The Gang of Five
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Top 10 Charactes you Hate


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Gentle Sharptooth

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Oh, God. I don't think I'll make it to 10, because there's not a lot of characters that I hate in LBT. Maybe there are characters that I just go "Eh" at, but never any downright hate. That's how good the characterization is.

1) The Yellowbellies. 'Nuff said.

2) Rhett. How dare he try to steal Ali away from her beloved Littlefoot! *shields OTP protectively* The only value I see in him is his potential as an antagonist in Littlefoot's future as an adult.

3) The Tinysauruses. Don't get me wrong, I like the ones that we got to know individually, but as a whole... In hindsight, I realize the movie they debuted in was the start of the flanderization of LBT. At the time, I never saw kid-friendlier characters than them...that is, until the Yellowbellies. Them being super-tiny Longnecks felt like such an unneeded gimmick.

Told you guys I couldn't make it to 10. Heck, I couldn't even break the 5 mark!

My list is the same. Save for Rhett, he has grown on me.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Dr. Rex

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Oh, God. I don't think I'll make it to 10, because there's not a lot of characters that I hate in LBT. Maybe there are characters that I just go "Eh" at, but never any downright hate. That's how good the characterization is.

1) The Yellowbellies. 'Nuff said.

2) Rhett. How dare he try to steal Ali away from her beloved Littlefoot! *shields OTP protectively* The only value I see in him is his potential as an antagonist in Littlefoot's future as an adult.

3) The Tinysauruses. Don't get me wrong, I like the ones that we got to know individually, but as a whole... In hindsight, I realize the movie they debuted in was the start of the flanderization of LBT. At the time, I never saw kid-friendlier characters than them...that is, until the Yellowbellies. Them being super-tiny Longnecks felt like such an unneeded gimmick.

Told you guys I couldn't make it to 10. Heck, I couldn't even break the 5 mark!

My list is the same. Save for Rhett, he has grown on me.
Hmmm, interesting. What made you change your mind?


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1 Littlefoot
2 Littlefoot
3 Littlefoot
4 Littlefoot
5 Littlefoot
6 Littlefoot
7 Littlefoot
8 Littlefoot
9 Littlefoot
10 Littlefoot


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1 Littlefoot
2 Littlefoot
3 Littlefoot
4 Littlefoot
5 Littlefoot
6 Littlefoot
7 Littlefoot
8 Littlefoot
9 Littlefoot
10 Littlefoot

I guess it is understandable, considering that mindblowing fanfic of yours I read 5 years ago...

But really ,what other LBT characters you dislike and like?


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1 Littlefoot
2 Littlefoot
3 Littlefoot
4 Littlefoot
5 Littlefoot
6 Littlefoot
7 Littlefoot
8 Littlefoot
9 Littlefoot
10 Littlefoot
Oof, why the hate?  :rhett_ohsnap

~*And I'm something called a Jared Padalecki*~

Dr. Rex

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1 Littlefoot
2 Littlefoot
3 Littlefoot
4 Littlefoot
5 Littlefoot
6 Littlefoot
7 Littlefoot
8 Littlefoot
9 Littlefoot
10 Littlefoot

Little Bro

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Okay, I don't want to offend anyone with this list, this is just my opinion.

10. Mr. Clubtail
He's a grouch, but he's also the lowest on my list for the "bopper" scene in XII.
9. Mo
I didn't like how he really didn't take the gang trying to get him home very seriously. I thought the joke about getting stuck wasn't very funny.
8 and 7. Dil and Ichy
I am mentioning these at the same time because I didn't like them for the same reason. I didn't like the constant arguing. Dil's placed higher because she's the only female antagonist. Also, I can't say the song wasn't catchy.
6. Shorty
He was way too harsh on Littlefoot. I know why he was, but the rock he threw at Littlefoot seemed very unnecessary.
5. Nod
He had no personality. But his dance in "When You're Big" was entertaining.
4. Doc
He seemed grumpy, and not in a good way, like Threehorn. Also, I don't like Westerns.
3. Mr. Thicknose
He seemed like he was awfully harsh on Littlefoot, since he's just a kid.
2. Big Daddy
A copy of Mr. Threehorn, but with less character.
1. The Old One
Wow, she was really negative. I mean, the whole, "We can't go back to our land to save your grandfather. Too bad," was just mean.
Go Chomper!

Dr. Rex

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Okay, I don't want to offend anyone with this list, this is just my opinion.
Nah, you're good. The worst you'll ever get here is probably confusion on some of the choices.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Oh, God. I don't think I'll make it to 10, because there's not a lot of characters that I hate in LBT. Maybe there are characters that I just go "Eh" at, but never any downright hate. That's how good the characterization is.

1) The Yellowbellies. 'Nuff said.

2) Rhett. How dare he try to steal Ali away from her beloved Littlefoot! *shields OTP protectively* The only value I see in him is his potential as an antagonist in Littlefoot's future as an adult.

3) The Tinysauruses. Don't get me wrong, I like the ones that we got to know individually, but as a whole... In hindsight, I realize the movie they debuted in was the start of the flanderization of LBT. At the time, I never saw kid-friendlier characters than them...that is, until the Yellowbellies. Them being super-tiny Longnecks felt like such an unneeded gimmick.

Told you guys I couldn't make it to 10. Heck, I couldn't even break the 5 mark!

My list is the same. Save for Rhett, he has grown on me.
Hmmm, interesting. What made you change your mind?

That he confesses, apologizes, and is redeemed as a character. I also think his boasting is hilarious.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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1 Littlefoot
2 Littlefoot
3 Littlefoot
4 Littlefoot
5 Littlefoot
6 Littlefoot
7 Littlefoot
8 Littlefoot
9 Littlefoot
10 Littlefoot


I can't say I hate any of the characters, but here's my least liked:

10. Red Claw - weak villain. He hardly poses a threat to the kids, let alone any other Great Valley residents. "Biggest and meanest sharptooth of them all"? Yeah I don't think so.
9. Veeery specific here, but that longneck in the Old One's herd who immediately went, "NOT ME!" when Grandma asked if any of her cousins were willing to take her to the land of mists. Like, geez, the guy didn't even hesitate to shut down the lady begging for help to save her dying husband.
8. Wild Arms - I do think he has comedic value when he's with Grandpa and Topps, but as someone else stated, he took Shorty's role. I can't forgive that easily, sorry. :p
7. Dinah and Dana - They're just the younger-and-more-annoying-than-the-main-kids trope, and yeah, they're certainly more annoying.
6. Petrie's siblings - Constantly on Petrie's back and very judgmental overall, and their voices are kinda annoying. :p
5. Ozzy and Strut - An entertaining pair at first, but they have an unhealthy obsession with the kids that directly stopped them getting one egg. And Strut's decision on what to do with Littlefoot at the end... yikes.  :rhett_ohsnap
4. Tippy's Mom - She comes across as overbearing when it comes to Spike and seems to have no qualms with separating him from his family. And as RainbowFaceProtege said, she comes across as pretty fake-nice around Ducky's mom which really rubs me the wrong way.
3. Mr Clubtail - He's just there to be grouchy most of the time.
2. Hyp, Nod and Mutt - Every time they appear on screen it's just 'I'm bigger so I'm better than you' and it's the same formula in every scene they're in. They show up, threaten the gang, then get scared off by something.
1. The yellowbellies (yeah, original) - Actually... Foobie's okay, because I like his bond with Spike. :lol I'm not sure how any of the others survived in the outside world.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2021, 04:05:43 PM by somerandomfangirl »

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion

Gentle Sharptooth

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Yes… let the Yellowbelly hate flow. :p

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith