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Discuss: The Big Longneck Test


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Didn't he meet Topsy in LBT 10? I thought he did?
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No, Bron did not meet Topsy in LBT10. Topsy never left the Great Valley.


  • Spike
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Y'know, if such harsh language is a problem here, you should probably make use of that swear filter feature.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go exercise my First Amendment rights somewhere else.


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First amendment rights only extend as far as the government is concerned, private organizations can still practice censorship; the media does that all the time.


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Did anyone notice that Shorty is essentially a male sauropod version of Cera in many ways? Both are arrogant and mislead others. Also, we learn that Bron and Shorty visited the valley several times before, presumably once every two months or so (i'm just guessing), and presumably took Bron's herd with them.

EDIT: You know what those tests forgot? The most important quality a leader needs to have: responsibility. A responsible leader will be able to be held accountable to his actions and can be counted on to fulfill his duties to his people. To be responsible, one requires moderation in order to accurately guage one's level of responsibility, one needs  courage in order to be responsible when times are hard, and one requires wisdom in order to recognize one's responsibility in the first place.


  • Spike
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I quite liked this episode, and I gotta admit, that last task really had me stumped! It was nice to see Shorty and Bron again. I haven't seen LBT 10 in a while. Did they have new voices? If they did, I certainly liked Shorty's singing voice, and hope that they do not disappear after this episode like Ali seems to have done.


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Okay, I have a theory here for this episode.  Maybe this test was kinda like an entrance exam into a rather tough class.  You would need certian skills, talent and knowledge to get into the class.  Perhaps during "The Time of Great Growing", Littlefoot will learn what it really means to be a leader.  These tests were probably just to get him ready for the real one that will come soon.

How about Ali meeting Bron? That would be interesting, to say the least...

I wonder what he would say about her relationship with Littlefoot. ;)


  • The Gang of Five
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Sadly, it would appear that those tests were all that will ever be given to him. The series probably doesn't have the time to show any more tests, and it would be simply a repetitve episode to show us what new tests he would be given. In order to be a good leader, he will have to gain experience first. Mind you, experience isn't strictly necessary for a good leader; Harry S. Truman became president after he was a minor state senator from Missouri. First, he was made vice president (normally an unimportant role), and when Franklin Delano Roosevelt died, Truman became president with no experience in any major executive role. That's right, he went from a moderately important state politician in a moderately important state to being the leader of the free world during the largest war the world had ever seen in under a year, and he was a good leader.


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Littlefoot has some experience being a leadser, he;s been the "leader' of the gang since day that will translate remains to be seen.
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F-14 Ace

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I think I'd rather take that test than the ACT or SAT! :P: The ACT I'll be taking soon looks like it is going to be a monster. :unsure:


  • Ducky
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I think the mentioning of them 'coming back' simply states that any and all characters (that could,) may have been there more than just what the shows provide records of

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I think the mentioning of them 'coming back' simply states that any and all characters (that could,) may have been there more than just what the shows provide records of

That's possible, though I really hope you're wrong (no offense), seeing as how it'd be really depressing to hear, "And they will return someday, but you won't get to see it because it will happen somewhere in between two movies."

That "Big Longneck Test" song was strange. I have to admit, when I heard the Big Water music start playing in the background, I was like, "the heck is he gonna sing about? Big Big Big Big Fire Pit?" I'm not sure I liked the new lyrics. It sounded a bit strained. The rhyme sceme seemed a lackadasical, and Littlefoot kept having to sing "Te-est" as two syllables.


  • The Circle
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I liked the episode, though there were some qualities of a good leader that were missed in the test, they had only 20 something minutes so could not cover them all. Also a thing odd is maybe someone could be a bad leader or have no leadership ability when they are Littlefoot's age but by the time they are adults they may have become good potential leaders, but if they failed the first test it seems they never could be.  

It could be Bron and Shorty did visit but nothing much happened, the group just played, didn't wonder off anywhere, no tests, ect.  Though some would like to see an episode like that, it's doubtfult they'd write such an episode.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Kor,Feb 11 2008 on  02:40 PM
Also a thing odd is maybe someone could be a bad leader or have no leadership ability when they are Littlefoot's age but by the time they are adults they may have become good potential leaders, but if they failed the first test it seems they never could be.
That's standardized testing for you, it never seems to work on not standardized people. In high school, one of my friends protested about taking the (rediculously simple, we're talking 5th grade stuff here) High School Exit Exam by filling out the little A/B/C bubbles so they spelled "BLAHBLAHBLAH..." But his essay was so awesome, it was ovious he was one of the smartest kids in the class. They made him take it again, and he used the bubbles to make the Mona Lisa, while writing another amazing essay. It just goes to show that inflexible tests trying to measure something that really isn't measurable just can't work for everyone in the world.


  • The Circle
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Very true.  There are also many types of leaders as well.  The test Littlefoot took looks like it would only test a certain type of leader, and not some who is someone who can grow into being a leader in their late teens or early adulthood, nor other types of leaders like someone who is good at coordinating the actions of others, designating who is best at what and should be in charge of that, ect.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Feb 11 2008 on  09:44 PM
That "Big Longneck Test" song was strange.
Yeah, song was kind of broken. But, a whole test itself was looking strange to me. It doesnt look sensible for me, for dinosaures to have some kind of a "leader test". In that matter, scripters have maked them looks too unrealistic, i think. :huh:


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I liked the epidoe. I don't know why, it was just kinda nice to see Bron and Shorty come back to the great valley. But those tests were honestly, really...weird. Not to mention the second test had a really weird rhyme. I knew Littlefoot would pass. :D  But that third one, I never expected it to be a trick test. I was trying to guess how he would do it. One of my theories were: "Go around the lake! It's the easiest way! Why don't they do that!" But considering that there might not be a way around the pit I quickly gave up. <_< Hehe, Shorty, trying to prove himself a leader to the gang. :rolleyes: You've got a lot to learn dude.

Salvatore Blackheart

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the episode is very funny, i love cera sarcasm in this episode


  • Petrie
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i loved how Bron really doesn't care about his son, (well, kinda)

He throws him lava...makes him climb a steep rock formation...and even gets him lost in the woods.  All the while, he didn't even try to save his son.  If Littlefoot did jump onto the rocks, Bron wouldn't have enough time to save him.  It's also cool because the test that brought Littlefoot and the gang to the Great Valley (hint, hint... original movie) DIDN'T COUNT!!


  • Cera
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I think Bron did care about his son. I mean he did leave and try to find a good home for his family. So He does have a heart.