The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

GOF Awards 2012 - Voting Tally


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Hey gang!

Good to see people getting stuck into the awards already! This page here shows the running tally of the votes cast for each candidate in each category. Just like the "Voting Status" page, I'll be updating it as often as I can to keep you in the know about who's leading in which category. It's not just London handing out medals this year ;)

Remember: Any doubts or worries, check out the rules and regulations thread for full rundown of do's and don'ts. Likewise, don't be afraid to come to anyone of us with a query about the awards, no matter how trivial it may seem.

So, here are the scores on the doors!


Check out our winners for the GOF Awards 2012!

Appreciated Member Award

Pterano - 4 (WINNER!)
Kor - 3 (RUNNER UP!)
Fyn16 - 2
Cancerian Tiger - 2
Littlefoot1616 - 1
Mr Drake - 1
LettuceBacon&Tomato - 1

Fanart Award

StrutEggStealer - 7 (WINNER!)
Flipperboidskua - 6 (RUNNER UP!)
Pangaea - 1
Mumbling - 1

Feedback Award

Pangaea - 9 (WINNER!)
vonboy - 4 (RUNNER UP!)
Pterano - 2
The Friendly Sharptooth - 1
DarkHououmon - 1
Malte279 - 1  
Blais_13 - 1

Friendly Member Award

Mr Wonk - 5 (WINNER!)
Malte279 - 3 (RUNNER UP!)
Pangaea - 2
MrDrake - 1
Flathead770 - 1
FlipperBoidSkua - 1
Chiletrek - 1
Kor - 1
Pterano - 1
Vonboy - 1
Littlefoot1616 - 1
Pokeplayer984 - 1
Mumbling - 1
DarkHououmon - 1

Helpful Award

Pangaea - 7 (WINNER!)
DarkHououmon - 4 (RUNNER UP!)
Mumbling - 2
Malte279 - 2
Kor - 2
Nick22 - 1
LettuceBacon&Tomato - 1
Pterano - 1

Philosopher Award

Malte279 - 10 (WINNER!)
jansenov - 4 (RUNNER UP!)
DarkHououmon - 2
Pokeplayer - 1
EggStealerGirl - 1

Proactive Award

Chomper98 - 7 (WINNER!)
Mumbling - 5 (RUNNER UP!)
Bruton the Iguanodon - 5
Pokeplayer - 2

Role Play Gamer Award

Serris - 3 (WINNER!)
Mirumoto Kenjiro - 2
Nick22 - 2 (RUNNER UP!)
Pangaea - 2
The Chronicler - 1
Kor - 1


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Mr Wonk

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Quote from: Chomper98,Oct 3 2012 on  04:56 PM
I won the proactive award? Cool!
Well done Chomper98! :DD


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Well done to all our award winners!  There might not have been a lot of voters this year, but that doesn't make your achievements any less commendable. :yes


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Congratulations everyone!

21 voters this year, compared to 25 last year. Considering the level of overall activity, not bad at all.


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Congrats indeed on all the winners and everyone else also.  It sounds like the level of activity may be not bad compared to last year if it is indeed 21 as opposed to 25.  Looks like the extra week did help a lot in letting folks have time to vote.


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Congratulations to everyone who was nominated, and a big thank you to everyone who voted. :D

I'm surprised by the amount of votes that went to members who only joined the GOF in the past year or so. Personally, I think it's awesome. :smile Means we're still getting new members who have plenty to offer to the forum. Great going, all of you! :DD

Quote from: Chomper98,Oct 3 2012 on  04:56 PM
I won the proactive award? Cool!
Not to burst your bubble, but it looks like you'll have to vote in the Appreciated Member category in order to be eligible to win the Proactive Award. :unsure: One of the six categories you voted in didn't count (the Fanfiction Award is not a category in the main GOF Awards; it is its own event). Don't worry, though; it's much easier to decide who to nominate for the Appreciated Member Award than it is for the other categories, since you only have to choose between those members who were nominated for one of the main award categories, but did not win in any of them. (StrutEggStealer will have to vote for Appreciated Member in order to get his award, too, and I think Mumbling and vonboy have to do the same in order to get their runner-up awards.)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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Congrats everybody!! Squeeee! This voting period was great fun and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did! *spazzes out and dies*

21 voters this year, compared to 25 last year. Considering the level of overall activity, not bad at all.

Yayz!! Maybe that means the voting tradition can stick around. I know Malte has been worried about whether the lack of interest would mean if it should be continued or not. I hope he feels better about it now! :DD

Not to burst your bubble, but it looks like you'll have to vote in the Appreciated Member category in order to be eligible to win the Proactive Award. One of the six categories you voted in didn't count (the Fanfiction Award is not a category in the main GOF Awards; it is its own event).

I'm not sure, but I think Chomper originally had it as a Fanart/fanfiction vote and then edited it. I think he just made a mistake and removed the wrong part, not really noticing it. But I could be wrong.

Also, I'm confused about this Appreciated Member Award. How exactly does it work (forgive me, I am an easily confused individual) ? :oops I know I'm not required to vote in it, but I'm still curious! :)


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Oct 3 2012 on  10:16 PM
I'm not sure, but I think Chomper originally had it as a Fanart/fanfiction vote and then edited it. I think he just made a mistake and removed the wrong part, not really noticing it. But I could be wrong.
It looks like Chomper98's vote
Chomper98's vote has not been edited, and since he's indicated in the Voting Status thread as being one voting category short of eligibility for an award, I assume that that vote is still not counted. Don't worry about it, though, Chomper98; it's only the second year of the Fanfiction Awards and it's understandable for some members (especially newer ones) to be confused. Just be sure to vote for the Appreciated Member Award and you'll be fine. ;)

Also, I'm confused about this Appreciated Member Award. How exactly does it work (forgive me, I am an easily confused individual) ? :oops I know I'm not required to vote in it, but I'm still curious! :)
I'm sure the rules will be explained in the Appreciated Member voting thread when it is posted, as that is what was done last year. Assuming the rules are unchanged from previous years', what happens is that the admins provide a list of the members who are eligible for the Appreciated Member Award (members who voted in the main awards and are eligible to receive an award, but were not winners or a runners-up in any of the main categories); each voter picks one of those members to nominate and writes a short post explaining why he/she feels that that member deserves the award. So the Appreciated Member voting is basically the same routine as the main voting, only the nominees are "multiple choice" rather than "fill in the blank". :p

Sorry, admins…I hope I'm not overstepping my boundaries or something by explaining this stuff. :unsure:

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Indeed there is the "Appreciated member award" yet to come. Since qualification for this award does depend on participation and outcome of the others it can only be conducted after the other awrds. Only those can be voted for the appreciated member award who did participate in the vote, but didn't receive an award or runner up award themselves. A runner up award is given to the one with the second most votes on an award if his or her votes are at least a third of the number of votes given to the winner. The runner up award doesn't differ in appearance from a regular award, it only means that the runner up has the second pick from the award banners after the winner and mustn't pick the same as the winner.
Anyone who has voted no more than five times so far must vote on the Appreciated Member Award to get an award (if elected before) while those who have voted six times already are not obliged but very strongly encouraged to vote.

However, I see that there is yet another matter to be determined before we know the candidates for the appreciated member award. In case of the RPG award the outcome is so narrow that a tiebreaking vote is necessary. Serris won this award with three votes, but there are three candidates with two votes to their names.
So there is a 24 hours tiebreaking vote to determine whether Nick22, or Pangaea win the runner up of the Role Play Gamer Award (Mirumoto Kenjiro, too got as many votes as Nick22 and Pangaea, but he didn't participate in the vote).
If at the end of 24 hours no tie breaking votes have come in or if the result is still a tie then there won't be runner up award for the Role Play Gamer section this year and we will proceed with all of the candidates who didn't win another award as candidates for the appreciated member award.


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^ If no one votes or there is another tie, you could just give the runner-up award to Nick22. Judging from the tally, I'm already eligible for two award banners this year (honestly I'm astonished that that happened :blink:), and I might not even include the runner-up banner in my signature if I did win it. I'd be more than willing to secede from the tiebreaker round and let Nick have the runner-up award, if that is permissible. :)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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traditionally pangea we at least hold a second round of voting to break the tie. if you still wiish to withdraw after the second round, then you are free to do so. no one wants to win in a walkover.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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If you want Pangaea.  You could also stick it out to see how the voting goes, but ultimately it's up to you.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Nice to see, for one, that most of the winners and runners-up had sizeable margins over third place. It's always sad to be the guy who was one vote short of coming up on the list.

Congrats to all!


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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I have to say I feel both humbled and surprised that I won the Appreciated Member Award this year. Thank you very much Pangaea, Vonboy, Jansenov, and StruggEggStealer. You all make great contributions to the GoF and are excellent members. Also, congratulations to all our other winners. :yes I feel the awards went well enough this year, and everyone who won definitely deserved it. :smile Congrats to all the nominees as well! You guys help make the GoF a great community to be a member of!

I had such a heartbreaking night last night, so to log on this morning (after a pretty sleepless night) to see I'd won the Appreciated Member Award helped make my morning a lot better. :yes Thanks to everyone again! It's very humbling (and unexpected!).  :oops

(runner up)
(runner up)

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