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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Award voting 2012


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Roleplayer Award-
 given his involvement in many of my rps over the years, it only seems fitting that i pick SERRIS . Hes a good rper and always brings the action
 Feedback Award_
 MALTE- hes always willing to give his opinon on things whethers it is history, the LBT films or anything else. So it is only fitting I honor him with this award.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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This year, my vote for the proactive award will go out to Chomper98. He's created many good and interesting topics on the topic of human history and I really enjoy reading most of those discussions. Topics like these keep the community alive and posting! :)

As for the Philosopher award, I think I will skip that one this year since I've not been into LBT discussions as much this time around.

I will also skip the Role Player award.

Helpful Member: This one is so difficult! :p Everyone on this board wants to help others in need, if it is within their power to help them. I think this years vote goes to Pangaea for helping new members around the board, giving people advice on personal issues and pointing out some errors or inconsistencies about the awards. All very helpful ! :)


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Fanart Award: ----------

Feedback Award: Pangaea - Pangaea could be defined as the perfect critic. He is straight to the point while managing to be polite. I greatly appreciate his honesty without tactlessness.

Friendly Member Award: Kor. While every member here is friendly, Kor strikes me as being one of the friendliest there is. In all four years I have been here, I have never seen Kor get angry, lash out or even raise his "voice" at another member.

Helpful Member Award: Mumbling. She has made numerous contributions to this site and even now, she continues to improve this site.

Philosopher Award: jansenov. He makes interesting and deep posts and even on the most incediary topics, he manages to remain neutral.

Proactive Member Award: PokePlayer. He always tries to start up interesting discussions in After Midnight.

Role Play Gamer Award: Mirumoto_Kenjiro. He is always brimming with ideas for new role plays and he helps keep the RP section alive.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Fanart Award : FlipperBoidSkua  

  I enjoy looking at all the artwork this member has posted here, which is quite a bit.  Also I enjoy the way the artwork can be of an action scene and is a good artist, among the other good artists who are members on here.

Cancerian Tiger

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I have not been very active on here in recent months due to even more increased activity outside of the cyber world, and it looks like my activity is about to become even less as I am taking up opportunities this week to get my career moving...hopefully in the near-future :smile.  Still, I feel the need to make time to post my nominations, so here they are :).

Of course, as others have said, thee decisions are difficult because the GOF truly is a unique and very friendly community.  After much thinking, I have nominated the following members:

*Fanart Award- There have been numerous talented fanartists popping in and out of the GOF this year, but one person stands out.  Not only does this member draw others' fancharacters really well, but the numerous starday cards they have created for members have had really nice depictions of the LBT cast, most memorably for me being the one of Cera giving raga19 his birthday cake :spit.  That said, my nomination for the Fanart Award is Pangaea.

*Feedback Award- My nomination for this category probably would've gone to The Friendly Sharptooth.  However, due to his decision to depart from the GOF, I feel a member who posts regularly should receive this award.  This member provides our fanfic authors with painstakingly detailed reviews, while being both polite and direct in their critiques.  My nomination for the Feedback Award goes to...y'all guessed it...Pangaea :D.

*Friendly Member Award- This one is perhaps the toughest, given the general friendliness of our community :).  However, one member in particular stands out at this time.  In many ways I can relate to this member, such as trying to start my career while having to work a job that only pays the bills, family matters, and being screened for hereditary and nasty diseases (polycystic kidney disease runs in mine) and fortunately, for both of us, coming out negative :yes.  Yet, not once have I seen this member bash anyone or become confrontational with others in a debate, not even if he was having a bad day.  Above all, he offers a listening ear for those who need it even though he has his own personal life to deal with.  That said, my nomination for the Friendly Member Award goes to Pterano.

*Helpful Member Award- Not only is this member helpful to others as often as they can be, but they are also one of a handful of members who are very knowledgable in technological maintenance and failures, as well as how to use numerous websites for creating online projects like MVs.  One member comes to mind when it comes to being helpful in virtually every field of the GOF and beyond, and this year, my nomination for the Helpful Member Award is DarkHououmon.

*Philosopher Award- There are many members who bring up points of view and ideas others may not have thought of in discussions.  Some of our philosophizing members compose essays of their viewpoints, and each post is interesting to read.  One member in particular seems to remain his same self in his posts, no matter how heated the topics may become.  It is great to put your emotions and passion into your discussions, as it means the subject matter is something you feel strongly about.  At the same time, to have a member who is willing to listen to all sides while providing his very detailed posts only adds to the value and depth of the conversations.  On top of that, even though he is an admin, he never abuses his power in discussions or cuts off members who oppose his views.  I'm sure we all know who I'm talking about by now ;).  My nomination for the Philosopher Award is Malte279.

*Proactive Award- What can I say?  This year's awards ceremony probably wouldn't have happened without the member I have nominated.  On top of that, she keeps us all informed of GOF news while contributing to topics and creating some of her own.  This member was second place in receiving my nomination for the Friendly Member Award, as she is always very friendly on both the GOF and Facebook :yes.  She definitely comes in first this time, and therefore, my nomination for the Proactive Award goes out to Mumbling.

*Role Play Gamer Award- I haven't been as active in the RP section this year, mostly due to schedule conflicts.  However, one member has managed to remain consistent in the RP section, both as an RPG player and as an RPG creator.  If the time ever came for another RP moderator, my vote would definitely go to this member.  Until then, my nomination for the Role Play Gamer Award goes out to Serris.


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Fanart Award: FlipperBoidSkua. I enjoy her various LBT artworks. She also does good non-LBT art as well that I have enjoyed.

Philosopher Award: Malte279. He has a good grasp on the LBT universe. If you have a question regarding LBT, he would most certainly be able to provide the answer.

Proactive Award: Chomper98. He has been quite the active member. His topics regarding history are interesting.

Helpful Member Award: Pangaea. I enjoy the PM chats we have and he has been willing to answer my various questions. His advice has been helpful in regards to my novel-in-progress and my made up species, the alimons.

Friendly Member Award: Malte279. He has a usually calm disposition that makes him very approachable. I enjoy the MSN chats we have.

Feedback Award: Pangaea. He is willing to offer constructive criticism to those who would like it. He has also offered me some advice for my story, A Clash In The System, which I appreciate.


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My vote for the Fanart Award will go to Mumbling. Not much in terms of 2D art, but her LBT clay sculptures are quite good.

My vote for the Feedback Award will indeed go to Pangaea.
I'm not sure if I can say anything about this member that's already been said, but  he does great critiques of fanart and fanfics and is never too hard on the creator of said art ot story.

My vote for the Friendly Member Award...well, I'm not sure, just about every member on the board pretty much fits this bill but if I have to choose one member, it will be Vonboy.  He's just an all around good guy and not once have I seen him bash anyone.

And for the Roleplay Gamer Award, my vote will no doubt go to Nick22. He made Roleplaying on this forum seem a bit more productive and is still going strong.

I'm not very sure about the other categories so I'll skip those this year.



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The remaining two awards are always the most difficult for me to decide about. One (philosopher) for requiring a lot of reading and reareading and deciding to what degree to include philosophical chats or strictly limit to what is being written on the GOF and what role quality plays vs. quantity etc. while the other (friendly) is quite the opposite and it is so extremely subjective to pick one out of of a crowd of friendly folks while it is something that is not possible to compare or rank easily.

Anyways, after a lot of reading I have at least made up my mind about the Philosopher Award, but not without several candidates in the end. Cal Pterano is a member whose contributions I enjoy a lot and whose knowledge in history I admire. History is a field I am "somewhat interested" in myself ;), but here is one from whom I can learn a lot more. Nick22 and Kacie Darkhououmon are both members with whom I enjoy political chats a lot. Often we end up discussing what is likely and possible in politics and why it is that some things that would seem sensible end up being not even attempted. Most of these discussions however take place outside the GOF in MSN chats (we might want to get a little more into political debate in the AM section ;)). Pangaea is yet another member who posts very interesting messages often times and I am extremely curious about more posts in discussion threads from a member with so sharp, analytical and constructively critical a mind as demonstrated in so many feedback threads.
With these members being named already it isn't going to be much of a surprise that my vote for the Philosopher Award goes to Hrvoje, jansenov. I do not agree with him on some points (nuclear energy), but he is one of the people where one can always see where he is comming from with his point of view even in case one may not share it. One can always see why he thinks about a matter the way he does and his good reasoning and readiness to discuss matters with a spirit of mental elevation rather than contesting rivalry of opinions just makes discussions and debates with him (oh and by the way, there ARE many points where I do agree with you ;)) a joy.


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The Friendly member award is extremely difficult. Friendly attitute is a quality of the huge majority of GOF members and it contributes greatly to the success of this board. The decision about this one is about something that cannot objectively be ranked and a vote for one member is not to be misread as a downgrading of everyone else. Pangaea has shown friendliness to so many members and drawn whole images as birthday cards for many of us whom he knows but only from this board. Iris Mumbling has shown her friendliness and concern for many members too. The list could go on for a very long time, but in the end my vote for the Friendly Member Award goes to Jason Littlefoot1616. He is as good and always reliable a friend as anyone could ever wish for. Someone to share good moments or to lend an ear in times of great concern Jason continues to be his awesome self in terms of all qualities that make a good friend.


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Philosopher Award:

This one most certainly goes to Malte279.  His posts are long but not excessive (in other words, he doesn't write BS).  The things he says are thought provoking and occasionally entertaining.

Helpful Member Award:

This one was a tough one considering how many helpful members we have here, but I've decided to vote for LettuceBacon&Tomato in this category.  I've never seen him not be willing to help someone.  One thing he recently did was very nice (I'm not going to say what it was, but he knows) and more than most people would do.  If anyone deserves this award, it's him.

Proactive Member Award:

I don't know this member very well, but from what I've seen I'm going to have to nominate Chomper98 for the proactive member award. He's been very active recently and brings genuine value to the board.  Congrats Chomper98!

Friendly Member Award:

This one is a tough one too, but I'd like to nominate Pokeplayer984 for this one.  He's very friendly and inviting to other members and doesn't hesitate to help where he can.

Sorry but I can't vote for any more people.  Due to lack of getting to know members personally, I don't think I'm a very fair or objective judge in these matters.

EDIT:  Dang BBCode Issues!

Mr Wonk

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I’m sorry for this late post. I thought we had more time just like the fan fiction awards. Anyway here are my votes for this year! :DD

Fan art Award I have been amazed by the fan art this year and well the only year I’ve been on this site. DarkWolf91 was amazing just like the others such as FlipperBoidSkua, Sky, DarkHououmon, Blais_13 and more! But recently the most art that has impressed me so far has been… StrutEggStealer. Yes you get my vote as well. But this does not mean others didn’t do well because there where great and I wish to see more of them. Keep it up guys!

Winner of this award: StrutEggStealer

Feedback Award: This award for me is more personal I think then all of the other ones. It also had been the hardest decision for me to make. When I first posted my fan fiction onto the Gang of Five Forums I was worried very much what people where going to think about. As well I was worried about the bad gummer and spellings that sometimes I didn’t even see because I was so blind to spot it. Anyway when Blais_13 and StrutEggStealer commented on my fan fiction there were so helpful with the spellings and gammier problems and took time to point them out.
And there both been helpful for everyone else as well who have created fan art or fan fiction. So this award goes to…………………………..

Winner of this award: Blais_13

Friendly Member Award: Very hard this one when everyone so dam nice in here as many have probably said before. But hey how hard can it be? Anyway like I said everyone so nice here and I could list a lot of people but we would be here forever. Anyway every time I ask a question to this user, she would never mind answering back. And when I did someone wrong she would tell me what I did wrong without being mean in anyway. So this award goes to Mumbling.

Winner of this award: Mumbling

Helpful Member Award: Two members come to mind for this award. Jansenov and Malte279 (There are others too). If you need any music from LBT or any information about the movies, these guys like others will help you but there can only be one! So my vote goes too!

Winner of this award: Malte279

Philosopher Award: Chomper98 and Bruton the Iguanodon and other users have posted some great threads in the LBT threads. But I feel that EggstealerGirl has made some LBT discussions that may have gone unnoticed. I think for this year I vote for EggstealerGirl.

Winner of this award: EggStealerGirl

Proactive Award: He has made a lot of great and interesting topics just like others in the After Midnight section. But this year my vote goes to… Pokeplayer984!

Winner of this award: Pokeplayer984

Role Player Award: I have skipped this award for this year, because I’ve not really had any part in the Role Playing area. So I’m sorry on one this award guys.

Winner of this award: N/A


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Fanart- will skip
 friendly member- there are masny many qualified persons here but since i have to pick one i will go with PANGAEA
Proactive Member- I will go with CHOMPER98 while i disagree with his comnclusions in his history threads, it is that kind of question asking thatr stimulates debate. and for that i nominate him.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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FanArt Award - FlipperBoidSkua. Her drawings portray a lot of deep thinking and creative tendencies^^ her characters are all so unique.

Friendly Member Award - I nominate Mr. Wonk. This member always knows how to say the right things, and is always courteous and caring :)

Feedback Award - Pangaea - REALLY really helped me think more about my art,a nd presented some interesting ideas and questions. I appreciate it, Pangaea^^
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Helpful Mmember- There are a number of posters who are helpful, but my pick goes to KOR, who is always willing to give advice and help with anything you ask of him..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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Helpful Member - Pterano. Pterano was very helpful regarding the views and critiques on my fanfic :)

Philosopher - Malte279. This member's replies and comments are always so deep, eloquent, and thought-out

Proactive Member - skip.

RPG - skip.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Feedback Member Award - Pangaea provides very well thought out reviews. Fyn has been giving good feedback as well, but I have to give my vote to someone else this year. He's helped me immensely since I've met him, with not just reviews, but also proofreading. If someone's willing to help you spruce something up even before you post it, you know they really care. This year, my vote goes to Pterano.

Friendly Member Award - Mr. Wonk, for being there for other members as they deal with things. He's very active in the how are you feeling thread, letting people know someone is listening.

Helpful Member Award - This year, I;m voting for Pangaea, for answering so many people's questions about a variety of things, in his ask me thread, and other places as well.

Proactive Member Award - I know he's not around anymore, but he's really been the proactive member this year. He's started untold numbers of LBT discussions. While I don't agree to some of his opinions (NO, NOT THE BBEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!1), I can't deny that he's brought new life to this discussion board. This year, I vote for BrutonTheIguanodon.

Role Play Gamer Award - This year, I'm voting for Pangaea, for taking the reins, and trying to keep the Members in the Land Before Time RP running.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Philosopher award- while vthere are many who contricbute to the board, i will have to gowoth the board philosopher MALTE. he ruminates on just about everythging.. so its natural that he receive this nominastion..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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Roleplayer- Kor, he was one of the first who joined my first roleplay and is quite a good roleplayer.

Helpful Member- Darkhououmon, she helped me when I asked her to direct me to a certain topic and helps add to my historical threads by posting sources.

Friendly Member- Darkhouomon, again this was hard but I feel that she, no matter the situation, keeps a clear head and always attempts to be nice in conversations.

Fanfiction- Flipperboidskua, she is a great writer and I envy her for it.

Philosopher- Malte279, I don't know why, but he justs seems like that.

Proactive Member- Bruton the Iguanodon, since I don't believe I can vote for myself, and since he has made a massive amount of topics, I am going to nominate him.

These are my votes, and this is my first time voting so I don't really know what I'm doing, let me know how to fix it.


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Quote from: Chomper98,Oct 3 2012 on  03:15 AM
Proactive Member- Bruton the Iguanodon, since I don't believe I can vote for myself, and since he has made a massive amount of topics, I am going to nominate him.
Technically you can vote for yourself but we discourage it.

Don't know why you would vote for Bruton though, he hasn't really been around the past 4 months, has he ? :p


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Thanks for your contributions guys and gals!

Voting for this year's Member Awards is now closed!

Thanks to all those that participated! ;)

Make sure you check out your Voting Status for any last notices you may need to pick up on. Also check out the Vote Tallies to see who's come top of the polls! :D