The Gang of Five
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Getting to know you - LBT Style

Petrie. · 182 · 81248


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Yeah, the board has been here, what like six years and there is no thread like this? :p  Figured better late than never.  This should give us all the info we need about new members joining our board. :)

1.)  Most liked Land Before Time character -

2.)  Least liked Land Before Time character -

3.)  Most liked Land Before Time song -

4.)  Least liked Land Before Time song -

5.)  Most liked Land Before Time film -

6.)  Least liked Land Before Time film -

7.)  Most memorable Land Before Time moment -


  • Hatchling
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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character -  Petrie, because of his loyalty to his group of friends, despite his character flaws (namely his worsening grammar!).  Ducky is a close second because she honest, and willing to help and put others before herself, and that's sort of my style as well. :)

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - I've never been fond of a lot of the supporting characters that have come and gone in LBT sequels.  The ones that are on this list are Mr. Thicknose, Rinkus and Sierra, and the Tinysauruses.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Can't beat the original that started it all--If We Hold on Together.  Stick to your guns, your dreams, and work towards them and reach the reward you deserve in the end. :)

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Anyone who already knows me already knows the song I loathe the most - that "Lesson-songamajig" from LBT 8.  It is terrible...don't let people sing that cannot sing.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - The original, naturally.  Its kind of hard to top it.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - I suspect my least favorite is the eighth film for its unlikely plot and overall goofiness which really relegated the series to kiddie fodder.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment -  This one is tough.  The most memorable one that has stuck with me is the "It Takes All Sorts" song in LBT 4.  You got me why it has stuck with me, but I believe it has to do with the clash of thought presented in the original film that was revisited when Cera couldn't accept Ali, but eventually does.  Definitely one of the better moments in the sequels.


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - I'd have to go with some combination of Ducky and Cera. Ducky is really sweet, but perhaps a bit too sweet sometimes, while Cera is a real Tomboy. I kind of love Cera for that attitude, kind of like myself sometimes :D

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Ruby, but that is probably since I don't like 'new' characters too much anyway. She doesn't really exist for me.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - I can't really make a choice between If we hold on together, Always there, bestest friends and No one has to be alone.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - One song I'll always skip is imaginary friends :P:

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - 1, definitely. 10 and 8 are also high up there.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - umm.. 13? :D I liked two of the songs but really, that's it.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - When Guido and the gang sing One of a kind... Honestly the feeling that gives me is just pure awesomeness. That song is so true.


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Chomper. The fact that he's a sharptooth makes for interesting contrast, in my opinion, with the rest of the characters. I also like the almost brotherhood bond he seems to have with Littlefoot.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - I don't really dislike any of the characters, but if I had to choose one, then I'll probably go with Rhett although I can't really list any reasons why.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - If We Hold On Together, although this song I haven't been listening to that much lately.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - All the sequel songs (with the exception of Who Needs You which I still kinda like). At first I did like the LBT songs and listened to them a lot, but I eventually grew sick of them and started to fast-forward through the songs. My dislike for the songs began when I heard Legend of the Lone Dinosaur. I didn't like the style it was sung in.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - The original one, with the 5th movie in second.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - The 7th movie. While the 6th movie was what began my eventual distaste towards the LBT sequel songs, I still watched it all the way through. But the 7th movie was the first LBT movie (and probably only one now that I think of it) that I actually stopped before it even finished. I did eventually finish the movie (maybe hours or days later), but I had gotten so bored of it that I didn't want to continue. Other than the rainbowfaces being aliens at the end, I can't really say what it was about the film I didn't like. Maybe it was the pacing. Maybe it was the dialogue. Maybe I wasn't interested in Pterano and those two flyers. I'm not sure. All I can say for sure is that it was the only LBT movie that I had shut off the first time I watched it before it finished.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - I have a hard time picking one scene, but if I have to pick, then I'd say the final fight against Sharptooth in the original movie.

The Great Valley Guardian

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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - For me, its going to be Spike. Just for the fact that he's the most laid back, and easy going member of the Gang. That and he likes to eat...kinda like me. :p

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - I'd have to choose Rhett simply for the fact that he lied to Ali. I mean come on, if you're going to lie at least make it sound possible!

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Its a tie between If We Hold On Together, and Family in #8

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song -  :anger Oops Eeps....enough said.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - The original will always be on the top of the list, but a very close second would be #'s 8, 10 and 12

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - 13 Despite the fact that Cuba Gooding Jr. did the voice of one of the yellowbellies.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - The final scene where the Gang finds the Great always brings a tear to my eye.


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After my marathon this weekend, I'll redo this and all my top 10's.

1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Pterano, obviously. Reason given in the "Why is your favorite character your favorite character" thread. Guido comes in second. He reminds me of my boyfriend X3

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - There's a lot here. Doc is one. To be honest, I found him extremely boring. And think about this...he's older than Littlefoot's Grandfather's grandfather. *taps screen Nostalgia Critic style* HELLO!!!
A great majority of the villains are on there too, like Dil and Icky. They do stupid, stupid predators completely wrong. Leave the stupidity of chasing the same person over and over again to the Stupid Rat Creatures from "Bone" (They make stupid predators funny...and cute).

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - No One Hast to Be Alone. I sing along with this one...and I REALLY want to sing it in public :D . Then Best of Friends, Always There, Remembering, Flip Flap & Fly (I sing a long with that sometimes), Things Change, Peaceful Valley and If We Hold on Together

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - The Lone Dinosaur. "Yee-Yaw"...seriously?! "Yee-haw"!? Where did THAT come from!? Imaginary Friends is on that list too. Ah, the very moment where Petrie crosses the "Out of Character" line a step too far. I'm gonna go with A LOT of the songs from the TV series, with the exception of Remembering.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - dur. It could still use some the Star Trek theme[/sarcasm]. Oh, that is SO Youtube Poop worthy XD .

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - Hmm...havn't seen them all quite yet, but probably eleven. I added a real Mussasaur to my fanfiction out of "*head-desk*"

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Hm. A lot. Littlefoot hatching. I CRIED myself silly the last time I watched that scene. Then there's the scene when they slept together...I thought I was going to cry again there, but I didn't. And the scene when Petrie and Pterano say goodbye at the end of seven.


  • Cera
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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - A tie between Chomper and Littlefoot. Littlefoot I could always relate to throughout the movies, but Chomper is just so cool to not like.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Ruby. She's just annoying to me and not really needed.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Always will be If We Hold On Together, but the runners up are Always There, Bestest Friends, and No One Has to Be Alone

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Oops Eeps and Bad Luck. They are the most ridiculous songs.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - Always the original

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - LBT XIII and LBT VI

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Definitely the end of the original. Nothing can beat the pure emotion the characters felt when they finally reunited with their families in the Great Valley.


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character -A very close cross between Cera and Littlefoot.  I honestly don't think I could ever decide.  

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character -I hate sharpteeth of any kind, but especially the original one.  I don't care if they're killing to live or not.  The original sharptooth killed Littlefoot's mother, and there's no way in hell I can ever forgive him for that.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song -Damn.  Another tough one.  No One Has To Be Alone was absolutely beautiful, but so was Bestest Friends.  I'm not counting If We Hold On Together because it wasn't sang by the gang.  I guess it would have to be No One Has To Be Alone.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song -From both the TV series and the movies...Oops Eeps.  From just the movies...Flip Flap & Fly.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film -Sorry but the original has always gotta win in my book.  My favorite sequel is probably the fifth movie.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film -Thirteenth.  No contest.  The Yellow Bellies were absolutely appalling.  

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Ah, it has to be in the original film when Cera finally joins the group and sleeps with them in the sharptooth footprint.  It's heartwarming.  Of course, Littlefoot hatching and the final scene at the end of LBT 1 are on the list too, but I still think that Cera swallowing her pride and joining the group is the most memorable and heart warming moment.


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Ruby, she may not be from the movies, but I still like her none the less, and if there is to be another movie, hopefully she gets the chance to be in it.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Hmm, hard one that, but if I had to pick one character, I would probabaly pick Ducky, well, in the tv series at least, her voice just sounds to me, not like she sounds in the first movie for example, she sounds a bit deeper which is now the main reason why i don't like her.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Eggs! I don't know why, but I just like the song so much XD

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Friends for Dinner that Chomper sings, reason got stuck in my head for a while once and arg, I didn't want to have it happen like that! Curse you Chomper for doing so! *shakes fist*

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - The first one, no contest there, it is just awesome.....and yeah, not much else to say about it.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - Don't know about this one as so far, I have only seen the first, 2nd and 5th ones....well, I think it's the 5th or 6th movie.  Anyways, out of those three, I would probabally have to pick the Mysterious Island one, but why, not sure, as I did rather enjoy the 2nd movie as well.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Ooo, now this is a tough one, but I would have to say when Littlefoot's mother dies.....just such a sad scene really and is rather memorable to me too.


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Cera.  Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE Tomboys.  They go against the stereotypical normal girl and show that they are just as tough, sometimes even tougher, than any guy out there.  She's no damsel, and that's what I like. :)

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - You absolutely MUST include the TV Series for this one.  If you don't, I seriously could not choose.  In the end, it is without a doubt... Ret.  I hate this longneck.  He is such a stuck-up brat.  I mean, he practically had Ali wrapped around his finger - uh, pardon me!  Neck - and had her doing whatever he wanted.  I'm glad the gang taught him a little lesson about lying.  He pretty much deserved it.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Bestest Friends.  Without a doubt, THE bestest song around. :)

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - ANY of the "I Feel So Happy" songs pretty much hit that area.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - The original.  The first was the best, without a doubt.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - The Wisdom of Friends.  Killed Land Before Time.  Need I say more?

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - The death of Littlefoot's Mother is forever embedded into my brain.  For as long as I live, I shall never forget this sad and heart-breaking scene. :(


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Quote from: pokeplayer984,Feb 19 2010 on  02:37 AM
2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - You absolutely MUST include the TV Series for this one.  If you don't, I seriously could not choose.  In the end, it is without a doubt... Ret.  I hate this longneck.  He is such a stuck-up brat.  I mean, he practically had Ali wrapped around his finger - uh, pardon me!  Neck - and had her doing whatever he wanted.  I'm glad the gang taught him a little lesson about lying.  He pretty much deserved it.
Of course I think that they could have found a way to teach Rhett a lesson that wouldn't have involved endangering Chomper. If something bad had happened to Chomper (such as getting badly hurt) would the "teach Rhett a lesson about lying" have truly been worth it? I wouldn't think so.

Although probably overused, perhaps something more like the story of the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" would've worked better, with Rhett continuing to tell lies until he finds a reason to tell the truth (perhaps a sharptooth coming into the valley) but no one believes him due to his previous lying.


  • Ruby
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1. Most likes LBT character - Littlefoot. Honestly, I love him. I just love his naive personality and his dedication to his friends.

2. Least like LBT Character - Hmm...Probably Mo. I really don't like Mo and Movie 9 was one of my keast favourie.

3. Most liked LBT song - f We Hold On Together. It's just fantastic.

4. Least Liked LBT song - Imaginary Friends. I REALLY disliked that one.

5. Most liked LBT film - Either the original or number 10. I really cant decide.

6. Least liked LBT film - Journey to Big Water. I just hate Mo.

7. Most Memorable LBT scene - As the credits start in the original LBT. It just gives me a really, strange feeling...


  • Yet another wordsmith
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Most liked LBT character: Littlefoot - As a kid I related to him so much.

Least Liked LBT character: Both of the yellowbellies from LBT 13, what was the deal with those idiots.

Most liked LBT song: A tie between If We Hold On Together and No One Has To Be Alone.

least liked LBT song: Say So, it was just plain annoying.

Most liked LBT film: The original, I don't think any other LBT film will surpass it.

Least liked LBT film: LBT 13 Wisdom Of Friends and you know why.

Most memorable LBT moment: Both the death of Littlefoot's mother and the gang finding the Great Valley.



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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Feb 19 2010 on  08:18 AM
Quote from: pokeplayer984,Feb 19 2010 on  02:37 AM
2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - You absolutely MUST include the TV Series for this one. If you don't, I seriously could not choose. In the end, it is without a doubt... Ret. I hate this longneck. He is such a stuck-up brat. I mean, he practically had Ali wrapped around his finger - uh, pardon me! Neck - and had her doing whatever he wanted. I'm glad the gang taught him a little lesson about lying. He pretty much deserved it.
Of course I think that they could have found a way to teach Rhett a lesson that wouldn't have involved endangering Chomper. If something bad had happened to Chomper (such as getting badly hurt) would the "teach Rhett a lesson about lying" have truly been worth it? I wouldn't think so.

Although probably overused, perhaps something more like the story of the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" would've worked better, with Rhett continuing to tell lies until he finds a reason to tell the truth (perhaps a sharptooth coming into the valley) but no one believes him due to his previous lying.
Well, in all honesty, I didn't like it either, but they did show something important.  The fact that Ret left Ali to defend herself against a sharptooth, questions his area of friendship with her.  I mean, he probably wasn't willing to take Chomper on, but he could've at least led her to safety.  Under normal circumstances, his actions would've brought her death by the time he arrived with help.

Seriously, he is just a stuck-up brat.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Littlefoot

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - the Yellowbellies

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - If We Hold on Together

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - oop eeps that's all that needs to be said

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film -  Either the 1st or the 7th one.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film - LBT 13, the yellowbellies killed LBT.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - the Death of Littlefoot's mother.


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I am saddened by all this hate towards the seventh sequel...and Rinkus and Sierra. :cry

1.) Most liked Land Before Time character - Pterano (no duhhhh)

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character - Cera I guess...

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song - Always There

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song - Oops Eeps and any version of "Adverturing"

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film - Land Before Time 7

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film -Either  Land Before Time 9 or 10.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment - Definitely when all of the kids hatched, from Little Foot to Tricia. Those moments are always precious. Also when Pterano hugs Petrie at the end of the seventh sequel.


  • Spike
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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character
Cera, especially as she developed into a snarker.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character
Ichy/Dil/Every Yellow Belly ever

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song
If We Hold on Together. Among sing-alongs, Adventuring.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film
The Land Before Time. Of the sequels, The Great Longneck Migration.

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film
The Wisdom of Friends. Ugh.

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment
Group hug at the end of the original film.


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1.) Most liked Land Before Time character -
Ali (the way she was in LBT4) - I don't know why, but I always had this deep interest in her. For some unknown reason, I always seem to show more interest in the female characters in most animated films/shows. Again, I can't explain why.

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character -
Cera's dad - He's one of the few animated characters that really rubs me up the wrong way.

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song -
If We Hold On Together, but closely tied with Always There - these songs aren't the usual song-and-dance numbers that are the main reason I dislike most of the sequels, and that's why I like them.

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song -
Anything else except the above. No offence meant to anyone, but every other song in the series (except maybe for Bestest Friends) is just ear-grating to me.

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film -
The original is an obvious choice, but LBT7 is right up there too. Despite its obvious shortcomings explained by Malte and others, my love for this film is still as abundant as it was when I first saw it. It is the most mature sequel I have seen in terms of subject matter, it has the best villains ever (Pterano, Rinkus and Sierra) and though it is sacrilege to some, I loved the fact that the Rainbow Faces were aliens. :p

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film -
LBT13 is at the top of my list, and I haven't even seen it yet. Frankly, I hope I never do! :crazy

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment -
I don't really have a memorable moment, to be honest. The original has so many things that stick in your mind, it's hard to pick. I'd probably say when the Great Valley was revealed at the end.

Cancerian Tiger

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1. Most Liked Land Before Time Character: Cera, followed in a very close second by Ducky.  Put these two in a blender, and you've got my personality :smile.  I'm not sure exactly what it is about Cera, but I knew from the moment I was first introduced to this series that she was my favorite :angel.

2. Least Liked Land Before Time Character: Ms. Maia, followed by the Yellowbellies.  I think I'd sacrifice myself to the sharpteeth if I had to lead those imbociles back to Berry Valley :bang.

3. Most Liked Land Before Time Song: "Always There" :).

4. Least Favorite Land Before Time Song: "Oops Eeps".  One word: Earbleed :x!

5. Most Liked Land Before Time Film: The original.  Without it, the series would've never happened :yes.

6. Least Favorite Land Before Time Film: LBT XIII :bang.

7. Most Memorable Land Before Time Moment: It's a cross between the Gang snuggling in the sharptooth footprint (LBT I) and the group embrace at the end of LBT I :smile.


  • Ducky
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1. Most Liked Land Before Time Character-

Littlefoot, of course! He was one of my childhood heroes, not to mention I see a lot of myself in Littlefoot.

2. Least Liked Land Before Time Character-

Tippy. Just...Tippy. If I were to decribe why I hate this obnoxious little freak, we'd be here all night. So I'll just let this scream sum up my feelings towards this character. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! SHUT UP!! JUST SHUT UP!!

3. Most Liked Land Before Time Song-

Peaceful Valley. Just such a great song. It's uplifting, it's fun, it's cute, and for me, it's nostalgic. This song sums up not just the characters' thoughts after having lived in the Valley for some time, but also sums up childhood very well. Every time I hear this song, I just long for the days where I could just go and run around like the song says.

4. Least Favorite Land Before Time Song-

Any of the songs in the TV show and Imaginary Friends. The songs in the show are just really unecessary. Not to mention most of them are just the songs from the movies just cut shorter or with new lyrics. I mean how many times are they going to have the kids sign the remix to the remix of Adventuring?! Guuuhhhh... Imaginary Friends. I just feel so embarassed whenever I hear this song. Even if there's no one around me. It adds nothing to LBT 9 and it just belittles Petrie's character even more. Oh, great. Now I'm thinking about it!

5. Most Liked Land Before Time Film-

Actually, I have three that I consider my favorites. And these are: the original, LBT 2, and LBT 5. Obviously nothing beats the original! It had the best voice acting, the best animation(I'm sorry but no matter how fancy they made the later LBT movies look, nothing beats the look and feel of the original), the best story, and on top of that, it's as much a movie for older audiences as it is for kids. A true, forgotten classic.
Land Before Time 2 and 5, well, I love them because they have Chomper, who's my second favorite character after Littlefoot. The stories were fun and exciting, the songs were surprisingly good, and Chomper's just too loveable to hate!

6. Least Favorite Land Before Time Film-

LBT 8 and 13. Land Before Time eight was SUCH a bland movie. The story was unengaging, nothing really exciting happened, It made Ducky look even more Mary Sueish(Not knowing what it feels like to be angry? Seriously?!), and worst of had friggin' TIPPY IN IT!! I couldn't believe how selfish both Tippy and his mother were in this movie. Okay, having Spike spend a day with them so he can learn how his own kind live is one thing, but then to have him JOIN THEIR HERD, THUS LEAVING AND HURTING THOSE WHO  REALLY CARE ABOUT SPIKE AND HAVE CARED FOR HIM SINCE HE GOT TO THE FREAKIN' VALLEY, WITHOUT EVEN SO MUCH A SECOND THOUGHT AS TO WHAT HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY WOULD THINK OR FEEL ABOUT IT...GAAHH!!! And while I'm on the topic of that freak and his mom, they both had obnoxious voices(Tippy's Mom: Why hellOOOO there!! Nostalgia Critic: I'm AAAAAActing!!)

LBT 13. Two words: The yellowbellies. Nuff said.

Most Memorable Land Before Time Moment-

Ohh, there's a few I can think of. My favorite moment would be when Littlefoot is sleeping in the footprint left by his mom. And then everyone goes to sleep by him, first Ducky, then Petrie, then Spike and Cera. It's just such a great scene that always knows how to make me smile. Also, the song "Always There", when Littlefoot is singing about his mom. It was nice to see him finally acknowledge her in the sequels. You'd think that considering how happy-go-lucky he is in the sequels, you'd think he almost forgot she existed.