The Gang of Five
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The Arrivals

Nahla · 1273 · 114883


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This is a new one since the first one (Nahla's RP) is over.

Characters so far.

(That the RP skype group snapped up :lol)

The Gang


Family Charcters
Mr Threehorn/Topsy-Nahla
Mama Swimmer-Ducky123
Mama Flyer-Nahla



OC BIOS (I SOO just copied and pasted these)

Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Species: Longneck
Appearance: Basically a much paler version of Grandma Longneck, being light grey with a darker stripe down his back and a pale yellow underbelly, and he has reddish-brown eyes. He has a deep scar going down his left eye which he got when he was a child, which is the most noticeable out of that and a few others going across his back.

Family: Well, that would be telling, wouldn't it?  Well, he has his adopted parents, Cira and Velo, both of which are fast biters.

Personality: Very adventurous and outgoing. He loves a chat with anyone, but is also very wise for his age, and always makes a good point in the rare amount of discussions he has. He is dedicated to helping other dinosaurs who are struggling with their lives.

Bio: Taro was separated from his biological parents at a very young age due to a devastating sharptooth attack, and hasn't found them since. He was found by some fast biters residing outside his home, and they, having lost their own son to the same sharptooth, took him in and raised him. He learnt Sharptooth from them, and is able to speak both that and leaf-eater fluently, although he is not fully accepted once others find out about this. He left the fast biters and went on a journey to find his true parents. Instead, he found himself helping others who were struggling and didn't feel welcomed in life on his journey throughout the world.

Special notes:
* Is blind in his left eye from the scar the sharptooth gave him.
* Actually has a fair few fast biter friends from his childhood, and seems to be more accepted among fast biters than leaf-eaters.
* Despite being quite chatty, he seems reluctant to talk about his past and where he's from.

Gender: Female
Age: Child (about 2 years older than Littlefoot)
Appearance: Very light purple, with similar markings to Littlefoot's mother, and has dark blue eyes.
Species: Longneck
Family: All deceased apart from her grandfather. Her adopted father is Taro.

Personality: She's a very shy and timid girl, and the only dinosaur she's remotely comfortable with is Taro. She has a strong fear of older dinosaurs due to something that happened in her past.

Bio: Lily has a very dark past that nobody really knows about. She was found by Taro, standing on the edge of a cliff, like she was about to end it all. Since then she was adopted by him and he showed her a better way of life. She doesn't talk to many and even seems scared of other dinosaurs, especially older ones due to something that happened with her grandfather, but in time this lessens. (This is gonna be fun with Grandma and Grandpa. ) She's very clingy to Taro and tries to stick by his side no matter what. If she's not with him, she'll be on her own in a quiet place somewhere.

Special notes:
* Most of the time she seems to be daydreaming or thinking too much, so she's hardly "in the real world" so to say.
* Can speak some Sharptooth herself after learning off Taro, but not very much yet.


Age: Baby/Hatchling (under a year)

Species: Longneck

Appearance: Bright pink scales,white on her belly that goes up to the top of her muzzle then it narrows forming a blaze like marking up to her forehead. Sll four of her feet are white up the knees,her toes are the same pink as her body. A patch of white with a line of pink running through it is found on her back. Her eyes are light blue.

Family: Nani (Mother),Hades (Father),Uzuri (Sister) and Ben (Father).

Personality: Nahla is a happy go lucky baby,she already has a sense for adventure but she is quite odd. She can't speak very well expect for her little chant 'Tafadhali jiwe, na roho kutoka juu. Wabariki mimi na familia yangu kama sisi kuingia hii haijulikan' which is a blessing from her old home which her being able to say that is odd in it's self. Being born there she only really learnt their language (Swahili in the human world) unlike the rest of her family who were born elsewhere and can speak like the others in The Great Valley (English). Though she is learning.She prefers to learn through games though.

Special Notes:
*Can only speak a few words of the valley language (English) to start off with-Friend,hello,daddy and mummy.
 * She likes Lily and prefers to spend time with her over her siblings.
*Wears a stone around her neck,however only her mother knows the reason she does and when someone asks her,Nani gets uneasy.
* Makes  'paint' like stuff out of fruits and 'paints' with it,her testing project was Grandpa's tail.


Age: Young Adult (Around 24 in Human years)
Species: Longneck

Appearance: Bearing the same bright pink scales as Nahla and the same gentle blue eyes. However the markings are different from mother and daughter. Nani's face marking looks like a diamond and she lacks the white underbelly. On her legs are the same 'sock's as her daughter. Her back marking is just one long stripe-like Littlefoot's mother.

Family: Hades (Husband/Mate),Nahla and Uzuri (Daughters),Ben (Son)

Personality: Nani is a very caring mother,she only wants the best not only for her children but the other little ones. She tends to act like a second mother to the gang and also acts as the 'peacemaker' breaking up fights between them which often follows with a song or story about friendship.

Bio: When she came of age and met a male longneck name Hades who seemed to be in deep depression at the time,she offered to stay with him till he felt better...and never left,they later had a son named Ben which was followed a few years later by a daughter named Uzuri. However they had to leave their peaceful home and move to a name one. They lived there for over 8 years with their 2 children and a expecting 3rd. That result was Nahla. However when Nahla was barely 8 months old fire destroyed their home forcing them to flee. They traveled for long before finally arriving in The Great Valley where Nani was reunited with some longnecks from her past.

Special Notes:
* Was best friends with Littlefoot's Mother in her younger years.
* Like Bron she refers Grandma and Grandpa to "Mama and Papa Longneck".
* Was a healer in her old home and is hoping to be a healer in The Great Valley.

Will do other three later me have others things to do then write out bios.

Plot: Newcomers arrive in The Great Valley,but they seem like a total mystery to the residents. What are they hiding? And why?


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Eh here an intro,this officaly starts when the others feel like it.

A longneck family was walking towards The Great Valley. It considered of a a father,mother and their three young ones. The father appeared to be the one in charge as he was walking in front of them "We nearly there" Hades said over his shoulder.


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The oldest of the children-Ben sighed. "This is taking forever" the blue male sighed from his spot on his fathers back.


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The second child agreed "Yeah we been walking hours!" Uzuri complained,the blueish purple feamle's eyes flickered boredly.

Their mother Nani rolled her eyes "More like your father and I been walking for hours,you's have been carried the whole time" the pink female smiled at her black mate.

The third and youngest child remained quiet. Around her neck was a shiny stone,tied around and dangling around her neck with a vine. She refuses to take it off. Nahla was an odd one thats for sure. No one gets what the deal is with her. She often vanished then was found like nothing happened. What was the that kids problem?. Nahla was a dead ringer to her mother,expect her mother did not have the white underbelly her daughter bore. No one understood where she got it from.

Hades suddenly stopped outside the valley "We here".

Nahla glanced up from her spot on her mother's back. She closed her eyes and touched her stone and chanted "Tafadhali jiwe, na roho kutoka juu. Wabariki mimi na familia yangu kama sisi kuingia hii haijulikani" [Translation: Please stone,and the souls from above. Bless me and my family as we enter this unknown.].

Hades stared at his daughter but shrugged it off entering the valley "Hello?" he called out.

(Nahla- :crazy,she a bit of a mystery.


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Ben rolled his eyes at his sister "Freak" he muttered but when he saw The Great Valley residents walking towards them.

(Now we wait for Molly and David I guess,Molly got the adults..David got most of the gang and I am sure they would wanna see whats going on)

(Omg I am Chomper now)


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Mr Threehorn walked torwards them "Who are you's and what do you's want?!!" he screamed in their faces.

Hades used his tail to wipe the spit out of his face "Gee say it don't spray,I am Hades and this is my family,my mate N-".

The threehorn cut him off "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!!".

Nani tilted her head at him "Is this how you treat all your guests if so,I doubt you get many".

"WHY YOU!" Mr Threehorn charged towards the female who was carrying her young infant ramming into her and making her stumble back.

Nani gasped as she tried to keep her baby girl balanced "Stop it you pyshco! your gonna injure my baby in a minute!" she snarled.

The threehorn just backed up and charged forward again to the mother and child.

(Grandma and Grandpa's time to step in
Man Nani and Mr Threehorn are off to a rocky start,oh well they'll get over it. Nani very forgiving)


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"Mr Threehorn!" another female yelled. Two old longnecks were heading towards the group quickly, and the male got in between the threehorn and the new longneck family.
"Now, what's this all about?" he asked as the female joined him.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Mr Threehorn huffed "These lot thought they could come in my valley and insult me!"

Hades stepped in "No,we never insulted anyone. He came up to us screaming and shouting at us-terrifying my children theN began to attack my mate and my youngest one".

Nani stared at Grandma and Grandpa,she was sure she knew them.


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Grandpa nodded, nearly glaring at the threehorn, before his mate spoke up.
"Tria's looking for you," Grandma said. "She said it's urgent, so you should probably see to her. We'll sort this out."

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Nahla poked her tongue out at the retreating three-horn.

Nani gave her a small nudge with her nose "Nahla,behave".

Hades chuckled "Yes as I was gonna say before crazy horn over there started freaking out,I am Hades this is my mate Nani,my son Ben,daughter Uzuri and the cheeky baby over their is Nahla" he said pointing to them with his head in turn.

Nani stepped in "Our old home was destroyed by fire,we did not go with the others they left without us. We heard of the Great Valley here and..."

"We traveled for many weeks,we ask to live in this parasdise. Though we understand if you will not accept us"


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Grandma chuckled at Nahla before turning to Nani. "Oh don't worry about that threehorn, he's always like that. I'd keep my distance from him if I were you."
"I'm sorry to hear about your old home. You're more than welcome to stay here," said Grandpa, smiling at the family.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Nani smiled "Thank you,where shall we  be allowed to stay?".

Nahla slipped down her mothers tail and crawled over to Grandma and Grandpa tilting her head in confusion the stone around her neck jingling. The baby looked back at her mother then back at Grandma and Grandpa squeaking.


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"Well, there's a clearing near the little watering place over there that's fairly quiet if you want to stay there," said Grandpa, tilting his head in the direction of the clearing, which was hidden by a few trees. Grandma looked down to Nahla, smiling, and used her tail to gently tickle the little one.
"She's so cute," she commented. Her mate also looked at Nahla and smiled, nodding his head in agreement.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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"Thank you very much" Hades smiled.

Nani looked down "Oh is there any other children around here?' she said nodding towards Ben and Uzuri.

Nahla laughed as Grandma tickled,rolling over she smiled and jumped up licking Grandma on the nose/


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Grandma kept playing with Nahla while Grandpa turned to Nani.
"Well, there's our grandson,  Littlefoot," he answered. "He has quite a few other friends too. We can introduce you to them if you wish."

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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(ok, I'm Mr. Threehorn now)

Mr. Threehorn walked back to his resting place where his only daughter Cera waited for him.
"Daddy?" Cera asked him.
"Grrr! WHAT!!! he yelled at her with his bad mood.
Cera rolled her eyes:" Can I play with my friends now?"
"YES! But be careful, some strangers arrived not long ago. Longnecks... I hate them...!!!"
"Thanks! See you Daddy!"

Ducky and Spike are already at their usual meeting point.

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Nani nodded at Grandpa "That would be lovely".

Hades was watching his daughter "Nahla stop being a pest".

Littlefoot ran to his friends "HEY GUYS!"


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Cera, who just arrived, asked bored:" What is SO interesting this time, Littlefoot!?"
"Yeah! What's so interesting, huh, huh?" Ducky asked.
"Me like to know!" Petrie added.
Spike nodded in agreement.
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"Theres newcomers in the valley!" Littlefoot said excited "Other longencks! And theres even kids like us,we can make new friends!"


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"Who wants to befriends with them?" Cera shouted. "My father warned me about these strangers!"
Inactive, probably forever.