here anyway anymore." Jason said.  

"Aw man, I wasn't finished eating my breakfast." Jake said.

"Me either." Guilmon said.  

"Let's go outside.  I have some food in my pockets.  A few burgers, french bread and the like.  Having pockets larger on the inside then the outside comes in handy now and then.  Lets you carry handy things in them." Jason said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 12, 2011, 06:07:54 PM
"Who's going to be the one dealing with this spirit sis?" Kovu asked, plugging his nose.

"Please not us," Ri mentally begged.


"Wow, even I can smell it," gagged Baloo.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 06:16:34 PM
the three newcomers will bath it Zira said finaly. ' Ko, Ri you will take care of our 'guest here' she said, as the doors were ripped open and the disgusting mud creature slowly approached them..
 Ko's eyes were wayering from the smell..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on September 12, 2011, 07:14:39 PM
Jason, Jake & Guilmon went outside, munching on the few burgers & french bread Jason had in some pockets.  

"How long will the smell be in there, man that's one strong?" Jake asked.

Jason shrugged, "It may be a while.  "

"I'm just glad to be out of that stinky place." Jake said, not holding his nose anymore.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on September 12, 2011, 07:34:30 PM
As Alan and Marian walked through the halls, a foul stench filled the air. The two quickly covered their noses while gagging in disgust.

"Where could that beastly smell have come from" Marian asked aloud

It only became worse when the duo entered the area where Zira and two lion cubs awaited.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 07:40:37 PM
Well well you took your sweet like coming up here human. ' Normally I'd have you sign a  contract before starting but that can wait.. you , along with Ko and Ri here, are to tend to our guest here.. and don';t screw this up, or the three of you will be in deep trouble. I just want whatever that is cleaned up and out of here as quickl;y as posible.."
 She then trned to Ko and Ri. " Ko, ri take thuis human here with you.. now.."
 _yes mam ' Ko said, as the blob stopped in front of them and stretched out a slimy paw..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on September 12, 2011, 07:48:40 PM
Marian looked at Alan and curtsied before leaving.

Alan gagged a second time, the smell was hediously overpowering that he was sure he might faint.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 12, 2011, 07:56:41 PM
"We have to do this," Ri said, regretful yet determined. The smelll was killer on her nose, but she knew this had to be done to get her and Ko's parents back.

"Ko, you take the lever, me and the human will move the  bamboo pipes into position!"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 08:01:14 PM
the blobs sretched out the paw reveased a pile of gold ' ko take the spiirits money ' zita said through gritted teeth' the spitited ploped the money into ko's oaws and ko looked away..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 12, 2011, 08:26:25 PM
Ri ran ahead to the bath where the Stink Spirit would be bathing. "Wish me luck!" she called to Ko and the human.

She opened the door and took a deep breath
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on September 12, 2011, 09:11:49 PM
"Right this way, sir" Alan spoke, leading the stink spirit to the big tub.

Along the way along many spirits fled at the sight of the stink spirit.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 09:22:38 PM
ko helped guide the blob into the full bath sending a tornt of water over the edge of the bath and doaking the 3 of them.. ko, we need tokens1 he called out..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 12, 2011, 09:43:44 PM
Ri raced alongside a wall until where the tokens were kept was found.

"I found them Ko!" she calle,d racing back to her brother.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 09:50:17 PM
i'll handle holding the spirit you and the human work on keeping the water running..ko said.. " We;ll need to work togetherm just keep the water running..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on September 12, 2011, 10:23:16 PM
"We can't stay out here." Guilmon said.  

"We can try holding our breaths and going upstairs.  The smell may not reach up there." Jason said.  

"We may have to run." jake said.

"Or fly." Jason said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 17, 2011, 10:03:34 PM
"Human, help me out!" Ri said, pulling the water lever again. "I can't keep this up by myself!"


"Then let's go visit Hate," Tora suggested with a chuckle.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 17, 2011, 10:11:21 PM
Dekishi smiled ' sure thing Rora. Do you have train rickets for the 4 of us?"
- Ko held the monsterdown..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on September 17, 2011, 10:24:19 PM
Jake and Jason flew upstairs, with Jason carrying Guilmon.  Once upstairs they paused, Jake and Guilmon sniffing.  

"I can't really smell that stinky smell up here." Jake said.

"Me either." Guilmon said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 19, 2011, 10:37:13 PM
"Yup," Tora replied, feeling around in his fat. "Here we go!"

"Enjoy your trip!" Sheegwa waved.


Ri did her best to keep the water coming.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 28, 2011, 10:33:43 PM
the sspirit continjued splashing mud over the side of the bath covered Ri , Ko and the human is disgusting muck." What is this stuff? its completely masty.." Ko said, making a face as he tried to hold the spirit down..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on September 29, 2011, 12:37:42 AM
Jason and the others looked around to see what the place was like that they had landed in.  

"I wonder where may be best to head to now." Guilmon said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on October 01, 2011, 01:42:40 PM
Vitani meanwhile was trying to keep the bathouse running smothly " alright you lot start cleaning up that muck! Come on Come on! Or my mother will find new workers to serve the guests! Move It!" She snapped..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on October 11, 2011, 07:48:52 PM
"Yes, yes Ms Vitani," the other workers nodded nervously, getting to work as fast as their paws could take them

"Must......resist.....smell," Ri said to herself.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on October 11, 2011, 08:19:38 PM
As the water continued to pour over the spirit , it cleared away more and more of the muck revelaing something stuck in the spirits side.. " Hey theres some kind of thorn in the spirits side! Ko Called out, trying to reach for the object
 and getting soaked throughly in the process ' ri, lend me a paw here would you please?
_ A thorn you say/ Zira said gesturing and creating two lengths of rope " That isn't a stink spirit.. its something else..Tie that rope around it and i'll have the staff pull on it from over here. you pull on it as best you call.. you'll look like half-drowned rats in the bargain, but hey , I don;t care.. Now get to it..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on October 12, 2011, 12:49:08 AM
"Coming Ko!" Ri called, the little lioness dashing over. "What is this thing supposed to be?" she asked puzzled. She grabbed the handle, it felt like metal....

"A spirit not in it's normal form...." Wildcat noted.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on October 12, 2011, 02:05:07 PM
Pull on it! Ko shouted as he managed to tie the rope around the object and made sure it was tight.
Zira had gathered a good number of the staff together and ordered the m to pull on the rope  When I raise my paw, you pull! She said coldly.. and raised her paw
- Ko started pulling on the "thorn as hard as he could.  between his and Ri's efforts, and those of the staff they were starting to make progress.. the metal object was slowly being drawn out.. and it wasn't a thorn. it was the handle- to a bike..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on October 12, 2011, 02:27:12 PM
"The heck?" Ri gasped. She pulled her best to see that there was more than just a bicycle among this spirit.

"I have no idea what that is...." Kovu said, he and Nuka watching from above.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on October 12, 2011, 04:08:27 PM
the bike wasn't the only thing stuck in this spirit, in fact, removing the bike sent other stuff gushing out of the spirit, all sorts of junk and debris, it poured out off the tub and covered the staff. the  debris continued shootinmg out until it covered nearly the entire room, up to several feet. the water slowly receded , revealing  tiny specks of a sparkly substance. ko looked to see what was left pof the spirit, to his amaxement, there was nothing..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on October 12, 2011, 09:42:22 PM
Jason shrugged, "I guess we'll have to explore, since I don't see a map on the walls." Jason said.   They started to walk down the wallway.  

"Maybe some ambient sounds may give us a clue where to go next." Jason said.

"I hope so." Jake said.

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on October 19, 2011, 12:26:19 PM
theres no one there! Ko said as Zira entered the room " hes still here Ko so don;'t do anything to upset him.." She said with a snarl.. " Now get out of there and get cleaned up, I have more work for you and your sister. the shutters of the bathhouses north wing need repairs.. you two are going to go up there and replace them , Baloo will send up new shingles..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on October 19, 2011, 02:40:20 PM
"Yes mam," Ri bowed respectfully, heading away from the tub.


"Glad that mess it cleared up," Baloo said to Sneed, the bears had overheard bout the incident up above.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on October 19, 2011, 06:48:54 PM
The water suddenly rushed out of the tub, sending Ko flying into a pile od debris.. " the front doors magically opened and the spirit  rushed out into the open air.. "Get going'Zira said " handing him a crowbar
 get that roof repaired now..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on October 19, 2011, 09:30:17 PM
Alan, who had been swept against the wall, observed the spirit's departure as he willed himself to get to his feet. He had heard Zira order Ko and Ri to repair the roof and he decided that he should help out.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on October 27, 2011, 08:13:25 PM
Kopa followed the steps out to the roof, and climbed up onto it. it was a long drop into the water from here. if you fell in, well there wouldn't be much left of you...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on October 27, 2011, 09:23:22 PM
"It must be nice being one of the spirits," Ri said, helping her brother on the roof.


"Shingles on the way!!!" Baloo called, sending them up a magic tube of bamboo.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on October 27, 2011, 11:13:43 PM
Jason, Guilmon & Jake walked along the corridor or hallway on the 2nd floor, seeing what was up there.  

"I wonder how long it will take to get the stink out." Jake said.

Jason shrugged, "may be fairly quick, or it may take a while, depends on quite a few factors." He said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on October 30, 2011, 11:22:53 PM
Yeah, I guess Ko agreed as they began to pry up the old shingle by paw.. " Still I would pick going home, over becoming a spirit.. I miss mom and dad" He sighed as he pried up another shingle..
- vitani was supervising the cleanup of the inside of the bathhouse when zira came up to her " Vitani go up to the roof and keep an eye on Ko Ri and the human.. tell them I only want the green tiles pulled up.. if they protest.. dump these on them ' Zira gestured and two buckets of some unknown substance appeared on the floor.. ' alright mom, i'll get on it right away..vitani sighed picking up the buckets and walking up towards the steps.. ' why do i have to watch those two? she muttered..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Kor on October 30, 2011, 11:56:24 PM
"I came here for a bath, since I read about the place.  Now what we I'll do." Jake asked a bit put out by it.  

"Circumstances happen.  As for a public bath type thing.  I can take you to see an authentic roman bath.  You can see a real roman city during the height of the roman empire." Jason said.

"No way, time travel will get me in trouble, like it did last time." Jake said waving his hands.

"I'm a professional.  My tardis is just outside.  We can fly to the outside and avoid the stink downstairs.  I know a spell to let is phase through the wall." Jason said.

"Yay, I get to have roman food again." Guilmon said, smiling and clapping his hands together.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 02, 2011, 03:03:02 PM
"What can Nuka and I do, mother?" Kovu smiled cutely, he was always the obedient one among Scar and Zira's cubs.

"Let's just keep a rhythm going with this," Ri said to Ko, helping with the shingles.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 02, 2011, 08:36:56 PM
go to the pens and male sure the pigs are ready for  slaughter " zira said.. " and if you catch anyone snooping around throw them into the river..
 Vitani soon cvame up to the roof " I'm here to keep an eye on you two.. mothers orders she sighed "  Just pry out the green-clored tiles, and replace them..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on November 02, 2011, 08:43:31 PM
"Yes, ma'am" Alan said sarcastically as he continued working.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 02, 2011, 08:52:11 PM
"Don't be sarcastic," Ri frowned, "Bad things might happen to you...."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 02, 2011, 09:32:00 PM
yes, bad stuff, like being pushed off the roof, and at this height, that would be all she wrote for you" vitani said " just keep replacing the tiles, and no backtalk or I'll dump this stuff on you. I don't even know what it is, but its probably something you don't want on you..' vitani said as a fresh supply of tiles appeared.. ' and you'd best pick up the pace, those clouds don;t look very inviting..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 02, 2011, 09:58:02 PM
"Agreed," Ri nodded, the little lioness quickly picking up her pace and replacing shingles as fast as her paws let her.


"At least there's no commotion down here," Baloo told himself.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 03, 2011, 06:14:29 PM
Vitani watched the two other cubs pull out and replace most of the tiles when it began to rain.. " alright thats enough.. lets inside before it starts pouring.. " come come on..
_ Zira meanwhile had had an idea "We should have a big feast" she said to Scar. " it should have all the spirits favorite foods and might include some of the lazy workers as well unless they stop goofing off..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 03, 2011, 06:24:23 PM
"Ah, yes, they've been loyal customers who've made us rich," Scar smirked, "Though, do you know what they prefer to eat?"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 03, 2011, 08:05:18 PM
fish, squid, dumpling, possibly humans.. who knows, just get them something of everything Zira said as Vitani Ko and Ri entered ' Ids the roof done? She demsanded " Not yet mother, it started to rain pretty hard' Vitani said " Fine, have them go back up there once the rain stops.. zira said as a whistle blew.. ' well thats the ' night-whistle.. show  ko and ri to the servants quarters, and give them sleeping arrangements and uniforms. ' zira said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 03, 2011, 08:29:51 PM
lead the way," ri encouraged vitani.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 05:55:55 PM
Follow me..  now I will give you one chance at deciding how you will have the arrangements. Either the two of you will stay together or you will sleep according to gender so Ri will be with the lionesses and Ko with the lions. " So make your choice, but know that once you make it, you cannot change it.' Vitani said..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 05, 2011, 05:59:04 PM
"What do you say, Ko?" Ri asked her older brother. She would respect whatever option he would go with.


Tora rolled around, with Koneko still in his layers of fat. "This trip will be nice," the cat blob smiled.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 06:07:54 PM
I'll stay with my sister.. " Ko said ' Ah the bonds of family.. gag me with a spoon " Vitani rooled her eyes as she opened a door with a gesture.. " She pointed to a pair of cots in the far end of the room. ' those will be yours..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 05, 2011, 06:09:15 PM
"Could be worse," Ri thought to herself, as she and Ko went over. "At least we'll get to know other spirits."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 06:16:14 PM
Why are you so mean to us? Ko asked " As I said before Ko I'm not allowed to have friends, even if I asked my mother, she'd still say no..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 05, 2011, 09:24:20 PM
"How come?" Ri asked, feeling a little sorry for Vitani
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 09:41:21 PM
Because my mother feels that friendships are not nearly as important as doing a job, and doing it well. shes drilled into us all sorts of rules over the years.. while i may look like i'm about your age Ko, in reality my siblings and I have been here for centuries, I guess you could call us immortal if you wanted, it wouldn't make much difference to me..' Vitani said giving both of them a looking over.. ' And don't ask my mother if we can be friends, unless you want to join your folks in the pig pen  faster  than you can blink.. You guys did a good job today with the river spirit, don't blow it by asking for something that's never gong to happen in a million years. We'll be here long after either you've freed your parents and returned home, or,   much more likely, you screw up and get served with the evening bath to some spirit.. now get to bed.. both of you.. i'll be up in the morning to get you back to work on those singles.. vitani said stepping out of the room and closing it behind her..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 05, 2011, 09:44:10 PM
"Wow...." Ri sighed, as the room got much more dark, "I kinda feel sorry for her.....but I guess, like she said, we can't really do anything about it."

"I don't wanna end up in some spirit's belly."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 09:56:16 PM
Everyone needs friends, sis" Ko replied " Imagine if dad had never run into Timon and Pummba? Neither of us would have been born. those lions- Nuka Vitani and Kovu- they've been by themselves for a very very long time, i guess they are just used to it being that way.. but it doesn't mean it always has to be that way.. all we can do is be nice to them as much as possible, and hope they will be allowed to be nice in return. in the meantime, we just do whatever they ask us, no matter how hard or humiliating the work is, because we can't refuse anything if we hope to save mom and dad, now pick out which bed you want, and i'll see you in the morning ' ko said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 05, 2011, 09:59:27 PM
Ri smiled, climbing onto the top one. "Night," she yawned, her maw opening wide, a little roar accompanied it, but nothing loud.


"We got more workers," Kovu smiled to his mother, "And that'll brings us even more business!"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 10:06:29 PM
Night sis" Ko said climbing into the other bed and wrapping the blanet around him as he soon feel asleep..
 Yes those workers did a good job today, we earned a LOT of money from the river spirit. just remember the rules kovu, you are a member of my family, and above anyone you work with. that means no friendships with the hired help.. those two lions will likely be spirit sushi before long it won't be a big loss.." zira said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 05, 2011, 10:08:21 PM
"Of course," Kovu bowed respectfully to his mother. Kovu really was the most good natured of his siblings, but he still followed rules.

"Also," he said, pulling out a clipboard, "I asked all the spirits about what they wanted for the grand feast, they said "little brats". what does that mean?"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 10:12:45 PM
It means human children, or, really children of any species..' Zira replied " you, Nuka and Vitani will spend tomorrow gathering up as many youngsters as you can..50, 500 500 doesn't matter how many you grab as long as you get results..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 05, 2011, 10:19:34 PM
"But how can we get to these people?" Nuka asked, "And how can we get them all in the kitchen?"

"I'll get Mr. Wildcat to set up the biggest soup pot he has," Kovu smiled.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 10:30:34 PM
Thats up to you two, I don't care how you do it, stuff them in bags, chop them into bits and pieces,  cast spells on them..just get going on it" Zira replied..
- yes mother nuka said.. as he headed out of the room... zira paused and opened a drawer and gazed at a small crystal ball in the ball she could see an image to two sleeping lions.. zira paused and began stroking her chin, and smile growing across her face
dekishi paused as the train stopped at another stop to allow more passengers to get on
 they were at the 4th stop, hates house was at stop 6..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 05, 2011, 10:34:30 PM
"I hope Hate prepared a lot of food," Tora grinned, "I'm hungry."

"Aren't you always?" Koneko laughed.


Ri and Ko had no idea what Zira was planning.


"So how should we do this guys?" Kovu asked his older siblings.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 10:52:50 PM
I think spells should be the first resort " nuka said " and Kovu , stop sucking up to mom too! its enough to make one puke! Yes Mother! Of Course mother! thank you mother may I have another? geez kovu learn to say no once in awhile, for goodness sake!"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 05, 2011, 10:55:34 PM
Kovu frowned, "I do what mother and father want because they know what's best," he said to his big brother.

He then pulled out a spell book, looking for something that could help them in their......"grocery shopping."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 11:15:55 PM
You can do what they tell you without being a tailchaser' nuka replied ' Will both of you just shut up! Vitani interjected " lets get the job done and them you two can resume your arguing on why Kovu's a brownnoser and Why Nuka here is never going to get mom or dads respect in the measure he thinks he deserves..frankly i don't care what junk you guys call yourselves, we are not going to let it distract from the mission.. getting as many  mortal kids as possible..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 05, 2011, 11:19:43 PM
"What works better, do you think?" Kovu asked, "Fear, or bait?"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 11:29:20 PM
try both and see which works better. i'm inclined to try fear myself " vitani replied.. lets get going.. the more we get the better..
 dekishi turned to konerko and tora ' you guys enjoying the ride?
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 05, 2011, 11:30:51 PM
"Let's work together for a bit Nuka," Kovu smiled, "And use bait."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 07, 2011, 01:28:07 PM
Fine, whatever.. Nuka shrugged.. " lets get to the portal, and go about our business..
- Hate was sewing a scarf  when she heard a knock on the door.. " Come in come in, its not locked..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 08, 2011, 10:13:06 PM
Tora, Koneko in tow, rolled into Hate's home.

"Hi there," the cat blob waved.


Ri fell asleep listening to the sounds of the bathhouse after hours.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 09, 2011, 02:02:19 PM
Dekishi and scoobi were next to enter the hoom. ah You brought your friends.. please please sit down " hate gesture and food floated to the four guests on plates "please help yourselves..
_ those kids did a good job today, surprisingly good. Zira murmured as she gazed into the ball.  they keep it up and I might just add them to my little group.. yes thats ir I'll make them forget their past lives entirely, they won't remember being " Kopa " or Kiara, and having a sister would do wonders for Vitani..she's wound so tight, i figure something in there's going to give one of these centuries..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 09, 2011, 03:24:10 PM
"Ingenious idea, my love," Scar purred, stepping up and nuzzling Zira, "I think that Ko would make a good worker, as would his sister too."


"Don't mind if we do," Tora smirked, beginning to chow down.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on November 09, 2011, 04:29:51 PM
Alan left as soon as he could, only to feel someone tug his shoulder, the boy turned to see the other fox he had glimpsed earlier, the one dressed in green.

"Follow me, she's expecting you" he said. The fox who introduced himself as Robin Hood, although Zira forced him and his wife to go under the alias "Rob" and "Mari", led Alan to the dormitories. "Come in" Alan heard Marian say as he entered her and Robin's quarters.

"I need to tell you about Zira" Marian continued.

"Why" Alan asked

"You have to sign a contract if you wish to work here, in doing so Zira will take something important from you"


"Your name.That is how she controls you. Whatever you do, never forget your true name,Alan" Marian concluded.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 09, 2011, 05:58:57 PM
we'll have to make sure that they prove themselves some more first..zira said.. which reminds me i need to sign that human to a contract..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 10, 2011, 06:14:06 PM
"We should be seeing those new arrivals fairly soon," Scar said to Zira.


"Nice to see you again Hate," Koneko waved.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 10, 2011, 06:52:39 PM
Ko stirred a few hours later while being shaken by another servant ' hurry up you! The mistress is waiting for you downstairs! he said hurriedly " Now get going..
_ Good to see you as well,' Hate smiled " You enjoy staying at the bathhouse? I haven't been there in a long time..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on November 11, 2011, 12:30:40 AM
Alan arrived at his dorm, he laid out the sleeping bag that he had been given and had fallen asleep within the hour.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on November 14, 2011, 05:20:05 AM
By morning's sunrise, new faces began to emerge in the region...

The first to arrive at the gates of bathhouse was a blood-red feline of the underworld, kept close to him was an hourglass with a glowing center beneath the glass.  He has had an enjoyable venture in the mortal, and wanted to take a relaxing few nights before returning to the underworld.  As a frequent guest, he was welcomed inside without hesitation...

No longer than the feline was out of sight, next came a canine, whistling with merriment.  Unlike the cat, he hailed from the Celestial Heavens, but he too was a regular to the bathhouse.  The two characters have never even come on the same day, let alone to cross paths now.  With the first guest lost in the crowd, the dog strolled on in...


Further out in the field in the illumination of the sun, two exotic and almost imposing figures reach sight of the carnival.  One, a tall masculine kirin guardian spirit, and the other, a 6-tailed kitsune forest spirit.  Stopped to take in the new sights.  But the kirin was on a serious quest...

"For a little spirit," the kitsune started, "I marvel at his endurance..."

The kirin kept a stern stare.  "This is not of his own volition," he replied, which is all he could explain.  He just couldn't come to the answer of who and why, but what matters more is the child he was meant to find.

The two started walking again towards town...


On a balcony overlooking the sea from the bathhouse, three dog spirits watched with varied expressions.

The only Akita of the trio, sat motionless and in a blank stare towards the ocean's horizon.  One of the Dobermans, sat further back inside with an intent stare at the Akita.  The second was calmly honing his long sword in his own train of thought...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 14, 2011, 12:26:19 PM
And in the sea below the balcony, a train was going by. Despite the ground around the bathhouse now being underwater, the trains for the spirits still functioned properly. It was a very soothing image, and many of Zira's workers sought to take the train, but they've yet to accomplish that.


A little while later, Ri awoke, seeing all the other worker spirits climbing out of their bunks. "I think it's time we get up," she said to her brother. The time for the baths of the spirits tonight had begun.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 14, 2011, 02:41:47 PM
Ko muttered as he climbed out of his nuvnk and shook nhis head.. ' alright i'm guessing we'll have to finish the roof today..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on November 15, 2011, 02:06:46 AM
It was a while before the kirin and the kitsune, Kura and Shirigume, arrived in town, and soon reached the bridge into the bathhouse.

"A fancy establishment for a little spirit to run into," Shirigume said as she held her head to see the bathhouse to the top, before looking back at Kura.  "Surely, he couldn't have gone inside."

Kura sighed.  "I'm not sure now," he replied.  "There are too many scents here to discern."

"If there are little kid spirits running around inside, we'd find out about it...  Besides, with all this traveling, we're both in need for some freshening up.  But this place looks a little pricey..."

Kura pondered the thought as he reached underneath his kimono and pulled out some kaikishoho, ancient gold coins that have been offered to him throughout the ages by the Hotemenshu Clan.

Shirigume looked over and smirked.  "So you did come prepared."

"It's been worth little to me until now.  Let's hope they'll accept it..."

The two then approached the main gates...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 15, 2011, 02:58:02 AM
The current doormen, two weasel spirits, saw the newcomers approaching.

"Ah, you've brought gold," Ayumi, the one standing on the left smiled, "Feel free to enjoy a bath and the food prepared by our master chef, Wildcat."

"Is there any requests you have for a meal?" Ai, the younger of the two, who looked 12 in human years, "We can send a note so you can have your food delivered personally to your bath, no need to get out and walk to the cafe." She wanted to be as helpful as she could to her older sister, who she was working with.


"I guess so," Ri nodded to Ko, shaking the dust off her paws, and heading out of the servant's quarters/
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on November 15, 2011, 03:50:43 AM
Kura still seemed preoccupied, so it was Shirigume who responded to the weasels.  "No need for meals," she replied with a half-smile.  "We would just like a nice hot bath to relax in.  We've had a long journey."


Back on the balcony, Rosco eyed down his sword for imperfections before getting up.  "C'mon Desoto," he said to the other Doberman.  "Time we keep the riff raff at bay or Zira will have our heads again."

There was no response from Desoto, who continued to stare at the Akita, until Rosco swiped at his ear with his free paw.

"Forget him.  You can't get him to fight you even if somehow he wanted too.  He's Zira's..."  He stopped himself short.  "Now let's get going!"

Desoto responded with a low growl before he too got up, and the guards stepped from the room into the bathhouse grounds...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 15, 2011, 02:30:52 PM
Sagwa, Sheegwa, and Dongwa were busy with their jobs as messengers for Zira. They would be given letters either by their boss or for Zira, and they had to run around. Luckily, they knew the interior well, so they didn't get lost.

"Mrs. Zira seems a little more upset than usual," Sagwa commented as she and Dongwa ran through a hallway.

"Eh, more business, that means more paperwork for her," her older brother shrugged. "Besides, that means more pay for us...."

"I'm just concerned that something bad may happen," Sagwa replied.


"Then, we have some tubs available on floor 2," Ayumi explained, "Feel free to head there now."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 15, 2011, 05:22:52 PM
lets go get breakfast first , hopefully they'll give us a few minutes to eat before resuming our duties ' ko said.. you ssleep ok, sis? He asked ri
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 15, 2011, 08:33:59 PM
"Yes, lets," Ri smiled, scampering to the bathhouse.

"I heard that Wildcat sir is a good chef."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 15, 2011, 10:04:21 PM
Alright guys whaqts the plan for today? vgitanmi asked Kovu and Nuka as they sat sat a table munching on food provided by Wildcat.. ' Kovu you need to check and see that the coal dust is back on , mom finally agreed to raise thier candy breaks and each giove them sliughlt more candy... Nuka you need to repaint the bridge on floor 8..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 15, 2011, 11:29:04 PM
"i'll be sure to check on them right after breakfast," Kovu nodded, eating some gazelle, which was one of his favorite dishes, "This'll definitely make Baloo and Sneed's jobs easier."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on November 16, 2011, 03:31:00 AM
"Thank you," Shirigume said as she and Kura bowed in appreciation, and walked further inside the bathhouse towards the nearest elevator...


Meanwhile, on a different floor, Red was sitting back peacefully in his own bath.  The hourglass sitting on the deck within arm's reach.  He was near nodding off until...

"Well, well, well..." a voice from the other side of the pool averted the demon cat's attention, to one of Zira's guards, Rosco.  "Look at what the hell cat dragged in..."

Red sneered at the remark.  "You sound like you'd never wanted to see me again," he said coolly.

"That's my personal opinion, but you are one of Mistress Zira's regular customers, so what can I do?"

"There IS something you can do...  On my way over here, I may have been followed from the mortal world.  I don't know who, but I want them off my tail, especially while I'm taking my money's worth here."

"Now why would someone chase you to the depths of the earth?"

"THAT is none of your business, but..." Red pointed to the hourglass, which began to levitate into the air.  "This needs to be locked up good and tight until I'm ready to leave.  Think you can manage all of that?"

The hourglass began to glide across the pool into Rosco's paws.  "Simple enough," the Doberman replied, more stern in his voice.  "I'll keep it in the usual place.  No one but Zira herself could break it open without my help..."  He paused to look at the shimmering glow within.  "Must be an important midnight snack to want it locked up."

"You can't get any fresher than that, my friend...  And I'm going to savor every bit of it..."

The two began an evil chuckle between them...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 16, 2011, 04:01:25 AM
as Sagwa and Sheegwa continued to deliver letters, Dongwa began his shift as a waiter to the customer spirits.

Now, Zira had no discrimination between Heaven and Hell, so both angels and devils were frequent customers.

"Is there anything I can bring you sir? And are you enjoying your bath?" the young Chinese cat spirit asked the canine who had come down from the Celestial Heavens.


Kovu had raced down to the boiling room. He saw the coal spirits all around. "My mother has extended your candy breaks," he informed, "And you will be provided more of these rations."

"It's about time," Baloo informed.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on November 17, 2011, 02:17:49 AM
Charlie, like Red, was laying back in his pool of scented hot water.  "Just great, pal," he replied, "but I could go with a bottle of saki.  It took a while to save up enough on the payroll I get."  He took a gold nugget and flips it into the air towards the cat spirit...


Kura and Shirigume reached the second floor, and then proceeded down a hall to some empty tubs separated by a wall between them.

When Shirigume and Kura looked at each other, the kitsune smirked and said, "Don't get any ideas..."  She walked into the room closest to her.

Kura smiled and shook his head, but his smile faded and he turned to look to the vastness of the bathhouse's interior.  This place is much bigger than he expected, and with the many spirits moving about like the circulation of a mortal's bloodstream, it would be next to impossible to find little Riki here.  But this was his honor-bound mission, and he'll unquestioningly go to the deepest depths of hell to find the child.  Taking a deep breath to release tension, the kirin entered his room between Shirigume's, and the opposite one belonging to an angelic canine...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 17, 2011, 02:27:23 AM
finally the dust cheered.. ' we won;t be going on strike again forawhile we promise..
See to it that you deon't Vitani said sticking her head in..come on kovu those demons will want food served to them promoto, you know how satan gets when he doesn't get served fast enough
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 17, 2011, 02:36:30 AM
"On my way sis," Kovu nodded quickly rushing upstairs.

Business was booming once again.


"It'll be coming right up sir," Dongwa assured to Charlie, writing the order on a magic notepad which warped to the kitchen.

"Is there anything I can get you two?" he called to Kura and Shirigume


Ri and Ko listened for their jobs to be assigned to them by the assistant manager
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 17, 2011, 02:41:32 AM
serve belladonnas tub, after that you are to finish the shingles and after that you are to massage miss vitani feet. wait how did that one get just ignore that last one, someone probably messing around with the directions againm blasted toads' the manager grumbled..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 17, 2011, 02:43:51 AM
"I'll be right there," Kovu nodded, giggling at the altered orders, heading up to floor 3, where a lot of demons were enjoying their baths.

Belladonna, the purple hellhound whippet was one of Zira's best customers, and Kovu was happy to serve.

"Hello there Ms. Belladonna, how are you? Is there anyway I can be of help?" the young cub asked
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 17, 2011, 02:49:02 AM
belladonna was very much enoying the waer which she had magically heated up to 350 degrees.. just give me a minute please ' she said as she reflected on what she had done prior to coming here she had been overseeing another incoming slew of condemned souls
 most were sent to be tormented but some were to be assigned to the reghions of the netherworld
 there were c9 levels of hell compared to 10 with heaven. belladonna spent most of her time with her master in the 9th and deepest area..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 17, 2011, 02:50:46 AM
"Ok, I can wait," Kovu nodded respectfully. Being a hellhound, Belladonna liked the water hot. "I take it your job has been going well?" he smiled
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on November 17, 2011, 03:23:26 AM
Kura was looking at the tub of fresh scented water when someone was talking to him and Shirigume.  "No thank you," he replied.  "We should be good for now."  He closed the curtains to the walkway and got to taking off his clothing.

He first laid a towel down next to the pool, for which he placed his swords on top of it.  All he wore next was his samurai's kimono, which he removed and hung it on the wall nearby, and then he calmly stepped into the heated water, soon seating himself comfortably in the tub...

Shirigume was already in her tub, relaxing as the herbs in the water soothed any aches she had.  Her sword is also within arm's reach...

(OOC:  Just to note, Kura's and Shirigume's bodies are PG-13 only.  Nothing explicit.)
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 17, 2011, 03:36:47 AM
Down in the kitchen, the order of saki for Charlie appeared in front of Wildcat.

"A traditional drink of this place," the feline smiled, pouring a glass filled of the beverage for the paying customer from heaven. When it was complete, he used his magic to send it back to Charlie.


Meanwhile, Genta, a tiger sumo spirit had also taken a tub, and was relaxing as the water covered his fur.

"This is to be my vacation spot forever," he chuckled to himself, in the bath next to Charlie's.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on November 17, 2011, 05:33:31 AM
"You said it," Charlie replied, overhearing someone next to him, and picked up his glass of saki.

Kura, soaking his scales in the soothing water, also overheard.  "You come here before?" he asked.

"As often as I could," Charlie called back.  "Your first time, pal?"

"You could say that."

"Trust me, you'll keep coming back."

Doubtful, Kura thought to himself as he sat there...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 17, 2011, 01:58:26 PM
Genta stretched relaxed, sinking into his tub a bit.

Whether it be something in the water, or just the mood of the bathhouse, it made customers want to come back for more.

"Ah, dinner's arrived," he grinned, seeing a plate full of sushi appear in front of him. He gave the gold bits in payment.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 18, 2011, 01:54:18 AM
Sagwa had tended to the tub where Red was currently relaxing.

"Is there anything we can get you?" the cat spirit asked the Hell cat calmly.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on November 18, 2011, 05:05:57 AM
Red was examining his claws when he was asked the question.  "There is one thing I need," he answered.  "These talons need honing.  How about a manicurist?  One that the house wouldn't mind if it happens to be...disposable?"


Shirigume was enjoying her time, often dipping her head underneath the water to get all of her fur soaked, until she stopped suddenly, sensing a presence in her space.  She eyed her sword by the tub...


There was a pause in silence when Charlie restarted the conversation with the stranger in the next space.  "The name's Charlie.  What's yours, pal?"

"Um...Kurago," the kirin replied.

"Interesting name.  You said this is your first visit.  How far out-of-town you live?"

"A ways.  I don't go out much."

"Oh.  There a reason why you come here now?"

"There is.  It's sort of personal..."

"Hey, your secret is your secret.  I don't meddle."

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 18, 2011, 12:41:23 PM
"Yes sir, I'll get one right away," Sagwa nodded, heading back out to the hallway.

She pressed a button to communicate with Vitani. "Hey Vitani, it's Sagwa, do we have any manicurists available? Red is asking for one."


"I'm Genta," the sumo tiger spirit called next to Charlie, "I live around 100 miles away from here. I've taken up sumo wrestling as my career, gives me an excuse to pig out," he chuckled lightly.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 20, 2011, 02:19:57 AM
Manicurists? try Level 4, we usually have a couple on staff, just get him whatever he wants, but make sure he pays.. We don't do things for free here' Vitani said.. I don't care if he is one of higher demons down there, we still need the money, or mom takes it out of our hides..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 20, 2011, 02:52:26 AM
Sagwa nodded and went up to Floor 4, where the aforementioned manicurist was. "Sir Red from Hell is requesting a manicure on one of the floor 3 tubs," the kitten explained.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on November 20, 2011, 05:07:25 AM
"Beats being a paperboy for the people upstairs," Charlie replied with some distaste in his voice.

"You're from the Celestial Heavens?" Kura asked.

"Did I have an option?  As they say, ALL dogs go to heaven.  Like there's any fun up there..."


"Well, well, well..." the voice behind Shirigume was Rosco, who started to circle around the tub at a distance.  "It's about time someone more attractive shows up in this stinkhole.  Most of the time, we've had either grizzled hags or overweight porkchops.  Now what's a fine vixen like you doing here alone?"

Shirigume simply smirked at the Doberman's remarks.  "By your voice, I'd think you'd be the management here.  But now I see the clothes and the must be the hired muscle..."

Rosco chuckled.  "So fine...and with a wit, too."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 20, 2011, 03:46:37 PM
"We don't see many other dogs from the Celestial Heavens," Genta said, the tiger sumo scarfing down his meal, "Though one who comes by often was this pink whippet, I think I caught her name once, it was Anna you know her?"

Genta then placed an order for cooked fish. Yes, he ate a lot, but that was part of his training. "You guys are all invited to attend my matches if you want, I have one in two days.............."


"Everything's back up to speed," Baloo smiled as he controlled the boiler.


The manicurist, a white Persian cat named Yuki came down to Red's tub. "My assistance was requested?" she asked the Hell cat, who was smirking at her.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 22, 2011, 04:36:24 AM
ko was sitting at the stuff table with his tray of food, and tried to stifle a yawn.. the sound of rain echoed in from an open window and in lowered the young lions mood..' so much for us finishing the tiles.." he said.. "we're having the frogs fix the ropof ' said a voice behind him ' he turned as nuka was looking at him ' mother has a rather different task for you and your littlere sister today. you are to report to her once you are finished eating..,
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 22, 2011, 09:57:08 AM
"Yes sir," Ri nodded as she politely chewed her food.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 27, 2011, 01:54:29 AM
and keep up the good work, if you do, there just might be a place here for you two.. but remember, you slack off even once.. ' nuka drew a claw across his throat in a cutting gesture. he smirked at ko, who blanched before turning to what was left of his food.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 27, 2011, 01:59:44 AM
Ri gulped at that and resumed eating her food, not wanting to be lazy.

"We should get back to work brother," Ri said to Ko.


"anyway I can be of assistance?" Kovu asked Belladonna.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on November 27, 2011, 06:39:39 PM
Alan entered Zira's office, one of frogs had infromed him that he had to sign that contract that Maid Marian had told him about.

"M-Mistress Zira, you wanted to see me" he asked nervously.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 27, 2011, 06:55:41 PM
Yes please do sit doewn. Your contract is on the table over there.. Zira said once you sign it you can help Ko and Ri with a little job I have in mind for my newwest workers..
 Ko gulped down the rest of his food and put the oplate away. ' finish eating sis, and lets up to the boss ladys cdhambers..'
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on November 27, 2011, 07:04:14 PM
"Yes ma'am" Alan replied as he made his way to the table and preceeded to sign the contract. He presented it to the lioness when he finished.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 27, 2011, 07:13:10 PM
so your is alan, is it, well its alan no longer.. from now on your name is al.. do you hear me Al? Zira demanded  answer me!
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on November 27, 2011, 07:49:36 PM
"Y-Yes ma'am" Alan answered quickly.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on November 28, 2011, 04:33:35 AM
"So what's a vixen like you doing in a place like this?" Rosco asked coolly.

Shirigume smirked.  "I don't answer questions to lapdogs like you," she replied.  "So should I send a message to your master to yank your astral chain?"

Rosco's demeanor changed to one of darkness, as he straightened up and clutched the handle of his sword.  "You're very lucky you'll be walking away with that remark, for now..."  He turned and disappeared out of sight...

The kitsune rolled her eyes and stood up to step out of the tub for a moment.  Shaking herself partially dry, she pulled on her kimono and decided to visit the kirin next door, who was surprised to see her simply walk in on him.

"Do you do this often?" Kura was annoyed.

"You're the first.  And to be honest, I don't like what I see..."

Kura cocked an eyebrow.

"Those scales are filthy.  You need something more than a soak.  Now how do you call the service here?"

Kura gave an annoyed sigh.

"Hey, Kurago!" Charlie called, obviously hearing the conversation.  "You got a girl in there with you?"

Kura started to blush.  But before he could answer, Shirigume was the one who answered.

"You jealous?"

"What are you doing?!" Kura responded angrily.

"Hey, hey, relax!" Charlie replied.  "One thing I don't want to do is get into couple's quarrels!  Have fun you two!"

Kura threw his hands up in frustration, to which Shirigume stifled a laugh.

"Now, to get you scrubbed..." the kitsune said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 28, 2011, 05:11:48 AM
"If anything, I love theater comedies," Genta chuckled, enjoying the scene along with Charlie.

Using the little magic that he had learned, he created 3 tickets, and warped each of them to Charlie, Shirigume, and Kurago.

"Feel free to watch my matches if you wish," the sumo tiger spirit called to his new friends.


The manicurist was working on Red's claws. "I can see you've been in need of my services...." she said to the hellcat.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 30, 2011, 02:48:59 AM
Sagwa and her siblings continued to deliver letters
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on December 01, 2011, 01:24:24 AM
good now go over there and wait for Ko and Ri to arrive then I will give you your new assignment.. Zira said
 hate was knitting with needlepoint and showing the guys how to do it..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on December 01, 2011, 01:40:28 AM
"Kind of hard to do with my blobby paws." Tora admitted, struggling with the needle and thread.


Ko and Ri were racing to where their assignment would be given to them. "The workload isn't terrible...." Ri admitted to his brother, "As much as I want out of here."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on December 01, 2011, 01:54:20 AM
At least they haven't killed us or eaten us, yet. Ko nodded " still they've made it pretty clear, to me at leat, that any slacking on our part will get us turned into pigs or worse.. ko shuddered ' i want to get out of here, really badly, but we can't do that without freeing mom and dad..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on December 01, 2011, 02:12:13 AM
"I know," Ri nodded, "But chances are, the only way mom and dad can get out is if we get out...."


"Any important letters Lady Zira wants us to deliver?" Sagwa and Sheegwa asked Vitani.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on December 01, 2011, 02:35:40 AM
there are 2, that you are to drop off on 5th stop on the train Vitani said producing 3 train tickets.. " you'll have to walk back here I'm afraid..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on December 01, 2011, 03:08:42 AM
"It's ok," Dongwa nodded, "We're trained in acrobatics, we can do stunts on our way back."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 02, 2011, 03:13:18 AM
Red smirked at the remark, as his talents were being worked on.  "Cute," he said, "but don't be too cute..."


Charlie was pleased to receive the gift; the kirin and kitsune, not so much.

Shirigume took their tickets and set them aside.  "Now, I'm sure they have something for us to call service..."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on December 02, 2011, 03:35:59 AM
And, indeed there was, ropes hanging above just to the side of the tubs that triggered a bell which was overheard at the front entrance.

"Pull the rope," Genta explained, "That's how I'm up to my fifth helping now..." he chuckled.


"I guess cute isn't your thing," Yuki, the manicurist cat figured to Red, "You're probably into things of a darker variety...."

She cleaned out some ashes and other bad substances from under the hellcat's talents, though it wasn't the worst thing she'd ever seen."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 02, 2011, 04:48:35 AM
It took them a second to look at a hanging rope between them.  The rope apparently was almost unnoticeable to the very similar-colored walls around them.

"If this spread like wildfire, we'd be more than laughed out of our stay," Shirigume muttered, and pulled the rope...


"That depends," Red replied.  "If I wanted companionship, I'd go for those with dark style.  If I get hungry...then I order 'cute'..."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on December 02, 2011, 01:07:13 PM
Yuki mentally gulped, doing her best not to seem too "cute" to Red.

"Come here often?" she asked casually.


Genta pulled the rope above his tub next. "A 6th course of fish," he grinned, licking his lips.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on December 05, 2011, 09:00:26 PM
Yeah, the only way we do that is if we do everything that Zira asks of us" Ko said as they climbed the elevator to Ziras office. ' So whatever she wants, we do, no matter what..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on December 05, 2011, 09:29:08 PM
"So, Ko, please none of your "I'm defiant and no one tells me what to do" moments," Ri asked kindly/
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on December 05, 2011, 09:56:53 PM
Al's gaze quickly shifted from the lioness to the door as Ko and Ri entered.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on December 05, 2011, 10:17:08 PM
Since when do I do that , Ri? Ko smirked. as the doors opened of their own accord. " There you are.. Zira said looking over her papers at them. The Three of you are to baby sit for a few hours while I attend some business over at Crooked Tunnel. if my baby makes too much noise and i hear about it i'll skin the three of you alive and mount you on my wall. you are to keep my sweetie quiet and happy. Am I understood? She said coldly.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on December 05, 2011, 10:18:20 PM
"Yes," they all nodded silently and respectfully. "Where can the cub be found?"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on December 06, 2011, 02:15:57 AM
A magic slab of paper appeared next to Shirigume, asking about what they wanted from their order.

"Go ahead," Genta called, chowing down, "Write your request, be it food, whatever you want."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on December 12, 2011, 01:20:44 AM
My baby is in this room Zira said moitioning to a large room and opening it with a gesture " go inside in and i';ll be back in a few hours.. the room was covered in pillows and blanets..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on December 12, 2011, 03:57:48 AM
Shirigume looked at Kura, shrugged, then wrote down on the paper.  She then blew gently on the paper, which immediately dissolved to dust and spiraled upwards...

"I'm not going to ask what you wrote on that..." Kura muttered.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on December 12, 2011, 04:27:02 PM
Among all the things lying on the ground, Ri noticed what looked like a giant lion tail tuff going back and forth.

"Is that....the baby?" Ri asked, surprised.


The front desk manager received Shirgume's order. "Haven't had someone ask for that in a while," he smirked to himself, giving the paper to the proper staff to grant the order.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on December 12, 2011, 06:01:34 PM
that doesn't look like a baby ' ko said ' aren't babies supposded to be tiny? he asked as came closer  the mountain of pillows began to move..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on December 12, 2011, 09:52:32 PM
"I would think so" Al said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on December 13, 2011, 12:44:53 AM
The order was for spirits to come and polish, scrub, and clean Kura's scales.

Ri could hear the baby lion snore, indicating that it was asleep.

"Ri, Ko, Al, you're needed in the bath on floor 3," the assistant manager called.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on December 13, 2011, 07:20:19 PM
We are under orders by zira to keep watch over her private possessions while she runs an errand " ko replied " we are under her orders not to leave this room.
Those three are under direct orders to guard  my little baby came Ziras voice over a speciasl phone the manager had- it was a skull. " have Nuka Kovu and Vitani handle the bath on the third floor..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on December 16, 2011, 03:12:44 AM
Kovu received the signal from his mother. "We have to get to a bath on the 3rd floor," the youngest cub informed his siblings.


"More fish," Genta grinned as his seventh helping arrived. "Yes, it's my vice, don't judge me," he said to the other spirits in the nearby tubs.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on December 20, 2011, 02:40:05 AM
alright I'mn coming " vitani said as she headed up the stairs. ' so who's the guest who neeeds attending? I had hoped to get my claws trimmed today, but I guess that can wait for awhile " vitani was used to strange orders, as were Nuka and Kovu.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on December 21, 2011, 04:20:53 AM
"There names are Kura and Shirigume," the co-manager explained.


"Here comes your assistance now," Genta called to his fellow tub users as the 3 lion cubs approached.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on January 01, 2012, 03:04:58 PM
What can we do for you? Nuka asked looking at Kura ' We can get you whatever you want Vitani agrreed...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 03, 2012, 04:44:05 AM
Even Shirigume was surprised with who responded to the request letter.

Kura grabbed for his kimono by the tub and wrapped it around him.  "Are you happy now?!" he snapped.

Shirigume shrugged.

"Something going on over there?" Charlie called from his bath.  He couldn't see what was happening.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on January 07, 2012, 01:13:08 AM
just keep to your tub " nuka said to charlie.. ' You guys want some food? He asked
Kura and Shirigume.. " we got all sorts of food here, well except breaded human rings.. Sneed keeps stealing those..

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on January 07, 2012, 01:20:27 AM
"Yeah, Sneed does have an appetite for anything human..." Kovu nodded, "But we'll help you out with anything you need."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 07, 2012, 03:49:21 AM
The kirin and kitsune looked at each other, then Kura reached into his kimono and pulled out a piece of paper.  It was a photograph of a little human boy.

"I hope for your help in finding this child," he said, handing over the photo to the nearest lion.  "His name is Riki, and his spirit wandered off soon after his death.  I've tracked his scent to this place.  If you won't mind keeping an eye out for him if he is in fact still here.  I will gladly pay for it, for his safe return..."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on January 07, 2012, 04:27:10 AM
Kovu examined the picture. The youngest of Zira's children did his best to memorize faces and names, and there perhaps was something slightly familiar about this kid.

"We'll see what we can do," the dark furred cub assured, "Hopefully most of the bigger guests deem him too small to eat..."

"Speaking of," Genta called, "I'll take an eighth helping of fish!" the tiger sumo smirked.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on January 11, 2012, 01:54:15 AM
"Anything else we can get?" Kovu asked the bathhouse guests.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on January 14, 2012, 11:29:54 PM
we'll send the order to the kitchen " Nuka assured. as Vitani filled a nearby tub with fresh hot water from the boiler..
 Ko was trying to keep an eye on the huge lion tail under the massive pile of blankets and pillows..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on January 15, 2012, 01:36:19 AM
As much as Al didn't want to admit, he was scared beyond belief, not only of what the giant cub could do to him but also the ways Zira would punish him if he messed this up. He was sure that if it came to that, Marian wouldn't be able to talk Zira into letting it slide.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 16, 2012, 03:55:57 AM
Kura shook his head and bowed it in appreciation.  "Nothing else for me, domo arigato."

Skirigume snapped her fingers when she thought of something.  "Actually, my friend here and I would like some tea, please."


At the same time, Rosco has just slipped Red's hourglass into the safe he had mentioned earlier...


Red moved his claws away from the spirit to examine his gleaming talons, before placing them back to be cleaned some more.  "Hmm...I wonder if the mistress has anything new to snack on..." he contemplated out loud...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on January 17, 2012, 02:04:45 AM
Yuki, the cat serving Red responded, "I've been told there have been mortals....even humans around the bathhouse, but I wouldn't no where to find them," she admitted, continuing to work on Red's talons, "Though if you want those I'm sure there's going to be competition."


"And more fish," Genta called eagerly, "My compliments to the chef."

"Wildcat will appreciate that," Kovu nodded, taking the orders. "We'll get you all your requests soon."


"," Ri frowned, not wanting to see the entire giant cub under the various blankets.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on January 18, 2012, 01:31:42 PM
"Well, just standing around isn't getting us anywhere" Al spoke.

Outside the bathouse, someone else approached the enterance.

She seemed like a normal human girl about the age of fifteen to ninteen years old. Her ears however, were that of a wolf and a tail protruded from her backside.

"Ah, another costumer I prosume?" A frog spirit at the enterance asked.

The wolfgirl nodded as she handed what money she had to the spirit.

"Indeed, am I not?" She spoke

"Right this way, miss?"

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on January 19, 2012, 12:55:20 AM
"we'll be right back," Kovu assured the tubs where Charlie and the others were.


Down in the boiler room, Sneed's shift had reached the halfway point, meaning he could take a break.

"Sneed going to lunch," the bear yawned to Baloo, and walked upstairs, swearing he could hear a human giggling not too far away.

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on January 21, 2012, 02:55:19 AM
"This place makes the greatest dishes," Genta smirked, relaxing in his tub. "I'm a frequent customer here."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on January 23, 2012, 06:49:27 PM
I'll be right back, going to check on Ko and Ri.." Vitani said as she headed over to the elevator..
_ UIp to the room the huge mound of blankets and  pilows shifted wildly, the cub was starting to stir..
 geez.. Ko said, his eyes opening wide..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on January 26, 2012, 02:35:21 AM
"This isn't going to be fun," Ri frowned.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on January 26, 2012, 04:28:49 PM
"Well, let's just hope for the best" Al said with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on January 27, 2012, 02:20:00 AM
Kovu soon returned with the requested tea and other items the customers in the tubs around Charlie asked for.

"Here you go," Zira's youngest smiled.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 27, 2012, 04:06:59 AM
While Kura slipped into his kimono, Shirigume politely accepted the tray of tea and placed it down on a nearby table.

"While we have been on the subject," Kura started, "I hope it would not be inconvenient to you if my friend and I venture around the place for a while.  It should help in finding the boy faster."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on January 27, 2012, 11:17:09 PM
Sure feel free to look around Nuka said acxcepting a small piece oof gold in payment for the food.. " i'll go get some more Shrimpo from Wildcat he said..
_ Vitani opened the door to her her mothers office as loud cries erupted the inner. ' ok, what in blazes did you guys do? she demanded as shge duced her head in only to duck out as stuff was thrown at her, things like chasirs tabled and even a sword collection which hug on the wall
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on February 08, 2012, 10:00:16 PM

"I'm not sure" Al replied

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on February 09, 2012, 03:18:55 AM
"Domo arigato," Kura replied with a bow of his head.

While Shirigume and Kura were preparing tea, Charlie, now filled with growing curiosity, stepped out of his tub, put on a robe, and walked around to meet his "neighbors."  His eyes widened when they fell upon the kirin and the kitsune.  "All my time in coming here, I never really met anyone like you two before."

"Well, it's our first time in meeting a guardian angel like you," Shirigume replied without missing a beat.  "Tea?"

Charlie's head shook out the surprise.  " thanks.  I have my saki."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on February 09, 2012, 04:01:24 AM
"And I have my fish," Gent smiled, climbing out of his tub with his towel around him.

"I'd like some tea, if you may..."

"Certainly, you can explore," Kovu nodded


"We didn't cause this!" Ri assured.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on February 11, 2012, 05:06:24 PM
Well don't stand there arguing! Get him under control! Vitani retorted. " My mom should be home soon! You don't want her to come back to a mess!
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on February 14, 2012, 02:06:50 AM
"We know..." Ri said, beginning to sing a lion lullaby. (Though not Zira's lullaby however.)
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on February 24, 2012, 09:06:51 PM
the child begn to calm at the sound of Ri's voice, which was soft and soothing. Ko  took advantage of the break to pick up debris and pile it up in the office in the corner. there was quite a lot of it, but that couldn't be helped..
So.. hows my baby?' said a sharp voice behind him. Ko blanched and turnede to see Zira behind him. " Ri's just.. tucking him in right now.. ko said a bit nervous..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on February 26, 2012, 03:59:08 AM
"The baby is sleeping peacefully," Ri nodded, her singing having done the trick.


"Saki is definitely a favorite," Genta nodded to Charlie.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on February 26, 2012, 11:16:14 AM
"Yeah, nothing wrong here" Al said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on February 29, 2012, 04:19:33 AM
Shirigume poured cups of tea, one of which Kura picked up and handed to Genta.  Charlie found a seat and sat not far from the kitsune.

Kura turned back to the lion cubs and bowed his head.  "I thank you again for your help and generosity.  Is it often to find lost spirits here?"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on March 01, 2012, 03:26:26 AM
"Possibly," Kovu replied, "We're one of the most popular spots for spirits to visit, so often you can find a spirit you may be looking for."

Zira's youngest passed out the remaining treats.

"Tea...always a classic," Genta said.

"We also have rooms that are used like a hotel," Kovu added, "I think my big brother Nuka might have the guest list right now..."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on March 08, 2012, 03:59:22 AM
Ri's sleeping helped keep the giant cub sleeping peacefully.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on March 20, 2012, 12:04:45 AM
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on March 21, 2012, 02:07:30 AM
(OOC:  Sorry.  I was sort of waiting for others to write their part before I do mine.)

Kura and Shirigume looked at each as they listened, their spirits perked higher.

"We would like a room for a few nights," Kura replied.

"Maybe TWO rooms," Shirigume responded.

Kura nodded his head in acceptance.  " least for until we find the boy."  He reached for the bag of gold on the table next to Shirigume.  "If this could be enough for your satisfaction."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on March 22, 2012, 02:01:23 AM
i see.. so you actually did a decet job, the three pof you.. very well go back into the bathouse and grab yourselves a snack. i have business to attend to up here' Zira said dismissively.. you may go.."
- what spirit are you looking for exactly/ Nuka asked as he magically pulled a list out of thin air..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on March 22, 2012, 08:46:02 PM
"We just might be able to track him down," Kovu nodded.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on April 02, 2012, 03:20:46 AM
(OOC:  One of the cubs has the picture in hand.)

Kura nodded.  "The boy must be taken back home for burial as soon as possible.  Or else he'll be a wandering spirit forever, and easy to be picked off by a demon.  A soul that young is said to be prized."

"Or we can place him with this guardian angel here, and he could ascend to safety even faster," Shirigume suggested.

Charlie's expression changed.  "Hey, hey!  I'm off duty here!  Besides, it's not like I can simply snap my paw pads and put him in heaven."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on April 02, 2012, 03:33:25 PM
"Pretty much," Kovu nodded, "From what our head chef tells us, young souls seem to be called the tastiest."

"Yeah," Genta nodded. He hated to admit it, but if he wasn't informed of this beforehand, the tiger sumo spirit likely would've devoured the boy, "But I'll help you guys out."

"Oh, you're an angel?" Kovu asked Charlie, "That hellhound Belladonna is also here too...."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on April 03, 2012, 09:41:06 PM
Ko looked relieved to be dismissed, not having to to tend to the 'baby' was a weight off his shoulders ' come on Ri, lets go get something good to eat. i had muy eye on somesoup.. ' hew grinnede as he headed out ogff the room and towards the elevator. ko, inwardly, was getting used to beingf in the bathouse, there was always something going on here.. yet he wasn't sure how his sister was feeling..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on April 03, 2012, 09:56:15 PM
Ri was fascinated by the new world they were stuck in too, though she hoped they wouldn't be here forever.

"I hope the food is good," the little lioness said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on April 25, 2012, 11:52:17 PM
vitani meanwhile was checking on the tubs and the supplies of tokens being used " Ok, tub 8 needs 5 bath tokens, and tub 13 needs 3.. she muttered to herself writing things down on the checklist.. i'll have nuka and kovu handle those once they're done with breakfast..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on May 04, 2012, 01:59:18 AM
Kovu and Nuka looked over the breakfast menu.

"So much looks good," Nuka grinned.

"Bring us each one of the breakfast meats," Kovu smiled to Wildcat.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on May 04, 2012, 03:35:41 AM
"Oh great, more good news," Charlie replied with an annoyed tone.  "Annabelle's gonna have my hide if she finds me 'round here with demons and lost kids all over the place, and not doing anything about it..."

"Does that mean you'll help us?" Kura asked.

"Might as well...  I think I'll be needing another saki before we go spirit searching."

Kura nodded and turned back to the cubs.  "Then it's settled.  We would like to purchase rooms if there are any available."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on May 04, 2012, 03:47:17 AM
"Certainly," Kovu nodded while he and Nuka waited for the meals to arrive.

"We'll give you the nicest ones possible," Nuka added.

"That's what I'm talking about," Genta grinned.

"Though some of you will have to share a room," Kovu informed.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on May 07, 2012, 12:26:41 AM
Wildcat soon came by with a large platter of meats for ziras boys ' here you go guys.. he said setting it down before the two lions.. as vitani came up to them.. ' we need you guys to restock the bath tokens once you're done eating She said looking at them..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on May 07, 2012, 02:00:35 AM
"We'll take care of it," Kovu nodded, as he began eating the meat.

Though they were just cubs, and did stil work in their mother's bathhouse, Zira made something clear: If you tried to harm or tick off her precious Nuka, Vitani, and're pretty much screwed.

"There's four of us, and two rooms," Genta said, "How shall we split that up?"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on May 07, 2012, 03:31:59 AM
Shirigume immediately replied.  "If I had to, I'll share with Kura.  No offense, Charlie."

"None taken, but I think you're missing out," Charlie winked.


Red still resides in the bath tub, when Desoto returned.

"It's in a safe place," Desoto said.  "No one else but the mistress can be able to get their claws on it now."

"Good," the feline replied.  "Since I'm in a pleasant mood, I think I'll be staying 'round for a while.  No need to rush all the way home just for a meal you can only eat once.  By the by, what's the news around here?"

"Just some human kids working here now..."


"And don't you think that you can get them that easily.  The mistress herself has been working them personally."

"Ah, but remember.  Even the good mistress can make a deal with a devil once in a while..."

Desoto smirked and shook his head.  "It's your neck, not mine.  I'll be keeping an eye on things nearby.  Something feels odd in the air."  And with nothing more to say, Desoto leaves...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on May 07, 2012, 03:44:20 AM
"Then I guess we're roommates, buddy," Genta chuckled heartily, the tiger sumo spirit giving Charlie a nudge on the head.

Both demons and angels were frequent visitors to the bathhouse, and the two, while not always getting along, did come to at least tolerate each other's presence and eventually considered Zira's bathhouse to be a place of neutrality.


"So good,": Nuka chuckled, after his meal. He rubbed his full gut.

Kovu had given Charlie's group their room numbers.

"665 and 664, the upper floors," Genta read.


Ri and Ko were busy with their next duties.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on May 11, 2012, 02:05:37 AM
"At least the baby is calm down..." Ri noted to her brother.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on May 14, 2012, 01:37:37 AM
Charlie almost lost his footing when he was 'nudged' by Genta, but he gave a reassuring smile.  But inside, he was disappointed.

"Then we'll have our belongings placed in the rooms and we can go searching the bathhouse," the kirin replied.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on May 17, 2012, 02:29:12 AM
"So what should we do?" Genta asked Kura and Shirigume, "Head to our rooms and plan our next move? Grab a bite to eat and plan our next move? What do you have in mind?" the tiger sumo spirit wanted to do what he could to help.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on May 23, 2012, 03:41:30 AM
Kovu and Nuka continued with their assignments.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on May 24, 2012, 05:36:57 AM
"Well, I have an option to help widen our ability to search this place," Shirigume suggested.  "But I'll need to go to our room so I can prepare my little magic in private."

Kura nodded.  "Then I can go around to search while you do that."  He then turned to Genta and Charlie.  "I know you two have volunteered to assist us in finding our lost soul, but I do know you have come here in the first place to rest.  We have no intentions to pressure you into going against your...what's the word...vacation time..."

"Ah, no worries," Charlie replied.  "I just got to finish my soak and my saki and I'll join ya."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on May 24, 2012, 03:34:16 PM
"Same here," Genta smirked, climbing back into the tub. He loved how perfectly warm the water was. "You can really get used to this," he sighed, relaxed. He continued to eat even MORE fish.


Ri and Ko awaited their next assignment from Zira.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on May 24, 2012, 08:28:39 PM
scar came up to them and handed thier assignment, washing dishes on Floor 5
 Scoobi and DEekishi joined the others at the breakfast table, Dekishi had a silet migion, Scoobi feasted on a steak sandwich..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on May 24, 2012, 10:31:20 PM
Koneko more fish, and Tigashi a massive buffet, being a blob cat.

"We will do our best, Master Scar," Ri bowed respectfully.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on May 28, 2012, 06:11:12 PM
As Charlie returned to his own tub, the kirin and kitsune both finished their tea and set out in different directions.  Shirigume head to where their rooms are kept, while Kura started to venture around the bathhouse, keeping his gaze about for a little lost spirit...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on May 28, 2012, 06:14:12 PM
A little while later, after soaking further in the tub and devouring plenty of fish, Genta got out and began to dry off his massive tiger body.

"Ahhh....that hit the spot," he grinned, turning to Charlie. "Are you almost done, or are you ready,or do you want more time?"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on May 30, 2012, 07:42:15 PM
Charlie had dozed off after returning to his bath, and awoke with a snort when Genta called.  "Huh?  Oh yeah, I'm almost done," he replied, and then proceeded to dry himself off...


Meanwhile, Shirigume is already in one of the rooms reserved for them, sitting down by a short-legged table.  She had taken out a small stack of square pieces of paper, and started folding one of them in unusual folds, soon to take a standing shape of a small bird.  Once finished, she stood the bird up on her paw pads and gave the origami a gentle blow of her breath.  The bird lifted off her paws...and began to flap its wings under its own power, gaining lift and momentum to fly around the room a few times, and then flew straight out the nearby window.

The kitsune, satisfied, put away the rest of the paper stack and got up to leave the room.  "Now we got a new set of 'eyes' to help us..." she said to herself as she exited...


Kura calmly walked among the masses of spirits, having already searched three floors below where he and the others were last bathing.  He found no sign of the lost spirit, but there has been an unusual minor scent lingering since their arrival which puzzled him.  He remembered such a scent as human, but...LIVING humans here?
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on May 30, 2012, 07:48:13 PM
"Our room isn't too far from here, we'll be able to catch up to the others soon," Genta told Charlie.

As the two had left the tub, Genta made a friendly offer. "You seem like a strong-willed spirit. If you want, in your spare time after your job, you could join my sumo spirit troop," the tiger offered, "We could use a few more canine sumos in it......"

Though Genta obviously knew his team's "find the child" goal came first.


Tora was eating just as much food as Scoobi, barely taking drinks before chowing down
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on June 06, 2012, 12:01:47 AM
Kura and Shirigume met again on a low-level balcony overlooking the bathhouse interior.

"Anything?" Kura asked.

"I sent another pair of eyes to help search," the kitsune replied.  "I guess you haven't found him yet?"

"No...  But something puzzles me.  Have you ever gotten a whiff of humans since we got here?  Living humans?"

"I have...among others things...  It does seem weird for humans to be in the spirit world."

"Agreed...  But it's too soon to make a judgement call about that, until we learn more about this place..."


Charlie gave a chuckle at the remark, and patted his gut, which at this time was a modest paunch.  "Thanks for the offer," he replied, "but I got a LONG way to go before I hit sumo-status."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on June 06, 2012, 12:18:13 AM
Genta chuckled friendly. "C'mon, a few good buffets here, you could easily shove someone out of the ring. Though, if you ever got big enough, would you accept the offer?" he smiled.


Kovu and Nuka were making their way around the bathhouse, tending to their chores.

"Mother says I'm not attentive enough," Nuka pouted, "That's not true! Nothing gets past me!" As he spoke this, Desota went past him, and he completely missed it.


"So good," Tora smiled to Scoobi, "We never should stop coming here for the meals..."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on June 09, 2012, 02:44:17 AM
"I'll say!" Koneko nodded
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on June 14, 2012, 09:30:01 PM
Zira's cubs awaited their next assignments.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on June 16, 2012, 03:28:00 PM
Unlike Ko and Ri, Al wasn't told what his next duties were and he was struggling greatly on where to go from here. He went to his room and sat out on the balcony, gazing into the night sky.

“I wish this never happened, I wish my parents never died and I wish I never ended up here."

Then one of the stars, the easternmost one seemed to shine brightly and a wolf's howl could be heard in the distance. The room lit up slightly as what appeared to be a white wolf with red markings appeared in front of him.

Al gasped as he realized who he stood before.

Before his parents passed away, Al had a deep interest in the Japanese Shinto myths. One thing that caught his eye though, were the stories of the sun goddess, Amaterasu. Who once banished her brother, Susanoo, from the Celestial heavens after he had gone on a rampage and at one point she had saved the land of Nippon from darkness while in the form of a white wolf.

Now that same white wolf stood before Al.

“It can't be. Amaterasu-omikami?” he muttered.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on June 17, 2012, 02:59:45 AM
While Desoto and Roscoe were away, Not, the only other Inugami guard, remained staring off into the ocean horizon, when his ears began to twitch at a strange presence, an arrival of a unique power...

He calmly gets to his feet, and walks from the balcony inside...


"Well, let's get back to the rooms," Kura continued.  "The others might be waiting for us now."

Shirigume nodded and started to follow the kirin, when she momentarily paused, a slight but weird feeling coming over her, but she continued on...


"We'll see," Charlie replied.  "The others must be waiting on us..."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on June 17, 2012, 12:15:51 PM
The white wolf, Amaterasu, took a few steps closer to Al, who scrambled almost until his back was against the wall when suddenly the voice of the sun goddess emanated within his mind.

"You need not fear, young one" She said soothingly. This calmed Al a little and he began to approach the Shinto deity.

"I thought you were only a legend"

Amaterasu cocked her head to the side.

"My child, there is more to everything then just mere legends" she implied.

"Why are you here?"

"To help you find your way out of the spirit realm, it will be a long and difficult journey but I believe that you will come through" the sun goddess explained

Al was suddenly overtaken by a surge of determination at that moment.

"Maybe we both will, only time will tell I guess" was all he uttered.

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on June 17, 2012, 01:17:48 PM
Tora and Koneko were finishing up their respective meals.

"You can't go wrong with this place," the fat cat chuckled.


"Yeah, let's go," Genta nodded to Charlie, "Kura and Shirgume are probably waiting for us."


Kovu rounded a bend, then saw the white wolf.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Zira's youngest cub asked, not seeing the human beside her
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on June 17, 2012, 01:39:33 PM
Al almost jumped when Kovu spoke, while Amaterasu turned to the young lion cub.

"No, run along child" She said, her words echoing in Kovu's mind.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on June 17, 2012, 01:40:27 PM
"Ok," Kovu nodded, "But are you sure you don't want to make use of one our baths?" he asked as he prepared to walk off.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on June 17, 2012, 02:00:42 PM
"Perhaps, I'll ponder you're offer" Amaterasu replied.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on June 17, 2012, 02:01:09 PM
vitani was overseeing the retiling of the roof. the wind blew threw her fur it felt cold at this height ' alright your frogs pick up the pace! she ordered
ko  was cleaning out the buffet room, sweeping food that was fallwn onto the floor into a container which would then be burned.. zira didn't want any food wasyede..  at least i'm not working on coal.. he said as he continued his work..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on June 17, 2012, 02:59:57 PM
"Wow, they eat quite a lot here," Ri said, helping Wildcat.

"Indeed," the chef grinned confidently, "I am the best chef in all of the spirit realm."


"Why thank you," Kovu bowed to Amaterasu
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on June 20, 2012, 06:56:46 PM
Upon the roof, Not appears next to Zira, bowing to one knee.  "Mistress, a deity has arrived," he said in a low voice...


When they returned to the floor where their rooms reside, Kura and Shirigume could see Charlie and Genta coming their way.

"You enjoyed yourselves?" the kitsune smirked.

"For the time being," Charlie replied with a smirk of his own.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on June 21, 2012, 06:17:15 PM
"I've been here before," Genta said, "So I know this place is always enjoyable," the tiger sumo chuckled.

He stretched a bit, then turned to his allies. "So what's our next move?"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on June 21, 2012, 07:27:03 PM
Which deity? Zira replied.. ' we'll have to set aside a beffett for him.. or her vitani! get inside ad gewt a food cooked for our new guest
 Yes mother.. " Get Ko and Ri to help you..
 Ko finished the room and gazed at the huge ppiles of food he had swept up..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on June 22, 2012, 01:13:34 AM
Once Kovu was gone, Amaterasu turned her attention beck to Al.

"You should get going, child. You'll still have to work if you wish to go back to the mortal realm" she spoke.

Al stood up and nodded.

"I will, but will I ever see you again" he asked.

Amaterasu cocked her head again.

"My child, it is far too soon for us to part ways, I trust we will meet again".

Then, Al left his room to go rejoin Ko and Ri, leaving Amaterasu to watch over him as he performed his duties. She also sensed the presence of more than one Celestial being here. Looks like she wasn't alone here.

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on June 22, 2012, 10:37:00 AM
"Is there any customer here who's not a big eater?" Ri asked.

"Very few, actually," Wildcat chuckled, preparing the dessert counter.


Kovu returned to his family's office. "I completed my afternoon tasks, mother," Kovu informed, "What can I do next?"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on June 24, 2012, 03:08:52 AM
"We'll talk more inside," Kura replied, opening the door to allow the others inside...


"The deity resides in the room where the human slaves reside..." Not replied, his eyes never raised...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on June 25, 2012, 08:44:42 PM
Genta and Charlie stepped inside the room their allies had got.

"Nice choice in room," the tiger sumo spirit complimented.


Ri was finished with her cleaning job in the kitchen. "Now I have to help the bears in the boiler room," she said.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on June 26, 2012, 02:24:04 AM
Shirigume returned to the table and sat down, again pulling out a piece of paper similar to the one she used to make the little bird.  "I made an extra set of eyes to watch for the spirit from outside the building," she explained.  "It's too small for it to be recognized easily.  Now for what it found..."

As she placed the paper flat on the table, images began to autonomously appear like a drawn sketch come to life from what the little origami sparrow is seeing...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on June 26, 2012, 09:03:12 PM
As Amaterasu was about to leave Al's quarters. Another, more high pitched voice  rang out and a small, flea-like entity jumped off of Amaterasu's back and stood in front of her. This being, known as a Poncle, resembled a tiny humanoid wearing a helmet with antennie.

"Ammy, there's nothing I hate more than a crybaby! Why are we even bothering with that brat" it uttered in an almost pouting tone.

"Calm yourself, Issun. The child prayed for guidence and that is what he will recieve, besides no mortals should be in the spirit realm" Amaterasu replied.


Al rushed up to where Vitani was cooking.

"May I assist you, I may not be much of a cook, but I can learn"  He asked.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on June 27, 2012, 11:01:09 PM
alright, fine. just go over there  and start stringing out those peas we need those pies stuffed before the dinnere feast tonight' vitani shrugged " sand be quick aboyut. if the foods late. My mom gets angry,. and mwhen my mom gets angry, heads roll.. vitani said as ko finished cleanning thre floor.. ' alright ko, go  wait of scoobiu and dekishi in baqth 2..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on June 28, 2012, 02:50:31 AM
While Scoobi and Dekishi were in bath 2, Tora and Koneko were in bath 3, right across from them.

"This is the best bath," Tora chuckled, the cat blob was relaxed as possible.


"Quite the piece of art," Genta complimented as the origami became sentient. "Is there anything I can do to help?" the tiger sumo offered.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on June 30, 2012, 05:16:02 AM
"It's a gift," Shirigume replied.  "Our little bird has already taken flight.  This paper is showing us what it's seeing, so to speak..."

Charlie looked over the kitsune's shoulder.  "Looks like an old black & white Disney cartoon," he remarked.

Kura watched from the other side of the table.  "It looks like it's outside the bathhouse...  Can you tell it to check out that balcony there?"

"Until it returns to us in the next hour," Shirigume replied, "it has a mind of its own.  But I'm certain it'll make a landing anyway."

Sure enough, the paper sparrow came in for a landing on the edge of the balcony...the same as where the human boy Al once was a moment ago...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on July 01, 2012, 05:07:05 PM
"Interesting," Genta smiled, sitting on the floor. "I've heard of spells like this, and I know some of Zira's employees can transform...."

"It won't get ruined if it starts to rain, will it?" the tiger asked.


"i'm hear Mr. Baloo, Mr. Sneed," Ri bowed when she returned to the boiler room.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on July 08, 2012, 01:59:52 PM
be she to keep the coalk dust in line baloo said ' we've increased their candsy rations but they've styarted hording things as well. my old pocket watch, some clothes from the human we served last week, things like that..
 you guys havinbg fun dekishi smiled at konerko and Tora "Theres nothing better than a soak in the tub  after a nice meal.. she grinned..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on July 09, 2012, 02:44:46 AM
"Unless we get an instant rainstorm, then we won't have a problem with it getting waterlogged," Shirigume replied.

The image in the paper darkened as if it seemed to be entering a room, and the image focused to reveal the inside of a large room...

"Doesn't look like a guests' room," Charlie said, watching...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on July 10, 2012, 12:07:38 PM
Al didn't waste any time to do what he was told, remaining completely silent.


Issun calmed down a bit, bu he still had a few doubts.

"I still don't think he's worth the trouble" he said before he hopped back onto Amaterasu and hid in her fur.

And so the two continued on, with Ammy keeping an eye on Al, making sure the boy didn't get himself into any trouble.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on July 12, 2012, 01:17:28 AM
"I'll try to get them back if I can," Ri promised the bears, "And I'll keep my eyes on them."

The little lioness kept her eyes locked on the soot spirits.


"I wonder what the bird found?" Genta found, looking at the image.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on July 28, 2012, 03:27:44 PM
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on July 29, 2012, 01:49:18 AM
The in the paper began to focus around the room.

"It looks like a room for the staff," Kura said.  "It's large, but not ornate."

"I think I agree with you," Shirigume replied.  "And I think there's someone there..."

The image shifted to a corner of the room, and stopped upon something moving, something large.  The object was blurred and the bird's vision was attempting to focus.  But just before the picture became clear, it suddenly went blank, and the paper itself suddenly combusted alight into a fire, then burned to ash.  Charlie fell backwards from the fire.  Even Kura and Shirigume were shocked...


The fate of the paper sparrow was revealed to have been sliced neatly in half, the pieces fell off the balcony, one to the floor, the other over into the mercy of the ocean breeze.  Above the window, Desoto reeled in the chain on his sickle and then disappeared into the window above...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on July 29, 2012, 11:28:27 PM
Al had just finished stringing out the peas when he looked out one of the windows and saw something or someone in the rain.

"I'll be back soon" he assured Vitani as he left to get a better view.

Al went to the enterance and peeked out of the door, the object turned out to be a mask and it strangely appeared to be floating in midair.

This sent chills up Al's spine and he slammed the door shut, terrified of what he saw but soon made his way back to the kitchen.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 11, 2012, 04:23:43 AM
"Great," Genta frowned, "Now what can we do? The chances are that thing was destroyed on purpose..."


"Something scare you?" Nuka laughed tauntingly as he passed Al in the hall
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on August 12, 2012, 06:47:58 AM
Kura sighed.  "This means that someone already knows our little trick and has no intentions of letting us look deeply into what goes on here.  But I don't think it has anything to do with our boy spirit..."

"Perhaps these living humans we hear about?" Shirigume pointed out.

The kirin scratches his bearded chin.  "Perhaps...  Maybe they're here against their will.  Have you two heard much about this before?"

"Not since I've been coming here for decades," Charlie shrugged.  "At least not that I know of..."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 21, 2012, 03:05:02 AM
"I've been here for decades too," Genta added, "And the only comments I've heard is just random comments from other regulars who say they hope to be the ones who finally catch them and eat them, but nothing's really come from that."

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on August 21, 2012, 07:57:13 PM
jo was pressed into duty washing wildcats plate after he finished eating . wildcat loved eating the socalled 'weak'. he had a special preference for humans
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on August 22, 2012, 09:14:41 AM
"Something's out there. It looked like a ghost wearing a mask" Al told Nuka


Amaterasu leapt onto another balcony and entered the bathouse, eariler, she felt that she wasn't the only one here. Slowly, the sun goddess approached the room where Kura,  Shirigume, Charlie and Genta all resided.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 22, 2012, 09:43:14 PM
"I think someone's coming our way," Genta told his allies.


Kovu just waved to Amaterasu as he walked past.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on August 23, 2012, 01:04:26 AM
Thats a No face! Do Not, I repeat do not let it inside! Nuka said sharply
 Vitani stuck her head in the kitchen " Ko, fgather wants to see you right away. says he need you to organize his human taperstry by year, shpuldnt take you more than a day or two.. sjhe said '  get going, hes on the 4th floor.. ' cant you help me a littl;e bit.. ko asked her, Vitani alright , fine I'll help, since I'm inbetween chores any way..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on August 23, 2012, 09:25:54 PM
"I wasn't planning to" Al reassured the lion.


Amaterasu immediately took notice of Kovu and give him a slight nod before continuing on. Suddenly, she sensed the presence of another.

The shinto deity heard quickly turned to face a small anthropomorphic cat in a suit and top hat, his emerald eyes were trained on her and he grasped a cane in one hand.

"Who are you?" Amatarasu asked the cat.

"Baron Humbert Von Gikkingen" the cat answered.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on August 23, 2012, 09:52:38 PM
Genta's words were followed by a shiver felt in the other three, like before.

Kura looked among the others.  "I take it we've all sensed this before.  A powerful deity is here in this bathhouse."

"I hope so," Charlie replied.  "I get the same shivers when Annabelle comes calling."

"Your wife?"  Shirigume responded, with a slight smirk.

"NO!  She's my boss from the Heavens."

"So what now...?"

Even Kura was at a loss for words, as his gaze was set upon the door...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 23, 2012, 10:54:11 PM
"Well, there's no fighting the inevitable," Genta said, slowly opening the door.

The 4 then saw the aforementioned deity....standing next to a cat.


Kovu looked confused by the Baron's appearance, but went back to his duties.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on August 24, 2012, 05:03:32 PM
Amaterasu then noticed the door had opened and the 4 spirits where looking them.

"Well, this is an unexpected meeting" The sun goddess said so all could hear.

"I second that" The Baron muttered.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on August 24, 2012, 11:39:31 PM
You'd better. the last time we had a noface get in, he ate bnearly a third of the staff before mother sent him packing'Nuka replied. It took us nearly a week to fully clean up the mess..
 Vitani and Ko found Scar at his desk.. ' you're larte Ko get in here' Scar demanded
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on August 25, 2012, 12:35:42 AM
Kura and Shirigume were quick to recognize this deity, and both kneel to one knee in respect.

Charlie watched in confusion, scratching his head.  "Am I missing something here?"

Shirigume looked up.  "You don't know?  Every one of us here in Japan know of the Sun Goddess herself."

It took a few moments to click in.  "OH!  She's from another part of the Heavens!  Never been there..."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 25, 2012, 02:42:30 AM
Genta was quick to kneel as well.

"What brings you here, mighty Sun Goddess?" the tiger sumo asked.


"Seems we're getting a bunch of weird visitors lately, even for this place," Sneed told Baloo in the boiler room.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on August 25, 2012, 09:51:12 AM
Amaterasu turned to face the 4 four spirits, all of which had kneeled to her.

"Rise" she muttered calmly.

The Baron on the other hand, was shocked to see the others kneeling, was this wolf that important?

Still, he gave the shinto deity a bow and said "It is an honor to meet you".

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 26, 2012, 01:59:30 AM
Genta and the others stood up, still in awe over this meeting.

"What are the odds," Genta chuckled to himself.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on August 26, 2012, 03:00:27 AM
Kura and Shirigume also rose to their feet.

"I suppose this must be more than coincidence that we all meet here," Kura said.

"Other than the regular customers," Shirigume chimed in, looking to Charlie & Genta.

"If you wish, Lady Sun Goddess, we all can talk more back in the room."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 27, 2012, 01:37:08 AM
"Just follow us," Genta pointed
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on August 27, 2012, 12:12:17 PM
Amaterasu nodded and followed with The Baron not far behind.  

"So what business do you all have here" she asked.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on August 28, 2012, 05:43:17 AM
"I believe I can explain, my Lady," Kura began.  "I am Hotemenshu Kurago, spirit protector of the Hotemenshu family.  My journey started when a member of the family, a boy named Riki, had died in a car accident, and his spirit wandered away & got lost.  The shaman of the town, where the family lived, was aware of this, and called upon me to find the boy and return him to rest.  And that's how I eventually came here, along with my cohort here, Lady Shirigume, and later accepted help from Masters Charles and Genta, who are regular patrons here in the bathhouse.  I am without a doubt now that the boy is here and among the many spirits here.  And, as I have heard often, he may be in great danger."

"If that doesn't complicate it all," Shirigume added, "We've also become aware that there are LIVING human children in this world, and they too may be in danger."

Kura nodded.  "As much as I desire to rescue my boy as soon as possible, I believe we can not leave the humans here either..."

"And I doubt we angels can simply kick down doors to take the kids outta here," Charlie chimed in.  "This is considered neutral territory and the lady of the house has got some strict rules we must abide by..."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on August 28, 2012, 10:04:53 AM
"It seems my goal is no different. I'm also helping a lost child. He must have wandered into the spirit world somehow." Amaterasu explained.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on August 29, 2012, 04:51:42 AM
"and we'll be glad to assist," Genta smiled politely.


"So there's another No Face in the area?" Kovu asked his big brother.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on September 02, 2012, 04:37:28 AM
Kura nodded.  "But somehow, I don't think just finding them is our only worry.  There may be more to the situation."

"And the last thing we'd want to do is ruffle the bathhouse lady's feathers in our search,"  Shirigume added.

Charlie nodded.  "Yeah, she's outta jurisdiction of the heavens.  So anything goes in her book..."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on September 03, 2012, 02:44:05 AM
"And if you piss her off, Zira is not the merciful type..." Genta nodded, taking a few bites of a snack he had brought in.


"What's the commotion?" Ri asked Kovu
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on September 03, 2012, 11:40:47 AM
"I figured as such" The Baron said calmly.

"I forgot to ask, what is your business here? Baron?" Amaterasu asked as she turned to the cat.

"I've heard rumors of this place, that Zira was stealing the names of others in order for them to serve under her for eternity. That doesn't seem right. So I came to see if there was anything I could do to prevent it from going on any longer" The Baron explained.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on September 22, 2012, 08:34:21 PM
Yeah there is, and we need to make sure it stays outside. Nuka said..
_ We'll be glad to help in anyway Dekeshi said, bowinbg respectfully to the goddess.. it was then thjat Zira herself appeared "Amaterasu... to what do I owe the honor?' She said formally, but under the formal tome, there was a touch of ice..' what brings you to my bathhouse..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on September 22, 2012, 10:48:32 PM
At the same time, Not, Desoto, & Roscoe appeared next to their Lady Mistress, they being her escort of course.  Charlie, Kura, & Shirigume stiffened by the sight of the one who owned the bathhouse they resided in.  Roscoe gave a Shirigume a smirk, but frowned when he met the gaze of the kirin, a more powerful kind of spirit than what he could easily take on, though the favor would simply be with Zira herself.  Kura was the only one of the three who remained armed, but decided to wait and see the twist unfold before them...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on September 22, 2012, 11:32:08 PM
"Zira. I was hoping to run into you sooner or later." Amaterasu told the lioness, clearly not trusting the lioness.

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on October 13, 2012, 11:54:31 AM
Genta and the others looked surprised at the appearance of the owner of the bathhouse.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on October 21, 2012, 03:57:58 AM
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on October 21, 2012, 04:03:23 AM
swo what business of yours brings you here? Zira asked, her gaze not leaving the assorted group in front of her.. " If it is sometyhing I can help you with. I will of course do my best to oblige..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on October 21, 2012, 04:47:20 AM
Kura and Shirigume remained frozen, not from fear but from anxious anticipation of the other side's next move.  They would not draw swords unless they are absolutely sure if it is needed, and to do so against a powerful spirit without justification is a death sentence in itself.  Especially with other souls not present are in jeopardy.  Kura does not want to lose his chance to rescue his boy...

Roscoe and Desoto, on the other hand, clutch the hilts of their weapons in eagerness to strike, whether or not if among the others happens to be a goddess.  It was Not who easily holds his restraint...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on October 21, 2012, 10:09:15 PM
"I came to take the lost cubs and the human orphan back to the mortal realm." Amaterasu explained.


"Just keep the door shut, unless it can walk through walls" Al explained.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on October 23, 2012, 01:24:20 AM
sorry dearie it doesnt work that way. they belong to me. they agreed to work for me, and i must admit they have been doing a good job..threy signed a contract which is legal and binding.. unless you have something more vasluable to me then thier services..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on October 29, 2012, 12:34:48 AM
Shirigume stood up and walked to Kura.  "Any ideas?" she whispered.

"Well, we both know we can't fight for the mortal kids," Kura answered back softly.  "And I doubt our money combined could pay for them.  I may have accumulated a lot over the centuries, but I'm no king."

"And you can't give your servitude to her.  You still have your own child to find."

"Don't tell me you'd consider offering yourself, do you?"

"As a last option, only because of our rematch.  But I won't mind kicking around those Dobermans to show a point of interest..."

"Let's just hope the Sun Goddess has something up her sleeve..."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on October 29, 2012, 04:44:14 AM
"Um..." Kovu said, approaching the scene, "Is there anything I can do to help, mother?" he asked.

"Seems we aren't the only ones on a mission here," Genta told his allies.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on November 27, 2012, 05:04:14 AM
"And it seems it'll be ending fast for all of us..." Shirigume replied.


At the same time, in the very vault where it was placed for safekeeping, the hourglass began to glow brightly and bounce about the small space, growing ever more violently, until it soon landed hard on its side, and shatters the glass.  In an instant, a misty ball of green light bounced out through the safe walls and flew about the area, picking up speed as it circles and then shoots out of the room, across hallways and past several folks before disappearing around the corner...


Red was still in his bath when he senses and later realizes what was wrong.  He jumped up and roared in a fit of fury...


Back in the room, Roscoe's ear perked up, and figured out something just went amiss elsewhere...

And Charlie's ears also perked.  "How about that?  I think your kid just popped up somewhere in the bathhouse..."

Kura and Shirigume turned in surprise, and Kura nodded.  "I feel him too.  But how'd you know that too?"

"We guardian angels can tell if a lost spirit is calling for help.  I forget I have it some of the time..."

Kura looked back at Roscoe and glared.  "And he knows something..." the kirin holds the hilt of his sword.

Roscoe returned the gaze and makes ready to draw his...
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on November 27, 2012, 12:56:23 PM
return to your duties Kovu' zira said and undertioone to her voice,.. ' so what is your oiffer..she said to the sun godess
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on November 27, 2012, 02:12:21 PM
"Yes mother," Kovu nodded, wanting to stay out of the conflict. The dark furred cub scurried away.


Genta bent his legs subtlety  into a fighting stance for if worse came to worse.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on December 22, 2012, 01:13:41 AM
Amaterasu stood her ground, a low growl escaping her mouth. But upon hearing Zira's words, ceased her aggression.

"Since you put it that way, perhaps I could help with business, at least until the mortals are able to return to they're realm. Otherwise, I could simply make you no more than a memory, take your pick." The sun goddess explained, a smirk making its way across her face.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on December 22, 2012, 01:28:16 AM
very well, you will have to compemsate me for depriving me of the boys services though ' Zira said, turning away from the goddess, folow me..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Mirumoto_Kenjiro on January 01, 2013, 01:26:12 AM
Things remain tense between the lesser spirits as they face each other.

"Even with the Boss Lady leaving," Charlie whispered, "is there a way to get past these guys without a fight?"

"We already got something done," Shirigume replied with a smirk.  What was not seen was that another origami sparrow had already been sent out the window and back into the bathhouse on a different level.  "Now the ball's in their court..."
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on January 16, 2013, 05:14:28 AM
"Is there anything we can use for bribery?" Genta suggested innocuously.


"Hey sis, bro, seems like we got a goddess here," Kovu told Nuka and Vitani
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on April 13, 2013, 11:22:18 PM
Amaterasu did as she was told and followed Zira.

"So how is business going for you, Zira? I'd heard you had a few problems with a stink spirit recently." the goddess asked in a casual tone.

Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on April 13, 2013, 11:27:21 PM
yes i did, its not the first time eother" Zira shrugged ' But nothing a few hours of cleasanup wont fix' she added as she continued working.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on April 13, 2013, 11:29:10 PM
make sure to attend to her needs ' vitani said to kovu. get on it!"
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on April 14, 2013, 12:17:44 AM
"Is there anything I can help you with?" Kovu smiled, bowing to the goddess. Zira's youngest was happy to help.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on April 14, 2013, 12:22:15 AM
"Indeed. At least you haven't lost your sense of decency, Zira."

 Amaterasu stopped for a moment, as she thought she saw a strange figure outside. But thought little of it and kept walking.

"So, what are your conditions?" the goddess asked the lioness calmly.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on April 14, 2013, 12:41:15 AM
What conditions? you mean, the conditons i release those twolion cuibs? i'm NOT releasing them, thry have actually done an ok job...' Zira replied.
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on April 14, 2013, 11:26:48 PM
Kovu had presented a fruit basket as a free gift to Amaterasu.

"For you, goddess," Zira's youngest smiled as Amaterasu talked with his mother
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on May 15, 2013, 12:22:48 AM
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on May 15, 2013, 12:50:16 AM
Kovu fetch your sister. ' zira said I have neeed of her, now get to it! Zira gave her son an order..
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on May 15, 2013, 01:12:55 AM
"Yes mother!" Kovu nodded obediantly, quickly taking off.

Kovu found his sister in another of the halls.

"Sis, mother needs to see you," Kovu informed
Title: Spirited Away
Post by: Belmont2500 on May 21, 2013, 10:00:38 PM
"Thank you, child." Amaterasu replied to Kovu telepathically.
Title: Re: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on April 12, 2019, 11:37:38 PM
scar gazed at ko from across the desk ' punctuality is important, Ko, dont ever forget that' Am I clear? ' Yes , sirt ' Ko said quickly. ' go find vitani. level 2's bathroom needs to be cleaned ' scar said. ' you 3 must clean it.
Title: Re: Spirited Away
Post by: tempestwheel on April 14, 2019, 07:16:08 PM
Kovu was happy that the gift he was given had been appreciated. He quickly went back to his other chores.

Vitani was checking to see all the tubs were being properly maintained. "Collect the tokens at a faster pace," she ordered.
Title: Re: Spirited Away
Post by: Nick22 on April 25, 2019, 01:11:06 PM
ko soonfound Vitani. ' you are supposed to help ri and I clean the Bathroom on Level 2." let me guess,' Vitani sighed ' Fathers orders?" yes ko nodded ' fine fine. i was already on a job, but now that will have to wait. lets go find Ri then .' The lioness said with a big sigh.  i go from  overseeing tub cleaning to toilet cleaning. thanks a ton, dad ' she muttered as she followed after Ko./