The Gang of Five
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Planet Alimon

Threehorn · 137 · 32739


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"What are you talking about?" says Tanner in a confused mannor.


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"We discovered some sort of record about it was used on human subjects. the sideaffects as it was called changed them into Alimons. since the only viral of this stuff is now in a forcefield on the Cretaceous we have no real clue if this is ture or just some human making up stories." Turla said to Tanner

"But the good Doctor on board is working on it to find out if this is really ture, that why you haven't seen Commander Malo. she'd been working on it using scans and analyizing the contents" Turla told him about it. "But other then that the records we got could be degraded and made a story record. we are just unsure about this side of that virus if it fulse or ture."


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"This is the real thing.  Some alimons have known to produce spores that causes mutation in a human host.  A sample was taken back to the present day and a secret project began where the spores were genetically altered into viral form for hopeful use in biological warfare.  I've seen this happen myself.  If you still have samples from the virus project then destroy them immediately!  This is an extremely dangerous substance you have in your hands." Tanner says urgently.


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"This is the captain to Team Alpha the Doctor has found a way to re-engineer this virus sample we have. it been gentical changed to act as some sort... I will let the Doctor tell you" Captain spoke on the comm.

"Hello Team Alpha we've destoryed the orginal sample and now have created a engineered version called Delta Alimon Two, DAT for short. I am still running tests but if things look right. this could change the pyshical appearances of a humaniod like a vulcun, human or any humaniod beings to that of a Alimon without affecting their mental ablities standing in control of themselves. But it will take 48 hours to complete a full test of this in contorled simlations. If this works. the affect will only last 5 days at max being a Alimon in appearances and then the DAT wil start to degrade and the orginal DNA returning within 2 minutes of the Degrading begining turning back to normal." Doctor Malo reports to them

"But the sample and only activate once injected. Also I wish to know if there any dougts from Doctor Tanner about this. I might of created a passive version of this but he would know more about it" Malo spoke


  • Ducky
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"It's best that I monitor the procedure before you begin testing on this new sample you've created." says Tanner skeptically.


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"I will create a open link with your computer. we too high to transport you back up and we can't go into a low orbit without spooking more Alimon's. So a open link with data and imaging is all I can do" Malo spoke to him on the comm link.


  • Ducky
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Tanner sighs in frustration, "Can't you delay experimentation until after we're finished here?  Trust me, I know what I'm doing and I must be there if any faults arise."


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"We have a dozen of contanment protocals this isn't the 22nd centrey young man. I am also a changling. have a look at this" she turn on the view image and turn into a golden liquard and then solid again to show a female Alimon "Cause of what I am the virus has zero affect on me" she changed back to the normal humaniod form "I will keep a live report to you visual and data coming in. we can even talk if you wish." Malo said to the half shocked man

"If there is a contanment failure this room will be sealed tightly with mutile phase forcefields and all eviromental systems will be cut off from this room making it impossible for anything of air or liquard getting out" Malo told him "I know the risks with viruses like this and there been lots that been far worse then this little changing virus. I've studied gens and virus for over 36 years" Commander Malo told him "What with the look? is that Alimon shape I showed you making you amazed of me?"


  • Ducky
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"I know, but still.  I'm not taking any chances." Tanner says sternly.


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"we not as well. that why I created this" she shows it up on the screen "this is a viral that i created it, it will destory the DAT in seconds. technology has improved alot but we always be careful with stuff like this" Malo told Tanner "I insure you that there nothing to worry about" Commander told him in a calm voice "If I wasn't sure that this would work I wouldn't have made the DAT in the first place"

"Malo is very expercised in this. she wouldn't have made it if she didn't think it would be sccuessful, she never try to make something blindly by trail and error" Turla spoke to him looking over at the screen.


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"Uh-huh..." Tanner says, still feeling skeptical, "Arlight, I'll acquiesce."


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"I will run the tests in controled simlations which will take 48 hours." Malo told him "Till then enjoy viewing the Alimons" Malo smiled "Malo out" the comm link closes.

Turla take the scope out and sets it out then look over at the Alimon Pack "I found Mr special" Turla smiled "The one that was almost on top of Cliff team's obversation base" Turla move out the way and Tanner has a look through the scope then look at the location he could see the feathers and the face very detailed with the scope must of been a good mile away.


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Sorn bowed his head as he started to walk away with Genta by his side. He wasn't very happy at the moment. He knows he saw something weird out there, but hardly anyone believed him, and worse, he got into trouble with the alpha alimon. Not a very good thing to have happened to him. The adolescent let his feathers drop over the side of his long neck and his pace was slow for an alimon.

Genta kept her head held up high, as though she was very proud of something. She didn't like Sorn too much, but she didn't hate him either. She liked him enough to protect him if necessary. She just wished that Sorn had obeyed orders like he was supposed to. That would have kept him out of hot water.

Sorn stopped before he entered the tunnels. "Genta..." He turned towards his "babysitter". "Why didn't anyone believe me?"

Genta was a bit surprised by this question. "Well...I..."

They were cut off by a large black male behind them. He was black on his left side and very dark gray on the other side. His eyes were red against a white background and his claws were white. "Because nobody believes in fairy tales!" The male scoffed, his evil-looking red eyes staring darkly at the pair. "Especially from some no-good teenager who wanders off mindlessly while the rest of us are working!"

Genta growled softly. She couldn't believe that this arrogant male was insulting the young lad. She was about to take on the black alimon when Sorn stepped up between them, baring his own teeth. His feathers were erect now, pupils narrowed to a small dot, a sign of rage.

"Bring it on, Nocuta..." He hissed through his sharp teeth.

"Bring it, shorty!" Nocuta responded, getting ready to lunge his half black, half dark gray body at the younger alimon. Sorn leapt into the air first however. Nocuta was caught off-guard as the yellow alimon slammed into him, knocking him onto his back, pinning him down. "Nice try for a rookie!" Nocuta snapped as he wrapped his tail around Sorn's own, and pulled him off. Nocuta got onto his feet. "Now my turn!"

He wrapped his paws around Sorn's body and pulled him to the ground. He wrapped his jaws around the teen's neck, but didn't bite down. The two males were fighting as if over a female, so they were holding back on using their claws and teeth. Instead, they used sheer muscle power to try and make the other one submit in a wrestling contest.

Sorn struggled under Nocuta's body, legs kicking wildly as he tried to free himself from under Nocuta's weight and power. But he had to be careful not to cut himself with the black alimon's teeth.

Genta watched in horror as the two males clashed as if fighting for rights for a mate. She almost felt as if they were fighting over her, but she knew this was mistaken. She and Sorn didn't get along, and Nocuta wasn't the type to search for a mate anytime soon.

"Feeling weak yet?" Nocuta hissed as he kept Sorn's struggling body in check.

"Not...yet..." Sorn was able to get one of his hind legs underneath the stomach of his opponent, and kicked with enough force to knock the wind out of him. Slightly and momentarily dazed, Nocuta was knocked to the ground as Sorn sprang back up again and pinned the black and dark gray alimon down once more. "How's that for a rookie?"

As soon as Nocuta caught his breath, he smirked. "Not bad, kid...not bad. But not good enough!" He knocked Sorn to the ground again, but this time, someone interrupted their wrestling.

"Nocuta! Sorn! What are you two doing?!" From the shadows emerged an enormous alimon, larger than Nocuta. The alimon was a midnight blue with white paws, white irises against a blue background. Claws remained white as well. He glared at the two with anger and disappointment in such behavior. "I would have expected better from you two."

Nocuta growled softly. "All right..." The black male dashed off without another word.

The large alimon, named Musha, set his sights on Sorn. "And Sorn, don't let him get to you." Sorn nodded as the large male turned and walked away.

Genta walked up to him. "That was pretty impressive." She managed to say.

"You think so?" Sorn asked, looking hopeful.

"Yeah..for someone who hasn't had much experience fighting." She responded. "Now come on." She said, gesturing the male to follow her. "Let's go to your den."


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"That was something interesting to watch" Turla said looking at Tanner. "but we better be a bit more careful, if they can move around like that, it might be hard to get a phaser on them if they chasing us. that if we was spotted" Commander spoke to Tanner.


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"I don't think we'll have to use weapons on them.  If we don't pose a threat to them, they won't pose a threat to us." says Tanner, "But if we did happen to come across roague alimons, it would be easier with projectile weapons instead of the phazers you're using now.  A plasma rifle or a shotgun would be best at close range and a sniper rifle would be good for long range head shots.  But that's in severe cases.  Our best option if we encounter one is wait for them to make the first move and not to attack them unless they attack us."


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"Sniper rifle? Shutgun, this isn't the 20th centrey, those weapons never used anymore. we have sniper phase rifles and phase rifles with the stun and kill settings on them with a few phase gerades" Turla replied "But we never use weapons first. if they act hostle and attack we will defend ourselves that all we mainly use them for"


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Tanner sighs in frustration, "You think I don't know that you don't use projectile weapons anymore?  I was only making a god damn statement!  Geez!  And for the last time!  I'm not from the 20th or 21st century!  I am from the 22nd century!"  He rolls his eyes as if he wasn't stressed enough already.


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"I will never understand the human way of words" Turla spoke walking over to a create opening it up taking a triquarter out scanning the area with it "seem like there is a high level or magmasite in the rocks. It will make scaning almost impossible with these" Turla reports to the team.


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"And what the hell is that supposed to mean??" asks Tanner, still feeling frustrated from people not understanding his technical way of words.