The Gang of Five
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Journey To Longneck Island

Nick22 · 1604 · 123518


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Petrie flew through the air. Something was troubling him, though he could quite figure out what. "Me Feel something bad about to happen." He thought. As He looked around he saw his friends Ducky and Spike, playing in the river. Ducky's mother and Sam were watching them from the bank, making sure that they didn't get into trouble. Petrie flew over to them. " Hello Mrs. Duckbill. Hello Sam. Can me play with Ducky and Spkie?" He asked.
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"You don't need to ask Petrie, they are your friend, off course you can" Ducky's mum smiled

"Just keep out of trouble" Sam said to Petrie


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"Me stay out of trouble, me promise." Petrie said. He Flew off towards Ducky and Spike.
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*With Bron's herd near a large waterfall some way out from the Great Valley*

Shorty hits a stone into the water with his tail and looks at Bron drinking some water "Bron when will we go to the Great Valley? you did promise Littlefoot we would go there, but we haven't why?"


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'I Have my reasons Shorty. IF we go there , It would only cause trouble. Littlefoot doesn't know me very well, for one. And me being there would cause problems with his grandparents. Remembder last time we were in the Great Valley?"
Bron said.
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"We never been to the Great Valley... only time I and you was at the hole when the great cicrle almost fell down" Shorty walks across a bit and noticed someone in the water holding onto a log floating into the watering hole through a channel.

"There something in the water! it looks like a threehorn!" Shorty shouts to Bron


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" Help Him Out Shorty!' Bron Said as he waded into the water to give aid to the Threehorn.
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Shorty jumps on Bron's tail climbing up his back then up the neck jumping off into the water, Shorty helps the Threehorn out and looks at Bron "Do you think he alive?" Shorty asks


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"I Think so, but he doesn't look good. Try and find some food for him, would you Shorty?" Bron said.
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"Right!" Shorty dash off to get some food

Trihorn slowly opens his eyes "mum? dad?" weakly speaks sees Bron and closes his eyes again


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"rest, young one. You're safe now. Shorty is going to bring you some food."
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Shorty comes back with the leafs and place them down in front of Trihorn. Trihorn opens his eyes see Shorty and Bron noticing that one of them brought the leaves he used his foot and pushed the leafs away getting up weakly walking to a bush and starting them keeping silent not even looking at them.

"What his problem!?" Shorty snorted.


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Bron Shrugged. " Who knows Shorty?"
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"What is your problem!? we just saved your life, me and Bron" Shorty looks up at Bron.

Trihorn looks back him "Thanks..."

"THat better what happened? you look like you hand something bad happen to you" Shory looked at him

"Sharpteeth... they got my family herd... I fell into the water hit some rocks... thats all I remember till now" Trihorn replied without showing feelings and went back to eating some leafs off the bush


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Sharpteeth, Eh? where was your herd exactly?' Bron asked.
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"Around twisting peaks" Trihorn asnwers

"How can he been so normal after losing all his family and herd?" Shorty blinks


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Each creature reacts differently to loss." Bron said. Some bottle the pain inside, others express thier loss openly."
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"Do you know of any threehorn herds near by?" Trihorn asks

"Bron there is one, the Great Valley" Shorty said looking up at him still


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"hmmm. alright. We'll head to the Great Valley and drop him off there." Bron said. "What is your name young one?"
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"Trihorn... sir" Trihorn replies looking at him not phased at the size of Bron