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Darwin's Soldiers: Disruptive Selection

Serris · 5385 · 247408


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((OOC: And also....Nixx still hasn't even got a new shirt on, so um...yeah XD))

Nixx looked at Aisha for a moment, glancing at her hand, then back at her face once again and gave off a small, light shrug "Well, just as long as it's fun....I mean, I don't want to have to go all the way to this next base and find out that it's not even a good challenge at all"


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Roux smirked.  
"Hehe...betcha it will base...I'll be able to show what I can do, right Aisha?"
She murred softly...


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Sure thing Roux Aisha smiled ' Say Nixx, if you need a place to stay after this is over, you can stay at my place. Its got a nice view , has the latest technology and a swimming pool and hot tub.. plus theres plenty of room upstairs for you to do, well whatever you like to do..So what do you say?
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton had completed his tour of the battleship, and other than the non-combat androids which kept the ship running, the combat drones had collapsed. He'll have to work on fixing that, if a fix was even possible.

His phone buzzed. He glanced at it, and saw he'd recieved a text from an unlisted number. He glanced at the screen, and almost dropped the phone.

I sent your message before I died. So I'm still dead. Don't change the active duty roster for my sake.

Who is this? he almost wrote back, but deleted it before sending it. ROSS? Is that you? he typed but then deleted it. After a few minutes of debating, he finally sent off a simple Good luck. He never recieved a reply.

As he walked back to the others, he suddenly realized the most important part of the text. "Oh crap, he sent Dragonstorm that video?"

(Oil Rig)
Suddenly the computer in Kerzach's room, along with every computer in the oil rig, turned on and started playing a video.  It showed James Zanasiu and Sharon, both armed. Between them was a man in a decent suit with a bag over his head.

"Dragonstorm personnel," James spoke directly to the camera. "I speak for the team that has been systematically destroying every Dragonstorm base in the country. We've destroyed almost every base in existence, and we will not stop until we're done."

Sharon took over. "We understand that most of you are assistants or guards, forced into service by the scientists who you work for. You have little stake in Dragonstorm, and this video is warning you to flee. If you abandon now, we will not come after you."

"This offer does not extend to those responsible for what Dragonstorm has become," James added. "The leaders who have most of the blood on their hands. This includes Johnson Zenarchis, Keegan O'Neil, Trinity, and Roger Simpson."

James pulled off the bag to reveal Shelton's face. He then shot Shelton in the chest, who fell off-screen.

"At this time, Simpson had been fourth-in-line for command, behind those already mentioned," James concluded. "If I didn't say your name, abandon what's left of this immoral project. If I did, know that you'll pay for your crimes. Soon."

James then walked up to the camera and turned it off. All computers then resumed normal operation.


Shelton reached the room where everyone else is. "Umm, James can I talk to you for a minute?" Shelton asked, preparing to lead James out of the room and into the lower decks.

(OOC: I'd gotten permission from Serris to do this a really long time ago, mainly to avoid the 'infiltration' bit and jump right into things, since they'll have to be more straightforward than usual. Serris, if you would prefer James' dialogue be changed in any way send me replacements and I'll edit the post.

Shelton is about to show James a submarine stored on board, and suggest that the teams assault from two angles.)


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(Oil Rig)

Dr. Kerzach spewed water on the monitor as the video began to play. Quickly regaining his composure, he wiped off the droplets covering the console.

He rewound the video to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Sure enough, he saw Dr. Zanasiu shoot Shelton. His beak dropped open as he watched Dr. Zanasiu kill Shelton with the cold, detached - almost bored - expression.

Had Shelton become Roger Simpson? Had Dr. Zanasiu finally snapped after killing so many of Dragonstorm's personnel?

He then pressed the intercom to alert Dr. Zenarchis. "Doctor Zenarchis, this is Gallo, I just got a message from Dr. Zanasiu."



Dr. Zanasiu nodded as he followed Shelton. "Yeah, so what do you want to discuss?"


Sgt. Masters slithered out the door to have a cigarette.

Alfred rolled his eyes. "Thought he stopped."

"He can smoke until he dies of lung cancer for all I care," Gustave replied as he sat on the floor - the only thing that could support his one thousand plus pound metal body. "What I want to know is how we get on that rig. I'll break anything that can't support a vehicle.

Alfred looked at a magnet stuck on the refrigerator. "Wait, are you magnetic?"

"Considering that I'm now like ninety percent steel, probably."

"We'll pick you up via electromagnet or crane."

If Gustave's face weren't gleaming steel, the color would have drained from it. "How about we stay away from anything that involves open air height?" the way he couched it came off as more of a demand.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Landon finishedcleaning up after treating sharon..  he wiped his brow
 Aisha stared out at the horizoin as she waited for Nixxs reply
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(Oil rig)
"Yes, it seems we all did," Zenarchis spoke back. "I'm putting the base in high alert, and I'll be moving you to the quarters immediately adjacent to mine."

He switched channels to the sector leaders. "Find out how that message penetrated all of our firewalls, and then put your sector in high alert. I'd like double guards posted on duty at any given time."

A chorus of 'affirmative's came back. However, he noticed that several sector leaders failed to reply.

The next morning several life rafts had gone missing.


"Well, first of all I feel obligated to inform you that the video we filmed was successfully broadcast on every Dragonstorm monitor," Shelton affirmed, trying to make this sound like a good thing. "But I also wanted to talk to you about how most of this remaining base is underwater, with only tangentially important systems uptop in the oil rig itself."

He reached a pressurized docking bay in the bottom of the ship, and revealed to James a massive ovular submarine stored in the bottom of the battleship, sitting on a retractable floor.

"So, that's why I'm thinking we might want to split the team up. Send half of them in the submarine to the underwater docking station, and the other half will reach the drydock on the semi-submersible. Then both teams meet in the middle."

(OOC: A different option I just thought of, is staff the submarine with androids and have it kamikaze into the foundation of the oil rig. The only thing better than a fight on an oil rig, is a fight on a sinking oil rig. If James chooses the kamikaze option, he can just suggest that.)


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(OOC - How can Aisha and Dr. Landon see the video that Dr. Kerzach got?)

(Oil Rig)

Dr. Zenarchis pushed the door open to Dr. Kerzach's room. He had just gotten up and was washing his face when the door was flung open. Two shotgun toting guards flanked the Dragonstorm leader.

"Gallo!" the man barked. "Get in gear and head to your new quarters!"

Dr. Kerzach nodded. He quickly dried himself off and grabbed his duty belt which had a pistol and flashlight.



Dr. Zanasiu leaned against a closed hatch. "Sounds good. But why can't we just program the ship to ram the oil rig and get everyone in the subs and then head to shore?" he asked.


The Mongoose Cobalt soldier lay down on a couch and was fast asleep.

Spc. Crota rolled his eyes. "How can he sleep at a time like this?"

Gustave shrugged. "Beats me."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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(i'll edoit that out)
 landon    paused then headed up to the deck to get some fresh air. he was a bit tired after tresting sharon, who would be fine after she had a good rest..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton blinked. "Well, first of all Kerzach's in that rig. Second, it's pretty well defended against something like that. The rig is laced with a protective ring of mines designed to prevent a straightforward assault, forcing incoming ships to navigate slowly to the docks. Also the derrick houses a high caliber hidden turret that shoots hull-piercing explosive rounds, and the underwater part is fitted with torpedo launchers."

James' radio cackled. "We've received a message from Zenarchis," Zachary reported. "He wants us to return to base and patrol the waters until further notice."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton thought. "You know, the opposite approach (kamikaze the submarine into the foundation) might work. If we boarded the oil rig first and shut down its targeting station, we could have some androids drive the sub into the foundation. That'll guarantee that nothing gets off that base except those we choose to, and will send a powerful message to those pockets of Dragonstorm left."

(OOC: Let's get this conversation over quickly, and then maybe a time skip. James has to decide on a strategy, and then we'll go with it. Anyone have anything they need their characters to talk about/do before the big finish?)


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(No lets get those show on the road.. my characters are ready to go..
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Dr. Zanasiu nodded. "Okay, sounds good but one problem. Who's gonna program the robot sub?

As it anticipating Shelton's response, he added. "And you're coming aboard with us! You're the only one who knows how to deal with Dragonstorm's computers!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I should have them ready before we reach the rig. It shouldn't be too difficult," noted Shelton. "These androids were designed to run all aspects of this ship, including the submarine. I just have to make sure they're capable of avoiding torpedoes, which will require a series of tests. I may have to go out in the sub with them once or twice, but that'll be far before we actually reach the oil rig. Gives me something to do until we get there."


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Several hours later...

Dr. Zanasiu tumbled off the captain's chair that he had been napping on when Dr. Zenarchis's voice came out through the bridge. "AI Battleship Ultimatum, you are cleared for docking."

The scientist quickly dusted himself off and ran to the lounge. There, he found Shelton and the others sleeping on the couches, recliners and even the floor.

Everyone's weapons were stashed in the corner of the lounge.

Dr. Zanasiu then took a deep breath and yelled: "EVERYONE WAKE UP! WE HAVE A SITUATION!"

Neville immediately bolted up from the recliner and snatched a shotgun from the weapons cache. "What's going on!?" he demanded as he blinked his nitcitating membranes repeatedly to clear his eyes.

"We're here."

Gustave staggered to his feet and carefully rubbed his (still organic but substantially toughened) eyes. "Give me a f---ing good reason to not rip out your balls for waking me up like that," he growled.  

"Hey, show some respect for our commander!" Sgt. Masters scolded as he slithered off the cushion he had been sleeping on.

Gustave flipped the finger to Sgt. Masters.

Alfred sighed and rubbed his eyes with his fingers. "Everyone, just shut up and let Dr. Zanasiu talk."

"Thank you, Al," Dr. Zanasiu said as he cleared his throat. "As I said before, the battleship is now approaching the Dragonstorm oil rig and preparing to dock. I don't know if they'll send a boarding party but I suggest you grab your guns and get ready to fight."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I'd better check on the submarine," Shelton piped up. The submersible had been trailing behind the battleship since last night, using the battleship's girth to hide from the oil rig's radar.

After a few minutes, he radioed Zanasiu from the helm. "The submarine is ready to go. I've sent a frequency to your radio; once you or I contact that frequency the submarine will take that as a sign to ram the oil rig. Obviously, we'd need the security system down beforehand, but we will still have maybe 10-20 minutes to escape the rig after the submarine collides."


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Dr. Zanasiu nodded. "All right! Let's do this!"

Zachary was seated on the couch. Two of his horseshoes were laying on the ground as he carefully hammered in some new ones and clipped the nails. He stood up and walked around the room a bit. "All right, I'm ready to go," he said as he donned his helmet, armor and weapon.

Sgt. Masters looked out the window. "We're docked," he said. He then noticed a few figures running out of a nearby stairwell. "They've got a boarding party too."

"Let's kill'em," Gustave said as he slid two shells into his shotgun and snapped the breech closed.

"Let's not put the whole facility on high alert," Alfred said. He then looked around. "Erm, where can we hide?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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aisha was  patting her gun. ' if they send a welcoming committee then they'll be for a surprise..' lets not goive the game away too quickly' Landon said. as he p[repped to debark, with  his firearm in hand/./
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Four of the soldiers entered the lounge and swept the room with their guns. Seeing nothing, they immediately fanned out.

One of them passed over a partially opened door that led to the engine room. Before he knew it, a massive hand dragged him into the room. A crunch was heard from within.


Zachary was hiding in a dimly lit corner. His ears twitched as he heard footsteps coming his way.

He waited for the soldier to come into view. He then shoved his rifle into the soldier's chest and fired a three round burst, instantly killing him.


Gustave smirked as he hid himself inside the bathroom. When he heard the knob began to turn, he charged the door and kicked it so hard that it quite literally flew right off its hinges - and crushed the unfortunate soldier between the door and the countertop. Gustave stepped out from the bathroom and went to examine his handiwork.

"Nothing beats metal fists and feet," he said with a smirk. He saw the door move as the wounded soldier tried to shift the door off him.

Gustave's response was to slam his metal fist into the steel door, leaving a massive imprint of his fist on the door and then folded it over the counter - with the soldier still under it.

"Hey you!" a voice shouted. The metallic reptile looked at the shout and saw the last soldier. The Nile Crocodile gave a toothy grin.

"Go on shoot me," he said.

The soldier happily obliged, emptying the thirty round magazine into Gustave. The Nile Crocodile scratched his chest where the bullets had torn up his borrowed denim biker's jacket. He then smiled. "My turn." The soldier could say nothing more as he was mowed down by the table Gustave had ripped free from its bolts on the floor.

"All right all clear."

Neville got out from the broom closet he was hiding in. He then looked at swath of destruction Gustave's thrown table had caused and a puddle of blood forming under a metal door that had been folded over the edge of a countertop.  "Gustave, Aisha said to use stealth."

Gustave shrugged.

Neville sighed. "Never mind. Everyone, get off this ship as fast as you can. If we hurry, we can get off on the opposite side of where the guards are boarding."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Aisha! We need to move now!" Dr. Zanasiu shouted as she grabbed his shotgun and dove out a nearby door. More guards started filing in through the opposite door and shooting at Gustave.

"Everyone! Move! I'll hold them off!" he shouted, heedless of the bullets that pinged off of him.

"You heard him! Move it!" Spc. Crota shouted as he slithered out the door.

Alfred threw a guard aside as he bolted from his hiding place and for for the door. A few bullets struck him but failed to penetrate his armored vest.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.