The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Award voting 2011


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PHILOSOPHER AWARD I will have to go with PANGAEA with this award, since posts are always thoughtful and well-reasoned.
FREINDLY AWARD There is very little to seperate the vast majority of posters on here , because they are all friendly, but my choice this year is BREKCLUB85 BRek is always willing to do rpos with me, and is good enough to listen to my ideas and tell me what he thinks of them
PROACTIVE AWARD THis award go to someone who is willing to stand up and take a leading riole on the board. For his contribution to the board by providing us our screenshots every year i nominate LANDBEFORETIMELOVER
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Ducky
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Alright! Now it's my turn! :D

::: Fanart Award ::::::::::
This one is... quite sad actually. :( There's less activity when it comes to fanart. :unsure: Most topics are about fanfiction (I have no problems with that though) so it makes it hard to decide for a candidate. Hmm... Malte279 is an "all-round" artist. He has done sculpting, an embroidery, traditional and digital art! :wow You deserve respect! :yes Although there are many mentionable artists around here, I noticed that Pangaea, who doesn't only do regular fanart (I hope to see more from you :)), but also doing birthday cards for people with their specific characters who have their birthday today. :DD That is what I call generosity and so I vote him for the Fanart Award!

::: Feedback Award ::::::::::
Although it seems he doesn't have much time nowadays or doesn't get enough sleep, Pangaea still comes online and post a detailed and awesome review for both fanart and fanfiction. He's practically reviewing all works in that section, which I really respect. And thus, he gets a vote from me for the Feedback Award!

::: Friendly Member Award ::::::::::
I'm sure most of you agree that this is probably the hardest award to choose a member for. This place is filled with friendly members, you don't know where to start. But, I already have someone in mind and this someone is known as Caustizer. I was in a deep depression a few days ago, knowing no one would actually care. I felt sad... and lonely. Then, he came, cheering me up and writing a small but very sweet and adorable story, just for me. I never felt appreciated so much before. Therefore, Caustizer deserves the Friendly Member Award. Thank you for being there for me~

::: Helpful Member Award ::::::::::
There is a great connection between the Feedback and Helpful Member Award for me. He's helping members to improve their works by giving them constructive feedback, me also included. Without his help, I wouldn't have a stable view of the gang in their teens and for the new design of my wingtails. Not only that, he provided me with artworks I've already lost, which is more than helpful. All good things come in threes so Pangaea, I really appreciate your help and you're the right choice for the Helpful Member Award! I'd also like to mention Caustizer for being a helpful friend too. :yes

::: Philosopher Award ::::::::::
Well, I'm not active at the more deeper discussions on this board, but I did notice that Malte279 is as philosophical as ever, be it a LBT discussion or a general topic. His posts makes me really think outside the common view, which IS actually a part of being a philosopher in the first place. And that's because you get a vote for the Philosopher Award Malte! And, although I don't know him that much, Jansenov gets a little mention from me too. :)

::: Proactive Award ::::::::::
She started as a normal member and before you know it, she is now part of the administration! I say Mumbling is a good choice for this award! Not only because I see her almost everywhere, giving helpful information and links, but also because she is in charge of the new Fanfiction Award, the very first time ever! :lol: And therefore, she get's a vote from me for the Proactive Award.

::: Role Play Gamer Award ::::::::::
Unfortunately, I didn't keep track on what was going on in the RP section so I have to skip this one. Hopefully, it'll change next year. :)


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Mumbling gets my vote for the Proactive Award.  Just because of how much she has done for this place in such a short amount of time!

Malte297 wins the Philosopher Award vote due to his posts always having such a deep amount of thought behind them.  To be honest, I think he would only stop something like this if he broke his hand, which I pray to God NEVER happens. :)


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HELPFUL MEMBER AWARD This award is rather tough to pick, since there are a number of posters here willing to help you in whatever way they can. My vote on this award goes to PANGAEA who , from my experience, is alwas willing to lend a hand to anyone who may have a problem or question..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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For the Philosopher Award, I nominate Malte297. His posts are almost always long and well thought out. He posts a lot in the Midnight section. He's not afraid to give his opinion but he always backs it up with a lot of information and thought.

For the Role Play Gamer Award, I'll take a different turn, and nominate Jrd89! He's been running the 'Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond" RP since January, sitting on it for months with almost no activity, before it finally getting recognized by several new members on this board. He happily accepted new players, even those without flyers to roleplay as. This might seem like a small thing, but this RP is the one I've had the greatest fun with on this board!

For the Helpful Member Award, I nominate Pangaea. His asking questions thread is basically a big "Need Help with Paleontology?" thread. He's answered several dinosaur related questions I have had in great detail. Not only that, but he's captured dozens of pictures to be used in this years banners. He seems to be a pack rat as well, saving every PM he deems important, and helping Sky out by having some of his old art saved for a long time.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Role Play Gamer Award: I agree with Mr. Vonboy here. It should go to Jrd89 for starting the amazing Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond thread and accepting me as well as everyone else in it! :D So thanks, Jared! For being such a good friend and supporer!
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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My first voting, Squee!! Okay, okay....

Fanart Award: I pick Ptyra. Her drawings have always interested me with her specialty in Flyers. Some of the scenery she draws has so much to say and I eagerly spent a better part of the day once searching for the fanfics that's associated with the pics! She draws Flyers so well and I love the fact that she added the little Domehead Crash into some of her pics; he's so adorable!!

Feedback Award: Will this ever be a surprise? I choose.... *insert epic drumrolling* Pangaea!! He puts such effort into his reviews that I get an adrenaline rush of ecstatic excitement every time he leaves me a new review. They're awesome and helpful with both praises and constructive crits. He never fails to support my fics and art and he more than deserves this award!!

Friendly Member Award: Ah, this is difficult. I suppose I can't choose multiple people... One of the reasons I love this website is because everyone is so nice!! Hmmmm, I have to go with The Friendly Sharptooth. He was one of first to truely interact with me here and since then, he's never failed to put a smile on my face!! He happily goes out of his way to help me and I try my best to return the favor! He's always eager for a chat and has been very patient with my IM internet connection that's preventing me from chatting with anyone...

Helpful Member Award: Pangaea of course!! As with his feedback, he's very helpful in many other situations. Whenever I have a question about anything, from dinosaurs to how this website works, I ask him hands down!! And he almost always has the answer for me!! Plus, when Rat-lady left the RP I'm in, Pangaea stepped up to the plate (for the second time from what I can gather)!! Thanks for helping out, Pangy!! :DD

Philosopher Award: For this, I think I have to go with Malte297. Although we don't interact much with each other, I didn't fail to notice his insightfulness in his posts. In fact, before I even joined the site, I found myself highly interested in whatever Malte had to say and found myself agreeing with most of his arguements. He's awesome like that!

Proactive Award: LBTDiclonius, definitely! I've never met anyone so enthusiastic in her many, many posts!! I usually tend to congratulate her whenever she reaches a new Post Level, but I'm having trouble keeping up! :lol And these are not spam messages she's putting up, no, every one of her posts has something meaningful to say and I'm amazed at how active she is!! I won't be surprise if she soon reaches the very tip-top of the Post Levels!!

Role Play Gamer Award: I'm not too active on the RP section, except for a couple of them. But from what I can pick up, Nick22 definitely deserves this. He's in most RPs that I can see and he actively tries to help the RPs along as far as I can tell!! I commend him for that!


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My votes:

For the fanart award, I nominate Sky. There are other good artists, for example Darkhoumoun, oogaboo, Mumbling and Ptyra, who also posses good technical skills and years of experience with art, but it is Sky's style that appeals to me most. I cannot exactly pinpoint why this is so. I think that is because she developed a style that is LBTesque, but still original. It is ungrateful to say that one artist's style is more original than the other's, as there is no person in this world that is the same as anybody else, but still I think Sky got the furthest in paving her own path. And I hope she will continue her direction in the future, even if it meanders, branches into new paths or crosses somebody else's. I hope to see an interesting road to travel. :)

For the feedback award, I nominate Pangaea. This man made a deal with many members to review and offer guidance on their works, and he respects it to the letter. The volume of work he does is currently unmatched, and it must be that he enjoys this work as well, as he just keeps bringing new obligations to bear on his shoulders. He is one of those cogs that keeps the forum machine going on.  I just hope he won't overburden himself and that he will find more happiness and meaning with all that he is doing on and offline (this is my impression, which I hope is wrong).

For the friendly member award, I nominate Kor. He always has an interesting comment to make, a good advice to give. He's always there, and the more demanding the topic is, the more profound is the comment he gives. It betrays his vast life experience, but also his ability to fit in perfectly with us youngsters, even though we must seem childish to him sometimes.

For the helpful member award, again I nominate Pangaea. He makes "Ask and you shall receive" come true, even if the question is not directed at him. If I ever need something to do with biology, he is the first person I will turn too. However, since he demands so little, I'm not sure how would I repay him back. It is a great fortune that he is here with us.

For the proactive member award, I nominate Rat_Lady7. She is responsible for the birth of an entire section, and for most of the prominent topics in other parts of the forum.  Always taking the initiative, she introduces new ideas into our forum that are general enough to appeal to all members, and yet not falling into a trap such topics often fall into - to be reduced to a banality.

For the philosopher award, I nominate Malte279. This could easily be the longest nomination written this year, but I will be brief. This is the person that has something to say on almost any topic imaginable, he is the closest person to a ployhistor you will encounter on this forum currently. And yet he is well aware of the limits of his knowledge, and acknowledges them in a gentleman's manner. Talking to him enriches you.


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I was informed that Rat_Lady7 wished not to be a part of this year's voting, so I will recast my vote for the proactive member award.

For the proactive member award, I nominate Mumbling. She started a nice amount of initiatives in the past, and administering the fanfiction award vote
gave an important part of GOF life, the fanfictions, the recognition they deserved since long ago. She was a also a co-developer of the now-scraped LBT MMORPG.


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Voting on the Philosophers Award it is always requires a lot of reading. One member with whom I enjoyed discussions on historic topics a lot but who is not yet three months with us on the GOF is Pterano. Although not quite as frequent these days anymore as some earlier days I also enjoy philosophical chats with Kacie (Darkhououmon) a lot. I am delighted however to see that I am not the only one to have had the pleasure to talk to the member I'm going to vote for on this Award. Jansenov is plain awesome to talk to. He has a wide knowledge of so many fields of interest and is both a great talker and an attentive listener. I am very much looking forward to many more discussions, threads and chats with him :yes
My vote for the Philosophers Award goes to jansenov


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Fanart is another case where the decision is not quite as easy as with some of the votes I cast earlier. Pangaea has indeed created some great images in his birthday cards and I want to encourage you Pangaea very much to do more LBT pictures. You have great talent and I would love to see more of it.
The LBT comic strips we got from oogaboo were not only dead funny but also very well drawn and really I would love to see more from you too. The expressions of your characters are priceless :yes
Iris (Mumbling) has very much brought the field of land before time sculpturing to a new level with her clay land before time figures which are really very cute and awesomes.
And then there is Sky of course. Most of your pictures show Star and Sky, but what sets your pictures apart is that whenever I see your pictures I'm not simply thinking "Oh yes, that's beautiful" but pretty much every single one of your pictures would fit into the "Show us pictures that make you go... "awww" thread as far as I am concerned. You have that amazing talent of creating pictures with characters that don't just create a primarily visual stimulus but rather create direct emotion to (I daresay) most people who look at them. I don't know how you manage to pack your images with emotion like that.
Furthermore there are many artists who have posted their first LBT fanart on the GOF this year and I want to encourage each and everyone of them to continue their good work. I do hope we are going to see more from you :yes
With all that being said the decision really isn't easy for me and I admit that I thought long about voting for one of the other candidates I listed because he or she might get a runner up fanart award. But with the quality of the art as the only legitimate argument in this vote and with the level of emotion found in his pictures my vote for the  Fanart Award goes to Sky.


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Feedback  I choose Pangea Due to his detailed criticisms and tips on how to improve certain areas, of the drawings I've seen him reviewing & discussing.  & his other feedback also.  Detailed but not to long.  So detailed enough with little, fi any, extraneous stuff in his messages.


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If it’s possible, I think I’ve been even more indecisive about my choice of nominees for the awards this year. Sorry for taking so long again. :oops Anyway, here are my nominations for four of the categories:

Fanart: Here is one category for which I knew who I was going to nominate even before the awards began, facing a minimum of indecision over the matter. It saddens me that fairly little LBT fanart has been posted on the GOF in the past year, with many new artists seldom updating their art threads after submitting their first picture or two. To me, one artist who stands outónot just in his devotion to regularly creating and sharing new LBT artwork, but in the effort he puts into making his pieces truly greatóis Sky. His LBT artwork has always been excellent, but he continually strives to make it even better, from touching up individual pieces to revising fundamental aspects of his character designs. In addition, he is always willing to offer help and advice to other GOF members on art-related matters, whether they be difficulties with Photoshop or basic drawing techniques.

Friendly Member: Oh, the dreaded Friendly Member Award. :p How to decide on one member to nominate out of all of the wonderful, kind, polite, understanding people on this forum? I’ve considered many members for this category, but I have ultimately decided to go with FlipperBoidSkua, the self-proclaimed “spazz” of the GOF. It helps that I have had many conversations with this memberówho I consider to be one of my closest friends on the forumóso I have had plenty of opportunities to experience her cordiality firsthand. But I have also seen most of the posts she has made on the forum (her infectious exuberance makes them a pleasure to read!), and as far as I have seen, she has never been anything but polite, cheerful, enthusiastic, and respectful to other members. She is invariably gracious and receptive when given constructive criticism on her (numerous) stories and drawings; she is considerate of other members’ feelings and conscientious about inconveniencing them; and whenever touched by a word of praise or act of kindness, she never hesitates to express her full, heartfelt appreciation. This is one member who I truly feel makes the GOF a happier place. :yes

Proactive Member: I admit that I had almost no idea who to pick for this category when the voting opened… Then, when I saw a few other voters nominate this member, I had one of those moments when I mentally slap my own forehead and exclaim “Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?!” :slap It was less than a year ago that this member became a global moderator for the forum (though her history of contributing to the GOF goes back much further than that), and in that time…well, let’s just say that Petrie was right when he said while welcoming this member to the team that she wouldóand I quoteó“enhance our community as part of our staff.” From devising and implementing a system that finally grants fanfiction writers the opportunity to receive Award recognition for their work, to her recent proposal for a get-together of GOF members in summer 2012, to all the little things she does to assist members and keep the forum organized, this member has more than earned consideration for this award. In the wake of Petrie’s retirement as leader of the GOF, I feel fortunate that we have such a competent, attentive, and beneficent admin on the forum as Mumbling.

Role Play Gamer: My experience in the field of RPing is not much greater than it was the last time the awards were held. I still know very little of other members’ past and present activities in the Role Play section outside of “In The Land Before Time”, so I will once again be basing my decision on what I have seen in that RP. The member I have chosen to nominate is LBTFan13, for being an all-around terrific RPer. His posts are well-written, easy to follow, and enjoyable to read. I admire the regularity of his contributions, and the ease with which he juggles multiple characters without making posts that are excessively long, or containing overly brief entries on individual characters. He has come up with many interesting and creative suggestions for the RP, and has been most generous and supportive in helping me keep the game afloat after Rat_lady7 left me in charge.

I’m going to need more time to consider my options for the Philosopher, Feedback, and Helpful Member Awards. Hopefully I’ll come to a decision on those categories soon.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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For the Helpful Member Award   I pick Nick22 since he's been helpful to me in various ways about various subjects and is one of the few folks here who I regularly talk with.  Wither by pm or im message.


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I am proud to still be here and active to participate in this year's award voting.  I worried that the Gang of Five may be shrinking as a forum body since the Land Before Time office closed a few years ago and there has been some evidence of this with many old members departing or taking a notably lesser role then before.  I am impressed by the wave of new members that are still here and still very active in their contributions day after day.  To this end, here are my nominations for this year's Awards.

Fanart Award~ I feel like the obvious choice for this one is Sky, since he has contributed overwhelmingly to my artistic pursuits as well as his own and his art over the past few years has defined the Gang of Five like no other artist really has.  He has created works for stories, comic strips, and animations as well which are worthy of note.

This year however I give my vote to an enterprising artist whom I feel deserves his due for the towering and considerate effort he has put into creating birthday cards for many members including myself as well as posting many doddles of his own on the website.  In order to encourage and drive him to greater feats of artistic succes, this year I nominate Pangaea for the Fanart Award 2011.

Feedback Award ~ The recipiant of the Feedback award is the one who expends his or her own time to enhance the works of others on a regular basis, and in my time as a member on this forum many have made this contribution though there are two that stick out the most in my mind as deserving of this award. Last year I voted for Pangaea for his near weekly reviews of all my works and even gramatical corrections that I could never have expected of any reviewer.  The effort hat he puts towards my creative efforts is significant and many of my stories would never have been completed without him.  

This year however my Feedback Award vote goes to Sky for his timely reviews of almost everything I write that includes wingtails.  We make an excellant team when it comes to producing creative works and I feel that needs to be acknowledged in the best way possible.  I look forward to his support on the rest of the Far Away Home stories and wish him the very best possible in his educational pursuits.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Fanart Award - For this I'm going to vote for the member whose art I've liked the most on this board since joining. I'm nominating oogaboo! He doesn't do a lot of art, but what he's posted is fantastic. I love his series of LBT comics. He manages to both give it a comic book feeling, but still retain some of that LBT artstyle. They're all hilarious. His dragon artwork I haven't followed as much, but It still looks really good. His art always puts a smile on my face. He has a knack for speaking a 1000 words through the character's facial expressions. :DD

Friendly Member Award - I'll first give an honorable mention to Pterano! I've talked to him a lot since he's joined, and I feel we're quickly becoming friends. He very open and talkative. Sadly, he hasn't been on the GoF long enough to be eligible for the Member Awards. :cry For this award, I'm nomination The Friendly Sharptooth! She(?) doesn't post much, but her few posts speak volumes. She is so kind, she will not just reply to someone, but she'll take the time write out an entire short story to help someone feel better! She's a very inspirational poster, and someone other members can look up to for support.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Friendly Member Award ~ The friendliest members are often the most humble in the face of praise and the most understanding in the face of criticism.  It is a quality not fostered in everyone, but those who possess it will tend to find success is a lot easier for them.  Life is about change, and for that reason I nominate Sky for his ability to accept any small shortfalls that may occur in his artwork as pointed out by reviewers and actively correct them.

Helpful Member Award ~ In my opinion the most helpful members on the board are not the ones that give themselves to small acts of kindness for others, but the ones who spend countless hours maintaining the GoF as administrators for all of us. To this end I nominate Littlefoot1616 for this award for his contributions to making the GoF Awards 2011 happen this year.

Philosipher Award ~ The most deserving candidate for the philosipher award in my mind is the member who puts the most time and thought into their posts, while remaining humble, readable, and understandable to all those who follow them.  Pangaea is undoubably the one for this award, since he puts a ton of time and effort into every paragraph he writes.

Proactive Member Award ~ A proactive member is one who posts frequently and without condition all the time, and from what I have seen over the past months I think that Pangaea is most deserving of this award also.  I can't blame him for running out of steam, and I feel he needs to be recognized for the consistancy of his input.

Roleplay Award ~ I did not participate in this enough to really vote on it, so this year I will opt to skip this one.


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Well, I’ve made my decisions on the remaining three categories. Again, my apologies for the delay:

Feedback: The member I have decided to nominate for this award is the same individual I chose last year, on account of his detailed and thoughtful reviews on other people’s work, the quality of which have not faltered in the slightest this past year. I honestly admire this member’s skill in identifying areas in which a story can be improved, and I always appreciate it when he leaves feedback on the same works as me, as I feel that his reviews fill in many of the gaps in my own reviewing style. I hope that Caustizer continues to proffer advice to the GOF’s writers (and sometimes artists) in the years to come.
Helpful Member: For me, this category may somehow be as difficultópossibly even more difficultóthan the Friendly Member Award as far as selecting a nominee. I have decided, however, to go with DarkHououmon, whom I owe for regularly sending me information on subjects pertaining to my interests (such as articles on new paleontological discoveries), recommending books and other media that she thinks I may enjoy, and advising me on matters such as how to use chat programs (regrettably, I have yet to set aside time to actually employ this knowledge :oops). And from what I gather, she is similarly helpful to other members. So Kacie, let me express my gratitude through this nomination. :yes

Philosopher: It is impossible for me to not consider nominating Malte for this categoryóthe wisdom of this member and his contributions to all types of discussion topics never cease to inspire my awe, respect, and admirationóbut he is far from the only member to impart such thoughtful input, and I know he would agree that they should get a chance at this award as well. Thus I am giving my vote to jansenov. I’m afraid there’s not much I can say that doesn’t simply repeat what others have said already; this relatively new member has made a real impression on me with his insightful and contemplative posts, and I am grateful that he has stuck around to continue making these contributions.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

Cancerian Tiger

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Like everyone else, my final decisions for the award categories have been tough as there are many members who are worthy of the awards.

Feedback:  This one goes out to Pangaea.  Not only has he been consistent with fanfic reviews, but he has also been consistent with reviewing my fanart.

Helpful Member:  There are many members who could qualify for this award, and my final decision is The Friendly Sharptooth.  Not only does he try his best to help other members in need, but he is also thoughtful enough to PM me if he thinks I'm having a rough time and asks how he can help, even if it is to be a listening ear.  He puts others before himself, and therefore gets my vote.

Friendly Member: This one is the most difficult to pick, but my final vote goes out to Saft.  Even though she deals with a lot in her personal life, she still manages to be friendly on the GOF and even tries to help out members who may be having a hard time.  She is an example of a friendly individual, and I feel she is deserving of my vote.

Philosopher: Malte279 and Jansenov come really close to getting my vote for this category.  However, there is one individual I have seen blossom as a philosopher since joining the GOF, and that would be The Friendly Sharptooth.  Not only does he take the time to write well-thought posts, but he also seems to add a lot of insight to his posts as well.  That is why he gets my vote for this award.

Roleplay Gamer: There are a good number of members who are fun to RP with and even know how to run successful RPs.  Nick22 would be great for this ward in that he has started many RPs.  However, there is one member who stands out as being worthy of the roleplay gamer award, and that is Serris.  Not only is he really good at roleplaying, but he has also created the Darwin's Soldiers series, which has apparently been a big success on the GOF.  That said, he gets my vite on this one.

Proactive: While there are numerous proactive members around, this one goes to Rat_Lady7.  As others have said, not only has she started numerous topics on the GOF, but her topics have also been received very well by members.  Therefore, she gets my vote on this one.

Fanart: Again, this one is tough, considering our numerous talented GOF members who have posted very good fanart.  For this one, I choose to vote for oogaboo[/B.  Not only are his illustrations cute and some of them could really happen in the series, but they are also downright hilarious.  Therefore, I nominte oogaboo for this category.


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With friendliness being a very frequent quality among the members of the GOF it is a very difficult call to make up my mind about the friendly member award. However, there is one member who has been really kind and concerned about many members of the GOF to the point where his friendliness towards others almost crossed the line of being unfriendly and disregardful about himself ;). While I surely don't mean to encourage him or anyone to be disregardful about oneself I still feel his friendliness and concern for others should be recognized. Therefore I nominate Michael The Friendly Sharptooth for the Friendly Member Award.