The Gang of Five
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Mobile/Cell Phones

Saft · 20 · 3075


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See when I'm in a relatively 'good' mood I tend to post or make threads...:p

Anyway, before I was contemplating my mobile phone and how rarely I actually use it.  I also was contemplating how things have changed, how there are children who have mobile phones before they even start start secondary school (school between 11-16/18), so they are younger.  When, I was a kid, I didn't even have a phone till I was around sixteen and even then I didn't even know how to use it.  Which is highly  :oops  now when the same kids already know how to text message, record films and take pictures (and even access the internet etc) and they are half your age or even less...  And I'm only twenty.   I have no idea how to really work my phone, I know how to call people and as for texting well.... :rolleyes: ...give me email anyday, yet from my observations of people at university the majority of people use their phones all the time to text about important dates.  An example of this is the group project work that i'm doing.  The others had communicated through text messages and not responded to my emails... only to say, when i asked them, that they prefered text.... :bang  

So my question is to you: How often do you use your mobile phone?  Do you even have a mobile phone?  Do you know how to use it?  


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I got my mobile phone when I was 11, for safety purposes. I had to cycle to school for 30 minutes to and 30 minutes from every day, and my mother would want me to be able to contact them at any given time. I don't use it too often, only for reading text messages and in emergencies. Sometimes I use it as a calculator.


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I have a cell phone. But rather for emergency purposes than anything else. I got it last year, seeing as I was going to walk home from school by myselfand my father wanted me to call him right when I leave the school and right when I get home. I barely use it anymore because it doesn't work.


  • The Circle
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I think I got my first in 1999 or 2000 (I still got it though by now I have a new one). For me the cell phone has always been mostly a telephone and I hardly do anything else with it. I admit that texting messages is something I even have sort of an aversion against. It takes me ages to write such a text in spite of the fact that the limitation of length keeps you from saying much in it and it is also expensive. Texting messages is a technology I mostly skipped.

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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How often do you use your mobile phone?

I call people on my cellular phone several times a day. From my father to my grandmothers to even Nick22 of the forum, my phone is in use quite a bit. But, oh, about 97% of my calls are to my father. He likes to know pretty much every detail of my life, and I'm eager to share them. I pretty much always call someone on my way home from college out of boredom. I am practically the opposite of antisocial. I talk all the time.

Do you even have a mobile phone?

Heh heh heh. I think answering the first question answered this one automatically, but for the sake of formality, yes, I own a cellular phone.

Do you know how to use it?

To my knowledge, yes, I do. I have taken many pictures with it, one video, and have texted many times, mostly to this girl who I met on Pokemon World Online. If my phone has features beyond that, I don't know. Still, being able to do all the things I listed should suffice as having an understanding of my cellular phone.

In conclusion, I adore using my phone and do so all the time. I couldn't imagine life without it. If anyone wants my number, feel free to ask me. I love to talk.  :p


  • Littlefoot
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I have a cellphone, don't know when I got it, was a while ago now.  I don't use it too often, I just have it one so that people can call me.  I would text with it, but that costs money and I don't have the credit, nor the money to top it up half the time, as with the service I'm on, it's a minimum of $20 to top up on it.


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I got my first mobile phone in 2004. Before that we had only one mobile phone for the entire house. Now every family member has it, so we can hear each other anytime. I call my parents every night, because they want to know if I'm alright. And since I can call my mother for free, I often talk about a lot of things over the phone. I use texting and make videos as well, but I don't send MMS or access the Internet over the phone. That would be financial suicide.


  • Petrie
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Quote from: Saft,Mar 8 2011 on  12:27 PM
So my question is to you: How often do you use your mobile phone?  Do you even have a mobile phone?  Do you know how to use it?
I use my phone at least like once every 20 minutes, doin' one thing or another.

I defffffinitely know how to use it. I know how to root it, and install whatever custom ROM works best (just installed the new cyanogen 2.3.3 port a few days ago). My brother would disown me from the family if I didn't know how to do all this. He and a friend developed a few roms (brother's not that great at it though [don't tell him I said that], friend was ASKED by Google if he wanted to work for them).

I don't do all that much texting, only like 2 thousand a month..maybe a little less recently :p..I use it to play Final Fantasy or Pokemon mostly. Best use ever.


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First cell phone I ever got was through Tracfone because I was in college and driving around a lot on my own.  This was about 2002-2003 so I was 18.  I've since left pre-paid and gone on my parent's plan because it was cheaper in the long run.  I've had the same phone for about three to four years now and recently turn down an upgrade.  I don't like touch screens, and the fact that most new phones require an internet data plan.  My old one does not, so I don't have to pay these fees if I don't upgrade it.  All this gimickery might one day drive me back to prepaid phones.


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I do have a cell phone, but I hardly use it.  It's just a simple one and I only use it for means of calling someone when I feel it necessary.  In it's simplest form, you can call it "My Portable Emergency Phone" because that's all I basically use it for.

Even though I rarely use my cell phone, I am well aware of how much others use it.  Especially in the area of mobile web surfing.  I have decided to start studying up on it and so that I can make my site compatible for the tiny devices.  However, this may require me to make a complete makeover of the site to accomplish such a feat.  Get ready guys, this could get crazy. :)


  • The Circle
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I got my first mobile way back when I was 15. An old school Nokia 3210! How's that for nostalgia! I didn't upgrade very often until I started earning my own pay packet. Now I've got a 16Gb iPhone 3GS and I've gotta say I've got no real intention of getting rid of it. It doubles up as my iPod so I'm not carrying 2 machines in my pocket now and it's got plenty of games on it some I'm never bored if I'm stuck anywhere. I only tend to use my phone when I have to and I don't spend ages on the phone to people but it fulfils the task. The only thing that does get my goat with it is the sodding touchscreen keyboard. The predictive text comes up with some really stupid suggestions some times and I constantly mis-type. I think I have seriously come to a point where I dispise touchscreen keyboards, especially for the size of my hands.  :lol


  • Petrie
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I don't use my centuries-old mobile phone because there's no need (or desire) to talk with anyone. The mobile phone was a worthless birthday gift. I've never even used it to phone a friend, because I don't have any friends to talk with.


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I got a new cell phone yesterday actually! Decided to finally get myself a smartphone. I now own a Samsung Galaxy Ace.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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We don't bother paying for a land line as it's cheaper for our family to just use mobile phones. I upgraded a few weeks ago (coincidentally after my old phone quit on me) to an iPhone 5. Love it so far! Best part is I got it for free, as they bought my old phone back at full market price so I paid nothing for the 5. :)

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  • Cera
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I have a iPhone4GS and I live it it has the internet witch I love and it can download a lot of cool apps and it has Siri witch is a cool add on.


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I've always had a mobile from a pretty early age, but I've only ever used them to phone people or text them occasionally. I've never gotten into the whole app thing, stuff like that doesn't seem like it would hold my attention. Though my friend did have one app which made it look like you were drinking a beer when you tilted the phone back, I always liked playing around with that :p


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^yeah... that's indeed a funny app :lol

I have a mobile but I haaaaaaaaaaaaaardly use it... only if I'm at party's or something the like I use it.
However I have an IPod which I use far more often :)
Inactive, probably forever.


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I have a Samsung Galaxy S 3 Mini (which is a moutful to say :lol) and I love it. I never used to use my old phone since it was pay as you go and I always had to be really careful when texting people. With the SGS3 on a contract I can do a lot more stuff with it, like browsing the internet when I'm out and about and enjoy playing on different apps. I'm really glad I have a smartphone now. :yes

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


  • Spike
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I only really have a cellphone so my parents (and boss) can check up on me. The only things I use it for are to text my parents, take quick snapshots of things, and as a clock.  :p
My very first phone I got when I was around 16, and I used it until the hinge snapped and the top was dangling by a few wires.  :o


  • Cera
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What is the name of that app? I may want to download it.