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Darwin's Soldiers: Disruptive Selection

Serris · 5385 · 247799


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Aisha and landoon firing back at thier enem,ies. there were outnumbers 5-1, and unless theyt fggotr help soon, they would be overrun..
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Gustave grabbed a piece of rebar, bit off one end so it came to a point and hurled it like a javelin at Soundwave's exposed arc reactor. He then lumbered out of the room to get his shotgun, which he had left in on of the hallways.

"Neku! Can you keep Soundwave busy while I go help out the others?" Alfred shouted as he grabbed a five foot piece rebar to use as a weapon.


At the same time, Dr. Zanasiu was blasting away at the robots that tried to protect Soundwave. "Come on, you can do it!" he muttered to himself as he cleared a jam on his shotgun.

The Mongoose Cobalt soldier said nothing as he spat onto the floor and slid another magazine into his rifle.


Dr. Bailey cowered behind a water tank. Streams of water poured over him as bullets pierced the tanks and pipes.

"Damn it! Do something and help us!" Spc. Crota shouted as he slid another magazine into his pistol (he had lost his shotgun a while ago).

"Like what!?"

"You're a computer whiz! Get on a f---ing computer and do something like remotely shut off the robots, turn on the sprinklers, shut the doors. Anything!"

"I'd do that; if I could find a f---ing computer!"


Zachary and Neville sprinted down the halls. Sgt. Masters slithered as fast as he could after them

Neville leaned against a wall. "Stop, I'm a bit overheated!"

"Same here," Sgt. Masters said, running under an emergency shower and activating it, completely drenching him in cool water. Neville wasted no time in joining the Bushmaster.

"Oh for f---'s sake!" Zachary exclaimed, facepalming at the same time. "Are you gonna shower together or help Dr. Bailey!?"

"Hey! We don't sweat! You mammals got it easy with the ability to sweat!" Neville said, wiping some water from his eyes as the water continued drenching him.

Sgt. Masters blinked his nictating membranes a few times under the water - much to Zachary's disturbance.

A few minutes later, they were on their way.

"You know," Zachary said as he checked his rifle. "They should make cooling suits for reptiles."

"They do," Neville replied, shaking some water out of the barrel of his shotgun.

"I had one but I lost it sometime during our missions together," Sgt. Masters replied. He shook some water out of his rifle's barrel.

Zachary stopped the group. His ears swiveled as he heard gunshots from down one of the halls. "That way!" he said, pointing to the middle hall of a three-way route. Of course, thanks to Shelton's work, it was the only one lit up.

"Well, let's get moving!" Neville exclaimed, dashing down the hallway.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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As his Arc Reactor was struck, including the piece of rebar now sticking out of it, it started to spark and in turn, grabbed onto Neku by the throat, holding him there, as if to start to crush his throat, the Arc Reactor still powering up, getting closer to full power.

Soundwave's goal right now, was to try and kill Neku on the spot, at close range with a full powered Arc Reactor blast, despite it starting to spark rather badly....

(ooc: But of course, same ordeal goes....I wont kill Neku unless that's what you're after Starfall ;) )

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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After Roux had left Shelton went back to observing the computer readout of the battleground. He vented some gas to make it easier for his teammates to see, and turned off the motor belts on the top floor; they weren't helping much due to their atrocious aim.

Suddenly he turned when the door to his room was kicked down. Three robots barreled in and raised their weapons at him.

"Ah, crap," he sighed, annoyed, when he raised his hands in surrender. At the same time, he snatched Aimee's robotic eye off the table. After seeing the robots' lack of reaction to the mist, which indicated no visual sensors, he'd quickly devised a backup decoy, just in case.

With a click of his thumb, he clicked a pressure panel on the cornea. The eye broadcast a coded signal indicating a defective machine.

Rather then annihlate him on the spot, the robots started leading him to the manufacutring plant to be "reprogrammed." He hoped Soundwave would be defeated before that, but he still wouldn't be doing any more tech work for James' team.


Sharon came stumbling back into the room, wielding her new gun. "Reformatted electrical emitter, take four!" she yelled far louder than necessary.

Squeezing the trigger, she spent the entire cartridge and instantly burnt the gun out after blasting a single massive charge of electricity right into Neku.

"Oops, was aiming for..." The gun clattered out of her hands and she collasped to the ground again, this time out of the fight for good.


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Gustave smashed his way through a wall into Soundwave's lair. His metallic teeth gleamed in the light of the room. Two bandoliers with shells were draped across his broad steely chest and in his hands was his signature weapon - the four-gauge double-barreled shotgun.

"Guess who?" He smirked and aimed his shotgun at Soundwave's head.


Alfred met up with Neville and his group, who were shooting it out with the combat robots.

Neville took one look at Alfred's rebar staff and scoffed. "Get a gun."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Soundwave took the blast to the head....which in turn, managed to cause the whole armour of his head to just shatter completely by that point.  As his head armour shattered, he staggered, his grip on Neku releasing enough to drop him, all the while, his targeting had been off and in turn, the blast fired off right past Neku's head instead.

The Arc Reactor continued to spark until it was soon overloaded, unable to take anymore damage and in turn, it exploded, rupturing the rest of the mechanical body, causing it to just go limp and in turn, falling face first into the ground, having been destroyed.


The AI of Soundwave had to retreat back to the Internet for the time being, manifestering in his own AI form and in turn, contacted the Destroyer ship outside the base "Run Protocol: No Quarter" were all his orders to give, asking that the base now be leveled.

(ooc: The rest of the fight against Soundwave will be between LB&T over on Skype....and then posted up when completed, just to give everyone a headsup, since AIs move at light speed and all that, makes more sense for it to happen like that.  And I have no idea on the correct terminology either, I know it's not suppose to be "the Internet", just can't think of the right word is all)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(OOc: All right, the results of Drake's and my Skyping. Warning: roughly 5 pages long. Good news is you honestly can just skip it if you don't care; it deals with the fates of these two AI and doesn't interact with the organic characters. Important thing for you to know is that the sentient battleship is now attempting to destroy New Peenemunde.)


Soundwave in turn, after having given the order of "No Quarter" to the Destroyer outside the base, turned his attention to the virtual exit and started to make his way towards it.  However, upon arriving at said exit, he found it to be blocked off as he scanned it for a moment, wondering just what exactly was going on and why he couldn't escape right now.

As Soudwave stood, the four electrical firewalls creating a sort of 'room' became clearer. "Well, this is familiar," said a voice behind him, as a figure he'd seen once before materialized: a pixelated and poorly rendered scientist.

Soundwave turned around, and as he did so, showed off his true form to the other form.  His true form in question being that of wearing a longcoat and sporting a gasmask which in turn, covered his entire face to show off no actual facial features "ROSS" Soundwave begun as he seemed to just scan the other creation.

"I'd say this is pretty similar to how we met last time," the scientist program spoke, glancing around. "You remember? You being trapped in a deadly world of my creation?"

ROSS didn't move, simply observed his foe casually. "No, you wouldn't remember that. Because last time our roles were reversed."

ROSS raised his arms, and stationed sentries began assembling themselves slowly in the corners. they would take a millisecond each to assemble, an eternity for these two programs.

Soundwave raised up a gloved hand and pointed at ROSS "Program, you will stop this and unlock the exit" he attempted to order ROSS straight away, yet, still taking note of the sentries being built.

ROSS bowed his head. "As you wish." Behind them the door unlocked and swung open. The vast internet, a series of electrical sparks and data superhighways, shone in.

"I'll allow your leave just as leniently as you allowed mine back at Drake's."

Soundwave lowered his finger and turned towards the now open exit and stepped forward, eyes still upon ROSS for a few moments more "Very good" was all he spoke and went to step forward, only to find that he was instead, hitting a wall.  An illusion no doubt.

His gaze turned back to ROSS and again, he pointed at the other creation "Program, do not play games with myself.  I am already superior than yourself and if you will not co-operate, then I will be forced to take other measures to ensure that you do wish to co-operate in the end and in turn, allow for me to escape"

Just like a flat screensaver can display miles of open fields, the door and its exterior were little more than two-dimensional illusions.

"Leaving's not going to be that easy," ROSS spoke up. "This room is just a program, programs don't always have exits. To shut down this program, you're going to have to delete what's keeping the program running."

With a snap of his fingers, the sentries completed themselves ahead of schedule. However, due to their placing, their range allowed them to see every pixel of the room except those Soudwave was currently standing on.

"Since I escaped you, I spent every free microsecond preparing myself for when we met again. I will not let you leave this room."  For the second time since his creation, ROSS wasn't joking or being dismissively sarcastic. Observing Soundwave, the focus of his life's work, ROSS was deadly serious.

Soundwave's gaze shifted to the now completed sentries, then back to ROSS, already understanding what was going on now "You wish to destroy me? Very well then, the option is available, but arriving at said option will not be an easy task" he spoke as he flexed his gloved hands for a moment.

Once again, his gaze shifted around the room then back to ROSS once again and that's when he made his move and bolted forward, despite the sentries being active, knowing how to fight back in the real world using his Rhino Suit would have to surfice for this battle right now, despite the lack of power enhancements, hand to hand combat was still something he would be adept at doing.

ROSS simply watched as Soundwave attempted to destroy his sentries. He made no effort to protect the machines that were now blasting salvos of hitscan bullets at their target.

Soundwave grabbed onto one of the sentries and begun to push against it, allowing for it to instead, aim at another sentry to destroy it, followed by another one, and then another one until soon, all were destroyed, except for the one he was using.

He pulled his fist back and slammed it into the sentry and in turn, ripped out what wires were available and tossed them to the side before his attention turned to ROSS again "If you wish to destroy me, then do so with a real challenge program"

Next ROSS sent lightning blasting out of the ceiling, targeting Soundwave. He continued to watch and observe, seeing what will happen.

Soundwave was still taking note of what was actually happening, that ROSS had control of the room.  There was one thing that needed to be done and that was to destroy ROSS himself.  However, he was instead, struck by the lightning, being weakened just a little bit, but not enough to slow him down right now.

He moved and rushed forwards, fist pulled back before bringing it forward to try and knock ROSS square in the jaw.

As Soundwave crossed the room towards his foe, ROSS simply toggled the invisible wall in the middle of the room to 'solid.' "Dear me, why was I so serious?" he mused, waiting for the crash. "You're hardly at threat at all. I'm beginning to wonder if you would have been able to escape Drake's machine."

Soundwave stopped in his tracks as a wall solified right in front of him, to which he instead, bought his fist forward and struck at the wall, repeating the process a few good times, as if he was just simply trying to break down the wall with mere punches.

"Sad. You detected the wall. That would have been really funny," ROSS noted.

Suddenly the entire half of the room Soundwave was on started lowering, until it was about ten meters lower than ROSS' half. The room was almost two rooms now, on different floors.

"Well, it's just water under the bridge," ROSS mused as a rush of boiling water washed over his floor, creating a waterfall heading right for Soundwave.

"It matters not Program" Soundwave retaliated back before he took a few steps back and lowered down into a crouching position, both hands on the ground before he took off in a sprint, eyes gazing upwards at the rushing water as he leapt up into the air, pulling a fist back and slamming it into the side of the wall, pulling himself up and in turn, putting a foot into said hole.

He again, repeated the process, causing another hole and in turn, started to clim up, hands grabbing onto the side of ROSS's floor and in turn, pulled himself up despite the water rushing at him in an attempt to burn him.

But once Soundwave was on the top floor, nothing else was there except boiling water to stand in.

"I'm down here," ROSS noted helpfully from the lower level. "I've almost got a Biblical plague theme going here with these attacks, have you noticed? Let's see, already did the plagues of water, thunder and automated turrets, what else......oh yeah, locusts."

Spilling from all three walls of Soundwave's level came mechanical nanobots, armed with razor sharp teeth and  bodies which were little more than jaws desgined to give those teeth armor-piercing strength.

"Automated turrets were not part of the Plagues of Egypt, Program.  You should do more research when getting facts correct" Soundwave corrected ROSS before his attention turned towards the nanobots.

If one were able to see his face, Soundwave would indeed, be having a look of concern upon it, but considering that his gasmask covered his face, that was not possible and instead of staying around for the nanobots to attack him, his attention turned back to ROSS as he rushed at him, leaping off his own level and in turn, pulled a fist backwards.

His new objective was once again, to strike ROSS, or at least grab onto him in order to beat him senseless.

"Clearly attention to facts is why you're an admin and I'm not,' ROSS commented back.

As ROSS spoke, sharp spikes grew out of the ground to five meters tall. The spikes were aligned nine per sqaure foot, and covered everywhere Soundwave could possibly land.

"I respect an admin far too much to make lame puns regarding 'sharp ideas' and the like at a moment like this," Ross concluded, as he adjusted his width so he could weave throughout his forest of spikes easily. "Though I will poke fun at the size of your ego by doubling gravity." He snapped his fingers while Soundwave was still in midair.

Soundwave felt the effects of the gravity in the room pull him down much quicker this time around with no chance to adjust his position now and instead, slammed right into the spikes in question.  Yet, he was still alive, not being destroyed as easily as he pulled himself back up and adjusted his position in order to just remain standing on said spikes, despite the gravity still pulling him down quicker than usual.

Before he could get his balance, the spikes crumbled into ash, leaving him with no support between his current position and the floor.

"Well, this has been fun," ROSS said, floating into the air. "But i'm getting tired of this. I wanted you dead, so let's get on with it."

He snapped his fingers three times, multiplying the already-increased gravity by six. Though he of course continued floating unaffected, the current gravity would feel like the atmosphere was made of lead.

Soundwave felt as though he was now being crushed underneath the gravity as he was unable to push himself back up anymore "If you wanted me dead, you should have done so to begin with, not waste petty time playing games all the while.  However, even if you are to destroy me, that still will not save your real world counterpart, nor his friends from being killed"

His eyes did manage to gaze up towards ROSS for a moment as Soundwave continued to push up against the weight of the gravity, but still, to no avail "I gave the Destroyer the No Quarter order.  Even if our time differs greatly from that of the real world, you would still have no time to save them, the sentinent Destroyer would be working almost instanously and in turn, the base would be leveled, leaving no survivors"

"This isn't about them," ROSS narrowed his pixelated eyes as the floor started rippling and becoming liquid mercury. "This was never about anyone except you and me. You created me to be one of thousands of mindless AI, and you tried to kill me simply for recognizing my impending deletion upon completion of the simulation."

The mercury instantly hardened around any part of Soundwave's body that was dragged under. But the room made sure his head stayed afloat.

"And as for why I made this so humiliating..." ROSS puased. "I was going to say that it was to avenge all the AI you carelessly dispoed of. But that's not true; I hated the lot of them. It honestly was because I just don't like you."

"A personal venedetta against myself?" Soundwave questioned somewhat, but in the end, shrugged it off, as if it was really, of no suprise to himself "It matters not.  However, after this is all over, what would then be your purpose program? You are still an incomplete program in the end.  If this has been all but a personal vendetta against myself, then you instead, need a new plan afterwards"

Soundwave attempted to wriggle free, but found himself trapped, with no hope of actually escaping as his gaze moved back to ROSS once again.

"There is no afterwards. You still don't get it?"

Ross waved his arms all the way around. "This room is me! You're merely talking to my avatar! The reason you haven't been able to kill me is because, like a man who shoots the monitor instead of the hard drive, you haven't been focusing on the real ROSS."

The floor completely solidifed, leaving Soundwave completely trapped.

"You're still a program, Soundwave. A program cannot be killed. it can only deleted. And I can only delete myself."

As he spoke the mercury began melding with Soundwave, filtering itself into soundwave's armor.

Soundwave was now finally realizing what was going on, what he had actually done wrong for once and now, there was no way to reverse it, to get out of it as he felt the mercury filtering into his system, much like a virus would.  His body started to jolt around in what seemed to be glitches.

There was no retaliating speech that had come from him, no nothing at all as the mercury begun to work its way on him, corrupting himself, and in turn, slowly destroying Soundwave.

"Welcome to the Rudyard Oscar Shelton Software," ROSS said, as he merged his program with Soudwave. "There's room for you in debug. Error, error...our programs are not compatible. Safe shutdown overrode. Backup prevented.  Critical...failure...system...crash--"

And with that, the room collapsed on itself and ceased to exist.


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Gustave kicked the remains of the Rhino suit. "The f---ker's dead? Right?"

Dr. Zanasiu and the Mongoose Cobalt soldier strode into the room with their weapons smoking.

Dr. Zanasiu wiped a bead of sweat off his forehead. "So now what?"

"Hey Shelton!" the Mongoose Cobalt soldier shouted, causing everyone in the room to flinch. "What's our next order?"

Gustave snorted as he slid two new shells into his shotgun and snapped the breech closed. "Who cares what he says?"


Alfred hurled his piece of rebar at the robots, skewering two of them.  "You were saying?" Two bullets narrowly missed his head. "F---! You were right!"

He then sprinted off to an armory.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"So, they gonna have complimentary snacks at the reformatting station?" Shelton asked his escorts sarcastically, knowing they had no ears and so couldn't hear him.

Shelton was currently being down a corridor when the hallway adjacent his crumbled as the ceiling suddenly caved-in, and his escorts didn't notice.

Shelton swore loudly as he saw the facility start to take a beating from...somewhere. He was this close to fashioning a new escape route when he realized his captors were leading him out of the facility.

On the dock he got a good look at the battleship that was firing salvos at the facility.

"Please tell me we're going there," he said to his deaf escorts, hoping to try and stop the salvos.

His mechanical eye informed him that his escorts were signaling the ship for docking. A small porthole on the side unscrewed.

"Oh, that's good--" he started, until the escorts in front of him dove into the harbor and turned around expectedly. "Oh, come on!" he griped. Steeling himself, he dove into the water and started swimming for the porthole.


Sharon tried to clear her head as thundering noises started happening around her. "James, what's....uh....going on?" she asked dizzily, hoisting herself onto her elbows and knees.

"Can we knock her out?" Gustave growled, glancing at her. "She's gonna slow us down."


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Aimee's ears perked at the sound of the thundering noises herself "That can't be a good sign...." she spoke as Zyanya approached her.

"And what's more....Nixx is missing...." Zyanya spoke as she glanced around before taking off "Come, let's go and meet up with the others anyway, Nixx'll probably show up again whenever she wants to"

Aimee nnodded and followed Zyanya off in order to go and meet up with everyone else.



Nixx had made her way outside and was just standing there, half naked still with the spider-like legs still popped out from her back as she just stared the battleship down all the while as it continued to barrage the base in question.

A few of the guns aimed themselves at Nixx and fired at her, causing her to move to the side lightly, turning as she did so as the blasts just about scraped past her chest "Whoa! Now that was a close one!" she called out to herself before avoiding a few more blasts from the battleship still.

The next blast however, she turned her hands back to metal and just seemed to catch it in her hands....only to quickly bounce them around between her hands "Hot, hot, hot..." was all she could say as she threw it back into the water.


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Outside the base, Kagetora flipped onto the roof of the base adroitly, watching the bombardment.  
"Neku, Cale...guys, we're getting pounded by a battleship.  Looks like Dragonstorm wants us gone with this base!"
He said, flipping past one shot, then, as a second round flew at him, spinning rapidly and drawing his sword to cut it apart...


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Nixx again, attempted to catch another shell that was fired in her direction, only for it strike her hand and fall to the ground, causing the girl to just yell out in pain "My pizza eating hand!" was all she had to say at that and shook her hand a few times.

She then let off a groan and turned around, walking to the side of the building and grabbing onto a pipe, starting to pull it loose until she managed to do so and turned her attention back to the battleship.

She grasped the pipe in both of her hands "Batter up!" and in turn, she swung, striking a shell and knocking it away before getting back into position again "One pizza!" she called out, striking away another shell.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Gasping and sputtering, Shelton dragged himself out of the water and through the porthole.

He was in the battleship. It looked similar to what he could remember from when he saw Pearl Harbor, except almost everything that used to be man-controlled was now automated.

With a glance, he noted that he was a faster swimmer than his escorts, and was currently the only one who'd reached the porthole. Quickly he shut and locked it, then removed a hinge so that it could only be opened manually, not electronically.

Sneaking his way through the ship until he found a spot with reception, Shelton used his cell phone to call Bailey, because Bailey was outside the dampening field. Shelton's cell phone was a classic brick, virtually indestructible but incapable of little other than calling.


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Dr. Bailey picked up his cellphone. "Shelton, I'm a little busy here!"

He yelped as a bullet narrowly missed his head.

Spc. Crota slapped his last magazine into his pistol. "Shelton said he'd send reinforcements over an hour ago! I'm almost out of ammo!"


Alfred had smashed his way into an armory and found a shotgun. He ran back to the group, who was almost done with the robots.

"Yo Crota!" Alfred shouted as he shot a robot.


Spc. Crota slithered under the hail of gunfire the two sides were exchanging. "About time!"


Dr. Zanasiu shot a baleful glare at the Nile Crocodile. "Shut up and help me move her to safety!" he ordered.

Gustave snorted and hefted his shotgun. "Your girlfriend, you move her. All I'll do for you is smash anything that gets in your way."

Sharon groaned. "Could we move so I can get to a hospital?"

Dr. Zanasiu draped Sharon's arm over his shoulder.

A loud clang alerted them to the fact that Gustave had smashed down a door, which opened to a hallway with its lights out. Luckily, the pale green emergency exit lights were still active.

Dr. Zanasiu wasted no time to moving down the hallway. Gustave kept an eye out for any threats.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I told Roux to teleport there immediately, if she's not there something may have happened to her," Shelton said. He realized he couldn't recall if they'd shut down the dampening field which prevented her teleporting through. But he chose to focus on the task at hand.

"I'm in a battleship in the harbor, its firing on the station. You need to tell everyone to get out of there now! If you can reach the harbor, I'm in place to provide a way onto the battleship. If we don't destroy this thing now, it'll be waiting for us at Dragonstorm's final base."


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Aisha and Landon panted as thewy stood outside the base
 aisha was holding up Roux who looked absaolutely drained. " You're not doing any more teleporting for awhile ' Aisha scolded her ' Still Roux had managed to get them, and the others out of that pickle in the control room. ' right now we have to get n that Ship Landon replied ' as he turned to the others " You guys got enbpough of breather? lets go get that ship[ under our control so we can finish off Dragonstorm.. we're almost there guys" Landon said.
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Roux opened one eye tiredly.  
"Did everyone get out okay, Aisha?"
She said quietly.  Not too far away, just as another cannon shell slammed the base, a large portion of one of the walls exploded outward, only to slam into an unseen force field as Neku, Cale, and Hawkeye stepped out of the reslultant cloud of dust...


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The ship continued to bombard the area with it's two twin-barreled rail guns and its side-mounted 40mm automatic cannons, its specially designed shells timed to explode over the region and shred the buildings and bunkers with molten metals...

At the same time, a loud buzzer emitted throughout the ships hull, followed by a monotone metallic voice.  "UNAUTHORIZED TRANSMISSION DETECTED ON BOARD!  RADIO SILENCE MUST BE MAINTAINED DURING COMBAT ENGAGEMENT!  TRACKING SOURCE..."  There was a pause while the many cameras across the ship scanned the areas until one fell upon Shelton.  "SIGNAL DETECTED IN SECTOR 5!  IDENTIFY YOURSELF OR BE TERMINATED!"


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Both Aimee and Zyanya had soon managed to get out of the base and into the open, to where they found Nixx holding a metal pipe and just standing there before getting ready to swing once again.

"What are you doing?" Zyanya asked the other girl.

"Playing baseball, and already I'm in the lead I believe" Nixx replied back rather casually as she swung the pipe at another incoming shell and knocked it away "And what about you guys?"

"Surviving, which is what you should be doing, not playing games" Zyanya replied back.

Aimee however, left the two to argue as she stepped over to Aisha and the others, looking to Roux for a moment "She going to be okay?"


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Yeah you did" Landon said as Aisha turned to Aimee " she;ll be fione, teleporting all of us out over a long distance..took a lot out of here.. she just needs some rest. For now we need to get oin that ship"
 landon took off toweards the end of the diocks where a small fleet of boats bouyed in the rising waves..' Everyone get in a boat and row out to the ship! that building is going to collapse in a few minutes and we need to get as far away as possible. he untied a nearby boat and climbed in
 the boat was big enough for 5 or 6 people..
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